State of Michigan
Issued by the
Civil Service Commission
Department of Technology, Management & Budget
Revised & Adopted by the Civil Service Commission Effective January 1, 2023
SECTION 1 RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................... 1
SECTION 2 TAXATION .......................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 3 AUTHORIZED TRAVEL ...................................................................................... 1
3.1 State Employee Travel ......................................................................................................1
3.2 Non-State Employee Travel ..............................................................................................2
3.3 Out-of-State Travel ...........................................................................................................2
3.4 Non-Work Days and Leave Status During Travel ............................................................2
SECTION 4 OFFICIAL WORK STATION ............................................................................... 2
4.1 Designation of Official Work Station ...............................................................................2
4.2 Changes in Official Work Station .....................................................................................3
SECTION 5 TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................................... 3
5.1 Air Transportation .............................................................................................................4
5.2 Rail Transportation ............................................................................................................4
5.3 Air, Auto or Passenger Ferry Service................................................................................4
5.4 Ground Transportation ......................................................................................................4
5.5 Vehicle Travel ...................................................................................................................4
5.6 Insurance and Claims ........................................................................................................5
SECTION 6 MEALS and LODGING ....................................................................................... 6
6.1 Meal Allowance and Lodging Reimbursement .................................................................6
6.2 International Travel ...........................................................................................................7
6.3 Groups (Conferences, Conventions and Pre-Arranged Group Meetings) .........................7
SECTION 7MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES .......................................................................... 8
7.1 Business Equipment ..........................................................................................................8
7.2 Delivery Services ..............................................................................................................8
7.3 Miscellaneous Business Expenses ....................................................................................8
7.4 Registration Fees ...............................................................................................................8
7.5 Room Rental ......................................................................................................................8
SECTION 8 PAYMENT FOR TRAVEL ................................................................................... 8
8.1 Travel Advances ................................................................................................................8
8.2 Payment for Travel ............................................................................................................8
SECTION 9 EXCEPTIONS and CHANGES ........................................................................... 9
9.1 Exceptions to Rates ...........................................................................................................9
9.2 Changes to Rules and Regulations ....................................................................................9
9.3 Pilot Programs ...................................................................................................................9
The Michigan Civil Service Commission (MCSC) is authorized to adopt travel regulations and rate
schedules for reimbursement of expenses incurred by classified state employees in connection with
official state business.
The Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB) performs this function for unclassified
Direct questions on these regulations to:
The travel coordinator in your agency’s finance office.
Vehicle and Travel Services (VTS)
Department of Technology, Management & Budget
Office of Financial Management (OFM)
Department of Technology, Management & Budget
All persons authorized to travel at state expense on official business are expected to incur
expenses prudently in accordance with these regulations. Each traveler is responsible for
seeking reimbursement for only individual expenses unless acting in a custodial capacity.
Compliance with these regulations is the responsibility of the agency head and their designees.
Supervisors and other designated representatives authorized to approve travel
reimbursement requests must ensure that:
All travel is in the state’s best economic interest and
All travel expenses have been incurred in compliance with these regulations
Determining which travel expense reimbursements are taxable is outside the scope of the
Standardized Travel Regulations. These regulations do not increase, lessen, or eliminate any
tax liability imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Employee reimbursements are
subject to tax reporting and withholding based on applicable tax regulations. For guidance on
the appropriate tax treatment of expense reimbursements, refer to the Financial Management
Guide, Part IV, Chapter 6, Employee Expense Reimbursements.
All travel must be authorized and approved. Agencies are responsible for defining the
authorization and approval process for all travel.
3.1 State Employee Travel
Classified State Civil Service
These regulations govern all employees in the classified state civil service, regardless of
funding source. These regulations do not affect conditions of employment of employees
under collective bargaining agreements and do not in all instances apply to these
Unclassified Service
All unclassified employees are subject to these regulations, regardless of funding
source, with these exceptions:
A. Elected officials of the executive branch and their appointees who are not members
of the classified state civil service are exempt from these regulations for monetary
limits only when supported by receipts and are allowed actual and necessary
expenses as certified by the traveler and approved by their authorized agent. All
other requirements of the regulations apply.
B. Elected officials and employees of the legislative and judicial branches are exempt
from these regulations.
3.2 Non-State Employee Travel
Persons who are not state employees may be authorized to travel at state expense with prior
authorization by an agency.
3.3 Out-of-State Travel
Out-of-state and international travel must be authorized and approved under the agency’s
applicable travel authorization process.
3.4 Non-Work Days and Leave Status During Travel
A. An employee may be required to return to their official work station, remote work
location or home for non-work days or paid holidays at the agency’s discretion. An
employee required to return is reimbursed actual travel costs up to the applicable
maximum published state rates. Travel expense is not allowed while in annual leave
B. During travel, an employee may voluntarily return to their official work station,
remote work location or home for non-work days. Expense reimbursement for a
voluntary return cannot exceed allowable meal and lodging costs that would have
been incurred if the employee had remained at the travel assignment.
C. An employee traveling on official business remains in authorized travel on non-work
days at the agency’s discretion unless:
1. The employee returns to their official work station, remote work location or
2. The employee travels to a non-work location, or
3. The non-work day is preceded or followed by agency approved leave in
compliance with the MCSC compensation plan.
D. An employee traveling on official business who becomes incapacitated due to
illness or injury for which sick leave use is allowed under Civil Service rules and
regulations may remain in authorized travel for up to seven calendar days at rates
up to the applicable maximum published state rates.
4.1 Designation of Official Work Station
Agencies are authorized to designate official work stations (OWS) as follows:
1. Office Employees. The official work station of an employee assigned to an office or
specific location is either the area within a 50-mile radius of the employee’s work
address as designated by the Human Resources Management Network (HRMN)
location code or a specific agency-defined area.
2. Remote Work Employees. The official work station of an employee with an approved
Remote Work Agreement is the area as defined by the agency in which the employee
would normally work, but for the agreement.
3. Field Employees. The official work station of a field employee is the city or town of the
employees office, the city or town nearest to the area where the majority of the
employees work is performed, or such other area as designated by the agency provided
that such designation is in the best interest of the state.
4.2 Changes in Official Work Station
A. An employee whose official work station changes for the state’s convenience and
benefit may be eligible for reimbursement of relocation and household moving
expenses. Reimbursements are subject to income tax withholding under IRS
Regulations. To qualify for relocation or household moving expenses, an employee
must document their intent to change residence and move their residence within
one year as a direct result of the relocation.
1. The employee has one year after the official work station changes to submit
their intent and relocate their residence. An employee documenting intent to
relocate their residence may be reimbursed for expenses for up to 60 calendar
days, including weekends and holidays, until the employee changes residence.
2. With the agency’s prior approval, an employee may be reimbursed for up to 3
round trips with one additional family member, for up to 9 cumulative calendar
days, to a new official work station to secure housing.
3. In cases of hardship in occupying a new residence, an agency may grant an
extension, but the total reimbursement period cannot exceed 180 calendar
4. Household moving expenses may be paid if the distance from the employee’s
present residence to the new official work station is 50 miles farther than to the
old official work station. Reimbursement of household moving expenses is
outlined in Administrative Guide Procedure 0430.01, Payment of Household
Moving Expenses.
B. An employee in any of the following situations is not eligible for reimbursement of
relocation and household moving expenses:
1. An employee displaced by a reduction in force who exercises employment
2. An employee whose official work station changes for the employee’s
convenience and benefit.
3. An employee who does not document intent to relocate their residence within
one year from the change in official work station.
4. An employee who does not change their residence.
All travel must be planned to use the most practical cost-effective means. Travelers incurring
expenses based on personal preference are responsible for paying any additional costs.
5.1 Air Transportation
A. Commercial Airlines: Travelers must book all commercial air travel through the
state’s contracted travel agency. Air travel must be at the lowest available airfare
indicated by the travel agent considering total cost and time. Round-trip tickets shall
be secured if practical and economical.
B. Baggage Fees: Reimbursement of the baggage fee for one piece of personal
luggage is allowed; reimbursing overweight or additional bag fees is not.
Reimbursing baggage fees for business-related materials is allowed with a receipt
and detailed explanation.
C. State-Owned or Chartered Aircraft: Using state-owned or chartered aircraft is
permitted if in the state’s best interest.
D. Privately Owned Aircraft: Reimbursement for using privately owned aircraft is
5.2 Rail Transportation
Travelers can book commercial rail travel through the state’s contracted travel agency.
Travelers must book the lowest available fare.
5.3 Air, Auto or Passenger Ferry Service
Reimbursement for the cost of travel by ferry is allowed if in the state’s best interest.
5.4 Ground Transportation
The cost of transportation from the traveler’s home, remote work location or official work station,
whichever is closer, to and from a station or terminal is reimbursable. Travelers must use the
most cost-effective option considering total costs including employee time, mileage, parking,
and tolls. Receipts are required when obtainable for all cash fares claimed as reimbursable
items such as taxis, shuttles, ferries, buses, and other public transportation.
A. Hotel Shuttle: Travelers should contact the hotel before travel to determine if this
service is offered and make necessary arrangements.
B. Taxi or Airport Shuttle: If a hotel shuttle is not an option, the traveler should consider
using a taxi or airport-operated shuttle service in the Ground Transportation area at
the airport.
C. Rental Vehicle: Reimbursement for using a rental vehicle may be authorized by the
agency. Reservations should be made through the state’s contracted travel agency.
5.5 Vehicle Travel
A. State-Provided Vehicles: Vehicle and Travel Services issues policies on requisition
and use of its state-provided vehicles. Agency-owned vehicles are covered by the
respective agency’s rules.
B. Privately-Owned Vehicles: Using privately-owned vehicles for official travel must be
authorized and approved by the traveler’s agency.
1. Mileage Reimbursement for Private-Owned Vehicle Use:
a. Mileage reimbursement is never allowed for travel between employees’
homes, remote work locations, and official work stations.
b. An employee cannot receive a combination of standard and premium
mileage reimbursement during an assignment or trip. Mileage must be
reported from point to point and is allowed based on an agency-specified
mapping tool or method. Reimbursement for official travel between
locations within the official work station is allowed.
c. Reimbursement for vicinity mileage incidental to conducting official
business is allowed. Documentation must provide sufficient detail to justify
mileage claimed.
d. An employee may start or end travel at their home, remote work location or
the official work station at the agency’s discretion. When travel starts or
ends at the employee's home or remote work location, mileage
reimbursement is based on round-trip mileage to the field assignment but
cannot exceed the reimbursement available if the travel had started and
ended at the official work station.
C. Miscellaneous Vehicle Expenses: The following table identifies eligibility for
reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses associated with using a vehicle for
business travel.
Expense State-Provided Vehicle
Rental Vehicles
Parking charges,*
metered parking,
Yes. Receipts must be
submitted when obtainable.
Yes. Receipts must
be submitted when
Yes. Receipts
must be submitted
when obtainable.
Daily State Park
Yes. Receipts must be
submitted when obtainable.
Yes. Receipts must
be submitted when
Yes. Receipts
must be submitted
when obtainable.
Out of State
Bridge and road
Yes. Receipts must be
submitted when obtainable.
Yes. Receipts must
be submitted when
Yes. Receipts
must be submitted
when obtainable.
Fuel, repairs,
antifreeze, towing,
Yes, through the state-
designated fuel card, VTS,
Maintenance Assistance
Program, or agency-defined
Included in the
Fuel expenses are
reimbursable with
a receipt.
Parking tickets,
moving violations,
late fees, and
other fines.
No No No
*No reimbursement for parking costs normally incurred by an employee when not
**No receipt is required for Mackinac Bridge tolls.
5.6 Insurance and Claims
When a state-provided vehicle is damaged in an accident or collision, the driver must contact
the Maintenance Assistance Program provided by VTS to report the incident.
When a driver incurs damages to a privately owned vehicle used for official state business, a
claim may be submitted to the State Administrative Board for consideration; the state may
reimburse the lesser of the private auto insurance deductible or actual damages up to $999.99.
Agencies must reimburse the employee according to the State Administrative Board’s
determination of the claim.
The MCSC adopts meal and lodging rates based on the joint recommendation of the State
Personnel Director and the DTMB. The applicable published state rate schedule represents the
maximum approved rates for authorized travel. Personal expenses, including alcoholic
beverages, are not reimbursable.
An employee is not eligible for meal allowances or lodging costs that are incurred:
Within the official work station.
Within a 50-mile radius or other agency defined area of the employees remote
work location.
Within the employee’s official city of residence.
Furnished without charge.
Purchased for guests, unless incurred when acting in a custodial capacity, which
must be fully explained and supported by a receipt for reimbursement.
6.1 Meal Allowance and Lodging Reimbursement
An employee is eligible for meal and lodging costs up to the applicable maximum
published state rates in effect.
The per diem allowance may be authorized by an agency when an employee is on an
extended assignment or in conjunction with relocation as defined in Section 4.2. The per
diem allowance will be held to include all charges for meals, lodging and incidental
expenses. It may be established when it is to the mutual benefit of the employee and
A. Meals
1. Meal allowance cannot exceed the applicable maximum published state rate,
including tax and gratuities.
2. When the duration of travel includes a partial day, the following schedule
determines eligibility for meals.
Reimbursable Meal
Travel begins before
And travel extends past
Breakfast 6:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Overnight travel examples with partial days:
Departure Return Eligible Meals
June 1, 9:00 a.m. June 4, 8:00 p.m. June 1 Lunch & Dinner
June 2 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
June 3 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
June 4 Breakfast & Lunch
June 1, 3:00 p.m. June 2, 10:30 a.m. June 1 Dinner
June 2 Breakfast
June 1, 11:30 a.m. June 2, 2:30 p.m. June 1 Dinner
June 2 Breakfast & Lunch
B. Lodging
1. Employees choosing lodging based on personal preference are responsible for
paying any additional costs incurred.
2. All lodging costs must be supported by a receipt with the appropriate elements
Date expense incurred
Vendor name and city
Itemized amounts
General description of the items
3. Reimbursement for the actual cost of lodging cannot exceed the applicable
maximum published state rate plus taxes and authorized business-related fees
except when reservations are made through the following:
a. Conference Site lodging can be booked directly with the conference site
hotel when supported by program literature identifying
Conference Hotel
Conference Room Rate
b. Contracted Travel Agency - lodging reservations obtained through the
travel agency or online reservation tool and supported by a confirmation
from the travel agency.
6.2 International Travel
An employee may be reimbursed for meal and lodging with receipts during travel outside the
continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico up to the U.S. Department of State
Foreign meal and lodging per diem rate schedule based on the US dollar rate in effect when
6.3 Groups (Conferences, Conventions and Pre-Arranged Group Meetings)
All meetings of state agencies must be held in a facility owned, leased, being purchased, or
operated by this state, the federal government, a unit of local government, or a state-supported
institution, unless the agency authorizes a different location.
Agencies must obtain prior approval from Vehicle and Travel Services before entering into an
agreement with a venue for group meals or lodging above the published state rates, regardless
of funding source. Group rates do not include reasonable service fees, room fees, or gratuities.
Employees may be reimbursed for expenses incidental to official state business travel, including
the following, if approved by the agency:
7.1 Business Equipment
The cost of handling, rental, setup, or shipping of equipment, displays, or other business-related
items may be allowed if supported by a receipt and detailed explanation.
7.2 Delivery Services
The cost of delivery services may be allowed if supported by a receipt and detailed explanation.
7.3 Miscellaneous Business Expenses
Charges may be reimbursed for fax, scanning, phone, postage, internet, or other business
services, if supported by a receipt or documentation. A detailed explanation may be required for
7.4 Registration Fees
Registration fees for conventions or meetings of associations or organizations are reimbursable
with a receipt and copy of the agenda. The documentation must indicate whether a meal was
7.5 Room Rental
Rental of special hotel or meeting rooms for business use must be pre-approved by the
department in compliance with PA 431 of 1984. The rental expense is reimbursable if supported
by a receipt.
8.1 Travel Advances
State agencies may provide travel advances to employees traveling on state business, subject
to each agency’s administrative decision.
8.2 Payment for Travel
A. Air and rail reservations booked through the state’s contracted travel agency are
direct billed to the traveler’s agency.
B. The traveler must pay all other travel expenses and seek reimbursement through
the state’s travel and expense reimbursement system, unless the agency authorizes
other means of payment.
9.1 Exceptions to Rates
The DTMB and MCSC may approve exceptions to the travel reimbursement rates submitted by
agencies if in the state’s best economic interest. All exceptions must be requested through
Vehicle and Travel Services, DTMB. Exceptions generally reviewed for approval include the
1. Hotel charges above the applicable maximum published rates that were not made
through the contracted travel agency or part of a conference.
2. Group meeting meal or lodging rates that will be direct billed to the state above the
applicable maximum published rates.
3. Any extraordinary issue that might need an exception, such as special
accommodations based on security, health, or disability.
9.2 Changes to Rules and Regulations
Requests for changes in the rules or regulations on classified and unclassified employees must
be submitted to the Director of Vehicle and Travel Services, DTMB, for evaluation.
9.3 Pilot Programs
The director of the Department of Technology, Management and Budget and the state
personnel director may jointly authorize pilot programs in writing to allow reimbursements under
conditions different from those provided in these standardized travel regulations and the normal
procedures and policies of DTMB Vehicle and Travel Services when in the best economic
interest of the state.