NCEAS Science Communication Resource Corner
Last updated: 6/29/22 Alexandra Phillips
Colorblind Safe Color Schemes
Why use colorblind safe palettes?
- 8% of men have color vision impairment! Using colorblind friendly colors
increases accessibility
- A study of 580 papers in biological sciences found that roughly half had figures
that were completely or partially inaccessible for red-green colorblindness
When should you use colorblind safe palettes?
- You should use color blind friendly schemes for all scientific publications
- For artwork, posters, presentations, and more casual science communication,
you can try more creative color schemes (see our other guide)
1. Avoid red, especially with green
- Red-blindness is the most common form of color blindness (deuteranopia)
- If you have to use red/green, try to change brightness/hue
- try blue/red, blue/orange, or one of the sets that I have developed below:
- For divergent schemes try red to blue or purple to green:
NCEAS Science Communication Resource Corner
Last updated: 6/29/22 Alexandra Phillips
2. Use pre-existing colorblind safe palettes
- There are a lot of color schemes out there already that are tested for color
blindness - Iʼve compiled my favorites below
- ColorBlindness R Package: Compilation of >15 color blind safe palettes for
plotting and other data visualizations with discrete color palettes
3. Avoid rainbows color maps
- For continuous color maps, try the Viridis R Package, which includes eight
perceptually uniform color blind tested options
NCEAS Science Communication Resource Corner
Last updated: 6/29/22 Alexandra Phillips
- For maps where specific colors are needed, like ice cover or oceanographic
data, check CMOcean for MATLAB or R
4. Check with colorblind visualization soware
- There are a few options out there, but I prefer Color Oracle, a free color
blindness simulator that applies a full screen filter to visualize color blindness
and grayscale
5. Donʼt rely just on color
- When possible, avoid conveying information purely through color! Consider
varying texture, symbols, typography, or annotation.
NCEAS Science Communication Resource Corner
Last updated: 6/29/22 Alexandra Phillips
Crameri, Fabio, Grace E. Shephard, and Philip J. Heron. “The Misuse of Colour in Science
Communication.Nature Communications 11, no. 1 (October 28, 2020): 5444.
Jambor, Helena, Alberto Antonietti, Bradly Alicea, Tracy L. Audisio, Susann Auer, Vivek Bhardwaj,
Steven J. Burgess, et al. “Creating Clear and Informative Image-Based Figures for Scientific
Publications.PLOS Biology 19, no. 3 (March 31, 2021): e3001161.
Jenny, Bernhard, and Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso. “Color Design for the Color Vision Impaired.
Cartographic Perspectives, no. 58 (September 1, 2007): 61–67.
Katsnelson, Alla. “Colour Me Better: Fixing Figures for Colour Blindness.Nature 598, no. 7879
(October 4, 2021): 224–25.
Muth, Lisa Charlotte. “What to Consider When Visualizing Data for Colorblind Readers -
Datawrapper Blog.” Accessed May 2, 2022.
Nichols, David. “Coloring for Colorblindness.
Thyng, Kristen, Chad Greene, Robert Hetland, Heather Zimmerle, and Steven DiMarco. “True
Colors of Oceanography: Guidelines for Effective and Accurate Colormap Selection.
Oceanography 29, no. 3 (September 1, 2016): 9–13.
Tol, Paul. “Paul Tolʼs Notes: Introduction to Color Schemes.
Wong, Bang. “Points of View: Color Blindness.Nature Methods 8, no. 6 (June 1, 2011): 441–441.