Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect with
AWS Prescriptive Guidance
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AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
AWS Prescriptive Guidance: Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by
using AWS Direct Connect with Megaport
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Solution components ...................................................................................................................... 2
AWS Direct Connect ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Hosted connection .................................................................................................................................. 2
Public virtual interface ........................................................................................................................... 2
Salesforce ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Hyperforce ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Salesforce Express Connect (SEC) ........................................................................................................ 3
Megaport ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Megaport Port ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) ............................................................................................................... 5
Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) ............................................................................................................. 5
Use cases .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Use case: branch offices .............................................................................................................................. 6
Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Configuring Megaport Port with VXC ................................................................................................. 7
Configuring your network devices ....................................................................................................... 7
Configuring AWS Direct Connect ......................................................................................................... 8
Configuring Megaport Port with SEC ................................................................................................. 9
Configuring Salesforce Hyperforce ...................................................................................................... 9
Use case: VPN-connected workforce ...................................................................................................... 10
Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Configuring Megaport MVE with VXC .............................................................................................. 10
Configuring VNF applicances .............................................................................................................. 11
Configuring route filters ...................................................................................................................... 11
Configuring AWS Direct Connect ...................................................................................................... 12
Configuring Megaport MVE with SEC ............................................................................................... 13
Configuring Salesforce Hyperforce ................................................................................................... 13
Use case: multicloud virtual desktop infrastructure ........................................................................... 13
Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Configuring Megaport MCR with VXC .............................................................................................. 14
Configuring AWS Direct Connect ...................................................................................................... 14
Configuring Megaport MCR with SEC ............................................................................................... 15
Configure Salesforce Hyperforce ....................................................................................................... 15
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Pricing ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Document history .......................................................................................................................... 18
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 19
# ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
B ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
C ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
D ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
E ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
F ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
G ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
H ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
I ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37
L ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
M .................................................................................................................................................................... 41
O .................................................................................................................................................................... 45
P ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Q .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
R ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50
S ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53
T ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
U ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
V ..................................................................................................................................................................... 59
W .................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Z ..................................................................................................................................................................... 60
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct
Connect with Megaport
Bennett Borofka and Kranthi Pullagurla (AWS), Abhiram Gajjala (Salesforce), Kevin Dresser
August 2024 (document history)
Many AWS users have hybrid workloads that span the cloud and on-premises locations. To
adequately provide private, reliable network connectivity between these environments, you can
choose from a variety of options to ensure business value and cost optimization. Users who have
branch offices, enterprise data centers, and a VPN-connected workforce have unique requirements
for enabling access to Salesforce Hyperforce running on AWS. This guide describes use cases to
help Salesforce Hyperforce and AWS users configure private, reliable connectivity to Hyperforce by
using AWS Direct Connect and the Megaport software-defined networking (SDN) platform.
Salesforce Hyperforce is a next-generation Salesforce infrastructure architecture that is built to run
on cloud providers such as AWS. You can use Hyperforce to benefit from its enhanced compliance,
security, agility, scalability, and privacy. Hyperforce provides multiple options for establishing
private, reliable network connectivity to Hyperforce from your on-premises location, other AWS
accounts, or other cloud providers.
AWS Direct Connect is a cloud service that bypasses the internet to link branch offices and data
centers to AWS. It offers the shortest path from your location to Hyperforce, where network traffic
remains on the AWS backbone network and never traverses the public internet.
Megaport is an SDN platform and AWS Direct Connect partner. Megaport provides a variety of
network connectivity options for users who want fast, reliable connectivity to AWS and other cloud
This guide is for practitioners, architects, administrators, and operators of networking, cloud
infrastructure, and Salesforce Hyperforce.
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Solution components
AWS Direct Connect requires you to either create your own dedicated connection to AWS, or work
with an AWS Direct Connect Partner to create a hosted connection. This article provides guidance
for using Megaport as an AWS Direct Connect Partner to facilitate hybrid and multiple use cases for
connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce.
AWS Direct Connect
AWS Direct Connect establishes a private, dedicated network connection between on-premises
data centers and AWS. This direct link helps organizations bypass the public internet and provides
reliable and private communication with AWS resources.
Although Hyperforce runs on AWS infrastructure, using AWS Direct Connect to access it requires
you to manage an AWS account for billing and configuration of the connection. Using AWS Direct
Connect to connect to the Salesforce-managed Hyperforce AWS account isn't supported.
Hosted connection
A hosted connection is a physical Ethernet connection that an AWS Direct Connect Partner
provisions on behalf of a user. The use cases and architectures covered in this guide use a hosted
connection with the AWS Direct Connect Partner, Megaport. Hosted connections offer bandwidth
ranges between 50 Mbps to 25 Gbps in multiple increments, whereas dedicated connections are
provided in 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 100 Gbps capacities. For more information about AWS Direct
Connect bandwidth and costs, see AWS Direct Connect pricing.
Public virtual interface
The Hyperforce architecture requires access to the public IP address space of AWS resources from
on-premises and multicloud locations. A public virtual interface (VIF) is used to connect your
remote location to public AWS services and public IPs deployed on AWS. Using a private VIF to
access Hyperforce is not supported.
Using a public VIF requires the use of unique public IPv4 addresses. You will need
to provide your own IPv4 CIDR or request a /31 CIDR from AWS Support. For more
AWS Direct Connect 2
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
information, see the prerequisites for virtual interfaces in the AWS Direct Connect
Using a public VIF to connect to AWS from your on-premises or multicloud environment
changes the way traffic is routed from AWS public prefixes to your users. We recommend
that you use a prefix filter (route map) to make sure that the accepted Amazon prefixes
are limited to the Hyperforce infrastructure and any other necessary AWS resources. For
more information, review public virtual interface prefix advertisement rules in the AWS
Direct Connect documentation and Hyperforce External IPs on the Salesforce website.
The prefixes that are advertised by AWS Direct Connect must not be advertised beyond
the network boundaries of your connection. For example, these prefixes must not be
included in any public internet routing table. For information, review public virtual
interface routing policies in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that's designed to help you sell,
service, market, analyze, and connect with your customers.
Salesforce Hyperforce is a next-generation Salesforce infrastructure architecture that's built
for the public cloud. It provides enhanced scalability, flexibility, and agility by using the AWS
infrastructure. It is the fastest and simplest way to run Salesforce on public cloud infrastructure.
Salesforce Express Connect (SEC)
Salesforce Express Connect (SEC) enables private, reliable connectivity from users to Salesforce-
operated data centers. Ensuring private connectivity to Hyperforce currently requires a SEC
connection in conjunction with AWS Direct Connect.
A limited number ofSalesforce services still run in Salesforce-managed infrastructure.
To maintain connectivity to all services in Salesforce-managed infrastructure and
Hyperforce, users who require private network access to Salesforce must continue to run
SEC along with AWS Direct Connect.
Salesforce 3
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Salesforce and AWS do not sell SEC. If you require private network connectivity to
Salesforce-managed infrastructure, you will need a SEC connection. This article covers
establishing a new SEC connection to Salesforce by using Megaport.
SEC is not used for any data migration between Salesforce-managed infrastructure and
Hyperforce. If you are migrating to Hyperforce, Salesforce facilitates data migrations
in your organization on a private backbone. SEC is necessary for ongoing, private
connectivity to Salesforce by users.
Megaport simplifies and accelerates hybrid cloud connectivity to AWS Regions in a scalable,
private, and on-demand manner. Megaport acts as a facilitator in this connectivity ecosystem, and
offers SDN solutions to simplify and optimize the process of connecting to cloud services, including
the AWS Cloud. Megaport connections are called virtual cross connects (VXCs), which are Layer 2
Ethernet circuits that provide private, flexible, and on-demand connectivity between any of the
locations on the Megaport network. To access the Megaport network, you must first create a Port,
Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE), or Megaport Cloud Router (MCR), which are covered in the next
Megaport Port
Megaport Port is a high-speed Ethernet interface that creates a network-to-network interface
(NNI) between your network and the Megaport network. It is configured as an 802.1Q virtual local
area network (VLAN) trunk to support up to 100 VXCs, each presented as a unique VLAN. The Port
provisioning process enables the Megaport interface and generates a Letter of Authorization (LOA)
with instructions for the data center operator to establish the physical cross connect from your
equipment to the new Port.
Your network device requires either 10 or 100 Gbps interfaces with 10GBASE-LR (duplex on
single-mode optical fiber [SMOF]) or 100G-LR4 (duplex on SMOF) optical transceivers.
Megaport 4
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE)
Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) is a network functions virtualization (NFV) platform that provides
virtual infrastructure for network services at the edge of Megaport's global SDN. You can use MVE
to deploy a virtual network stack (or point of presence) without any physical data center presence
or hardware. MVE is available in 27 metro regions across the globe and is aligned closely with AWS
Direct Connect peering locations (NNIs). MVE supports third-party VNF appliances from vendors
such as Aruba, Cisco, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, Versa Networks, and VMware.
Megaport doesn't sell third-party licenses and requires that you use a Bring Your Own
License (BYOL) model.
Megaport Cloud Router (MCR)
Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) is a managed virtual router service that enables direct Layer 2
and Layer 3 networking between endpoints on the Megaport network, including other cloud
providers. The MCR can be deployed as a standalone service to route traffic between different
cloud environments without requiring you to have a physical presence in that data center. It can
also be connected to your Port to route pertinent traffic back to a physical location. The MCR is
managed through the Megaport Portal to configure both static and dynamic Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) routing functions, including Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), Multi-Exit
Discriminator (MED), Autonomous System Number (ASN), and NAT. For more information, see
Configuring BGP Advanced Settings in the Megaport documentation.
Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) 5
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Use cases
The use cases in the following sections provide examples for how you can enable your users to
have private, reliable connectivity to Hyperforce.
Branch offices
VPN-connected workforce
Multicloud virtual desktop infrastructure
Key considerations
Hyperforce can be used for both private and public connectivity.
You can use any combination of the use cases that are described.
Both new Salesforce users and users who are migrating from Salesforce-managed data center
infrastructure can use Hyperforce. The use cases cover both scenarios.
Migration of data from a Salesforce-managed data center instance to Hyperforce is managed by
Salesforce behind the scenes, and doesn't use the network architecture described in these use
Some aspects of user application logins to Hyperforce still require network connectivity to
Salesforce-managed data centers. For this reason, if you require fully private connectivity, you
must use SEC with AWS Direct Connect.
Use case: branch offices
This use case covers a scenario where you have a physical router in one Megaport location, and you
use it as an on-ramp to AWS Direct Connect. In this scenario, you also have one or more branch
offices connected to this location through private circuits.
Using Megaport Port with AWS Direct Connect gives your users who work in branch offices private
connectivity to Salesforce Hyperforce. The branch offices consist of a single office or a cluster of
offices inter-networked across a metropolitan area network (MAN). The offices on-ramp to AWS
Direct Connect by using a Megaport location. The following diagram shows the architecture for this
use case.
Use case: branch offices 6
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Your users access Salesforce over private network connections.
Your users work primarily from branch offices that have private connectivity to a Megaport-
enabled location.
You own an AWS account to manage the AWS Direct Connect hosted connection with Megaport.
You have a physical router that's deployed at a Megaport location that facilitates a cross connect
with Megaport's router.
Configuring Megaport Port with VXC
The Megaport Port is configured with a VXC and provides the private Layer 2 network segment to
AWS. The AWS Direct Connect connection is provisioned as a hosted connection and attached to a
public VIF. For step-by-step instructions, see the following Megaport documentation:
Creating a Port
Configuring and Maintaining AWS Hosted Connections
Configuring your network devices
Network devices that are deployed at the Megaport location within your rack are configured to
support the connectivity to the Hyperforce instances through AWS Direct Connect. These devices
might include a router, switch, firewall, or a combined network stack of multiple devices. The
Requirements 7
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
vendor and model types are optional, depending on your requirements.We recommend that you
work with your network administrator to configure these devices.
The device that is used to establish the physical cross connect to the Megaport rack must support
802.1Q VLAN tagging to establish Layer 2 adjacency. Layer 3 adjacency is then established
between your router and the AWS public VIF by using BGP.
The BGP prefixes advertised from your router to AWS are configured in the AWS
Management Console when you create the public VIF.
The prefixes advertised by AWS Direct Connect must not be advertised beyond the
network boundaries of your connection. For example, these prefixes must not be
included in any public internet routing table. For more information, see Public virtual
interface routing policies in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Configuring AWS Direct Connect
Accept a hosted connection
In your AWS account, accept the VXC created previously as a hosted connection. For instructions,
see the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Create a public VIF
In your account, provision a public VIF under the connection you accepted from Megaport. Before
you create this VIF, you need to obtain the following:
The BGP ASN of the router that's deployed to the Megaport location.
Public IPv4 addresses for peering (typically /31 CIDR). You can own these or request them from
AWS Support. For more information, see Peer IP addresses in the section Prerequisites for virtual
interfaces in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
To create a public VIF, follow the steps in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
After you create the public VIF, you need to make sure that the BGP authentication key matches
both ends of the BGP peer for the peering state to become available.
Configuring AWS Direct Connect 8
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Using a public VIF to connect to AWS from your on-premises environment changes
the way traffic is routed from AWS public prefixes to your users. We recommend that
you use a prefix filter (route map) to make sure that the accepted Amazon prefixes are
limited to the Hyperforce infrastructure and any other necessary AWS resources. For more
information, see Public virtual interface prefix advertisement rules in the AWS Direct
Connect documentation and Hyperforce External IPs in the Salesforce documentation.
Configuring Megaport Port with SEC
You can also provision the Megaport Port with a SEC VXC, which provides the Layer 2 networking
elements for the private connection to Salesforce-managed data centers. SEC lets you access
Salesforce applications and services directly with a private, dedicated connection. SEC is delivered
as a Layer 3 routed service. You access Salesforce services by using public IPs and must run BGP to
receive Salesforce routes. Megaport allocates a /31 public IP range for each Salesforce peering.
SEC offers a choice between two IP addressing options:
Source NAT your LAN traffic to use the /31 public IP space provided by Megaport.
Advertise your own public IP address space to Salesforce. (Salesforce won't accept
RFC1918 blocks of IP address space.)
For step-by-step instructions, see Connecting to Salesforce Express Connect in the Megaport
Configuring Salesforce Hyperforce
To enable inbound connections from your corporate network into Salesforce, you need to configure
inbound access to Hyperforce as a security measure. To allow the required domains, follow the
instructions in Allow Domains for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic in the Salesforce
documentation. Do not use IP addresses.
Configuring Megaport Port with SEC 9
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Use case: VPN-connected workforce
This use case covers a scenario where you use a virtual VPN concentrator at a Megaport location
as an on-ramp to AWS Direct Connect. In this scenario, you have remote branch offices or workers
with site-to-site VPNs that connect to the VPN concentrator.
Using Megaport MVE with a third-party virtual firewall and AWS Direct Connect gives your remote
workers private connectivity to Salesforce Hyperforce. The remote workers connect to the VPN
concentrator from an internet-connected router at a branch office or from a VPN client that is
running on their device. The remote workers then on-ramp to AWS Direct Connect by using a
Megaport location.
Your remote workers access Salesforce over private network connections.
Your remote workers or users at branch offices have site-to-site VPN connectivity to a Megaport-
enabled location over the internet.
You own an AWS account to manage the AWS Direct Connect hosted connection with Megaport.
Configuring Megaport MVE with VXC
The Megaport MVE that's configured with a VXC provides the private Layer 2 network segment to
AWS. The MVE is a virtual solution and doesn't require a Port.However, you must specify the third-
party virtual network appliance to be deployed. The VXC deployment process and functionality are
Use case: VPN-connected workforce 10
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
the same, whether you use a Port, MVE, or MCR. AWS Direct Connect should be provisioned as a
hosted connection and attached to a public VIF.
For an overview and step-by-step instructions, see the following Megaport documentation:
Introducing MVE
Configuring and Maintaining AWS Hosted Connections
Configuring VNF applicances
MVE supports third-party virtual network function (VNF) appliances from vendors such as Aruba,
Cisco, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, Versa Networks, and VMware. You can choose a vendor to
handle routing, security, and the SSL VPN functions of the MVE. For a full list of MVE integration
partners, see the Megaport documentation.
For example, this use case describes a high-level architecture where Megaport MVE supports
VPN/SD-WAN connections from regional branch offices and remote users who have an SSL VPN
connection.This MVE peers with AWS and routes these connections privately to Hyperforce
through AWS Direct Connect.
The key elements of this architecture include:
Route filters to limit AWS prefixes for relevant Hyperforce instances
SSL VPN policies based on Hyperforce fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and IP address ranges
NAT policy for Hyperforce users behind a single public IP address that faces AWS
Configuring route filters
When the VNF has established BGP peering with the AWS public VIF, the route table should
populate with prefixes for all AWS public services and Hyperforce.You can apply route filtering by
using IP lists or BGP community tags.We recommend that you configure a route map of prefixes
that include a range of Hyperforce instances in an AWS Region.
The BGP prefixes advertised from your router to AWS are configured in the AWS
Management Console when you create the public VIF.
Configuring VNF applicances 11
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
The prefixes advertised by AWS Direct Connect must not be advertised beyond the
network boundaries of your connection. For example, these prefixes must not be
included in any public internet routing table. For more information, see Public virtual
interface routing policies in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Configuring AWS Direct Connect
Accept a hosted connection
In your AWS account, accept the VXC created previously as a hosted connection. For instructions,
see the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Create a public VIF
In your account, provision a public VIF under the connection you accepted from Megaport. Before
you create this VIF, you need to obtain the following:
The BGP ASN of the VNF appliance.
Public IPv4 addresses for peering (typically /31 CIDR). You can own these or request them from
AWS Support. For more information, see Peer IP addresses in the section Prerequisites for virtual
interfaces in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
To create a public VIF, follow the steps in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
After you create the public VIF, you need to make sure that the BGP authentication key matches
both ends of the BGP peer for the peering state to become available.
Using a public VIF to connect to AWS from your on-premises environment changes
the way traffic is routed to your on-premises location from AWS. We recommend that
you use a prefix filter (route map) to make sure that the accepted Amazon prefixes are
limited to the Hyperforce infrastructure and any other necessary AWS resources. For more
information, see Public virtual interface prefix advertisement rules in the AWS Direct
Connect documentation and Hyperforce External IPs in the Salesforce documentation.
Configuring AWS Direct Connect 12
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Configuring Megaport MVE with SEC
In some cases, Hyperforce login requests are redirected to Salesforce-managed data centers.To
keep this traffic on a private network, you can add a Megaport VXC to Salesforce by using SEC.
You can configure your VNF security policies with rules by using the Salesforce login FQDN. This is
similar to the AWS Direct Connect architecture described earlier in this guide.
For step-by-step instructions, see Connecting to Salesforce Express Connect in the Megaport
Configuring Salesforce Hyperforce
To enable inbound connections from your corporate network into Salesforce, you need to configure
inbound access to Hyperforce as a security measure. To allow the required domains, follow the
instructions in Allow Domains for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic in the Salesforce
documentation. Do not use IP addresses.
Use case: multicloud virtual desktop infrastructure
This use case covers a scenario where you have a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) running in
another cloud provider that has a private connection to Megaport and is used as an on-ramp to
AWS Direct Connect
Using Megaport MCR with AWS Direct Connect gives your VDI users private connectivity to
Salesforce Hyperforce. VDI users use their desktops for their daily work, and the VDI provides an
on-ramp to AWS Direct Connect by using a Megaport location.
Configuring Megaport MVE with SEC 13
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Users access Salesforce over private network connections.
Users use a VDI.
The VDI runs in an alternate cloud provider and has a private connection established to
You own an AWS account to manage the AWS Direct Connect hosted connection with Megaport.
Configuring Megaport MCR with VXC
For step-by-step instructions, see the following Megaport documentation:
Creating an MCR
Creating MCR Connections to AWS
The BGP prefixes advertised from your router to AWS are configured in the AWS
Management Console when you create the public VIF.
The prefixes advertised by AWS Direct Connect must not be advertised beyond the
network boundaries of your connection. For example, these prefixes must not be
included in any public internet routing table. For more information, see Public virtual
interface routing policies in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Configuring AWS Direct Connect
Accept a hosted connection
In your AWS account, accept the VXC created previously as a hosted connection.For instructions,
see the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
Create a public VIF
In your account, provision a public VIF under the connection you accepted from Megaport. Before
you create this VIF, you need to obtain the following:
Requirements 14
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
The BGP ASN of the MCR.
Public IPv4 addresses for peering (typically /31 CIDR). You can own these or request them from
AWS Support. For more information, see Peer IP addresses in the section Prerequisites for virtual
interfaces in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
To create a public VIF, follow the steps in the AWS Direct Connect documentation.
After you create the public VIF, you need to make sure that the BGP authentication key matches
both ends of the BGP peer for the peering state to become available.
Using a public VIF to connect to AWS from your on-premises or multicloud environment
changes the way traffic is routed from AWS public prefixes to your users. We recommend
that you use a prefix filter (route map) to make sure that the accepted Amazon prefixes
are limited to the Hyperforce infrastructure and any other necessary AWS resources. For
more information, see Public virtual interface prefix advertisement rules in the AWS Direct
Connect documentation and Hyperforce External IPs in the Salesforce documentation.
Configuring Megaport MCR with SEC
For step-by-step instructions, see Creating MCR Connections to Salesforce Express Connect in the
Megaport documentation.
Configure Salesforce Hyperforce
To enable inbound connections from your corporate network into Salesforce, you need to configure
inbound access to Hyperforce as a security measure. To allow the required domains, follow the
instructions in Allow Domains for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic in the Salesforce
documentation. Do not use IP addresses.
Configuring Megaport MCR with SEC 15
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Cost considerations for the solutions described in this guide depend on various factors, such as
scale, consumed bandwidth, selected products, and vendor discounts. When pricing the various
components, consider the following:
AWS Direct Connect – The price varies based on Region, port type, capacity, and data transferred.
Use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate your costs.
Megaport hosted connection to AWS – The price varies depending on product usage and
capacity. Megaport Port, MVE, and MCR are available directly from Megaport or can be procured
through AWS Marketplace.
Megaport SEC – This is available directly through Megaport.
Salesforce Hyperforce – This is available directly through Salesforce.
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
AWS documentation
AWS Direct Connect
AWS Direct Connect User Guide
Megaport documentation
Creating a Port
Configuring and Maintaining AWS Hosted Connections
Connections Overview
MCR Overview
Introducing MVE
Connecting to Salesforce Express Connect
Salesforce documentation
Introducing Hyperforce – General Information & FAQ
Hyperforce External IPs
Allow Domains for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Allow the Required Domains
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Document history
The following table describes significant changes to this guide. If you want to be notified about
future updates, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.
Change Description Date
Initial publication August 30, 2024
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
AWS Prescriptive Guidance glossary
The following are commonly used terms in strategies, guides, and patterns provided by AWS
Prescriptive Guidance. To suggest entries, please use the Provide feedback link at the end of the
7 Rs
Seven common migration strategies for moving applications to the cloud. These strategies build
upon the 5 Rs that Gartner identified in 2011 and consist of the following:
Refactor/re-architect – Move an application and modify its architecture by taking full
advantage of cloud-native features to improve agility, performance, and scalability. This
typically involves porting the operating system and database. Example:Migrate your on-
premises Oracle database to the Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.
Replatform (lift and reshape) – Move an application to the cloud, and introduce some level
of optimization to take advantage of cloud capabilities. Example:Migrate your on-premises
Oracle database to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle in the AWS
Repurchase (drop and shop) – Switch to a different product, typically by moving from
a traditional license to a SaaS model. Example:Migrate your customer relationship
management (CRM) system to
Rehost (lift and shift) – Move an application to the cloud without making any changes to
take advantage of cloud capabilities. Example:Migrate your on-premises Oracle database to
Oracle on an EC2 instance in the AWS Cloud.
Relocate (hypervisor-level lift and shift) – Move infrastructure to the cloud without
purchasing new hardware, rewriting applications, or modifying your existing operations.
You migrate servers from an on-premises platform to a cloud service for the same platform.
Example:Migrate a Microsoft Hyper-V application to AWS.
Retain (revisit) – Keep applications in your source environment. These might include
applications that require major refactoring, and you want to postpone that work until a later
time, and legacy applications that you want to retain, because there’s no business justification
for migrating them.
# 19
AWS Prescriptive Guidance Connecting to Salesforce Hyperforce by using AWS Direct Connect
with Megaport
Retire – Decommission or remove applications that are no longer needed in your source
See attribute-based access control.
abstracted services
See managed services.
See atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability.
active-active migration
A database migration method in which the source and target databases are kept in sync (by
using a bidirectional replication tool or dual write operations), and both databases handle
transactions from connecting applications during migration. This method supports migration in
small, controlled batches instead of requiring a one-time cutover. It’s more flexible but requires
more work than active-passive migration.
active-passive migration
A database migration method in which in which the source and target databases are kept in
sync, but only the source database handles transactions from connecting applications while
data is replicated to the target database. The target database doesn’t accept any transactions
during migration.
aggregate function
A SQL function that operates on a group of rows and calculates a single return value for the
group. Examples of aggregate functions include SUM and MAX.
See artificial intelligence.
See artificial intelligence operations.
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The process of permanently deleting personal information in a dataset. Anonymization can help
protect personal privacy. Anonymized data is no longer considered to be personal data.
A frequently used solution for a recurring issue where the solution is counter-productive,
ineffective, or less effective than an alternative.
application control
A security approach that allows the use of only approved applications in order to help protect a
system from malware.
application portfolio
A collection of detailed information about each application used by an organization, including
the cost to build and maintain the application, and its business value. This information is key to
the portfolio discovery and analysis process and helps identify and prioritize the applications to
be migrated, modernized, and optimized.
artificial intelligence (AI)
The field of computer science that is dedicated to using computing technologies to perform
cognitive functions that are typically associated with humans, such as learning, solving
problems, and recognizing patterns. For more information, see What is Artificial Intelligence?
artificial intelligence operations (AIOps)
The process of using machine learning techniques to solve operational problems, reduce
operational incidents and human intervention, and increase service quality. For more
information about how AIOps is used in the AWS migration strategy, see the operations
integration guide.
asymmetric encryption
An encryption algorithm that uses a pair of keys, a public key for encryption and a private key
for decryption. You can share the public key because it isn’t used for decryption, but access to
the private key should be highly restricted.
atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID)
A set of software properties that guarantee the data validity and operational reliability of a
database, even in the case of errors, power failures, or other problems.
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attribute-based access control (ABAC)
The practice of creating fine-grained permissions based on user attributes, such as department,
job role, and team name. For more information, see ABAC for AWS in the AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM) documentation.
authoritative data source
A location where you store the primary version of data, which is considered to be the most
reliable source of information. You can copy data from the authoritative data source to other
locations for the purposes of processing or modifying the data, such as anonymizing, redacting,
or pseudonymizing it.
Availability Zone
A distinct location within an AWS Region that is insulated from failures in other Availability
Zones and provides inexpensive, low-latency network connectivity to other Availability Zones in
the same Region.
AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)
A framework of guidelines and best practices from AWS to help organizations develop an
efficient and effective plan to move successfully to the cloud. AWS CAF organizes guidance
into six focus areas called perspectives: business, people, governance, platform, security,
and operations. The business, people, and governance perspectives focus on business skills
and processes; the platform, security, and operations perspectives focus on technical skills
and processes. For example, the people perspective targets stakeholders who handle human
resources (HR), staffing functions, and people management. For this perspective, AWS CAF
provides guidance for people development, training, and communications to help ready the
organization for successful cloud adoption. For more information, see the AWS CAF website and
the AWS CAF whitepaper.
AWS Workload Qualification Framework (AWS WQF)
A tool that evaluates database migration workloads, recommends migration strategies, and
provides work estimates. AWS WQF is included with AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT). It
analyzes database schemas and code objects, application code, dependencies, and performance
characteristics, and provides assessment reports.
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bad bot
A bot that is intended to disrupt or cause harm to individuals or organizations.
See business continuity planning.
behavior graph
A unified, interactive view of resource behavior and interactions over time. You can use a
behavior graph with Amazon Detective to examine failed logon attempts, suspicious API
calls, and similar actions. For more information, see Data in a behavior graph in the Detective
big-endian system
A system that stores the most significant byte first. See also endianness.
binary classification
A process that predicts a binary outcome (one of two possible classes). For example, your ML
model might need to predict problems such as “Is this email spam or not spam?" or "Is this
product a book or a car?"
bloom filter
A probabilistic, memory-efficient data structure that is used to test whether an element is a
member of a set.
blue/green deployment
A deployment strategy where you create two separate but identical environments. You run the
current application version in one environment (blue) and the new application version in the
other environment (green). This strategy helps you quickly roll back with minimal impact.
A software application that runs automated tasks over the internet and simulates human
activity or interaction. Some bots are useful or beneficial, such as web crawlers that index
information on the internet. Some other bots, known as bad bots, are intended to disrupt or
cause harm to individuals or organizations.
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Networks of bots that are infected by malware and are under the control of a single party,
known as a bot herder or bot operator. Botnets are the best-known mechanism to scale bots and
their impact.
A contained area of a code repository. The first branch created in a repository is the main
branch. You can create a new branch from an existing branch, and you can then develop
features or fix bugs in the new branch. A branch you create to build a feature is commonly
referred to as a feature branch. When the feature is ready for release, you merge the feature
branch back into the main branch. For more information, see About branches (GitHub
break-glass access
In exceptional circumstances and through an approved process, a quick means for a user to
gain access to an AWS account that they don't typically have permissions to access. For more
information, see the Implement break-glass procedures indicator in the AWS Well-Architected
brownfield strategy
The existing infrastructure in your environment. When adopting a brownfield strategy for a
system architecture, you design the architecture around the constraints of the current systems
and infrastructure. If you are expanding the existing infrastructure, you might blend brownfield
and greenfield strategies.
buffer cache
The memory area where the most frequently accessed data is stored.
business capability
What a business does to generate value (for example, sales, customer service, or marketing).
Microservices architectures and development decisions can be driven by business capabilities.
For more information, see the Organized around business capabilities section of the Running
containerized microservices on AWS whitepaper.
business continuity planning (BCP)
A plan that addresses the potential impact of a disruptive event, such as a large-scale migration,
on operations and enables a business to resume operations quickly.
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See AWS Cloud Adoption Framework.
canary deployment
The slow and incremental release of a version to end users. When you are confident, you deploy
the new version and replace the current version in its entirety.
See Cloud Center of Excellence.
See change data capture.
change data capture (CDC)
The process of tracking changes to a data source, such as a database table, and recording
metadata about the change. You can use CDC for various purposes, such as auditing or
replicating changes in a target system to maintain synchronization.
chaos engineering
Intentionally introducing failures or disruptive events to test a system’s resilience. You can use
AWS Fault Injection Service (AWS FIS) to perform experiments that stress your AWS workloads
and evaluate their response.
See continuous integration and continuous delivery.
A categorization process that helps generate predictions. ML models for classification problems
predict a discrete value. Discrete values are always distinct from one another. For example, a
model might need to evaluate whether or not there is a car in an image.
client-side encryption
Encryption of data locally, before the target AWS service receives it.
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Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE)
A multi-disciplinary team that drives cloud adoption efforts across an organization, including
developing cloud best practices, mobilizing resources, establishing migration timelines, and
leading the organization through large-scale transformations. For more information, see the
CCoE posts on the AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog.
cloud computing
The cloud technology that is typically used for remote data storage and IoT device
management. Cloud computing is commonly connected to edge computing technology.
cloud operating model
In an IT organization, the operating model that is used to build, mature, and optimize one or
more cloud environments. For more information, see Building your Cloud Operating Model.
cloud stages of adoption
The four phases that organizations typically go through when they migrate to the AWS Cloud:
Project – Running a few cloud-related projects for proof of concept and learning purposes
Foundation – Making foundational investments to scale your cloud adoption (e.g., creating a
landing zone, defining a CCoE, establishing an operations model)
Migration – Migrating individual applications
Re-invention – Optimizing products and services, and innovating in the cloud
These stages were defined by Stephen Orban in the blog post The Journey Toward Cloud-First
& the Stages of Adoption on the AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy blog. For information about
how they relate to the AWS migration strategy, see the migration readiness guide.
See configuration management database.
code repository
A location where source code and other assets, such as documentation, samples, and scripts,
are stored and updated through version control processes. Common cloud repositories include
GitHub or AWS CodeCommit. Each version of the code is called a branch. In a microservice
structure, each repository is devoted to a single piece of functionality. A single CI/CD pipeline
can use multiple repositories.
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cold cache
A buffer cache that is empty, not well populated, or contains stale or irrelevant data. This
affects performance because the database instance must read from the main memory or disk,
which is slower than reading from the buffer cache.
cold data
Data that is rarely accessed and is typically historical. When querying this kind of data, slow
queries are typically acceptable. Moving this data to lower-performing and less expensive
storage tiers or classes can reduce costs.
computer vision (CV)
A field of AI that uses machine learning to analyze and extract information from visual formats
such as digital images and videos. For example, AWS Panorama offers devices that add CV to
on-premises camera networks, and Amazon SageMaker provides image processing algorithms
for CV.
configuration drift
For a workload, a configuration change from the expected state. It might cause the workload to
become noncompliant, and it's typically gradual and unintentional.
configuration management database (CMDB)
A repository that stores and manages information about a database and its IT environment,
including both hardware and software components and their configurations. You typically use
data from a CMDB in the portfolio discovery and analysis stage of migration.
conformance pack
A collection of AWS Config rules and remediation actions that you can assemble to customize
your compliance and security checks. You can deploy a conformance pack as a single entity in
an AWS account and Region, or across an organization, by using a YAML template. For more
information, see Conformance packs in the AWS Config documentation.
continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
The process of automating the source, build, test, staging, and production stages of the
software release process. CI/CD is commonly described as a pipeline. CI/CD can help you
automate processes, improve productivity, improve code quality, and deliver faster. For more
information, see Benefits of continuous delivery. CD can also stand for continuous deployment.
For more information, see Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment.
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See computer vision.
data at rest
Data that is stationary in your network, such as data that is in storage.
data classification
A process for identifying and categorizing the data in your network based on its criticality and
sensitivity. It is a critical component of any cybersecurity risk management strategy because
it helps you determine the appropriate protection and retention controls for the data. Data
classification is a component of the security pillar in the AWS Well-Architected Framework. For
more information, see Data classification.
data drift
A meaningful variation between the production data and the data that was used to train an ML
model, or a meaningful change in the input data over time. Data drift can reduce the overall
quality, accuracy, and fairness in ML model predictions.
data in transit
Data that is actively moving through your network, such as between network resources.
data mesh
An architectural framework that provides distributed, decentralized data ownership with
centralized management and governance.
data minimization
The principle of collecting and processing only the data that is strictly necessary. Practicing
data minimization in the AWS Cloud can reduce privacy risks, costs, and your analytics carbon
data perimeter
A set of preventive guardrails in your AWS environment that help make sure that only trusted
identities are accessing trusted resources from expected networks. For more information, see
Building a data perimeter on AWS.
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data preprocessing
To transform raw data into a format that is easily parsed by your ML model. Preprocessing data
can mean removing certain columns or rows and addressing missing, inconsistent, or duplicate
data provenance
The process of tracking the origin and history of data throughout its lifecycle, such as how the
data was generated, transmitted, and stored.
data subject
An individual whose data is being collected and processed.
data warehouse
A data management system that supports business intelligence, such as analytics. Data
warehouses commonly contain large amounts of historical data, and they are typically used for
queries and analysis.
database definition language (DDL)
Statements or commands for creating or modifying the structure of tables and objects in a
database manipulation language (DML)
Statements or commands for modifying (inserting, updating, and deleting) information in a
See database definition language.
deep ensemble
To combine multiple deep learning models for prediction. You can use deep ensembles to
obtain a more accurate prediction or for estimating uncertainty in predictions.
deep learning
An ML subfield that uses multiple layers of artificial neural networks to identify mapping
between input data and target variables of interest.
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An information security approach in which a series of security mechanisms and controls are
thoughtfully layered throughout a computer network to protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of the network and the data within. When you adopt this strategy on AWS,
you add multiple controls at different layers of the AWS Organizations structure to help
secure resources. For example, a defense-in-depth approach might combine multi-factor
authentication, network segmentation, and encryption.
delegated administrator
In AWS Organizations, a compatible service can register an AWS member account to administer
the organization’s accounts and manage permissions for that service. This account is called the
delegated administrator for that service. For more information and a list of compatible services,
see Services that work with AWS Organizations in the AWS Organizations documentation.
The process of making an application, new features, or code fixes available in the target
environment. Deployment involves implementing changes in a code base and then building and
running that code base in the application’s environments.
development environment
See environment.
detective control
A security control that is designed to detect, log, and alert after an event has occurred.
These controls are a second line of defense, alerting you to security events that bypassed the
preventative controls in place. For more information, see Detective controls in Implementing
security controls on AWS.
development value stream mapping (DVSM)
A process used to identify and prioritize constraints that adversely affect speed and quality in
a software development lifecycle. DVSM extends the value stream mapping process originally
designed for lean manufacturing practices. It focuses on the steps and teams required to create
and move value through the software development process.
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digital twin
A virtual representation of a real-world system, such as a building, factory, industrial
equipment, or production line. Digital twins support predictive maintenance, remote
monitoring, and production optimization.
dimension table
In a star schema, a smaller table that contains data attributes about quantitative data in a
fact table. Dimension table attributes are typically text fields or discrete numbers that behave
like text. These attributes are commonly used for query constraining, filtering, and result set
An event that prevents a workload or system from fulfilling its business objectives in its primary
deployed location. These events can be natural disasters, technical failures, or the result of
human actions, such as unintentional misconfiguration or a malware attack.
disaster recovery (DR)
The strategy and process you use to minimize downtime and data loss caused by a disaster. For
more information, see Disaster Recovery of Workloads on AWS: Recovery in the Cloud in the
AWS Well-Architected Framework.
See database manipulation language.
domain-driven design
An approach to developing a complex software system by connecting its components to
evolving domains, or core business goals, that each component serves. This concept was
introduced by Eric Evans in his book, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of
Software (Boston: Addison-Wesley Professional,2003). For information about how you can use
domain-driven design with the strangler fig pattern, see Modernizing legacy Microsoft ASP.NET
(ASMX) web services incrementally by using containers and Amazon API Gateway.
See disaster recovery.
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drift detection
Tracking deviations from a baselined configuration. For example, you can use AWS
CloudFormation to detect drift in system resources, or you can use AWS Control Tower to detect
changes in your landing zone that might affect compliance with governance requirements.
See development value stream mapping.
See exploratory data analysis.
edge computing
The technology that increases the computing power for smart devices at the edges of an IoT
network. When compared with cloud computing, edge computing can reduce communication
latency and improve response time.
A computing process that transforms plaintext data, which is human-readable, into ciphertext.
encryption key
A cryptographic string of randomized bits that is generated by an encryption algorithm. Keys
can vary in length, and each key is designed to be unpredictable and unique.
The order in which bytes are stored in computer memory. Big-endian systems store the most
significant byte first. Little-endian systems store the least significant byte first.
See service endpoint.
endpoint service
A service that you can host in a virtual private cloud (VPC) to share with other users. You can
create an endpoint service with AWS PrivateLink and grant permissions to other AWS accounts
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or to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals. These accounts or principals
can connect to your endpoint service privately by creating interface VPC endpoints. For more
information, see Create an endpoint service in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
enterprise resource planning (ERP)
A system that automates and manages key business processes (such as accounting, MES, and
project management) for an enterprise.
envelope encryption
The process of encrypting an encryption key with another encryption key. For more
information, see Envelope encryption in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)
An instance of a running application. The following are common types of environments in cloud
development environment – An instance of a running application that is available only to the
core team responsible for maintaining the application. Development environments are used
to test changes before promoting them to upper environments. This type of environment is
sometimes referred to as a test environment.
lower environments – All development environments for an application, such as those used
for initial builds and tests.
production environment – An instance of a running application that end users can access. In a
CI/CD pipeline, the production environment is the last deployment environment.
upper environments – All environments that can be accessed by users other than the core
development team. This can include a production environment, preproduction environments,
and environments for user acceptance testing.
In agile methodologies, functional categories that help organize and prioritize your work. Epics
provide a high-level description of requirements and implementation tasks. For example, AWS
CAF security epics include identity and access management, detective controls, infrastructure
security, data protection, and incident response. For more information about epics in the AWS
migration strategy, see the program implementation guide.
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See enterprise resource planning.
exploratory data analysis (EDA)
The process of analyzing a dataset to understand its main characteristics. You collect or
aggregate data and then perform initial investigations to find patterns, detect anomalies,
and check assumptions. EDA is performed by calculating summary statistics and creating data
fact table
The central table in a star schema. It stores quantitative data about business operations.
Typically, a fact table contains two types of columns: those that contain measures and those
that contain a foreign key to a dimension table.
fail fast
A philosophy that uses frequent and incremental testing to reduce the development lifecycle. It
is a critical part of an agile approach.
fault isolation boundary
In the AWS Cloud, a boundary such as an Availability Zone, AWS Region, control plane, or data
plane that limits the effect of a failure and helps improve the resilience of workloads. For more
information, see AWS Fault Isolation Boundaries.
feature branch
See branch.
The input data that you use to make a prediction. For example, in a manufacturing context,
features could be images that are periodically captured from the manufacturing line.
feature importance
How significant a feature is for a models predictions. This is usually expressed as a numerical
score that can be calculated through various techniques, such as Shapley Additive Explanations
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(SHAP) and integrated gradients. For more information, see Machine learning model
interpretability with :AWS.
feature transformation
To optimize data for the ML process, including enriching data with additional sources, scaling
values, or extracting multiple sets of information from a single data field. This enables the ML
model to benefit from the data. For example, if you break down the “2021-05-27 00:15:37”
date into “2021”, “May”, “Thu”, and “15”, you can help the learning algorithm learn nuanced
patterns associated with different data components.
See fine-grained access control.
fine-grained access control (FGAC)
The use of multiple conditions to allow or deny an access request.
flash-cut migration
A database migration method that uses continuous data replication through change data
capture to migrate data in the shortest time possible, instead of using a phased approach. The
objective is to keep downtime to a minimum.
geo blocking
See geographic restrictions.
geographic restrictions (geo blocking)
In Amazon CloudFront, an option to prevent users in specific countries from accessing content
distributions. You can use an allow list or block list to specify approved and banned countries.
For more information, see Restricting the geographic distribution of your content in the
CloudFront documentation.
Gitflow workflow
An approach in which lower and upper environments use different branches in a source code
repository. The Gitflow workflow is considered legacy, and the trunk-based workflow is the
modern, preferred approach.
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greenfield strategy
The absence of existing infrastructure in a new environment. When adopting a greenfield
strategy for a system architecture, you can select all new technologies without the restriction
of compatibility with existing infrastructure, also known as brownfield. If you are expanding the
existing infrastructure, you might blend brownfield and greenfield strategies.
A high-level rule that helps govern resources, policies, and compliance across organizational
units (OUs). Preventive guardrails enforce policies to ensure alignment to compliance standards.
They are implemented by using service control policies and IAM permissions boundaries.
Detective guardrails detect policy violations and compliance issues, and generate alerts
for remediation. They are implemented by using AWS Config, AWS Security Hub, Amazon
GuardDuty, AWS Trusted Advisor, Amazon Inspector, and custom AWS Lambda checks.
See high availability.
heterogeneous database migration
Migrating your source database to a target database that uses a different database engine
(for example, Oracle to Amazon Aurora). Heterogeneous migration is typically part of a re-
architecting effort, and converting the schema can be a complex task. AWS provides AWS SCT
that helps with schema conversions.
high availability (HA)
The ability of a workload to operate continuously, without intervention, in the event of
challenges or disasters. HA systems are designed to automatically fail over, consistently deliver
high-quality performance, and handle different loads and failures with minimal performance
historian modernization
An approach used to modernize and upgrade operational technology (OT) systems to better
serve the needs of the manufacturing industry. A historian is a type of database that is used to
collect and store data from various sources in a factory.
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homogeneous database migration
Migrating your source database to a target database that shares the same database engine
(for example, Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon RDS for SQL Server). Homogeneous migration
is typically part of a rehosting or replatforming effort. You can use native database utilities to
migrate the schema.
hot data
Data that is frequently accessed, such as real-time data or recent translational data. This data
typically requires a high-performance storage tier or class to provide fast query responses.
An urgent fix for a critical issue in a production environment. Due to its urgency, a hotfix is
usually made outside of the typical DevOps release workflow.
hypercare period
Immediately following cutover, the period of time when a migration team manages and
monitors the migrated applications in the cloud in order to address any issues. Typically, this
period is 1–4 days in length. At the end of the hypercare period, the migration team typically
transfers responsibility for the applications to the cloud operations team.
See infrastructure as code.
identity-based policy
A policy attached to one or more IAM principals that defines their permissions within the AWS
Cloud environment.
idle application
An application that has an average CPU and memory usage between 5and 20percent over
a period of 90days. In a migration project, it is common to retire these applications or retain
them on premises.
See industrial Internet of Things.
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immutable infrastructure
A model that deploys new infrastructure for production workloads instead of updating,
patching, or modifying the existing infrastructure. Immutable infrastructures are inherently
more consistent, reliable, and predictable than mutable infrastructure. For more information,
see the Deploy using immutable infrastructure best practice in the AWS Well-Architected
inbound (ingress) VPC
In an AWS multi-account architecture, a VPC that accepts, inspects, and routes network
connections from outside an application. The AWS Security Reference Architecture recommends
setting up your Network account with inbound, outbound, and inspection VPCs to protect the
two-way interface between your application and the broader internet.
incremental migration
A cutover strategy in which you migrate your application in small parts instead of performing
a single, full cutover. For example, you might move only a few microservices or users to the
new system initially. After you verify that everything is working properly, you can incrementally
move additional microservices or users until you can decommission your legacy system. This
strategy reduces the risks associated with large migrations.
Industry 4.0
A term that was introduced by Klaus Schwab in 2016 to refer to the modernization of
manufacturing processes through advances in connectivity, real-time data, automation,
analytics, and AI/ML.
All of the resources and assets contained within an application’s environment.
infrastructure as code (IaC)
The process of provisioning and managing an application’s infrastructure through a set
of configuration files. IaC is designed to help you centralize infrastructure management,
standardize resources, and scale quickly so that new environments are repeatable, reliable, and
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industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
The use of internet-connected sensors and devices in the industrial sectors, such as
manufacturing, energy, automotive, healthcare, life sciences, and agriculture. For more
information, see Building an industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) digital transformation strategy.
inspection VPC
In an AWS multi-account architecture, a centralized VPC that manages inspections of network
traffic between VPCs (in the same or different AWS Regions), the internet, and on-premises
networks. The AWS Security Reference Architecture recommends setting up your Network
account with inbound, outbound, and inspection VPCs to protect the two-way interface
between your application and the broader internet.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The network of connected physical objects with embedded sensors or processors that
communicate with other devices and systems through the internet or over a local
communication network. For more information, see What is IoT?
A characteristic of a machine learning model that describes the degree to which a human
can understand how the models predictions depend on its inputs. For more information, see
Machine learning model interpretability with AWS.
See Internet of Things.
IT information library (ITIL)
A set of best practices for delivering IT services and aligning these services with business
requirements. ITIL provides the foundation for ITSM.
IT service management (ITSM)
Activities associated with designing, implementing, managing, and supporting IT services for
an organization. For information about integrating cloud operations with ITSM tools, see the
operations integration guide.
See IT information library.
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See IT service management.
label-based access control (LBAC)
An implementation of mandatory access control (MAC) where the users and the data itself are
each explicitly assigned a security label value. The intersection between the user security label
and data security label determines which rows and columns can be seen by the user.
landing zone
A landing zone is a well-architected, multi-account AWS environment that is scalable and
secure. This is a starting point from which your organizations can quickly launch and deploy
workloads and applications with confidence in their security and infrastructure environment.
For more information about landing zones, see Setting up a secure and scalable multi-account
AWS environment.
large migration
A migration of 300or more servers.
See label-based access control.
least privilege
The security best practice of granting the minimum permissions required to perform a task. For
more information, see Apply least-privilege permissions in the IAM documentation.
lift and shift
See 7 Rs.
little-endian system
A system that stores the least significant byte first. See also endianness.
lower environments
See environment.
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machine learning (ML)
A type of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms and techniques for pattern recognition and
learning. ML analyzes and learns from recorded data, such as Internet of Things (IoT) data, to
generate a statistical model based on patterns. For more information, see Machine Learning.
main branch
See branch.
Software that is designed to compromise computer security or privacy. Malware might disrupt
computer systems, leak sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access. Examples of
malware include viruses, worms, ransomware, Trojan horses, spyware, and keyloggers.
managed services
AWS services for which AWS operates the infrastructure layer, the operating system, and
platforms, and you access the endpoints to store and retrieve data. Amazon Simple Storage
Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB are examples of managed services. These are also
known as abstracted services.
manufacturing execution system (MES)
A software system for tracking, monitoring, documenting, and controlling production processes
that convert raw materials to finished products on the shop floor.
See Migration Acceleration Program.
A complete process in which you create a tool, drive adoption of the tool, and then inspect the
results in order to make adjustments. A mechanism is a cycle that reinforces and improves itself
as it operates. For more information, see Building mechanisms in the AWS Well-Architected
member account
All AWS accounts other than the management account that are part of an organization in AWS
Organizations. An account can be a member of only one organization at a time.
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See manufacturing execution system.
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
A lightweight, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication protocol, based on the publish/
subscribe pattern, for resource-constrained IoT devices.
A small, independent service that communicates over well-defined APIs and is typically
owned by small, self-contained teams. For example, an insurance system might include
microservices that map to business capabilities, such as sales or marketing, or subdomains,
such as purchasing, claims, or analytics. The benefits of microservices include agility, flexible
scaling, easy deployment, reusable code, and resilience. For more information, see Integrating
microservices by using AWS serverless services.
microservices architecture
An approach to building an application with independent components that run each application
process as a microservice. These microservices communicate through a well-defined interface
by using lightweight APIs. Each microservice in this architecture can be updated, deployed,
and scaled to meet demand for specific functions of an application. For more information, see
Implementing microservices on AWS.
Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)
An AWS program that provides consulting support, training, and services to help organizations
build a strong operational foundation for moving to the cloud, and to help offset the initial
cost of migrations. MAP includes a migration methodology for executing legacy migrations in a
methodical way and a set of tools to automate and accelerate common migration scenarios.
migration at scale
The process of moving the majority of the application portfolio to the cloud in waves, with
more applications moved at a faster rate in each wave. This phase uses the best practices and
lessons learned from the earlier phases to implement a migration factory of teams, tools, and
processes to streamline the migration of workloads through automation and agile delivery. This
is the third phase of the AWS migration strategy.
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migration factory
Cross-functional teams that streamline the migration of workloads through automated, agile
approaches. Migration factory teams typically include operations, business analysts and owners,
migration engineers, developers, and DevOps professionals working in sprints. Between 20
and 50 percent of an enterprise application portfolio consists of repeated patterns that can
be optimized by a factory approach. For more information, see the discussion of migration
factories and the Cloud Migration Factory guide in this content set.
migration metadata
The information about the application and server that is needed to complete the migration.
Each migration pattern requires a different set of migration metadata. Examples of migration
metadata include the target subnet, security group, and AWS account.
migration pattern
A repeatable migration task that details the migration strategy, the migration destination, and
the migration application or service used. Example: Rehost migration to Amazon EC2 with AWS
Application Migration Service.
Migration Portfolio Assessment (MPA)
An online tool that provides information for validating the business case for migrating to
the AWS Cloud. MPA provides detailed portfolio assessment (server right-sizing, pricing, TCO
comparisons, migration cost analysis) as well as migration planning (application data analysis
and data collection, application grouping, migration prioritization, and wave planning). The
MPA tool (requires login) is available free of charge to all AWS consultants and APN Partner
Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA)
The process of gaining insights about an organization’s cloud readiness status, identifying
strengths and weaknesses, and building an action plan to close identified gaps, using the AWS
CAF. For more information, see the migration readiness guide. MRA is the first phase of the AWS
migration strategy.
migration strategy
The approach used to migrate a workload to the AWS Cloud. For more information, see the 7 Rs
entry in this glossary and see Mobilize your organization to accelerate large-scale migrations.
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See machine learning.
Transforming an outdated (legacy or monolithic) application and its infrastructure into an agile,
elastic, and highly available system in the cloud to reduce costs, gain efficiencies, and take
advantage of innovations. For more information, see Strategy for modernizing applications in
the AWS Cloud.
modernization readiness assessment
An evaluation that helps determine the modernization readiness of an organization’s
applications; identifies benefits, risks, and dependencies; and determines how well the
organization can support the future state of those applications. The outcome of the assessment
is a blueprint of the target architecture, a roadmap that details development phases and
milestones for the modernization process, and an action plan for addressing identified gaps. For
more information, see Evaluating modernization readiness for applications in the AWS Cloud.
monolithic applications (monoliths)
Applications that run as a single service with tightly coupled processes. Monolithic applications
have several drawbacks. If one application feature experiences a spike in demand, the
entire architecture must be scaled. Adding or improving a monolithic application’s features
also becomes more complex when the code base grows. To address these issues, you can
use a microservices architecture. For more information, see Decomposing monoliths into
See Migration Portfolio Assessment.
See Message Queuing Telemetry Transport.
multiclass classification
A process that helps generate predictions for multiple classes (predicting one of more than
two outcomes). For example, an ML model might ask "Is this product a book, car, or phone?" or
"Which product category is most interesting to this customer?"
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mutable infrastructure
A model that updates and modifies the existing infrastructure for production workloads. For
improved consistency, reliability, and predictability, the AWS Well-Architected Framework
recommends the use of immutable infrastructure as a best practice.
See origin access control.
See origin access identity.
See organizational change management.
offline migration
A migration method in which the source workload is taken down during the migration process.
This method involves extended downtime and is typically used for small, non-critical workloads.
See operations integration.
See operational-level agreement.
online migration
A migration method in which the source workload is copied to the target system without being
taken offline. Applications that are connected to the workload can continue to function during
the migration. This method involves zero to minimal downtime and is typically used for critical
production workloads.
See Open Process Communications - Unified Architecture.
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Open Process Communications - Unified Architecture (OPC-UA)
A machine-to-machine (M2M) communication protocol for industrial automation. OPC-UA
provides an interoperability standard with data encryption, authentication, and authorization
operational-level agreement (OLA)
An agreement that clarifies what functional IT groups promise to deliver to each other, to
support a service-level agreement (SLA).
operational readiness review (ORR)
A checklist of questions and associated best practices that help you understand, evaluate,
prevent, or reduce the scope of incidents and possible failures. For more information, see
Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR) in the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
operational technology (OT)
Hardware and software systems that work with the physical environment to control industrial
operations, equipment, and infrastructure. In manufacturing, the integration of OT and
information technology (IT) systems is a key focus for Industry 4.0 transformations.
operations integration (OI)
The process of modernizing operations in the cloud, which involves readiness planning,
automation, and integration. For more information, see the operations integration guide.
organization trail
A trail that’s created by AWS CloudTrail that logs all events for all AWS accounts in an
organization in AWS Organizations. This trail is created in each AWS account that’s part of the
organization and tracks the activity in each account. For more information, see Creating a trail
for an organization in the CloudTrail documentation.
organizational change management (OCM)
A framework for managing major, disruptive business transformations from a people, culture,
and leadership perspective. OCM helps organizations prepare for, and transition to, new
systems and strategies by accelerating change adoption, addressing transitional issues, and
driving cultural and organizational changes. In the AWS migration strategy, this framework is
called people acceleration, because of the speed of change required in cloud adoption projects.
For more information, see the OCM guide.
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origin access control (OAC)
In CloudFront, an enhanced option for restricting access to secure your Amazon Simple Storage
Service (Amazon S3) content. OAC supports all S3 buckets in all AWS Regions, server-side
encryption with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS), and dynamic PUT and DELETE requests to the S3 bucket.
origin access identity (OAI)
In CloudFront, an option for restricting access to secure your Amazon S3 content. When you
use OAI, CloudFront creates a principal that Amazon S3 can authenticate with. Authenticated
principals can access content in an S3 bucket only through a specific CloudFront distribution.
See also OAC, which provides more granular and enhanced access control.
See operational readiness review.
See operational technology.
outbound (egress) VPC
In an AWS multi-account architecture, a VPC that handles network connections that are
initiated from within an application. The AWS Security Reference Architecture recommends
setting up your Network account with inbound, outbound, and inspection VPCs to protect the
two-way interface between your application and the broader internet.
permissions boundary
An IAM management policy that is attached to IAM principals to set the maximum permissions
that the user or role can have. For more information, see Permissions boundaries in the IAM
personally identifiable information (PII)
Information that, when viewed directly or paired with other related data, can be used to
reasonably infer the identity of an individual. Examples of PII include names, addresses, and
contact information.
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See personally identifiable information.
A set of predefined steps that capture the work associated with migrations, such as delivering
core operations functions in the cloud. A playbook can take the form of scripts, automated
runbooks, or a summary of processes or steps required to operate your modernized
See programmable logic controller.
See product lifecycle management.
An object that can define permissions (see identity-based policy), specify access conditions (see
resource-based policy), or define the maximum permissions for all accounts in an organization
in AWS Organizations (see service control policy).
polyglot persistence
Independently choosing a microservice’s data storage technology based on data access patterns
and other requirements. If your microservices have the same data storage technology, they can
encounter implementation challenges or experience poor performance. Microservices are more
easily implemented and achieve better performance and scalability if they use the data store
best adapted to their requirements. For more information, see Enabling data persistence in
portfolio assessment
A process of discovering, analyzing, and prioritizing the application portfolio in order to plan
the migration. For more information, see Evaluating migration readiness.
A query condition that returns true or false, commonly located in a WHERE clause.
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predicate pushdown
A database query optimization technique that filters the data in the query before transfer. This
reduces the amount of data that must be retrieved and processed from the relational database,
and it improves query performance.
preventative control
A security control that is designed to prevent an event from occurring. These controls are a first
line of defense to help prevent unauthorized access or unwanted changes to your network. For
more information, see Preventative controls in Implementing security controls on AWS.
An entity in AWS that can perform actions and access resources. This entity is typically a root
user for an AWS account, an IAM role, or a user. For more information, see Principal in Roles
terms and concepts in the IAM documentation.
Privacy by Design
An approach in system engineering that takes privacy into account throughout the whole
engineering process.
private hosted zones
A container that holds information about how you want Amazon Route53 to respond to DNS
queries for a domain and its subdomains within one or more VPCs. For more information, see
Working with private hosted zones in the Route53 documentation.
proactive control
A security control designed to prevent the deployment of noncompliant resources. These
controls scan resources before they are provisioned. If the resource is not compliant with the
control, then it isn't provisioned. For more information, see the Controls reference guide in the
AWS Control Tower documentation and see Proactive controls in Implementing security controls
on AWS.
product lifecycle management (PLM)
The management of data and processes for a product throughout its entire lifecycle, from
design, development, and launch, through growth and maturity, to decline and removal.
production environment
See environment.
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programmable logic controller (PLC)
In manufacturing, a highly reliable, adaptable computer that monitors machines and automates
manufacturing processes.
The process of replacing personal identifiers in a dataset with placeholder values.
Pseudonymization can help protect personal privacy. Pseudonymized data is still considered to
be personal data.
publish/subscribe (pub/sub)
A pattern that enables asynchronous communications among microservices to improve
scalability and responsiveness. For example, in a microservices-based MES, a microservice can
publish event messages to a channel that other microservices can subscribe to. The system can
add new microservices without changing the publishing service.
query plan
A series of steps, like instructions, that are used to access the data in a SQL relational database
query plan regression
When a database service optimizer chooses a less optimal plan than it did before a given
change to the database environment. This can be caused by changes to statistics, constraints,
environment settings, query parameter bindings, and updates to the database engine.
RACI matrix
See responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI).
A malicious software that is designed to block access to a computer system or data until a
payment is made.
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RASCI matrix
See responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI).
See row and column access control.
read replica
A copy of a database that’s used for read-only purposes. You can route queries to the read
replica to reduce the load on your primary database.
See 7 Rs.
recovery point objective (RPO)
The maximum acceptable amount of time since the last data recovery point. This determines
what is considered an acceptable loss of data between the last recovery point and the
interruption of service.
recovery time objective (RTO)
The maximum acceptable delay between the interruption of service and restoration of service.
See 7 Rs.
A collection of AWS resources in a geographic area. Each AWS Region is isolated and
independent of the others to provide fault tolerance, stability, and resilience. For more
information, see Specify which AWS Regions your account can use.
An ML technique that predicts a numeric value. For example, to solve the problem of "What
price will this house sell for?" an ML model could use a linear regression model to predict a
house's sale price based on known facts about the house (for example, the square footage).
See 7 Rs.
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In a deployment process, the act of promoting changes to a production environment.
See 7 Rs.
See 7 Rs.
See 7 Rs.
An application's ability to resist or recover from disruptions. High availability and disaster
recovery are common considerations when planning for resiliency in the AWS Cloud. For more
information, see AWS Cloud Resilience.
resource-based policy
A policy attached to a resource, such as an Amazon S3 bucket, an endpoint, or an encryption
key. This type of policy specifies which principals are allowed access, supported actions, and any
other conditions that must be met.
responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI) matrix
A matrix that defines the roles and responsibilities for all parties involved in migration activities
and cloud operations. The matrix name is derived from the responsibility types defined in the
matrix: responsible (R), accountable (A), consulted (C), and informed (I). The support (S) type
is optional. If you include support, the matrix is called a RASCI matrix, and if you exclude it, it’s
called a RACI matrix.
responsive control
A security control that is designed to drive remediation of adverse events or deviations from
your security baseline. For more information, see Responsive controls in Implementing security
controls on AWS.
See 7 Rs.
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See 7 Rs.
The process of periodically updating a secret to make it more difficult for an attacker to access
the credentials.
row and column access control (RCAC)
The use of basic, flexible SQL expressions that have defined access rules. RCAC consists of row
permissions and column masks.
See recovery point objective.
See recovery time objective.
A set of manual or automated procedures required to perform a specific task. These are
typically built to streamline repetitive operations or procedures with high error rates.
SAML 2.0
An open standard that many identity providers (IdPs) use. This feature enables federated
single sign-on (SSO), so users can log into the AWS Management Console or call the AWS API
operations without you having to create user in IAM for everyone in your organization. For more
information about SAML 2.0-based federation, see About SAML 2.0-based federation in the IAM
See supervisory control and data acquisition.
See service control policy.
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In AWS Secrets Manager, confidential or restricted information, such as a password or user
credentials, that you store in encrypted form. It consists of the secret value and its metadata.
The secret value can be binary, a single string, or multiple strings. For more information, see
What's in a Secrets Manager secret? in the Secrets Manager documentation.
security control
A technical or administrative guardrail that prevents, detects, or reduces the ability of a threat
actor to exploit a security vulnerability. There are four primary types of security controls:
preventative, detective, responsive, and proactive.
security hardening
The process of reducing the attack surface to make it more resistant to attacks. This can include
actions such as removing resources that are no longer needed, implementing the security best
practice of granting least privilege, or deactivating unnecessary features in configuration files.
security information and event management (SIEM) system
Tools and services that combine security information management (SIM) and security event
management (SEM) systems. A SIEM system collects, monitors, and analyzes data from servers,
networks, devices, and other sources to detect threats and security breaches, and to generate
security response automation
A predefined and programmed action that is designed to automatically respond to or remediate
a security event. These automations serve as detective or responsive security controls that help
you implement AWS security best practices. Examples of automated response actions include
modifying a VPC security group, patching an Amazon EC2 instance, or rotating credentials.
server-side encryption
Encryption of data at its destination, by the AWS service that receives it.
service control policy (SCP)
A policy that provides centralized control over permissions for all accounts in an organization
in AWS Organizations. SCPs define guardrails or set limits on actions that an administrator can
delegate to users or roles. You can use SCPs as allow lists or deny lists, to specify which services
or actions are permitted or prohibited. For more information, see Service control policies in the
AWS Organizations documentation.
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service endpoint
The URL of the entry point for an AWS service. You can use the endpoint to connect
programmatically to the target service. For more information, see AWS service endpoints in
AWS General Reference.
service-level agreement (SLA)
An agreement that clarifies what an IT team promises to deliver to their customers, such as
service uptime and performance.
service-level indicator (SLI)
A measurement of a performance aspect of a service, such as its error rate, availability, or
service-level objective (SLO)
A target metric that represents the health of a service, as measured by a service-level indicator.
shared responsibility model
A model describing the responsibility you share with AWS for cloud security and compliance.
AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, whereas you are responsible for security in the
cloud. For more information, see Shared responsibility model.
See security information and event management system.
single point of failure (SPOF)
A failure in a single, critical component of an application that can disrupt the system.
See service-level agreement.
See service-level indicator.
See service-level objective.
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split-and-seed model
A pattern for scaling and accelerating modernization projects. As new features and product
releases are defined, the core team splits up to create new product teams. This helps scale your
organization’s capabilities and services, improves developer productivity, and supports rapid
innovation. For more information, see Phased approach to modernizing applications in the AWS
See single point of failure.
star schema
A database organizational structure that uses one large fact table to store transactional or
measured data and uses one or more smaller dimensional tables to store data attributes. This
structure is designed for use in a data warehouse or for business intelligence purposes.
strangler fig pattern
An approach to modernizing monolithic systems by incrementally rewriting and replacing
system functionality until the legacy system can be decommissioned. This pattern uses the
analogy of a fig vine that grows into an established tree and eventually overcomes and replaces
its host. The pattern was introduced by Martin Fowler as a way to manage risk when rewriting
monolithic systems. For an example of how to apply this pattern, see Modernizing legacy
Microsoft ASP.NET (ASMX) web services incrementally by using containers and Amazon API
A range of IP addresses in your VPC. A subnet must reside in a single Availability Zone.
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
In manufacturing, a system that uses hardware and software to monitor physical assets and
production operations.
symmetric encryption
An encryption algorithm that uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the data.
synthetic testing
Testing a system in a way that simulates user interactions to detect potential issues or to
monitor performance. You can use Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics to create these tests.
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Key-value pairs that act as metadata for organizing your AWS resources. Tags can help you
manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources. For more information, see Tagging
your AWS resources.
target variable
The value that you are trying to predict in supervised ML. This is also referred to as an outcome
variable. For example, in a manufacturing setting the target variable could be a product defect.
task list
A tool that is used to track progress through a runbook. A task list contains an overview of
the runbook and a list of general tasks to be completed. For each general task, it includes the
estimated amount of time required, the owner, and the progress.
test environment
See environment.
To provide data for your ML model to learn from. The training data must contain the correct
answer. The learning algorithm finds patterns in the training data that map the input data
attributes to the target (the answer that you want to predict). It outputs an ML model that
captures these patterns. You can then use the ML model to make predictions on new data for
which you don’t know the target.
transit gateway
A network transit hub that you can use to interconnect your VPCs and on-premises
networks. For more information, see What is a transit gateway in the AWS Transit Gateway
trunk-based workflow
An approach in which developers build and test features locally in a feature branch and then
merge those changes into the main branch. The main branch is then built to the development,
preproduction, and production environments, sequentially.
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trusted access
Granting permissions to a service that you specify to perform tasks in your organization in AWS
Organizations and in its accounts on your behalf. The trusted service creates a service-linked
role in each account, when that role is needed, to perform management tasks for you. For more
information, see Using AWS Organizations with other AWS services in the AWS Organizations
To change aspects of your training process to improve the ML model's accuracy. For example,
you can train the ML model by generating a labeling set, adding labels, and then repeating
these steps several times under different settings to optimize the model.
two-pizza team
A small DevOps team that you can feed with two pizzas. A two-pizza team size ensures the best
possible opportunity for collaboration in software development.
A concept that refers to imprecise, incomplete, or unknown information that can undermine the
reliability of predictive ML models. There are two types of uncertainty: Epistemic uncertainty
is caused by limited, incomplete data, whereas aleatoric uncertainty is caused by the noise and
randomness inherent in the data. For more information, see the Quantifying uncertainty in
deep learning systems guide.
undifferentiated tasks
Also known as heavy lifting, work that is necessary to create and operate an application but
that doesn’t provide direct value to the end user or provide competitive advantage. Examples of
undifferentiated tasks include procurement, maintenance, and capacity planning.
upper environments
See environment.
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A database maintenance operation that involves cleaning up after incremental updates to
reclaim storage and improve performance.
version control
Processes and tools that track changes, such as changes to source code in a repository.
VPC peering
A connection between two VPCs that allows you to route traffic by using private IP addresses.
For more information, see What is VPC peering in the Amazon VPC documentation.
A software or hardware flaw that compromises the security of the system.
warm cache
A buffer cache that contains current, relevant data that is frequently accessed. The database
instance can read from the buffer cache, which is faster than reading from the main memory or
warm data
Data that is infrequently accessed. When querying this kind of data, moderately slow queries
are typically acceptable.
window function
A SQL function that performs a calculation on a group of rows that relate in some way to the
current record. Window functions are useful for processing tasks, such as calculating a moving
average or accessing the value of rows based on the relative position of the current row.
A collection of resources and code that delivers business value, such as a customer-facing
application or backend process.
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Functional groups in a migration project that are responsible for a specific set of tasks. Each
workstream is independent but supports the other workstreams in the project. For example,
the portfolio workstream is responsible for prioritizing applications, wave planning, and
collecting migration metadata. The portfolio workstream delivers these assets to the migration
workstream, which then migrates the servers and applications.
See write once, read many.
See AWS Workload Qualification Framework.
write once, read many (WORM)
A storage model that writes data a single time and prevents the data from being deleted or
modified. Authorized users can read the data as many times as needed, but they cannot change
it. This data storage infrastructure is considered immutable.
zero-day exploit
An attack, typically malware, that takes advantage of a zero-day vulnerability.
zero-day vulnerability
An unmitigated flaw or vulnerability in a production system. Threat actors can use this type of
vulnerability to attack the system. Developers frequently become aware of the vulnerability as a
result of the attack.
zombie application
An application that has an average CPU and memory usage below 5percent. In a migration
project, it is common to retire these applications.
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