2009 - 2010
Kean University
Table of Contents
INSTITUTIONAL NARRATIVE ...................................................................................................................... i
MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................ ii
A. ACCREDITATION STATUS .................................................................................................................... 1
1. INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION ............................................................................................................... 1
B. NUMBER OF STUDENTS SERVED ....................................................................................................... 4
1. NUMBER OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS BY ATTENDANCE STATUS, FALL 2009 ....................................... 4
2. NUMBER OF GRADUATE STUDENTS BY ATTENDANCE STATUS, FALL 2009 ................................................. 4
3. NUMBER OF NON-CREDIT STUDENTS SERVED, FALL 2009 ........................................................................ 5
4. UNDUPLICATED NUMBER OF STUDENTS FOR ENTIRE FISCAL YEAR 2009 ................................................... 5
C. CHARACTERISTICS OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS .................................................................. 6
2. ENROLLMENT IN REMEDIATION COURSES BY SUBJECT AREA ..................................................................... 6
a. Name of Basic Skills Placement Test Administered ........................................................................ 6
b. Criteria for Selecting Test Takers ..................................................................................................... 6
c. Total Number of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Remediation Courses, Fall 2009 ................. 6
d. First-time, Full-time (FTFT) Students Enrolled in Remediation Courses, Fall 2009 ........................ 7
e. First-time, Full-time (FTFT) Students Enrolled in Remediation by Subject Area, Fall 2009 ............ 7
a. Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Attendance Status, Fall 2009 ............................ 8
b. Undergraduate Enrollment by Gender and Attendance Status, Fall 2009 ....................................... 8
C. Undergraduate Enrollment by Age and Attendance Status, Fall 2009 ............................................ 9
D. STUDENT OUTCOMES ......................................................................................................................... 11
E. FACULTY CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................... 12
3. PERCENTAGE OF FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME FACULTY, FALL 2009 ......................................................... 12
F. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ....................................................................... 13
2. KEAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AS OF MAY 12, 2010 ............................................................... 13
3. KEAN UNIVERSITYS WEB PAGES FOR BOARD OF TRUSTEES INFORMATION .............................................. 13
G. PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTION .......................................................................................................... 14
1. UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS ................................................................................................. 14
College of Business and Public Administration .................................................................................. 14
College of Education .......................................................................................................................... 14
College of Humanities and Social Sciences ....................................................................................... 15
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences .............................................................................. 15
College of Visual and Performing Arts ............................................................................................... 16
Nathan Weiss Graduate College ........................................................................................................ 17
2. GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................ 17
College of Business and Public Administration .................................................................................. 17
College of Education .......................................................................................................................... 17
Kean University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences ....................................................................................... 18
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences .............................................................................. 18
College of Visual and Performing Arts ............................................................................................... 18
Nathan Weiss Graduate College ........................................................................................................ 19
3. CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................... 19
Certificates in Education ..................................................................................................................... 19
4. AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ...................................................................... 20
Kean@Ocean ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Articulation Agreements ..................................................................................................................... 20
Joint Admission Agreements .............................................................................................................. 21
Partnership Agreements ..................................................................................................................... 22
Off-Site Degree Programs .................................................................................................................. 22
H. MAJOR RESEARCH AND PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 23
1. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES, 2009-2010 ...................................................................... 23
2. EXTERNALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH .................................................................................................... 23
3. INTERNALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH ..................................................................................................... 25
Reassigned Time for Research Awards (RTR) .................................................................................. 26
Untenured Faculty/Librarian Research Initiative Awards (UFRI) ....................................................... 27
Students Partnering with Faculty Summer Research Program Awards (SpF) .................................. 27
Foundation Faculty Research Awards (FFRA) .................................................................................. 28
New Research Initiatives Awards (URC)............................................................................................ 28
Presidential Scholars Challenge (PSC) and Presidents Research Initiative (PRI) Awards ............... 29
I. MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS UNDERWAY IN FISCAL 2010 ............................................................. 31
1. PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................ 31
a. NJCSTM ......................................................................................................................................... 31
b. Athletic Amenities – Phase 3 .......................................................................................................... 31
c. University Center Skyroom ............................................................................................................. 31
d. East Campus Parking Lot ............................................................................................................... 31
2. PENDING PROJECTS .............................................................................................................................. 31
a. Wilkins Theater Renovations .......................................................................................................... 31
b. Parking Deck .................................................................................................................................. 32
c. Residence Life - Quad Upgrades ................................................................................................... 32
3. RECENTLY COMPLETED PROJECTS ........................................................................................................ 32
a. East Campus Renovations and Recital Hall .................................................................................. 32
b. Nancy Thompson Library Addition - Institute for Human Rights .................................................... 32
J. OTHER INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 33
1. ADDITIONAL DATA ................................................................................................................................. 33
a. Degrees Conferred & Characteristics of Graduates, Fiscal Year 2009 ......................................... 33
b. Transfer Entering Undergraduates by Admission Status and Attendance Status, Fall 2009 ........ 35
c. Third-Semester Retention Rates of Full-time, First-time by Race/Ethnicity, Fall 2008 - Fall 2009 35
2. CAMPUS PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES..................................................................................................... 35
a. Student Centered Programs ........................................................................................................... 35
b. Centers and Institutions .................................................................................................................. 39
c. Scholarships and Grants ................................................................................................................ 41
d. Programs for Faculty and Staff ....................................................................................................... 42
e. Partnerships and Cultural Events ................................................................................................... 43
3. RECENT PRESS RELEASES ABOUT KEAN UNIVERSITY ............................................................................. 46
a. Awards ............................................................................................................................................ 46
b. International Spotlight ..................................................................................................................... 50
c. Other ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Kean University
Institutional Narrative
Founded in 1855, Kean University was the first public post-secondary institution in New Jersey. In its role
as a normal school for training teachers and principals for the City of Newark, the institution graduated
many of the first generation of professionally trained schoolteachers in New Jersey. In 1958, the
institution’s mission expanded from its original, single purpose to become a comprehensive
undergraduate institution. In 1957, the college relocated to a site purchased from the Kean family estate
in the Township of Union. Sixteen years later, the institution’s name was changed from Newark State
College to Kean College of New Jersey. On September 26, 1997, the Commission on Higher Education
granted university status to our institution. In 2008, the University successfully started its first doctoral
level programs. Today, the University’s enrollment ranks third among the public and private colleges and
universities in New Jersey.
Our undergraduate programs, which include disciplines in the liberal arts, natural sciences, social
sciences, health professions, applied sciences, visual arts, performing arts, and teacher education, are
housed in five colleges. The Nathan Weiss College of Graduate Studies administers the graduate
programs, which range from education to public administration to nursing. Kean’s faculty is recognized
for teaching excellence, scholarship and service.
Kean University continues to respond to the major demographic and social changes in the New Jersey
metropolitan area. With one of the most multicultural student populations in the state, exceptional
academic support programs have been developed that respond to the requirements of an increasingly
diverse undergraduate and graduate student population.
Kean University is positioning itself to meet the changing educational and developmental needs of the
future. We remain committed to a mission that provides access, opportunity and affordability to New
Jersey’s students and citizens. Kean University is proud of its tradition of service to the community and
commitment to scholarship and teaching. We will continue to build on this distinguished history as we
plan for the future.
Dawood Y. Farahi, Ph.D.
August 2010
Kean University
Mission Statement
Kean University is a public cosmopolitan university serving undergraduate and graduate students in the
liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions. The University dedicates itself to the intellectual, cultural,
and personal growth of all its members - students, faculty, and professional staff. In particular, the
University prepares students to think critically, creatively and globally; to adapt to changing social,
economic, and technological environments; and to serve as active and contributing members of their
Kean offers a wide range of demanding programs dedicated to excellence in instruction and academic
support services necessary to assure its socially, linguistically, and culturally diverse students the means
to reach their full potential, including students from academically disadvantaged backgrounds, students
with special needs, and adults returning or entering higher education.
Kean is steadfast in its dedication to maintaining a student-centered educational environment in which
diversity can flourish and an atmosphere in which mutual respect characterizes relations among the
members of a pluralistic community. The University seeks to combine excellence with equity in providing
opportunities for all students.
Kean is a teaching university, and Kean faculty dedicate themselves to student learning as well as
academic rigor. The focus on teaching excellence is supported by a commitment to research, scholarship,
creative work, and innovative uses of technology. The focus includes the advancement of knowledge in
the traditional disciplines and the enhancement of skills in professional areas. Kean is committed to
providing global educational opportunities for students and faculty.
Kean is an interactive university, and the University serves as a major resource for regional
advancement. Kean collaborates with business, labor, government and the arts, as well as educational
and community organizations and provides the region with cultural events and opportunities for
continuous learning. Kean is also committed to providing students and faculty educational opportunities in
national and international arenas.
March 2007
Kean University
1. Institutional Accreditation
The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredits Kean University. The initial accreditation
was in 1960 and the last re-accreditation was in 2001 and Kean is currently in the process of preparing for
the 2011 re-accreditation. The University is also licensed by the New Jersey Commission on Higher
2. Professional Accreditation and Specialized Professional Associations
College of Business and Public Administration
Master of Public Administration
Accrediting Body: National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
College of Education
All programs in the College of Education as well as teacher education programs located in other
colleges are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
The initial accreditation was awarded in 1954. All programs leading to teacher certification are also
approved by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification
(NASDTEC). In addition, the following specialized accreditations and recognitions have been
M.A. in Speech Pathology
Accrediting Body: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
M.A. in Reading Specialization
Specialized Professional Association: International Reading Association
M.A. in Counselor Education
Accrediting Body: Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
State Licensing Agency: New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee
B.A. and M.A. in Early Childhood Education
Specialized Professional Association: National Association for the Education of Young Children
B.A. in Elementary Education
Specialized Professional Association: Association for Childhood Education International
M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum
Classroom Instruction Option
Specialized Professional Associations: National Science Teachers Association
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Association for Childhood Education International
Biology Option
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
Chemistry Option
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
Earth Science Option
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
Kean University
Mathematics Option
Specialized Professional Association: National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
World Language Option
Specialized Professional Association: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
B.S. in Athletic Training
Accrediting Body: Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education
B.A. in Physical Education
Specialized Professional Association: National Association for Sports and Physical Education
All Programs in Special Education and Literacy (M.A.,B.A.)
Specialized Professional Association: Council for Exceptional Children
M.A. in Reading Specialization
Specialized Professional Association: International Reading Association
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Social Work
Accrediting Body: Council for Social Work Education
Professional Diploma in School Psychology
Accrediting Bodies: National Association of School Psychologists
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences
B.A. in Biology (Teacher Education Option)
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
B.S. in Chemistry Program (Expanded Option)
Specialized Professional Association: American Chemical Society
B.A. in Chemistry Program (Teacher Education Option)
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
B.A. in Earth Science (Teacher Educational Option)
Specialized Professional Association: National Science Teachers Association
B.S. in Health Information Management Program
Accrediting Body: Commission on Accreditation for Health Information & Information Management
B.A. in Mathematical Sciences (Teacher Education Option)
Specialized Professional Association: National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
B.S.N., M.S.N. and M.S.N./M.P.A. in Nursing
Accrediting Body: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
State Licensing Agency: New Jersey State Board of Nursing
Kean University
College of Visual and Performing Arts
All Music Programs
Accrediting Body: National Association of Schools of Music
All Theatre Programs
Accrediting Body: National Association of Schools of Theatre
All Fine Arts Programs
Accrediting Body: National Association of Schools of Art and Design
All Design Programs
Accrediting Body: National Association of Schools of Art and Design
B.F.A. Interior Design
Accrediting Body: Council for Interior Design Accreditation
Nathan Weiss Graduate College
M.A. in Education Administration
Specialized Professional Association: Educational Leadership Constituent Council
M.S. in Occupational Therapy Program
Accrediting Body: Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education/American
Occupational Therapy Association
Master of Social Work
Accrediting Body: Council for Social Work Education
Sources: Academic Affairs Office & Deans, Kean University 2010
Kean University
1. Number of Undergraduate Students by Attendance Status, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time
N % N %
9,355 77.5% 2,717 22.5% 12,072
Table II.B.1, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education- IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
2. Number of Graduate Students by Attendance Status, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time
N % N %
726 24.4% 2,253 75.6% 2,979
Source: Table II.B.2
Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
Kean University
3. Number of Non-Credit Students Served, Fall 2009
Type of Program Enrollment
Graduate Level Courses 2
Undergraduate Level Courses 0
Avocational Continuing Education 55
Total 57
Source: Nathan Weiss Graduate College, Kean University 2010
4. Unduplicated Number of Students for Entire Fiscal Year 2009
Headcount Enrollment Credit Hours FTE
Undergraduate 12,980 304,900 10,163
Graduate 4,005 41,122 1,713
Total 16,985 346,022 11,876
Source: Table II.B.4, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education – IPEDS 12 Month Enrollment
Kean University
1. Mean Math, Reading and Writing SAT Scores for First-Time Freshmen, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time
Math Verbal Writing Math Verbal Writing
Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N
Regular 508.1 812 483.9 812 489.4 763 458.3 6 450 6 453.3 3
EOF Admits 407.6 237 398.9 237 394.5 233
Special Admits 423.9 355 422.4 356 415.3 340 420 4 450 4 436.7 3
All Admits 469.9 1,404 454 1,405 454 1,336 443 10 450 10 445 6
Missing 108 107 176 20 20 24
Source: Table II.C.1, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education – SURE Fall Enrollment File
2. Enrollment in Remediation Courses by Subject Area
a. Name of Basic Skills Placement Test Administered
ACCUPLACER Computerized Placement Test
b. Criteria for Selecting Test Takers
All freshmen not exempt from placement testing are required to take the ACCUPLACER Computerized
Placement Test. Freshman-level transfers were tested if writing/math courses were not already
completed. For Fall 2009, 79 of 1,518 first-time, full-time (FTFT) students were exempt from all testing
based on the following criteria:
Reading: SAT Critical Reading/Verbal scores greater than or equal to 520
Writing: SAT Writing scores greater than or equal to 520
Elementary Algebra: SAT Math scores greater than or equal to 530.
Source: General Education Office & IR Enrollment_Froz Database, Kean University 2009
c. Total Number of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Remediation Courses, Fall 2009
Total Fall 2009
Undergraduate Enrollment
Number of Students Enrolled in
One or More Remedial Courses
% of Total
12,072 1,285 10.6%
Source: Table II.C.2, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education – SURE Fall Enrollment File
Total Enrollment includes all students, full-time, part-time, returning, transfer, etc.
Kean does not offer "stand-alone" developmental writing courses; therefore, for the purposes of this
report, students were categorized as needing writing remediation if they were enrolled in one of the
intensive six-credit-hour versions of College Composition (i.e., in one of the versions featuring
supplemental credits and extra class time).
Kean University
d. First-time, Full-time (FTFT) Students Enrolled in Remediation Courses, Fall 2009
# FTFT Students
# of FTFT Students
Enrolled in One or More
Remedial Courses
% of FTFT Enrolled in
One or More Remedial
1,518 1,015 66.9%
Source: Table II.C.2, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - SURE Fall Enrollment File
e. First-time, Full-time (FTFT) Students Enrolled in Remediation by Subject Area, Fall 2009
Subject Area
# of FTFT
Enrolled In
% of all FTFT
Enrolled In
Reading 371 24.4%
Writing 503 33.1%
Math Computation Not Applicable
Elem. Algebra 774 51%
English Not Applicable
Source: Table II.C.2, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - SURE Fall Enrollment File
Kean University
3. Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Age and Attendance Status
a. Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Attendance Status, Fall 2009
White Black Hispanic Asian*
Alien Unknown* Total
N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Full-Time 4,279 45.7% 1,778 19.0% 1,979 21.2% 666 7.1% 27 0.3% 182 1.9% 444 4.7% 9,355 100%
Part-Time 1,336 49.2% 504 18.5% 525 19.3% 136 5.0% 4 0.1% 36 1.3% 176 6.5% 2,717 100%
Total 5,615 46.5% 2,282 18.9% 2,504 20.7% 802 6.6% 31 0.3% 218 1.8% 620 5.1% 12,072 100%
*Note: Asian includes Pacific Islanders and Unknown includes two or more races
Source: Table II.C.3.a, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
b. Undergraduate Enrollment by Gender and Attendance Status, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
N % N % N N % N % N N % N % N
3,729 39.9% 5,626 60.1% 9,355 890 32.8% 1,827 67.2% 2,717 4619 38.3% 7,453 61.7% 12,072
Undergraduate Enrollment by Gender and Attendance Status, Fall 2009
Source: Table II.C.3.b, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
Amer. Ind.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Kean University
C. Undergraduate Enrollment by Age and Attendance Status, Fall 2009
< 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-64 65+ Total
N 29 2,360 2,703 2,599 940 328 143 194 59 - 9,355
% 0.3% 25.2% 28.9% 27.8% 10% 3.5% 1.5% 2.1% 0.6% - 100%
N 28 29 165 568 670 344 257 462 182 12 2717
% 1% 1.1% 6.1% 20.9% 24.7% 12.7% 9.5% 17% 6.7% 0.4% 100%
N 57 2,389 2,868 3,167 1,610 672 400 656 241 12 12,072
% 0.5% 19.8% 23.8% 26.2% 13.3% 5.6% 3.3% 5.4% 2% 0.1% 100%
Undergraduate Enrollment by Age Group, Fall 2009
Source: Table II.C.3.c, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
< 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-64 65+
Age Groups
Full-Time Part-Time
Kean University
4. Financial Aid from State, Federal & Institution-Funded Programs, Academic Year 2008-09
Federal Programs Recipients Dollars ($) $/Recipient
Pell Grants 3,406 11,264,000 3,307.11
College Work Study 193 370,000 1,917.10
Perkins Loans 163 178,000 1,092.02
SEOG 563 496,000 880.99
Plus Loans 460 3,011,000 6,545.65
Stafford Loans (Subsidized) 5,567 21,233,000 3,814.08
Stafford Loans (Unsubsidized) 6,076 24,219,000 3,986.01
SMART & ACG or other 171 315,000 1,842.11
State Programs Recipients Dollars ($) $/Recipient
Tuition Aid Grants (TAG) 2,588 9,686,000 3,742.66
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) 904 875,000 967.92
Outstanding Scholars (OSRP) - - -
Distinguished Scholars 18 15,000 833.33
Urban Scholars 64 57,000 890.63
NJ Stars 114 382,000 3,350.88
NJCLASS Loans 372 3,317,000 8,916.67
Institutional Programs Recipients Dollars ($) $/Recipient
Grants/Scholarships 930 2,145,000 2306.45
Loans - - -
Source: Table II.C.4, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - NJIPEDS Form #41 Student Financial
Aid Report (Fiscal Year 2009)
5. Percentage of First-Time, Matriculated Undergraduates by State Residence, Fall 2009
% State
1,478 70 1,548 95.5%
Source: Table II.C.5, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
Kean University
1. Graduation Rates of Full-Time, First-Time Freshmen by by Race/Ethnicity, Fall 2003 Cohort
a. Graduation Rates of Full-Time, First-Time Freshmen by Race/Ethnicity, Fall 2003 Cohort
White Black Hispanic Asian Alien Other* Total
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Fall 2003 Cohort 654 270 250 87 18 32 1311
Graduates after 4 Years 152 23.2% 30 11.1% 35 14% 18 20.7% 5 27.8% 7 21.9% 247 18.8%
Graduates after 5 Years 297 45.4% 65 24.1% 82 32.8% 37 42.5% 6 33.3% 11 34.4% 498 38%
Graduates after 6 Years 347 53.1% 78 28.9% 105 42% 41 47.1% 8 44.4% 14 43.8% 593 45.2%
* Other includes American Indian and Unknown Race.
Source: Table II.D.1.a, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey
2. Third-Semester Retention of First-time Undergraduates, Fall 2008 to Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
1,418 1,148 81.0% 51 29 56.9%
Source: Table II.D.2, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey, Part E
Kean University
1. Full-time Faculty by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Academic Rank and Tenure Status, Fall 2009
White Black Hispanic Asian Am. Ind. Alien Unknown Total
Professors 58 38 7 9 7 2 8 80 49 129
Associate Prof. 31 24 3 4 3 2 2 7 39 37 76
Assistant Prof. 21 21 2 6 1 4 4 3 28 34 62
All Others
TOTAL 110 83 12 19 11 8 14 10 147 120 267
Non- Tenured
Professors 1 1 1
Associate Prof. 4 2 1 1 5 3 8
Assistant Prof. 23 24 3 1 3 3 6 2 5 32 38 70
All Others 2 2 1 1 4 2 6
TOTAL 30 28 3 3 3 3 6 2 5 1 1 42 43 85
Professors 59 38 7 9 7 2 8 81 49 130
Associate Prof. 35 26 3 4 4 2 2 7 1 44 40 84
Assistant Prof. 44 45 5 6 2 7 7 9 2 5 60 72 132
All Others 2 2 1 1 4 2 6
TOTAL 140 111 15 19 14 11 17 16 2 5 1 1 189 163 352
Please Note: Faculty on leaves of absence without pay are not included in the above table
Source: Table II.E.1, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Human Resources Survey
2. Number and Percentage of Course Sections Taught by Faculty Status, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time Other Total
N % N % N % N %
1,444 46.4% 1,461 47% 204 6.6% 3,109 100%
Please Note: Other includes Administrators and Staff
Source: Fall 2009 Data, IR Enroll_ Froz Table, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
3. Percentage of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty, Fall 2009
Full-Time Part-Time Total
N % N % N %
352 26.5% 977 73.5% 1,329 100%
Source: Table II.E.3, Institutional Profile Data 2009, NJ Commission on Higher Education - IPEDS Human Resources Survey
Kean University
1. Kean University Board of Trustees by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, as of May 12, 2010
White Black Hispanic Asian
Unknown Total
Male 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Female 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 5
Total 11 2 1 0 0 0 0 14
Source: President’s Office, Kean University 2010
2. Kean University Board of Trustees, as of May 12, 2010
Name Title Affiliation
Mr. Eugene Enlow, Esq., Chair Retired, Chair & CEO Atlantic Detroit Diesel
Ms. Ada Morell, Vice Chair CEO/Principal AM Title, Inc.
Mr. Michael D’Agostino, Secretary Union Leader Local 715 Carpenter’s Union
Mr. Jay Anderson Chief Operating Officer The FEIL Organization
Mr. Lester Aron, Esq. Sr. Vice President/University Counsel UMDNJ
Mr. David Halpern President Atlantic Realty Development Company
Ms. Holly C. Bakke, Esq. Consultant
Ms. Helyn Payne-Baltimore Retired, School Teacher
Mr. Robert W. Cockren, Esq. Attorney/Partner Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal
Ms. Linda Lewis Guidance Director Elizabeth Public Schools District
Sen. Frank X. McDermott, Esq. Attorney/Partner Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy
Ms. Barbara Sobel President Sobel Family Foundation
Mr. Donald J. Soriero, Esq. Retired Attorney/Consultant Schering-Plough
Mr. Joseph Wilf President Garden Homes Management
Source: President’s Office, Kean University 2010
3. Kean University’s Web Pages for Board of Trustees Information
Kean University
1. Undergraduate Degree Programs
College of Business and Public Administration
B.S. in Accounting
B.A. in Criminal Justice
B.A. in Economics
Business Economics Option
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Teacher Certification Option
B.S. in Finance
B.S. in Management Science
General Business Option
International Business Option
Management Option
Operations and Information Management Option
B.S. in Marketing
B.A. in Public Administration
Joint or Combined Programs
B.A./M.P.A. in Public Administration
Health Services Option
College of Education
B.S. in Athletic Training
B.A. in Early Childhood Education
B.A. in Elementary Education
K-5;5-8 Option
Bilingual Education K-5; 5-8 Option
B.A. in Liberal Studies in Mathematics, Science & Technology (offered as second degree only)
B.A. in Physical Education
Adult Fitness Option
Health and Physical Education Teaching Certification Option
Physical Education Teaching Certification Option
B.A. in Recreation Administration
Therapeutic Recreation Option
Commercial Recreation Option
Community Recreation Option
B.A. in Spanish
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Teacher Certification Option
B.A. in Speech and Hearing
B.A. in Teacher of Students with Disabilities
P-3 Option
K-5 Option
K-5/5-8 Option
Kean University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
B.A. in Communication
Communication Studies Option
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Journalism Option
Public Relations Option
Media Option
Film Option
B.A. in English
Standard Option
Teacher Certification Track
Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-12) Option
Writing Option
B.A. in History
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Teacher Certification Option
Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-12) Option
B.A. in Philosophy and Religion
B.A. in Political Science
International/Comparative Politics Option
Teacher Certification Option
B.A. in Psychology
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
B.S. in Psychology/Psychiatric Rehabilitation
B.A. in Sociology
B.S.W. in Social Work
Joint or Combined Programs
B.S. in Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation (with UMDNJ)
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences
B.A. in Biology
General Option
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Physician Assistant Track
Teacher Certification Option
Dual Certification for Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-12) Option
B.S. in Biology
General Option
Biotechnology Option
B.A. in Chemistry
General Option
Preprofessional Option
Teacher Certification Option
Technical Sales and Marketing Option
B.S. in Chemistry
Expanded Option
Kean University
B.S. in Computer Science
Information Systems Option
B.A. in Earth Science
General Option
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Teacher Certification Option
Dual Certification for Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-12) Option
B.S. in Earth Science
Earth System Science Option
Geology Option
Meteorology Option
B.S. in Information Technology
B.A. in Mathematical Sciences
Statistics Option
Teacher Certification Option
Dual Certification for Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-12) Option
B.S. in Sustainability Science
Health Professions
B.S. in Medical Technology
General Option
Cytotechnology Option
Histotechnology Option
B.S.N. in Nursing (RNs only)
School Nursing Certification
Joint or Combined Programs
B.S. in Health Information Management (with UMDNJ)
B.A./M.S. in Physician Assistant (with UMDNJ)
B.A./D.P.T. in Physical Therapy (with UMDNJ)
B.A./M.S. in Occupational Therapy
College of Visual and Performing Arts
B.A. in Art History
B.I.D. in Industrial Design
B.F.A. in Interior Design
B.A. in Music
B.A. in Music Education
B.A. in Fine Arts
Pre-Occupational Therapy Track
Teacher Certification Option
B.S. in Graphic Communications
Graphic Communications Management Option
Graphic Communications Technology Option
B.F.A. in Studio Art
Photography Option
B.A. in Theatre
Theatre Teacher Certification Option
B.F.A. in Theatre Performance
B.F.A. in Theatre Design & Technology
Kean University
B.F.A. in Visual Communications
Graphic Design Option
Advertising Design Option
Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Joint 5-Year Programs
B.S. in Science & Technology/M.D. (with Drexel University)
Source: Academic Affairs Office and College Deans, Kean University 2010
2. Graduate Degree Programs
College of Business and Public Administration
M.S. in Accounting
M.A. in Criminal Justice
M.P.A. in Public Administration
Public Sector Management (General)
Health Services Administration Option
Environmental Management Option
Non-Profit Management Option
Joint Programs
M.S.N./M.P.A. in Nursing and Public Administration
College of Education
M.A. in Counselor Education
School Counseling Option
Community Agency Counseling Option
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Option
Post-Masters Licensed Professional Counselor Option
M.A. in Early Childhood Education
Classroom Instruction P-3 Option
Curriculum and Teaching Option
Administration in Early Childhood Education Option
Education for Family Living Option
M.S. in Exercise Science
M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum
Bilingual/Bicultural Education Option
Bilingual Classroom Instruction Option
Classroom Instruction Option
Earth Science Education Option
Teaching Physics Option
Mastery in Teaching Option
Mathematics/Sciences/Computer Education Option
Teaching English as a Second Language Option
Educational Technology Option
World languages - Spanish
Kean University
M.A. in Reading Specialization
Reading Specialist Option
Basic Skills Specialist Option
Adult Literacy Option
M.A. in Special Education
High Incidence Disability Option
Includes: Emotionally Disturbed & Socially Maladjusted Learning Disabilities
Low Incidence Disability Option
Includes: Developmentally Disabled Option; Pre-school Handicapped Option
Post-Masters Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Certificate
M.A. in Speech Language Pathology
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professional Diploma in School Psychology
M.A. in Psychology
Human Behavior and Organizational Psychology Option
Psychological Services Option
Professional Diploma in Marriage and Family Therapy
M.A. in Communication Studies
M.A. in Educational Psychology
M.A. in English Writing Studies
M.A. in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
M.A. in Political Science
M.A. in Sociology and Social Justice
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences
M.S. in Computing, Statistics and Mathematics
M.A. in Mathematics Education
Computer Applications Option
Supervision of Mathematics Option
Teaching of Mathematics Option
M.S.N. Master of Science in Nursing
Clinical Management Option
Community Health Nursing Option
School Nursing Option
School Nursing Certification
Joint Programs
M.S.N./M.P.A. in Nursing and Public Administration
Community Health Option
Clinical Management Option
College of Visual and Performing Arts
M.A. in Fine Arts Education
Studio Option
Supervision Option
Teacher Certification Option
Kean University
M.A. in Liberal Studies
M.S. in Graphic Communications Technology Management
Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology in Combined & Integrated School & Clinical Psychology
Ed.D. Doctor of Education in Urban Leadership
M.B.A. in Global Management
Executive Option
Information Management Option
M.A. in Educational Administration
Principal and Supervisor Option
School Business Administrator Option
M.S. in Biotechnology
M.S.W. in Social Work
Advanced Standing Option
M.S. in Occupational Therapy
Joint 5-Year Programs
B.S./M.S. in Science and Technology (Research Based - Professional Track)
B.S. in Science & Technology
Molecular Biology Option
Computation Mathematics Option
M.S. in Science & Technology
B.S./M.A. in Science & Technology (Education Based - Teacher Track)
B.S. in Science & Technology
Biology Option
Chemistry Option
Physics Option
Mathematics Option
M.A. in Instruction & Curriculum - Science & Technology
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
3. Certification Programs
Kean University offers the following approved certification programs at the graduate level:
Certificates in Education
Administrative Certificate Endorsements
Principal (Provides a Letter of Eligibility)
School Business Administrator
Educational Services Certificate Endorsements
Director of Student Personnel Services
Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant
Reading Specialist
School Psychologist (Teaching Certificate Not Required) Only with Masters***
Speech-Language Specialist (Teaching Certificate Not Required) Only with Masters
School Counselor (Teaching Certificate Not Required) Only with Masters ***
Kean University
School Nursing
Substance Awareness Coordinator
Initial Teaching Certificate, Including a Master of Arts degree
Elementary, Middle and Secondary
Preschool-Third grade
World Languages-Spanish
Teacher of Art
Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Instructional Certificate Endorsements
Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Earth Science Only with Masters
Preschool-Third grade
Teaching English as a Second Language
Teacher of Students with Disabilities
Teacher of Reading
Teaching Physics
Source: Academic Affairs Office & College Deans, Kean University 2010
4. Agreements with Other Colleges and Universities
Kean University and Ocean County College have established a partnership to provide higher education in
Ocean County beyond the level of the associate's degree. Students completing their associate's degree can
continue on with their study for a Kean bachelor's degree with Kean courses offered on the OCC campus.
Kean also offers courses at OCC for master's degrees for those already holding a bachelor's degree.
Kean bachelor's degrees are being offered at OCC in Accounting, Biology, Computer Science, Criminal
Justice, English, History, Management Science, Marketing, Nursing, Public Administration, and Sociology
along with Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education as well as Physical Education and Health.
Students who have already completed their associate's degrees will have their OCC courses evaluated on a
case-by-case basis and matched as closely as possible to the requirements for Kean degrees. Students
newly entering OCC may follow in advance detailed program guide sheets that specify the exact OCC
courses to take for fulfilling the requirements of both their OCC associate's degrees and their Kean
bachelor's degrees.
Kean is also offering master's degrees at OCC in Counselor Education in Counselor Education (with State
certification for school counseling) and Educational Leadership (with State certification for supervisor and
principal) as well as in Nursing (options in Clinical Management and School Nursing), and Business
Administration (the Executive MBA program).
More Kean programs are continuously being added. The bachelor's programs in Graphic Design and
Psychology along with graduate programs in Accounting and Public Administration are being introduced with
the Fall 2010 semester and other programs will follow. Within the upcoming years, Kean will build a full
campus of its own immediately adjacent to the OCC campus. Groundbreaking for the first building of this
campus is scheduled for September, 2010, with occupancy scheduled for June of 2012. Until then, Kean
classes will be held in OCC classrooms, and Kean will provide administrative, academic, and student
services through cooperative arrangements with OCC offices providing equivalent services.
Source: Kean@Ocean & Academic Affairs, Kean University 2010
Articulation Agreements
A major goal of Higher Education in the State of New Jersey is to have all colleges and universities make it
possible for students to transfer (articulate) from one college to another for the purpose of completing a
program of study or degree as expeditiously as possible. In addition to special programs with other colleges
Kean University
and universities, Kean University honors the State of New Jersey's Full-Faith-and-Credit policy, the new
statewide transfer legislation and agreement, and continues to work with the two-year college sector through
the New Jersey Transfer Project. Students graduating from a New Jersey State county college with an A.A.
or A.S. degree may be admitted as juniors provided that all transfer admission requirements have been met.
It is important to note that full transferability of credits depends on a student keeping the same major as they
had at the county college.
Kean University has a joint degree program in Health Information Management with the University of
Medicine and Dentistry (UMDNJ) in Newark. Students complete the general education requirements at Kean
and then apply (in the spring semester of their second year) to UMDNJ for the professional phase of the
program during the final two years of study. Upon completion, students receive a joint bachelor’s degree
from Kean University and UMDNJ. The total length of the program is 4 years.
Kean University, Drexel University College of Medicine and St. Peter's University Hospital have formed a
partnership offering a 4 + 4 Bachelor of Science/Medical Degree (B.S./M.D.) Scholars Program to highly
qualified undergraduate students. Students in this B.S./M.D. Scholars Program embark on an integrated
study of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics in their freshman and sophomore year. Students then
continue with upper level coursework concentrating in the biomedical sciences, including a pre-professional
internship in junior and senior years where they experience medicine alongside physicians at St. Peter's
University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. Students in this 4+4 linkage, which is a flat rate tuition program,
must apply through Kean University’s New Jersey Center for Science, Technology & Mathematics (NJCSTM)
and upon completing their B.S. in Science & Technology degree, enter the first year medical school class at
Drexel College of Medicine. Medical students return to St. Peter's University Hospital for at least one third
year clerkship and at least one fourth year rotation.
The following is a list of colleges with which Kean University has made articulation agreements:
Atlantic Cape Community College Mercer County College
Berkeley College Ocean County College
Brookdale Community College Passaic County Community College
Camden County College Raritan Valley Community College
County College Of Morris Southern New Jersey CIM Consortium
Essex County College Union County College
Hudson County College Warren County Community College
Middlesex County College
Source: NJCSTM, Center for Academic Success (CAS), College Deans and Academic Affairs, Kean University 2010
Joint Admission Agreements
Students from New Jersey County Colleges, that have signed joint admission agreements, may be admitted
to Kean University by the respective county college. (The admission is to the University, not to a major
The program is designed to strengthen the academic and support partnership between the two-year college
sector and Kean University. Agreements have been signed with:
Brookdale Community College Ocean County College
County College of Morris Passaic County Community College
Essex County College Raritan Valley Community College
Hudson County College Union County College
Middlesex County College
Source: Center for Academic Success (CAS), College Deans & Academic Affairs, Kean University 2010
Kean University
Partnership Agreements
Partnership agreements are aimed at establishing ties of friendship and cooperation for the purpose of
promoting mutual understanding through academic, cultural, scientific, student and personnel exchanges.
Partnership agreements have been signed with:
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York
Drexel University College of Medicine
Source: College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences, Kean University 2010
Off-Site Degree Programs
The College of Natural and Applied Science offers the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program off-site at
Raritan Community College and Ocean County Community College.
Source: College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences, Kean University 2010
Kean University
1. Research & Development Expenditures, 2009-2010
Item Amount ($)
Federally Financed Academic R&D Expenditures 1,322,988
Institutionally Financed Academic R&D Expenditures 937,968
Total Academic R&D Expenditures 2,260,956
Source: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Kean University 2010
Note: Dollar amount as reported to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on Form #411 (Survey of Research and Development
Expenditures at Colleges and Universities).
2. Externally Sponsored Research
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) seeks external funding to support and enhance
faculty and student research, curricular development and innovation, and community outreach programming.
The Office administers the University’s grants and contracts (internal and external) from the pre-award stage
through final reporting, and provides oversight to Kean’s centers and institutes. ORSP serves as the
University’s liaison with public foundations, and is responsible for compliance regarding federal and state
regulations. The following table lists the externally sponsored research programs by award amount:
Project Director Project Title Agency Amount ($)
De Garcia, William
The Exceptional Educational
New Jersey
Commission on
Higher Education
Martin, Arlene Professional Impact New Jersey
New Jersey
Department of Human
Kelly, Audrey Local Fire Fighters Training
New Jersey
Department of State
Joiner, David
MRI-R2 Consortium: Acquisition of
hardware for data visualization and
exploratory analysis
National Science
Polirstok, Susan
Garden State Partnership for Teacher
United States
Department of
Caceres, Jose Project Adelante
New Jersey
Commission on
Higher Education
Knezek, Claudia Traffic Safety Program
New Jersey Division
of Highway Traffic
Transition to Teaching - Kean/Newark
United States
Department of
James, Carol
Creating 21
Century New Jersey
New Jersey
Department of
Boehm, Eric
MRI: Acquisition of Instrumentation for
a Molecular Ecology and
Biosystematics Laboratory
National Science
Jackson, Veronica Project U - Upward Bound
United States
Department of
Polirstok, Susan New Vistas Teachers Project
United States
Department of
Kean University
Project Director Project Title Agency Amount ($)
Mascari, Barry
Systemic Reform in Guidance and
Counseling Programs
New Jersey
Department of
Diaz, Wendy McNair Scholars
United States
Department of
Kostak, Mira
The New Jersey Small Business
Development Center - Operational
United States Small
Business Association
Shebitz, Daniela
Prevention/Reduction of Greenhouse
Gas Emissions of Colleges and
Protection Agency
Cerda, Victoria Hispanic Foster Care - Hudson
New Jersey Division
of Youth and Family
Shulman, Martin Speech Upgrade
New Jersey
Department of
Campbell, Minnie
New Jersey Nursing Education
Robert Wood Johnson
Toney, Jeffrey
Garden State LSAMP (Louis Stokes
Alliance for Minority Participation)
National Science
Porta, Angela
AREA Grant: Claudin-2, Claudin-12 and
Cadherin-17: Novel Targets of Vitamin
D Action
National Institutes of
Halper, Michael
Auditing Methodologies for Medical
National Library for
Searson, Michael Startalk Hindi 2010 Program
National Security
Wolanin, Andrew
Stories of Struggles and Successes: A
consumer based needs assessment for
New Jersey Council
on Developmental
Kostak, Mira SBDC Satellite Office-Plainfield
State of New Jersey
Urban Enterprise
Best, Linda National Writing Project
National Writing
Tomich, Melissa Irvington Enrichment Program
Irvington Public
Polirstok, Susan
Professional Development in Sheltered
English Instruction
New Jersey
Department of
Foreman, Lindy Mature Women Students
Foreman, Lindy Rummel Scholars Rummel Foundation 30,000
Lorentzen, Laura
Tech-Prep Grant Program
Union County Vocational Schools
(Academy for Allied Health Sciences)
New Jersey
Department of
Rhee, Shangguen
Tech-Prep Grant Program
South Brunswick Township Public
New Jersey
Department of
Lorentzen, Laura NJCSTME Scholarships Wachovia Foundation 20,000
Toney, Jeffrey
Merck Institute for Science
Merck Scientific
Research Institute
Kean University
Project Director Project Title Agency Amount ($)
Jackson, Veronica Upward Bound
Wooten, John Premiere Stages
New Jersey State
Council on the Arts
Garino, Susan Liberty Hall Butler’s Pantry Upgrade
The Hyde and Watson
Santo Pietro, Mary
Institute for Adults Living with
Communication Disorders
Xu, Charlie College Access Challenge Grant
New Jersey
Commission on
Higher Education
Halper, Michael
Partitioning to Support Auditing and
Extending the UMLS-Summer
National Library of
Young, Ethel Even Start-Hillside
United States
Department of
Zamora, Mia The Big Read
National Endowment
for the Arts
Kostak, Mira Elizabeth CDBG City of Elizabeth 7,000
Polirstok, Susan College of Education Workshops
Piscataway Township
Board of Education
Wooten, John Premiere Stages
The Gleason Family
Chen-Hafteck, Lily
(AIRS) Advancing Interdisciplinary
Research in Singing
University of Prince
Edward Island
Wooten, John Premiere Stages
The Westfield
Oh Freedom
New Jersey Council
for the Humanities
Santo Pietro, Mary
Institute of Adults Living with
Communication Disorders
Elenore & Maurice
Rosenthal Foundation
Wooten, John Premiere Stages
The Provident Bank
Total $ 8,218,721
Source: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Kean University 2010
3. Internally Sponsored Research
Kean University established the Reassigned Time for Research (RTR) Awards program to support the
faculty’s active interest in research and other scholarly pursuits in 1973. Through this program, the University
conducts an annual review and selects faculty, professional personnel, and librarians to receive research
awards of released time and limited direct costs. Projects funded by Reassigned Time for Research serve to
advance the state of the art or knowledge in a particular field of study or professional activity, or to develop a
particular area of research or creative work to the point where it can be shared beyond the Kean University
Kean University
Seven RTR projects were funded for the 2009-10 academic year. Successful applicants receive a maximum
of six credits of reassigned time during the academic year and a $400 stipend for equipment, supplies and
other needs associated with their research.
Six non-tenured faculty research projects (UFRI) were funded for the 2009-10 academic year. As with the
RTR awards, successful applicants receive six credits of reassigned time during the academic year and a
$400 stipend for equipment, supplies and other needs associated with their research.
The Students Partnering with Faculty (SpF) Summer Research Program is a competitive program that has
been developed to support and advance student and faculty research and scholarship at Kean University.
Through the SpF program, full-time faculty will have the opportunity to submit proposals in collaboration with
undergraduate full-time students enrolled in the current semester for the purpose of attaining funding toward
a specific student-faculty research project. Students and faculty each receive $3,500 stipends and up to
$2,000 for research supplies and expenses. Eleven projects were funded during summer 2009.
The Foundation Faculty Research Award (FFRA) is sponsored by the Kean University Foundation and was
initiated this academic year. The fundamental goal of FFRA is to help faculty better position themselves to
apply for and receive external funding for their research and scholarly activities. Faculty can apply annually
for three consecutive years of funding for up to $5000 annually. Five faculty members received this award for
the 2009-2010 academic year.
The New Research Initiatives Award (URC) is designed to support research in the following areas: Liberty
Hall in all fields, interdisciplinary research involving at least two departments, and creative projects that
enhance the University’s ties to New Jersey high schools. Thirteen faculty received awards of up to $15,000
for the 2009-2010 academic year.
The Presidential Scholars Challenge (PSC) and Presidents Research Initiative (PRI) funds faculty research
initiatives in areas important to the strategic vision and core initiatives of the University. The grant
provides bridge support to faculty researchers who then pursue external funding to continue their research
program. Fifteen faculty received award amounts ranging from $10,000 to $65,000
Reassigned Time for Research Awards (RTR)
Fulgencio Batista: From President to Dictator, Volume II (Short-term and Long-Term Writing Projects)
Frank Argote-Freyre, History
The Deliberate Writer, A Series of Three Textbooks for First-Year College Writers (prospectus
developed as the invitation of an acquisitions editor for Pearson/Longman and Prentice Hall Publishers)
Linda Best, English
DNA Sequencing of the ITS to Resolve Evolutiononary Relationships within the Mytilinidiales
Eric Boehm, Biology
Examining Children’s Growth in Reading Achievement from Kindergarten to Third Grade: Multilevel
Analyses of Child, Family, and Teach Variables
Jennifer Chen, Early Childhood & Family Studies
Investigations of Distyly and Self-incompatability in Linum and the Influence of Fatty-acid Metabolites
on Cytokine Dynamics upon Challenge with the Cholera Toxin
Farshad Tamari, Biology
Controlling Inflammation with Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
Evros Vassiliou, Biology
Kean University
Literacy Development and the Acquisition of Social Practices in the Lives of Four Working-Class
Women Academics
Gail Verdi, Elementary, Middle & Secondary Education
Untenured Faculty/Librarian Research Initiative Awards (UFRI)
Current Roles and Responsibilities of School Nurses in the United States: An Application of Multi-
Method Research
Cheryl Krause-Parello, Nursing
Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in Geographic Knowledge Discovery
Feng Qi, Geology/Meteorology
Probing Host-Guest Interactions Using Hydrogen-Deuteerium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
Dil Ramanathan, Science and Technology
Young Children’s Use of Technology 2.0 Tools
Dina Rosen, Early Childhood & Family Studies
The Effect of Positive Activity on Academic Success
Joanne Walsh, Psychology
New Models on Joint Production/Inventory Planning and Revenue Management for Supply Chain
Systems with Seasonal Products
Bin Zhou, Management
Students Partnering with Faculty Summer Research Program Awards (SpF)
The Use of DNA Sequencing to Resolve Global Evolutionary Relationships in the Genus Glyphium
(tentatively placed in the Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
Eric Boehm (Faculty), Ziphora Sam (Student), Karina Ochoa (Student), Olivera Krstanoska (Student
Interactive Visualization System for Large Scientific Data Sets
George Chang (Faculty), Ibtisam Ali (Student), Swetha Medicherla (Student), Albert Banks (Student)
The Relationship between the Quality of the Early Childhood Classroom Environment and the
Language Development of Young Children
Jennifer Chen (Faculty), Angelo Castillo (Student), Patricia Pettesch (Student), Silvia Pino (Student)
Morphologic Investigation of Thunderstorm Initiates and GIS Attributes with Testing for Improved
Operational Nowcasting of Severity in New Jersey
Paul Croft (Faculty), Amy Wuestenberg (Student), Justin Schulte (Student), Danielle Fadeski (Student)
Color Vision in the Great Whales and Implications for Fishing Gear Avoidance
Jeffry Fasick (Faculty), Gisele Andrade (Student), Stephanie Brennan (Student)
Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data for Environmental Information
Patricia Morreale (Faculty), Frank Kendall (Student), Ryan Suleski, (Student), Brian Sinnicke (Student)
Environmental Variables Leading to Garlic Mustard Establishment and Invasion in Union County Parks
Daniela Shebitz (Faculty), Victoria Pirolli (Student), Jesse Damiano (Student), Paula Phillips (Student)
Investigations of Distly and Self-Incompatibility in Linum
Farshad Tamari (Faculty), Danie Saget (Student), Oluwatosin Akindunbi (Student)
Kean University
The Silence of Her Heart - Journey of a Victim of Domestic Violence
Larry Tung (Faculty), Maria Vargas-Pion (Student), Aura Jimenez (Student)
Handling the Conflicting Roles of Manager and Leader in Global Teams
Suling Zhang (Faculty), Chengyan Liu (Student), Cui Na (Student)
Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing in Production/Inventory Systems: Theories and Practice
Bin Zhou (Faculty), Brian Wershonski (Student), Michael Sanosian (Student)
Foundation Faculty Research Awards (FFRA)
The Effects of Parenting Styles and Practices on the Behavioral Adjustment and Language
Development of Chinese Children from Immigrant, Low-Income Families
Jennifer Chen, Department of Early Childhood & Family Studies
Weather Hazard Education & Research for Ecosystems of Urban Relevance in NJ - Working in a
Community of Outreach Research Experiences (Kean University: WHERE – UR – IN New Jersey!
The Working CORE)
Paul Croft, Department of Geology and Meteorology
Investigation of Asymmetric Bimetallic Complexes with Respect to Bioactivity and Charge Separation
Matthew Mongelli, Department of Chemistry & Physics
Molecular Genetics Investigations of Distyly and Self-Incompatability in Linum: Investigations of
Polygalacturonase, Alpha-Dioxygenase, and Beta Expansion as Steps toward an Increase in Flax
Crop Field
Farshad Tamari, Department of Biological Sciences
The Composition, Seasonal Occurrence, and Reproductivity of Marine Seaweeds in Barnegat Bay,
New Jersey
Brian Teasdale, Department of Biological Sciences
New Research Initiatives Awards (URC)
Evolution and Education: A forum for Teachers
Brian Baldwin, Science and Technology
Brian Regal, History
Student Writing at the High School and College Levels: Collaborative Research Initiatives for
Instructional Alignment and Faculty Exchange
Linda Best, English
Fog Occurrence using GIS: Predicting Areal & Point Estimation by Regression
Paul Croft, Geology/Meteorology
Feng Qi, Geology/Meteorology
Virtual Liberty Hall – Phase I
MJ Divino, Design
Pancreatic and Colorectal Tumor Cell Destruction by Metal-DNA Complexes
Jeffry Fasick, Biology
Matthew Mongelli, Chemistry & Physics
CS @ Kean: Supercomputers, Students and Computer Science
David Joiner, Science & Technology
Kean University
Pets & Human Health: The Biobehavioral and Psychobiologic Interface
Cheryl Krause-Parello, Nursing
Extra, Extra: The Rise and Transformation of American Newspapers
Patricia Winters Lauro, Communications
UrbanNet: Urban Environment Monitoring and Modeling with a Wireless Sensor Network
Patricia Morreale, Computer Science
Paul Croft, Geology/Meteorology
Feng Qi, Geology/Meteorology
Liberty Hall Architectural Scale Model as an Educational Tool
Linda O’Shea, Interior Design
Host-Guest Chemistry to Improve LC-MS Detection Limits for Pharmaceuticals Present as
Contaminants in Water
Dil Ramathan, Science & Technology
Developing a Carbon Accounting Method for Mitigation Projects
Daniela Shebitz, Biology
Patricia Morreale, Computer Science
Brian Teasdale, Biology
The Use of Flax in the Prevention of Cholera Infection
Farshad Tamari, Biology
Presidential Scholars Challenge (PSC) and Presidents Research Initiative (PRI) Awards
Interactive and Augmented Reality
George Chang, Computer Science
Investigating the Quality of Teachers' Interactions and Conversations with Preschool Children from
Low-Income Families
Jennifer Chen, Early Childhood & Family Studies
Community Environmental Networks for Risk Identification and Management
Paul Croft, Geology/Meteorology
Patricia Morreale, Computer Science
Feng Qi, Geology/Meteorology
Integrating Carbon Accounting and Environmental Integrity Assessment into Sustainable Wetland
Conservation and Management
William Eaton, Biology
Sylvio Codella, Biology
Daniela Shebitz, Biology
Brian Teasdale, Biology
Repurposing FDA Approved Drugs as Novel Cancer Treatments and as Therapeutics against
Chemoresistant Tumors
Jeffry Fasick, Biology
Center for Nursing Research at Kean University
Cheryl Krause-Parello, Nursing
Liberty Hall Museum Manuscript Project
Jonathan Mercantini, History
Kean University
Knowledge Mining from Sensor Date
Patricia Morreale, Computer Science
David Joiner, Science & Technology
Using Zebrafish to Assess Environmental Pollutants
Dil Ramanathan, Science & Technology
Darwin and the Monsters: Cryptozoology in the Role of Evolutionary Thought: Pliny to the Present
Brian Regal, History
Food Waste Composting Science and Compost Utilization
Nicholas Smith-Sebasto, School of Environmental and Life Sciences
William Eaton, Biology
Daniela Shebitz, Biology
Brian Teasdale, Biology
An Investigation into Direct Solar Fuels for Island Communities
Brian Teasdale, Biology
Matthew Mongelli, Chemistry/Physics
Teacher Read-Alouds with and without Student Companion Texts in a Low SES, Predominantly
Hispanic Community
Diane Tracey, Communication
The Future of Chinatown: Urban Renewal vs. Gentrification
Larry Tung, Communication
Xurong Kong, History
Therapeutic Role of DHA Acid in Inflammation and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Evros Vassiliou, Biology
Source: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Kean University 2010
Kean University
The transformation of the Kean University campus has continued through Fiscal Year 2010 as some projects
were completed and many more began. Through these new projects the University continues its
commitment to new classrooms, academic laboratories, performing arts facilities, and recreational facilities
as part of its overall campus plan.
1. Projects Under Construction
Completion Date: Summer 2010
Project Description:
This facility is the new home of the NJ Center for Science Technology and Mathematics academic
program. This 105,000 square foot six story structure consists of laboratories, classrooms and
seminar space. It also includes an auditorium and a restaurant.
b. Athletic Amenities – Phase 3
Completion Date: Summer 2010
Project Description:
This facility is located between the baseball and softball fields and is used to house restroom facilities,
a concession stand and a fitness center.
c. University Center Skyroom
Completion Date: Summer 2010
Project Description:
Located in the heart of the University Center, the new Skyroom/game room area is an entertainment
hub for all students. The space includes pool tables, televisions, Wii and lounge/meeting areas.
d. East Campus Parking Lot
Completion Date: Summer 2010
Project Description:
This project converted the former softball field into additional surface parking available for all students
and visitors to Kean University.
2. Pending Projects
a. Wilkins Theater Renovations
Target Completion: TBD – Project still under review
Project Description:
This project will include the construction of a new 199 seat academic theater adjacent to the existing
Wilkins Theater as well as interior lobby improvements and upgrades to the existing theater equipment.
Kean University
b. Parking Deck
Target Completion: TBD – Project sill in design/permitting
Project Description:
Located behind the Vaughn Eames building, the new multi-story parking facility will accommodate
approximately 850 parking spaces when complete.
c. Residence Life - Quad Upgrades
Target Completion: TBD – Summer 2011
Project Description:
This is a series of projects to be completed over the next two summers that will upgrade the existing
residence halls in the Quad (Bartlett, Rogers, Sozio, and Burch.) The renovations will include an
upgrade to the existing HVAC systems, replacement of the sanitary mains, new laundry room facilities,
a common area facelift and bathroom upgrades in all suites.
3. Recently Completed Projects
a. East Campus Renovations and Recital Hall
Completion Date: Fall 2009
Project Description:
The East Campus facility underwent a complete renovation to create classroom, office and library
space for the Nathan Weiss Graduate College. This project also includes the conversion of the
existing auditorium into a Recital Hall.
b. Nancy Thompson Library Addition - Institute for Human Rights
Completion Date: Fall 2009
Project Description:
A 12,000 square feet addition to the existing Nancy Thompson Library was completed as the new
home for the Institute for Human Rights. The institute sponsors workshops, conferences and speakers
to discuss the Holocaust and genocide. The project also includes expanded library and gallery space
as well as improvements to the existing library façade.
Source: Office of Campus Planning, Kean University 2010
Kean University
1. Additional Data
a. Degrees Conferred & Characteristics of Graduates, Fiscal Year 2009
Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity, Fiscal Year 2009
Baccalaureate Masters* Total
N % N % N %
Alien 54 2.6% 29 4.1% 83 3%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 4 0.2% 1 0.1% 5 0.2%
Asian 144 6.9% 24 3.4% 168 6%
Black/African American 351 16.9% 121 17.0% 472 16.9%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Hispanic 377 18.1% 79 11.1% 456 16.3%
Multiple 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Unknown 113 5.4% 21 2.9% 134 4.8%
White 1,039 49.9% 437 61.4% 1,476 52.8%
Total 2,082 100% 712 100% 2,794 100%
*Masters Includes Post-Master’s Certificates
Source: IPEDS Completions Survey, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
Amer. Ind.
Kean University
Degrees Conferred by Gender, Fiscal Year 2009
Male Female Total
N % N % N %
Baccalaureate 673 32.3% 1409 67.7% 2082 100%
Masters* 161 22.6% 551 77.4% 712 100%
Total 834 29.8% 1960 70.2% 2794 100%
Source: IPEDS Completions Survey, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
*Masters Includes Post-Master’s Certificates
Source: IPEDS Completions Survey, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
Degrees Conferred by General Field, Fiscal Year 2009
Major Category
Description Bachelor Master Total
09 Communications 51 9 60
10 Communications Technology 11 10 21
11 Computer Science 23 0 23
13 Education 371 377 748
15 Engineering Related Technology 3 0 3
16 Foreign Languages 52 0 52
23 English/Letters 86 0 86
24 Liberal Arts/Sciences 0 6 6
26 Biological & Biomedical Sciences 74 8 82
27 Mathematics 42 1 43
30 Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies 0 3 3
31 Parks/Recreation 27 1 28
40 Physical Sciences 23 0 23
41 Science Technologies 17 4 21
42 Psychology 214 37 251
43 Protective Services 133 0 133
44 Public Administration 81 95 176
45 Social Sciences 116 8 124
50 Visual/Performing Arts 127 0 127
51 Health Professions 86 67 153
52 Business/Management 466 86 552
54 History 79 0 79
Total 2082 712 2794
Source: IPEDS Completions Survey, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
*Masters Includes Post-Master’s Certificates
Kean University
b. Transfer Entering Undergraduates by Admission Status and Attendance Status, Fall 2009
New Transfer First Time Total
N % N % N %
Full-Time 1,265 45.2% 1,531 54.8% 2,796 100%
Part-Time 468 81.8% 104 18.2% 572 100%
Total 1,733 51.5% 1,635 48.5% 3,368 100%
Source: Enroll_Froz Table, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
c. Third-Semester Retention Rates of Full-time, First-time by Race/Ethnicity, Fall 2008 - Fall 2009
White Black Hispanic Asian Amer. Ind. Alien Unknown Total
N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Retained 454 78.4% 314 82.6% 269 83.8% 69 80.2% 0 0% 15 88.2% 27 79.4% 1,148 81.0%
Not Retained 125 21.6% 66 17.4% 52 16.2% 17 19.8% 1 100% 2 11.8% 7 20.6% 270 19.0%
Total 579 100% 380 100% 321 100% 86 100% 1 100% 17 100% 34 100% 1,418 100%
Source: Enroll_Froz Table, Office of Institutional Research, Kean University 2010
2. Campus Programs and Initiatives
a. Student Centered Programs
New Jersey Center for Science, Technology and Mathematics
In 2004, Kean University established the New Jersey Center for Science, Technology, and
Mathematics (NJCSTM) to meet the State's need for qualified science and mathematics teachers,
physicians, and scientific researchers. The academic programs are designed to (1) produce
exceptional educators, skilled and motivated to teach science and mathematics, especially in urban
school districts; (2) develop well-trained research professionals to support and advance scientific and
technological innovation; and (3) train scientist-physicians to practice medicine in New Jersey.
NJCSTM is committed to a state-wide recruiting effort with special attention to students from the urban
and low socio-economic regions of New Jersey. The students are a reflection of the cultural and
economic diversity found throughout the state. The Center graduated its first class in 2008 (B.S.) and
2009 (M.S. and M.A.). The NJCSTM faculty is an integrative team of scientists and educators that
work closely together to motivate students to excel in science and science education. The Education
Track is a five-year program which awards a B.S. in Science and Technology and an M.A. in
Instruction and Curriculum. Graduates are scientist-educators with a background rich in the physical,
chemical and biological sciences and computational mathematics. Field experience and student
teaching are key elements in this program. Students graduate with NJ teacher certification at the
secondary level and are prepared to teach either high school chemistry, biology or mathematics. The
Research Track is a five-year program which awards a B.S./M.S. in Science and Technology that
prepares researchers for careers in scientific and technical industries. Graduates specialize in
biotechnology/genetic engineering or computational mathematics. This program integrates coursework,
research externships and extensive laboratory training in molecular and analytical techniques.
Kean University, Drexel University College of Medicine and St. Peter's University Hospital have formed
a partnership offering a 4 + 4 Bachelor of Science/Medical Degree (BS/MD) Scholars Program to
highly qualified undergraduate students. Students in this BS/MD Scholars Program will embark on an
integrated study of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics in their freshman and sophomore year.
Students then continue with upper level coursework concentrating in the biomedical sciences,
Kean University
including a pre-professional internship in junior and senior years where they will experience medicine
alongside physicians at St. Peter's University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. Upon graduation from
Kean University's New Jersey Center for Science, Technology & Mathematics (NJCSTM) with their
B.S. in Science & Technology degree, students will enter the first year medical school class at Drexel
College of Medicine. Medical students return to St. Peter's University Hospital for at least one third
year clerkship and at least one fourth year rotation. This 4+4 linkage program is a flat rate tuition
The Master of Science 34 credit degree program in Biotechnology Science prepares students for
research in the expanding field of biotechnology through course work and laboratory experience. Many
students attend the program part-time while working in industry, as courses are scheduled in the
evenings. Graduates become proficient in state-of-the-art technologies and are prepared to seek
employment/advancement in biotech/pharma or to continue their study toward the Ph.D. degree in
other graduate programs in related fields.
Source: NJCSTM, Kean University 2010
Center for Academic Success (CAS)
The CAS serves as an academic support service one-stop center, with its functions driven by the
services it provides. The CAS is the student’s home for academic services from entrance to the
university through graduation. An additional purpose of the CAS involves providing students,
especially under-prepared and at-risk students, with the resources, assistance, support and services
that will help retain them to graduation. The basic services of the CAS are organized into the following
categories: Career Development and Advancement Services; Transfer and Readmission Student
Services; General Education Program; International Student Services, PASSPORT Program; Tutoring
and Learning Support Services, Veterans Services, Academic Dismissal Appeals, Orientation Services
and Student Retention Services. All services can be obtained by first stopping at the CAS One Stop,
CAS 108, in the front lobby of the Center for Academic Success building.
CAS One Stop
The CAS One Stop offers quality and convenient academic support services for Kean students and
their parents. The center is the single point of contact for students to conduct business related to
transfer admissions, registration and general information. There is always a professional or student
staff member (A.I.M.) to assist students and their parents with their questions and concerns.
Source: Center for Academic Success, Kean University, 2010
Honors Programs & Honor Societies
The Kean University Honors Program offers a personalized program of study to challenge and reward
students who display exceptional ability and motivation. The program provides an opportunity to work
closely with distinguished faculty and peers and to conduct independent research. Honors courses
are characterized by a commitment to excellence and rigorous coursework. Students have an
opportunity for advanced scholarship in a supportive yet challenging academic environment. Kean
Honors graduates have gone on to some of the nation's most prestigious master’s and doctoral
programs. Others have launched successful careers in many fields of endeavor. Honors courses are
currently available in the following areas of study: Biological Sciences, Geology and Meteorology,
Music, Political Science, Psychology, and Public Administration. Academic achievement is also
recognized by election during the junior or senior year to one of the many honor societies established
at Kean.
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
Programs to Enhance Student Retention and Persistence
In response to the growing demographic diversity of the region it serves, Kean University has
developed a broad range of programs to assist students from all backgrounds to develop the skills and
capacity to succeed in college.
Kean University
Exceptional Educational Opportunities (EEO) Program
Students, who are economically and/or academically disadvantaged and exhibit potential for success
in college, as determined by State of New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program
regulations and Kean University admissions criteria, may apply for admission to Kean through the
Exceptional Educational Opportunities (EEO) program. Intensive support services are provided with
the goal of academic and personal adjustment to the university experience.
Source: EEO Office, Kean University 2010
The PASSPORT Program at CAS provides students who demonstrate the determination and ability to
succeed with the opportunity to begin college, although they might not fully meet traditional admission
criteria to do so. All PASSPORT students attend a mandatory orientation program before beginning
full-time work in the fall semester. This orientation program includes workshops, presentations, and
social and cultural events. PASSPORT students continue to receive advisement and counseling
throughout the year, and are encouraged to complete developmental courses and to select an
academic major. They also have access to tutoring and other academic support services offered
through the program.
Passport Program, Kean University 2010
Project Excel
Project Excel is a program for individuals attending Kean University with documented Learning
Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder (OHI), and Asperger Syndrome (Autism spectrum) as their
primary disability. The primary goal of Project Excel is to foster success through increased self-
reliance during and beyond college years. Strategy instruction and academic support in a small,
closely-knit environment where students, faculty, and staff work together foster discovery of individual
learning strengths and weaknesses. The goal of our program is to have students move out of the
structured support environment towards self-direction and greater acceptance of responsibility for
managing lifetime learning as their confidence increases and they embrace more success.
Source: Project Excel, Kean University 2010
Athletics and Intramural Sports
The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics sponsors a broad array of teams and intercollegiate
competitions throughout the academic year, all of which are open to the community. Kean is a
member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Eastern College Athletic Conference, the
Skyline Conference and the New Jersey Athletic Conference. Men’s intercollegiate athletic teams
include football, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, track & field and baseball as well as volleyball which will
begin in the spring 2011 semester. Women’s intercollegiate athletic teams include field hockey,
softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, lacrosse and track & field. The Sports Club Division
offers instructional and competitive activities. Unless otherwise specified, sports clubs are open to the
entire University community. In general, there is no fee for instruction or use of the equipment.
Source: Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, Kean University 2010
Kean University Recreation and Intramurals offers students, faculty and staff a fun and competitive
way to stay in shape and engage in on-campus sports activities. Both departments strive to include as
many students as possible by offering several activities to participate in. The Recreation Department
boasts a variety of classes offered throughout the week along with our standard fitness center facilities
which include the pool, arena, indoor track, fitness center and weight room. The state of the art
D'Angola weight room is equipped with top of the line Life Fitness and Hammer Strength equipment, 3
plasma televisions and a stereo system with surround sound. In addition, all cardio equipment is
equipped with individual cable-ready television screens. Intramurals offers all students a chance to
participate in a number of sports regardless of their ability level. Sports offered include flag football,
tennis, dodgeball and basketball. Special events and open recreation opportunities include volleyball,
indoor soccer, softball, bench-a-thon and turkey trot.
Source: Intramurals & Recreation, Kean University 2010
Kean University
Center for International Studies
The Center for International Studies (CIS) coordinates the activities of Kean University faculty, staff,
and students in order to integrate international education into the University. CIS administers
agreements for Academic Partnerships with foreign universities, supports Study Abroad, and
organizes Travelearn programs. By coordinating these programs, the Center for International Studies
seeks to promote academic and extracurricular opportunities that provide global and cross-cultural
understanding. Kean currently maintains Academic Partnership agreements with universities
throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas and is currently developing formal academic agreements
with universities throughout the world. The “Travelearn” program is Kean’s short-term, faculty lead
study abroad program and offers participants an enriched international travel experience; nearly a
dozen such programs are offered per year. Long-term Study Abroad programs provide extended
immersion opportunities and academically challenging and rewarding global experiences in a
collegiate setting; participants have the opportunity to select from programs offered in over 30 different
nations. The Center for International Studies also maintains direct affiliations with study abroad the
following study abroad organizations: International Studies Abroad (ISA), The American Institute for
Foreign Study (AIFS), and Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA). CIS staff members are active
participants in NAFSA, the Association of International Educators, The Institute of International
Education (IIE) and New Jersey Global Educators (NJGE).
Source: Center for International Studies, Kean University 2010
Programs for Students with English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language Program
English as a Second Language is an academic program designed especially for matriculated students
whose primary or first language is not English. The program prepares students for successful oral and
written communication at the university level through classroom instruction, individual tutorials and
work in the computer laboratories. The program also offers advisement and counseling for new and
continuing students. Opportunities for leadership and other involvement are available through the ESL
Program’s Intercultural Club and Accents, a magazine for ESL students’ writing.
Source: ESL Program, Kean University 2010
Spanish Speaking Program
The Spanish Speaking Program (SSP) provides access to higher education to Hispanic students who
are English Language Learners (ELL). The SSP provides services to students, including advisement,
in the first two years in college. Students who placed in English as a Second Language (ESL) take
General Education (GE) courses in Spanish while they complete the ESL program. The number of GE
courses in Spanish taken by each student is determined by the student’s ESL placement. As students
progress in the ESL program, they take fewer GE courses in Spanish until they transition into all
English courses. At the end of the second year, or once the ESL program is completed, students are
advised in their academic major department.
Source: Spanish Speaking Program, Kean University 2010
Center for Leadership & Service (CLS)
On May 24, 2009, the department of Student Life and Leadership Development officially became the
Kean University Center for Leadership and Service. CLS serves as a comprehensive, centralized,
connection point for student leadership and service opportunities empowering students to make a
positive impact on the campus and in the community. CLS develops, in students, an understanding
and appreciation of self, others, and community by inspiring students to explore a life of active
citizenship. Through CLS programs, services, and the process of leadership development, students
cultivate a personal philosophy to make a positive change within a group, community, or global society.
The goals of the CLS are to provide programs that enhance student learning and development;
facilitate positive social change at the university and in the community and to prepare students to
assume leadership roles on campus, in the community, and in the workplace.
Kean University
CLS provides the following services:
Leadership Programs and Training
Student Group Recognition and Development
Community Service Opportunities and Programs
Co-Curricular Transcript Program
Cougar’s Byte Newsletter
Greek Life Programs and Training
The CLS is committed to the personal development, health safety and welfare of our students. This
commitment is supported through our program development, policies and the utilization of
collaborative advisory boards. The CLS is committed to the inclusion of the entire University
community in all opportunities developed through this office that assist students with problem-solving
and acquiring leadership skills that facilitate personal and interpersonal competence, as well as
understanding and appreciating diversity.
Volunteer and Community Services
The Kean Service Corps was established in September 2009. It is a group of trained student leaders
who are committed to service and employed by CLS to identify, promote and register service
opportunities and projects for students, staff and faculty. Kean received the President’s Higher
Education Community Service Honor Roll distinction in February 2010. Six months after the inception
of CLS 3,605 hours of service were recorded through the Center by over 1,200 individual registered
student volunteers. CLS offered a variety of service opportunities focused on and off campus in ten
different impact service areas: Child Care/Youth Development, Animal Care/Advocacy,
Developmental/Physical Disabilities, Education/Mentoring/Tutoring, Environment/Sustainability, Health
and Wellness – Physical and Mental, Homelessness/Housing, Hunger, Human Rights and Senior
Source: Center for Leadership and Service, Kean University 2010
Continuing and Professional Education
The Office of Continuing and Professional Education offers a variety of open enrollment programs
directed toward the enhancement and enrichment of workforce-related skills. In addition to the online
ed2go courses and graduate certificate programs it offers virtual education for teachers through VESI
(Virtual Education Software Inc.) as well as a certificate program in emergency management.
Source: Nathan Weiss Graduate College, Kean University 2010
b. Centers and Institutions
Nancy Thompson Library
The Nancy Thompson Library of Kean University is a comprehensive information and learning center
that offers specialized collections and services designed to meet the academic information needs of
the Kean University community. Located in the heart of the Kean campus, the Nancy Thompson
Library houses the Library’s print, media, and online collections, with holdings of more than 374,000
volumes (including bound periodicals), over 100 databases, and more than 32,000 periodicals (a
majority of which are available online through the Library's databases).
Source: Nancy Thompson Library, Kean University 2010
Holocaust Resource Center
The Holocaust Resource Center (HRC) of Kean University opened its doors in the Fall semester of
1982. The Center is a joint initiative between the University and the Holocaust Resource Foundation, a
private philanthropic organization. The Center collects and disseminates knowledge of the Holocaust
to commemorate and strengthen education about the Holocaust.
Kean University
The mission of the HRC is to strengthen the conditions for a just and humane life in our society by
collecting and disseminating knowledge of the Holocaust. The mandate for the HRC is to
commemorate and strengthen education about the Holocaust.
Source: Holocaust Resource Center, Kean University 2010
Human Rights Institute
The Human Rights Institute (HRI) at Kean University educates, conducts research and raises
awareness and consciousness among students, faculty, the general public, and decision-makers in
government. It pursues its mission through curricular offerings, workshops, student organizations, and
major symposia and conferences on human rights issues.
The HRI is housed in a new addition to the Nancy Thompson Library. This facility provides the
Institute with seminar rooms, offices, a conference center and state-of-the-art gallery that is used to
highlight issues, artwork, films, and publications related to human rights violations and victories around
the world.
Source: Human Rights Institute, Kean University 2010
The Center for Earth System Education
The Center for Earth System Education (CESE) mission is to encourage, support, and promote earth
system education at all levels. This is accomplished through a variety of education outreach activities
through the Department of Geology & Meteorology in Kean University's College of Natural, Applied,
and Health Sciences. CESE considers all elements of the geosphere, the atmosphere, hydrosphere,
and lithosphere; as they interact with and are impacted by the biosphere.
The primary goals of CESE are to establish student-assisted education and research outreach
activities to serve urban ecosystem communities and K-12 interests of New Jersey; and to conduct
student-centered cooperative and joint research and collaborative education and observational
ventures with state and federal government agencies and the private sector to observe, diagnose,
model, and predict hazardous weather and its impacts through the Earth Systems Science approach.
CESE’s goals are achieved collaboratively with partners over time through school visits, tours of
campus facilities, and workshops for teachers, presentations to the New Jersey Earth Science
Teachers Association, and the provision of educational resources and related training as well as online
resources. Faculty and students share and present their on-going research endeavors while
interacting with the community to broaden the earth science experience for the K-12 community.
Sources: Academic Affairs Office & Deans, Kean University 2010
The Center for Innovative Education
The Center for Innovative Education (CIE) provides professional development to educators throughout
New Jersey. It focuses on 21st century learning, and seeks to strike a balance between the demands
of formal educational accountability and the challenges of the 21st century global environment. CIE
has partnered with New Jersey Department of Education to create a multi-year statewide systemic
professional development initiative designed to support the implementation of the revised 2009 Core
Curriculum Content Standards and Secondary Education Transformation and to provide a context for
the work of professional learning communities. It has also partnered with other key educational
organizations in the state including the NJ Principal and Supervisors Association, and the NJ
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, together with NJ DOE in advancing the
educational initiatives throughout the state.
Sources: Academic Affairs Office & Deans, Kean University 2010
The Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disabilities
The Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disabilities is a non-profit, university based program
made possible by a generous grant from the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey. We are part of the
Center for Communications Disorders at Kean University. The Institute is dedicated to: providing state-
of-the-art communication and cognitive therapy services for adults in a warm and friendly environment;
serving as a place where adults with communication disabilities and their families can come together
for education, support and social interaction; educating Kean University graduate students in the
Kean University
treatment of adults with communication disabilities and conducting clinical research to document the
long-term recovery of communication skills in adults.
Sources: Academic Affairs Office & Deans, Kean University 2010
The Institute for Urban Ecosystem Studies
The Institute for Urban Ecosystem Studies (IUES) at Kean University is a diverse alliance of scholars
united by a common interest in the interactions between people and nature in New Jersey and a
shared concern for environmental and human health. The faculty and staff of IUES are committed to
providing education and services that will heighten their awareness and concern for the dependence of
human health on a functioning ecosystem. The goal is to prepare students to think critically and
creatively so that they can adapt to changing social, economic and technological conditions,
particularly as they pertain to urban ecosystems.
Sources: Academic Affairs Office & Deans, Kean University 2010
Liberty Hall Museum
Built in 1772, on the eve of the American Revolution, Liberty Hall Museum at Kean University was
home to New Jersey’s first elected governor and signer of the Constitution, William Livingston. In 1811,
New Jersey’s prominent Kean family purchased Liberty Hall and passed it down through generations
until its acquisition by Kean University in 2007.
A witness to more than 200 years of American history, Liberty Hall’s original 14-room Georgian Style
home has grown over the centuries into a 50-room Victorian-style mansion. The site houses extensive
collections of antique furniture, ceramics, textiles, toys, carriages and sleighs owned by seven
generations of the Livingston and Kean families.
Liberty Hall Museum also offers a variety of activities for children and visitors of all ages, including
group and individual tours, children’s programs and exhibits, historic gardens and sculpted mazes,
events and facilities rentals, and afternoon teas and Victorian luncheons.
Liberty Hall is located at 1003 Morris Avenue in Union, New Jersey. It is open to the public Monday
through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about Liberty Hall Museum or to make
reservations, call (908) 527-0400, e-mail libertyhal[email protected] or visit
Source: Liberty Hall Museum, Kean University 2010
c. Scholarships and Grants
Kean University has a well established, comprehensive merit and need based scholarship program
designed to attract prospective students from various backgrounds and interests. Over the past two
years, Kean has doubled the total amount of scholarships available to students. Kean has recently
implemented four new scholarship programs available for the Fall 2009 semester, which include a new
full tuition scholarship for students who score 1400 or higher on the SAT, a half-tuition scholarship
program for first-year students who score over 1350 on the SAT; 14 full-tuition scholarships in the
School of Visual and Performing Arts for high-achieving students in music, theater, design, fine arts,
film, and media; and a full-tuition scholarship program for all student-teachers in science and
technology who agree to teach in New Jersey schools after graduation.
Source: Institutional Advancement, Kean University 2010
Epsilon Corps
Supported by the Department of Undergraduate Education (DUE) of the National Science Foundation,
Epsilon Corps is a campus-wide program at Kean University designed to enhance students' successes
in science, technology and mathematics (STEM) majors. Students participate in yearly events, interact
with other students in hands-on explorations and research projects, benefit from structured tutoring
and mentoring activities, and make their studies in science, mathematics, and technology more
interesting and more productive through community building and enhanced career awareness.
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
Kean University
Ronald E. McNair Baccalaureate Achievement Program
The Kean University Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is one of eight
federally funded TRIO programs. Kean University has been selected by the United States Department
of Education as one of only 190 host institutions to facilitate a McNair Program. At Kean, the program
functions under the auspices of the College of Natural, Applied, and Health Sciences. Our mission is
to promote academic excellence by preparing low-income, first generation, and traditionally
underrepresented students at Kean University for doctoral studies through faculty mentorship,
scholarly research, and support services.
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarship programs
Project ASK Scholarship
This NSF grant provides scholarships and mentoring to Computer Science majors. Twenty full-time
students who will be sophomores, juniors, or seniors during the 2010-2011 academic year with a GPA
of at least 2.50 and financial need will be eligible for the $8500 annual, renewable scholarships (2008-
Garden State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (GSLSAMP) Program
The College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences is a participant in the National Science
Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF LSAMP) program. GSLSAMP is a
learning community to increase success and opportunities in non-medical Science, Mathematics,
Engineering and Technology. GSLSAMP was designed to greatly increase the number of
professionals in STEM fields from minority groups who are traditionally underrepresented. The idea is
to provide support services at many levels to help interested students be successful in STEM majors.
The Garden State alliance of LSAMP (GSLSAMP) includes nine schools in central and northern New
Jersey that work together to achieve these goals.
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program
The College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences invites qualified majors in Biology and Chemistry
to apply to this program (sponsored by the Merck Institute for Science Education) which promotes
interdisciplinary research at the interface of chemistry and biology. Students will work with faculty
members from Biology, Chemistry-Physics and the New Jersey Center for Science, Technology and
Mathematics on summer research projects. The successful applicant must dedicate a substantial
portion of the summer on a full-time basis to the project assigned. Minimum overall GPA of 2.50 and a
major course GPA of 3.00 required. The summer stipend is $3,000. An additional $1000 shall be
awarded contingent upon presentation of results at a regional or national meeting and completion of a
post-research award assessment survey.
Source: Academic Affairs & College Deans, Kean University 2010
d. Programs for Faculty and Staff
Center for Professional Development
The Center for Professional Development (CPD) offers opportunities for professional development to
faculty and staff through a variety of programs. The Center provides a week-long orientation
experience for new faculty in the tenure-track process to assist with their integration into the University
community. For the broader community, the Center offers topical sessions and workshops on
instructional technology training, writing for research publication, as well as opportunities for extensive
networking with colleagues across disciplines (e.g., by working with the Tenure Track Faculty Network,
a faculty organization acting in support of all tenure track faculty offering peer-driven programming and
opportunities for socialization, as well as the Faculty Development Network for those who are tenured
to support the CPD's efforts, as well as provide valuable input). The Center also maintains a full-
service walk-in technology lab with open computer space and one-on-one assistance. In addition, the
staff can offer design and production support; website design services.
Source: Center for Professional Development, Kean University 2010
Kean University
Quality First Initiative
The Quality-First Initiative has given faculty and staff the opportunity to develop bold initiatives to
advance the University’s mission, enhance total student development, and invigorate the overall
intellectual atmosphere. Initiatives must require extraordinary funding beyond customary division or
department/office budgets and must reflect the following priorities: attracting the community to come to
Kean University and/or providing outreach programs to the community. Funded projects for academic
year 2010-2011 include a traveling exhibit entitled “Headline News, The Life and Transformation of the
Great American Newspaper,” a concert series for the deaf, a one-day teachers’ institute at Liberty Hall
Campus to introduce teachers to the Liberty Hall manuscript collection, and a debut professional
production of Tammy Ryan’s “Lost Boy Found in Whole Foods,” In addition, Quality-First Initiative
funding will support three summer camps: Thinking Creatively Design Camp, a summer Musical
Theatre Institute, and Super-Computing at Kean University
Source: Chair, University Planning Council, Kean University 2010
Named Professorships
With the support of the Kean University Foundation, the University has initiated a named professorship
program to recognize excellence in research, teaching, and service. Recipients receive a monetary
award for three years ($10,000/year for a Named Professor; $5,000/year for a Named Associate
Professor). The funds may be used to support professional activities or stipends. To date six Named
Professorships have been established.
Source: VP Institutional Advancement, Kean University 2010
e. Partnerships and Cultural Events
Educational Partnerships
The College of Education at Kean University is recognized throughout the state and the nation for its
highly innovative and successful efforts to establish working partnerships with local school districts,
especially those in urban areas. The College offers programs both devoted to increasing the likelihood
that students will remain in school through high school graduation and beyond (e.g., Project Adelante,
Center for Teaching and Career Development, Diversity 2000) and programs designed to enhance the
teaching competencies of school administrators, teachers and teacher aides (e.g., Project Urban
Special Education Teacher Preparation Program, Teacher Enhancement Partnership Program,
Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers for Technology, Alternate Route Programs, Transition to Teaching,
Garden State Partnership for Teacher Quality, and the Progressive Science Initiative in collaboration
with the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning.)
Source: College of Education, Kean University 2010
The College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences a partnership program with public school districts
Project U (Upward Bound). The goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants
complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.
The program serves high school students from low-income families and high school students in which
neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, the Nathan Weiss Graduate College and
UMDNJ are partnering in a Healthy Living Campaign, “UMDNJ & Kean University: Healthy Together”,
to promote healthy lifestyles and to address the emerging obesity health crisis.
Source: College of Natural, Applied, and Health Sciences, Kean University 2010
The New Jersey Academy of Science
The New Jersey Academy of Science (NJAS) main office is now located in Kean University's NJ
Center for Science, Technology and Mathematics (NJCSTM). NJAS is a private, non-profit, scientific
and educational organization of scientists and others interested in science. It was founded in 1954, is
affiliated with American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is a member of the National
Association of Academies of Science. The purpose of the academy is to stimulate education and
research in science throughout New Jersey. The academy seeks to accomplish this purpose by
publication of a scholarly journal, The Bulletin, by support of secondary school programs in science,
such as our Science for Breakfast program, the Grant-In-Aid Program to promote high school research,
Kean University
and by dissemination of current research results through our annual meetings and special symposia,
as well as other occasional publications. Visit for more information and updates.
Source: NJCSTM, Kean University 2010
Partnerships with Business, Industry and Government
Small Business Development Center
In 1977, the New Jersey Small Business Development Center (NJSBDC) was established as one of
the first national SBDC pilot projects resulting from the passage of Public Law 96-302 by Congress. At
present the NJSBDC network is composed of the headquarters located at Rutgers Business College -
Newark and eleven, full-service, regional centers located Atlantic/Cape May Counties, Bergen
Community College, Brookdale Community College, Kean University, Mercer/Middlesex Counties,
Raritan Valley Community College, Rutgers-Camden, Rutgers-Newark, Centenary College, William
Paterson University and NJ City University. NJSBDC network also includes sixteen affiliate offices
located throughout the State. A variety of educational and business resources are available to counsel
and train small business owners to grow existing and start new businesses by helping them to finance,
market and manage their companies. Clients are assisted in exploring and implementing their
business ideas, registering and formalizing their businesses, developing and assessing their business
plans, preparing cash flow projections and accurate financial statements, and formulating marketing
strategies. International trade, government procurement, technology commercialization, e-commerce,
specialty programs are also available. The NJSBDC network also provides opportunities for students
to participate in research and get first-hand business experience under the supervision of faculty, staff
and business professionals.
Source: Small Business Development Center, Kean University 2010
Cultural Events
Kean University will be sponsoring or presenting a broad array of cultural programs, all of which are
open to the community. Musical productions, recitals, lectures, plays, concerts and other events are
part of the cultural events series in Kean’s three theatres, four art galleries, and in Kean Hall. Diverse
extracurricular activities are planned by several university-wide committees to enhance the intellectual
and cultural life of the Kean community.
Art Galleries
The College of Visual and Performing Arts maintains four exhibition spaces; the Carl and Helen Burger
Gallery in the Maxine and Jack Lane Center for Academic Success Building, the James Howe Gallery
and the Student Gallery in the Vaughn-Eames Building, and the Nancy Dryfoos Gallery in the Library.
Since the student body of Kean University is represented by many nationalities, it is central to our
purpose to explore our multi-ethnic identity through art. Exhibitions that highlight cultural issues in the
visual arts are given priority.
In the recent past we have worked directly with major institutions including the George Segal
Foundation, the National University in Mexico City (UNAM), the Newark Museum, the Montclair
Museum and the New Jersey State Museum. As a cultural resource we exhibit art in various exhibition
spaces throughout the campus providing opportunities for our students, faculty, and regional audience
to become more familiar with and to understand the diverse peoples of our world through art. With the
exhibition program, Kean University expands its influence to a wide audience and is an active partner
with the community to spread knowledge and encourage the appreciation of the visual arts, design and
Source: Kean University Art Galleries, Kean University 2010
Kean Dance Theatre (KDT), the University's resident student dance company for more than 30 years,
was established by the late William Chaison in 1978 to provide students with technical growth, creative
and performance opportunity. Now under the under the artistic direction of Luis Martinez of the
Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Health, KDT continues to bring thought provoking,
diverse and high spirited dance works that are artistically performed and choreographed by faculty,
students, alumni and guest artists.
Source: Kean Dance Theatre, Kean University 2010
Kean University
Diversity Council
The Diversity Council is a partnership of member districts, both public and private, and the Kean
University College of Education, dedicated to human harmony, understanding and mutual support of
issues dealing with diversity. The mission of the Diversity Council of Kean University is to promote the
development of just and caring individuals in a diverse democratic society. The Council provides
professional development for educators and activities for students on multicultural and other diversity
issues including Holocaust/genocide education and human rights. Diversity Council supports the
active efforts of its members by providing knowledge, programs and resources.
Source: Diversity Council, Kean University 2010
Our active and creative Department of Music boasts a large number of internationally acclaimed
performing artists on its faculty. Each year, they share with the community their joy of music making in
faculty programs and in a 12-concert chamber music, recital, and jazz Concert Artist Series, which
includes a lecture-recital (“Informance”) series. The Concert Artist Program also features a composer-
in-residence: in 2008-2009 it was Swiss-American composer Frank Ezra Levy; in 2009-2010 it was the
outstanding Brazilian composer, Liduino Pitombeira; in 2010-2011 it is the Mexican-American Samuel
Zyman, on the Juilliard School faculty. Ars Vitalis, now part of the Concert Artist faculty series,
presents a contemporary music concert each spring with renowned composers in attendance; these
have included 4 Pulitzer Prizewinners. In addition, the department offers a number of excellent
student recitals and ensemble performances including choral, band, percussion, guitar, chamber
music, and jazz ensemble concerts. Kean also sponsors master classes with renowned artists, an
International Artist-Educator series, performance competitions, a choral festival, and other events.
The Music Department cooperates with the American String Teachers’ Association of New Jersey and
annually hosts both its solo performance competition and a two-week in-residence Chamber Music
Institute for young musicians. The Department sponsors the outstanding Kean Preparatory String
Orchestra and its summer camp for strings in Toms River, New Jersey.
The extended Department of Music faculty is engaged in significant creative and research activities
and has been recognized worldwide. Its music education faculty is internationally reputed, and in 2010
sponsored a conference that attracted scholars from 5 continents.
In fall of 2009, the University opened Enlow Hall, a state-of-the-art chamber music recital hall on its
East Campus. Enlow Hall is acoustically one of the finest concert spaces in the nation. Please visit and
Source: Music Department, Kean University 2010
The theatres on campus include Wilkins which has a seating capacity of 950, the Little Theatre located
in the University Center seating 215 and the Enlow Recital Hall on the East Campus seating 324.
These three theatres are managed and booked by the Theatre Management and Programming Office.
In addition, the Department of Theatre operates 2 black box theatres located in Vaughn Eames Hall.
Source: Theatre Management & Programming, Kean University 2010
Kean Stage
Kean Stage presents professional performing arts productions on campus throughout the school year.
These high quality, multidisciplinary programs extend and supplement the intellectual life of the
classroom, increase opportunities for community and university interaction and provide affordable
access to the arts for New Jersey residents and students of all ages.
Premiere Stages, a professional union theatre company in residence at Kean, produces and develops
new plays while providing a variety of educational opportunities for Kean students.
Kean University
The theatres at Kean are also home to many student and faculty productions. The Department of
Theatre presents Kean Theatre Series featuring directors’ interpretations of classic and modern
masterpieces. Many faculty members of the Department of Music are renowned recording artists and
composers who share their joy of chamber music throughout the year in the Concert Artist Series.
Source: Theatre Management & Programming, Kean University 2010
3. Recent Press Releases about Kean University
a. Awards
Wayne, N.J. Resident to Receive Occupational Therapy Award
UNION, NJ - Dr. Laurie Knis-Matthews of Wayne, N.J., chair of the Department of Occupational
Therapy and associate professor at Kean University, will receive the American Occupational Therapy
Association Recognition of Achievement Award during the 2010 Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando,
Fl. in May.
The award recognizes occupational therapists who have made notable contributions to the profession
and its consumers. Knis-Matthews will be honored for promoting scholarship in mental health practice.
“Individuals diagnosed with mental illness are often neglected,” said Knis-Matthews, who has
dedicated more than 17 years to the profession. “It’s imperative to investigate what types of treatment
are the most effective and to learn more about people’s life experiences to better assist them in
Knis-Matthews currently teaches courses in mental health, theory and research at Kean. Over the last
nine years, she has co-authored and published eight research articles and co-presented 14
professional presentations with students.
A graduate of Kean in 1992, Knis-Matthews earned both her master’s degree and Ph.D. in
occupational therapy from New York University. In 2006, she received the Presidential Excellence
Award for Distinguished Teaching at Kean. She is also the co-founder of the Mental Health
Partnership organization in New Jersey.
Kean University’s occupational therapy (OT) program is the first accredited program of its kind in New
Jersey. The program has been in existence for over thirty years and continues to prepare leaders in
the healthcare profession. U.S. News and World Report recently named Kean’s Master of Science in
OT program one of the top 100 OT graduate-school programs in 2008. For more information about
Kean’s OT program, please contact Dr. Laurie Knis-Matthews at or 908-737-3380.
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. While Kean
continues to play a key role in the training of teachers, it is also a hub of educational, technological and
cultural enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to
a master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 15,000 students.
Speech Clinic at Kean University Named Program of the Year
UNION, NJ - The Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disabilities at Kean University was
named 2010 Program of the Year by the New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(NJSHA). Wendy Greenspan, clinical coordinator of the Institute, will be presented the award during
the NJSHA Annual Convention on Thursday, May 6, at 5:30 p.m. in Atlantic City, N.J.
Operating under the auspices of The Center for Communication Disorders, the Institute offers
expanded speech, language and rehabilitation support services, at minimal cost, to patients and
caregivers suffering from aphasia, dysarthria, voice disorders, Parkinson’s disease and head injury.
Kean University
“Our program helps restore the quality of life for an underserved population,” said Greenspan. “We are
honored to be recognized for our work and look forward to providing these vital services to the
community for years to come.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.7 million people sustain
a traumatic brain injury each year. With more than 6 million stroke survivors in this country alone, the
demand for speech therapy services for adults is increasing.
Located on Kean University’s East Campus in Hillside, N.J., the Institute offers individualized services
for clients and families living in New Jersey. Services range from individual and group speech-
language therapy to specialized training programs, counseling, client and caregiver support groups.
Masters-level student clinicians under the supervision of licensed speech-language pathologists work
with clients to achieve maximum recovery and to learn new ways to compensate for lost skills.
For more information about the Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disabilities, visit or contact the Wendy Greenspan, MA, CCC-SLP, at 908-737-5811 or via e-mail
Kean Student Wins Hudson Symphony Orchestra's Youth Concerto Competition
UNION, NJ - Kenny Medina, a senior music education major and student of Concert Artist James
Musto at Kean University, recently won the Hudson Symphony Orchestra's Youth Concerto
Competition in Jersey City, N.J. The first of its kind in Northern New Jersey, the competition provides
young musicians from Hudson County with a chance to compete to perform as a soloist with the
Hudson Symphony Orchestra, performing a concerto of their own choice. Under the direction of Dr. Yili
Lin, the orchestra and Medina will perform Darius Milhaud’s Concerto for Percussion and Small
Orchestra on Thursday, October 22, at 7 p.m. in Roy Irving Theatre at St. Peter's College in Jersey
City. The concert will include music by Ravel, Grieg and others.
A resident of North Bergen, N.J., Medina specializes in percussion, including drum set, timpani and
xylophone. He began playing marching percussion instruments by ear at 16 years of age while a
student at the former Emerson High School in Union City, N.J. He then began playing drum set - again,
strictly by ear - when he was 17. It was during his junior year at St. Peter's College in Jersey City that
he took his first official music lesson and began to learn how to read music. "I was 19 going on 20,
which is very late considering how early most other instrumentalists and vocalists start," recalled
Medina’s education then continued to prosper as a student in Kean’s "unparalleled" Department of
Music. "I am surrounded by amazing faculty members, world class concert artists, and a vibrant and
highly talented student body," Medina said. "There are endless opportunities for both the education
and performing enthusiast alike."
He especially credits the guidance of Musto, his teacher and mentor. "I admit that, like most musicians,
I forged myself in the fire of my own will," he said. "However, it was through his experience and vision
that I have been able to reach my current state and will continue to grow through the rest of my life. He
is like a father to me, probably the closest thing to one in my life, and I will always be grateful."
After graduating from Kean, Medina plans to audition for a masters program at a conservatory, such
as the Manhattan School of Music (MSM) or The Juilliard School. He intends to balance a career as
both a music educator and an avid performer. "I believe that one cannot teach a craft at which he or
she is not proficient," he said. "How can a musician learn from someone who isn't passionate or even
good at their own instrument?"
Kean University
Medina’s talent can be heard on the on the Percussion Ensemble at Kean (PEAK) CD released last
year. "It is an excellent profile of not only the talent found right here at Kean, but also fun and exciting
literature written for percussion instruments," he said.
Kean Lands EPA Grant Targeting Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
UNION, NJ - A three-year grant has been approved for a project between Kean and the New Jersey
Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (NJHEPS) that helps colleges and universities
significantly reduce their energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.
The grant, which starts in January and ends in 2012, will provide $179,655 for Kean and NJHEPS to
organize 18 training workshops and seminars for more than 350 colleges and universities. The training
sessions will focus on reducing and preventing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions; improving
environmental performance; and quantifying and reporting the resulting reductions or avoided
emissions use.
Seminars will be held at college and university campuses under EPA Region 2 jurisdiction, which
covers New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The project will also provide a
methodology and approach for other U.S. EPA regions to emulate to reduce greenhouse gases and
energy use at colleges and universities nationwide.
A "how to" manual will be produced to serve as a yardstick for sustainability management procedures.
Dr. Daniela Shebitz, assistant professor in Kean’s Department of Biological Sciences, acted as
principal investigator on the project to secure the grant. Dr. John Dobosiewicz of the Department of
Geology and Meteorology at Kean was the grant’s co-principal investigator.
Kean University is at the forefront of sustainability and environmental education in New Jersey. Kean
has embarked on a “Blue Goes Green’’ sustainability plan with goals in the area of power generation
and energy savings, building design and construction, transportation, waste reduction and food
services. The new six-story New Jersey Center for Science, Technology and Mathematics education
building is a candidate to become a LEED Gold Certified facility. It features glass curtain wall facades
with solar shades and a geothermal system for heating and cooling.
Kean University Students among Top Performers in Computer Programming Contest
UNION, NJ - Three teams of undergraduate students from Kean University’s Department of Computer
Science participated in the annual Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) Greater New York
Regional Collegiate Programming Contest at Hofstra University on October 18. More than 50 teams
from the area participated in the regional contest.
Sponsored by IBM, the contest, known also as the "Battle of the Brains," brings together some of the
most talented computer programming students in the region. Students use their programming skills to
solve correctly the largest number of computing problems in the least amount of time. The winners
advance to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held in Harbin, China, in
February 2010.
This year marked the largest number of student teams to represent Kean in the 10 years the university
has participated in the contest. The students who participated represented more than 20 institutions,
including Yale University, Cornell University, Columbia University, Stony Brook University and SUNY-
Binghamton University.
The eight Kean students who participated recorded the university’s best performance to date. They
Ibtisam Ali, Roselle Park, N.J., Computer Science major
Martin Bajana, Union, N.J., Computer Science major
Sujith Bhashyam, Monmouth Junction, N.J., Computer Science major
Kean University
Gary Johnson, Old Bridge, N.J., Computer Science major
Frank Kendall, Clark, N.J., Math major, Computer Science minor
Swetha Medicherla, South Plainfield, N.J., Computer Science major
Javier Olaya, Elizabeth, N.J., Computer Science major
Hanan Teleb, Irvington, N.J., M.S. in Computer Science
For more information about the computer science and information technology programs at Kean
University, visit
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. While Kean
continues to play a key role in the training of teachers, it is also a hub of educational, technological and
cultural enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to
a master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 14,000 students.
National Science Foundation Awards $291,000 Grant to Department of Biological Sciences
UNION, NJ - The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $291,000 Major Research
Instrumentation (MRI) grant to the Department of Biological Sciences. Dr. Eric Boehm, an assistant
professor of microbiology at Kean, serves as the Principle Investigator (PI) of the grant, entitled
Instrumentation for the establishment of a Molecular Ecology and Biosystematics Laboratory (MEBL)
within the Department of Biology, Kean University.
Boehm will work on the grant with Kean undergraduate students majoring in biology, to conduct
research using state-of-the-art scientific methodologies, in order to understand the evolution and
phylogeny of the fungi.
Co-PIs are departmental colleagues Dr. Sylvio Codella, Dr. Brian Teasdale and Dr. Daniela Shebitz.
Dr. Jeff Fasick, Dr. Farshad Tamari and Dr. Matt Mongeli serves as co-participants.
The research program, including student involvement and associated publications, is available on-line
at Major equipment funded by the NSF MRI includes a DNA sequencer and
genetic analyzer, a walk-in plant growth chamber, a spectrophotometer, real-time PCR detection
system, and associated instrumentation.
The research and research training of students to be conducted in the new MEBL will focus on the use
of DNA sequence information to address a wide range of questions related to the molecular ecology
and biosystematics of plant-associated microfungi, marine macroalgae, melanthiaceous angiosperms
and hymenopteran insects in urban ecosystems.
The MEBL will train future life scientists seeking to enter industry, academia or secondary education at
Kean University. Additionally, the laboratory will support cross-disciplinary collaborative research
between the Biology, Chemistry and Computer Sciences departments. It will also serve as a
foundation for the development of a new set of curricula specifically focused on the acquisition and
analysis of DNA sequence information. Additionally, the MEBL will support the undergraduate Honor’s
Thesis Research Program and enable the Department of Biological Sciences to develop plans for a
Master of Science degree program.
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. While Kean
continues to play a key role in the training of teachers, it is also a hub of educational, technological and
cultural enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to
a master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 14,000 students.
Kean University
Kean Music Professor Receives Fifth Consecutive ASCAPLUS Award
UNION, NJ - Matthew Halper, a professor of music at Kean University, has received a fifth consecutive
ASCAPLUS Award from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) for his
compositional work. This award is based on panel review of recent activity of composer applicants.
The primary basis for panel determinations is the activity generated by each member's catalog, with
emphasis on recent performances.
Halper received the award in recognition of several works from his catalog that were performed during
the past year. These performances include his Two Movements for Flute and Piano, which was heard
in several venues, including most notably Merkin Concert Hall in New York City, and his recent Trio for
Flute, Clarinet and Piano, premiered by the Palisades Virtuosi and funded by a Released Time for
Creative Works Grant from Kean University. Trio can be heard live at Kean’s new Gene and Shelley
Enlow Recital Hall on April 8, 2010, as part of the Ars Vitalis series. In addition, several of his flute
works have been recorded on Albany Records.
A resident of Fair Lawn, N.J., Halper teaches music composition, theory and technology at Kean. He is
also the artistic director of Ars Vitalis, a concert forum at the university, which showcases the works of
prominent contemporary composers. In addition to earning several awards from ASCAP, he is a two-
time recipient of a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Individual Artist fellowship. He received a
Whitaker Reading Prize from the American Composer Orchestra for his orchestral work Stalin's Wake:
Homage to Shostakovich. His string quartet was also awarded the Walsum Prize and premiered by
principal members of the National Symphony Orchestra.
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. While Kean
continues to play a key role in the training of teachers, it is also a hub of educational, technological and
cultural enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to
a master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 14,000 students.
b. International Spotlight
The Design Studio at Kean University Selected for New Generations Exhibit in South Korea
UNION, NJ - The Design Studio at Kean University was selected for inclusion in the 2009 New
Generations exhibit and catalog at SangMyung University in Chungnam, South Korea. The exhibition
opened in November.
Kean and the Design Studio were selected for the New Generations exhibit based on the quality of
work submitted from around the globe. It is judged by the faculty, as well as design professionals, in
South Korea.
Among the items submitted was the calendar and newsletter that was designed for Kean’s College of
Visual and Performing Arts, and the program for the Kean-sponsored 2009 Thinking Creatively
Conference. The judges also reviewed posters created by Jamie Maimone ’09, for the Kean
productions of the plays Our Lady of 121st Street and She Loves Me.
"Selection to this exhibit means that The Design Studio is able to compete on an international basis
with other universities and design schools, and support Kean's mission of a world-class education,"
said Steven Brower, director of The Design Studio at Kean.
For further information, please contact Tom McLaughlin in the Office of Media & Publications at Kean
University, at 908-737-0589 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Kean University
Kean University to Host International Conference on Human Rights, Combating Hatred
UNION, NJ - The Human Rights Institute at Kean University will host its third annual international
conference on human rights, Combating Hatred, on Friday, January 29, 2010, at Wilkins Theatre,
located at 1000 Morris Avenue, Union, N.J. The conference will bring together an international panel of
experts to examine the issue of hatred. Educators, students and groups are encouraged to attend this
timely symposium. The event, which includes lunch, is free and open to the public. Space is limited. To
register, please visit Check-in for registered guests begins at
8 a.m.
Morris Dees, founder and chief trial counsel for the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery,
Alabama, will deliver the keynote address. Other speakers include Mark Weitzman, director of
Government Affairs and the director of the Task Force against Hate and Terrorism for the Simon
Wiesenthal Center, and David L. D'Amico, a detective with the Office of the Monmouth County
Dees founded the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group, in 1971, to monitor the Ku Klux
Klan and other hate groups. Prior to creating the law center, Dees was a successful businessman and
owner of a book-publishing company when a personal epiphany about racial injustice inspired him to
sell the company and establish a civil rights law firm. Over the past 30 years, he has used the center to
publicize hate crimes, raise awareness of human rights violations and to sue those who violate civil
rights laws. In one of its more publicized cases, the Southern Poverty Law Center successfully sued
the Ku Klux Klan and won a $7 million dollar judgment for the mother of Michael Donald, a black
lynching victim in Alabama. Payment of the judgment bankrupted the United Klans of America, and led
to the selling of its national headquarters. More recently, Dees and the center have successfully sued
various Aryan nation organizations, resulting in multi-million dollar awards that have forced the
organizations into bankruptcy.
Weitzman is the director of government affairs and the director of the Task Force against Hate and
Terrorism for the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC). He works as chief representative of the SWC to
the United Nations in New York and was the founding director of the center's New York Tolerance
Center. A member of the official United States delegation to the Task Force for International
Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research, Weitzman is also a board
member and former vice-president of the Association of Holocaust Organizations. Additionally, he is a
member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the official Jewish-Catholic
Dialogue Group of New York, and the advisory board of the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-
Semitism and Policy at Yale University. He has published and co-edited numerous articles, essays
and books, and has contributed to various films. He has lectured and worked around the world with
various groups including Congress, the U.N., the European Union, the U.S. Army and the FBI.
Detective D'Amico is a 20-year veteran of law enforcement who, for the last six years, has been
investigating bias crimes and promoting community relations for the Monmouth County Prosecutor's
Office. He received certification from The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Bias Crimes
Investigations, and is a certified trainer in cultural diversity, community relations, sensitivity training and
criminal investigations.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines hate crimes as criminal offenses that are motivated,
in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a victim's perceived race, religion, sexual orientation,
ethnicity/national origin or disability. According to statistics recently reported by the FBI, law
enforcement agencies reported 7,783 hate crime incidents in 2008. Of these, 744 occurred in New
Jersey, and more than 11 percent took place in schools or colleges across the country. Every year,
countless others go unreported.
Kean's Human Rights Institute aims to raise awareness of human rights violations worldwide among
the general public, teachers and students. The Institute's goals are to combat genocide and promote
conflict resolution through wide-ranging activities, including conferences, seminars, teacher training
Kean University
and curricula development for New Jersey school children. A state-of-the-art gallery will highlight
issues, artwork and publications related to human rights violations and victories around the world.
c. Other
NLNAC Recommends Full Reaccreditation for Kean’s Nursing Programs
UNION, NJ - The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) site visitors assessed
the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing programs within the School of
Nursing in late October, and will recommend full reaccreditation - eight years - for both programs.
"The faculty and students thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to support the
School of Nursing by meeting with the site visitors and providing information that demonstrates Kean's
support for the School," said Dr. Minnie Campbell, executive director of the School of Nursing at Kean.
"The contribution of the Kean community was a key asset to our reaccreditation efforts."
According to Campbell, the site visitors were extremely impressed with the programs, faculty and
students, as well as the quality of clinical work performed by Kean students. The visitors mentioned
the strength of the programs' emphasis on cultural care and the rich diversity of the student population.
The school is now planning to develop the Center for Nursing Research, update its Master of Science
in Nursing curriculum and develop a doctoral program, so that Kean’s nursing programs can continue
to prepare professional nurses for practice and leadership.
"We are very proud of our nursing programs and strive to make sure that they are current, address the
standards of care and meet the needs of New Jersey’s diverse population," Campbell said. "We are
also proud of the productivity of the faculty and the role modeling, mentoring and support for
development that they provide our students. Finally, we are most proud of our students - current and
alumni - who consistently demonstrate their dedication to professional achievement. Kean Nursing
students and graduates may be found throughout the state, providing excellent direct patient care
and/or providing superb leadership in health care services and nursing education."
For further information, please contact Tom McLaughlin in the Office of Media & Publications at Kean
University, at 908-737-0589 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Kean University Supports Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Minded
Union, NJ – Kean University is one of nine colleges and universities in New Jersey to participate in the
Garden State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program. Funded by the
National Science Foundation (NSF), the five-year, $5 million program is designed to substantially
increase the number of minority students pursuing degrees in fields of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM).
"The program is intended to engage students in activities, such as tutoring and internship
opportunities," said Dr. Paul Croft, of Kean’s department of geology and meteorology, who will serve
as co-principle investigator and institutional coordinator for the program. Kean University will receive
$503,000 for five-years, under the grant to provide academic support, advising and mentoring to
Kean’s LSAMP program will address three well-documented causes of attrition in STEM fields;
academic support, financial need and social support. The program will form a network of academic
and social support for young scholars interested in pursuing degrees and, ultimately, careers in STEM
fields. Incoming students will attend a summer bridge experience that includes intensive academic
workshops augmented by one-on-one tutoring, academic skills seminars, career development
workshops and personal development advising. Academic support will continue throughout the
academic year.
Kean University
LSAMP scholars will earn stipends for Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL), in which students that have
done well in STEM classes mentor and guide peers through the difficult course work, as well as for
tutoring high school students enrolled in pre-college programs. These stipends will allow students to
focus on research and learning. The Kean LSAMP program can support up to 35 students per year
with stipends up to $2,000.
The LSMAP program at Kean aims to double the number of graduates from underrepresented groups
in STEM disciplines within five years. The program also intends to change the conception of STEM
professions to one that is desirable and interesting to help meet the demand for STEM graduates in
New Jersey.
Institutions participating in the five-year GS-LSAMP program include Rutgers University-Newark, New
Jersey City University, Essex County College, Bloomfield College, Montclair State University, Fairleigh
Dickinson University/Teaneck, William Paterson University and Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
Network Aims to Close Achievement Gap
Union, N.J. --- The Center for Innovative Education at Kean University and the New Jersey Network
For Student Success have teamed together to find ways to improve the student achievement gap
among minorities in urban communities.
NJNSS and the CIE at Kean have developed a series of four presentations by noted educators to
address the gap. Dr. Yvette Jackson will be the keynote speaker at the first presentation on October
21 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the University Center, Room 228. The other presentations are slated
for January, February and March of next year.
Jackson is well respected for her work in assessing the learning potential among disenfranchised
urban students. She currently serves as the CEO of the National Urban Alliance, founded at the
College Board and Teachers College at Columbia University.
At her presentation, Jackson will speak on the topic of “Unlocking the Potential for Success: Reversing
Underachievement of Urban Students.’’
For more information about registration and fees for the conference, contact Carol James at
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. Kean continues
to play a key role in the training of teachers and is a hub of educational, technological and cultural
enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to a
master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 14,000 students.
Kean University’s Speech Club Making a Difference
UNION, NJ - The weather was no match for the more than 50 Kean University students who walked to
raise awareness of autism spectrum disorder during the annual Walk Now for Autism Speaks event on
October 18, at Nomehegan Park in Cranford, N.J. The students are all members of Kean’s Speech,
Language, and Hearing Student Association (SLHSA), a club that takes prides in servicing the
SLHSA is a dynamic and active group of students from Kean’s communication disorders and deafness
program. Students in the program earn a bachelor’s degree in speech, language and hearing sciences
and many pursue a master’s degree in Kean’s speech language pathology program.
Kean University
"Speech and hearing professionals make a remarkable difference in people's lives each day by
helping children and adults who are unable to express their thoughts and feelings or understand what
people are saying," said Dr. Alan Gertner, the student association's faculty advisor and associate
professor at Kean. "These are bright, motivated students pursuing a major that attracts compassionate
and caring people."
Each year, the students participate in a variety of community-minded services, including charitable
fund raising and volunteer activities. Recent bake sales and member donations have resulted in
generous donations to the Smile Train, an organization that funds surgery and treatment for children
from impoverished countries suffering with cleft palate. The group has also donated to Kean's Institute
for Adults Living with Communications Disorders, a community-based clinic that provides expanded
speech, language and rehabilitation support services, at minimal cost, to people living in New Jersey.
SLHSA is affiliated with the New Jersey Speech Language Hearing Association and the American
Speech Language Hearing Association. In the past five years, the club has grown in membership,
attendance and community service. For more information about the communication disorders and
deafness program, visit
Founded in 1855, Kean University has become one of the largest metropolitan institutions of higher
education in the region, boasting a richly diverse student, faculty and staff population. While Kean
continues to play a key role in the training of teachers, it is also a hub of educational, technological and
cultural enrichment, offering more than 50 undergraduate degrees and more than 45 options leading to
a master’s degree, doctorate, professional diploma and/or state certification(s). Five undergraduate
colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College now serve more than 14,000 students.
Kean University First in New Jersey to Launch Mobile Application for Students
UNION, NJ - Kean University has partnered with Blackboard Inc., a global leader in education
technology, to launch the revolutionary MobilEdu™ application, the category defining suite of iPhone™
and mobile Web applications for education. The new application allows education institutions to deliver
a rich set of campus life services and content to mobile devices.
"Our university is focused on being a leader in a technology driven society," said Kean University
President Dawood Farahi. "We are eager to offer this exciting new feature as a way to provide better
service to our campus community."
Scheduled to launch in the coming weeks, Kean University will become the first institute of higher
education in New Jersey to offer MobilEdu as a way to connect students, parents, faculty, prospective
students and alumni. With an Apple iPhone™, iPod Touch and other devices equipped with mobile
web browsers, MobilEdu users will have access to real-time updates, campus alerts, course catalogs,
campus maps and more.
"We're proud of the technology we've developed, and excited about the prospect of bringing it to a
wider community of students and institutions," said Kayvon Beykpour, Vice President of Blackboard
Mobile, and co-founder of Terriblyclever Design, the company which created MobilEdu. "We’re excited
about Kean’s leadership in this area and confident that the university community will be pleased with
this new addition to their campus experience."
As part of the initial release, students will be able to:
Utilize one-touch navigation to access campus directories, course catalogs and campus maps,
e-mail and locate faculty.
Navigate the campus using GPS technology and view photos of the campus buildings.
View sports schedules and receive real-time updates, including scores and highlights.
Receive news and campus alerts, access event calendars, and browse and share images
from Kean University photo galleries.
Kean University
Immediately following the launch, users with web enabled mobile devices such as Blackberries,
Motorolas, G1s and iPhones will have to access the web based mobile application. Apple iPhone™
and iPod Touch users must download the Kean University App from the iTunes App store at no cost.
To access the Kean web based mobile application, visit
Institutions already using MobilEdu include Stanford University, Duke University, Texas A&M,
University of California-San Diego among others. For more information about the MobilEdu platform,
please visit
Speech Clinic Provides Therapy Over the Internet
UNION, NJ – Kean University’s Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disabilities recently
launched speech language therapy services over the internet. The new program, Telepractice, is
designed to provide rehabilitation support services to individuals with communication impairments in
their homes.
“Therapy on a regular basis is a vital component to overcoming communication impairments,” said Dr.
Mary Jo Santo Pietro, the Institute’s director. “This innovative approach to therapy will help prevent a
slowdown in the recovery process for clients who have difficulty traveling.”
Telepractice connects clients with a therapist using a computer, internet connection, webcam and
headset. Clients receive a high level of support and individual care as they would if they were
attending a therapy session at the speech clinic.
For more information about Telepractice, visit or contact the Institute’s
Coordinator Wendy Greenspan, MA, CCC-SLP, at 908-737-5811 or via e-mail at
The Institute for Adults Living with Communication Disorders is located on Kean University’s East
Campus in Hillside, N.J. Operating under the auspices of The Center for Communication Disorders,
the Institute offers expanded speech, language and rehabilitation support services, at minimal cost, to
patients and caregivers living in New Jersey, suffering from aphasia, dysarthria, voice disorders,
Parkinson’s disease and head injury.
Services range from individual and group speech-language therapy to specialized training programs,
counseling, client and caregiver support groups. Masters-level student clinicians under the supervision
of licensed speech-language pathologists work with clients to achieve maximum recovery and to learn
new ways to compensate for lost skills.