Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Staff Reports
Juvenile Delinquent Mortgages: Bad Credit or Bad Economy?
Andrew Haughwout
Richard Peach
Joseph Tracy
Staff Report no. 341
August 2008
This paper presents preliminary findings and is being distributed to economists
and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments.
The views expressed in the paper are those of the authors and are not necessarily
reflective of views at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal
Reserve System. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.
Juvenile Delinquent Mortgages: Bad Credit or Bad Economy?
Andrew Haughwout, Richard Peach, and Joseph Tracy
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 341
August 2008
JEL classification: G21, R21
We study early default, defined as serious delinquency or foreclosure in the first year,
among nonprime mortgages from the 2001 to 2007 vintages. After documenting a
dramatic rise in such defaults and discussing their correlates, we examine two primary
explanations: changes in underwriting standards that took place over this period and
changes in the economic environment. We find that while credit standards were important
in determining the probability of an early default, changes in the economy after 2004—
especially a sharp reversal in house price appreciation—were the more critical factor in
the increase in default rates. A notable additional result is that despite our rich set of
covariates, much of the increase remains unexplained, even in retrospect. Thus, the fact
that the credit markets seemed surprised by the rate of early defaults in the 2006 and 2007
nonprime vintages becomes more understandable.
Key words: housing, mortgage default, subprime mortgages
Haughwout: Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Peach: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Tracy: Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Address correspondence to Andrew Haughwout
(e-mail: andrew.haughwout@ny.frb.org). The authors wish to thank Jonathan Stewart and
especially Ebiere Okah for excellent assistance with the data. The views expressed in this paper
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York or the Federal Reserve System.
Gee, Officer Krupke, we're very upset;
We never had the love that ev'ry child oughta get.
We ain't no delinquents,
We're misunderstood.
Deep down inside us there is good!
“Gee, Officer Krupke” – West Side Story
Rapid increases in US residential mortgage defaults during 2007 and into 2008 captured
the attention of researchers, the public and policy makers, and had a chilling effect on credit
markets worldwide. While these increases were noted originally in the nonprime market,
foreclosure increases have in more recent months begun to spill over into the prime market. This
paper studies a part of this phenomenon, early defaults in the nonprime market.
Historically, four key characteristics (“risk factors” or “underwriting criteria”) have been
thought to determine the probability that a mortgagor will default. Those factors are the loan-to-
value ratio (LTV)
, the debt service-to-income ratio (DTI), the mortgagor’s credit score, and the
extent to which the mortgagor’s income and assets have been verified by third party sources such
as employers, tax returns, and bank account statements. To expand the potential pool of
borrowers, nonprime (subprime and alt-a) mortgages by design relaxed one or more of these
underwriting criteria beyond the margins required for prime mortgage loans. A direct
consequence is that we would expect the default experience of these relatively new mortgage
products to be worse than that of prime loans. Indeed, industry data confirm that the performance
of the very first vintages of nonprime loans was significantly worse than that of prime loans.
Nonetheless, as shown in Figure 1, beginning with the 2005 vintage the performance of
nonprime mortgage loans became notably worse than previous vintages. The performance of the
2006 vintage deteriorated even further. By 12 months following origination, the 2005 vintage
The LTV is calculated by taking the ratio of the mortgage balance to the value of the home. LTVs are
typically expressed as a number ranging from 0 to 100 or higher. If the borrower has “negative equity”
where the mortgage balance exceeds the value of the home, the LTV will exceed 100.
The National Delinquency Survey published by the Mortgage Bankers Association of America (MBA)
is one of the main sources of information on mortgage loan performance, including nonprime loans.
However, it should be noted that mortgages are placed into these categories based on the servicer rather
than the individual loan. Thus, if more than 50 percent of a servicer’s portfolio is nonprime loans, then all
of that firm’s loans are lumped into the subprime category. Alt-a mortgages, according to the MBA, are
divided between the prime and subprime groups. See
for details.
had a 90 day or more delinquency rate that was not reached by the 2003 vintage for 20 months,
and the 2006 vintage at 12 months had a rate that was not reached by the 2003 vintage even by
30 months. Moreover, this sharp decline in loan performance was a surprise to investors in these
loans in that to a large extent it seemed unexplained by the observed risk characteristics.
The sharp increase in defaults very early in the life of the loans suggests the moniker
“juvenile delinquents.” In the case of nonprime adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), defaults often
occurred well before the first interest rate reset while the initial “teaser” rate was still in effect.
We define an “early default” as a mortgage that is 90 or more days delinquent within the first
year after origination. We use this window since performance warranties by originators often
covered the first year. The reasoning was that any serious underwriting problems with mortgages
typically would manifest themselves within the first year. In our data, 10 percent of nonprime
loans originated in 2007 experienced an early default, as compared to 2.7 percent of similar loans
originated in 2003.
The purpose of this paper is to explore potential explanations for the sharp rise in early
defaults of the 2005 through 2007 vintages of nonprime mortgages. We will examine how much
of the deterioration in the early performance of these mortgages can be explained by changing
risk characteristics of nonprime mortgages over time (i.e. “bad credit”). New and existing home
sales peaked in late 2005 in many housing markets, and house prices began to soften and then to
decline as these housing markets cooled. We will also explore the extent to which house price
dynamics over the housing cycle as well as other local economic factors help to explain the early
default behavior of the more recent vintages of nonprime mortgages (i.e. “bad economy”).
Importantly, we will investigate the extent to which the effect of house price dynamics on early
defaults depends on the risk profile of mortgages in a vintage – that is, are there important
interaction effects that help to determine a vintage’s share of juvenile delinquent mortgages in
that vintage.
The next section provides a brief literature review of selective papers that are relevant to
our analysis. We next describe our primary data source and discuss the evolution of the four
basic risk factors for nonprime mortgages from 2001 to 2007. We provide tabulations of these
risk characteristics and early default rates. We then turn to a multivariate analysis of early
defaults. The final section draws insights from our analysis for the current housing policy debate
and concludes.
Review of Past Literature
Residential mortgages are complex financial instruments that confer important options on
the borrower. The extensive body of previous research on residential mortgage default has
adapted option theory to the study of mortgage valuation, since there exist well-developed theory
and empirical methods for valuing financial derivatives and their exercise (Black and Scholes
An important feature of most residential mortgages is that they are “non-recourse” loans,
either de jure or de facto. This means that in the event of a default, creditors can sell the house to
cover the loan balance, but typically do not legally pursue the borrower for any deficiency.
creates a “put” option for the borrower which he/she can exercise if the house value falls
sufficiently relative to the loan balance. In addition to this default option, borrowers may
continue to make the scheduled payments until the mortgage debt is discharged, or prepay the
mortgage either by selling the house and paying off the balance on the mortgage or by
refinancing into a new loan (Kau, Keenan, Mueller and Epperson, 1995). The option to prepay is
often referred to as the “call” option that borrowers hold when they take out a mortgage.
Foote Gerardi and Willen (2008) succinctly summarize the prediction of option theory for
default when they argue that negative equity is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
default. Borrowers with positive equity ought to rarely if ever default, since (in the event of an
idiosyncratic shock such as illness, loss of job or divorce) they can sell the house or refinance the
mortgage. Borrowers with negative equity, on the other hand, may default in the face of similar
shocks, since the option to refinance and/or sell the house is conditional on being able to raise
cash to cover the difference between the mortgage balance and the proceeds of a sale or a new
mortgage (Foster and Van Order, 1984, Vandell, 1995).
Even borrowers with negative equity, however, default less frequently than simple
models would predict (see Vandell 1995 for a summary of the empirical evidence and Elul 2006
While legal pursuit of borrowers’ assets to cover deficiencies is available in most states, it is often
restricted. In California, for example, deficiency judgments are not allowed for owner-occupied one to
four-family homes (Pence 2003).
for an update). For an owner occupant considering default, transactions costs include moving
costs, the cost of purchasing or renting a new residence, and damage to one’s credit score
resulting in higher future borrowing costs. All told, some authors have argued that these costs
can typically range from 15 to 30% of the value of the house, helping to explain why default
appears to be underexercised relative to the simple option-theoretic prediction (Cunningham and
Hendershott, 1984). Investors face fewer of these transaction costs and therefore may be more
likely to default for a given LTV level.
As noted by many authors, exercise of the default option will be related to the value of
the prepayment option, regardless of the borrower’s equity in the property (Schwartz and Torous
1993, Vandell 1993, Elul 2006). This suggests that in evaluating the prevalence of default, we
must account for the value of the option to sell the house or refinance the mortgage. The typical
approach to this problem is to estimate a duration model that simultaneously accounts for the
competing risks of prepayment and default (Deng, Quigley and Van Order 2000). An additional
advantage of this approach is that it allows insight into the value of a particular mortgage, or
mortgage backed security. While our ambitions in the current study are more modest, we must
remain attentive in both the specification of our models and the interpretation of our results to the
fact that even early defaults may be affected by the availability of prepayment (Deng and Gabriel
In addition, Kau, Keenan and Kim (1993) argue that the apparent underexercise of the
default option is partly explained by the fact that continuing to make payments preserves the
borrower’s ability to default or sell the house in the future. That is, exercise of the default option
depends on the future value of both living in the house and selling the house, either in the
marketplace or through default (effectively selling the house to the lender).
Much of the empirical research conducted on mortgage default over the last two decades
has focused on the large market for prime/conforming or FHA mortgages. Most relevant for our
study is recent work on the FHA market segment, which serves borrowers who are similar to the
nonprime sample we study.
Besides not incurring any moving costs, investors may also not face the same increase in future
borrowing costs in the event of a default. If the housing investment is held in a limited liability
corporation, then a default would not affect the owner’s personal credit rating. In this case, we are more
confident that the borrower would be identified as an “investor” in the LoanPerformance data.
Deng and Gabriel (2006) and An, Bostic, Deng and Gabriel (2007) present competing
risk estimates for a sample of FHA purchase loans originated between 1992 and 1996. In these
studies, lower FICO scores are associated with higher default rates and somewhat lower
prepayment rates. Higher local unemployment rates have little effect on default rates. However,
higher local unemployment is associated with lower prepayments among FHA borrowers.
Finally, higher LTVs – or measures of the probability that the put option is “in the money” –
raise both the default risk, particularly for borrowers with low FICO scores.
Very recently, studies of subprime mortgages have become more common, as their
market share has expanded. Pennington-Cross and Ho (2006) provide a detailed analysis of the
performance of subprime mortgages over the period leading up to the crash in the housing
market. Their analysis provides insights into the behavior of these mortgages in a general
environment of rising house prices. They use LoanPerformance data on subprime mortgages that
were originated between 1998 and 2005. Loans were followed for up to five years or the end of
2005. Fixed rate mortgages are contrasted to the hybrid 2/28 adjustable mortgage. Like the two
FHA studies, Pennington-Cross and Ho find that borrowers with lower credit scores are more
likely to default, and that local unemployment rates seem to have little effect on default. In an
interesting contrast with the FHA results, Pennington-Cross and Ho find that among subprime
borrowers, higher LTVs raise the default risk but lower the prepayment risk.
Gerardi, Shapiro and Willen (2007) take a non-traditional approach to analyzing
mortgage default. Using Massachusetts deed records from January 1987 to August 2007, they
compile a panel data set tracking purchases, refinances, sales and foreclosures on all residential
properties in the state. The strength of this data is the ability to follow the same property though
different owners, as well as across different mortgages for a given owner. This is in contrast to
the typical loan level data which tracks a given mortgage over its life, but does not permit linking
mortgages over time for the same borrower or the same property.
A weakness of the deed based data is that it lacks information on the characteristics of the
borrower and some characteristics of the mortgage. The deed records indicate the mortgage
originator. The authors identify subprime mortgages by matching the originator to a Department
of Housing and Urban Development list of subprime lenders, and estimate a competing risk
model of the outcomes of distinct “ownership experiences.” Starting with a home purchase, they
As noted earlier, they control for average household income for the census tract.
follow the household until the home is sold or goes into foreclosure. A key finding by Gerardi et
al (2007) is the important role of house price appreciation on the likelihood of a foreclosure.
Cumulative price appreciation since the date of the house purchase exerts a sizeable downward
effect on the probability that the ownership experience ends in a foreclosure. The authors impose
symmetry in the effect of price appreciation and price depreciation. It would be useful to know if
nominal losses are relatively more important at generating defaults than nominal gains are at
preventing defaults. The authors do not include a negative equity indicator for the current
mortgage due to worries over the endogeneity of this indicator variable.
Gerardi et al (2007) report that ownership experiences that begin with a subprime
mortgage are much more likely to end in a default than observably similar ownership
experiences that begin with a prime mortgage. Here it is important to keep in mind that the
authors are not able to control for some key characteristics of the borrower such as income and
credit score.
It is not clear, then, how much of the difference in default rates across ownership
experiences could be explained by differences in these borrower specific risk factors. Foote,
Gerardi and Willen (2008) use the same data set to examine the specific role of negative equity
in default behavior. The authors confirm many of the results in Gerardi et al (2007), including
the higher likelihood of default among subprime borrowers, and find additional evidence that
borrowers in a negative equity position – whether the mortgage is prime or not – are more likely
to default. Our focus on the nonprime market segment will allow us to determine the effect of
negative equity on borrowers in particularly high cost mortgages.
Demyanyk and van Hemert (2008) adopt an approach similar to ours in their analysis of
subprime mortgages. Using LoanPerformance data, which we discuss in more detail below, they
examine the likelihood that a mortgage is either 60 or more days delinquent or in foreclosure
within the first twelve months following origination. Their principal aim is to see to what extent
changes in the distribution of risk factors can explain the deterioration in the early performance
of subprime mortgages in 2005 and 2006. We will contrast our findings to theirs in greater detail
later in the paper. The authors conclude that declining underwriting standards, particularly
reflected in increasing LTVs at origination, are the dominant force explaining the rapid rise in
early delinquency and defaults among subprime borrowers.
One important difference between our approach and that of Demyanyk and van Hemert
involves the treatment of house price appreciation. While we follow previous literature by
controlling for an updated LTV using current house price information, Demyanyk and van
Hemert control for the initial LTV and treat house price appreciation as an independent effect on
the default probability. This approach misses what we believe is an important interaction
between house price dynamics and origination LTV, and complicates the evaluation of the
borrower’s put option. We discuss the separate effects of updated LTV and house price
appreciation below. In addition, Demyanyk and van Hemert impose that house price increases
and decreases have a symmetric impact on defaults. We test for asymmetric effects.
A second difference in approaches is that Demyanyk and van Hemert include the
mortgage rate as a control variable in their empirical specifications. The mortgage rate has the
largest standardized marginal effect in their specifications. The coefficient on the mortgage rate
reflects the impact on early performance from variation in mortgage rates that is orthogonal to
the other risk factors in their specification. One possibility is that this residual rate variation
reflects risk factors observed in the underwriting but not fully reflected in the data by the
recorded risk measures. Alternatively, this variation could reflect the degree of competition in
the local lending markets, differences in bargaining skill across different borrowers, or lagged
performance of mortgages in the local lending market. It is not clear, then, what specifically the
mortgage rate is capturing in their analysis. We do not include the loan-specific mortgage rate in
our empirical specifications, since our aim is to evaluate the extent to which standard observable
risk factors can account for the rise in early defaults.
Nonprime Mortgage Data and Tabulations on Early Defaults
Loan Performance Data
Our mortgage data come from FirstAmerican CoreLogic’s Loan Performance Data, a
proprietary data base which, as of June 2008, provides loan-level information at a monthly
frequency on approximately seven million active, securitized subprime and alt-a loans, carrying
balances of over $1.6 trillion.
Subprime mortgages are small loans (compared to alt-a loans)
and are often made to borrowers with some blemish on their credit history, or who are willing to
commit large shares of their incomes to debt service. Alt-a mortgages are typically larger value
See http://www.loanperformance.com/data-power/default.aspx
loans made to more credit-worthy borrowers who, for a variety of reasons, may choose not to
provide the income or asset verification required to obtain a prime mortgage. Both types of
nonprime mortgages are typically higher-cost than prime conforming loans.
The database consists of information on securitized subprime and alt-A mortgage loans.
A large share of outstanding subprime and alt-A mortgages are securitized, with the balance
remaining in lender portfolios, and LoanPerformance captures upwards of 90% of the securitized
loans (Mayer and Pence 2008). Pennington-Cross (2002) argues that securitized subprime
mortgages differ systematically from those retained in portfolio. Since our data are limited to
securitized loans, any inferences should be limited to this set of loans.
The LoanPerformance dataset is a rich source of information on the characteristics of
these securitized loans. The dataset includes information on the date of origination, the zip code
in which the collateral property is located, details of the mortgage contract (including term,
initial interest rate, and rate adjustment schedule), and underwriting information (including
borrower credit score, debt to income ratio, the loan to value ratio for senior and junior liens, and
the extent of income and asset verification provided by the borrower). Also included are monthly
updates of “dynamic” information including the current interest rate, mortgage balance and the
borrower’s payment record.
We analyze a one percent random sample of the first-lien subprime and Alt-A loans
reported in the data as of our most recent monthly update, for April 1, 2008.
The universe from
which we sample includes all loans, whether they are currently active or have been paid off.
From this set of loans, we select those that originated after January 1, 2001 and for which we
observe at least twelve months of performance; thus, our “youngest” loans originated during
April 2007. For each origination, we use the payment history for the first twelve months in order
to determine whether it defaulted during that time period. The result is a dataset consisting of
about 117,000 loans. We classify these loans as subprime or Alt-A based on the designation of
the security in which they were packaged. Approximately 2,000 of our loans are missing this
designation in the data, bring our total for analysis to around 115,000 loans.We combine this
loan-level information with economic data measured at the metropolitan area level. These data
Since observations in the LoanPerformance dataset are loans coded to the zip code, we choose our
panel based on first-lien loans only. This avoids the possibility of double counting subordinate lien loans
on the same property.
include measures of house price appreciation (the widely-used OFHEO repeat-sale index
) and
labor market conditions from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The principal characteristics of our
data are described in Table A-1.
Tabulations on Early Default
The value of the default put option discussed earlier will likely depend on the initial LTV
on a mortgage and the pattern of house price appreciation since the origination of the loan. Table
1 provides information on the initial LTV for subprime and alt-a mortgages originated from 2001
to 2007. For each type of mortgage, we provide descriptive statistics on the distribution of the
cumulative LTV at origination of the first-lien mortgage. The cumulative LTV reflects the total
mortgage balance of the first-lien mortgage and any subordinate lien loans if they exist at
origination. We also report the fraction of transactions that involved one or more 2
-lien loans.
What is striking for both classes of mortgages is the significant rise in the incidence of 2
from 2001 to 2006. For subprime mortgages over this period the incidence of 2
-liens rises from
3.2 percent to 29.4 percent, and for alt-a mortgages the incidence rises from 2.2 percent to 43.9
percent. A consequence is that 30.1 percent of subprime mortgages originated in 2006 had an
initial cumulative LTV of at least 100 – that is, the borrower at origination did not have any
equity in the house. Excluding the 2
-lien loans, for subprime mortgages in 2006 the median
LTV was 80, while the the 90
percentile LTV was 95.
While from 2004 to 2007 the incidence
of 2
-liens was higher for alt-a mortgages, the distribution of initial LTV was not as
significantly affected. It is also clear that the number of nonprime mortgages in our data rises
sharply over most of the time period, reflecting both increases in originations and more complete
coverage by LoanPerformance (Mayer and Pence 2008).
Over the period from 2003 to 2007, the incidence of early defaults more than quadrupled
for both subprime and alt-a mortgages. Comparing subprime to alt-a mortgages in Table 2, for
any given initial range of LTV the early default rate for subprime mortgages tended to be higher
than for alt-a mortgages. As the average early default rates were rising, the data show for both
classes of mortgages increases in the early default rates within each LTV range. For alt-a
See http://www.ofheo.gov/hpi.aspx for details.
For alt-a mortgages in 2006 based just on the first lien mortgage the median through 90
LTV was 80.
mortgages originated from 2003 to 2007, the data also show a rise in the average early default
rate as one moves from lower to higher initial LTV intervals. This pattern is less consistent for
subprime mortgages over this same time period.
The housing boom in the first half of this decade was concentrated in a small number of
states. Figure 2 shows a scatter plot of the average annual house price appreciation rate from the
third quarter of 2001 to third quarter of 2006 on the vertical axis and appreciation rate from the
first quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2008 on the horizontal axis. Nine states experienced
double digit house price appreciation sustained over a five year period that were followed by
house price declines in the year following. In four of these states (AZ, CA, FL, and NV) the
reversal has been especially sharp.
Three states (IN, MI and OH) presents a different picture
where instead of experiencing a housing boom and bust, these states have been suffering from
relative economic weakness and soft housing markets during this entire decade.
The rapid house price increases in the boom/bust states prior to the downturn would act
to keep the put option for default out-of-the-money. Even where the lender finances most or all
of the borrower’s down payment with a 2
lien loan, twelve months of double-digit house price
appreciation will generate more than sufficient equity to cover the transactions costs of selling
the house. Similarly, in cases where a borrower in a boom/bust state suffers a job loss, divorce or
significant health problem during the boom period, we would not expect to see this result in a
default. The borrower would have a financial incentive to sell the house and prepay the mortgage
rather than default. Finally, as discussed earlier, owners may be less likely to exercise the default
put option than investors other things equal.
We take a preliminary look in Table 3 at the likely interplay between house price
dynamics, local economic conditions, investor status and initial LTV. For owners in
economically depressed states, the incidence of early defaults tends to be higher than the overall
average for both classes of mortgages. In contrast, for subprime owners in those states that
experienced a house price boom, the incidence of early defaults is low relative to owners in the
“other” states except for the highest LTV interval. This pattern does not emerge for alt-a owners
where the data indicate that the default rate in the boom/bust states was generally higher than for
Both the OFHEO and the other widely-used house price index, S&P/Case-Shiller (CS), are derived
using the repeat sales methodology. However, there are important differenced in the construction of these
indices which result in quite different assessments of the behavior of home prices, particularly at the
national level. See Leventis (2008) for details.
alt-a owners in the “other” states. Consistent with investors having a lower threshold for
exercising the default put option, the overall early default rate is higher for investors than for
owners for initial LTVs greater than 90. Comparing investors across the boom/bust states and the
economically weak states, nonprime investors have higher early default rates in the economically
weak states, with the exception of alt-a investors who start out with no equity in the deal.
The second risk factor is the DTI ratio. This ratio is meant to capture a borrower’s
capacity to pay even in the face of transitory shocks to his/her personal finances.
Table 4 gives
the evolution of the DTI ratios for nonprime mortgages over our sample period. The first thing to
note is that subprime borrowers relative to alt-a borrowers have a distribution of DTI that is less
concentrated in the DTI range below 30 and more concentrated in the DTI range above 40. That
said, the distributions of DTIs were reasonably constant over the time period with the exception
of 2006/2007 where there was a noticeable increase in high DTI subprime and alt-a mortgages.
The early default performance by different initial DTI intervals and year is presented in Table 5.
Subprime mortgages display a stronger relationship than alt-a mortgages between DTI and early
defaults across the years in our sample. Similar to our finding for initial LTV, from 2003
onwards the incidence of early defaults rises over time within each DTI range for both types of
mortgages, but in this case the change is relatively common across the DTI intervals.
The “willingness” to pay is captured by the borrower’s FICO score. Table 6 provides
information on the distribution of FICO scores over time for the nonprime mortgages in our
sample. Similar to the DTI risk measure, subprime borrowers are more concentrated than alt-a
borrowers in the below 600 interval of FICO scores and much less concentrated in the above 660
inverval. The likelihood that a subprime borrower had a FICO score below 600 was decreasing
from 2001 to 2007. While few alt-a borrowers had FICO scores below 619, the incidence was
declining as well over this time period. In contrast to the initial LTV and DTI risk factors, the
distributions of nonprime FICO scores were not deteriorating over the period leading up to the
sharp rise in early defaults.
Table 7 shows early default rates across time for the different FICO ranges. In each year
early defaults typically are a declining function of FICO scores. Generally, borrowers with a
FICO score of less than 600 are at least three times more likely to experience an early default as
A possibility is that DTI is less predictive for early defaults than it is for overall defaults, as the
likelihood of a significant financial shock is less over the first year of a mortgage as compared to the
expected life of the mortgage.
borrowers with a FICO score of over 660. The exception is for subprime borrowers in 2006 and
2007 where the early default rates tended to converge across the range of FICO scores. The data
do not display this same convergence in early defaults for alt-a mortgages. For subprime
borrowers, the relative increase in early defaults since 2003 within a range of FICO scores was
larger for the two higher FICO score ranges than for the two lower ranges. The relative increase
in early defaults within a FICO interval for alt-a borrowers is more varied across the different
ranges of credit scores.
The final standard risk factor is the level of documentation used in the underwriting of
the mortgage. The data classify underwriting into one of three categories: full documentation,
low documentation (“limited-doc”) and no documentation (“no-doc”). Table 8 provides the
distribution of the documentation level over time for subprime and alt-a mortgages. The use of
lower documentation was much more prevalent for underwriting alt-a mortgages than for
subprime mortgages. Despite the focus in the press made on no-doc mortgages, in each year the
incidence of no-doc mortgages was in single digits, and was declining over the sample period.
What is more notable is the shift in composition from fully documented to limited documented
underwriting. From 2001 to 2006, the share of fully documented subprime mortgages fell from
77.8 percent to 61.7 percent, while the share of fully documented alt-a mortgages fell from 36.8
percent to 18.9 percent.
Table 9 gives the yearly average early default rates for subprime and alt-a mortgages
broken down by the level of documentation. In each year for subprime mortgages, early defaults
are more prevalent for limited as compared to fully-documented mortgages. For alt-a mortgages,
the incidence of early defaults in each year generally increases as one moves from fully-
documented to limited doc mortgages, and from limited doc to no-doc mortgages. From 2005 to
2007 as the overall incidence of early defaults among alt-a mortgages was rising, the incremental
effect on early defaults associated with moving from fully documented mortgages to limited
documented mortgages was higher than the incremental effect associated with moving from
limited documented mortgages to mortgages with no documentation.
Determinants of Early Default
Econometric specification
For each mortgage in our data, the outcome of interest is an indicator for whether the
mortgage experienced an early default. We adopt a linear index model in order to examine the
determinants of early default. For each mortgage i originated in year and month
t in
metropolitan area j, we assume that there is a latent index
that captures the net benefit to the
borrower from an early default. We specify this latent index as a linear index of the observable
risk factors (X) and local economic conditions (Z).
ijt it jt jt ijt
δα ε
Given the paucity of data that we have to control for local economic conditions, we
assume that the performance of mortgages originated in a given metropolitan area and
year/quarter may be affected by a common random error component
that captures any
unobserved economic shocks that impacted this local housing market. We account for the
possible presence of the error component
in calculating the standard errors of our estimates.
denote our observed indicator variable for whether a mortgage experiences an
early default.
We assume that this occurs whenever the unobserved latent index takes on a
positive value.
1 if 0
0 otherwise
The probability of an early default is given by the following.
Pr( 1| , ) Pr( 0| , )
ijt it jt ijt it jt
XZ I XZ==>
It is important to distinguish this early default indicator from a default hazard in a competing risk
specification. If a mortgage prepays in the first year, this would censor the default hazard at the
prepayment date. In contrast, in our setup an early prepayment is treated in the same manner as a
mortgage that is still ongoing without an early default after 12 months. Both outcomes would generate a
value of zero for the early default indicator.
We report linear probability estimates which facilitate calculating the decomposition of the
change in aggregate defaults into credit and economy effects.
The first risk factor is the LTV. We start with the initial combined LTV at origination. If
there is a 2
-lien loan, we include it in the calculation of this initial LTV. To update the LTV we
take into account any paydown of the principal from the 1
lien mortgage over the next year. We
then use the metro area OFEHO repeat-sale house price index to update the house value and
LTV for each of the next four quarters following the origination. We take a simple average of
these updated LTVs. To allow for potential nonlinear effects of LTV on early default, we enter
the updated LTV as a series of indicators for different intervals. The left-out interval covers all
LTVs below 80. We include indicators for the following LTV intervals: 80 to 84, 85 to 89, 90 to
94, 95 to 99, and 100 or higher (100+). To test whether investors react differently to the put
option for default, we interact the investor indicator with the two highest LTV indicators, 95 to
99 and 100+.
The next risk factor is the DTI. LoanPerformance includes the “back-end ratio” which is
calculated as the ratio of the sum of the annual mortgage principle and interest, property taxes
and insurance, and other debt (such as car loans and student loans) to the income of the
borrower. This variable is missing for 37% of the data. Appendix table A2 provides the results
from estimating a probit on an indicator for whether DTI is missing on the other explanatory
variables we use in this study. No-doc loans are much more likely to have a missing DTI, which
suggests that lenders were less likely to code the variable if it is a “stated” item. There is a
pattern to the missing DTI suggesting that as other risk factors of a loan deteriorate (ie higher
LTV and/or lower FICO), the DTI is more likely to be reported in the data. We treat the missing
DTI in two different manners to check for robustness. First, we include an indicator for whether
DTI is missing and the DTI for those mortgages where it is reported. Second, we regress the
reported DTI values on the other explanatory variables and replace the missing DTI values with
the predicted DTI value from this regression. We also allow for nonlinearity in the effect of DTI
on early defaults by entering DTI as a series of indicators for the following intervals: 40 – 44, 45
– 49, 50+. The left-out interval is for DTI less than 40.
We tested for whether creating subintervals of DTI below 40 would improve the fit. The data supported
collapsing these into a single interval.
Next we turn to the credit or FICO score for the borrower. Freddie Mac uses three broad
intervals for the FICO score for classifying mortgages: under 620, 620 to 680, and over 680.
Their analysis suggests that only movements between these intervals are materially important in
predicting performance of mortgages. We use a finer set of intervals that allow us to test whether
variation in FICO scores within those broad intervals are informative for predicting early
defaults for nonprime mortgages. We create a series of indicator variables for the following
FICO intervals: less 560, 560 to 589, 590 to 619, 620 to 649, 650 to 679, and 680 to 719. The
left-out interval is for FICO scores of 720 or higher.
The last of the four primary risk factors discussed in the introduction is the level of
documentation used in underwriting the mortgage. We code an indicator for a limited-
documentation mortgage and an indicator for a mortgage with no documentation. It is important
to keep in mind when interpreting the coefficient estimates on these indicators for documentation
level that the estimation procedure treats the stated risk factors for these lower documentation
mortgages as being equivalent to the verified risk factors for fully documented mortgages.
We include a few additional variables related to the mortgage in our credit (X) vector.
While the interest rates for all mortgages are fixed during the first twelve months that we follow
their performance, we include an indicator for a fixed-rate mortgage. We include two indicators
for mortgages that result from a refinance as opposed to a purchase – one for when no cash is
taken out, and a second for when cash is taken out. As noted earlier, we include an indicator for
an investor property as well as an indicator for a 2
All of our specifications include six
indicators for different property types for the underlying collateral: condo, two-four unit,
townhouse, planned-urban-development, manufactured housing, and other.
Turn now to the variables we use to capture changes in the local economic conditions (Z)
that may affect early defaults. For each mortgage, we take the average of the metro area
unemployment rate over the twelve months following the origination. This variable should pick
up income stresses that arise through job loss. We noted earlier that we control for the updated
LTV based on changes in metropolitan house prices over the year following origination. To see
It is likely that the investor variable is underreported in the data. It is reasonable to assume that
misreporting is one-sided. That is, some investors hide this fact and are coded as owner-occupied; but
owner-occupied borrowers are unlikely to misreport themselves as an investor. Appendix table A2 reports
the results from running a probit of the investor indicator on our other control variables.
Single family houses are the left-out property type.
if there are additional effects of changes in house prices beyond how they affect the LTV, we
include the change in metropolitan house prices over the year following the origination of the
mortgage, and we allow house price increases and decreases to have asymmetric effects on early
defaults. In addition, we interact this house price appreciation with the investor indicator to test if
investors react to house price movements in a different manner from owner-occupied borrowers.
We also include year effects in all of our specifications.
Our specification is a reduced-form representation of the competing risks to which loans
are exposed in their first year of life. To control for the risk of prepayment, we experimented
with variables measuring changes in the interest rate environment borrowers faced when
considering refinancing their loans. Specifically, we calculate for each month subsequent to
mortgage origination the ratio of prime 30-year (and nonprime) mortgage rates to those
prevailing at origination. We take the minimum of this ratio as a measure of the opportunity to
refinance into a lower cost mortgage. In addition, we control for the presence of a prepayment
penalty on the mortgage, which affects the probability of default by reducing the attractiveness
of prepayment. Only the prepayment penalty was significantly related to early default behavior.
In interpreting our results, it is important to bear in mind that the effects of house price declines
on early default subsume both direct effects – determining the value of the put option - and
indirect effects - reducing the availability of the prepayment option and thus extending borrower
exposure to the risk of default (Caplin, Freeman and Tracy 1997). We return to these issues
Empirical Results
The linear probability model results are given in Table 10. The first specification is
estimated with our sample of subprime mortgages and the second specification is estimated with
our sample of alt-a mortgages. Descriptive statistics for each of these samples are provided in
appendix table A1. The standard errors for both specifications use clustering on mortgages
originated in the same metropolitan area, year and quarter.
The current LTV exerts a strong influence on early defaults for both classes of
mortgages. The LTV marginal effects are relative to mortgages with LTVs below 80. The data
indicates that as the LTV increases, the likelihood of an early default rises by a similar amount
for subprime and alt-a mortgages, with the incremental effect magnified for those mortgages that
have negative equity. Compared to subprime borrowers with a current LTV below 80, borrowers
with negative equity have an 6.8 percentage point higher early default rate (relative to an average
early default rate of 6.6 percent). For alt-a borrowers, those with negative equity have a 6.9
percentage point higher early default rate compared to borrowers with a current LTV below 80
(relative to an average early default rate of 2.1 percent). While the absolute size of the negative
equity effect is similar across subprime and alt-a loans, the relative impact is considerably larger
for alt-a loans.
As discussed in the literature review, there may be differences between how “ruthless”
investors are versus owners in exercising the default option on the mortgage. To test this
hypothesis, we interact the indicator variables for the two highest LTV intervals with the investor
indicator variable. For borrowers with negative equity, the data indicate that investors appear to
be much more likely than owners to default. The point estimate for the incremental effect on the
default rate is over 24.6 percentage points for subprime investors and 20.3 percentage points for
alt-a investors.
The second risk factor is the DTI which measures the ability of the borrower to make the
mortgage payments. For each sample of mortgages, the coefficient on the linear DTI effect was
similar across the two methods for handling the missing value for DTI. We report the
specification in Table 10 that includes an indicator variable for a missing DTI. The data indicated
that there is little effect of changes in DTI below 40 on early defaults. Increases in DTI above 40
have a small effect on increasing the likelihood of early default for subprime loans. Subprime
borrowers who appear to be financially stretched as indicated by a DTI above 50, have a rate of
early defaults that is 1.3 percentage points higher than borrowers who start out with a DTI below
For alt-a loans, variations in DTI have a small and inconsistent pattern of effects on early
default rates.
If the investor variable is mismeasured along the lines discussed earlier, then these estimated
differential effects for negative equity on early defaults are likely to be conservative.
We also check to see if there is any interaction between high DTI and high LTV. We interact the
indicator for DTI exceeding 50 with the indicators for LTV of 95-99 and LTV of 100+. Neither
interaction was significant.
The third risk factor is the FICO credit score which is meant to capture a borrower’s
“willingness to pay.” We tested whether the three broad intervals used by Freddie are appropriate
for nonprime mortgages in predicting early defaults. The data strongly rejected the hypothesis
that variation of the FICO score within the Freddie intervals was not predictive for early defaults.
FICO scores exert a strong most influence on the early default behavior for owners. The reported
marginal effects for each interval are relative to borrowers who have a FICO score of 720 or
higher. The data indicates that as the FICO score declines below 680 for subprime loans the
likelihood of early default rises. Subprime borrowers with a FICO score of 560 to 589 have a
early default rate that is 6.9 percentage points higher than borrowers with a FICO above 720.
This differential early default rate increases to 10.3 percentage points as we move to FICO scores
below 560.
The data indicate a similar pattern of marginal effects of FICO scores on early
default rates for alt-a owner-occupied loans. However, for alt-a investor loans there is no
significant impact of variation of FICO scores on likelihood of a loan experiencing an early
The final basic risk factor is the degree of documentation carried out in underwriting the
mortgage. Controlling for the “stated” risk factors in these mortgages, the data indicate that low-
doc underwriting is associated with a higher early default rate of around 3 percentage points for
subprime loans and 1.3 percentage points for alt-a loans. Both of these effects exceed the simple
weighted average of the early default differences listed in table 9. This is consistent with a
degree of systematic bias in the statement of the risk profile of these mortgages relative to the
risk profiles for fully documented mortgages.
The next set of variables reported in table 10 refers to characteristics of the mortgage and
whether the mortgage was for a purchase or a refinance. Controlling for the observed risk
factors, borrowers who select a fixed rate mortgage have from a 0.6 to a 1.2 percentage point
We explore whether the poor performance for low FICO borrowers is affected by the prevailing house
price appreciation in the local housing market. We interact the house price appreciation with the three
indicators for FICO scores below 620. The interaction is only statistically significant for the lowest FICO
score interval, but the magnitude was small relative to the direct effect of this FICO score interval.
We also tested for differences between owner-occupied and investor subprime loans on the impact of
FICO scores and did not find them to be statistically significant.
An obvious risk factor that may be biased downward is the DTI. Note, though, in appendix table A2
that DTI is often missing for low and no documentation mortgages.
lower incidence of early default.
We control for whether the mortgage has a prepayment
penalty. The prepayment penalty applies if the mortgage is paid off during the first year, but is
immaterial in the case of an early default. The data indicate that prepayment penalties are
associated with a 0.7 percentage point higher early default rate for subprime loans, but have no
significant impact on the early default rate for alt-a loans.
Over 60 percent of the subprime
mortgages were initiated as a refinance rather than for a purchase. The data indicate that, holding
constant the observed risk factors, early defaults were less likely for subprime mortgages that
involved a refinance regardless of whether the borrower extracted cash or not.
For alt-a
mortgages, only the cash out refinances were associated with a significantly lower early default
rate, though the magnitude of the effect is smaller than for subprime cash out refinances.
Many of the discussions for providing assistance to preventing foreclosures exclude
investors and owners of 2
homes from the proposals. Justifications offered include that the
costs of foreclosure differ for a household that is living in the home versus an investor or a
vacation home. In addition, concerns over moral hazard from any government intervention tend
to be magnified for investors and 2
homes. We include indicators for investors and for 2
homes to see if their average early default rates differ from owner-occupied primary residences.
The data indicate that controlling for observed risk factors investors are more likely to default in
the first year. On average, subprime investors have an early default rate that is 2.7 percentage
points higher than for owner-occupied primary residences, while alt-a investors have a 1.3
percentage point higher early default rate. The data does not find any significant difference in
early default rates for 2
The final variables reported in Table 10 attempt to capture differences in the local
economies and housing markets. We control for the change in house prices over the year since
origination using the OFEHO repeat-sale house price for the MSA. We also control for the
average unemployment rate in the MSA over the course of the year. It is important to keep in
Future research should explore the extent to which this may reflect a selection effect on the borrowers
and/or on the lenders. We are currently working with Professor Chris Mayer of Columbia University to
merge in borrower characteristics by matching the LoanPerformance data with the HMDA data.
One interpretation of this finding is that in the absence of the prepayment penalties some of the early
subprime defaults might have refinanced instead during the first year.
The data does not support the idea of “strategic early defaults” where borrowers sensing the turn in the
housing markets extract all of the equity possible through cash-out refinances and then quickly default.
mind that we adjusted the initial LTV for the house price appreciation.
Even after factoring in
the house price appreciation into the borrower’s LTV, the data suggests a strong independent and
asymmetric effect of price appreciation on early defaults. If house prices over the year rise by 10
percentage points in a local market, early defaults are reduced by 1.4 percentage points for
subprime mortgages held by owners, and are reduced by 2.7 percentage points for subprime
mortgages held by investors .
In contrast, if house prices decline by 10 percentage points in a
local market, early defaults rise by 4.8 percentage points for subprime owners, and rise by 10.3
percentage points for subprime investors.
For alt-a owners, only house price declines exert an
independent impact beyond the current LTV on early defaults. Finally, while we control for the
initial DTI, we do not observe shocks to the borrower’s income over time. To proxy for this, we
include the average local unemployment rate. The data indicate that a 1 percentage point increase
in the local unemployment rate is associated with only a quarter of a percentage point rise in
early defaults for subprime mortgages, and no significant difference in early defaults for alt-a
mortgages. This is consistent with the muted response of early defaults to the initial DTI.
Bad credit or bad economy?
Table 11 examines the question of the relative importance of credit effects versus
economy effects in explaining the sharp rise in early defaults. The first column of the table
reports differences from 2003 in the average early default rate by year starting with the rise in
early defaults in 2005 (note that 2003 has the lowest average rate of early defaults for our sample
period, 3.4% of subprime loans and 0.7 % of alt-a loans). This is the overall change in early
defaults that the empirical model is trying to explain. The second column reports the difference
in average early defaults predicted by our linear probability model, while the third column
In contrast, Demyanky and Van Hemert (2008) control for the initial LTV and subsequent house price
appreciation. Given data limitations, we have to assume that each borrower experienced the average
house price appreciation for the msa based on the price index. If we had access to the estimated variances
for these MSA price indices, we could generate a distribution of updated LTVs and calculate the
probability that the borrower’s LTV is in each of our intervals.
Demyanky and Van Hemert (2008) report a similar marginal effect of house price appreciation. This is
surprising since in their empirical specification the marginal effect of house price appreciation includes
the indirect effect through the loan-to-value. Generally, we find the larger marginal effects for credit
factors than they report.
The incremental effect of house price decline for subprime investors relative to subprime owners is
large but not precisely estimated in the data.
reports the fraction of the total change in average early default rates that is predicted by our
The final two columns disaggregate the explained rise in early defaults into components
that are attributable to differences across years in underwriting standards and to economic
conditions. The LTV indicators reflect aspects of both credit – the initial LTV – and economy –
the effect of house price appreciation on the current LTV. To separate out these two influences,
we create a set of counter factual LTV averages where for each year we take the initial LTV for a
mortgage and adjust it using the house price appreciation from 2003 for the same metropolitan
area and quarter of origination. Differences in these counter factual averages for the LTV
indicators from their 2003 average reflect only the initial distribution of LTV in each year – a
credit effect. The difference between the actual LTV averages for a given year and the counter
factual averages for that year reflect only the differences in house price appreciation rates for that
year and 2003 – an economy effect.
The major difference between 2003 and 2005-2007 was a dramatic change in house price
appreciation. After rising nearly 14% in 2003, the OFHEO index accelerated to 16% in 2004
before slowing and eventually reversing. For 2005-2007, OFHEO grew 10%, 1% and –4%
The decomposition indicates that changes in economic variables, particularly this
reversal in house price appreciation, from 2003-2007 account for the bulk of our explanation for
observed increases in early defaults. In 2006, we estimate that changes in the economy added 2.4
percentage points to the average early default rate for subprime loans, while in 2007 that figure
rises to 4.1 percentage points.
“Bad Credit,” on the other hand, contributes less to our explained rise in average early
defaults. Had the economy continued to produce unemployment and house price appreciation
rates in 2005 through 2007 like those in 2003, our model predicts that changes in the credit
profiles of new nonprime mortgages in each year would result in an increases in average early
default rates for subprime loans of less than a percentage point in each year. For example, the
model predicts that the average early default rate in 2006 for subprime loans would have
increased by 94 basis points due to credit related factors. Of this, 44 basis points reflects changes
in the initial LTV distribution; 8 basis points reflects worsening DTI by borrowers; changes in
These figures refer to national average growth rates, but we use the MSA-level growth rates to conduct
the experiment.
the distribution of FICO scores would have reduced early defaults by 17 basis points; shifts away
from fully documented underwriting would have contributed 16 basis points; and the balance of
43 basis points reflects changes in the other credit factors.
Since our benchmark year of 2003 produced remarkably strong house price appreciation
that was subsequently sharply reversed, it may not seem surprising that we find a large role for
the economy and a relatively minor role for changes in credit standards in our explanation of the
rise in early defaults. After all, very high house price appreciation is sufficient to offset even a
substantial upward shift in the initial LTV distribution. For example, the 2003 growth rate was
sufficient to bring a property with an initial LTV between 100 to 109 to a current LTV below 95
where the incremental effect of LTV changes on early default is minimal. This raises the
question of whether our result that “bad credit” played a relatively minor role in explaining early
defaults would continue to hold if we used a more “normal” house price appreciation experience
as our benchmark.
We tested this proposition by replicating the experiment described above, but subjecting
each property value in both the base year (2003) and the comparison years to the 1985-2000
annual average OFHEO growth rate of 4.2 percent. This change only marginally affects the role
of “bad credit” as an explanation for the rise in early defaults. In 2006, for example, the overall
rise in defaults predicted by changes in credit standards rises from 94 basis points (shown in
Table 11) to 100 basis points. This points out that even relatively modest increase in house prices
would have been sufficient to have offset much of the upward drift in the distribution of initial
LTV in 2006 and 2007.
We use loan-level data on securitized nonprime mortgages to examine what we refer to as
“juvenile delinquency”: default or serious delinquency in the first year following a mortgage’s
origination. Early default became much more common for loans originated in 2005-2007. Two
complementary explanations have been offered for this phenomenon. The industry-standard
Similar to Demyanyk and van Hemert (2008), we find that changes in the distribution of LTV accounts
for a larger share of the credit related rise in early defaults than FICO, DTI and the level of
documentation. However, in our results the contribution of LTV is smaller than that of changes in house
explanation of default behavior focuses attention on a relaxation of lending standards after 2003.
We see evidence of this in our data, as some underwriting criteria, particularly loan-to-value
ratios at origination, deteriorated. At the same time, however, the housing market experienced a
sharp and pervasive downturn, a factor which has received attention in recent research. Our
results suggest that while both of these factors – bad credit and bad economy - played a role in
increasing early defaults starting in 2005, changes to the economy appear to have played the
larger role.
Perhaps as important a finding is that, in spite of the set of covariates we control for, our
model predicts at most 43 percent of the annual increase in subprime early defaults during the
2005-2007 period. Observable changes in standard underwriting standards and key economic
measures appear to be unable to explain the majority of the run-up in early defaults.
The fact,
noted in our introduction, that many participants in the industry appeared to have been surprised
by the degree of the increase in early defaults is in some sense verified here: observable
characteristics of the loans, borrowers and economy seem to leave much unexplained, even with
the benefit of hindsight. The difference between what we predict, conditional on observables,
and what we actually observe is the difference between a bad few years for lenders/investors and
a full-blown credit crunch.
The data does indicate a significant difference in behavior between owners and investors,
especially in terms of how they respond to downward movements in house prices and negative
equity situations. This has implications for underwriting. First, there may be payoffs to increased
efforts at determining the true occupancy status of the borrower as part of the underwriting
process. Second, originators may want to require additional equity up front from investors to
reduce the likelihood that future house price declines could push the investor into negative
An aim of our future research will be to improve the ability of the model to track the
changes in average early default rates. A first step is to add more extensive demographic controls
for the borrower. Second, given the estimated nonlinear response of the current LTV on early
defaults, being able to estimate a distribution of current LTVs for each loan may be quite
The model does a better job of explaining the rise in early defaults for alt-a mortgages in 2005 and 2006
with the model capturing two-thirds of the increase. However, in 2007 only 42 percent of the change is
explained by the model.
important during periods of house price declines.
A third area of investigation is the possibility
that a significant number of the investors misrepresented their status as an “owner”.
The data
indicate that investors appear to have a much stronger reaction in their early default decisions to
negative equity and to declines in house prices. Identifying likely cases where the investor status
is misrepresented could lead to significant improvements in the ability of the estimated model to
track the rise in early defaults. Finally, it is possible that part of the rise in early defaults reflects
changes in the composition of unobserved risk factors of borrowers. Further progress on this
possibility would be facilitated by panel data that follows a borrower across multiple mortgages.
How much of the rise in juvenile delinquent mortgages reflected bad credit or a bad
economic environment? Based on our evidence to date, a definitive answer is still elusive since
too much of the rise in early defaults is remains unexplained. More work is needed to narrow the
gap between actual and explained performance for nonprime mortgages. Of what is explained,
Officer Krupke might have to concede that many of these juvenile delinquent mortgages “never
had the house price appreciation that ev’ry mortgage oughta get.”
We are in discussions with OFEHO regarding the use of the metro-area house price variances.
Fitch reports that in a small sample of subprime loans that defaulted 66% of the borrowers
misrepresented their occupancy status.
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Table 1. Combined initial LTV
Year 10
% w. 2
2001 63 75 80 89 90 3.16 3,984
2002 65 75 80 90 97 3.56 6,636
2003 64 75 84 90 100 7.40 11,210
2004 65 78 85 95 100 16.07 17,093
2005 66 80 87 100 100 24.55 19,816
2006 66 80 90 100 100 29.36 14,756
2007 65 78 87 95 100 17.93 1,556
Year 10
% w. 2
2001 64 75 80 90 100 2.17 1,107
2002 60 73 80 90 100 3.28 2,013
2003 51 67 80 90 100 12.36 3,746
2004 60 74 80 95 100 29.95 7,613
2005 60 74 80 95 100 36.39 12,164
2006 62 75 85 95 100 43.88 11,556
2007 60 75 80 95 100 34.82 2,079
Notes: Loan Performance data, authors calculations
Table 2. Early Defaults by Initial LTV and Year
Year Overall < 80 80 – 89 90 – 94 95 – 99 100+
2001 6.70 6.97 6.98 5.50 5.37 8.99
2002 4.73 4.76 5.51 3.76 1.85 5.30
2003 3.40 3.23 3.45 3.42 2.95 4.03
2004 4.70 3.76 4.77 5.11 5.44 5.30
2005 6.60 5.35 6.15 7.15 7.83 7.60
2006 11.26 6.95 11.03 12.91 11.23 14.19
2007 14.52 9.20 14.18 16.94 14.58 19.94
Year Overall < 80 80 – 89 90 – 94 95 – 99 100+
2001 2.98 0.99 3.80 8.05 2.80 1.54
2002 1.39 0.74 1.75 2.68 1.18 1.72
2003 0.67 0.33 0.38 1.05 1.57 1.72
2004 0.85 0.28 0.69 0.80 1.64 2.13
2005 1.34 0.58 1.09 1.41 2.10 2.99
2006 3.21 1.21 2.32 3.64 4.51 6.47
2007 6.93 2.47 4.79 8.56 11.11 15.61
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 3. Early Defaults by Initial LTV, Investor status and Geography
< 80 80 – 89 90 – 94 95 – 99 100+
Owner 5.07 6.26 6.58 6.71 8.99
Boom/bust (AZ, CA, FL, NV) 4.22 5.47 5.40 6.19 9.39
Weak economy (IN, MI, OH) 7.82 9.21 10.24 9.68 9.74
Other 5.47 6.33 6.57 6.43 8.63
Investor 4.64 6.18 9.17 9.30 11.79
Boom/bust (AZ, CA, FL, NV) 2.90 3.51 6.18 8.51 3.45
Weak economy (IN, MI, OH) 11.56 12.65 18.33 13.43 22.81
Other 4.31 5.92 7.02 8.44 9.09
< 80 80 – 89 90 – 94 95 – 99 100+
Owner 0.70 1.65 2.36 2.95 4.34
Boom/bust (AZ, CA, FL, NV) 0.66 1.56 2.46 3.83 5.28
Weak economy (IN, MI, OH) 0.00 3.68 2.68 3.97 4.15
Other 0.81 1.58 2.22 2.26 3.63
Investor 0.97 1.40 3.15 3.45 8.62
Boom/bust (AZ, CA, FL, NV) 0.67 1.30 2.58 5.42 17.58
Weak economy (IN, MI, OH) 2.74 3.62 4.76 7.69 5.71
Other 1.17 1.22 3.34 1.99 6.51
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 4. Distribution of Debt-to-Income Ratios – by Year
Year < 30 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 +
2001 49.05 9.06 9.76 32.13
2002 46.88 8.88 10.76 33.48
2003 42.05 9.49 11.01 37.45
2004 37.85 9.12 12.34 40.69
2005 40.54 7.82 11.00 40.64
2006 29.54 8.28 11.70 50.47
2007 37.53 7.78 10.54 44.15
Year < 30 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 +
2001 78.05 5.33 6.87 9.76
2002 76.45 6.36 8.49 8.69
2003 75.04 6.54 7.82 10.60
2004 65.87 8.05 10.84 15.24
2005 65.42 7.88 11.16 15.54
2006 57.61 8.19 14.17 20.04
2007 58.01 6.97 13.56 21.45
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 5. Early Defaults by Debt-to-Income and Year
Year < 30 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 +
2001 6.09 7.76 6.94 7.27
2002 4.56 3.90 5.04 5.09
2003 3.20 3.10 3.57 3.64
2004 4.73 3.59 4.74 4.90
2005 6.48 5.87 5.69 7.09
2006 10.03 10.15 10.60 12.31
2007 13.87 14.88 15.24 14.85
Year < 30 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 +
2001 3.59 0 1.32 0.93
2002 1.43 1.56 1.17 1.14
2003 0.71 0.41 0.34 0.76
2004 0.70 1.14 1.09 1.21
2005 1.12 1.15 1.84 2.01
2006 3.05 3.59 3.24 3.50
2007 5.72 4.83 7.09 10.76
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 6. Distribution of FICO Scores – by Year
Year < 600 600 – 619 620 – 659 660+
2001 51.53 13.50 19.78 15.19
2002 45.16 13.32 21.47 20.04
2003 39.68 12.58 23.68 24.06
2004 38.06 13.53 24.50 23.91
2005 35.59 14.34 25.76 24.30
2006 35.75 16.22 27.00 21.03
2007 39.91 17.16 24.04 18.89
Year < 600 600 – 619 620 – 659 660+
2001 1.81 2.89 17.43 77.87
2002 2.24 2.78 14.41 80.58
2003 0.83 1.63 13.93 83.61
2004 0.71 1.29 14.93 83.07
2005 0.41 1.18 14.03 84.37
2006 0.14 0.84 16.79 82.23
2007 0.00 0.43 15.92 83.65
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 7. Early Defaults by FICO Scores and Year
Year < 600 600 – 619 620 – 659 660+
2001 9.16 5.02 4.82 2.31
2002 7.21 2.60 3.65 1.73
2003 5.51 3.55 1.85 1.37
2004 7.24 3.81 3.84 2.03
2005 9.92 5.91 5.35 3.45
2006 13.31 10.82 11.14 8.25
2007 15.14 15.36 15.24 11.56
Year < 600 600 – 619 620 – 659 660+
2001 15.00 3.13 6.74 1.86
2002 2.22 3.57 2.76 1.05
2003 12.90 3.28 0.96 0.45
2004 1.85 4.08 1.58 0.66
2005 6.00 5.56 2.34 1.09
2006 12.50 10.31 4.95 2.77
2007 0.00 22.22 13.29 5.64
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 8. Distribution of Documentation Level – by Year
Year Full Low None
2001 77.84 21.76 0.40
2002 71.13 28.30 0.57
2003 67.02 32.52 0.46
2004 65.37 34.34 0.29
2005 62.28 37.47 0.24
2006 61.71 38.00 0.29
2007 64.20 35.48 0.32
Year Full Low None
2001 36.77 55.56 7.68
2002 40.64 51.96 7.40
2003 35.50 57.26 7.23
2004 37.75 55.72 6.53
2005 31.11 64.44 4.46
2006 18.92 76.56 4.53
2007 16.84 77.49 5.68
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 9. Early Defaults by Documentation Level and Year
Year Full Low None
2001 6.58 7.15 6.25
2002 4.49 5.43 0.00
2003 3.31 3.54 5.77
2004 4.62 4.87 2.04
2005 6.05 7.54 0.00
2006 9.26 14.55 4.65
2007 11.91 19.20 20.00
Year Full Low None
2001 0.98 3.41 9.41
2002 0.98 1.34 4.03
2003 0.45 0.75 1.11
2004 0.77 0.94 0.60
2005 0.77 1.57 2.03
2006 2.06 3.47 3.63
2007 3.14 7.57 9.32
Notes: LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
Table 10. Probability of an Early Default
Subprime Alt-A
Variable (1) (2)
LTV: 80 – 84 0.95
(0.30) 0.26 (0.24)
85 – 89 1.40
(0.28) 1.24
90 – 94 2.02
(0.36) 1.38
95 – 99 3.07
(0.42) 2.91
100+ 6.84
(1.26) 6.92
Investor • 95 – 99 1.78 (2.45) 3.77
• 100+ 24.59
(12.35) 20.29
DTI missing 0.41 (0.22) 0.37
DTI: 40 – 44 0.71
(0.28) 0.59
45 – 49 0.77
(0.28) 0.47 (0.44)
50+ 1.26
(0.39) –0.90
FICO: <560 10.35
(0.42) 11.81
560 – 589 6.92
(0.40) 6.23
590 – 619 4.47
(0.36) 4.77
620 – 649 3.32
(0.35) 2.98
650 – 679 1.72
(0.32) 1.75
680 – 719 0.09 (0.34) 0.68
Investor • <560 –11.84
• 560 – 589 –6.97
• 590 – 619 –4.68
Limited documentation 2.96
(0.22) 1.27
No documentation 0.73 (1.08) 2.14
Fixed rate mortgage –1.17
(0.20) –0.57
Prepayment penalty 0.70
(0.21) 0.28 (0.18)
Refinance – no cash –2.65
(0.35) –0.11 (0.20)
Refinance – cash out –3.11
(0.25) –0.61
Investor 2.73
(0.65) 1.29
– home 1.37 (0.96) 0.51 (0.44)
House price appreciation positive (10%) –1.42
(0.14) –0.02 (0.11)
House price appreciation negative (10%) 4.80
(1.03) 1.66
Investor • house price appr positive (10%) –1.32
(0.39) –0.44
Investor • house price appr negative (10%) 5.57 (4.57) –0.74 (1.25)
Local unemployment rate 0.25
(0.08) –0.04 (0.06)
Root mean square error 0.243 0.139
Mean early default rate 6.61 2.06
Observations 75,051 40,278
Notes: Linear probability estimates with standard errors given in parentheses. Standard errors use
clustering at the msa•year•quarter level. LoanPerformance data, 1 percent random sample. Year
effects and six property type fixed effects are included.
** significant at the 1 percent level
* significant at the 5 percent level
Table 11. Decomposition of Rise in Early Default Rates
Early Default Percent Due to:
Year Difference Explained Explained Credit Economy
2005 3.20 0.90 28.1 0.58 0.32
2006 7.86 3.39 43.1 0.94 2.45
2007 11.13 4.80 43.2 0.72 4.08
Early Default Percent Due to:
Year Difference Explained Explained Credit Economy
2005 0.67 0.44 65.8 0.20 0.24
2006 2.54 1.70 66.8 0.55 1.14
2007 6.26 2.61 41.7 0.49 2.12
Notes: All differences expressed relative to 2003. LoanPerformance data, authors calculations
using the estimates reported in table 10 and sample means by year for the variables.
Table A1: Descriptive Statistics
Subprime Alt-A
Early default 6.61 24.84 2.06 14.20
Loan size ($000) 189.9 123.4 291.8 225.3
Initial interest rate 7.86 1.43 5.60 2.18
LTV 74.37 19.69 73.21 19.73
80 – 84 0.105 0.306 0.079 0.269
85 – 89 0.122 0.327 0.095 0.293
90 – 94 0.098 0.297 0.099 0.299
95 – 99 0.114 0.318 0.103 0.304
100+ 0.018 0.133 0.028 0.165
DTI 28.92 19.68 16.41 19.10
40 – 44 0.150 0.357 0.098 0.298
45 – 49 0.188 0.390 0.051 0.221
50+ 0.083 0.276 0.018 0.132
FICO 617.49 60.54 708.37 48.10
< 560 0.184 0.388 0.001 0.034
560 – 589 0.147 0.354 0.003 0.052
590 – 619 0.188 0.391 0.010 0.101
620 – 649 0.193 0.395 0.104 0.305
650 – 679 0.138 0.345 0.177 0.381
680 – 719 0.091 0.288 0.298 0.457
Limited documentation 0.344 0.475 0.654 0.476
No documentation 0.003 0.058 0.054 0.226
Fixed rate mortgage 0.232 0.422 0.436 0.496
Prepayment penalty 0.722 0.448 0.368 0.482
Refinance – no cash 0.083 0.276 0.162 0.369
Refinance – cash out 0.547 0.498 0.327 0.469
Investor 0.073 0.259 0.213 0.409
– home 0.010 0.100 0.034 0.182
House price appreciation 9.559 9.138 8.402 10.108
Local unemployment rate 5.126 1.309 4.851 1.260
Origination year: 2001 0.053 0.224 0.027 0.163
2002 0.088 0.284 0.050 0.218
2003 0.149 0.356 0.093 0.290
2004 0.228 0.419 0.189 0.391
2005 0.264 0.441 0.302 0.459
2006 0.197 0.397 0.287 0.452
2007 0.021 0.142 0.052 0.221
Note: LoanPerformance data, 1 percent random sample. Sample sizes: 75,051 subprime loans and
40,278 alt-a loans.
Table A2. Probability of an Investor and Missing DTI
Missing DTI
LTV: 80 – 84 –0.35 (0.30) –2.50
85 – 89 –1.41
(0.23) –2.67
90 – 94 –6.53
(0.16) –2.29
95 – 99 –7.03
(0.13) –4.31
100+ –8.48
(0.12) –8.29
Investor • 95 – 99 –4.15 (2.13)
Investor • 100+ 0.28 (6.08)
DTI missing –1.40
DTI: 40 – 44 –3.34
45 – 49 –3.01
50+ –2.25
FICO: <560 –9.97
(0.13) –14.88
560 – 589 –8.74
(0.13) –10.44
590 – 619 –8.23
(0.15) –9.93
620 – 649 –6.94
(0.16) –10.52
650 – 679 –4.99
(0.18) –7.84
680 – 719 –2.21
(0.20) –4.29
Limited documentation –0.55
(0.17) 1.89
No documentation –4.98
(0.29) 56.12
Fixed rate mortgage 2.17
(0.20) 16.51
Prepayment penalty –1.24
(0.18) –12.34
Refinance – no cash –3.38
(0.20) –2.91
Refinance – cash out –5.03
(0.19) –3.58
Investor 0.62 (0.66)
– home 1.89 (1.09)
House price appreciation –0.16
(0.01) –0.24
Investor • house price appr 0.10
Local unemployment rate 0.05 (0.07) –0.69
Mean of dependent variable 12.21 37.57
Notes: Probit marginal effects with standard errors given in parentheses. Left-
out year is 2003. LoanPerformance data, 1 percent random sample. Year effects
and six property effects are included. Each marginal effect reflects a percentage
point change in the dependent variable.
significant at the 1 percent level
significant at the 5 percent level
Figure 1. Nonprime 90+ Days Delinquencies – by vintage
0 6 12 18 24 30
Months since origination
Notes: FirstAmerican CoreLogic LoanPerformance
Figure 2. House Price Appreciation Over Time – by State
Source: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
% Change -Annual Rate (2007Q1-2008Q1)
% Change - Annual Rate (2001Q3-2006Q3)