Linux Guide
Copyright © 2023 ePadLink 1
Linux Guide
Table of Contents
gllePad Interface 64bit Driver.................................................................................... 3
Fedora Installation ................................................................................................................................ 3
Fedora Uninstallation ............................................................................................................................ 3
Ubuntu Installation ................................................................................................................................ 3
Ubuntu Uninstallation ............................................................................................................................ 4
Running the Demo Programs ............................................................................................................... 4
ePad-vision Notes ................................................................................................................................. 4
Citrix Client 32bit Driver ............................................................................................ 4
Supported Systems ............................................................................................................................... 4
Installation Instructions ......................................................................................................................... 4
Linux Guide
gllePad Interface 64bit Driver
Fedora Installation
The gIIePad interface USB driver for ePadLink signature pads is available for the
following versions of Linux:
Fedora 33 and above:
This RPM file has the latest ePad driver and graphic demo programs.
1. Open a terminal from “Application/System Tools/Terminal”, use the yum
command to install the program.
Type: sudo dnf install ePad-xxx.rpm
It will place the in /usr/lib64 and put the gIIePad_test and
ePadDemo.exe, etc. files in the /usr/share/ePad/bin and several include files in
the /usr/local/include folder.
Fedora Uninstallation
From the terminal, enter command “sudo dnf remove ePad
Ubuntu Installation
The gIIePad interface USB driver for ePadLink signature pads is available for the
following versions of Linux:
Ubuntu 20 and above:
This deb file has the latest ePad driver and graphic demo programs.
1. Open a terminal from “Application/System Tools/Terminal”, use the dpkg
command to install the program.
2. Type: sudo dpkg –i //Replace xxx with version number.
3. It will place the in /usr/lib and put the gIIePad_test and
ePadDemo.exe, etc. files in the /usr/share/ePad/bin and several include files in
the /usr/local/include folder.
Linux Guide
4. Type: sudo sh /usr/share/ePad/bin/ To setup the permission in the
/sys/kernel/debug folder for regular user
Ubuntu Uninstallation
From the terminal, type: sudo dpkg -r epad
Running the Demo Programs
1. Attach the ePad device to your PC with its USB cable.
2. To run the program from the terminal:
Type: cd /usr/share/ePad/bin
Type: ./gIIePad_test
3. Follow the instructions on the terminal to test the ePad device. Enter “Control-C”
to end the program.
4. To run the graphic demo program:
Type: ./ePadDemo.exe
ePad-vision Notes
For the ePad-vision signature pad, there are three additional demo programs available:
ePadvisionTest, ePadvisionSS, and IePadvisionTest.
These demo programs demonstrate how the user application creates widgets (buttons,
checkboxes, textboxes, and pinpads) and handles widget events generated from the
signature pad.
Citrix Client 32bit Driver
Supported Systems
Fedora 29
Ubuntu 18.04 and above
This tar file ( contains
installer and uninstaller scripts to install and uninstall the ePad component modules in
the Citrix ICAClient folder. It supports the following ePadLink signature pads: ePad USB,
ePad II, ePad-Ink, and ePad-vision devices.
Installation Instructions
1. Install Citrix Receiver on your client PC.
2. Attach the ePad device to your PC with its USB cable.
Linux Guide
3. Open a terminal window, running as root.
4. Open the epadICA2.0.tar file and extract the contents into current directory:
Type: tar xvf ePadICA2.0.tar
5. Type: sudo sh ./ and press ENTER to run the installer program.