Student Academic Affairs Office
[email protected] | 217.333.2800 | 1310 South Sixth Street, Room 110 | Champaign, IL 61820
Name ________________________________ UIN__________________________ Date______________________
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Advising Checklist
A Gateways to Opportunities approved program
General Education
Professional Education Foundations
Professional Education Sequence
Composition I and Advanced Composition
RHET 101/100 & RHET 102/100 or
RHET 103 & RHET 104 or
RHET 105 or
CMN 111 & CMN 112 or
ESL 114 & ESL 115
Advanced Composition
Language other than English (LoTE)
3 years in high school or 3
level in one
Cultural Studies
For students entering PRIOR TO SUMMER 2018
Non-Western or US Minority
Western Comparative
For students entering SUMMER 2018 OR LATER
US Minority
Western Comparative
Natural Science & Technology (cannot
include courses from HORT, DANC, or UP)
Life Science
Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 103 strongly recommended
Quantitative Reasoning I
Quantitative Reasoning II
Humanities & the Arts
Humanities & the Arts
Social & Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 100 is a pre-req for EPSY 201
Social & Behavioral Sciences
EDUC 101 (1)
EPSY 201 (3)
EDUC 201 (3)
EDUC 202 (3)
CI 415 (3)
Pending final Illinois State Board
of Education (ISBE) approval.
Year I Fall (12-15)
SPED 450 (2)
CI 422 (3)
EPSY 401 (3)*
HDFS 301 (4)
EDPR 203 fee added
CI 465 (3)
Year I Spring (14-17)
CI 420 (5)
CI 466 (3)
CI 443 (3)
CI 424 (3)
EPSY 401 (3)*
Year II Fall (17)
CI 421 (3)
EDPR 420 (4)
SPED 414 (3)
SPED 465 (3)
ART 201 (2)
MUS 345 (2)
Year II Spring (15)
EDPR 432 (12)
CI 445 (3)
*Choose spring or fall
ISBE Social Science Rubrics
Must have at least one course in each of
these 4 rubrics:
Per ISBE policy, teacher candidates must
earn grades of C or higher in the following
The courses used to satisfy the social
science rubrics: ECON, GEOG, HIST, PS
Life Science
Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
All Professional Education Courses
Earth & Space Science Approved Courses
ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 121 The Solar System
ASTR 122 Stars and Galaxies
ASTR 150 Killer Skies: Astro-Disasters
ASTR 210 Introduction to Astrophysics
ATMS 100 Introduction to Meteorology
ATMS 120 Severe and Hazardous Weather
ATMS 140 Climate and Global Change
GEOG 103 Earth's Physical Systems
GEOL 100 Planet Earth
GEOL 103 Planet Earth QRII
GEOL 107 Physical Geology
GEOL 111 Emergence of Life
GEOL 117 The Oceans
GEOL 118 Natural Disasters
GEOL 143 History of Life
GEOL 208 History of the Earth System
* Cross listings are acceptable
Endorsements (optional)
Foreign language
Total Hours: 120 Required
____ hours complete/in progress
____ hours needed
[email protected] | 217.333.2800 | 1310 South Sixth Street, Room 110 | Champaign, IL 61820
Name ________________________________ UIN__________________________ Date______________________
ECE Advising Plan
For students
graduating after
Sept. 1, 2019
Spring 20____
Summer 20____
Total hours: _____
Spring 20____
Summer 20____
Total hours: _____
Spring 20____
Summer 20____
CI 420 (5) Found of Early Childhood Educ
CI 466 (3) Lang Literacy in EC Educ II
CI 443 (3) Math in Early Childhood
CI 424 (3) Child Development &
Total hours: _____
Spring 20____
Summer 20____
EDPR 432 (12) Ed Prac in EC & ELED
CI 445 (3) Science and Social Studies
Total hours: 15
Content Test must be passed before student
teaching; EdTPA before licensure