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Colleague UI 5 User Manual
Version 1.8
Doug Nasalroad
Senior Applications Developer
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Table of Contents
What is Colleague?........................................................................................................................................ 4
Accessing the Colleague User Interface (UI) ................................................................................................. 4
Navigating the Colleague UI .......................................................................................................................... 5
The Context Area ...................................................................................................................................... 6
The Search Area ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Using Person Search .............................................................................................................................. 7
Advanced Person Search ................................................................................................................... 7
Soundex Search ................................................................................................................................. 8
Alternate Field Search ....................................................................................................................... 8
Combination Field Search ................................................................................................................. 9
Search Results ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Person Search History ......................................................................................................................... 10
Card View ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Grid View ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Using Form Search .............................................................................................................................. 13
Navigating the Hierarchy .................................................................................................................... 14
Form Search History ............................................................................................................................ 15
The Form Area......................................................................................................................................... 15
Form Field Types ................................................................................................................................. 16
Updating Form Data ............................................................................................................................ 18
Form Scaling ........................................................................................................................................ 19
The @ Sign and @SELECT ....................................................................................................................... 20
The Help Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 22
The Settings Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Preferences ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Refresh Browser Session ......................................................................................................................... 24
Customize Field Sequence & Properties ................................................................................................. 25
Clear All form Scale Values ..................................................................................................................... 27
Keeping Track of Favorites (Forms & People) ............................................................................................. 28
Shared Lists ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Printing in Colleague ................................................................................................................................... 33
Printing Form Data .................................................................................................................................. 33
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Printing Report Results ........................................................................................................................... 34
Using Attachments ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Colleague Messages .................................................................................................................................... 36
Colleague Broadcast Messages ............................................................................................................... 36
Colleague Error Messages ....................................................................................................................... 37
Please Wait … Dialog ............................................................................................................................... 38
Logging Out Of Colleague ........................................................................................................................... 38
Requesting a Colleague Account................................................................................................................. 39
Training Opportunities from Ellucian .......................................................................................................... 39
Version/Change History .............................................................................................................................. 40
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What is Colleague?
Colleague is the software used by entities within the State Center Community College District to
manage and maintain data in support of academic and business practices. Users of Colleague include
Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, Student Life, Business Office, Human Resources, Payroll,
Information Systems, and Purchasing. Information in Colleague is maintained through the use of the
Colleague User Interface and is entered in real-time. This ensures that anyone accessing Colleague is
presented with the most recent data. The information in Colleague is shared through WebAdvisor, Self-
Service, Ellucian Mobile, and other applications needing access to real-time institutional information.
Accessing the Colleague User Interface (UI)
The Colleague User Interface is accessed through the App within the SCCCD portal. The current
version of the Colleague User Interface (UI) at SCCCD is 5.24. Since it is written in industry standard
HTML5, Colleague can be accessed by modern browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Safari, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. You must be on the SCCCD network to access Colleague.
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Navigating the Colleague UI
The Colleague user interface contains four main areas you will interact with: the Search Area,
the Context Area, the Form Area, and the Help Menu.
The Search Area is where you will find people or forms to lookup information.
The Context Area is where the person record you are working with is held.
The Form Area is where you will interact with information for the person in the context record.
The Help Menu is where you will find resources to help you understand and interact with the
Colleague system.
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The Context Area
The Context Area is where Person information is displayed. It is populated by using Person
Search or as part of loading a Colleague form. One or more Person records can be held in context if you
need to access multiple forms for a group of person records. Think of the Context Area like a deck of
cards. Every record you put in the Context Area can be accessed one at a time. As records are added
they are put at the end of the Context Area.
Pin: Click this to indicate whether or not to keep the context card when saving or canceling
out of a form. The color of the pin and context card will change color to indicate the context
card has been pinned in the context area. It can be helpful to pin a record in context if you need
to access several forms for the same record like when onboarding an employee or when
awarding financial aid to or registering a student.
Help: Access the help menu specific to the context area.
View All Cards: View all the select cards held in context area. You may switch the active
card, favorite or remove a card or cards, or open a specific card.
Close Card: Close the current card in context or all cards in context area.
Add to Favorites: Add the active card or all cards held in context area to your ‘Favorite
Previous/Next Card: Cycle through all the cards held in the context area.
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The Search Area
The Search Area in Colleague is used for both Person Search and Form Search. Whenever you
need to look something up on Colleague you will start at the Search Area.
Using Person Search
To find a person record in Colleague you can enter the ID number, SSN or name in the Person
Search area and then hit ‘Enter’ or click the magnifying glass icon. When searching by ID number it is not
necessary to include the leading zeroes. You can also use the drop-down arrow to the right of the
Person Search area to pull up a list of recent searches.
Person Name Search - When searching by name you have several lookup options:
Firstname Lastname
Lastname, Firstname
Fi La (partial first partial last)
La, Fi (partial last, partial first) *this is the recommended search option
Avoiding Duplicates - It is important to do a thorough search of the Colleague system before
creating a new person record in order to avoid creating a duplicate record. If a duplicate
record is created and mistakenly used for registration, payroll, or financial aid
transmittal it can take a long time to clean up and transfer the information to the
correct record in Colleague.
There are a few other ways to search Colleague using additional search fields that will help you
narrow down your search and ensure that you find the person record you are looking for including
Advanced Person Search, Soundex Search, Alternate Field Search, and Combination Field Search.
Advanced Person Search
An Advanced Person Search is performed by clicking the ‘Advanced’ button to the right of the
Person Search area. With the Advanced Person Search feature, you can search for a person record in
the system using many alternate search fields.
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Soundex Search
A Soundex Search uses words that ‘sound like’ other words. If you’re not sure if the person you
want to find is called John, Jon, or, Jonathan you may want to use a Soundex Search to locate the
person’s record. You can perform a Soundex Search by using the ‘/’ character.
For example, searching Colleague for / jon will yield results for Jon, Jonathan, John, Johnathan,
and even Juan.
Using a Soundex Search will usually yield many results and take extra time to return those
results but it can be helpful if you are trying to locate a person record in the system and aren’t sure of
the proper spelling of the person’s name.
Alternate Field Search
You will notice that ‘Birth Date’ is not a searchable field on the Advanced Person Search form,
but you can look up a person record in Colleague using only a birth date. To do this you will need to
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know the database field name. The birth date in Colleague is stored in the ‘BIRTH.DATE’ field in the
PERSON table. (More on how to find this information in the Help menu section).
To search Colleague for person records with a birth date of ‘12/07/1941’ (a day that will live in
infamy) you would use this search string, prefixed with a semi-colon:
; = ‘12/07/1941’
This will work for a 2-digit or 4-digit year.
Combination Field Search
If you know a few pieces of information about a person you can combine them into the same
search to narrow down your search results. Each search term will need to be prefixed with a semi-colon
and separated with a space:
; = '01/01/70' ; = 'Ellucian'
A Soundex Search can be combined with an Alternate Field Search:
; = '01/01/70' ;/ Ellucian
Search Results
The result of the search is displayed in the Search Results panel in either a Card View or Grid
View. The search results can be selected individually, all together, or a few at a time. You can also Export
the search results to Microsoft Excel.
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To page through the Search Results, use the navigation icons at the bottom of the Search
Results area:
Go to beginning/prior page Go to end/next page
The search results can be exported to Microsoft Excel by clicking the Excel icon at the
bottom of the Search Results area.
Person Search History
Every person you search for will be kept in your Person Search History. To access your form
search history, click the down arrow to the right of the Person Search area.
On the Person Search History you can choose ‘Clear All’ to remove all forms or just clear individual
forms by clicking the ‘X’ next to the form mnemonic.
Clicking the large ‘X’ at the top right corner will close the Person Search History.
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Card View
In Card View you can view the search results in a format that shows each person’s context card
This view option will give you a smaller number of records per page and the results are not
sortable. Columns are not able to be reordered.
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Grid View
In Grid View the search results are displayed in a columnar view and can be sorted by any of the
fields listed in the search results by clicking on the up/down arrows to the right of the field name.
Grid View also offers the option of reordering the columns displayed on the search results page.
To do this, click on the column header and drag it to the left or right.
In both Card View and Grid View you can select one or many records. To select a record, just
click on it and it will become highlighted. Click the ‘Open’ button to open all of the selected records into
the Context Area.
If you let your mouse hover over the ‘Input’ area you will see this information with a few more
options for the Search Results:
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Using Form Search
The Form Search in Colleague is similar to the Person Search. Just type the name or description
of the form into the search area to get a list of forms to access or type the form mnemonic to go directly
to the form. On the Form Search Results you can sort by Name, Mnemonic, and Application. The Form
Search Results area also allows you to skip through the results pages and export the results to Microsoft
Excel just like the Person Search Results.
Double-clicking on a form will load the form into the Form Area of Colleague.
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Navigating the Hierarchy
Another way to access a form in Colleague is by Navigating the Hierarchy. You can view a list of
the forms you have access to by clicking the ‘Navigate’ button to the right of the search bar and
selecting the proper application.
Double-clicking on a form will load the form into the Form Area of Colleague.
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Form Search History
Like Person Search History, every form you access will be kept in your Form Search History. To
access your form search history, click the down arrow to the right of the Form Search area.
On the Form Search History you have the same options available to you as the Person Search History.
The Form Area
Forms in Colleague allow you to interact with the database by entering or updating information
and generating reports. The form area displays the form you are currently working with. Colleague
forms have several different types of data fields including editable fields, inquiry fields, drop-down
fields, detail fields, blocked fields, and required fields. Some fields can even hold more than one piece
of information. These are called multi-valued fields, window group fields, or data tables.
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Form Field Types
Editable fields have a white background and allow data to be entered or updated in the form.
Inquiry fields have a shaded background and display information that is not editable in the
Drop-down fields (also known as validated fields) allow only specific information to be entered
into the field from a dropdown list.
Detail Fields allow you to drill in to get more information for the field by connecting to another
If you detail into a field on a form, you will see the form name change to indicate that you have
moved to another form.
Detailing on a comments field allows you to enter free-form text either by typing or pasting
information. You can even timestamp and download the comments to a text file.
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Blocked fields are blacked out to prevent data from being displayed without appropriate access.
Required fields are surrounded by a red line.
A form cannot be saved in Colleague if any required fields are left blank.
Multi-valued fields have a number beside them. Clicking the number will allow you to Insert or
Delete a record form the list of values stored in the field.
Clicking into a multi-valued field will bring up the navigation buttons for that field where you can
page through the field values or skip to the end or back to the beginning. It will also display the
number of data values in the field.
Multi-valued fields are exportable to Microsoft Excel. If you click into a multi-valued field in a
form you will notice the field name appears at the top of the form and the Excel icon appears
near the top of the form to the left. Clicking this icon will allow you to export the field data if the
field contains data.
You will notice as you navigate through the forms in Colleague that certain field can exhibit
multiple properties. For example, you could have a field that is required, validated, and multi-valued.
Pay attention to the icons next to the field and the field shading and outline colors so you know how to
interact with the form field.
Depending on the type of field ion a form, you may see a calendar icon, calculator icon, or
lookup icon.
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The Calendar Icon allows you to use a popup calendar to pick a date to be entered into the form
field. Using this icon ensures that the date is entered into the field in the proper format.
The Calculator icon allows a calculation to be made if the field stores a number.
The Lookup icon indicates that the field allows you to search for a value to be entered using
ellipsis ‘…’ to look up information.
For example, if you wanted to search for all instances of ‘State Center’ the field allows you
would use the format: (dot)(dot)(dot) State Center (dot)(dot)(dot) i.e. ...State Center...
Updating Form Data
After viewing or updating information within a Colleague form, you have several options to exit
the form:
Allows any changes to the current form data to be saved and exit the form.
Allows any changes to data on every form currently open to be saved and exit the form. If you
have used a form’s detail button to move from that form to another form, using ‘Save All’ will
save all the information in all the forms you have accessed in the form chain.
Allows any changes made on the current form to be canceled and exit the form.
Allows any changes done to every form currently open to be canceled and exit the form. If you
have used a form’s detail button to move from that form to another form, using ‘Cancel All’ will
cancel all the information in all the forms you have accesses in the form chain.
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Form Scaling
You can using the ‘Form Scaling’ feature to zoom in or out on a form:
The form scale you set will be saved for this form only. Each time you access the form in the
future it will zoom according to the saved value. All form scale values can be set or cleared using the
form scale options in the ‘Settings’ menu. (More on how to find this information in the Settings Menu
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The @ Sign and @SELECT
Sometimes you need to access a person’s record in several different forms. For example, you
may visit the NAE screen to view a birth date and then the STAC screen to see a list of registered classes
and then the AIDE screen to see financial aid awards. Using the ‘Pin’ option in the person’s context card
will accomplish this by keeping the context card active while you navigate from form to form. You can
also use the @ sign to pull up the most recent ID in each form.
Colleague gives you the ability to use a saved list of person IDs to process through several
records on the same form. For example, you may want to pull up a list of 20 students and check their
restrictions. You can do this using the ‘@SELECT’ option. On the person lookup area of the form, type
This option will load the ‘Primary Selection Criteria’ form where you can enter ‘Person Saved List
Creation’ criteria or a ‘Saved List Name’:
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After the saved list is loaded you will see a message with the number of records that were
Now click ‘OK’ and then ‘Update’ to get you back to the form.
You can now use the ‘@@’ or ‘#’ option to proceed through the records in the saved lists,
loading one at a time into the form:
When you cancel or save out of the form your saved list of IDs is still loaded into memory so you
can navigate to another form and still use the @@option to proceed through the IDs that are active in
memory. Once you have proceeded through all the IDs in the saved list you will see this message:
At this point you will have to load the saved list or another saved list to use the @@option to
proceed through the IDs again.
If you have many records in your saved list and you are unable to make it all the way through
the list you can save your progress through the list by using the ‘@save’ option. This will let you save the
remainder of your saved list IDs that haven’t yet been processed so you can pick them up at a later time.
To use the ‘@save’ option just type ‘@save’ where you would normally enter ‘@@’ and the
system will prompt you for a new saved list name. You can use this saved list name the next time you
need to proceed with the list of records you are working with so you don’t have to start at the very
beginning of the list.
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The Help Menu
The Colleague Help menu contains resources to aid your day-to-day work. There is a list of
keyboard shortcuts to aid in data entry and navigation within the UI. There are also links to the Ellucian
community forums, Documentation, and support resources where you can find help for a variety of
system processes.
Note: The ‘Quick Tour’ is currently disabled.
In the Search Area section of this manual under Alternate Field Search birth date was used as a
search parameter. But how do you know what the field is called in the back-end database? The Field
Help gives us that information. Whenever you are in a form you can click on a field and choose Field
Help from the menu. A Colleague Help page will pop up in a new window to explain the field and how it
is used.
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The Settings Menu
The Settings Menu in Colleague gives you the ability to customize your user experience in the
The Preferences option will allow you to change the look of Colleague UI.
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Primary Color: This affects the color of the main header in Colleague.
Number of Search Results Per Page: Choose the number of Cards and Rows displayed in
the Search Results panel.
Checkboxes: Allow you to toggle error sounds, screen reader, and report functionality in
the UI.
Display Person Photos: Enable or disable the display of photos in the Context area.
Person photos are currently not enabled in the Colleague system.
Form Background: Adjust the form background colors to your liking. This setting is
specific by user.
Refresh Browser Session
Some browsers (specifically Chrome) do not manage cache memory well in all circumstances. If
you notice your session become sluggish, choose the ‘Reload Browser Session’ option to clear cache
memory in your current browser session and stay logged into Colleague. You will likely notice an
immediate speed increase in the UI after using this option.
If you have a form loaded in Colleague, clicking the Settings menu will allow you to change the
way you interact with the form by giving you the option to show and customize the field sequence or set
the Form Scale (or zoom) properties of the form:
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Customize Field Sequence & Properties
Changing the field sequence on a form is done on a user by user basis and can be helpful if you
need to tab through a form in a certain field order. For instance, what if you wanted the Last Name to
be the first thing entered on the NAE form, then the First Name, then the E-Mail Address. Here are the
steps you would take:
1) Click the Name LFM field (13) and select the checkbox ‘Make this the first field on the form’
This will change the field from position 2 to position 1
2) First Name (14) is still the next field in the sequence. Click the number 14 to select the field
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3) Choose PERSON.EMAIL.ADDRESSES from the Next Field dropdown:
And now the email address is the third field to be entered on the form:
4) Now click the ‘Save’ button and your field sequence customizations will be stored
You will see a message similar to this:
When you close the form and re-open it you will notice that the field sequence has been
changed. Hit the ‘tab’ key to hop though the fields in the new order you just set.
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You can also use the ‘Disable
Custom Sequence’ option from the
‘Settings’ menu to revert to the default
settings for the screen and your
customizations will be overridden as
long as that option is set.
If you no longer want the custom field sequence you set for the form you can choose to ‘Clear
All Fields’ and then save your settings so that the Ellucian-delivered default field sequence will be used
on that form:
Clear All form Scale Values
If you no longer wish to have your form scaling defaults set for Colleague, you can clear them by
choosing the ‘Clear All Form Scale Values’ option. The system will ask for confirmation before your
settings are cleared.
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Keeping Track of Favorites (Forms & People)
There are certain forms in Colleague you use on a regular basis and some you use only a few
times a year. With the ‘Favorites’ option you can save these forms and organize them into folders similar
to the way you organize bookmarks in a web browser. This way you don’t have to remember those
important forms only in your head.
To favorite a form, click the star icon next to the
form title once the form is loaded.
To favorite a person, click the star icon next to
their context card. If multiple records are in
context you can choose to add all of them to
The Colleague UI gives you the ability to organize your favorite forms and favorite people with a
folder structure. To create a folder, just choose ‘New Folder’ in the ‘Add Form to Favorites’ menu. Once
the folder is created you can choose to save a form or person into that folder by selecting it from the
‘Add to Folder’ dropdown.
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Clicking the favorites icon at the top left of the UI will open up your favorites menu so you can
see all of your favorite people and forms:
You can open one of the Favorite People into one of the Favorite Forms by clicking on a favorite
person and a favorite form and choosing ‘Open’
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You can remove forms or people that you no longer favorite. Just highlight the person or form
you want to delete, click the three vertical dots to the right of ‘Favorite Forms, and choose ‘Remove
Selected Forms’:
A similar operation can be performed to remove folders and Favorite People.
Shared Lists
You can share lists of person records with other users by clicking the three vertical dots on the
Favorite People menu and choosing ‘Create Shared List’:
A Shared List can be created from any folder in the Favorite People area that contains favorite
people, including the default folder.
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Choose a name that is appropriate for the list of person records you are sharing.
You can view the 10 most recent shared lists created in Colleague by accessing your favorites
and choosing the ‘Recently Created Shared Lists’ option from the Favorite People menu.
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Shared lists can be accessed through the Advanced Person Search functionality by choosing the
shared list name from the dropdown menu and clicking ‘Search’.
Once selected, the items in the Shared List come into the Person Search.
Shared Lists also get saved in Colleague under a saved list name that is the same as the name of
the Shared List and can be accessed on SLED if you have access to edit saved lists.
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Printing in Colleague
The ‘Printer’ icon enables you to send the current form and its contents to a local
printer or to a pdf document if you have a pdf printer set up on your workstation. These pdf screenshots
can be very helpful when working with Information Systems to troubleshoot Colleague or to document a
student’s record at a point in time.
Printing Form Data
When you are in Colleague form that is displaying information you can click the printer icon to
bring up your computer’s print dialog and specify whether you want to print to a file or a printer.
Any items that are blocked from view within a Colleague form, such as SSN, will not be printed
to the physical printer or pdf file. This ensures that sensitive information is not displayed where it
shouldn’t be.
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Printing Report Results
Many screens in Colleague produce printable reports. Sometimes these reports automatically
send results to a printer without producing a report to your screen. Most reporting screens give you the
option of printing to a physical printer, or the ‘Hold/Browsefile directory.
If you are printing to the Hold directory you have the option of printing to your own private
folder where no one else will have access to your document. You can choose this option from the
‘Security’ dropdown:
The default option is ‘PB’ Public. Choose the ‘PR’ Private option if you are generating sensitive
information that you don’t want others to have access to.
If you are printing to a physical printer select the ‘P’ option and either enter the printer name in
the ‘Printer’ field or to a lookup by clicking the lookup icon to the right
Using Attachments
Colleague is not meant to be a document repository, but the user interface does provide a way
to view attachments that were uploaded through Self Service. If a document code is set up for
attachments, the paperclip icon on the left navigation menu will turn white indicating that an
attachment can be accessed for that particular communication code using the CATT screen.
Attachments are stored encrypted on the Colleague application server and are not accessible
outside Self Service or Colleague.
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On CRI, detail in on the Communication Code to access the CATT screen for uploaded documents
Click the paperclip icon to open attachments
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epending on your access you can upload, download, or delete attachments
Colleague Messages
Colleague Broadcast Messages
ometimes it is necessary for the Colleague administrator to send out system-wide messages for
all Colleague users to see. They look similar to this:
Informational messages will include the ‘System Message Informational’ title indicating that
this is not an error message. It is just informational in nature to inform users of Colleague of an event
happening with the system.
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Colleague Error Messages
Sometimes when working in Colleague users will experience error messages. These messages
may be indicated with the word ‘Error’ in the title and are more serious than informational messages.
Some may not include a title at all. These error messages indicate that something did not process as it
should have.
These are some sample error messages:
Please try the process again to see the error reoccurs. If it does, submit a help ticket to the
District Office to notify the Colleague administrator of the issue as it may not be limited to just your user
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Please Wait … Dialog
Some Colleague processes can take a while to generate results due to factors such as running
multiple calculations or lookups per record in order to produce a report or update records in batch.
These transactions involve large overhead and use of system resources. In previous UI versions it was
difficult to tell if the process you initiated got hung up or was still processing in the background after a
certain amount of time had passed. This would lead to end-users closing out their browser window to
login in again, creating another Colleague session and possibly leaving the previous session open in the
To indicate that Colleague is still processing your request, the ‘Please Wait’ dialog will pop up to
give an informative message regarding the transaction. For example, this pop up happened during a
Person Search for the name ‘smith’:
When you see this dialog box you can leave it up or click ‘Close Dialog’ to close it. If you choose
to close it your process will continue to run and results will be displayed after Colleague has finished
processing the transaction.
Logging Out Of Colleague
It is important to close out your browser session properly so Colleague can release system
resources and disconnect your user account from the SQL database. When you are done with your
Colleague session, use the Log Outbutton at the top right of the screen to exit Colleague and close
your database connection.
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Depending on the browser you use to access Colleague you may also have to click the exit
button to close out the browser session. For example, Microsoft Edge will close for you and Google
Chrome requires you to manually close out the browser after logging out of Colleague.
Requesting a Colleague Account
Some job functions require access to Colleague to enter information and run reports and some
do not. If your position in the district requires access to the Colleague system for view-only or
maintenance access have your supervisor fill out a Colleague Request
. Once submitted and approved by
the supervisor a ticket will be created in the District Information Systems ticketing system.
Training Opportunities from Ellucian
District employees with access to Colleague also have access to training materials provided by
Ellucian. Many of the on-demand courses are free. Visit the Ellucian training site
to access Ellucian
training materials.
To sign up for an account to access the Ellucian training site, visit
the Ellucian account sign up
page and enter your employee information.
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Version/Change History
Change Description
Effective Date
Initial release 03/04/2019
- title changed to ‘Colleague 5 User Manual’
- removed WebAdvisor help servlet example
- added ‘Requesting a Colleague Account’ section
- formatted for accessibility
- changed Colleague login screenshot
- changed title to ‘Colleague UI 5 User Manual’
- updated Colleague version to 5.10 in intro
- updated Colleague version to 5.13 in intro and screenshots
- added ‘Using Attachments’
- added screenshots in ‘Logging Out of Colleague’
- updated Colleague version to 5.15 in intro and screenshots
- added ‘Colleague Messages’
- added ‘Training Opportunities from Ellucian’
- removed Colleague version from screenshots for maintainability
removed references to UI 4.5
removed differences between UI 4.5 and UI 5
- added link to new Colleague Request form
- updated Colleague UI version to 5.24
updated some grammar for consistency
- changed savedlist to saved list