Government Services FAQs in the Event of a Government Shutdown
Government shutdowns are disruptive and distracting, impacting many vital services and making
it difficult for agencies to deliver for the American people at the same pace. They are also painful
for the more than 1.5 million Federal civilian employees about 25 percent of whom are
veterans and the over 2 million military service members, who would be forced to go without
pay during a lapse in appropriations. Of those public servants, roughly 800,000 Federal
employees would be furloughed meaning, they would not be legally allowed to do the work of
delivering for the American people every day.
Which Federal employees keep working during a government shutdown?
When there is a government shutdown, Federal agencies would be required to classify
their employees whose salaries have lapsed as either "excepted" or "not excepted." The
employees classified as "excepted" would work without pay during the shutdown. The
employees classified as "not excepted" would be put on unpaid furlough. Due to the
Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019, all Federal employees would be
retroactively paid for the duration of the shutdown upon its conclusion.
When would Federal employees miss their first paycheck?
Federal civilian paychecks for the September 10-23 biweekly pay period would not be
delayed. Paycheck dates for that period would vary from September 29-October 5.
Depending on the length of the shutdown, Federal civilian paychecks for the September
24-October 7 pay period could be delayed. If the government remains shut down when an
employee’s timekeeping would be finalized for that pay period, their paychecks for the
September 24 October 7 pay period would include pay only for work hours between
September 24-30.
What would be the impact on U.S. military personnel and Federal law enforcement?
All active-duty and Guard and Reservists on active-duty orders, including the U.S. Coast
Guard, are excepted and therefore would be required to work, however, like the majority
of Federal employees, they would not be paid until after the shutdown is over. All on-
base non-acute health care would cease, but off-base care provided through Tricare
would not be affected. On-base child care would be open on a case-by-case basis. Federal
law enforcement would continue operations, but some law enforcement personnel would
not be paid until the shutdown is over.
Would my mail still arrive? What happens to the U.S. Postal Service?
The U.S. Postal Service has permanent authority to fund its operations from revenues,
and U.S. mail and package service would continue without interruption.
Would commercial air travel be affected?
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic controllers, Transportation Security
Agency security personnel, and Customs and Border Protection Officers would remain on
the job during a shutdown, although they would not be paid until after the shutdown
This could lead to significant delays and longer wait times for travelers at airports across
the country, like there were during previous shutdowns.
Would a shutdown impact passport renewals or applications?
The Department of State’s passport operations would continue to operate during a
shutdown. These operations are supported by balances of fees charged and retained by
the Department of State that are unaffected by a lapse in appropriations.
Would U.S. embassies overseas remain open for American citizen services during a
The Department of State’s consular operations would continue during a shutdown,
including routine and emergency American citizen services. These operations are
supported by balances of fees charged and retained by the Department of State that are
unaffected by a lapse in appropriations.
Would Americans continue to receive Social Security benefits?
Social Security beneficiaries would continue receiving their Social Security, Social
Security Disability Insurance, and SSI payments. The Social Security Administration
(SSA) would continue providing limited services such as issuing Social Security cards
and holding appointments for benefit applications.
However, the public may experience increased wait times due to a high volume of
inquiries. SSA would cease some activities such as benefit verifications and processing
Would Medicare and Medicaid benefits be affected?
Medicare and Medicaid would be largely unaffected by a government shutdown in
October, and current beneficiaries would continue to receive their benefits. Beneficiaries
would be able to continue to see their doctor and pick up their prescriptions as normal,
with no interruption or delay.
How would a shutdown affect Americans who participate in the WIC program?
A shutdown risks loss of access to WIC nutrition assistance for the nearly 7 million
pregnant and postpartum women, infants, and children who rely on the program. USDA
Food and Nutrition Service does not have sufficient funding to support normal WIC
operations beyond a few days into a shutdown.
Some states may have carryover funds or can use their own state funds to continue
program operations for different amounts of time.
How would a shutdown affect Federal Student Aid?
We anticipate that key activities, including loan servicing, would continue for a couple of
weeks if shutdown happens on October 1. However, a prolonged shutdown could lead to
The Department of Education would do the best it can with the resources available and
within the bounds of the law to support the return to repayment effort.
How would a shutdown impact student loan repayment?
If a shutdown occurs on October 1, we anticipate that key activities, including loan
servicing, would continue for a couple of weeks. However, a prolonged shutdown could
substantially disrupt the return to repayment effort and long-term servicing support for
The Department of Education would do the best it can with the resources available and
within the bounds of the law to support borrowers as they return to repayment. 
Would a shutdown impact veterans’ access to benefits?
During a government shutdown, all VA medical facilities and clinics would remain fully
operational and VA would continue to process veterans’ benefits.
Would military and Federal retiree benefits be suspended?
Military and Federal retirees would continue to receive their retirement benefits, but
processing new applications or other requested changes would be delayed.
What would happen if a natural disaster occurs during the shutdown? How would the
shutdown affect FEMA’s natural disaster recovery efforts?
FEMA staff would respond to emergencies and provide critical life and safety disaster
assistance, but long-term projects will continue to be delayed due to a lack of funding in
the Disaster Relief Fund.
FEMA implemented Immediate Needs Funding (INF) guidance on August 29 to
prioritize available funding to ongoing disaster operations and preserve funding for initial
response and recovery activities for any new incident. INF would continue until the DRF
is sufficiently replenished.
Would Federal wildland firefighters be called to respond to wildfire incidents during a
government shutdown?
Thousands of Federal wildland firefighters would continue to respond to wildfire
incidents during a government shutdown, potentially with delayed compensation.
Beyond impacts to immediate response needs, a shutdown would result in lost
opportunities to complete hazardous fuel treatments, including projects in high-risk
Would the Small Business Administration (SBA) continue to process small business loan
requests in the event of a shutdown?
Under a shutdown, SBA is unable to approve new small business loans (7a and 504,
Microloans) or process applications for most government contracting programs (8a,
Women-Owned Small Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses).
A shutdown would disrupt or suspend SBA’s management, oversight, and collaboration,
nationwide, with entrepreneurial development and technical assistance providers like
Small Business Development Centers, SCORE, Women’s Business Centers, and U.S.
Export Assistance Centers.
SBA’s Disaster Loan Program would continue regular operations
Would a shutdown disrupt USDA support for farmers?
During a shutdown, USDA would not be able to process new farm loans. Farm income
support programs, like Agriculture Risk Coverage, Price Loss Coverage, Dairy Margin
Coverage, and Marketing Assistance Loans would discontinue for the duration of the
Additionally, Farm Bill programs, such as the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
Program, Livestock Indemnity Program, Livestock Forage Disaster Program, and the
Tree Assistance Program would not be available to farmers and ranchers.
What would be the impact on Federal housing loans?
The Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Veterans Affairs (VA) and
Agriculture (USDA) would all see varied impacts:
o HUD Federal Housing Administration (FHA) would continue to insure most
single-family loans; however, FHA would not insure new Home Equity
Conversion Mortgages/reverse mortgages for seniors, and staffing constraints
may force HUD to stop processing loans for the Indian Housing Loan Guarantee
Program (Section 184) and the Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee
Program (Section 184A).
o VA would continue its loan guarantee programs and other funded activities
provided by the Veterans Benefits Administration. USDA would cease new loan
and loan guarantee activity, but would continue to service loans under the
protection of property guidance.
What would be the impact on medical research?
During a shutdown, NIH would use carryover funds to continue support for priority
research projects, grants research oversight, and contracting activities that avoid negative
impacts that would occur from interruption. NIH would prioritize care of existing patients
at the NIH Clinical Center.
NIH would not enroll new participants in clinical trials, or start new clinical trials, unless
the trials are funded by multi-year funding, such as funds provided by the 21st Century
Cures Act. NIH would shut down most medical research, prevent the enrollment of
patients in studies, and stop making or renewing research grants.
What would be the impact on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?
CDC's immediate response to urgent disease outbreaks and critical investigation needs
would continue, though CDC would have a reduced response capacity and would be
unable to fully interface with their public health partners at the State and local levels and
support grantee work.
Under a shutdown, CDC’s Bridge Access Program would continue to provide no-cost
COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does
not cover all COVID-19 vaccine costs.
CDC would maintain laboratory functions, operate the agency’s 24/7 emergency
operations center, and collect and report critical information needed for state and local
health authorities and providers to track, prevent, and treat diseases.
What would be the impact on food safety activities?
During a shutdown, some food safety activities could be delayed. In 2013, FDA had to
delay 900 routine food safety inspections. In 2018, after a brief stoppage, FDA
determined they could resume food inspections on high-risk facilities. USDA food safety
inspections would continue to ensure the integrity of the Nation’s meat, poultry and
processed egg products.
How would a shutdown impact the implementation of programs associated with the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)? Would funding associated with recently
approved grants be delayed for the duration of a shutdown?
Because IIJA and IRA, are funded outside of annual appropriations, activities associated
with their implementation would generally continue. However, a shutdown may impact
administrative functions for a wide range of public services and ongoing investments. As
is the case with any program, agencies would have to make determinations about the
extent of administrative activities possible on a case-by-case basis.
Grant funding associated with IIJA and IRA may still be provided during a shutdown.
Grants.gov would remain operational during a lapse, but with reduced Federal support
staff. The Grants.gov Contact Center would remain open and could provide assistance to
What would be the impact on immigration services provided by U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS), including citizenship applications and green cards?
USCIS is largely funded outside of the annual appropriations process, so citizenship and
immigration services would continue during a shutdown.
Would the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. stay
Because the Kennedy Center is funded through ticket sales, it would remain open during
a government shutdown.
Would the Smithsonian Institution and National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. stay
We are anticipating these museums would have enough leftover funding to remain open
for a few days or up to a couple of weeks, after which the museums would close to the