Product Disclosure Statement
and Information Booklet
1 March 2018
About this Product Disclosure Statement and
Information Booklet
This booklet sets out:
The terms and conditions of the International Travel Insurance
and other covers provided to you automatically as a cardholder.
The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Activated and
Upgrade Policies offered to cardholders in respect of the
additional benefits and options available under the International
Travel Insurance. The PDS is made up of the information
contained in Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”) and the
information set out in the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions
(see pages 44 to 58) and the Upgrade Policy Terms and
Conditions (see pages 59 to 70). A PDS is a document required by
the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and contains information designed
to help you decide whether to obtain these policies and to compare
them with other products you may be considering.
The Insurer and the Product Issuer
Commonwealth Bank is not the issuer of these insurance covers
or policies referred to in this booklet and neither Commonwealth
Bank, nor any of its related corporations, guarantee or are liable
to pay any of the benefits under these covers.
The Insurer and the Product Issuer, Allianz Australia Insurance Limited,
ABN 15 000 122 850, AFS Licence No. 234708, of 2 Market Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000 (Allianz) underwrites the covers described in
this booklet.
AWP Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 52 097 227 177, AFS Licence No. 245631,
of 74 High Street, Toowong, QLD 4066 (Allianz Global Assistance),
issues and manages the covers described in this booklet on behalf
of Allianz.
The covers provided under the complimentary covers are provided
at no additional cost to you. The Commonwealth Bank does
not receive any commission in relation to cover issued under the
complimentary covers.
The covers provided under the Upgrade Policy may be subject
to the payment of an additional premium by the cardholder. The
Commonwealth Bank will receive a commission in relation to cover
issued under the Upgrade Policy. Ask the Commonwealth Bank
for details. Neither Commonwealth Bank nor any of its related
corporations are authorised representatives of Allianz (the Insurer
and the Product Issuer), Allianz Global Assistance or any of their
related companies.
Allianz Global Assistance is remunerated by Allianz for providing
services on behalf of Allianz. This is a percentage (exclusive of GST)
of the premium that you pay for an insurance policy and is only paid if
you buy a policy. Employees of Allianz Global Assistance receive an
annual salary.
The above remuneration is included in any premium the
cardholder pays.
If you would like more information about the remuneration that
employees and representatives of Allianz Global Assistance receive
please ask us.
(In the remainder of this booklet, Allianz Global Assistance may be
expressed as Allianz Global Assistance, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’).
What you need to know about your Commonwealth
Bank Complimentary Credit Card Insurances............1
About this booklet ........................................................5
Enquiries ........................................................................5
Part 1 - General Information
The Insurance Covers....................................................................6
Maximum period of cover - International Travel Insurance .......... 7
Cruising in Australian waters - International Travel Insurance .....8
Special conditions and restrictions which apply
for persons aged 80 years or over - International
Travel Insurance ............................................................................. 8
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under - International Travel Insurance ....................9
Medical support and emergency assistance
while overseas - International Travel Insurance .......................... 11
Medical and hospital cover in Australia ...................................... 11
Definitions and interpretations ....................................................12
Policy exclusions - what is not covered ...................................... 22
Sanctions .....................................................................................27
General Insurance Code of Practice ........................................... 27
Financial claims scheme .............................................................27
Jurisdiction and choice of law .....................................................27
Complaints and dispute resolution process ...............................29
Claims - assisting us with claims ................................................29
Excess - what you contribute to a claim ..................................... 30
Safety of your belongings............................................................31
Reporting lost, stolen or wilfully damaged belongings ..............31
Repairing or replacing your belongings ...................................... 31
Claims ..........................................................................................32
Part 2 - Base Cover International Travel
Insurance Terms and Conditions .................37
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for the Base Cover International
Travel Insurance? .................................................................... 37
Special conditions and restrictions for persons
aged 80 years or over ............................................................. 37
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under ................................................................. 38
Maximum period of cover ....................................................... 38
Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits .................................. 39
Part C - Benefits and cover .........................................................40
Part 3 - Activated Policy Terms and Conditions ....... 44
Taking out your Activated Policy .................................................44
Cancellation of Cover ..................................................................44
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for an Activated Policy? ................................... 44
When does cover start under an Activated Policy? ................. 44
Special conditions and restrictions for persons
aged 80 years or over at the time of Activation ....................... 45
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under at the time of Activation ........................... 45
Maximum period of cover ....................................................... 45
Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits .................................. 46
Part C - Benefits and cover .........................................................48
Part 4 - Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions ........59
Applying for an Upgrade Policy ..................................................59
About your premium .................................................................... 59
Cooling-off period .......................................................................59
Duty of Disclosure .......................................................................60
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for an Upgrade Policy? .................................... 61
Part B - Upgrade options, benefits and limits
Medical cover for persons aged 80 years or over ................... 61
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under ................................................................. 62
Extension of period of cover ................................................... 63
Increased rental vehicle insurance excess .............................. 63
Snow Pack (additional benefits relating to snow
sport activities) ........................................................................ 64
Cruise Pack (additional benefits relating to cruise activities) ... 68
Adventure Pack .......................................................................
Part 5 - Base Cover Other Insurances
Terms and Conditions ...................................71
Purchase Security Insurance ......................................................71
Extended Warranty Insurance.....................................................73
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance
(only available to Diamond and Platinum cardholders
travelling domestically) ..................................................................75
Transit Accident Insurance (only available to Diamond
and Platinum cardholders travelling internationally) ......................77
Guaranteed Pricing Scheme (only available to Diamond
and Platinum cardholders) ............................................................ 79
1 2
Cover/policy type
Travel Insurance
Base Cover Activated Policy Upgrade Policy
How do I get it?
Cover is automatic Log-in to NetBank or the
CommBank App and follow the
While you’re ‘Activating’ and
based on what you’ve told us, we’ll
show you what Upgrade options
are available.
Is it complimentary?
Yes Yes No, you pay for any additional
upgrades you wish to add. We’ll show
you what the cost is first so you can
choose whether or not to proceed.
What do I get
Overseas Emergency Medical
Overseas Emergency Medical
and Hospital Expenses
Personal Liability
Note: For persons aged 80
years or over, restrictions apply
Full details on pages 37 to 43.
International Travel
Insurance cover, including
cover for cancellations and
rearrangement expenses, trip
disruption, loss of luggage and
personal items. Also includes
cover for a domestic cruise in
Australian waters.
Note: for persons aged 80 years
or over, certain restrictions apply
to Benefit 4 - Cancellation Fees
& Lost Deposits.
See the full list of benefits on
pages 46 to 58.
Upgrade options:
Approved pre-existing medical
conditions not automatically
covered if you’re aged 79 years
or under
Any travel days over and above
your complimentary journey
Certain benefits relating to snow
sport activities
Certain benefits relating to
Increased Rental Vehicle Insurance
If you’re 80 years or over, you can
apply to include medical cover,
subject to our approval
For full details on Upgrades,
please see pages 59 to 70.
Other need to know information:
An Activated Policy also covers your spouse and
dependent children travelling with you.
You must Activate before each trip you take – activating
once doesn’t mean you’re covered for all trips taken.
Your complimentary journey period varies based on the
type of credit card you hold, so make sure you refer to
the definition of journey on page 17 to see what you’re
entitled to.
There are some terms and conditions and restrictions for
those aged 80 years or older. Please make sure you read
the sections of the document relevant to you.
Your Base Cover is what you receive just by being a cardholder
and includes cover for Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance and
Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses. Please note that if
you or your spouse are aged 80 years or older restrictions apply, but
you can find the full details on page 8.
Your Activated Policy incorporates all the remaining Travel Insurance
benefits, but may only be accessed by ‘Activation’ which is done
online, via NetBank or the CommBank App, and requires you to
answer some questions about your trip. You can find the full list of
Activated Policy benefits on pages 46 to 58.
We also understand the travel needs of our customers vary greatly,
which is why we also have a range of added extras (which we term
Upgrades) that you may choose to add to your cover.
As a Commonwealth Bank Gold, Platinum or Diamond
cardholder you are entitled to certain travel insurance benefits
at no additional cost.
There are important terms and conditions which we’ve summarised
for you below. Most importantly, you need to be aware that in order
to access the majority of your comprehensive travel insurance cover,
you need to complete an online Activation process.
The levels of complimentary cover available to you are called Base
Cover and Activated Policy.
What you need to know about
your Commonwealth Bank
Complimentary Credit Card
3 4
Benefits & Upgrade Options Base Cover
1* Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
All benefits
available under
the Activated
Policy apply to the
Upgrade Policy
2* Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses
3 Personal Liability
4* Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits
5* Travel Service Provider Insolvency
6* Resumption of Journey
7* Accidental Death
8* Loss of Income
9* Travel Documents, Transaction Cards, Travellers Cheques & Cash
10* Lost or Damaged Luggage & Personal Goods
11* Luggage Delay Expenses
12* Travel Delay
13 Alternative Transport Expenses
14 Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess
15* Kidnap & Hijack
16* ^ Snow Pack
17* ^ Cruise Pack
^ Medical Cover for 80 years+
^ Pre-existing Medical Conditions (79 years & under)
^ Extension of Period of Cover
^ Increased Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess
* sub-limits apply
^ available on application - an additional cost may apply
The travel insurance benefits available to you under the Base Cover,
Activated Policy and Upgrade Policy are summarised in the
table below.
Please note this table only provides a summary of the benefits.
You need to read this booklet carefully for details of what is covered and
what is not covered. Importantly, note that exclusions do apply as well as
limits to cover.
About this booklet
This booklet contains five parts, as follows:
Part 1 - General Information
The General Information provides details of information which
applies to one or more of the covers.
Part 2 - Base Cover International Travel Insurance Terms
and Conditions
The Base Cover International Travel Insurance Terms
and Conditions provides information about the Base Cover
International Travel Insurance provided automatically to you.
The cover provided under the Base Cover International Travel
Insurance Terms and Conditions is automatically available
without any actions being taken to accept any of the cover.
Part 3 - Activated Policy Terms and Conditions
The Activated Policy Terms and Conditions provides
information about the additional complimentary insurance policy
covers available in relation to the International Travel Insurance
that will be issued to a cardholder after the cardholder has
completed Activation.
Part 4 - Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions
The Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions provides information
about the additional insurance policy available in relation to the
International Travel Insurance that a cardholder can apply
for once they have completed Activation and been issued an
Activated Policy. Please note the covers available under the
Upgrade Policy are not complimentary to you.
Part 5 - Base Cover Other Insurances Terms and Conditions
The Base Cover Other Insurances Terms and Conditions
provides information about the Base Cover Other Insurances
Terms and Conditions provided automatically to you.
The covers provided under the Base Cover Other Insurances
Terms and Conditions is automatically available without any
actions being taken to accept any of them.
Please read this booklet carefully and keep it in a safe place.
The preparation date of this PDS and booklet is: 1 March, 2018.
For 24 hour, 7 days a week emergency assistance, please call Allianz
Global Assistance on:
From Overseas: Reverse charge +61 7 3305 7499
Within Australia: 1800 010 075
For Activation, claims or other enquiries about your complimentary
cover, please call Allianz Global Assistance on:
From Overseas: +61 7 3377 3988
- select from available options
Within Australia: 1800 837 177
Please note that any recommendation or statement of opinion contained
in this booklet are of a general nature only and do not take into account
your objectives, financial situation or needs.
The Insurance Covers
Base Cover
The Base Cover is provided under a Group Policy issued to
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ABN 481 23 123 124 of Level 1, 48
Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000 (Commonwealth Bank) by Allianz.
You have no right to cancel or vary the Group Policy (or any of them)
or the cover provided under the Group Policy (or any of them) – only
the Commonwealth Bank (as the Insured under the Group Policy)
and Allianz can do this. If Allianz cancels or varies the Group Policy
(or any of them) or their cover, neither Allianz nor the Commonwealth
Bank need to obtain your consent to do so.
Allianz does not provide any notices in relation to this cover described in
this booklet to you. Allianz only sends notices to the Commonwealth
Bank which is the only entity that Allianz has contractual obligations to
under the Group Policy.
Neither Allianz Global Assistance, Allianz or the Commonwealth
Bank hold anything on trust for, or for the benefit or on behalf of, you in
relation to this insurance arrangement. The Commonwealth Bank:
does not act on behalf of Allianz Global Assistance, Allianz or
you in relation to the cover provided under the Base Cover;
is not authorised by Allianz Global Assistance or Allianz to
provide any financial product advice, recommendations or opinions
about the insurance; and
does not receive any remuneration or other benefits from Allianz
Global Assistance or Allianz, in respect of the Base Cover.
The Commonwealth Bank may terminate or vary the Group Policy
providing the Base Cover described in this booklet at any time.
In such a case, the Commonwealth Bank will either:
a] give the cardholder a written notice of the variation or
termination; or
b] advise the cardholder that a variation or termination to a cover is
to occur.
In these circumstances the Commonwealth Bank will not provide the
cardholder with a copy of the actual changes made to the cover but
will direct the cardholder to the relevant Commonwealth Bank URL
for the details of the variation or termination and inform the cardholder
that they can call the Commonwealth Bank and request a paper copy
of the actual changes be sent to the cardholder.
This booklet will be said to have been amended by these changes to
the cover.
Purchases made in accordance with the existing Base Cover before the
Base Cover is terminated or varied will still be eligible for that cover.
Part 1 - General Information
7 8
Activated Policy and Upgrade Policy
If Allianz changes the terms of either the Activated Policy or Upgrade
Policy, where required by law, Allianz will issue a new Product
Disclosure Statement or a supplementary Product Disclosure
Statement (in respect of the relevant policy), except in the case that the
relevant change(s) is not a materially adverse change. This booklet will
be updated to reflect the relevant change.
In the case that the relevant change is not a materially adverse change,
this information may be updated from time to time. In such a case, this
information will be available by contacting the Commonwealth
Bank and, on request, a paper copy will be provided to a person
without charge.
Confirmation of cover
To confirm any policy transaction, call Allianz Global Assistance.
Maximum period of cover - International
Travel Insurance
You are only covered for incidents that occur in the period of cover.
If you find that your return to Australia has been delayed because of
one or more of the following reasons and you return home as soon as
possible, your period of cover may be automatically extended at no
additional cost:
your scheduled transport back to Australia is delayed for reasons
beyond your control; or
the delay is due to an event for which you can claim under the
International Travel Insurance.
Cover Gold Platinum Diamond
International Travel
Available Available Available
Purchase Security
Available Available Available
Extended Warranty
Available Available Available
Interstate Flight
Not available Available Available
Transit Accident
Insurance (international
travel only)
Not available Available Available
Guaranteed Pricing
Not available Available Available
If, for any other reason other than as stated above, your overseas travel
is for a period longer than the period of cover, you will not be covered
after the end of that period of cover unless the cardholder has
applied for an extension to the period of cover.
The cardholder will need to complete Activation and then apply
under the Upgrade Policy for ‘Extension to period of cover’. If the
cardholder’s application for an upgrade is accepted, an additional
premium will apply.
Please refer to the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions for details
on Activation and the Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions for
details of how to apply for this upgrade.
Cruising in Australian waters - International
Travel Insurance
The International Travel Insurance also includes cover if you
are travelling on a domestic cruise in Australian waters and the
cardholder has completed Activation. If your domestic cruise is not
part of an international journey, please ensure you choose ‘Pacific’ as
your destination during Activation.
Please refer to the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions for details
on Activation.
Special conditions and restrictions which
apply for persons aged 80 years or over -
International Travel Insurance
Please note that under the International Travel Insurance, the
following benefits are not available to persons who are aged 80
years or over at the time they commence their journey (Base Cover
International Travel Insurance) or at the time of Activation:
Benefit 1 - Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
Benefit 4 - Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits
(where the cause of the claim is the death, sickness or injury of a
cardholder or spouse if they were aged 80 years or over at the time
of Activation).
However, the cardholder may be able to include cover under the
above benefits (including for their spouse if applicable) by completing
Activation and then applying for ‘Medical cover for persons aged
80 years and over’ under an Upgrade Policy. If we accept the
application for medical cover, the cardholder will need to pay an
additional premium.
Please refer to the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions for
details on Activation and the section ‘Medical cover for persons aged
80 years or over’ on page 61 of the Upgrade Policy Terms and
Conditions for details of how to apply for an Upgrade Policy.
Any purchases made after the termination or variation of the Base
Cover will not be eligible for the existing cover.
For the avoidance of doubt any notification required to be provided, as
mentioned above, will be sent to the cardholder.
The following table sets out the covers that apply to you depending on
the card held by the cardholder. You are not entitled to any cover that
does not apply to the eligible card.
9 10
Pre-existing medical conditions for
persons aged 79 years and under -
International Travel Insurance
The International Travel Insurance only provides cover for
emergency overseas medical events that are unforeseen. Cover is
not provided for pre-existing medical conditions except for those
described in the section ‘Pre-existing medical conditions which are
covered (some restrictions apply) below and on page 10.
If you have a pre-existing medical condition that is not covered,
we will not pay any claims arising from, related to or associated with
that condition. This means that you may have to pay for an overseas
medical emergency and any associated costs, which can be prohibitive
in some countries.
Blood thinning prescription medication
Please note we will not pay any claims arising from, related to or
associated with you taking a blood-thinning prescription medication
such as Warfarin or similar, other than under Benefit 1.1 a] and 1.1 b] in
‘Part C - Benefits and cover on page 40.
Pre-existing medical conditions which are covered
(some restrictions apply)
This section outlines the pre-existing medical conditions which
are covered.
You have cover if your pre-existing medical condition is listed
below, provided that you have not been hospitalised (including day
surgery or emergency department attendance) for that condition in the
24 months prior to you commencing your journey:
1. acne;
2. asthma, provided:
you are under 60 years of age, and
you have no other lung disease;
3. bunions;
4. carpal tunnel syndrome;
5. cataracts;
6. cleft palate;
7. cochlear implant;
8. coeliac disease;
9. congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
10. congenital blindness;
11. congenital deafness;
12. conjunctivitis;
13. dengue fever;
14. *Diabetes (type 1 or type 2), or glucose intolerance provided:
you were first diagnosed over 6 months ago; and
you had no complications in the last 12 months; and
you had no kidney, eye or neuropathy complications or
cardiovascular disease; and
you are under 50 years of age;
15. dry eye syndrome;
16. Dupuytrens contracture;
17. ear grommets, if no current infection;
18. eczema;
19. gastric reflux (GORD);
20. glaucoma;
21. gout;
22. hay fever;
23. hiatus hernia, if no surgery planned;
24. hormone replacement therapy;
25. *hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol), provided no
cardiovascular disease and/or no diabetes;
26. *hyperlipidaemia (high blood lipids), provided no cardiovascular
disease and/or no diabetes;
27. *hypertension, provided no cardiovascular disease and/or
no diabetes;
28. hypothyroidism, including Hashimotos disease;
29. lipoma;
30. macular degeneration;
31. Meniere’s disease;
32. rhinitis;
33. rosacea;
34. sinusitis;
35. tinnitus; or
36. single uncomplicated pregnancy, up to and including 23 weeks,
not arising from services or treatment associated with an
assisted reproduction program including but not limited to, in vitro
fertilisation (IVF).
* Diabetes (type I and type 2) , hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia
and hyperlipidaemia are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. If
you have a history of cardiovascular disease, and it is a pre-existing
medical condition, cover for these conditions is also excluded.
However, if your pre-existing medical condition is not described in
the above list or is a condition:
for which you have been hospitalised (including day surgery or
emergency department attendance) in the 24 months prior to
either your period of cover (Base Cover International Travel
Insurance) or Activation; or
was for surgery involving any joints, the back, spine, brain or
abdomen requiring at least an overnight stay in hospital at any time
prior to either your period of cover (Base Cover International
Travel Insurance) or Activation;
we will not provide any cover for any claims arising from, related to or
associated with that condition other than under Benefit 1.1 a] and 1.1 b] in
‘Part C - Benefits and cover on page 40.
11 12
If you require cover for any other pre-existing medical conditions,
you will need to apply for ‘Pre-existing medical conditions’ cover
under an Upgrade Policy. If we accept your application for cover of
pre-existing medical conditions, an additional premium may apply.
Please refer to the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions for details
on Activation and the Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions for
details of how to apply for this upgrade.
Medical support and emergency assistance
while overseas - International Travel Insurance
Medical support and emergency assistance is automatically provided to
persons aged 79 years and under.
It will also be available to persons who are aged 80 years and over at the
time of Activation if they have applied and been approved for ‘Medical
cover for persons aged 80 years or over’ in the Upgrade Policy and
have paid the relevant additional premium.
In the event that you require medical support or you require any other
non-medical emergency assistance while overseas, Allianz Global
Assistance is only a telephone call away.
The team will help with medical problems, locating nearest medical
facilities, your evacuation home, locating nearest embassies and
consulates, as well as keeping you in touch with your family and work in
an emergency.
If you are hospitalised, you, or a member of your travelling party,
MUST contact us as soon as possible. If you do not, then to the
extent permitted by law, we will not pay for these expenses or for any
evacuation or airfares that have not been approved or arranged by us.
If you are not hospitalised but you are being treated as an outpatient
and the total cost of such treatment is likely to exceed $2,000, you
MUST contact us.
Medical and hospital cover in Australia
We do not pay for any medical or hospital expenses incurred in
Australia, unless you are not eligible for Medicare.
However, cover is available for medical or hospital expenses incurred
while you are travelling on a domestic cruise in Australian waters.
If you meet the above criteria, we will pay the medical or hospital
expenses as outlined in ‘Part C - Benefits and cover’ on pages 40 to 42.
For the purposes of this cover:
travel from Tasmania or mainland Australia to Norfolk Island,
Christmas Island, Lord Howe Island or Cocos Island will be
considered to be overseas and will be covered under the
International Travel Insurance, however, there is no cover for
medical transfers/evacuations, or medical and hospital expenses;
travel from Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Lord Howe Island or
Cocos Island to Tasmania or mainland Australia will be considered
to be overseas and will be covered under the International
Travel Insurance, however, there is no cover for medical transfers/
evacuations, or medical and hospital expenses.
Definitions and interpretations
When the following words and phrases appear in bold throughout this
booklet, they have the meanings given below. The use of the singular
shall also include the use of the plural and vice versa.
accident means
a] in regard to the Transit Accident Insurance, any sudden and
unexpected physical force, which occurs on a trip and causes an
injury that is described in the Schedule of Benefits contained in the
Transit Accident Insurance cover; or
b] for all over covers, an unexpected event caused by something
external and visible.
means the process of activating an Activated Policy, as described in
the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions.
Activated Policy
means the insurance policy described in the Activated Policy
Terms and Conditions and the cardholder’s current Certificate
of Insurance.
Activated Policy Terms and Conditions
means the terms and conditions for an Activated Policy described in
Part 3 of this booklet, and incorporating the “General Information” in
Part 1 of this booklet.
means an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), also known as an
automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD).
means Allianz Australia Insurance Limited (ABN 15 000 122 850,
AFSL 234708).
Allianz Global Assistance
means AWP Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 52 097 227 177, AFSL 245631).
means the area enclosed by the territorial waters of the Commonwealth
of Australia where Medicare benefits are payable. Australian has a
corresponding meaning.
Australian warranty
means the manufacturer’s expressed written warranty, that is applicable
and able to be fulfilled within Australia and which has been properly
registered with the manufacturer.
means ungroomed and unmarked slopes or pistes, or unmarked or
unpatrolled areas inside or outside of a ski resorts boundaries.
Base Cover
means the cover described in the Base Cover International Travel
Insurance Terms and Conditions and in the Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms and Conditions and each of them.
Base Cover International Travel Insurance
means the cover described in the Base Cover International Travel
Insurance Terms and Conditions.
13 14
Base Cover International Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions
means the terms and conditions described in Part 2 of this booklet, and
incorporating the “General Information” in Part 1 of this booklet.
Base Cover Other Insurances Terms and Conditions
means the terms and conditions described in Part 5 of this booklet,
and incorporating the “General Information” in Part 1 of this booklet.
means this Product Disclosure Statement and Information Booklet.
business items
(cover for business items only applies to eligible business Gold and
business Platinum cardholders)
means all new business property acquired for use by the business, but
does not include the following:
items with an original purchase price in excess of A$3,000;
items acquired for the purpose of re-supply/re-sale;
items acquired for transformation in a business;
animals or plant material;
computer software, information stored on electronic devices,
electronic applications or non-tangible items;
cash, bullion, negotiable instruments, trading cards, lottery tickets
or other gambling related items, tickets of any description, travellers
cheques, or collections such as stamps, coins and cards;
consumable or perishable items (including but not limited to food,
drugs, fuel or oil);
boats, automobiles, motor boats, airplanes or any other motorised
vehicles and their integral parts and installed accessories;
second-hand items, including antiques;
items of contraband;
personal goods; or
real estate and movable fixtures or fittings including but not limited
to dishwashers and fixed air conditioners) which are, or are intended
to form, part of any office, home or real estate.
means a person residing in Australia to whom the Commonwealth
Bank has issued an eligible credit card. Persons residing in
Australia must have either an:
a] Australian Medicare card; or
b] Australian issued Temporary Work (skilled) Visa (subclass 457); or
c] Australian Visa which:
authorises them to live and work in Australia; and
requires them to maintain a minimum level of health
insurance coverage as required by the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship.
If a family is travelling together, only one person can claim the benefits
payable to the cardholder. The others can only claim as a spouse or
dependent child.
means an aircraft, vehicle, train, tram, vessel or other scheduled transport
operated under a licence for the purpose of transporting passengers.
However, it does not mean a taxi, limousine or similar service.
Certificate of Insurance (this definition only applies to an Activated
Policy and Upgrade Policy)
means the document which is provided to a cardholder when they are
issued an Activated Policy and, if applicable, an Upgrade Policy and
sets out details of the cover provided.
means a persistent and lasting condition. It may have a pattern of
relapse and remission.
Commonwealth Bank
means Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124).
complimentary cover
means Base Cover and cover under an Activated Policy.
concealed storage compartment
means a boot, trunk, glove box, enclosed centre console, or concealed
cargo area of a motor vehicle.
covered breakdown
means the failure of personal goods or business items to operate for
the purpose for which they were designed as a result of a breakdown or
defect, provided the breakdown or defect is covered by the terms of the
Australian warranty.
dependent child/children means at the time eligibility for
cover is satisfied:
a] all unmarried children up to and including the age of 18, who the
cardholder has sole custody of and who live with the cardholder;
b] all unmarried children up to and including the age of 18 who the
cardholder has shared custody of;
c] all unmarried children from the age of 19, to and including the age of
21, who are full-time students attending an accredited institution of
higher learning in Australia and who the cardholder has/had sole
or shared custody of, and who are dependent upon the cardholder
for their maintenance and financial support; or
d] all unmarried persons who are physically or mentally incapable of
self-support who the cardholder has custody of and who live with
the cardholder,
however, dependent child/children never means an infant born on
the journey.
domestic cruise means a voyage on a foreign-registered cruise ship
from a port in Australia to another port or ports in Australia without
any stopover at a port outside of Australia.
eligible credit card
means, unless otherwise specified, a current and valid personal or
business Gold, personal or business Platinum, or personal Diamond
credit card issued by the Commonwealth Bank (An eligible credit card
that is currently cancelled or suspended is not current and valid).
eligible credit card account
means, unless otherwise specified, a current and valid personal or
business Gold, personal or business Platinum, or personal Diamond
credit card facility with the Commonwealth Bank (An eligible credit
card account that is currently cancelled or suspended is not current
and valid).
15 16
means a sudden development and rapid spreading of a contagious
disease in a region where it developed in a simply endemic state or
within a previously unscathed community.
Extended Warranty Insurance
means Extended Warranty Insurance described in the Base Cover
Other Insurances Terms and Conditions.
means the deduction Allianz Global Assistance will make from the
amount otherwise payable under the applicable cover for each claimable
incident or event made by you.
formal wear
means dinner suit, dress shirt, bowtie, evening gown, cocktail dress
or other items of clothing which are required attire for formal dining/
functions. This includes wedding attire but does not include jewellery.
funeral expenses means:
a] for an Activated Policy and Upgrade Policy, the costs charged
by a funeral director for arranging your funeral service and by a
cemetery for your burial or a crematorium for your cremation. It
does not include the cost of memorialisation; or
b] for Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance:
the costs of returning your remains or ashes to your home
town/city in Australia; and/or
the costs of the funeral or cremation.
Group Policy
means the group policies issued by Allianz to the Commonwealth
Bank, in relation to the Base Cover.
Guaranteed Pricing Scheme
means Guaranteed Pricing Scheme described in the Base Cover
Other Insurances Terms and Conditions.
means downhill skiing or snowboarding from locations only accessible
by helicopter.
means the place where you normally live in Australia.
means an established hospital registered under any legislation that
applies to it, that provides in-patient medical care.
means the amount of money you earn from personal exertion in a trade,
business, profession or occupation after the deduction of income tax.
injury or injured
means bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent, accidental,
visible and external means, which happens at a definite time and place
during the period of cover provided for your journey and does not
result from any illness, sickness or disease.
Together with the above, injury in relation to the Transit Accident
Insurance, with reference to hand or foot, means complete severance
through or above the wrist for the hand or above the ankle joint for
the foot and, as used with reference to an eye, means permanent
irrecoverable loss of the entire sight thereof.
insolvency or insolvent
means bankruptcy, provisional liquidation, liquidation, appointment
of a receiver, manager or administrator, entry into any official or
unofficial scheme of arrangement, statutory protection, restructuring
or composition with creditors, or the happening of anything of a similar
nature under the laws of any jurisdiction.
International Travel Insurance
means International Travel Insurance described in the Base Cover
International Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, the
Activated Policy Terms and Conditions and Upgrade Policy
Terms and Conditions and each of them.
interstate flight
means travel on a registered and scheduled commercial passenger
airline from any Australian state or territory, to another Australian
state or territory.
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance
means Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance described in the Base
Cover Other Insurances Terms and Conditions.
means a form of personal adornment, such as brooches, rings,
necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. It does not include watches or
items of clothing.
journey means:
The journey starts when you leave your home or your place of
business to travel directly to the Australian air or sea terminal that is the
departure point for your journey.
The journey ends when the first of the following occurs:
a] for Base Cover, 3 months after the date of departure shown on a
Gold personal and business cardholder’s return overseas travel
ticket, (6 months for Platinum personal and business cardholders,
or 12 months for Diamond cardholders) or,
b] for any Activated Policy, the end date of the period of cover
shown on the Certificate of Insurance.
c] for any Upgrade Policy, the end date of the period of cover
shown on the Certificate of Insurance;
d] at midnight on the date when the cardholder’s scheduled
transport (as shown on their return overseas travel ticket) is due
to arrive in Australia;
e] when you return to your home, provided you travel directly there
from the Australian air or sea terminal where you landed; or
f] when the cardholder cancels their return overseas travel ticket.
legal costs
means fees, costs and expenses (including any applicable taxes and
charges) in connection with a legal action. It also means any costs which
you are ordered to pay by a court or arbitrator (other than any fine or
penalty, or aggravated, punitive, exemplary or liquidated damages) or
any other costs Allianz Global Assistance agree to pay.
17 18
medical adviser
means a doctor, a clinical psychologist or a dentist, who is not you, your
travel companion or a relative, or an employee of you, your travel
companion or a relative, holding the necessary certification in the
country in which they are currently practising and qualified to give the
diagnosis being provided.
mental illness
means any illness, condition or disorder listed in the current edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
moped or scooter
means any two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicle with an engine
displacement of not greater than 50cc.
means any two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicle with an engine
displacement greater than 50cc.
natural disaster
means any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences,
such as avalanche, earthquake, flood, bush fire, hurricane, tornado,
cyclone, tsunami and volcanic eruption, but not epidemics or
means areas that are not:
a] groomed terrain,
b] marked slopes, or
c] trails that are open, maintained, monitored and patrolled by the
ski resort.
means outside Australia and its territories.
means a form of an epidemic that extends throughout an
entire continent.
period of cover (this definition only applies to International
Travel Insurance)
means the time when you are covered under the International Travel
Insurance. The period of cover starts:
a] for Base Cover International Travel Insurance:
for all benefits - at the commencement of the journey.
for an Activated Policy:
Benefit 4 - Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits - from the date
the cardholder completes Activation; and
for all other benefits - the start date on the Certificate
of Insurance.
For an Upgrade Policy:
for all benefits - the start date on the Certificate of Insurance.
b] and ends at the earliest of the following times:
at the end of the journey; or
when Allianz Global Assistance determines that you should
return to Australia for treatment.
personal goods includes all new personal property and valuables
acquired for personal domestic or household use, but does not include
the following:
items with an original purchase price in excess of A$10,000
for Gold cardholders and A$20,000 for Diamond and
Platinum cardholders;
items acquired for the purpose of re-supply/re-sale;
items acquired for transformation in a business;
business-owned or business-related items;
items purchased in a business name;
animals or plant material;
computer software, information stored on electronic devices,
electronic applications or non-tangible items;
cash, bullion, negotiable instruments, vouchers, gift cards, trading
cards, lottery tickets or other gambling-related items, tickets of any
description, travellers cheques, or collections such as stamps, coins
and cards;
consumable or perishable items {including but not limited to food,
drugs, fuel or oil;
boats, automobiles, motorboats, airplanes or any other motorised
vehicles and their integral parts and installed accessories;
second-hand items, including antiques;
items of contraband; or
real estate and movable fixtures or fittings including but not limited
to dishwashers and fixed air conditioners which are, or are intended
to form, part of any home or real estate.
pre-existing medical condition
means a condition of which you were aware:
1. prior to the time you became eligible for the covers provided
in this booklet that involves:
a] your heart, brain, circulatory system/blood vessels; or
b] your lungs or chronic airways disease; or
c] cancer; or
d] back pain requiring prescribed pain relief medication; or
e] surgery involving any joints, the back, spine, brain or abdomen
requiring at least an overnight stay in hospital; or
f] Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 or Type 2); or
g] your mental illness (including anxiety and depression); or
2. in the 2 years prior to the time you became eligible for the
covers provided in this booklet:
a] for which you have been in hospital or emergency department
or day surgery; or
b] for which you have been prescribed a new medication or had a
change to your medication regime; or
c] requiring prescription pain relief medication; or
19 20
3. prior to the time you became eligible for the covers provided
in this booklet that is:
a] pregnancy; or
b] connected with your current pregnancy or participation in an
IVF program; OR
4. for which, prior to the time you became eligible for the
covers provided in this booklet:
a] you have not yet sought a medical opinion regarding the
cause; or
b] you are currently under investigation to define a diagnosis; or
c] you are awaiting specialist opinion.
For the purposes of this definition ‘condition includes a dental condition
or mental illness. The above definition applies to you, your travel
companion, a relative or any other person.
means the amount payable by you in relation to the covers described in
the Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions.
professional sport
means training for, coaching or competing in any sporting event where
you are entitled to receive, or are eligible to receive, an appearance fee,
wage, salary or prize money in excess of $1,000.
public place
means any place that the public has access to, including but not limited
to planes, trains, cruise ships, taxis, buses, air or bus terminals, stations,
wharves, streets, shops, museums, galleries, hotels, hotel foyers and
grounds, beaches, restaurants, private car parks, public toilets and
general access areas.
Purchase Security Insurance
means Purchase Security Insurance described in the Base Cover
Other Insurances Terms and Conditions.
quad bike
means a motorised vehicle designed to travel on four or more
wheels, having a seat straddled by the operator and handlebars for
steering control.
reasonable means:
in relation to medical and hospital expenses, the care obtained
should be at the standard level given in the country you are in
and not exceeding the level you would normally receive in
Australia; and
in relation to unexpected travel and accommodation expenses,
the standard not exceeding the average standard of travel and
accommodation you had booked for the rest of your journey, or for
all other expenses, as determined by Allianz Global Assistance.
Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement
means an agreement between the Government of Australia and the
government of another country where Australian residents are provided
with subsidised essential medical treatment. (Please visit
for details of Reciprocal Healthcare Agreements with Australia).
redundant or redundancy
means loss of permanent paid full time employment (except voluntary
redundancy), after a continuous working period of two years with the
same employer.
means a person who resides permanently in Australia, who is the
parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, guardian;
child, grandchild, stepchild;
brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law;
daughter, daughter-in-law, son, son-in-law;
fiancé, fiancée;
uncle, aunt;
half-brother, half-sister; or
niece, nephew.
rental vehicle
means a campervan/motorhome that does not exceed 4.5 tonnes, a
sedan, coupe, hatchback, station wagon, SUV, four-wheel-drive or mini
bus/people mover rented from a licensed motor vehicle rental company
or agency.
return overseas travel ticket
means a return ticket from and returning to Australia.
sick or sickness
means a medical condition (including a mental illness), not being an
injury, the symptoms of which first occur or manifest during the period
of cover provided for your journey.
snow sport activities
means snow based activities conducted on groomed ski slopes within
ski resort boundaries.
snow sport equipment
means skis, poles, boots, bindings, snowboards or ice skates.
sporting equipment
means equipment needed and used to participate in a particular sport
and which can be carried about with you.
means the partner of the cardholder who is permanently living with the
cardholder at the time the journey starts (or the trip in respect of the
Transit Accident Insurance) or the time the interstate travel starts.
transaction card
means a debit card, credit card or travel money card.
Transit Accident Insurance
means Transit Accident Insurance described in the Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms and Conditions.
21 22
travel companion means:
in regard to the International Travel Insurance, a person whom,
before the journey began, arranged to accompany you on your
journey for at least 50% of the time of your journey.
in regard to the Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance, a
person who is accompanying you for at least 50% of the time of
your interstate travel.
travel services provider
means any scheduled service airline, hotel and resort operator,
accommodation provider, motor vehicle rental or hire agency, bus line,
shipping line or railway company.
(this definition only applies to the Transit Accident Insurance)
means an international passage taken by the cardholder and their
spouse and/or dependent children if applicable, as a paying
passenger (not as a pilot, driver or crew member etc.) in a licensed
plane, tourist bus, train, ferry or other conveyance authorised pursuant
to any statute, regulation, by-law or the equivalent thereof for the
transportation of passengers for hire, provided that before the passage
commenced the cost of the passage was charged to the cardholder’s
eligible credit card account.
means when your possessions are not under your or your travel
companion’s observation, (i.e. when your possessions are in a
position where neither you nor your travel companion can observe
any attempt by anyone to interfere with them) and/or your possessions
can be taken without you or your travel companion being able to
prevent them from being taken. This includes if you are asleep and your
possessions are taken without your knowing.
Upgrade Policy
means the insurance policy described in the Upgrade Policy Terms
and Conditions and the cardholder’s current Certificate of
Insurance and any other document we tell you forms part of your policy.
Upgrade Policy Terms and Conditions
means the terms and conditions for an Upgrade Policy described in
Part 4 of this booklet, and incorporating the “General Information” in
Part 1 of this booklet.
means jewellery, watches, precious metals or semi precious stones/
precious stones and items made of or containing precious metals or
semi precious stones/precious stones, furs, binoculars, telescopes, any
kind of photographic, audio, video, computer, television, fax and phone
equipment (including mobile phones), tablets, MP3/4 players and PDAs.
you or your
means any of the following if they are eligible for the cover:
the cardholder; and
the cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children.
Policy exclusions - what is not covered
The following exclusions apply to all the covers described in this
booklet. As well as these exclusions, there are also specific exclusions
applying to certain covers.
To the extent permitted by law:
1. we do not insure you for any event that arises directly or indirectly
from, or is in any way connected with, any pre-existing medical
condition of any person including you, your travel companion
or a relative other than as provided in ‘Part C - Benefits and cover’
of the Activated Policy under Benefit 4.1 f] on page 49 and Benefit
6.1.b] on page 52.
This exclusion will not apply:
if you satisfy the provisions as set out under the heading
‘Pre-existing medical conditions which are covered (some
restrictions apply) in the section ‘Pre-existing medical
conditions for persons aged 79 years and under - International
Travel Insurance on pages 9 to 11 of “Part 1 - General
Information, or under the heading ‘Pre-existing medical
conditions which may be covered with no additional premium
payable in ‘Part B - Upgrade options, benefits and limits’ of
the Upgrade Policy; or
as provided in your Medical Terms of Cover letter and from the
time any additional premium that applies has been received by
us for pre-existing medical conditions for which you must
apply for cover and for which approval has been given by us.
Special conditions, limits and excesses may apply if we notify
you in writing.
2. we do not insure you for any event that arises from, is related to or
associated with any physical or mental signs or symptoms that you
were aware of before the commencement of any cover described in
this booklet commenced, but:
you had not yet sought a medical opinion regarding the cause; or
you were currently under investigation to define a diagnosis; or
you were awaiting specialist opinion.
3. we do not insure you for any event involving the cost of medication
in use at the time the journey began or the cost for maintaining a
course of treatment you were on prior to the start of the journey.
4. we do not insure you for any expenses that arise directly or
indirectly out of pregnancy, childbirth or related complications
unless it is a single, uncomplicated pregnancy (up to and including
23 weeks) or we have agreed in writing to provide cover.
In any event we will not pay medical expenses for:
regular antenatal care;
childbirth at any gestation; or
care of the newborn child.
5. we do not insure you for any travel that:
you book or take against the advice of a medical adviser; or
you take for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment
or advice.
23 24
6. we do not insure you for any event that arises, or is a consequence
of complications from medical, surgical or dental procedures or
treatments that are not for an injury or sickness that would be
otherwise be covered by this policy.
7. we do not insure you for any event that:
arises directly or indirectly from, or is in any way connected with,
you being under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or drugs
except a drug prescribed to you by a medical adviser, and
taken in accordance with their instruction; or
involves a hospital or clinic where you are being treated for
addiction to drugs or alcohol, or are using it as a nursing,
convalescent or rehabilitation place.
8. we will not pay any claim arising directly or indirectly from or in any
way connected with drug, substance or alcohol abuse or addiction.
9. we do not insure you for any event that is intentionally caused by
you or by a person acting with your consent (including suicide or
self-destruction or any attempt at suicide or self-destruction while
sane or insane).
10. we do not insure you for any event that arises directly or indirectly
from, or is in any way connected with, a sexually transmitted disease
or virus, unless we have agreed in writing to provide cover as set
out in your Medical Terms of Cover letter and you have paid any
additional premium that applies.
11. we will not pay for any expenses if, despite the advice given
following your call to Allianz Global Assistance, you received
private hospital or medical treatment where public funded
services or care is available in Australia or under any Reciprocal
Healthcare Agreement between the Government of Australia
and the government of any other country.
12. we do not insure you for any event that arises from any medical
procedures in relation to AICD/ICD insertion during overseas
travel. If you require this procedure, due to sudden and acute
onset which occurs for the first time during your journey and not
directly or indirectly related to a pre-existing medical condition,
we will exercise our right based on medical advice, to organise a
repatriation to Australia for this procedure to be completed.
13. we will not pay for any expense which arises from, or is in any way
related to or associated with any loss, damage, liability, event,
occurrence, injury or sickness where providing such cover would
result in us contravening the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth), the
Private Health Insurance Act 2007 (Cth) or the National Health Act
1953 (Cth) or where Allianz does not have the necessary licenses
or authority to provide such cover.
14. we will not pay for any expenses which are recoverable by
compensation under any workers compensation or transport
accident laws or by any government sponsored fund, plan, or
medical benefit scheme, or any other similar type legislation required
to be effected by or under a law.
15. we will not pay for loss of or damage:
to any item that you post or otherwise pay to be transported,
and that is not part of your accompanying baggage;
to any item that is brittle or fragile (except photographic or video
equipment), unless the loss or damage is caused by thieves,
burglars, fire, or an accident involving the means of transport in
which you are travelling);
to sporting equipment while it is being used; or
to valuables which are lost, stolen or damaged while in:
unattended motor vehicles; or
checked-in baggage/luggage; or
baggage/luggage, unless the baggage/luggage is
directly under your personal supervision or that of your
travel companion.
if you do not take all adequate precautions (considering the
value of the items) to protect your business items/property/
personal goods or if the business items/property/personal
goods are left:
unattended in a public place;
unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle;
unattended in a motor vehicle in view of someone looking
into the motor vehicle;
unattended in a motor vehicle overnight;
behind, forgotten or misplaced in a public place; or
with a person who steals or deliberately damages them.
for the disappearance of the business items/property/
personal goods in circumstances which cannot be explained
to our reasonable satisfaction.
as a result of non-receipt of the business items/property/
personal goods that you have purchased and which is/are
being transported to you.
caused by laundering (including washing, ironing and dry
cleaning) whether by professional persons or otherwise.
arising out of additional damage caused while an item is being
serviced or repaired, unless we have authorised the work.
16. we will not pay for loss of or damage to:
items that you buy to resell or re-supply in your business;
items acquired for transformation in a business;
commercial samples;
items you take to sell while overseas;
securities, stamps, manuscripts or books of account;
computer software, information stored on electronic devices,
electronic applications or non-tangible items; or
works of art and antiques.
17. we will not pay for loss or damage caused by any of the following:
an electrical or mechanical fault or breakdown unless covered
under the Extended Warranty Insurance;
vermin or insects;
mildew, atmospheric or climatic conditions, or flood;
25 26
deterioration, normal wear and tear, or damage arising
from inherent defects in the business items/property/
personal goods;
any defective item or any defect in an item, unless covered
under the Extended Warranty Insurance;
any process of repairing or restoring the item unless we have
given prior approval; or
your failure to comply with the recommended security
guidelines for the use of bank or currency notes, cheques,
credit card, postal or money orders or petrol coupons.
18. we do not insure you for any event that is caused by or arises from
any of the following:
any government prohibition or restrictions or government
authorities delaying you or seizing or keeping your belongings;
any person, organisation, government or government authority
who lawfully destroys or removes your ownership or control of
any business items/property/personal goods;
travel to countries or parts of a country for which:
1. a] an advice or warning has been released by the Australian
Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or
any other government or official body, and
b] the advice or warning risk rating is ‘Reconsider your need
to travel’ or ‘Do not travel’ (or words to that effect) or the
advice or warnings advise against all non-essential travel
to or in that location or advise against specific transport
arrangements or participation in specific events or
activities, or
2. the mass media has indicated the existence or potential
existence of circumstances (including circumstances referred
to in 1 a] and 1 b] above) that may affect your travel;
3. you did not take appropriate action to avoid or minimise any
potential claim under your policy (including delay of travel to
the country or part of the country referred to in the relevant
advice(s), warning(s) and/or mass media statement(s) ).
Circumstances, in this case, include but are not limited to strike,
riot, weather event, civil protest or contagious disease (including
an epidemic or pandemic).
an actual or likely epidemic or pandemic; or the threat of an
epidemic or pandemic.
Refer to and for further
information on epidemics and pandemics.
any war or war like activities. whether war has been formally
declared or not, any hostilities, rebellion or revolution, or civil
war, military coup, or overthrow/attempted overthrow of a
government/military power.
radioactivity, or the use, existence or escape of any nuclear fuel,
nuclear material or nuclear waste.
biological and/or chemical materials, substances, compounds
or the like used directly or indirectly for the purpose to harm or
to destroy human life and/or create public fear.
illegal activities, fraud or abuse.
consequential loss or damage, punitive damages or any
fines or penalties, including punitive, exemplary, liquidated or
aggravated damages.
changes in currency rates.
you do not doing everything you can to reduce your loss as
much as possible.
you intentionally or recklessly act in a way that would
reasonably pose a risk to your safety or the safety of your
business items/personal goods, except in an attempt to
protect the safety of a person or to protect property.
you not observing all safety warnings and advice about adverse
weather and terrain conditions.
your or your travel companion’s employment or work
(whether paid or unpaid or voluntary) either in Australia or
overseas (other than where you or your travel companion
have been made unexpectedly redundant or as stated in
Benefit 4.2 l] of the Activated Policy), including not being able
to take leave from that employment.
your underwater activities that involve using artificial breathing
equipment (unless you have an open water diving licence and
are diving with another person, or are diving with a qualified and
registered diving instructor.
your mountaineering (involving the use of climbing equipment.
ropes or guides), rock climbing (involving the use of climbing
equipment, ropes or guides), white water rafting, white water
boating, abseiling, parasailing, skydiving, hang-gliding, base
jumping, wingsuiting, bungy jumping, pot holing, canyoning,
caving, fire walking, running with the bulls, rodeo riding, polo
playing, water skiing, jet skiing, tobogganing, off-piste snow
skiing, off-piste snowboarding and snow mobiling.
your racing (other than on foot).
you or your travel companion participating in professional
sport of any kind.
your travel in any air supported device other than as a
passenger in a fully licensed aircraft operated by an airline or
charter company, or regulated or licensed ballooning.
any activities involving hunting equipment or projectiles (e.g.
shooting and archery).
driving a motor vehicle or riding a moped or scooter
without a current Australian drivers licence or drivers
licence valid for the country you are driving or riding in. This
applies even if you are not required by law to hold a licence
in the country you are driving or riding in;
riding a motorcycle without a current Australian
motorcycle licence or motorcycle licence valid for the
country you are riding in. This applies even if you are not
required to hold a motorcycle licence because you hold a
drivers licence, or a motorcycle licence is not required by
law in the country you are riding in;
27 28
riding or travelling as a passenger on a motorcycle with an
engine capacity greater than 250cc;
travelling as a passenger on a motorcycle, moped or
scooter that is in the control of a person who does not
hold a current motorcycle or drivers licence valid for the
vehicle being ridden and for the country you are riding in;
riding, or travelling as a passenger, on a motorcycle,
moped or scooter without wearing a helmet;
riding, or travelling as a passenger, on a quad bike.
you not wearing the appropriate protective clothing and head
protection for the sport or activity you are participating in.
the conduct of someone who enters your accommodation with
your consent, or whose accommodation you choose to enter.
Notwithstanding any other terms, we shall not be deemed to provide
coverage or will make any payments or provide any service or benefit
to any person or other party to the extent that such cover, payment,
service, benefit and/or any business or activity of the person would
violate any applicable trade or economic sanctions law or regulation.
General Insurance Code of Practice
Allianz and Allianz Global Assistance proudly support the General
Insurance Code of Practice.
The Code sets out the minimum standards of practice in the general
insurance industry. For more information on the Code please call Allianz
Global Assistance.
Financial claims scheme
In the unlikely event Allianz were to become insolvent and could not
meet its obligations under insurance covers described in this booklet, a
person entitled to claim may be entitled to payment under the Financial
Claims Scheme.
Access to the Scheme is subject to eligibility criteria. For more
information visit
Jurisdiction and choice of law
All insurance covers are governed by and construed in accordance with
the law of New South Wales, Australia and you agree to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. You agree that it
is your intention that this Jurisdiction and Choice of Law clause applies.
To arrange and manage your Base Cover, Activated Policy and
Upgrade Policy (in this Privacy Notice together “covers”) (as relevant),
we (in this Privacy Notice “we”, “our” and “us” includes AWP Australia
Pty Ltd trading as Allianz Global Assistance and its duly authorised
representatives) collect personal information including sensitive
information from you and those authorised by you such as your family
members, travel companions, your doctors, hospitals, as well as
from others we consider necessary, including our agents.
Any personal information provided to us is used by us to evaluate
and arrange your cover. We also use it to administer and provide the
insurance services and manage your and our rights and obligations in
relation to those insurance services, including managing, processing
and investigating claims. We also collect, use and disclose it for
product development, marketing, conducting research and analytics
in relation to all of our products and services, IT systems maintenance
and development, recovery against third parties, the detection and
investigation of suspected fraud and for other purposes with your
consent or where authorised by law.
This personal information is disclosed to third parties we engage
or who assist us carry out the above functions or processes, such
as travel agents and consultants, travel insurance providers and
intermediaries, authorised representatives, other insurers, reinsurers,
claims handlers and investigators, cost containment providers, medical
and health service providers, overseas data storage and data handling
providers, legal and other professional advisers, your agents, the
Commonwealth Bank and its related and group companies, and our
related and group companies including Allianz. Some of these third
parties may be located in other countries such as Thailand, France and
India to name a few. You agree that while those parties will often be
subject to confidentiality or privacy obligations, they may not always
follow the particular requirements of Australian privacy laws.
Unless you opt out, we may contact you on an ongoing basis by
telephone, mail, electronic messages (including email), online and via
other means with promotional material and offers of products or services
that we consider may be relevant and of interest to you (including
financial and insurance products and roadside assistance services). If
you do not want to receive such offers from us (including product or
service offerings from us on behalf of our agents, intermediaries and/or
our business partners) or do not want us to disclose your personal
information to our related and group companies and business partners
for marketing purposes, you can opt out at any time by calling us on
1800 023 767.
When you provide personal information about other individuals, we and
our agents rely on you to have made or make them aware:
that you will or may provide their personal information to us;
of the types of third parties to whom the personal information may
be provided to;
of the relevant purposes we and the third parties we will disclose it
to, will use it for;
of how they can access it; and
of the other matters in this Privacy Notice.
We rely on you to have obtained their consent on these matters. If you
do not, you must tell us before you provide the relevant information.
You can seek access to and correct your personal information by
contacting us. You may not access or correct personal information of
others unless you have been authorised by their express consent or
otherwise under law, or unless they are your dependants under
16 years of age.
29 30
If you have a complaint about your privacy, please contact:
Privacy Officer, Allianz Global Assistance, PO Box 162, Toowong,
QLD 4066, or you can contact the Privacy Commissioner at the
Office of The Australian Information Commissioner, GPO Box 2999,
Canberra, ACT 2601.
For more information about our handling of personal information,
including further details about access, correction and complaints,
please see our privacy policy available on request or view it on the web
If you do not agree to the above or will not provide us with personal
information, we may not be able to provide you with our services
or products or may not be able to activate any Activated Policy,
process your application for an Upgrade Policy nor issue you with an
Activated Policy or an Upgrade Policy.
In cases where we do not agree to give you access to some personal
information, we will give you reasons why.
Complaints and dispute resolution process
If you have a complaint or dispute in relation to the insurance covers
described in this booklet, or our services or our representatives, please
call us or put the complaint in writing and send it to The Dispute Resolution
Department, PO Box 162, Toowong, Queensland 4066. We will attempt
to resolve the matter in accordance with our Internal Dispute Resolution
process. To obtain a copy of our procedures, please contact us.
A dispute can be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service Australia
(FOS), subject to its terms of reference. The FOS provides a free and
independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general
insurance disputes falling within its terms.
The contact details for the FOS are:
Financial Ombudsman Service Australia
GPO Box 3, Melbourne Victoria 3001
Phone: 1800 367 287
Fax: (03) 9613 6399
Claims - assisting us with claims
Please take this booklet and any current Certificate of Insurance
you hold with you when you travel. They contain important phone
numbers and details of the cover available to you.
You must also take with you whichever of the following documents is
needed to verify your eligibility for this cover:
copies of your eligible credit card account statement or credit
card receipt to confirm your eligibility for the insurance; and/or
a copy of the letter/statement/email confirming the redemption
of your Commonwealth Awards points through the
Commonwealth Awards Program in full or part payment for your
return overseas travel ticket(s).
If you want to make a claim under the covers provided in the Base
Cover while overseas, it will be necessary for the Commonwealth
Bank or their agents to confirm to us or our agents that you are eligible
for the cover as previously outlined. Without this information, a claim
may be delayed and it may not be possible for us or our agents to give
approval for overseas medical attention.
You must assist us with your claim.
When making a claim you must advise us of the details of any other
insurance under which you are entitled to claim.
You must also, as far as allowed by law, give us all the assistance
we may require to institute proceedings against other parties for the
purpose of enforcing rights or remedies to which you would become
entitled or subrogated upon, by making good any loss or damage under
the covers described in this booklet (for example, if someone else has
caused the damage you claim for, we can take that person to court and
sue him or her for damages in your name).
Fraudulent claims
When making a claim, you have a responsibility to assist us and to act in
an honest and truthful manner.
If any claim is fraudulent in any way or if you or anyone acting on your
behalf uses fraudulent means to make a claim under this policy, then no
payment will be made in regard to the claim. Also, the Commonwealth
Bank will be informed of the situation and you may no longer be eligible
for any (or all) of the covers in this booklet or your credit card facility.
Excess - what you contribute to a claim
Excesses may apply to the covers or to certain sections of the covers.
An excess is the uninsured first portion of a loss for which you are
otherwise covered, i.e. the amount that you must contribute towards
each claim.
Details of the excess amounts and circumstances in which they will be
applied are set out below:
Base Cover
International Travel Insurance - you must pay the first $500 for
each claim made under:
Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses
Note if you have completed Activation, the above excess will
reduce to $250.
Purchase Security Insurance - you must pay the first $100 for
each claim.
Extended Warranty Insurance - you must pay the first $100 for
each claim.
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance - you must pay the
first $250 for each claim made under Benefits 2 and 4.
Activated Policy
you must pay the first $250 for each claim made under:
Benefit 4 - Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits
Benefit 5 - Travel Service Provider Insolvency
31 32
Benefit 6 - Resumption of Journey
Benefit 10 - Lost or Damaged Luggage & Personal Goods
Benefit 13 - Alternative Transport Expenses
Upgrade Policy
you must pay the first $250 for each claim made under:
Benefits 16.1 to 16.5 inclusive
Benefit 17.2 - Pre-paid Shore Excursion Cancellation
Benefit 17.3- Formal Cruise Attire Lost or Damaged
In some circumstances where you have an Upgrade Policy, we
may impose an additional excess for claims arising from some
medical conditions. We will inform you in writing if any additional
excess applies and these will be set out in your Certificate
of Insurance.
Safety of your belongings
You must take all adequate and reasonable precautions (considering
the value of the items} to protect your business items/property/
personal goods otherwise you may not be covered.
Please see points 15 to 18 on pages 24 to 27 of ‘Policy exclusions
- what is not covered’ for details of when there is no cover for your
valuables, business items or property/personal goods.
Reporting lost, stolen or wilfully damaged
In the event that your business items/property/personal goods are
stolen, wilfully damaged or accidentally lost, you must make a report to
the police or to the nearest government agency or authority. You must
do this within 24 hours of learning of the theft, loss or damage and the
report must list and describe the missing or damaged business items/
property/personal goods.
If the loss or wilful damage occurs overseas a copy of this report must
be obtained and the authority must sign the copy and write on it that it is
a true and accurate copy of the original.
Repairing or replacing your belongings
The following only applies to Interstate Flight Inconvenience
If an item is damaged, lost or stolen we may choose to:
repair the item;
replace the item, less an amount which takes into consideration its
age as stated below; or
pay you the amount it would cost us to replace the item less an
amount which takes into consideration its age as stated below; or
provide you a voucher or gift card for the amount it would cost us to
replace the item less an amount which takes into consideration its
age as stated below.
Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more than the
value of the particular part or parts lost, stolen or damaged, regardless
of any special value that the item may have by way of being part of
such pair or set. Under no circumstances will we pay you more than it
originally cost you to buy the item.
When taking into consideration the age of an item we will deduct the
following amounts from the replacement cost for:
toiletries (including skin care, make-up, perfume and medications) -
3.00% for each month you have owned the item up to a maximum
of 80%;
phones, electrical devices, communication devices, all computers,
photographic equipment, tablets and electronics equipment - 1.75%
for each month you have owned the item up to a maximum amount
of 60%;
clothing, footwear, luggage and books - 1. 75% for each month you
have owned the item up to a maximum of 80%;
camping, sporting and leisure equipment (but not leisure clothing)
and musical instruments - 1.00% for each month you have owned
the item up to a maximum amount of 60%;
jewellery - 0.25% for each month you have owned the item to a
maximum amount of 25%;
all other items - 1.25% for each month you have owned the item to a
maximum amount of 60%.
For example: If your stolen jeans have been owned for 1 year and we
can replace them for $150, we pay you (or replace, or provide you a
voucher or gift card for the amount of) $118.50, as we will deduct $31.50
($150 x 21% {i.e.12 months x 1.75%/month}) from our replacement cost.
This assumes that the stolen jeans cost you at least $118.50.
Please do not contact the Commonwealth Bank in the event of a
claim as they are not involved in processing insurance claims.
You can obtain claim forms and information on how to make a claim at
1. Emergency while you are overseas:
Phone Allianz Global Assistance via a reverse charges call to
Australia on +61 7 3305 7499 (for details refer to ‘Medical support
and emergency assistance while overseas - International Travel
Insurance on page 11 of Part 1 (“General Information”).
2. If you are in Australia, you must follow the steps listed below:
you must give notice of your claim by:
completing a claim form and sending it to Allianz Global
Assistance, or
calling Allianz Global Assistance
within 30 days of, or as soon as possible, after returning home
from overseas or interstate (even if you previously reported
the matter to us), or if you are already home, within 30 days
of, or as soon as possible after learning of an occurrence (loss,
damage, injury or breakdown) that may result in a claim.
33 34
However, if you are making a Guaranteed Pricing Scheme
claim, you must contact us within 21 days of the purchase of
the business items/personal goods.
If there is a delay in claim notification, or you do not provide
sufficient detail for us to consider your claim, we can reduce
any claim payable by the amount of prejudice we have suffered
because of the delay.
you must give any information we reasonably ask for to support
your claim at your expense, such as but not limited to police
reports, valuations, medical reports, original receipts or proof of
purchase and ownership. If required we may ask you to provide
us with translations into English of any such documents to
enable our assessment of your claim.
You must co-operate at all times in relation to providing
supporting evidence and such other information that may
reasonably be required. Depending on the insurance cover
you are claiming under, this might include (but is not limited to)
any of the following:
proof of your residential status;
proof of your age;
proof that you are eligible for insurance cover (e.g. your
credit card account statement and credit card receipt to
confirm your eligibility for the insurance etc.);
documentation from a medical adviser verifying
any sickness or injuries sustained or reason for
if items were stolen, wilfully damaged, or accidentally lost,
you must give us the police report number, or if the incident
occurred while you were overseas, a copy of the report
you obtained from the police or nearest government agency
or authority. The report should be certified by the relevant
authority as being a true and correct copy of the original;
proof of your ownership of any lost, stolen or damaged
items (e.g. purchase receipts);
evidence of your intended travel (e.g. ticket, travel agent’s
itinerary showing your flight or a letter from the carrier etc.);
evidence of any delay, including in the case of luggage
delay, a lost property/delayed property report issued by
the carrier;
receipts for any items you buy as emergency replacements
for your delayed clothes and/or toiletries;
if any items are lost or stolen during the time that a carrier
was responsible for looking after them, you must get a
letter from the carrier explaining what happened and
stating the amount of refund you received from them;
if your travel or accommodation arrangements are
cancelled and you intend claiming, you must provide a
letter from the carrier, hotel etc., outlining the refund you
were entitled to;
any damaged items for which you are claiming so that they
can be inspected by us or our authorised representative;
a quote for the replacement of lost or stolen items, or
quote (noting the serial number for Extended Warranty
Insurance claims) for the repair of damaged or broken
down items;
a copy of the Australian warranty if claiming under the
Extended Warranty Insurance; or
in regard to the Guaranteed Pricing Scheme, we
will require:
evidence that the cheaper item is the same (i.e.
model number, model year, and manufacturer) as the
business items/personal goods you purchased,
a copy of the printed catalogue advertising the cheaper
item, and
evidence that the advertisement was printed after you
purchased the business items/personal goods.
Claims are payable in Australian dollars to you
We will pay all claims in Australian dollars. We will pay you unless you
tell us to pay someone else. The rate of currency exchange that will
apply is the rate at the time you incurred the expense. Payment will be
made by direct credit to an Australian bank account nominated by you.
You must not admit fault or liability
You must not admit that you are at fault, for any accident, incident or
event causing a claim under your policy, and you must not offer or
promise to pay any money, or become involved in legal action, without
the approval of Allianz Global Assistance.
You must help us to recover any money we have paid
If we have a claim against someone in relation to the money we have
to pay or we have paid in respect of any of the covers described in this
booklet, you must do everything you can to help us do that in legal
proceedings. If you are aware of any third party that you or we may
recover money from, you must inform us of such third party.
If you can claim from anyone else, we will only make
up the difference
In the case that the ‘Other insurance’ section below does not apply, if
you can make a claim against someone in relation to a loss or expense
in respect of any of the covers provided and they do not pay you the full
amount of your claim, we will make up the difference. You must claim
from them first.
Other insurance
The Base Cover described in this booklet is provided for your
benefit under a Group Policy entered into between Allianz and the
Commonwealth Bank. In relation to the Base Cover, you have the
benefit of insurance cover as a third party beneficiary only. Under an
Activated Policy and an Upgrade Policy, you have the benefit of the
insurance cover as a party to the insurance contract.
35 36
In relation to Base Cover
If you are insured or entitled to receive a benefit or make a claim
under another insurance policy including (‘Other Policy’) (for example,
a comprehensive travel insurance policy or a complimentary travel
insurance cover provided in relation to a credit card), in respect of the
same loss as your claim under the Base Cover, then Allianz is not
liable to provide indemnity under the Base Cover until the amount of
any indemnity under the ‘Other Policy’ is exhausted. In other words,
any insurance cover under the Base Cover in respect of the same loss
shall only be excess insurance cover over and above the applicable
‘Other Policy’.
In relation to an Activated Policy or an Upgrade Policy
If you are entitled to receive a benefit or make a claim under
another insurance policy, where you are considered a ‘third party
beneficiary’ (‘Other Policy) (for example, complimentary travel
insurance cover provided in relation to a credit card), in respect
of the same loss as your claim under the Activated Policy or
Upgrade Policy (as relevant), then Allianz is not liable to provide
indemnity under the Activated Policy or Upgrade Policy (as
relevant) until the amount of any indemnity under the ‘Other Policy’
is exhausted. In other words, any insurance cover under the
Activated Policy or Upgrade Policy (as relevant) in respect of the
same loss shall only be excess insurance cover over and above the
applicable ‘Other Policy.
If you are considered a ‘third party beneficiary’ under the Activated
Policy or Upgrade Policy and you are insured under another
insurance policy (‘Other Policy’) (for example, a comprehensive
travel insurance policy), in respect of the same loss as your claim
under the Activated Policy or Upgrade Policy (as relevant),
then Allianz is not liable to provide indemnity under the Activated
Policy or Upgrade Policy (as relevant) until the amount of any
indemnity under the ‘Other Policy’ is exhausted. In other words,
any insurance cover under the Activated Policy or Upgrade
Policy (as relevant) in respect of the same loss shall only be excess
insurance cover over and above the applicable ‘Other Policy’.
We may, at our discretion undertake in your name and on your behalf,
control and settlement of proceedings for our own benefit in your name
to recover compensation or secure indemnity from any party in respect
of any of the covers provided.
You are to assist and permit to be done, everything required by us for
the purpose of recovering compensation or securing indemnity from
other parties to which we may become entitled or subrogated, upon us
paying your claim in respect of any of the covers provided regardless of
whether we have yet paid your claim and whether or not the amount we
pay you is less than full compensation for your loss. These rights exist
regardless of whether your claim is paid under a non-indemnity or an
indemnity clause in respect of any of the covers provided.
We will apply any money we recover from someone else under a right of
subrogation in the following order:
1. to us, our costs (administration and legal) arising from the recovery.
2. to us, an amount equal to the amount that we paid to you in respect
of any of the covers provided.
3. to you, your uninsured loss (less your excess).
4. to you, your excess.
Once we pay your total loss, we will keep all money left over.
If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment from
someone else for that loss or damage, you must pay us the amount of
that payment up to the amount of the claim we paid you.
If we pay you for lost or damaged property and you later recover the
property or it is replaced by a third party, you must pay us the amount of
the claim we paid you.
Business travellers – how GST affects your claim
If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of a cost for
which a claim is made, or would be entitled to an input tax credit if you
were to incur the relevant cost (i.e. in replacing a lost or stolen item), the
amount we would otherwise pay will be reduced by the amount of that
input tax credit.
Travel within Australia only
If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of your
premium, you must inform us of the amount of that input tax credit (as
a percentage) at the time you first make a claim. If you fail to do so, you
may have a liability for GST if we pay you an amount in respect of any of
the covers provided.
These Base Cover International Travel Insurance Terms and
Conditions incorporate Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”)
and must be read in conjunction with that Part.
This insurance cover is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations
and exclusions set out in these Base Cover International Travel
Insurance Terms and Conditions, including Part 1 of this booklet
(“General Information”).
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for the Base Cover International
Travel Insurance?
Subject to the following terms and conditions and the details contained
in Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”), all Commonwealth
Bank eligible credit card cardholders, their spouses and
dependent children become eligible for the Base Cover
International Travel Insurance as follows:
A cardholder becomes eligible when the Commonwealth Bank
issues them with an eligible credit card.
An eligible cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children
will also be eligible for this cover provided they travel with the
cardholder for the entire period of any journey.
You do not have to advise us or the Commonwealth Bank that you
will be travelling as you are automatically covered at no additional
cost if you are eligible, subject to the provisions of this Base Cover
International Travel Insurance.
Special conditions and restrictions for persons aged
80 years or over
Please note the following benefits are not available to persons aged 80
years or over at the time they commence their journey:
Benefit 1 - Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
Please refer to the section ‘Special conditions and restrictions for
persons aged 80 years or over - International Travel Insurance’ on
page 8 of Part 1 (“General Information”) for details, including how to
apply for cover.
Part 2 - Base Cover International
Travel Insurance Terms
and Conditions
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under
This International Travel Insurance only provides cover for
emergency overseas medical events that are unforeseen. Please refer
to the section ‘Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged 79
years and under - International Travel Insurance’ on pages 9 to 11 of
Part 1 (“General Information”) for details, including how to apply for
cover of other pre-existing medical conditions.
Maximum period of cover
You are only covered for incidents that occur in the period of cover.
Please refer to the section ‘Maximum period of cover - International
Travel Insurance on pages 7 & 8 of Part 1 (“General Information”) for
details, including how to apply for an extension of the period of cover.
39 40
Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits
The cover limits that apply to the Base Cover International Travel
Insurance also depend on the type of eligible credit card held by the
The tables below set out the benefit and cover limits for each eligible
credit card. The terms and conditions for each benefit are as outlined
in ‘Part C - Benefits and cover’ on pages 40 to 43.
Please read the terms and conditions to ensure that the Base Cover
International Travel Insurance meets your requirements.
policy limit
1 Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance Unlimited
Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses Unlimited
Emergency Dental Expenses (per person) $1,500
Cash in Hospital Allowance
($75 per 24 hours continuous hospital
$7,5 0 0
3 Personal Liability $2.5 million
* sub-limits apply - refer to Part C - Benefits and cover for details.
Platinum /
policy limit
1 Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance Unlimited
Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses Unlimited
Emergency Dental Expenses (per person) $1,500
Cash in Hospital Allowance
($100 per 24 hours continuous hospital
3 Personal Liability $2.5 million
* sub-limits apply - refer to Part C - Benefits and cover for details.
Part C - Benefits and cover
The maximum amount we will pay for all claims combined under each
benefit is shown in ‘Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits’ on page
39 of this booklet.
In addition to any exclusions which may apply to the following benefits,
you must also check ‘Policy exclusions - what is not covered’ on pages
22 to 27 for other reasons why we will not pay.
Benefit 1 Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
Allianz Global Assistance will help you with any overseas medical
emergency. You may contact us at any time 7 days a week.
1.1 Allianz Global Assistance will arrange
Allianz Global Assistance will arrange for the following assistance
services if you injure yourself overseas, or become sick
while overseas:
a] access to a medical adviser for emergency medical treatment
while overseas;
b] any messages which need to be passed on to your family or
employer in the case of an emergency;
c] provision of any written guarantees for payment of reasonable
expenses for emergency hospitalisation while overseas;
d] your medical transfer or evacuation if you must be transported to
the nearest hospital for emergency medical treatment overseas or
be brought back to Australia with appropriate medical supervision.
e] the return to Australia of your dependent children if they are left
without supervision following your hospitalisation or evacuation.
Please note that we will not pay for any costs incurred in Australia.
1.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay:
a] for any expenses for medical evacuation unless it has been first
approved by Allianz Global Assistance;
b] if you decline to promptly follow the medical advice we have
obtained, and we will not be responsible for subsequent medical,
hospital or evacuation expenses;
c] for medical evacuation from Australia to an overseas country.
41 42
Benefit 2 Overseas Emergency Medical &
Hospital Expenses
2.1 We will pay
a] We will reimburse the reasonable medical or hospital expenses
you incur until you get back to Australia if you injure yourself
overseas, or become sick while overseas. The medical or
hospital expenses must have been incurred on the written advice
of a medical adviser. You must make every effort to keep your
medical or hospital expenses to a minimum.
If we determine, on medical advice, that you should return home
for treatment and you do not agree to do so, we will pay you an
amount up to the limit shown in ‘Part B - Cover limits’ which we
reasonably consider to be equivalent to:
your medical expenses and/or related costs incurred overseas
to the date we advise you to return to Australia; plus
the amount it would cost us to return you to Australia.
You will then be responsible for any ongoing or additional costs
relating to or arising out of the event you have claimed for.
We will only pay for treatment received and/or hospital
accommodation during the 12 month period after the sickness first
showed itself or the injury happened.
b] Provided we have agreed to pay the medical and hospital
expenses associated with your stay in an overseas hospital,
we will pay you the following for incidental expenses (such as a
TV rental, newspapers and/or hospital phone calls) if you are
hospitalised for more than 48 continuous hours while you are
Gold Cards
$75 per 24 hours continuous hospital confinement.
Platinum/Diamond Cards
$100 per 24 hours continuous hospital confinement.
c] We will also pay the cost of emergency dental treatment up to the
limit shown in ‘Part B - Cover limits’ for dental costs incurred which
the treating dentist certifies in writing is for the relief of sudden and
acute pain to sound and natural teeth. This limit does not apply to
dental costs arising from any injury that is covered under Benefit
2.1 a].
Please note that we will not pay for medical or hospital costs
incurred in Australia other than those incurred while you are travelling
on a domestic cruise in Australian waters.
2.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay for expenses:
a] when you have not notified Allianz Global Assistance as soon as
practicable of your admittance to hospital;
b] incurred after 2 weeks treatment by a chiropractor, physiotherapist
or dentist, unless approved by Allianz Global Assistance;
c] if you do not follow the advice of Allianz Global Assistance;
d] if you have received medical care under a Reciprocal
Healthcare Agreement;
e] arising from any disease that is transmitted when giving or taking
a drug unless the giving or taking of the drug is supervised by a
medical adviser and the disease is not excluded anywhere else in
this cover;
f] arising from you intentionally injuring yourself; or
g] medical or hospital expenses which:
you incur in Australia if you are eligible for Medicare
(other than medical treatment provided while you are travelling
on a domestic cruise in Australian waters);
you incur more than 12 months after the initial date of your
sickness, injury or disablement; or
you incur after your journey ends, unless you were prevented
from returning to Australia because of the sickness or injury
you suffered during the period of cover.
h] for damage to dentures, dental prostheses, bridges or crowns;
i] relating to dental treatment involving the use of precious metals or
for cosmetic dentistry;
j] for dental treatment caused by or related to the deterioration and/or
decay of teeth; or
k] for preventative dental treatment.
Benefit 3 Personal Liability
3.1 We will pay
If you become legally liable to pay compensation for:
death or bodily injury to someone else; or
physical loss of, or damage to, someone else’s property
as a result of an accident, or a series of accidents arising out of the
one event, that happens during your journey, then we will cover you for:
the compensation (including legal costs) awarded against you; and
any reasonable legal costs incurred by you for settling or
defending a claim made against you, providing you have our
approval, in writing, before incurring these costs.
We must be told as soon as you or your personal representatives are
aware, or a reasonable person in your circumstances should have been
aware, of a possible prosecution, inquest, fatal injury, accident or
incident which might lead to a claim against you.
You must not pay or promise to pay, settle with, admit or deny liability to
anyone who makes a claim against you without our written consent.
3.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay any amount you become
legally liable to pay if the liability arises directly or indirectly from, or is in
any way connected with, or is for:
a] bodily injury to you, your travel companion or to a relative or
employee of any of you;
b] loss of or damage to property belonging to, or in the care, custody
or control of you, your travel companion, a relative or an
employee of any of you;
c] your ownership, custody, control or use of any firearm or weapon,
aerial device, watercraft or motorised vehicle;
d] your conduct of, or employment in any business, profession, trade
or occupation;
e] any loss, damage or expenses which are covered or should have
been covered under a statutory or compulsory insurance policy,
statutory or compulsory insurance or compensation scheme or
fund, or under Workers Compensation legislation, an industrial
award or agreement, or Accident Compensation legislation;
f] any fine or penalty, or aggravated, punitive, exemplary or liquidated
g] illness, sickness or disease that is transmitted by you;
h] any relief or recovery other than monetary amounts;
i] a contract that imposes on you a liability which you would not
otherwise have;
j] assault and/or battery committed by you or at your direction; or
k] any act intended to cause bodily injury, property damage or
liability done by you or any person acting with your knowledge,
connivance or consent.
Taking out your Activated Policy
In order to be issued with an Activated Policy the cardholder will
need to follow the Activation process.
Once the cardholder’s Activated Policy has been confirmed through
Activation, Allianz Global Assistance will confirm the details of the
cardholder’s Activated Policy by issuing them with a Certificate of
If the cardholder does not successfully complete Activation, the
cardholder will not be issued with an Activated Policy and you will
not have the insurance cover described in this Part 3.
Cancellation of Cover
The cardholder can cancel any cover provided under this Activated
Policy at any time, by contacting Allianz Global Assistance.
If the cardholder cancels their Activated Policy, any Upgrade Policy
held by the cardholder will also be cancelled as at the same date.
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for an Activated Policy?
Subject to the following terms and conditions and the details
contained in Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”), all
Commonwealth Bank eligible credit card cardholders, their
spouses and dependent children are eligible to be issued with an
Activated Policy.
Cardholders who activate will be issued with an Activated Policy.
The cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children will only be
eligible for this cover under an Activated Policy if they travel with the
cardholder for the entire journey.
When does cover start under an Activated Policy?
For journeys that commence after Activation, cover under an
Activated Policy applies for the period of cover set out on
the Certificate of Insurance issued to the cardholder
following Activation.
For journeys that commence before Activation, a waiting period of
three (3) days applies. No claims that relate to incidents that occur in this
waiting period are payable under an Activated Policy.
Part 3 - Activated Policy Terms
and Conditions
45 46
Special conditions and restrictions for persons aged
80 years or over at the time of Activation
Please note the following benefits are not available to persons aged 80
years or over at the time of Activation:
Benefit 1 - Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
In addition to the above, there is no cover under Benefit 4 - Cancellation
Fees & Lost Deposits where the cause of the claim is the death,
sickness or injury of a cardholder or spouse if they were aged 80
years or over at the time of Activation.
Please refer to the section ‘Special conditions and restrictions for
persons aged 80 years or over - International Travel Insurance’ on
page 8 of Part 1 (“General Information”) for details, including how to
apply for cover.
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged 79
years and under at the time of Activation
This Activated Policy only provides cover for emergency overseas
medical events that are unforeseen. Please refer to the section
‘Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged 79 years and under
- International Travel Insurance’ on pages 9 to 11 of Part 1 (“General
Information”) for details, including how to apply for cover of other
pre-existing medical conditions.
Maximum period of cover
You are only covered for incidents that occur in the period of cover.
Please refer to the section ‘Maximum period of cover - International
Travel Insurance on pages 7 & 8 of Part 1 (“General Information”) for
details, including how to apply for an extension of the period of cover.
Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits
The following benefits apply under your Activated Policy, depending
on the type of eligible credit card held by the cardholder. This cover
applies in addition to the Base Cover International Travel Insurance.
Please note that cover under Sections 1 and 2 of the Base Cover
International Travel Insurance also applies while you are travelling
on a domestic cruise in Australian waters.
The tables below set out the benefit and cover limits for each eligible
credit card. The terms and conditions for each benefit are as outlined
in ‘Part C - Benefits and cover on pages 48 to 58.
Please read the terms and conditions to ensure that the Activated
Policy meets your requirements.
cardholder +
spouse and/
or dependent
Overseas Emergency Medical
Funeral/cremation overseas
and/or bringing your remains
home ($12,500 limit per person)
$12,500 $25,000
4* Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits $10,000 $20,000
5* Travel Service Provider Insolvency $5,000 $12,000
6* Resumption of Journey $5,000 $10,000
Accidental Death
(other than as covered under
Transit Accident Insurance
in the Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms and
$5,000 per
8* Loss of Income $7, 5 0 0 $7, 5 0 0
Travel Documents, Transaction
Cards, Travellers Cheques & Cash
$500 $1,000
Lost or Damaged Luggage &
Personal Goods
$10,000 $20,000
11* Luggage Delay Expenses $500 $1,000
12* Travel Delay Expenses $650 $1,300
13 Alternative Transport Expenses $3,500 $3,500
14 Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess $2,250 $2,250
15* Hijack & Kidnap $5,000 $5,000
* sub-limits apply - refer to Part C - Benefits and cover for details.
Tables continued on next page
47 48
Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits (cont.)
cardholder +
spouse and/
or dependent
Overseas Emergency Medical
Funeral/cremation overseas
and/or bringing your remains
home ($12,500 limit per person)
$12,500 $25,000
4* Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits Unlimited Unlimited
5* Travel Service Provider Insolvency $5,000 $12,000
6* Resumption of Journey $5,000 $10,000
Accidental Death
(other than as covered under
Transit Accident Insurance
in the Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms and
$5,000 per
8* Loss of Income $7, 5 0 0 $7, 5 0 0
Travel Documents, Transaction
Cards, Travellers Cheques & Cash
$500 $1,000
Lost or Damaged Luggage &
Personal Goods
$15,000 $30,000
11* Luggage Delay Expenses $500 $1,000
12* Travel Delay Expenses $650 $1,300
13 Alternative Transport Expenses $3,500 $3,500
14 Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess $2,250 $2,250
15* Hijack & Kidnap $5,000 $5,000
* sub-limits apply - refer to Part C - Benefits and cover for details.
Part C - Benefits and cover
The maximum amount we will pay for all claims combined under
each benefit is shown in ‘Part B - Table of benefits and cover limits’ on
pages 46 & 47 of this booklet.
In addition to any exclusions which may apply to the following benefits,
you must also check ‘Policy exclusions - what is not covered’ on pages
22 to 27 for other reasons why we will not pay.
Benefit 1 Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
1.1 Allianz Global Assistance will arrange
In addition to any cover for ‘Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance’
in Base Cover International Travel Insurance, Allianz Global
Assistance will arrange for the following assistance services:
if you die as a result of an injury or a sickness during your
journey, we will pay for your reasonable funeral expenses
incurred overseas or the cost of bringing your remains back to
your home. The maximum amount we will pay is $12,500 per
insured person.
Please note that we will not pay for any costs incurred in Australia
except the reasonable cost of transporting your remains from the
inbound port or airport to your home or nominated funeral home.
1.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay:
a] for funeral expenses incurred overseas or bringing your remains
back to Australia unless it has been first approved by Allianz
Global Assistance; or
b] for the transportation of your remains from Australia to an
overseas country.
Benefit 4 Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits
If you think that you may have to cancel your journey or shorten your
journey, you must tell us as soon as possiblefor more information see
‘Claims on pages 33 to 36, or call us.
If your claim arises from or is related to your fitness to travel, written
proof from a medical adviser must be provided.
4.1 We will pay
If your journey is cancelled, rescheduled or shortened because of
circumstances that were not expected or intended by you and are
outside your control, then we will pay:
a] your cancellation fees and lost deposits on unused travel and
accommodation arrangements that you have paid in advance and
cannot recover in any other way;
b] your travel agent’s cancellation fees equal to the lesser of $500 or
15% of the value of the travel arranged by the travel agent. We will
only pay these fees if at the time the circumstances causing your
claim happened, you had already paid at least the full deposit.
49 50
c] for the value of frequent flyer points, air miles, loyalty card points,
redeemable vouchers or other similar schemes lost by you as a
result of cancelling the services paid for with those points, air miles,
vouchers or schemes, but only if you cannot recover your loss in
any other way.
We calculate the amount we pay you as follows:
1. for frequent flyer points, air miles or loyalty card points:
the cost of an equivalent booking based on the same
advance booking period as your original booking less any
payment you made toward the booking,
multiplied by
the total number of points or air miles lost,
divided by the total number of points or air miles used to make
the booking.
2. for vouchers - the face value of the voucher or current market
value of an equivalent booking, whichever is the lesser.
d] your reasonable costs of rescheduling your journey. The most
we will pay for rescheduling your journey is the cost of cancellation
fees and lost deposits that would have been payable under Benefits
4.1 a], b] and c] had your journey been cancelled. We will not pay a
claim under Benefit 4.1 d] in addition to a claim under Benefits 4.1 a],
b] and c] for the same services/facilities.
e] up to $2,500 per insured person to the maximum amounts set
out below if an injury causes the accidental death of one of your
following relations who are living overseas:
spouse, fiancé, fiane;
parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, guardian;
child, stepchild, foster child, grand child; or
sister, sister-in-law, step sister, brother, brother-in-law,
step brother.
The maximum amount we will pay is:
$2,500 for a cardholder
$5,000 for a cardholder with spouse and/or
dependent children
f] if, as a result of a pre-existing medical condition, a relative
of yours dies or is hospitalised in Australia during the period of
cover, and at the time of Activation, you were unaware of the
likelihood of such hospitalisation or death. The most we will pay for
all claims under Benefits 4.1 a], b] and c] or 4.1 d] is:
$2,000 for a cardholder
$4,000 for a cardholder with spouse and/or
dependent children
g] In addition to points a] to f], we will reimburse your reasonable
additional travel and accommodation expenses if a disruption to
your journey arises from any of the following reasons:
you or your travel companion cannot travel because of an
injury or sickness which needs immediate treatment from a
medical adviser who certifies in writing that you are unfit
to travel.
you shorten your journey and return to Australia on the
written advice of a medical adviser approved by Allianz
Global Assistance. We will only pay the cost of the fare class
that you had planned to travel at and you must take advantage
of any pre-arranged return travel to Australia;
your travel companion or a relative of either of you:
dies unexpectedly;
is injured and because of the injury requires
hospitalisation; or
becomes seriously sick and requires hospitalisation
(except where the relevant death, injury or sickness arises out
of a pre-existing medical condition) resulting in your early
return to Australia. We will only pay the cost of the fare class
you had planned to travel at;
your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled, delayed,
rescheduled or diverted because of a strike, riot, hijack, civil
protest, weather, natural disaster or accident affecting your
mode of transport;
you unknowingly break any quarantine rule;
you lose your passport, travel documents or transaction
cards or they are stolen; or
your home is rendered uninhabitable by fire, explosion,
earthquake or flood.
If you did not have a return ticket booked to Australia before you were
injured or became sick, we will reduce the amount of your claim by
the price of the fare to Australia from the place you planned to return
to Australia from. The fare will be at the same fare class as the one you
left Australia on.
4.2 We will not pay
We will not pay your claim if:
a] you were aware, or a reasonable person in your circumstances
would have been aware before your policy was issued, of any
reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, rescheduled
or shortened;
b] other than as specified in Benefit 4.1 e] on page 49, it is caused by
the death, injury or illness of any person, including a relative or
travel companion, not listed on your Certificate of Insurance
who resides outside of Australia;
c] the death, injury or illness of your relative arises from a
pre-existing medical condition except as specified under
Benefit 4.1 f] on page 49;
d] caused by you or your travel companion changing plans, or by
the breakdown or dissolution of any personal or family relationship;
e] caused by any business, financial or contractual obligations.
This exclusion does not apply to claims where you or your travel
companion are made redundant in Australia except where a
reasonable person in a similar situation would have been aware
before the policy was purchased that the redundancy was to occur.
51 52
f] a tour operator or wholesaler is unable to complete arrangements
for any tour because there were not enough people to go on the
tour. This exclusion does not apply to prepaid travel arrangements
bought separately to reach the departure point for the tour or for
other travel arrangements;
g] for cancellations, delays, rescheduling or diversions to your
scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike,
riot, hijack, civil protest, weather, natural disaster or accident
affecting your mode of transport;
h] your claim arises directly or indirectly out of you operating a rental
vehicle in violation of the rental agreement;
i] caused by the financial collapse or insolvency of any travel agent,
tour wholesaler, tour operator or booking agent;
j] caused by the mechanical breakdown of any means of transport;
k] caused by an act or threat of terrorism;
l] you are a full-time permanent employee and your pre-arranged
leave is cancelled by your employer unless you are a full-time
member of the Australian Defence Force or of federal, state or
territory emergency services; or
m] you can claim your additional travel and accommodation expenses
from anyone else.
Benefit 5 Travel Service Provider Insolvency
5.1 We will pay
If your journey is cancelled, shortened or rescheduled due to the
insolvency of a travel services provider then we will pay:
a] the value of unused prepaid travel or accommodation arrangements
that you have had to cancel, less any refunds due to you.
b] your travel agent’s cancellation fees equal to the lesser of $500 or
15% of the value of the travel arranged by the travel agent. We will
only pay these fees if at the time the circumstances causing your
claim happened, you had already paid at least the full deposit.
c] for the value of frequent flyer points, air miles, loyalty card points,
redeemable vouchers or other similar schemes lost by you as a
result of cancelling the services paid for with those points, air miles,
vouchers or schemes, but only if you cannot recover your loss in
any other way. We calculate the amount we pay you as follows:
1. for frequent flyer points, air miles or loyalty card points:
the cost of an equivalent booking based on the same
advance booking period as your original booking less any
payment you made toward the booking,
multiplied by
the total number of points or air miles lost,
divided by the total number of points or air miles used to make
the booking.
2. for vouchers - the face value of the voucher or current market
value of an equivalent booking, whichever is the lesser.
d] your reasonable costs of rescheduling your journey. The most
we will pay for rescheduling your journey is the cost of cancellation
fees and lost deposits that would have been payable under Benefits
5.1 a], b] and c] had your journey been cancelled. We will not pay a
claim under Benefit 5.1 d] in addition to a claim under Benefits 5.1 a],
b] and c] for the same services/facilities.
e] the reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses
incurred if you have to return home.
5.2 We will not pay
We will not pay:
a] for any bookings for travel and accommodation not made before the
start of your journey while you are still in Australia;
b] if your journey is cancelled, shortened or rescheduled at any time
due to the insolvency of any travel agent, tour wholesaler, tour
operator or booking agent;
c] if at the time of Activation, the travel services provider was
insolvent or a reasonable person would have reason to expect the
travel services provider might become insolvent; or
d] any accommodation expenses incurred after the date you originally
planned to return to Australia.
Benefit 6 Resumption of Journey
6.1 We will pay
We will reimburse you for airfares for you to return to the place you
were when your journey was interrupted, if you return to your
home because:
a] during your journey, a relative of yours dies unexpectedly or is
hospitalised in Australia following a serious injury or a sickness
(except arising from a pre-existing medical condition); and
it is possible for your journey to be resumed; and
there is more than 14 days remaining of the period of cover, as
noted on your Certificate of Insurance; and
you resume your journey within 12 months of your return
to Australia.
The most we will pay under this benefit is as follows:
$5,000 for a cardholder
$10,000 for a cardholder with spouse and/or
dependent children
b] as a result of a pre-existing medical condition, a relative of
yours dies or is hospitalised in Australia during the period of
cover, and at the time of Activation, you were unaware of the
likelihood of such hospitalisation or death. The most we will pay for
all claims under Benefit 6.1 a] is:
$2,000 for a cardholder
$4,000 for a cardholder with spouse and/or
dependent children
53 54
6.2 We will not pay
We will not pay your claim:
a] if you were aware of any reason, before your period of cover
commenced, that may cause your journey to be cancelled,
disrupted or delayed;
b] if the death, injury or illness of your relative arises from a
pre-existing medical condition, except as specified under
Benefit 6.1 b].
Benefit 7 Accidental Death
7.1 We will pay
We will pay the accidental death benefit, to your estate, if:
a] you are injured during your journey and you die because of that
injury within 12 months of the injury; or
b] during your journey, something you are travelling on or in
disappears, sinks or crashes and you are presumed dead and your
body is not found within 12 months,
and the Transit Accident Insurance in the Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms and Conditions does not provide ‘loss of life’
benefits for your death.
The amount we will pay for the death of a cardholder, spouse or
dependent child is the benefit limit shown in ‘Part B - Cover limits’ on
pages 46 & 47.
Benefit 8 Loss of Income
8.1 We will pay
If during your journey you suffer an injury requiring medical treatment
overseas, and:
a] because of the injury you become disabled within 30 days; and
b] the disablement continues for more than 30 consecutive days from
the date of your return to Australia; and
c] you are under the regular care of, and acting in accordance with, the
instructions or advice of a medical adviser who certifies in writing
that the disablement prevents you from gainful employment; and
d] as a result you lose all your income,
then we will pay you up to $750 per week for a maximum period of 3
months, starting from the 31st day after your return to Australia.
8.2 We will not pay
We will not pay:
a] for the loss of income of dependent children;
b] for the first 30 days from the time you return to Australia; or
c] when the disablement preventing you from earning your income
has not been continuous for more than 30 consecutive days from
the date of your return to Australia.
Benefit 9 Travel Documents, Transaction Cards,
Travellers Cheques & Cash
9.1 We will pay
a] If any essential travel documents (including passports), transaction
cards or travellers cheques are lost by you, stolen from you or
destroyed during your journey, then we will pay the issuer’s fees for
the replacement costs (including communication costs) of the items
lost, stolen or destroyed.
b] If during your journey, your transaction cards or travellers
cheques are lost or stolen, then we will pay for any loss resulting from
the fraudulent use of the transaction cards or travellers cheques.
c] We will pay for cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal orders or
money orders stolen from your person during your journey.
The maximum amount we will pay per insured person is $500.
9.2 We will not pay
a] To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay if you do not report
the loss or theft within 24 hours to the police and, in the case of
transaction cards or travellers cheques, to the issuing bank
or company in accordance with the conditions under which the
transaction cards or travellers cheques were issued. You must
prove that you made such report by providing us with a written
statement from whosoever you reported it to.
b] We will not pay for any amounts covered by any guarantee given
by the bank or issuing company to you as the holder of the
transaction cards or travellers cheques.
c] We will not pay if the cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal
orders or money orders were not on your person at the time they
were stolen.
Benefit 10 Lost or Damaged Luggage &
Personal Goods
10.1 We will pay
a] If, during your journey, your business items and/or personal
goods are stolen, accidentally damaged or are permanently lost we
will pay the lesser of:
the repair cost;
the replacement cost;
the amount it would cost us to repair or replace the item(s)
allowing for any trade discounts we are entitled to; or
the original purchase price.
We have the option to repair or replace the business items and/
or personal goods instead of paying you. The maximum amount
we will pay:
for any of the following items is:
Business Gold/Business Platinum Cards
$3,000 per business item
55 56
Gold Cards
$3,000 per item for clothing, footwear, toiletries, travel bags
and personal jewellery
$3,000 per item for portable electrical equipment and
$3,000 per camera (cameras and associated equipment/
$3,000 in total for laptop computers and their associated
Platinum/Diamond Cards
$5,000 per item for clothing, footwear, toiletries, travel bags
and personal jewellery
$5,000 per item for portable electrical equipment and
$5,000 per camera (cameras and associated equipment/
$5,000 in total for laptop computers and their associated
A pair or related set of items, for example (but not limited to):
a camera, lenses (attached or not), tripod and accessories;
a matched or unmatched set of golf clubs, golf bag and
buggy; or
a matching pair of earrings,
are considered as only one item for the purpose of this insurance,
and the appropriate single item limit will be applied.
b] Business items and personal goods left in a motor vehicle are
only covered during daylight hours and must have been left in a
concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle, and
forced entry must have been made. The most we will pay is $2,500
in total for all stolen items.
10.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay a claim in relation to your
business items and/or personal goods if:
a] you do not report the loss, theft or misplacement to the police or
an office of the bus line, airline, shipping line or rail authority you
were travelling on when the loss, theft or misplacement occurred.
You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a
written statement from whoever you reported it to;
b] your valuables or their accessories are checked in to be
transported in the cargo hold of any aircraft, ship, train, tram or bus
(including any loss from the point of check in until collection by you
from the baggage carousel or collection area at the end of your
flight, voyage or trip);
c] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, electronic data, software or any
other intangible asset;
d] the loss, theft, or damage is to, or of, cash, bank notes, currency
notes, cheques or negotiable instruments;
e] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, items left behind in any hotel or
motel room after you have checked out, or items left behind in any
aircraft, ship, train, tram, taxi or bus;
f] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, watercraft of any type (other
than surfboards);
g] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, snow sport equipment;
h] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, valuables left unattended in
a motor vehicle at any time;
i] the business items and/or personal goods were left
unattended in a motor vehicle, unless they were left in a
concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle;
j] the business items and/or personal goods have an electrical or
mechanical breakdown;
k] you are entitled to be reimbursed by the bus line, airline, shipping
line or rail authority you were travelling on when the loss, theft,
misplacement or damage occurred. However, if you are not
reimbursed the full amount of your claim, we will pay the difference
between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed,
up to the limit of your cover; or
l] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, furniture, furnishings or
household appliances.
Benefit 11 Luggage Delay Expenses
11.1 We will pay
We will reimburse you up to a maximum amount of $500 per insured
person if any items of your business items and/or personal goods
are delayed, misdirected or misplaced by the carrier for more than 12
hours, and in our opinion it was necessary for you to purchase essential
items of clothing or other personal items.
You must provide written proof from the carrier who was responsible
for your business items and/or personal goods that they were
delayed, misdirected or misplaced.
We will deduct any amount we pay you under this benefit for any
subsequent claim for lost business items and/or personal goods
(Benefit 10.1).
11.2 We will not pay
We will not pay if you are entitled to compensation from the bus line, air
line, shipping line or rail authority you were travelling on for the relevant
amount claimed. However, if you are not reimbursed the full amount, we
will pay the difference between the amount of your expenses and what
you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover.
Benefit 12 Travel Delay Expenses
12.1 We will pay
We will reimburse the cost of your reasonable additional meals and
accommodation expenses if a delay to your journey, for at least 6
hours, arises from circumstances outside your control.
57 58
At the end of the initial 6 hour period, we will pay up to:
$250 for a cardholder
$500 for a cardholder with spouse and/or dependent children.
In addition, we will pay the following amounts for each full 12 hour period
that the delay continues beyond the initial 6 hour delay:
$150 for a cardholder to a maximum amount of $400
$300 for a cardholder with spouse and/or dependent children
to a maximum amount of $800
12.2 We will not pay
We will not pay if a delay to your journey arises from any of the
following reasons:
a] the financial collapse or insolvency of any travel agent, tour
wholesaler, tour operator or booking agent; or
b] an act or threat of terrorism.
Nor will we pay if:
c] you can claim your additional meals and accommodation expenses
from anyone else.
Benefit 13 Alternative Transport Expenses
13.1 We will pay
We will pay your reasonable additional travel expenses to reach a
wedding, funeral, conference, sporting event or prepaid travel/tour
arrangements on time if your scheduled transport is cancelled, delayed,
shortened or diverted and that means you would not arrive on time.
13.2 We will not pay
We will not pay:
a] if the cancellation, delay, shortening or diversion of your scheduled
transport arises from the financial collapse or insolvency of any
travel agent, tour wholesaler, tour operator or booking agent; or
b] if your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
Benefit 14 Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess
What you are covered for
Cover is only provided under this benefit if you have purchased motor
vehicle insurance or damage waiver from the rental company or agency
you rented the rental vehicle from. This benefit does not cover items
such as, but not limited to, tyres and/or windscreens if they are not
covered by the motor vehicle insurance or damage waiver purchased
from the rental company or agency.
This benefit only provides cover for the excess payable under the motor
vehicle insurance or the liability fee payable under the damage waiver
specified in your rental agreement up to the limit shown in ‘Part B -
Cover limits on pages 46 & 47.
14.1 We will pay
a] If, during your period of cover, a rental vehicle you have rented
from a rental company or agency is:
involved in a motor vehicle accident while you are driving it; or
damaged or stolen while in your custody,
then we will pay the lesser of:
the motor vehicle insurance excess or the liability fee you are
required to pay under a damage waiver; or
property damage for which you are liable.
You must provide a copy of:
your rental vehicle agreement;
an incident report that was completed;
repair account;
an itemised list of the value of the damage; and
written notice from the rental company or agency advising that
you are liable to pay the excess or liability fee.
b] If your attending medical adviser certifies in writing that you are
unfit to return your rental vehicle to the nearest depot during your
journey, then we will pay up to $500 for the cost of returning your
rental vehicle.
14.2 We will not pay
We will not pay a claim involving the theft or damage to your rental
vehicle if the claim arises directly or indirectly from, or is in any way
connected with, or is for:
a] you using the rental vehicle in breach of the rental agreement;
b] you using the rental vehicle without a licence for the purpose that
you were using it; or
c] administrative charges or fees of the rental company that are not a
component of a motor vehicle insurance excess or liability fee.
Benefit 15 Hijack & Kidnap
15.1 We will pay
We will pay you $250 per insured person for each continuous 24 hour
period that you are held captive if you are hijacked or kidnapped during
your journey.
Applying for an Upgrade Policy
Once your Upgrade Policy has been confirmed and you have paid
any additional premium which may apply, Allianz Global Assistance
will confirm the details of your Upgrade Policy which will be shown on
the Certificate of Insurance issued to you.
About your premium
You will be told the premium payable for your cover when you apply
for an Upgrade Policy. In calculating the premium, we take into
account a number of factors including your destination(s), length of
journey, the number of persons and age of persons to be covered
under the policy. The amount of any excess and cover for approved
pre-existing medical conditions is also included in the calculation of
your premium.
Your total premium reflects the amount we calculate to cover these
factors as well as any relevant government charges, taxes or levies
(such as stamp duty or GST) in relation to your Upgrade Policy. These
amounts are included in the total amount payable by you as shown on
your Certificate of Insurance.
Cooling-off period
Even after you have obtained your Upgrade Policy, you have
cooling-off rights.
If you decide that you do not want your cover, you may cancel it within
14 days after you are issued your Certificate of Insurance. You will
be given a full refund of the premium you paid, provided you have not
started your journey or you do not want to make a claim or to exercise
any other right under your cover.
After this period you can still cancel your cover but we will not refund
any part of your premium if you do.
Part 4 - Upgrade Policy Terms
and Conditions
Duty of Disclosure
Before you enter into this insurance with us, you have a duty of
disclosure under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984.
The Act imposes a different duty the first time you enter into a contract
of insurance with us to that which applies when you vary, extend or
reinstate the contract.
This duty of disclosure applies until the contract is entered into (or varied,
extended or reinstated as applicable).
Your Duty of Disclosure when you enter into the contract with us
for the first time
When answering our specific questions that are relevant to our decision
whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, on what terms,
you must be honest and disclose to us anything that you know and that
a reasonable person in the circumstances would include in answer to
the questions.
It is important that you understand you are answering our questions in
this way for yourself and anyone else that you want to be covered by
the contract.
Your Duty of Disclosure when you vary, extend or reinstate
the contract
When you vary, extend or reinstate the contract with us, your duty is
to disclose to us every matter that you know, or could reasonably be
expected to know, is relevant to our decision whether to accept the risk
of the insurance and, if so, on what terms.
What you do not need to tell us
Your duty however does not require disclosure of any matter:
that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by us; or
that is of common knowledge; or
that we know or, in the ordinary course of business as an insurer,
ought to know; or
as to which compliance with your duty is waived by us.
If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure, we may be entitled to
reduce our liability under the contract in respect of a claim, cancel the
contract or both.
If your non-disclosure is fraudulent, we may also have the option of
avoiding the contract from its beginning.
61 62
Part A - Important matters you should know
Who is eligible for an Upgrade Policy?
Subject to the following terms and conditions and the details contained
in Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”) on pages 6 to 36, all
Commonwealth Bank eligible credit card cardholders are entitled
to apply for an Upgrade Policy if they hold a current Activated Policy.
Part B - Upgrade options, benefits and limits
When a cardholder activates an Activated Policy, they can apply to
include any of the following upgrade options in an Upgrade Policy.
These options may be applied for at the time of Activation or be added
to an existing Activated Policy.
Please note that some options cannot be applied for if either of the
following has occurred:
you have commenced your journey, or
the start date as shown on your Certificate of Insurance
has passed.
The options that a cardholder can choose and we agree to will be
shown in the Certificate of Insurance. There is no cover for any option
that is not shown in the Certificate of Insurance.
The cardholder will be required to pay any premium that applies to the
options that are included in the Upgrade Policy.
Medical cover for persons aged 80 years or over
Please note this upgrade option cannot be applied for if:
you have commenced your journey, or
the start date as shown on your Certificate of Insurance
has passed.
The International Travel Insurance does not provide cover under
the following benefits if you are aged 80 years or over either at the time
you commence your journey (Base Cover International Travel
Insurance) or activate an Activated Policy for this insurance cover:
Benefit 1 - Overseas Emergency Medical Assistance
Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
Benefit 4 - Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits
(where a claim is due to the death, sickness or injury of
a cardholder or spouse aged 80 years or over at the time
of Activation)
Under this option we will cover you under the above benefits if you
complete a medical assessment - the results of which are acceptable
to us.
Please note we have the absolute right to accept or decline the
application for an Upgrade Policy, or impose special conditions such
as an additional excess.
If we decline the application to upgrade your cover, you will still be
eligible for the other benefits provided by the International Travel
Insurance, however, you will not be eligible for the cover provided
under Benefits 1, 2 and 4 referred to above, and we will not pay any
claims arising from, related to or associated with any pre-existing
medical conditions.
Pre-existing medical conditions for persons aged
79 years and under
Please note this upgrade option cannot be applied for if:
you have commenced your journey, or
the start date as shown on your Certificate of Insurance
has passed.
Unless otherwise agreed, the International Travel Insurance
only provides medical and hospital expenses cover for unforeseen
emergency medical events which occur overseas. Cover is not provided
for pre-existing medical conditions, unless they are a condition that
we expressly agree to cover.
Please note that if you have a pre-existing medical condition and:
a] you do not apply for cover of that pre-existing medical
condition; or
b] you apply for cover of that pre-existing medical condition and
we do not agree to provide cover for that pre-existing medical
condition; or
c] we agree to provide cover for that pre-existing medical
condition and you do not pay any relevantadditional premium,
we will not pay any claims arising from, related to or associated with
your pre-existing medical condition. This means that you may
have to pay for an overseas medical emergency which can be very
expensive in some countries.
Conditions which are undiagnosed or awaiting
specialist opinion
Please note that we are unable to offer any cover for any medical
conditions that you were aware of, or a reasonable person in your
circumstances should have been aware, or arising from signs or
symptoms that you were aware of or a reasonable person in your
circumstances should have been aware, at the time the cardholder
activated the Activated Policy, and for which at that time:
you had not yet sought a medical opinion regarding the cause;
you were currently under investigation to define a diagnosis; or
you were awaiting specialist opinion.
You will still be eligible for the other benefits provided by the
International Travel Insurance, and you may apply for cover for other
pre-existing medical conditions, however, there will be no provision
to claim under the International Travel Insurance for any claims
arising from, related to or associated with any of the above.
Pre-existing medical conditions which may be covered
with no additional premium payable
Cover under the International Travel Insurance may be provided for
a pre-existing medical condition which is listed under ‘Pre-existing
medical conditions which are covered (some restrictions apply)’ on
pages 9 & 10 of Part 1 (“General Information”), provided that you have
not been hospitalised (including day surgery or emergency department
attendance) for that condition in the 24 months prior to either your
period of cover (Base Cover International Travel Insurance)
or Activation.
63 64
However, if you have been hospitalised (including day surgery or
emergency department attendance), or your pre-existing medical
condition does not meet the description as set out under ‘Pre-existing
medical conditions which are covered (some restrictions apply)’ on
pages 9 & 10, then we will require further information from you as
outlined in ‘How do I apply for cover for my pre-existing medical
condition? on page 63 to determine whether we can provide you
with cover.
We do not require any further information if your pre-existing medical
condition is listed under ‘Pre-existing medical conditions which
are covered (some restrictions apply)’ on pages 9 & 10 and has not
given rise to your hospitalisation (including day surgery or emergency
department attendance) in the 24 months prior to either your period of
cover (Base Cover International Travel Insurance) or Activation.
The conditions listed under ‘Pre-existing medical conditions which are
covered (some restrictions apply)’ on pages 9 & 10 are available to you
regardless of whether you elect not to pay the premium for cover of
any approved pre-existing medical condition or had cover declined
for your pre-existing medical condition.
Note that while pre-existing medical conditions not listed on pages
9 & 10 will require assessment, there are a range of medical conditions
which may not result in any additional premium being payable.
How do I apply for cover for my pre-existing
medical condition?
If you are 79 years of age or under, and think you have a pre-existing
medical condition and would like cover for that pre-existing medical
condition, please apply online or call us.
If you have any questions about pre-existing medical conditions,
please call us.
Extension of period of cover
If a cardholder intends to be travelling for longer than the period of
cover applying to the eligible credit card, the cardholder can apply
to extend the relevant period of cover.
If accepted, the cardholders Certificate of Insurance will show the
extended period of cover.
Increased rental vehicle insurance excess
A cardholder can increase the benefit limit that applies to Benefit
14 - Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess shown in ‘Part B - Benefit limits’
on pages 46 & 47 of the Activated Policy Terms and Conditions by
nominating the level of additional cover required from the options we
make available.
This increased benefit limit is in addition to the benefit limit provided
under the Activated Policy and is the amount which will be shown on
the cardholder’s Certificate of Insurance.
Snow Pack
In addition to the cover provided under the Base Cover International
Travel Insurance and an Activated Policy for snow sport activities,
a cardholder can upgrade to include the benefits provided in the Snow
The maximum amount we will pay for all claims combined under each
benefit is shown in the Table of Benefits below.
In addition to any exclusions which may apply to the following benefits,
you must also check ‘Policy exclusions - what is not covered’ on pages
22 to 27 for other reasons why we will not pay.
Gold / Diamond /
+ spouse
16.1* Own Snow Sport Equipment $2,000 $4,000
16.2 Snow Sport Equipment Hire $2,000 $4,000
16.3 Snow Sport Pack $1,000 $2,000
16.4* Piste Closure $1,000 $2,000
16.5 Bad Weather & Avalanche Closure $1,000 $2,000
* sub-limits apply - refer to pages 64 to 67 for details of cover.
Benefit 16.1 Own Snow Sport Equipment
You only have this cover if the Snow Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
16.1.1 We will pay
a] If, during your journey, your snow sport equipment is stolen,
accidentally damaged or is permanently lost, we will pay the lesser of:
the repair cost;
the replacement cost;
the amount it would cost us to repair or replace the item(s)
allowing for any trade discounts we are entitled to;
the cost of repairing or replacing the lost or damaged part of a
pair, set or collection; or
the original purchase price.
We have the option to repair or replace the snow sport equipment
instead of paying you.
A pair or set of items, for example (but not limited to):
a matched or unmatched set of skis or ski poles
are considered as only one item and the appropriate benefit limit will
be applied.
65 66
b] Snow sport equipment owned by you and left in a motor vehicle
is only covered during daylight hours and must have been left in a
concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle, and
forced entry must have been made. The most we will pay is $200 for
each item, and $1,000 in total for all stolen items.
16.1.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay a claim in relation to
snow sport equipment owned by you if:
a] you do not report the loss, theft or damage within 24 hours to the
police or an office of the bus line, airline, shipping line or rail authority
you were travelling on when the loss, theft or damage occurred.
You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a
written statement from whoever you reported it to;
b] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, snow sport equipment left
behind in any hotel or motel room after you have checked out, or
snow sport equipment left behind in any aircraft, ship, train, tram,
taxi or bus;
c] the snow sport equipment was being sent unaccompanied by
you or under a freight contract;
d] the loss or damage arises from any process of cleaning, repair
or alteration;
e] the loss or damage arises from ordinary wear and tear,
deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents
or vermin;
f] the snow sport equipment was left unattended in a
public place;
g] the snow sport equipment was left unattended in a motor
vehicle, unless it was left in a concealed storage compartment
of a locked motor vehicle;
h] the snow sport equipment was left overnight in a motor vehicle;
i] you are entitled to be reimbursed by the bus line, airline, shipping
line or rail authority you were travelling on when the loss, theft
or damage occurred. However, if you are not reimbursed the full
amount of your claim, we will pay the difference between the
amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit
of your cover;
j] the loss or damage is to, or of, snow sport equipment while it is
in use; or
k] the claim arises from the following:
ice skating, off-piste or backcountry activities, bobsleighing,
snow rafting, para-penting, heli-skiing, ski acrobatics, ski or
snowboard jumping, aerial skiing, stunting, freestyle, ski joring or
any form of power-assisted skiing or use of mechanised snow-
mobiles except as provided by the recognised piste authorities for
transport to and from areas designed for recreational skiing.
Benefit 16.2 Snow Sport Equipment Hire
You only have this cover if the Snow Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
16.2.1 We will pay
We will pay for the costs of hiring alternative snow sport
equipment following:
a] accidental loss, theft of, or damage to, your snow sport
equipment for which a claim has been accepted by us under
Benefit 16.1 - Own Snow Sport Equipment; or
b] the misdirection or delay, for a period more than 24 hours, of snow
sport equipment owned by you.
We will also reimburse the snow sport equipment hire insurance
excess if you have chosen and paid for snow sport equipment hire
cover from the hire company or agency and you are charged an excess
following the loss of, or damage to the snow sport equipment hired
by you.
Benefit 16.3 Snow Sport Pack
You only have this cover if the Snow Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
16.3.1 We will pay
If, as a result of your injury or sickness during your journey, you are
unable to utilise the full duration of your pre-booked and pre-paid ski
passes, snow sport equipment hire, tuition fees or lift passes, we will
reimburse you the irrecoverable cost of the unused portion for each
insured person.
You must obtain a medical certificate from your treating medical
adviser in support of your claim for your injury or sickness.
16.3.2 We will not pay
We will not pay:
a] for any claims arising from the following:
ice skating, off-piste or backcountry activities, bobsleighing,
snow rafting, para-penting, heli-skiing, ski acrobatics, ski or
snowboard jumping, aerial skiing, stunting, freestyle, ski joring or
any form of power-assisted skiing or use of mechanised snow-
mobiles except as provided by the recognised piste authorities for
transport to and from areas designed for recreational skiing; or
b] for any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st
March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th
September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not
apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods
and have sufficient snow for normal skiing activities.
67 68
Benefit 16.4 Piste Closure
You only have this cover if the Snow Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
16.4.1 We will pay
We will pay up to $100 per 24 hour period for either:
the cost of transport to the nearest resort; or
the cost of additional ski passes,
if, as a result of not enough snow, bad weather or power failure during
your journey, all lift systems in your pre-booked holiday resort are
closed for more than 24 hours.
16.4.2 We will not pay
We will not pay:
a] for any claims relating to resorts that do not have skiing facilities
greater than 1,000 metres above sea level; or
b] for any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st
March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th
September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not
apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods
and have sufficient snow for normal skiing activities.
Benefit 16.5 Bad Weather & Avalanche Closure
You only have this cover if the Snow Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
16.5.1 We will pay
We will pay the reasonable extra travel and accommodation expenses
that you need to pay if your pre-booked outward or return journey is
delayed for more than 12 hours from your scheduled departure time
because of an avalanche or bad weather.
16.5.2 We will not pay
To the extent permissible by law, we will not pay :
a] unless you obtain a written statement from the appropriate authority
confirming that the reason for the delay was related to either an
avalanche or bad weather, and how long it lasted.
Nor will we pay:
b] for any claims relating to resorts that do not have skiing facilities
greater than 1,000 metres above sea level; or
c] for any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st
March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th
September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not
apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods
and have sufficient snow for normal skiing activities.
Cruise Pack
In addition to the cover provided under the Base Cover International
Travel Insurance and an Activated Policy for cruising, a cardholder
can upgrade to include the benefits provided in the Cruise Pack.
The maximum amount we will pay for all claims combined under each
benefit is shown in the Table of Benefits below. I
n addition to any exclusions which may apply to the following benefits,
you must also check ‘Policy exclusions - what is not covered’ on pages
22 to 27 for other reasons why we will not pay.
Gold / Diamond /
cardholder cardholder
+ spouse
17.1* Cabin confinement $500 $1,000
17. 2 Pre-paid shore excursion
$1,000 $2,000
17.3 Formal cruise attire lost or
$1,000 $2,000
17.4 Formal cruise attire delayed $250 $500
17.5* Marine Rescue Diversion $500 $1,000
* sub-limits apply - refer to pages 68 to 70 for details of cover.
Benefit 17.1 Cabin Confinement
You only have this cover if the Cruise Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
17.1.1 We will pay
We will pay you $50 for each period of 24 hours if, as a result of injury
or sickness during your journey, you are confined to your cabin or
the cruise vessel’s hospital.
Benefit 17.2 Pre-Paid Shore Excursion Cancellation
You only have this cover if the Cruise Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
17.2.1 We will pay
We will pay for cancellation fees and lost deposits if you cannot
participate in your pre-paid shore excursion(s) due to your confinement
in your cabin or hospital bed in the cruise vessel’s hospital.
69 70
Benefit 17.3 Formal Cruise Attire Lost or Damaged
You only have this cover if the Cruise Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
17.3.1 We will pay
If, during your journey, your formal wear is stolen, accidentally
damaged or is permanently lost, we will pay the lesser of:
the repair cost;
the replacement cost;
the amount it would cost us to repair or replace the item(s) allowing
for any trade discounts we are entitled to;
the cost of repairing or replacing the lost or damaged part of a pair,
set or collection; or
the original purchase price.
We have the option to repair or replace the formal wear instead of
paying you.
A pair or set of items, for example (but not limited to):
shoes, gloves, suit
are considered as only one item and the appropriate benefit limit will
be applied.
17.3.2 We will not pay
To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay a claim in relation to your
formal wear if:
a] you do not report the loss, theft or misplacement within 24 hours
to the police or an office of the carrier you were travelling on when
the loss, theft or misplacement occurred. You must prove that you
made such report by providing us with a written statement from
whoever you reported it to;
b] the loss, theft or damage is to, or of, formal wear left behind in any
hotel or motel room after you have checked out or cruise vessel
cabin after you have disembarked, or items left behind in any
aircraft, ship, train, tram, taxi or bus;
c] the formal wear was being sent unaccompanied by you or under
a freight contract;
d] the loss or damage arises from any process of cleaning, repair
or alteration;
e] the loss or damage arises from ordinary wear and tear,
deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents
or vermin;
f] the formal wear was left unattended in a public place; or
g] you are entitled to be reimbursed by the bus line, airline, shipping
line or rail authority you were travelling on when the loss, theft,
misplacement or damage occurred. However, if you are not
reimbursed the full amount of your claim, we will pay the difference
between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed,
up to the limit of your cover.
Benefit 17.4 Formal Cruise Attire Delayed
You only have this cover if the Cruise Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
17.4.1 We will pay
We will reimburse you your reasonable expenses if your formal wear
is delayed, misdirected or misplaced while on the outward portion of
your journey for over 12 hours from the time you boarded the cruise
vessel, and it is necessary to purchase or hire replacement formal wear.
17.4.2 We will not pay
We will not pay if you are entitled to compensation from the bus line,
airline, shipping line or rail authority you were travelling on for the
relevant amount claimed. However, if you are not reimbursed the
full amount, we will pay the difference between the amount of your
expenses and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover.
Benefit 17.5 Marine Rescue Diversion
You only have this cover if the Cruise Pack Upgrade Policy
was purchased.
17.5.1 We will pay
We will pay you $100 for each day, up to a maximum of 5 days, if
during your journey, your cruise vessel diverts from its scheduled
course in order to affect a marine rescue in accordance with obligations
under international conventions governing the Law of the Sea, and
Search and Rescue.
17.5.2 We will not pay
We will not pay if your cruise vessel diverts from its scheduled course
for any reason other than to affect a marine rescue.
Part 5 - Base Cover Other
Insurances Terms
and Conditions
These Base Cover Other Insurances Terms and Conditions
incorporate Part 1 of this booklet (“General Information”) and must be
read in conjunction with that Part.
These insurance covers are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations
and exclusions set out in these Base Cover Other Insurances
Terms and Conditions, including Part 1 of this booklet (“General
Purchase Security Insurance
Purchase Security Insurance is a cover available to all
Commonwealth Bank eligible credit card cardholders, subject to
the following terms and conditions and the details contained in Part 1 of
this booklet (“General Information”).
This cover provides ninety (90) consecutive days of insurance against
loss, theft or damage over a wide range of new business items/
personal goods purchased anywhere in the world, provided the
purchase is charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
account or the business items/personal goods are directly
purchased by redeeming Commonwealth Awards points.
However, please refer to the ‘Safety of your belongings’ section on
page 31 of this booklet to ensure you understand your responsibility to
protect your business items/personal goods.
Terms and conditions
1. This cover provides automatic insurance protection for business
items/personal goods when their purchase is charged to an
eligible credit card or the purchase is a direct redemption of
Commonwealth Awards points, unless the business items/
personal goods and/or claims are excluded by the policy’s
terms and conditions, or the cardholder fails to comply with the
Claims Procedures. For the avoidance of doubt, business items/
personal goods being purchased by instalment payments
(e.g. mobile phone contracts) are not covered until the final payment
is made.
2. Cover extends to permanent Australian residents who receive the
business items/personal goods as a gift from a cardholder
who has purchased the business items/personal goods in
accordance with point 1 above. For the purpose of this cover, these
persons are also referred to as cardholders.
3. The business items/personal goods are insured anywhere in
the world for ninety (90) consecutive days from the date of purchase
in the event of loss, theft or damage. However, there is no
cover until you have taken possession of the business items/
personal goods.
4. Our liability for claims made pursuant to this policy shall not exceed:
the actual amount charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit
card account to purchase the business items/personal
goods; or
the market value of the business items/personal goods
purchased through the redemption of Commonwealth Awards
points; or
in respect of jewellery, watches and fine arts, the limit is:
A$3,000 for personal Gold, business Gold and business
Platinum cardholders, and
A$10,000 for personal Diamond and personal Platinum
cardholders; or
in any 12 month period the sum of:
A$6,000 for business Gold and business Platinum
A$125,000 for personal Gold cardholders, and
A$200,000 for personal Diamond and personal Platinum
in respect of any one eligible credit card account.
73 74
Extended Warranty Insurance is a cover available to all
Commonwealth Bank eligible credit card cardholders, subject to
the following terms and conditions and the details contained in Part 1 of
this booklet (“General Information”).
The purpose of the cover is to extend the manufacturer’s expressed
Australian warranty on business items/personal goods, provided
the purchase is charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
account or is purchased by redeeming Commonwealth Awards
points directly for the business items/personal goods.
All business items/personal goods come with guarantees from
the seller and the manufacturer that cannot be excluded under the
Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or
refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably
foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the
failure does not amount to a major failure.
This Extended Warranty Insurance does not change or take away
your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Your right to claim
under this cover is in addition to other rights and remedies you have
under the law in relation to your business items/personal goods.
However, you can choose to make a claim under this cover even if you
have rights under the law.
Terms and conditions
1. The cover provided by this insurance in respect of the purchase of
business items/personal goods comes into effect at the end of
the Australian warranty period that applies to those business
items/personal goods and covers the cost to repair or replace the
business items/personal goods.
2. This extended warranty period will be for a duration equivalent to the
Australian warranty period, up to a maximum of one full year, and
does not apply if the Australian warranty exceeds five years.
For example:
3. Only covered breakdowns are eligible for this extended warranty.
Australian warranty
Extended warranty
7 days 7 days
14 days 14 days
1 month 1 month
6 months 6 months
1 to 5 years 1 year
Over 5 years No cover
Extended Warranty Insurance
4. Our liability for claims made pursuant to this cover shall not exceed:
the actual Australian dollar purchase price of the business
items/personal goods charged to the eligible credit card
the market value of the business items/personal goods
purchased through the redemption of Commonwealth Awards
points; and
in any 12 month period, the sum of:
A$6,000 for business Gold and business Platinum
A$10,000 for personal Gold cardholders, and
A$20,000 for personal Diamond and personal Platinum
in respect of any one eligible credit card account.
5. You must take all reasonable care to protect and maintain the
business items/personal goods insured under this cover.
6. If a claim is to be paid under this cover, you must obtain approval
from us prior to proceeding with any repairs or replacement of the
business items/personal goods which have broken down, or
are defective. You must also retain the business items/personal
goods or parts for our inspection.
7. Only covered breakdowns are eligible for this extended warranty.
8. Our liability for claims made pursuant to this cover shall not exceed:
the actual Australian dollar purchase price of the business
items/personal goods charged to the eligible credit card
the market value of the business items/personal goods
purchased through the redemption of Commonwealth Awards
points; and
in any 12 month period, the sum of:
A$6,000 for business Gold and business Platinum
A$10,000 for personal Gold cardholders, and
A$20,000 for personal Diamond and personal Platinum
in respect of any one eligible credit card account.
9. You must take all reasonable care to protect and maintain the
business items/personal goods insured under this cover.
10. If a claim is to be paid under this cover, you must obtain approval
from us prior to proceeding with any repairs or replacement of the
business items/personal goods which have broken down, or
are defective. You must also retain the business items/personal
goods or parts for our inspection.
75 76
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance is a cover available to
Commonwealth Bank personal Diamond, personal Platinum and
business Platinum cardholders, subject to the following terms and
conditions and the details contained in Part 1 of this booklet
(“General Information”).
It covers the cardholder during interstate travel provided the
cardholder charges the entire cost of their return interstate flight (but
not taxes, or airport or travel agent’s charges) to their eligible credit
card account.
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance is not available to Norfolk
Island Residents.
This cover extends to the personal Diamond or personal Platinum
cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children provided they
are travelling with the personal Diamond or personal Platinum
cardholder and the entire cost of their return interstate flights (but
not taxes, or airport or travel agent’s charges) was also charged to the
personal Diamond or personal Platinum cardholder’s eligible credit
card account.
For Benefit 4 ‘Cancellation of domestic travel arrangements, this cover
starts once the entire cost of your return interstate flight fare has been
charged to the Diamond or Platinum cardholder’s eligible credit card
account. This cover ceases for Benefit 4 ‘Cancellation of domestic travel
arrangements when you commence your interstate flight.
For all other benefits under this Interstate Flight Inconvenience
Insurance, cover starts on the earlier of:
the departure date shown on your return interstate flight ticket; or
the time you leave your home if you travel directly from that home
to the airport shown on your return interstate flight ticket.
and cover ceases when the first of the following occurs:
7 days after the departure date shown on the business Platinum
cardholder’s (14 days for personal Diamond or personal Platinum
cardholders) return interstate flight ticket; or
when you cancel your interstate flight ticket; or
when you return to your home if you travel directly to that home
from the airport shown on your return interstate flight ticket.
This cover, however, is not designed to provide travel insurance benefits
as prescribed under the Insurance Contract Act 1984.
Interstate Flight Inconvenience
1. Delays
Flight delay
If your intended interstate flight is delayed by four hours or more, and
no alternative transport is made available, you are entitled to charge up
to A$35 per person to the cardholder’s eligible credit card account
for meals and refreshments, up to a total of A$100.
12 hour luggage delay
If, following your interstate flight, your luggage containing clothes and
toiletries is delayed in getting to you for over 12 hours, you are entitled
to charge up to A$150 per person to the cardholder’s eligible credit
card account for essential clothing and toiletries, up to a total of A$450.
2. Loss of or damage to business items/personal goods
We insure you during your interstate travel, while this cover is in force,
for the theft and accidental loss of or damage to clothing and your
business items or personal goods that you have with you. However,
please refer to the ‘Safety of your belongings’ section on page 31 to
ensure you understand your responsibility to protect your belongings.
We will pay up to a value of A$750 for each item to a maximum of
A$1,500 in total per trip.
3. Funeral expenses as a result of accidental death
If, while on an interstate travel and while this cover is in force you die
as a result of injuries caused accidentally, directly and solely by a
sudden physical force (but not illness or disease), we will pay for funeral
expenses up to A$2,500 per person to a maximum of A$7,000.
4. Cancellation of domestic travel arrangements
Under this benefit, we cover you for your cancelled arrangements, and
additional expenses associated with the cancellation, to a maximum
of A$3,000 if travel arrangements you have paid for are cancelled for
any of the following reasons, provided the entire cost of your return
interstate flight fares has already been charged to the cardholder’s
eligible credit card account:
you, your travel companion or a relative unexpectedly:
is/are seriously injured; or
become(s) seriously ill;
We will need to see a medical advice written by a medical adviser
regarding any of the above events, and be satisfied that the expenses
involved are reasonable in amount and reasonably necessary.
your or your travel companion’s normal residence in Australia is
totally destroyed but not as an act of terrorism;
you or your travel companion are quarantined;
you or your travel companion are subpoenaed to attend court
in Australia;
your arranged travel is cancelled or delayed by the carrier
because of an unexpected natural disaster or the malfunction
of the aircraft; or
you are unexpectedly retrenched. This does not include voluntary
retrenchment or redundancy.
77 78
Transit Accident Insurance is a cover available to Commonwealth
Bank personal Diamond, personal Platinum and business Platinum
cardholders travelling internationally, subject to the following terms
and conditions and the details contained in Part 1 of this booklet
(“General Information”).
It provides certain accidental death and injury cover for cardholders
who sustain an injury while riding as a passenger in (not as a pilot, driver
or crew member), or boarding or alighting (being when you physically
get on or off) a plane, bus, train or ferry as outlined in this cover.
This cover is available on trips where prior to the trip, the entire
payment for the trip was charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit
card account. In certain circumstances the benefits also extend to the
cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children, provided they are
travelling with the cardholder and before the trip, the payment
for their trip was also charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit
card account.
The insurance provided, however, does not include benefits as
prescribed under the Insurance Contract Act 1984.
The benefits listed under the Schedule of Benefits on page 78 will
be paid if, while outside Australia, the cardholder and/or the
cardholder’s spouse and/or dependent children suffer a loss as a
result of an injury suffered under the circumstances specified as follows:
1. the injury is sustained on a trip while you are riding as a passenger
in (not as a pilot, driver or crew member) or boarding or alighting
(being when you physically get on or off) the plane, bus, train or ferry.
2. the injury is sustained while you are riding as a passenger in (not
as a pilot, driver or crew member), a licensed taxi, bus, hire vehicle
or other conveyance pursuant to any statute, regulation, by-law or
the equivalent thereof for the transportation of passengers for hire,
provided you are travelling directly to or from an airport, bus depot,
railway station or dock, immediately preceding or following the
scheduled trip.
3. when, by reason of an accident specified in points 1 or 2 above,
you are unavoidably exposed to the elements and, as a result of
such exposure, suffer an injury for which indemnity is otherwise
payable hereunder, the loss shall be covered under the terms of
this cover.
4. if your body has not been found within one year of the date of your
disappearance arising out of an accident which would give rise to
a loss as specified in points 1, 2 or 3 above, it will be presumed that
you died as a result of injury caused by the accident at the time of
your disappearance.
5. a benefit payable under this cover will be paid to the injured
person or, in the event of your death the benefit will be paid to your
legal representative.
Transit Accident Insurance
Benefit Amount (A$)
Cardholder Spouse Child
Loss of life $1,000,000 $150,000 $100,000
Both hands or
both feet
$500,000 $150,000 $100,000
One hand and
one foot
$500,000 $150,000 $100,000
The entire sight
of both eyes
$500,000 $150,000 $100,000
The entire sight
of one eye and
one hand or
one foot
$500,000 $150,000 $100,000
One hand or
one foot
$250,000 $100,000 $75,000
The entire sight
of one eye
$250,000 $100,000 $75,000
When an accident results in any of the following injuries within one
year after the date of the accident, we will pay the benefit amount
shown in the Schedule of Benefits according to the injury.
If you sustain more than one injury resulting from one accident, only
the Benefit Amount for the greater injury will be paid.
Schedule of Benefits
Please note that injury with reference to hand or foot means:
complete severance through or above the wrist for the hand, or
complete severance through or above the ankle joint for the foot
and, as used with reference to an eye, means permanent, irrecoverable
loss of the entire sight of the eye.
Limits on what we pay
The most we will pay in claims under this Transit Accident Insurance
cover that result from the one incident (e.g. a bus crash) is A$1,300,000.
This is regardless of the number of persons eligible for cover who are
involved in the incident.
This means that if, as a result of one incident, a number of cardholders,
spouses and dependent children were injured, we would pay each
on a proportional basis (using the Schedule of Benefits above) up to a
total of A$1,300,000.Transit Accident Insurance (cont.)
Guaranteed Pricing Scheme is a cover available to Commonwealth
Bank personal Diamond, personal Platinum and business Platinum
cardholders, when new business items/personal goods to the
value of A$10,000 are purchased by a Diamond or Platinum cardholder
anywhere in Australia, and the entire cost is charged to the Diamond or
Platinum cardholder’s eligible credit card account, subject to the
following terms and conditions and the details contained in Part 1 of this
booklet (“General Information”).
This scheme guarantees the cardholder gets the best price if, within
21 days of the purchase, they advise us that they have, subsequent
to their purchase, received a printed catalogue showing the same
business items/personal goods for a lower price from a store within
25 kilometres of the store from where the business items/personal
goods were purchased, and the price difference is greater than A$75.
Terms and conditions
The cheaper business item/personal goods must be:
the same model number; and
the same model year; and
produced by the same manufacturer as the business items/
personal goods purchased by you.
The entire cost of the business items/personal goods purchased
must be charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
The cheaper article must be available from a store within a 25 kilometre
radius of the store where the business items/personal goods were
purchased (excluding internet sales).
The catalogue showing the cheaper article must have been printed
within 21 days of the date you purchased the business items/
personal goods.
In order to make a claim, you must report the cheaper article to us
within 21 days of the purchase of the business items/personal
goods. This is because we only provide cover for cheaper items
reported within 21 days of the date of purchase of the original business
items/personal goods.
Provided the price difference is greater than A$75, we will refund the
price difference up to a maximum payment of A$500.
The business item/personal goods must not have been purchased
over the internet.
Guaranteed Pricing Scheme
Sales, claims and general enquiries
Phone: +61 7 3377 3988 - select from available options
Phone: 1800 837 177 (within Australia)
24 hour Emergency Assistance
Allianz Global Assistance
Phone: +61 7 3305 7499 (reverse charge from overseas)
Phone: 1800 010 075 (within Australia)
This insurance is issued and managed by
AWP Australia Pty Ltd
trading as Allianz Global Assistance
ABN 52 097 227 177
AFS Licence No. 245631
74 High Street, Toowong QLD 4066
The Product Issuer of this insurance is
Allianz Australia Insurance Limited
ABN 15 000 122 850
AFS Licence No. 234708
2 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000