January 1, 2013
To: Licensed Concrete Contractors
Re: Public Sidewalk and Drive Approach and Curb and Gutter Construction
In an effort to promote uniformity of concrete construction and continue the high
quality of work being performed, we have prepared the enclosed information
together with a copy of the applicable standard details for your reference. These
specifications are applicable to all concrete sidewalk, driveway, curb and pavement
installations constructed of Portland cement concrete.
We are aware that the requirements for construction vary somewhat from
municipality to municipality so the information provided should answer any
questions as to what is required by Naperville. Sidewalks, driveways, and curbs
provide a safe and efficient avenue for pedestrian and vehicular circulation. They
are both costly to construct initially, and repair and maintain in the future;
therefore, your attention to these requirements and overall workmanship will help
produce a cost effective product that is constructed with a high degree of integrity.
Licenses to perform work will be issued based upon your compliance with these
regulations. Any failure on your part to comply will be considered adequate cause
to revoke your license. Please read this notice carefully and feel free to contact the
Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business Group if there are
any questions at 420-6100 Option 4.
Re: Sidewalks/Curbs/Driveway Standards
The City’s Advisory Commission on Disabilities, the TED Business Group, and
the United States Department of Justice have serious concerns regarding the
construction of accessible ramps. These ramps are included in the construction of
curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways.
Effective immediately, the Illinois State Standards for the construction of curb,
gutters, sidewalks and access ramps will be strictly enforced. Please refer to the
attached IDOT Standard Details. Particular attention should be given to the
geometry and slope of the curb and gutter, the longitudinal and transverse slope,
and the requirements for detectable warnings.
These standards are required by the Illinois Accessibility Code and the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990. The City abides by the requirements of the following
Department of Justice (15 September 2010). 2010 Standards for Accessible
Design. Online Department of Justice published revised regulations for
Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
State of Illinois Capital Development Board (24 April 1997). Illinois
Accessibility Code.
Access Board (20 January 2011). Public Right-of-Ways Accessibility
Illinois Department of Transportation (Latest Edition). Chapter 58 Special
Design Elements
Work constructed that does not meet these standards will not be acceptable and
will be required to be removed and replaced, at the contractors full expense.
Given the high level of workmanship that licensed sidewalk contractors have
produced in the past, we expect few compliance problems. We strongly encourage
you to become familiar with these standards and construct all work in strict
accordance with them.
Thank you for your attention to this policy clarification. If you have any questions,
please contact the Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business
Group at 630-420-6100, Option 4.
All public concrete sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs, and pavements in the
City of Naperville must adhere to the Standards and Specifications as described in
the Standard Specifications for the City of Naperville” (current edition), the
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) “Standard Specifications for Road
and Bridge Construction” (current edition) and in their associated standard details.
This notice is intended to supplement the abovementioned documents by providing
a bulleted list highlighting key information. All references made to sidewalk also
generally pertain to all types of concrete construction. The city follows the
provisions of the IDOT Standard Specifications, as applied to Portland Cement
Concrete sidewalk, curb, driveway and pavement. The applicable sections of the
Standard Specifications apply Section 420, 423, 424, and 606.
Sidewalk Contractor’s License. All concrete contractors performing this
work require a sidewalk contractor’s license. These are available at the
Office of the City Clerk, 400 S. Eagle Street, 630-305-5300. Please note
that sidewalk licenses are required to be renewed on an annual basis.
Renewal is required prior to the release of any new permits after the start of
each calendar year.
Permit and Maintenance Bond. A permit is required by the City of
Naperville in order to perform construction work in the City’s right-of-way.
Depending upon the extent of the work, the Contractor may be required to
provide the City with a maintenance bond, which shall expire one year after
the work is completed to guarantee materials and workmanship.
Concrete Inspection. All public concrete installations require an inspection
by the TED Business Group prior to placing the concrete. The inspection
must be scheduled a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the day requested,
on a first come- first served basis. Schedule your inspection by calling 630-
420-6100, Option 1 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections are performed daily Monday
through Friday, excluding Holidays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. All work
must be ready for inspection on the day and time scheduled or the inspection
will fail. All failed inspections must be followed by scheduling a re-
Utility Locates. The Contractor is responsible for contacting JULIE for
utility locates prior to starting construction activities. It is also the
responsibility of the contractor to locate any private facilities or non-JULE
member facilities. Please note that DuPage County and the Illinois
Department of Transportation (IDOT) traffic signal equipment are not on the
JULIE system. If you are working near a DuPage County or IDOT traffic
signal, the Contractor is required to contact the agencies directly for the
location of the traffic signal equipment.
Traffic Control and Protection. Proper barricading and traffic control must
be maintained at all times per city ordinances and part VI of the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (MUTCD). For arterial roadways, work
in or immediately adjacent to a traffic lane is limited to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on
weekdays. Work adjacent to an arterial may be completed between 7am and
7pm on weekends. An arrow board is also required for work adjacent to
arterial roadways. Any work that impacts a sidewalk may require sidewalk
closure signage and a pedestrian detour. A right-of-way permit and/or
engineering review of a pedestrian detour may be required.
Sidewalk ADA Compliance. The sidewalk dimensions, alignments and
elevations of the work must conform to the approved final engineering plans
and current ADA standards. In case of conflict, the ADA standards prevail.
These should be provided to you by the project owner.
Sidewalk Dimensions.
o Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of five (5’) feet, and may be
wider, based on projected pedestrian volumes. Sidewalks shall be
constructed in the public right-of way or dedicated sidewalk easement,
typically one (1) foot from the property line or easement line.
Sidewalks should be a minimum thickness of four (4”) inches unless
they are constructed through a driveway, in which case the sidewalk
shall be a minimum thickness of six (6”) inches through a residential
driveway or eight (8”) inches through a commercial driveway.
Sidewalk Clearance from Obstructions. Promptly notify the project owner of
any obstructions within the proposed alignment of the sidewalk, for
example, electrical boxes, fire hydrants, trees, shrubs, etc. The sidewalk will
need to be relocated to provide a minimum of one-foot (1’) clearance
between the sidewalk and the obstruction. A two (2) clearance should be
provided where possible.A smooth transition in the alignment should be
provided at a minimum of ten feet (10’) longitudinally for each foot laterally
of sidewalk.
Sidewalk Slope. The cross slope of the sidewalk shall be less than 1:50
(2%). The ramp slope shall be less than 1:12 (8.33%). The running slope of
the sidewalk adjacent to a ramp shall be less than 1:20 (5%). All other
current ADA requirements shall be met. Refer to the standard detail
drawings for specific requirements related to ramp geometry and conditions.
Detectable Warnings. Detectable warnings shall be installed in compliance
with IDOT and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility
Guidelines (ADAAG). Only prefabricated detectable warnings with brick
red color (produced by Armor Tile, ADA Solutions, Detectile or an equal
approved by the City Engineer) shall be allowed. The detectable warnings
must be twenty-four (24”) inches in the direction of travel, shall extend the
entire width of the sidewalk ramp, and be set flush with the adjoining
concrete. The detectable warning domes should be aligned parallel to the
sidewalk direction of travel and meet all ADA requirements. The maximum
setback of the panel from the curb shall be as depicted on the standard detail.
If detectable warnings are not placed according to ADA requirements, the
Contractor shall remove and replace it at their expense. Special products are
to be specified and used in the Downtown Streetscape areas with pavers.
Sidewalk Subgrade Preparation. The subgrade must be uniform, stable, well
compacted and be free of unsuitable material. The sub-base must be the
required thickness of CA-6 aggregate that is properly and mechanically
compacted (minimum two inch thickness for all sidewalks, except sidewalk
through commercial driveways, which requires a 4 inch minimum
Curing and Damage. All sidewalk and concrete driveway pavements in the
City of Naperville shall be cured in accordance with the IDOT “Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.” All provisions of section
1020 shall be employed. All public work must be applied with a cure and
seal compound in accordance with the specifications and manufacturer’s
directions. Cure and Seal 1315F produced by Dayton Superior or an equal
approved by the City Engineer shall be allowed. Concrete work which
contains graffiti or other defacing markings shall require repair or
replacement, as determined by the city, by the contractor and at the
contractor’s expense.
Concrete Forms and Expansion Joints. Form boards must be straight,
smooth, set to the proper elevation to achieve cross-slope, and be adequately
staked. The sub-base material shall be sufficiently backfilled to prevent
lateral movement during placement of the concrete and/or removal of the
forms. Curves and radius shapes shall be formed full-depth using lumber or
formwork which provides smooth arcs and transitions. Expansion joints
(1/2”) shall be required every 40 linear feet of travel, and on both sides of
squares containing structures as detailed below.
Curb and Gutter Design Standards. All concrete curb and gutter shall be
constructed in accordance with City of Naperville Standard Details 590.20
through 590.24 as appropriate and Sections 420, 606 and 1020 of the IDOT
Standard Specifications.
Curb and Gutter Contraction Joints. Contraction joints shall be formed
every 15 feet. One way of forming the joint will be to tool the joint while
finishing and saw cut these joints minimum of 3 inches deep within 12-24
hours. No caulking is required for forming the joints by this method. The
other way to form the joints is to saw cut minimum of 3 inches deep between
12 and 24 hours from the time of pour. These joints must also be cleaned
and neatly caulked with a gray or light gray colored urethane polymer sealer
Curb and Gutter Transverse Joints.
o New construction: 3/4” preformed bituminous expansion joints, with
2- #6 coated smooth dowel bars (3/4” Dia. X 18”) with grease caps,
shall be placed every 150 feet, 10’ either side of drainage structures,
P.C.’s and P.T.’s and back of cul-de-sacs.
o Removal and Replacement: When short sections are replaced, the new
section of curb and gutter must have a transverse expansion joint as
detailed above if there is no expansion joint within 45 feet. The other
end of the curb shall have two epoxy coated deformed reinforcement
bars of at least 18 inches long and minimum size #5 shall be drilled 9
inches into of the existing curb to tie to the new short section of curb. If
no expansion joint is required, then both ends of the existing curb shall
receive two epoxy coated #5 bar as outlined before.
Curb and Gutter ADA Requirements. Where new curb and gutter or the
replacement of existing curb and gutter is specified at street intersections,
depressed curb and gutter and sidewalk ramps shall be installed for
wheelchair access in accordance with the latest ADA specifications for
accessible ramps.
Curb and Gutter Subbase. The curb and gutter shall be constructed on a
prepared compacted 4 inch minimum crushed stone (CA-6) subbase.
Curb and Gutter Over Utility Trenches. Where curb and gutter crosses
utility trenches, the curb and gutter shall be constructed with two No. 4
epoxy coated deformed steel reinforcement bars extending a minimum of 3
feet beyond the edges of the trench.
Curb Construction Adjacent to New Sidewalk. Where new sidewalk is
being constructed adjacent to new curb, or for any combination of different
types of new concrete work, they must be formed and poured separately.
Driveway Design Standards. All driveway aprons and approaches shall be
constructed in accordance with City of Naperville Standard Details 590.5,
590.6, 590.7 and Section 1020 of the IDOT Standard Specifications.
Driveway Dimensions.
o Concrete driveways shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches for
residential driveways and 8 inches for commercial driveways. The
driveway shall be constructed on a prepared compacted crushed stone
(CA-6) sub-base of 2” for residential driveways and 4” for
commercial driveways.
o Residential driveways shall not exceed 20 feet in width measured at
the property line. Commercial driveway shall have a minimum width
of 24 feet and a maximum width of 35 feet at the property line.
Parkway Restoration. The sidewalk and parkway shall be promptly
backfilled to the required elevation with suitable embankment material and
topsoil. The parkway area shall also be restored with seed or sod. The
embankment material shall be compacted until firm, the topsoil neatly
graded. The work area shall be protected with barricades until the sidewalk
and parkway have been fully backfilled.
Structure Adjustments. Any manhole frames, valve boxes, or other at grade
structures must be properly adjusted in accordance with the applicable
standards to meet the proposed finished grade of the sidewalk. A ½”
expansion joint must be provided on both sides of the structure.
Concrete Mix Design. The concrete mix must be from a certified Ready Mix
plant and be class PV or SI. Concrete mix requirements shall meet the
requirements of the IDOT Standard Specifications Section 1020. All mixes
require 5-8% air entrainment content, a 2”-4” slump (maximum), and
contain no calcium chloride. Expansion joints and construction joints must
be placed in accordance with the specifications. Concrete mixtures not
meeting these requirements will be rejected or removed as directed by the
City of Naperville. Any modification to the mix without the City’s approval
will be rejected at the site or at the plant.
Delivery Tickets. The City reserves the right to request a concrete delivery
ticket at the time of each pour. Handwritten tickets will not be allowed and
the concrete truck will be rejected. Each ticket shall be computerized and
contain, at a minimum, the following information.
1. Supplier (specific yard used for production), name, address, phone
2. Approved IDOT mix design number
3. Specific contents of the batch (ex. Cement content, air entrainment, water
reducer etc.)
4. Sequentially numbered stamped serial number when applicable
Construction Season. Public concrete construction can only be performed
between April 15 and November 15, weather permitting or as approved by
the City Engineer. At no time shall concrete be placed on frozen subgrade
or sub-base, or while raining.
Cold Weather Protection. When low temperatures are predicted, the fresh
concrete must be protected for a minimum of 96 hours after placement.
1. 25 to 32 F- Two (2) layers of polyethylene sheeting, or 1 layer of
polyethylene and 1 layer of burlap, or two (2) layers of waterproof paper.
2. Below 25 - Covered with insulated blankets (preferred method) or six
(6”) inches of straw covered with one layer of polyethylene sheeting or
waterproof paper.
3. The City reserves the right to require all work to be covered regardless of
temperature predictions after October 1
and prior to May 15
These improvements are intended to provide safe and efficient avenues for
pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Work constructed with defects will require
remedy. It is the duty of the sidewalk contractor to adhere to the specifications,
standards and these guidelines. Failure to do so will lead to revocation of the
sidewalk contractor’s license and legal action available by law.
Appendix A Section 424 of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, January 2012
Please refer to the link below for the most current version of the
Appendix B Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Details
Please refer to the link below for the most current version of the
Appendix C City of Naperville Standard Details
Please refer to the link below for the most current version of the
A current version of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
is located at: www.dot.state.il.us/desenv/hwyspecs.html
424.01 Description. This work shall consist of constructing portland cement
concrete sidewalk and curb ramps on a prepared subgrade. This work does not
include sidewalk that is integrally a part of a structure.
424.02 Materials. Material shall meet the requirements of the following Articles
of Section 1000 Materials:
Item Article/Section
(a) Portland Cement Concrete……………………………… 1020
(b) Preformed Expansion Joint Filler …………………………1051
424.03 Equipment. Equipment shall meet the requirements of the following
Articles of Section 1100 Equipment:
Item Article/Section
(a) Miscellaneous Equipment…………………………………1103.17
424.04 Subgrade Preparation. The subgrade shall be tamped or rolled until
thoroughly compacted and at the proper line and grade as shown on the plans. At
locations where the sidewalk is constructed at entrances, the sidewalk shall be
thickened to the thickness of the adjacent entrance or driveway pavement.
424.05 Forms. Side forms shall be of lumber of not less than 2 in. (50mm)
thickness or of steel of equal rigidity. They shall be held securely in place by
stakes or braces, with the top edges true to line and grade. Forms for the sidewalk
accessibility ramps shall be set so that the slab will have a uniform fall between the
sidewalk roper and the curb grade.
At the Contractor’s option, slipforming, using equipment approved by the
Engineer, will be allowed
424.06 Placing and Finishing. The subgrade shall be moistened just before the
concrete is placed. The concrete shall be placed in successive batches for the entire
width of the slab, struck-off, consolidated with a hand vibrator and finished to a true
and even surface with floats and trowels. A vibratory screed may be used to strike
off, consolidate, and finish the concrete. The final finish shall be done with a wooden
float, leaving an even surface. Steel trowels shall not be permitted. After the water
sheen has disappeared, the surface shall be given a final finish by brushing with a
whitewash brush. The brush shall be drawn across the sidewalk at right angles to the
edges of the walk, with adjacent strokes slightly overlapping, producing a uniform,
slightly roughened surface with parallel brush marks.
The surface shall be divided by grooves constructed at right angles to the centerline
of the sidewalk. These grooves shall extend to ¼ the depth of the sidewalk, shall be
not less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) nor more than 1/4 in. (6mm) in width and shall be
edged with an edging tool having a 1/4 in. (6 mm) radius. No slab shall be longer
than 6ft (1.8 m) nor less than 4ft (1.2 mm) on any one side, unless otherwise ordered
by the Engineer. The edges of the slabs shall be edged as described above.
424.07 Expansion Joints. Expansion joints of the thickness specified below shall
consist of preformed joint filler. The top of the joint shall be placed 1/4 in. (6 mm)
below the surface of the sidewalk.
a. 1/2 in. (13 mm) Thick Expansion Joints. Expansion joints 1/2 in. (13 mm)
thick shall be placed between the sidewalk and all structures such as light
standards, traffic light standards, traffic poles and subway columns, which
extend through the sidewalk.
b. 3/4 in. (20 mm) Thick Expansion Joints. Transverse expansion joints 3/4 in.
(20 mm) thick shall be placed at intervals of not more than 100ft (30 m) in
the sidewalk. Where the sidewalk is constructed adjacent to pavement or
curb having expansion joints, the expansion joints in the sidewalk shall be
placed in line with the existing expansion joints as nearly as practicable.
Expansion joints shall also be place where the sidewalk abuts existing
sidewalks, between driveway pavement and sidewalk, and between sidewalk
and curbs where the sidewalk abuts a curb.
424.08 Curb Ramps. Curb ramps shall be constructed according to the ADAAG,
the Illinois Accessibility code and as shown on the plans.
Curb ramps shall be constructed to the same thickness as the adjacent sidewalk
with a minimum thickness of 4 in. (100 mm).
424.09 Detectable Warnings. Detectable warnings shall consist of a surface of
truncated domes meeting the requirements of the ADAAG and the details shown
on the plans.
Detectable warnings shall be installed at curb ramps, medians and pedestrian
refuge islands, at-grade railroad crossings, transit platform edges, and other
locations where pedestrians are required to cross a hazardous vehicular way.
Detectable warnings shall also be installed at alleys and commercial entrances
when permanent traffic control devices are present. The installation shall be an
integral part of the walking surface and only the actual domes shall project above
the walking surface.
The product or method used for installing detectable warnings shall come with the
following documents which shall be given to the Engineer prior to use.
a. Manufacturer’s certification stating the product is fully compliant with
the ADAAG.
b. Manufacturer’s five year warranty.
c. Manufacturer’s specifications stating the required materials, equipment,
and installation procedures.
Products that are colored shall be colored their entire thickness.
The materials, equipment and installation procedures used shall be according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
424.10 Backfill. After the concrete has been cured, the spaces along the edges of
the sidewalk and ramps shall be backfilled to the required elevation with approved
material. The material shall be compacted until firm, and the surface neatly graded.
424.11 Disposal of Surplus Material. Surplus or waste material resulting from the
sidewalk construction operations shall be disposed of by the Contractor according
to Article 202.03.
424.12 Method of Measurement. This work will be measured for payment in
place and the area computed in square feet (square meters). Curb ramps will be
measured for payment as sidewalk. No deduction will be made for detectable
warnings located within the ramp.
Detectable warnings will be measured for payment in place and the area computed
in square feet (square meters).
Earth excavation will be measured for payment according to Article 202.07.
424.12 Basis of Payment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per
square foot (square meter) for PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK
of the thickness specified.
Detectable warnings will be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot
(square meter) for DETECTABLE WARNINGS).
Earth excavation required will be paid for according to Article 202.08.
Article 1020 Portland Cement Concrete
1020.13 Curing and Protection. The methods of curing and protection and the
length of the curing period vary somewhat, depending on the type of construction
involved. A ready reference for the method of curing, curing period and method of
protection for each of the various types of concrete constructions is included in the
following Index Table.
Cast-in-Place Concrete
3/ 5/
Base Course
Base Course
Curb & Gutter
Slope Wall
Paved Ditch
4/ 5/
Catch Basin
Valve Vault
Railroad Crossing
Piles and Drilled
Foundations &
Seal Coat
4/ 6/
1/ 7/
(except decks)
Retaining Walls
1/ 7/
Pump Houses
4/ 6/
Other Incidental
Precast Concrete
Bridge Slabs
9/ 10/
Piles and Pile
Other Structural
All other Precast
Precast, Prestressed Concrete
All Items
9/ 10/
Notes General:
1/ Type I, membrane curing only
2/ Type II, membrane curing only
3/ Type III, membrane curing only
4/ Type I, II and III membrane curing
5/ Membrane Curing will not be permitted between November 1 and
April 15.
6/ The use of water to inundate foundations and footings, seal coats or
the bottom slab of culverts is permissible when approved by the
Engineer, provided the water temperature can be maintained at 45 F
(7 C) or higher.
7/ Asphalt emulsion for waterproofing may be used in lieu of other
curing methods when specified and permitted according to Article
8/ On non-traffic surfaces which receive protective coat according to
Article 503.19, a linseed oil emulsion curing compound may be used
as a substitute for protective coat and other curing methods. The
linseed oil emulsion curing compound will be permitted between
April 16 and October 31 of the same year, provided it is applied with
a mechanical sprayer according to Article 1101.09(b).
9/ Steam, supplemental heat, or insulated blankets (with or without
steam/supplemental heat) are acceptable and shall be according to the
Bureau of Materials and Physical Researchs Policy Memorandum
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Program for Precast Concrete
Products and the Manual for Fabrication of Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Products.
10/ A moist room according to AASHTO M 201 is acceptable for curing.
11/ If curing is required and interrupted because of form removal for cast-
in-place concrete items, recast concrete products, or precast
prestressed concrete products, the curing shall be resumed within two
hours from the start of the form removal.
12/ Curing maintained only until opening strength is attained, with a
maximum curing period of three days.
13/ The curing period shall end when the concrete has attained the mix
design strength. The producer has the option to discontinue curing
when the concrete has attained 80 percent of the mix design strength
or after seven days. All strength test specimens shall remain with the
units and shall be subjected to the same curing method and
environmental condition as the units, until the time of testing.
14/ The producer shall determine the curing period or may elect to not
cure the product. All strength test specimens shall remain with the
units and shall be subjected to the same curing method and
environmental condition as the units, until the time of testing.
15/ The producer has the option to continue curing after strand release.
16/ When structural steel or structural concrete is in place able slope wall,
Article 1020.13(c) shall not apply. The protection method shall be
according to Article 1020.13(d)(1).
17/ When Article 1020.13(d)(2) is used to protect the deck, the housing
may enclose only the bottom and sides. The top surface shall be
protected according to Article 1020.13(d)(1).
18/ For culverts having a waterway opening of 10 sq ft (1 sq m) or less,
the culverts may be protected according to Article 1020.13(d)(3).
(a)Methods of Curing. Except as provided for in the Index Table of Curing and
Protection of Concrete Construction, curing shall be accomplished by one of the
following described methods. When water is required to wet the surface, it shall be
applied as a fine spray so that it will not mar or pond on the surface. Except where
otherwise specified, the curing period shall be at least 72 hours.
(1) Waterproof Paper Method. The surface of the concrete shall be
covered with waterproof paper as soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent marring the surface. The surface of the concrete shall
be wetted immediately before the paper is placed. The blankets shall be
lapped at least 12 in. (300 mm) end to end, and these laps shall be securely
weighted with a windrow of earth, or other approved method, to form a
closed joint. The same requirements shall apply to the longitudinal laps
where separate strips are used for curing edges, except the lap shall be at
least 9 in. 225 mm). The edges of the blanket shall be weighted securely
with a continuous windrow of earth or any other means satisfactory to the
Engineer to provide an airtight cover. Any torn places or holes in the paper
shall be repaired immediately by patches cemented over the openings, using
a bituminous cement having a melting point of not less than 180 F (82 C)
The blankets may be reused, provided they are airtight and kept serviceable
by proper repairs.
A longitudinal pleat shall be provided in the blanket to permit shrinkage
where the width of the blanket is sufficient to cover the entire surface. The
pleat will not be required where separate strips are used for the edges. Joints
in the blanket shall be sewed or cemented together in such a manner that
they will not separate during use.
(2) Polyethylene Sheeting Method. The surface of the concrete shall be
covered with white polyethylene sheeting as soon as the concrete has
hardened sufficiently to prevent marring the surface. The surface of the
concrete shall be wetted immediately before the sheeting is placed. The
edges of the sheeting shall be weighted securely with a continuous windrow
of earth or any other means satisfactory to the Engineer to provide an airtight
cover. Adjoining sheets shall overlap not less than 12 in. (300 mm) and the
laps shall be securely weighted with earth, or any other means satisfactory to
the Engineer, to provide an airtight cover, For Portland cement concrete
surface and base course, the polyethylene sheets shall be not less than 100ft.
(30 m) in length nor longer than can be conveniently handled, and shall be of
such width that, when in place, they will cover the full width of the surface,
including the edges, except that separate strips may be used to cover the
edges. Any tears or holes in the sheeting shall be repaired. When sheets are
no longer serviceable as a single unit, the Contractor may select from such
sheets and reuse those which will serve for further applications, provided
two sheets are used as a single unit; however, the double sheet units may be
rejected when the Engineer deems that they no longer provide an airtight
(3) Wetted Burlap Method. The surface of the concrete shall be covered
with wetted burlap blankets as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently
to prevent marring the surface. The blankets shall overlap 6 in. (150 mm). At
least two layers of wetted burlap shall be placed on the finished surface. The
burlap shall be kept saturated by means of a mechanically operated
sprinkling system. In place of the sprinkling system, at the Contractor’s
option two layers of burlap covered with impermeable covering shall be
used. The burlap shall be kept saturated with water. Plastic coated burlap
may be substituted for one layer of burlap and impermeable covering.
The blankets shall be placed so that they are in contact with the edges of the
concrete, and that portion of the material in contact with the edges shall be
kept saturated with water.
(4) Membrane Curing Method. Membrane curing will not be permitted
where a protective coat, concrete sealer, or waterproofing is to be applied or
at areas where rubbing or a normal finish is required, or at construction
joints other than those necessary in pavement or base course. Concrete at
these locations shall be cured by another method specified in Article
1020.13(a) at no additional cost to the department.
After the concrete has been finished and immediately after the water sheen
has disappeared from the surface of the concrete, the surface shall be sealed
with membrane curing compound of the type specified. The seal shall be
maintained for the specified curing period. The edges of the concrete shall,
likewise, be sealed immediately after the forms are removed. Two separate
applications, applied at least one minute apart, each at the rate of not less
than 1 gal/250 sq ft (0.16 L/sq m) will be required upon the surfaces and
edges of the concrete. These applications shall be made with the mechanical
equipment specified. Type III compound shall be agitated immediately
before and during the application.
At locations where the coating is discontinuous or where pin holes show or
where the coating is damaged due to any cause and on areas adjacent to
sawed joints, immediately after sawing is completed, an additional coating
of membrane curing compound shall be applied at the above specified rate.
The equipment used may be of the same type as that used for coating
variable widths of pavement. Before the additional coating is applied
adjacent to sawed joints, the cut faces of the joint shall be protected by
inserting a suitable flexible material in the joint, or placing an adhesive
width of impermeable material over the joint, or by placing the permanent
sealing compound in the joint. Material, other than the permanent sealing
compound, used to protect cut faces of te joint, shall remain in place for the
duration of the curing period. In lieu of applying the additional coating, the
area of the sawed joint may be cured according to any other method
When rain occurs before an application of membrane curing compound has
dried, and the coating is damaged, the Engineering may require another
application be made in the same manner and at the same rate as the original
coat. The Engineer may order curing by another method specified, if
unsatisfactory results are obtained with membrane curing compound.
(5) Wetted Cotton Mat Method. After the surface of concrete has been
textured or finished, it shall be covered immediately with dry or damp cotton
mats. The cotton mats shall be placed in a manner which will not mar the
concrete surface. A texture resulting from the cotton mat material is
acceptable. The cotton mats shall then be wetted immediately and
thoroughly soaked with a gentle spray of water. For bridge decks, a foot
bridge shall be used to place and wet the cotton mats.
The cotton mats shall be maintained in a wetted condition until the concrete
has hardened sufficiently to place soaker hoses without marring the concrete
surface. The soaker hoses shall be placed on top of the cotton mats at a
maximum 4 ft (1.2 m) spacing. The cotton mats shall be kept wet with a
continuous supply of water for the remainder of the curing period. Other
continuous wetting systems may be used if approved by the Engineer.
After placement of the soaker hoses, the cotton mats shall be covered with
white polyethylene sheeting or burlap-polyethylene blankets.
For construction items other than bridge decks, soaker hoses or a continuous
wetting system will not be required if the alternative method keeps the
cotton mats wet. Periodic wetting of the cotton mats is acceptable.
For areas inaccessible to the cotton mats on bridge decks, curing shall be
according to Article 1020.12(a)(3).
(b) Removing and Replacing Curing Covering. When curing methods specified
above in Article 1020.13 (a) (1), (2) or (3) are used for Portland cement concrete
pavement, the curing covering for each day’s paving shall be removed to permit
testing of the pavement surface with a profilograph or straightedge, as directed by
the Engineer.
Immediately after testing, the surface of the pavement shall be wetted thoroughly
and the curing coverings replace. The top surface and the edges of the concrete
shall not be left unprotected for a period of more than ½ hour.
(c) Protection of Portland Cement/Concrete, Other Than Structures, From
Low Temperatures. When the official National Weather Service Center forecast
for the construction area predicts a low of 32 F (0 C), or lower, or if the actual
temperature drops to 32 F (0 C), or lower, concrete less than 72 hours old shall
be provided at least the following protection:
Minimum Temperature
25 F -32 F (-4 C - 0
Two Layers of polyethylene sheeting, one
layer of polyethylene and one layer of burlap,
or two layers of waterproof paper.
Below 25F (-4 C )
6 in. (150 mm) of straw covered with one layer
of polyethylene sheeting or waterproof paper.
These protective covers shall remain in place until the concrete is at least 96 hours
old. When straw is required on pavement cured with membrane curing compound,
the compound shall be covered with a layer of burlap, polyethylene sheeting or
waterproof paper before the straw is applied.
After September 15, there shall be available to the work within four hours,
sufficient clean, dry straw to cover at least two days production of the mixer.
Additional straw shall be provided as needed to afford the protection required.
Regardless of the precautions taken, the Contractor shall be responsible for
protection of the concrete placed and any concrete damaged by cold temperatures
shall be removed and replaced.
(d) Protection of Portland Cement Concrete Structures from Low
Temperatures. When the official National Weather Service forecast for the
construction area predicts a low below 45 F (7 C), or if the actual temperature
drops below 45 F (7 C), concrete less than 72 hours old shall be provided
protection. Concrete shall also be provided protection when placed during the
winter period of December 1 through March 15. Concrete shall not be placed until
the materials, facilities, and equipment for protection are approved by the
When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor may be required to place concrete
during the winter period. When winter construction is specified, the Contractor
shall proceed with the construction, including excavation, pile driving, concrete,
steel erection, and all appurtenant work required for the complete construction of
the item, except at times when weather conditions make such operations
Regardless of the precautions taken, the Contractor shall be responsible for
protection of the concrete placed and any concrete damaged by cold temperatures
shall be removed and replaced.
(1) Protection Method I. The concrete shall be completely covered with
insulating material such as fiberglass, rock wool, or other approved
commercial insulating material having the minimum thermal resistance
R, as defined in ASTM C 168, for the corresponding minimum
dimension of the concrete unit being protected as shown in the following
Minimum Pour Dimension
Thermal Resistance R
6 or less
(150 or less)
> 6 to 12
(> 150 to 300)
> 12 to 18
(> 300 to 450)
> 18
(> 450)
The insulating material manufacturer shall clearly mark the insulating
material with the thermal resistance R Value.
The insulating material shall be completely enclosed on sides and edges with
an approved waterproof liner and shall be maintained in a serviceable
condition. Any tears in the liner shall be repaired in a manner approved by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide means for checking the
temperature of the surface of the concrete during the protection period.
On formed surfaces, the insulating material shall be attached to the outside
of the forms with wood cleats or other suitable means to prevent any
circulation of air under the insulation and shall be in place before the
concrete is placed. The blanket insulation shall be applied tightly against the
forms. The edges and ends shall be attached so as to exclude air and
moisture. If blankets are provided with nailing flanges, the flanges shall be
attached to the studs with cleats. Where tie rods or reinforcement bars
protrude, the areas adjacent to the rods or bars shall be adequately protected
in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Where practicable, the insulation
shall overlap any previously placed concrete by at least 1ft (300 mm).
Insulation on the underside of floors on steel members shall cover the top
flanges of supporting members. On horizontal surfaces, the insulating
material shall be placed as soon as the concrete has set, so that the surface
will not be marred and shall be covered with canvas or other waterproof
covering. The insulating material shall remain in place for a period of seven
days after the concrete is placed.
The Contractor may remove the forms providing the temperature is 35F (2
C) and rising and the Contractor is able to wrap the particular section within
two hours from the time of the start of the form removal. The insulation shall
remain in place for the remainder of seven days curing period.
(2) Protection Method II. The concrete shall be enclosed in adequate
housing and the air surrounding the concrete kept at a temperature of not less
than 50F (10C) nor more than 80F (27 C) for a period of seven days
after the concrete is placed. The Contractor shall provide means for
checking the temperature of the surface of the concrete or air temperature
within the housing during the protection period. All exposed surfaces within
the housing shall be cured according to the Index Table.
The Contractor shall provide adequate fire protection where heating is in
progress and such protection shall be accessible at all times. The Contractor
shall maintain labor to keep the heating equipment in continuous operation.
At the close of the heating period, the temperature shall be decreased to the
approximate temperature of the outside air at a rate not to exceed 15F (8C)
per 12 hour period, after which the housing may be removed. The surface of
the concrete shall be permitted to dry during the cooling period.
(3) Protection Method III. As soon as the surface is sufficiently set to
prevent marring, the concrete shall be covered with 12 in. (300 mm) of loose
dry straw followed by a layer of impermeable covering. The edges of the
covering shall be sealed to prevent circulation of air and prevent the cover
from flapping or blowing. The protection shall remain in place until the
concrete is seven days old. If construction operations require removal, the
protection removed shall be replaced immediately after completion or
suspension of such operations.
PDF copies of the most current version of these and all of the City of Naperville’s
Standard Details are located under Section 500 of the City of Naperville Standard
Specifications at: www.naperville.il.us/standspecdetails.aspx
Detail Name
(Pavement 5)
Typical Commercial Driveway Detail
(Pavement 6)
Typical Residential Driveway Detail
(Pavement 7)
Typical Right-In/Right-Out Access
Downtown Streetscape Pavement Section
B6.12 Barrier Curb and Gutter
B6.12 Barrier Curb and Gutter at Curb
M2.13 Mountable Curb and Gutter
Type B Barrier Curb
Curb Replacement
Sidewalk Construction
Curb Ramps
The City of Naperville standard details are provided as a supplement to the IDOT
standard details in Appendix B. The IDOT standard details should be followed for
the installation of ADA features. In case of conflicting information between the
City of Naperville and IDOT standard details, please contact the City of Naperville
TED Business Group at (630) 420-6100.
(JANUARY 1, 2013)
Copies of the most current version of these and all of the Illinois Department of
Transportation Standard Details are located at:
Detail Number
Detail Name
Perpendicular Curb Ramps for Sidewalks
Diagonal Curb Ramps for Sidewalks
Corner Parallel Curb Ramps for Sidewalks
Mid-Block Curb Ramps for Sidewalks
Depressed Corner for Sidewalks
Entrance/Alley Pedestrian Crossings
Median Pedestrian Crossings
Concrete Curb Type B and Combination
Concrete Curb and Gutter
Sidewalk Corner or Crosswalk Closure
For the installation of ADA features, it is important that the information in these
standard details is followed during construction. The City standard details
provided in Appendix C provide supplemental information. In case of conflicting
information between the City of Naperville and IDOT standard details, please
contact the City of Naperville TED Business Group at (630) 420-6100.