Elementary & Early Childhood Education
Associate of Science in Teaching (A.S.T.) to Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Final Year at Your Community College
Apply to Middle Tennessee State University (www.mtsu.edu/applynow/)
Visit www.mtsu.edu/how-to-apply/deadlines.php to learn of important Dates & Deadlines for Guaranteed
Scholarships. Contact your assigned Transfer Recruiter for Guaranteed Scholarship deadlines
Make sure that you meet the Admission to Teacher Education Program Requirements for Middle
Tennessee State University.
o Satisfactory Test Scores
ACT score of 21 or higher,
SAT score of 1080 or higher, or
Passing Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test scores
Reading 156
Writing 162
Mathematics 150
o Inclusive GPA (all transfer grades and all MTSU grades) of 2.750
o Grades of B or higher on introductory education courses
Note: While not related to admission to the Teacher Education Program, MTSU does require a grade of C or higher in
MATH 1410 and MATH 1420 for degree requirements.
Last Semester at Your Community College
Complete your A.S.T. degree.
Once admitted to MTSU, register for new student orientation (Transfer CUSTOMS).
o You will receive mail and email announcements regarding CUSTOMS, but you can visit
www.mtsu.edu/customs to learn more.
Before submitting your application to the Teacher Education Program, schedule your appointment for
fingerprinting and background check. Visit www.mtsu.edu/education/admission.php#ATE_Forms for
specific instructions on how to schedule your appointment.
When you receive your Associate of Science in Teaching (A.S.T.) diploma, apply to the Teacher
Education Program.
o Visit www.mtsu.edu/education/admission.pho to apply. Scroll down to the section titled Apply for
Admission to Teacher Education Program (ATE) and click on the blue Elementary Education or
Early Childhood Education button.
o Log in using your MTSU credentials.
o Classification: Undergraduate/AST Degree Transfer
o Teaching Endorsement Area: Elementary Grades K-5
o You will need to show proof of Satisfactory Test Scores (ACT, SAT, or Praxis Core Academic
Skills for Educators)
o You will need to scan and attach the following documents (Scans must be saved as a PDF. Photos
of documents will not be accepted. Visit Walker Library if you need assistance with scanning and
Your A.S.T. diploma
Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights Form
First Semester taking MTSU Courses
Purchase LiveText Field Experience Management. Visit www.mtsu.edu/education/livetext.php. You may
purchase LiveText through the LiveText by Watermark website or from MTSU Phillips Bookstore.
Meet with your Faculty Mentor to discuss Praxis Exams for State Teaching Licensure. Visit
www.ets.org/praxis/tn/requirements/ to view Tennessee Assessment Requirements.
Second Semester taking MTSU Courses
Apply for Residency 1.
o If you are planning on entering Residency 1 during the spring semester, the deadline is September
o If you are planning on entering Residency 1 during the fall semester, the deadline is January 30
o Visit www.mtsu.edu/education/residency-1.php to learn more about Residency 1
Meet with your Academic Advisor to complete your Graduation Review
o You will be required to submit a signed copy of your Upper Division form (you received your Upper
Division form during Transfer CUSTOMS or the first time you met with your academic advisor) and
your Intent to Graduate form. The Intent to Graduate form can be found here:
o If you need a new copy of your Upper Division form, visit www.mtsu.edu/cebsadv/forms.php
Third Semester taking MTSU Courses
Apply for Residency 2.
o If you are planning on entering Residency 1 during the spring semester, the deadline is September
o If you are planning on entering Residency 1 during the fall semester, the deadline is January 30
o Visit www.mtsu.edu/education/residency-2.php to learn more about Residency 2.
Complete necessary Praxis II exams.
Last Semester taking MTSU Courses
Complete edTPA with a passing score.