Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 1
First-year application
Student information
Personal information
Legal name
Middle Last/family/sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) Suffix
Preferred name (nickname) Former name(s)
Date of birth
Male Female
If you would like the opportunity, we invite you to share more about your gender identity
Contact information
Preferred phone
Home Mobile
Include area/country/city code
Alternate phone
Home Mobile
Include area/country/city code
Email address
Permanent home address
Number and street
Apartment number City/town
County State/province
ZIP/postal code
Alternate mailing address
Number and street
Apartment number City/town
County State/province
Country ZIP/postal code
Citizenship status
US citizen or US national US dual citizen US permanent resident US refugee or asylee Other (non-US)
Non-US citizenship(s)
Currently held US visa type
Date issued
City State/province
Years lived in the US Years lived outside the US
Language proficiency (check all that apply)
F (first language) S (speak) R (read) W (write) H (spoken at home)
Additional demographics
The questions in the additional demographics section are optional. Information you provide in this section
is not used in a discriminatory manner.
Religious preference US Armed Forces status
Service start date
Actual or projected service end date
Are you Hispanic/Latinx (including Spain)?
Yes No
If yes, please describe your background.
Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself and describe your background.
(You may select one or more)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Are you enrolled in a federally recognized tribe?
Yes No
If yes, please enter Tribal Enrollment Number
Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines)
Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean)
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 2
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
White (including Middle East)
Please list both parents below, even if one or more is deceased or no longer has legal responsibilities for you. If you are a minor with a legal
guardian, please include that information. You may list step-parents and/or other adults you live with, or who care for you, in the additional
information section.
With whom do you make your permanent home?
Parent 1 Parent 2 Both parents Legal guardian Ward of the court/state Other
Specify other living situation If you have children, how many?
Parents’ marital status (relative to each other)
Married Separated Divorced Never married Widowed Civil union/domestic partners
Parent 1
Mother Father
Is parent 1 living?
Yes No
Date deceased
First/given name
Last/family/surname Suffix
Former last/family/surname (if any)
Preferred phone
Home Mobile Other Work
Include area/country/city code
Address if different from yours
Number and street
Apartment number City/town
County State/province
ZIP/postal code
Occupation (former, if retired)
College attended (if any)
Degree Year
College attended (if any)
Degree Year
Parent 2
Mother Father I do not have another parent to list
Is parent 2 living?
Yes No
Date deceased
First/given name
Last/family/surname Suffix
Former last/family/surname (if any)
Preferred phone
Home Mobile Other Work
Include area/country/city code
Address if different from yours
Number and street
Apartment number City/town
County State/province
ZIP/postal code
Occupation (former, if retired)
College attended (if any)
Degree Year
College attended (if any)
Degree Year
Legal guardian (if other than parent)
First/given name
Middle Last/family/surname Suffix
Former last/family/surname (if any) Relationship to you
Preferred phone
Home Mobile Other Work
Include area/country/city code
Occupation (former, if retired)
College attended (if any) Degree Year
College attended (if any) Degree Year
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 3
Address if different from yours
Number and street Apartment number City/town
County State/province Country
ZIP/postal code
Please list the names and ages of your siblings including their college information. If you have more than 3 siblings, you can use
the additional information section.
Sibling 1
First/given name
Middle initial Last/family/surname Age
College attended (if any) Degree
Earned or expected
mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy
Sibling 2
First/given name
Middle initial Last/family/surname Age
College attended (if any) Degree
Earned or expected
mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy
Sibling 3
First/given name
Middle initial Last/family/surname Age
College attended (if any) Degree
Earned or expected
mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy
Secondary/high schools
Current or most recent secondary/high school CEEB code
Entry date
Graduation/exit date
Number and street
City/town County State/province
ZIP/postal code
Please list any other secondary/high schools you have attended
School name Location
City, state/province, ZIP/postal code, country
Dates attended
mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy
Please indicate if any of these options will have affected your progression through or since secondary/high school. Check all that
apply and provide details in the additional information section.
Did or will graduate early Did or will graduate late
Did or will take time off Did or will take gap year
List any community programs or organizations that have provided you with free assistance in your application process.
Colleges and universities
List all colleges where you have taken coursework.
Dual enrollment with high school (DE), Summer program (SP), Credit awarded directly by college (CR)
College name Location
City, state/province, ZIP/postal code, country
DE SP CR Dates attended
mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy
Degree earned
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 4
Graduating class size (approx.) Class rank reporting (if available) GPA scale reporting
Cumulative GPA GPA weighting
Weighted Unweighted
Current or most recent year courses
Please list all courses you are taking this year and include their level (AP, IB, advanced, honors, etc.). If you are not currently enrolled, please list
courses from your most recent academic year.
Full year/first semester/first trimester Second semester/second trimester Third trimester
or additional first/second term courses
The items in this section are optional. List any honors you have received related to your academic achievements beginning with the
ninth grade or international equivalent.
Grade level or
post-graduate (PG)
9 10 11 12 PG
Honor Level(s) of recognition
S (School) S/R (State or regional)
N (National) I (International)
Future plans
Career interest Highest degree you intend to earn
In addition to sending official score reports as required by colleges, you have the option to self-report scores or future test dates for any of
the following standardized tests: ACT, SAT/SAT Subject, AP, IB, TOEFL, PTE Academic, IELTS, and Senior Secondary Leaving Examinations.
Exam dates
Past and future mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
Highest scores
Composite mm/dd/yyyy English mm/dd/yyyy Math mm/dd/yyyy
Reading mm/dd/yyyy Science mm/dd/yyyy
Exam dates
Past and future mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
Highest scores
reading and writing
mm/dd/yyyy Math mm/dd/yyyy Combined
AP/IB/SAT Subjects/Senior Secondary Leaving Examinations
Highest scores
Per subject, so far mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
mm/yyyy Type and subject Score
Exam dates
Past and future mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
Highest score
Test Overall mm/dd/yyyy
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 5
Reporting activities can help colleges better understand your life outside of the classroom. Examples of activities might include clubs,
extracurriculars, family responsibilities, hobbies, work, or volunteering. List your activities in the order of their importance to you.
Timing of
S (School year) B (School
break) Y (All year)
grade levels
PG (Post-graduate)
Activity 1
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 2
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 3
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 4
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 5
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 6
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 6
Timing of
S (School year) B (School
break) Y (All year)
grade levels
PG (Post-graduate)
Activity 7
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 8
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 9
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Activity 10
Organization name
Hours per week
Weeks per year
S B Y 9 10 11 12 PG
Do you plan to participate in college?
Yes No
Personal essay
Some colleges require submission of the personal essay with your Common App. You may submit a personal essay to any college, even if it is
not required by that college.
The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice.
What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that
best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response.
Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but dont feel obligated to do so. Please attach the essay on
a separate sheet.
Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this
sounds like you, then please share your story.
The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How
did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is
of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to
when you want to learn more?
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 7
Disciplinary history
Please Note: Common App member colleges carefully consider all parts of your application. Information provided below will be considered
in the context of the rest of your application and does not necessarily prevent you from being admitted to college. For more information on
whether specific colleges choose to receive this information or how it may be considered, please see the My Colleges tab.
Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have attended from the 9th
grade (or the international equivalent) forward, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a
disciplinary action? These actions could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the
Yes No
If you answered “yes”, please attach a separate sheet of paper that gives the approximate date(s) of each incident, explains the circumstances,
and reflects on what you learned from the experience.
Additional information
Community disruptions such as COVID-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is yours
to describe those impacts. Colleges care about the effects on your health and well-being, safety, family circumstances, future plans, and
education, including access to reliable technology and quiet study spaces. For more information, check out our COVID-19 FAQ. Please
attach a separate sheet if you wish to share anything on this topic. Max word count: 250
You have the option to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application. If you wish to do so, please
attach a separate sheet with the details. Max word count: 650
Application fee payment
If this college requires an application fee, how will you pay it?
Online By mail Fee waiver request
I certify that all information submitted in the admission process - including this application and any other supporting materials - is my own
work, factually true, and honestly presented, and that these documents will become the property of the institution to which I am applying
and will not be returned to me. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation,
expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree should the information I have certified be false.
I agree to notify the institutions to which I am applying immediately should there be any change to the information requested in this
application, including disciplinary history.
I understand that once my application has been submitted it may not be altered in any way; I will need to contact the institution directly if I
wish to provide additional information.
I affirm that I will send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to only one institution; sending multiple deposits (or equivalent) may result in
the withdrawal of my admission offers from all institutions. [Note: students may send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to a second
institution where they have been admitted from the waitlist, provided that they inform the first institution that they will no longer be
Signature Date
Common Application member institutions are committed to promoting access, equity, and integrity, in the college admissions process for all students. Each member adheres to our
Guiding Principles as part of their membership.