Major project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering/Information
Dr. Deepak Gupta
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and
Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology,
Waknaghat, Solan-173234, Himachal Pradesh
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled KWIM
Messenger Chat Application” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering/Information Technology submitted in the department of Computer
Science & Engineering and Information Technology, Jaypee University of
Information Technology Waknaghat is an authentic record of my own work
carried out over a period from July 2022 to May 2023 under the supervision of
Dr. Deepak Gupta, Assistant Professor (SG), Department of Computer Science
& Engineering. The matter embodied in the report has not been submitted for
the award of any other degree or diploma.
(Student Signature)
Parikshit Sharma (191278)
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the
best of my knowledge.
(Supervisor Signature)
Dr. Deepak Gupta
Assistant Professor (SG)
Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat
This is to certify that the work which is being presented in the Project report
titled Kwim Messenger Chat Application in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science & Engineering and submitted to the Department of
Computer Science & Engineering, Jaypee University of Information
Technology, Waknaghat is an authentic record of work carried out by
“Parikshit Sharma (191278)” during the period from February 2023 to May
2023 under the supervision of Dr. Deepak Gupta, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology,
(Student Signature)
Parikshit Sharma, 191278
The above statement made is correct to the best of my knowledge.
(Supervisor Signature)
Dr Deepak Gupta
Assistant Professor (SG)
Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat
First, I express my gratitude to God who provided me with the courage and
fortitude to complete the project.
I am grateful and wish my profound indebtedness to my Mentor Mr. Karan
Soni, Team Lead, Flutter at enAct eServices, Rupnagar, Punjab and my
Supervisor Dr Deepak Gupta, Assistant Professor (SG), Department of CSE
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Wakhnaghat. With their Deep
Knowledge & keen interest in their respective fields, my mentor and supervisor
helped me to carry out this Project. His endless patience, scholarly guidance,
continual encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive
criticism, valuable advice, reading many inferior drafts and correcting them at
all stages have made it possible to complete this Project.
I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Dr Deepak Gupta, Department
of CSE, for his kind help to finish my Project.
I would also generously welcome each one of those individuals who have
helped me straightforwardly or in a roundabout way in making this project a
success. In this unique situation, I might want to thank the various staff
individuals, both educating and non-instructing, which have developed their
convenient help and facilitated my undertaking.
Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patience
of my parents.
Parikshit Sharma
S. No. Content Page No.
1 Candidates Declaration i
2 Certificate ii
3 Plagiarism Certificate iii
4 Acknowledgment
5 List of Figures vii
6 List of Tables viii
7 Abstract ix
8 Chapter - 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 4
1.3 Objectives 5
1.4 Methodology 6
9 Chapter - 2 Literature Survey 9
10 Chapter - 3 System Development 15
3.1 Analysis 15
3.2 Design 17
3.3 Development 20
3.3.1 Android Studio 20
3.3.2 States and Widgets 22
3.3.3 Node.js 23
3.3.4 Express.js 25
3.3.5 Google Firebase 27
3.3.6 Workmanager 29
3.3.7 MQTT Client 29
11 Chapter - 4 Experiments and Result Analysis 31
12 Chapter - 5 Conclusions 42
5.1 Conclusion 42
5.2 Future Scope 42
13 References 44
Page No.
Shows the architecture upon which flutter is built upon
The comparison between usage of different
Flow of application till user gets authenticated
Flow of application after user gets authenticated
Flow of requests and response from client to server
List of firebase features
MQTT client and MQTT broker
Sign in page and route to sign up screen
Dashboard screen
Chats after translation
Edit profile page
Structure of files
To check whether the user is logging in first time or not
Bloc structure used
Dependencies added inside pubspec.yaml file
Navigating from splash screen to dashboard one
Permission requested from android users
Request for permissions in the info.plist file
Changes that have to be done in podfile
Table No. Description Page No.
Technologies stack for implementation of the
Earlier methods that were used to develop chat
application using different technologies
Different screens and their purpose
Communication is the most basic need in today’s world, expressing ones view
and making others understand them is key for development of world. Social
Media platform have enabled human beings to communicate from any corner
of world to any person in the world. Social Media became the bridge for quick
communication and interaction amongst people all over the world.
Social Media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow users to
communicate with each other using Text Based Communication. Platforms like
Instagram and Snapchat allow users to communicate through photos and
videos, and use Visual Communication for the purpose. Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allow users to broadcast live video
streams, enabling real-time communication and interaction with their
followers. Using a One-to-Many communication model.
Using platforms like WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber users are enabled to
communicate with each other by sending voice messages, voice calls, and
interact face-to-face via video calls.
Inspired from such Platform KWIM Messenger aims to enable user to
communicate in their desired language, deliver messages without much delay,
maintain the consistency, and thus also provides features like one-to-one chat,
group chat, upload stories, and share it to selected people.
Chapter - 1
1.1 Introduction
With the growing numbers of consumers of internet connectivity all across the
globe. Around 97% or more of internet surfers explore the internet via mobile
devices. More individuals in India are using the internet for employment,
education, and leisure as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, which has
accelerated the increase of internet users in the country.
There are more than 70 languages which have more than 1 million active
speakers all around the world out of which the top 10 languages are :- Hindi,
English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian,
Japanese, Punjabi. Its very hard for indians alone to communicate among
themselves due to te absence of common language. KWIM currently supports
communication between 56 languages. It is an easy to use application in
which a user has to only choose the language in which he wants to receive
messages and then communicate with anyone across the globe. To enable
users to send and receive messages swiftly, we set out to develop an app that
would offer a seamless experience. We had to overcome a number of obstacles
when designing the app, including creating a user-friendly interface,
improving the program's speed, and guaranteeing the safety of information
provided by users. We will go through the strategy we used to overcome these
obstacles in this report, along with the fixes we put in place to build a
productive hyperlocal delivery app. Along with insights into the lessons we
learned along the way, we will also give an overview of the main features and
functions of the app.
Overall, the process of creating the app was both resilient and gratifying. We
anticipate that other companies trying to develop comparable apps to improve.
The app is simple to use, with a user-friendly interface and a range of features
designed to make the communication experience as seamless as possible.
Several stages of the development process were conceptualization, design,
development, testing, and deployment. We encountered a number of
challenges when developing the app, including enhancing its performance,
guaranteeing data security, and connecting with third-party APIs and services.
The positive aspect is that we were able to overcome all these challenges and
develop this application through planning and efficient implementation.
The technology we are using to implement this application is Flutter. Google
developed an open-source UI software development kit known as Flutter. It is
used to create cross-platform software from a single codebase for Google
Fuchsia, Linux, Windows, Mac OS, web, Android, and iOS devices. Flutter
became available in May 2017 after being initially mentioned in 2015. The
Dart programming language is utilized for developing Flutter apps, which
makes use of many of its more sophisticated capabilities. Release versions of
Flutter applications employ ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation across all
platforms for greater performance, with the exception of the Web, where code
is transpired to JavaScript. Because of this, it is the perfect option for web
developers who wish to switch to building mobile apps without having to
learn another programming language or framework. Hot reloading, which
enables developers to view their modifications in real-time without needing to
relaunch the programme, and a comprehensive set of built-in components
which may be readily customised to match the particular demands of the
application are just a couple of the helpful features offered by Flutter.
Flutters architecture comprises three layers that collaborate to power the
Framework Layer - built on Dart Language, is the component of
Flutter that is most noticeable, and it gives developers access to a
broad variety of frameworks for creating and designing user interfaces.
This layer can be further classified down into layers for rendering,
widgets, and basic classes.
Engine Layer - built on C/C++, provides a low-level implementation
of the Flutter framework that incorporates essential APIs for graphics,
accessibility, text layout, and plugin architecture. The code is executed
and the user interface is rendered through communication with the
framework layer.
Embedder Layer - designed for a particular platform and is responsible
for running the Flutter engine while offering it the resources it requires
for developing the user experience. By establishing a platform-specific
interface for the engine layer to communicate with the native platform
APIs, it makes it possible for Flutter applications to function
effectively on a variety of operating systems.
Fig. 1.1. Shows the architecture upon which flutter is built upon
Due to its simplicity, adaptability, and ability to rapidly develop and refresh
applications, Flutter has grown to be an increasingly popular option for
developing mobile apps. It has been used to create top-notch mobile
applications by businesses like Google Ads, Alibaba, Kotak, Tencent and
GooglePay. Developing software that is adaptable to several different kinds of
hardware is known as cross-platform software creation. Microsoft Windows,
Linux, macOS, or any combination of these operating systems may all be
utilised by a cross-platform application. A cross-platform application is one
that works exactly the same on any type of device, such as an internet browser
or Adobe Flash. List of Websites that are built using Flutter
1.2 Problem Statement
In today’s world where war seems inevitable, Thinking about famous
theoretical physicist Albert Einstein’s word has inspired this work "Peace
cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding".
Overcoming the complexity of communication between those who find
themselves unable to understand different languages like me and many others.
The biggest obstacle to communication between people who speak different
languages makes it challenging to comprehend and communicate effectively
means to which can result in misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even
conflict. linguistic obstacles can make it difficult to communicate thoughts,
feelings, and intentions as well as hinder the accessibility of services and
information. This challenge is especially significant in multicultural and
multilingual environments in which individuals are likely to use a number of
different languages and find it challenging to communicate effectively with
one another. For anyone hoping to solve this issue, translation technologies,
cultural sensitivity, and efficient communication techniques that put an
emphasis on clarity, feelings for others, and dignity must be utilized.
People-to-people interaction is also important for improving international
relations in a number of ways. It facilitates relationships, trade, and business
while also helping to establish confidence and advance diplomacy.
1.3 Objectives
The main objectives of the KWIM Messenger chat application are :-
Ease of Use: The application must be easy to use and navigate, with an
intuitive interface that allows users to quickly access the features they
need. It should be user-friendly and designed to cater to the needs of
different types of users, including those with limited technical
Security: The application must ensure the security and privacy of user
data, including text messages, multimedia files, and other content. It
should use encryption technology to protect user data from
unauthorized access or interception by third parties.
Reliability: The application must be reliable, with a high level of
uptime and minimal downtime. It should be designed to minimize the
occurrence of errors or glitches that can disrupt communication and
negatively impact the user experience.
Compatibility: The application must be compatible with different types
of devices and operating systems, including smartphones, tablets, and
computers. It should be designed to work seamlessly across different
platforms, without compromising on the user experience.
Integration with other services: To improve functionality and user
experience, several chat programs connect with other services or
platforms. For exchanging material or carrying out particular actions
within the chat interface, integration with social networking platforms
as well email services, or third-party applications are a few examples.
1.4 Methodology
In this section we will be discussing the methodology used in the project step
by step. After selecting the framework and the platform, the first step toward
building our project is to gather all the information and requirements for this
project. In this step we identify user demands, determining necessary features,
and establishing the project's scope are all part of this process. Then the next
step is design and wireframing. After understanding the requirement of the
application, objectives and other aspects and putting it together we work on its
UI/UX designs. This step includes conceptualising and prototyping the
application. This involves establishing how the user flows, developing the
interface's functionality and the user experience, and producing an aesthetic
that is compatible with the application and the requirements of the intended
audience. In order to achieve this we have to follow certain rules:
Identify target users : The key to developing an effective application
is recognising those who are your target users. To understand your
users' wants, objectives, and pain spots, perform user study and collect
Keeping it simple : The layout must be uncomplicated, clear, and
straightforward to use. We should avoid using complicated navigation
from one component to another and cluttering our interfaces.
Consistency : In layout, uniformity is very crucial. In order to provide
a uniform and consistent user experience we should use the exact same
layout, fonts, colours, and icons throughout the entire application.
Use the right Theme Colours : The choice of shades is crucial in
layout. Use colouring that is suitable for your brand and the intended
use of the product. To make the user interface easy to comprehend and
navigate, refrain from using excessive colours and make sure there is
adequate contrast.
Front-end framework
Amazon CIAM services
Back-end authentication
MQTT Client
Create secure Sockets
Local Database
Table 1.1 - Technologies stack for implementation of the application.
After creating the UI of our application and understanding the needs of the
users our next step is to stack all the technology requirements. The choice of
the technological stacking comes next. The main technology employed to
create the mobile application for Android and iOS targeted users is Flutter,
Node.js for API connectivity, and Amazon service for backend services,
Firebase messaging, and many other are some more technologies that might
be leveraged. Google's cloud-based Firebase platform offers an array of
resources and applications for creating and deploying apps for the web and
mobile devices. A wide range of backend capabilities provided by Firebase
enable programmers to create apps with greater efficiency and speed. There
are numerous services provided by Google’s firebase like: Authentication,
Cloud messaging Programmers may 7 deliver alerts to users over many
platforms, such as iOS and Android, and the web, using real-time cloud
communication. After choosing the technologies we moved to the most
important step of developing the code. The application's code is written during
the development stage.
This involves building the application's front- end and back-end, integrating
APIs, and testing it for faults and other problems. The application is tested
throughout the testing and quality management stage to ensure it satisfies its
functionality and operational criteria. Testing for units, validation of
integration, and user acceptability testing are all included in this. Following
recommendations, documenting all of the efforts made, and making sure the
source code is adaptable and manageable to accommodate subsequent
upgrades and improvements are crucial through the whole process.
Fig 1.2 shows the graph representing the trend of Flutter in comparison with
other technologies. Flutter being adaptive and flexible to use. Widgets state
and their life cycle are some of the key features of Flutter which makes our
development faster.
Fig. 1.2. The comparison between usage of different technologies [12]
Literature Survey
Our everyday lives have grown entirely reliant on chat programs since they
give us a quick and practical way to communicate. Recent years have seen a
considerable breakthrough in chat application development, allowing for the
development of programs that have become more trustworthy, efficient, and
user-friendly. We are going to investigate the most recent innovations and
trends in chat application development in this literature review.
Alam et al. (2017) developed and constructed an instant messaging app for the
Android operating system as part of the research they conducted [7]. They
used a client-server design, with the server running on a conventional desktop
machine and the client running on the platform provided by Android. Their
research centered on the use of multithreading and socket programming for
efficient information processing and transport. The development and
deployment of a MQTT-based instant messaging system have been
recommended by Feng et al. (2018) [2]. For an efficient communication
exchange, researchers used a publish-subscribe paradigm, in which the
publisher publishes messages and the person who receives them subscribes to
them. Their research concentrated on the MQTT protocol's usage in reliable as
well as successful messaging.
An instant messaging infrastructure based on the MQTT protocol, which
stands for MQ Telemetry Transport, has been proposed for design and
implementation by Feng et al. (2018) [10]. For successful communication
exchange, they used a publish-subscribe paradigm, in which messages are
published by the sender and subscribed to by the recipient. The studies they
conducted concentrated on the usage of the MQTT protocol as a means for
dependable and effective messaging.
A secure chat software taking advantage of the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) was suggested by Garg and Singh (2017) [4]. They used encrypted
communication from end to end to ensure that only the recipient and the
sender could view the messages during secure transmission between clients.
Their research centered on developing secure chat applications using
encryption methods.
For Universitas Negeri Padang, Muhaya et al. (2019) created a mobile chat
application utilizing Firebase. For the transfer and synchronization of
messages in real-time, they used Firebase Cloud Messaging [5]. Their
research centered on using Firebase for effective and trustworthy message
sharing. A messaging application based on React Native was created and built
by Niu et al. in 2019. They used React Native to construct a multi-platform
application, allowing it to operate on both the iOS as well as Android
operating systems. Their research centered on the efficient and extensible
development of applications using React Native.
For Android mobile devices, Okiro and Waweru (2018) presented an
SMS-based conversation application. For the exchange of messages, they used
SMS, which allowed the program to run in places with spotty or no internet
access. The utilization of SMS messages for effective and reliable message
exchange was the main topic of the research they conducted.
The creation and implementation issues of chatbots in a mobile app were
investigated by Radev and Marinov in 2019 [8]. They used chatbots to
automate the exchange of messages, allowing users to communicate with the
app in their own language. Their research centered on the difficulties in
designing and developing chatbots for mobile apps.
Elixir and Phoenix Framework were used for developing a mobile chat
application by Ugrinovi and Vraar (2018). For efficient and extensible
application development, they used the Phoenix framework which is
responsible for allowing the application to manage large amounts of message
traffic. Their research centered around building scalable and effective
applications using Elixir and the Phoenix Framework.
A web-based real-time chat interface server was designed and implemented,
according to a study by Henriyan et al. (2016) [3]. To enable real-time
communication between users, the authors stress the necessity for effective
and scalable chat systems. They go through the chat server's architecture and
individual parts, such as the server program, database, and web-based
interface for users. The study emphasizes the application of the following:
PHP, MySQL, & AJAX technologies for ensuring smooth data
synchronization and transfer between clients and the server that handles the
Using the MQTT protocol, Hwang et al. (2016) report their study on the
development and implementation of a dependable message transmission
mechanism for Internet of Things applications [1]. The authors stress the need
for dependable and effective delivery of messages in Internet of Things (IoT)
contexts, where many devices and sensors collect and share data. They talk
about the MQTT brokers, publishers, along with subscribers that make up the
system's architecture. In order to guarantee accurate and timely message
delivery, the article emphasizes the usage of Quality of Service (also known as
QoS) levels made available by the MQTT protocol.
Published By
Hwang, Hyun Cheon, JiSu
Park, and Jin Gon Shon.
IEEE Wireless
Designed and
implemented a reliable
message transmission
system based on MQTT
protocol in IoT.
Efficient Communication, Reliability and
Quality of Service, Scalability, Low Bandwidth
and Power Consumption, Wide Protocol
Support and Interoperability, Real-time and
Asynchronous Communication between devices
connected via internet.
Tang, Konglong, Yong
Wang, Hao Liu, Yanxiu
Sheng, Xi Wang, and
Zhiqiang Wei. (2013)
Conference on
Information Science
and Computer
Applications (ICSA)
Designed and
implemented a push
notification system
based on the MQTT
Granular Topic-Based Filtering which facilitates
the delivery of intended notifications to the right
recipients depending on their subscriptions
through the push notification system.
Henriyan, Diotra, Devie
Pratama Subiyanti, Rizki
Fauzian, Dian Anggraini,
Conference on System
Design and
implementation of web
The usefulness of a web-based chat interface
server is that it may be improved by integrating
it with other platforms or systems.
S. No.
Published By
M. Vicky Ghani Aziz, and
Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto.
Engineering and
Technology (ICSET)
based real time chat
interfacing server
Garg, A., & Singh, R.
International Journal
of Innovative
Research in Computer
and Communication
Secure Chat
Application Using
Advanced Encryption
A crucial component of a chat app is security.
The chat application can encourage user
confidence as well as trust in the safeguarding
of their sensitive information by implementing
AES encryption.
M. F. Muhaya, A. Fauzi,
and M. A. Kasim (2019)
Journal of Physics
Development of Mobile
Chat Application Using
Firebase for Universitas
Negeri Padang
Scalable infrastructure is available on the
cloud-based platform known as Firebase. By
utilizing Firebase to create a mobile chat
application, one can be certain that performance
won't be affected as a lot of clients and message
traffic increase.
Published By
Ali, Ammar H., and Ali M.
Sagheer (2017)
International Journal
of Computer Network
and Information
Designed an android
application for secure
Their research centered on the use of
multithreading and socket programming for
efficient information processing and transport.
D. Radev and M. Marinov
International Journal
of Open Information
Chatbots in a Mobile
App: Design and
Enhanced User Experience and 24/7
Boyd, Bryan, Joel Gauci,
Michael P. Robertson,
Nguyen Van Duy, Rahul
Gupta, Vasfi Gucer, and
Vladimir Kislicins (2014)
IBM Redbooks
Real-time Mobile
Solutions with MQTT
and IBM
High message throughput and support for
several connected devices are features of IBM
MessageSight as it offers scalable messaging
features that enable real-time mobile
applications to handle an expanding user base
and rising message volume.
Table 2.1 - Earlier methods that were used to develop chat application using different technologies
Chapter - 3
System Development
3.1 Analysis
In this stage we gather and analyze, recognise, collect and evaluate the
specifications and functionality for the application. Finding the application's
key components, such as registration of new users in our application,
signing-in the registered user, making them choose the desired language they
want to communicate in allow them to communicate with any known person
existing in their contacts. Show the message status to them either delivered,
seen or processing. Allow them to share Different media (images, videos,
audio, emoji, etc).
Based on the aforementioned specifications, we generated a system design
that addresses the architecture, user interface, and database structure. Create a
design paper outlining the technical specifications for the entire system. The
system has to be built with an understanding of key platforms and
technologies, such as Flutter, Firebase, MQTT Client, Sqflite, Floor,
Workmanager, other pertinent resources and structures is the main emphasis
of the implementation phase. Flutter Widgets along with some Third party
dependencies. Amazon CIAM services for authentication services like
delivering OTPs, Express.js for API services. Entire Data related to users
messages is stored using Room Database after encrypting. Programming
languages like JavaScript or TypeScript are used to carry out the system logic.
The Admin side database is created using popular backend-as-a-service
(BaaS) platform Firebase. For mobile devices and online applications,
Firebase supports a wide range of capabilities, which includes cloud-based
storage, real-time data bases, authentication, and more. Using Firebase in
Flutter apps has several advantages:
Easy integration : straightforward and user-friendly integration:
Firebase offers an integration for Flutter that is easy and straightforward
to use, with pre-built frameworks and extensions that make it simple to
use its services. Developers can easily get started and rapidly incorporate
Firebase into their Flutter apps thanks to Firebase's robust guidelines and
Scalability : Firebase is highly adaptable, which enables it to manage
enormous amounts of information and traffic without experiencing any
performance concerns. Because Firebase offers automatic scaling, it will
automatically increase its resources to withstand the load as flow and data
volumes rise, ensuring quick and dependable effectiveness for your
Flutter applications.
Real-time updates : Data may be instantaneously updated throughout
every device in real-time thanks to Firebase's real-time database abilities.
Applications requiring real-time synchronisation or cooperation between
numerous users, such chat programmes or collaborative editing tools,
might benefit from this.
Analytics and testing : To track and improve the efficiency of Flutter
applications, Firebase offers strong analytics and benchmarking
capabilities. Firebase Analytics gives developers in-depth knowledge on
user behaviour, enabling them to improve user experience and monitor
important KPIs. Developers may test their Flutter applications on a
variety of devices using the testing tools provided by Firebase Test Lab,
guaranteeing that they function properly on different platforms and
Cloud storage : Firebase offers services for storing and retrieving
massive volumes of data, including audio, video, and picture files. Given
its scalability, dependability, and security, Firebase storage is a solid
option for applications that need to be able to transfer and upload large
amounts of data. Incorporating a variety of strong services provided by
Firebase into Flutter apps. Firebase is simple and offers advantages
including flexibility, real-time updates, strong authentication, cloud
storage, and extensive statistics and testing features.
Simple integration, scalability, real-time updates, sturdy authentication, cloud
storage, and effective data analysis and testing applications are just a few of
the benefits of utilizing Firebase in Flutter applications.
3.2 Design
As a section of the development process, this phase entails developing a
technology plan for the product's distribution application. This includes the
architecture, user interface, and database schema. The framework of the
system design includes descriptions of the backend services, APIs
(Application Programming Interfaces), and user interface elements of the
system as well as the manner in which they interact. The user interface
architecture follows design standard practices in order to guarantee
accessibility and simplicity. The database design specifies the data model,
entity relationships, and data storage methods.
Designing of the project is distributed into certain levels. These levels are :
Adding users in the admin database
Allow them to chat by creating a topic for MQTT services
Fig 3.1 represents the ER model of user authentication. If the user is new to
this application he needs to sign up and if an individual is already registered
then he has to simply sign in. In both the cases the user can only validate
himself with the mobile number [3]. The user gets an OTP on their registered
mobile number. If the user is already signed in and not visiting the application
first time then he is directly redirected to DashboardPage.
Fig. 3.1. Flow of application till user gets authenticated
Simplest way to remember whether a user is logged in or not is to store a
token in local storage and each time application starts, it can be checked
whether the token is null or not, if null then get him registered and store the
generated token inside local storage. And to do so we used shared_preference
for this, which is published by flutter developers on, what it does is
allows applications and activities to store preferences, similarly like maps in
the form of ke value pairs, that persist even when user closes the application,
alternatively Account Manager can be used to serve the same purpose, it
stores OAuth token for all google Applications running on Android. After
getting user authenticated and logged in next comes is Flow of Application.
Fig 3.2 shows the flow of application from dashboard onwards.
Fig. 3.2. Flow of application after user gets authenticated
3.3 Development
This section focuses on thorough discussion of the building process of our
application. It also contains the tools and technologies we have used, as well
as the challenges we came across may all be found during the creation portion
of this report on a Flutter application. This contains the detailed information
of the technologies used in this project.
Android Studio
MQTT Client
The usage of each technology in our project, from the initial design and
development of our application to the addition of capabilities and the use of
the aforementioned technologies in our application at different phases, will
now be covered in a comprehensive way.
3.3.1 Android Studio
For developing applications for Different Platforms, an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) called Android Studio has been used.
Additionally, this environment is used to develop Flutter, a popular framework
for building multi-platform mobile apps. Numerous features and tools are
available in the officially licensed Android IDE, Android Studio, which is
intended to make the entire process of design and development simpler and
more effective. The framework known as Flutter allows programmers to
construct native mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms by using a
single source code base. With tools for creating a profile, evaluating it, and
debugging, Android Studio provides a powerful development environment for
creating Flutter apps. It also includes an Android device emulator so users can
test and preview campaigns on a variety of hardware and operating systems.
Android Studio supports Flutter development using a plugin called "Flutter
Tools". The IDE can now build and run Flutter projects as well as create, test,
and troubleshoot Flutter apps thanks to the aid of this plugin. Other
capabilities and functionalities added to the IDE include code emphasis and
Features of Android Studio for Flutter:
This IDE offers a built-in Android emulator to test applications on
multiple hardware and OS configurations.
Developers may quickly see changes to their code without constantly
recompiling the program thanks to dynamic refreshing and hot
Developers may quickly see changes to their code thanks to dynamic
refreshing without constantly recompiling the application.
Code auto-completion and syntax-highlighting tools are offered for
Flutter components and APIs. Tools for evaluating apps that evaluate
their performance and point up places for improvement offer aid in
developing native Android components that may be used in Flutter
Tool plugin for Flutter. Through the Flutter Toolkit extension for Android
Studio, which is also offered by Visual Studio Code, we may add on
additional plugins, and Flutter development-specific features are introduced.
This is done along with the Dart SDK which is also required.
Flutter apps that have just been installed are commonly made
accessible directly from the IDE.
Resources for finding and fixing issues in Flutter programming.
Programmers may execute and develop apps directly inside Android
Studio thanks to the integration of the Flutter CLI.
You may jump between Widgets specifications and the finished code
for Flutter widgets and APIs.
A welcoming setting for Android developers to work in an effective
IDE with many tools and resources for creating apps. several cell
phones with different Android and iOS versions that may be used to
test and simulate apps.
Assistance with Git and other effective version control methods for
integrating native Android modules into Flutter apps.
Android Studio provides a powerful and efficient IDE for developing Android
applications in addition to providing substantial help for Flutter growth and
development. The IDE offers a variety of tools and capabilities that may
expedite the development process and help programmers create high-quality,
cross-platform mobile applications. Because of its robust capabilities and ease
of use, Android Studio is a preferred choice among programmers for
developing Flutter apps.
3.3.2 States and Widgets
Anything stored in the app's memory while it is operating may be very simply
described as the state of the app. This contains all widgets, such as buttons,
text fonts, icons, animations, etc., which facilitate the user interface (UI) of
the programme. Everything is a widget in flutter, Widgets in Flutter can be
majorly classified into stateless and stateful widget.
Stateless widget - Stateless widgets are those whose state cannot be
altered after construction. And to do so the previous when is to be
destroyed and new one is to put in its place inside widget tree.
Stateful widget - Stateful Widgets are those that can have their state
changed even after construction. These states are variable and subject
to various changes during the course of their existence. But they are
expensive to manage than stateless widget.
Stateful widgets are nothing but a class with a constructor and some
member functions that can be overridden. These include createState(),
initState(), didChangeDependencies(), build(), didUpdateWidget(),
setState(), deactivate() and dispose(), with each having its own
Inherited Widgets - there is a third class of widgets too.
3.3.3 Node.js
A JavaScript runtime called Node.js was constructed on top of the V8
JavaScript engine. It's perfect for creating server-side apps since it lets
programmers run JavaScript code externally from a web browser. Node.js is
recognized for its capacity to manage several concurrent connections without
creating delays for other apps because of its event-driven, autonomous I/O
architecture. As a result, it is incredibly adaptable and great for creating
real-time applications. Node.js can run on low-cost hardware and handle a lot
of data without suffering any type of lag since it is designed to be lightweight
as well as speedy. Numerous library components and modules are created and
maintained by a sizable and passionate programming community and may be
rapidly integrated to Node.js applications to provide new features and
Both relational and non-relational databases are supported by Node.js, making
it simple to choose the optimal database for your application depending on
your individual requirements and specifications. With the help of the
integrated package manager npm (Node Package Manager), developers can
easily install, manage, and update independent libraries and modules. Because
Node.js is a publicly accessible application, anybody may examine, modify,
and contribute to its codebase. Developers can easily use and comprehend the
platform because to its thorough documentation, and those who are already
familiar with JavaScript will find it quite easy to pick up.
Node.js is utilised in this project to develop the whole back-end of the project.
Node.js has the following advantages over other technologies:
JavaScript Runtime: Using the Node framework, programmers may
run JavaScript-based programmes without the need for a web browser.
JavaScript may therefore be used by programmers to build server-side
apps, command-line tools, and other types of software.
Node.js's Event-driven Architecture , autonomous I/O strategy
allows it to handle several concurrent connections without slowing
other requests. Because of this, Node.js is incredibly versatile and
perfect for building real-time applications, including chat, gaming, and
other types of apps that require data to be handled right away.
Multiple Database Support : Node.js supports both relational and
non-relational databases. This makes it straightforward to choose the
best database for your application based on your particular needs and
Easy to Understand: Node.js is relatively easy to understand and
implement for programmers who are already familiar with JavaScript.
This suggests that programmers won't need to learn a completely new
programming language or environment in order to start creating
server-side apps utilising Node.js right away.
The V8 JavaScript engine , which has been heavily optimised for
performance and is small, was built upon when Node.js was created.
As a result, Node.js can work rapidly and use fewer system resources
than competing server-side platforms. Another aspect of Node.js that
helps programmers to write code that executes quickly is
asynchronous programming.
Wide-ranging Modules : A sizable and dedicated community of
collaborators to Node.js has produced and is maintaining a wide
variety of modules and packages. These extensions may easily be
added to Node.js apps to provide further functionality and features.
Node.js enables javascript asynchronous programming and to do so it is
crucially dependent on event loop, which is an ongoing loop that keeps track
of occurring events and runs callback int its response.
3.3.4 Express.js
Express.js is a rapid, lightweight web framework built on Node.js that comes
with a variety of helpful features for building APIs and online applications. It
is built on Node.js and provides a straightforward API, simplifying the
process of developing online and mobile apps. Express.js's server-side
features may be used to do a range of tasks, such as handling incoming
requests, authorizing users, and managing errors. Middleware services can be
connected in a pipeline to create complex request-response processes.
Express.js is widely used to build application programming interfaces (APIs),
which allow communication between various program components. An API
enables the creation of complex software platforms by providing a standard
interface for software to exchange data and services. Express.js provides a
simple and intuitive API that makes building APIs easy. By designing routes
that correspond to the different HTTP methods, developers may construct
functions that manage GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests. Express.js
offers a number of intermediate activities, such as going through received
JSON data, authorizing users, and handling failures. Express.js may also be
used to create a RESTful API, an architectural structure for creating APIs that
follows a set of guidelines. RESTful APIs update assets (like data objects)
while providing HTTP methods-based responses in a recognized format (like
JSON). Express.js API development requires careful consideration of security
and scalability issues.
Fig. 3.3. Flow of requests and response from client to server
With Express.js's implementation of SSL/TLS encryption, data in transit may
be made more secure. Rate restriction and other attack-prevention techniques
are also encouraged. The Advantages of utilizing Express.js to create APIs for
a Flutter applications include:
Scalability: Express.js is incredibly scalable and has no latency while
handling several connections at once. It may be installed on a network
of servers or a cloud-based platform like AWS or Google Cloud.
Security: SSL/TLS encryption is supported by Express.js, making it
possible to safeguard data during the time it is being transported. It
also promotes rate limiting and other attack-prevention techniques.
A sizable community Significant and well-known developer
community: A big and vibrant developer community for Express.js
creates and maintains a number of modules and libraries that are easily
integrated into Express.js programs to provide new capabilities. The
platform also includes outstanding documentation that is easy for
developers to understand and utilize.
3.3.5 Google Firebase
A platform called Firebase, developed by Google, provides a variety of tools
for building and growing mobile and online apps. since of the variety of tools
and services it offers, it is a popular choice for developers utilizing React
Native since it may facilitate development and save time to market. The
characteristics offered by the firebase in-built portion are listed in Figure 3.4
Fig. 3.4. List of firebase features
Key details regarding Firebase for Flutter applications is provided below:
To store and sync data instantly, a possible solution is to use Firebase
Realtime Database, a cloud-hosted database. It provides a NoSQL
database, allowing for easy-to-manage information in a flexible,
scalable way[3, 4]. The Firebase Realtime Database may be used to
construct applications that respond instantly to data changes,
enhancing their interactivity and user attractiveness.
Using Google Authentication is a quick and simple way to add
authentication to our application. Social media, phone, email,
passwords, and other methods of authentication are supported[6]. With
Firebase Identification, you can develop secure apps that request user
authentication and authorization.In this project, the sole type of
authentication we're focusing on is phone number verification. OTP is
generated and sent to the provided cellphone number. For additional
security, this OTP has a configurable life duration.
Large-format user-generated content, such as pictures and videos, may
be conveniently saved and served using Firebase cloud-based storage.
It enables both local and distant storage, enabling material access from
any place on the planet. Firebase Cloud Storage integrates with
additional Firebase services like Oauth and Dynamic Database to
provide a comprehensive storage service for your Flutter application.
FCM (Firebase cloud messaging) is another capability offered by
Google Firebase. The stable and scalable Firebase cloud-based
messaging platform enables message delivery to clients on Android,
iOS, and the web. It makes it simple to provide timely and pertinent
communications to individuals by providing a number of features,
such as targeting, preparation, and statistical analysis. As a result of its
ease of use, scalability, and compatibility with other Google services,
it is a well-liked choice among developers who utilize Flutter
FCM is well utilized in this application to generate notifications from admin
end to all the users.
3.3.6 Workmanager
Flutter's WorkManager module for processing background tasks facilitates the
execution of tasks that are left for a later time, asynchronous processes. To
enable the creation of cross-platform apps, it was first launched as a
component of the Android Jetpack and then incorporated into Flutter. Three
different task kinds are available in WorkManager: one-off, recurring, and
chained. Chained tasks are a series of activities that are carried out one after
the other, whereas one-time tasks are ones that are carried out just once.
Periodic tasks are those that are carried out at regular intervals.
Numerous capabilities offered by WorkManager assure the dependability and
effectiveness of background work. To guarantee that activities are only run
when device circumstances are ideal, developers can establish task restrictions
such as connection availability or device charging status, or check whether
required storage is available or not. To avoid overloading the device and to
save battery life, WorkManager also provides task throttling. In order to
guarantee that the tasks are rescheduled and carried out as planned, it also
handles edge circumstances like device reboots and application upgrades and
automatically retries unsuccessful tasks.
3.3.7 MQTT Client
IoT (Internet of Things) applications frequently employ the popular
lightweight messaging protocol MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport) [1,2,9]. Different MQTT client libraries are available in Flutter that
can be used to connect to MQTT brokers. For establishing connections with
MQTT brokers, subscribing to topics, and publishing messages, these libraries
offer simple-to-use APIs. The'mqtt_client' library is one of the well-liked
MQTT client libraries in Flutter, and offers a quick and efficient method to
interact with MQTT brokers. With the help of this library, programmers
quickly add MQTT capability to their Flutter apps and set up two-way
communication between such apps and IoT gadgets. Flutter's MQTT client
library is a useful tool for engineers like us, Since it enables us to create
Internet of Things (IoT) applications that can track and interact with
connected objects.
Fig. 3.5. MQTT client and MQTT broker [11]
Fig 3.5 shows how MQTT Broker notifies all the clients subscribed to a topic
whenever any of the Mqtt clients publish something
The MqttClient class from the mqtt_client package must be used in order to
connect to the MQTT broker when creating a MQTT chat application in
Flutter. It is therefore required to subscribe to the chosen subjects because this
will allow for easier message-exchange. The publishMessage function may
be used to send messages, and the MqttClient class has a callback function for
receiving messages that runs whenever a new message is received. When
publishing messages, it's critical to take the quality of service (QoS) level into
account because it affects how dependable the messages will be delivered.
The chat application can also get an extra degree of protection by integrating a
user authentication system.
Chapter - 4
Experiments and Result Analysis
Firstly we initialised our Flutter project inside a desired folder, There are
several modules and pages in this project starting from the Welcome Screen
we have and many, numerous screens or "views" that collectively make up
your application's user interface are typical. Each screen serves as an
individual component of your mobile application and may have various
features and functionalities. Table 4.1 shows the list of screens given below.
S. No.
Screen Title
Screen Purpose
Splash Screen
To introduce user to the application
within 2 seconds of delay.
Home Screen
If the user is not logged in then allow
him to either SignIn or if user has not
created a account yet then to SignUp
Sign Up Page
Similar functionality as to SignIn with
a bit of difference
My Code Page
Prompts user to enter the OTP/code
received, which on validation if was
for signUp then the tokens generated
are updated in the database
Sign Up Profile Page
If User has SignUp he is walked
through 2 more pages where he is
asked to fill profile details like image,
name to be displayed along with a
Selected Language
After updating the profile details user
is asked for desired language in which
user wants to receive message in.
Dashboard Page
This is the main screen where user can
reach and navigate to start chatting
with desired person, or update his
profile, view call logs, view status of
others, etc
Home Page
From where user can redirect to status
or see the chats by redirecting to Chats
Room Page
Chat Room Page
Depending upon the type of chat
whether it is a group or not, chats are
Group page
Where user create a group or select a
new contact to chat with.
Call Log Page
Here user is redirected to different
page where he can see all the call logs
wich are fetched from storage
Person Page
This is the screen where user can
update his profile or change his
language preference.
Table 4.1 - Different screens and their purpose.
Fig. 4.1. Sign in page and route to sign up
Fig 4.1 shows how the application’s Login and Registration screen will look
like. Functionality of the login screen is ,it gives the user an option to register
or an existing user to sign-in to their respective accounts. The Function of
Register screen is, if the user is not registered (new user), he has to enter a
mobile number to get himself registered. This is generating a One Time
Password sending through Amazon CIAM and sending this to the users
phone to authenticate the user. The same step is being applied to both, first
time registering people as well as already registered accounts.
Fig. 4.2. Dashboard screen
Fig 4.2 shows The Dashboard Screen and a "TabBar View" that appears at the
bottom of the screen that allows user of the application to navigate and browse
through different functions, as listed in Table 4.1. This gives us an animation
for a specific view. This "Tabbar View" will become visible when a user
scrolls up with an animation of fadeIn. It also offers simplest way to navigate
that we have utilize to improve our application's efficiency, usability, and
Fig. 4.3. Chats after translation
Fig 4.3 shows the text after it gets translate, and the features offered like
showing the last seen, status of the message either seen, delivered or still in
network somewhere, message not sent, etc.
Fig 4.4 shows the Person Page which allows user to edit the information
regarding him like photo, name, status, choose different language, etc. And
also ensures smooth logout
Fig. 4.4. Edit profile page
Figure 4.5 represents the file structure of te report, there we followed MVC
architecture. The API folder consists of all the api calls that have been used,
we used bloc state manager for managing different states like language,
country, user details, etc. Then the Controller folder consists of all the related
to controller part of architecture like establishing a means to communicate
between models and views. Then the entire database which was stored using
Room database is contained inside the database directory file path. Then the
models structure is kept classified. The UI of the screen is contained inside the
pages folder. The constant, colors, theme, widgets, etc and rest of the the
constants are contained in the base directory of lib.
Fig. 4.5. Structure of files
Fig. 4.6. To check whether the user is logging in first time or not
Figure 4.6 shows how we check whether the user is logging in first time or
not. To do so we utilized shared preferences if token exists then we return the
token else we just return null.
Figure 4.7 shows the Blocs structure that we used one is the repository one
which contains all the api calls repository, then there is CountryBloc and
messageBloc class which implements BlocBase, messageBloc consist a
method responsible to add a message.
Fig. 4.7. Bloc structure used
Figure 4.8 shows different dependencies that we used shared_preferneces,
device_preview, pin_code_fields, pinput, fluttertoast, path, rxdart, mqtt_client,
provider, contact_services, permission_handler, sqflite, path_provider,
flt_worker, event_bus, badges, syncronized, date_format, duration,
random_string, firebase_messaging, firebase_core, firebase_auth,
flutter_local_notification, clipboard_manager, stop_watch_timer, record_mp3,
flutter_sound, speech_to_text, flutter_webrtc, image_picker, janus_client,
awesome_notifications, share, flutter_ringtone_player, giffy_dialog,
android_alarm_manager, etc
Fig. 4.8. Dependencies added inside pubspec.yaml file
Figure 4.9 shows how we redirected from page splashscreen to dasboard page,
we used Navigator.pushReplacement that can move between several screens
or parts in a Flutter project by using the pushReplacement technique offered
by the Flutter framework.
A stack of screens called the "navigation stack" may be managed using a set
of methods provided by the Navigator class, which is a component of the
Flutter framework. Users may advance and rewind through the app's displays
by using the navigation stack, which keeps track of the sequence in which the
app's screens are shown.
By replacing the existing screen with a fresh one, the push replacement
technique is used to bring a new screen into the navigation stack. When you
wish to move to another screen while deleting the previous screen from the
stack, this is helpful.
Fig. 4.9. Navigating from splash screen to dashboard
Figure 4.10 shows the permission that are being requested from android users,
to do so we carried out changes in AndroidManifest.xml inside
Android/app/src/main. We added uses-permission android:name tags inside
manifest tag. Some permission that we requested are READ_CONTACTS,
Fig. 4.10. Permission requested from android users
To do the same for ios devices (to request for permission that are being
required by application) we need to carry out changes both in Info.plist file as
well as Podfile. Figure 4.11 shows changes that are required to be carried out
in ios/Runner/Info.plist and Figure 4.12 shows changes that are required to be
carried out in ios/Podfile. In info.plist file we have to add different key value
pairs like this =>
<string>This app will use your Speech Recognition</string>
Similarly we have to do some changes in Podfile to uncomment the lines after
the description one and change its value to 1. While doing this one has to be
careful with the indentation too.
## dart:
Fig. 4.11. Request for permissions in the info.plist file
Fig. 4.12. Changes that have to be done in podfile
Chapter - 5
5.1 Conclusion
The best degree of full-stack application development involves addressing
several issues that aren't noticeable in applications that are identical to this
one. As it would be offering one to one chat, a group chat option, Uploading
status, and many other services offered by current top programs.
The exact point of differentiation is chats get translated into the desired
language chosen by the user, for an example lets say someone types Hello,
my name is Mikhail Gorbachev he would send it like привет, меня
зовут михаил горбачев in his language. Now for a person who like the
way of thinking of this russian man and wants to interact more with him, he
can communicate to him in his own language લો, મા નામ િમખાઇલ
ગોબાચેવ this the message that a Gujrati men talking to him will appear.
And Now this can be either one to one communication or a group chat. No
more language Barrier while communicating.
This application was integrated with the backend and we are able to get and
fetch the responses from there, every response, rejection and error was
handled in such a way that it didn’t slow down the application. In this report,
we've addressed the main components and functionality of this Messenger
5.2 Future Scope
This project has the potential to be scaled to become more intricate, and we
can give the program more features. The following is a list of the functions
that may be added to our application to improve its effectiveness and user
Currently we are working on Calling services like video call and voice
call, etc. it will soon be incorporated in te project
There are some bug fixes that are to be done like recording not
successful when done for more than 1 minute, UI layouts of chats to
be converted to be more user friendly.
More languages can be supported in future.
A feature of reply on messages is also being incorporated.
More login options, currently users of this application can only sign-in
using a phone number, but in future we will integrate email login with
phone number, so that the user can have more options to sign-in. Only
if thats feasible with the current application.
Apart from this optimisation can always be done. To improve the
resource utilization of users device.
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