Wayne State University
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XSD: !e Path From Excel to XML: !e Basics:
Mapping Elements and A"ributes
Amelia Mowry
Wayne State University!+%*)!+-4/64!6,%%$2
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The basics: Mapping Elements and Attributes
By Amelia Mowry, M.S.I.S
Metadata & Discovery Services Librarian
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Working with metadata often means moving it between various formats. One problematic move to make is from a
spreadsheet to an XML file. This paper will describe the basics of using an XSD to map a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet to XML.
Moving metadata can be a messy process, especially when the data is older. Data often comes out of legacy
systems as csv files, tab-delimited files, or Excel files. Moving data from these formats into XML can prove to be a
challenge. I have also found it beneficial to do some initial data cleaning in spreadsheet form. This allows for the
use of Microsoft Excel tools such as sorting, filtering, and vertical lookups to identify potential problems. Having
metadata in a spreadsheet also allows for the use of other metadata tools, such as Open Refine and EMET.
This paper will describe the basics of using XSD to map data from an Excel spreadsheet to an XML file. It will cover
setting up Excel for XML mapping and creating XSDs that map elements and attributes.
This paper is based on a workshop I gave at the 2014 Great Lakes THATCamp at Lawrence Tech in Southfield,
Michigan in September 2014.
Important notes:
1. This process is not supported in Microsoft Office for Mac.
2. Spreadsheets can be mapped to XML in Open Office, but that process is based on XSLT.
3. The XML editor used in the examples is jEdit. It is free and can be downloaded from
We’ll start with a very high-level view of how an XSD words in this process. The fundamental problem with
transforming a spreadsheet to XML is that spreadsheets are flat while XML is hierarchical. At the very basic level,
the XSD is building a map for how the content in the spreadsheet fits into the hierarchical XML structure.
For example, the
data in the title
column of
spreadsheet A goes
into an XML element
<mods:title> is
itself contained
in the element
which is in the
which is in turn
in the root
The XSD defines the structure of the XML file to be created and identifies where the data from the columns are to
be mapped. The XSD allows for the creation of elements that are not in the spreadsheet but that hold elements. In
the XSD example below, those “holdingor container elements are marked with yellow stars. The XSD also
includes an element that will contain data mapped from the columns in the spreadsheet. That element is circled in
red in the example.
XSD Example A
Spreadsheet Example A
XML Example A
In order to use XSD in Excel, you will have to add the developer tab.
This is a simple procedure. First go to “File” and select “Options.”
From there, select “Customize Ribbon.” You’ll see a listing of the
main tabs. By default, the developer tab is unchecked. Simply check
it. When you return to the main Excel page, you will see the
Developer tab along the top. You will use the source tool within this
tab to map elements in your XSD to your spreadsheet.
To avoid confusion from namespaces and specific schema requirements, I’m going to work through a simple
example that is not based on a particular standard. We’re going to go over the mapping of elements based on a
small spreadsheet about fruit. Our spreadsheet
contains three columns, each of which will become
an element.
However, we’re not going to worry about those
elements just yet. The first thing we need to do
when creating an XSD is identify the “invisible”
elements that hold the elements shown in the cells.
This is actually not a difficult thing to do. The data
in the cells are not independent. For example, the
three cells in row two are all related; they all
provide details about a type of fruit called an
apple, which is red and that grows on a tree.
Each row of data represents one thing. In the case of this spreadsheet,
each thing is a type of fruit. In library data, such as Spreadsheet Example A
above, each row is often a record recording metadata about an individual
The other “invisible” element we have to worry about is what is
represented by the entire spreadsheet, all the rows. If each individual row
represents a type of fruit, all of the rows as a whole represent a group of
fruits. Therefore the XML file created from this spreadsheet will look
something like the XML snippet to the right.
[ other elements ]
Spreadsheet Example B
To create the XSD to map this spreadsheet, we start with these “holder” or container elements: <fruits> and
The <fruits> element is declared in line three. It is followed in line four by <xs:complexType>. This means that this
is an element that contains other elements or attributes. <xs:sequence>, which follows in line five, contains those
elements. <fruits> only contains one element, <fruit>. Note the attributes minOccurs=”0” and
maxOccurs=”unbounded”. This means that our XML file must have at least one <fruit> element but can have as
many as we want. In the terms of our spreadsheet, we must have at least one row of data.
The other attribute on line six is ref=”fruit”. This means that the element contained within <fruits> is declared and
described in the <xs:element> with the name fruit. The <xs:element> in line six is referring to the <xs:element>
beginning on line ten. Note that <fruit> also includes an empty <xs:element> where we will add other elements.
On line thirteen, we do not have a ref attribute. In this case, we will be putting the declarations for elements within
the <fruit> element. XSDs can be constructed either way, with all the elements separate and referring to one
another or with elements declared within their container elements. For this example, I’m including both methods.
What you choose to do will depend on personal taste and the complexity of the XSD you are creating.
Now that the “invisible” elements from our spreadsheet are mapped, we can map the elements that represent the
columns in our spreadsheet. These elements will be inside of our <fruit> element. They will be placed between the
sequence tags, and the elements will look like <xs:element name=”name” type=”xs:string”/>
There are a few important things to note about these elements. First is that the type attribute is required for
elements that will contain data from the spreadsheet. In most cases, you will want to use the type xs:string. This
simply means that the data from the cells will transfer as is to the XML file. This will be covered in more detail later
on. Second is that these elements end it “/>.” Elements must be closed or your file will not be valid. If your
element does not contain other elements, you can use a self-closing tag, which is a tag that is closed at the end of
the tag that opened it. It ends with “/>.” Our example XSD with the columns mapped is below.
Once the XSD is created, save it. Make sure that you save it as an xsd. In jEdit, you can do this by simply writing the
file as [filename].xsd. The next step is to map this XSD file to your Excel spreadsheet. Go to the Excel file and click
on the developer tab, then go to source. This will add a panel to the right, which will allow you to add your XSD by
clicking on “XML Maps” at the bottom right.
The XML Maps window will open. Click on “Add” and add your XSD. If there is something wrong with the XSD, an
error message will pop up. If not, you’ll be asked to identify the root element of you XML file. This is element that
contains all of the others; it will be the one that represents the spreadsheet as a whole. In our example, that will
be fruits. When this is finished, press “OK.”
When the XSD has been successfully loaded, the map will be visible in the XML Source Pane. It is possible to
automatically map your elements based on the column headings, but I have had that method fail. I prefer to simply
drag the element names from the XML Source Pane to the appropriate column heading.
There are a few things known to cause issues with mapping the columns. First, keep your column headings simple,
unique, and without special characters or spaces. Also try to map the columns in spreadsheet order. Sometimes
columns won’t map properly if they are surrounded by unmapped columns. Make sure the columns map properly
as you go. They should be completely highlighted as shown below if the mapping worked.
When the XSD has been mapped, go to File > Save As. Change the “Save as Type” from an excel format to XML
Data. Then simply save. The result should be an XML file that looks like the XML below.
Earlier I wrote that any element that will be containing data as opposed to other elements must have an attribute
giving the data type. Generally, this type will be xs:string, which will simply add the content of the cell as text.
There are many different data types that can be used, which can be found in Excel’s documentation. (XML
Schema Definition) One case in which you may use a different data type would be
if you have date information. Using this data type, you can select how you would
like the date elements formatted in your XML, even if the dates are not consistently
formatted in your spreadsheet.
As an example, I added another column to the fruit spreadsheet containing a
(random) date I ate said fruit. Take note that the dates are formatted
inconsistently. (Anyone who has worked with Excel knows that consistently
formatting dates can be problematic.) Here we have some dates that have an
abbreviated text month, either followed or preceded by the day. We also have a
date made up all numerals. For this XML file, I elected to put all of the dates in the format YYYY-MM. To do that,
we add the XSD element for the <eaten> element with the data type “xs:gYearMonth.” (XML Schema Definition)
This will result in an XML file that has all of the dates in this YYYY-MM
format. See the XML snippet at the right.
Overall, you don’t have to be too concerned about data types. If you
attempt to map an element with a data type that does not match the
format of the Excel column, Excel will alert you to the discrepancy and
allow you to select your desired data type.
Mapping Excel data to XML attributes
is slightly more complicated than
mapping elements. There are also
differences depending on whether you
are attempting to map an element that
contains both an attribute and text,
see Attribute Example A, or whether
you are trying to map and element that
contains only an attribute or an
attribute and elements, but no text,
such as Attribute Example B.
First, we will go over how to map
attributes as shown in Example A,
where the elements contain both
content and attributes. In order to do this, we will make use of two new XSD elements, simpleContent and
extension. SimpleContent is used when an elements contains only text or attributes. Extension is used in
conjunction with simpleContent to define the content allowed in the element. (XSD Text-Only Elements)
In our example, we will add a column for
the scientific name of our fruits, as shown
on the right. Rather than include this data
as a new element, we are going to include
it as an attribute of our name element.
Then we will extend the content of our
name element in our XSD as shown in the
screenshot below. Name now becomes
a complex element, like “fruits” and “fruit.” This means that the tag is no longer self-closing. The element also
cannot declare a type of textual content and contain an attribute, so the “name” element will now look like this:
<xs:element name=”name”> Do not forget to close this tag with </xs:element> as was done with “fruit” and
Within the name element, add the tag <xs:complexType> to declare that this element contains other items.
However, because this element only contains text and an attribute, we use the tag <xs:simpleContent> rather than
the <xs:sequence> tags used in “fruit” and “fruits.” Next, add the tag <xs:extension base=”xs:string”>. This tag
extends our “name” element to allow for textual content. Note that this tag is not self-closing. The tag declaring
the attribute is located within it. That tag is named <xs:attribute>. It is formatted the same as tags declaring
elements, with an attribute for the name of the attribute and another attribute for the type of the content.
Attribute Example A
Attribute Example B
The name” element
in your finished XSD
will look like the one
in the screenshot to
the right. The rest of
your XSD will look the
same. A common
mistake here is for
elements not to be
closed or not to be
closed in the correct
Add the XSD to your new spreadsheet. The mapping will look slightly different than it did previously. Apply <value>
underneath name to the column representing the common fruit name and add “scientificName” to the column for
the attribute. The resulting XML should look like the screenshot below.
There is a different process for adding attributes to elements that do not hold textual data. Let us say we want to
add an attribute “idto <fruit> that will specifying a unique identification number for each different fruit. Add the
column as shown below.
In our XSD, we
will add our
<xs:attribute> tag
just above the
and below the
</sequence> tag.
Placement is
important; the
tag must be
below any
elements that are
also contained in
the element. If
this element only
contained an
attribute, no elements, the <xs:attribute> tag would simply be declared between the <complexType> tags.
(Creating XML Mappings)
The resulting XML is shown below:
Creating XML Mappings in Excel 2003. Office|Dev Center. Microsoft, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015
XML Schema Definition (XSD) data type support. Office. Microsoft, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015
XSD Text-Only Elements. W3schools.com. Refsnes Data, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015