Title stata.com
table multiway Multiway tables
Description Quick star t Menu Syntax
Options Remarks and examples Stored results Reference
Also see
In this entry, we discuss how to use the table command to create tables displaying frequencies,
percentages, and proportions across levels of three or more variables. Additionally, we demonstrate
how a single table command can create multiple tables corresponding to levels of variables or
different statistics.
Quick start
Table of frequencies with rows defined by the levels of a1 and columns defined by the categories of
a2 and a3
table (a1) (a2 a3)
Same as above, but with rows defined by levels of a1 and a2 and columns defined by levels of a3
table (a1 a2) (a3)
Separate tables for each level a3 with the rows of each table defined by the levels of a1 and the
columns defined by levels of a2
table (a1) (a2) (a3)
Report percentages of observations in each cell rather than frequencies
table (a1) (a2 a3), statistic(percent)
Report both frequencies and percentages
table (a1) (a2 a3), statistic(percent) statistic(frequency)
Report the percentages across levels of a3
table (a1) (a2 a3), statistic(percent, across(a3))
Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Tables of frequencies, summaries, and command results
2 table multiway Multiway tables
Table with rows defined by multiple variables
table rowvars colvar
, options
Table with columns defined by multiple variables
table rowvar (colvars)
, options
Table with rows and columns defined by multiple variables
table (rowvars) (colvars)
, options
Multiple multiway tables
table (rowvars) (colvars) (tabvars)
, options
Customized multiway tables
table (rowspec) (colspec)
, options
rowspec, colspec, and tabspec may be empty or may include variable names or any of the following
keyword Description
result requested statistics
across index across() specifications
table multiway Multiway tables 3
options Description
totals(totals) report only the specified totals
nototals suppress the marginal totals
, statopts
) statistic to be reported; default is
statistic(frequency) when no weights
are specified and statistic(sumw) otherwise
nformat(% fmt
, basestyle
) specify numeric format
) specify string format
listwise use listwise deletion to handle missing values
missing treat numeric missing values like other values
showcounts show sample size for all variables in statistic()
zerocounts report 0 for empty cell counts
name(cname) collect results into a collection named cname
append append results to an existing collection
replace replace results of an existing collection
label(filename) specify the collection labels
, override
) specify the collection style
markvar(newvar) create newvar to identify observations used to
compute the statistics
fweights, aweights, iweights, and pweights are allowed; see [U] 11.1.6 weight.
strL variables are not allowed; see [U] 12.4.8 strL.
markvar() does not appear in the dialog box.
totals(totals) and nototals control which totals are to be displayed in the table. By default, all
totals are reported.
totals(totals) specifies that totals be displayed only for the variables or interactions specified.
totals can contain rowvars, colvars, tabvars, and interactions between any of these variables.
Interactions can be specified by using the # operator.
nototals prevents table from displaying any totals.
4 table multiway Multiway tables
, statopts
) specifies the statistic to be displayed. statistic() may be repeated
to request multiple statistics.
Available statistics are
stat Definition
frequency frequency
sumw sum of weights
proportion proportion
percent percentage
rawproportion proportion ignoring optionally specified weights
rawpercent percentage ignoring optionally specified weights
The following options may be specified in combination with statistics proportion, percent,
rawproportion, and rawpercent:
statopts Definition
across(cellspec) percentages or proportions across levels of variables or interactions
total compute overall percentages or proportions
cellspec may contain rowvars, colvars, tabvars, or an interaction between any of these variables.
Interactions can be specified by using the # operator.
nformat(% fmt
, basestyle
) changes the numeric format, such as the number of
decimal places, for specified results. If results are not specified, the numeric format is changed
for all results.
results may be any statistic named in option statistic() (that is, any stat).
This option is repeatable, and when multiple formats apply to one result, the rightmost specification
is applied.
This option does not affect the format of numeric layout variables (rowspec, colspec, and tabspec).
The default format of these variables is taken from the dataset.
basestyle indicates that the format be applied to results that do not already have their own
format instead of overriding the format for all results.
) changes the string format for specified results. You can, for instance, add
symbols or text to the values reported in the table by modifying the string format.
sfmt may contain a mix of text and %s. Here %s refers to the numeric value that is formatted as
specified using nformat(). The text will be placed around the numeric values in your table as it
is placed around %s in this option. For instance, to place parentheses around the percent statistics,
you can specify sformat("(%s)" percent).
results may be any statistic named in option statistic() (that is, any stat).
Two text characters must be specified using a special character sequence if you want them to be
displayed in your table. To include %, type %%. To include \, type \\. For instance, to place a
percent sign following percent statistics, you can specify sformat("%s%%" percent).
This option is repeatable, and when multiple formats apply to one result, the rightmost specification
is applied.
table multiway Multiway tables 5
listwise handles missing values through listwise deletion, meaning that the entire observation is
omitted from the sample if any variable specified in a statistic() option is missing for that
observation. By default, table will omit an observation only if all variables specified in all
statistic() options are missing for that observation.
missing specifies that numeric missing values of any rowvars, colvars, or tabvars be treated as valid
categories. By default, observations with a numeric missing value in rowvars, colvars, or tabvars
are omitted.
showcounts specifies that table report the sample size for each variable specified in option
zerocounts specifies that table report a 0 in empty cells for the frequency statistic.
name(cname) specifies that a collection named cname be associated with the collected statistics and
results. The default is name(Table).
append specifies that table append its collection information into the collection named in name().
replace permits table to overwrite an existing collection. This option is implied for name(Table)
when append is not specified.
label(filename) specifies the filename containing the collection labels to use for your table. Labels
in filename will be loaded for the table, and any labels not specified in filename will be taken
from the labels defined in c(collect label). The default is to use only the collection labels
set in c(collect label); see [TABLES] set collect label.
, override
) specifies the filename containing the collection styles to use for
your table. The default collection styles will be discarded, and only the collection styles in filename
will be applied.
If you prefer the default collection styles but also want to apply any styles in filename, specify
override. If there are conflicts between the default collection styles and those in filename, the
ones in filename will take precedence.
The default is to use only the collection styles set in c(table style); see [TABLES] set table style.
The following option is available with table but is not shown in the dialog box:
markvar(newvar) generates an indicator variable that identifies the observations used in the tabulation.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Tables with columns defined by multiple variables
Appending tables
Multiple tables with specified totals
The table command allows you to create complex tables beyond one- and two-way tabulations.
In multiway tabulations, you can display frequencies across levels of two or more variables. You can
have levels of one variable nested within levels of another variable in columns, in rows, or in both
dimensions. And with a single command, you can create separate tables for levels of one or more
variables or for different results.
6 table multiway Multiway tables
Tables with columns defined by multiple variables
We use data from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II)
(McDowell et al. 1981). The data contain some demographic information, such as the age, sex,
and race of participants. The dataset also contains some measures of health, including whether the
individual has high blood pressure (highbp).
Before we create any tables, we will modify a few labels in our dataset so that they will appear
as we wish in our tables.
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l
(Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)
. label define yesno 0 "No" 1 "Yes"
. label values highbp diabetes heartatk yesno
. label variable diabetes "Diabetes"
Suppose we want to examine how many males and females in each age group have high blood
pressure. Let’s place the levels of age group on the rows and the levels of high blood pressure and
sex on the columns.
. table (agegrp) (sex highbp), nototals
Male Female
High blood pressure High blood pressure
No Yes No Yes
Age group
20--29 825 291 1,103 101
30--39 480 290 687 165
40--49 336 274 434 228
50--59 255 347 335 354
60--69 568 801 625 866
70+ 147 301 180 358
By default, table includes the totals for each category; we added the nototals option to suppress
them here.
To better compare the occurrence of high blood pressure, let’s now compute percentages of highbp.
Below, we create the same table, but within each sex and age group combination, we report the
percentage of individuals with and without high blood pressure.
table multiway Multiway tables 7
. table (agegrp) (sex highbp), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp))
Male Female
High blood pressure High blood pressure
No Yes No Yes
Age group
20--29 73.92 26.08 91.61 8.39
30--39 62.34 37.66 80.63 19.37
40--49 55.08 44.92 65.56 34.44
50--59 42.36 57.64 48.62 51.38
60--69 41.49 58.51 41.92 58.08
70+ 32.81 67.19 33.46 66.54
Here we see that 26.08% of males in their 20s have high blood pressure and only 8.39% of females
in their 20s have high blood pressure.
If we had simply typed statistic(percent), then we would see the percentage of observations
in each cell. With the suboption across(), we can compute the percentage within each sex and age
group combination (across levels of highbp).
Next, let’s request that percentages be calculated across the categories of high blood pressure and
sex. We can alternatively think of this as being percentages within age group.
. table (agegrp) (sex highbp), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp#sex))
Male Female
High blood pressure High blood pressure
No Yes No Yes
Age group
20--29 35.56 12.54 47.54 4.35
30--39 29.59 17.88 42.36 10.17
40--49 26.42 21.54 34.12 17.92
50--59 19.75 26.88 25.95 27.42
19.86 28.01 21.85 30.28
70+ 14.91 30.53 18.26 36.31
Here we see that 12.54% of individuals in their 20s are males with high blood pressure and 4.35%
are females with high blood pressure.
We can reverse the order of our column variables so that we have the levels of sex nested within
levels of high blood pressure. We will again request percentages across the categories of highbp.
8 table multiway Multiway tables
. table (agegrp) (highbp sex), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp))
High blood pressure
No Yes
Sex Sex
Male Female Male Female
Age group
20--29 73.92 91.61 26.08 8.39
30--39 62.34 80.63 37.66 19.37
40--49 55.08 65.56 44.92 34.44
50--59 42.36 48.62 57.64 51.38
60--69 41.49 41.92 58.51 58.08
70+ 32.81 33.46 67.19 66.54
The last two columns represent the percentage of males with high blood pressure in the age group
and the percentage of females with high blood pressure in the age group. We can clearly see that,
across all age groups, the percent of males who have high blood pressure is greater than the percentage
of females with high blood pressure.
Perhaps we want a table that includes only the two columns on the right. To create a table
with the percentages of individuals with high blood pressure, we can take advantage of a unique
feature of table—its results are automatically stored in a “collection” and can be easily customized.
Specifically, when we create a table using the table command, the results are stored in a collection
named Table, and these results replace the results from any previous table command. The collect
suite of commands can be used to change the layout, style, and formatting of tables created from
results in collection; see [TABLES] Intro to learn about collections of results and creating customized
tables. For our table, we will use the collect layout command, which specifies how items from
a collection should be arranged. Below, we arrange the percentages in a table with rows defined by
the categories of agegrp and columns defined by the categories of sex and category 1 of highbp.
. collect layout (agegrp) (highbp[1]#sex)
Collection: Table
Rows: agegrp
Columns: highbp[1]#sex
Table 1: 7 x 2
High blood pressure
Male Female
Age group
20--29 26.07527 8.388704
30--39 37.66234 19.3662
40--49 44.91803 34.44109
50--59 57.6412 51.37881
60--69 58.50986 58.08182
70+ 67.1875 66.54275
table multiway Multiway tables 9
Appending tables
When we specify multiple variables for the row or column specification, the levels of one variable
are nested within the levels of another. When you simply wish to join rows or columns from multiple
tables, this can be easily done with the append option.
For example, we first create a table with the percentage of males and females in each age group
with diabetes.
. table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals statistic(percent, across(diabetes))
No Yes
Age group
20--29 99.64 0.36
30--39 99.61 0.39
40--49 97.38 2.62
50--59 94.68 5.32
60--69 91.96 8.04
70+ 88.39 11.61
Age group
20--29 99.09 0.91
30--39 97.88 2.12
40--49 96.07 3.93
50--59 94.19 5.81
60--69 91.42 8.58
70+ 89.03 10.97
We want to include the same information for highbp and heartatk in the same table, which
indicates whether someone has had a heart attack. To do this, we will run the table command three
times, once specifying each of these variables as the column variable. We will use the name(table1)
option to specify that the results be stored in a collection named table1. To the second and third
table commands, we will add the append option so that all the results are stored in the same
collection rather than overriding the results from the previous command.
. quietly: table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals
> statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) name(table1)
. quietly: table (sex agegrp) (highbp), nototals
> statistic(percent, across(highbp)) name(table1) append
. quietly: table (sex agegrp) (heartatk), nototals
> statistic(percent, across(heartatk)) name(table1) append
With the results from all our table commands stored in one collection, we can again take advantage
of the collect layout command to arrange results into a table. We request that sex and agegroup
define the rows. By including the # between variable names, we specify that we want the levels of
these variables to be interacted to form the rows. We request that levels of diabetes, highbp, and
heartatk form the columns. Because we did not include # between the variable names, their levels
will not be interacted. Instead, they will be listed one after the other.
10 table multiway Multiway tables
. collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes highbp heartatk)
Collection: table1
Rows: sex#agegrp
Columns: diabetes highbp heartatk
Table 1: 17 x 6
Diabetes High blood pressure Prior heart attack
No Yes No Yes No Yes
Age group
20--29 99.64 0.36 73.92 26.08 100.00
30--39 99.61 0.39 62.34 37.66 99.74 0.26
40--49 97.38 2.62 55.08 44.92 98.03 1.97
50--59 94.68 5.32 42.36 57.64 92.36 7.64
60--69 91.96 8.04 41.49 58.51 86.56 13.44
70+ 88.39 11.61 32.81 67.19 83.48 16.52
Age group
20--29 99.09 0.91 91.61 8.39 99.92 0.08
30--39 97.88 2.12 80.63 19.37 99.76 0.24
40--49 96.07 3.93 65.56 34.44 98.79 1.21
50--59 94.19 5.81 48.62 51.38 96.66 3.34
60--69 91.42 8.58 41.92 58.08 94.57 5.43
70+ 89.03 10.97 33.46 66.54 92.01 7.99
Multiple tables with specified totals
There may be times when instead of creating one large table for multiple variables, you would
prefer to create separate tables for each level of one or more variables or for different statistics. For
example, we previously had levels of age group nested within categories of sex. Now, we would
like to create tables that show how males and females in each age group rate their own health. The
variable hlthstat records how individuals self-rate their health. Let’s create a table that shows what
percent of males in each age group selected each of the health categories and a separate table to list
the percent of females.
table multiway Multiway tables 11
. table (agegrp) (hlthstat) (sex), statistic(percent, across(hlthstat))
Sex = Male
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 39.61 32.71 20.97 5.82 0.90 100.00
30--39 36.88 29.61 26.10 5.84 1.56 100.00
40--49 28.03 25.90 29.51 12.30 4.26 100.00
50--59 17.80 21.30 35.11 15.97 9.82 100.00
60--69 13.33 19.56 28.94 23.00 15.16 100.00
70+ 14.77 14.99 26.62 28.41 15.21 100.00
Total 25.50 24.71 27.30 14.71 7.78 100.00
Sex = Female
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 32.39 34.55 24.92 6.98 1.16 100.00
30--39 29.76 30.71 28.12 9.29 2.12 100.00
40--49 26.71 23.07 29.29 15.63 5.31 100.00
50--59 17.15 20.93 33.43 20.20 8.28 100.00
60--69 10.76 20.31 33.22 25.49 10.22 100.00
70+ 10.78 19.14 26.39 30.48 13.20 100.00
Total 21.29 25.40 29.45 17.47 6.40 100.00
Sex = Total
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 35.86 33.66 23.02 6.42 1.03 100.00
30--39 33.15 30.19 27.16 7.65 1.85 100.00
40--49 27.34 24.43 29.39 14.03 4.81 100.00
50--59 17.46 21.10 34.21 18.23 9.00 100.00
60--69 11.99 19.95 31.17 24.30 12.59 100.00
70+ 12.59 17.26 26.50 29.54 14.11 100.00
Total 23.29 25.07 28.43 16.16 7.05 100.00
We see that 14.77% of males in their 70s and beyond rated their health as excellent and 10.78%
of females in their 70s and beyond rated their health as excellent.
Note that we actually created three tables, one for males, one for females, and one for everybody.
We are mainly interested in the first two tables and would like to drop the third table. But if we use
the nototals option, we will not get the row totals we see above. Instead, we can specify which
totals we do want with the totals() option:
12 table multiway Multiway tables
. table (agegrp) (hlthstat) (sex), statistic(percent, across(hlthstat))
> totals(sex#agegrp sex#hlthstat sex)
Sex = Male
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 39.61 32.71 20.97 5.82 0.90 100.00
30--39 36.88 29.61 26.10 5.84 1.56 100.00
40--49 28.03 25.90 29.51 12.30 4.26 100.00
50--59 17.80 21.30 35.11 15.97 9.82 100.00
60--69 13.33 19.56 28.94 23.00 15.16 100.00
70+ 14.77 14.99 26.62 28.41 15.21 100.00
Total 25.50 24.71 27.30 14.71 7.78 100.00
Sex = Female
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 32.39 34.55 24.92 6.98 1.16 100.00
30--39 29.76 30.71 28.12 9.29 2.12 100.00
40--49 26.71 23.07 29.29 15.63 5.31 100.00
50--59 17.15 20.93 33.43 20.20 8.28 100.00
60--69 10.76 20.31 33.22 25.49 10.22 100.00
70+ 10.78 19.14 26.39 30.48 13.20 100.00
Total 21.29 25.40 29.45 17.47 6.40 100.00
sex#agegrp gives us the row totals, the total for each age group within each category of sex.
sex#hlthstat provides us with the column totals, one of which would be the total percent of females
that rated their health as excellent. Finally, sex gives us the total in the rightmost cell in the bottom
of each table.
In all our previous tables, we used variables to define the rows and columns, but you can also use
results in the row, column, and table identifiers. For example, suppose that in addition to reporting
percentages for males and females in each age group, we wanted to report frequencies. We can
create separate tables for the percentages and frequencies by specifying result in the third set of
parentheses. To include the totals for each age group and for each category of sex, we specify the
interaction of sex and agegrp in the totals() option:
table multiway Multiway tables 13
. table (sex agegrp) (hlthstat) (result), statistic(percent, across(hlthstat))
> statistic(frequency) totals(sex#agegrp)
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 39.61 32.71 20.97 5.82 0.90 100.00
30--39 36.88 29.61 26.10 5.84 1.56 100.00
40--49 28.03 25.90 29.51 12.30 4.26 100.00
50--59 17.80 21.30 35.11 15.97 9.82 100.00
60--69 13.33 19.56 28.94 23.00 15.16 100.00
70+ 14.77 14.99 26.62 28.41 15.21 100.00
Age group
20--29 32.39 34.55 24.92 6.98 1.16 100.00
30--39 29.76 30.71 28.12 9.29 2.12 100.00
40--49 26.71 23.07 29.29 15.63 5.31 100.00
50--59 17.15 20.93 33.43 20.20 8.28 100.00
60--69 10.76 20.31 33.22 25.49 10.22 100.00
70+ 10.78 19.14 26.39 30.48 13.20 100.00
Health status
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Age group
20--29 442 365 234 65 10 1,116
30--39 284 228 201 45 12 770
40--49 171 158 180 75 26 610
50--59 107 128 211 96 59 601
60--69 182 267 395 314 207 1,365
70+ 66 67 119 127 68 447
Age group
20--29 390 416 300 84 14 1,204
30--39 253 261 239 79 18 850
40--49 176 152 193 103 35 659
50--59 118 144 230 139 57 688
60--69 160 302 494 379 152 1,487
70+ 58 103 142 164 71 538
In the table of frequencies, we see that of the 1,204 females in their 20s, only 390 rated their
health as excellent. In the table of percentages, we see that this is equal to 32.39% of females in
their 20s.
If we wish to include one of these tables, for example, in a paper or on a webpage, we can easily
export it in L
X, Word, Excel, HTML, and a variety of other formats by using collect export.
14 table multiway Multiway tables
Stored results
table stores the following in r():
r(N) number of observations
McDowell, A., A. Engel, J. T. Massey, and K. Maurer. 1981. Plan and operation of the Second National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976–1980. Vital and Health Statistics 1(15): 1–144.
Also see
[R] table Table of frequencies, summaries, and command results
[R] table intro Introduction to tables of frequencies, summaries, and command results
[R] table oneway One-way tabulation
[R] table twoway Two-way tabulation
[TABLES] Intro Introduction
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