International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6199
G-Chat: A Game and Chat Application
Abdul Manaf
Asma Yousef
, Betty Paul
, Shernas Nazer
, Philo Sumi
Student, Dept.of Computer Science and Engineering, ILMCET, Kerala, India
Assistant Professor, Dept.of Computer Science and Engineering, ILMCET, Kerala, India
Abstract - Usage of Smartphone is increasing day-to-day,
today people are using smartphones for chatting, calling,
browsing which helps to share information between people or
to a group, also for gaming which provide an entertainment
platform for people. It gives much entertainment to the users,
but most of the applications are designed for its own specific
purposes. The aim of the proposed system is mainly to design
an application which fully entertains the users by providing
two features( chatting and gaming) in a same platform, which
make the user to meet and interact with others who play same
game, And for those who want to do parallel chatting while
gaming. Along with entertainment the proposed system also
designed to increase IQ level of users, for that this system
provides some quiz games (containing general knowledge,
aptitude tricks, aptitude question…etc.).In this system, user
have the permission to add any game and the admin will
create a group for all( those who play that game). The users
who play same game will added to a global group created by
admin(Users can also create sub groups according to their
wish). G-chat application provide games which can be played
by challenging the co-players to defeat their high scores
Nowadays, chatting and gaming are the most popular
entertaining part of smartphone. Children and adults are
more interested in these activities (chatting and gaming). It
provide entertainment and also help to spread message
among large group of people. In the currently available
applications, it is difficult to use both the chat and game at
the same time, so we design this new system.
G-chat app provide a single platform for both chatting and
gaming. In G-chat app, the user can share message,
information to people and play single or multiplayer game. A
person who visit this application is called Guest and once
the guest become a registered user, he can create his own
account to chat and play games as he/she likes. This
application is made user-friendly and convenient to such an
extent that the user is never required to type the same
information more than once, except password. It provide
entertainment to user for some time to recover from his/her
stress. It is a chat application with gaming, game provided
by this application is a quiz game, and user can also add
games to the application according to their wish. This
application provide full time entertainment and improve
thinking capability of users. This system capable to work in
web browser and as android system. There are three
modules user, guest and admin module, an admin can meets
all the needs of the users. Once the guest (user) becomes a
permanent user, he can create his own account and play
1.1 Objective:
The application provide same platform both gaming and
chatting. User can chat at any time in the group or private
chat is also possible. The users can challenge the co-players
to defeat their scores, it will increase interest of the co-
players to play the game more actively. G-chat application
also provide quiz games which increases the thinking
capability and IQ level of the players .It facilitate
communication between users, which improve interaction
between the players.
1.2 Literature Survey
Kavitha. R, Rupali Wagh [1] opined that usage of Smartphone
increased more in the last five years. Presently there are lots
of applications available on the Android market for chatting
and information sharing. All these just share the message but
won't provide any message status like the message is seen or
not and if seen, it is accepted or not. In this paper, we
proposed a new application called as “Shary” an Android
based application developed using Android Kit Kat version
4.4. The main aim of this application is to share any last
minute updated information to a specific group and receive
the status of the messages. This application basically
developed for two different users, one is for the Faculty and
the other is Student. The Faculty can create the group by
selecting the Students from different branches and can send
the message to the created group and view the status of the
message either the Student viewed, accepted or declined.
The Student can respond the messages by selecting the
option Accept or Declined.
Nikhil Chaudhari, Sushma Shinkar, Priyanka Pagar [2]
opined that Social networking is the most common task
performed by people. There are roughly 6,500 spoken
languages in the world today. However, about 2,000 of those
languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers. To help out with
such problem our application is very beneficial and easy to
use. We have achieved translating almost all the languages.
Social networking is not only with text but also with images
we have achieved to process the image for doing face
detection and the expressions. Our image processing also
helps you to crawl the internet for the. Internet uses hash
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6200
tags to categorize data. Over a billion images over the
internet we can protect/inform you about any illegal usage
of your image. With the help of same image processing we
can also get the information about landmarks. We have
managed to pull out all these features by using Google Cloud
API and Google’s Machine Learning
Qi Lai, Mao Zheng and Tom Gendreau [3] opined that one of
the learning outcomes listed by ACM mobile computing
education is to “Implement a simple application that relies
on mobile and wireless data communications”. This Android-
based Instant Message Application is aimed to meet this
outcome. Today more than 60 smart phones from major
manufactures run the Android platform. All these numbers
show that the Android project has gained momentum and
has moved forward. In addition to its openness, all the tools
in the Android development are free and no special
hardware is required. The project is tested on an Android
Emulator which is a tool that allows developers to easily test
an application without having to install the application on a
real device. The Android-based instant message application
uses the client/server architecture. The client can add a
registered user to be his/her friend and send or receive a
text message while the friend is on-line. Currently, the
communication in this application is using TCP.
Nikita Mahajan, Garima Verma, Gayatri Erale, Sneha Bonde,
Divya Arya [4] opined that Bluetooth provides the
communication on low-cost, low-power basis. Wireless
communication can also be done with the help of Bluetooth
technology in a mobile communication. Short-range
establishment of two-way communication has occurred
without any support of the network. Bluetooth is integrated
into Android which is a mainstream Smartphone platform as
a mean of mobile communication. Nowadays android
becomes the latest technology in the Smartphone’s which
provides the open sourcing and powerful application API.
Thus we design a chatting application based on android
Bluetooth which establishes a connection between smart
phones using Bluetooth and then messages are exchanged
between them. Start Server will enable the Bluetooth on
server side and active for the communication after scanning
for the devices and choosing one of them for the
communication. When server sends the message to client by
entering into the text field and the pressing send Message
button will send the above entered message to the client
Server can also receive message. Start client will enable the
Bluetooth on client side if not enable Receive will receive the
message coming from the server side. The client receives the
message as soon as the connection is established between
the two devices. The client can also send message to the
server or another device after the establishment of the
connection. Bluetooth enables or provides the better
improvement over the android devices. By receiving
message from the server the similar connection can also be
established within the same range. Area to be covered into
the Bluetooth range is limited.
G-Chat application is an entertainment application. This
application aim to provide enjoyment to people, those who
suffer stress, and a wonderful platform for chatting and
gaming. User can chat, add games, create sub groups, play
games using this application. It also provide a quiz
game(general knowledge, aptitude) which helps to increase
the IQ of the user . This application mainly developed in the
android studio (android languages, java, java script) and the
quiz game is developed using visual studio and unity (for
scripting and displaying of game. User can also so invite their
friends to play with them. G-chat assign a unique
identification number for each user who have registered in
this app. A user can login to this app using user name and
password. When the user enter the user name and password,
it checks the details stored in the database and the
information given by the user is correct then he/she can sign
into the application. When the person login into the
application he/she can choose any game and give a character
name instead of reviling user name. After selecting a game ,
user get added to chat group created by admin (admin is
also a member) for that game and the user can create sub
group (with particular members in that group). In this chat
group, different colors are used are used to categorize admin
and other members, so user can easily understand the
dignitaries of various users, and official communication
(chats) are allowed.
Fig-1:Over view of architecture
2.1 Applications of different modules
G-Chat application consist of three different modules admin
module, guest module and user module. An admin can
manage all the facilities provided to users, one who not
registered in this application is guest, and guest have to
register in the app to become a user and user can login to the
app and add games, groups and chat with other users.
2.1.1 Admin module
The admin module includes all the activities related to the
control of G-chat application . A web-based administration
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6201
area allows the admin to configure every aspect of the
application. The admin can view and process all the
functions and activities in the application. Administrator can
manage all resource in the system. The admin has all the
right to do anything in the system, all chats and group
activities are controlled by admin. Admin filter out messages
containing abusive words, it is very secure. Admin have total
control over each and every functionality of the application.
View/add group: Admin adds a global group for each
popular games in the store. A user may create subgroups
inside these global groups. Only admins has the authority to
create these global groups and users can view, join these
groups. In short admin creates a global group and user
creates subgroups in it.
View/add game: For each game admin creates global
groups which each user playing that game is allowed
immediate entry. For each game user may choose any name (
similar like a username) all messages sent to a group will be
under this username.
2.1.2 Guest Module
An unregistered user(Guest) has only limited access. Guest
have to fill-up the registration page to register in this app.
After successful registration he/she become a permanent
user of the application permitted by the admin. Can play
games, chat with friends and also invite friends to play or in
to this application.
2.1.3 User Module
User module deals with all the user side controls. The user
can log in to their account by providing the User-id and
Password. The registered user can use the application at any
time to play games and chat with their friends even outside
the country. User can update their information, change
password, view all the chats, gaming scores, challenge with
their scores, accept and reject friends etc. It is very user
friendly so, is easy to use. In short, the user gets complete
freedom in chatting and gamming at every time.
Signup: For a guest (new user) to became the permanent
user of this application he/she have to fill-up a registration
by giving a username, password email Id, etc. (no personal
information need to be revealed).
Login: A login is asset of credentials used to authenticate a
user. Users can login to the application using username and
password. By means of taking some security measures it
prevent unauthorized access a to someone’s account. If
anyone( username or password) entered is wrong, then
login will be failed.
Notifications: Notification page of G-Chat contains all the
notifications to the user from admin. And also friend request,
score sheet, accept friends, reject friends..etc.. Challenging
messages from other users will also will comes in
notification page.
Game page: List of various games added and played will be
shown in game page.
Chat page: List of Various groups and sub group, and
personal chats are displayed in this page.
Chatting and gaming are most popular entertaining
applications using Smartphone. G-chat is a web and android
based application designed to provide chatting and gaming
in same platform. Along with that, this application provide a
quiz game that aim to increase IQ level of user. It provide the
gamers a platform to meet other gamers, and share their
experience and knowledge with them, and also challenge the
other players with their high scores. G-chat is completely
user friendly application, have taken lots of security
measures, no need of revealing original identity, no age limit,
can access at any time at any place.
[1] Kavitha. R, Rupali Wagh Remona Yacoop,
Deeksha S “Design and implementation of on-line
chatting application using android”, Volume 3, Issue 1,
April 2015
[2] Nikhil Chaudhari , Sushma Shinkar , Priyanka Pagare
”Chatting application with real time translation”, ]
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2018.
[3] Qi Lai, Mao Zheng and Tom Gendreau “An android-based
instant message application”, Volume 26, Issue 1,
October 2010.
[4] Nikita Mahajan, Garima Verma, Gayatri Erale, Sneha
Bonde, Divya Arya Design of chatting application
based on android Bluetooth”, Volume 3, Issue 3, March
[5] Eero kolehmainen , Ari Alamäki “Implementation and
use of online chats in internet based business models”,
Volume 5 , Issue1 , April 2011.
[6] Ms. Meghana Shivshankar, Ms. Jyothi b “Implementation
of chatting application-IChat”, Volume 6, Issue 4, April