Design + Environmental Analysis 2023-2024 04.13.23
Design + Environmental Analysis 2023-2024
The requirements listed below pertain to all students matriculating in August 2023 and January 2024.
All of the following sections are required to be completed to graduate.
Courses in areas 1-11 must be taken for a Letter Grade.
Overall Credits (REQUIRED)
Total: 120 credits
Human Ecology: 43 credits
(courses from DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, PUBPOL at any
level or HE at the 3000/4000 level)
Human Ecology, outside the major: 9 credits
(courses from FSAD, HD, NS, PUBPOL at any level or
HE at the 3000/4000 level)
1. DEA Core Courses (32 credits)
Take all of the following:
DEA 1050 Design Your Life: Career Explorations
DEA 1101 Visual Literacy and Design Studio
DEA 1110 Making a Difference: By Design
DEA 1150 Design Graphics and Visualization
DEA 1500 Introduction to Environmental Psychology
DEA 2025 Impactful Graphics: Visual Communication for Social Impact
DEA 2510 History of Design Futures
DEA 2730 Human Centered Design Methods
DEA 4050 Design Portfolio and Communication
DEA 4590 Problem-Seeking Through Programming
DEA 4040 Professional Practices and Ethics
DEA 4800 Ethical Design: Engine of Positive Change
2. DEA Thematic Courses (9 courses)
Choose nine courses from the list below, one course from each thematic area is required. Letter grade only.
Students must take at least one studio at the 2000-level, 3000-level, and 4000-level.
Students may not take more than 2 studios in one semester, this includes both DEA and non-DEA studios. Enrollment in 2 studios
simultaneously requires approval from both studio instructors. DEA 4990 can count towards one Thematic area.
Design Innovation & Strategy
DEA 2200 Art+Science: Sustainability, Multiculturalism and Transdisciplinarity
DEA 2201 Magnifying Small Spaces Studio
DEA 2203 Studio S H I F T
DEA 2750 Lighting Design: Light InForming Space
DEA 3050 Construction Documentation: CAD and BIM
DEA 3301 Design UX with Technology Studio
DEA 3306 Generative Design Studio
DEA 3530 Planning and Managing the Workplace
DEA 4402 Disruptive Design: Competitions Studio
DEA 4500 Policy Meets Design: High-Impact Facilities of the 21
DEA 4990 Senior Honors Thesis
DEA 5210 Interaction Design Studio
DEA 5520 Virtual Experience of Designed Environments
DEA 5540 Workplace Strategy Studio
Sustainable Futures
DEA 2020 Introduction to Sustainable Design
DEA 2040 High-Performance Buildings
DEA 2422 Making Green: Sustainable Product Design Studio
DEA 3030 Materials for Design & Sustainability
DEA 3302 Sustainable Consumerism: The New Typologies Studio
DEA 3500 The Ambient Environment
DEA 4025 Designing Decolonial Futures: Imagining the World Differently
DEA 4220 Ecological Literacy and Design
DEA 4401 Adaptive Reuse Studio: Recycling the Built Environment
DEA 4990 Senior Honors Thesis
Health & Well-Being
DEA 2700 Healthy Places: Design, Planning and Public Health
DEA 3308 Positive Design Studio
DEA 3510 Human Factors and Inclusive Design
DEA 4700 Applied Ergonomic Methods
DEA 4990 Senior Honors Thesis
Design + Environmental Analysis 2023-2024 04.13.23
DEA 5304 Design Accountability: Evaluation of the Physical Environment
DEA 5305 Health and Healing Studio
DEA 5500 Designing Atmospheres
DEA 5560 Health Impact Assessment
DEA 5700 Designing Age Friendly Environments
3. Research Methods Course (3 credits)
Choose one of the following courses:
DEA 3550 Research Methods in Human-Environment Relations
ILROB 4710 Social Science Research Methods
PUBPOL 3120 Research Design, Practice and Policy (formerly PAM 3120)
4. First Year Writing Seminars (6 credits)
Note: The 2 required first year writing seminar courses must be completed during the first two semesters at Cornell.
5. Psychology (3 credits)
AP Psychology is not accepted
Choose one of the following courses:
HD 1120 People in Perspective: Brain, Mind, and Society
HD 1130 Introduction to Human Development
PSYCH 1101 Introduction to Psychology
6. Introductory Microeconomics (3 credits)
AP Microeconomics is not accepted
ECON 1110 Introductory Microeconomics
7. Humanities (3-4 credits)
Choose any course with the Course Distribution Historical Analysis (HA), Literature and the Arts (LA), or Cultural Analysis (CA).
8. Statistics (4 credits)
Must be taken at Cornell, AP Statistics is not accepted
Choose one of the following courses:
PUBPOL 2100 Introduction to Statistics (formerly PAM 2100)
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introductory Statistics
PSYCH 2500 Statistics and Research Design
9. Natural Science I (3-4 credits)
Choose one of the following:
BIOMG 1350
CHEM 1560 or CHEM 2070
PHYS 1101 or PHYS 2207
BIOEE 1610
CHEM 2080
PHYS 1102 or PHYS 2208
AP Biology score of 5
AP Chemistry score of 5
AP Physics score of 5
Note: If AP isn’t used to satisfy the requirement, then the course must be taken at Cornell.
Note: No lab is required.
10. Natural Science II (3-4 credits)
Choose any 3 credit course with a PBS, BIOLS-AG, or BIONLS-AG Course Distribution.
Note: No AP credit allowed, course must be taken at Cornell.
11. Additional Distribution Coursework (6 credits)
Any course with the Course Distribution PBS, BIOLS-AG, BIONLS-AG, SBA, KCM, MQR, LA, CA, or HA. Language courses may count here.
12. Electives (Variable)
Any courses that are not taken in Areas 1-12 above, count as Electives.
13. Physical Education Requirement (2 courses)
Physical Education must be completed in order to graduate. However, physical education does not count toward college and university
minimum credit requirements for full-time status, nor does it count towards the 120 credits required for graduation.
14. Swim Test Requirement
A successful swim test must be completed in order to graduate.
Design + Environmental Analysis 2023-2024 04.13.23
College Policies:
120 Overall Credits
o Students must complete 120 credits toward graduation.
o A maximum of 15 credits of AP credit and in absentia credit can count towards the 120 total credits.
o 15 credits of Study Abroad/Exchange, Cornell-In-Washington or Capital semester can count towards total electives.
43 HE Credits
o Students must complete a minimum of 43 HE credits.
o HE non-departmental courses at the 2000-level and below do not count toward the 43 HE credits, unless otherwise noted.
o Students must enroll in a minimum of one 3-credit course each semester in HE for their first four semesters, excluding winter and
summer sessions (beginning with students entering in fall 2022).
9 HE Credits outside the major
o Students must complete a minimum of 9 HE credits outside of DEA. These credits are given for any Human Ecology course outside
your major (except 4030). These can be taken S/U only if course is NOT used to fulfill a curriculum requirement [Areas 1-11].
Pass/Fail Courses [S/U]
o S/U grading option may NOT be used for any required course [Areas 1-11] unless it is the only grade option offered for those courses.
o S/Us MAY be used for the 9 HE Credits outside the major and for electives in Area 12.
o Students may apply no more than 12 credits of S/U towards graduation requirements. If a required course is only offered S/U, it will
not count towards this limit. Students may take more S/Us if they choose, but the additional credit will not be applied towards
o The deadline for changing grade options is the 57
calendar day of the semester, the same as the “drop” deadline.
Special Study Courses [4000, 4010, 4020, 4030]
o A maximum of 12 credits of special study course work from Human Ecology or other colleges will count towards the 120 overall
credits. Courses will be indicated on the class roster with a Component of either IND or RSC. [Additional credits can be taken but will
not be applied.]
o A maximum of 12 credits of 4000-4030 may count toward the 43 HE credit requirement.
o A maximum of 3 credits of 4000-4020 (not including 4030) may count towards the 9 HE credits outside the major requirement as long
as the special study is in a department outside the student’s major.
o Students cannot TA (4030) the same course for credit more than once or take and TA the same course simultaneously. 4030 does not
fulfill any requirements towards the major. Registration for 4030 may not exceed 5 credit hours per semester.
DEA Policies:
Sequential Courses Progression
o Students must proceed through the DEA curriculum numerically, taking all 1000-level courses before enrolling in 2000-level and upper-
level courses
o Prerequisites must be completed prior to enrolling in an upper-level DEA course, 2000-level and above
o Students should not ask instructors to enroll / be put on a wait list if they have not completed all prerequisites
Design + Environmental Analysis 2023-2024 04.13.23
Suggested Courses Based on Career Interests:
Bolded courses are important to complete in preparation for professional licensing and/or certification.
Design + Interior Environments
NCIDQ (National Council for Interior Design Qualification)
is the industry’s recognized indicator of proficiency in interior design
principles and a designer’s commitment to the profession
In addition to bolded titles, students should take four (4) non-bolded
studios from list below:
DEA 2020 Introduction to Sustainable Design
DEA 2040 High-Performance Buildings
DEA 2201 Magnifying Small Spaces Studio
DEA 2203 Studio S H I F T
DEA 2750 Lighting Design: Light InForming Space
DEA 3030 Materials for Design & Sustainability
DEA 3050 Construction Documentation: CAD and BIM
DEA 3301 Design UX with Technology Studio
DEA 3500 The Ambient Environment
DEA 4220 Ecological Literacy and Design
DEA 4401 Adaptive Reuse Studio: Recycling the Built Environment
DEA 4402 Disruptive Design: Competitions Studio
DEA 4500 Policy Meets Design: High-Impact Facilities of the 21
DEA 5520 Virtual Experience of Designed Environments
DEA 5305 Health and Healing Studio
DEA 5540 Workplace Strategy Studio
To achieve eligibility toward taking the NCIDQ examination, students
must complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of interior design courses.
Students should complete all bolded courses listed under the Design
and Interior Environments heading above.
Ergonomics + Design
Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics
BCPE provides professional certification for practitioners of human
factors/ergonomics/user experience (HF/E/UX) who demonstrate
expertise and comprehensive understanding of the discipline.
DEA 2040 High-Performance Buildings
DEA 2201 Magnifying Small Spaces Studio (or alternate studio
DEA 2700 Healthy Places: Design, Planning and Public Health
DEA 3030 Materials for Design & Sustainability
DEA 3050 Construction Documentation: CAD and BIM
DEA 3301 Design UX with Technology Studio
DEA 3500 The Ambient Environment
DEA 3510 Ergonomics and Anthropometrics
DEA 3530 Planning and Managing the Workspace
DEA 4220 Ecological Literacy and Design
DEA 4700 Applied Ergonomic Methods
DEA 5305 Health and Healing Studio
COMM 2450 Communication and Technology
COMM 3450 Human-Computer Interaction Design
NS 3410 Human Anatomy and Physiology
To prepare for Board Certification in Professional Ergonomics
(BCPE), students should complete all bolded courses listed under the
Ergonomics and Design heading above.