Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services ii
Air Traffic Organization (ATO)
o AJR - System Operations
AJR-G Performance Analysis
AJR-B Flight Service
o AJI - Safety and Technical Training Services
AJI-3 Policy and Performance
o AJM – Program Management Organization
AJM-33 Aviation Weather & Aero Services
o AJT – Air Traffic Services
o AJV – Mission Support Services
AJV-A370 US NOTAM Operations Team
o AOC – Office of Communications
o ABP-230 – Data Analysis and Reporting Services Branch
o APO – Aviation Policy & Plans
o AST – Office of Commercial Space Transportation
o AVS – Aviation Safety
Database Name Owned/Managed by
Aviation System Performance Metrics (ASPM)
Operations Systems Network (OPSNET)
AJR-G (archive), AJM and AJW
National Traffic Management Log (NTML)
AJR-G (archive), AJM and AJW
Traffic Flight Management System (TFMS)
AJR-G (archive), AJM and AJW
National Offload Program (NOP)
AJR-G (archive) and AIT
U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics
Runway Incursion Data
BTS T-100 Market and Segment Data Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services iii
FAA Contributors to ATO By the Numbers ............................................................................................................................. ii
Data Sources ........................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. ...................................................... iii
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ v
Air Traffic Organization Leadership ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Section 1. FAA Air Traffic Management System Overview for FY2023 .................................................................................. 2
Class B Airspaces (Airspace around Busiest US Airports) ................................................................................................... 3
Air Traffic Controllers .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Pilot Certificates .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Commercial Flight and Available Seat Mile (ASM) Trends .................................................................................................. 6
Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) and Visual Flight Rule (VFR)* Flights across the NAS ............................................................. 7
Section 2. Demand and Efficiency in the NAS ........................................................................................................................ 8
Core 30 Airport Operations ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Stand-Alone Terminal Radar Control (TRACON) Facilities ................................................................................................ 10
Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) and Combined Control Facilities (CCF) .......................................................... 11
Number of IFR Flights at Any Given Minute during Peak Operational Times ................................................................... 12
Average Hourly Capacity (Called Rate) at Core 30 Airports ..................................................................... ......................... 13
Average Daily Capacity (ADC) - Based on Called Rates at Core 30 Airports ..................................................................... 14
Section 3. NAS Delay, Diversions, Go-Arounds, and Cancellations .............................................................. ........................ 15
Counts of NAS Delay at Core 30 Airports ....................................................................................... ................................... 16
Delays by Category ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Diversions at Core 30 Airports .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Go-Arounds at Core 30 Airports ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Cancellations at Core 30 Airports ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Section 4. Traffic Management Initiatives ........................................................................................................................... 21
Ground Delay Programs at Core 30 Airports .................................................................................................................... 22
Ground Stops at Core 30 Airports ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Airspace Flow Programs by Center ................................................................................................................................... 24
Holdings by Center ............................................................................................................
................................................ 25
Section 5. Safety Metrics ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Runway Incursions at Core 30 Airports ............................................................................................................................. 27
Incursions by Type at Core 30 Airports, FY2023 ............................................................................................................... 28
Loss of Standard Separation Count, by Center ................................................................................................................. 29
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services iv
Section 6. Other ATO Topics ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Flight Service Stations ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
FAA Flight Services ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
Commercial Space Launch Activity ................................................................................................................................... 33
U.S. Spaceports ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix I. Facility Codes .................................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix II. Other FAA Airport Lists .................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix III. Historical Airport and Center Operations ....................................................................................................... 38
Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services v
Air Traffic By the Numbers, or the ATO Fact Book, is a source book containing annual U.S. airport and air traffic control
operations and performance data from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It also includes information on air
passenger travelers, runway incursions, commercial space launch activity, the economic impact of aviation, and so on.
The ATO Fact Book, first published by the Office of Performance Analysis, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) of the FAA in
2017, is updated annually, with data now current up until FY2023. This document represents the eighth edition of Air
Traffic By the Numbers.
The storyline behind this year’s Fact Book is the ongoing recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic on
air traffic. This impact, which began during FY2020 (specifically, March 2020) and continues through FY2023, is waning
as air traffic continues to return to pre-pandemic levels.
The format of this edition is unchanged from last year. Section 1 includes some overall aviation-related statistics. NAS
demand and efficiency measures appear in Section 2. Delay, diversion, go-around, and cancellation information follow
in Section 3. Section 4 includes the latest data on various traffic management initiatives (TMI). Updated safety metric
results are reported in Section 5. Other ATO Topics of interest, such as flight service and commercial space, are available
in Section 6. The ATO Fact Book also includes historical annual airport tower and center operations for 1946-2023
(Appendix III).
Below are brief selected results for FY2023.
Core 30 airport operations rose by 3.8 percent, to 12.2 million; operations handled by stand-alone TRACONS rose by
1.8 percent, to 19.2 million, while operations handled by centers rose by 2.1 percent, to 42.3 million (Section 2).
Airport, TRACON, and center operations were higher before the pandemic, at 13.2 million, 20.3 million, and 43.7
million, respectively.
IFR flights in the U.S. rose by 1.8 percent, to 15.7 million (Section 1). Before the pandemic, IFR flights numbered
16.4 million in FY2019.
The number of passengers flown by air carriers increased by 13.9 percent, to 1,044.8 million (or about 1 billion) in
FY2023 (Section 1). This is slightly below the pre-pandemic level of 1,057.6 million passengers in FY2019.
The number of air traffic controllers increased by 1.2 percent, to 13,853 (in Section 1).
The number of pilot certificates increased by 6.6 percent in CY2023 to 806,939; and remote (or drone) pilot
certificates increased by 21.2 percent, to 368,633 (Section 1).
This publication benefited from the contributions of many offices and individuals throughout the Air Traffic Organization
and the Federal Aviation Administration. As always, we thank everyone who participated in this effort.
System Events and Analysis Group (AJR-G3)
Office of Performance Analysis
System Operations Services
Air Traffic Organization
Federal Aviation Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
May 2024
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 1
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 2
ATO Program and Financing
Operations Budget Estimate (in $billions) (FY2023)
Flights Handled 15,712,724
Scheduled 9,278,293
Unscheduled 6,434,431
Airspace (in millions of sq mi) 29.4
Oceanic 24.1
Domestic 5.3
Airports 19,623
Public Use Airports 5,165
Private Use Airports 14,458
Federal Air Traffic Control Facilities 1/ 313
Stand-Alone ATC Tower Facilities 142
Stand-Alone TRACON Facilities 25
Combined ATC Tower/TRACON Facilities 2/ 121
Centers and Combined Control Facilities 25
CCFs 4
Contract Air Traffic Control Towers 3/ 262
NAVAIDS 12,799
Alaska Weather Cameras 238
Controllers 13,853
GA Aircraft (CY2022) 209,540
Fixed Wing 164,567
Rotorcraft 9,769
Experimental/Lightcraft/Other 35,204
GA Flight Hours (CY2022) 26,953,000
1/ These facility counts are consistent with page 13 of the 2023 FAA Air Traffic Controller Workforce Plan
( For FY2023, stand-alone towers rose from 139 to 142 and combined
TRACONs fell from 124 to 121 as three combined TRACONs were consolidated into two other existing TRACONs.
2/ Combined ATC towers and TRACONs are located within the same building.
3/ Includes two new contract towers introduced during FY2023.
ATO Program and Financing: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Budget Estimates: FY2024, Federal Aviation Administration, Exhibit II-2.
Flights Handled: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), December 15,
2023; Innovata, Flight Schedule Database, accessed April 1, 2024.
Airspace: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G).
Airports and NAVAIDS: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Airport Safety, Airport Data and Information Portal
(ADIP), March 29, 2024.; Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic
Organization, Technical Operations (AJW), Monthly NAS Operational Facilities Inventory, October 1, 2023.
ATC Towers, TRACONs, and En Route Centers & CCFs: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Air Traffic Services
Alaska Weather Cameras: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Aviation Weather & Aeronautical Services (AJM-
33), FAA Aviation Weather Cameras, accessed January 30, 2024.
Controllers: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Finance and Management, Data Analysis and Reporting Services Branch (ABP-
230), Air Traffic Controller and Academy Movement Report - September FY2023, September 29, 2023.
GA Aircraft and GA Flight Hours: Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Safety (AVS), General Aviation and Part 135 Activity
Surveys – CY2022, Tables 1.1 and 1.3, January 8, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 3
Note: Airspaces accurately represented for coverage area
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 4
As of the end of FY2023, the FAA air traffic controller total was 13,853, an increase from 13,693 at the end of FY2022.
FY2022 FY2023
Academy Graduate (AG) 643 762
Developmental (D1) 207 144
Developmental (D2) 596 477
Developmental (D3) 451 487
Certified Professional (CPC) 10,578 10,593
Certified Professional in training (CPCIT) 943 985
Controllers 13,418 13,448
Academy 275 405
Total Head Count 13,693 13,853
Among Core 30 airports, Philadelphia (PHL), Miami (MIA), and Charlotte (CLT) reported large headcounts because these are
combined ATCT TRACONs. PHL had the highest net gain of controllers at 11, while Fort Lauderdale (FLL) and Washington Dulles
(IAD) had the highest net losses at 4. (See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport and Center codes.)
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Finance and Management, Data Analysis and Reporting Services Branch (ABP-230), Air
Traffic Controller and Academy Movement Report - September FY2023, September 29, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 5
The table below shows the number of pilot certificates held by age group (upper panel below) and by year (lower panel). The
upper panel illustrates that student, commercial, and remote (or drone) pilots tend to be younger, while airline transport
pilots tend to be older. The lower panel informs us that the number of total active pilot certificates held in the U.S. increased
by 6.6 percent, from 756,927 in CY2022 to 806,939 in CY2023, mainly due to an increase in student pilot certificates from
280,582 to 316,470. Further, the number of remote pilot certifications (which began in August 2016) increased by 21.2
percent, from 304,256 in 2021 to 368,633 in 2023. (Note, the pilot total does not include flight instructors and remote pilots.)
Estimated Active Pilot Certificates Held by Category and Age Group of Holder,
as of December 31, 2023
Type of Pilot Certificates
Pilot 2/
By Age
Total Student Sport
Total 806,939 316,470 7,144 72 180,233 122,282 180,738 131,577 368,633
14-15 820 820 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16-19 34,049 25,915 8 2 7,513 611 0 214 6,146
20-24 88,348 47,689 55 1 22,074 16,584 1,945 10,061 22,527
25-29 100,033 55,336 139 1 15,906 19,045 9,606 15,292 45,026
30-34 91,183 50,706 237 5 13,967 12,937 13,331 13,488 52,460
35-39 81,434 38,204 316 2 14,049 10,836 18,027 14,228 52,022
40-44 71,879 28,240 372 1 13,297 8,964 21,005 13,927 45,357
45-49 57,904 19,275 396 4 11,084 6,835 20,310 11,521 36,328
50-54 58,429 15,208 486 5 12,666 7,203 22,861 11,565 32,762
55-59 58,875 12,030 777 4 13,920 7,360 24,784 10,642 26,214
60-64 57,140 9,657 964 11 16,229 7,768 22,511 9,520 21,238
65-69 44,130 6,535 1,133 12 16,347 7,636 12,467 8,123 14,887
70-74 29,963 3,820 999 11 12,077 6,563 6,493 5,983 8,447
75-79 19,618 2,016 717 9 7,005 5,497 4,374 4,386 3,814
80 & over 13,134 1,019 545 4 4,099 4,443 3,024 2,627 1,405
By Year
590,038 122,729 5,482 191 186,786 116,291 158,559 102,628 N/Ap
584,361 128,501 5,889 178 174,517 112,056 163,220 104,382 20,362
609,306 149,121 6,097 157 174,516 114,186 165,228 106,692 69,166
633,316 167,804 6,246 147 175,771 115,776 167,572 108,564 106,321
664,563 197,665 6,467 130 173,080 116,572 170,649 113,445 160,302
2020 691,689 222,629 6,643 107 172,945 119,245 170,120 117,558 206,322
2021 720,603 250,197 6,801 86 173,606 119,827 170,086 121,270 254,587
2022 756,927 280,582 6,957 80 176,328 119,832 173,148 125,075 304,256
806,939 316,470 7,144 72 180,233 122,282 180,738 131,577 368,633
1/ Includes pilots with an airplane and/or a helicopter and/or a glider and/or a gyroplane certificate. Pilots with multiple
ratings are reported under highest rating. For example a pilot with a private helicopter and commercial airplane certificates
are reported in the commercial category.
2/ Not included in total active pilots.
N/Ap Not applicable.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Aviation Policy and Plans (APO), U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics, 2023, Table 12, March
12, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 6
Commercial air passenger travel continues to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus far, the
pandemic affected travel numbers from FY2020 through FY2023 (graph and first table below). From FY2022 to FY2023,
the number of scheduled commercial flights rose by 4 percent to 10.2 million (graph) and the number of passengers rose
by 13.9 percent to over one billion (table). Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) and available seat miles (ASMs) also
increased, by 24.1 and 17.6 percent, to 1.49 and 1.79 trillion, respectively (first table). Therefore, load factor, the
percentage of available seat miles flown by paying commercial passengers rose (from 78.72 to 83.06 percent). The table
below shows passenger numbers for the five most recent fiscal years.
The second table shows the economic impact of civil aviation during the first year of the pandemic, in terms of jobs,
earnings, and overall impact in dollar and percentage terms. The impact fell from 4.9 percent in CY2019 to 2.3 percent
in CY2020, the first year of the pandemic. (Estimates for more recent years are not yet available.)
Source: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, T100 Segment Data, April 5, 2024.
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Yearly Passengers
1,057,645,399 576,945,674 590,356,608 917,515,405 1,044,764,461
Average Daily Passengers
2,897,659 1,576,354 1,617,415 2,513,741 2,862,368
Revenue Passenger Miles (trillions)
1.57 0.78 0.66 1.20 1.49
Available Seat Miles (trillions)
1.88 1.13 1.04 1.52 1.79
Passenger Load Factor (%)
83.36% 69.05% 63.84% 78.72% 83.06%
Economic Impact of Civil Aviation
CY2019* CY2020*
Aviation in US generates # jobs 10,393,000 4,931,000
Earnings of (billions) $541.10 $259.10
Aviation contributes annually (trillions) $1.92 $0.91
Constitutes % of GDP 4.9% 2.3%
*Estimates for more recent years are not yet available.
Passenger Statistics: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, T100 Segment Data, April 5, 2024.
Economic Impact of Civil Aviation: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Aviation Policy and Plans, Forecast and Performance
Analysis Division (APO-100), Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy, August 2022.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 7
InstrumentFlightRule(IFR)and VisualFlight Rule(VFR)*FlightsacrosstheNAS
By FAA Order, Air Traffic By the Numbers, published by the Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), is the official source
of IFR flights counts.** During FY2023, the number of IFR flights was 15,712,724. AJR-G data show the number of IFR
flights rose by 1.8 percent, and the number of VFR flights rose by 4.7 percent to 14.1 million. (During FY2019, prior to
the COVID pandemic, IFR and VFR flights numbered 16.4 million and 12.9 million, respectively.)
*Note: Total VFR activity is approximated as airport arrival plus departure operations, divided by 2; plus VFR overflights. Editions of the
ATO Fact Book prior to April 2023 did not include VFR overflights.
**FAA Order JO 7200.24, “Authority to Define and Report Operational Metrics”; effective December 26, 2018.
Total numbers of fiscal year annual IFR and VFR flights also appear in the table below.
Year IFR Flights VFR Flights
FY2005 18,645,898 14,489,723
FY2006 18,066,360 14,043,414
FY2007 17,970,314 14,121,870
FY2008 17,908,487 13,831,268
FY2009 16,428,893 13,314,949
FY2010 16,522,406 12,678,715
FY2011 15,992,536 12,433,620
FY2012 15,760,241 12,693,012
FY2013 15,576,396 12,504,343
FY2014 15,546,452 12,425,953
FY2015 15,782,675 12,265,462
FY2016 15,724,478 12,203,468
FY2017 15,800,679 12,104,334
FY2018 16,122,488 12,507,815
FY2019 16,416,056 12,887,828
FY2020 12,270,055 11,864,718
FY2021 13,028,643 12,882,339
FY2022 15,436,595 13,439,378
FY2023 15,712,724 14,066,291
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), February 28, 2024 (for
IFR), December 15, 2023 (for VFR).
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 8
The NAS is composed of 521 airport towers (263 Federal and 262 contract towers), 146 terminal radar control
(TRACON) facilities (25 stand-alone and 121 combined ATCT), and 25 control centers (21 air route traffic
control centers (ARTCC) and 4 combined control facilities (CCF)).
TRACONs handle descending flights received from a center or ascending flights received from an ATC tower
(see figure below). Of the 146 TRACONs in the NAS, 121 of them are combined such that the TRACON exists in
the same location as the ATC tower. Such facilities include the Miami, Charlotte, and El Paso towers.
Centers handle all en route flights operating on Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) flight plans. Centers receive flights
from or hand off flights to other centers throughout the flight’s en route phase of operation. They also receive
flights or hand off flights to TRACONs when flights enter or exit the en route phase of operation.
This report reveals the demand observed at some of the busiest facilities, represented by the Core 30 airport
towers, the 25 stand-alone TRACONs, and all 25 centers (which include 4 CCFs). Efficiency is also reported
based on the following metrics:
Number of Flights at Any Given Minute
Average Hourly Capacity
Average Daily Capacity
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 9
Airport operations are the sum of the number of airport arrivals and departures. Airport traffic controllers handle such
operations. Each flight has a departure and arrival, meaning each flight roughly consists of two airport operations. In FY2023,
Core 30 airport operation numbers rose by 3.8 percent, from 11.8 million in FY2022 to 12.2 million (table below). During the
three years before the pandemic (FY2017-FY2019), Core 30 airport operations averaged 13 million; therefore, operations
remain below this pre-pandemic level. (Among all airports operating FAA towers, operations rose by 3.2 percent, to 37.3
million. Among all 523 Federal towers (including 260 contract towers), operations rose by 3.7 percent, to 54.5 million.)
Also shown below are airport operations for each Core 30 airport. In FY2023, Atlanta (ATL), Chicago O’Hare (ORD), and Dallas-
Fort Worth (DFW) had the highest number of operations; operations rose at ATL and DFW by 5.3 and 1.9 percent but fell at
ORD by 1.4 percent. Operations returned to pre-pandemic levels at ten airports (DFW, Denver (DEN), Las Vegas (LAS), JFK,
Miami (MIA), Phoenix (PHX), Orlando (MCO), Honolulu (HNL), Washington National (DCA), and Tampa (TPA).) (See, Appendix I
for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Total Core 30 Airport Operations
FY17-19Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
Airport Rank* FY17-19Avg FY22 FY23 Airport Rank* FY17-19Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 1 892,531 724,226 762,526 LAX 6 701,467 564,083 565,995
BOS 15 418,820 371,622 399,843 LGA 17 369,527 342,587 364,561
BWI 26 262,185 218,649 231,933 MCO 14 348,469 358,854 402,248
CLT 7 556,837 506,290 518,205 MDW 27 243,601 208,805 229,425
DCA 21 297,834 286,580 301,002 MEM 30 225,764 216,521 212,023
DEN 4 602,692 613,679 647,440 MIA 9 414,830 459,270 455,361
DFW 3 674,069 663,426 675,807 MSP 20 410,011 315,152 316,496
DTW 24 394,476 292,174 285,448 ORD 2 889,128 727,018 716,920
EWR 11 446,791 403,583 433,363 PHL 23 378,600 288,474 291,642
FLL 22 322,202 285,994 297,197 PHX 10 433,000 419,532 442,858
HNL 18 314,595 311,135 324,429 SAN 29 218,941 201,184 218,538
IAD 25 301,318 279,429 281,198 SEA 12 431,030 397,095 416,651
IAH 13 462,986 409,248 415,518 SFO 16 462,422 346,585 376,900
JFK 8 458,526 433,538 479,050 SLC 19 334,366 328,920 317,158
LAS 5 543,391 570,513 603,015 TPA 28 203,632 214,305 223,709
*Ranked by FY23 operations.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations
Network (OPSNET), November 17, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 10
StandAloneTerminalRadarControl(TRACON )Facilities
TRACON operations are IFR and VFR itinerant operations passed to and from area airports, other TRACONs, or centers,
including overflights through TRACON airspace. In FY2023, among the 25 stand-alone TRACONs, operations rose by 1.8
percent to 19.2 million. Before the pandemic (FY2017-FY2019), stand-alone operations averaged 19.9 million, meaning
operations remain below pre-pandemic levels (table below). Among the 124 combined TRACONs, operations numbered 18.7
million in FY2023 (not shown below). Across all 146 TRACONs (stand-alone, plus combined), operations rose by 0.8 percent,
from 37.7 to 38.0 million in FY2023. Before the pandemic, operations averaged 38.5 million (not shown below).
Below are operation counts for each of the 25 stand-alone TRACONs for the pandemic years FY2022 and FY2023 and the pre-
pandemic annual average (FY2017-FY2019). In FY2023, Southern California (SCT) New York (N90), and Northern California
(NCT) had the highest number of operations with more than 1.4 million each. At 11 of the 25 TRACONs, operations recovered
to FY2017-FY2019 pre-pandemic levels (graph and table below). (See, Appendix I for explanations of the TRACON facility
Total Stand-Alone TRACON Operations
FY17-19 Avg
Avg FY22 FY23
Avg FY22 FY23
A11 19 275,585 302,421 308,176
NCT 3 1,674,540 1,489,120 1,492,119
A80 7 1,213,101 1,067,921 1,093,853
P31 22 300,023 274,095 275,554
A90 10 750,414 771,789 777,434
P50 12 708,956 683,380 695,344
C90 6 1,277,423 1,091,896 1,098,161
P80 21 329,709 273,620 285,697
D01 8 885,750 900,930 936,779
PCT 4 1,400,750 1,343,486 1,370,604
D10 5 1,247,768 1,295,129 1,311,316
R90 23 209,962 223,383 220,698
D21 16 530,295 449,916 436,755
S46 14 615,142 594,336 618,816
F11 11 730,043 677,008 765,784
S56 15 457,064 474,131 472,467
I90 9 951,472 904,424 902,679
SCT 1 2,230,827 2,173,998 2,119,849
L30 13 602,603 646,219 679,238
T75 18 316,870 289,442 358,540
M03 20 301,072 298,687 294,867
U90 24 193,273 202,936 203,960
M98 17 526,313 436,649 434,505
Y90 25 201,964 189,501 184,402
N90 2 1,953,783 1,838,109 1,903,319
*Ranked by FY2023 operations.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations Network
(OPSNET), November 20, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 11
Air route traffic control centers (ARTCC) or en route operations are the number of IFR and VFR itinerant operations passing
from a TRACON to a center, or from one center to another center, or from a center to a TRACON. It includes U.S. overflights
and oceanic traffic through center air space that do not arrive at or depart from U.S. territory. In FY2023, en route operation
numbers for the 21 ARTCC and 4 CCFs (combined control facilities) rose by 2.1 percent, from 41.4 to 42.3 million; however,
operations have yet to recover to the FY2017-FY2019 pre-pandemic average levels of 44.1 million (table below).
Also shown below are operation counts for FY2022 and FY2023 and the pre-pandemic averages for FY2017-FY2019 by center.
In FY2023, the Atlanta (ZTL), Miami (ZMA), and Jacksonville (ZJX) centers reported the highest number of operations among
the centers, each with more than 2.4 million. Center operations for Miami, Jacksonville, Los Angeles (ZLA), Denver (ZDV),
Albuquerque (ZAB), Salt Lake City (ZLC), Honolulu (HCF), have recovered to pre-pandemic levels (graph and table below). (See,
Appendix I for explanations of the ARTCC and CCF codes.)
Total ARTCC & CCF Operations
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
44,147,204 41,436,609 42,312,939 2.1%
FY23 Center Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23
HCF 22 466,374 459,957 476,934
ZLA 6 2,282,499 2,247,809 2,313,101
JCF 24 87,067 218,089 188,922
ZLC 18 1,471,415 1,454,448 1,492,549
ZAB 16 1,609,158 1,665,476 1,710,409
ZMA 2 2,424,266 2,440,120 2,499,387
ZAN 21 611,191 571,677 570,946
ZME 9 2,162,893 2,135,332 2,151,988
ZAU 10 2,421,304 2,054,628 2,053,984
ZMP 14 1,983,224 1,759,386 1,770,122
ZBW 19 1,574,246 1,369,330 1,484,095
ZNY 4 2,637,886 2,266,267 2,382,714
ZDC 5 2,509,288 2,285,412 2,351,499
ZOA 17 1,802,700 1,613,370 1,672,262
ZDV 13 1,874,490 1,878,702 1,934,737
ZOB 11 2,389,671 1,955,286 2,008,714
ZFW 8 2,301,123 2,207,777 2,231,636
ZSE 20 1,246,442 1,128,896 1,137,088
ZHU 7 2,271,141 2,228,825 2,243,556
ZSU 23 315,178 290,086 290,882
ZID 12 2,092,253 1,967,633 2,002,184
ZTL 1 3,092,693 2,878,068 2,908,171
ZJX 3 2,452,192 2,492,247 2,494,032
ZUA 25 268,149 128,608 183,216
ZKC 15 1,800,362 1,739,180 1,759,811
*Ranked by FY2023 operations.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations
Network (OPSNET), November 21, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 12
5,000 Flights
Traffic flow management system (TFMS) flight data were used to determine the number of flights en route
every minute of the day and by U.S. time zone on July 20, 2023. Peak operational times in the NAS range
between 1500 GMT and 2200 GMT. During peak operational times in the NAS on that day, there were over
5,400 IFR flights en route in the NAS every minute.
The figure below shows the average number of flights en route per minute and flights under air traffic control
by time zone. The Eastern Time zone has the largest share of flights in the NAS on average and, in this
analysis, also includes flights under air traffic control from Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The Pacific Time Zone
category includes all west coast air traffic as well as oceanic operations controlled by Oakland center (ZOA),
including Hawaii and Guam.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), April 9, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 13
In general, airport capacity is determined by its runways and surrounding airspace. For this report, capacity is represented by
an airport’s called rates for reportable hours. In FY2023, average hourly capacity across all Core 30 airports was 3,612. Note,
airport capacity is not determined by circumstances such as the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic capacity averaged 3,643
operations per hour (table below).
In FY2023, the highest average hourly called rates were at Atlanta (ATL) and Chicago O’Hare (ORD). Each had an average called
rate of over 200 operations per hour. The largest increases occurred at Salt Lake City (SLC) (up 2.8 percent) and Washington
Dulles (IAD) (up 2 percent). The largest decrease occurred at Honolulu (HNL) (down 23.6 percent) due to runway construction.
(See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
AHC Across All Core 30 Airports
FY17-19 Avg
*Ranked by FY2023 call rates.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Aviation System
Performance Metrics (ASPM), November 22, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 14
In general, airport capacity is determined by its runways and surrounding airspace. For the purposes of this report, capacity is
represented by the airport’s called rates for reportable hours. Average daily capacity (ADC) is the ATO’s official tracking
method for determining an airport’s capacity during a day. In FY2023, capacity across all Core 30 airports was 60,431 (table
below). Airport capacity is not determined by circumstances such as the pandemic.
In FY2023, data for the Core 30 airports show that the highest ADCs were found at Atlanta (ATL), Chicago (ORD), Dallas-Fort
Worth (DFW), Memphis (MEM), and Denver (DEN); each with an average of over 3,000 operations per day. Note, ADC is high
for Memphis (MEM) because all 24 hours are reportable there. A large decrease occurred at Honolulu (HNL) (due to runway
construction). (See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
ADC Across All Core 30 Airports
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
60,931 61,511 60,431 -1.8%
*Ranked by FY2023 daily capacity.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Aviation System
Performance Metrics (ASPM), November 22, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 15
Only flights departing from or arriving at their destination at least 15 minutes late are counted as a NAS
system delay. The charts that appear below are based on OPSNET numbers, ATO’s official source for delay
data. Many factors contribute to delay, with weather is the most frequently cited reason. Delay imposes
stress on the NAS, air traffic controllers, passengers, and the economy.
Diversions occur when a flight is rerouted to a different airport than its original destination. This usually
occurs due to convective weather. Other less frequent reasons for diversions are medical emergencies,
security, issues with the aircraft, or issues with passengers or crewmembers.
Go-Arounds occur when an aircraft is on approach to the runway but suddenly aborts the landing. This occurs
if there is a sudden shift in the wind, an obstruction on the runway, or possibly, the aircraft inadvertently
overshooting the runway. Go-arounds result in the aircraft returning to the landing queue to attempt another
Cancellations can occur for numerous reasons due to weather, extensive delays in the system, air carrier crew
or equipment issues, etc. Such reasons may not necessarily be under FAA’s control. Air carriers cancel their
own flights in response to these issues. Since the three-hour tarmac rule was imposed after 2010, more flights
have been cancelled. This increase in cancellations means reductions in the number of recorded delays.
During FY2020, the sudden decrease in the demand for air transportation due to the COVID-19 pandemic led
to flight cancellations by airlines.
Cancellations can occur for numerous reasons due to weather, extensive delays in the system, equipment
issues, etc. Air carriers cancel their own flights in response to these issues. Since the three-hour tarmac rule
was imposed after 2010, more flights have been cancelled. This increase in cancellations means reductions in
the number of recorded delays. During FY2020, the sudden decrease in the demand for air transportation due
to the COVID-19 pandemic led to flight cancellations by airlines.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 16
During FY2023, OPSNET data show that the number of Core 30 airport departure delays of at least 15 minutes rose
significantly, by 50.6 percent to 153,312 (table below). Since FY2017-FY2019, before the pandemic began, Core 30
airport departure delays fell by 45.6 percent from 281,899.
The graph and table below show, in FY2023, delays were highest at Las Vegas (LAS), LaGuardia (LGA), and Newark
(EWR), each with 13,000 or more delays. Together these three airports accounted for about 40 percent of all Core 30
airport delays. All but eight airports show decreases in delays since before the pandemic (LAS, Denver (DEN), Miami
(MIA), San Diego (SAN), Orlando (MCO), Honolulu (HNL), Tampa (TPA), and Chicago Midway (MDW)). (See, Appendix I
for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Core 30 Total Delay Counts
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
281,899 101,787 153,312 50.6%
Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 16 6,645 1,803 2,286 LAX 17 21,631 2,412 2,263
BOS 7 13,473 3,911 8,290 LGA 2 40,819 14,028 20,019
BWI 26 585 286 484 MCO 21 425 998 1,670
CLT 13 5,118 2,434 3,156 MDW 25 449 192 542
DCA 11 5,422 4,130 4,503 MEM 27 812 237 474
DEN 5 4,178 5,391 9,570 MIA 9 2,579 5,058 5,997
DFW 10 10,245 4,530 5,204 MSP 29 2,316 409 268
DTW 28 1,539 236 383 ORD 8 24,115 8,918 7,350
EWR 3 44,129 13,832 13,729 PHL 20 11,946 1,478 1,815
FLL 19 1,943 777 1,849 PHX 15 6,387 1,038 2,295
HNL 22 38 6 904 SAN 18 934 1,245 1,897
IAD 23 1,127 747 600 SEA 14 13,432 1,844 2,995
IAH 12 4,774 2,062 3,210 SFO 4 32,947 3,794 12,303
JFK 6 17,849 4,133 8,692 SLC 30 278 231 231
LAS 1 5,683 14,660 29,763 TPA 24 80 967 570
*Ranked by number of FY2023 delays.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations
Network (OPSNET), November 24, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 17
The two charts below show the sources of delays at Core 30 airports by type of delay.
Note: System impact delays are delays assigned to causal facilities in OPSNET and are composed of delays due to TMIs,
departure delays, and airborne delays. System impact delays are also the basis for delays by class and delays by cause in
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations
Network (OPSNET), December 18, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 18
DiversionsatCore30Airpo r ts
The airports reported below are the original intended destinations for the diverted aircraft. Increases in the number of diversions
can indicate capacity issues at the airport due to weather, construction, or volume. Over all Core 30 airports, the number of
diversions rose by 13.5 percent in FY2023; however, since before the start of the pandemic, Core 30 airport diversions fell by 18.7
percent from 17,779 (table below).
Airports with the highest increases in diversions were Orlando (MCO) (with 57.8 percent), Fort Lauderdale (FLL) (48.2 percent), and
Atlanta (ATL) (36.5 percent). Airports with the highest decreases were Memphis (MEM) (-12.4 percent), Honolulu (HNL) (-12.2
percent), and Seattle-Tacoma (SEA) (-11.8 percent). (See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Core 30 Total Diversions
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
17,779 12,737 14,451 13.5%
Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 10 1,025 419 572 LAX 15 445 426 467
BOS 13 454 437 492 LGA 5 876 661 735
BWI 26 331 222 273 MCO 7 552 443 699
CLT 12 778 481 508 MDW 18 574 343 398
DCA 16 507 365 415 MEM 20 603 410 359
DEN 2 902 679 895 MIA 4 628 595 771
DFW 1 1,404 881 904 MSP 28 493 228 216
DTW 29 344 138 170 ORD 6 1,359 729 717
EWR 8 874 727 647 PHL 25 439 248 274
FLL 3 562 570 845 PHX 17 492 447 400
HNL 30 85 131 115 SAN 27 311 200 269
IAD 21 415 368 327 SEA 24 369 314 277
IAH 11 819 460 566 SFO 23 336 221 295
JFK 13 618 369 492 SLC 22 374 298 324
LAS 9 488 524 646 TPA 19 325 403 383
*Ranked by number of FY2023 diversions.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Aviation System
Performance Metrics (ASPM), December 28, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 19
Go-arounds as a percent of arrival operations at each Core 30 airport (except Honolulu) appear below. In FY2023,
average go-arounds as a percent of arrivals across all Core 30 airports rose by 7.4 percent to about 0.39 percentage
point of arrivals (tables and graph below). This occurred mainly due to a large increase in go-arounds relative to a
smaller increase in arrival operations. (The estimates presented here are based on ASPM and CountOps data.) (See,
Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Core 30 Go Arounds As Percent of Arrivals
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
0.3% 0.36% 0.39% 7.4%
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% LGA 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
BOS 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% MCO 0.3% 0.5% 0.4%
BWI 0.4% 0.5% 0.4% MDW 0.4% 0.5% 0.4%
CLT 0.3% 0.4% 0.4% MEM 0.4% 0.4% 0.3%
DCA 0.6% 0.8% 0.8% MIA 0.4% 0.4% 0.5%
DEN 0.5% 0.6% 0.5% MSP 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
DFW 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% ORD 0.3% 0.4% 0.4%
DTW 0.4% 0.3% 0.4% PHL 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
EWR 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% PHX 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%
FLL 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% SAN 0.5% 0.3% 0.5%
IAD 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% SEA 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%
IAH 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% SFO 0.4% 0.4% 0.5%
JFK 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% SLC 0.4% 0.4% 0.3%
LAS 0.3% 0.3% 0.5% TPA 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%
LAX 0.3% 0.2% 0.2%
* Excludes Honolulu (HNL).
Sources: Go-arounds: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Aviation
System Performance Metrics (ASPM), December 29, 2023; Arrivals: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office
of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), CountOps, December 29, 2023.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 20
During FY2023, flight departure cancellations at Core 30 airports decreased by 27.2 percent, to 93,179 (table below).
Cancellations may be due to weather, system delays, equipment issues, or other reasons, such as the COVID pandemic.
The airports with the highest number of cancellations were the hubs of Denver (DEN), Chicago O’Hare (ORD), LaGuardia
(LGA), Newark (EWR), and Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), each with over 6,000
(table and graph below).
Together, cancellations
at these airports account for over 25 percent of all cancellations.
(See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport
Core 30 Total Cancellations
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
104,156 127,963 93,179 -27.2%
Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport Rank*
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 6 4,153 5,040 4,138 LAX 14 3,058 3,737 2,567
BOS 10 4,667 5,033 3,440 LGA 2 7,473 8,930 6,672
BWI 24 2,674 2,769 1,962 MCO 8 2,666 4,596 3,932
CLT 13 5,597 6,009 2,616 MDW 20 2,293 1,797 2,246
DCA 11 4,160 6,032 3,180 MEM 28 1,891 3,951 1,476
DEN 1 3,551 6,509 6,837 MIA 23 2,667 4,261 2,090
DFW 4 6,856 9,742 6,043 MSP 17 1,873 2,291 2,371
DTW 19 2,294 2,892 2,290 ORD 5 11,030 9,320 5,669
EWR 3 6,578 8,944 6,440 PHL 21 5,501 3,249 2,180
FLL 16 2,144 2,695 2,492 PHX 18 1,952 3,105 2,300
HNL 30 384 624 865 SAN 26 1,228 1,277 1,711
IAD 27 1,927 2,708 1,562 SEA 15 2,315 3,703 2,513
IAH 12 3,863 3,615 2,689 SFO 22 3,586 2,298 2,122
JFK 7 4,134 5,568 4,125 SLC 29 659 1,517 1,323
LAS 9 1,771 3,294 3,515 TPA 25 1,207 2,457 1,813
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Aviation
System Performance Metrics (ASPM), January 3, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 21
Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs) are programs and tools that ATC may use to manage air traffic.
These initiatives can take a number of forms, depending on the need and situation. Some TMIs are
used to manage excess demand or a lowered acceptance rate at a particular airport. Other TMIs are
used to manage traffic issues in the en route environment usually caused by convective weather. The
TMIs reported in this report include:
Ground Delay Programs (GDP)
Ground stops (GS)
Airspace Flow Programs (AFP)
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 22
A ground delay program (GDP) is a TMI where aircraft are delayed at their departure airport to reconcile demand with
capacity at their arrival airport. GDPs are airport-specific; therefore, each GDP is reported for a particular airport. During
FY2023, GDPs increased by 51.8 percent across all Core 30 airports, from 475 to 721. Before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), the
average number of GDPs was 1,190 (table below).
In FY2023, San Francisco (SFO), Newark (EWR), and LaGuardia (LGA) had the highest number of GDPs. Together, these three
airports accounted for over 39 percent of all GDPs at Core 30 airports. Since before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), GDPs rose at
nine Core 30 airports (LAS, DEN, FLL, CLT, MIA, MCO, MDW, TPA, and SLC (graph and table below)). (See, Appendix I for
explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Total Core 30 GDPs
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
1,190 475 721 51.8%
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 17 2 10 LAX 57 1 1
BOS 84 31 66 LGA 126 70 82
BWI 6 3 1 MCO 1 4 4
CLT 7 7 9 MDW 2 0 3
DCA 21 23 17 MEM 10 1 2
DEN 19 33 64 MIA 1 7 9
DFW 29 21 15 MSP 10 5 4
DTW 5 0 5 ORD 66 34 20
EWR 214 101 97 PHL 68 10 26
FLL 4 1 12 PHX 42 2 9
HNL 0 0 0 SAN 2 3 2
IAD 7 4 3 SEA 71 13 12
IAH 18 8 13 SFO 190 16 103
JFK 97 27 55 SLC 0 2 1
LAS 16 44 75 TPA 0 2 1
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations Network
(OPSNET), April 1, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 23
Ground stops are the most restrictive form of TMI because they hold all aircraft, within the scope of the ground stop, at their
departure airports until conditions at the destination airport allow for their arrival. Ground stops only affect arrivals to a specific
airport (not departures) and, like GDPs, are airport specific. During FY2023, the number of ground stops increased by 19.6 percent
across all Core 30 airports, from 1,388 to 1,660. Before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), the average number of ground stops was 1,716
(table below).
During FY2023, LaGuardia (LGA), Newark (EWR), and Denver (DEN) had the highest number of ground stops (graph and table below).
(See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.) Since before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), ground stops rose at
eighteen Core-30 airports.
Total Core 30 Ground Stops
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
1,716 1,388 1,660 19.6%
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 66 54 50 LAX 13 12 8
BOS 47 41 82 LGA 170 163 206
BWI 28 37 38 MCO 24 67 83
CLT 53 68 47 MDW 24 23 21
DCA 55 76 88 MEM 19 11 17
DEN 76 73 118 MIA 13 41 78
DFW 70 62 74 MSP 26 15 12
DTW 26 9 19 ORD 109 85 67
EWR 152 180 170 PHL 121 50 47
FLL 11 23 49 PHX 14 19 20
HNL 0 0 0 SAN 8 10 9
IAD 33 39 34 SEA 43 20 17
IAH 52 30 54 SFO 78 19 46
JFK 66 69 82 SLC 7 3 9
LAS 28 58 90 TPA 9 31 25
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations Network
(OPSNET), April 1, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 24
Imagine a line drawn in space in association with a constraint, usually convective weather. Under an airspace flow program,
any flights filed that crosses the line (usually only in one direction) are assigned an expected departure clearance time (EDCT)
by air traffic managers through the flow constrained area, to ensure that it arrives at the line, or “boundary,” at a time when it
can be accommodated. In FY2023, there were 177 airspace flow programs (AFP) imposed by air traffic managers versus 175 in
FY2022, an increase of 1.1 percent. The main reasons for the 177 AFPs in FY2023 were weather conditions and traffic volume.
Before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), the average number of AFPs was 140 (table below).
In FY2023, AFPs mainly affected Jacksonville (ZJX) and Miami (ZMA). Together, these centers accounted for 128 of the 177
AFPs. Since before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), the largest increase in AFPs occurred at Jacksonville (ZJX) (graph and table
below). (These estimates are based on National Traffic Management Log (NTML) data.) (See, Appendix I for explanations of
the ARTCC and CCF codes.)
* Data for CCF JCF are not available.
Total Centers Air Flow Programs
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
140 175 177 1.1%
Avg FY22 FY23 Center
Avg FY22 FY23
HCF 0 0 0 ZLA 8 0 0
ZAB 1 0 0 ZLC 0 0 0
ZAN 0 0 0 ZMA 24 40 61
ZAU 0 0 1 ZME 0 0 1
ZBW 0 0 1 ZMP 0 0 2
ZDC 27 14 9 ZNY 2 1 5
ZDV 3 5 8 ZOA 0 3 0
ZFW 0 0 1 ZOB 22 7 4
ZHU 27 5 15 ZSE 0 0 0
ZID 5 6 1 ZSU 0 0 0
ZJX 19 94 67 ZTL 0 0 0
ZKC 0 0 1 ZUA 0 0 0
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Technical Operations (AJW), National Traffic Management Log
(NTML), May 13, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 25
A holding occurs when an aircraft is deliberately delayed en route by flying in a repeating rotational pattern. They are
typically implemented when there is traffic congestion or convective weather at the destination airport or an adjacent
facility. During FY2023, there were 31,429 holdings, rising 26.7 percent from FY2022. Before the pandemic (FY2017-
2019), the average number of holdings was far higher at 37,166 (table below).
During FY2023, OPSNET data shows among Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC), the highest numbers of airborne
holdings occurred in Miami (ZMA), DC (ZDC), Denver (ZDV), Jacksonville (ZJX), and Fort Worth (ZFW) (graph and table
below). Holdings among these five centers accounted for over one-half of all holdings. (See, Appendix I for explanations
of the ARTCC and combined control facility (CCF) codes.)
* Data for CCF JCF are not available.
Total Center Flight Holdings
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
37,166 24,813 31,429 26.7%
Avg FY22 FY23 Center
Avg FY22 FY23
ZAB 611 404 472 ZLC 789 480 604
ZAN 146 0 159 ZMA 2,492 2,761 4,858
ZAU 2,270 1,188 1,332 ZME 619 424 545
ZBW 2,093 939 1,256 ZMP 1,122 173 280
ZDC 5,894 4,855 4,831 ZNY 3,330 1,453 1,448
ZDV 2,427 1,899 2,757 ZOA 912 253 469
ZFW 2,129 1,634 2,266 ZOB 2,409 1,503 1,919
ZHU 1,552 1,008 1,258 ZSE 482 297 160
ZID 846 611 863 ZTL 3,748 1,901 1,813
ZJX 1,738 1,894 2,457 ZSU 26 0 176
ZKC 553 325 323 HCF 36 0 53
ZLA 945 811 1,130 ZUA 0 0 0
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations
Network (OPSNET), January 8, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 26
The U.S. national airspace system is the safest air transportation system in the world. This report
presents metrics used to measure the safety of the NAS:
Runway Incursions
Incursions by Type
Loss of Standard Separation Count
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 27
RunwayIncursionsatCore30Airpor ts
A runway incursion is any occurrence involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a
surface designated for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. Across all Core 30 airports, the number of runway incursions rose from 299
in FY2022 to 362 in FY2023. Before the pandemic (FY2017-2019), the average annual number of runway incursions was higher, at
391 (table below).
In FY2023, the highest numbers of runway incursions occurred at Chicago Midway (MDW) and Honolulu (HNL). The number of
runway incursions exceeded pre-pandemic levels at ten airports, most notably at Chicago Midway (MDW) (graph and table below).
Incursions by airport and by type appear on the next page. (See, Appendix I for explanations of the Core 30 airport codes.)
Core 30 Total Runway Incursions
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
391 299 362 21.1%
Avg FY22 FY23 Airport
Avg FY22 FY23
ATL 18 16 14 LAX 28 13 20
BOS 27 30 21 LGA 8 5 7
BWI 6 4 6 MCO 2 5 1
CLT 19 6 5 MDW 14 28 30
DCA 13 14 21 MEM 5 7 11
DEN 11 9 5 MIA 15 8 12
DFW 14 13 21 MSP 18 7 11
DTW 11 7 10 ORD 27 20 24
EWR 10 14 6 PHL 17 1 8
FLL 7 4 4 PHX 6 9 9
HNL 21 13 29 SAN 4 1 5
IAD 6 4 2 SEA 13 4 7
IAH 9 6 9 SFO 25 13 25
JFK 7 4 11 SLC 10 9 15
LAS 16 18 11 TPA 3 7 2
*Honolulu is coded as HNL or HCF in the source data.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Safety and Technical Training, Office of Policy and Performance
(AJI-3), unpublished Airborne Loss Event data, March 7, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 28
Airport A B C D E Totals
0 0 5 9 0 14
0 2 11 8 0 21
0 1 4 1 0 6
0 0 2 3 0 5
0 0 9 12 0 21
0 0 4 1 0 5
0 0 10 11 0 21
0 0 3 7 0 10
0 0 4 2 0 6
0 0 3 1 0 4
0 0 23 6 0 29
0 0 2 0 0 2
0 0 5 4 0 9
0 1 4 6 0 11
0 0 6 5 0 11
0 0 12 8 0 20
0 0 6 1 0 7
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 9 21 0 30
0 1 1 9 0 11
0 0 7 5 0 12
0 0 7 4 0 11
0 0 6 18 0 24
0 0 2 6 0 8
0 0 4 5 0 9
1 0 3 1 0 5
0 0 6 1 0 7
0 3 14 8 0 25
0 0 10 5 0 15
0 0 0 2 0 2
Category A - A serious incident in which a collision was narrowly avoided.
Category B - An incident in which separation decreases and there is a significant potential for collision, which may result
in a time critical corrective/evasive response to avoid a collision.
Category C - An incident characterized by ample time and/or distance to avoid a collision.
Category D - An incident that meets the definition of a runway incursion such as incorrect presence of a single
vehicle/person/aircraft on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft
of aircraft but with no immediate safety consequences.
Category E - An incident in which insufficient or conflicting evidence of the event precludes assigning another category.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Safety and Technical Training, Office of Policy and
Performance (AJI-3), unpublished Airborne Loss Event data, March 7, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 29
Standard separation is a specified separation minima between airborne aircraft in controlled airspace. Breaches of such minima are
based on airborne loss event data. Losses of standard separation are reported by Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Across all
centers, the number of losses of standard separation rose from 961 in FY2022 to 1,026 in FY2023. Before the pandemic (FY2017-
2019), the average annual number of losses of standard separation was higher at 1,221 (table below). This means losses of standard
separation remain below pre-pandemic levels.
In FY2023, the centers with the highest losses of standard of separation were Atlanta (ZTL), Los Angeles (ZLA), and Jacksonville (ZJX).
The number of losses of standard of separation exceeded pre-pandemic levels at one center (Denver (ZDV)) and three CCF’s
(Honolulu (HCF)), Guam (ZUA), and San Juan (ZSU) (graph and table below). (See, Appendix I for explanations of the ARTCC and
combined control facilities (CCF).)
Total Losses of Standard Separation
FY17-19 Avg FY22 FY23 %Change
1,221 961 1,026 6.8%
Avg FY22 FY23 Center
Avg FY22 FY23
HCF 24 8 48 ZLA 104 78 92
JCF 2 7 6 ZLC 71 73 61
ZAB 57 62 57 ZMA 66 52 43
ZAN 13 10 7 ZME 48 42 47
ZAU 37 28 23 ZMP 18 8 5
ZBW 31 18 19 ZNY 50 14 27
ZDC 80 65 68 ZOA 60 32 44
ZDV 64 61 66 ZOB 32 26 26
ZFW 74 43 63 ZSE 28 26 26
ZHU 48 27 33 ZSU 14 1 7
ZID 59 47 39 ZTL 114 125 110
ZJX 91 81 83 ZUA 3 3 9
ZKC 33 24 17
Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization, Safety and Technical Training, Office of Policy and Performance
(AJI-3), unpublished Airborne Loss Event data, March 7, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 30
There are a variety of other aspects of the NAS which are of special interest. This report presents the
Flight Service Stations
Commercial Space Launch Activity
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 31
Flight services are delivered nationwide through certified professional controllers in Alaska and the contiguous
United States, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Services include preflight weather briefings, flight planning, inflight
advisory services, search and rescue (SAR), and processing notices to air missions (NOTAMs). Self-briefing and
other automated services are provided through an online web portal. Web services include interactive
graphical capabilities to view a wide range of weather and aeronautical information, flight planning, activating
and closing flight plans, and more. Pilots may also access automated voice services to receive current and
forecast conditions at specific airports, and receive updates for adverse conditions, including TFRs.
Flight Service also delivers the FAA Weather Camera Program. This program features an expanding network of
over 400 camera sites in Alaska, Colorado, and Montana (other sites, including Hawaii) and over 200 sites
hosted by NAV Canada, Canada's civil air navigation service provider. The weather cameras website provides
pilots with additional information for improved situational awareness and decision-making. On the website,
pilots can see current images at specific locations, compare the images to clear day views, or playback a loop
of past images to establish weather trends. The website also delivers a variety of safety of flight information
including adverse conditions, current and forecast conditions, pilot reports, and aeronautical information.
Cold Bay FSS (CDB)
Deadhorse FSS (SCC)
Dillingham FSS (DLG)
Fairbanks FSS (FAI)
Homer FSS (HOM)
Iliamna FSS (ILI)
Juneau FSS (JNU)
Kenai FSS (ENA)
Ketchikan FSS (KTN)
Kotzebue FSS (OTZ)
McGrath FSS (MCG)
Nome FSS (OME)
Northway FSS (ORT)
Palmer FSS (PA
Sitka FSS (SIT)
Talkeetna FSS (TKA)
Leidos FCFSS Fort Worth Hub (FTW)
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 32
FAA Facilities – Alaska Flight Service
Plans Filed
FY 2018 89,592 210,626 52,200 521,048 325,140 158,003 4,869
FY 2019 92,070 209,024 52,980 542,550 327,130 166,848 6,924
FY 2020 71,570 141,492 39,031 400,181 243,844 166,954 3,021
FY 2021 67,999 151,946 37,339 445,942 280,499 180,364 3,099
FY 2022 66,580 167,969 36,111 456,727 292,734 166,065 2,736
FY 2023 65,793 162,464 29,569 471,599 298,604 168,694 2,981
Federal Contract Flight Services
Plans Filed
Flight Data
FY 2018 797,746 462,207 1,255,510 286,392 178,110 216,249 9,337
FY 2019 747,731 387,694 1,158,005 257,701 166,546 200,192 9,728
FY 2020 541,004 195,635 782,145 175,361 121,118 179,612 13,195
FY 2021 483,675 168,094 660,369 186,628 125,186 190,118 33,769
FY 2022 422,210 156,629 564,291 179,414 118,296 184,105 33,313
FY 2023 397,290 128,408 525,776 131,373 115,174 166,416 33,604
Web Services/DUATs
Year Pilot Briefs* Flight Plans Filed
FY 2018 26,349,042 2,229,961
FY 2019 18,946,978 1,690,246
FY 2020 17,290,280 1,272,098
FY 2021 15,550,689 1,328,714
FY 2022 13,639,661 957,148
FY 2023 3,298,272 699,332
* Represents the number of hits to contract web services
including DUATs (DUATs decommissioned May, 2018).
United States NOTAM Office (USNOF)
Year Domestic International
FY 2018 1,569,386 874,091
FY 2019 1,670,499 969,951
FY 2020 1,474,047 873,025
FY 2021 1,620,681 953,125
FY 2022 1,644,074 993,139
FY 2023 1,503,507 896,112
Sources: FAA, Air Traffic Organization, Flight Service (AJR-B), Email communication, March 11, 2024; FAA, Air Traffic Organization,
U.S. NOTAM Office (AJV-A370), Calculations based on email communication, February 13, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 33
During CY2023, the FAA licensed 117 U.S. orbital commercial space launches. These launches were carried out
by the following companies: SpaceX, 94 launches; Rocket Lab, 10 (7 of which from New Zealand); Virgin
Galactic, 6; Blue Origin, 1; Orbital, 1 (part of Northrup Grumman Innovation Systems as of 2018); Firefly, 1;
United Launch Alliance, 1; ABL Space Systems, 1; Relativity Space Inc., 1; and Virgin Orbit, 1. A graph showing
annual numbers of commercial launches, by company, appears below.
Note: A commercial launch is a launch that is internationally competed (i.e., available in principle to international launch
providers) or whose primary payload is commercial in nature. FAA-licensed launches carrying captive government (NASA
and DOD) or industry payloads are counted here. Data for 2018-2023 include launch failures and successes, and
subspace and suborbital launches.
Sources: Federal Aviation Administration, Commercial Space Transportation (AST), The Annual Compendium of
Commercial Space Transportation, various years; FAA, Commercial Space Transportation (AST), Launches, as of January
3, 2023.; U.S. Dept. of
Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics, Table 1-39, January 17, 2019.
U.S. commercial space launches are carried out from FAA-licensed spaceports located throughout the country.
As of February 4, 2024, there were 14 active FAA-licensed commercial spaceports. For a map of these
locations, and to learn more about U.S. spaceports, please consult the FAA Office of Spaceports web page at:
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 34
Core 30 Airports
(Source: System Data and Infrastructure Group, Office of Performance Analysis, Systems Operations Services, Air
Traffic Organization, FAA (AJR-G2).)
Code Airport Code Airport
ATL Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International LAX Los Angeles International
BOS Boston Logan International LGA New York LaGuardia
BWI Baltimore/Washington International MCO Orlando International
CLT Charlotte Douglas International MDW Chicago Midway
DCA Ronald Reagan Washington National MEM Memphis International
DEN Denver International MIA Miami International
DFW Dallas-Fort Worth International MSP Minneapolis/St. Paul International
DTW Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County ORD Chicago O`Hare International
EWR Newark Liberty International PHL Philadelphia International
FLL Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International
HNL Honolulu International SAN San Diego International
IAD Washington Dulles International SEA Seattle/Tacoma International
IAH George Bush Houston Intercontinental SFO San Francisco International
JFK New York John F. Kennedy International SLC Salt Lake City International
LAS Las Vegas McCarran International TPA Tampa International
Stand-Alone Terminal Radar Control (TRACON) Facilities*
A11 Anchorage TRACON
NCT Northern California TRACON
A80 Atlanta TRACON
P31 Pensacola TRACON
A90 Boston TRACON
P50 Phoenix TRACON
C90 Chicago TRACON
P80 Portland TRACON
D01 Denver TRACON
D10 Dallas-Fort Worth TRACON
R90 Omaha TRACON
D21 Detroit TRACON
S46 Seattle TRACON
F11 Central Florida TRACON
S56 Salt Lake City TRACON
I90 Houston TRACON
SCT Southern California TRACON
L30 Las Vegas TRACON
T75 St Louis TRACON
M03 Memphis TRACON
U90 Tucson TRACON
M98 Minneapolis TRACON
Y90 Yankee TRACON
N90 New York TRACON
*Cape Cod (K90) merged with Boston TRACON (A90); Meridian (NMM) is now a military, not a civilian TRACON.
Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) and Combined Control Facilities (CCF)
LocID Center LocID Center
HCF Honolulu Control Facility ZLA Los Angeles CA ARTCC
JCF Joshua Tree Control Facility ZLC Salt Lake City UT ARTCC
ZAU Chicago IL ARTCC ZMP Minneapolis MN ARTCC
ZBW Nashua NH ARTCC (Boston) ZNY New York NY ARTCC
ZHU Houston TX ARTCC ZSU San Juan PR Control Facility
ZID Indianapolis IN ARTCC ZTL Atlanta GA ARTCC
ZJX Jacksonville FL ARTCC ZUA Guam Control Facility
ZKC Kansas City KS ARTCC
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 35
In addition to the Core 30 airports, FAA also uses several other airport lists, including ASPM 77, OEP 35, and OPSNET 45 airports and 34
Select TRACONs.
ASPM 77 Airports
This is an FAA list of 77 airports, including the Core 30, OEP 35, and other airports. The ASPM (Aviation System Performance
Metrics) data includes flights to and from the 77 ASPM airports and all flights by ASPM carriers, as well as flights by those
carriers to international and domestic non-ASPM airports. (Source: System Data and Infrastructure Group, Office of
Performance Analysis, Systems Operations Services, Air Traffic Organization, FAA (AJR-G2).) (See, Appendix I for the list of Core
30 airports. For OEP 35 airports, see the OEP 35 airport list on the next page.)
Code Airport Code Airport
ABQ Albuquerque International Sunport
MEM Memphis International
ANC Ted Stevens Anchorage International MHT Manchester
ATL Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International MIA Miami International
AUS Austin-Bergstrom International MKE Milwaukee General Mitchell International
BDL Bradley International MSP Minneapolis/St. Paul International
BHM Birmingham International MSY Louis Armstrong New Orleans International
BNA Nashville International OAK Oakland International
BOS Boston Logan International OGG Kahului
BUF Buffalo Niagara International OMA Omaha Eppley Airfield
BUR Bob Hope (Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena) ONT Ontario International
BWI Baltimore/Washington International
ORD Chicago O’Hare International
CLE Cleveland Hopkins International
OXR Oxnard
CLT Charlotte Douglas International
PBI Palm Beach International
CVG Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International
PDX Portland International
DAL Dallas Love Field
PHL Philadelphia International
DAY Dayton International
PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International
DCA Ronald Reagan Washington National
PIT Pittsburgh International
DEN Denver International PSP Palm Springs International
DFW Dallas/Fort Worth International PVD Providence Francis Green State
DTW Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County RDU Raleigh/Durham International
EWR Newark Liberty International RFD Greater Rockford
FLL Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International RSW Southwest Florida International
GYY Gary Chicago International SAN San Diego International
HNL Honolulu International SAT San Antonio International
HOU Houston Hobby SDF Louisville International
HPN Westchester County SEA Seattle/Tacoma International
IAD Washington Dulles International SFO San Francisco International
IAH George Bush Houston Intercontinental SJC Norman Mineta San Jose International
IND Indianapolis International SJU San Juan Luis Munoz International
ISP Long Island Mac Arthur SLC Salt Lake City International
JAX Jacksonville International SMF Sacramento International Airport
JFK New York John F. Kennedy International SNA John Wayne Airport-Orange County
LAS Las Vegas McCarran International
STL Lambert Saint Louis International
LAX Los Angeles International
SWF Stewart International
LGA New York LaGuardia
TEB Teterboro
LGB Long Beach
TPA Tampa International
MCI Kansas City International
TUS Tucson International
MCO Orlando International
VNY Van Nuys
MDW Chicago Midway
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 36
OEP 35 Airports
This is an FAA list of 35 commercial U.S. airports with significant air traffic. These airports serve major metropolitan areas and
some also serve as hubs for airline operations. The OEP 35 (Operational Evolution Partnership) is made up of the Core 30, plus
five other airports. In 2005, this list was replaced by the Core 30 list. (Source: System Data and Infrastructure Group, Office of
Performance Analysis, Systems Operations Services, Air Traffic Organization, FAA (AJR-G2). (See, Appendix I for the list of Core 30 airports.)
Code Airport Code Airport
ATL Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International LGA New York LaGuardia
BOS Boston Logan International MCO Orlando International
BWI Baltimore/Washington International MDW Chicago Midway
CLE Cleveland Hopkins International MEM Memphis International
CLT Charlotte Douglas International MIA Miami International
CVG Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International MSP Minneapolis/St Paul International
DCA Ronald Reagan Washington National ORD Chicago O`Hare International
DEN Denver International PDX Portland International
DFW Dallas/Fort Worth International PHL Philadelphia International
DTW Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International
EWR Newark Liberty International PIT Pittsburgh International
FLL Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International SAN San Diego International
HNL Honolulu International SEA Seattle/Tacoma International
IAD Washington Dulles International SFO San Francisco International
IAH George Bush Houston Intercontinental SLC Salt Lake City International
JFK New York John F Kennedy International
STL Lambert Saint Louis International
LAS Las Vegas McCarran International TPA Tampa International
LAX Los Angeles International
OPSNET 45 Airports
The FAA list of OPSNET 45 airports appear below. In the late 1990s, these were airports that contributed to 75 percent of NAS
delays and that each had 500 or more operations per day. (Note, by FY2019, the number of OPSNET 45 airports with at least
500 operations per day fell to 36 airports.)
Code Airport Code Airport
ABQ Albuquerque International Sunport
MCO Orlando International
ATL Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International MDW Chicago Midway
BNA Nashville International MEM Memphis International
BOS Boston Logan International MIA Miami International
BWI Baltimore/Washington International MSP Minneapolis/St Paul International
CLE Cleveland Hopkins International MSY Louis Armstrong New Orleans International
CLT Charlotte Douglas International OAK Oakland International
CVG Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International ORD Chicago O`Hare International
DCA Ronald Reagan Washington National PBI Palm Beach International
DEN Denver International PDX Portland International
DFW Dallas/Fort Worth International PHL Philadelphia International
DTW Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International
EWR Newark Liberty International PIT Pittsburgh International
FLL Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International RDU Raleigh/Durham International
HOU Houston Hobby SAN San Diego International
IAD Washington Dulles International SEA Seattle/Tacoma International
IAH George Bush Houston Intercontinental SFO San Francisco International
IND Indianapolis International SJC Norman Mineta San Jose International
JFK New York John F Kennedy International SLC Salt Lake City International
LAS Las Vegas McCarran International STL Lambert Saint Louis International
LAX Los Angeles International TEB Teterboro
LGA New York LaGuardia TPA Tampa International
MCI Kansas City International
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 37
34 Select TRACONs
The 34 Select are the TRACONs support the OPSNET 45 airports. (See, above for the list of OPSNET 45 airports.) (Source:
System Data and Infrastructure Group, Office of Performance Analysis, Systems Operations Services, Air Traffic Organization,
A80 Atlanta TRACON
MEM Memphis International
A90 Boston TRACON MIA Miami International
ABQ Albuquerque International MSY New Orleans International/Moisant
BNA Nashville International N90 New York TRACON
C90 Chicago TRACON (Elgin) NCT Northern California TRACON
CLE Cleveland Hopkins International P50 Phoenix TRACON
CLT Charlotte/Douglas International P80 Portland TRACON
CVG Covington/Cincinnati International PBI Palm Beach International
D01 Denver TRACON PCT Potomac TRACON
D10 Dallas/Ft Worth TRACON PHL Philadelphia International
D21 Detroit TRACON PIT Pittsburgh International
I90 Houston TRACON RDU Raleigh Durham International
IND Indianapolis International S46 Seattle/Tacoma TRACON
L30 Las Vegas TRACON S56 Salt Lake City TRACON
M98 Minneapolis TRACON SCT Southern California TRACON
MCI Kansas City International T75 St Louis TRACON
MCO Orlando International TPA Tampa International
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 38
Airport Operations
A graph displaying historical annual airport control tower operations data for 1946-2023 appear below. Included are calendar year data
for 1946-1976 and fiscal year data for 1977-2023. Airport towers consist of FAA facilities, not including contract towers, and represent
the number of arrivals and departures from the airport at which the airport traffic control tower is located. (Data for 1946-1990 were
originally published in the CAA Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation and the successor publication FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation.
Data for 1991 onward come from the FAA OPSNET database.)
In FY2023, airport operations amounted to 37.3 million, rising by 3.2 percent, from 36.1 million in FY2022 (below). Such operations
peaked 43 years earlier, in FY1979, at 69 million. (The decrease since the FY1979 peak was mainly due a decrease in general aviation
(GA) operations, which fell from 51.7 million in FY1979 to 15.6 million in FY2023 (not shown below)).
Sources: 1946-1963: Civil Aeronautics Administration, CAA Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation, various; 1964-1990: Federal Aviation
Administration, FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, various; 1991-present: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization,
Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations Network (OPSNET), April 19, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 39
Center Operations
Historical annual center operations for 1957-2023 are shown below. Included are calendar year data for 1957-1976 and fiscal year data
for 1977-2023. In contrast to airport operations, center operations consist of the number of operations passing to and from a TRACON
to a center, or from one center to another center, or from a center to a TRACON, and also includes U.S. overflights and oceanic traffic
through center air space that do not arrive at or depart from U.S. territory. (Data up to 1990 were originally published in the CAA
Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation and the FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation. Data for 1991 onward come from the FAA OPSNET
In FY2023, there were 42.3 million center operations, rising by 2.1 percent from 41.4 million in FY2022. The peak occurred in FY2005, at
47.5 million. (The decrease over FY2005 - FY2023 was mainly due to a fall in center air taxi operations, which fell from 10.9 million in
FY2005 to 5.6 million in FY2023 (not shown below)).
The histories of airport and center operations also differ because in the past, airport operations largely consisted of GA flights. Such
operations were mainly local and did not cross into center airspace; therefore, the large decrease in GA operations did not lead to a
large decrease in center operations. In contrast, center GA operations, which numbered 8.8 million in FY1979, fell to about 6.5 million in
FY2023 (not shown below). (In addition, note that GA aircraft tend to be smaller and carry fewer passengers over shorter distances and
time periods than other user classes such as commercial air carriers.)
Sources: 1957-1963: Civil Aeronautics Administration, CAA Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation, various; 1964-1990: Federal Aviation
Administration, FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, various; 1991-present: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization,
Office of Performance Analysis (AJR-G), Operations Network (OPSNET), April 19, 2024.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 40
34 Select
The 34 Select are the TRACONs support the OPSNET 45 airports. (See, Appendix II for the lists of 34 Select
TRACONs and OPSNET 45 airports.)
AAR See, Airport Arrival Rate (AAR).
ADC See, Average Daily Capacity (ADC).
ADR See, Airport Departure Rate (ADR).
AFP See, Airspace Flow Programs (AFP).
Airport Arrival
Rate (AAR)
The number of arriving aircraft which an airport or airspace can accept from an ARTCC per hour.
Airport Departure
Rate (ADR)
The number of aircraft that can depart an airport and the airspace can accept per hour.
See, Operations.
Airspace Flow
Programs (AFP)
Airspace flow programs (AFPs) manage demand-capacity imbalances through the issuance of estimated
departure clearance times (EDCT) to flights traversing a flow constrained area (FCA). An AFP might be used,
for example, to reduce the rate of flights through a center when that center has reduced en route capacity
due to severe weather, replacing mile-in-trail (MIT) restrictions for a required reroute, managing airport
arrival fix demand or controlling multiple airports within a terminal area.
Air Route Traffic
Control Center
A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within
controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and
controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. Also
known as en route or centers, there are 21 ARTCCs in the continental U.S. A list of the 21 ARTCCs appears in
Appendix I.
Air Traffic Control
A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.
Air Traffic Control
Tower (ATCT)
A terminal facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide ATC
services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. Authorizes aircraft to
land or takeoff at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace area regardless of
flight plan or weather conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide approach control services (radar or
Army Radar
Approach Control
An FAA air traffic control facility using radar and air/ground communications to provide approach control
services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. Service is
provided to both civilian and U.S. Army airports. Currently, the U.S. does not operate any ARACs.
See, Available Seat Miles (ASM).
ASPM See, Aviation System Performance Metrics (ASPM).
ASPM 77 Airports
The ASPM 77 is an FAA list of 77 airports, including the Core 30, OEP 35, and other airports. The ASPM
(Aviation System Performance Metrics) data includes flights to and from the 77 ASPM airports and all flights
by ASPM carriers, as well as flights by those carriers to international and domestic non-ASPM airports. (See,
Appendix II for the list of ASPM 77 airports.) (See, Appendix I for the list of Core 30 airports and Appendix II
for the list of OEP 35 airports.)
ATC See, Air Traffic Control.
ATCT See, Air Traffic Control Tower.
Available Seat
Miles (ASM)
The aircraft miles flown in each inter-airport segment, multiplied by the number of seats available for fare
paying passenger use on that segment. Available seat miles are computed by summation of the products of
the number of miles on each interairport segment, multiplied by the number of available seats on that
Average Daily
Capacity (ADC)
Average daily capacity is calculated as the sum of the airport departure rates (ADR) and the capacity airport
arrival rates (AAR), divided by the number of days in the period under consideration.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 41
Average Hourly
Capacity (Called
See, Called Rate.
Aviation System
Metrics (ASPM)
Aviation system performance metrics (ASPM) data includes flights to and from 77 ASPM airports (including
the Core 30 and OEP 35 airports) and all flights by ASPM carriers, as well as flights by those carriers to
international and domestic non-ASPM airports. All IFR and some VFR flights are included. View this data on
the OPSNET website.
ASPM flight records fall into two groupings: (1) Efficiency flights are intended to capture all traffic handled
by controllers at the ASPM airports and include flights with complete records and flights for which accurate
estimates are possible due to only a few pieces of missing data; and, (2) ASPM flights exclude general
aviation and military traffic, as well as local (non-itinerant) traffic and records for international flights
missing data on the non-U.S. portion of the flight.
ASPM contains key event times including actual, scheduled as well as the airline reported gate and runway
times. It also synthesizes key times from the traffic flow management system (TFMS) and flight level
information from the national traffic management log (NTML).
Called Rate
The hourly throughput that an airport’s runways are able to sustain during periods of high demand. Called
rates include all arrival and departure traffic that an airport can support. The called rate, or average hourly
capacity, is the sum of the average arrival rate (AAR) and the average departure rate (ADR).
The set of cancelled departures as determined by a combination of scheduled flights not flown and TFMS
flight plans that were cancelled and not re-filed for ASPM carriers and all other carriers reporting schedule
data; and ASQP flight cancellations.
CCF See, Combined Control Facility (CCF).
CAA See, Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA).
Also known as air route traffic control center (ARTCC) or en Route. See, Air Route Traffic Control Center
Center Operations See, Operations.
CERAP See, Combined En Route Radar Approach Control (CERAP).
Civil Aeronautics
According to the FAA:
To ensure a federal focus on aviation safety, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Civil Aeronautics
Act in 1938. The legislation established the independent Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA), with a three-
member Air Safety Board that would conduct accident investigations and recommend ways of
preventing accidents. . . . In 1940, President Roosevelt split the CAA into two agencies, the Civil
Aeronautics Administration, which went back to the Department of Commerce, and the Civil
Aeronautics Board (CAB). The offshoot of the original CAA retained responsibility for ATC, airman and
aircraft certification, safety enforcement, and airway development. . . .
On the eve of America's entry into World War II, for defense purposes, CAA extended its ATC system to
include operation of airport towers. In the postwar era, ATC became a permanent federal responsibility
at most airports.
The CAA became the Federal Aviation Agency in 1958 and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in
1967 (Federal Aviation Administration, A Brief History of the FAA.
Class B Airspaces
Generally, that airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation's busiest airports in
terms of IFR operations or passenger enplanements. The configuration of each Class B airspace area is
individually tailored and consists of a surface area and two or more layers (some Class B airspace areas
resemble upside-down wedding cakes), and is designed to contain all published instrument procedures once
an aircraft enters the airspace.
Combined ATCT
See, Terminal Radar Control Facility (TRACON).
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 42
Combined Control
Facility (CCF)
An air traffic control facility that provides approach control services for one or more airports as well as en
route air traffic control (center control) for a large area of airspace. Some may provide tower services along
with approach control and en route services. The U.S. has four CCFs. A list of the 4 CCFs appears in
Appendix I.
Combined En
Route Radar
Approach Control
An air traffic control facility that combines the functions of an ARTCC with a TRACON facility.
Universal Time
A 24-hour time standard that is the basis for world-wide civil time today. This standard is kept using highly
precise atomic clocks combined with the Earth’s rotation. Until 1972, Greenwich Mean Time (also known as
Zulu time) was the same as Universal Time (UT). Since then, GMT was no longer a time standard. FAA uses
UTC in all operational activities (FAA Order 7210.3). See also, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Zulu Time.
Core 30 Airports The 30 airports with the highest number of operations. A list of the Core 30 Airports appears in Appendix I.
Delays See, OPSNET Delays.
Gate return/air return and en route diversion are considered a diversion. However, a planned stop for fuel,
known before departure from the gate, where the flight has been dispatched to is not.
Direct User Access
Terminal Service
DUATS, or direct user access terminal service is a weather information and flight plan processing service
contracted by FAA for use by United States civil pilots and other authorized users. The DUAT Service is a
telephone- and Internet-based system which allows the pilot to use a personal computer for access to a
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) database to obtain weather and aeronautical information and to file,
amend, and cancel domestic IFR and VFR flight plans.
DUATS See, Direct User Access Terminal Service (DUATS).
EDCT See, Expected Departure Clearance Time (EDCT).
Enhanced Traffic
System (ETMS)
See, Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
En Route
Also known as Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) or, simply, Center. See, Air Route Traffic Control
Center (ARTCC).
En Route
See, Operations.
Clearance Time
The runway release time assigned to an aircraft in a traffic management program. See also, Ground Delay
Programs (GDP).
FAA See, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
FCA See, Flow Constrained Area (FCA).
Federal Aviation
The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 created the agency under the name Federal Aviation Agency. The name
Federal Aviation Administration was adopted in 1967 when it became a part of the newly created
Department of Transportation. The major roles of this agency include:
Regulating civil aviation to promote safety
Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology
Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft
Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics
Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil
Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation
Federal Aviation
The Federal Aviation Agency replaced the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) under the Federal Aviation
Act of 1958. In turn, the Federal Aviation Agency was replaced by the Federal Aviation Administration in
1967, which became a part of the newly created Department of Transportation.
Flight The period from the start of the takeoff roll to the first landing.
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 43
Flight Service
Station (FSS)
A flight service station (FSS) is an air traffic facility that provides information and services to aircraft pilots
before, during, and after flights, but unlike air traffic control (ATC), is not responsible for giving instructions
or clearances or providing separation.
Flow Constrained
Area (FCA)
A defined region of airspace, a time interval, or other characteristic used to identify flights subject to a
constraint. This constraint may be due to convective weather, military exercises, or other reasons.
FSS See, Flight Service Station (FSS).
GDP See, Ground Delay Programs (GDP).
GMT See, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Go Around A go around (sometimes called overshoot) is an aborted landing of an aircraft that is on final approach.
Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT)
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) originally referred to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in
Greenwich, England. As an astronomical time scale, it followed the irregular motion of Earth. The
modern term for this astronomical time is UT1. The term GMT is now more commonly used to refer to
the time zone at the prime meridian (0° longitude), in which case it is being used as a local
representation of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and not UT1. However, UTC is adjusted with leap
seconds to always be within less than one second of UT1, so either use of GMT can be considered
equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when fractions of a second are not important (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, “NIST Time Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): What is
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)?,” pml/time-and-frequency-division/nist-time-
FAA uses UTC in all operational activities (FAA Order 7210.3). See also, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or
Zulu Time.
Ground Delay
Programs (GDP)
Ground delay programs are implemented to control air traffic volume to airports where the projected traffic
demand is expected to exceed the airport's acceptance rate for a lengthy period of time. Lengthy periods of
demand exceeding acceptance rate are normally a result of the airport's acceptance rate being reduced for
some reason. The most common reason for a reduction in acceptance rate is adverse weather such as low
ceilings and visibility.
How it works:
Flights that are destined to the affected airport are issued expected departure clearance times (EDCT) at
their point of departure. Flights that have been issued EDCTs are not permitted to depart until their
expected departure clearance time. These EDCTs are calculated in such a way as to meter the rate that
traffic arrives at the affected airport; ensuring that demand is equal to acceptance rate. The length of delays
that result from the implementation of a ground delay program depends upon two factors: how much
greater than the acceptance rate the original demand was, and for what length of time the original demand
was expected to exceed the acceptance rate.
Ground Stops (GS)
Ground stops are implemented for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are:
To control air traffic volume to airports when the projected traffic demand is expected to exceed the
airport's acceptance rate for a short period of time.
To temporarily stop traffic allowing for the implementation of a longer-term solution, such as a ground
delay program.
The affected airport's acceptance rate has been reduced to zero.
How it works:
Flights that are destined to the affected airport are held at their departure point for the duration of the
ground stop.
Holding (or flying a hold) is a maneuver designed to delay an aircraft already in flight while keeping it within
a specified airspace.
IFR Flights
Instrument Flight Rules. A set of rules governing the conduct of flight under instrument meteorological
Air Traffic By the Numbers
FAA Air Traffic Organization
System Operations Services 44
Level-offs are tracked from the top-of-descent (TOD) point or 200 nautical miles (NM) from the airport,
whichever is closer. A trajectory segment is considered as a level-off if the change in altitude of position
reports is less than or equal to 200 feet and the segment is at least 50 seconds in duration. The metric is
calculated as the sum of the count of level-offs for each flight within a scope (i.e. non-military instrument
flight rules (IFR) operations arriving into Core 30 airports), divided by the total number of flights within the
scope. The metric is derived from flight position reports from the National Offload Program (NOP).
Load Factor
The summation of the number of revenue passenger miles (RPM), divided by the summation of the number
of available seat miles (ASM), on revenue paying commercial flights. This quotient is expressed as a
percentage. See also, available seat miles (ASM) and revenue passenger miles (RPM).
Loss of Separation
A defined loss of separation between airborne aircraft occurs whenever specified separation minima in
controlled airspace are breached. Minimum separation standards for airspace are specified by air traffic
service (ATS) authorities, based on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.
A specified distance between aircraft (in nautical miles), normally, in the same stratum associated with the
same destination or route of flight.
National Airspace
System (NAS)
The common network of U.S. airspace; air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing
areas; aeronautical charts, information and services; rules, regulations and procedures, technical
information, and manpower and material. This includes system components jointly shared with the military.
Notices to Airmen
See, Notices to Air Missions (NOTAM).
Notices to Air
A NOTAM is a notice containing information essential to personnel concerned with flight operations, but not
known far enough in advance to be publicized by other means. It states the abnormal status of a
component of the national airspace system (NAS) – not the normal status.
OEP 35 Airports
This is an FAA list of 35 commercial U.S. airports with significant air traffic. These airports serve major
metropolitan areas and some also serve as hubs for airline operations. The OEP 35 (Operational Evolution
Partnership) is made up of the Core 30, plus five other airports (Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Portland,
and St Louis). In 2005, this list was replaced by the Core 30 list. (Source: System Data and Infrastructure
Group, Office of Performance Analysis, Systems Operations Services, Air Traffic Organization, FAA (AJR-G2). (See, Appendix I for the list of Core 30 airports and
Appendix II for the list of OEP 35 airports.)
OPSNET is the official source of national airspace system (NAS) air traffic operations and delay data. This
data are used to analyze the performance of the FAA's air traffic control facilities. Reportable delay includes
information such as the constrained facility, the reason for delay (weather, equipment, runways, volume,
etc.), and the traffic management initiative (TMI) employed in delaying the aircraft.
Airport operations: The number of arrivals and departures from the airport at which the airport traffic
control tower is located.
Tower operations: Airport operations, plus airport tower overflights.
TRACON operations: The number of operations passed to and from area airports or centers, including
overflights through TRACON airspace.
En route or center operations: The number of operations passing to and from a TRACON to a center, or
from one center to another center, or from a center to a TRACON. It includes U.S. overflights and oceanic
traffic through center air space that do not arrive at or depart from U.S. territory.
The FAA list of OPSNET 45 airports appear below. In the late 1990s, these were 45 airports that contributed
to 75 percent of NAS delays and had 500 or more operations per day. (Note, by FY2019, the number of
OPSNET 45 airports with at least 500 operations per day fell to 36 airports.) (See, Appendix II for the list of
OPSNET 45 airports.)
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 45
Delays to instrument flight rules (IFR) traffic of 15 minutes or more, which result from the ATC system
detaining an aircraft at the gate, short of the runway, on the runway, on a taxiway, or in a holding
configuration anywhere en route, must be reported. The IFR controlling facility must ensure delay reports
are received and entered into OPSNET. These OPSNET delays are caused by the application of initiatives by
the traffic flow management (TFM) in response to weather conditions, increased traffic volume, runway
conditions, equipment outages, and other causes.
Below are descriptions of the categories of delay causes resulting in a reportable delay:
Weather: The presence of adverse weather conditions affecting operations. This includes wind, rain,
snow/ice, low cloud ceilings, low visibility, and tornado/ hurricane/thunderstorm.
Volume: Delays must only be reported as volume when the airport is in its optimum configuration and
no impacting conditions have been reported when the delays were incurred.
Runway/Taxiway: Reductions in facility capacity due to runway/taxiway closure or configuration
Equipment: An equipment failure or outage causing reduced capacity.
Other: All impacting conditions that are not otherwise attributed to weather, equipment,
runway/taxiway, or volume, such as airshow, aircraft emergency, bomb threat, external radio frequency
interference, military operations, nonradar procedures, etc.
Non-reportable delays are delays incurred by IFR traffic, but which should not be reported in OPSNET.
Terminal overflight: A terminal IFR flight that originates outside the TRACON’s/RAPCON’s/Radar ATCT’s
area and passes through the area without landing.
En route overflight: An en route IFR flight that originates outside the ARTCC’s area and passes through
the area without landing.
Radar Approach
Control (RAPCON)
An FAA air traffic control facility using radar and air/ground communications to provide approach control
services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. Service is
provided to both civilian and U.S. Air Force airports. Currently, the U.S. does not operate any RAPCONs.
Radar ATC Facility
An FAA air traffic control facility using radar and air/ground communications to provide approach control
services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. Service is
provided to both civilian and U.S. Navy airports. Currently, the U.S. does not operate any RATCFs.
RAPCON See, Radar Approach Control (RAPCON).
RATCF See, Radar ATC Facility (RATCF).
Passenger Miles
One revenue passenger (fare paying passenger) transported one mile. Revenue passenger miles are
computed by summation of the products of the revenue aircraft miles on each interairport segment,
multiplied by the number of revenue passengers carried on that segment.
A runway incursion is any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft,
vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
See, Terminal Radar Control Facility (TRACON).
Terminal Radar
Control Facility
An FAA air traffic control facility using radar and air/ground communications to provide approach control
services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. A TRACON located
in an air traffic control tower is a combined TRACON. A TRACON that does not share a facility is a stand-
alone TRACON. The U.S. has 146 civilian TRACONs. There are 121 TRACONs in shared facilities and 25
stand-alone TRACONs. A list of the 25 stand-alone TRACONs appears in Appendix I.
Top-of-Descent is the transition from the cruise phase of a flight to the descent phase, the point at which
the planned descent to final approach altitude is initiated.
Tower Operations See, Operations.
TRACON See, Terminal Radar Control Facility (TRACON).
See, Operations.
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System Operations Services 46
Traffic Flow
System (TFMS)
TFMS is a data exchange system for supporting the management and monitoring of national air traffic
flow. TFMS processes all available data sources such as flight plan messages, flight plan amendment
messages, and departure and arrival messages. TFMS is restricted to the subset of flights that fly under
instrument flight rules (IFR) and are captured by the FAA’s en-route computers. Formerly known as the
enhanced traffic management system (ETMS).
UTC See, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
VFR See, Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
VFR flights Flights operated under visual flight rules.
Visual Flight Rules
Visual flight rules are rules that govern the procedures for conducting flights under visual conditions. The
term "VFR" is also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are equal to or greater than
minimum VFR requirements. In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to indicate a type of flight plan.
Zulu Time
The military name for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). See also, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Universal
Coordinated Time or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Air Traffic By the Numbers
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System Operations Services 47
The Office of Performance Analysis is very grateful for the helpful contributions, comments, and guidance from:
Jonathan Corning, FAA
Kevin Hanson, FAA
Ed Jennings, FAA
Ashish Khatta, FAA
Josie Lee, FAA
Nadia Mosher, FAA
Julia Schutter, FAA
Kamala Shetty, FAA
Joel Truelove, FAA
Brian Verna, FAA
Gregory Yuhasz, FAA
For more information, please send inquiries to:
Randal Matsunaga
Economist, System Events and Analysis Group (AJR-G3)
Office of Performance Analysis