IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform
Version 4 Release 3
Connector for SAP BusinessObjects
User Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 56.
This edition applies to version 4, release 3, of IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011, 2022. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ....................................................................................................... 1
Conventions .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Intended Audience ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Support ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 2
Server configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 2
URL providers ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING ....................................................................... 3
Configure .............................................................................................................. 3
Install SAP Crystal Report Viewer files .................................................................................................................... 4
Install SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 (BI) / Crystal Server 2016 ............................................................. 7
Enabling Crystal support on WebSphere 8 ............................................................................................................. 17
3. VERIFYING INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 19
4. IBM TRIRIGA SOFTWARE CONFIGURATIONS ................................................. 21
Properties Files .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 .............................................................................................................................. 21 ....................................................................................................................................... 27
5. WORKING WITH SAP CRYSTAL REPORTS ...................................................... 29
Setup for Data Sources .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Form Reports ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Create a Data Source ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Use the Form Builder to Create the ADO XML ...................................................................................................... 32
Design and Create the SAP Crystal Report ............................................................................................................. 33
Put the Report File into the Document Manager ..................................................................................................... 35
Add the Report to the Form ..................................................................................................................................... 35
To Make Changes to a Form Report........................................................................................................................ 36
Query Reports ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
Create a Data Source ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Use the Report Manager to Create a Source Query and the ADO XML ................................................................. 38
Design and Create the Crystal Report ..................................................................................................................... 39
Put the Report File into the Document Manager ..................................................................................................... 41
Create a Crystal IBM TRIRIGA Report in the Report Manager ............................................................................. 41
View the Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
To Make Changes to a Query Report ...................................................................................................................... 43
Printing Crystal Reports ........................................................................................................................................... 43
Naming Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Crystal Reports Tips ................................................................................................................................................. 45
ADO XML v1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
ADO XML v2 Formats ............................................................................................................................................. 52
ADO XML v2 Field Name Format ......................................................................................................................... 52
ADO XML v2 Data Source Encoding ..................................................................................................................... 53
ADO XML v2 Table Name Format ......................................................................................................................... 54
INDEX ............................................................................................................................ 55
Privacy Policy Considerations .................................................................................................................................. 57
Trademarks ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 1
About This Guide
This guide describes the process for setting up your IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform environment
to work with SAP Crystal Reports. For more information about installation, go to the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform product documentation and select Installing IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.
For more general information about reports, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Reporting User
This document uses the following conventions to ensure that it is as easy to read and understand as
Note A Note provides important information that you should know in addition to the
standard details. Often, notes are used to make you aware of the results of actions.
Tip A Tip adds insightful information that may help you use the system better.
Attention An Attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device,
system, or data.
Intended Audience
This guide is for users of IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform who develop or maintain SAP Crystal
This guide assumes the reader has a basic understanding of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.
To use SAP Crystal Reports with the IBM TRIRIGA application, you must purchase and install the correct
IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects, answering FAQs, and performing
rediscovery. View the IBM Software Support site at
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 2
1. Overview
IBM TRIRIGA can run reports using an external report generator named SAP Crystal Reports. SAP Crystal
Reports is a popular report generator used by many organizations. SAP Crystal Reports offers the ability
to generate many kinds of reports that are not possible using the IBM TRIRIGA Report Manager. SAP
Crystal Reports also offers many formatting possibilities that are not available with the IBM TRIRIGA
Report Manager.
Why use SAP Crystal Reports?
Popular reporting tool and market leader in reporting technology
Quick and rapid report development
Integrates well with many applications
Connects to most databases available in the market, including XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
Has robust formatting capability
Allows exporting to a variety of popular formats
Server configuration
SAP Crystal Reports runs on a server computer. It can be running on the same server as the platform or
on a separate server.
The Tools Server runs the SAP Crystal Reports Server (RAS) engine. It communicates with the
Application Server and the Process Server via TCP/IP and with the Database Server via JDBC. The Tools
Server does not communicate directly with users and is kept isolated from HTTP requests.
The SAP Crystal Reports Application Server (RAS) is used to run SAP Crystal Reports from the IBM
TRIRIGA Application Platform.
For additional information about the hardware configuration of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform,
go to the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform product documentation and select Installing IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform.
URL providers
For WebSphere configuration, you will need the Name, JNDI name, and Specification to enter as URL
providers. Instead of {config_path}, use the actual path to the config directory of the IBM TRIRIGA
installation, for example C:/Tririga.
JNDI name
file:/ {config_path}/config/
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 3
2. Installing and configuring
IBM TRIRIGA provides integration with SAP Crystal Reports by allowing reports created using the SAP
Crystal Report designer to be accessed directly from within IBM TRIRIGA applications.
This integration involves the IBM TRIRIGA Application Server and the SAP Crystal Reports Application
Server and includes several phases:
Install the SAP Crystal Report Viewer files
Install SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI and configure the SAP Crystal Reports Server
Optionally, enable Crystal support on WebSphere 8.
Locate your copy of the file. Look in the config folder in your IBM
TRIRIGA installation folder. A typical path is C:\Tririga\config\
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 4
Install SAP Crystal Report Viewer files
You must install the SAP Crystal Reports 2016 .jar files and the SAP Crystal Report Viewer files.
NOTE: If your IBM TRIRIGA server is running on a UNIX operating system, the file names are case
sensitive. Make sure that the name and case of the JAR files and Viewer files that are downloaded
match the names shown in the steps.
1. Select and copy jar files on your Crystal server.
For Linux Crystal Server, select the jar files below from the
ib directory.
For Windows Crystal Server, select the jar files below from the
DirectoryWhereCrystalServerIsInstalled\SAP BusinessObjects\ SAP
BusinessObjects XI 4.0\java\lib directory.
Copy the files to the
lSdkRasClassLoader directory. Create any directories that are not yet created.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 5
2. Select the following directories and files in the
BusinessObjects\CrystalReports\crystalreportsviewers directory:
And copy the selected directories and files to the
DirectoryWhereTRIRIGAInstalled\userfiles\crystalreports directory.
3. Click to download a zip file containing the Crystal SDK runtime libraries. The
downloaded zip file is named You can also access the zip file by
eclipse/index.html, submitting your SAP credentials, and clicking the Runtime libraries at the
bottom of the page.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 6
4. In the lib directory located at the root of the .zip file, select the following .jar files:
And copy them to the
lSdkEmbeddedClassLoader directory.
5. From the crystalreportviewers directory found at the root of the ZIP, select the
following files and directories:
And copy them to the
DirectoryWhereTRIRIGAInstalled\userfiles\crystalreports\jrc directory.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 7
6. Locate the following JAR files, which are part of Apache Xalan version 2.7.1, in a ZIP file that
can be downloaded from the following location:
On this site, choose a mirrored site from which to download the ZIP file. Select the link titled
XML/Xalan java archive. Select the download link labeled
The JAR files can be found in a directory named xalan-j_2_7_1 at the root of the ZIP file.
Place these JAR files in the following location:
7. Restart the IBM TRIRIGA application server.
Install SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 (BI) /
Crystal Server 2016
There are two steps:
1. Install SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 (BI).
As of IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.2, IBM TRIRIGA no longer provides the Crystal BI
installer. Customers can use what they already have or can contact SAP to get access to the
Crystal BI installer. New customers or customers that do not already have Crystal or BI licenses
must use BIRT unless they acquire their own Crystal or BI license.
2. Configure the SAP Crystal Report Server.
Configure the SAP Crystal Report Server.
The configuration of the SAP Crystal Report Server depends on whether you are using Windows or
Linux. This section first describes the configuration for Windows, then for Linux.
Configure the SAP Crystal Report Server on Windows
The IBM TRIRIGA Java data source must reside on the SAP Crystal Report Server. If it does not, many
reports will fail to run and will display a message similar to the following error:
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 8
Could not open Report Client Document. Caused by:
Failed to open the connection.
To configure the SAP Crystal Report Server, make the following changes:
1. Navigate to the /tools/Crystal folder in the IBM TRIRIGA installation folder.
For example: C:\Tririga\tools\Crystal
2. Copy rowset.jar and TririgaCrystalClient.jar and paste them into
DirectoryWhereCrystalReportServerInstalled\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\java
3. On the SAP Crystal Reports Server, navigate to the SAP Crystal Reports installation directory,
then to the \common\4.0\java folder.
For example: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java.
4. Edit CRConfig.xml to include TririgaCrystalClient.jar and rowset.jar in the
JavaBeansClassPath, as shown in the following example. Replace {install_path} with your
actual BusinessObjects Enterprise install path.
{install_path}\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
{install_path}\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
NOTE: Make sure the text starting with <JavaBeansClassPath> and ending with
</JavaBeansClassPath> is on one line.
5. Start the Central Management Console. The default URL is
http://localhost:8080/BOE/CMC. The User Name is Administrator and the Password
is what you set during installation.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 9
6. Navigate to Servers ->
Servers List -> Report
Application Server.
TIP: The Report
Application Server is on
the second page of
7. Right click and stop
the server.
8. Right click and select
In Command Line Parameters,
9. Specify the “-ipport
<port #>” for the
server. Add it to the
end of the Command
Line Parameters.
The default port is 1566.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 10
In Common Settings,
10. In Request Port,
select the Auto assign
check box.
11. In Host Identifiers,
select the Auto assign
radio button.
12. Select the
Automatically start
this server when the
Server Intelligence
Agent starts check
In SAP Crystal Reports Viewing
and Modification Service,
13. In Temporary
Directory, if there is a
value, make sure the
path is valid.
14. Enable the Guest
account in Users and
Groups -> User List.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 11
15. When you have
finished making
changes, restart the
Report Application
TIP: The Report
Application Server is on
the second page of
Configure the SAP Crystal Report Server on Linux
The IBM TRIRIGA Java data source must reside on the SAP Crystal Report Server. If it does not, many
reports will fail to run and will display a message similar to the following error:
Could not open Report Client Document. Caused by:
Failed to open the connection.
You must have the following available to configure the SAP Crystal Report Server for Linux:
Oracle Client for Linux 11g - (from Oracle)
unixODBC packages (yum install unixODBC* from RedHat)
Crystal Data Direct 6.0 Drivers for Linux
To configure the SAP Crystal Report Server, make the following changes:
1. Using a remote copy tool, such as WinSCP, navigate to the /tools/Crystal folder in the IBM
TRIRIGA installation folder.
For example: C:\Tririga\tools\Crystal
2. Copy rowset.jar and TririgaCrystalClient.jar to the following folder:
For example, into
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 12
3. On the SAP Crystal Reports Server, navigate to the SAP Crystal Reports installation directory,
then to the /sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java folder.
4. Edit CRConfig.xml to include TririgaCrystalClient.jar and rowset.jar in the
classpath, as shown in the following example. Replace {install_path} with your actual
BusinessObjects Enterprise install path.
NOTE: Make sure the text starting with <JavaBeansClassPath> and ending with
</JavaBeansClassPath> is on one line.
NOTE: Skip the next step if you are not using Oracle.
5. Add the following lines to .bash_profile of your Crystal user. Replace {install_path} with the
true path to the Crystal install dir
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/client_1/
export ODBCINI={install_path}/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/odbc.ini
NOTE: Make sure each of the export statements is on one line. It is the format of this guide that
splits them into more than one line. For example, the second export statement above should start:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/or….
NOTE: Skip the next step if you are not using Microsoft SQL Server.
6. In the Crystal user .bash_profile, add/modify the following environment variables and
source the profile. Replace {install_path} with the true path to the Crystal install dir.
NOTE: IBM TRIRIGA only certifies BOE on Linux_x86.
export BOBJEDIR={install_path}/sap_bobj
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 13
export ODBC_HOME={install_path} /sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/odbc
export ODBCINI={install_path} /sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/odbc.ini
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={{install_path}
NOTE: You must set/export the above env variables in the same order as shown.
NOTE: Make sure each of the export statements is on one line. It is the format of this guide
that splits them into more than one line.
NOTE: Skip the next step if you are not using Oracle.
7. Modify the {install_path}/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/odbc.ini to add the following:
Description=DataDirect 6.0 Oracle Wire Protocol
NOTE: If you use a DSN name other than TRIRIGAIBS, it must match the TRIRIGAIBS_ODBC value
in on the Application and Process servers.
NOTE: Skip the next step if you are not using Microsoft SQL Server.
8. Modify the {install_path}/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/odbc.ini to add the following:
Description=DataDirect 6.0 SQLServer Native Wire Protocol
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 14
NOTE: If you use a DSN name other than TRIRIGAIBS, it must match the TRIRIGAIBS_ODBC
value in on the Application and Process servers.
DataDirect provides both NON-OEM drivers and OEM drivers. The drivers provided by BOE XI are OEM
drivers. By default the Connection Server is set to use NON-OEM drivers. You must edit the Connection
Server to allow the use of the OEM branded DataDirect driver. The steps are as follows:
9. Make a backup copy of
10. Change the following parameter from No to Yes: <Parameter Name="Use DataDirect OEM
Driver" Platform="Unix">Yes</Parameter>
11. Stop all BOE XI servers, ./stopservers, log out completely from your UNIX shell, and log
back in (to make sure new env variables are set up). Start all BOE XI servers.
You should be able to run Crystal, Webi, or Deski reports using the DataDirect ODBC driver.
After installing a Service Pack, the connection may hang on Webi without any errors. This is because
Service Packs may overwrite the sqlsrv.sbo, which means that the parameters have been reset to
the default.
NOTE: Skip the next two steps if you are not using Microsoft SQL Server with named instances.
12. For a named instance of SQL Server, use the following format:
server_name\instance_name. If only a server name is specified with no instance name, the
driver connects to the server and uses the default named instance on the server.
13. In the Universe.sbo file, make sure to define the correct version of Microsoft SQL Server for
the connection.
14. Start the Central Management Console. The default URL is
http://localhost:8080/BOE/CMC. The User Name is Administrator and the Password is
what you set during installation.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 15
15. Navigate to Servers ->
Servers List -> Report
Application Server.
TIP: The Report
Application Server is on
the second page of
16. Right click and enable
the server.
17. Right click and stop
the server.
18. Right click and select
In Command Line Parameters,
19. Specify the “-ipport
<port #>” for the
server. Add it to the
end of the Command
Line Parameters.
The default port is 1566.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 16
In Common Settings,
20. In Request Port,
select the Auto assign
check box.
21. In Host Identifiers,
select the Auto assign
radio button.
22. Select the
Automatically start
this server when the
Server Intelligence
Agent starts check
In SAP Crystal Reports Viewing
and Modification Service,
23. In Temporary
Directory, if there is a
value, make sure the
path is valid.
24. Enable the Guest
account in Users and
Groups -> User List.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 17
25. When you have
finished making
changes, restart the
Report Application
TIP: The Report
Application Server is on
the second page of
Enabling Crystal support on WebSphere 8
For Crystal support on WebSphere 8, the IBM TRIRIGA application needs to point to IBM ICU version To enable this, you must create a new shared library.
To create the new shared library:
1. Go to Environment > Shared Libraries.
2. Select the server scope and click the New… button.
3. For this new Shared Library, enter the name “TRIRIGA_IBM_ICU4_8_1_1”.
4. Enter the classpath to the “icu4j-4_8_1_1.jar” file, which is located in the tools/lib directory
of the IBM TRIRIGA installation.
5. Select the check box for Use an isolated class loader for this shared library.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save.
8. To go to the IBM TRIRIGA application, go to Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 18
9. Select the IBM TRIRIGA application.
10. Under References in the Configuration tab, click Shared library references.
11. Select the check box for the IBM TRIRIGA application and click the Reference shared libraries
12. Select “TRIRIGA_IBM_ICU4_8_1_1” from the list of available Shared Libraries and click the
arrow pointing to the right. This will places the “TRIRIGA_IBM_ICU4_8_1_1” Shared Library into
the “Selected” list.
13. Click OK.
14. Confirm that the “TRIRIGA_IBM_ICU4_8_1_1” Shared Library appears as a referenced Shared
Library for the “tririga-ibs” application and click OK.
15. Click Save.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 19
3. Verifying Installation
This chapter provides information that you can use to help confirm that your system is running
properly. The tips below are not intended to substitute for your company’s testing and validation
Installation Verification Tips
Review the ant.log. The ant.log is located in the root installation directory, for example
C:\Tririga\ant.log. This file contains information about every step taken during the install. A
line toward the end of the file indicates whether the installation succeeded or failed.
Sign in as the system user. The default User Name is system and the default Password is admin.
The complete portal should display and all colors and fonts should be readable.
Login to the Administrator Console. The default login is system and the default Password is admin.
In the Agent Manager, start at least the following agents in the Process Server: CleanupAgent,
ExtendedFormulaAgent, FormulaRecalcAgent, SchedulerAgent, WFAgent, and WFNotificationAgent.
Logout of the Administrator Console. For more information about the Administrator Console, read
the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.
As the system user, create a non-admin Employee. Make them an IBM TRIRIGA user. Give them some,
but not all, user groups. Give them some, but not all, user licenses.
Sign in as the user you created. Check that the user has access to everything they should have access
to with the security groups and licenses given.
Check that a user can create and revise records, especially People and Location records.
Open a record and select the Associations tab. Verify that the Association Tree loads.
In the Workflow Builder, (as delivered, it is under Tools > Builder Tools), open and revise an existing
workflow. Navigate to see if it loads completely.
In the Data Modeler (as delivered, it is under Tools > Builder Tools), verify that the state transition
loads. Publish a test business object to verify that SMTP e-mail notification works.
As either the system user or a user with rights, open the Document Manager (as delivered, it is under
the Tools menu item).
Upload a new document (txt, html, or jpg are good tests).
Upload a new document with the MultiFile applet.
View the document by clicking the icon in the V column.
Check In / Check Out a document.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 20
Installation Verification Tips
If Brava! has been installed, upload a CAD document in DXF and view the CAD document by clicking
the icon in the V column.
If SAP Crystal Reports has been installed, test the operation of the Crystal integration.
Open an Employee record, select the Reports tab, and click Submit.
Open a Building record, select the Reports tab, choose Building Report, and click Submit.
In the My Reports menu item, select the Community tab. Enter Location in the Module filter,
choose Crystal from the Display Type filter, and click Apply Filters. Select the Run Report icon
next to a report.
Test functions dependent on the X Window System (X).
SAP Crystal Reports: In the My Reports menu item, select the Community tab. Enter Capital
Project in the Business Object filter, choose All from the Display Type filter, and click Apply
Filters. Select the Run Report icon next to a report.
Open or create a new Capital Project. In the Schedule tab, Add or test a Schedule Task in the
Project Tasks section. In the Schedule Task line item, change one of Planned Start, Planned End, or
Planned Working Hours. The other fields should adjust accordingly.
If CAD Integrator will be used, select the following options:
Sign in as a user with a CI license.
Sync a drawing with CI.
Verify that the server.log exists and is being written to. The server.log is located in the log
directory of the IBM TRIRIGA install, for example C:\Tririga\log\server.log.
Check the server.log for any major exceptions on first startup.
If the environment being verified is a performance environment like Production, check to make sure ProductionMode=Y instead of the default value of N.
A day or so after the install, verify in the Process Server server.log that the Cleanup process
completed successfully. Verify this on a regular basis.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 21
4. IBM TRIRIGA Software Configurations
This guide provides details about some of the key areas that need to be configured for the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform and the applications that run on it to work properly. Although the installer
provides most of the configurations necessary, it is important to understand what the various
configurations are and where changes can be made to optimize your environment.
Properties Files
The IBM TRIRIGA properties files are located in the config directory of your IBM TRIRIGA installation,
for example, C:\tririga\config.
The properties files use the concept of “name-value pairs” where a variable name is followed by an
equals sign (=) and then the defined value. Lines in the properties files that begin with a pound sign (#)
are comments and not read by the system. Name-value pairs are case sensitive.
Some properties need to be set only when they apply to your company implementation of IBM TRIRIGA.
TIP: The variables and settings in IBM TRIRIGA properties files may change from one version to
the next. Before upgrading from a prior version of IBM TRIRIGA software, save your old properties
files. After completing your upgrade install, carefully review each newly installed properties file
and adjust values as appropriate for your implementation.
Information about the IBM TRIRIGA properties files for Crystal is included here. For more information
about the IBM TRIRIGA properties files, go to the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform product
documentation and select Installing IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.
Variable Name
Description of Use
Valid path
Where the SAP Crystal Reports rpt files are
stored when uploaded into Document
Management. This should be the install
/userfiles/crystalreports directory.
For example:
Host name
The Crystal Decisions Report Application
The URL used to view an offline SAP Crystal
Report. The value must be a valid host
name (not localhost, not
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 22
Variable Name
Description of Use Include the port number if
the Application Server is not using port 80
(e.g., Do not
include the protocol (http://) or the path
Any Crystal report that runs direct SQL
against an IBM TRIRIGA database must have
a data source named TRIRIGAIBS. This
refers to an ODBC entry that resides on the
Crystal RAS server.
A single RAS server can service any number
of IBM TRIRIGA database servers. Do not use
this for a production RAS server, but it can
be useful in other environments, such as
configures which ODBC entry on the Crystal
RAS server the reports will use. Begin by
creating ODBC entries on the RAS server,
one for each database hosting an IBM
TRIRIGA instance to be supported by the
RAS server. In the IBM TRIRIGA application
server, configure the TRIRIGAIBS_ODBC
property to indicate which ODBC entry
should be used for reports run from that
server. At runtime, the TRIRIGAIBS data
source is replaced in the report with the
name of the ODBC entry specified in the
If a value is specified in the
TRIRIGAIBS_ODBC property, the
TRIRIGAIBS value in a Crystal report will
be replaced with that value. If the property
is left blank, the TRIRIGAIBS data source
will remain in the report.
The username used to logon to non-IBM
TRIRIGA data sources that are used in
NOTE: This value can be plain text or
encrypted. See the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform: Administrator
Console User Guide for information
about the encryption tool.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 23
Variable Name
Description of Use
The password for the logon to non-IBM
TRIRIGA data sources used in reports.
NOTE: This value can be plain text or
encrypted. See the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform: Administrator
Console User Guide for information
about the encryption tool.
0 100
The maximum percentage of available
server memory that can be used while
assembling query results for a Crystal
report. If this percentage is exceeded, the
query errors out due to insufficient
memory. If this is caused by an interactive
Crystal report, the following error message
is displayed: “Error Occurred. There are not
enough resources available to run the
report at this time. [MID-xxxxx]”, where
xxxxx is the message ID of the log entry in
the server.log.
Before the report actually fails, the
platform attempts to reclaim unused
memory by doing a garbage collection. This
garbage collection has the potential to
momentarily slow other activity on the
system. Any attempt to reclaim unused
memory will have an INFO-level log entry in
the server.log.
If you see a “There are not enough
resources available to run the report” error
for a query, it is likely that the query was
the cause of the error; however, it also is
possible that other concurrent processes
could have consumed memory while the
query was assembling its results.
Valid values are between 0 and 100. Values
of 0 and 100 essentially disable any limit
being enforced. Do not use either value
because a single query initiated by a single
user could run the server out of memory.
An empty value or an invalid value is
treated as a default value.
The default value is 35.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 24
Variable Name
Description of Use
A Crystal Request Server resides within the
IBM TRIRIGA Application Server. When
present, this property specifies the listening
port on the IBM TRIRIGA server that handles
Crystal RAS Query Requests. If no port is
specified, the system selects an available
The username that is hard coded to prevent
manual requests for portal and section
NOTE: This value can be plain text or
encrypted. See the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform: Administrator
Console User Guide for information
about the encryption tool.
The password that is hard coded to prevent
manual requests for portal and section
NOTE: This value can be plain text or
encrypted. See the IBM TRIRIGA
Application Platform: Administrator
Console User Guide for information
about the encryption tool.
The number of reports that can be cached,
meaning that they will not have to be
reprocessed while navigating through the
The default value is true.
If set to true, the Crystal Business
Objects/SAP logo is displayed in the viewer.
The default value is false.
If set to true, drill down is enabled.
The default value is true.
If set to true, the Export Button is
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Variable Name
Description of Use
The default value is true.
If set to true, the Goto Page button is
displayed and the HTML returned includes a
text box into which the user can type a
page number to navigate to a specific page
in the report. If set to false, the HTML
returned displays the current page but does
not allow the user to navigate by page
The default value is true.
The default value is None.
If set to true, the group tree toggle button
is displayed.
The default value is true.
If set to true, the parameter panel toggle
button is displayed.
The default value is true
If set to true, the report is displayed as
multiple pages. If set to false, the report is
displayed as one long page.
The default value is true.
If set to true, the page navigation buttons
(Next/Previous) are displayed.
The default value is true.
If set to true, the Print button is displayed.
The default value is true.
Controls the report print feature.
If set to ActiveX, users print a report from
their browser using ActiveX control. The
client Web browser must support ActiveX
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Variable Name
Description of Use
If set to PDF, users save a report as a PDF
file and print it from Adobe Reader.
The default value is ActiveX.
If set to true, the Refresh button is
The default value is true.
If set to true, the Search button is
The default value is true.
If set to true, the toolbar is displayed.
The default value is true.
If set to true, a zoom factor list is
The default value is true.
If set to true, drill down tabs are displayed.
The default value is true.
The unit of measure for the tool panel
The default value is pixel.
The width of the tool panel in the units
specified in ToolPanelWidthUnit.
The default value is 200.
The page number of the beginning of a
The default value is 1.
Sets the zoom factor for displaying a report.
The default value is 100.
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Variable Name
Description of Use
The title displayed at the top of the viewer.
The default is IBM TRIRIGA Report
The hyperlink target for displaying the
_self displays the HTML in the same frame
_parent displays the HTML in the same
frame or window that contains the current
_top displays the HTML in the entire
browser window
_blank displays the HTML in a new browser
The default value is _blank.
The name of the style sheet.
The default value is tririga.css.
How long a report generated by the Report
Queue Agent should exist on the disk after
it has been created.
The default value is 15.
0 23
The hour at which the reports that have
passed the ReportLifeSpan limit are
deleted, in 24-hour time.
The default value is 2.
Variable Name
Description of Use
The number of threads in proportion to the
number of connections (e.g., 100.0)
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Variable Name
Description of Use
The maximum number of threads that can
be used to run queued reports. If there is
no upper limit, set to 0.
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5. Working with SAP Crystal Reports
Setup for Data Sources
There are two different types of Crystal reports: form reports and query reports. Form reports are used
most often to display the contents of a single record. Form reports generated by SAP Crystal Reports
contain data from one top-level record. They may contain data from one or more associated records
and are used to create reports users can select on the Reports tab of a record or when a user clicks
Form for a single record. Query reports are used most often to display multi-record reports. Query
reports may contain data from any number of top-level records and multiple levels of detail that are
accessible through associated business objects and records.
You can use SAP Crystal Reports to create form reports as well as query reports.
IBM TRIRIGA is a web-based application and its data structure is defined in the Data Modeler. The data
schema for IBM TRIRIGA business objects is available through ADO XML. You can connect to IBM TRIRIGA
data either through ADO XML or by direct database access. The following chart summarizes the pros
and cons of each approach. This chapter assumes your choice is the ADO XML approach.
Report development is easier
Each field of a business object
(including smart section field) is
available in the XML
Naming conventions used by XML
make it easy to locate any field
(Section Name_Field Name)
IBM TRIRIGA security is enforced
on the data that is being accessed
Can take advantage of associations
Can use IBM TRIRIGA filters
Performance is slower than through
directly accessing the data from
the tables
During development, report has to
be uploaded into Document
Manager each time to test the
connection to
Performance is better, since you
are directly connected to database
Testing can be done, by saving the
RPT and running it directly from
the local machine
RPT file can be uploaded into
Document Manager only once
Developer needs to be familiar with
the IBM TRIRIGA database schema,
naming convention, and the like
Unlike XML, explicit joins need to
be made from one table to another
Bypasses IBM TRIRIGA security rules
If the database schema changes,
the reports may need to be
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An ADO XML data source needs to be set up on any machine that will be used to develop Crystal
reports. This allows the Crystal Designer to retrieve the data structure information defined by the form
(for a form report) or query (for a multi-record report) ADO XML files.
If you are familiar with Microsoft Corporation’s .NET technology, you may be aware that ADO.NET can
use ADO XML files as a data source. The files that the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform generates are
not intended to be used as true data sources. They are intended to be used with SAP Crystal Reports to
design reports. They only contain a single row of metadata information representing the IBM TRIRIGA
object data structure to help you lay out a report.
You only need to set up for data sources once on a Crystal report developer’s computer. Begin
establishing the Crystal data sources you will need to create form reports and query reports by creating
the following directory structure on a computer that will be used for designing Crystal reports.
First, create a folder named XML_Data_Source.
Create a folder within XML_Data_Source named Forms.
Create another folder within XML_Data_Source named Queries.
Form Reports
Form reports are used in a record’s Reports tab or when a user clicks the Form action for a single
record. Before creating a Crystal report for a form report, review the information displayed
automatically by the system when the user clicks the Print Preview link. Form reports generated by SAP
Crystal Reports contain data from one top-level record. They also may contain data from one or more
associated records contained within query sections on the top-level record’s form.
You only need to create a data source for form reports once on a Crystal report designer’s computer.
If you wish to include associated records that are contained within query sections of the top-level
record’s form you do not need to create a separate query-based ADO XML data source. The Forms ADO
XML files will contain the top-level business object definition as well as business object definitions for
all associated objects represented within query sections on the top-level record’s form. When a form
Crystal report runs, the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform returns the top-level record and only those
associated records contained within the top-level record’s query sections. No joins need to be defined
within the Crystal report as all data is pre-filtered for inclusion on the report.
The remaining steps in this section are the same for each form report you wish to create:
Use the Form Builder to create the ADO XML
Design and create the Crystal report
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Put the report file into the Document Manager
Add the report to the form
The examples in this section use a report that list an employee’s information.
Create a Data Source
You only need to create a data source for form reports once on a Crystal report designer’s computer.
Follow these steps to create the data source for the report.
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Administrative Tools.
3. Select Data Sources (ODBC).
4. Select the System DSN tab.
5. Click Add.
6. Select CR XML ODBC Driver 6.0.
7. Click Finish.
8. Enter TririgaFormsXML in Data Source Name. No other name should be used for this value.
9. Click Add to add a location.
Add a location named Forms to the TririgaFormsXML data source using the Forms directory as
the source:
10. Enter Forms in Location Name.
11. Select the Folder radio button in Location Type.
12. Click the box and find the XML_Data_Source\Forms directory you created earlier.
13. Click Apply.
14. Select the Advanced tab.
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15. In Table Creation, select the ADO Format radio button. The data source location then uses ADO
16. Click Apply.
To finish,
17. Click Close.
18. Click OK.
19. Click OK.
Use the Form Builder to Create the ADO XML
The ADO XML files contain information about the data in the IBM TRIRIGA system that the report will
run against.
You will find naming conventions for reports in Naming Conventions in this user guide.
1. Select the Form Builder option from the Application Builder portal section.
2. Scroll the Module panel and select the module for the report (in this example, triPeople).
3. Select the form in the right panel by selecting the radio button (in this example,
4. There are two ways to select the ADO XML:
(1) Click the ADO XML v2 action on the section bar.
Note The ADO XML v1 action is for legacy reports created prior to TRIRIGA
Application Platform 2.7.0.
(2) If the form is published, open the form and click the ADO XML v2 action on the Layout tab.
Note The ADO XML v1 action is for legacy reports created prior to TRIRIGA
Application Platform 2.7.0.
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The platform generates a zip file that contains the ADO XML files SAP Crystal Reports will use.
5. Click Save.
6. Save the zip file in the XML_Data_Source\Forms directory created in Setup for Data
7. Extract the contents of the zip file into the Forms directory.
Tip See ADO XML v2 Formats for an explanation of the name format.
Note For form query sections, the platform only pulls the Display Columns, the
field labels, and the UOM fields from the backing query of the query section.
Attention Do not rename the XML files.
Tip After you finish creating a report, open the XML_Data_Source \Forms
folder and delete the files. When you do so, the next time you create a report you
only will be working with the XML files for the new report.
Design and Create the SAP Crystal Report
Explaining how to use SAP Crystal Reports to design a report is beyond the scope of this user guide. Any
good book on designing reports for SAP Crystal Reports should be helpful.
Note For information about form reports when you have selected the ADO XML v1 action,
go to ADO XML v1.
An important detail you should be aware of when you are designing a form report: For every field in
the report there will be two fields available in SAP Crystal Reports. One field will have the same name
as the field. The other field will have the name of the field followed by _Label.
For example, the General section of an Employee record has a field named triNameTX. In a form
report, SAP Crystal Reports will see a field named triPeople_triEmployee__triNameTX that
contains the value of the triNameTX field. SAP Crystal Reports also will see a field named
triPeople_triEmployee__triNameTX_Label that contains the label for the triNameTX field.
When you put a label in a report, use the field name ending with _Label instead of a text object. This
ensures the label for the field stays consistent with the label specified for the field in the form. If the
field label is changed in the form, the field label will show the new value the next time the report is
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Another benefit of using the field name ending with _Label instead of a text object is that it allows
the report to take advantage of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform’s internationalization support for
labels. If configured to do so, the platform can supply labels in the language preferred by the user. For
more information, go to the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform product documentation and select
Administering IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform > Globalizing applications.
The following example uses the XML extracted in the previous section and the Standard Report
Creation Wizard to show some of the steps in designing and creating a Crystal form report:
1. In the Available Data Sources panel, expand the Create New Connection folder.
2. Click the + next to ODBC (RDO).
3. Select TririgaFormsXML in the Data Source Name list.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the Available Data Sources panel, expand the XML node under ODBC
6. Select the table with the same name as the module your report belongs to (in this example,
Tip See ADO XML v2 Formats for an explanation of the name format.
7. Click the right facing arrow to move the table to the Selected Tables panel.
8. Click Next.
9. In the Available Fields panel, select the fields you want on your report and use the right facing
arrow to move them to the Fields to Display panel.
Tip See ADO XML v2 Formats for an explanation of the name format.
Note As described above, there are two fields for each field in the database. The
one ending _Label is the field label from the form.
10. Click Next three times to bypass the Grouping and Record Selection options.
11. Click Finish to close the wizard.
12. Select the File menu and make sure the Save Data with Report option is NOT checked.
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13. Arrange the fields as desired.
14. Save the report as a .rpt file.
Tip Note the location where you save the file.
Put the Report File into the Document Manager
For detailed instructions on how to use the Document Manager, see the IBM TRIRIGA: Document
Management User Guide.
1. Select the Document Manager from Tools menu item in the first level of the menu bar.
2. Expand the IBM TRIRIGA folder.
3. Select the folder corresponding to the module of the report (in our example, People).
Tip Some companies prefer to create new folders for customized reports or
folders for individuals.
4. Click New Document.
5. Click Browse… and select the rpt file you created.
6. Enter a Document Name.
7. Enter other fields per your company’s policies and procedures.
8. Click Upload.
9. Click OK when the upload process completes. The report now shows in the list in the Document
Add the Report to the Form
1. Return to the Form Builder.
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2. Open and Revise the form for which you developed the form report (in our example,
Tip If you want this report to appear in the Reports tab, ensure the Show Reports
property is selected on the Layout tab.
3. Select the Includes/Forms tab.
4. Click Add on the Forms section bar.
5. Search for and select the document you uploaded into the Document Manager.
6. Click OK.
7. Return to the Layout tab and Publish the form.
To Make Changes to a Form Report
If changes need to be made to a form report, you will need to check out the report from the Document
Manager, make your changes, and check in the report. The IBM TRIRIGA: Document Management User
Guide describes this process in detail.
1. To check out the file, locate the file in the Document Manager and click the Check Out icon .
2. Enter an appropriate Comment.
3. Click Check Out.
Select the option that best matches your requirement:
4. Click Open to create a temporary file named <filename>[1].rpt that opens in Crystal.
5. Click Save if you do not have a copy of the .rpt file or if you are not sure that the file you have is
the most current.
6. Click Cancel if you have been working on the report in Crystal. This changes the status in the
Document Manager without copying the file anywhere.
7. Make your changes to the report and save the file.
8. Upload the new version by checking the file back in to the Document Manager. Start by selecting
the Check In icon .
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Query Reports
Query reports may contain data from any number of top-level records. They also may contain multiple
levels of detail that are accessible through associated business objects and records. Most often query
reports are used to display multi-record reports.
You only need to create a data source for query reports once on a Crystal report designer’s computer.
You do not need to create a data source for queries if you are designing a form report for a record that
contains query sections.
The steps are the same for each query report you wish to create:
Use the Report Manager to create a source query and the ADO XML
Design and create the Crystal report
Put the report file into the Document Manager
Create an External IBM TRIRIGA report in the Report Manager to link to the Crystal report (.rpt)
View the report from the manager
The examples in this Query Reports section use a report that lists employees.
Create a Data Source
You only need to create a data source for query reports once on a Crystal report designer’s computer.
Follow these steps to create the data source for the report.
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Administrative Tools.
3. Select Data Sources (ODBC).
4. Select the System DSN tab.
5. Click Add.
Note The TririgaIBS data source is defined on the Crystal server.
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6. Select CR XML ODBC Driver 6.0.
7. Click Finish.
8. Enter TririgaQueriesXML in Data Source Name. No other name should be used for this value.
9. Click Add to add a location.
Add a location named Queries to the TririgaQueriesXML data source using the Queries
directory as the source:
10. Enter Queries in Location Name.
11. Select the Folder radio button in Location Type.
12. Click the box and find the XML_Data_Source\Queries directory you created earlier.
13. Click Apply.
14. Select the Advanced tab.
15. In Table Creation, select the ADO Format radio button. The data source location then uses ADO
16. Click Apply.
To finish,
17. Click Close.
18. Click OK.
19. Click OK.
Use the Report Manager to Create a Source Query and the ADO XML
The following steps create a new query that will provide the Crystal report with the data structure
needed to design the report and the data for the report runtime.
The ADO XML file contains the information about the data in the IBM TRIRIGA system that the report
will run against.
If you have questions about how to use the Report Manager, see the IBM TRIRIGA Report Building
chapter in this user guide. You will find naming conventions for queries in Naming Conventions.
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1. Select the System Reports tab on the My Reports menu item.
2. Click New.
3. Complete the General tab. The Type must be Query.
Note Do NOT choose Type = External for the source query.
4. Select the fields in the Columns tab.
5. Select the Group By and Order By values in the Order & Group tab.
6. Add any filters in the Filters tab.
Tip Always filter the data as much as possible in the IBM TRIRIGA source query.
7. In the Advanced tab, click ADO XML v2.
Note The ADO XML v1 action is for legacy reports created prior to TRIRIGA
Application Platform 2.7.0.
The platform generates an XML file containing the ADO XML information SAP Crystal Reports will use.
8. Click Save.
9. Save the XML file in the XML_Data_Source\Queries directory created in Setup for Data
Attention Do not change the file name.
Tip After you finish creating a report, open the XML_Data_Source \Queries
folder and delete the file. When you do so, the next time you create a report you
only will be working with the XML file for the new report.
Design and Create the Crystal Report
Explaining how to use SAP Crystal Reports to design a report is beyond the scope of this user guide. Any
good book on designing reports for SAP Crystal Reports should be helpful.
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 40
Note For information about query reports when you have selected the ADO XML v1
action, go to ADO XML v1.
The following example uses the XML extracted in the previous section and the Standard Report
Creation Wizard to show some of the steps in designing and creating a Crystal query report:
To create a connection to the XML file,
1. In the Available Data Sources panel, expand the Create New Connection folder.
2. Click the + next to ODBC (RDO).
3. Select TririgaQueriesXML in the Data Source Name list.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the Available Data Sources panel, expand the XML node under ODBC
6. Select the table with the same name as the XML file (in this example,
Tip See ADO XML v2 Formats for an explanation of the name format.
7. Click the right facing arrow to move the table to the Selected Tables panel.
8. Click Finish.
Tip Click File > Options. Select the Layout tab. Turn off the Insert Detail Field
Headings field option. Also, on the Database tab, select Sort Fields Alphabetically.
9. Add fields to the report.
Tip See ADO XML v2 Formats for an explanation of the name format.
10. Select the File menu and make sure the Save Data with Report option is NOT checked.
11. Save and exit the report.
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Put the Report File into the Document Manager
For detailed instructions on how to use the Document Manager, see the IBM TRIRIGA: Document
Management User Guide.
To find the Document Manager, select the Tools menu item on the first level of the menu bar, then
select Document Manager on the second level of the menu bar.
1. Expand the IBM TRIRIGA folder.
2. Select the folder corresponding to the module of the report (in our example, People).
Tip Some companies prefer to create new folders for customized reports or
folders for individuals.
3. Click New Document.
4. Click Browse… and select the rpt file you created.
5. Enter a Document Name.
6. Enter other fields per your company’s policies and procedures.
7. Click Upload.
8. Click OK when the upload process completes. The report now shows in the list in the Document
Create a Crystal IBM TRIRIGA Report in the Report Manager
This creates a new IBM TRIRIGA query as an External query. This query will act as a link to the
Crystal .rpt file in the Document Manager.
If you have questions about how to use the Report Manager, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform:
Reporting User Guide.
1. Select the System Reports tab on the My Reports menu item.
2. Click New.
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In the General tab, the Type must be External.
3. In the Business Objects sub-tab, for Business Object, specify where users will be able to see this
Crystal report. This value does not define the data that is available to the Crystal report (that
was done above), rather it specifies where a user can access the Crystal report.
Tip To select multiple items, hold the Ctrl or Shift key and click your selections.
In the Options sub-tab,
4. Select the Search icon next to Document.
5. In the IBM TRIRIGA Data Search form, point the query to the Crystal report you put into the
Document Manager and click Accept.
Tip In the IBM TRIRIGA Data Search form, use the % character as a wild card to
widen your search from the first word to any word in the name. For example, type
%Employee to find a report with the word Employee anywhere in the name.
The Queued check box is available only when the report Type is External. Selecting the Queued
check box indicates the report is to be run in a queued manner.
If a queued report has runtime filters and/or Crystal filters, they are presented to the user before
the report is queued, just like they are for a non-queued report.
Queued Crystal reports may be launched from and/or are accessible from the following places: My
Reports, Manager query lists, Report Manager, and query sections.
The following access points are not supported for queued reports: Portal Sections (if a queued report
is attached to a portal section, the system launches it in a non-queued manner) and form actions.
Note When a queued report finishes processing, the system sends a notification to
the user’s Notifications portal section. The user can access the report by clicking
the hyperlinked Subject.
Attention A queued Crystal report attached to a workflow notification executes
along with the notification. However, if the report contains filters that do not have
a default value, the report generation may error out because there is no user to
provide the values. Set the default values for all filters when you define such a
6. If appropriate, select the Queued check box.
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View the Report
In this example, the Crystal report is in the Community tab.
1. Select the Run Report icon . The system generates the report and displays it in a separate
To Make Changes to a Query Report
If changes need to be made to a query report, you will need to check out the report from the
Document Manager, make your changes, and check in the report. The IBM TRIRIGA: Document
Management User Guide describes this process in detail.
1. To check out the file, locate the file in the Document Manager and click the Check Out icon .
2. Enter an appropriate Comment and click Check Out.
Select the option that matches your requirement:
3. Click Open to create a temporary file named <filename>[1].rpt that opens in Crystal.
4. Click Save if you do not have a copy of the .rpt file or if you are not sure that the file you have is
the most current.
5. Click Cancel if you have been working on the report in Crystal. This changes the status in the
Document Manager without copying the file anywhere.
6. Make your changes to the report and save the file.
7. Upload the new version by checking the file back in to the Document Manager. Start by clicking
the Check In icon .
Printing Crystal Reports
IBM TRIRIGA offers two modes for printing Crystal reports. One uses ActiveX control to send a report
directly to the printer. The other exports a report to a PDF file that can be printed from Adobe Reader.
For the ActiveX mode, the client Web browser must support ActiveX control.
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1. The PrintMode property in the file determines which
mode your users experience. The default is ActiveX, which sends a report directly to the
printer. To export a PDF file, set the property to PDF. Additional information about
setting the PrintMode property in the file can be
found in the section.
Naming Conventions
IBM TRIRIGA follows a set of naming conventions in its applications and in custom development that it
does on behalf of its customers. Follow these naming conventions to reduce unexpected interactions
between IBM TRIRIGA’s applications and applications created by others and to help ensure that future
upgrades go more smoothly.
Naming Convention
Name Prefix
A three character customer prefix is assigned to all implementations,
typically cst. For IBM TRIRIGA applications, the prefix is tri.
Report or Query
cst+“-” + Form Name (or Business Object Name or Module Name if
Report/Graph) Keyword Context
There are no spaces between the cst- and the tri object name.
For example: cst-triPurchaseOrder Workflow POs for
Current Year
If the query references a new or customized object:
Form Name (or Business Object Name or Module Name) Keyword
For example: cstEmployee Crystal Employee Contact
Keywords are:
Query with linked Crystal rpt document
Query to help isolate data issues
Query to display data in query sections
Query to filter data for other queries via
Association filters
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Naming Convention
Query for Find action of a locator or section
Query to provide input values for extended
Graph reports intended for end users
Graphics Editor report
Query for metric in a form
Hierarchical query for nesting queries
Query used in patch helpers
Query for portal section
Report intended for end users
Calendar/Reserve-based query of data
associated with record
Summary Report intended for end users
For the bottom level of an HGrid query
Query for workflow Query task
Context should include filters to states, data filters, association
filters, if editable, and the like. For queries tied to a
$$RECORDID$$ or other platform key, make sure to include the
type of context record in the context part of the name.
The ID of the report should be CUSTOM, or use your company’s
numbering standards for reports. SYSTEM is reserved for IBM TRIRIGA
delivered reports.
Naming Convention for Labels:
Form Label (or Business Object Label or Module Label) Context
Context should describe what the report displays to the user.
For example: Employees All Associated Active
Crystal Reports Tips
Return the $$DATEFORMAT$$ variable to a Crystal report to indicate
which date format is preferred by a user. This way the report design
can account for the different options present in your user
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Add A Field
If the field was selected in the original design, modify the Crystal
report and check the updated version into the Document Manager.
If the field was not in the original design,
For a form report, recreate the ADO XML and update the Crystal
For a query report, open the query and add the field. After
applying your changes, recreate the ADO XML file. Update the
Crystal report.
In Crystal you will need to select Database > Verify Database to
refresh the dataset with the new field that was added to the IBM
TRIRIGA query.
Bulk Printing
Follow these steps to bulk print Crystal reports:
1. Go to the Data Modeler and verify that the triRecordIdSY
field exists on the business object of the records you will be
printing. If not, find the field and add it to the business object’s
General section.
2. Create a query for the business object you will be printing to
return only the triRecordIdSY field. You can add static field
filters and/or association filters to modify result set. For
example, if the records to be printed will be determined by the
user selecting them in a query section, you might use an
association filter to filter using the $$RECORDID$$ record (i.e.,
the record containing the query section) for the selected
3. On the Advanced tab of the query, click the ADO XML v2 action.
Click Save when prompted and copy the name of the ADO XML
file given without the [v2QRY] prefix and without the .xml
extension. Cancel out of the download prompt. There is no need
to save the XML document as you only need the name. You will
need this name later to build the URL to send to Crystal.
4. In the Document Manager, find the report you want to print in
bulk. Open it and copy either the File Path value, or get the
documentId by right-clicking on the link used to open the
document record, going to properties and copying the docId
from the Address (URL) path there. The address will be
something like javascript:openDocument(4054908); Copy
the number from within the parentheses.
5. The URL that is built takes either parameter("reportPath" or
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 47
"docId"), but not both. By using the docId as an attribute in the
RepBuilder.jsp URL (see example below), you have the
ability to move the report around in the Document Manager
without having to go back to the bulk printing URL later and
change the path. The docId will always remain the same.
6. Now that you have everything set, you can build your URL.
Take the name of the ADO XML file you copied earlier (omitting
the [v2QRY] prefix and the .xml at the end of it). This is what
your queryName will be.
For this explanation, we'll just call it "theQueryName". The real
name will be long and may resemble something like this:
The URL takes exactly 4 parameters:
1. source (which is always "bulk")
2. version (which is always "2")
3. queryName (equal to "theQueryName")
4. then one of the following:
a. docId (which is the docId of the report you want to
bulk print)
b. reportPath (which is the path of the report you want
to bulk print)
Your final URL will look something like the following:
Depending on which of the optional parameters you use.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 48
For example:
7. Now that you have your URL, you will need to place it anywhere
in the system that can take a custom URL, or you can simply cut
and paste the URL into the address bar of your browser, as long
as you still have a valid session open.
For example, you can place a link in a smart section and put the
above URL as the hyperlink. If you decide to do this, and you
chose to use the File Path as your last parameter, you will need
to escape or URLEncode the path backslashes. Otherwise it will
not work because the hyperlink is passed using JavaScript and
the non-encoded characters will break the JavaScript code.
8. Click the link you created in the previous step. The system runs
the query you set up in step 2 to return only the business object
Record Ids. It uses the data from all of those records in the
Crystal report identified in step 4. In Crystal, you may want to
modify the report to group and/or page the data by a field such
as triRecordIdSY, thus giving you a bulk printing solution.
After you finish creating a report, delete the files from the
XML_Data_Source\Forms or XML_Data_Source\Queries folder.
When you do so, the next time you create a report you only will be
working with the XML files for that report.
Could not get metadata for
report Error
System cannot find the file
specified Error
An error like this indicates either the Report Directory or Temp
Directory is invalid. In most situations, the invalid path is left behind
by a previous version of RAS server.
Make sure the paths are valid. In order to work with IBM TRIRIGA, the
Crystal RAS server needs each of these values to be populated with a
valid directory path. The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform does not
require any specific structure for these directories, and they can be
the same path.
Crystal Selections
Can be used in the same report as IBM TRIRIGA filters.
Whenever possible use IBM TRIRIGA filters on the IBM TRIRIGA query
to minimize the size of the XML file.
Use Crystal selections to further limit records after the join. Use
Crystal parameters to further select data.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 49
To ensure that null or blank currency values display as $0.00 when
generating reports, take the following steps:
Open the report in Crystal.
Select File > Report Options...
Select the check box labeled "Convert Database NULL Values to
Select the check box labeled "Convert Other NULL Values to
Click OK.
Save the report.
When adding a filter to a report:
IBM TRIRIGA filters Use IBM TRIRIGA filters if possible. IBM
TRIRIGA filters select the data before it goes to the XML file. The
smaller the XML file, the better.
o Adding IBM TRIRIGA filters does not affect the Crystal report
o You do not have to check in / check out of the Document
Crystal filters Use Record Select, Group Select, or Parameters.
An error like this is a JRC-specific issue. The exception occurs
because the parameter used by the Command table is being
renamed. This technique works for reports run in a RAS server;
however, JRC throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
The workaround is to make sure the parameter used by the
Command table matches the one defined in Parameter Fields, as
illustrated below:
Java Reporting Component
Java Reporting Component (JRC) is a self-contained set of reporting
libraries that run inside an IBM TRIRIGA application server. When a
report runs using JRC, the report executes and renders without
making calls to the report server. Because of the JRC architecture, it
executes and renders reports faster than the traditional report
server. JRC is best suited for smaller data sets; run larger data sets
on a dedicated report server.
By default, all form reports run through JRC.
If a particular report should be run via the report server instead, the
report can be configured to use the report server by putting
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 50
section in the SAP Crystal Report property.
Maximum Processing Limit
When you run a Crystal report that returns a lot of data, you may get
an error on the page stating that the Crystal server has reached its
maximum processing limit. By default, Crystal installs with the
maximum at 20000. You can change this value in the properties of
your Crystal server. Modify the Number of database records to read
when previewing or refreshing a report property either to something
larger or to -1 for unlimited.
Memory Management
No single Crystal report can consume more than a specified amount
of the server’s available memory. This specified amount is
configured in the CRYSTAL_MEMORY_USAGE_LIMIT property in If, while running a Crystal report,
the platform detects that the configured threshold has been
reached, it throws an exception. In the case of an interactive Crystal
report, a message stating this information displays to the user. The
message says, “Error Occurred. There are not enough resources
available to run the report at this time. [MID 32343]”, where the
MID refers to the message ID of a log entry in the server log. The
entry in the log file has additional information about the amount of
memory available at the beginning of the query execution and how
much was consumed before the query threw the error.
Multi-Query Joins
For query reports, a query is created for each table. Note that a
query can contain data from many business objects, similar to doing
a join prior to the Crystal join. The fewer the queries, the more
efficient the report. The queries must have fields that can be joined
in Crystal.
The standard join types supported by Crystal are:
Inner Join Displays only those records from both tables that
have matching values for the linked fields. Inner Joins are used
frequently when there is a one-to-one relationship between the
left and right tables. Be careful when using Inner Joins on multi-
record reports since data from the tables will be omitted if there
are no matching values in the linked fields.
Left Outer Join Displays all records from the left table and only
those records from the right table that have matching values for
the linked fields. Left Outer Joins are used commonly for multi-
record reports when joining multiple tables.
Right Outer Join Displays all records from the right table and
only those records from the left table that have matching values
for the linked fields. Right Outer Join is not always available.
Full Outer Join Displays all data from both tables, but joins the
data on the same row if there are matching values for the linked
fields. Full Outer Join is not always available.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 51
The data from non-form reports that do not contain sub-reports
stream from the IBM TRIRIGA server to the Crystal RAS server.
To Display Logos
To display logos in Crystal, you must have direct access to the
database. You must connect with access to the data schema.
1. Select Database Expert on the SAP Crystal Report.
2. Create a new ODBC connection with TririgaIBS as the
DSN. Supply the User ID and Password. Select Add Command.
3. In the parameter list, create a new parameter called
$$COMPANYLOGO$$ as a numeric field. The default value
should be blank.
4. In the SQL section, enter the query below.
Select content from dm_content where
content_id =
With your cursor immediately to the right of the = in the SQL
statement, double-click the $$COMPANYLOGO$$ parameter
to insert the parameter into the SQL statement. The
resulting statement should read:
Select content from dm_content where
content_id = {?$$COMPANYLOGO$$}.
5. Exit the Database Expert.
6. From the Field Explorer, Expand Database Fields >
Command. Select the Content command that holds the logo
and insert it into the Page Header section.
7. Right-click the Content field in the page header and select
Format Graphic.
8. Click the Picture tab and change the Scaling Width to 183%,
and Height to 48%.
9. When this report is uploaded into the Document Manager,
the logo should be visible.
The logo will not appear until the report is run from within IBM
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 52
The ADO XML v1 action is for legacy reports created prior to TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.0. Use
the ADO XML v2 action whenever possible.
ADO XML v1 does not support a query that contains multiple associated business objects.
The field name format for ADO XML v1 is SectionName_FieldName. For example,
RecordInformation_triNameTX, triRealEstateLeaseContract_triNameTX.
With ADO XML v1, the ADO XML generated for a query section in a form for a form report takes all
fields from the primary business object.
ADO XML v2 Formats
ADO XML v2 Field Name Format
ADO XML v2 uses the following format to identify fields:
The module of the business object for the field.
The business object for the field.
The section for the field.
The platform does not include “General” section names (e.g.,
General, RecordInformation). If omitted, you will still see the _. For
example, triProject_triProject__triNameTX.
The field name.
In cases where there is a duplicate field name, for example from a
multi-business object source, the platform adds Index to ensure
field uniqueness in the ADO XML.
Index is an incremental positive integer. It is used first with the
first duplicate occurrence. For example, the first time the
ModuleName…FieldName occurs, there is no Index. The second
and subsequent times the same ModuleName…FieldName occurs,
the platform adds _2, _3, and so on.
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 53
Note If you change the sequence of fields with duplicate names in the Columns tab, your
Crystal report will not be correct. If you change the definition in the Report Manager in
any way, you also must change the Crystal report.
If the ModuleName_BusinessObjectName_SectionName_FieldName[_Index] includes a special
character, the platform uses the following encoding/decoding characters:
Special Character
Platform Changes To
: (colon)
:| (colon-pipe)
_ (underscore)
:: (colon-colon)
For example, if module = triPeople, business object = triPeople, section = ReportsTo, and field
= triFirst_Name, the field name is encoded to
ADO XML v2 Data Source Encoding
ADO XML v2 file names are prefixed with a data source tag. The data source tag identifies the data
source type that the XML file contains, and it is in the format [v2<datasourcetag>].
Form reports are used in a record’s Reports tab or when a user clicks the Form action on a record. For
form reports, the ADO XML v2 output is made up of the organization, project, top-level business
object, and the business object’s sections’ ADO XML files. The following table lists the data sources for
a form report:
The ADO XML output for Organization and Project.
These files are of the form [v2SYS]+BusinessObjectName
For example, [v2SYS]Organization
The ADO XML output for the top-level business object.
These files are of the form
For example, [v2BO]triPeople_triPeople
The ADO XML output for smart sections.
These files are of the form
For example, [v2SS]triPeople_triPeople_triCalendar
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 54
The ADO XML output for form query sections.
These files are of the form
For example, [v2QS]triPeople_triPeople_triPhone
The ADO XML output for smart sections that reference a Link
business object.
These files are of the form
For example, [v2CS]triPeople_triPeople_triTestSection
Query reports may contain data from any number of top-level records. They also may contain multiple
levels of detail that are accessible through associated business objects and records. Most often query
reports are used to display multi-record reports. The following table lists the data sources for a query
The ADO XML output for query report.
These files are of the form
For example, [v2QRY]triPeople_triPeople_triPeople---+-
ADO XML v2 Table Name Format
If the ADO XML v2 table name includes a special character, the platform uses the following
encoding/decoding characters:
Special Character
Platform Changes To
“ ” (space)
-- (hyphen-hyphen)
- (hyphen)
-| (hyphen-pipe)
_ (underscore)
-~ (hyphen-tilde)
Installation Verification Tips
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2022. 55
[v2BO] 52
[v2CS] 53
[v2QRY] 53
[v2QS] 53
[v2SS] 52
[v2SYS] 52
ActiveX 42
Add A Field 45
Administrator Console 18
ADO XML v1 51
ADO XML v2 31, 38, 51, 52, 53
Agent Manager 18
ant.log 18
Associations 18
Brava! 19
Bulk Printing 45
BusinessObjectName 51
CAD Integrator 19
Capital Project 19
Cleanup 47
Cleanup Agent 19
Crystal Report Server 6, 10
Crystal Reports 3, 19
Crystal Selections 47
Currency 48
Data Modeler 18
Data Source Tag 52
Document Manager 18
Error 47
Field Format 51
FieldName 51
File Name 52
Filters 48
Form 29
Form Reports 28
Forms 30
Index 51
IndexOutOfBoundsException 48
Java Reporting Component 48
JRC 48
Label 32
Maximum Processing Limit 49
Memory Management 49
ModuleName 51
Multi-Query Joins 49
Naming Conventions 43
PDF 42
Portal 18
PrintMode 43
Production 19
Properties files 20
Queries 37
Query Reports 28
Queued 41
Record 18
Reports Tab 29
Save Data with Report 33
SectionName 51
Security 18
server.log 19
Streaming 50
Table Name 53
To Display Logos 50
Tools Server 2 20, 26 File 43
TririgaFormsXML 30, 33
TririgaQueriesXML 37, 39
Workflow Builder 18
X Window 19
XML_Data_Source 29
Installation Verification Tips
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