What you need to Know
This form may be used for Citibank Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs or SEP-IRAs.
Change in circumstance requests do require updated tax form validations,
and the submission of applicable forms as outlined below
Please review the information below before you complete this form.
Change in Circumstance:
Change the name on your account
A copy of a Court Order, Marriage Certificate,
Divorce Decree or Separation Agreement
A completed applicable IRS Form W-9 (if you are a U.S.
Person) or W-8BEN (if you are a Non-U.S. Person)
Change or update your Social Security Number
A photocopy of your new Social Security Card
A completed applicable IRS Form W-9 (if you are a U.S.
Person) or W-8BEN (if you are a Non-U.S. Person)
Change your birth date
legal proof of the correct birthdate
A completed applicable IRS Form W-9 (if you are a U.S.
Person) or W-8BEN (if you are a Non-U.S. Person)
Report a Change in Circumstance
A completed IRA Change Information Form
A completed applicable IRS Form W-9 (if you are a U.S.
Person) or W-8BEN (if you are a Non-U.S. Person)
Start or stop automatic monthly IRA deposits from your
Citibank N.A. consumer checking account to an IRA Insured
Money Market Account or a Roth IRA Insured Money
Market Account
A completed IRA Change Information Form
Please note the following:
Automatic deposits cannot be debited from a CitiBusiness
unt and all automatic deposits are considered Current
Year contributions for the year in which they are received
All fields must be completed: Deduct $ (dollar amount),
ay of the month to deduct the funds, the month in
which deductions are to begin, the Citibank N.A.
consumer checking account to be deducted and the
Citibank Retirement Account to receive the Current Year
Designate or change the beneficiary or beneficiaries
A completed IRA Change Information Form
Please note the following:
If you are changing your beneficiary, the information
ou provide on this form will take the place of any other
prior beneficiary designation. Be sure to read the Guide
for Naming a Beneficiary for Citibank Retirement Plans
included with this form before making changes to your
Please return the completed form to a Citibank branch or
mail the form to:
Regular Mail
Retirement Plan Services
P.O. Box 769001
San Antonio, TX 78245-9951
Overnight Delivery:
Retirement Plan Services
100 Citibank Drive
San Antonio, TX 78245
If you have any questions
Call Retirement Plan Services at 1-800-695-5911. For TTY: we
accept 711 or other Relay Service. Representatives are available
to assist you Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Eastern Time, and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
© 2023 Citigroup Inc. Citibank, N.A. Member FDIC. Citi with Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.
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IRA Change Information Form
For Existing Citibank IRA Customers
Please complete this section
Designate type of retirement plan(s) you wish to update:   Traditional IRA   Roth IRA   SEP-IRA
Branch Number:
Owners Information
Social Security Number:
Mr. Mrs.  Ms.
First Name:
_________________________________ Middle: _________________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________State: _______________________________________ Zip: ________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number:____________________________________________________
By providing a phone number, you agree that we or our service providers can contact you at that number by text message, artificial
voice, pre-recorded or autodialed calls. Your phone plan charges may apply.
A. Please change my name, address, social security number, telephone number or birthdate to:
Reminder: Any Change in Circumstance requires an updated tax form.
Plan Owners Prior Name:
Plan Owners Updated Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Updated Address:
City: _______________________________________State: _______________________________________ Zip: ________________________________________
Updated Daytime Phone Number: __________________________________________
By providing a phone number, you agree that we or our service providers can contact you at that number by text message, artificial
voice, pre-recorded or autodialed calls. Your phone plan charges may apply.
Updated Social Security Number:
________________________________Updated Date of Birth: _____________________________________________
Previous Signature: ______________________________________________Updated Signature: ________________________________________________
B. Automatic IRA Deposit (Check one)
Please deduct $ ______________ (maximum monthly contributions are based on current IRS regulations, please contact a tax advisor
with any questions regarding your specific situation) on the
________ day of each month, beginning the month of ___________________
from my Citibank N.A. consumer checking account number: ____________________________________________
and deposit to my Citibank  Traditional IRA   Roth IRA   SEP-IRA  
Check here if this is a change from your existing automatic IRA deposits
I would lik
e to stop automatic  Traditional IRA   Roth IRA   SEP-IRA
deposits from my Citibank N.A. consumer checking account number: ___________________________________
If your Citibank N.A. consumer checking account number has changed, please indicate the new number below
My new account number is: __________________________________________________________
© 2023 Citigroup Inc. Citibank, N.A. Member FDIC. Citi with Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.
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C. Beneficiary Designation
To Name a Beneficiary
If you designate more than one primary beneficiary, the proceeds will be distributed equally among the survivors unless you indicate
the share percentage for each. Any secondary beneficiary or beneficiaries you name will only receive your Citibank retirement plan
balance if there are no surviving primary beneficiaries. If you designate more than one secondary beneficiary, the proceeds will be
shared equally among the survivors unless you indicate the share percentage for each.
By naming a beneficiary on this form, you cancel any earlier designation you may have made with respect to the assets in that
retirement plan.
If you do not name your spouse as beneficiary, there may be tax implications for your estate or beneficiary.
If you do not name a beneficiary, the beneficiary will automatically be your estate.
You cannot name a beneficiary for a particular Citibank retirement plan investment account.
The person(s) named here will be the beneficiary(ies) of your entire Citibank retirement plan.
The name of the person will govern, not the relationship.
Naming a Trust as a Beneficiary
You must provide a Tax ID Number for the trust and a copy of the trust instrument to Retirement Plan Services in order for funds to be
disbursed from the plan.
Other Important Points to Remember
You may designate any number of beneficiaries for the plan(s) you select. If you designate more than three beneficiaries, please
attach a separate sheet that includes the beneficiary information (plan type(s), name, address, relationship, social security number
and date of birth), your signature and signed date.
Your beneficiary can elect the method of receiving distributions from your Citibank IRA.
If no beneficiary survives you, or if no beneficiary designation is in effect at your death, or if your beneficiary is your estate, we will
pay the balance of that retirement plan to your estate.
You may cancel or change a beneficiary designation at any time by using a Citibank Change Information Form.
© 2023 Citigroup Inc. Citibank, N.A. Member FDIC. Citi with Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.
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The beneficiary information you provide here will take the place of all previous Citibank IRA beneficiary designations.
All fields are required.
Primary Beneficiary(ies)
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
Contingent Beneficiary(ies)
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Social Security Number _________________________ Share % _________
D. Acceptance
By signing this form you acknowledge that:
The above information will replace prior information provided.
IRA Owners Signature
_______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________
Please retain a copy for your records
____________________ SOEID: ________________
© 2023 Citigroup Inc. Citibank, N.A. Member FDIC. Citi with Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.
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