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Brag sheet:
Student quesonnaire for counselor
leer of recommendaon
Brag sheets are a way for you to help your counselor and teachers write leers of recommendaon.
These forms give them more insight into who you are outside of school and your interests. Fill out
these forms, and share them with your counselor and teachers when you ask them for a leer of
This form is for students to ll out.
Complete this form to help your counselor write a leer of recommendaon on your behalf. Keep in mind,
the more specic the details you can give, the more personal and eecve your recommendaon will be.
Student’s cell number:
List three adjecves you would use to describe yourself.
What do you like to do for fun?
Student’s full name:
Student’s email address:
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List your major acvies in school.
Include what grade(s) you have parcipated (9,10,11,12, other) and any leadership posions, honors, and/or
awards received.
List your major acvies outside of school.
Consider things like clubs, sports, work, community service, hobbies, and family responsibilies. Include
what grade(s) you have parcipated (9,10,11,12, other) and any leadership posions, honors, and/or awards
What events, experiences and/or people in your life have had the greatest inuence
on making you the person you are today?
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Describe your academic strengths.
Do you believe your academic record is an accurate reecon of your ability? If not, please explain why.
What majors or careers are you considering?
Do you have any parcular college preferences your counselor should know about?
What colleges have you visited (in person or virtually) and what were your impressions?
School size:
Campus seing:
Type of school:
What colleges are you considering applying to?
Doesn’t maer
Large (>15,000 students)
Medium (2,000-15,000 students)
Small (<2,000 students)
Doesn’t maer
Other (please describe):
Proximity to home:
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What excites you about going to college?
What is something your counselor probably doesnt know about you?
Addional informaon.
Use this space to share any addional informaon with your counselor. Is there
anything not already stated that you want to make sure they know prior to wring your
leer of recommendaon? What hopes do you have for your college experience?
Thank you for taking the me to share this important informaon with your
* Thank you to the members of Common App’s Outreach Advisory Commiee and counselors around the world for contribung to this resource.