Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 1
The XML template file is essentially the XML upload layout file which is saved as a .xml file.
Here are some other conventions to remember:
no column labels are permitted in the Excel record spreadsheet
all cells in the Excel spreadsheet are text-formatted (not numeric or date)
the first several cells (columns A, B, C, D and E) of the first row in the Excel spreadsheet
are reserved for values for submission type, submitter organization code, submission
date, MCI flag, and # of records to be transmitted; records should be batched as either
needing an MCI# Y” or not needing an MCI# “N- do not mix records
the client data begins in the F column cell of the first and subsequent r ows
the data columns in the Excel spreadsheet should be in the same order as the XML file
fields are ordered
There are 3 steps to this process:
1. Preparing Excel
2. Mapping and Exporting your Excel data
3. Final edits in Notepad
1. Preparing Excel in Office 2007 or above
The goal is to add a “Developer” tab in your menu ribbon.
In your menu ribbon, select File Options
Custom Ribbon. On the far right, check the box for Developer OK
You will now have the De v eloper tab in your menu ribbon:
Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 2
2. Mapping and Exporting your Excel data
Save the XML Sample File (Core_XML_Template.XML, AODA_XML_Template.XML,
MH_XML_Template.XML) sent to you with these instructions.
Create and format spreadsheet so that it contains the records you want to upload.
Import or open the text or database file containing the records to upload in Excel and
use the file import wizard or copy and paste as appropriate. If you are using ‘Import
External Data’ wizard then do not forgot to uncheck checkbox for ‘Save Query definition’
in the External Data Range Properties box.
Open your edited Excel data sheet.
In Excel select the Developer tab Source button. This will open an XML Source pane on the
Select the XML Maps… button Add button.
Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 3
Locate the appropriate XML Sample File
MH_XML_Template.XML) you just saved,
highlight it, and select Open (located at bottom
of page). You will see a message about a
problem with the source. Select OK to have
Excel create a schema based on the source
data. You now have a map. Select OK.
Select the Options button and verify the two lower boxes
are checked for Automatically Merge Elements When
Click on the heading ns1:detail_record. It should highlight the details.
Then right-click on the heading and choose Map Element.
Map all the cells that contain data (detail only) e.g (F2:CFxx where xx
is the row number of your last record). Make sure to update the row to
match the last row containing data.
Your data sheet will change color. It will still be editable in case you need to do any last minute
edits. When you are ready, you will export the file. Select OK. You will see the following:
Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 4
Choose Match element data type.
Choose the Developer tab Export button.
Choose a file name and folder location for your export file (Program_AgencyID_Date_Time.xml) e.g.
(MH_109_20120615_0900.xml or CORE_109_20120615_0900.xml or AODA_109_20120615_0900.xml)
Select Export.
3. Final Edits
In Windows Explorer, locate your exported file. Right-Click Open With Notepad.
Delete the top approximately 2 header and submission rows.
Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 5
Copy/paste in the header and submission rows from below:
<?xml version="1.0" e ncoding="UTF-8"?>
<submission xmlns=""><header_record>
Header Editing:
In the header section between the begin > and </ end tags for each element fill in your:
Submitter Organization ID (agency ID)
EX: <submitter_organization_id>fill in here</submitter_organization_id>
Submission date (date you are submitting the file)
Number of records transmitted (The number of detail records which is the count of the
number of <detail_record> lines).
MCI Flag should be ‘Y’ or ‘N based on whether or not you are trying to obtain the receipt
Save the Notepad file: File Save (do not close the file)
Detail Record Editing:
Click on Edit Replace. You’ll replace all <ns1: with <
then replace all </ns1: with </
Choose Replace All each time. Save the Notepad file: File Save
Mapping Your Source Data to XML
Wisconsin Department of Health Services 6
You are now ready to log in to PPS FTP site and submit your xml file.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the DHS SOS Desk at
If you need immediate assistance, you can call the SOS Desk at 608-266-9198.