Jan. 16 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2017
Over the course of these 8 years, I’ve seen
the goodness, the resilience, and the hope of
the American people. I’ve seen neighbors look-
ing out for each other as we rescued our econ-
omy from the worst crisis of our lifetimes. I’ve
hugged cancer survivors who finally know the
security of affordable health care. I’ve seen
communities like Joplin rebuild from disaster
and cities like Boston show the world that no
terrorist will ever break the American spirit.
I’ve seen the hopeful faces of young gradu-
ates and our newest military officers. I’ve
mourned with grieving families searching for
answers, and I found grace in a Charleston
church. I’ve seen our scientists help a para-
lyzed man regain his sense of touch and our
wounded warriors walk again. I’ve seen our
doctors and volunteers rebuild after earth-
quakes and stop pandemics in their tracks. I’ve
learned from students who are building robots
and curing diseases and who will change the
world in ways we can’t even imagine. I’ve seen
the youngest of children remind us of our obli-
gations to care for our refugees, to work in
peace, and above all, to look out for each other.
That’s what’s possible when we come to-
gether in the slow, hard, sometimes frustrat-
ing, but always vital work of self-government.
But we can’t take our democracy for granted.
All of us, regardless of party, should throw our-
selves into the work of citizenship. Not just
when there’s an election, not just when our
own narrow interest is at stake, but over the
full span of a lifetime. If you’re tired of arguing
with strangers on the Internet, try to talk with
one in real life. If something needs fixing, lace
up your shoes and do some organizing. If
you’re disappointed by your elected officials,
then grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and
run for office yourself.
Our success depends on our participation,
regardless of which way the pendulum of pow-
er swings. It falls on each of us to be guardians
of our democracy, to embrace the joyous task
we’ve been given to continually try to improve
this great Nation of ours. Because for all our
outward differences, we all share the same
proud title: citizen.
It has been the honor of my life to serve you
as President. Eight years later, I am even more
optimistic about our country’s promise. And I
look forward to working along your side, as a
citizen, for all my days that remain.
Thanks, everybody. God bless you, and God
bless the United States of America.
OTE: The address was recorded at approxi-
mately 2:45 p.m. on January 13 in the Oval Of-
fice at the White House for broadcast on Janu-
ary 14. In the address, the President referred
to Dunbar, PA, resident Nathan Copeland, a
patient at the University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center in Pittsburgh, PA. The transcript was
made available by the Office of the Press Sec-
retary on January 13, but was embargoed for
release until 6 a.m. on January 14.
Remarks Honoring the 2016 World Series Champion Chicago Cubs
January 16, 2017
The President. They said this day would nev-
er come. [Laughter] Here is something none
of my predecessors ever got a chance to say:
Welcome to the White House the World Se-
ries Champion Chicago Cubs!
Now, I know you guys would prefer to stand
the whole time, but sit down. [Laughter]
I will say to the Cubs: It took you long
enough. I mean, I’ve only got 4 days left. You’re
just making it under the wire. [
Now, listen, I made a lot of promises in
2008. [Laughter] We’ve managed to fulfill a
large number of them. But even I was not cra-
zy enough to suggest that during these 8 years
we would see the Cubs win the World Series.
But I did say that there’s never been anything
false about hope. [Laughter] Hope, the audaci-
ty of hope.
Audience member. Yes, we can!
The President. Yes, we can.
Audience members. Yes, we did!
Audience member. Yes, we will!
The President. Now, listen, for those of you
from Chicago who have known me a long time,
Administration of Barack Obama, 2017 / Jan. 16
it is no secret that there’s a certain South Side
team that has my loyalty. [Laughter] For me,
the drought hasn’t been that—as long. We had
the ’85 Bears; we had the Bulls’ run in the
nineties. I’ve hosted the Blackhawks a number
of times. The White Sox did win just 11 years
ago with Ozzie and Konerko and Buehrle. So I
can’t claim that I have the same just visceral joy
of some in this White House. [Laughter]
But FLOTUS is a lifelong Cubs fan. And I
will tell you, she had to go to another event,
but in the 8 years that I’ve been here—I told
the team this—in the 8 years that I’ve been
here, we’ve hosted at least 50 teams: football,
basketball, baseball, soccer, you name it. Mi-
chelle has never come to a single event cele-
brating a champion until today. And she came
and shook hands and met with every one of
these members of the Cubs organization and
told a story about what it meant for her to be
able to see them win, because she remembers
coming home from school, and her dad would
be watching a Cubs game, and the bond and
the family, the meaning that the Cubs had for
her in terms of connecting with her father and
why it meant so much for her. And I almost
choked up listening to it. And it spoke, I think,
to how people feel about this organization, and
that it’s been passed on generation after gener-
ation, and it’s more than just sports.
And that is not just true for FLOTUS. My
longest serving aide, Anita, is a Cubs fan.
[Laughter] “Fan” is not enough. When they
won, the next day she said, “This is the best day
of my life.” [Laughter] And I said: “What about
me winning the Presidency? What about your
wedding day?” She’s, like, “No, this is the
best.” My chief speechwriter, Cody Keenan—
[applause]—Cubs fan. In fact, there were a lot
of sick days during the playoffs. [Laughter]
One of my staff members was caught being in-
terviewed at a bar outside of Wrigley—[laugh-
ter]—and we’re watching him being inter-
viewed. You remember, Luke? And he’s look-
ing kind of sheepish about it. It’s, like, why ar-
en’t you in the office? [Laughter]
But look, the truth is, there was a reason not
just that people felt good about the Cubs win-
ning. There was something about this particular
Cubs team winning that people felt good about.
For example, David Ross and I have something
in common: We’ve both been on a “year-long
retirement party.” [
] But unlike
“Grandpa,” my team has not yet bought me a
scooter with a motorized golf caddy. But there
are 4 days left. Maybe I’ll get that. [
The last time the Cubs won the World Se-
ries, Teddy Roosevelt was President. Albert
Einstein and—or was it Thomas Edison—was
still alive. The first Cubs radio broadcast
wouldn’t be for almost two decades. We’ve
been through World Wars, cold war, a depres-
sion, space race, all manner of social and tech-
nological change. But during that time, those
decades were also marked by Phil Cavarretta
and Ernie Banks; Billy Williams, who’s here to-
day; Ron Santo, Ferg, Ryne Sandberg, Daw-
son, Maddux, Grace. Those decades were
punctuated by Lee Elia’s rants and Harry Ca-
ray’s exuberance: “Hey, Hey” and “Holy Cow”
and capped off by “Go Cubs Go.” [Laughter]
So the first thing that made this champion-
ship so special for so many is, is that the Cubs
know what it’s like to be loyal and to persevere
and to hope and to suffer and then keep on
hoping. And it’s a generational thing. That’s
what you heard Michelle describing. People all
across the city remember the first time a par-
ent took them to Wrigley or memories of
climbing in their dad’s lap to watch games on
WGN—and that’s part of the reason, by the
way, why Michelle had invited—made sure
that José Cardenal was here, because that was
her favorite player. And she was describing,
back then, he had a big afro, and she was de-
scribing how she used to wear her hat over her
afro the same way José did.
You could see all that love this season in the
fans who traveled to their dads’ gravesites to
listen to games on the radio, who wore their
moms’ old jerseys to games, who covered the
brick walls of Wrigley with love notes in chalk
to departed fans whose lifelong faith was finally
None of this, of course, would have hap-
pened without the extraordinary contributions
of the Ricketts family. Tom met his wife Cece
in the bleachers of Wrigley about 30 years ago,
Jan. 16 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2017
which is about 30 years longer than most of re-
lationships that begin there last. [Laughter]
Just saying. [Laughter] Our dear friend Laura
Ricketts met her wife Brooke in the ballpark as
Brothers and sisters, they turned this team
around by hiring what has to be one of the
greatest, if not—I mean, he’s still pretty young,
so we’ll see how long he keeps on going—the
greatest general managers of all time, Theo
Epstein—[applause]—and along with Jed
Hoyer and Jason McLeod. They did just an un-
believable job. Theo, as you know—his job is
to quench droughts: 86 years in Boston, 108 in
Chicago. He takes the reins of an organization
that’s wandering in the wilderness, he delivers
them to the Promised Land. [Laughter] I’ve
talked to him about being DNC chair. [Laugh-
ter] But he’s decided wisely to stick to baseball.
That brings me to the other thing that was
so special about this championship, and that’s
just the guys behind me, the team. They
steamrolled the majors this year with a 103-win
record. All you had to know about this team
was encapsulated in that one moment in Game
5, down 3 games to 1, do or die, in front of the
home fans, when David Ross and Jon Lester
turned to each other and said, “I love you,
man.” And he said, “I love you too.” [Laughter]
It was sort of like an Obama-Biden moment
right there. [Laughter]
And then you’ve got the manager, Joe Mad-
don, who—[applause]—let’s face it, there are
not a lot of coaches or managers who are as
cool as this guy. Look how he looks right now.
[Laughter] That’s cool. That’s cool. He used
costume parties and his “Shaggin’ Wagon.”
[Laughter] So he’s got—I’m just saying—he’s
got a lot of tricks to motivate. But he’s also a
master of tactics and makes the right move at
the right time: when to pinch hit, when to
pinch run, when to make it rain—[laughter]—
in Game 7 of the World Series. That was—it
was masterful. So he set the tone, but also
some of the amazing players here set the tone.
My fellow “44”—Anthony Rizzo, who—the
heart of this team. Five years ago, he was a part
of the squad that lost 101 games. He stuck at it
and led the National League in All-Star votes
this year.
His business partner in the “Bryzzo Souve-
nir Company,” which delivers baseballs to fans
in all parts of the bleachers: Kris Bryant.
Now—where’s Kris? This guy had a good year.
[Laughter] You go from Rookie of the Year to
being the MVP. You win the World Series.
And then, like me, he marries up and comes to
the White House. And he did all this just in 10
days. [Laughter] I mean, it took me a long
time. So congratulations to the newlyweds, Jes-
sica and Kris Bryant.
And then you’ve got these young guys like
Báez and Russell: Báez turning tagging into an
art form; Russell becoming the youngest player
to hit a World Series Grand Slam since Mickey
Mantle. And you mix these amazing young tal-
ents with somebody like David Ross who, for
example, helped Anthony out of his “glass case
of emotions” in Game 7. [Laughter] But think
about what Rossie did in his final season:
caught a no-hitter, surpassed a hundred home
runs for his career, including one in his last
game ever. If there was ever a way to go out,
this was it.
And then you’ve got Ben Zobrist, who didn’t
get to come to the White House last year after
winning it all with the Royals, but then hits
.357 in the World Series, go-ahead RBI in the
10th inning of the Game 7, World Series MVP.
I think he’s earned his way here. So—[ap-
plause]. Hey! And is apparently a good guy, be-
cause I asked his wife—she was in line before
he was—and I said, has he gotten a big head
since he got the whole MVP thing? “No, he’s
so sweet, he’s so humble.” [Inaudible] You owe
her dinner tonight. [Laughter]
Extraordinary pitching staff, including Kyle
Hendricks, the first Cub to lead the majors in
ERA since 1938. Kyle, in turn, was the only
pitcher this year with a better ERA than Jon
Lester, who racked up 19 wins. Good job. Jake
Arrieta, 2015 Cy Young Award winner,
stretched a 20-game win streak featuring two
no-hitters across the past two seasons, then hit
a home run in the NLDS, and won two games
in the World Series. So, apparently, Pilates
works. [Laughter] Michelle says it does.
Administration of Barack Obama, 2017 / Jan. 16
So—and then, finally, the game itself and
the series itself. To come back from a 3-1 defi-
cit against a great Cleveland Indians team
forced what is widely considered the Game 7
of all time. Dexter Fowler becomes the first
player to hit a leadoff home run in Game 7. Ja-
vy Báez hits another leadoff the fifth. David
Ross becomes the older player—oldest player
to knock one out in a Game 7 as well. Kyle
Schwarber, who’s been hurt and hobbled, then
suddenly, he comes in and gets seven hits in
the Series, three in Game 7 alone.
And then you’ve got the 10th inning, you’ve
got the rain. [Laughter] God finally feeling
mercy on Cubs fans. [Laughter] An entire
game, an entire season, an entire century of
hope and heartbreak all coming down to a one-
inning sprint. And then Zobrist knocked in
one, Montero knocked in another. Carl Ed-
wards, Jr., and Mike Montgomery teamed up
to shut the Indians down.
And then, at 12:47 a.m. Eastern Time, Bry-
ant—it looks like he’s going to slip; everybody
is getting a little stressed—tosses a grounder to
Rizzo. Rizzo gets the ball, slips it in his back
pocket—[laughter]—which shows excellent
situational awareness. [Laughter] That was im-
pressive. And suddenly, everything is changed.
No more black cats, billy goats, ghosts, flubbed
grounders. The Chicago Cubs are the champs.
And on ESPN, you’ve got Van Pelt saying,
“One of the alltime great nights.” You’ve got
Tim Kurkjian calling it “the greatest night of
baseball in the history of the game.” Two days
later, millions of people—the largest gathering
of Americans that I know of—in Chicago. And
for a moment, our hometown becomes the
very definition of joy. So, in Chicago, I think
it’s fair to say, you guys will be popular for a
while. [Laughter]
But, in addition, they’re also doing a lot of
good work. Anthony Rizzo and Jon Lester
raised money to help others beat cancer like
they did. Under the Ricketts family’s leader-
ship, last year alone, Cubs Charities supported
charitable grants and donations of nearly $4
million that reached nearly 120,000 children
and young adults across Chicagoland. Under
their “Let’s Give” initiative, Cubs staff, coach-
es, players, and spouses donated more than
1,500 hours of service last year to the commu-
nity. And after their visit here today, they will
head to Walter Reed to visit with some of our
brave wounded warriors.
So, just to wrap up, today is, I think, our last
official event—isn’t it?—at the White House
under my Presidency. And it also happens to
be a day that we celebrate one of the great
Americans of all time, Martin Luther King, Jr.
And later, as soon as we’re done here, Michelle
and I are going to go over and do a service
project, which is what we do every year to hon-
or Dr. King. And it is worth remembering—
because sometimes, people wonder, well why
are you spending time on sports; there’s other
stuff going on—that throughout our history,
sports has had this power to bring us together,
even when the country is divided. Sports has
changed attitudes and culture in ways that
seem subtle, but that ultimately made us think
differently about ourselves and who we were.
It is a game, and it is celebration, but there’s a
direct line between Jackie Robinson and me
standing here. There’s a direct line between
people loving Ernie Banks and then the city
being able to come together and work together
in one spirit.
And I was in my hometown of Chicago on
Tuesday, for my Farewell Address, and I said,
sometimes, it’s not enough just to change the
laws, you’ve got to change hearts. And sports
has a way, sometimes, of changing hearts in a
way that politics or business doesn’t. And some-
times, it’s just a matter of us being able to es-
cape and relax from the difficulties of our days,
but sometimes, it also speaks to something bet-
ter in us. And when you see this group of folks
of different shades and different backgrounds
and coming from different communities and
neighborhoods all across the country and then
playing as one team and playing the right way
and celebrating each other and being joyous in
that, that tells us a little something about what
America is and what America can be.
So it is entirely appropriate that we cele-
brate the Cubs today, here in this White
House, on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birth-
day because it helps direct us in terms of what
Jan. 16 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2017
this country has been and what it can be in the
With that, one more time, let’s congratulate
the 2016 World Championship Chicago Cubs!
Good job! [Applause] Good job!
President of Baseball Operations Theo N.
Epstein. Talk about a tough act to follow.
Thank you, Mr. President, and thank you for
inviting us. We’re all honored to be here today,
and we appreciate you taking the time on such
an important day, Martin Luther King Day,
and during such an historic week, the last week
of your distinguished Presidency.
I was told on my way in here—actually, by
our club historian—it’s actually not the first
time this franchise has visited the White
House. It was 1888. [Laughter] And we were
known as the Chicago White Stockings, and we
stopped in here to visit President Grover
Cleveland. And apparently, the team demand-
ed to—for a proclamation to be named the
best baseball team in the country. The Presi-
dent refused, and the team went on their way.
[Laughter] And so here we are; we’re going to
make no such demands today. [Laughter] But
we appreciate those kind words.
The President was so kind to recognize our
three Hall-of-Famers here with us today who
are so synonymous with what it means to be a
Cub: Billy Williams, Fergie Jenkins, Ryne
Sandberg. [Applause] Thank you for being
here. And of course, José Cardenal, who got
the longest hug from the First Lady we’ve ever
seen, her favorite player of all time, you’re the
MVP today. [Laughter]
And I want to, one more time, recognize all
of the Ricketts family who are here today.
Tom, who’s been such an ideal leader for our
organization. Laura, who’s been such a strong
supporter of this President. And, Todd, who
will embark on his journey in public service
with a significant role in the new administra-
tion next week. And, Pete, who’s busy govern-
ing Nebraska, couldn’t be here, but sends his
best. [Laughter]
Finally, we’d like to recognize all of our
wives and significant others who do so much to
support us behind the scenes, our great front
office, who have worked so hard—[inaudible].
So, Mr. President, as you alluded to, in
Cleveland on November 2 and into the early
morning of November 3, this special group of
players behind me, in one of the greatest
World Series games in history, ended the lon-
gest championship drought in American
sports. And when Kris Bryant’s throw settled
into Anthony Rizzo’s glove for the final out of
Game 7, the victory brought pride, joy, relief,
and redemption to Cub fans everywhere, in-
cluding many in the White House. [Applause]
Thank you.
So many of you were there, but the city of
Chicago erupted, unified into celebration that
continues to this day. It was a thrilling, emo-
tional time, and we think we even saw some
White Sox fans smiling—[laughter]—which,
Mr. President, brings us to you.
The President. Yes.
Mr. Epstein.
We know you may have a cer-
tain allegiances to another team on the other
side of town, but we know you’re a very proud
Chicagoan, and we know your better, wiser
half, the First Lady—[
]—has been a
lifelong and very loyal Cub fan, which we ap-
preciate very much. And of course, we have
great faith in your intelligence, your common
sense, your pragmatism, your ability to recog-
nize a good thing when you see one. [
So, Mr. President, with only a few days re-
maining in your tremendous Presidency, we
have taken the liberty here today of offering
you a midnight pardon—[laughter]—for all
your indiscretions as a baseball fan. And so we
welcome you with open arms today into the
Cubs family.
To recognize this terrific conversion and this
great day, we have some gifts for you and your
family. First, Anthony. Anthony Rizzo has gra-
ciously agreed to share his number 44 with
“the 44.”
The President. There we go!
Mr. Epstein. And if you’re still not comfort-
able putting a Cubs jersey on, this one just says
Chicago, so you’re good with that one.
The President. All right. Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.
Mr. Epstein. Second, we have—at historic
Wrigley Field, we have a centerfield score-
Administration of Barack Obama, 2017 / Jan. 16
board that’s actually a historic landmark, and
so we hope the National Park Service won’t
mind, but we took down a tile for you, number
44, which—[applause].
The President. That I like.
Mr. Epstein. Very few people have one of
The President. I know. That’s very cool.
Mr. Epstein. We also wanted you to know
that, as a new fan, you have a lot—you have
some catching up to do. [Laughter] And you’ve
been busy the last 8 years, and your family as
well, so Laura Ricketts is here to present you
with a lifetime pass to Wrigley Field for you
and your family.
The President. Nice! I love how it says,
“Nontransferable.” [Laughter]
Mr. Epstein. Yes. It’s strictly—it’s just an
The President. Can you imagine if somebody
walks up and is, like—[laughter].
Co-owner and member of the Board of Di-
rectors Laura Ricketts. You don’t have to bring
it with you.
Mr. Epstein. And finally, every time we win
a game in Chicago, we fly the “W” flag, as you
know. So we brought one for you, signed by
the entire team, and we’d love for you to fly it
at your new library, which we plan to do our
very best to support.
The President. We will do so. Thank you so
much. Look at that. This is some nice swag.
I’m telling you. Thank you so much. This is
Former pitcher Ferguson Jenkins.
You’ve got
to get him to put the uniform on. [
Mr. Epstein. It’s just day one. It’s just day
The President. Fergie, we’re doing okay so
far. [Laughter] Let’s not get carried away.
Mr. Epstein. So, Mr. President, thank you
for the dignity and integrity with which you’ve
served this country for the last 8 years, for your
tremendous service to Chicago and Illinois be-
fore that and for hosting us here today. We
wish you all the best and look forward to seeing
you on Wrigley Field.
The President. Thank you. Well, everybody,
the—thank you so much. Let me say, first of
all, best swag I’ve gotten as President repre-
sented right here. [Laughter] And let me also
say on behalf of a lot of folks here in the White
House, you’ve brought a lot of joy to a lot of
people here, and we’re grateful. I know my for-
mer Chief of Staff, now mayor of Chicago,
Rahm Emanuel; folks like Dick Durbin, and
we’ve got a whole congressional delegation
here; I see Lisa Madigan, my dear friend—just
a lot of people have been rooting for you for a
long time.
So, even though it will be hard for me, Fer-
gie, to wear a jersey—[laughter]—do know
that among Sox fans, I’m the Cubs number-
one fan. [Laughter] All right?
: The President spoke at 1:40 p.m. in the
East Room at the White House. In his remarks,
he referred to Oswaldo J. Guillén Barrios, for-
mer shortstop, Paul H. Konerko, former first
baseman, and Mark A. Buehrle, former pitcher,
Major League Baseball’s Chicago White Sox;
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anita J.
Decker Breckenridge; White House Trip Man-
ager Luke P. Rosa; David W. Ross and Miguel
A. Montero, catchers, Billy L. Williams, former
left fielder, Ryne D. Sandberg, former second
baseman, Andre D. Dawson and José R. Carde-
nal, former right fielders, Greg A. Maddux, for-
mer pitcher, Mark E. Grace, former first base-
man, Lee C. Elia, former manager, Tom Rick-
etts, co-owner and chairman of the board of di-
rectors, Jed D. Hoyer, executive vice president
and general manager, Jason McLeod, senior vice
president of player development and amateur
scouting, Anthony V. Rizzo, first baseman, Kris-
topher L. Bryant and E. Javier Báez, third base-
men, Addison W. Russell, shortstop, Benjamin
T. Zobrist, second baseman, W. Dexter Fowler,
center fielder, Kyle J. Schwarber, left fielder,
and Carl F. Edwards, Jr., and Michael P. Mont-
gomery, pitchers, Chicago Cubs; Julianna Zo-
brist, wife of Mr. Zobrist; Timothy B. Kurkjian,
sports analyst, ESPN; and Illinois State Attorney
General Lisa Madigan. Mr. Epstein referred to
Cubs historian Ed Hartig; Todd M. Ricketts,
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s prospective
nominee to be Deputy Secretary of Commerce;
and Gov. J. Peter Ricketts of Nebraska.
Jan. 16 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2017
Statement on the First Anniversary of the Implementation of the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action To Prevent Iran From Obtaining a Nuclear
January 16, 2017
Today marks the 1-year anniversary of the
implementation of the Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action (JCPOA), a deal that has
achieved significant, concrete results in making
the United States and the world a safer place.
This historic understanding reached between
the United States, France, the United King-
dom, Germany, China, Russia, the European
Union, and Iran has rolled back the Iranian nu-
clear program and verifiably prevents Iran
from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
One year ago, the International Atomic En-
ergy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran had ful-
filled key commitments spelled out under the
JCPOA. Instead of steadily expanding, Iran’s
nuclear program faces strict limitations and is
subject to the most intrusive inspection and
verification program ever negotiated to moni-
tor a nuclear program. Iran reduced its urani-
um stockpile by 98 percent and removed two-
thirds of its centrifuges. Meanwhile, Iran has
not enriched any uranium at the Fordow facili-
ty nor used advanced centrifuges to enrich. In
short, Iran is upholding its commitments, dem-
onstrating the success of diplomacy.
While this deal was intended to address
Iran’s nuclear program, we have remained
steadfast in opposing Iran’s threats against Isra-
el and our Gulf partners and its support for vio-
lent proxies in places like Syria and Yemen. We
continue to be deeply concerned about U.S.
citizens unjustly imprisoned in Iran. And our
sanctions on Iran for its human rights abuses,
its support for terrorist groups, and its ballistic
missile program will remain until Iran pursues
a new path on those issues. There is no ques-
tion, however, that the challenges we face with
Iran would be much worse if Iran were also on
the threshold of building a nuclear weapon.
The United States must remember that this
agreement was the result of years of work and
represents an agreement between the world’s
major powers, not simply the United States
and Iran. Moreover, the Iran deal must be
measured against the alternatives. A diplomat-
ic resolution that prevents Iran from obtaining
a nuclear weapon is far preferable to an uncon-
strained Iranian nuclear program or another
war in the Middle East.
Remarks During White House Press Secretary Joshua R. Earnest’s Final
Briefing and an Exchange With Reporters
January 17, 2017
[The President joined the briefing in progress.]
The President. I’m not interrupting because
he was saying nice things about you guys—
[laughter]—because I largely concur.
When I first met Josh Earnest, he was in Io-
wa. I think he was wearing jeans. He looked
even younger than he was. And since my entire
campaign depended on communications in Io-
wa, I gave him a pretty good once-over. And
there are a couple things I learned about him
right away. Number one, he’s just got that all-
American, matinee, good-looking thing going.
[Laughter] That’s helpful. Let’s face it. Face
made for television. [Laughter] Then, the guy’s
name is Josh Earnest—[laughter]—which, if
somebody is speaking on your behalf, is a pret-
ty good name to have. [Laughter]
But what struck me most, in addition to his
smarts and his maturity and his actual interest
in the issues, was his integrity. There are peo-
ple you meet who you have a pretty good in-
kling right off the bat are straight shooters and
were raised to be fundamentally honest and to
treat people with respect. And there are times
where that first impression turns out to be