Understanding Diverse Interpretations
of Animated GIFs
Animated GIFs are increasingly popular in text-based
communication. Like other forms of nonverbal
communication, animated GIFs are susceptible to open
interpretation. We explore whether people have
different interpretations of animated GIFs, how those
interpretations differ, and what factors impact the
degree of difference. Through an online survey, we
solicited people’s interpretations of a sample of GIFs,
and analyzed the variance in sentiment based on the
emotions participants used to describe GIFs. We find
diverse interpretations of GIFs, and that duration of
GIFs has a significant impact on interpretation. Positive
GIFs also have more variance in interpretation than
negative GIFs. Overall, we show that there is potential
for miscommunication in animated GIFs, and animated
GIFs may be a more nuanced form of nonverbal
communication than emoticons and emoji.
Author Keywords
animated GIFs; CMC; emotion; nonverbal
communication; sentiment analysis
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.1. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g.,
HCI): Multimedia information systems; J.4 Social and
behavioral sciences
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CHI'17 Extended Abstracts, May 06-11, 2017, Denver, CO, USA
ACM 978-1-4503-4656-6/17/05.
Jialun Aaron Jiang
Department of Information Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Jed R. Brubaker
Department of Information Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Casey Fiesler
Department of Information Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Animated GIFs have become pervasive online. These
silent, short, usually low-resolution video clips are more
engaging than any other kind of media on Tumblr [1],
and many other social network sites and instant
messaging tools, such as Facebook, iMessage, and
Slack, have incorporated animated GIFs as part of their
standard functionality. Compared to text and static
images, animated GIFs may be especially good at
conveying complex emotions because of the greater
range of expression of animations and the resemblance
to real-life scenarios. As noted by The New York Times,
animated GIFs are now “a way to relay complex
feelings and thoughts in ways beyond words and even
photographs” [4].
Prior work has shown that many kinds of nonverbal
communication, such as emoticons and emoji, are
interpreted in inconsistent ways [7,8]; therefore it is
likely that animated GIFs are also susceptible to a wide
range of interpretations. Varied interpretations could be
particularly problematic since animated GIFs are often
used to express emotions [2]. To explore this area
further, we asked the following research questions:
1. Do people have different interpretations for the
same animated GIF?
2. If so, how are the interpretations different?
3. What factors contribute to the variance in
We conducted an exploratory survey as a first step
towards examining this space. Our findings reveal that
different people do interpret the same animated GIFs
differently. We also find that the duration of the GIF
contributes to degree of variance in interpretation.
These findings point to future directions for research
around using GIFs in communication, as well as for the
design of communication tools that incorporate
animated GIFs.
Related Work
Due to the limited scholarship on animated GIFs, we
surveyed literature on computer-mediated
communication (CMC), emoticons, and emoji to provide
a foundation for understanding the interpretations of
animated GIFs. In this section, we first summarize
literature on nonverbal communication in CMC, and
then discuss what is known about interpretations of
emoticons and emoji. We conclude with a discussion of
existing research on animated GIFs.
Nonverbal Communication in CMC
Ambiguity in the interpretation of mediated
communication is a staple of CMC scholarship. Early
research in CMC suggested that CMC might be
inherently impersonal due to the lack of nonverbal
cues. Kiesler argued that one of the characteristics of
CMC was the scarcity of social context information
because CMC conveyed fewer contextual and nonverbal
cues abundantly available in face-to-face
communication [5,9].
However, more recent research has acknowledged the
availability of paralinguistic cues and their ability to
significantly affect communicators’ perception in CMC.
In the development of SIDE theory, Lea and Spears
argued that paralanguage was an important source of
CMC information that people use to form impressions of
each other when communicating [6]. In the absence of
interpersonal cues, communicators form impressions
about each other from whatever limited cues are
Figure 1: A still shot of an
animated GIF from Giphy’s
excitedemotion category.
Original GIF:
available. Impression formation is more socially
categorical, rather than personal, impression of others.
Lea et al. also found that when communicators were
geographically separated, paralinguistic cues were
perceived positively if the group relationship was more
salient and negatively when individual identities were
more salient.
Other CMC theorists, however, have argued that the
ambiguity of CMC can be overcome. Social Information
Processing Theory argues that over time, and after
sufficient exchanges, communicators will develop
sufficient personal and relational information as to
negate the effects of CMC [11]. Building on this theory,
Hyperpersonal model argues that CMC message
receivers have idealized perceptions of senders, not
only due to their over-reliance on minimal cues, but
also because the senders are able to selectively present
themselves [12]. This loop of perception intensification
made CMC exceed the level of affection of interpersonal
communication–it became “hyperpersonal.”
While only a brief summary, this research shows the
ability of nonverbal cues to shape interpretations in
CMC and provides a foundation to understanding the
interpretations of animated GIFs as a form of CMC. As
communication extends beyond text (e.g., emoticons,
emoji, and GIFs) and into new platforms, ambiguity
may increase due to reduced context, new
communication channels between communication pairs,
and novel forms of interaction.
Emoticon and Emoji Interpretation
Emoticons and emoji are common nonverbal cues in
today’s CMC, and recent research has shown their ability
to shape perception and their varying interpretations.
Researchers found emoticons were able to shift the
interpretation of messages [13]. The interpretations of
emoticons were consistent within cultures, but varying
cross-culturally [8]. Interpretations of emoji were less
consistent both within-platform and cross-platform [7,10].
However, little is known about interpretations of animated
Animated GIFs
Little research has been done on animated GIFs. Bakhshi
et al. found that animated GIFs were more engaging than
other kinds of media on Tumblr through an analysis of a
large dataset and interviews with 13 Tumblr users [1].
Despite animated GIFs’ high level of engagement,
interpretations of animated GIFs may not be consistent.
The GIFGIF project
from MIT Media Lab allows people to
vote on the one GIF that best represents a given emotion
between two animated GIFs. From the results on GIFGIF’s
website, we can see a high number of votes for multiple
emotions for a single GIF, implying various interpretations
of GIFs.
We created an online survey to solicit people’s
interpretation of a sample of animated GIFs. We
gathered emotions that people associated with GIFs
and examined how much the sentiment of emotions
Animated GIF Sample
We collected a dataset of animated GIFs in the Emotion
category of Giphy,
a popular online GIF repository. We
randomly collected 100 animated GIFs along with their
meta-information from each of 26 subcategories in the
Emotion category using the Giphy API (e.g., awkward,
excited, unimpressed). Figure 1 is an example GIF from
the excited emotion category.
To consider what characteristics of GIFs might impact
interpretation, we grouped the GIFs in terms of two
variables: whether they have embedded text (text
group vs no-text group) and whether they are long in
duration (long group vs short group). We further
generated four smaller groups by joining the two
variables: text-and-long, text-and-short, no-text-and-
long, no-text-and-short. Long GIFs are defined as
having lengths above the median length of the sample,
and short GIFs are defined as having lengths equal to
or below the median (26 seconds). We decided to use
the median instead of average because the GIF lengths
followed a long-tail distribution and the average length
was skewed by very long GIFs (M = 38.75, SD =
38.28, min = 2, max = 540). We randomly chose 10
GIFs for each of the four groups, resulting in 40 GIFs in
total for our survey.
Survey Design
The survey began by asking participants for their
demographic information (age, gender, and location),
as well as their frequency of sending or receiving
animated GIFs. Then, each survey participant received
a random sample of 15 GIFs from the total 40, evenly
presented. For each GIF, participants were asked to
provide an emotion they associated with the GIF, and
also (in an open-ended response) had the option to
provide any additional information about the GIF.
We recruited participants from social media (seeded
from the authors’ social networks), as well as online
communities such as Reddit and Tumblr. We
encouraged participants to share the call for
participation, resulting in a snowball sample. There
were no participation restrictions beyond a requirement
that participants be at least 18 years of age. 152
participants completed the full survey, of whom 81
were female, 69 were male, 1 genderfluid, and 1
reported as “female-ish.” The average age was 30.23
(SD = 9.61, min = 18, max = 70). Regarding the
frequency of sending or receiving GIFs, 31% of the
participants send or receive animated GIFs multiple
times a day, 21% multiple times a week, 23% multiple
times a month, 17% less than once a month, and 7%
have never sent or received any animated GIFs. We
collected 1606 interpretations across all 40 GIFs, with
an average of 40 interpretations per GIF (median = 40,
max = 47, min = 34).
Data Analysis
To analyze the difference in interpretations, we
computationally analyzed the variance of the sentiment
of reported emotions using the sentiment analysis tool
VADER [3]. We chose VADER because it is “specifically
attuned to the sentiments expressed in social media,
which fits our purpose. VADER takes in a unit of text
and produces four metrics: pos, neu, neg, and
compound, in which compound gives the normalized,
weighted composite sentiment score of the sentence,
ranging from most negative (-1) to most positive (+1).
To examine the variance in sentiment on the VADER
compound metric between the text and no-text groups,
and between the long and short groups. Bartlett’s test
for homogeneity of variance was used to test for
no text
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of
text, no-text, long, and short
text vs. no-text
long vs. short
positive vs.
Table 2: Bartlett’s test result of
text vs. no-text, long vs. short,
and positive vs. negative.
significant differences in variance between our
We found differences in variance of interpretations
between groups. A summary of the descriptive
statistics can be seen in Table 1. A summary of the
Bartlett’s test results can be seen in Table 2.
We found that interpretations of longer GIFs had more
variance than shorter GIFs. We performed Bartlett’s
test between the long group and the short group; the
long group (SD = 0.302) has a higher variance than the
short group (SD = 0.275). This means when one sends
his or her friend a long GIF, they are more likely to
interpret it differently than the sender, as opposed to if
the sender sent a short one. Some participants also
described long GIFs as difficult to understand. For one
of the longest GIFs in the sample (Figure 3), different
participants reported: “I'm not really sure on the
emotion associated with this gif” and “hard to read,
very confusing.
We did not find a significant difference in the variance
of interpretation between GIFs with embedded text (SD
= 0.291) and those without text (SD = 0.286).
Finally, we found differences in variance of the
interpretation of positive GIFs versus negative GIFs.
Specifically, GIFs that were rated positive in sentiment
had a higher variance than GIFs rated negative. We
performed Bartlett’s test between GIFs that had a
positive average compound metric and GIFs that had a
negative average compound metric, and we observed
that positive GIFs (SD = 0.145) had a higher variance
in compound than negative GIFs (SD = 0.121). This
means that one’s friend is more likely to have a
different interpretation of a GIF than the sender if that
GIF is positive rather than negative in sentiment.
Overall, we found that people have different
interpretations of animated GIFs and have identified
features that contribute to this variation. GIFs that are
longer had a higher degree of variance in their
interpretation than shorter GIFs. Based on this finding,
we speculate that more information could increase the
range or ambiguity of emotions, thus leading to more
variance in interpretation. However, we don’t see a
significant effect from embedded text on the variance
of interpretation. While both text and length provide
GIFs with more context and more information, one
explanation could be that additional visual information
in GIFs results in ambiguous or multiple emotions while
textual information only serves to reinforce the existing
visual content.
Our findings also suggest that positive GIFs tend to
have more diverse interpretations than negative GIFs;
however, we are not clear what caused this result. We
can speculate two possible reasons behind this: First,
since we are relying on participants to use words to
describe the emotions, it could be that the linguistic
variance of positive words for emotion is higher than
negative words. Another possible reason is positive
GIFs are inherently more nuanced than negative GIFs.
This is an interesting question that could be examined
in future work.
These findings suggest that there is potential for
miscommunication when using animated GIFs, and it is
affected by duration and sentiment polarity. These
Figure 2: A still shot of a text
GIF that had varied
interpretations. Original GIF:
Figure 3: A still shot of a long
GIF that had varied
interpretations. Original GIF:
multiple factors could mean that GIFs are a more
nuanced form of nonverbal communication than
emoticons and emoji. These factors, therefore, need to
be taken into consideration when using animated GIFs
in communication and when designing communication
tools that incorporate animated GIFs. For example,
communicators can intentionally choose simple GIFs to
reduce miscommunication potential, and systems can
allow users to clip GIFs to capture only the necessary
Limitations and Future Directions
This exploratory study was a first step in examining a
nuanced phenomenon, and thus there are some
limitations to our work that suggest avenues for future
studies. We considered emotions on the one-
dimensional sentiment scale VADER provided: negative
to positive. However, emotions are more complex and
subtle than a single dimension.
In future work, we plan to analyze emotions on other
dimensions (e.g. anger, happiness, sadness) to capture
the complexity of emotions. We will also look at how
reported emotions diverge from the category provided
by Giphy for each GIF on various dimensions, which
has implications for the use and design of search tools.
We are also interested in knowing how people
understand the intention of GIF senders, as well as how
people choose different GIFs for different scenarios.
Now that this exploratory survey has provided useful
directions for further inquiry, we plan to conduct
additional, larger-scale surveys with more
representative samples, as well as to examine more in-
depth data by conducting interviews.
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