Creating Reports and Extracting Data 5/27/2011 24-1
Chapter 24: Creating Reports and Extracting Data
SEER*DMS includes an integrated reporting and extract module to create pre-defined system
reports and extracts. Ad hoc listings and extracts can be generated in the SEER*DMS Data Search,
worklist, or manager pages. To create custom reports that are more complex, you may use
external software such as Groovy or Perl scripts, Microsoft Access, Crystal Reports, SAS, SQL
Workbench, or SEER*Stat. SEER*Stat may be used to generate reports or analyze data extracted
from SEER*DMS; the other tools may be configured to query a SEER*DMS database directly.
Complex or inefficient queries to the live database may affect system performance and affect
interaction with the system by registry staff. SQL queries defined in the SEER*DMS Data Search
should be written and tested in external software prior to execution in the production system. For
all external extracts and reports, it is strongly recommended that you access the data warehouse
unless the analysis absolutely requires data from the live database. See Chapter 2: Records and
Patient Sets for descriptions of the live database and data warehouse.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about
Pre-defined System Reports and Extracts
o Finding a Report or Extract
o Organizing Reports
o Running a Report or Extract
o Viewing Report Output
o Downloading an Extract Data File
o Sending Report Output to another User
o Viewing the SQL for a SEER*DMS Report
Tools to Create Custom Listings and Extracts
Pre-defined System Reports and Extracts
Commonly used reports and extracts are made available within the SEER*DMS report module. Any
report or extract can be implemented as a system report if it meets two criteria: 1) the fields
used in the logic are available in all registry databases; and 2) it is a general purpose report or
extract that will be used repeatedly.
The business requirements for system reports and extracts are proposed by registry staff or by the
SEER*DMS development team. The requests are often reviewed by other registries via the
SEER*DMS Technical Support Squish project. All system reports and extracts are implemented
and maintained by the SEER*DMS development team.
The data for most reports are obtained through SQL queries; however, data for some reports are
obtained via Java routines. The queries for SQL-based reports can be viewed in the SEER*DMS
System Files. The results are formatted using report shells and templates developed in the
Jaspersoft iReport Designer (
The reports system permission is required to access the Report Manager. Therefore, a user must
have the reports permission to run any report or extract. Reports that provide information related
to user productivity also require the reports_management permission. A report’s permission is
displayed on its Report Specifications page. Extracts are only listed in the Report Manager if the
user has the extract_create permission.
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Finding a Report or Extract
System permissions: reports; reports_management and extract_create may also be required.
To find a SEER*DMS Report or Extract:
1. Select View > Reports.
a. Reports and extracts are organized into categories. These include a category for
reports that you used recently, pre-defined categories, and categories that you create.
When you access the Report Manager, SEER*DMS will display the category that you
viewed when you last visited the Report Manager. If this is your first time accessing
reports, all reports and extracts will be displayed.
b. Reports and extracts are listed by ID. Report IDs have an “RPT” prefix; extract IDs use
an “EXT” prefix.
2. To view a list of reports in a category, click the category name displayed on the left.
3. To search for a report by ID, title, or description, type text in the box labeled Type to
Search and press the Enter key.
Organizing Reports
System permissions: reports
Report categories are defined by tags associated with the reports. A report’s categories or “tags”
are listed next to its title in the Report Manager. You may create new categories by adding tags.
The tags that you create will be visible to all others who use the report manager.
To organize reports into your own categories:
1. Click View > Reports.
2. Use the search box or category links to find the report.
3. Hover your cursor over a report to select it. Click the Edit Tags link shown for the report.
4. To create a new category, click Specify New Tag.
5. To add the report to a category that you created previously, click the appropriate tag in the
Add Tag list. You may not add a report to a pre-defined category.
6. To remove a report from a category, click the category’s tag in the Remove Tag list.
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Running a Report or Extract
System permissions: reports; reports_management and extract_create may also be required.
To run a pre-defined system report or extract in SEER*DMS:
1. Select View > Reports to access the Report Manager. Enter search text or open one of the
categories on the left to find the report.
2. Click the ID or title to open the Report Specifications page for the report or extract.
3. Use the Report Specifications page to define the report’s output format and parameters.
a. The report parameters are described in the Description section of the page. If you
would like to view the SQL of the report, refer to the instructions in the Viewing the SQL
for a SEER*DMS Report section of this chapter.
b. Specifications used previously are available in the Previous Parameters section of the
page. Click a row to set all specifications to values used in a previous run.
4. Edit the Title as necessary. This text will be listed in the Worklist’s Information Column for
the Report Output task. For some reports, this title will be shown as the first line in the
report itself. The titles of other reports are automatically set to display parameter settings
and, for those reports, the title entered here will not be included in the output.
5. If this is a report, set the Output Format to PDF or CSV (Comma Separated Values) based
on the following considerations.
a. PDF: Forms and record printouts should be output to PDF and may not display
properly in CSV format.
b. CSV: Many of the reports are tabular and can be exported to Comma Separated Values
(CSV) format. You may open a CSV file in Excel or in a text editor. The CSV format is
recommended if you wish to copy Patient Set or Record IDs from the report and paste
them into the Lookup or Data Search (see Chapter 20: Searching for Records and
Patients). Tables that do not have consistent rows and columns may not export
correctly to CSV.
6. Use the parameters to customize the report or extract. If a parameter’s label is in bold
text, it is required.
a. A blank value for an optional parameter implies “all possible values” for that field.
b. Some reports have the potential to request large volumes of data from the database.
To prevent a report from affecting the response time for other users, SEER*DMS
terminates report queries that exceed the time limit or generate a large result set. The
default thresholds are defined by the reporting.time-out.minutes and
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reporting.max.rows configuration settings. SEER*DMS enforces these maximums
unless a report-specific value is specified in the report’s XML file. If a report exceeds
the time or row limit, the Report Output task will display an error message. You will
then have the opportunity to select new parameters to reduce the amount of output.
7. Run the report or extract by clicking the appropriate button:
a. Runqueries the database and creates the report as you wait. (This option is not
available for extracts.) If this process is able to complete within the report’s time limit,
the Report Output task will open automatically. If the time limit is exceeded, the report
will automatically be run offline and the Report Output task will be available in the
worklist when the task completes.
b. Run Offlinecreates an automated, Run Report workflow task. You will be returned
to the Report Manager.
8. To open the report, follow the steps in the Viewing Report Output section of this chapter.
To download the extract data file, follow the steps in the Downloading an Extract Data File
section of this chapter.
In order to protect the system from a slowdown caused by a large query, SEER*DMS limits the
number of report and extract tasks that are processed simultaneously. Additional report and
extract tasks are queued and are executed when others complete.
Viewing Report Output
Requires system permission: reports (certain reports also require reports_management)
An automated Run Report worklist task is created when a report is executed. When the report is
successfully generated, a manual Report Output task is created and assigned to the user who
submitted the report. If the report was executed using the Run command, this Report Output task
opens automatically (proceed to step 2 in the instructions below). If a Run Report task fails, a
System Failure task is created. SEER*DMS users with the system_administration permission can
access and review System Failure tasks.
SEER*DMS restricts the execution time and number of result rows generated by each report. The
default thresholds are defined by the reporting.time-out.minutes and reporting.max.rows
configuration settings. These defaults can be over-ridden by a setting in the report’s XML. If
either limit is exceeded, an error message will be displayed. You may modify the specifications to
reduce the size of the report and re-execute.
To view the output of a report that you submitted:
1. To view the output from a report that ran offline:
a. Filter the worklist to view Report Output tasks assigned to your account.
b. If you are searching for a recently generated report, click the Task column header in
the worklist. This will reverse the sort order and bring the most recently run report to
the top of the list.
c. To search for a report by title, enter a full or partial title into the Information filter and
click Apply.
d. If the task is not displayed in the list, the report may have failed or may still be running
(see the instructions for Searching the Worklist for Report and Extract Tasks).
e. Click on the Task ID to open the Report Output task.
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2. Click View. You will be prompted to Open or Save the report. Click Open. If the output
format is PDF, open the report with Adobe Acrobat. If the output format is CSV, open the
report with Excel.
a. Use the Adobe or Excel controls to print or save this report.
b. Close the Adobe or Excel window.
3. If you need to correct parameter values or titles, submit a new report:
a. Click Edit Specifications.
b. You may make modifications to the Title, Output Format, and Parameter fields.
c. Click Run or Run Offline. A new task will be submitted. The existing task will remain
in the worklist until it is removed. You will be returned to the worklist.
4. If you will not need to access this Report Output task again, you should remove the task
from the worklist to prevent unnecessary clutter. Click Remove to permanently delete this
task and the PDF or CSV file from the worklist. If you may need to access this Report
Output task again, click Close to save and return to the worklist.
Report Output tasks are auto-removed based on configuration parameters (report.removal.time
and extract.removal.time). The default settings are 30 days for reports and 90 days for extracts.
Downloading an Extract Data File
Requires system permission: reports and extract_create
An automated Run Extract Report task is created when a SEER*DMS extract is executed. When
the task completes, an email is sent to the user who initiated the task and a Report Output task is
created and assigned to the user. If an extract task fails, a System Failure task is created.
To download an extract data file:
1. Open the extract’s Report Output task in the worklist.
2. Review the following items that are provided in the Report Output task:
a. Num Recordsthe number of records included in the extract data file. If this value is
zero, review the parameters that were specified to determine if an error was made.
b. Extract Files a list of one or more files related to this extract. The number of files
varies by extract. You have the option of downloading one of the files or downloading a
Zip file containing all of the files.
c. Report Specificationsverify that the correct parameter settings were used to create
the extract.
3. If you need to correct parameter values, submit a new extract:
a. Click Edit Specifications.
b. You may make modifications to the Title and Parameter fields.
c. Click Run Offline. A new task will be submitted. The existing task will remain in the
worklist until it is removed. You will be returned to the worklist.
4. To download the extract data file(s):
a. Tips for managing downloads in Firefox:
i. Typically, files will be downloaded to a folder that is defined as the “Downloads”
folder in Firefox. In the Firefox menus, go to Tools > Options and select the
Downloads tab. Verify that the downloaded data will be stored in an appropriate
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location. Change this location, if necessary. Please refer to the Firefox user’s
manual for more specific instructions.
ii. At any time, you may access your download folder by selecting Tools > Downloads
from the Firefox menus.
b. Click Download or Download All on the Report Output Task page. Depending on
browser settings, the file may be saved to your download folder automatically or you
may be prompted to Open or Save the file. If prompted, click Save to Disk. If you
are not prompted to select a location, the file will be saved in the folder that is defined
as the “Downloads” folder in Firefox.
5. If you will not need to access this Report Output task again, click Remove to delete the
task from the worklist and delete the data file from the server. If you may need to access
this Report Output task again, click Close to save and return to the worklist.
Sending Report Output to another User
Requires system permission: worklist_task_reassignment
Typically, you should distribute report and extract data by saving the files to disk or providing
printed copies of reports. However, SEER*DMS does allow you to reroute Report Output tasks to
other users via the same mechanism used to reroute any worklist task. Users must have the
appropriate permissions to access the output tasks.
To reroute an open Report Output task, select Reassign from the TSK menu in the task. This is the
task menu and is displayed as the Task ID on the menu bar next to View. Set the Action to Assign
to User Account, and select a user name from the list. The list will only include users who have the
system permissions required to open the task.
You may also use the modify feature of the worklist to reroute a Report Output task or a set of
Report Output tasks (instructions for using the modify feature of the worklist are provided in
Chapter 4: Using the Worklist).
Viewing the SQL for a SEER*DMS Report
Requires system permission: system_administration
XML files containing source code for system reports are included in the System Files segment of the
System Administration page. If a report is implemented in SQL, the query will be included in its
System File.
To view a SEER*DMS Report’s SQL:
1. Click System > Administration. The current server log will be shown by default.
2. Select System Files from the Module drop-down list.
3. Select the report’s XML file from the Reports section of the Files drop-down list. Report
filenames begin with the report ID (e.g., rpt064A.patient.edit.error.summary.cfg.xml).
4. Search for the queryXML tag. If the query type is SQL, the SQL will be displayed within
the XML file. If the query type is Java, the source code will not be displayed.
5. SQL for system reports include non-SQL code to implement report parameters. Refer to the
Sample SQL section of the SEER*DMS Web Portal for instructions in modifying the SQL so
that it can be used in external applications like SQL Workbench.
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Tools to Create Custom Listings and Extracts
In SEER*DMS, manager pages are screens that allow you to view, sort, and search within a specific
set of data. For example, the Worklist is a manager for tasks. Other managers in SEER*DMS
include the Contact List, Facility List, AFL Manager, and Death Clearance Manager.
Any data shown in the Results section of a manager page or the Data Search can be exported to a
CSV file. The CSV file can be downloaded and used as input to an external program; or it can be
opened in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software. Use the controls in Excel to format and
print the listing.
System Permissions to Export Data: Any user who can access a manager page can export the
results from that page; the data_search_export permission is required to export data from the
Data Search.
On a manager page, use the filters to define the data set. A tutorial for using the filters is available
on the SEER*DMS website at Instructions are also provided in
Chapter 3: Using SEER*DMS.
The look-and-feel of the Data Search is similar to other SEER*DMS filters. However, the Data
Search includes specific tools for setting search criteria and choosing display fields. Instructions for
using the Data Search are included in the Search Tools tutorial available on the SEER*DMS website
and in Chapter 20: Searching for Data.
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