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Installing Citrix Receiver on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 6.5
In order to access campus applications through Citrix, the Citrix Receiver must be installed. Computers that are
managed by the SIS Project should have the Citrix Receiver already installed. However, instructions are provided
below for computers that are not managed that do not have the receiver installed already.
Please note, this procedure has only been tested using RHEL 6.5.
Campus Shared Services does not officially support Linux desktops.
1. Navigate to
and download
the appropriate .rpm Linux Package.
2. Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where the icaclient was downloaded. For example:
cd ~/Downloads
3. Install the following additional libraries. Note: The x84_64 of the installer requires 32bit libraries & open
motif is required for the Citrix GUI.
4. yum install -y alsa-lib.i686 glib2.i686 gtk2.i686 libXpm.i686 openmotif.i686
5. yum install -y alsa-lib glib2 gtk2 libXpm openmotif
6. Install the Citrix Receiver Client RPM
sudo rpm -U --nodeps ICAClient-
7. Download the Comodo root certificate
8. Put the downloaded certificate in /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts
mv AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
9. Reboot
10. In a supported browser, navigate to
11. Log in
12. Launch a published application, this will download an ICA file.
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13. To launch the .ica file, utilizing the GUI Helper you should be able to "Open With"ÂÂÂÂand navigate to
"FileSystem" > opt > Citrix > ICAClient and select . Additionally, it would be in your benefit to select
the tick box to do this automatically.
14. Your browser’s web
page should change
to a list of available
applications. Click
SIS Campus