Visiting Priest Letter of Intent for Wedding and Marriage Preparation
I have accepted to celebrate the wedding of ____________________________________________________ (bride) and
______________________________________________________ (groom) on __________________________ (date)
at St. Paul of the Cross Church.
As the celebrant, I agree that I will complete the following:
1. It will be my responsibility to ascertain that there are no canonical impediments to this union and to obtain all the necessary
2. I will ensure that the couple fulfills all the necessary requirements (such as Pre-Cana) for the celebration of the wedding.
3. I will prepare the necessary paperwork and obtain the relevant documents (baptismal certificates, Pre-Cana certificate, pre-
nuptial questionnaire, and witness affidavits). The completed marriage file will reach St. Paul of the Cross rectory office no later
than one month prior to the wedding.
4. I will help the couple prepare their wedding ceremony and Mass by working with them on the wedding liturgy.
5. Please confirm:
______ I am a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. OR
______ I am not a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Therefore I will also make sure that
a letter of good standing (from my religious superior/from my bishop) will be sent to
the Chancery of the Chicago Archdiocese within six months of the wedding date.
Please sign and return the form to St. Paul of the Cross as soon as possible.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Diocese or Religious Order: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________
St. Paul of the Cross
320 S Washington Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 825-7605