SAP Crystal Reports 2020
Document Version: 2020 – 2020-06-12
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Document History...........................................................18
2 Introduction to SAP Crystal Reports 2020........................................19
2.1 About Crystal Reports.........................................................19
2.2 About the Crystal Reports documentation.......................................... 20
Locate information quickly...................................................20
Sample Reports...........................................................20
3 Quick Start................................................................21
3.1 Learning how to use Crystal Reports...............................................21
Sample data - Xtreme.mdb...................................................21
3.2 Report Creation Wizards.......................................................21
Standard............................................................... 22
Mailing Label.............................................................22
3.3 Quick start for new users.......................................................23
Before you begin..........................................................23
Creating the report........................................................ 23
Record Selection..........................................................35
Grouping and sorting.......................................................37
Completing the report...................................................... 41
3.4 Quick start for advanced users...................................................42
Choosing a report type and data source..........................................42
Working with report elements on the Design tab....................................43
Using other reporting features................................................ 45
4 Report Design Concepts......................................................47
4.1 Basic report design...........................................................47
4.2 Deciding on the content of the report..............................................47
Stating the purpose........................................................47
Determining the layout of the report ............................................48
Finding the data.......................................................... 49
Manipulating the data...................................................... 50
Determining printing area characteristics.........................................51
4.3 Developing a prototype on paper.................................................53
5 Introduction to Reporting.....................................................54
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
5.1 Report creation options........................................................54
5.2 Choosing data sources and database elds..........................................55
The Database Expert.......................................................55
The Field Explorer......................................................... 57
5.3 About the report design environment..............................................59
Design tab.............................................................. 59
Preview tab..............................................................62
HTML Preview tab.........................................................66
5.4 Creating a new report.........................................................67
Selecting the data source....................................................67
Adding tables............................................................68
Linking multiple tables......................................................68
Placing data on the report................................................... 70
BLOB (Binary Large Object) elds..............................................77
Formatting data...........................................................77
Record selection..........................................................78
Grouping, sorting, and summarizing data.........................................78
Using the drill-down option on summarized data....................................79
Using the zoom feature..................................................... 79
Inserting page headers and footers.............................................79
Adding a title page to the report............................................... 80
Adding summary information to the report........................................81
5.5 Exploring reports and working with multiple reports....................................82
The Report Explorer........................................................82
The Workbench...........................................................83
The Dependency Checker....................................................85
Opening and docking explorers................................................86
5.6 Beyond basic reports......................................................... 87
6 SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository...................................... 88
6.1 What is the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository?................................88
Work ow...............................................................89
6.2 Accessing the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository...............................89
To open the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository..............................90
6.3 Repository Explorer toolbar.....................................................91
6.4 Adding subfolders and subcategories to the repository..................................91
To add a new subfolder or subcategory.......................................... 92
6.5 Adding items to the repository...................................................92
Adding a text object or bitmap image............................................92
Adding a text object or bitmap image - another method...............................93
Adding a custom function....................................................93
Adding a command........................................................94
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
6.6 Using repository objects in reports ............................................... 94
Adding a text object or a bitmap image to a report.................................. 95
Adding a custom function to a report............................................95
Adding a command to a report................................................96
Adding a list of values to a parameter........................................... 96
6.7 Modifying objects in the repository................................................96
To modify a repository object................................................. 97
6.8 Updating connected repository objects in reports..................................... 97
To set the update option.....................................................97
6.9 Deleting items from the repository................................................98
To delete an object from the repository..........................................98
6.10 Using Undo in the repository....................................................99
7 Designing Optimized Web Reports.............................................100
7.1 Overview.................................................................100
Key strategies for optimizing web reports........................................101
7.2 Scale with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform .......................... 101
Evaluation times for date functions in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
..................................................................... 102
7.3 Making the right design choices.................................................103
Using faster report formats..................................................103
Choosing between live and saved data..........................................103
Designing summary reports................................................. 105
Using subreports carefully.................................................. 105
Using other design elements eectively.........................................107
Designing reports to maximize data sharing......................................107
7.4 Streamlining your reporting environment.......................................... 108
Selecting the fastest database and connection....................................108
Using table indexes....................................................... 108
Improving table-linking choices...............................................108
Using thread-safe database drivers............................................109
Using stored procedures for faster processing.....................................110
7.5 Using enhanced record selection formulas ......................................... 110
Pushing down record selection—an example......................................111
Record selection performance tips.............................................111
Strategies for writing ecient record selection formulas..............................112
Incorporating parameter elds into record selection formulas..........................116
Using SQL expressions where appropriate........................................116
7.6 Improving grouping, sorting, and totaling...........................................117
Performing grouping on server................................................117
Benets of grouping on server - an example...................................... 118
Using SQL Expressions for groups, sorts, and totals.................................119
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using SQL Expressions for Case Logic.......................................... 119
Inserting summary and running total elds where possible............................119
7.7 Formatting reports for viewing on dierent platforms..................................120
8 Record Selection...........................................................121
8.1 Selecting records............................................................121
Options for selecting records.................................................121
Determining which eld(s) to use..............................................122
Using the Select Expert.....................................................122
Using formulas...........................................................124
Interaction of the Select Expert and the Formula Editor..............................124
Saved data selection formulas................................................126
8.2 Using formula templates......................................................126
Record selection formula templates............................................126
8.3 Pushing down record selection to the database server................................. 129
8.4 Troubleshooting record selection formulas......................................... 129
To troubleshoot record selection formulas....................................... 129
Correcting selections that do not generate data....................................131
9 Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling............................................... 133
9.1 Sorting data...............................................................133
Understanding sort options..................................................133
Sorting single and multiple elds..............................................135
Sort controls............................................................136
9.2 Grouping data..............................................................138
Grouping data...........................................................138
Creating custom groups....................................................140
Sorting groups conditionally................................................. 141
Sorting records within groups................................................142
Group selection..........................................................143
Grouping data in intervals...................................................147
Grouping by the rst letter of a company name....................................149
Grouping data hierarchically................................................. 151
Editing groups...........................................................157
9.3 Summarizing grouped data.................................................... 157
To summarize grouped data................................................. 157
Ordering groups by summarized values.........................................158
Selecting top or bottom N groups or percentages..................................159
Selecting top or bottom groups or percentages conditionally.......................... 161
9.4 Subtotaling................................................................162
Subtotaling data......................................................... 162
Extending prices and subtotaling the extensions...................................163
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
9.5 Percentages...............................................................164
Calculating a percentage....................................................165
9.6 Group headers.............................................................166
Creating group headers.................................................... 166
Suppressing group headers..................................................170
Drilling-down on group headers...............................................171
10 Running Totals............................................................ 172
10.1 Understanding running totals...................................................172
How running totals work....................................................172
10.2 Creating running totals........................................................173
Creating running totals in a list................................................173
Creating running totals for a group.............................................174
Creating conditional running totals.............................................175
Creating running totals in a one-to-many linking relationship.......................... 177
10.3 Creating running totals using a formula............................................178
To create running totals using a formula.........................................179
11 Multiple Section Reports.....................................................181
11.1 About sections............................................................. 181
11.2 Working with sections........................................................182
Inserting a section........................................................182
Deleting a section.........................................................182
Moving a section......................................................... 183
Merging two related sections.................................................183
11.3 Splitting and resizing sections.................................................. 185
Splitting a section.........................................................185
Resizing a section.........................................................185
11.4 Using multiple sections in reports ............................................... 186
Keeping variable length objects from overwriting each other.......................... 186
Eliminating blank lines when elds are empty.....................................187
Adding blank lines conditionally...............................................188
11.5 Form letters...............................................................189
Working with text objects................................................... 189
Creating a form letter using a text object........................................ 190
Printing conditional messages in form letters.....................................196
12 Formatting............................................................... 197
12.1 Formatting concepts.........................................................197
12.2 Using a template............................................................198
Applying a template.......................................................198
Removing an applied template................................................199
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Reapplying the last template selected..........................................200
Using Template Field Objects................................................200
Template considerations....................................................201
12.3 Using the Report Design Environment.............................................203
Section characteristics.....................................................203
Making an object underlay a following section.................................... 203
Pre-printed forms........................................................ 205
Multiple columns.........................................................205
Hiding report sections.....................................................206
Hiding report objects......................................................207
Placing text-based objects..................................................209
Placing multi-line, text-based objects...........................................213
Importing text-based objects from a le.........................................214
Spacing between text-based objects........................................... 214
Deleting a eld ..........................................................220
Balancing eld spacing.....................................................221
To allow for overow eld representation........................................222
Selecting multiple objects...................................................223
Vertical placement........................................................224
Inserting character and line spacing........................................... 224
Setting fractional font sizes..................................................225
Setting page size and page orientation..........................................226
Setting page margins......................................................226
TrueType fonts...........................................................227
Printer drivers...........................................................227
Formatting a report for web viewing............................................229
12.4 Formatting properties........................................................229
12.5 Working with absolute formatting................................................229
Adding borders, color, and shading to a eld......................................230
Making a report, section, area, or object read-only................................. 230
Locking an object's size and position...........................................231
Changing your default eld formats............................................232
Adding and editing lines....................................................234
Adding and editing boxes...................................................235
Expected behavior of line and box formatting.....................................236
Adding shapes to a report...................................................237
Scaling, cropping, and sizing objects...........................................238
Using conventional accounting formats.........................................239
Repeating report objects on horizontal pages.....................................240
Using white space between rows..............................................241
12.6 Working with conditional formatting..............................................244
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Conditional on or o properties...............................................244
Conditional attribute properties.............................................. 245
Changing margins conditionally...............................................247
Changing X position conditionally.............................................248
Creating footers after the rst page............................................249
Using the Highlighting Expert................................................250
Undo/Redo activities......................................................253
12.7 Using the Format Painter......................................................253
To copy and apply formatting................................................254
12.8 Working with barcodes....................................................... 255
Adding a barcode.........................................................255
Changing the appearance of a barcode......................................... 256
Removing a barcode.......................................................257
13 Charting.................................................................258
13.1 Charting concepts.......................................................... 258
Charting overview........................................................258
Chart layouts............................................................259
Chart types.............................................................260
Where to place a chart .....................................................263
Drill-down with charts..................................................... 264
Drill-down with legends.................................................... 264
13.2 Creating charts.............................................................264
Charting on details or formula elds (Advanced layout)..............................264
Charting on summary or subtotal elds (Group layout)..............................265
Charting on Cross-Tab summaries (Cross-Tab layout)...............................266
Charting on an OLAP cube (OLAP layout)........................................267
13.3 Working with charts......................................................... 268
Editing charts using the Chart Expert...........................................268
Editing charts using the Chart Options menu items.................................269
Editing charts using other menu items..........................................269
Using the zooming features with bar and line charts................................ 270
Auto-arranging charts......................................................271
Formatting charts.........................................................271
Using the underlay feature with charts..........................................273
14 Mapping.................................................................274
14.1 Mapping concepts...........................................................274
Mapping overview........................................................ 274
Map layouts.............................................................274
Map types..............................................................275
Where to place a map......................................................277
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Drill-down with maps......................................................277
14.2 Creating maps.............................................................278
Mapping on group elds (Group layout).........................................279
Mapping on Cross-Tab summaries (Cross-Tab layout)...............................279
Mapping on an OLAP cube (OLAP layout)....................................... 280
14.3 Working with maps..........................................................282
Editing maps using the Map Expert............................................282
Changing the map title.....................................................282
Changing the map type.................................................... 282
Changing map layers......................................................283
Resolving data mismatches................................................. 284
Changing the geographic map................................................285
Zooming in and out on a map................................................ 285
Panning a map.......................................................... 286
Centering a map.........................................................286
15 OLE.................................................................... 288
15.1 OLE overview..............................................................288
OLE terminology.........................................................288
Types of OLE objects......................................................289
General OLE considerations.................................................289
15.2 Inserting OLE objects into reports............................................... 290
To copy and paste OLE objects ...............................................290
15.3 How OLE objects are represented in a report........................................291
15.4 Editing OLE objects in reports...................................................291
In-place editing.......................................................... 291
Dynamic OLE menu commands...............................................291
OLE and the Insert Picture command...........................................292
15.5 Working with static OLE objects.................................................292
Inserting a static OLE object.................................................292
Making a static OLE object dynamic........................................... 293
Converting a static OLE object to a bitmap image object.............................295
15.6 Working with embedded vs. linked objects..........................................295
Embedded objects........................................................295
Linked objects...........................................................296
16 Cross-Tab Objects......................................................... 298
16.1 What is a Cross-Tab object?....................................................298
16.2 Cross-Tab example..........................................................299
Report of order data - no sorting/grouping.......................................300
Report of order data - grouped by region........................................300
Report of order data - grouped by product.......................................301
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report of order data - grouped by region and product...............................302
Order data in a Cross-Tab object..............................................303
16.3 Creating a Cross-Tab report....................................................304
To create a new cross-tab report..............................................305
To add a Cross-Tab to an existing report.........................................305
Specifying the data source..................................................306
Modifying the links........................................................307
Adding a chart...........................................................307
Selecting records.........................................................307
Dening the structure of the Cross-Tab......................................... 308
Applying a predened style and nishing the report................................ 308
Adding a Cross-Tab to an existing report using the Cross-Tab Expert.....................309
16.4 Working with Cross-Tabs.......................................................311
Showing values as percentages...............................................311
Abbreviating large summarized elds ...........................................311
Customizing row/column labels...............................................312
Using running totals in Cross-Tabs.............................................313
Printing Cross-Tabs that span multiple pages .....................................314
16.5 Formatting Cross-Tabs........................................................314
Changing width, height, and alignment of Cross-Tab cells.............................315
Formatting background color of entire rows/columns............................... 315
Formatting elds individually.................................................315
Formatting several elds at one time........................................... 315
Suppressing Cross-Tab data................................................. 316
Displaying summarized elds horizontally........................................317
16.6 Advanced Cross-Tab features...................................................317
Calculated Members...................................................... 318
Embedded Summaries.....................................................321
17 Building Queries...........................................................323
17.1 Connecting to a universe......................................................323
To connect to a universe....................................................323
17.2 Dening the data selection for a query............................................ 324
To build a simple query.....................................................324
To create a combined query................................................. 325
Quick reference to objects.................................................. 325
17.3 Editing an existing query......................................................326
To edit an existing query....................................................326
17.4 Viewing the SQL behind a query.................................................327
To view the SQL when you create a query........................................327
To view the SQL after you have created a query....................................327
17.5 Query lters and prompts..................................................... 327
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating query lters......................................................328
Building prompts.........................................................329
Combining query lters and prompts...........................................330
Using And or Or to combine query lters........................................330
Quick reference to query lter operators.........................................331
Editing and removing query lters.............................................332
17.6 Filtering data using subqueries and database ranking..................................333
What is a subquery?.......................................................333
Building a subquery.......................................................333
What is a database ranking?.................................................335
Creating a database ranking.................................................336
18 Creating and Updating OLAP Reports...........................................338
18.1 OLAP reporting with Crystal Reports............................................. 338
OLAP grid objects........................................................339
18.2 Creating an OLAP report......................................................339
To create an OLAP report...................................................339
Specifying the data source..................................................339
Dening the structure of the grid..............................................340
Setting sliced dimensions and specifying the number of grids.........................342
Applying a predened style..................................................343
Inserting a chart......................................................... 344
18.3 Updating an OLAP report......................................................345
To update a cube location in an OLAP grid object.................................. 345
18.4 Formatting data in an OLAP grid.................................................346
Changing the background color of a dimension....................................347
Creating an alias for a dimension..............................................348
Formatting grid lines...................................................... 348
Labeling dimensions...................................................... 348
18.5 Changing the view of OLAP data.................................................349
To show or hide dimension members .......................................... 349
To create asymmetry in an OLAP grid.......................................... 349
To add totals to an OLAP grid................................................350
To change the display format for member names..................................350
To alter the data displayed in the OLAP grid......................................350
To dene the order of elds in the OLAP grid .....................................350
18.6 Sorting and ltering OLAP grid data.............................................. 351
Sorting data in an OLAP grid.................................................351
Filtering data in an OLAP grid................................................353
18.7 Adding calculations to OLAP grids...............................................353
19 Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports........................................354
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
19.1 Distributing reports..........................................................354
Printing a report......................................................... 354
Faxing a report...........................................................355
Exporting a report........................................................355
Working with Enterprise folders...............................................367
19.2 Viewing reports............................................................ 369
Report Parts and other Report objects..........................................369
Creating an Enterprise Hyperlink..............................................381
Using Smart View to view a report in the CMC.....................................382
19.3 Using smart tags........................................................... 382
To use smart tags with a Crystal Reports object................................... 383
20 Report Alerts.............................................................385
20.1 About Report Alerts......................................................... 385
20.2 Working with Report Alerts.................................................... 385
Creating Report Alerts.....................................................385
Editing Report Alerts......................................................388
Deleting Report Alerts.....................................................388
Viewing Report Alerts......................................................388
Referring to Report Alerts in formulas..........................................389
21 Using Formulas........................................................... 390
21.1 Formulas overview..........................................................390
Typical uses for formulas...................................................390
21.2 Formula components and syntax................................................392
Formula components......................................................392
Formula syntax..........................................................393
21.3 User Function Libraries in formulas.............................................. 394
21.4 Specifying formulas.........................................................395
Working with the Formula Workshop...........................................396
Working with the Formula Editor..............................................400
21.5 Creating and modifying formulas................................................403
To create a formula and insert it into a report.....................................403
Creating a formula in the Formula Expert........................................404
Editing formulas......................................................... 405
Searching for formula text..................................................406
Copying formulas........................................................ 407
21.6 Deleting formulas...........................................................409
Removing the working formula from your report...................................409
Deleting the formula specication.............................................409
21.7 Debugging formulas.........................................................409
Debugging evaluation time errors............................................. 410
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Debugging tutorial........................................................410
21.8 Error Messages and Formula Compiler Warnings.....................................414
22 Parameter Fields and Prompts................................................432
22.1 Parameter and prompt overview................................................ 432
Parameter eld considerations...............................................432
Prompt considerations.....................................................433
Data and non-data parameters...............................................434
Optional parameters......................................................434
22.2 Understanding dynamic prompts................................................435
22.3 Understanding lists of values...................................................437
List-of-values types.......................................................438
Determining which list-of-values type to use......................................439
Lists of values and prompt groups contrasted.................................... 440
22.4 Creating a parameter with a static prompt......................................... 440
To create a parameter with a static prompt ......................................440
To incorporate the parameter into the record selection lter.......................... 443
To incorporate the parameter into a saved data selection formula.......................444
22.5 Creating a parameter with a dynamic prompt.......................................444
To create a parameter with a dynamic prompt.................................... 445
22.6 Creating a parameter with a cascading list of values...................................447
To create a parameter with a cascading list of values................................447
22.7 The Parameter Panel.........................................................449
22.8 Working with lists of values.................................................... 449
Sharing common lists of values within a report....................................450
Using separate value and description elds.......................................451
Using command objects as list-of-values data sources.............................. 452
Null handling............................................................452
Long lists of values........................................................452
22.9 Best practices for prompting...................................................453
Unmanaged reports.......................................................454
Managed reports.........................................................454
Converting unmanaged reports to managed reports................................455
Deploying managed reports with dynamic prompts.................................455
22.10 Deleting parameter elds......................................................455
To delete a parameter that is not used in a formula.................................455
To delete a parameter used with the Select Expert................................. 456
To delete a parameter that is used in a formula....................................456
22.11 Responding to parameter eld prompts........................................... 457
Previewing a report for the rst time........................................... 457
Refreshing report data.....................................................457
22.12 Advanced parameter features..................................................458
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating a parameter with multiple prompting values...............................458
Applying conditional formatting using parameter elds..............................459
Creating a report title using parameter elds.....................................460
Specifying single or ranges of values...........................................460
Incorporating a parameter into a formula........................................461
Dening sort order using parameter elds.......................................462
Dening entry type and format using the Edit Mask.................................463
Creating a saved-data record lter using parameter elds............................464
To create a parameter appearing on the Parameter Panel............................ 465
To incorporate the parameter into a saved data selection formula.......................466
Adding dynamic grouping using parameter elds..................................466
23 Subreports...............................................................468
23.1 What are subreports?........................................................468
Unlinked vs. linked subreports............................................... 469
How subreport linking works.................................................470
23.2 Inserting subreports......................................................... 471
Previewing subreports.....................................................472
Saving a subreport as a primary report..........................................473
Updating subreports...................................................... 473
23.3 Linking a subreport to the data in the primary report.................................. 474
To link a subreport to the data in the primary report.................................474
23.4 Linking a subreport to the main report without modifying the selection formula............... 475
To link a subreport to a main report without modifying the selection formula...............476
23.5 Combining unrelated reports by using subreports.................................... 476
To combine two unrelated reports.............................................476
To combine three or more unrelated reports......................................476
23.6 Using subreports with unlinkable data.............................................477
Linking to/from a formula eld............................................... 477
Linking unindexed tables................................................... 478
23.7 Creating an on-demand subreport...............................................478
To create an on-demand subreport............................................479
23.8 Adding captions to on-demand subreports.........................................479
To add a caption..........................................................479
23.9 Showing dierent views of the same data in a report.................................. 480
24 Understanding Databases....................................................481
24.1 Databases overview..........................................................481
Relational database basics..................................................481
Indexed tables...........................................................483
24.2 Using SQL and SQL databases..................................................484
What is SQL?............................................................485
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SQL DBMS.............................................................487
How does Crystal Reports use SQL?........................................... 489
The SQL language........................................................489
Dening an SQL Command..................................................492
24.3 Changing data sources.......................................................495
To change the data source.................................................. 495
24.4 Working with aliases.........................................................496
24.5 Linking tables..............................................................497
Link from and link to...................................................... 498
Link relationships........................................................ 498
Performance considerations in one-to-many links..................................498
Data le considerations....................................................500
SQL database considerations................................................502
Performance considerations for all reports.......................................503
The Database Expert Links tab...............................................505
Linking indexed tables.....................................................505
Link processing order......................................................506
Linking options..........................................................506
24.6 Server-side processing........................................................517
How server-side grouping aects the SQL query...................................518
24.7 Mapping database elds...................................................... 519
About the Map Fields dialog box..............................................520
Remapping processes.....................................................520
Remapping altered database elds............................................522
24.8 Saved Data Indexes..........................................................523
How Report Indexing works..................................................523
Considerations for using Saved Data Indexes.....................................524
Indexing the right eld(s)...................................................524
24.9 Unicode support in Crystal Reports.............................................. 525
24.10 Working with databases.......................................................525
Using Access queries......................................................525
Using ODBC data sources...................................................528
24.11 Advanced database features...................................................530
One-to-many links ........................................................530
Reporting on an NT Event Log................................................531
24.12 For additional information.....................................................532
25 Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports.............................533
25.1 Integrating with SAP.........................................................533
Introduction............................................................ 533
Reporting with SAP.......................................................538
25.2 Integrating with Oracle E-Business Suite...........................................599
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
To access data in SAP Crystal Reports..........................................600
25.3 Integrating with Siebel....................................................... 600
Connecting to Siebel......................................................600
Conguring the connection................................................. 602
Selecting business components..............................................607
Refreshing reports with Siebel data............................................607
Updating reports created in earlier versions of Crystal Reports........................ 608
Using Siebel formatting.................................................... 610
Linking tables in reports.................................................... 611
Multi-value columns.......................................................614
Data Types..............................................................614
25.4 Integrating with PeopleSoft.................................................... 615
To access data in SAP Crystal Reports..........................................616
25.5 Integrating with JD Edwards....................................................617
To access data in SAP Crystal Reports..........................................617
26 Accessing Data Sources.....................................................619
26.1 Introduction...............................................................619
Four types of data........................................................ 619
26.2 Direct access database les....................................................620
Three layers............................................................620
Common database formats..................................................621
26.3 ODBC data sources..........................................................626
Five layers..............................................................627
Installing database clients.................................................. 629
Common ODBC database formats............................................ 630
26.4 JDBC data sources ..........................................................632
Five layers..............................................................633
Supported JDBC database formats............................................634
Conguring the Crystal Reports JDBC driver..................................... 635
26.5 Business Objects universes....................................................635
26.6 Business Views.............................................................636
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
27 Report Processing Model.................................................... 637
27.1 Overview.................................................................637
What is a "pass"?.........................................................637
Pre-pass 1..............................................................637
Pass 1.................................................................637
Pre-pass 2..............................................................638
Pass 2................................................................ 638
Pass 3................................................................ 639
28 Crystal Reports Error Messages...............................................640
28.1 Drive:\lename.extension.....................................................640
28.2 Drive:\test.rpt.............................................................640
28.3 Failed to load database connector................................................641
28.4 Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: <vendor code number>]........ 641
28.5 Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: [Database Vendor Code: <vendor code
number>]................................................................ 642
29 Creating Accessible Reports................................................. 644
29.1 About accessibility..........................................................644
Benets of accessible reports................................................644
About the accessibility guidelines.............................................645
Accessibility and Business Objects products..................................... 646
29.2 Improving report accessibility.................................................. 646
Placing objects in reports...................................................647
Parameter elds......................................................... 653
29.3 Designing for exibility....................................................... 654
To create an accessibility parameter eld........................................654
Accessibility and conditional formatting.........................................654
Accessibility and suppressing sections..........................................655
Accessibility and subreports.................................................656
29.4 Improving data table accessibility................................................657
Text objects and data table values.............................................657
Other data table design considerations......................................... 661
29.5 Accessibility and BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.........................662
Setting accessible preferences for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.......663
29.6 Accessibility and customization.................................................663
29.7 Resources................................................................664
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
1 Document History
The following table provides an overview of the most important document changes:
Version Date Description
SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.3 June, 2020
Added information about the new Mi
crosoft Excel
.xlsx export format
support in Export format types [page
Updated the Accessing Data Sources
[page 619] and Mapping [page 274]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Document History
2 Introduction to SAP Crystal Reports
Access our product documentation online at:
2.1 About Crystal Reports
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 (Crystal Reports) is designed to work with your database to help you analyze and
interpret important information. Crystal Reports makes it easy to create simple reports, and, it also has the
comprehensive tools you need to produce complex or specialized reports.
Create any report you can imagine
Crystal Reports is designed to produce the report you want from virtually any data source. Built-in report
experts guide you step by step through building reports and completing common reporting tasks. Formulas,
cross-tabs, subreports, and conditional formatting help make sense of data and uncover important
relationships that might otherwise be hidden. Geographic maps and graphs communicate information visually
when words and numbers are simply not enough.
Extend reporting to the Web
The exibility of Crystal Reports doesn't end with creating reports — your reports can be published in a variety
of formats including Microsoft Word and Excel, E-mail and even over the Web. Advanced Web reporting lets
other members of your workgroup view and update shared reports inside their web browser.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to SAP Crystal Reports 2020
Incorporate reports into applications
Application and web developers can save time and meet their users needs by integrating the report processing
power of Crystal Reports into their database applications. Support for most popular development languages
makes it easy to add reporting to any application.
Whether it's the web master in IT, the promotion manager in marketing, the database administrator in nance
or the CEO, Crystal Reports is a powerful tool designed to help everyone analyze and interpret the information
that's important to them.
2.2 About the Crystal Reports documentation
The Crystal Reports documentation includes procedures for typical reporting tasks such as placing elds,
formatting reports, and sorting records. It also contains information on more specic areas of interest such as
advanced formula creation and accessing dierent types of data. Use the documentation as a reference for
your basic reporting needs as well as an introduction to new concepts in report creation.
2.2.1 Locate information quickly
Access online help from the Crystal Reports help menu.
Use the Contents tab to view all major sections in the online help and drill down to specic headings within
each section, the Index tab to view topics in alphabetical order, and the Search tab to enter a keyword to
view all the sections that relate to the keyword.
Access a PDF version of the Crystal Reports documentation online at
The PDF version contains a subset of the topics found in the online help, along with additional sections—
such as a Quick Start—that can help you learn Crystal Reports.
2.2.2 Sample Reports
Many topics in the Crystal Reports documentation include a list of related sample reports. Use these reports to
illustrate concepts the topic describes. The sample reports can be adapted to your own needs.
Samples reports can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to SAP Crystal Reports 2020
3 Quick Start
3.1 Learning how to use Crystal Reports
You can teach yourself how to use Crystal Reports by choosing from the methods available in this section:
You can study the sample reports and sample database included with Crystal Reports.
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
You can use the detailed descriptions and instructions in the Quick start for new users [page 23].
You can use the summaries and topic cross-references in the Quick start for advanced users [page 42]
especially useful if you're already familiar with reporting concepts.
Each method is a helpful way to learn and understand Crystal Reports and, although any one might be enough
to get you up and running, you can always come back to this section and consult the other methods as you
need them.
3.1.1 Sample data - Xtreme.mdb
A sample database, Xtreme.mdb, is available for you to use while you are learning Crystal Reports. Xtreme.mdb
is a Microsoft Access database and all of the necessary drivers are included. You should be able to open the
database directly and begin designing reports. Virtually all of the examples in this manual are based on
Xtreme.mdb data.
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
Xtreme.mdb is a database that contains data for Xtreme Mountain Bikes, a ctitious manufacturer of mountain
bikes and accessories.
The sample data has been designed to illustrate various reporting concepts in a training environment, not
to teach database design. While there are alternative ways of designing a database, this design was
selected to keep the tutorials and examples focused on reporting, not on data manipulation.
3.2 Report Creation Wizards
The tutorials in this section show you how to build a report from scratch. As a complement or an alternative,
however, you may want to use the Report Creation Wizards available on the Start Page. There are four Report
Creation Wizards:
Standard [page 22]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
Cross-Tab [page 22]
Mailing Label [page 22]
OLAP [page 22]
Each wizard guides you through the creation of a report by providing a series of screens. Many of the wizards
have screens unique to a specic type of report. For example, the Mailing Labels Report Creation Wizard has a
screen that allows you to specify the type of mailing label you want to use.
After you've clicked the Finish button in a Report Creation Wizard, you can click the Stop button on the
Navigation Tools toolbar if you don't want the program to gather all the data from your data source. This is
useful if you want to make adjustments to the report layout that the wizard created.
3.2.1 Standard
The Standard Report Creation Wizard is the most generic of the wizards. It guides you through choosing a data
source and linking database tables. It also helps you add elds and specify the grouping, summarization
(totals), and sorting criteria you want to use. Finally, the Standard Report Creation Wizard leads you through
chart creation and record selection.
The Templates screen contains predened layouts for you to apply to your report to give it more impact.
3.2.2 Cross-Tab
The Cross-Tab Report Creation Wizard guides you through the creation of a report in which your data is
displayed as a cross-tab object. Two special screens (Cross-Tab and Grid Style) help you create and format the
cross-tab itself.
3.2.3 Mailing Label
The Mailing Labels Report Creation Wizard lets you create a report that is formatted to print on any size mailing
label. You can use the Label screen to select a commercial label type, or you can dene your own layout of rows
and columns for any multi-column style report.
3.2.4 OLAP
The OLAP Report Creation Wizard lets you create a report in which your OLAP data is displayed as a grid
object. Although similar to the Cross-Tab Report Creation Wizard in several ways, the OLAP Report Creation
Wizard appears to be dierent due to the requirements of working with OLAP data sources. You rst specify the
location of your OLAP data, and then you choose the dimensions you want to include in the grid. Next you lter
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
the report data and choose the style of the grid object, which you can also customize. Finally, you can dene
labels for your grid and insert a chart, if you wish.
3.3 Quick start for new users
The following tutorial has been designed to give you condence when creating your rst report.
In this tutorial, you will get an introduction to the program as you create a Customer List report. The Customer
List is one of the most basic business reports and typically has information such as Customer Name, City,
Region, and Contact Name.
You begin by learning the basic concepts: selecting a database, placing some elds on the report, and then
selecting specic records to be included. You will then learn how to:
Insert and move database elds.
Add and format a title.
Display a report in the Preview tab so you can ne-tune your work.
Use the Select Expert to ensure the report includes only the data you need.
Move objects.
Group and sort data.
Insert pictures.
Print a report.
3.3.1 Before you begin
This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Microsoft Windows and uses conventional terms and procedures
common to the Windows environment. If you are not familiar with Windows, please refer to the documentation
that came with Microsoft Windows for further explanation.
The default font for all report sections in the program is set to Arial, 10 point. If you have changed the default
font, or if your printer does not support this font, the eld size, eld spacing, and screen shots will look dierent
than those included in this tutorial.
This tutorial has been designed using Microsoft Windows 2000. Screen shots may vary slightly if you are using
a dierent platform.
If you are not familiar with the Crystal Reports environment, review Formatting [page 197], which describes
working with the grid, using guidelines, and formatting activities.
3.3.2 Creating the report
1. In Windows, click Start > Programs > SAP Business Intelligence > Crystal Reports, and then select Crystal
Reports 2020.
The Start Page appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
2. In the Start a New Report area, click Blank Report.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
You can create reports based on database les, SQL/ODBC data sources, Business Views, and a variety
of other data sources. Selecting a database to use
The next step in creating a report is to select a database. Use the Xtreme.mdb sample database for this
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
Copy Xtreme.mdb to a location on your machine that you can access for the tutorial. To select a database
1. In the Database Expert dialog box, expand the Create New Connection folder and then expand the Database
Files folder; then search for the Xtreme.mdb sample database.
You have to use the Open dialog box to nd the Xtreme database.
If you wish to see database and server properties after you have selected a database, right-click the
database node in the Database Expert and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
2. Expand the Tables node of the Xtreme.mdb connection to see a list of tables.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
Because you are dealing only with customers in this tutorial, you will select the Customer table.
3. Select Customer and click the > arrow to add it to the Selected Tables list, and then click OK.
The Design tab of the Report Designer appears.
4. Click Field Explorer on the Standard toolbar.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
Depending on how it appeared when you last used Crystal Reports, the Field Explorer dialog box might
be docked or in oating mode. For more information about docking explorers, see Opening and docking
explorers [page 86].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 25 Report sections
The Design tab is divided into ve sections: Report Header (RH), Page Header (PH), Details (D), Report Footer
(RF), and Page Footer (PF). If at any time you are unsure of the report section in which you are working, simply
look at the shaded area to the left of the report which always displays either the section names or the initials
that designate the names. See Design tab [page 59].
If the Short Section Names check box is selected in the Design View area of the Options dialog box, then the
Report Header, Page Header, Details, Report Footer and Page Footer section names will appear as RH, PH, D,
RF and PF respectively. Inserting a eld
You'll use the Field Explorer dialog box to insert database elds when you create a new report.
This dialog box is set to remain on-screen until you close it. All the tables available for use are listed in this box.
You will now start placing objects on the report by inserting the Customer Name eld. To insert a eld
1. Expand the Database Fields node in the Field Explorer dialog box and expand a table.
2. Highlight a eld name by clicking the name once.
When you highlight a eld name, you can review a subset of the values for that eld as well as the eld type
and size by right-clicking the eld and selecting Browse Data from the shortcut menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
3. Click the Customer Name eld and drag it into the Details section of the report.
An object frame appears with the Arrow cursor as you drag the eld onto the report:
The object frame represents the object you have just selected for placement.
The size of the object frame approximates the size of the data in the eld selected.
4. Move the object frame as far to the left as you can in the Details section.
If you move the eld too far to the left, the Arrow cursor turns into a Stop cursor, indicating that you cannot
drag the eld that far. Keep in mind that you cannot place any objects outside the page margin.
The Design tab should look similar to this:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 27 Understanding elds
Before going any further, take a look at the eld you just placed in the Details section:
First of all, the object frame indicates that when the report is printed, a eld value will appear where the box
is positioned.
If you haven't selected the Show Field Names check box on the Layout tab of the Options dialog box, the
object frame contains Xs to indicate that the database eld contains a text string. Other data types have
dierent character representations. For example, a currency data type is represented by $55,555.56.
If your report is not showing eld names, the number of Xs in the object frame is the data width, the
maximum number of characters in the eld as dened by the database. Whether or not your report shows
eld names, the width of the object frame is the eld width (the amount of space allocated to the eld for
printing). Initially it is set to the width needed to display the maximum number of characters in the eld
(using the font selected for the eld). You can change this width by resizing the eld.
The size of the characters or Xs indicates the point size selected for the characters in the eld.
The font and style (Bold, Underline, and so on) used in displaying the characters or Xs indicate the font and
style selected for the characters in the eld. Later in this tutorial you will learn how to make changes to
these properties.
The line spacing is adjusted to the point size selected for the characters in the eld. Adding additional elds
Next, you will insert two additional elds in the report. This time, however, you will use the Ctrl-click
combination to add them at the same time. To add additional elds
1. Highlight the City eld in the Field Explorer dialog box, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then
highlight the Country eld. Release the Ctrl key.
If you scroll through the eld list, you will notice that both elds remain selected.
Using the Ctrl-click combination allows you to select a non-continuous range of elds. The Shift-click
combination can be used to select several elds from the list that are contiguous.
2. Drag the elds to place them.
As the cursor is moved over the report, an object frame appears along with the Arrow cursor.
3. Place the elds to the right of the Customer Name eld.
Both elds appear in the Details section of the report in the same order in which they are listed in the Field
Explorer dialog box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start Selecting elds
When a eld is selected, the object frame appears with a handle (box) on its right, left, top, and bottom edge.
These handles indicate that the eld is selected, and therefore active. To do anything with a eld (change the
font, move it, and so on), you rst have to select it:
Position the cursor inside the object frame and click once. The handles appear, indicating the object is
Move the cursor away from the object frame and click in an empty part of the window. The handles
That's all it takes to select and deselect objects. Resizing elds
To resize the eld, follow these steps:
1. Click the Customer Name eld in the Details section to select it.
2. Press the Ctrl key and click the eld heading to select both objects.
3. Move the cursor over the resizing handle on the right edge of the elds until the cursor turns into a Resizing
4. Resize the elds to the right until they are approximately two inches in length. Reviewing your work
Now let's see how the report looks with three elds placed and positioned.
1. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to activate the Preview tab.
The screen should look similar to this:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
The rst time you preview a report, you must click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to activate the
Preview tab. The Preview tab appears to the right of the Design tab. You can then switch between
designing and previewing the report by clicking the corresponding tab.
You have the beginnings of a customer list report, but you still have several elds to add.
2. When you are nished reviewing the report, return to the Design tab by clicking it. Displaying eld names
Field pictures (object frames containing character representations) have been discussed, but there may be
times when you want to see the eld names in the Design tab. To display eld names
1. On the File menu, click Options.
The Options dialog box appears with the Layout tab active.
2. Select the Show Field Names check box and click OK.
Now in the Design tab you will see the actual eld names instead of character representations (X, $, #, and
so on). Combining database elds in a text object
Instead of adding the Contact First Name and Contact Last Name elds as separate objects, you can insert
both elds in a text object. This allows you to control the formatting of both elds by making changes to only
one object. When you insert elds in a text object, the elds are automatically trimmed (they do not have any
extra white space on either side). This is important because a eld is a xed size but the data in the elds can
vary in size, leaving various amounts of unwanted white space. To combine elds in a text object
1. Click Insert Text Object on the Insert Tools toolbar. As you move the cursor over the report, an object
frame appears next to it.
2. Insert the eld to the right of the elds in the Details section.
As you drag the eld, the Design tab automatically scrolls to the right, if necessary. When you click to place
the object, a text object appears and the horizontal ruler of the Design tab changes to a ruler/tab selector
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
that is used for editing the text object. If you click an empty area of the report or a eld object, the standard
Design tab ruler appears.
3. Click once on the border of the text object to select it for resizing. Handles appear on all sides of the object.
4. Move the cursor over the right sizing handle of the text object and increase the width by about 1 inch. You
may need to scroll to the right and continue resizing.
5. Double-click inside the text object to select it for editing. Notice the insertion point is now ashing within
the text object.
6. Select the Contact Last Name eld in the Field Explorer dialog box. Remember, you can move the Field
Explorer dialog box by dragging and dropping it by its title bar.
7. Drag the eld to the text object.
8. Move the cursor over the text object until the cursor becomes a Drag and Drop cursor.
9. Release the mouse button to place the eld in the text object. The cursor now appears after the Contact
Last Name eld, within the text object.
10. Type a comma and a space after Contact Last Name.
11. In the Field Explorer dialog box, highlight the Contact First Name eld.
12. Drag the eld to the text object.
13. Move the cursor over the text object until the cursor becomes a Drag and Drop cursor. Move the cursor to
the right of the comma and space you just typed, and release the mouse button. The eld will be inserted
to the right of the comma and space.
14. Click the Preview tab to look at the elds you just placed.
The report should now look similar to this: Adding summary information
The next step is to add summary information to your report. Adding summary information allows you to
specify the author, title, and subject of the report, as well as any keywords or comments related to the report.
When you add summary information, users can nd information related to the report quickly.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 31 To add summary information
1. On the File menu, click Summary Info.
The Document Properties dialog box appears with the Summary tab active.
2. Enter information about your report in the text boxes provided. Be sure to enter the title "Customer List" in
the Title text box. This information will be used in the next section of the tutorial.
3. Click OK when nished. Adding a title
As you can see, the report looks incomplete without a title. Although you can add a title using a text object, you
can also tell the program to take the title information directly from the Title text box in the Document
Properties dialog box. To add a title
1. Click the Design tab.
2. In the Field Explorer, scroll down to Special Fields and expand it.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
3. Choose Report Title.
4. Drag the cursor over the report. An object frame appears.
5. Position the object frame in the upper left-hand corner of the Page Header (PH) section of the report and
release the mouse button to place the object.
6. Click the Preview tab or Refresh to review your changes.
The report title object now displays the title that you entered in the Title text box of the Document Properties
dialog box. Formatting objects
Now you can format the report title. This time, however, you will remain in the Preview tab to do the work. This
will make it easier to see your work while you are formatting the title. To format an object
1. To center the title, you will rst need to expand the Title eld so that it's about the same width as the data in
your report. To do this, select the object by clicking it.
2. Position the cursor on the right edge of the object until the cursor turns into a Resizing cursor. Drag the
right edge of the eld box until it is even with the right edge of the data in the Contact Name eld object.
You have created a large eld that extends from the left edge to the right edge of the report.
3. With the report title object still selected, click Align Center on the Formatting toolbar. The title is
centered within the object.
4. Right-click the object and choose Format Field from the shortcut menu.
5. When the Format Editor appears, click the Font tab.
6. Set the report title to a larger, bolder version of the active font by selecting Bold from the Style list and 16
(or a point size suitable to the font you are using) from the Size list.
7. Change the color of the text by selecting Maroon from the Color palette. Notice that the Sample box shows
an example of how the text will look.
8. Click OK when nished.
9. Resize the report title object vertically to accommodate the increased size of the title.
The title is now formatted to stand out on the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 33 Adding a eld heading
As you can see, the Contact Name eld is the only eld without a heading. In this section you will create a
heading. To add a eld heading
1. Click Insert Text Object on the Insert Tools toolbar.
2. Insert the text object in the Page Header section directly above the Contact Name eld.
3. Click Underline on the Formatting toolbar, and then type Contact Name into the text object.
4. Click your cursor outside the text object.
The Contact Name eld now has a heading that looks just like the other eld titles. Saving the report
1. Click Save on the Standard toolbar to save your work.
Since this is the rst time you are saving the report, the Save As dialog box appears displaying the default
directory where the le will be saved. Notice that a default le name, based on the report title you dened
earlier, is also displayed.
2. Type Custlist.rpt in the File name box and click Save.
Your report is saved to the default directory or another directory you chose.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
3. Click the Preview tab to view the report.
The report should now look similar to the following:
Congratulations! You have just created a basic listing report. You will continue to rene this report throughout
the rest of this tutorial.
Locally stored documents are not protected by SAP Crystal Reports. Protection needs to be provided by
the respective device management (e.g. access control, encryption, etc.)
3.3.3 Record Selection
Crystal Reports allows you to limit or restrict the records that are to be included in a report. In this section you
will learn how to:
Select the records you want included in the report.
Save a report, including the selection criteria.
For example, it may be useful to have a customer list that only lists customers from the USA. The sample data
contains records from the United States and International customers. It is easy to restrict lists like this using
the Select Expert. Entering the selection criteria
When you scroll through the report, you will see that it contains information for customers from many dierent
countries. In this step, you will limit the number of countries displayed to the USA.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 35 To enter selection criteria
1. To begin, click the Design tab to return to design mode.
2. Click an empty area of the report to make sure all elds are deselected.
3. Click Select Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Choose Field dialog box appears.
This dialog box lists all the elds currently in the report in the Report Fields section and then lists all elds
that are available from each table in the database elds section.
4. Since you are going to base record selection on the country eld, select Country in the Fields list and click
The Select Expert appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
Imagine that you are completing the following sentence:
Select all records where a customer's country is
You complete the sentence with the condition you want the program to use when selecting records for your
report. Right now the condition is any value, which implies there is no restriction on the record selection.
5. Click the arrow on the operators box to see what other options you have. Since you want only those records
where the Country is USA, select the is equal to condition.
A new box appears on the right. The dialog box sentence now reads:
Select all records where a customer's country is equal to
All that you need to complete the sentence is the value USA.
6. Click the arrow on the empty list. A list of all the country values appears. Select USA from the list.
The sentence now reads:
Select all records where a customer's country is equal to USA
7. Click OK to return to the Design tab.
8. Click the Preview tab to review the results of your work.
The Change In Record Selection Formula dialog box appears.
9. Click Refresh Data.
10. Save this version of the report without overwriting the original report by choosing Save As from the File
menu and giving the new report the name USA.rpt.
Congratulations! You have started formatting your report and have added selection criteria to it. More than
that, you have learned how to manipulate your data. By now, you have a good idea of the powerful kinds of
reports you can prepare.
3.3.4 Grouping and sorting
Data in reports can be grouped and sorted in a variety of ways. Sorting and grouping tools provide a great deal
of exibility for customizing reports. Grouping the report
In many reports you need to break the data into groups in order to make it easier to read and to understand.
Crystal Reports lets you do this easily. For this customer list, you will group the customers by region and then
sort the customers alphabetically within each group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 37 To group a report
1. While on the Design tab, click Insert Group on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
2. Select Region from the Customer table in the rst drop-down list.
The program takes all records with the same value in the region eld and places them together in a group
on the report.
3. Select in ascending order from the second drop-down list.
The region grouping will be displayed on the report in alphabetic ascending order.
4. Click OK.
Notice that two new sections now appear in the Design tab: GH1 (Group Header #1) and GF1 (Group Footer
#1). This is how the program shows that the report has been grouped.
5. Click the Preview tab to see what the report looks like.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
6. If the group tree is not visible, select Toggle Group Tree on the Standard toolbar to see the groups
included in the report.
You can view the group of interest by clicking on the group name in the Group Tree. For example, to see the
Texas customer group, click TX in the Group Tree. The program jumps to the Texas group, displaying that group
in the Preview tab. The Group Tree allows you to quickly jump to a specic group of interest instead of scrolling
through the report looking for the group. For more information on the group tree, see Group Tree [page 64].
For many reports, you will want to insert summaries, subtotals and grand totals. For example, when
creating a sales report rather than a customer list, you would want to calculate the total sales amount for
each region. See Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling [page 133]. Understanding "live" group headers
When a group is inserted, a group name eld is automatically inserted in the Group Header section of the
report. The group name eld displays the current group's name. For example, if you group by region, and
preview the report, the group header for the CA (California) group shows "CA."
The group eld name is automatically formatted to stand out from the records in the group. Sorting records
In a typical customer list report, customer names are listed alphabetically. In this example, you will sort the
customer names alphabetically within each region.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
PUBLIC 39 To sort records
1. While on the Preview tab, click Record Sort Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Record Sort Expert appears.
The Available Fields list box displays all elds currently on your report and all the elds in the data source.
You can choose to sort based on any of these elds.
The Sort Fields list box displays the elds that are already sorted in the report. Since the region eld has
already been sorted, the sorting you are about to do will be within each region, and not for the entire report.
2. Highlight the Customer Name eld and click the > arrow button to add it to the Sort Fields list.
3. Select Ascending for the Sort Direction and click OK. The report should now look similar to the following:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
Notice that the records within each group are in alphabetic order.
3.3.5 Completing the report
You have just one step left to complete the report. A company logo needs to be added to the rst page of the
report. Inserting a company logo
In this section, you will place a company logo at the top of the rst page of the report. To insert a company logo
1. While on the Design tab, click Insert Picture on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Choose a bitmap logo (.bmp) le and click Open.
An object frame appears as you move the cursor over the report. The object frame represents the logo you
will place.
3. Position the object frame in the upper left-hand corner of the Report Header (RH) section of the report and
click once to place it.
Placing the logo in the Report Header (RH) section ensures that the logo is printed only on the rst page of
the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
Although there does not appear to be enough room in the Report Header (RH) section when you place
the graphic, the section will automatically expand to accommodate the picture.
4. Click the Preview tab to view the report.
The nal report should look something like this (with the logo that you chose in step 2):
5. Save the report by clicking Save on the Standard toolbar.
You have just completed your rst report.
3.4 Quick start for advanced users
If you are an experienced Windows user who wants to get right into the program, follow these steps to set up a
report for the rst time.
If you're not an experienced user, check the Quick start for new users [page 23].
3.4.1 Choosing a report type and data source
1. In Windows, click Start > Programs > SAP Business Intelligence > Crystal Reports, and then select Crystal
Reports 2020.
2. Click Blank Report to open the Database Expert dialog box.
As an alternative to creating a blank report, you can choose one of four Report Creation Wizards.
After choosing a wizard, you can build your report on a variety of data sources.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
3. Browse through the contents of the Database Expert to nd the data source you want to use for your
4. Select a table you want to use in your report and click the > arrow to add it to the Selected Tables list.
5. After you have added all the tables you want to work with, click OK on the Database Expert.
If you select more than one table in the Database Expert dialog box, the Links tab appears. For more
information on linking, see Linking multiple tables [page 68].
The Design tab appears with Report Header, Page Header, Details, Page Footer, and Report Footer areas. A
report is created by inserting and formatting items in each of these areas.
To use additional database tables for a report and match them up on a record-by-record basis, click
Database Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar, select the table(s), and then set up the links on the Links tab
when it appears.
3.4.2 Working with report elements on the Design tab
1. Each of the default report areas contains a single section. To add additional sections, click Section
Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar and use the Section Expert to add the desired sections.
Once you have added sections to an area, you can move, merge, and delete them in the Section Expert. See
Designing with guidelines [page 215].
2. To turn the grid on or o, choose the Options command from the File menu and select or clear the Grid
check box in the Design View area of the Layout tab when the Options dialog box appears. See Using the
grid [page 214].
3. If you are working with the grid o and you want to use snap-to guidelines for positioning objects, click the
top or left ruler wherever you want guidelines to appear.
Some further ways you can use guidelines:
Drag a eld to a guideline until it snaps to the guideline.
Drag the guideline arrow to move the guideline (and any objects that are snapped to it).
Drag the guideline arrow away from the ruler to remove the guideline. See Designing with guidelines
[page 215].
4. If the Field Explorer dialog box is not visible, click Field Explorer on the Standard toolbar.
Expand the Database Fields node to display a list of elds. To speed the entry of multiple elds, this box will
remain on-screen until you close it. This dialog box can be moved to a new location or resized, if you wish.
See Placing data on the report [page 70].
5. Select the eld(s) you want to appear on the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
You can select and place them one at a time, or use the Shift-click combination to select a number of
contiguous elds, or the Ctrl-click combination to select elds from the list at random. Drag and drop is
also active. Place the elds in the Details section where you want them to appear.
When you place multiple elds, they appear in the same order that they appear in the Field Explorer dialog
box. The program marks the position of each eld with a rectangular frame. The characters in the frame
indicate whether the eld is text (XXX...), number (555...), currency ($555...), date (12/31/99), time
(00:00:00), DateTime (12/31/99 00:00:00), or Boolean (T/F).
The eld names and eld types can be viewed by selecting the Show Field Names check box on in the
Options dialog box (Layout tab).
The program automatically places eld titles in the Page Header section unless the Insert Detail Field
Headings check box is not selected in the Options dialog box (Layout tab).
If additional Details sections are added to the report, eld titles will only be placed in the Page Header
section for elds in the Details A (the original) section of your report.
6. Once the objects are in place, you may want to adjust the report sections. To do this, right-click the shaded
area to the left of the section ruler and use the shortcut menu that appears:
To expand a section to accommodate an additional line, choose the Insert Line command.
To have the program automatically align the objects in the section horizontally, choose the Arrange
Lines command.
To reduce the size of a section to eliminate unnecessary white space above and below objects, choose
the Fit Section command. See Using white space between rows [page 241].
7. To generate a report title, you must rst enter the title in the Document Properties dialog box. On the File
menu, click Summary Info. Enter a title in the Title text box of the Document Properties dialog box. Click
8. Choose Report Title from the Special Fields list in the Field Explorer. A rectangular placement frame
appears when you move the cursor over your report. Click once in the Report Header (RH) section to place
the report title. The report title eld contains the text that you typed in the Title text box of the Document
Properties dialog box. See Adding a title page to the report [page 80].
9. To see how the results will print, click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar.
To speed processing time while building a report, you can preview the report using only a small subset of
the available data. To do this, go to the File menu, point to Print and then click Preview Sample. See Preview
tab [page 62].
In either case, the program takes you to the Preview tab. You can ne-tune a report in the Preview tab while
viewing the results as actual report data. You can also close the Preview tab and continue working on the
report in the Design tab.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
3.4.3 Using other reporting features
1. If you want to format a eld, change the placement or width of a eld, or insert a summary, click the eld to
select it. Handles appear on the top, bottom, and sides of each selected eld:
To change the placement of the eld(s), use the mouse to drag the eld placement frame to its new
To change the width of the eld, use the mouse to drag the right or left handle.
Right-click the eld to format or to summarize it. A shortcut menu appears listing commands for
formatting and summarizing the eld.
Many font and formatting options are available on the formatting toolbar.
To apply formatting only under certain conditions, click Conditional Formula next to the formatting
property in the Format Editor, and create a formula that denes those conditions. See Working with
conditional formatting [page 244].
2. To create a formula that makes data calculations or comparisons, select Formula Fields in the Field
You can also click Formula Workshop on the Expert Tools toolbar to work with formulas, custom
functions, SQL expressions, and so on.
3. Click New. The Formula Name dialog box appears. Enter a name for the formula and click OK. The
Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
4. Enter the formula in the Formula Editor. Enter elds, operators, and functions by selecting them from
their respective lists or by typing them in. You can check the formula syntax by clicking Check.
5. When you are nished editing, click Save and close to return to the Field Explorer dialog box.
6. Click Insert to Report to place the formula just like you would a database eld. See Using Formulas
[page 390].
7. To insert a subreport (a report within a report), click Insert Subreport on the Insert Tools toolbar and
choose an existing report to import as a subreport or use the Report Creation Wizard to create a new
subreport. See Inserting subreports [page 471].
If you want the records in a subreport to match up with the records in a primary report, click the Link tab of
the Insert Subreport dialog box and specify the link when the tab appears.
8. To insert a cross-tab object in a report, click Insert Cross-Tab on the Insert Tools toolbar and set up the
cross-tab in the Cross-Tab Expert when it appears. See Cross-Tab Objects [page 298].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
9. To create a parameter eld (a eld that prompts you for a value whenever you retrieve data for a
report), click Field Explorer on the Standard toolbar, then select Parameter Fields in the Field Explorer
dialog box when it appears. Click New to set up a parameter eld. Once created, you can insert the
parameter eld in a report like a database eld or select it from the Fields list in the Formula Workshop.
Parameter elds can be used in reports (as title or label prompts), in selection formulas (as selection
criteria prompts), and in formulas (for a variety of purposes including specifying sort elds). See
Parameter Fields and Prompts [page 432].
10. To add a chart, click Insert Chart on the Insert Tools toolbar. See Charting [page 258].
11. To add a map, click Insert Map on the Insert Tools toolbar. See Mapping [page 274].
12. To insert a spreadsheet, picture, or other OLE object that you can edit from within the Report Designer
using the tools from the object's native application, choose OLE Object from the Insert menu. See OLE
[page 288], and Working with static OLE objects [page 292].
13. To change the record sort order, click Record Sort Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar. The Record Sort
Expert appears. Highlight the eld(s) you want to use for sorting the report data and the sort direction. See
Sorting single and multiple elds [page 135].
14. To limit the report to specic records (for example, the records of California customers who have
year-to-date sales greater than $10,000), click the rst eld on which you want your selection to be based
and then click Select Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar. When the Select Expert appears, set up the record
selection criteria.
15. To print the report, click Print on the Standard toolbar.
That's it! It is that easy to build a report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Quick Start
4 Report Design Concepts
4.1 Basic report design
The purpose of this section is to suggest a structured approach to preparing a Crystal report. This approach
includes the following elements:
Deciding on the content of the report.
Developing a prototype on paper.
This section has been designed to provide a conceptual understanding of the reporting process.
4.2 Deciding on the content of the report
Before you do anything else, you should outline the information you want the report to provide. The following
sections provide a guide to making that outline.
A report (.rpt) le might contain sensitive business data. You are advised to protect access to the le by
using one of these methods:
Manage the le with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform server.
Apply le security.
Apply operating system-level encryption.
4.2.1 Stating the purpose
What is the overall purpose of the report?
Reports are management tools. Their purpose is to help you quickly grasp the essential elements and
relationships found in raw data, to help you make eective decisions. For a report to be eective, it has to
present the correct data in a logical way. If it presents the wrong data, or if it presents the right data in a
haphazard manner, the report may slow the decision-making process or may even encourage incorrect
A good starting place in the development of a report is to write out the purpose of the report in a sentence or
two. The purpose statement helps you focus on your primary needs, and it gives the report both a starting
point and a goal.
Here are some examples of purpose statements.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
The purpose of this report is to show monthly and year-to-date sales by sales representatives, compare
this year's numbers to last year's, and ag representatives whose sales gures do not meet company
The purpose of this report is to show sales activity for each item in inventory, and to suggest reorder
quantities based on that activity.
The purpose of this report is to calculate bowling averages and handicaps for each member of the bowling
Dening the purpose of the report before you start is a critical step in the overall process.
Who is going to read the report?
A single report is often used by many individuals. A detailed, company-wide sales report, for example, may be
used by sales representatives, the regional sales manager, the national sales manager, and the Chief Operating
Ocer (COO).
These individuals will be interested in dierent aspects of the report:
A sales representative will use the report to evaluate individual sales performance and compare this
performance to that of other representatives in the region.
The regional sales manager will use the report to evaluate regional representatives and compare the
region's performance to that of other regions.
The national sales manager will use the report to evaluate the performance of regional managers and
compare overall sales to the current sales forecasts.
The COO will use the report to evaluate the performance of the Vice-President of Marketing and the sales
department as a whole, and to project such things as manufacturing needs and warehouse locations.
Since each user of the report has dierent interests, it is important to plan the report so it includes the
information each user is looking for.
4.2.2 Determining the layout of the report
What is the report title going to be?
Write out a working title for the report. You may decide to change it later, but at least you will have a title to use
when creating the prototype report.
What identifying information is needed in the header and footer?
You may wish to include the print date, information on who prepared the report, a block of text to describe the
purpose of the report, the range of data covered, or something similar. If you are going to include such
information, write it down so you can use it in preparing your prototype.
The information can come from a variety of sources, depending on the kind of information you plan to use.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
Information on who prepared the report might be drawn from individual data elds in the database table(s)
used. If it is to be drawn from a database table, what table? Or, what combination of tables?
A block of text can be created as a text object and placed anywhere on the report.
Crystal Reports can generate information such as the print date or page numbers.
4.2.3 Finding the data
What data do you want to use in the report?
Do you know the type of database you are reporting from? Will you be reporting o a data le, SQL/ODBC, or
another data source?
If you do not know, ask the database administrator in your organization for help in setting up the database type
and location of the data. For more information, see Accessing Data Sources in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
Are you familiar enough with the data to nd the necessary information? When looking for a Customer Contact
name, can the eld be found in a database table?
If not, your MIS professional, database administrator, or co-workers will have to help you become familiar with
the data.
What specic data should appear in the body of the report?
The body should contain all the data needed to fulll the statement of purpose you wrote for the report. It
should also contain all of the data needed by the various users that you have identied.
This step requires you to look at the available database table(s). Crystal Reports allows you to combine data
from dierent databases when you create reports, so you have a great deal of exibility in your work.
Much of the data in a typical report is taken directly from data elds. Which data elds will be used, and
where are they located?
Other data will be calculated based on data elds. Which data elds will be used in the calculations?
Still other data will be placed directly into the report using text objects (headings, notes, labels, and so on).
Does the data exist or does it need to be calculated?
Some report information can be drawn directly from data elds (sales information, for example); other
information will have to be calculated based on data eld values (for example, sales commission, based on the
relationship of sales to quota). In your planning, it can be helpful to segregate or ag data that needs to be
calculated from that which can be used directly. See Specifying formulas [page 395].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
What types of elds contain data?
You should take the time to get to know the data type for data elds that will be used in your calculations. Since
formula functions and operators work with specic kinds of data, it is important to recognize the data type you
are working with, before you start any calculations. For example, some functions require numeric data, while
others work with only string elds. For more information on specic functions and operators, search for
"Functions" and "Operators," or for the function or operator by name in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
4.2.4 Manipulating the data
There are several ways to manipulate data when you design a report. The following sections list some options
you may want to consider.
Do you want the data organized into groups?
How? By customer? By date? By hierarchy? Or by other criteria? Crystal Reports provides several options for
grouping data in a report. See Grouping data [page 138].
Do you want the data sorted based on record or group values?
Crystal Reports gives you both alternatives. See Understanding sort options [page 133].
Do you want the report to contain only specic records or groups?
Crystal Reports gives you the opportunity to base a report on all records in a given database, or on a limited set
of records from the database. Crystal Reports can be used to select records based on simple date ranges or
comparisons, or to create complex formulas to identify the records to be included. Take a few minutes to
determine the records needed for the report and list the criteria to be used for selecting those records. See
Selecting records [page 121].
Do you want to summarize the data?
Do you want to total, average, count, or determine the maximum or minimum value included in all the values in
any column on the report?
Crystal Reports allows you to do this, and it also allows the grand total (or the grand total average, grand total
count, and so on) to be placed at the bottom of the selected column. See Calculating a percentage [page 165].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
What information should be agged on the report?
You may want to call attention to some data by agging it on the report. For example, non-moving inventory
items are often agged on inventory reports so they can be given special attention. You might want to ag each
item that has shown no activity during the last month, during the last three months, or during some other
dened period. To ag information, identify it and any conditions that will trigger the agging.
How do you want information agged?
You may want to ag items with an asterisk or some other symbol, or you may want a word to appear as a ag.
In any case, you should write out agging instructions so they are handy.
Crystal Reports gives you the opportunity to underline report elements, and change the font type, size, or color
used for specic report items. It allows you to put borders around items and to draw lines and boxes (to break
the report into sections), set o headings, and so on. All of these formatting tools can be used to highlight key
data on a report. See Formatting [page 197].
4.2.5 Determining printing area characteristics
Each report area has its own printing characteristics. It is important to understand these characteristics
because they aect when and how often dierent report objects get printed. In what order will the areas print on the report?
Areas print in the order they appear on the Design tab (top to bottom). If there is more than one section in an
area, the sections print in the order they appear. For example, if you have three Report Header sections, all
three of those sections will print, in order, before the section(s) in the Page Header area begin to print. How often do report objects print?
The way objects print will determine how you design your report. This will help you decide where to place
charts, Cross-Tabs, and formulas to get specic results.
Report Header
Objects placed in the Report Header area print once, at the beginning of the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
Charts and Cross-Tabs placed in this area contain data for the entire report.
Both charts and Cross-Tabs can lter report data by using a Group Sort; in such cases, the data shown
in the chart or Cross-Tab is a subset of the data for the entire report.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once, at the beginning of the report.
Page Header
Objects placed in the Page Header area print at the beginning of each new page.
Charts or Cross-Tabs cannot be placed in this section.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once per page, at the beginning of each new page.
Group Header
Objects placed in the Group Header area print at the beginning of each new group.
Charts and Cross-Tabs placed in this area contain data just for the group.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once for each group, at the beginning of the group.
Details area
Objects placed in the Details area print with each new record.
Charts or Cross-Tabs cannot be placed in this area.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once for each record.
Group Footer
Objects placed in the Group Footer area print at the end of each group.
Charts and Cross-Tabs placed in this area contain data just for the group.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once for each group, at the end of the group.
Report Footer
Objects placed in the Report Footer area print once at the end of the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
Charts and Cross-Tabs placed in this area contain data for the entire report.
Both charts and Cross-Tabs can lter report data by using a Group Sort; in such cases, the data shown
in the chart or Cross-Tab is a subset of the data for the entire report.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once, at the end of the report.
Page Footer
Objects placed in the Page Footer area print at the bottom of each page.
Charts and Cross-Tabs cannot be placed in this area.
Formulas placed in this area are evaluated once per page, at the end of each new page.
4.3 Developing a prototype on paper
While a paper prototype is useful regardless of your level of expertise with Crystal Reports, it is particularly
valuable when you are rst learning the program. With the paper prototype in hand, you can put your full eort
into learning and using the commands, rather than into trying to design and learn at the same time.
4.3.1 To design a paper prototype
1. Get the same size paper you will be using for the nished report.
2. Position the title and other descriptive header information, using boxes or lines to represent report
3. Position the footer information.
4. Review the page layout for balance.
5. Look at the information you intend to include in the body of the report:
Count the number of elds being used and estimate the appropriate spacing between elds.
Use rectangles to pencil in the elds within the estimated spacing.
Change the spacing if you need to.
Decide on a logical sequence for presenting the data in the body of the report.
Label the elds to indicate that sequence.
6. Use small boxes to indicate group values and totals.
7. Place random ags in the column where you want ags to appear.
8. Darken any elements you want highlighted to make them stand out from the rest of the prototype.
9. Review the nished product for layout and balance, and make changes as needed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Design Concepts
5 Introduction to Reporting
This section shows you the basics of creating a report in Crystal Reports. First you'll learn about the report
design environment, then about how to select database tables, place objects on a report, and how to sort,
group, and total your report data.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
5.1 Report creation options
Each time you create a new report, you have three options:
Use a Report Creation Wizard.
Use another report as a model.
Create a report from scratch.
You will probably use each option at some time.
Report Creation Wizards
The Report Creation Wizards help create reports as quickly as possible and many new users and developers
alike prefer to create the majority of their reports using them. All you have to do is choose the wizard that most
closely matches your report type. The wizard walks you through the process of creating reports step-by-step.
Another report
To build a new report based on one that already exists, another report can be used as a model. Open the report
you want to use in this way by selecting the Open File option and save it to a new le using Save As (found on
the File menu). This method is useful to:
Create a new report with a dierent grouping or dierent record selection than that of an existing report.
Reconstruct a report based on an earlier time period using the same report structure used today.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
Create an entirely new report based on a set of databases that are linked in another report. You can create
a report and delete the elds without disturbing the underlying links. Then, without relinking, you can build
all your new reports based on this report.
Crystal Reports also lets you format a report by applying a template. See Using a template [page 198] for more
New report
The Blank Report option is used to create a report from scratch. This is useful when you want the full exibility
and control of building a report from the ground up, or when a report type is dierent from the many report
types available in the wizards.
5.2 Choosing data sources and database elds
Crystal Reports makes it simple to select data sources and database elds by providing easy-to-use
functionality in the Database Expert dialog box and the Field Explorer dialog box. Each of these dialog boxes
uses the familiar Windows tree structure to allow you to navigate through the possible choices.
5.2.1 The Database Expert
The Database Expert provides an integrated tree view of all data sources you can use with Crystal Reports. In
the Database Expert, you can select from the following as a data source for your report:
A currently connected data source.
An SQL command that has been saved to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
A data source that has been added to your Favorites folder.
A recently accessed data source (the Database Expert automatically maintains a list of such data sources
for you).
An existing data source (for example, a data le residing locally, or an ODBC data source that has already
been set up).
In the Database Expert, you can also specify links between database tables when you have selected more than
one table for your report.
The Database Expert is made up of two tabs: the Data tab and the Links tab.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
PUBLIC 55 Data tab
Tree View
The Data tab of the Database Expert shows a tree view of possible data sources you can select when creating a
report. The tree—in the Available Data Sources list—is made up of folders for:
My Connections
Create New Connection
The Create New Connection folder contains subfolders for many popular data sources. Among these, you'll
Database Files
The data source options available in the Create New Connection folder depend on the data access
components selected during installation.
For a brief description of each of these folders and subfolders, see Selecting the data source [page 67].
Shortcut Menu
You can right-click any item in the Available Data Sources list of the Database Expert to see a shortcut menu
with the following options:
Add to Report
Use this option to add a table or stored procedure to your new report. This option is also available by
clicking the > arrow on the Database Expert.
Add Command to Report
Use this option to add a Table object that has been created using an SQL command.
Make New Connection
Use this option to create a new connection.
Remove from Report
Use this option to remove a table or stored procedure from your report. This option is also available by
clicking the < arrow on the Database Expert.
Use this option to obtain detailed information on the selected item.
Rename Connection
Use this option to rename a data source connection.
Delete Connection
Use this option to remove a data source connection.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
Database connections which have been connected to or referenced in an open report cannot be
Remove from repository
Use this option to delete an existing SQL command from the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
Rename repository object
Use this option to rename an existing SQL command in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
Use this option to set the global options that appear on the Database tab of the Options dialog box.
Use this option to refresh the list of available data sources in the Database Expert. Links tab
Database tables are linked so records from one database match related records from another. For example, if
you activate a Suppliers table and a Product table, the databases are linked so that each product (from the
Product table) can be matched up with the supplier (from the Supplier table) that made the product.
The majority of reports will probably require data from two or more tables, so linking will be necessary. The
process of linking is made easy by using the Links tab of the Database Expert. See Linking tables [page 497].
5.2.2 The Field Explorer
Use the Field Explorer dialog box to insert, modify or delete elds on the Design and Preview tabs of Crystal
Reports. To see the Field Explorer, select the Field Explorer command from the View menu. Tree View
The Field Explorer shows a tree view of database elds and special elds that you can add to your report. It also
shows formula elds, SQL expression elds, parameter elds, running total elds, and group name elds that
you have dened for use in your report.
Fields that have already been added to the report, or elds that have been used by other elds (such as formula
elds, groups, running total elds, summaries, and so on) have a green check mark next to them.
Find out more about the Field Explorer's Toolbar and Shortcut Menu [page 58] and about Group Name Fields
[page 59].
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Introduction to Reporting
PUBLIC 57 Toolbar and Shortcut Menu
The Field Explorer's toolbar provides buttons with tool tips and hot-key combinations. You can right-click any
item in the tree view to bring up a shortcut menu.
The toolbar oers these functions:
Insert to Report
Use this option to add a eld to the report. You can insert more than one eld at a time by selecting
multiple elds, right-clicking, and choosing Insert to Report.
Alternatively, to insert a eld, you can drag and drop it in the Design or Preview tabs.
Use this option to browse data for a database eld, formula eld or SQL expression eld.
On the shortcut menu, this option is called Browse Data.
Use this option to create a formula eld, SQL expression eld, parameter eld or running total eld.
Use this option to modify an existing formula eld, SQL expression eld, parameter eld or running total
Use this option to make a copy of the formula that you have selected in the Field Explorer. When the copy is
created, you can rename it and edit it.
Use this option to modify the name of an existing formula eld, SQL expression eld, parameter eld or
running total eld.
Use this option to remove a formula eld, SQL expression eld, parameter eld or running total eld. You
can also select multiple elds, right-click, and choose Delete to remove them all at once.
The shortcut menus for the elds in the Field Explorer oer additional functions that are not on the toolbar,
including the following options:
Find in Formulas
Use this option to nd occurrences of the selected item throughout all of the formulas in your report.
Set Prompt Order
Use this option to open the Set Prompt Order dialog box, in which you can change the prompt order of your
parameter elds.
Show Field Type
Use this option to see the eld type (string, number, and so on) when you're looking at a list of database
elds. The length of string elds is included in brackets at the end of their names.
Sort Fields Alphabetically
Use this option to display table elds in alphabetical order (instead of the order they appear in the table).
Sort Tables Alphabetically
Use this option to display database tables in alphabetical order (instead of the order they appear in the
Use this option to refresh the list of available elds in the Field Explorer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting Group Name Fields
You can insert an existing Group Name eld shown in the Field Explorer by right-clicking it and selecting Insert
to Report. Unlike a formula eld, parameter eld or running total eld, however, you cannot create a Group
Name eld through the Field Explorer. (A Group Name eld is created when you insert a group.)
5.3 About the report design environment
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Design tab [page 59]
Preview tab [page 62]
HTML Preview tab [page 66]
5.3.1 Design tab
When working with Crystal Reports, you will probably use the Design tab more than any other part of the
The Design tab is the place you do most of the initial work when creating a report. It designates and labels the
various sections of the report. You can do the initial formatting, place objects in the sections where you want
them to appear, specify sorting, grouping, and totaling needs, and so forth.
The Design tab provides a very ecient environment for designing a report because you work in the tab with
data representations, not with data itself. When a eld is placed on the report, the program uses a frame to
identify the eld on the tab; it does not retrieve the data. Thus, you can add and delete elds and other objects,
move them around, set up complex formulas, and more, without tying up the computer or network resources
needed to gather the data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
The report created in the Design tab is a kind of virtual report; it has the structure and instructions for creating
the nal report, but it is not the report itself. To turn the Design tab report into a nal report or into a report that
you can ne-tune, you "just add data." You do this whenever you preview the report, print it, or output it in any
other way. The actual data will now appear in the report. Design tab areas
When you rst begin creating a report, Crystal Reports automatically creates ve areas in the Design tab.
Report Header
This section is generally used for the report title and other information you want to appear at the beginning
of the report. It can also be used for charts and cross-tabs that include data for the entire report.
Page Header
This section is generally used for information that you want to appear at the top of each page. This can
include such things as chapter names, the name of the document, and other similar information. This
section can also be used to display eld titles above the elds on a report.
This section is used for the body of the report, and is printed once per record. The bulk of the report data
generally appears in this section.
Report Footer
This section is used for information you want to appear only once at the end of the report (such as grand
totals) and for charts and cross-tabs that include data for the entire report.
Page Footer
This section usually contains the page number and any other information you want to appear on the
bottom of each page.
If a group, summary, or subtotal is added to the report, the program creates two additional sections:
Group Header
This section typically holds the group name eld, and can be used to display charts or cross-tabs that
include data specic to the group. It is printed once at the beginning of a group.
Group Footer
This section generally holds the summary value, if any, and can be used to display charts or cross-tabs. It is
printed once at the end of a group.
When a group, summary, or subtotal is added, the Group Header area appears directly above the Details area
and the Group Footer area appears directly below the Details area.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
If you set up additional groups, the program creates new group areas between the Details area and the existing
Group Header and Group Footer area(s).
Like the original areas, each of these newly added areas can contain one or more sections. By default, they
each contain a single section. Identifying and working with areas and sections
By default, each area contains only a single section. The name for that section appears directly to the left of the
section. If you have multiple sections in an area, the sections are designated as a, b, c, and so forth.
Initials, such as RH, PH, D, PF, RF, and so on, are used to identify each section if you have selected the Short
Section Names check box in the Design View area of the Options dialog box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
If you right-click the shaded area containing a section name, a shortcut menu appears with section-specic
If you have selected the Show Rulers options on the Layout tab of the Options dialog box, the program displays
a section ruler immediately to the left of each section. The section ruler is used to add, remove, and move
guidelines, and to provide a visual reference when you are placing objects. See Designing with guidelines [page
Whenever a new section is added, the program creates a ruler for that section. See Using multiple sections in
reports [page 186]. Other Design tab capabilities
There are several other capabilities built into the Design tab. With the Design tab, you can:
Resize a section by dragging its boundary. See Resizing a section [page 185].
Split a section (create two sections from one) by clicking its left boundary. See Splitting a section [page
Add horizontal and vertical guidelines by clicking the rulers. See Designing with guidelines [page 215].
Zoom in and out on a report at any magnication from 25% to 400% of the original size. See Using the
zoom feature [page 79].
5.3.2 Preview tab
To preview a report before printing it, click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar.
The program gathers the data, makes the necessary calculations, and displays the report in the Preview tab.
With the data in place, you can review the spacing and formatting of your report and see the actual results of all
your summaries, formula calculations, and record and group selections.
In true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) fashion, you can work directly on this live data, ne-tuning it
until the report has the exact look you want.
The program works with data in the following manner:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
The rst time the Preview tab is used, it retrieves data from your underlying data source(s) and saves it
with the report (unless you have set up the program not to save data).
From that point on, the program uses the saved data whenever you preview the report unless you
specically refresh it or add a eld that requires the program to retrieve new data. Standard view
In standard view, the report is displayed a page at a time. Using the navigation buttons in the Preview tab, you
can move to the beginning or end of the report, or you can move backward and forward through the report one
page at a time. For shorter reports or reports in which you're primarily interested in seeing the "bottom line"
totals, the standard view provides all of the functionality you need.
The Data Age indicator
The Data Age indicator indicates the date the data was last refreshed or initially retrieved, whichever is the
most recent. If the data was initially retrieved or refreshed today, it indicates the time it happened. Preview Panel
The Preview Panel houses the Group Tree, the Parameter Panel, and a Find tab.
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PUBLIC 63 Group Tree
The Group Tree can be shown or hidden using the Toggle Preview Panel button on the Standard toolbar.
The Group Tree presents a split screen:
The right pane displays the report.
The left pane displays a high level outline of the report, showing the hierarchy of groups and subgroups in a
familiar tree format.
The Group Tree normally displays the names of the groups and subgroups you created in your report. You can,
however, customize these names using the Options tab of the Insert Group or Change Group Options dialog box.
For more information on customizing group names in the Group Tree, see Grouping data [page 138].
When you click the tree node for the group that interests you, the program jumps immediately to the part of the
report that contains the information for that group. For longer reports or reports in which you wish to jump
back and forth between dierent groups, the smart navigation features of the Group Tree make your work
extremely ecient. The Parameter Panel
The Parameter Panel lets users interactively format and lter report data by changing parameter values. It is
located within the Preview Panel.
In the Create New Parameter and Edit Parameter dialog boxes, you can specify parameters to display on the
Parameter Panel via the Show on (Viewer) Panel option. You can choose one of several settings:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
Do not show
The parameter is not visible on the panel. Users must refresh the report to change the parameter values.
Users can view and change the parameter values on the panel.
Read only
Users can view the parameter values on the panel, but cannot change them.
Do not show is the default setting for a new parameter.
The Parameter Panel displays all parameters that have been set to Editable or Read only. Depending on the type
of parameter, users can add, delete, or modify parameter values either by using the dropdown menus and
applying their changes or by clicking the Advanced Dialog button.
The following are some of the more commonly used types of parameters that must be modied by clicking the
Advanced Dialog button:
Parameters with ranged values.
Dynamic parameters that use cascading prompts.
On the panel, data parameters are dierentiated from non-data parameters with a database icon. When a user
modies the value of a data parameter, the report refreshes and accesses the database to make the
corresponding changes. When a user modies the value of a non-data parameter, the report is formatted or
ltered based on saved data within the report. It does not access the database. Find tab
Use the Find tab to search your report for specic words or phrases.
Click the magnifying-glass button, or press Enter, to start the search. If you want to narrow your result set, click
the down arrow to select Match Case or Match Whole Word Only.
Each result in the list displays the location in the Group Tree where it is found. Double-click a result to go to that
spot in the report. You can click the Stop button while you are searching. Switching to a dierent report or tab
while searching also stops the search. Comparisons with the Design tab
You have the same formatting capabilities in the Preview tab as you do in the Design tab. Menus (both menu
bar and shortcut menus) and toolbars remain active, providing essentially the same functionality you have
when working with a report in the Design tab. However, when you are making numerous changes, it is quicker
to make the changes in the Design tab. Some additional things to consider are:
The Design tab and Preview tab are tied together internally. Any changes made in one are reected in the
The Preview tab has a single vertical ruler at the left of the tab rather than the individual section rulers seen
in the Design tab. The functionality of the ruler is the same.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
The Preview tab identies report sections in the shaded area to the left of the data. With a quick look you
can tell which report section the data is printing from. While section names appear only once in the Design
tab, they print each time a section prints in the Preview tab.
The Record counter, the Data Age indicator (see Standard view [page 63]), and the Page Forward/Page
Back controls (see Preview tab [page 62]), are all active in the Preview tab.
The Preview tab highlights every value when you select a eld; whereas, only the eld frame is highlighted
in the Design tab.
Working in the Preview tab has a dierent feel from working in the Design tab.
Each eld in a database contains dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of values, depending on the number of
records in the database. When you place a eld in the Design tab, a single eld frame represents all those
values. When you highlight the eld, sizing handles appear on the frame and the frame changes color.
In the Preview tab, however, you are working with the actual data. Instead of a eld frame representing many
eld values, the values themselves appear. Some additional things to consider are:
When you highlight a eld or formula eld value, you are actually selecting every value in the eld:
The program places a sizing frame around the specic value you select.
It highlights every other value in the eld.
Likewise, when you select a summary value, you are actually selecting all the related summary values:
The program places a sizing frame around the specic value you select.
It highlights all the related summary values.
Aside from the dierences in appearance, the process of building and modifying a report is the same in both
the Design tab and the Preview tab. You should nd it easy to work with your reports in both places.
5.3.3 HTML Preview tab
To see an HTML rendering of your Crystal report as it will appear when published to the web, click (HTML
Preview) on the Standard toolbar.
When you need to make sure that your report design is appropriate and correct over the web in a zero-client
environment, the HTML Preview option lets you see an instant rendering of your report to HTML without
leaving the Crystal Reports design environment. Unlike the Preview tab, which shows the true report format,
the HTML Preview tab shows a converted format. By switching between the two tabs, you can make
adjustments in your report design to yield the best results on the web.
In the case of reports that are published to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform (managed
reports), you don't have do any special conguration to make the HTML Preview feature work.
The guest account in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform must be enabled before you can
use the HTML Preview feature.
For stand-alone reports (unmanaged reports), the program must use the Report Application Sever (RAS) to
generate the preview. In this case, you need to congure the HTML Preview feature. Do this in the Smart Tag &
HTML Preview tab of the Options dialog box in Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
For information about how to congure the HTML Preview Options, search the Crystal Reports online help for
“Smart Tag & HTML Preview tab (Options dialog box)”.
5.4 Creating a new report
This section guides you through several aspects of the report creation process. Use the Contents tab of this
online help to navigate to a particular topic.
5.4.1 Selecting the data source
After deciding which option you want to use for creating your report (see Report creation options [page 54]),
the next step is to select a data source to use.
Most data sources can be chosen through the Database Expert dialog box. The Database Expert appears when
you create a report from scratch using Blank Report, or when you choose Database Expert from the Database
You also select a data source in the Report Creation Wizards. The Data screen in all of the Report Creation
Wizards, except the OLAP Report Creation Wizard, is much like the Database Expert dialog box. To select a data source
1. Choose Database Expert from the Database menu.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
2. Use the tree view in the Available Data Sources list of the Data screen to select your data source:
My Connections
This folder shows a list of data sources you are currently connected to.
Create New Connection
This folder shows subfolders for various data sources you can connect to.
Some popular choices in the Create New Connection folder are described here:
Database Files
This option shows a list of standard PC databases that reside locally. You can use Find Database File to
browse for a PC database using the Open dialog box.
This option shows a list of ODBC data sources you have already congured for use.
This option opens the OLAP Connection Browser so you can choose an OLAP cube as a data source.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
This option shows a list of OLE DB providers you have already congured for use. You can also specify
a Microsoft Data Link le to use. For some of the OLE DB providers, you will have the option to connect
using Integrated Security. No user ID or password is required with this option, but it does require that
Database Authentication is enabled on the server. Please consult your Database Administrator on how
to enable and congure this function.
This folder shows you the contents of your repository through the BusinessObjects Enterprise
The data source options available in the Create New Connections folder depend on the data access
components selected during installation.
5.4.2 Adding tables
After selecting the data source, you can add one or more tables to base your report on. To add a table
1. Choose Database Expert from the Database menu.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
2. On the Data tab, search for the database you want to use in your report. See Selecting the data source
[page 67].
3. In the Available Data Sources list, select the table you want to add to your report and click the > arrow to
add it to the Selected Tables list.
You can insert more than one table at a time by selecting multiple tables, right-clicking, and choosing Add
to Report. You can also drag and drop tables to the Selected Tables list.
5.4.3 Linking multiple tables
If the report contains data from two or more database tables, they need to be linked at this point when creating
It isn't necessary to link tables in reports created from a query or command because any links required by
the data have already been processed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting To add and link multiple tables
1. Choose Database Expert from the Database menu.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
2. On the Data tab, select the tables you want to add to your report. See Adding tables [page 68].
The Links tab appears in the Database Expert.
3. Click the Links tab to display the databases currently available for linking.
Crystal Reports automatically links tables by name or key when possible.
4. To create links manually, drag a eld from one table to a eld in another table. If successful, a link line is
created. If unsuccessful, a message is issued.
You can link tables by table name or by foreign key information.
5. If you've deleted links and you want to recreate them automatically, click Link.
6. Click OK when nished.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
When manually creating links, the eld you are linking "to" must be of the same data type as the eld
you are linking from. When a native connection is used, the eld you are linking "to" does not have to be
indexed. For more information, see Indexed tables [page 483].
The Database Expert closes, and you are returned to your report. The linked databases are now available
for use in your report. If you are not satised with the link, you can modify it using the Links tab of the
Database Expert.
Related Information
Understanding Databases [page 481]
Linking options [page 506]
5.4.4 Placing data on the report
Placing data on a report is a very important task. You need to know what type of data should be placed on the
report and where on the report it should be placed.
A report (.rpt) le might contain sensitive business data. You are advised to protect access to the le by
using one of these methods:
Manage the le with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform server.
Apply le security.
Apply operating system-level encryption. Database elds
Much of the data placed on a report are database elds, displaying data as it is stored in the database.
Normally, database elds will be placed in the Detail section, but under certain circumstances, they will be
placed in other sections of the report. To insert a database eld
1. On the Standard toolbar, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears. To speed the report building process, this dialog box remains on-
screen until you close it. You can move this dialog box wherever you wish.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
2. Expand the Database Fields folder to see all the tables chosen from the database(s).
3. Expand the individual tables to see all the elds they contain.
4. Select the eld you want to appear in the report.
5. Click Browse to review the values in the selected eld.
6. Click Insert to Report to place it in the report. Formula elds
To display data that is a calculated value, you need to create a formula eld and place that formula eld on the
report. For example, if the database only stores the order dates and ship dates for orders but you need to
display the number of days it takes to ship the order, you must create a formula eld that will calculate the
number of days between ordering and shipping. This is just one example of the use of formula elds. See Using
Formulas [page 390], for an introduction to formulas. SQL Expression elds
SQL expressions are like formulas, but they are written in Structured Query Language (SQL), not in the Crystal
Reports formula language. An SQL expression can be used to query the database for specic sets of data. You
can sort, group, and select based on SQL expression elds. To create an SQL Expression eld
1. On the Standard toolbar, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Scroll down to SQL Expression Fields and highlight it. Click New.
The SQL Expression Name dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name in the Name box, and then click OK.
The Formula Workshop appears with the SQL Expression Editor active.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
4. Type the expression in the SQL Expression Editor.
For an overview of the formula language, see Formula components and syntax [page 392].
5. Click Save. Parameter elds
To prompt the user of a report to enter information, create a parameter eld. Think of a parameter as a
question that the user needs to answer before the report is generated. The information users enter, or the way
they respond, determines what appears in the report. For example, in a report used by salespeople, there might
be a parameter that asks the user to choose a region. The report would return the results for the specic
region, instead of returning the results for all of the regions. See Parameter Fields and Prompts [page 432] for
an introduction to parameter elds. Running total elds
To display a total that evaluates each record and provides a running sum of all the values in a eld (or all the
values in a certain set of values), a running total eld needs to be created and placed in the report. If the rst
three values in a eld were 2, 4, and 6, a running total would print 2, and then 6 (the sum of 2 + 4), and then 12
(the sum of 2 + 4 + 6). See Running Totals [page 172], for an introduction to running totals.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting Special elds
To display information such as Page Numbers, Print Date, and Report Comments use the commands in the
Special Fields tree view of the Field Explorer dialog box. To insert a special eld
Crystal Reports allows you to easily insert Page Number, Record Number, Group Number, Print Date, and Total
Page Count elds, among others, into your report.
1. On the Standard toolbar, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Scroll down to Special Fields and expand it by clicking.
3. Choose a command from the Special Fields list to insert in the report.
Each special eld is inserted into the report as an object. An object frame appears. You can now place it on
the report.
To change the formatting of an inserted object, click the object to select it and click Format on the
Expert Tools toolbar. The Format Editor appears where you can make the desired changes. See Formatting
[page 197].
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PUBLIC 73 Text objects
Text objects are used in reports for a multitude of purposes. They are a powerful way of inserting titles; labeling
summaries and other data on your report; and of easily combining database elds. To insert a text object
1. On the Insert Tools toolbar, click Insert Text Object. A cursor appears.
2. Position the cursor where you want the text object to appear in the report.
Click once on the border of the text object to select it for resizing and moving.
Double-click inside the text object to select it for editing. The Design tab ruler changes to a text object ruler
sized to the length of the selected object. To the left, a tab indicator appears. By clicking the tab indicator,
you can cycle through the four tab options available. Once you have chosen the desired tab, click the
position on the ruler where you want to insert it.
The ruler allows you to add indents and align text within the text object.
When you rst insert the text object into the report, the object is automatically selected for editing. Picture elds
When designing reports, there will be times when you want to include a picture. For example, you may wish to
put a company logo in the report header.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting To insert a picture
1. On the Insert Tools toolbar, click Insert Picture.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Select the desired picture le from the le list and click Open to return to the report.
An object frame appears with the picture inside, ready to be positioned.
3. Position the picture object where you want it to appear in the report and left-click once. Hyperlink elds
You can select a report object on the Design or Preview tab and create a hyperlink to another location.
The hyperlink is saved with your report and is available to other users as a way of viewing additional
Crystal Reports lets you create hyperlinks with Relative URLs, so your web reports retain independence
from their location on any particular server.
You can use the option A Website on the Internet to connect to SAP BusinessObjects, Web Intelligence, and
Analysis workspace documents (this is also known as report linking). Click Create enterprise hyperlink to
create these hyperlinks in Crystal Reports. To create a hyperlink eld
1. Select a report object on the Design or Preview tab.
2. On the Format menu, click Hyperlink.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Hyperlink tab active.
3. Click the type of hyperlink you want to create.
The available types in the upper area are:
No Hyperlink
This is the default option. There is no hyperlink associated with the selected report object.
A Website on the Internet
Select this option if you want your report object to be linked to a static web address. Use the formula
button to create a URL based on a eld value. For example, you might enter the following formula if
your Customer Name eld contained information that would create a series of meaningful URLs:
"http://www." + {Customer.Customer Name} + ".com"
You can also use this option to connect to SAP BusinessObjects, Web Intelligence, and Analysis
workspace documents (this is also known as report linking). Click Create enterprise hyperlink to
create these hyperlinks in Crystal Reports.
Alternatively, you can use the openDocument function in the Formula Workshop to create
Current Website Field Value
Select this option if you want the program to create a hyperlink out of the eld you selected. The eld
must be stored as a proper hyperlink in your data source.
An E-mail Address
Select this option if you want to create a "mailto" address from the eld you selected. Use the formula
button to create an address based on a eld value.
A File
Select this option to create a hyperlink to a le on a specic computer or networked computer. Use the
formula button to create a le path based on a eld value.
You can also use a hyperlink of this type to run an EXE with a command-line parameter. Enter the path
and application name, and follow it by the parameter for the command.
Current E-mail Field Value
Select this option if you want the program to create an email hyperlink out of the eld you selected.
The eld must be stored as a proper email address in your data source.
The available types in the DHTML Viewer Only area are:
Report Part Drilldown
For information about how to use this option, see The Report Part Drilldown option [page 372].
Another Report Object
For information about how to use this option, see The Another Report Object option [page 375].
Not all hyperlink types are available at all times. The object you select and its location on the report
determine which types are available.
4. After you have chosen a hyperlink type, enter the appropriate hyperlink information (the URL of a web site,
for example).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
5. Click OK when you are nished.
The hyperlink is inserted as appropriate. Click it on the report to go to the web site, to send an e-mail, and so
on. For information about how to use the hyperlink types in the DHTML Viewer Only area, see Setting up
navigation [page 370].
5.4.5 BLOB (Binary Large Object) elds
A BLOB eld is a database eld whose data consists of Binary Large Objects—such as bitmap graphics,
images, OLE objects, metales, and so on. Inserting a BLOB eld into your report allows you to access these
binary objects as you would other data types.
Crystal Reports can also access BLOB objects by reference (that is, dynamically through a le path), so
that you do not need to store the BLOB objects in your database. For more information, see Making a static
OLE object dynamic [page 293].
In general, Crystal Reports allows you to access BLOB elds containing:
Device-independent bitmaps (DIB).
JPEG or PNG images.
In addition, if your data resides in a Microsoft Access database, then Crystal Reports enables you to report on
BLOB elds containing OLE 1 and 2 objects and metales.
You insert BLOB elds as you would any other database eld. For details, see To insert a database eld [page
A BLOB eld object diers from other database eld objects in that it oers options to control cropping,
scaling, and sizing—just like an inserted picture or OLE object. To access these options, right-click the BLOB
eld object, select Format Graphic from the shortcut menu, and click the Picture tab.
To retain the ability to activate and edit an OLE object with its server application, you should insert the
object into your report independently, either by linking or by embedding, rather than inserting it in a BLOB
eld. For more information about inserting linked and embedded OLE objects, see Inserting OLE objects
into reports [page 290].
5.4.6 Formatting data
At this point in creating a report, you may want to do some basic formatting. Perhaps you would like to change
the font size and style of a text object used as a title. Or, if you have a number eld, such as a sales gure, you
might want to place a dollar sign before the number or change the number of decimal places displayed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
5.4.7 Record selection
Record selection, the task of paring down the data to include only the data required for your report, is a crucial
step in report creation. You will rarely want a listing of all the information in a database. Most often you will be
interested in only the sales in a given time period or for a certain product, and so on. For example, a sales report
may be designed to only include sales from one product line for the last calendar month.
5.4.8 Grouping, sorting, and summarizing data
Once a basic report is created, you will want to organize the data by grouping related information, sorting
individual records, summarizing, subtotaling, and grand totaling.
Grouping records
To organize the data, you may want to group related data together. For example, after grouping a customer list
by region, you might divide the list into regional groups. That way, a sales manager for one region could quickly
locate the appropriate region group and focus exclusively on the customers within that region.
Sorting records
Crystal Reports allows you to specify the order in which you want the records on your report displayed. For
example, after grouping by region, you might sort the records within each region in alphabetic order by
Customer Name. Many of your reports will use some type of sorting. Depending on the report, you will sort the
records in a list or sort in conjunction with grouping.
Summaries, subtotals, and grand totals
Many reports use some sort of totaling. For example, in a North American sales report grouped by state, you
might want to calculate the total dollar amount sold in each state. You do this by creating a subtotal on the
sales eld. Summaries are also used at the group level, allowing you to calculate averages, counts, and other
group (aggregate) values. For example, in a sales report you may want to calculate an average of sales per state
(average summary on the sales eld) and calculate the number of products sold in the state (distinct count of
the product name eld).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
5.4.9 Using the drill-down option on summarized data
You can drill down on your data, to show the data behind individual groups, using the Drill-down cursor. See
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling [page 133]. Drill-down cursor
Crystal Reports allows you to drill down on group or summary information in the Preview tab in both the
Standard and the Group Tree. When you position the cursor over any summary value that you can drill down on,
the program displays a Drill-down cursor.
Group headers appear on the Drill-down tab just as they do in the main report itself.
If you then double-click, the program reveals the details behind that specic summary value. For example, if the
Drill-down cursor becomes active over the city summary, you can double-click to see the details behind that
If you have only a single summary, you can look at the summary or at the data from the individual records
that are summarized.
If you have multiple summaries, you can look at the summaries behind summaries (the city summaries
that make up the region summaries, for example), or at the data from the individual records that are
5.4.10 Using the zoom feature
You can easily zoom in on a report. You can choose any magnication from 25% to 400%. This feature is active
in both the Design and Preview tabs.
To zoom the report in or out, set the zoom level in the Zoom Control box found on the Standard
It is helpful to view reports at low magnications in order to get an overall picture of the layout of your report.
Views at higher magnications focus attention on the details of the report.
5.4.11 Inserting page headers and footers
You can use page headers and footers by placing the information in the Page Header or Page Footer sections of
the Design tab.
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Introduction to Reporting
Information to appear only on the rst page of the report goes in the Report Header (RH).
Information to appear only on the last page of the report goes in the Report Footer (RF).
Information to appear at the top of every page goes in the Page Header (PH).
Information to appear at the bottom of every page goes in the Page Footer (PF).
Text, elds, or formulas can be used in these sections just as in the Details section.
Related Information
Creating footers after the rst page [page 249]
5.4.12 Adding a title page to the report
Crystal Reports provides a quick, easy way to add a title page to a report by selecting Report Title from the
Special Fields in the Field Explorer dialog box. In order to use this eld, you must have a title entered in the
Summary tab of the Document Properties dialog box. See Adding summary information to the report [page
81]. To add a report title
1. On the Standard toolbar, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Scroll down to Special Fields and expand it by clicking.
3. Select Report Title, and click Insert to Report. An object frame appears when the cursor is moved over the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
4. Move the object frame to the Report Header section and click once to place the frame.
5. With the report title selected, click Section Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert appears.
6. With the Report Header section highlighted, select the New Page After check box.
Now the title will appear on the rst page and the report will begin on the second page.
5.4.13 Adding summary information to the report
There may be times when you want to include non-printing comments with a report (a personal note to the
report recipient, a note to explain more thoroughly the data on which the report is based, a report title, a
comment about some particular data on the report, and so on).
Summary Info on the File menu provides a facility for including anything from a short note to hundreds of lines
of text with your report. The comments do not print with the report; they remain in the Summary tab of the
Document Properties dialog box where they can be reviewed on demand.
When you choose Summary Info, the Document Properties dialog box appears with the Summary tab active.
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Introduction to Reporting
Enter the desired information and click OK when nished to return to your report.
5.5 Exploring reports and working with multiple reports
Crystal Reports lets you work with your existing reports through the Report Explorer, the Workbench, and the
Dependency Checker.
This section describes these tools and provides some general information about opening and docking each of
the explorers that are available in Crystal Reports. For more information, see Opening and docking explorers
[page 86].
5.5.1 The Report Explorer
The content of the Report Explorer represents the content of the report in a tree view. The root node is the
report itself, while the rst-level nodes represent the report's sections. Within each section, the report's elds
and objects are listed. Any item you select in the tree view will be selected in the report (in either Design or
Preview modes).
You can modify report elds and objects by selecting them in the Report Explorer. When you right-click the
selected item, you see a menu that contains the actions you can carry out on the item. For example, if you
right-click a text object, the menu will contain the options to edit the text, to format its font or color, and so on.
Likewise, if you right-click a section node, the menu will contain the options to hide, suppress, format and so
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
You cannot add additional elds or report objects when using the Report Explorer, but you can delete them.
You can select multiple elds for formatting by using Shift-click or Ctrl-click. Toolbar
The Report Explorer's toolbar provides buttons with tool tips. These buttons let you expand or collapse your
report's tree view and choose the report items to display by type:
Use this option to expand all child nodes of the tree view under the selected node. If you select this option
while the root node is highlighted, all remaining nodes are expanded. If you select this option while a child
node is highlighted, only the nodes that are part of the child are expanded.
This option has no eect if selected while a report object is highlighted, or if the selected node has no
Show/Hide Data Fields
Use this option to show or hide data elds in your report. Data elds include formula elds, summary
elds, and text objects.
Show/Hide Graphical Objects
Use this option to show or hide graphical objects in your report. Graphical objects include charts, maps,
boxes, lines, BLOB elds, and OLE objects.
Show/Hide Grids and Subreports
Use this option to show or hide cross-tabs, OLAP grids, and subreports in your report.
Items connected to an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository are shown with the repository icon
beside them.
Items with hyperlinks are shown as blue text with a solid underline. Items with Report Part hyperlinks are
shown as green text with a dashed underline.
5.5.2 The Workbench
In the Workbench, you can create projects that contain one or more reports. Use the options on the toolbar to
add, remove, or rename folders, reports, and object packages. You can reorganize the les in a folder or folders
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
by dragging and dropping them where you want them to appear. You can also drag report les from Windows
Explorer and drop them into the folder of your choice in the Workbench. Toolbar
The toolbar in the Workbench provides the following options:
Add Report
Use this option to add a new object to the Workbench:
Add Existing Report
When you select this option, the Open dialog box appears so that you can search for a Crystal report
that you have previously created.
Add Current Report
When you select this option, the program creates a root node that is called Untitled Project. It then
adds the current active report to that project.
This option is available only when there is an active report.
Add New Project
When you select this option, the program adds a new folder under the root node that is called Untitled
Project. You can add reports to this folder. Project folders oer a way to organize the reports in the
Use this option to open the report or report package that you have selected in the project folders.
Check Dependencies
Use this option to initiate the Dependency Checker. The option is available for individual reports or for
folders of reports. Crystal Reports begins checking the report(s) immediately and displays the results in
the Dependency Checker. For more information, see The Dependency Checker [page 85]. Shortcut Menus
You can right-click any item in the projects area of the Workbench to see a shortcut menu. Many of the options
that are available on the shortcut menu are also available on the toolbar. This section describes only the
additional options that are not available on the toolbar.
Add Object Package
When you select this option, the program prompts you to log on to your SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform system. When you have connected to your system, you can choose an object package
to add to the Workbench. For more information about object packages, see the SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide.
Publish to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
Use this option to publish a folder of reports to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. You
can publish your reports individually or as an object package. (Objects packages can be scheduled in SAP
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform as a single entity.) When you choose this option, the
Publish Object dialog box appears.
For information about using this dialog box, search the Crystal Reports online help for “Publish Object
dialog box”.
Use this option to remove a report, report package, or folder from the projects area.
You cannot undo this option.
When you remove a folder, you remove all of the items in it at the same time.
Use this option to rename a folder in the projects area.
5.5.3 The Dependency Checker
The Dependency Checker appears when you check a report or project for errors in the Workbench, or when you
select the command on the Report menu for a report that you have open in Crystal Reports. The Dependency
Checker registers several types of errors:
Report part hyperlink errors
Repository object errors
Formula compilation errors
Errors listed in the Dependency Checker show the following information:
Error type.
Icon Meaning
Success. The Dependency Checker has veried that there
are no errors in the le.
Warning. The Dependency Checker has found something
in the le that might be a problem. You can verify the
warning, but you don't have to x it to have the report to
run correctly.
Error. The Dependency Checker has found an error that
you should x so that the report will run correctly.
Description of the error.
Location of the le that contains the error.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
Double-click an error to open the target report, and go to the report object so that you can x the problem. If
the report object cannot be found (because, for example, you've deleted part of the report since checking for
errors), you receive a message that recommends you run the check again. Shortcut Menu
When you right-click a message in the Dependency Checker, a shortcut menu appears:
Go To
Use this option to open the report that contains the error and to go to the object that is causing the
problem. You can also select a message and press Enter or double-click to open the report.
Sort By
Use this option to sort the messages by type, number, description, or location.
Use this option to remove the selected message.
Clear All
Use this option to remove all of the messages.
Use this option to copy the message to the clipboard so that you can paste it into another application.
Use this option to open the Dependency Checker tab of the Options dialog box. Use this tab to select the
conditions that you want to check for when you run the Dependency Checker.
For more information about the options, search the Crystal Reports Online Help for the topic "Dependency
Checker tab (Options dialog box)."
5.5.4 Opening and docking explorers
Crystal Reports includes these explorers and tools that you can use to see various reports and report objects:
The Field Explorer
The Report Explorer
The Repository Explorer
The Workbench
The Dependency Checker
Open any of these explorers by using the commands on the View menu or the buttons on the Standard toolbar.
If the explorer is closed, its command or button opens it; if the expert is already open, its command or button
sets focus to it.
After installation, each explorer opens in a docked position in the Report Designer. You can dock explorers in
any area of the designer by dragging them to a new location.
Double-click an explorer's title bar to change between docked and free-oating mode. In free-oating mode,
the explorer can be dragged to any position. When you drag the explorer, a placement frame shows you where
it will be placed. You can also resize an explorer by dragging any of its edges with the Resizing cursor.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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When you double-click the title bar of a free-oating explorer, the program docks it where it was when you
last used Crystal Reports.
You can create a single, multi-tabbed explorer from the Field Explorer, the Report Explorer, the Repository
Explorer, the Workbench, and the Dependency Checker by dragging the explorers on top of each other. This
multi-tabbed explorer can be used in docked or free-oating mode.
Click the tabs in the amalgamated explorer to change focus from one explorer type to another; the name in the
title bar changes accordingly to show you which explorer you're currently using.
5.6 Beyond basic reports
Once you are comfortable with the basics of reporting, you will be ready to investigate the more powerful
reporting features of Crystal Reports, including:
Charts (see Charting [page 258])
OLE objects (see OLE [page 288])
Form letters (see Form letters [page 189])
Subreports (see Subreports [page 468])
Cross-tabs (see Cross-Tab Objects [page 298])
Multi-section reports (see Multiple Section Reports [page 181])
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Introduction to Reporting
6 SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
This section introduces you to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. It shows you how to add items
to the repository, how to update existing items, and how to use repository items in your Crystal reports.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
6.1 What is the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
The SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository is a database in which you manage shared report objects. You
can refresh a report's repository objects with the latest version from your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Repository when you publish reports to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
The SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository is hosted by the Central Management Server (CMS) system
database in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
The object types that the repository supports include the following items:
Text objects
Custom functions
Commands (queries)
Business Views and list-of-values objects are also stored in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Repository. You can use Business Views in Crystal Reports, but you create them in the Business View
Manager. You can create and use lists of values in Crystal Reports, but you add them to the repository
through the Business View Manager.
By maintaining a shared repository of report objects, you can modify a particular object and update all reports
containing that object as they are opened for use. A central location for report objects also helps with the task
of managing your data—an important benet in maximizing productivity and minimizing costs at your
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.1.1 Work ow
Although there are many ways to use the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, this sample work ow
will acquaint you with some of the things you might want to do:
Set up subfolders and subcategories for your repository
The Repository Explorer displays the contents of your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository as a tree
with folders, subfolders, categories, and subcategories. The following folders and categories are supplied
through SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform:
Repository Items
Enterprise Items
Personal Categories
You can add subfolders and subcategories.
Add report objects to your repository
There are dierent ways to do this depending on the type of object you want to add:
Select a text object or bitmap image and drag it to a folder or choose "Add to Repository" from the
shortcut menu.
Select a Custom Function in the Formula Workshop and click the "Add to Repository" button.
Create or modify a command in the Database Expert and, once it appears in the Selected Tables list,
right-click it and choose the "Add to Repository" option.
Add repository objects to a report
There are dierent ways to do this, depending on the type of object:
Text objects and bitmap images can be dragged to the report from the Repository Explorer.
Custom functions can be added through the Formula Workshop.
Commands can be added though the Database Expert.
Lists of values and prompt groups can be added to parameter elds by selecting them from the
appropriate lists in the Create New Parameter or Edit Parameter dialog boxes.
Update report objects in your repository
Again, there are dierent ways to do this, depending on the type of object:
Text objects and bitmap images can be dragged back to the original repository object.
Custom functions can be updated through its user interface.
Commands can be updated and added back to the repository through the Database Expert.
6.2 Accessing the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
The repository supplied by Crystal Reports is set up when you install. You don't have to do anything additional
before you use the repository.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.2.1 To open the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
1. Start Crystal Reports and open a report.
2. Click the Repository Explorer button on the Standard toolbar.
Another way to do this is to click the Repository Explorer option under the View menu.
3. Click Logon to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
For information about how to log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, see Working
with Enterprise folders [page 367].
The Repository Explorer appears.
4. Expand nodes to see the repository contents.
The Repository Explorer might appear in a docked position in the Report Designer depending on where it was
when you last used Crystal Reports. For more information about docking explorers, see Opening and docking
explorers [page 86].
Hover your mouse's cursor over any object in the Repository Explorer to see a tooltip. Tooltips include Author
and Description information for text objects and bitmaps; for commands, tooltips include the complete text of
the SQL statement.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.3 Repository Explorer toolbar
The Repository Explorer's toolbar provides buttons with tool tips. These buttons let you add new folders or
categories, search for items, and so on:
Change view settings
Use this option to open the View Settings dialog box. Use this dialog box to limit the type of repository
items displayed in the Repository Explorer. You can also select options to sort multiple items by name or by
Advanced ltering
Use this option to display ltering options at the bottom of the Repository Explorer. Use these lters to nd
specic items by words from the Name or Author elds in the Add Item dialog box. For information about
adding or changing an item's name or author, see Adding items to the repository [page 92] and Modifying
objects in the repository [page 96].
Text entered in the ltering elds of this option is not case sensitive.
Delete the item/folder
Use this option to permanently remove the selected item or folder from the repository. When you delete a
folder, you delete all the items it contains. For more information about deleting items from the repository,
see Deleting items from the repository [page 98].
Insert a new folder
Use this option to add a new subfolder to the repository. For information, see Adding subfolders and
subcategories to the repository [page 91].
This option is called "Insert a new category" when you have selected a category in the repository tree.
Logo Server
Use this option to log o the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform server that you are
connected to. When you are logged o, this option is called Logon; use it to reconnect to your SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform server or to connect to a dierent server.
6.4 Adding subfolders and subcategories to the repository
You can organize the contents of the repository by creating subfolders and subcategories in its tree view.
Folders are objects that you can use to separate content into logical groups. Like folders, categories are objects
that you can use to organize documents. You can associate documents with multiple categories, and you can
create subcategories within categories.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform provides the following types of categories:
Corporate categories are created by the administrator, or other users who have been granted access to
these categories. If you have the appropriate rights, you can create corporate categories.
Personal categories can be created by each user to organize his or her own personal documents.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.4.1 To add a new subfolder or subcategory
1. In the Repository Explorer, select an existing node, and click Insert a new folder or Insert a new category on
the Repository Explorer's toolbar.
The insert button changes automatically from folder to category depending on the type of object that
you select.
A new subfolder or subcategory is added to the repository tree. (If your repository items are not sorted, the
new subfolder or subcategory is added to the bottom of the selected node. If your repository items are
sorted by type, the new subfolder or subcategory is added alphabetically with the default name New
2. Name your new subfolder or subcategory and hit the Enter key.
6.5 Adding items to the repository
You can add text objects and bitmap images to the repository by dragging them from your report to the
appropriate repository folder. A dialog box appears so you can add identifying information about the object.
Custom functions are added to the repository through the Formula Workshop and commands are added
through the Database Expert.
Once report items are in the repository, they can be shared between many reports. Each person who uses
Crystal Reports can connect to the repository and choose items to add to a report.
When you add an object to the repository, that object becomes "connected" to the repository. As long as an
object remains connected, you can update any report that uses that object with the latest version in the
6.5.1 Adding a text object or bitmap image
1. Select a text object or bitmap image in your report and drag it to the appropriate folder in the Repository
2. In the Name eld of the Object Information dialog box, create a name for your object or image.
You cannot use these characters in your object's name: # " { } ; /
3. Enter an author and description if you want, and then click OK.
Author and description information appears in tooltips and can be searched for using the Advanced
ltering option.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
You'll see that your text object or bitmap image has been added to the appropriate folder.
6.5.2 Adding a text object or bitmap image - another method
You could have added the text object or bitmap image without dragging and dropping it.
1. Select a text object or bitmap image in your report and click Add to Repository from the shortcut menu.
The Add Item dialog box appears.
Notice that, because you did not drag the object to a specic repository folder, this dialog box contains an
area to select a location from.
2. In the Name eld, create a name for your object or image.
You cannot use these characters in your object's name: # " { } ; /
3. In the Location area, select a repository folder, and then click OK.
You'll see that your text object or bitmap image has been added to the appropriate folder.
If you try to edit any of the objects you added to the repository, you'll see that you can't make changes; the
objects are in read-only mode. This is true of any report object that is stored in the repository: as long as it is
connected to the repository it can't be changed in the report. If you right-click the object in the report and
choose "Disconnect from Repository" from the shortcut menu, the item is disconnected from the repository
and becomes editable. If you want other reports to be updated with the edited report object, you must add it
back to the repository.
6.5.3 Adding a custom function
1. In the Formula Workshop, expand the Report Custom Functions node and select the custom function you
want to add to the repository.
2. Click the Add to Repository button.
You'll see that your custom function has been added to the Repository Custom Functions node.
You can also add a custom function to the repository by dragging it from the Report Custom Functions
node—in the Workshop Tree—and dropping it on a Repository Custom Functions node.
The custom function icon in the Report Custom Functions node changes to indicate that the
custom function exists in the repository.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
You must add all custom functions to the Repository Custom Functions node that is provided with Crystal
Adding a command
1. In the Selected Tables area of the Database Expert, select the command you want to add to the repository.
2. Right-click the command and select Add to Repository.
3. In the Add Item dialog box, specify a name and repository location for the command.
4. In the Location area, select a repository folder, and then click OK.
You'll nd the command in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Explorer, the Repository Explorer, the
Database Expert, and the Set Datasource Location dialog box.
6.6 Using repository objects in reports
Once you have an object or a collection of objects added to the repository, you can start using them in your
Crystal reports. Each type of repository object is added through its own user interface. In the case of text
objects and bitmap images, you simply drag them from the Repository Explorer to a report. Custom functions
are selected when you work in the Formula Workshop, and commands are selected in the SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise Explorer, the Database Expert, or the Set Datasource Location dialog box. You can select list-of-
values objects from within the Create New Parameter or Edit Parameter dialog boxes.
When you add a repository object to a report, it remains connected to the repository and is in read-only mode.
To edit the object, you must disconnect it from the repository and unlock its formatting.
To reconnect a report object that has been disconnected from its repository, re-add the object or update
the repository copy. Objects that remain disconnected from the repository cannot be automatically
updated when the report is next opened.
You can see that a report object is connected to the repository by opening the Report Explorer and
looking for it; if the object has an icon in front of it, it is connected to the repository.
This section shows you how to add a bitmap image, a custom function, or a command to a new report. It also
shows you how to add a list of values to a parameter.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.6.1 Adding a text object or a bitmap image to a report
1. Click the Repository Explorer button on the Standard toolbar.
Another way to do this is to click the Repository Explorer option under the View menu.
2. Log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform if you have not done so already.
For information about how to log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, see Working
with Enterprise folders [page 367].
3. Expand the appropriate folder in the Repository Explorer and drag a text object or bitmap image to your
Folders in your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository do not have to be named to represent the
objects they hold; you can use a name of your choice. See Adding subfolders and subcategories to the
repository [page 91] for more information.
6.6.2 Adding a custom function to a report
1. Click the Formula Workshop button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
Another way to do this is to click the Formula Workshop option under the Report menu.
2. In the Formula Workshop, expand the Repository Custom Functions node until you nd the custom function
you want to add.
3. Right-click the custom function and click Add to Report from its shortcut menu.
If the custom function you are adding to your report requires other custom functions from the repository,
they can be added at the same time.
You'll see your custom function has been added to the Report Custom Functions node of the Formula
You can also add custom functions to a report while creating formulas in the Formula Workshop. For more
information about this method, see Creating a formula in the Formula Expert [page 404].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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6.6.3 Adding a command to a report
1. Click the Database Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
Another way to do this is to click the Database Expert option under the Database menu.
2. In the Database Expert, expand the Repository folder.
If the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Explorer doesn't open immediately, double-click Make New
3. In the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Explorer, expand folders until you nd the command you want to
add, and then click Open.
You'll see your command in the Available Data Sources area of the Database Expert. When the command is in
this area, you can added it to your report as you would add any other data source. For more information, see
Selecting the data source [page 67].
6.6.4 Adding a list of values to a parameter
1. In the Field Explorer, select Parameter Fields and click New.
2. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
3. Click Existing and choose a repository list of values from the tree view that appears.
If the list is empty (you cannot connect to a repository, or your report does not contain an existing list
of values), this option is not available.
6.7 Modifying objects in the repository
You can modify repository objects by disconnecting them, changing them in a report, and adding them back to
the repository. As well, you can rename objects and move them to dierent folders directly in the repository.
Be aware that when you modify an object and add it back to the repository, your changes aect all those
who use that same repository: a renamed object is renamed for all users, and reports that contain the
modied object may be updated upon opening them in the Report Designer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.7.1 To modify a repository object
This procedure shows you how to modify and update a text object in the repository. Custom functions and
commands are modied and updated in their respective user interfaces; in each case, you must rst
disconnect the custom function or command from the repository, make the modications, and then add
the custom function or command back to the repository.
1. From the Repository Explorer, drag any text object into a report.
2. Right-click the text object in the report and select Disconnect from Repository from the shortcut menu.
3. Double-click the text object and modify its text.
4. Drag and drop the text object from the report to the folder containing the text object in the repository.
When you drop the text object, the Add or Update Object dialog box appears.
5. Click Update.
6. In the Modify Item dialog box, make any changes you require and click OK.
7. Right-click the text object in the repository and click Properties from its shortcut menu.
Notice that the date and time in the Modied area have changed to correspond to the time you added the
text object back to the repository.
6.8 Updating connected repository objects in reports
Repository objects that are used in a report and are connected to that report's repository can be updated
automatically when opening the report in Crystal Reports. This behavior is controlled by an Options setting and
is global for all reports.
Objects that are used in a report but are disconnected from the repository are not automatically updated
when the report is opened.
6.8.1 To set the update option
1. On the File menu, click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Reporting tab.
3. Select the Update Connected Repository Objects on Open check box.
4. Click OK.
If you don't want to use this global option, you can also update a report's repository objects by selecting the
Update Repository Objects option on the Open dialog box for an individual report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
When you open a report that contains a command that is stored in the repository, and you have specied
that you want to Update Connected Repository Objects on Open, only the denition of the command is
automatically refreshed; the data that the command returns is not updated until you click the Refresh
button in the report.
6.9 Deleting items from the repository
Any object you store in the repository can be deleted from that repository without removing it from the reports
that use it. Once you remove an object from the repository, it is removed for all users.
When you delete an object from the repository, it appears to remain connected in the reports that use it.
When you try to update repository objects for those reports, a warning message is shown in the Missing
Repository Items dialog box so you can quickly identify the object. Use the Report Explorer dialog box to
nd the object in the report; then you can disconnect it.
If you have deleted an object from the repository, creating a new object with the same name and adding it
back to the repository does not relink that object to your reports. Each repository object has a unique ID;
linking is not done by name.
6.9.1 To delete an object from the repository
1. Click the Repository Explorer button on the Standard toolbar.
Another way to do this is to click the Repository Explorer option under the View menu.
2. In the appropriate folder, select the object you want to remove and press the Delete key.
You are asked to conrm the deletion.
3. Click the Yes button.
The object is removed from the repository.
You can also delete a repository object by right-clicking it and selecting Delete from the shortcut menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
6.10 Using Undo in the repository
You cannot undo any action that updates the repository. You can undo anything that aects only the report and
not the repository. For example, you can undo the disconnect activity.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository
7 Designing Optimized Web Reports
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Overview [page 100]
Scale with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform [page 101]
Making the right design choices [page 103]
Streamlining your reporting environment [page 108]
Using enhanced record selection formulas [page 110]
Improving grouping, sorting, and totaling [page 117]
Formatting reports for viewing on dierent platforms [page 120]
7.1 Overview
Whether you distribute your enterprise reports over a local network, a corporate Intranet, or the Web, you can
use Crystal Reports' powerful, built-in performance features to deliver web reporting speed.
Crystal Reports automatically provides these major performance advantages—even if you don't apply any of
the strategies set out in this section:
Page-on-demand technology
Page-on-demand report access lets users download only the specic report pages they need to see, thus
improving response times and reducing web trac. Further, placeholders and partial page technology allow
you to view report pages and data over the Web immediately, without having to wait for the processing of
large objects, such as graphics and subreports.
Optimized, multithreaded Report Engine
The Crystal Report Engine's multithreading capabilities and thread-safe database drivers allow you to
continue working on your important tasks, while many other operations are processed simultaneously in
the background. The Report Engine also minimizes the number of passes made through the data, speeds
up processing with improved memory management, and handles subreports and parameters as eciently
as possible.
In addition to these built-in features, the Key strategies for optimizing web reports [page 101] discussed in the
following sections bring additional performance benets, which are often substantial. When you design new
reports (or improve reports created in older versions of Crystal Reports) in accordance with these strategies,
reports run faster and tie up fewer processing resources. Consequently, report users can easily access the data
they need—faster than ever.
If you're new to web reporting, or to reporting in general, reading this section will prepare you for future
reporting tasks—you'll gain important insight into designing faster, better reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
Understanding databases and how they work is often important when considering performance. See
Databases overview [page 481] for background information.
7.1.1 Key strategies for optimizing web reports
As your company grows, Crystal Reports and SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform can
grow along with you. For details, see Scale with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform [page
For tips and considerations on how to create fast, interactive reports, see Making the right design choices
[page 103].
For information about getting the most out of your existing database, see Streamlining your reporting
environment [page 108].
To minimize data transfer and enhance report performance, see Using enhanced record selection formulas
[page 110].
To decrease the processing and data transfer times of grouped, sorted, or totaled reports, see Improving
grouping, sorting, and totaling [page 117].
In general, report performance issues are similar, no matter how you distribute your reports. By following these
strategies, you'll notice signicant improvements not only in multi-user web environments, but also in single-
user situations.
7.2 Scale with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform provides a exible and ecient way to deliver your reports
over the web or to integrate them into custom web applications.
The Report Application Server (RAS) provides a rich set of server-based reporting services that let you tightly
integrate reporting into your custom web applications. RAS provides a base set of BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform services, focused on report processing, application integration, and run-time report
You can extend your application even further using the following advanced services available in other editions
of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform:
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform provides granular group, user, and data-level security
to help you protect sensitive reports and deliver a more personalized end-user experience.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform incorporates a exible time- and event-based
scheduling system to allow you to process large reports during o hours and to avoid unnecessary
database hits. (The Report Application Server provides on-demand reporting, so every viewing request
results in a separate query on your database.)
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
Versioning works closely with scheduling to store "instances" of a report. Versioning not only reduces the
number of database hits required to serve users, but also allows you to keep an archive of report instances
for historical reference.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform incorporates proven clustering and load-balancing
technology to help you deliver a highly available, reliable information delivery system.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform is built on a distributed, multi-server architecture,
allowing you to scale up on a single machine (by adding processors) or scale out over multiple machines to
handle heavier user loads.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform incorporates extensive administration and
management controls that allow you to organize content, set up complex schedules and security, and tune
the system for optimal performance.
External (third-party) authentication
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform allows you to leverage your existing security system
to manage users and groups. All authentication can be delegated to a third-party NT or LDAP system.
7.2.1 Evaluation times for date functions in SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
Dierent date and time functions available in Crystal Reports are evaluated at dierent stages during report
processing. Some are evaluated when a scheduled report is processed, or when a report instance is refreshed:
this evaluation time is known as "WhileReadingRecords." Others are evaluated each time a report page is
formatted for display in a report viewer or a browser: this evaluation time is known as "WhilePrintingRecords."
If you use SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform to generate report instances and notice that
date or time functions are not evaluating to the values that you expect, consider the following:
The current date and time are always read from the clock that is locally accessible to the Report Engine—
that is, from the clock on the computer that processes the report. In SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform , the Job Server processes scheduled reports against the database, and the Page
Server processes on-demand reports against the database. The Page Server also formats individual pages
of report instances when users view them.
When a scheduled report is processed, all date and time formulas are evaluated by the Job Server in order
to generate the report instance. When you simply view the resultant report instance, none of the formulas
are re-evaluated.
When you view a cached report page, none of the date functions are re-evaluated, because the records
have already been read and the page has already been formatted.
If you use date and/or time functions in a report's selection formula, the report's data is dependent upon
the return values of those formulas. Consequently, when you view a report instance at a later date, the
function may cause the report data to be updated from the database.
To ensure that date and time functions return the values that you expect, you can force the evaluation time
through the use of the WhileReadingRecords and WhilePrintingRecords functions.
For more information, see the "Functions" and "Report Processing Model" sections of the Crystal Reports
Online Help.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.3 Making the right design choices
This section oers design options and considerations that will help improve the performance of your reports.
The topics covered range from basic suggestions, such as updating reports created in older versions of Crystal
Reports to the latest le format, to more involved decisions, such as whether to use live or saved data, and how
to use subreports eciently.
When designing your reports, and especially when designing reports for the Web, you should allow report users
to drive the data they see. In other words, display summarized information, so each user can navigate the
report quickly and then drill down to access additional data. In this way, web trac and response times are
minimized, because only the data requested by the user is transferred from the database server.
These are only a few of the benets of designing user-driven reports:
Report users gain interactive control over the type and quantity of information they view over the Web.
Data transfer and network trac decrease, because only the information requested by users is returned
from the database server.
When users need real-time reporting of live data over the Web, user-oriented reports respond quickly and
communicate eciently with the database server.
Reports become more useful, because each user customizes the report's contents, thereby creating a
reporting solution specic to his or her particular decision-making problem.
7.3.1 Using faster report formats
The quickest way to help improve the performance of reports created in older versions of Crystal Reports is to
save them in the latest Crystal Reports format. Crystal Reports has been enhanced to process reports faster
than ever before: update your older reports to take advantage of these enhancements.
To update the format of an older report, just open it in Crystal Reports and select Save from the File menu. The
older version of the report will be replaced with an updated version.
If for some reason you need to keep a report in its original le format, use the Save As command (instead of
Save) and enter a new name for the updated version of the report.
7.3.2 Choosing between live and saved data
When reporting over the Web, the choice to use live or saved data is one of the most important decisions you'll
make. Whichever choice you make, however, Crystal Reports displays the rst page as quickly as possible, so
you can see your report while the rest of the data is being processed.
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Designing Optimized Web Reports
PUBLIC 103 Live data
Live reporting gives users real-time access to live data, straight from the database server. Use live data to keep
users up-to-date on constantly changing data, so they can access information that's accurate to the second.
For instance, if the managers of a large distribution center need to keep track of inventory shipped on a
continual basis, then live reporting is the way to give them the information they need.
Crystal Reports supports live reporting. However, you should rst consider whether or not you want all of your
users hitting the database server on a continual basis. If the data isn't rapidly or constantly changing, then all
those requests to the database do little more than increase network trac and consume server resources. In
such cases, you may prefer to use reports with saved data.
To ensure the eciency of real-time reporting, read all of the suggestions in this chapter. These topics,
however, are of particular importance:
Taking advantage of on-demand subreports [page 106]
Performing grouping on server [page 117]
Incorporating parameter elds into record selection formulas [page 116] Saved data
Reports with saved data are useful for dealing with data that isn't continually updated. When users navigate
through reports with saved data, and drill down for details on columns or charts, they don't access the
database server directly; instead, they access the saved data. Consequently, reports with saved data not only
minimize data transfer over the network, but also lighten the database server's workload.
You can schedule these reports within SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, so they
automatically refresh from the database on a predetermined basis. For example, if your sales database is only
updated once a day, or once a week, then you can run the report on a similar schedule and save it with data.
Sales representatives then always have access to current sales data, but they aren't hitting the database every
time they open a report. Alternatively, you can refresh reports with saved data on an as-needed basis.
Saved data is discarded and refreshed when you perform any of these tasks in a report:
Select the Refresh command.
Change your database logon.
Change any of the report's data parameters.
Add a new eld that doesn't exist in the saved data.
Drill down in a report where Perform Grouping On Server is selected, and the details section is suppressed.
Verify the database—if the database structure has changed drastically.
Change the linking parameter on a subreport (the subreport is refreshed).
Change the order of groups (only for reports in the Report Application Server).
If you do use reports with saved data, incorporate the other suggestions in this section to make sure your
reports are designed for optimum performance.
To save a report with data, rst make sure the Save Data with Report option is selected on the File menu; then
Save your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.3.3 Designing summary reports
Designing and distributing summary reports is a relatively easy way to ensure that users quickly nd the data
they need over the Web. A summary report can include as much data as any other report. However, by hiding a
summary report's Details section, you avoid overwhelming users with data they may not immediately need.
When the Details section is hidden, users navigate with the Group tree rst, to locate the desired data. Then, by
drilling down on the report, they can request specic data, which is returned quickly without unnecessary
records. This is especially important to improving navigation of long summary reports, which might consist of
hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of pages.
To facilitate navigation in this way, you rst need to group the data and insert the summary elds you want to
include in your report. For detailed information and instructions, see Grouping data [page 138] and
Summarizing grouped data [page 157].
Once you've grouped and summarized your report data, hide the Details section (and any other large report
sections) so that users can easily navigate to the data that's important to them. To hide details in a summary report
1. Open your report in Crystal Reports.
If you haven't yet created a grouped and summarized report, open Group.rpt from the Feature Examples
samples folder.
2. On the Report menu, click Section Expert to open the Section Expert.
3. In the Sections list, click Details.
4. On the Section Expert's Common tab, select the Hide (Drill-Down OK) check box.
5. Click OK.
You'll notice the details are now hidden. To view the details, navigate through the report using the Group tree,
and then drill down on the appropriate area of the report.
For details on minimizing data transfer with summary reports, see Performing grouping on server [page
7.3.4 Using subreports carefully
A subreport is an excellent way to include additional data in a main report. Performance issues relating to
subreports vary depending on the type of subreport used.
For general information on subreporting, see Subreports [page 468].
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PUBLIC 105 Taking advantage of on-demand subreports
If your report has a section that handles a large number of records, you can put that section into an on-demand
subreport. An on-demand subreport appears as a hyperlink in the primary report. When you open the primary
report, no data is retrieved for the on-demand subreport until you drill down on the hyperlink.
For example, when designing a report that shows each employee's quarterly sales for each product and each
product type, you might also want to track each employee's progress by including weekly sales information.
This additional data, however, may not be of interest to many users viewing the report. In such a case, extract
the weekly sales portion of the report and attach it as an on-demand subreport. Detailed information about
weekly sales is retrieved from the database only when a user drills down on the on-demand subreport.
Many report objects—such as large cross-tabs, OLAP grids, advanced charts, and maps—are ideal candidates
to include in on-demand subreports, so that the object is not processed until you drill down.
To insert an on-demand subreport, see Inserting subreports [page 471] and Creating an on-demand subreport
[page 478].
You could also place such report objects in a hidden Details section of a report that uses the Perform
Grouping On Server option. When you do this, the database server performs the majority of the processing,
and only a subset of the records is transferred from the server to the local machine (other records are
retrieved when you drill down to a hidden section). Using linked subreports
When a subreport is linked, Crystal Reports coordinates the data in the subreport with the matching records in
the primary report. If you need to use regular linked subreports—that is, linked subreports that are not on-
demand subreports—you should consider these guidelines:
If the additional data provided by a regular linked subreport is useful to relatively few users, create a linked
on-demand subreport instead. Users who need to see the extra data click a hyperlink to view the
subreport; users who don't need to see the extra data won't have to download it from the database server.
In some cases, placing regular linked subreports in the Details section of a main report may hinder
performance—especially when your main report contains many records. (This is because you're creating a
separate subreport for each record, and a separate query must be run for each database record in the
main report.) As an alternative, consider using linked on-demand subreports in the Details section of your
main report. Linking tables instead of linking subreports
Whenever possible, coordinate your report data by linking database tables on the Links tab of the Database
Expert, rather than by linking regular subreports—that is, subreports that aren't on-demand subreports—to the
main report. Since each subreport is run as a separate report, linked tables often have a performance
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.3.5 Using other design elements eectively
Map rendering is a single-threaded operation that does not scale well. Although maps are supported, you need
to be careful in considering the overall eect a map in your report will have on performance.
Report Templates
If you will be applying the same template to multiple reports, it is best to open the report once and cache it,
because the template only needs to be read-only.
Including "Page N of M" or "Total Page Count"
If you include the special elds "Page N of M" or "Total Page Count" in your report, the report needs to nish
processing before it can calculate this value. Avoid using these special elds in your report unless the report is
very small or you absolutely require the value.
7.3.6 Designing reports to maximize data sharing
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform has data-sharing functionality that improves performance
by reducing the number of database calls that are made in a system with multiple users.
Data can be shared between users of a report object only if certain conditions are met. Try to maximize data
sharing by designing reports such that the conditions for data sharing are met as often as possible, without
compromising dierent user's need for report information.
When reports are processed by the Page Server, data is shared between users of a report when these
conditions are met:
Users view a report using the same database logon information.
Users view a report using the same parameters.
Users view a report using the same page layout options.
Users view a report using the same locale settings.
Reports viewed using the DHTML viewer, the ActiveX viewer, or the Java viewer are processed using the Page
Server. These viewers do not allow users to change the page layout or locale of a report. However, it is possible
to develop custom viewer applications that provide this functionality.
When reports are processed by the Report Application Server (RAS), data is shared between users of a report
when these conditions are met:
Users view a report using the same database logon information.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
Users view a report using the same parameters.
Users view a report using the same locale settings.
Users do not modify the report.
Reports viewed using the Advanced DHTML viewer (or your own custom application that permits report
viewing and modication) are processed using the Report Application Server.
7.4 Streamlining your reporting environment
Another step to ensuring that report users receive their information quickly is to assess your reporting
environment. What kind of database do you use? How is data organized within the database? How are you
connecting to the data you need to report o? How are you linking your database tables? By taking these
important considerations into account, you can signicantly minimize the amount of data that must physically
travel across the network.
7.4.1 Selecting the fastest database and connection
To improve reporting performance, utilize your database to its full potential by having it do the majority of your
report processing. Ideally, Structured Query Language (SQL) databases are the most ecient for carrying out
this task.
For details on SQL databases, see Using SQL and SQL databases [page 484].
7.4.2 Using table indexes
You can also improve the way your data is organized within the database. For optimum processing speed,
report o indexed elds on your SQL database. Using table indexes is an easy way to increase the speed of data
access and to reduce the time it takes for Crystal Reports to evaluate data.
For a complete description of how table indexing works, see Indexed tables [page 483].
7.4.3 Improving table-linking choices
When you add multiple database tables to your report, you link the tables on a common eld so that records
from one table match related records from another. (Table linking works best if your database tables are
indexed.) Linking your database tables in this way is usually much faster than incorporating linked subreports
into your main report.
When you link two or more tables, you want your report to read as few records as possible, while at the same
time nding all matching records. The best ways to adhere to this guideline are to assess your reporting needs
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
and to plan your strategy before creating your report. When you know exactly what you need from your data
source, Crystal Reports makes it easy to get that information.
There are many other specic issues to consider when linking tables. These additional considerations, however,
are largely contingent upon your reporting environment. In other words, the steps to optimal table-linking
performance depend upon your database type, the possibility of indexing tables, and the join type required
between tables. You'll nd complete descriptions for various reporting scenarios in the section entitled Linking
tables [page 497].
In the majority of reporting scenarios, the following general procedures should ensure that your tables are
linked for improved if not optimal performance. To link tables eectively
1. Ensure that each database table is indexed on the eld you are going to use.
2. Add the database tables to your report, and then link from the primary table to the lookup table on a
common eld. (Do this instead of inserting a linked subreport and binding it to the data in your primary
3. Use a record selection formula that sets range limits on the indexed eld in the primary table. This
minimizes the number of records in the primary table for which Crystal Reports must nd matching
records in the lookup table.
7.4.4 Using thread-safe database drivers
If you share and refresh reports over the web, open them using thread-safe database drivers whenever
possible. The Crystal Report Engine supports multiple threads. Thus, when you make multiple data requests
through thread-safe database drivers, the Report Engine can process all of the requests simultaneously. As the
result, you'll be able to view your reports sooner.
The following generic database drivers are thread-safe:
crdb_odbc.dll (ODBC)
crdb_jdbc.dll (JDBC)
crdb_ado.dll (OLE DB)
ODBC connections to the following database types assume that the ODBC database driver is also thread-safe
and, therefore, operate in a multi-threaded manner:
Microsoft SQL Server
It is also assumed that the database drivers used with JDBC and OLE DB are always thread-safe and,
therefore, always operate in a multi-threaded manner.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
The following native database drivers are thread-safe:
crdb_ado_plus.dll (ADO.NET data provider)
crdb_com.dll (COM data provider)
crdb_db2cli.dll (DB2 Unicode)
crdb_javabean (Java Bean data provider)
crdb_xml (XML)
crdb_olap.dll (OLAP)
crdb_oracle.dll (Oracle)
crdb_p2ssby10.dll (Sybase)
Check the Release Notes in the Crystal Reports product distribution for updates to these lists; more
database drivers may be added if they are found to be thread-safe during testing.
7.4.5 Using stored procedures for faster processing
A stored procedure is a compiled SQL program, consisting of one or more SQL statements, which resides and
runs on your SQL server. Although stored procedures can take time to set up properly, they can be incredibly
The advantages of using stored procedures are most noticeable when reporting o large sets of data, or when
running reports that demand long, complex calculations. In such cases, you should ideally use a predened
stored procedure that performs the complex work for you on the database server.
Because stored procedures reside on your SQL server, you may need to ask your Administrator about
accessing or setting up a stored procedure.
For more information on stored procedures, see Stored procedures [page 487].
7.5 Using enhanced record selection formulas
The most important thing you can do to speed up report processing is to limit the amount of data that is
returned from the database. Your primary tool for doing this is the record selection formula.
Crystal Reports analyzes your record selection formula and generates an SQL query from it. This SQL query is
then processed by the database, which sends the resulting records back to Crystal Reports. Crystal Reports
then evaluates the record selection formula locally for each of the records retrieved from the database, thereby
calculating the set of records used to generate the report.
Unnecessary records are eliminated at two stages: at the database with the SQL query and within Crystal
Reports by the record selection formula. For speed, you want as many records as possible to be eliminated in
the rst stage. By designing your record selection formula eectively, you can o-load much of the processing
to the database server, thus eliminating unnecessary records before returning them to Crystal Reports. This is
commonly called "pushing record selection down to the database server."
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
This section oers several tips to ensure that your record selection formulas can be pushed down to the
database server.
7.5.1 Pushing down record selection—an example
This example demonstrates the benets of writing record selection formulas that can be pushed down to the
database server.
In the Orders table of the Xtreme sample database, there are 2192 records, of which 181 have order dates prior
to 2001. Suppose you want to report on only those records. On the one hand, you could use this record
selection formula:
Year ({Orders.Order Date}) < 2001
The SQL query generated will send all 2192 records to Crystal Reports, and then the record selection formula
will reduce this to 181. To see this, click Show SQL Query on the Database menu and notice that the SQL query
has no WHERE clause. This is because Crystal Reports is not able to push down the Year ( ) function in the
WHERE clause.
On the other hand, this record selection formula generates the same report:
{Orders.Order Date} < #Jan 1, 2001#
This second formula, however, can be performed on the database server, so it is pushed down. The SQL query
generated will send only 181 records to Crystal Reports. So, when the record selection formula is evaluated by
Crystal Reports, no further records need to be eliminated. Click Show SQL Query on the Database menu and
notice that the resulting SQL query has a WHERE clause.
As this example shows, your report's processing speed improves when you enhance your record selection
formula. In this case, both formulas generate the same report, but the second takes advantages of the power
and optimizations that the database server can use when handling its own data.
See the next section for additional information and limitations when setting up record selection requests.
If you are new to record selection formulas, you may prefer to begin with the Select Expert or the sample
record selection formula templates. For further details, along with an introduction to record selection, see
Selecting records [page 121].
7.5.2 Record selection performance tips
Consider the following performance-related items when setting up record selection requests:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
PUBLIC 111 General
To push down record selection, you must select "Use Indexes or Server for Speed" in the Report Options
dialog box (available on the File menu).
In record selection formulas, avoid data type conversions on elds that are not parameter elds.
For example, avoid using ToText( ) to convert a numeric database eld to a string database eld.
You are able to push down some record selection formulas that use constant expressions. PC Databases
You can only push down record selection on indexed elds.
You can only push down AND clauses (not OR). SQL Databases
You can push down record selection on indexed or non-indexed elds.
Your SQL server will respond faster if you use indexed elds.
You can push down AND and OR clauses.
Record selection formulas containing some types of embedded formulas can be pushed down.
You should incorporate SQL Expression elds to push down formula calculations necessary for the record
On the Database menu, click Show SQL Query to view the SQL that will be sent to the database server.
7.5.3 Strategies for writing ecient record selection
This section assumes that you are familiar with the Select Expert and that you are reporting o of a SQL
Consider the following points when creating a record selection formula:
Consideration 1
Any record selection formula that you generate completely with the Select Expert, without writing pieces of the
formula yourself, can be pushed down.
This case actually follows from the points below. However, you can write more types of record selection
formulas using the tips below than is possible with the Select Expert. To do this, you need to edit the record
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
selection formula directly with the Formula Workshop or from within the text area that appears when you click
Show Formula in the Select Expert.
To open the Formula Workshop to modify record selection, click the Report menu, point to Selection Formulas,
and then select Record from the submenu.
Consideration 2
To open the Formula Workshop to modify record selection, click the Report menu, point to Selection Formulas,
and then select Record from the submenu.
Any selection formula that is of the form: DataBaseField SupportedOperator
ConstantOrParameterExpression can be pushed down.
Of course DataBaseField is just a database eld. SupportedOperator is any of =, <>, <, <=, >, >=,
StartsWith, Like or In.
ConstantOrParameterExpression is any expression that involves constant values, operators, functions,
and parameter elds. It cannot involve variables, control structures, or elds other than parameter elds. By
their very denition, constant and parameter expressions can be evaluated without accessing the database.
A constant or parameter expression can evaluate to a simple value, a range value, an array value, or an
array of range values. Here are some examples of such expressions:
{?number parameter} - 3
Year ({?run date})
CurrentDate + 5
DateDiff ("q", CurrentDate, CDate("Jan 1, 1996"))
Month (Maximum ({?date range parameter}) + 15)
["Canada", "Mexico", "USA", {?enter a country}]
1000 To 5000
[5000 To 10000, 20000 To 30000, 50000 To 60000]
A complete example:
{Orders.Order Date} >= CurrentDate - 3
The program can also push down an expression that just contains a Boolean eld (without the operator and
constant parts).
Not {Orders.Shipped}
Consideration 3
IsNull ( <DataBaseField> ) can be pushed down.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
Consideration 4
<SqlExpression SupportedOperator ConstantOrParameterExpression> can be pushed down.
For example, the selection formula {@ExtendedPrice} > 1000 cannot be pushed down if
{@ExtendedPrice} = (Quantity * Price). However, if the formula @ExtendedPrice is replaced with
the equivalent SQL Expression, then your record selection formula will be pushed down.
Consideration 5
When using multiple expressions that follow the above considerations, separate them with AND and OR
operators—you can also use NOT. You can have several of each, and you can use parentheses to give priority.
For example:
{Orders.Order ID} < Minimum({?number range}) Or
{Orders.Order Amount} >= 1000
(IsNull({Customer.Region}) Or
{Customer.Region} = "BC") And
{Customer.Last Year's Sales} > 2000
Related Information
Troubleshooting record selection formulas [page 129] To add a parameter eld to your record selection
1. Open the sample report Group By Intervals.rpt.
Take a moment to navigate the Group tree and see how the data is organized; notice also, in the bottom
right of the Crystal Reports window, that 269 records were returned for this report.
You'll see this number only if you have the Status Bar option selected on the View menu.
Now click the Design tab.
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
3. In the Field Explorer, right-click Parameter Fields and select New from the shortcut menu.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
4. For the Name of the parameter, type SalesQuota.
5. Click the Type list and select Number.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
6. In the Options area, go to the Prompt Text option and type What was last year's sales quota?
7. In the Options area, make sure that the Allow discrete values option is True, and then click OK.
You've now created the parameter eld. The rest of these procedures describe how to add the
parameter eld to the record selection formula with the Select Expert.
8. On the Report menu, click Select Expert.
The Choose Field dialog box appears.
9. Select the Customer.Last Year's Sales eld, and then click OK.
The Select Expert appears.
10. On the Customer.Last Year's Sales tab, click the drop-down list and select is greater than.
A new drop-down list appears.
11. Click this second list and select {?SalesQuota}.
Click the Show Formula button to view the new record selection formula, which appears as:
{Customer.Last Year's Sales} > {?SalesQuota}. Instead of using the Select Expert, you could have
created this formula yourself in the Record Selection Formula Editor. (To see the editor, open the
Formula Workshop and select Record Selection from the Selection Formulas folder.)
12. Click OK in the Select Expert.
You've now added your parameter eld to the record selection formula. When you switch to Preview mode, or
click the Refresh button, you will be prompted for new parameter values. You can then enter a numeric value
representing last year's sales quota. The resulting report will display only those customers whose Last Year's
Sales exceeds the numeric value you specify.
For instance, if you respond to the parameter by entering 40000, then the report will display only those
customers whose sales exceeded $40,000 last year. Notice also, in the bottom right of the Crystal Reports
window, that only 58 records are returned for your report, instead of the 270 records that were returned before
you put the parameter eld into a record selection formula.
By enhancing this report, you've retrieved all the information you needed and, at the same time, you've ensured
that the fewest number of records is transferred from the database server.
Related Information
Advanced parameter features [page 458]
Parameter and prompt overview [page 432]
Record Selection [page 121]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.5.4 Incorporating parameter elds into record selection
Instead of displaying all of a report's data every time the report is opened, you can create parameter elds that
prompt users to specify the data they want to see. To decrease the amount of data transferred from the
database server, incorporate these parameter elds right into your record selection formula.
In general, parameter elds provide interactivity for users, who respond to the parameter prompts in order to
specify the data they want to see. However, by incorporating your parameter elds right into your record
selection formula, you not only provide interactivity, but you also decrease data transfer and increase
You can add a parameter eld to your record selection formula by using the Select Expert or the Record
Selection Formula Workshop. When using the Record Selection Formula Workshop, you treat the parameter
eld as you would any other eld.
In the following example, you will create a parameter eld and then add it to the record selection formula with
the Select Expert.
7.5.5 Using SQL expressions where appropriate
SQL expressions are like formulas, but they are written in Structured Query Language (SQL). They are useful in
optimizing report performance because the tasks they execute are normally performed on the database server
(as opposed to a regular formula, which is sometimes executed on the local machine).
Don't use SQL expressions exclusively, because Crystal Reports includes its own formula language, which is
much more powerful than standard SQL. Both Crystal Syntax and Basic Syntax allow you to enhance and hone
your formulas in ways that are either dicult or impossible with SQL. In certain circumstances, however,
creating and using SQL Expression elds can speed up the processing of your reports. Key uses of SQL Expression elds
To maintain optimum report processing speeds, avoid using formulas (whether Crystal or Basic syntax) within
record selection formulas. Instead, replace the original formula with an equivalent SQL Expression eld, and
then incorporate the SQL Expression eld into your record selection formula. Doing so will greatly improve the
chances of your record selection being pushed down to the server.
In addition, avoid sorting, grouping, or totaling on a formula eld (whether Crystal or Basic syntax). Instead,
replace the original formula eld with an equivalent SQL Expression eld, and then sort, group, or total on the
SQL Expression Field. Again, this will greatly improve the chances of the processing being done on the server.
Finally, if your database supports Case Logic, and your report needs to summarize an If-Then-Else formula
calculation, replace the formula with an SQL Expression eld. In such cases, SQL Expression elds enable
Crystal Reports to perform the report's grouping on the server. For more information, see Using SQL
Expressions for Case Logic [page 119].
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Related Information
The SQL language [page 489]
SQL Expression elds [page 71]
Using enhanced record selection formulas [page 110]
7.6 Improving grouping, sorting, and totaling
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Performing grouping on server [page 117]
Benets of grouping on server - an example [page 118]
Using SQL Expressions for groups, sorts, and totals [page 119]
Using SQL Expressions for Case Logic [page 119]
Inserting summary and running total elds where possible [page 119]
7.6.1 Performing grouping on server
If you're reporting in real-time o live data over the Web, reduce the amount of data transferred from the
database server by using the Perform Grouping on Server option. With this option, much data processing is o-
loaded to the database server and only a subset of data is read initially. Detail data is returned from the
database only when you drill down in a report.
Server-side processing works only for sorted and grouped reports that are based on SQL data sources. To enable server-side processing
1. On the File menu, click Report Options.
2. Select Perform Grouping on Server on the Report Options dialog box.
This check box is inactive if Use Indexes or Server for Speed is not selected.
When Use Indexes or Server for Speed is selected, you can quickly enable Perform Grouping On Server
from the Database menu.
3. Click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.6.2 Benets of grouping on server - an example
The following example describes a typical reporting scenario wherein grouping on server can signicantly
reduce the amount of unnecessary data transferred from the database server. To decrease data transfer by grouping on server
1. Open the sample report Group.rpt.
Look in the bottom right corner of the Crystal Reports window and notice that 269 records are returned for
this report.
You'll see this number only if you have the Status Bar option selected on the View menu.
2. On the Report menu, click Section Expert to access the Section Expert.
3. In the Sections list, select Details.
4. On the Common tab, select Hide (Drill-Down OK). This hides the report's Details section, so that only group
header displays in the report. (In this case, the report is grouped by Country.)
5. Click OK in the Section Expert. The Details records will disappear from the report.
6. Press F5 to refresh the report data (or click the Refresh button on the toolbar).
Notice that 269 records are still returned for the report, even though the Detail records are hidden from
7. On the Database menu, click Perform Grouping on Server.
Now notice that only 71 records are returned for the report. The grouping (by Country) has been performed
on the database server, and fewer records have been transferred to the report.
8. Drill down on a country by double-clicking the report.
When drill down is available, your cursor turns into a magnifying glass.
Crystal Reports retrieves the appropriate Detail records as you need them.
For instance, if you drill down on Australia, Crystal Reports quickly retrieves the seven records that make
up the group.
By hiding the Details section of this report, you've created a summary report that's easy for users to navigate.
Each user can rst locate the Country with which he or she is concerned, and can then drill down to retrieve
valuable details.
Moreover, by enabling the Perform Grouping on Server option, you've ensured that the initial processing is
completed on the database server. Consequently, only the necessary records are transferred to the report.
For more information on server-side processing, see Server-side processing [page 517].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.6.3 Using SQL Expressions for groups, sorts, and totals
For reports using Perform Grouping on Server, avoid sorting, grouping, or totaling on a formula eld (whether
Crystal or Basic syntax). Instead, replace the original formula eld with an equivalent SQL Expression Field, and
then sort, group, or total on the SQL Expression eld. This will greatly improve the chances of the processing
being done on the server.
For details on when else to use SQL Expressions, see Using SQL expressions where appropriate [page 116].
7.6.4 Using SQL Expressions for Case Logic
If your database supports Case Logic, and your report needs to summarize an If-Then-Else formula calculation,
replace the formula with an SQL Expression eld. In such cases, SQL Expression elds enable Crystal Reports
to perform the report's grouping on the server.
For instance, suppose that you're reporting o of an MS SQL Server database, which supports Case Logic. You
need to include an If-Then-Else calculation in your report, and you need to summarize that calculation for each
group in the report. By performing the calculation with an SQL Expression eld of the following form, you use
your database's ability to process Case Logic:
CASE <DatabaseTable><.> "<DatabaseField> "
WHEN '<SpecifiedValue>' THEN <Calculation1>
ELSE <Calculation2>
If a record's <DatabaseField> value is equal to <SpecifiedValue> , then <Calculation1> is
performed; for all other records, <Calculation2> is performed. By incorporating the SQL Expression eld,
you take advantage of your database server's ability to process Case Logic. Your report's grouping
consequently takes place on the server, even when you summarize the SQL Expression eld elsewhere in the
The SQL syntax in this example is specic to MS SQL Server. You may need to refer to your database
documentation or consult with your Administrator in order to determine the syntax appropriate to your
7.6.5 Inserting summary and running total elds where
Where possible, avoid creating formulas with global variables to calculate summaries or running totals.
Instead, create summaries by clicking the Insert menu and then selecting the appropriate command (Subtotal,
Grand Total, or Summary). Create running total elds by opening the Field Explorer, right-clicking Running Total
Fields, and then selecting New from the shortcut menu.
For general details on summarizing data, see Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling [page 133] and Running Totals
[page 172].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
7.7 Formatting reports for viewing on dierent platforms
Not all operating systems render characters or fonts the same way; a report that displays properly on a
Microsoft Windows system may not display properly on a Linux system. You may see either truncated or
overlapping lines for multi-line elds, or the text lines may not wrap as expected.
To ensure that the report displays on the web the way that you expect it to, use the HTML Preview tab [page
66] option to preview the output as you are designing your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Designing Optimized Web Reports
8 Record Selection
This section shows you how to lter the records you want included in a report. For example, using the record
selection tools, you can limit the records in your report to include only records for a specic group of
customers, a specic range of account numbers, or a particular date range.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
8.1 Selecting records
When a eld is selected to appear on a report, eld values from every record in the active table(s) are printed by
default. In many cases, you may not want to include all the values, but only a subset of those values. For
example, you may want to include:
Records only for a specic group of customers.
Records for a specic range of account numbers out of the total number of records in the database.
Values from only those records that fall within a particular date range.
8.1.1 Options for selecting records
Crystal Reports includes a very sophisticated formula language that you can use to specify virtually any type of
record selection. However, you may not always need the exibility in record selection that the formula language
provides. The Select Expert is designed for such instances.
You can select records in one of two ways:
Using the Select Expert [page 122]
Using formulas [page 124]
Once you are familiar with the Select Expert and formulas, you can use your record selection techniques to
improve the performance of your reports.
For additional performance tips and advanced record selection strategies, see Using enhanced record selection
formulas [page 110].
For additional performance tips and advanced record selection strategies, see “Using enhanced record
selection formulas” in the Designing Optimized Web Reports chapter of the Crystal Reports User Guide.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
8.1.2 Determining which eld(s) to use
When you select records, you are basing your report only on those records that meet some conditions that you
have set. You base those conditions on the kind of information you want in the nished report.
Assume, for example, that you want a report that only shows data from California. The challenge is to nd the
best way to identify those records that come from California.
If the table used in a report has a State or Region eld, you can specify in your request that the program
use only those records in which the value in the state eld is equal to California (Region is equal to CA).
If the table does not have a State eld and you still want to report only on California data, there may be
another way to identify that data.
If the table has a Postal Code eld, you could base your record selection on the range of ZIP codes that
apply to California (Postal Code is between n and N).
If the table has an Area Code eld, you could base your record selection on California Area Codes (Area
Code is one of x, y,....z).
If the Area Code is stored in the telephone number eld, you will not be able to do this same record
selection using the Select Expert based on the Area Code. You will have to create a record selection formula
using the formula language to extract the Area Code part of the phone number and then do record
selection based on that.
As a general rule, if you can base your record selection on a number of elds (as in this example), you
should select an indexed eld instead of a eld that is not indexed for better performance.
8.1.3 Using the Select Expert
The Select Expert makes it easy to specify the records you want included in your report. When you work with
the Select Expert, you select the eld to which you want to apply selection conditions and then you specify
those conditions.
The Select Expert can be used to set up simple record selection requests. For example:
Customers from Arizona.
Orders in the rst quarter.
Sales over $10,000.
The Select Expert can also be used to set up some sophisticated requests:
Customers whose names start with "A", "M", or "S."
Customers from California or Florida who ordered in July.
These are all range limit requests. One or more constants dene the range. The program compares the eld
value in each record to the constant(s) and rejects records with values outside the range. The report is limited
to values within the range. You can set up all of these types of record selection requests without any previous
knowledge of the formula language.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
The Select Expert can be used to set up both record selection and group selection requests. When a group
name or summary eld is selected, the program knows that the selection criteria set up is intended for
group selection. In all other cases, the program knows that you are setting up record selection. To set up record selection using the Select Expert
1. On the Expert Tools toolbar, click Select Expert.
The Select Expert dialog box appears.
If you click the Select Expert button without rst highlighting a eld in your report, the Choose Field
dialog box appears. Highlight the eld on which you want to base record selection and click OK. The
Select Expert appears.
2. Use the drop-down lists to enter your selection criteria for the indicated eld.
3. Click OK when nished.
To base record selection on more than one eld, click the New tab. Select the next eld from the
Choose Field dialog box.
A selection formula is generated based on your specications, limiting the report to the records you
To view the selection formula, click the Show Formula button. The Select Expert expands to show the
formula. You can modify the formula in the area that appears, or you can click the Formula Editor
button to modify it in the Formula Editor.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
8.1.4 Using formulas
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
To set up record selection using a formula [page 124]
Further information about formulas [page 124] To set up record selection using a formula
1. On the Report menu, point to Selection Formulas and click Record.
2. In the Record Selection Formula Editor, enter the formula by typing in the components or selecting them
from the component trees.
The resulting formula must be Boolean; that is, it must return either a True or False value.
3. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
4. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
5. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save. Further information about formulas
For sample record and group selection templates, see Using formula templates [page 126].
For complete instructions on creating formulas, see Using Formulas [page 390].
For advanced record selection strategies and performance tips, see Using enhanced record selection
formulas [page 110].
For advanced record selection strategies and performance tips, see “Using enhanced record selection
formulas” in the Designing Optimized Web Reports chapter of the Crystal Reports User'Guide.
8.1.5 Interaction of the Select Expert and the Formula Editor
The Select Expert and the Record/Group Selection Formula Editor are interactive. That is, record selection
criteria you enter via the Select Expert automatically generates a record selection formula which can be
reviewed and modied. Likewise, record selection formulas and modications to existing record selection
formulas automatically update the selection criteria in the Select Expert.
Because of this interactivity, you can use the two tools together as a tutorial for learning the formula language.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection To view the Select Expert formula
1. Right-click the eld on which you want to view record selection.
2. Click Select Expert.
3. Click the Show Formula button.
The Select Expert expands so you can review the formula the program generated based on your selection
4. Click the Hide Formula button when you are done with your review.
5. Use the Select Expert to change your selection formula.
6. Review the updated formula by clicking the Show Formula button again.
7. To make changes to the formula, click the Formula Editor button in the expanded Select Expert and use the
tools in the Formula Workshop to make your formula changes.
Selection formula components that do not t any of the xed criteria in the Select Expert will not be
translated. For example, if part of your record selection formula extracts the last four characters in a
customer number, the section of the formula code that performs that extraction will not be converted to
Select Expert selection criteria.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
8.1.6 Saved data selection formulas
Saved data selection formulas lter report data after the records have been stored in the report. Like record
selection formulas, they can be created using both the Select Expert and formulas.
Unlike record selection formulas, any change to a saved data selection formula does not cause a refresh to the
database. Instead, the report's saved data is used for all subsequent ltering. Saved data selection formulas
are used with parameters to create interactive report lters that you can customize.
Optional parameters
You can combine saved data selection formulas and optional parameters. For more information on optional
parameters, see Optional parameters [page 434].
8.2 Using formula templates
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Record selection formula templates [page 126]
8.2.1 Record selection formula templates
The following sample formulas can be used as templates to help you create your own selection formulas using
the Formula Workshop. These examples illustrate dierent selections that you could do, not necessarily the
best selections. Selecting records using character strings
{file.FIELD} startswith "C"
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld begins with the character "C" (includes values
like CyclePath, Corp. and Cyclist's Trail Co.; excludes values like Bob's Bikes Ltd. and Feel Great Bikes, Inc.).
not ({file.FIELD} startswith "C")
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld does not begin with the character "C" (includes
values like Bob's Bikes Ltd. and Feel Great Bikes, Inc.; excludes values like CyclePath, Corp. and Cyclist's Trail
"999" in {file.FIELD}[3 to 5]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
Selects those records in which the 3rd through 5th digits of the {le.FIELD} eld is equal to "999" (includes
values like 10999, 70999, and 00999; excludes values like 99901 and 19990).
"Cycle" in {file.FIELD}
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld contains the string "Cycle" (includes values
such as CyclePath Corp. and CycleSporin, Inc.; excludes values like Cyclist's Trail Co. and Feel Great Bikes, Inc.). Selecting records using numbers
Single values
{file.FIELD} > 99999
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld is greater than 99999.
{file.FIELD} < 99999
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld is less than 99999.
Range of values
{file.FIELD} > 11111 and {file.FIELD} < 99999
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld is greater than 11111 but less than 99999
(neither 11111 or 99999 is included in the range of values).
{file.FIELD} >= 11111 and {file.FIELD} <= 99999
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld is greater than 11111 but less than 99999 (both
11111 and 99999 are included in the range of values). Selecting records using dates
The Month, Day, and Year functions can all be used in examples like the following:
Year ({file.DATE}) < 1999
Selects those records in which the year found in the {le.DATE} eld is earlier than 1999.
Year ({file.DATE}) > 1992 and Year ({file.DATE}) < 1996
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
Selects those records in which the year found in the {le.DATE} eld falls between 1992 and 1996 (1992 and
1996 not included).
Year({file.DATE}) >= 1992 and Year({file.DATE}) <= 1996
Selects those records in which the year found in the {le.DATE} eld falls between 1992 and 1996 (1992 and
1996 are included).
Month({file.DATE}) in 1 to 4
Selects those records in which the month found in the {le.DATE} eld is one of the rst four months of the year
(includes January, February, March, and April).
Month({file.DATE}) in [1,4]
Selects those records in which the month found in the {le.DATE} eld is the rst or fourth month of the year
(includes January and April, excludes February and March). Selecting records using preset date ranges
The preset date ranges can be used to create selection formulas similar to these:
{file.DATE} in LastFullMonth
Selects those records in which the date found in the {le.DATE} eld falls within the last full month. (If the
month is May, this selects all records with an April date.)
not({file.DATE} in LastFullMonth)
Selects all records except those in which the date found in the {le.DATE} eld falls within the last full month (if
the month is May, this selects all records except those with an April date). Selecting records using date/number/character
These formulas simply "mix and match" formulas from the categories above.
"C" in {file.FIELD}[1] and Month({file.DATE}) in [1,4]
Selects those records in which the value in the {le.FIELD} eld begins with "C" and the month is either January
or April. For example, if this kind of formula was used with an order database, you could be asking for a report
showing all customers whose names begin with "C" and who placed orders in January or in April.
"AOK" in {file.HISTORY}[3 to 5] and {file.OPENCRED} >= 5000
Selects those records in which the {le.HISTORY} eld shows the characters "AOK" as the 3, 4, and 5
characters and the {le.OPENCRED} eld (the amount of available credit) is at least 5000.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
These templates can be used as they are (with your own data), or they can be combined to create complex
8.3 Pushing down record selection to the database server
The drivers provided with Crystal Reports for SQL data sources allow "pushing down" record selection to the
database server. When you specify a record selection formula in a report based on an SQL data source, Crystal
Reports analyzes it, generates a SQL query from it and passes the SQL query to the database server. Record
selection is then carried out in two stages:
The rst stage of record selection takes place when the database server processes the SQL query and
returns a set of records to Crystal Reports.
In the second stage, Crystal Reports further evaluates locally the record selection formula for the set of
records returned from the database server.
Since database servers are usually faster machines than workstations, it is to your advantage to specify record
selection formulas that can be processed by the server in the rst stage. Doing so minimizes record selection
on the local machine in the second stage. This process is commonly known as "pushing record selection down
to the database server." The following kinds of record selections can be pushed down to the server:
Selections with indexed and non-indexed elds (indexed elds provide faster response).
SQL queries with AND and OR clauses.
SQL expression elds that carry out formula calculations for record selection. (For the types of SQL
expressions supported by your SQL server, consult the documentation provided with the server.)
For complete details on pushing your record selection formulas down to the database server, see Using
enhanced record selection formulas [page 110].
For complete details on pushing your record selection formulas down to the database server, see “Using
enhanced record selection formulas” in the Designing Optimized Web Reports chapter of the Crystal
Reports User Guide.
8.4 Troubleshooting record selection formulas
To troubleshoot your selection formula, you should rst begin by making sure that all of the elds referenced in
the selection formula are placed on your report. Then delete the selection formula and test it as you rebuild it,
step by step.
8.4.1 To troubleshoot record selection formulas
1. Write down the record selection formula on paper. You will use this written copy to help you reconstruct the
selection formula one step at a time.
2. Remove the record selection formula from your report by deleting the formula from the Record/Group
Selection Formula Editor in the Formula Workshop.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
3. Click Close when nished in the Formula Workshop.
4. Make certain that all elds referenced in the record selection formula (the selectors) are on the report
physically and are not hidden.
For example, if one of the selectors is:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000"
but the {customer.POSTAL CODE} eld is not used on your report (as in the case of a sales report that uses
the postal code to dene territories but does not include the postal code in the report data), then insert the
{customer.POSTAL CODE} eld into the report.
Or, if one of the elds referenced in the selection formula is on the report but is hidden, unhide it by
deselecting the Suppress option in the Format Editor for that eld.
5. Print the report and verify that the data in those elds which are referenced in the selection formula print
satisfactorily. Make certain that all the data prints. For example, if there are x total records in the database
you should have x records printing for each of the referenced elds. This establishes a baseline against
which you can compare the results of printing with the selection formula.
6. When you are sure that you are getting satisfactory results without using the selection formula, you can
enter the selection formula using only one of the selectors.
For example, to use this as the nal selection formula:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000" and {customer.CONTACT LAST NAME}[1] = "C"
and {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES} >= 5000
this formula will select all of those records that show a Postal code greater than 80000, a value in the
{customer.CONTACT LAST NAME} eld beginning with "C", and a value in the {customer.LAST YEAR'S
SALES} eld greater than or equal to 5000.
You might start with this as the rst test selection formula:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000"
Print the report and evaluate the data that prints when you have only one selector activated. Does the
{customer.POSTAL CODE} eld show only ZIP codes greater than 80000?
If it does, then you know that this part of the selection formula is working.
If it does not, then troubleshoot this part of the selection formula.
7. Once the selection formula with one selector activated is working properly, add a second selector. For
example, the new selection formula might look like this:
{customer.POSTAL CODE} > "80000" and {customer.CONTACT LAST NAME}[1] = "C"
8. Preview the report and evaluate the data that prints when you have two selectors activated. Evaluate the
data in the {customer.CONTACT LAST NAME} eld (since you already evaluated {customer.POSTAL CODE}
in the last step).
Does the {customer.CONTACT LAST NAME} eld show only text strings beginning with the letter "C"?
If it does, then this part of the selection formula is working.
If it does not, then troubleshoot this part of the selection formula.
9. Once the selection formula with two selectors activated is working properly, add a third selector, then a
fourth, and so on, until you have tested each selector in the selection formula.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
8.4.2 Correcting selections that do not generate data
You may encounter a situation in which you create a record selection formula and, while header and footer
information prints on your report, no detail information appears. The problem is the selection formula is
rejecting all records. This usually occurs because of an error in the creation of the selection formula. Correcting uppercase/lowercase inconsistency
Record selection formulas are case sensitive. That is, "Bob" matches only with "Bob". It does not match with
"bob", "BOB", "BoB", "bOB", "boB", or "BOb". Thus, if your selection formula is set to include only those
records with "BOB" in the {customer.CONTACT FIRST NAME} eld, but all the entries in the
{customer.CONTACT FIRST NAME} eld are mixed case ("Bob", for example), the selection formula will nd no
matches and thus will not print any details for the report.
You can solve this problem by using the UpperCase (str) or LowerCase (str) functions in your selection formula
to convert eld data to a consistent case before the program begins its selection. For example, if you were
using this formula:
you can change the formula to this:
UpperCase({customer.CONTACT FIRST NAME}) = "BOB"
This second formula rst converts the value of the {customer.CONTACT FIRST NAME} eld to upper case
characters and then checks to see if the resulting value in that eld is equal to "BOB". Using this formula, any
instance of the three letters "b," "o," and "b" will be a match, regardless of case, because the case will be
converted to uppercase.
You could use the LowerCase function in a similar manner to match with "bob."
Check your selection formula closely and make sure you have the correct case for any text you are trying to
match. If in doubt, use the UpperCase (or LowerCase) function to assure consistency and proper matching.
Another formula which performs much the same functions is the following:
"BOB" in UpperCase({customer.CONTACT FIRST NAME}) Unwanted spaces appear in selection formula
Spaces are characters, and when you include spaces in the search key of a record selection formula, the
formula looks for records with the exact match in the selected eld, spaces and all. For example, the following
"Mr . " in {customer.TITLE}
will not nd any matches with the form of address "Mr." because there is an extra space in the search key
between the letter "r" and the period. Likewise, "Ph. D" will not match "Ph.D".
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
Check your selection formula closely, and make sure that the spaces in the selection formula match the spaces
in the elds you are trying to match. Using If statements in selection formulas
When creating record selection formulas that include If statements, always include the Else keyword;
otherwise, no records or unexpected records may be returned. For example, a record selection such as If
{parameter field} = "less than 100" then {field} < 100 evaluates as False and returns no
records. To correct this problem, complete the formula with
Else True.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Record Selection
9 Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
Sorting, grouping, and totaling are the steps that turn disorganized data into useful information on a report.
This section describes the types of sorting, grouping, and totaling you can do within a report.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
9.1 Sorting data
Sorting means placing data in some kind of order to help you nd and evaluate it.
When you rst insert a database eld into your report, the data within the elds appears in the order in which it
was originally entered into the database. Locating information in this kind of report is dicult. It is much easier
to review or nd information when you can see it sorted in a logical format. For example, you may want to have
a customer list sorted alphabetically by name or by country.
9.1.1 Understanding sort options
When you sort, the program asks you to dene two things:
The eld you want the sort to be based on (sort eld).
The sort direction. Sorting data
Sorting means placing data in some kind of order to help you nd and evaluate it.
When you rst insert a database eld into your report, the data within the elds appears in the order in which it
was originally entered into the database. Locating information in this kind of report is dicult. It is much easier
to review or nd information when you can see it sorted in a logical format. For example, you may want to have
a customer list sorted alphabetically by name or by country.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
PUBLIC 133 Sort eld
A sort eld is the eld that determines the order in which data appears on your report. Almost any eld can be
used as a sort eld, including formula elds. A eld's data type determines the method in which the data from
that eld is sorted.
You cannot sort on memo or BLOB elds.
Field Type Sort Order
Single-character string elds blanks
uppercase letter
lowercase letters
Multiple character string eld two letters
three letters
four letters, and so on
For example:
"123" comes before "124"
" " (blank) comes before "a"
"aa" comes before "aaa"
Currency elds numeric order
Number elds numeric order
Date elds chronological order
DateTime elds chronological order
same-date values sorted by time
Time elds chronological order
Boolean comparison elds False values (0)
True values (1)
Null values null values
non-null values
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
If sorting and grouping are performed on the database server, sort order may vary when Unicode or UTF-8
data is used. The order applied depends on the rules in place for your data source. In certain cases,
Unicode data is sorted by its binary value, but it can also be sorted according to a particular locale setting.
Refer to the documentation for your data source for details on how Unicode data elds are sorted. Sort Direction
Direction refers to the order in which the values are displayed, once sorted.
Ascending order means smallest to largest (1 to 9, A to Z, False to True). The program sorts the records in
ascending order based on the values in the sort eld you select.
Descending order means largest to smallest (9 to 1, Z to A, True to False). The program sorts the records in
descending order based on the values in the sort eld you select.
9.1.2 Sorting single and multiple elds
In single eld sorting, all the records used in the report are sorted based on the values in a single eld. Sorting
an inventory report by stock number or sorting a customer list by customer number are examples of single
eld sorts.
In multiple eld sorts, the Report Designer rst sorts the records based on the values in the rst eld selected,
putting them in ascending or descending order as specied. When two or more records have the same eld
value in the rst sort eld, the program then sorts those records based on the value in the second sort eld.
For example, if you choose to sort rst by the {customer.COUNTRY} eld and then by the {customer.REGION}
eld, both in ascending order, the report would appear with countries listed in alphabetic order, and regions
within each country listed in alphabetic order. Any other elds, such as the postal codes within each region,
would remain unsorted.
You create single or multiple eld sorts using the same procedure. To sort your data
1. On the Report menu, click Record Sort Expert.
The Record Sort Expert appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
2. Highlight the eld to be sorted from the Available Fields area.
3. Click the > arrow.
The selected eld is added to the Sort Fields list.
4. Specify the sort direction.
5. If sorting by more than one eld, highlight the second eld you want the data to be sorted by and add it to
the Sort Fields list.
6. If you want to change the order of elds in the Sort Fields list, highlight the eld you want to move and click
the arrow buttons to move it up or down.
The order of the elds listed in the Sort elds box is the order by which data will be sorted.
7. As you add each eld to the Sort Fields list, specify the sort direction.
8. Click OK when nished.
Records are sorted based on the values in the Sort Fields list.
9.1.3 Sort controls
You may want to design your report so that users can modify a sort eld or sort direction without refreshing
information from the database. You can do this using a Sort Control.
A Sort Control is particularly useful for several reasons:
It allows users to sort report data for further analysis without leaving the canvas of the report.
It eliminates processing demand on the database.
It reduces the time users spend waiting for data to be sorted.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
It allows users to sort elds in the report even if they do not have a connection or rights to access the
database at the time of viewing.
When planning to include a Sort Control in your report, it is important to consider the following points:
Sort controls apply across an entire record set; you cannot sort only one group.
Sort controls cannot be used in sub-reports.
Sort controls cannot be created within a cross-tab or an OLAP grid.
The use of sort controls causes any open drill-down tabs to close (a warning prompt alerts users). To create a Sort Control
1. Once the data is grouped, on the Report menu, click Record Sort Expert.
The Record Sort Expert appears.
Sort elds that begin with "Group" specify that the sort was done automatically when the data was
2. Highlight the elds that you want to sort by and click the > arrow to add them to the Sort Fields list.
The order of the elds in the Sort Fields list is the initial order by which data is sorted.
To enable a Sort Control on a eld, that eld must be included in the Sort Fields list.
3. Click OK when nished.
4. Create your Sort Control:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
If you want to use an existing text object:
1. On your report, right-click the text object that you would like to use as a Sort Control.
2. Click Bind Sort Control.
The Sort Control dialog box appears.
3. Select a sort eld and click OK.
If you want to add a new text object:
1. On the Insert menu, click Sort Control.
2. Select a sort eld and click OK.
3. Click and drag your cursor to the report location where you would like to insert the Sort Control.
4. Enter a name for the new Sort Control, and click outside the text object to complete the process.
5. Repeat Step 4 for any other sort controls you want to create.
Users can sort the elds you have selected by clicking the sort arrows that appear beside the text object. The
report promotes the selected eld temporarily to the top of the sort order. When a second Sort Control is used,
the rst is returned to its original position in the sort order and the second is promoted to the top sort.
Grouping hierarchy is not aected by Sort Control. To remove a sort control
1. Right-click the text object that contains the existing Sort Control.
2. Click Bind Sort Control.
The Sort Control dialog box appears.
3. Click < Not Interactive >.
4. Click OK to return to your report.
The Sort Control is removed from the report.
9.2 Grouping data
Grouped data is data that is sorted and broken up into meaningful groups. In a customer list, for example, a
group might consist of all those customers living in the same Zip Code, or in the same Region. In a sales report,
a group might consist of all the orders placed by the same customer, or all of the orders generated by a
particular sales representative.
9.2.1 Grouping data
Grouped data is data that is sorted and broken up into meaningful groups. In a customer list, for example, a
group might consist of all those customers living in the same Zip Code, or in the same Region. In a sales report,
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
a group might consist of all the orders placed by the same customer, or all of the orders generated by a
particular sales representative. To group data
1. On the Insert menu, click Group.
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
2. Select the eld you want the data grouped by from the top drop-down list.
3. Select the sort direction from the second drop-down list.
If you want to use a formula for the sort order of your group, see Sorting groups conditionally [page
4. If you want to show a dierent value in the group header, click the Options tab.
By default, the group header of the report will display the value of the eld you are grouping on.
5. Select the Customize Group Name Field check box and choose a new group name.
For example, if you grouped by {Customer.CustomerID}, at each change of a group you will see the
corresponding customer ID. If you want to display a dierent value (customer ID as well as customer
name), customize the group name eld by choosing an alternate data eld, or creating a formula.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
To hide the group header name, right-click the group header, select Format Field, and click Suppress on
the Common tab of the Format Editor.
6. Click OK.
If your records within each group are unsorted, you need to sort the records within each group. See Sorting
records within groups [page 142].
Related Information
Grouping data in intervals [page 147]
Creating group headers [page 166]
9.2.2 Creating custom groups
Usually data is sorted based on the values from a eld in the report. Sometimes, however, you may not want to
group data based on the values found in one of the elds on your report. For example:
The eld you want to group on does not exist.
For example, your report may contain a City eld and a State eld, but no Country eld, although you need
to group by country.
The eld exists, but you do not want to group on the values in that eld.
For example, you may have a Color eld on your report that includes specic color names (Logan Green,
Sky Blue, Emerald Green, Navy Blue, and so on) but you want all shades of each color to appear as a single
group (Greens, Blues, Reds, and so on). In this case you can build custom groups and manually assign the
records you want to be in each group.
The eld exists, but you want to select specic values or ranges of values for each group.
For example, you might want one group to contain records where gross sales are less than a certain value, a
second group where gross sales are greater than a certain value, and a nal group where gross sales fall
between two values. In this case, you can build your groups using the same range of selection facilities that
are available to you for building record selection queries.
Specied order grouping provides a solution to these custom sorting and grouping challenges. It enables you to
create both the customized groups that will appear on a report and the records that each group will contain.
The only limitation is that a record can be assigned to only one group.
To follow a tutorial where you create custom groups to rank customers by the amount of business they did in
the previous year, see Grouping data in intervals [page 147]. To create a custom group
1. On the Insert menu, click Group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
2. Select the eld you want the data grouped by from the top drop-down list.
3. Select in specied order as your sort option from the second drop-down list.
4. On the Specied Order tab, enter the name of the group in the Named Group eld.
5. Click New.
6. In the Dene Named Group dialog box, use the drop-down lists to select the data to be part of the group.
7. Click the <New> tab to add more selection criteria to your specied group, if necessary.
8. Click OK.
9. Click New to create more custom groups as necessary.
10. Click the Others tab to specify how you want to organize the data that is not part of the group(s) you
11. Click OK.
9.2.3 Sorting groups conditionally
Although it is often sucient to choose the sort order for a group in your report when you create the group,
there may be times when you want your users to choose their own group sort order.
For example, if you group a sales report by invoice date, you might want your users to choose whether they see
that data from earliest invoice date to most recent invoice date (ascending order) or most recent invoice date
to earliest invoice date (descending order).
To create a conditional group sort order for this report, you might create a new parameter to prompt for the
user's selection, and then pass this selection to a conditional group sorting formula. To sort a group conditionally
1. Open or create the report that you want to sort conditionally.
In the case of the example mentioned in this section, open or create a report that contains invoice
2. In the Field Explorer, select Parameter Fields, and click New.
3. Create a string parameter that contains the sorting options that you want your users to see.
For this example, create a parameter called Sort Order that has two values: Ascending and Descending.
For information about how to create parameters, see Creating a parameter with a static prompt [page
4. Click OK to save your parameter.
5. On the Insert menu, click Group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
6. In the Insert Group dialog box, select the eld that you want to group on.
For this example, select your invoice date eld.
7. Select Use a Formula as Group Sort Order, and click the Conditional Formula button next to it.
This option is not available if you choose "in specied order" as the sort order for your group.
8. In the Formula Workshop, enter your conditional formula text.
For this example, enter this text:
If {?Sort Order} = "Ascending" then crAscendingOrder else crDescendingOrder
9. Click Save and close to return to your report.
10. Click OK to save your group.
11. When you are prompted to select a Sort Order, select the option that you want, and click OK.
Your report appears with groups for the eld that you selected in the Insert Group dialog box and sorted in the
order that you selected in your parameter prompt. To select a dierent sort order, click the Refresh button and
choose "Prompt for new parameter values." The groups in your report are resorted to comply with the new
order option that you selected.
9.2.4 Sorting records within groups
Once you have grouped your data, you can easily sort the records within the groups to further organize the
information. To sort records within groups
1. Once the data is grouped, on the Report menu, click Record Sort Expert.
The Record Sort Expert appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
Sort elds that begin with "Group" specify that the sort was done automatically when the data was
2. Highlight the eld you want the records within the groups sorted by and click the > arrow to add it to the
Sort Fields list.
The order of the elds in the Sort Fields box is the order by which data will be sorted.
3. Specify the sort direction.
4. Click OK when nished.
9.2.5 Group selection
When you group or summarize data, all the groups in the report are included by default. There may be times,
however, when you do not want to include all the groups. For example:
You might want to see only those groups that have certain group names, or whose summarized values
meet a certain condition.
You might want to see only the groups with the highest summary values, or the lowest.
You can select the groups that appear in the report in two dierent ways:
By using the Select Expert.
By using selection formulas.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
For faster results, limit records through record selection before creating groups. See Selecting records
[page 121].
Using the Select Expert
The Select Expert can be used to select groups of records in the same way that you select individual records.
When you are setting up group selection criteria, instead of basing the selection criteria on standard elds, as
you do for record selection, you base the criteria on group name elds or summary elds.
If you have grouped your data but have not summarized it, you can only set up group selection based on
the group name eld. For example, you may want to select only those groups whose Region is
GroupName ({Customer.REGION}) = "MA"
If you have summarized your data, you can set up group selection based on either the group name eld or
the summary eld. For example:
Sum({Customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}, {Customer.REGION}) > 10000
The Select Expert can be used to set up record selection and group selection requests. When a group name
or summary eld is selected, the program knows that the selection criteria you set up is intended for group
selection. In all other cases, the program knows that you are setting up record selection. To set up group selection using the Select Expert
1. Right-click the summary eld on which you want to base group selection and choose Select Expert
from the shortcut menu.
The Select Expert dialog box appears.
If you click the Select Expert button without rst highlighting a summary eld in your report, the
Choose Field dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
2. Use the drop-down list to enter your selection criteria for the indicated eld.
3. To base the group selection on more than one eld, click the New tab and choose the next eld from the
Choose Field dialog box.
If you have not already previewed the report or refreshed the data, there will not be any data saved
with the report. Without the data, the program cannot calculate group values; thus, no values appear
when you click the arrow in the right drop-down list. In this situation, you will have to type in the values
you want. If you want real values to work with, you will need to preview your report rst. This will
calculate the actual summary values available for you to work with.
4. When you are nished, click OK in the Select Expert to return to the report. Using selection formulas
With the Group Selection Formula Editor, you can build your group selection request using group elds, group
name elds, and other formulas. As with record selection formulas, your only restriction is that the formula you
create must be Boolean; that is, it must return either a True or False value. To create a record or group selection formula
1. On the Report menu, point to Selection Formulas.
2. Click Record to create a record selection formula.
- or -
Click Group to create a group selection formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
3. Enter your selection formula in the Group Selection Formula Editor.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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The resulting formula must be Boolean; that is, it must return either a True or False value.
4. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
5. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
6. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save.
When the program runs the report, it will include only those records or groups of records that you
specied. Troubleshooting group selection formulas
In some cases, no values will print when using a group selection formula, even though there are values that
match the selection criteria. Typically, in these cases:
The group selection formula references another formula.
The referenced formula is one that calculates the value of each group as a percentage of the total value of
all groups (in other words a subtotal as a percentage of a grand total). To correct a group selection formula
1. Use Xtreme.mdb to create a report that includes the following elds:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
For each order, the report shows the customer that placed the order, the region in which that customer is
located, the order ID number, and the amount of the order.
2. Group the report by the {customer.REGION} eld.
3. Insert a summary that subtotals the {orders.ORDER AMOUNT} eld for each {customer.REGION} group.
The program calculates a subtotal in the {orders.ORDER AMOUNT} eld every time the region changes.
See Subtotaling [page 162].
4. Insert a grand total on the {orders.ORDER AMOUNT} eld to see the total value of all orders placed.
5. Create a formula named Percent that calculates each subtotal as a percentage of the grand total to see the
value of the orders for each region group as a percentage of all orders placed.
Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}, {customer.REGION})
% Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT})
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6. Place the formula in the Group Footer section of the report.
7. Reference the formula (@Percent) in a group selection formula that selects only those groups for which the
percentage (of subtotal to grand total) is less than 5% in order to nd out which regions individually
contributed less than 5% of total sales:
{@Percent} < 5
When you click Check, you will receive the following error message:
This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
8. Instead of using the formula name (in this case @Percent) in the group selection formula, enter the formula
itself (the formula named @Percent). Thus, instead of using the group selection formula:
{@Percent} < 5
use the group selection formula:
Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}, {customer.REGION})
% Sum({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}) < 5
Now when you print, only the regions that contributed less than 5% will print.
9.2.6 Grouping data in intervals
You may want to group your data into intervals. Age groups, time periods, and sales categories are some of the
interval groupings that can be created. In this example, you will rank customers by the amount of business they
did in the previous year.
This example uses specied order grouping. This kind of grouping lets you specify the records that will be
included in each group. You dene the intervals you want and the program will do the rest. To group data in intervals
1. To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customer table and place the
following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.POSTAL CODE}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the Insert menu, click Group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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3. Because you want to set up intervals based on the previous year's sales, select Last Year's Sales as the
sort-and-group-by eld from the drop-down list on the Insert Group dialog box.
4. Select in specied order from the second drop-down list.
The Specied Order tab appears in the Insert Group dialog box.
5. Click the New button.
The Dene Named Group dialog box appears.
6. Type "Less than $10,000" in the Group Name eld.
This is the name that will appear as the Group Name eld value for the group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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7. Since the rst group is to contain only those records that have a Last Year's Sales gure of less than
$10,000, set the elds so your condition reads:
is less than 10000
8. Click OK to return to the Specied Order Tab.
9. Click New.
The Dene Named Group dialog box reappears.
10. Set up a second group that contains values between $10,000 and $25,000.
Type "$10,000 to $25,000" in the Group Name eld.
Set the rst eld so the condition reads: is between.
Specify a range of values:
Type "10000" in the top eld.
Type "25000" in the bottom eld.
11. Click OK to return to the Specied Order tab.
12. Click New.
The Dene Named Group dialog box reappears.
13. Set up the nal group that contains all values over $25,000.
Type "Over $25,000" in the Group Name eld.
Set the rst eld so the condition reads: is greater than.
Type "25000".
14. Click OK to return to the Specied Order Tab.
15. Click OK.
The report is grouped by interval in a specied order.
9.2.7 Grouping by the rst letter of a company name
You might want to break your data into groups based on the rst letter of the company name. For example, in a
customer list you might want all the "A" customers in a group, then all the "B" customers, and so forth. To do
this requires the use of a formula.
Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with formulas. This text will show you what formula you need here and how to
enter it.
You can learn more about creating and editing formulas in Formulas overview [page 390].
You are going to create a formula that will extract the rst letter of each customer's name. Then you will group
the data using that formula eld as the sort-and-group-by eld. The program will sort the data based on the
rst letter of each customer name and start a new group whenever that letter changes.
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PUBLIC 149 To group data by the rst letter of a company name
1. To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customer table and place the
following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.POSTAL CODE}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Formula Fields and click New.
4. In the Formula Name dialog box, enter the name you want to identify the formula, for example "First
Letter," and then click OK.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
5. Type the following formula into the Formula text box:
{Customer.Customer Name}[1]
6. Click Save and close to return to your report.
7. On the Insert menu, click Group.
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
8. Select the formula eld as the eld you want your data grouped by from the rst drop-down list.
9. Select the sort direction from the second drop-down list.
10. Click OK.
You return to your report with the data grouped by the formula eld as specied. The data is broken into
groups based on the rst letter in the customer's name. The formula provides a live header for every group.
For more information on live headers, see Live headers [page 167].
Related Information
Formulas overview [page 390]
Grouping data [page 138]
Grouping data in intervals [page 147]
Creating group headers [page 166]
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9.2.8 Grouping data hierarchically
Characteristics of the data needed for hierarchical grouping
You can group data in a report to show hierarchical relationships. When you group data hierarchically, Crystal
Reports sorts information based on the relationship between two elds. A hierarchical relationship must be
inherent in the data that you use for the report:
Parent and child elds must be of the same data type for the program to recognize a relationship between
The data in the parent eld must be a subset of the data in the child eld.
For the top level of a hierarchy to appear in a report, the value must appear in the child data, and the
corresponding row in the parent data must be empty.
There cannot be any circular logic in the data (that is, A cannot be related to B, while B is related to C, and
C is related back to A).
For example, if you want to show the hierarchical relationship of the people who work in a department, you
could group data by employee name (the child eld) and specify the hierarchy by using the eld that lists whom
the employee reports to (the parent eld). Your database tables might look like the following example.
Employee (child) Supervisor (parent)
Jane Thomas
Gerard Thomas
Albert Thomas
Thomas Mina
Beth Thomas
Teresa Thomas
Gareth Thomas
Valerie Thomas
Gillian Mina
Frances Gillian
Ruth Gillian
Margaret Mina
Paul Margaret
Charles Margaret
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The Employee and Supervisor elds contain overlapping data that implies a hierarchical relationship. There are
15 unique employee names, with four of these names also appearing as supervisors (Mina, Thomas, Gillian, and
Margaret). Three employees report to Mina, seven employees report to Thomas, two employees report to
Gillian, and two employees report to Margaret.
Mina has no corresponding Supervisor. This data implies that Mina is a top-level supervisor who does not
report to anyone else in this table.
If you group a Crystal report on the Employee eld, you can further sort the data to show the hierarchical
relationship between these employees and their supervisors.
Characteristics of a report that you have grouped hierarchically
In addition to a visual representation of the hierarchy inherent in your data, a Crystal report that you have
grouped hierarchically has several other characteristics:
When you drill down on a group in the hierarchy, the drill-down view also shows the records that are lower
in the hierarchy.
The report contains hierarchical group footers that include the records that are lower in the hierarchy of
each group. You can summarize data across the hierarchies.
Use the conditional-X-position feature to ensure that the indenting you set to show hierarchical
relationships does not aect other elds in same section of your report.
Hierarchical levels are supported in the formula language through the use of the GroupingLevel and
HierarchyLevel functions.
You cannot use hierarchical summaries in formulas. To group data hierarchically
1. Create or open a report that contains the data you want to group and sort hierarchically.
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2. On the Insert menu, click Group.
3. In the Insert Group dialog box, select the eld that you want to use as the basis of your hierarchy (the child
For example, if you want to see the hierarchical structure of a company's employees, select the employee
4. Select in ascending order.
By default, the group header of the report displays the value of the eld you are grouping on.
5. If you want to show a dierent value in the group header, click the Options tab and select the Customize
Group Name Field check box.
For example, if you grouped by the employee eld, at each change of a group you will see the
corresponding employee name. If you want to display a dierent value (employee ID instead of employee
name), customize the group name eld by choosing an alternate data eld, or by creating a formula.
6. Click OK.
The group you created is added to the report.
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7. On the Report menu, click Hierarchical Grouping Options.
8. In the Available Groups list of the Hierarchical Options dialog box, select the group you want to organize
9. Select the Sort Data Hierarchically check box.
10. In the Parent ID Field list, select the eld by which you want the Instance ID Field organized.
For example, for an employee hierarchical report, you might select the data eld listing the supervisor to
whom the employee reports.
The Instance ID Field and Parent ID Field must be of the same data type. For example, if the Instance ID
Field holds string data, then the Parent ID Field must also hold string data.
11. In the Group Indent eld, enter the amount you want to indent for each subgroup.
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The value that you enter in the Group Indent eld aects all other objects that are in the same area as your
hierarchical group. For example, if your report contains a salary eld on the same line as the name of the
employee, the salary eld is also indented when you use the employee eld to create a hierarchical group.
To indent only the hierarchy records and not the other objects, leave this value as 0 (zero) and use the
conditional-X-position feature.
12. Click OK.
The report data is now grouped hierarchically.
In this example, the Details section in the report has been hidden to show the hierarchical sorting more
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The report is now grouped by employee name and further sorted to show the supervisor hierarchy. You can see
that Mina, whose employee data had no supervisor data associate with it, has been sorted at the top of the list.
Under Mina's name is each supervisor who reports to her; and under each of those supervisors is a list of
employees who reports to him or her.
The level at which a name appears in the hierarchy of this report is determined by the number of employees
who report to him or her. Those employees with no one reporting to them are at the lowest level in the
If you want to, you can now calculate summary elds across your new hierarchical grouping. When inserting a
subtotal, grand total, or summary in the usual manner, select the "Summarize across hierarchy" option. For
more information, see Summarizing grouped data [page 157] and Subtotaling [page 162]. To indent a hierarchy without aecting other elds
For this procedure to work, you must ensure that the value in the Group Indent eld of the Hierarchical
Group Options dialog box is set to 0 (zero).
1. Right-click the eld that you grouped hierarchically, and select Size and Position.
2. Click the Conditional Formula button next to the X position value eld.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your conditional X position formula text.
For example, enter formula text such as this:
numbervar hLevel := HierarchyLevel (1);
numbervar deltaX := 0;
if (hLevel > 1) then
deltaX := (hLevel - 1) * 0.4;
deltaX := deltaX * 1440;
There are several ways that you can create this formula; this code is an example of one way.
Positions are measured in twips; there are 1440 twips in an inch.
Search the online help for "HierarchyLevel (GroupingLevel)" to learn more about the function used in this
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
5. Click OK to save your position setting.
Crystal Reports moves the values in your hierarchical data to new positions based on their level in the
hierarchy, but leaves other objects that are on the same lines where you originally placed them.
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9.2.9 Editing groups
1. On the Report menu, click Group Expert.
2. In the Group By list of the Group Expert dialog box, select the group you want to edit.
3. Click Options.
4. In the Change Group Options dialog box, edit the group as necessary.
5. Click OK to close the Change Group Options dialog box and again to close the Group Expert dialog box.
The report reects the changes you have made to the group.
9.3 Summarizing grouped data
One of the primary purposes for breaking data into groups is to run calculations on each group of records
instead of on all the records in the report.
When the program summarizes data, it sorts the data, breaks it into groups, and then summarizes the values in
each group. It does this all automatically.
The program includes a number of summarizing options. Depending on the data type of the eld you plan to
summarize, you can:
Sum the values in each group.
Count all the values or only those values that are distinct from one another.
Determine the maximum, minimum, average, or Nth largest value.
Calculate up to two kinds of standard deviations and variances.
For example:
Customer list reports: determine the number of customers in each state. The summary would count the
distinct customers in each state group.
Order reports: determine the average order placed each month. The summary would calculate the size of
the average order for each month group.
Sales reports: determine the total sales per sales representative. The summary would sum or subtotal the
order amounts for each sales representative group.
You can also calculate summary elds across hierarchical groupings. To do so, select "Summarize across
hierarchy" in the Insert Summary dialog box.
9.3.1 To summarize grouped data
1. On the Insert menu, click Summary.
The Insert Summary dialog box appears.
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2. Select the desired eld to summarize from the Choose the eld to summarize list.
3. Select a summary operation from the Calculate this summary list.
4. Select a location in which to place the summary from the Summary location list.
You can create a new group for your report by clicking the Insert Group button.
You can add your summary to all group levels, or you can add it only once to the level you select as your
5. If you want to display your summary value as a percentage of a total, select Show as a percentage of from
the Options area, and then select a total eld from the list.
For more information about percentages, see Percentages [page 164].
6. If you want to summarize across a hierarchy, select Summarize across hierarchy.
For more information about hierarchies, see Grouping data hierarchically [page 151].
7. Click OK when nished.
Related Information
Subtotaling [page 162]
9.3.2 Ordering groups by summarized values
Groups can be organized in either ascending or descending order by summary value. For example, in an orders
report, if you subtotal the order amount by state, you could order the groups:
From lowest to highest order amount (ascending).
From highest to lowest order amount (descending).
You order the groups in a report by summary values using the Group Sort Expert command on the Report
menu. To order groups by summary value
1. Click Group Sort Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Group Sort Expert dialog box appears with a tab for each of the groups in the report that has a
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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2. Click the tab for the group you want to sort.
3. Select the All option from the drop-down list on the left.
4. Choose the summary that you want to base your selection on from the "based on" drop-down list on the
The "based on" drop-down list on the right is for those cases in which you have multiple summaries within
a single group section. For example, in an orders report, you might sum and average the orders for each
customer and then display both the sum and the average in the same group section. In such a case, you
would select the sum or the average from this drop-down list.
5. Specify the sort direction.
6. To select a second group sort, repeat Steps 2-5.
When you run the report, the program will order the groups based on the summary value(s) specied.
9.3.3 Selecting top or bottom N groups or percentages
At times, you might want to show only the top or bottom groups or percentage values in a report: the fastest
selling product lines, the countries that account for the top 25 percent of sales, the states that generate the
most orders, and so on. Because this kind of selection is so popular, the program includes the Group Sort
Expert for setting it up easily.
There is one other element to consider when setting up top N: what to do with all the records from other groups
that do not t the top N or bottom N criteria you have set. You need to decide whether to eliminate those
records from your report entirely or to lump them all together into a single group. The program enables you to
choose either option.
A report must contain a summary value in order to be able to perform a top N or bottom N selection. See
Summarizing grouped data [page 157].
It is recommended that you do not use a group that is sorted hierarchically in a top or bottom N selection.
The integrity of your hierarchical group sort might be aected by the top or bottom N selection. To select the top or bottom N groups
This procedure shows you how to select top or bottom N groups. Top or bottom percentages work the
same way except that you dene the percentage value instead of the number of groups.
1. Create a report and summarize the data as desired. When you summarize the data, the program breaks
the data into groups and summarizes each group.
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With top N groups, you are instructing the program to display those groups that have the highest
summary values (Top N).
With bottom N groups, you are instructing the program to display those groups that have the lowest
summary values (Bottom N).
2. Click the Group Sort Expert button on Expert Tools toolbar.
The Group Sort Expert appears with a tab for your group.
If you have multiple groups, the program will display a tab for each of the groups.
3. Choose Top N or Bottom N from the rst drop-down list.
4. Choose the summary that you want to base your selection on from the "based on" drop-down list on the
The "based on" drop-down list on the right is for those cases in which you have multiple summaries within
a single group section. For example, in an orders report, you might sum and average the orders for each
customer and then display both the sum and the average in the same group section. In such a case, you
would select the sum or the average from this drop-down list.
5. In the Where N is text box, enter the number of groups you want to display. For example:
To report on the three fastest selling product lines, set N to be equal to three.
To report on the ve least productive sales regions, set N to be equal to ve.
6. Click the Include Others, with the name check box and enter a name if you want to group all the other
records into a single group.
7. Select Include ties to accommodate groups whose summarized values are equal.
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For example, suppose you had the following groups:
Order 1 = 100
Order 2 = 90
Order 3 = 80
Order 4 = 80
If you set your top N to be three, but you do not select "Include ties," your report will show Order 1, Order 2,
and Order 3.
If, in the same scenario, you do select "Include ties," your report will show Order 1, Order 2, Order 3, and
Order 4 even though N is set as three. In this way, the program accommodates the equal values of orders 3
and 4.
8. Click OK when nished.
When the program runs the report, it will include only those groups that you specied.
9.3.4 Selecting top or bottom groups or percentages
If you want your users to choose their own value for a Top N, a Bottom N, or a top or bottom percentage, create
a parameter to prompt for the value that Crystal Reports can then pass to a conditional selection formula.
For groups, the top or bottom N value must be between 1 and 32,766.
For percentages, the top or bottom N value must be between 0 and 100. To select a conditional number of groups or
percentage value
1. Open or create the report that you want to use for the conditional value or percentage selection.
This report must contain a group and summary information as described in Selecting top or bottom N
groups or percentages [page 159].
2. In the Field Explorer, select Parameter Fields, and click New.
3. Create a number parameter.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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For information about how to create parameters, see Creating a parameter with a static prompt [page
4. Click OK to save your parameter.
5. On the Report menu, click Group Sort Expert.
6. In the Group Sort Expert, select the type of group sort that you want.
Choose any option except No Sort or All.
7. Click the Conditional Formula button next to the N or Percentage value eld.
8. In the Formula Workshop, enter the parameter eld that you created in step 3.
9. Click Save and close to return to your report.
10. Click OK to save your group sort.
11. When you are prompted to enter a number or percentage, enter the value that you want, and click OK.
Your report appears with only the number of groups that match the value you entered in your parameter
prompt. To enter a dierent value, click the Refresh button and choose "Prompt for new parameter values." The
groups in your report are refreshed to show the new value that you entered.
9.4 Subtotaling
A subtotal is a summary that totals or sums numeric values in a group.
If you are creating a subtotal using database tables that are grouped in a one-to-many linking relationship,
you may need to use a running total instead of a subtotal. See Creating running totals in a one-to-many
linking relationship [page 177].
9.4.1 Subtotaling data
In this example you will subtotal Last Year's Sales by Country. To subtotal data
1. To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customer table and place the
following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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{customer.POSTAL CODE}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. Right-click the Last Year's Sales eld, point to Insert and choose Summary from the shortcut menu.
The Insert Summary dialog box appears with the chosen eld listed as the eld to be summarized.
3. Click Insert Group.
The Insert Group dialog box appears so you can specify the group you want to add to your report.
4. Choose the eld you want the data grouped by, specify a sort direction and then click OK when nished.
5. On the Insert Summary dialog box, select the group you just created from the Summary location list and
then click OK.
The values in each group are now subtotaled.
9.4.2 Extending prices and subtotaling the extensions
In an orders report or invoice, you may need to extend the prices for individual line items and then subtotal the
extensions. You do this by using a simple formula to extend the prices, and then you subtotal the formula eld. To extend the price and subtotal the extensions
1. To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Orders table and place the
following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{Orders_Detail.PRODUCT ID}
{Orders_Detail.UNIT PRICE}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. To create the formula for extending the prices, go to the View menu and select Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Formula Fields and click New.
The Formula Name dialog box appears.
4. Enter the name you want to identify the formula, and then click OK.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
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5. Enter the following formula into the Formula text box:
{Orders_Detail.Quantity} * {Orders_Detail.Unit Price}
6. Click Save and close to return to the Field Explorer dialog box.
Your formula is listed in the Formula Fields node.
7. Drag your formula eld to the right of the Unit Price eld in the Details section of the report.
8. To subtotal your extension formula, right-click the formula eld, point to Insert and choose Summary from
the shortcut menu.
The Insert Summary dialog box appears.
9. Click Insert Group and create a group on the {orders.ORDER DATE} eld.
10. Choose for each week as the group interval.
"The section will be printed" drop-down box will not be activated until you choose the Order Date eld.
11. Click OK to return to the Insert Summary dialog box.
12. Select the group you just created from the Summary location list and then click OK.
Your data will be sorted by date and grouped in one week intervals.
9.5 Percentages
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
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Calculating a percentage [page 165]
9.5.1 Calculating a percentage
You can calculate the percentage of one group within a broader grouping. For example, you can show the
percentage of sales in each city based on the total sales for each country. Or, you can see what percentage of
the grand total of sales each country contributes. To calculate a percentage
1. On the Insert menu, click Summary.
The Insert Summary dialog box appears.
2. Select the eld for which you want to calculate the sum.
For example, you may want to insert a eld which calculates the sum of last year's sales.
3. Select Sum in the Calculate this summary list.
4. Select the summary location.
The summary location cannot be Grand Total (Report Footer) when you are calculating a percentage.
5. Click the Show as a percentage of check box.
6. Select the group you want the percentage based on.
You can choose to show a percentage of a group within another group, or show a percentage of the grand
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
7. Click OK. The summary percentage eld is added to your report.
9.6 Group headers
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Creating group headers [page 166]
Suppressing group headers [page 170]
Drilling-down on group headers [page 171]
9.6.1 Creating group headers
Whenever you create a group, a subtotal, or a summary, the program creates both a Group Footer (GF) section
(where it places any subtotal or summary value), and a Group Header (GH) section (where it automatically
places the group name/header). Group Headers are useful, even necessary, if you want your report data to be
clear and easily understood. Though the program creates a group header automatically, you may nd that you
would like to change or modify the header to suit your needs.
In this section, you will learn how to create the most common kinds of group headers.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling Standard headers
A standard header is a block of text that is used to identify each group in a rather generic kind of way.
"Customer," "State," and "Monthly Orders" are all examples of this kind of header.
While the header is somewhat descriptive ("Region Sales Figures" means it is a regional group), you never know
what region is in the group without rst looking at the details in the group. To create a standard header
1. Click the Insert Text Object button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
2. When the object pointer appears, move the object frame into the Group Header section.
3. Enter the text you want to use for the header.
4. Click outside the frame when nished to complete the process. Now when you run the report, the same
header will appear at the beginning of each group. Live headers
A live header is a header that changes based on the content of the group. If the data is subtotaled by region, for
example, a live header would typically identify the region detailed in each group. Thus, the Arizona group would
have a header identifying the group as Arizona data, the California group would have a header identifying the
group as California data, and so on.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
When creating a group, the program automatically inserts a group name eld in the Group Header section
unless you have toggled the option o using the Options command on the File menu. The information that
follows details how to manually insert such a section (if you do not have the program insert one
automatically) and how to create dierent kinds of live headers for dierent needs.
Group name only
The easiest live header to create is one based on identifying the value of the group eld. To create a live header by group name only
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
2. In the Field Explorer dialog box, expand the Group Name Fields folder.
3. Select the Group Name eld that matches the group you are working with and drag it into the Group
Header section for that group.
When you run the report, the group eld value identier will appear as the group header for each region
group. Group name with text
A more complex type of live header combines a eld value and text. A typical group header of this kind for data
broken down by region would be, "Sales for California" or "Customers in Postal Code 60606". Creating these
headers involves three steps:
Insert a text object in the Group Header section.
Type in the text you want to appear.
Enter the Group Name eld in the text eld where you want it to appear in the Group Header.
For example, if you want your header to read "Sales for" and then the name of the region in the current group
(Sales for AZ, Sales for CA, and so forth), follow these steps: To create a live header with group name using text
1. Click the Insert Text Object button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
2. Place the object frame into the Group Header section for the group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
3. Type in the desired text with a space after it.
4. Click the Field Explorer button on the Standard toolbar.
5. In the Field Explorer dialog box, expand the Group Name Fields folder.
6. Select the Group Name eld that matches the group you are working with and drag it into the text object,
immediately after the text and the space you entered.
Expand the size of the text box to t both the text and the group eld.
7. Format the text object as you want it to appear.
When you run the report, the program will create a live header (with text) for each of your groups. Live headers for groups based on a formula
When you create a group and use a formula eld as a sort-and-group-by eld, the program automatically
creates a group name eld based on the value returned by the formula.
For example, if you create this formula:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}[1]
and then group on the formula, the program will group your data based on the rst letter in the Customer
Name eld.
To create a live group header for a group based on a formula, simply insert the group name eld in the Group
Header section.
When you run the report, the "A" group will have the letter "A" as a header, the "B" group will have the letter "B",
and so on. For more information, see Grouping by the rst letter of a company name [page 149] and Grouping
data in intervals [page 147]. Headers for custom groups
The nal type of header is a header for the types of custom groups created when data is grouped in a specied
order. When using specied order grouping, both the name for each group and the records that belong in it are
specied. As in the other grouping situations, the program creates a group name eld for each group based on
the group names specied. To create a header for custom groups
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
2. In the Field Explorer dialog box, expand the Group Name Fields folder.
3. Select the Group Name eld for the custom group and drag it into the Group Header section for that group.
The program automatically applies each of the group names you assigned to the appropriate groups.
Make certain that when you assign the names to the groups using the Dene Named Group dialog box, the
names you assign are the names you want to appear as group headers.
9.6.2 Suppressing group headers
You have the option to hide group headers in your report. To suppress group headers
1. Right-click the group header and select Format Field.
2. In the Format Editor, on the Common tab, click the Suppress check box.
3. Click OK.
To show the group header again, clear the Suppress check box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
9.6.3 Drilling-down on group headers
To make report viewing easier, you can hide the details of your report and only have the group headers visible.
When necessary, you can click on the group header to view the report details. To drill-down on group headers
1. Right-click the gray Details section to the left of the report.
2. Select Hide (Drill-Down OK).
3. Click Refresh.
When you place the cursor over a group header, the cursor becomes a magnifying glass.
4. Double-click the group header to drill-down to the detail information.
A drill-down tab appears in the Report Designer. Click the Design or Preview tab to return to that view.
Related Information
Using the drill-down option on summarized data [page 79]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Sorting, Grouping, and Totaling
10 Running Totals
Running totals are a exible and powerful way to create specialized summaries and continually incrementing
This section shows you how to add a basic running total and a running total within a group to your report. You
will also learn how to create conditional running totals and running totals using formulas.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
10.1 Understanding running totals
Running total elds are similar to summary elds but allow more control over how the total is calculated and
when it is reset. Running total elds are specically suited to perform the following totaling functions:
Show values of a total accumulate as it is calculated record by record.
Total a value independent of the report's grouping.
Total a value conditionally.
Total a value after a group selection formula has been applied.
Total a value from the driving table in a one-to-many linking relationship.
10.1.1 How running totals work
A running total eld is created with the Running Total Expert. The Running Total Expert creates a running total
eld by asking you to select a eld to summarize, the summary operation to use, a condition upon which to
base the evaluation, and a condition upon which to reset the evaluation.
A running total eld can be used on database elds and rst-pass formulas, but cannot be used on second-
pass formulas or formulas that reference other second-pass formulas.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals Placement of running total elds
The calculation of a Running Total eld is determined by the settings selected in the Running Total Expert.
However, where you place the running total aects the value that appears on the report. For example, if a
Running Total eld that evaluates every record and never resets (a grand total) in the Report Header, only the
value of the rst record will appear. Placing the same Running Total eld in the Report Footer returns the
desired value. The Running Total eld is properly calculated in both cases, but it is displayed too soon in the
rst case.
The following list summarizes the records that are included in the calculation when a running total is placed in
various report sections. This list assumes the running total is not reset.
Report section Records included in the running total calculation
Report Header The rst record in the report
Page Header All records up to and including the rst record on the current
Group Header All records up to and including the rst record in the current
Details All records up to and including the current record
Group Footer All records up to and including the last record in the current
Page Footer All records up to and including the last record on the current
Report Footer All records in the report
10.2 Creating running totals
Running totals are totals that can be displayed on a record by record basis. They total all records (in the report,
in the group, and so on) up to and including the current record.
10.2.1 Creating running totals in a list
The most basic form of a running total is a running total maintained throughout a list. In this tutorial, you will
create this kind of report by setting up a running total for a list of order amounts.
Running total elds are prexed by the # sign.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
PUBLIC 173 To create a running total in a list
1. To get started, create a report using the sample database, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customer and Orders
tables, and then place the following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Running Total Fields and click New.
The Create Running Total Field dialog box appears.
4. Enter the name "TotalOrders" in the Running Total Name box.
5. Highlight Orders.Order Amount in the Available Tables and Fields box, and use the rst arrow button to
move it over to the Field to summarize box.
6. Select sum from the Type of summary list.
7. In the Evaluate section of the dialog box, click On change of eld, and select Orders.Order ID as the On
change of eld.
The running total will execute each time this eld changes.
8. In the Reset section of the dialog box, click Never (this gives you a running total that never resets; that is,
the running total continues throughout the report).
9. Click OK to save the running total eld.
The program returns you to the Field Explorer dialog box.
10. Insert the running total eld in the Details section of the report, just to the right of Orders.Order Amount.
On your report, each row in the running total column displays the current record value added to the
previous values. This total continues, unbroken, through the report.
10.2.2 Creating running totals for a group
Another common use for running totals is tallying items in a group. The running total starts with the rst item in
the group and ends with the last. Then it starts all over again for the next group, then the next, and so on.
In this tutorial, you will create a report that:
Maintains a running total of customer orders.
Groups customer orders and resets the running total for each group.
Displays the subtotal for each customer group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals To create a running total for a group
1. To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb.
Link the Customers and Orders tables and place the following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the Insert menu, click Group and group on the Customer.Customer Name eld.
3. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
4. Select Running Total Fields and click New.
The Create Running Total Field dialog box appears.
5. Enter the name "GroupRunningTotal" in the Running Total Name box.
6. Highlight Orders.Order Amount in the Available Tables and Fields box, and use the rst arrow button to
move it over to the Field to summarize box.
7. Select sum from the Type of summary list.
8. In the Evaluate section of the dialog box, click For each record.
9. In the Reset section of the dialog box, click On change of group and accept the default group name.
10. Click OK to save the running total eld.
You return to the Field Explorer dialog box.
11. Place the running total eld in the Details section of your report, just to the right of the Orders.Order
Amount eld.
If you want to view a grand total of each group, place the running total eld in the Group Footer section
of your report.
10.2.3 Creating conditional running totals
There may be times when you have a list of values, and you only want to subtotal some of the values in the list.
For example:
You have a list that contains both Canadian and U.S. customers.
You want to keep customer records sorted alphabetically based on customer name.
You do not want to break the data into groups based on the country.
You want a total of the values from just the Canadian records.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
You also want a total of the values from just the U.S. records.
To accomplish this, create two running totals, one to keep a running total of the U.S. records, and one to keep a
running total of the Canadian records.
Maintains a running total of the U.S. records.
Maintains a running total of the Canadian records. To create a conditional running total
1. To get started, create a report using the sample database, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customer table and then
place the following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the Report menu, click Record Sort Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Record Sort Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
3. Sort the records based on the Customer.Customer Name eld.
4. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
5. Select Running Total Fields and click New.
The Create Running Total Field dialog box appears.
6. Enter the name "USTotal" in the Running Total Name box.
7. Highlight Customer.Last Year's Sales in the Available Tables and Fields box, and use the rst arrow button
to move it over to the Field to summarize box.
8. Select sum from the Type of summary list.
9. In the Evaluate section of the dialog box, click Use a formula and then click the Formula button.
The Formula Workshop appears with Running Total Condition Formula active.
10. Enter the following formula in the Formula box:
{Customer.Country} = "USA"
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
This tells the program to evaluate the running total each time it comes to a record where
Customer.Country is equal to "USA." The running total will ignore all other records (such as records for
11. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close.
You return to the Create Running Total Field dialog box.
12. In the Reset section of the dialog box, click Never.
13. Click OK to save the running total eld.
The program returns you to the Field Explorer dialog box.
14. Place the running total eld in the Details section of your report.
15. Now create the "CanadaTotal" running total eld using the process outlined in steps 5-13. The only
dierence is that this time you will set the evaluation formula to:
{Customer.Country} = "Canada"
16. When you are nished, place the #CanadaTotal eld in the Details section of your report
If you only want to see a grand total of the Canadian and American sales, place the two running total
elds you created in the Report Footer section of your report.
10.2.4 Creating running totals in a one-to-many linking
A one-to-many linking relationship occurs in linked tables when a single record in one table can be matched
with many records in another table. For example, a one-to-many link might occur when you link a customer
table to an orders table. It wouldn't be unusual in such a case for each customer in the primary table to have
many orders in the second (lookup) table. In your report, the eld values from the primary table are repeated
for each new eld value in the lookup table.
Creating a subtotal on a eld from the primary table provides an incorrect result because the repeated values
are included in the calculation. You can avoid this problem by creating a running total.
This concept can be demonstrated with the sample Xtreme database by using the Customer and Orders
tables. To create a running total in a one-to-many linking
1. From the Field Explorer dialog box, place the following elds from left to right in the Details section of your
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
{orders.ORDER ID}
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
2. On the Insert Tools toolbar, click Insert Group and create a group based on the Customer.Customer
Name eld.
3. Right-click the Customer.Last Year's Sales eld and select Summary from the Insert submenu.
4. Choose Group #1: Customer.Customer Name - A as the location for your summary.
If you look at the subtotals for each group, you will notice they aren't accurate. This is because the
Customer.Last Year's Sales eld is duplicated for each order in the report. Follow the rest of this procedure
to see how a running total produces an accurate result in the same situation.
5. In the Field Explorer dialog box, select Running Total Fields and click New.
The Create Running Total Field dialog box appears.
6. Enter the name "LYSrunning" in the Running Total Name box.
7. Highlight Customer.Last Year's Sales in the Available Tables and Fields box, and use the rst arrow button
to move it over to the Field to summarize box.
8. Select sum from the Type of Summary list.
9. In the Evaluate section of the dialog box, click On change of eld and add the Customer.Customer Name
eld from the Available Tables and Fields box.
10. In the Reset section of the dialog box, click On change of group and choose Group #1: Customer.Customer
Name - A.
11. Click OK to save the Running Total eld.
12. Place the running total in the Group Footer section.
Compare the running total amount with the subtotal amount for each group. You will see the running total is
accurate while the subtotal is not.
10.3 Creating running totals using a formula
If you have suppressed data, or your data is based on a formula that occurs WhilePrintingRecords, you should
create a running total formula rather than using the Create Running Total Field dialog box.
When you create a running total manually, you need to create three formulas:
A summary formula.
A reset formula to set a variable to zero.
A display formula to display the variable.
In the following procedure, you will create a report that performs the following functions:
Maintains a running total of customer orders.
Groups customer orders and resets the running total for each group.
Displays the subtotal for each order (the last running total for that order).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
10.3.1 To create running totals using a formula
1. Create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb. Link the Customers and Orders tables and place the
following elds from left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
{orders.ORDER ID}
The Xtreme sample database can be downloaded from the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1231843 .
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
3. Select Formula Fields in the Field Explorer dialog box and click New.
4. Name the formula "RunningTotal" and click Use Editor.
The Formula Workshop appears with Formula Editor active.
5. Enter the following into the Formula box:
CurrencyVar Amount;
Amount := Amount + {Orders.Order Amount};
6. Click the Save and close button on the Formula Workshop.
7. Place this formula in the Details section of your report, just to the right of the Orders.Order Amount eld.
This formula prints the running total of the values in the Order Amount eld.
8. On the Insert menu, click Group and group the report on the Customer.Customer Name eld.
9. In the Formula Workshop, create "AmountReset":
CurrencyVar Amount := 0;
This formula says:
Set the value in the Amount variable to 0.
10. Place this formula in the Group Header #1 section of your report.
Because the Group Header #1 section appears once for every group, @AmountReset will execute each time
the group changes. Thus, the Amount variable is reset to 0 each time a new group begins.
11. Select the @AmountReset formula on the report and use the Format Editor to suppress it so that it will not
appear in the nal print-out.
12. In the Formula Workshop, create "AmountDisplay":
CurrencyVar Amount;
This formula simply displays the current value of the Amount variable at any time.
13. Place this formula in the Group Footer #1 section of your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
Because the Group Footer #1 section appears once for every group, @AmountDisplay will execute each
time a group ends. Thus, the value stored in the Amount variable will be printed each time the group
This formula prints the same value that @RunningTotal prints as the running total for the last record in
each group. But since it is printing it in the Group Footer section, it acts as a group subtotal, not as a
running total.
On your report, each row in the running total column displays the current record value added to the
previous values. The running total starts fresh with each new group, and the nal running total for each
group becomes the subtotal for that group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Running Totals
11 Multiple Section Reports
This section introduces the various types of sophisticated reports you can create using the multiple section
reporting capabilities in Crystal Reports. These capabilities enable you to create reports that treat individual
values dierently based on sets of criteria you establish. These concepts are then applied to the creation of
Form Letters.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
11.1 About sections
Crystal Reports provides ve design areas to use when building your report:
Report Header
Page Header
Report Footer
Page Footer
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
Each area contains a single section when you rst create a new report. You cannot delete any of these original
sections but you can hide them or add to them. Once you have added sections, you can delete them, move
them in relation to other similar sections, or merge related sections together.
11.2 Working with sections
Many of the procedures in this section show you how to work with sections in the Section Expert. Sections can
also be inserted, deleted, and so on by right-clicking the shaded area to the left of the section in the Design or
Preview tabs and choosing the appropriate option from the shortcut menu.
11.2.1 Inserting a section
1. Click Section Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert appears with a list of all the sections in the report. When there are more than one of any
kind of section, the sections are lettered A, B, C, and so on.
The program enables only those options (free form, new page before, and so on) that apply to the
highlighted section.
2. Highlight the section you want to insert a section after.
For example, to add another Details section, highlight the existing Details section.
3. Click Insert.
A new section is inserted immediately below the highlighted section.
11.2.2 Deleting a section
1. Click Section Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert appears with a list of all the sections in the report. When there are more than one of any
kind of section, the sections are lettered A, B, C, and so on.
The program enables only those options (free form, new page before, and so on) that apply to the
highlighted section.
2. Highlight the section you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
The program removes the highlighted section from the report.
11.2.3 Moving a section
1. Click Section Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert appears with a list of all the sections in the report. When there are more than one of any
kind of section, the sections are lettered A, B, C, and so on.
The program enables only those options (free form, new page before, and so on) that apply to the
highlighted section.
2. Highlight the section you want to move.
3. Click the Up or Down arrow to move the section.
You can only move a section up or down within an area.
The letters that identify the sections describe their relative (as opposed to original) position. Thus, if you
move a "C" section up, it becomes a "B" section. It loses its original "C" designation.
You can also move sections by dragging and dropping them in the Report Designer.
11.2.4 Merging two related sections
There may be times when you have placed objects in two sections (where they print sequentially) and you want
to put them all in a single section (where they print simultaneously). You can merge the two sections and then
rearrange the objects as needed in the new section. To merge related sections
1. Click Section Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert appears with a list of all the sections in the report. When there are more than one of any
kind of section, the sections are lettered A, B, C, and so on.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
The program enables only those options (free form, new page before, and so on) that apply to the
highlighted section.
2. Move the sections so the two sections you want to merge follow each other in the list.
3. Highlight the top section.
4. With Section (B) highlighted, click Merge and Section (C) will be merged with Section (B) to form one
5. Rearrange the objects as needed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
11.3 Splitting and resizing sections
A section can be split into two or more sections and/or resized easily in the Design tab.
11.3.1 Splitting a section
1. Move the pointer over the left boundary of the section you want to split.
2. When the pointer becomes a Section Splitting cursor, click the boundary and drag the pointer into the
3. When a horizontal line appears, drag it up or down to split the section the way you want it.
11.3.2 Resizing a section
1. Move the pointer over the bottom boundary of the section you want to resize.
2. When the pointer becomes a Resizing cursor, drag the boundary to make the section bigger or smaller as
you wish. Resizing a section to remove white space
If you have one or more objects in a section and you want to resize the section to remove unnecessary white
space, right-click in the shaded area to the left of the section in the Design and Preview tabs and choose Fit
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
Section from the shortcut menu. The program automatically resizes the section, moving the bottom boundary
of the section to the baseline of the bottom object in the section.
A section automatically expands vertically in two instances:
When you place an object and the object is bigger (vertically) than the section you place it in.
When you expand an object (vertically) so it becomes bigger than the section it resides in.
You cannot resize a section smaller than the combined height of all the objects in the section.
You can also remove white space at the bottom of a Page Footer by selecting Clamp Page Footer on the
Common tab of the Section Expert.
11.4 Using multiple sections in reports
Certain reporting tasks are performed most eciently by creating multiple sections within an area.
Once you understand the power of multiple sections, you will discover even more ways to produce the eects
you want.
Related Information
Working with sections [page 182]
11.4.1 Keeping variable length objects from overwriting each
When subreports or other variable length objects are placed above other objects in one section of the report
while the Can Grow option for the variable length object is toggled on in the Format Editor, that object may
overprint objects positioned directly below it unless you have:
Expanded the section to t the maximum size of the object.
Spaced the objects, allowing enough space for the rst object to complete printing before the second one
You can eliminate this overprinting problem by creating multiple sections in an area and placing objects below
the variable length object in their own section(s).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
Now, when the report runs, the section with the variable length object will nish printing before the section
below it prints and you will get the results you want..
Many report objects can use the Can Grow option and can, therefore, cause overprinting:
Text elds
Formula elds
Memo elds
BLOB elds
OLAP grids
11.4.2 Eliminating blank lines when elds are empty
It is very common to have two address lines in a customer table, one for street address (Address 1), and one
that can be used for a suite number or mail stop (Address 2). Address 1 usually contains a value, but Address 2
is often blank. If you create a customer list using this data and stack the elds on top of one another in mailing
label format, those customer records with an empty Address 2 eld will print with a blank line. You can
eliminate this blank line either by using multiple sections, or by suppressing blank lines. To eliminate blank lines by using multiple sections
1. Use the Section Expert to create two new Details sections so that you have a total of three. See
Working with sections [page 182].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
2. Place the Address 2 eld in the middle section and the other data in the sections above and below it as you
want it to appear in the report.
3. In the Section expert, highlight the middle section.
4. On the Common tab, select the Suppress Blank Section check box.
Now, when the report prints, if the Address 2 section is blank, the program will not print it and you will not get
unwanted blank lines in the report.
If the report section you want to suppress contains a blank subreport, use the Suppress Blank Subreport
option, found on the Subreport tab of the Format Editor, as well as the Suppress Blank Section option.
11.4.3 Adding blank lines conditionally
Use multiple sections to print a blank line on your report under specic conditions. For example, you may want
to insert a blank line after every fth record in the report. To add blank lines conditionally
1. Use the Section Expert to create two Details sections. See Working with sections [page 182].
2. Place the report detail data in the top section.
3. Leave the second section empty.
4. In the Section expert, highlight the second section.
5. On the Common tab, select the Suppress (No Drill-Down) check box then click the conditional formatting
button to its right.
6. Enter the following formula in the Format Formula Editor:
Remainder (RecordNumber,5) <> 0
This formula divides each record number by 5. If the division produces a remainder, it suppresses the blank
section. But if the division produces no remainder, a zero (which it will for every fth record printed), the
program prints the second section, thus inserting a blank line.
To insert a blank line under dierent conditions, you can modify your formula appropriately. See Working
with conditional formatting [page 244].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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11.5 Form letters
While form letters themselves are not necessarily multi-section reports, they are often used in multi-section
reports to generate custom mailings. The topic Printing conditional messages in form letters [page 196],
explains how to use multiple form letters or multiple versions of the same form letter for custom mailings.
Form letters often use text objects to hold the content of the report. The following sections provide an
introduction to text objects and demonstrate how to use them in form letters.
11.5.1 Working with text objects
You will use many of the capabilities of text objects when creating form letters. A brief discussion of text objects
should make it easier for you to create the form letter in the next section. Some things to consider are:
A text object can contain both text and elds; you will use both in this example.
You can resize text objects; you will be resizing the text object so that it prints as a letter. Move/Resize mode
When the object is in the move/resize mode, it appears as a solid frame with resizing handles.
In this mode, you can resize the object by dragging any of the resizing handles, or you can move it by placing
the cursor inside the object and dragging it to a new location. You can also insert elds in this mode, but you
cannot insert text. You put a text object into the move/resize mode by clicking it when it is inactive. Edit mode
When the object is in the edit mode, it appears as a solid frame without sizing handles, and an in-place ruler
appears at the top of the tab (if you have selected the Show Rulers options in the Options dialog box).
When you rst place a text object, the program sets it in the edit mode. You can also put a text object into the
edit mode by double-clicking it when it's inactive or in the move/resize mode. Finally, you can put a text object
in edit mode by right-clicking it and selecting Edit Text from its shortcut menu.
Each text object contains word processor capabilities, including the ability to change the fonts for individual
characters and elds, and automatic word wrap. In the edit mode you can insert text and such non-text objects
as database elds and formulas. Whenever the object is in edit mode, it contains an insertion point, a ashing
vertical line that indicates the position at which typed text or inserted elds will begin.
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The insertion point moves as you type, automatically staying to the right of the last character. It also moves
when you insert a eld, automatically staying to the right of the eld. It moves one character position at a time
when you press the space bar. It moves down one line, to the inside left edge of the text object, when you press
Enter (this action inserts a carriage return). It moves to the cursor position when you click anywhere within the
existing text.
As you work through the tutorials for multiple sections, it is always expected that you will type or place elds at
the existing insertion point, unless otherwise indicated.
To select text within a text object (to delete it, to change a font, and so on), position the cursor over the text
and, when the I-beam cursor appears, drag the cursor to highlight the text you want to select.
To select a eld which is inside a text object, position the cursor over the eld and, when the I-beam cursor
appears, right-click.
To insert text, type in the desired text and it will appear at the insertion point.
It is critical that you see the Drag and drop cursor before placing the eld. If it does not appear, you
might place the eld so that it overlays the text object instead of being inserted into it. It may appear to
be inside the text object, but if you move the object the eld will not move with it.
The insertion point is tied into the Drag and drop cursor. If you have existing text or elds in the text object,
the insertion point moves as you move the Drag and drop cursor, enabling you to pick the exact position
where you want to place the eld. The program always places the eld at the insertion point.
You can leave edit mode by clicking outside of the text frame. You can also click Ctrl+Enter.
11.5.2 Creating a form letter using a text object
The following section shows you how to create a form letter.
You are going to use a text object to create a form letter. The form letter you create will be tied to a database
table so that each letter will be customized with company information from a dierent record.
If you have diculty performing any of the steps, please see Working with text objects [page 189]. To create a form letter
The letter will consist of a date, an inside address, a salutation, a one paragraph letter body, and a closing
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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1. Create a blank report. Use the Customer table of Xtreme.mdb.
The Design tab appears.
2. Since you do not want eld titles to appear above the elds that you insert into the letter, clear the Insert
Detail Field Headings check box on the Layout tab of the Options dialog box.
3. Insert a text object into the Details section of the report.
4. Click the text object frame to put the object in move/resize mode.
5. Drag the resizing handle on the right side of the object to the right edge of the Design tab. This will make
the object about eight inches wide, the approximate width of a page. You may have to stop resizing, scroll
the window, and resize some more to accomplish this.
6. Double-click inside the text object to place it in edit mode. It is now ready for you to begin your work. The
insertion point appears at the extreme left, inside the object.
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PUBLIC 191 Inserting a date
1. To insert a date into the letter, expand Special Fields in the Field Explorer dialog box and scroll until you nd
Print Date.
2. Click Print Date and drag the placement frame into the text object and place it at the insertion point.
To change the way the date is formatted in the letter, double-click the text object to select it. Then
right-click the Print Date eld and choose Format {Print Date} from the shortcut menu. Make your
modications on the Date tab of the Format Editor when it appears.
3. Press Enter twice to insert some white space between the date and the inside address and to move the
insertion point down within the text object.
You might have to resize the Details section and the text object if you have not selected the Can Grow
option for the text object in the Format Editor. Creating an inside address
1. To create the inside address, drag database elds into the text object from the Customer table in the Field
Explorer dialog box.
2. Drag in the Address 1 eld and place it at the insertion point, and press Enter. The insertion point moves
down to the line below.
3. Drag in the City eld and place it at the insertion point.
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4. Type a comma, followed by a space.
5. Drag in the Region eld and place it at the insertion point.
6. Type in two spaces.
7. Finally, drag in the Postal Code eld, place it at the insertion point, and press Enter. The insertion point
moves down to the line below.
8. Press Enter one more time to move the insertion point down one more line to the position where the
salutation should start. This completes the inside address.
When a eld is placed within a text object, it is automatically trimmed on both the left and right sides, so
that it contains no extra white space. Creating a salutation
1. Press Enter four times to move the insertion point down.
2. Type in the word "Dear" and a space (do not include the quotation marks).
3. In the Field Explorer dialog box, highlight the Contact Title eld from the Customer table and drag it into the
text object, placing it immediately after the space.
4. Insert a space. The program positions the insertion point immediately after the space.
5. In the Field Explorer dialog box, drag the Contact Last Name eld into the text object and place it at the
insertion point. The insertion point moves to the right of the eld.
6. Type a colon ":" at the insertion point (without the quotation marks) and press Enter twice to move the
insertion point down two lines.
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PUBLIC 193 Creating the letter body
1. Now type "Your company" (do not include the quotation marks) and type a comma followed by a space.
2. Drag the Customer Name eld into the text object and place it at the insertion point, just after the space.
3. Type a comma, followed by a space.
4. Type the following text (do not include the quotation marks): "helped make this year an outstanding year
for Xtreme Mountain Bikes, Inc. I want to thank you and your sta for your support. I hope next year will be
a banner year for you."
5. Press Enter twice.
6. Type "Sincerely yours" (without the quotation marks), followed by a comma, and then press Enter four
7. Finally, to complete the form letter, type your name.
The Design tab should look similar to this:
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8. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to preview the form letter.
It should look similar to this:
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11.5.3 Printing conditional messages in form letters
It is likely that you will want to print conditional messages in form letters. For example, you may want to
encourage customers with available credit to buy more and those who are over their credit limit to bring their
accounts down below the limit once again. You can create both of these letters within a single report. To create a conditional message
1. Use the Section Expert to insert a second Details section in the report. See Working with sections
[page 182].
2. Create two form letters. Place a letter that encourages customers to buy more in the Details A section of
the report; place a letter that encourages customers to bring their balance down in the Details B section of
the report. See Creating a form letter using a text object [page 190].
3. Use the Section Expert to format the Details sections so that each is suppressed under certain conditions.
For example, consider the situation where you want to print one of two letters.
Format the rst section to be suppressed when the balance is less than the credit limit.
Format the second section to be suppressed when the balance is more than the credit limit.
Now, when a record indicates available credit, the "buy more" letter will print. When the account is over the
credit limit, the "over limit" letter will print. And when the customer is right at the credit limit, nothing will print
at all.
Related Information
Working with conditional formatting [page 244]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Multiple Section Reports
12 Formatting
Formatting refers to changes in the layout and design of a report, as well as the appearance of text, objects, or
entire report sections. This section details methods you can use to draw attention to data, change the
presentation of dates, numbers, and other values, hide unwanted sections, and perform a variety of other
formatting tasks to give a report a professional appearance.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
12.1 Formatting concepts
This section explains how to format a report. Formatting refers to changes you can make to the layout and
design of a report, as well as the appearance of text, objects, or entire report sections.
You can use formatting to do many things, including:
Dividing sections of a report.
Calling attention to certain data.
Changing the presentation of dates, numbers, Boolean values, currency values, and text strings.
Hiding unwanted sections.
Giving the report a professional appearance.
The following topics describe the types of formatting you can do with Crystal Reports, giving step-by-step
instructions for performing a variety of formatting tasks.
There are many date formats you can choose to use on an English report, but if you send the report to a
Japanese system, there may be some formatting irregularities. Not all English date formats are viewable on
a Japanese system, and the same is true going from Japanese to English. For instance, abbreviated English
months do not appear on a Japanese system and Japanese eras in short format do not appear on an
English system.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.2 Using a template
A template is an existing report le whose formatting can be added to a new report. At the same time, the
formatting of the template report's elds and report objects are applied to the new report. Use templates to
give any number of reports a consistent look without having to format each one individually.
For additional information about templates, see Template considerations [page 201].
12.2.1 Applying a template
When you create a new report in the Standard Report Creation Wizard, you can apply a template as an optional
step. You can also apply a template later by using the Template Expert. You can choose from a number of
predened templates, or you can use an existing Crystal report as a template. To apply a template in the Standard Report Creation
1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.
2. Choose data, elds, grouping elds, and so on, until the wizard displays the Template screen.
3. In the Available Templates list, click a predened template name to see an example of it in the Preview area.
By default, the sample templates shipped with Crystal Reports are installed at \Program Files
(x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports\Templates.
4. If you want to apply a template based on an existing Crystal report, click Browse.
5. In the Open dialog box, select a Crystal report (.rpt) le and click Open.
The report is added to the list of Available Templates.
If a template name and preview picture were saved (in the Document Properties dialog box) with the
report you selected as a template, you will see this information on the Template screen.
6. Click Finish.
Your report appears with its data formatted to match the template you selected.
Formatting is not applied if the report you chose does not meet the requirements for a template.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To apply a template to an existing report
1. On the Report menu, click Template Expert.
The Template Expert appears.
Another way to do this is to click the Template Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
As was the case with the Template screen, you can choose from a number of predened templates, or you
can click the Browse button to search for an existing report to use as a template.
2. Choose a template and click OK.
Any drill-down tabs, alerts, or analyzer views that are open will be closed before the template is applied.
12.2.2 Removing an applied template
Perhaps, after applying a template, you don't like the changes made to your report. As long as you haven't
exited Crystal Reports since you applied the template, you can remove it from your report. To remove an applied template
1. On the Report menu, click Template Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Template Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. Choose Undo the current template and click OK.
The chosen template's features are removed and your report reverts back to the formatting it had when
you rst opened it.
To remove a template, you must use this option; the Undo command is not available from the Edit
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.2.3 Reapplying the last template selected
If you want to reapply the last template you selected during a session of Crystal Reports, you can simply select
an option on the Template Expert. To reapply the last template selected
1. On the Report menu, click Template Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Template Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. Choose Re-apply the last template and click OK.
12.2.4 Using Template Field Objects
You can use Template Field Objects to create more exible report templates. These report objects do not refer
to existing database elds; you simply put them in your template report and format them as you require. When
you apply the template to another report, Crystal Reports displays that report's data with the formatting you
specied. Therefore, when you design a template, you don't have to know what data might be in the report
you'll eventually apply it to—you use Template Field Objects to take care of the possibilities for you.
Template Field Objects are applied only to result elds: database elds, parameter elds, SQL statements,
and formulas. Special Fields are not considered result elds. To add a Template Field Object to a template report
1. On the Insert menu, click Template Field Object.
A placement frame is attached to your cursor.
2. Place the Template Field Object frame on your template report.
A Template Field Object can be placed in any report section.
3. Right-click the object and click Format Template Field from its shortcut menu.
A list of formatting options appears. You can choose any of the options; when you do, the appropriate tab
of the Format Editor appears.
You can select multiple Template Field Objects and apply your formatting choices to all of the objects.
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4. Specify the formatting for your Template Field Object as you require.
For information about how to apply formatting, see Working with absolute formatting [page 229].
For each Template Field Object you create, a special formula eld is created. You can see this formula eld in
the Formula Workshop. If you want to use sample data in your report to see how your formatting will look, you
can reference database elds in these formulas.
If you want to apply dierent formatting to a number of elds within the same report section, you should
use a dierent Template Field Object for each eld. To add sample data to a Template Field Object
1. In the Field Explorer, expand the Formula Fields node, select a Template Field Object, and click Edit.
In the Formula Fields node of the Field Explorer and the Formula Workshop, Template Field Objects
appear as <TemplateField>.
2. In the Formula Editor, replace the Space(10) section of the argument with a database eld of the type you
want to see in your sample, save your change, and close the Formula Workshop.
3. Refresh your report's data.
12.2.5 Template considerations
If an existing report is used as a template, these report objects will be applied to the new report:
Group charts
Summary elds
Lines, boxes, borders
Static OLE objects
If an existing report is used as a template, these report objects will not be applied to the new report:
Detail charts
OLAP grids
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Embedded OLE objects
BLOB elds
Specied order grouping
Advanced summaries (such as Top Ns, Percentages, and Running Totals)
The formatting and objects from an existing report used as a template can override choices you made in the
Standard Report Creation Wizard. For example, if you had selected "No Chart" on the Chart screen of the
wizard, but then applied a template report that includes a chart, the template report will override your selection
and the new report will contain a chart.
Further, a chart in a template report overrides the charting summary value selected on the Chart screen of the
wizard. The order in which you select your data elds in the wizard generally determines which summary eld
becomes the default value for your chart. Once the template has been applied, the rst summary eld in the
report becomes the charting summary value even if you selected a dierent value in the wizard.
If the Template has... If the target report has... Result
Group Chart Group Chart Overwrite/Apply
Group Chart No Chart
Group & summary
No Chart Group Chart Chart retained
Advanced Chart
Using group & summary in report
No Chart Overwrite/Blank section
Advanced Chart
Not using group & summary in re
Advanced Chart Overwrite/Blank section
Advanced Chart
Using group & summary in report
Advanced Chart Overwrite/Apply
No Chart Advanced Chart Chart retained
Cross-Tab/OLAP grid Cross-Tab/OLAP grid Cross-Tab/OLAP Grid retained
No Cross-Tab/OLAP grid Cross-Tab/OLAP grid Cross-Tab/OLAP Grid retained
Cross-Tab/OLAP grid No Cross-Tab/OLAP grid Overwrite/Blank section
Map Map Map retained
No Map Map Map retained
Map No Map Overwrite/Blank section
Subreport Subreport Subreport retained
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If the Template has... If the target report has... Result
No Subreport Subreport Subreport retained
Subreport No Subreport Overwrite/Blank section
12.3 Using the Report Design Environment
This section describes several things to keep in mind when designing reports that are distributed to dierent
12.3.1 Section characteristics
A report consists of several sections, including the Report Header, Page Header, Group Header, Details, Group
Footer, Page Footer, and Report Footer.
Each report section is made up of a series of lines. When a text-based object is placed in a section, it is placed
on a line in such a way that the text is aligned to the baseline. The line's height is then adjusted by the printer
driver so that it is high enough to accommodate the object.
If you place another text-based object on the same line with a font size larger than that of the rst object,
the line's height extends to accommodate the second object.
If you place another text-based object on the same line with a font size even larger than the previous two
objects, the line's height extends to accommodate the third object.
A line's height is determined by the text-based object with the largest font size on the line.
As you add text-based objects to a report, either in the same section or other sections, the line height adjusts
to accommodate the various fonts. Since this vertical spacing is set up by the printer driver, it is dicult to
create reports designed for pre-printed forms when they are printed in various environments.
When designing reports, you should do the following:
Always print a test page.
Keep all font sizes the same.
Be sure to print pre-printed forms on the same machine.
12.3.2 Making an object underlay a following section
Using this example, you can make a logo underlay multiple sections. This procedure is similar to the one for
inserting a company watermark to serve as a report background.
To make an object underlay a following section, rst place the object in the section above the section you want
it to underlay. Then select the Underlay Following Sections check box in the Section Expert for the section in
which the object is placed.
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PUBLIC 203 To create a basic report
1. Create a report using the Customer table in Xtreme.mdb.
Xtreme.mdb can be downloaded from the following link: Direct download link for samples .
2. Place {customer.CUSTOMER NAME} and {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES} side-by-side in the Details
section of the report.
3. To remove unnecessary objects from this example, delete the eld titles that the program places in the
Page Header section of each eld.
4. On the Insert menu, click Group to break the data into regional groups.
5. On the Common tab of the Insert Group dialog box, select {customer.REGION}.
6. Click OK. To insert a picture onto the report
1. On the Insert menu, click Picture.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Picture button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
2. Select an image le, and then place it in the Page Header section, to the right of the elds in the report
In this example, the picture is placed to the right of the elds to avoid underlaying the text. When you
are working with a watermark, a subdued picture designed to be nearly invisible, place it directly above
the text.
3. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.
The picture prints in the Page Header section of each report page. To make the picture underlay the following section
1. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
The Section Expert dialog box appears.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
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2. In the Sections list, click Page Header, then select the Underlay Following Sections check box.
3. Click OK to preview the report again.
The picture now prints in both the rst Group Header and the following few Details sections, next to
(instead of above) the text in the body of the report.
Using the technique of placing a picture to the right of the body of the report, you can set up a chart or
an employee picture to print beside the details pertaining to that chart or employee.
4. Once you are nished previewing the report, return to the Design tab.
5. Resize the picture vertically to make it two or three times larger, then preview the report again.
The bitmap le now underlays more sections.
The area in which the picture underlays depends on the following conditions:
The size of the picture.
The section in which the picture was originally placed.
The position of the picture in the section.
By modifying size and placement of an object, you can create a variety of visual eects, using the underlay
12.3.3 Pre-printed forms
If you print on pre-printed forms, you will be able to:
Scan a form.
Place it in the report as a bitmap.
Use the underlay feature to line up the bitmap and report, as well as move objects anywhere you want
them to appear.
Eliminate the need to print the forms separately by printing the report and the form as a single unit.
12.3.4 Multiple columns
Instead of having your data print straight down the page, you can set up multiple columns and have the data
ow from column to column. To create a multiple-column report
1. Open the report you want to format with multiple columns.
2. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
3. In the Section Expert, highlight Details, and then select Format with Multiple Columns.
A Layout tab is added to the Section Expert.
4. Click the Layout tab and set the Width you want your column to be.
Keep in mind the width of your paper when deciding your column width. For example, if you have three
elds in your Details section, and they take up four inches of space, limit the width of the column to under
four and a half inches so that all the eld information can be seen.
5. Set the Horizontal and/or Vertical gap you want to maintain between each record in your column.
6. In the Printing Direction area, choose a direction.
7. If the report you're formatting contains grouping, select Format Groups with multiple column.
8. Click OK.
When you preview the report, you'll see that the eld headers appear only for the rst column. To have eld
headers for the second column, insert a text object.
12.3.5 Hiding report sections
Crystal Reports has three properties you can set in the Section Expert to hide report sections. Hide (Drill-Down OK)
The Hide property hides a section whenever you run the report. For example, in a summary report, the Hide
property can be used to display only the summaries, but not the details behind the summaries. When the Hide
property is applied to a section, it becomes visible when the Drill-down cursor is used to drill down on the
section contents. This property is absolute; it cannot be conditionally applied using a formula. Suppress (No Drill-Down)
The Suppress property also hides a section when you run the report. Unlike the Hide property, however, you
cannot apply the Suppress property, then drill down to reveal the section contents. This property can be
applied absolutely, or conditionally using a formula. This is useful for writing form letters. For example, in a form
letter, you might create two Details sections: one to suppress when sales are equal to or over $X and one to
suppress when sales are under $X.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting Suppress Blank Section
The Suppress Blank Section property hides a section whenever there is nothing in it. If something is placed
within the section and it produces a value in your report, then it becomes visible.
12.3.6 Hiding report objects
Crystal Reports has three formatting options in the Format Editor for hiding individual objects. Suppress If Duplicated (Common tab)
The Suppress If Duplicated property prevents a eld value from printing if it is identical to a duplicate of the
value that comes immediately before it in an iteration of the same section.
The value does not print, but the space in which it would have printed remains.
This option does not work for text elds that contain embedded elds.
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This option compares record values, not formatted eld values. The program ignores the option in the rst
Detail section of a formatted page. Suppress If Zero (Number tab)
To nd this option, click the Number tab of the Format Editor, then click the Customize button.
The Suppress If Zero property prevents a value from printing if it is a zero value. The value does not print, but
the space in which it would have printed remains. To remove the blank space, select the Suppress Blank
Section check box in the Section Expert.
This will only work if there are no other objects in the section.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting Suppress (Common tab)
The Suppress property hides an object when you run the report. For example, it is common to apply this
property to formulas that are needed to do some report calculations, but that you do not want to print when
you run the report. When you select this property, the selected object does not print.
You can click the Conditional Formula button for any of these properties and create a formula that will make
the setting conditional on some event. See Working with conditional formatting [page 244].
To set these properties, select the object, then click Format from the Expert Tools toolbar to open the Format
Editor dialog box. When the Format Editor appears, set the properties.
12.3.7 Placing text-based objects
When a text-based object is placed on a report, the object is represented by an object frame. The height of the
object frame is based on the height of the font. The width, however, is determined dierently, depending on the
object you are working on.
For database elds that are not memo elds, the width is initially determined by the width of the eld as
dened in the database, and by the average character width as provided by the selected font and font size.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
For example, you have a database eld called {customer.LAST NAME} and your database denes this eld
as a text eld with a length of 35 characters. When you place this eld on your report, the width of the
boundary is 35 times the average character width of the font and font size that the database eld is
formatted to. Remember that this is the initial default boundary width. The width can always be resized to
increase or decrease as you see t.
For text-based objects, the default width is approximately 19 average character widths wide. Text objects
are dierent from database elds in that their width automatically expands as you enter in text and/or
database elds into the object. As with all other text-based objects, the width can be resized by the user.
For dierent number elds (double, single, integer, long integer, and byte) the default widths are all
dierent. As with all objects, the width can be resized by the user. Preventing the truncation of text inside an object
Whether the default widths are accepted or the text-based objects are resized, a problem could arise if the text
inside the object prints right to the edge of the object frame. While the report may look ne on the machine it
was designed on, when the report is printed using another printer driver that measures the font wider, the
length of the text grows, but the object frame remains xed. The resulting text is cut-o or truncated. To prevent the truncation of text inside an object
1. Right-click the text object you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
Another way to do this is to click the Format button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Text.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. On the Common tab, select the Can Grow check box.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
The object is then formatted to print on multiple lines. If the text prints wider than the object, the text
wraps onto additional lines. Preventing breaks in non-spacing text inside an
For text strings that do not contain spaces, such as single words, the text string is broken at the edge of the
object frame before the line starts to wrap.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To prevent the breaks in non-spacing text inside an
1. Select the object you want to format.
2. Expand the object frame to make it wider than the widest block of text inside the frame.
There are many times when the actual text in a database eld is far less than the maximum amount the eld
can contain. For example, a {table.LAST NAME} eld is designed with a eld size of 80 and the longest name in
the database is 28 characters. In this case, when you rst place the eld in your report, the eld is 80 times the
average character width. Reduce the width of the eld, but include enough space to account for growth.
While each of these options oers an eective solution when dealing with a single text-based object in a
section, there are still design considerations to take into account when placing more than one object in a
section. When sizing an object, consider its placement with regard to other objects in the section.
Avoid designing reports where the space between each object is very tight. Leave room for growth by
expanding the width of the object by approximately 5 per cent. Or, if this is not possible, consider reducing the
size of the font or placing each object in its own subsection. Suppressing blank lines in embedded elds
Because you can embed elds in text objects, you might encounter cases where an empty eld causes a blank
line in a text object. You can suppress blank instances of such embedded elds.
The suppression of embedded eld blank lines is designed to remove blank lines within a text object if the
text object contains an entirely blank eld alone on a line followed by a carriage return.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 211 To suppress blank lines in embedded elds
1. Open your report in the Design tab, and click the desired text object—that is, the text object that causes
blank lines to show for some records.
To ensure that you have clicked a text object, look for the word Text in the status bar at the bottom left
corner of the screen.
2. Right-click the text object and, on the shortcut menu, click Format Text.
3. Select the Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines option in the Format Editor, and then click OK.
Now, when the report prints, unwanted blank lines will no longer appear in place of empty embedded elds. You
can conrm your changes in the Preview tab.
Before suppressing blank lines, the Address2 eld prints a blank line if it is empty.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
After suppressing blank lines, the Address2 eld does not print if it is empty.
12.3.8 Placing multi-line, text-based objects
While text-based objects that are formatted to print on multiple lines follow the same design rules as other
objects, they have one additional characteristic to be considered. If the printer driver expands or contracts the
spacing of the text, word wrapping may dier, changing the number of lines necessary to print the object in
order to accommodate growth or shrinkage.
When placing multi-line text-based objects, you could encounter problems if other objects in the same section
are placed directly below them.
Unlike single-line text-based objects, expanding the object frame of a multi-line text-based object to
accommodate growth is not a viable option. When you do this, the line width increases according to the
expanded boundaries.
So, when possible, place multi-line text-based objects at the bottom of a section. If they require more lines to
print, the section expands downward to accommodate the growth, and they do not endanger other objects.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.3.9 Importing text-based objects from a le
Using Crystal Reports, you can import a formatted, text-based object from an existing le onto your report. To import text-based objects from a le
1. Double-click the text-based object you want to format to put it in edit mode, then right-click it to bring up
the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Insert from le.
3. In the Open dialog box that appears, select the le in which your text-based object is stored, then click
The object is imported from the le into the text object on your report.
12.3.10 Spacing between text-based objects
Use the grid and guidelines options to help evenly align text-based objects.
You can select the Snap To Grid option, set the grid to a maximum of one inch, and make the grid visible or
invisible on the Design tab, Preview tab, or both. For more information on working with grids, see Using the grid
[page 214].
You can also work without a grid, placing objects wherever you want them on a report. You may want to work in
a free-form environment while retaining the ability to align objects, or to move or resize them as a group. You
can do this using guidelines. See Designing with guidelines [page 215]. Using the grid
The grid is a series of row and column coordinates. When the grid is selected and the Snap To Grid option is
selected on the Layout tab of the Options dialog box, Crystal Reports enables you to place text-based objects
only at these coordinates, not between them. You can then space data on your report and align objects as
needed. If you attempt to place an object between grid coordinates, the object "snaps" to the grid; that is, the
object automatically moves to the nearest set of row and column coordinates.
Each report contains a design grid. You can select the grid on or o, as well as set it to dierent sizes when
required. By default, the grid is not selected. See Selecting the grid [page 215].
Once set, the grid remains the same size for all sections. It is measured from the upper-left corner of each
section and continues down and to the right, until the end of the section. A new grid of the same size then
starts from the upper-left corner of the next section, and so on, through the end of the report.
If you select the Snap To Grid option, the following conditions occur:
The upper-left corner of all newly placed, text-based and OLE objects snap to a grid point.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Objects placed on a report before the Snap To Grid option is selected do not snap to the nearest grid point.
They remain in the same place.
If you resize an object, the side or sides that you are resizing snap to the nearest grid point. Selecting the grid
The Design and Preview tabs have an underlying grid structure that you can activate on the Layout tab in the
Options dialog box. To select the grid
1. On the File menu, click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. On the Layout tab, in the Grid options area, activate the snap to grid feature, or specify the grid size.
3. To show the underlying grid structure on the Design or Preview tab, select Grid in the Design View or
Preview areas.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
Another way to do this is to select the Grid commands from the View menu. You can also right-click an
empty space on the Design or Preview tabs and select the command from the shortcut menu. Designing with guidelines
Crystal Reports provides guidelines to help you align and size report objects with accuracy. Guidelines are non-
printing lines that you can place anywhere on the Design and Preview tabs to aid in alignment. They have a
snap property that automatically snaps objects to them. Viewing guidelines
You can view guidelines on the Design and Preview tabs by selecting the view options in the Options dialog box. Viewing guidelines
1. On the File menu, click Options.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The Options dialog box appears.
2. On the Layout tab, in the Design View area, select the Guidelines check box and/or the Guidelines check
box in the Preview area.
3. Click OK to save your changes.
Another way to do this is to select a Guidelines command from the View menu. Inserting guidelines
Although you can and should insert manual guidelines whenever necessary, Crystal Reports will automatically
insert guidelines in certain situations:
Whenever you add a eld or formula eld to a report, the program creates a guideline at the left edge of the
eld frame and snaps the eld and eld title to it.
When a eld is summarized, the program snaps the summary to the same guideline to ensure proper
When you right-click the shaded areas to the left of a section, then select the Arrange Lines option from the
shortcut menu, the program creates one or more horizontal guidelines in the section and snaps the elds
to them. To insert, move, and remove guidelines manually
1. In the Design or Preview tab, click the ruler at the top to activate a vertical guideline; click the ruler on the
left to activate a horizontal guideline.
Notice that each guideline is attached to an arrowhead on its originating ruler.
If guidelines don't appear, ensure that the appropriate Guideline option is selected on the View menu.
On the Preview tab, you must select an object to see a guideline.
2. To position a guideline, drag its arrowhead along the ruler to the desired location.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
3. To delete a guideline, drag its arrowhead away from the ruler.
If you select the Snap To Grid option, you can only insert or move guidelines in grid increments. Snapping objects to guidelines
To snap an object to a guideline, drag the report object onto the guideline until the object's edge sits atop the
guideline. Snapping enables you not only to align report objects accurately, but also to re-position and re-size
multiple objects together. Once several objects are snapped to a guideline, you can move all the objects by
moving the guideline.
You can snap either the top or the bottom of an object to a horizontal guideline.
You can snap an object's left side, right side, or vertical midline (the invisible line that bisects an object
vertically) to a vertical guideline. To snap objects to a guideline
1. Insert a guideline by clicking one of the rulers.
2. Drag the report object onto the guideline, so that one of the object's edges is on the guideline.
The snap property of guidelines works dierently for text-based objects than for other objects, such as OLE
objects. When a single-line text-based object snaps to a guideline, it is the baseline of the text, not the object
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
frame, that snaps to the guideline. When a multi-line text-based object snaps to a guideline, either the baseline
of the text or the object frame can be snapped to the guideline.
You can tell if a text-based object is snapped to a horizontal guideline by looking for the special indicators
positioned on either side of the object directly at the baseline (as circled in the image below) in Design view. If
the object is snapped to a vertical guideline, the special indicators appear along the side of the object.
To place several text objects of dierent font sizes on one line with their baselines lined up, snap each object's
baseline to the same horizontal guideline. Positioning objects using guidelines
Once you've snapped one or more objects to a guideline, you can move all the objects at once by moving the
guideline. To move the guideline, drag its arrowhead along the ruler.
When a guideline is moved, any object that is snapped to it is moved as well. But, if you move an object that
is snapped to a guideline, the guideline does not move. To resize objects using guidelines
1. Create a guideline.
2. Snap one side of the object to that guideline.
3. Create a second guideline to the right of the object.
The guideline should not be touching the object.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
4. Click the object to activate the sizing handles.
5. Drag the resizing handle over to the second guideline so that the object snaps to the guideline.
6. For each additional object you want to snap to both guidelines, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. If the objects are not the desired size, drag one or both of the guidelines until the objects are the correct
size. To resize objects using guidelines
1. Create a guideline.
2. Snap one side of the object to that guideline.
3. Create a second guideline to the right of the object.
The guideline should not be touching the object.
4. Click the object to activate the sizing handles.
5. Drag the resizing handle over to the second guideline so that the object snaps to the guideline.
6. For each additional object you want to snap to both guidelines, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. If the objects are not the desired size, drag one or both of the guidelines until the objects are the correct
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 219 Indenting lines
Using Crystal Reports, you can control line indentation for memo elds, string elds, and text-based objects.
For objects, you have the option of indenting lines for a particular paragraph by positioning the cursor at the
start of that paragraph. Or, if you select an object in its entirety, you can apply the same indenting
specications to all the paragraphs within that object.
Keep in mind that any line following a carriage return will be considered the rst line of a new paragraph. To indent lines
1. Right-click the eld or object you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format text.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Paragraph tab.
4. In the Indentations area, you can indent the rst line of the paragraph; indent every paragraph line from the
left edge of the object; and indent every paragraph line from the right edge of the object.
Only indentation values within the range of the eld or object width are accepted.
When you select the "Right to Left" reading order, indents are measured from the opposite side of the
object. That is, a left indentation is measured from the right side of the object.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
12.3.11 Deleting a eld
Now that the report contains only records from the USA, displaying the Country eld in the body of the report
is not necessary. You can delete this eld before continuing. To delete a eld
1. Select the Country eld and the Country column heading using the Ctrl-click combination.
2. Press Delete on your keyboard.
That is all it takes to delete elds from the report.
The report should now look similar to this:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.3.12 Balancing eld spacing
Now that the Country eld has been deleted, there is a large amount of white space between the City and
Contact Name elds. You might be satised with the spacing as it stands, but it might be more readable if the
columns were better balanced across the page. To balance eld spacing
1. Return to the Design tab. Select the Contact Name eld and its eld heading by using the Ctrl-click
2. Place the cursor over one of the two highlighted text objects and drag them to the left, closer to the City
3. Click the Preview tab and review your work again.
The report should look similar to this:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The spacing between the elds is much better, but it looks as if the report title is o-center.
4. Click the report title object to select it.
5. Position the cursor on the right handle of the object until the cursor turns into a Resizing cursor. Drag the
right edge of the object frame until it is even with the right edge of the data in the Contact Name eld
The report title automatically centers itself based on the size of the object.
12.3.13 To allow for overow eld representation
1. Right-click the currency eld or number eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
3. Click the Customize button.
The Custom Style dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
4. To allow overow eld representation, clear the Allow Field Clipping check box.
You also have the option to click the Conditional Formatting button to enter a formula in the
Format Editor. In the Format Formula Workshop, you can specify that eld clipping will be disabled only
when certain conditions are met.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
To view the results, refresh the report. If you disabled eld clipping, any numeric/currency eld values that are
larger than the eld objects containing them will be represented by number signs (######).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To allow for overow eld representation
1. Right-click the currency eld or number eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
3. Click the Customize button.
The Custom Style dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
4. To allow overow eld representation, clear the Allow Field Clipping check box.
You also have the option to click the Conditional Formatting button to enter a formula in the
Format Editor. In the Format Formula Workshop, you can specify that eld clipping will be disabled only
when certain conditions are met.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
To view the results, refresh the report. If you disabled eld clipping, any numeric/currency eld values that are
larger than the eld objects containing them will be represented by number signs (######).
12.3.14 Selecting multiple objects
You can select multiple objects, including text, eld, chart, map, bitmap, OLAP grid, Cross-Tab and OLE objects,
to format them together.
Once you have selected multiple objects, you can move, align, size, cut, and copy and paste them as a group.
You can also change their font, color, and paragraph style.
Objects are moved, aligned, and sized based on a "main" object, which is usually the last object you select. You
can change the main object to another by right-clicking the desired object. To select multiple objects
1. Click one object, and Ctrl+click the other objects you want to select.
You can also lasso a number of objects by left-clicking and dragging your cursor over an area.
2. Right-click the main object.
3. On the short-cut menu, select the appropriate formatting option.
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PUBLIC 223 To select all objects in a section
1. On either the Design or Preview tab, right-click the gray area to the left of the section you want to work
2. From the shortcut menu, select Select All Sections Objects.
All report objects in that section are selected.
12.3.15 Vertical placement
On the Common tab of the Format Editor, you can use the text rotation options to vertically align the elds and
text-based objects on your report.
When you select a text rotation of 90 degrees, the text shifts 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction.
When you select a text rotation of 270 degrees, the text shifts 270 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction.
If text rotation is left at 0 degrees, your report is horizontally formatted, left to right.
For text rotation of text-based objects, the Can Grow option that prevents the truncation of text inside an
object is automatically cleared. For more information on the Can Grow option, see Preventing the
truncation of text inside an object [page 210].
Vertically formatted text that spans over the edge of the page cannot be displayed as part of your report.
12.3.16 Inserting character and line spacing
With Crystal Reports, you can specify the amount of spacing between characters or lines for memo elds,
string elds, and text-based objects. To insert character and line spacing
1. Right-click the eld or object you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Font tab.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
You will use this tab to set up the character spacing values.
4. In the Spacing area, in the Character spacing exactly eld, specify the value <n> that each character
The value n is dened as the distance in number of points measured from the start of one character to the
start of the next. When you change the character spacing, you change only the spacing between adjacent
characters, not the font size of the characters.
For example, if you specify a 14-point font with a character spacing of 14 points, each character will remain
as a 14-point font size, occupying a space that is 14 points wide.
5. Click the Paragraph tab.
You will use this tab to set up the line spacing values.
6. In the Spacing area, in the Line spacing eld, specify the line spacing as a multiple of the font size you are
using, or as an exact number of points.
7. Click OK to save your changes.
12.3.17 Setting fractional font sizes
On the Font tab of the Format Editor, you can select a fractional font size for database elds and text-based
objects on your report. To set fractional font sizes
1. Right-click the eld or object you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Font tab.
4. In the Size list, type the desired fractional font size for the eld or object.
The number you type must be between 1 and 1638. Crystal Reports will automatically round all
fractional entries to the nearest 0.5. Consequently, in your report, you can use the fractional font sizes
1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and so on, up to 1637.5.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
When setting fractional font sizes for individual database elds and text-based objects that you've already
placed on your report, you must make your changes manually—that is, by following these procedures. (This
is because the existing font settings of objects in your report will override your default Options.) However,
you can use the Fonts tab of the Options dialog box to adjust your default font settings: these default
Options will aect the new reports that you create, along with any new objects that you add to an existing
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.3.18 Setting page size and page orientation
You can view and print your reports using either portrait or landscape orientation, and in a variety of page sizes.
You may also set dierent page orientation for each section in your report. This is useful for formatting certain
sections to display charts or other graphics.
Specify these options using the Page Setup command from the File menu. To set page size and page orientation
1. On the File menu, click Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2. In the Page Size box, select your page size.
3. In the Page Orientation box, select your page orientation.
4. In the Margins box, select your margins.
For information on conditional margins, see Changing margins conditionally [page 247]. To set page orientation by section
1. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
The Section Expert appears.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. In the Sections list, select the section to be modied.
3. On the Paging tab, select the desired page orientation.
This option is not available for the Page Header and Pager Footer.
12.3.19 Setting page margins
Margins are the write spaces on the left, right, top, and bottom of the page. Crystal Reports gives you the
option of setting margins to meet your specications.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To set specic margins
1. On the File menu, click Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2. Change the default page margins to t your needs.
3. Click OK to save your changes.
Page margins can also be controlled by use of conditional formulas. See Changing margins conditionally [page
All margins are calculated from the page edge. Thus, a left margin of .25 inches causes the printing to start
exactly one quarter inch in from the edge of the page.
You can select the Adjust Automatically check box if you want Crystal Reports to adjust the report's
margins automatically the next time you change the page size. If you choose a new page size that is large
enough for the current printable area, Crystal Reports increases or decreases the margins by enlarging or
reducing the left/right and top/bottom margins by the same factor. If you choose a new page size that is
smaller than the current printable area, Crystal Reports lls the entire page by reducing the margins to 0. If
you next choose a bigger page, this (reduced) printable area is kept and the left/right, top/bottom margin
ratios become 1:1.
12.3.20 TrueType fonts
Designing your report with printer-specic fonts can lead to problems when using dierent printers. The fonts
may not be supported by the other printers, or if they are supported, the fonts may not be installed on the
During the printing process, if you encounter printer-specic fonts that are unrecognizable to the printer driver,
Crystal Reports substitutes the fonts, creating inconsistent results. To avoid this situation, only common
TrueType fonts should be used when designing reports.
12.3.21 Printer drivers
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Updating printer drivers [page 228]
Inconsistencies due to printer drivers [page 228]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 227 Updating printer drivers
In order to maintain performance, Crystal Reports queries the printer driver for each of the font elements (font
metrics), such as average character height, character width, height of the ascenders and descenders, internal
leading, and so on. A problem may develop if using an older printer driver that does not return the font metrics
accurately. If you are experiencing problems when printing (missing elds, incorrect formatting, and so on), it
is recommended that you obtain and install the most recently updated drivers for your printer. In many cases,
the newer printer drivers provide accurate font metrics and any printing issues are quickly resolved. Inconsistencies due to printer drivers
Inconsistencies may occur if dierent printer drivers are used to create and print your reports. These
inconsistencies are a result of the various methods that individual printer drivers use to measure text metrics
such as font size. When printed, text-based objects may be misaligned, truncated, or overprint each other.
Examples of text-based objects include string or character elds, text objects, memo elds, numeric elds, and
formula elds.
Problems such as these may arise when you have:
Two identical printers, but each one is using a dierent printer driver.
Two dierent printers using the same printer driver.
Two dierent printers using dierent printer drivers.
One printer driver that uses the TrueType font and a second printer driver that maps TrueType fonts to
PostScript fonts.
Two identical printers using the same printer driver, but each one is printing from a dierent version of
Microsoft Windows.
Two identical printers using the same printer driver, but the printer drivers are dierent versions.
Two identical printers, two identical printer drivers, and two identical operating systems, but the resolution
of the video drivers is dierent.
Therefore, while a document using one printer driver may require six full lines to display a block of text:
Using a second printer driver that measures fonts narrower could result in the same block of text requiring
less than six full lines.
Using a third printer driver that measures fonts wider could require more than six full lines.
The goal of the report distributor is to design reports that accommodate printer driver dependency and still
print consistently using dierent printer drivers. To do this, Crystal Reports provides several design solutions. If
taken into account when creating your report, these solutions can ensure proper printing and distribution for
your report in almost any environment.
For reports that will be viewed online, you can avoid inconsistencies from printer drivers by disabling the
report's reliance on a printer driver. For more information on disabling a printer driver, see Formatting a report
for web viewing [page 229].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.3.22 Formatting a report for web viewing
If your report will be viewed online, you may choose to format your report for web viewing. You can create
custom page sizes and adjust margins for a viewer's screen without being restricted to printer-specic
settings. Disabling reliance on a printer driver also prevents inconsistencies that can occur if your report is
viewed with a dierent printer driver than the one you created it with. To format a report for web viewing
1. On the File menu, click Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2. In the Printer Options box, select the No Printer check box.
3. Select your desired page size, page orientation, and page margins.
Reports formatted for web viewing can also be printed. If the custom page size is larger than the
printed page size, your report will be scaled down to t the page. If the custom page size is smaller than
the printed page size, a portion of your report will be enlarged to t the printed page size.
Exported reports will retain custom page formatting except for reports exported to XLS format.
12.4 Formatting properties
You can set formatting properties using the Format Editor for objects and the Section Expert for report
sections. In most cases, you can set one of two types of properties:
Absolute (always apply the property).
Conditional (apply the property only if certain criteria are met).
12.5 Working with absolute formatting
Absolute formatting is formatting that applies under any condition. This type of formatting property always
follows a "select, then apply" procedure. For example, you select what it is that you want to format (object or
section), then you apply the formatting to the selection using property settings.
You can use the following dialog boxes to format your reports:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Format Editor to format eld values.
Section Expert to format entire sections.
Highlighting Expert to conditionally format all types of elds.
Each of these dialog boxes contains a number of dierent formatting properties, as well as the tools for turning
the properties on or o and specifying attributes.
12.5.1 Adding borders, color, and shading to a eld
Crystal Reports allows you to add borders, color, and shading to elds on your report in order to emphasize
important data and create professional-looking reports. To add borders, color, and shading to a eld
1. Right-click the eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Border tab.
4. Select the line style, color, and background color of the eld.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
12.5.2 Making a report, section, area, or object read-only
You can make a report, section, area, or object read-only so it can't be formatted. When you set this option,
choices in the Format Editor become inactive. The formatting options that are usually available on the toolbars
or shortcut menus are also suppressed for the report or object.
This feature is for your convenience in protecting report formatting; it is not intended to be used as report
security. To make a report read-only
1. On the File menu, select Report Options.
2. Select Read-only.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To make a section or area read-only
1. On the Report menu, select Section Expert.
2. Select the section or area that you want to make read-only.
3. On the Common tab, select Read-only.
When a section is read-only, you can move it, cut it, and delete it, but you cannot make changes within
the section. When an area is read-only, all sections in the area are read-only; therefore, you cannot
insert another section, nor can you move, cut, or delete an existing section. To make an object read-only
1. Right-click the object you want to make read-only.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. On the Common tab, select Read-only.
You can also do this by clicking the Lock Format button on the Formatting toolbar.
When a report object is read-only, you can move it, copy it, cut it, delete it, browse its data, and select it,
but you cannot format it.
12.5.3 Locking an object's size and position
You can lock the position of the selected report object so it can't be moved. When you set this option, you
cannot drag the object in the Report Designer and the Size and Position command becomes inactive. To lock an object's size and position
1. Select the object whose size and position you want to lock.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, click Lock Size/Position.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.5.4 Changing your default eld formats
Crystal Reports allows you to display database elds in almost any format on your report. This section
describes how to use the Options command to control the default format settings that Crystal Reports uses
when you add a eld to any report. In the Options dialog box, you can set the default formats for database elds
of the following type: String, Number, Currency, Date, Time, Date and Time, and Boolean.
When you change default eld formats, your new settings aect only the objects that you subsequently add
to a report. To format elds that you've already added to a report, you must right-click the eld in the report
and select Format Field from the shortcut menu. To specify default formats for elds
1. On the File menu, click Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Fields tab.
3. Click the button appropriate to the type of eld you want to format (String, Number, Currency, Date, Time,
Date and Time, or Boolean).
The Format Editor appears.
4. Use the Format Editor's tabs to specify the formats you want.
5. Click OK. Setting default formats for Date, Time, and Date and
Time elds
The following procedures rst describe how to specify standard formats for Date, Time, and Date and Time
elds, and then describe how to customize the formats for such elds.
These default settings will aect only the objects that you subsequently add to a report. To format elds
that you've already added to a report, you must right-click the eld in the report and select Format Field
from the shortcut menu. To set standard default formats for Date, Time, and
Date and Time elds
1. On the File menu, click Options.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Fields tab.
3. To open the Format Editor, click the button appropriate to the eld you want to format (Date, Time, or Date
and Time).
If you click the Date and Time button in the Format Editor, then any subsequent changes will aect
"Date and Time" elds only. You must click Date or Time to format independent date elds or time
4. In the Format Editor dialog box, click the Date and Time tab.
5. Select a predened format from the list (or click Customize to create your preferred format). When you
click a new format, you can preview the results in the Sample area of the Format Editor.
From the list of predened formats, you can choose the System Default settings to ensure that Crystal
Reports uses the formats dictated by Windows. You can alter your system's settings in the Regional
Settings Properties dialog box, located in the Control Panel.
6. Once you've selected a format, click OK in the Format Editor dialog box.
7. Click OK in the Options dialog box.
Now, when you add Date, Time, or Date and Time elds to a report, Crystal Reports should use the format you
specied. To customize formats for Date, Time, and Date and
Time elds
1. On the File menu, click Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Fields tab.
3. Open the Format Editor by clicking the button appropriate to the eld you want to format (Date, Time, or
Date and Time).
4. In the Format Editor dialog box, click the Date and Time tab.
5. Click Customize to open the Custom Style dialog box.
If you chose to format "Date and Time" elds at Step 3, then you will see three tabs in the Custom Style
dialog box (Date and Time, Date, and Time). The formats specied in these tabs apply only to the two
elements of "Date and Time" elds, and will not aect the formats specied for independent date elds
or time elds.
6. Create your preferred format by adjusting the various options in the Custom Style dialog box.
7. Once you've nished designing your format, click OK in the Custom Style dialog box.
8. Click OK in the Format Editor dialog box.
9. To format another type of eld, click the appropriate button in the Options dialog box. Otherwise, click OK
to return to Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Now, when you add Date, Time, or Date and Time elds to your reports, Crystal Reports should use the
customized format that you created.
12.5.5 Adding and editing lines
Crystal Reports allows you to add lines to a report to emphasize important data and create professional-
looking reports. Lines can run horizontally or vertically. For a vertical line to be broken across several pages, the
report section that the line ends in must not be on the same page that it starts on. For example, if a line runs
from a group header to the corresponding group footer, the line continues on the top of each subsequent page
—just below the page header—until the group footer is encountered. To add lines to a report
1. On the Insert Tools toolbar, click Insert Line.
2. Use the pencil cursor to draw the line where desired.
You cannot draw diagonal lines.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To edit lines on a report
1. Right-click the line you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Line.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. On the Line tab, make the desired changes to the line.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
12.5.6 Adding and editing boxes
Crystal Reports allows you to add boxes to a report to emphasize important data and create professional-
looking reports. To add boxes to a report
1. On the Insert Tools toolbar, click Insert Box.
2. Use the pencil cursor to draw the box where desired.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 235 To edit boxes on a report
1. Right-click the box you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Box.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. On the Box tab, make the desired changes to the box.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
12.5.7 Expected behavior of line and box formatting
This section lists the expected behavior of line and box formatting for some common cases.
This table uses Short Section Names, for more information about this convention, see Identifying and
working with areas and sections [page 61].
Between these sections Start End
RH to PH
RH to RF
RH to PF
PH to RF
PH to PF
RH to PH
In the top section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble section before the bottom section
(including the bottom section).
In the bottom section, or if that section
is suppressed, at the top of the next
visible section.
In the top section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble header section (RH or PH). If these
sections are suppressed, the rst visi
ble GH/D/GF section.
In the last instance of the GH/D/GF on
a page, or if these sections are sup
pressed, before the rst footer section.
In the rst instance of a GH/D/GF sec
tion on a page, or if these sections are
suppressed, at the top of the rst visi
ble footer section (RF or PF)—provided
that the section is not after the bottom
In the bottom section, or if that section
is suppressed, at the top of the next
visible section.
GH2 to GH3
In every instance of the GH2 section, or
if that section is suppressed, at the top
of any GH/D/GF section before the end
In the rst instance of the GH3 section,
or if that section is suppressed, at the
top of the next visible GH/D/GF sec
tion. If these sections are suppressed,
at the top of the rst RH/PH/RF/PF.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Between these sections Start End
GH2 to D
In every instance of the GH2 section, or
if that section is suppressed, at the top
of any GH/D/GF section before the end
In the rst instance of the D section, or
if that section is suppressed, at the top
of the next visible GH/D/GF section. If
these sections are suppressed, at the
top of the rst RH/PH/RF/PF.
GH2 to GF3
In every instance of the GH2 section, or
if that section is suppressed, at the top
of any GH/D/GF section before the end
In the rst instance of the GF3 section,
or if that section is suppressed, at the
top of the next visible GH/D/GF sec
tion. If these sections are suppressed,
at the top of the rst RH/PH/RF/PF.
GH2 to GF2
In every instance of the GH2 section, or
if that section is suppressed, at the top
of any GH/D/GF section before the end
In the GF2 section that corresponds to
the GH2 section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble GH/D/GF section. If these sections
are suppressed, at the top of the rst
GH2 to GF1
In the rst instance of the GH2 section
in group one, or if that section is sup
pressed, at the top of any GH/D/GF
section before the end section.
In the end section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble GH/D/GF section. If these sections
are suppressed, at the top of the rst
D to GF2
In the rst instance of the D section in
group two, or if that section is sup
pressed, at the top of any GH/D/GF
section before the end section.
In the end section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble GH/D/GF section. If these sections
are suppressed, at the top of the rst
GF2 to GF1
In the rst instance of the GH2 section
in group one, or if that section is sup
pressed, at the top of any GH/D/GF
section before the end section.
In the end section, or if that section is
suppressed, at the top of the next visi
ble GH/D/GF section. If these sections
are suppressed, at the top of the rst
12.5.8 Adding shapes to a report
When designing report formats in Crystal Reports, you can insert a variety of shapes such as circles, ellipses,
and boxes with rounded corners, as part of your report. This is especially useful for formatting reports in
languages that require these shapes to eectively communicate.
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PUBLIC 237 To add shapes to a report
1. Add a box to your report.
See Adding and editing boxes [page 235].
2. Right-click the box to bring up the shortcut menu.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Format Box.
4. In the Format Editor that appears, click the Rounding tab.
5. Select a number between 0 and 100 in the Rounding box, or move the slider to the right to increase the
curvature of the box corners.
The box that you started with gradually changes to an ellipse or circle, depending on how far you move the
slider to the right.
If you have specied rounding for a box, you cannot use the Drop Shadow option that is usually
available on the Box tab of the Format Editor.
6. Once the appropriate shape is created, click OK to save your changes.
12.5.9 Scaling, cropping, and sizing objects
When you create or modify a Crystal report, you can insert a variety of OLE objects. For more information about
OLE objects and how to insert them in your report, see OLE [page 288]. Once an OLE object is present in your
report, you can scale, crop, or size it. To scale, crop, or size an object
1. Add a picture or other OLE object to your report.
See Inserting OLE objects into reports [page 290].
This procedure also applies to BLOB eld objects.
2. Right-click the object and select Format Graphic from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Format Editor, click the Picture tab.
4. To crop the object, specify the size of the piece that you want to cut from its top, bottom, left, and/or right
Cropping begins at the outer edge of the object. Positive numbers cut into the object, while negative
numbers add the specied amount of white space between the outer edge of the object and the frame.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
5. To Scale the object as a percentage of the original height and width, enter the new scaling percentages.
For example, if your object is one inch wide, that width is automatically assigned a width scaling value of
100%. To double the width of the object, change Scaling Width to 200% (twice the size of the original).
Likewise, to reduce the width of the object to half, change Scaling Width to 50%.
6. To resize the object, enter a new width and height.
For example, if your object is a one inch square, each of the Size settings will initially be set at one inch. To
double the length and width of the object (to make a two inch square), reset the Size settings to two inches
each. To reduce the size of the object to a half inch square, reset the Size settings to a half inch each.
12.5.10 Using conventional accounting formats
As a way of supporting the conventions used in the accounting profession, Crystal Reports lets you decide on
how to display the currency symbol, negative values, and zero values on your nancial reports. You can also set
up your report to reverse the signs for credit and debit amounts. To use accounting conventions in a report
1. Right-click the currency eld or number eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
3. In the Style area, select how you want the system number format to appear for either positive or negative
4. In the Currency Symbol (system default) area, specify how you want the currency symbol to appear with
the values on your report.
5. Click OK to save your changes. To customize the accounting conventions for a
1. Right-click the currency eld or number eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
3. Click the Customize button.
The Custom Style dialog box appears with the Number tab open.
4. Select the Use Accounting Format check box.
Once you select this option, the following conditions occur:
In the Negatives list, how the negative values appear on your report are determined by the Windows
locale settings. The negative values are represented by either a minus sign or brackets.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
In the Show Zero Values as list, the dash symbol is automatically selected to represent zero values on
your report.
On the Currency Symbol tab of the Custom Style dialog box, the currency symbol is positioned on the
left-side of the currency and numeric values.
Changes made to the Windows locale settings are implemented only after you exit and restart Crystal
5. Select the Reverse Sign for Display check box to reverse the signs for debit and credit amounts in your
nancial reports.
6. Click OK to save your changes.
7. Click OK again to return to your report.
12.5.11 Repeating report objects on horizontal pages
Some report objects, such as cross-tabs and OLAP grids, can expand horizontally over a number of pages.
Crystal Reports lets you designate other report objects that don't expand horizontally, such as text objects,
eld objects, OLE objects, charts, maps, lines, boxes, and so on, to be repeated on each additional horizontal
page that the cross-tab or OLAP grid creates. For example, if your report's page footer includes an image, a text
object, and a page number, you can use the Format Editor to make Crystal Reports repeat these objects on
each horizontal page. To repeat objects on horizontal pages
1. Right-click the report object you want to repeat.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field, or the appropriate format option.
Formatting options are not available if the object you select is connected to the BusinessObjects
Enterprise Repository. For information about modifying an object in the repository, see Modifying
objects in the repository [page 96].
3. On the Common tab of the Format Editor, select the Repeat on Horizontal Pages check box.
For a line or a box, the Repeat on Horizontal Pages option appears on the Line or Box tab.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
Now, if a cross-tab or OLAP grid makes your report expand horizontally, the object you formatted is repeated
on each horizontal page.
The repeated copies of a report object cannot be moved; you must move the original object to move the
You can format any copy of a repeated report object, but changes you make are applied to all copies.
Report objects in a section with the Relative Positions option selected in the Section Expert cannot be
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting Numbering horizontal pages
A Special Field called Horizontal Page Number lets you number horizontal pages. To number horizontal pages
1. In the Field Explorer, scroll down to Special Fields and expand the node by clicking it.
2. Choose Horizontal Page Number from the list and insert it in your report.
The Repeat on Horizontal Pages option is automatically turned on when you insert the Horizontal Page
Number eld this way. If you cut and paste a Horizontal Page Number eld, or if you insert such a eld into
another eld or text object, the Repeat on Horizontal Pages option is not automatically turned on.
12.5.12 Using white space between rows
The height of a section in relation to the objects within it aects the amount of white space that appears
between rows on the report.
The free-form Design tab lets you add and delete white space in two ways:
Using the Resizing cursor to resize the area on the Design tab.
Changing the option in the Section Expert.
You can also right-click the shaded area to the left of the section and select Fit Section from the shortcut
menu. The program automatically resizes the section so that the bottom boundary is even with the
baseline of the bottom object in the section. Adding white space by resizing
To add extra white space between rows in the report, move the pointer over the lower section boundary line.
The pointer changes to a Resizing cursor. When the Resizing cursor appears, drag the section boundary
downward to add extra white space.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
White space can also be added to a section by right-clicking the shaded area to the left of the section and
selecting Insert Line from the shortcut menu. The program resizes the section automatically, adding the
amount of space necessary to hold a line of typical database elds. Deleting white space by resizing
To delete unnecessary white space within a section, move the pointer over the lower section boundary line. The
pointer changes to a Resizing cursor. When the Resizing cursor appears, drag the section boundary upward to
remove extra white space.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting Deleting white space by suppressing a section
If an entire section is blank, you can eliminate the unnecessary white space that the Page Footer would occupy
by suppressing the section in the Section Expert.
If you are not putting anything into the Page Footer section of the report, select the Clamp Page Footer option in
the Section Expert to eliminate white space at the bottom of your report pages. To delete white space by suppressing a section
1. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
The Section Expert appears.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. In the Sections area, click the section you want to suppress.
3. On the Common tab, select the Suppress (No Drill-Down) check box.
4. Click OK to return to your report.
The blank section will no longer be printed. To delete white space by clamping the Page
1. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
The Section Expert appears.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. In the Sections area, click Page Footer.
3. Click Clamp Page Footer.
4. Click OK to return to your report.
The report eliminates white space by placing the Page Footer directly beneath the last visible section.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.6 Working with conditional formatting
Conditional formatting is formatting that applies only under certain conditions. For example, in a report you
may only want:
Customer balances printed in red if they are past due.
The dates to appear in Day, Month, Year format if the customer is Canadian.
Background color to appear on every other line.
Crystal Reports makes it easy to apply conditional formatting in these and hundreds of other situations.
With absolute formatting, you follow the "select, then apply" procedure. For conditional formatting, you follow
the same general procedure, but you go a step further and set up conditions that determine whether or not the
formatting will be applied. You specify these conditions using simple formulas.
For more information on creating formulas using Crystal or Basic syntax, see the online help.
When a conditional formatting formula is set up, the formula overrides any xed settings you have made in the
Format Editor. For example, if you select the Suppress option, then set up a conditional formula for the
Suppress option, the property will still apply only if the condition in the formula is met.
Crystal Reports enables you to set both on and o properties and set attribute properties conditionally.
However, each of these requires a dierent kind of formula.
12.6.1 Conditional on or o properties
A conditional on or o property tests to see if a condition has been met. It is on if the condition is met, o if the
condition is not met. There is no middle ground. Use Boolean formulas for this kind of formatting.
Crystal syntax example
Basic syntax example
formula = condition
The program tests each value to see if it meets the condition and it returns a "yes" or "no" answer. It then
applies the property to every value that returns a "yes" answer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.6.2 Conditional attribute properties
A conditional attribute property tests to see which of two or more conditions is met. The program then applies
the formatting appropriate to the condition. For example, assume that you want values under quota printed in
red and all other values printed in black. The program tests to see whether the value is under quota or not. If it
is under quota, then it applies the red attribute; if it is not, then it applies the black attribute.
Use an If-Then-Else formula for this kind of conditional formatting.
Crystal syntax example
If Condition A Then
Basic syntax example
If Condition A Then
formula = crRed
formula = crBlack
End If
When conditional attribute properties are set up, Crystal Reports loads a selection of attributes into the
Functions list in the Formula Workshop. Double-click any of these attributes to add them to a formula. For
example, if you are setting horizontal alignment conditionally, the Functions list contains attributes such as
DefaultHorAligned, LeftAligned, and Justied. If you are setting borders conditionally, the Functions list
contains attributes such as NoLine, SingleLine, and DashedLine.
Always include the Else keyword in conditional formulas; otherwise, values that don't meet the If condition
may not retain their original format. To retain the original format of values that don't meet your If condition,
use the DefaultAttribute function.
Crystal syntax example
If Condition A Then
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Basic syntax example
If Condition A Then
formula = crRed
formula = DefaultAttribute
End If
You can take this kind of property one step further. You can specify a list of conditions and a property for each;
you are not limited to two conditions. For example, if you have a number eld on your report that contains sales
gures from countries around the world, you can specify the number attribute(s) that you want to apply to
each country. In this case, your conditions would specify that if it is from Country A, the program should apply
the Country A attribute; if it is from Country B, the Country B attribute; if it is from Country C, the Country C
attribute, and so on.
With more than two alternatives, use this kind of formula:
Crystal syntax example
If Condition A Then
Else If Condition B Then
Else If Condition C Then
Basic syntax example
If Condition A Then
formula = crRed
ElseIf Condition B Then
formula = crBlack
ElseIf Condition C Then
formula = crGreen
formula = crBlue
End If
Use a multi-condition If-Then-Else formula for this kind of conditional formatting. To change fonts conditionally
1. Right-click the eld you want to format to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Font tab.
4. To change any of the font options, click the appropriate Formula button, located on the right side of the
dialog box.
5. In the Formula Workshop, you can specify that conditional fonts will change only when certain conditions
are met.
6. Click Save and close.
If there is an error in the formula, a message box appears, asking if you want to save anyway. If you click
No, a second message box is displayed, detailing the error.
If there is no error in the formula, you are returned to the Format Editor. Note that the Formula button
has changed. This indicates that a formula has been entered for that property.
7. Click OK to return to your report.
12.6.3 Changing margins conditionally
Page margins can be controlled conditionally by use of formula.
Margins based on page number
The following formula checks whether a page number is even or odd and sets the margins accordingly: if the
page is an even number, the margin is set to one inch; if the page is an odd number, the margin is set to two
If Remainder(pagenumber,2) = 0 then 1440 else 2880
Margins based on page orientation
The following formula checks for page orientation and sets the margins accordingly: if the orientation is
portrait, the margin is set to one inch; if the orientation is landscape, the margin is set to two inches.
If CurrentPageOrientation = crPortrait then 1440 else 2880
Margin position is measured in twips; there are 1440 twips in an inch.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 247 To change margins conditionally
1. On the File menu, click Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2. Click the Conditional Formula button next to the margin you wish to change.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your conditional margin formula text.
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
5. Click OK to apply your new settings.
12.6.4 Changing X position conditionally
You can change the X position (that is, the horizontal position from the left margin) for an object based on a
condition. You might do this when you want objects to appear in dierent columns when their values meet a
certain condition; for example, orders that shipped on time appear in the rst column, while orders that
shipped late appear in a second column.
You cannot conditionally change the X position of line or box objects. To conditionally change the X position of an object
1. Right-click the eld that you want to move conditionally, and select Size and Position.
2. Click the Conditional Formula button next to the X position value eld.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your conditional X position formula text.
For example, to move orders that were shipped late to a second column, enter formula text such as this:
If (Orders.Ship Date) < CDateTime (2004, 01, 01, 02, 10, 11) then 4320
The number 4320 represents the new position that you want to dene as the second column. The
position is measured in twips; there are 1440 twips in an inch.
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
5. Click OK to save your position setting.
Crystal Reports moves objects that meet your condition to a new position, but leaves those objects that don't
meet the condition where you originally placed them.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.6.5 Creating footers after the rst page
You may choose to print a page footer on all pages except the rst page. You can do this by formatting the Page
Footer section conditionally, using an on or o property. To create footers after the rst page
1. Place the eld you want displayed as a page footer in the Page Footer section of the report.
2. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert dialog box appears.
3. In the Sections area, click Page Footer.
4. To open the Formula Workshop, click the Formula button, located to the right of the Suppress (No Drill-
Down) check box.
5. Enter the following formula in the Format Formula Editor:
Crystal syntax example:
PageNumber = 1
Basic syntax example:
formula = PageNumber = 1
This formula suppresses the page footer on the rst page, but not on any of the other pages.
6. Click Save and close.
If there is an error in the formula, a message box appears, asking if you want to save anyway. If you click
No, a second message box is displayed, detailing the error.
If there is no error in the formula, you are returned to the Section Expert. Note that the Formula button
has changed. This indicates that a formula has been entered for that property.
7. On the Standard toolbar, click Preview to preview the report and ensure that the page footer appears
on all pages but the rst.
If you have a multi-line page footer and have inserted the lines into separate Page Footer sections, you will
need to suppress each section conditionally, using the formula above.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
To create a page header that appears on all pages but the rst, place the header information in the Page
Header section and then suppress that section conditionally, using the same formula that was used for
suppressing the Page Footer section.
12.6.6 Using the Highlighting Expert
The Highlighting Expert enables you to apply conditional formatting to all types of report elds (Number,
Currency, String, Boolean, Date, Time, and Date and Time elds). With the expert, you format the selected eld
either by specifying a condition based on that eld's value, or by specifying a condition based on the value of a
dierent report eld. In other words, the expert enables you create the following formula: If the value of eld X
meets condition A, then apply the specied formatting to the eld selected on the report.
When used for conditional formatting, the Highlighting Expert allows you to:
Modify several attributes at once, without writing a formula.
Highlight all eld types used in the report.
Format font style, background color, font color, and border style.
Format a eld based on its own values or the values of another eld.
Highlight a cross-tab or OLAP cell based on row and column heading values.
Enter values using your locale-specic number format (such as 1,224.23 for North American users).
Enter dates numerically or textually (January 12, 2001, or Jan 12, 2001).
Undo highlighting quickly.
When you need to conditionally format report elds, the Highlighting Expert is quicker and easier to use than
the Formula Workshop. The Highlighting Expert is most commonly used to highlight eld values that are in
some way distinguished from other values in the report. You might, for example, highlight your key customers
by printing the {Customer.Last Year's Sales} eld with a red background whenever the sales value exceeds
$50,000. Alternatively, to draw attention to outstanding orders, you might bold the {Product.Product Name}
eld whenever the {Orders.Shipped} value is False.
The Highlighting Expert, however, is not as exible as the Formula Workshop. To use the formatting capabilities
of Crystal Reports to their full potential, create your own conditional formatting formulas with the Formula
Workshop (accessible through the Format Editor dialog box). For complete details, see Using Formulas [page
390]. Conditionally formatting elds using the
Highlighting Expert
The Highlighting Expert is a quick alternative to the Formula Workshop; it allows you to conditionally format any
of your report elds. The Highlighting Expert essentially enables you create the following formula: If the value of
eld X meets condition A, then apply the specied formatting to the eld selected on the report.
The dialog box is divided into two areas: the Item list area displays the formula; the Item editor area allows you
to specify the formula. The Item editor area includes a Sample eld that displays the formatting specications
being applied.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Formatting To conditionally format elds using the
Highlighting Expert
1. To open the Highlighting Expert, right-click the eld you want to format and select Highlighting Expert from
the shortcut menu.
You can also start the expert by clicking the Highlighting button on the Expert Tools toolbar, or by
clicking Highlighting Expert on the Format menu.
When opened, the expert is set to format the eld that is currently selected on the report.
2. In the Highlighting Expert, click New to create a new conditional formula with default settings.
3. In the Item editor area, click the Value of list and select the eld that you want to base your condition on.
The eld chosen here is the eld upon which your condition is based; this eld need not be the eld that is
being formatted. To create a condition based on the values of the eld that is being formatted, select "this
eld" from the list. To base your condition on a dierent report eld, select it from the list of available elds.
The "Value of" list displays only those elds that you have added to the report.
4. Select a comparison from the second list (is equal to, is less than, and so on).
This comparative statement works as the operator in the conditional formula created by the expert.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
5. Complete the condition by entering the desired value in the box.
If the eld selected in the "Value of" list is not numeric, the text box turns into a list of available values,
from which you must select one.
6. In the Font style, Font color, Background, and Border lists, specify the formatting changes that you want to
apply to the selected eld when your condition is met.
7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 if you want to apply multiple highlighting conditions to the selected eld.
You can use the expert's Remove button to delete highlighting formulas from the list.
8. Use the Priority arrows to specify the order in which you want Crystal Reports to apply your conditions. For
details, see Setting highlighting priorities [page 252].
9. Click OK to return to your report. Setting highlighting priorities
The Priority buttons in the Item list area of the Highlighting Expert allow you to set priorities for your formulas.
This is useful when you have two or more formulas that could oer conicting results in some situations.
For example, suppose that you highlight the Unit Price eld on the report. You assign to this eld a highlighting
formula that shows a yellow background when a unit price is greater than $100. Then, on this same report, you
create another highlighting formula that shows a red background when a unit price is greater than $200.
Considering that 100 is a subset of 200, you could have Unit Price elds with yellow backgrounds when, in fact,
those elds should have red backgrounds. In other words, a unit price of $300 could receive either a red or a
yellow background, depending on which formula has been assigned priority. To set priorities for highlighting formulas
1. On the Format menu, click Highlighting Expert.
2. In the Item list area, select one of the conditional highlighting formulas that you have created.
3. Click the Priority arrows to move the selected formula to a position above or below the other formula(s).
A formula has priority over another formula when it is higher in the Items list area.
4. Click OK.
5. Click the Preview tab or refresh the report to see the highlighting changes.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.6.7 Undo/Redo activities
Crystal Reports includes multiple levels of undo. With multiple levels of undo, you can undo any number of
changes to an object, in reverse order, until you have your report in the condition you want it.
The program also has a redo feature that reverses an undo. If you move an object, for example, and do not like
its new position, you can click Undo to move it back to its original position. If you then change your mind, you
can click Redo to restore the latest change.
The Undo and Redo buttons have lists that allow you to undo or redo a number of changes at one time.
To undo an action, click Undo on the Standard toolbar.
The rst time the button is clicked, it reverses the most recent change made to the report. Each additional
time the button is clicked, it reverses the next most recent change.
To undo several actions at once, click the arrow button to display the list of actions. Select the series of
actions you wish to undo.
To redo a change after you have undone it, click Redo on the Standard toolbar.
The program disables the Undo button and the Undo/Redo commands whenever there is nothing to undo/
redo or when you have made a change that cannot be reversed.
To redo several actions at once, click the arrow button to display the list of actions. Select the series of
actions you wish to redo.
You can only undo or redo actions in order from the most recent backward. You cannot undo an action
without undoing more recent actions.
12.7 Using the Format Painter
Use the Format Painter to copy absolute or conditional formatting properties from one report object to one or
more target objects. The Format Painter button is activated on the Standard toolbar when you select a source
object in your report. If you apply formatting to a target eld that is not the same as your source eld, only the
common properties are applied. For example, if your source eld is a Boolean eld and your target eld is a
currency eld, only the common font and border properties are changed; Boolean properties are not applied
and currency properties are not set.
The Format Painter does not copy hyperlink information to a target object or eld.
The Format Painter does not copy formatting that is applied through use of the Highlighting Expert.
The Format Painter does not copy formatting from text/template objects to database elds.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The Format Painter can use any object (including Repository objects, read-only objects, and objects
contained in read-only sections) as a source of formatting (however, formatting cannot be applied to these
When using a "Date and Time" eld as your source, a target eld's date or time properties are changed; the
reverse is also true (that is, a Date eld or a Time eld used as your source also aects the date and time
properties of a "Date and Time" eld).
The following is a list of source report objects and eld and the applicable targets you can use with the Format
Source object or eld Target object or eld
Report eld (not in a cross-tab) Report eld (not in a cross-tab)
Report eld in a cross-tab Report eld in a cross-tab
Template eld Template eld
Text object (not in a cross-tab) Text object (not in a cross-tab)
Text object in a cross-tab Text object in a cross-tab
Object in an OLAP grid header Object in an OLAP grid header
Line object Line object
Box object Box object
OLE or BLOB eld OLE or BLOB eld
Subreport Subreport
Chart, map, OLAP grid, or cross-tab Chart, map, OLAP grid, or cross-tab
12.7.1 To copy and apply formatting
1. Select a source object or eld in your report and click Format Painter.
You can also select Format Painter from the shortcut menu.
The Format Painter button is not available until you select an object or eld.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Click the button a second time, or press ESC, to exit the Format Painter.
2. Click the target object or eld you want to apply formatting to.
When you move your mouse over your report, the cursor changes to a Stop cursor if the object or eld
cannot be used as a target.
You cannot apply formatting to read-only objects or elds.
Double-click the Format Painter button, or hold the ALT key down if you want to apply formatting to
more than one object or eld.
12.8 Working with barcodes
Barcodes allow companies to use computers to track products and sales. Specially designed scanners read the
barcode and the computer translates it into a human-readable form.
The Crystal Reports install includes the formula and fonts necessary for supporting Code39 barcodes. You can
add barcodes to your reports to be used for activities such as managing your inventory or creating package
Code39 is a basic barcode format supported by most scanners on the market. For support of additional
barcode types, such as UPC, please contact your preferred barcode vendor.
12.8.1 Adding a barcode
You can apply a barcode to an existing eld or add a new eld to the report specically for the barcode.
You will need to consider the following information before adding a barcode:
When a eld is converted to a barcode, the default size changes to accommodate 16 characters at 24 pts.
This may cause the new data to overlap existing elds if there is not enough space between elds.
Barcodes can be applied to number and string elds only.
The barcode cannot be applied to Currency, DateTime, or other eld types.
To undo changing a eld to a barcode, you must use the Undo command right after you use Change to
If you perform any other actions after you change the eld to a barcode, you must either delete the eld
item or use the Format Field option to reformat the appearance.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Related Information
Changing the appearance of a barcode [page 256]
Removing a barcode [page 257] To add a barcode
1. In the report, right-click the eld to use for the barcode.
If the desired eld is not in the report, use the Field Explorer to add the eld to your report.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Change to Barcode.
The Select Barcode Type dialog box appears.
3. Select the barcode type from the list.
4. Click OK.
The eld is changed to display barcodes instead of characters.
12.8.2 Changing the appearance of a barcode
You can use the Format Field option to change the appearance of a barcode.
There are many reasons to change the appearance of a barcode including the following:
To change the size so that the barcode is not too large or too small for a scanner to read.
To display the barcode in a dierent color.
Related Information
Adding a barcode [page 255]
Removing a barcode [page 257] To change the appearance of a barcode
1. Right-click the barcode eld that you would like to reformat.
2. From the shortcut menu, select Format Field.
The Format Editor appears.
3. Set your desired border, font size and color, or other options.
4. Click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
12.8.3 Removing a barcode
If you applied the barcode to the wrong eld, or you decide that you do not want to have a barcode, you can use
Format Field to change the eld back to a regular font.
Related Information
Adding a barcode [page 255]
Changing the appearance of a barcode [page 256] To change a barcode back to a regular font
1. Right-click the barcode eld that you would like to reformat.
2. From the shortcut menu, select Format Field.
The Format Editor appears.
3. Select the Common tab.
4. In the Display String area, click the red formula editor button.
The Formula Editor appears.
5. Delete the string in the Formula text window and then click Save and Close.
6. Select the Font tab
7. Change the font and size to the desired size, and then click OK .
8. On the report, resize the eld to a an appropriate length.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
13 Charting
Crystal Reports enables you to present summarized data in colorful, easy-to-read charts. This section
demonstrates how to create charts and how to use them in reports to make report data more meaningful and
easier to understand. You can choose from a number of chart layouts and types, as well as drill down to see the
details behind the graphical summaries and format chart objects.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community Network where you'll
nd a large collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
13.1 Charting concepts
Crystal Reports enables you to include sophisticated, colorful charts in your reports. You can use charts any
time you want to improve the usefulness of a report.
13.1.1 Charting overview
Crystal Reports enables you to include sophisticated, colorful charts in your reports. You can use charts any
time you want to improve the usefulness of a report.
For example, if you have a sales report grouped by Region with a subtotal of Last Year's Sales for each region,
you can quickly create a chart that will display Sales per Region.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
You can chart on the following:
Summary and subtotal elds.
Detail, formula, and Running Total elds.
Cross-Tab summaries.
OLAP data.
You will typically chart on summary and subtotal information at the group level. However, depending on the
type of data you are working with, you can create an Advanced, Cross-Tab, or OLAP grid chart for your report.
13.1.2 Chart layouts
The Chart Expert provides four layouts that correspond to certain sets of data.
You can create charts with any of the following layouts, and depending on the data you are using, you can
change the chart from one layout to another.
Use the Advanced layout when you have multiple chart values or when you do not have any group or summary
elds in the report.
The Advanced chart layout supports one or two condition elds: with these condition elds, you can create a 2-
D, 3-D, or pie chart. Other specic functions with the Advanced layout include:
Values can be grouped in ascending, descending, or specied order, as well as by Top N or Sort totals.
Values can be plotted for each record.
Values can be plotted as a grand total for all records.
Charts can be based on formula and Running Total elds.
The Group layout is a simplied layout in which you show a summary on change of eld for topics such as
In order to create a chart using the Group layout, you must have at least one group and at least one
summary eld for that group.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Use the Cross-Tab layout to chart on a Cross-Tab object. A Cross-Tab chart uses the elds in the cross-tab for
its condition and summary elds.
Use the OLAP layout to chart on an OLAP grid. An OLAP chart uses the elds in the OLAP grid for its condition
and summary elds.
Your report must include an OLAP grid before you can create an OLAP chart.
13.1.3 Chart types
Dierent sets of data are particularly suited to a certain chart type. The following is an overview of the main
chart types and their most common uses.
Most bar charts (also known as a column chart) display or compare several sets of data. Two useful bar charts
are the Side-by-Side bar chart and the Stacked bar chart.
Side-by-Side bar chart
A Side-by-Side bar chart displays data as a series of vertical bars. This type of chart is best suited for
showing data for several sets over a period of time (for example, last year's sales gures for AZ, CA, OR,
and WA).
Stacked bar chart
A Stacked bar chart displays data as a series of vertical bars. This type of chart is best suited for
representing three series of data, each series represented by a color stacked in a single bar (for example,
sales for 1997, 1998, and 1999).
A line chart displays data as a series of points connected by a line. This type of chart is best suited for showing
data for a large number of groups (for example, total sales over the past several years).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
An area chart displays data as areas lled with color or patterns. This type of chart is best suited for showing
data for a limited number of groups (for example, percentage of total sales for AZ, CA, OR, and WA).
A pie chart displays data as a pie, split and lled with color or patterns. Pie charts are typically used for one
group of data (for example, the percentage of sales for the entire inventory); however, you have the option to
choose multiple pie charts for multiple groups of data.
A doughnut chart is similar to a pie chart, displaying data as sections of a circle or doughnut. If, for example,
you charted sales by region on a particular report, you would see the total number of sales (the gure) in the
center of the doughnut and the regions as colored sections of the doughnut. As with the pie chart, you have the
option to choose multiple doughnut charts for multiple groups of data.
3-D Riser
A 3-D Riser chart displays data in a series of 3-dimensional objects, lined up side-by-side, in a 3-dimensional
plane. The 3-D Riser chart shows the extremes in your report data. For example, the dierences between sales
by customer by country are visually dynamic when presented in this chart.
3-D Surface
3-D Surface charts present a topographic view of multiple sets of data. If, for example, you need a chart to
show the number of sales by customer by country, in a visually dynamic and relational format, you might
consider using the 3-D Surface chart.
XY Scatter
An XY Scatter chart is a collective of plotted points that represent specic data in a pool of information. The XY
Scatter chart allows the user to consider a larger scope of data for the purpose of determining trends. For
example, if you input customer information, including sales, products, countries, months, and years, you would
have a collective of plotted points that represents the pool of customer information. Viewing all of this data on
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
an XY Scatter chart would allow you to speculate as to why certain products were selling better than others or
why certain regions were purchasing more than others.
A radar chart positions group data, such as countries or customers, at the perimeter of the radar. The radar
chart then places numeric values, increasing in value, from the center of the radar to the perimeter. In this way,
the user can determine, at a glance, how specic group data relates to the whole of the group data.
A bubble chart (an extension of the XY Scatter chart type) displays data as a series of bubbles, where the size
of the bubble is proportional to the amount of data. A bubble chart would be very eective with the number of
products sold in a certain region; the larger the bubble, the greater the number of products sold in that region.
A stock chart presents high and low values for data. It is useful for monitoring nancial or sales activities.
Crystal Reports oers two possible formats for stock charts: High-Low and High-Low-Open-Close. Each of
these types requires a series of values in the order specied in its name.
Numeric Axis
A numeric axis chart is a bar, line, or area chart that uses a numeric eld or a date/time eld as its "On change
of" eld. Numeric axis charts provide a way of scaling your X-axis values, thus creating a true numeric X-axis or
a true date/time X-axis.
A gauge chart presents values graphically as points on a gauge. Gauge charts, like pie charts, are typically used
for one group of data (for example, the percentage of sales for the entire inventory).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart often used to provide a graphical illustration of a schedule. The
horizontal axis shows a time span, while the vertical axis shows a series of tasks or events. Horizontal bars on
the chart represent event sequences and time spans for each item on the vertical axis. You should use only
date elds when creating a Gantt chart. The eld you choose for the data axis should be set to "For Each
Record," and the start and end-date elds should be added to the "Show value(s)" area of the Chart Expert's
Data tab.
Funnel charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process. For example, the amount of potential
revenue shown for each stage. This type of chart can also be useful in identifying potential problem areas in an
organization's sales processes. A funnel chart is similar to a stacked bar chart in that it represents 100% of the
summary values for the groups included in the chart.
A histogram is a type of bar chart used to depict how measurements vary from the mean value. It can help to
identify the cause of problems in a process by the shape of the distribution as well as the width (deviation) of
the distribution. In a histogram, the frequency is represented by the area of a bar rather than the height of the
13.1.4 Where to place a chart
The placement of a chart determines which data is displayed and where it is printed. For example, a chart
placed in the Report Header section includes the data for the entire report, while a chart that is placed in a
Group Header or in a Group Footer section displays only the group specic data.
If your report contains subreports, you can place charts in those subreports as well. See Subreports [page
By default, when you insert a chart or chart object frame, it is placed in the Report Header.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
13.1.5 Drill-down with charts
Not only is charting a means of presenting data—it is also an analysis tool. Move your cursor over a section of
the group chart on the Preview tab, so that the pointer becomes a Drill-down cursor, then double-click to view
the underlying details for that section of the chart.
13.1.6 Drill-down with legends
If the chart consists of one or more group elds, you can use the chart legend to drill down on individual
groups. Double-click the drill-down cursor on the markers and text in the legend to view the details about that
section of the chart.
13.2 Creating charts
When you insert a chart in a report, you may see one of the following options:
A chart object frame in the Report Header.
Once you have placed the chart frame, the Chart Expert dialog box appears. For more information on
where to place a chart in the report, see Where to place a chart [page 263].
A chart automatically inserted in the Report Header.
In some situations, such as when there is at least one group and one summarized eld in your report, a
chart is automatically added to the Report Header, and the Chart Expert dialog box does not appear. This
usually happens when you chart on Cross-Tab summaries or when you chart on an OLAP cube, but it may
also happen when you chart on summary or subtotal elds.
13.2.1 Charting on details or formula elds (Advanced layout)
The Advanced layout allows you to create a chart based on specic values. Since charts are a good way to
display summarized information, they are often based on a summary eld in your report. With an Advanced
layout, you can create a chart without the need for a summary eld by using values that appear in the Details
section of your report.
To create a chart based on the Advanced layout, you must specify two things:
Conditions (there can be two).
Values (there can be multiple values).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The condition is used to indicate when to plot the point. For example, a chart showing last year's sales for your
customers uses the Customer Name eld as the condition. Each time the condition changes (the customer
name changes), a point is plotted.
You also have the option of plotting a point for each record, or plotting one point for all records.
The Advanced chart uses the value to indicate what information is plotted as the points on your chart. For
example, to create a chart showing last year's sales for your customers, the Last Year's Sales eld would be the
13.2.2 Charting on summary or subtotal elds (Group layout)
Many of the charts you create are based on summary or subtotals within your report. In order to create these
charts, you must have a summary or subtotal already inserted into your report in a group header or footer. For
more information on inserting summaries and subtotals, see Summarizing grouped data [page 157] and
Subtotaling [page 162]. To chart on a summary or subtotal eld
1. On the Insert menu, click Chart.
An object frame appears in the Report Header area.
Another way to create a chart is to click the Insert Chart button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
2. Drag the frame to the desired position in the Report Header, Group Header, or Group Footer.
The Chart Expert dialog box appears.
You may see a default chart in the Report Header section rather than the Chart Expert dialog box. To
select a dierent chart type, right-click the default chart, and then click Chart Expert. The Chart Expert
dialog box appears.
3. On the Type tab, in the Chart type list, select a chart type.
Click the chart subtype that best illustrates your data. See Chart types [page 260].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
4. Click the Data tab.
5. In the Layout area, click Group, if it is not already selected.
6. In the Data area, in the On change of list, click the group eld you want to base your chart on; then, in the
Show list, click the summary eld you want to display on your chart.
7. If the Axes and Options tabs appear, you can customize some of the chart's properties, such as the scaling
of the axes, the legend, and the data points.
8. Click the Text tab.
9. Accept the default title information or add new titles to your chart.
10. Click OK.
When your chart is inserted, it may cover a portion of the report. Move and resize the chart so that it ts
properly within the report.
13.2.3 Charting on Cross-Tab summaries (Cross-Tab layout)
Crystal Reports allows you to include a chart based on summary values in your Cross-Tab report. For example,
with a Cross-Tab that shows the amount of a certain product sold in each region of the United States, you may
want to include a chart showing the percentage of total sales provided by each region for that product.
To create a Cross-Tab chart, you must rst have a Cross-Tab in your report. For more information, see Cross-Tab
Objects [page 298]. To chart on a Cross-Tab summary
1. Select the Cross-Tab on which you want to chart.
2. On the Insert menu, click Chart.
An object frame appears in the Report Header area.
Another way to create a chart is to click the Insert Chart button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
3. Drag the frame to the desired position in the Report Header.
The Chart Expert dialog box appears.
You may see a default chart in the Report Header section rather than the Chart Expert dialog box. To
select a dierent chart type, right-click the default chart, and then click Chart Expert. The Chart Expert
dialog box appears.
4. On the Type tab, in the Chart type list, select a chart type.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Click the chart subtype that best illustrates your data. See Chart types [page 260].
5. Click the Data tab.
6. In the Layout area, click Cross-Tab, if it is not already selected.
7. In the Data area, in the On change of list, click the group eld you want to base your chart on.
8. If necessary, in the Subdivided by list, click a secondary row or column you want to base your chart on.
9. In the Show list, click the summary eld you want to display on your chart.
10. If the Axes and Options tabs appear, you can customize some of the chart's properties, such as the scaling
of the axes, the legend, and the data points.
11. Click the Text tab.
12. Accept the default title information or add new titles to your chart.
13. Click OK.
When your chart is inserted, it may cover a portion of the report. Move and resize the chart so that it ts
properly within the report.
13.2.4 Charting on an OLAP cube (OLAP layout)
The OLAP layout lets you chart on an OLAP grid. In order to create an OLAP chart, you must rst have an OLAP
grid in your report. For more information, see Creating an OLAP report [page 339]. To chart on an OLAP cube
1. Select the OLAP grid on which you want to chart.
2. On the Insert menu, click Chart.
An object frame appears in the Report Header area.
Another way to create a chart is to click the Insert Chart button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
3. Drag the frame to the desired position in the Report Header.
The Chart Expert dialog box appears.
You may see a default chart in the Report Header section rather than the Chart Expert dialog box. To
select a dierent chart type, right-click the default chart, and then click Chart Expert. The Chart Expert
dialog box appears.
4. On the Type tab, in the Chart type list, select a chart type. Then click the chart subtype that best illustrates
your data. See Chart types [page 260].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
5. Click the Data tab.
6. In the Layout area, click the OLAP button, if it is not already selected.
7. In the Data area, in the On change of list, click the eld you want to base your chart on.
8. If necessary, in the Subdivided by list, click a secondary row or column you want to base your chart on.
Be sure that the chart type selected in Step 3 supports a secondary charting eld.
9. If the Axes and Options tabs appear, you can customize some of the chart's properties, such as the scaling
of the axes, the legend, and the data points.
10. Click the Text tab.
Accept the default title information or add new titles to your chart.
11. Click OK.
When your chart is inserted, it may cover a portion of the report. Move and resize the chart so that it ts
properly within the report.
13.3 Working with charts
Once you have created a chart, you may want to add a new title, headings, or a legend, change fonts, or even
change the type of chart. Crystal Reports provides many options for working with your existing charts.
13.3.1 Editing charts using the Chart Expert
Editing charts with the Chart Expert allows you to return to the expert in which you designed your chart. You
can modify many of your original choices, such as the type of chart to display, the data on which the chart is
based, and so on. To edit a chart using the Chart Expert
1. Right-click the chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Chart Expert.
3. In the Chart Expert dialog box, make the desired changes.
4. Click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
13.3.2 Editing charts using the Chart Options menu items
Some of the editing options available in the Chart Expert are also available directly from the Chart Options
menu. This menu, which is available when you right-click a chart, also contains many advanced formatting
The following procedures show you how to access the various options that are the Chart Options. For more
information about how to use these features, click Help in the various dialog boxes to open the Chart Help. The
Chart Help (Chart.chm) is installed by default in the \Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal
Reports\ChartSupport\Help\<language> directory. To change chart formatting
1. Right-click your chart, and then select Chart Options.
2. Click the appropriate tab to change appearance, titles, data labels, and so on. To change Numeric Axis Grid options
1. Right-click your chart, and then select Chart Options.
2. Click the appropriate tab to change gridlines, axes, and so on. To change chart titles
1. Right-click your chart, and then select Chart Options.
2. Click the Titles tab and make your changes.
13.3.3 Editing charts using other menu items
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
To apply a new template [page 270]
To format a selected chart object [page 270]
To change series options [page 270]
To choose a viewing angle for a 3D chart [page 270]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 269 To apply a new template
1. Right-click your chart and select Load Template from the menu.
2. The Custom templates dialog box appears.
The options on the Custom tab represent directory locations under \Program Files (x86)\SAP
BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports\Templates where custom chart les are stored.
The custom charts are available only if you selected Custom Charting when installing Crystal Reports. To format a selected chart object
1. Select a line, area, or text object in your chart.
2. Right-click the specied object, and then click Format < <object> >.
For example, you will see Format Pie Slice if you select a pie slice, and Format Series Marker if you select an
item within an area chart, bar chart, and so on.
3. Click the appropriate tab to make changes to the format. To change series options
1. Select a riser item (area, bar, line, marker, pie slice, and so on) or a legend marker.
2. Right-click the specied area, and then select Series Options.
The Series option is not available unless you select a riser or marker as outlined in the previous step,
and may not be available for some chart types.
3. Click the appropriate tab to change appearance, data labels, and so on. To choose a viewing angle for a 3D chart
Right-click your chart, then select 3D Viewing Angle from the menu.
13.3.4 Using the zooming features with bar and line charts
On the Preview tab, you can nd commands for zooming bar charts and line charts within your report. You have
the ability to zoom in and out on these chart types at any time, with each time being referred to as instance-
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
specic. If you decide to save the instance of the chart that has been zoomed in or out, you must save the data
with the report. To zoom in and out on a bar or line chart
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the bar or line chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Zoom In.
3. Drag the Zoom In cursor around a section of the chart to enclose it within the tracking rectangle.
The chart zooms in to the section you selected.
4. Repeat the previous step to zoom in further.
To see adjacent areas on a zoomed-in chart view (neighboring bars in a bar chart, for example), use the
Pan option on the shortcut menu. Pull the Pan cursor to the left or right to move in that direction.
5. To zoom out on a chart, right-click the chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
6. On the shortcut menu, click Zoom Out.
7. With the Zoom Out cursor, click the chart.
The chart zooms out one level of magnication.
8. Click the chart again to zoom out further.
13.3.5 Auto-arranging charts
If you move or resize chart objects on the Preview tab, select the Auto-Arrange Chart feature to reset the chart. To auto-arrange a chart
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Auto-Arrange Chart.
Crystal Reports resets the chart to its original size and position.
13.3.6 Formatting charts
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Changing the border of a chart [page 272]
Conditionally formatting a chart [page 272]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Changing the chart's legend text [page 273] Changing the border of a chart
1. On the Design or Preview tab, right-click the chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Background.
3. On the Format Editor dialog box, click the Border tab to see its options.
4. Change the line style, color, or thickness.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the report and implements your changes. Conditionally formatting a chart
1. On the Design or Preview tab, right-click the chart to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Chart Expert and select the Color Highlight tab.
For information about the expert, search the online help for Color Highlight or Chart Expert.
The option to apply conditional formatting is not available for every chart type.
An area chart must have two "On change of" values for conditional formatting to appear.
If your chart type is line, the chart must have data markers before you can see conditional formatting.
After you apply conditional formatting, you must select "Color by Group" on the Look tab of the Chart
Options dialog box before you will be able to see your formatting. To set this option, right-click your
chart, point to Chart Options on the shortcut menu, and select General from the submenu. This note
applies to line, 3-D Riser, and 3-D Surface charts with one "On change of" eld, as well as to bar,
numeric axis, 3-D Surface, radar, stock, and charts with two summaries.
3. Click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Charting Changing the chart's legend text
1. On the Preview tab, click the text in your chart's legend to select it.
Be sure to select the text and not the entire legend.
2. Right-click the legend text and select Edit Axis Label from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Label Aliasing dialog box, add the text you want to see in the Displayed Label eld.
4. Click OK.
13.3.7 Using the underlay feature with charts
Since charts can print only in certain sections of your report, the underlay feature gives you more control in the
overall look of your report. Instead of having a chart print ahead of the data it represents, it can appear next to
the data for a more comprehensible report.
This is how your report looks when you underlay a chart with report data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
14 Mapping
Crystal Reports enables you to include maps with reports made up of geographic data. This section explains
how to use maps in reports to make report data more meaningful and easier to interpret. You can customize
and rearrange the appearance of a map and activate the drill-down mode to view the details behind the
graphical summaries.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
14.1 Mapping concepts
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Mapping overview [page 274]
Map layouts [page 274]
Map types [page 275]
Where to place a map [page 277]
Drill-down with maps [page 277]
14.1.1 Mapping overview
With Crystal Reports, you can include geographic maps in reports. Maps help you analyze report data and
identify trends more eciently. For example, you could create a map that shows sales by region. You would
then be able to:
Use one of the three map types to analyze the data.
Adjust the appearance and organization of the map (allowing you to better identify trends).
Drill down on the map regions to view underlying data.
14.1.2 Map layouts
The Map Expert provides four layouts that correspond to certain sets of data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
You can create maps with any of the following layouts, and depending on the data you are using, you can
change the map from one layout to another.
Use the Advanced layout when using multiple map values or when you do not have any groups or summaries in
the report.
The Group layout is a simplied layout in which you show a summary on change of a geographic eld (such as
In order to create a map using the Group layout, you must have at least one group and at least one
summary eld for that group.
Use the Cross-Tab layout when mapping on a Cross-Tab object. A Cross-Tab map does not require groups or
summary elds.
Use the OLAP layout when mapping on an OLAP grid. An OLAP map does not require groups or summary
If there is no map associated with the data you specify, then an empty block will appear unless the section
that the map is placed in has been formatted to suppress if blank.
14.1.3 Map types
The Map Expert also provides ve basic map types, each suitable for a dierent strategy of data analysis. When
deciding which map type best ts your report, you should consider the type of data you want to analyze. For
example, if you want the map to display one data item for each geographic division (city, state, country, and so
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
on), then you might use a Ranged map. On the other hand, if you want the map to display more than one value
for each new geographic division, then you could use a Pie Chart map or a Bar Chart map. The following is an
overview of the main map types and their most common uses.
A Ranged map breaks the data into ranges, assigns a specic color to each range, then color codes each
geographic area on the map to display the range. For example, you could create a map that displays Last Year's
Sales by Region. If you have sales ranging from zero to 100,000, you might give the map ve ranges, with equal
intervals of 20,000 each. You could use shades of red (going from dark to light red) to color code each region
according to those sales gures. Then you could use this map to see where sales are the highest.
With equal intervals, you might end up with all your regions ranging between zero and 20,000, except perhaps
one region (for example, California) that might have exceptionally high sales (such as 98,000). This map would
be a very distorted representation of the data. A more useful map would have ranges like 0-5000, 5000-10000,
10000-15000, 15000-20000, and over 20000. It is important to carefully dene your ranges.
The end value for each division is repeated as the start value for the next division; the actual value is
included in the group it starts. That is, the ranges in the previous example are actually: 0-4999, 5000-9999,
and so on.
There are four dierent distribution methods for ranged maps.
Equal count
This option assigns intervals in such a way that the same number of regions (or as close to the same
number of regions as possible) appear in each interval. In other words, this option would assign intervals so
that each color on the map is assigned to the same number of regions. The numeric quantity of the
summary values in each interval may or may not be equal, depending on the individual regions and their
summary values.
Equal ranges
This option assigns intervals in such a way that the summary values in each interval are numerically equal.
The number of regions in each interval may or may not be equal, depending on the individual regions and
their summary values.
Natural break
This option assigns intervals using an algorithm that attempts to minimize the dierence between the
summary values and the average of the summary values for each interval.
Standard deviation
This option assigns intervals in such a way that the middle interval breaks at the mean (or average) of the
data values, and the intervals above and below the middle range are one standard deviation above or below
the mean. Standard deviation is the square root of the variance. It projects how various values in a set of
values deviate from the mean for that set.
Pie Chart
A Pie Chart map displays a pie chart over each geographic area. The pie charts represent data items that make
up a whole. Each slice of the pie represents an individual data item and shows that item's percentage in the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
whole. For example, you could create a Pie Chart map showing heating fuel types by region. You might have
four types of heating fuel (four slices in each pie): electricity, gas, wood, and solar. Each region would then have
a pie chart showing the breakdown of heating fuel types within that region. Washington state would probably
use a high percentage (a large slice of the pie) of electricity because of the hydropower in that region, while
Idaho would probably use a high percentage (a large slice of the pie) of natural gas.
You can use this map type to compare the distribution of several items within a particular region. You can also
specify that the pie charts be sized proportionately so that, as with the symbols in a Graduated map, the pie
charts will appear in various sizes, depending on the underlying data values. This will allow you to compare the
totals between regions.
Bar Chart
A Bar Chart map works like a Pie Chart map, but may be more useful for certain sets of data. Typically, you
would use a Bar Chart map for items that do not total 100%; that is, for data items that do not make a whole, or
for data items that are unrelated. For example, you could create a Bar Chart map that displays use of heating
fuel by region. You might choose to analyze use of three types of fuel: electricity, gas, and solar. Each bar chart
on the map could contain individual bars for each of these types. In this example, the data items (electricity,
gas, and solar) do not comprise a whole. There may be other types of fuel used in these regions, such as wood,
but this map only focuses on three of them. Also, the purpose of the map is to compare each region's use of
each fuel type with that of every other region. In a Pie Chart map, you could show these three fuel types as
percentages of the entire fuel use within each region, and though you could compare the percentages for each
region, you would probably not be able to compare the actual values for each region because each region would
have the same total value (100%).
14.1.4 Where to place a map
When you choose where to place the map, you determine the amount of data that will be included in the map.
For example, if you place the map in the Report Header section, the map includes data for the entire report. If
you place it in a Group Header or Group Footer section, it displays group-specic data. This choice will also
determine whether the map prints once for the entire report, or many times (once for each instance of a given
If your report contains subreports, you can place maps in those subreports as well.
14.1.5 Drill-down with maps
Not only is mapping a means of presenting data—it is also an analysis tool. Move your cursor over a section of
the map on the Preview tab, so that the pointer becomes a Drill-down cursor, then double-click to view the
underlying details for that section of the map.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
If you drill down on a region that has no data associated with it, you will get a message saying, "There are no
detail records for that {Region Name}."
14.2 Creating maps
The process for creating a map varies depending on the data you are mapping on. The following sections detail
the mapping process for each map layout.
Mapping on details elds (Advanced layout)
The Advanced layout allows you to create a map based on specic values. With an Advanced layout, you can
create a map without the need for a summary eld by using values that appear in the Details section of your
To create a map based on the Advanced layout, you must specify two things:
Conditions (there can be two).
Value (there must be only one value).
The condition is used to indicate where to plot the data on a map. This condition must be a string eld. In order
for a map to be generated, the eld should contain geographic information. For example, a map showing last
year's sales for each country uses the Country eld as the condition. Each time the condition changes (the
country changes), that area on the map is highlighted.
The Advanced layout uses the value to indicate what information is mapped when the area on the map is
highlighted. For example, to create a map showing last year's sales for the countries, the Last Year's Sales eld
would be the value.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
14.2.1 Mapping on group elds (Group layout)
To map on a group, you can use the Group layout, in which you show a summary (such as Last Year's Sales) on
change of a geographic eld (such as Region). In order to create a map using the Group layout, you must have
at least one group and at least one summary eld for that group. To map on a group
1. On the Insert menu, click Map.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Map button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Map Expert dialog box appears.
2. On the Data tab, in the Layout area, click Group, if it is not already selected.
3. In the Placement area, in the Place map list, specify how often your map appears on the report, then click
Header or Footer to specify where to place your map.
4. In the Data area, in the On change of list, click the group eld you want to base your map on, then in the
Show list, click the summary eld you want to display on your map.
5. Click the Type tab.
6. Click the map type that best illustrates your data (Ranged, Dot Density, or Graduated). See Map types
[page 275].
7. In the Options area, apply formatting options to your map.
8. Click the Text tab.
9. In the Map title eld, enter a title for your map.
10. In the Legend area, you can click one of the following options:
Full legend to show a detailed legend on your map.
Compact legend to show a condensed legend on your map.
No legend to exclude the legend from your map.
11. If you click Full legend, click Made by map to have Crystal Reports create a legend title based on your map,
or click Specify to enter your own legend title and subtitle.
12. Click OK.
Your map is placed in the Header or Footer section of the report, depending on your selection in Step 3.
14.2.2 Mapping on Cross-Tab summaries (Cross-Tab layout)
With the Cross-Tab layout, you can map on a Cross-Tab summary eld. For example, with a Cross-Tab that
shows the total number of items of a product sold in each region of the United States, you may want to include
a map that shows the percentage of the total sales of the product provided by each region.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
In order to create a Cross-Tab map you must rst have a Cross-Tab in your report. For more information about
Cross-Tabs, see Cross-Tab Objects [page 298]. To map on a Cross-Tab summary
1. On the Insert menu, click Map.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Map button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Map Expert dialog box appears.
2. On the Data tab, in the Layout area, click Cross-Tab, if it is not already selected.
3. In the Placement area, click Header or Footer to specify where to place your map.
4. In the Data area, in the Geographic eld list, click a geographic eld to supply the geographic areas for your
5. If necessary, in the Subdivided by list, click another eld to map on.
Crystal Reports uses this eld to subdivide the pie or bar charts appearing on your map.
6. In the Map on list, click a summary eld to supply the numeric data for your map.
7. Click the Type tab.
8. Click the map type that best illustrates your data. See Map types [page 275].
If you plan to map on only one eld, be sure to select None from the "Subdivided by" list, then choose
either the Ranged, Dot Density, or Graduated map type.
If you plan to map on two elds, be sure to select an additional eld from the "Subdivided by" list, then
choose either the Pie Chart or Bar Chart map type.
9. In the Options area, apply formatting options to your map.
10. Click the Text tab.
11. In the Map title eld, enter a title for your map.
12. In the Legend area, you can click one of the following options:
Full legend to show a detailed legend on your map.
Compact legend to show a condensed legend on your map.
No legend to exclude the legend from your map.
13. If you click Full legend, click Made by map to have Crystal Reports create a legend title based on your map,
or click Specify to enter your own legend title and subtitle.
14. Click OK.
Your map is placed in the Header or Footer section of the report, depending on your selection in Step 3.
14.2.3 Mapping on an OLAP cube (OLAP layout)
Using the OLAP layout, you can map on an OLAP grid. In order to create an OLAP map, you must rst have an
OLAP grid in your report. For more information about OLAP grids, see Creating an OLAP report [page 339].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Mapping To map on an OLAP cube
1. On the Insert menu, click Map.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Map button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Map Expert dialog box appears.
2. On the Data tab, in the Layout area, click OLAP, if it is not already selected.
3. In the Placement area, click Header or Footer to specify where to place your map.
4. In the Data area, click the On change of list and select the eld on which you want to base your map.
This eld should contain geographic information, such as Country.
5. If necessary, click the Subdivided by list and select a secondary row or column to incorporate into your
Choosing to subdivide by a secondary mapping eld, either row or column, will aect the map types
available in Step 8.
6. Click the Type tab.
7. Click the map type that best illustrates your data. If there is no secondary mapping eld, you can choose
Ranged, Dot Density, or Graduated; if there is a secondary mapping eld, you can choose Pie Chart or Bar
Chart. See Map types [page 275].
8. In the Options area, apply formatting options to your map.
9. Click the Text tab.
10. In the Map title eld, enter a title for your map.
11. In the Legend area, you can click one of the following options:
Full legend to show a detailed legend on your map.
Compact legend to show a condensed legend on your map.
No legend to exclude the legend from your map.
If you click Full legend, click "Made by map" to have Crystal Reports create a legend title based on your
map, or click Specify to enter your own legend title and subtitle.
12. Click OK.
Your map is placed in the Header or Footer section of the report, depending on your selection in Step 3.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
14.3 Working with maps
Once you have created a map, you may want to add a new title, headings, and a legend, and you may want to
change fonts, or even the map type. Crystal Reports provides many options for working with your existing
14.3.1 Editing maps using the Map Expert
Editing maps with the Map Expert allows you to return to the expert in which you designed your map. You can
modify many of your original choices, such as the type of map to display, the data on which the map is based,
and so on. From either the Design or Preview tab, you can open the Map Expert and make your modications. To edit a map using the Map Expert
1. Right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Map Expert.
3. In the Map Expert dialog box, make the desired changes.
4. Click OK.
14.3.2 Changing the map title
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, choose Title.
3. In the Change Map Title dialog box, enter a new title.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the Preview tab and implements your changes.
14.3.3 Changing the map type
You can change the map type and set the properties for that map directly from the menu that appears when
you right-click a map on the Preview tab. For example, if you want to see how the data of a Ranged map would
look if it were presented in a Dot Density style, you can rearrange the map without having to return to the Map
Expert and rework the format.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Mapping To change the map type
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, choose Type.
The Customize Map dialog box appears.
3. In the Map type list, click the new map type.
4. In the Options area, apply formatting options to your new map.
The properties made available to you vary depending on the map you have selected.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the Preview tab and implements your changes.
14.3.4 Changing map layers
In Crystal Reports, maps are made up of a number of layers. You can stack these layers on top of each other to
create a more detailed map. For example, you might want to see the names of major cities in every country; to
do this, you could add a layer that contains city names. This layer sits on top of the basic world map to provide
further information.
You can specify which of the provided map layers you want to see, and you can rearrange the order of the layers
that you have selected. To change map layers
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, and choose Layers.
The Layer Control dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
3. In the Layers list, click Up or Down to arrange the order of the map layers.
Be aware that some map layers contain non-transparent sections that can obscure the detail of other
layers. For example, the Ocean layer is mostly non-transparent; if you place it higher in the layers list, it will
block many of the other layers (the other layers seem to disappear, but they are merely obscured by the
Ocean layer).
4. In the Properties area, set the properties for each map layer, specifying whether the layer is visible and
whether it is automatically labeled.
The Visible option species whether the layer appears. The Automatic Labels option species whether a
predened label appears (for example, labels for the names of major world cities).
5. If necessary, click Display to open the Display Properties dialog box.
Use this dialog box to set the default display mode and zoom range (the minimum and maximum possible
magnication) for the layer in question, then click OK to return to the Layer Control dialog box.
6. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the Preview tab and implements your changes.
14.3.5 Resolving data mismatches
Sometimes the map you are working with uses a dierent geographic name from the one used in the database.
For example, a map of Europe may use "United Kingdom" while the database uses the abbreviation "U.K." Until
you resolve the data mismatch, the map will not be able to display any information for the selected geographic
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Mapping To resolve data mismatches
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, and choose Resolve Mismatch.
The Resolve Map Mismatch dialog box appears.
3. Click the Resolve Mismatch tab to see a listing the geographic names that do not correspond between the
database and map.
4. In the Assign this Field Name list, click the name you want to resolve.
5. To assign the heading, click a keyword from the To this Map Name list.
6. If there is a match, click Match.
The new assignment is displayed in the Matched results part of the Resolve Mismatch tab.
7. Once you are nished resolving the data mismatches, click OK.
The map can now display data for the selected geographic region.
14.3.6 Changing the geographic map
If you prefer to have your data values presented with a dierent geographic map, specify your changes using
the Change Map tab of the Resolve Map Mismatch dialog box. To change the geographic map
1. On the Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Resolve Mismatch.
The Resolve Map Mismatch dialog box appears; the Change Map tab displays the name of the current map
you are using, and a list of replacement maps that you can choose from.
3. In the Available maps list, click the new map you want to use.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the Preview tab and implements your changes.
14.3.7 Zooming in and out on a map
1. On the Preview tab, right-click a map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Zoom In.
3. Drag the selection cursor around the map section you want to see.
The map zooms in one level of magnication.
4. Drag another selection to zoom in further.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
5. To zoom out on a map, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
6. On the shortcut menu, click Zoom Out.
7. Click the map.
The map zooms out a level of magnication.
8. Click the map again to zoom out further.
If a map occurs once for each instance of a group, any panning or zooming settings you specify are
instance-specic. In other words, if you zoom in on the map in one group header, this setting is only for that
group header. None of the headers have been changed. This way you can set each map to dierent
If the Save Data with Report option is selected from the File menu, your panning and zooming settings will
be saved with the report. If the option is not selected, then only the default map settings will be saved.
14.3.8 Panning a map
1. On the Preview tab, right-click a map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Pan.
3. Drag the panning cursor to the desired map section.
14.3.9 Centering a map
1. On the Preview tab, right-click a map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Center Map.
14.3.10 Changing the border of a map
1. On the Design or Preview tab, right-click the map to bring up the shortcut menu.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Format Map.
3. On the Format Editor dialog box, click the Border tab to see its options.
4. Change the line style, color, background color, and add or remove a drop shadow from the map border.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
Crystal Reports returns you to the report and implements your changes.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
14.3.11 To underlay a map
1. Create your map and place it in the Report Header section.
For more information, see Creating maps [page 278].
2. On the Report menu, click Section Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Section Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Section Expert dialog box appears.
3. In the Sections area, click Report Header, then select the Underlay Following Sections check box.
4. Click OK.
Crystal Reports returns you to the report. Your map will now underlay the sections below it.
5. If necessary, move or resize the map.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
15 OLE
This section explains how Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) can be used to edit graphics or other objects
from within your report instead of opening an additional application.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
15.1 OLE overview
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) enables you to insert objects (OLE objects) into a report from other
applications (OLE server applications) and then use those applications from within Crystal Reports to edit the
objects if necessary.
If you were not using OLE, you would have to exit Crystal Reports, open the original application, change the
object, return to Crystal Reports, delete the object originally inserted, and then insert the newly revised object.
If you intend to use your Crystal report in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform or through
the Report Application Server (RAS), copy the source le to a network folder that is accessible to the
network account(s) under which the processing servers (Job Server, Page Server, RAS) are running. Ensure
that report designers' accounts also have permission to the network folder. When you insert the linked OLE
object in Crystal Reports, use a UNC path.
15.1.1 OLE terminology
Before you work with OLE objects in Crystal Reports, it might be helpful to review some terminology:
OLE is an acronym for Object Linking and Embedding. It refers to the ability to create compound
documents; that is, documents that contain elements from other applications that can be edited using the
original application.
OLE Object
An OLE object is, broadly speaking, a presentation of data that was created in another application and that
maintains a relationship with the application that was used to create it. A bitmap created in Paint, an Excel
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
spreadsheet, or a graph from MS Graph may all be OLE objects if they are inserted in the receiving
document as OLE objects. If they are not inserted as OLE objects, they retain no relationship with the
original application.
OLE Container Application
An OLE container application is one that can contain and process OLE objects created in other applications
(such as Paint or Excel). Crystal Reports is a container application.
Container Document
A container document is a document that was created using the container application and that contains
one or more OLE objects.
OLE Server Application
An OLE server application is an application that allows its documents to be inserted into an OLE container
document as OLE objects. Microsoft Word and Excel are examples of applications that are both OLE
servers and OLE containers. That is, they can both create new OLE objects and they can contain OLE
objects created elsewhere.
Server Document
The server document is a le created in the server application that stores the original OLE object.
15.1.2 Types of OLE objects
Static object
A static OLE object is a picture of an object that can be displayed and printed, but not edited in place. It
does not have a connection to a server application. There are two kinds of static objects: static bitmaps
and static metales.
Embedded object
An embedded object contains a representation of the object, as well as information that denes the
content. It does not have a connection to the original object in the server document. As a general rule, use
embedded objects when you need to edit the object independently of the original server document.
Linked object
A linked object contains a representation of the data and a link to the le where it originated. As a general
rule, use linked objects when the data in the server document is changing and you want the object in your
report to be updated when you open the report.
15.1.3 General OLE considerations
There are several points to keep in mind when utilizing OLE functionality.
When you double-click an embedded OLE object, the object is activated for editing and the Report
Designer merges its menus and toolbars with those of the object's server application. If the OLE server
application does not support this behavior, the object appears in a separate window. When you are nished
editing, click outside the object and the Report Designer toolbars reappear.
When you double-click a linked OLE object, the program opens the object's server application with the
object displayed and ready for editing. You cannot edit a linked object in place in Crystal Reports because
you are working on the original object. Since the object could be linked to multiple documents, displaying
the original in the server application limits access to one editor at a time.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
15.2 Inserting OLE objects into reports
There are several ways to insert OLE objects into an application.
The OLE Object choice on the Insert menu can be used to import an existing object or create a new one.
You can place either embedded or linked objects using this method.
Paste Special on the Edit menu can be used to copy or cut the object from an OLE server application and
paste it in a report. If the object can be pasted in multiple formats, you need to decide which format to use.
For example, when inserting text from a Microsoft Word document, you can paste the text as Microsoft
Word document text (which can be edited in Word), or as a metale, which is simply a non-editable picture
of the text. Use Paste Special to place either embedded or linked objects.
When inserting selected information (portions of larger les), it is best to use Copy and Paste Special
editing. When inserting entire les, click OLE Object from the Insert menu.
15.2.1 To copy and paste OLE objects
This procedure assumes that you have Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program on your computer that
is an OLE server application.
1. Open both Crystal Reports and Microsoft Excel.
2. Open an existing report in Crystal Reports.
3. Create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel by typing the numbers one through ten (1-10) in cells A1 through
4. Select cells A1 through A10, right-click and select Copy from the shortcut menu in Excel.
5. Go to Crystal Reports and select Paste from the Edit menu.
6. Place the cells into the Details section of the report.
7. Right-click the spreadsheet object in the report and observe that it is identied as an OLE object and that
the third command from the last identies it as a Worksheet Object.
8. Double-click the spreadsheet object.
The menus and toolbars change to a combination of those from the OLE server application and Crystal
Reports. You can now edit the object in-place. The object is an embedded object. Any changes you make to
the object will not aect the original.
9. Click outside the object when you are nished.
The menus and toolbars change back to those of Crystal Reports. Any changes you made while editing are
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
15.3 How OLE objects are represented in a report
An OLE object is displayed in a report in any of several dierent formats depending on how you chose to insert
the object.
If you have chosen to display the object as an icon, the icon will appear in the report. Users can choose to
edit the object later by double-clicking the icon.
If the object was created from an existing le, the data from that le (or an icon) is displayed in the report.
This data can be edited by double-clicking the object or its icon.
If you are creating a new object, the application for the object type that you chose will open, and you can
begin designing the object. When you are nished, close or exit the application. The object (or its icon) will
be displayed in the report.
15.4 Editing OLE objects in reports
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
In-place editing [page 291]
Dynamic OLE menu commands [page 291]
OLE and the Insert Picture command [page 292]
15.4.1 In-place editing
In-place editing is the ability to change an OLE object's properties from within an OLE container application
(such as Crystal Reports). The container application's menu items change to provide the editing tools from the
server application so that you can make changes easily.
When an OLE object is placed in a report, the object becomes part of the report. To edit the object, double-click
it and then modify it using the editing tools found in the object's original application or from a similar
application that allows in-place editing. You can edit an OLE object only if you have the corresponding server
application installed on your computer. You can view and print a report containing an OLE object even if you
don't have the server application installed.
15.4.2 Dynamic OLE menu commands
When you have an OLE object selected, there is a submenu on the Edit menu that provides commands for the
object. The name of this submenu reects the type of the OLE object. The commands on the submenu also
vary according to the type of object.
The object may be described as a Document object, Bitmap Image object, Picture object, Worksheet object, or
something similarly descriptive:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
If the object is embedded, the Edit menu displays those commands that are available to that type of
embedded object.
If the object is linked, the Edit menu displays commands for that type of linked object.
Commands on the context menus change in a similar fashion.
These dynamic commands are provided to give you more control when working with OLE objects.
15.4.3 OLE and the Insert Picture command
When the OLE Object command on the Insert menu is used to place pictures in a report, the picture will be
converted to an embedded or linked object associated with Microsoft Paint (or another image editing
When the Picture command on the Insert menu is used to place pictures in a report, the Report Designer
converts them into static objects.
Static objects cannot be edited. To edit a static object, it has to be converted into an editable type of object
using the Convert command on the Edit menu.
15.5 Working with static OLE objects
You can insert a number of dierent types of static OLE objects into your report. Crystal Reports supports
these pixel-based image formats:
Windows Bitmap (BMP)
As well, Crystal Reports supports this vector-based image format:
Windows Metales (both WMF and the newer enhanced metale format).
Wide static OLE objects can span pages. This functionality may result in two or more horizontal pages in
your report. If this do not want this eect, you should resize your static OLE object. As well, it is
recommended that you do not use the Repeat on Horizontal Pages option for any static OLE object that will
span several pages.
15.5.1 Inserting a static OLE object
1. Open or create a report that you want to insert a static OLE object in.
2. On the Insert menu, click Picture.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Another way to do this is to click the picture button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
The Open dialog box appears.
3. Select a picture (.bmp, .jpg, .png, or . wmf) from a directory that you have access to.
4. Click Open.
5. When the object frame appears, place the picture in your report.
6. Right-click the picture, and notice that the picture is identied as an OLE object on the shortcut menu.
When you double-click the object, nothing happens. A static OLE object cannot be edited.
15.5.2 Making a static OLE object dynamic
A dynamic static OLE object is a picture that you access in Crystal Reports by use of a le path or URL.
Typically, you use this option when you have the path to your pictures stored as a string eld in a database (that
is, you do not have the actual objects stored in the database). You can also use this option when you have
pictures stored on a network share, and you know these objects change occasionally.
The functionality of these dynamic static OLE objects (or dynamic graphics) is created in Crystal Reports
through the use of a conditional formatting formula that allows you to link to static OLE objects by reference.
This feature is activated when you refresh your report data; therefore, you may not notice a change in the
static OLE object until you click the Refresh button in Crystal Reports.
When you schedule a report that contains a dynamic static OLE object in SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform, the instances that are created contain the version of the static OLE object as it
existed in your Crystal report when you scheduled it. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
does not update the object dynamically for each instance.
Reports that use an absolute or a relative path for a dynamic static OLE object are not supported in an SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform environment for this release. If you plan to publish reports
that contain dynamic static OLE objects to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, it is
recommend that you use URL links for your OLE objects. To make a static OLE object dynamic
1. Right-click the static OLE object that you inserted, and choose Format Graphic from the shortcut menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
You begin the process of making a static OLE object dynamic by inserting the object into your report as
usual. This object becomes the default object. If Crystal Reports cannot nd the dynamic reference to
the object, it uses the default object instead.
2. In the Format Editor window, click the Picture tab, and then click the (Conditional Formula) button
adjacent to the Graphic Location label.
3. In the Formula Workshop, create the path to your static OLE object.
For example, if your path is stored in a database eld, add that eld to the formula.
4. Click Save and close to return to the Format Editor.
5. (Optional) In the Picture tab, select the Use Original URL check-box to skip the URL encoding check.
This is sometimes necessary when your URL contains certain special characters (such as “%3d”) that are
already encoded (to for instance “=”), while the URL destination expects the original special characters.
6. Click OK to return to your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
7. Click (Refresh) to update the reference link to your static OLE object.
15.5.3 Converting a static OLE object to a bitmap image
1. Right-click the static OLE object that you inserted, and choose Convert Picture Object from the shortcut
The Convert dialog box appears.
2. Select Paintbrush Picture in the Object Type list, and click OK.
You have just converted a static OLE object to a modiable OLE object.
This option does not appear if the original le was a metale.
3. Right-click the object you have just converted.
The command on the shortcut menu is now Bitmap Image Object.
4. Double-click the object.
Microsoft Paint, or another graphics application installed on your machine, opens.
15.6 Working with embedded vs. linked objects
Since embedded and linked objects each have dierent properties, it is important for you to consider the
capabilities of each when deciding which OLE format to use.
15.6.1 Embedded objects
An embedded object can be created from within Crystal Reports or by using a le that already exists. If you use
an existing le, the object is copied to the report.
When changes are made to an embedded object it does not aect the original le and vice versa. The changes
are made only to the object within your report. To insert an embedded OLE object
1. Click the Design tab.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
2. On the Insert menu, click OLE Object.
The Insert Object dialog box appears.
3. Select Create From File.
The dialog box changes, allowing you to either type in an object name or browse.
4. Click Browse and choose a bitmap le (BMP).
5. Click Open to return to the Insert Object dialog box.
6. Click OK to return to the report.
An object frame appears.
7. Place the object in your report.
8. Right-click this picture and observe that it is also identied as an OLE Object on the shortcut menu.
The third command from the bottom of the shortcut menu identies it as a Bitmap Image Object. It is an
embedded OLE object.
9. Double-click the object.
You have remained in Crystal Reports but the menus and tools have merged with Microsoft Paint, or those
of another graphics package installed on your machine. These tools can be used to edit the bitmap in
place. Remember that even though you are working with the tools of the OLE server application, you are
not working on the original le; you are working with a copy and nothing you do here will aect the original.
15.6.2 Linked objects
When a linked object is inserted into a report, Windows copies a snapshot of the data (not the data itself) from
a le that already exists. The image of the object is added to your report along with a reference to the data used
to create it. The actual data remains with the original le.
When the object is activated from within a report, the original le is opened inside the application that was used
to create it. Any changes you make directly aect the original le also.
If you want the data in an object to remain available to other applications, and always reect the most current
changes to the data, link the object to the report. An automatic link is refreshed from the source le every time
the report is loaded; a manual link is refreshed only when you request it. You can force a refresh, break a link, or
redene the link in the Edit Links dialog box.
When you have a linked object and you break the link using the Links dialog box, all connections to the original
data in the server document are broken. A linked object in a container application is merely a representation of
that object and a link between the object and the server document. When you break the link you're left with
only the representation, with no relationship to the original data or to the editing capabilities of the server
application. In this situation, Crystal Reports turns the object into a static object, a stand-alone object that can
neither be edited using OLE capabilities nor converted into an editable OLE object. To link a bitmap image object
1. On the Insert menu, click OLE Object.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The Insert Object dialog box appears.
2. Select Create From File.
The dialog box changes, enabling you to enter an object name or browse.
3. Click Browse and choose a bitmap le (BMP).
4. Click Open to return to the Insert Object dialog box.
5. Select the Link check box.
6. Click OK to return to the report.
An object frame appears.
7. Place this object in your report.
8. Right-click this object and observe that this object is identied as an OLE object.
The third command from the bottom of the shortcut menu identies this as a Linked Bitmap Image Object.
9. Double-click the object.
Microsoft Paint or the graphics application you are using opens, displaying the original le. Any changes
you make to the original will be reected in the object that appears in your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
16 Cross-Tab Objects
A Cross-Tab object is a grid that displays values that are grouped and summarized in two directions. This
section provides you with information about how you can use Cross-Tab objects in your report.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community Network where you'll
nd a large collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
16.1 What is a Cross-Tab object?
A Cross-Tab object is a grid that returns values based on the criteria you specify. Data is presented in compact
rows and columns. This format makes it easy to compare data and identify trends. It is made up of three
Summary elds
The rows in a Cross-Tab run horizontally (from side to side). In the example above, "Gloves" is a row.
The columns in a Cross-Tab run vertically (up and down). In the example above, "USA" is a column.
The summary elds are found at the intersection of rows and columns. The value found at each
intersection represents a summary (sum, count, and so on) of those records that meet the row and the
column criteria. In the example above, the value at the intersection of "Gloves" and "USA" is four, the
number of gloves sold in the USA.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
A Cross-Tab also includes several totals:
At the end of each row is a total for that row. In the example above, this total represents a single product
sold in all countries. At the end of the "Gloves" row is the value 8, the total number of gloves sold in all
The total column can appear at the beginning of each row.
At the bottom of each column is a total for that column. In the example above, this total represents all
products sold in a single country. The value at the bottom of the "USA" column is four, the total number of
products (gloves, belts and shoes) sold in the USA.
The total column can appear at the top of each column.
At the intersection of the Totals column (totals for the products) and the Totals row (totals for the
countries) is a grand total. In the example above, the value at the intersection of the Total Column and Total
Row is 12, the total number of all products sold in all countries.
16.2 Cross-Tab example
This example demonstrates how you can use a Cross-Tab object to make it easier to understand complex data.
The goal of this report is to analyze the unit sales of ve dierent bicycle locks in four dierent regions (a unit
sales of locks by region report). For greater clarity, only the most essential information in these reports has
been included:
The region from which the order came.
The name of the lock.
The quantity ordered.
The rst way of looking at the data is in the most basic of all reports, a columnar report with no grouping or
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
16.2.1 Report of order data - no sorting/grouping
This report presents details. Each row represents an individual order. There are many orders from each of the
regions for dierent locks. But because there is no summary information, it is nearly impossible to get any
useful information out of a report like this.
The next logical step is to group the data in some way. You can group it by region, or by product line. The
following section shows a look at both of these options.
16.2.2 Report of order data - grouped by region
This report uses the data seen in the rst report, but here the data is grouped by region. All the orders in each
region are grouped together, but each regional group contains orders for dierent types of locks. Because the
groups contain dierent kinds of data, summarizing the Quantity eld will determine the total number of locks
sold per Region, but not the total of each type.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
Each region group contains orders for dierent kinds of locks.
16.2.3 Report of order data - grouped by product
This report groups the data by product. Each group displays all the orders for a specic product. At rst it
appears that this might be useful, but then it becomes clear that each product group includes orders from
several dierent regions.
The information is helpful, and it brings you closer to your goal, but you are still a long way from having the
information you need.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
Each product group contains orders for many regions.
16.2.4 Report of order data - grouped by region and product
This report is the logical next step. If the By Region report contains multiple products in each region group, and
the By Product report contains multiple regions in each product group, then it seems to make sense to
combine the two. Doing that, you group rst by Region and then by Product.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
Each group contains orders for one product for one region. But the data is all spread out and remains dicult
to analyze. This information is useful, and with a little work you can use a report like this to get the comparison
information you need. However, a Cross-Tab oers a better solution.
16.2.5 Order data in a Cross-Tab object
With Cross-Tabs, all the information you need is provided in a compact format. The report shows the products
sold in each region and what the unit sales were. It is easy to see, for example, that Guardian XL "U" Locks are
not popular at all in BC but they are the biggest seller in Florida, or that Alabama is being outsold by California
in every lock category.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
In this Cross-Tab:
Product names make up the row headings.
Regions make up the column headings.
The value at each row/column intersection is the sum of all the orders for a particular product for a
particular region; for example, the total number of Guardian Mini Locks purchased in British Columbia.
The total at the end of each row is the total of all of the purchases for one product in all regions; for
example, the total number of Guardian ATB Locks purchased in Alabama, British Columbia, California, and
Florida combined.
The total at the bottom of each column is the total number of all kinds of locks ordered in one region; for
example, the number of locks of all kinds purchased in California.
The total in the bottom right corner is the grand total showing the total unit sales of all ve locks in all four
The report is compact, and enables you to compare your customers' purchasing habits quickly.
16.3 Creating a Cross-Tab report
This section provides you with the steps to create a Cross-Tab object in a new report and how to add a Cross-
Tab object to an existing report.
Things to keep in mind when using Cross-Tab objects:
You can drag report elds into or out of Cross-Tab objects.
You can have multiple rows, columns, and summarized elds.
You can use print-time formulas as your rows or columns.
You can use Running Total elds as your summarized eld.
You can include a group sort (top or bottom N) on the rows in your Cross-Tab.
Group sorting cannot be applied to columns.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
You can insert as many Cross-Tab objects in a report as you need.
You can insert the Cross-Tab into either the Report Header or Footer, or the Group Header or Footer.
You can place Cross-Tab objects in subreports. This is useful when you want to refer to the results from
another report.
16.3.1 To create a new cross-tab report
On the Start Page, click Cross-Tab Report Wizard.
The Cross-Tab Report Creation Wizard appears.
16.3.2 To add a Cross-Tab to an existing report
1. Open your report.
This example uses the Group By Intervals.rpt included in the Feature Examples directory.
2. Click the Design tab.
3. On the Insert menu, click Cross-Tab.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Cross-Tab button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
An object frame appears with the Arrow cursor as you drag the Cross-Tab object into the report.
4. Place the object frame in an empty area in the Group Header #1 and click to release it.
An empty Cross-Tab object appears in your report. You can drag elds from your report or from the Field
Explorer into your Cross-Tab. This example uses Customer Name, Country, and Last Year's Sales from the
Customer table.
5. In the Field Explorer, select Customer Name and drag it to the Cross-Tab.
This eld will be your column value.
6. Drag the eld to the upper-right-hand corner of the Cross-Tab object.
You'll see a placement arrow to show you where the eld will appear when you drop it.
Once you have clicked to release the eld, it appears to the right of the column that you selected.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
7. In the Field Explorer, select Country and drag it to the Cross-Tab.
This eld will be your row value.
8. Drag the eld to the lower-left-hand corner of the Cross-Tab object, and click to release it.
9. Finally, drag Last Year's Sales to the Insert Summary cells of the Cross-Tab, and click to release it.
Notice that all of the cells change color when you position the eld over them.
10. Click the Preview tab to see your Cross-Tab.
16.3.3 Specifying the data source
1. On the Data screen, locate the data source you want to use.
This example uses the Xtreme Sample Database.
For information on how to select a data source, see Selecting the data source [page 67].
2. Select the tables that contain the elds to include in the report.
Use the Ctrl-click combination to pick a non-continuous range of elds and the Shift-click combination
to pick a continuous list of elds.
This example uses Customer, Orders, Orders Detail and Product.
3. Click the > arrow to add the selected tables.
4. Click Next.
The Link screen appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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16.3.4 Modifying the links
1. In this example, check to make sure that the Customer table is linked to the Product table via the Orders
and Orders Detail tables.
If you do not like the linking that Crystal Reports has automatically suggested, change it by clicking Clear
Links, and then select the elds that you would like to link together.
2. Click Next.
The Cross-Tab screen appears.
16.3.5 Adding a chart
1. Select the kind of chart you want to see in your report:
Bar Chart
Line Chart
Pie Chart
If you don't want to add a chart, leave No Chart selected and skip to Selecting records [page 307].
2. Change the default charting information to suit your report.
For more information about creating a group chart, see Charting on summary or subtotal elds (Group
layout) [page 265].
3. Click Next.
The Record Selection screen appears.
16.3.6 Selecting records
Use this screen to apply selection conditions. This limits the results that are returned in your report to only
those records that you are interested in.
1. Select the eld to apply selection to.
For this example choose Region.
2. Click the > arrow.
The eld is added to the Filter Fields area and the lter types list appears below it.
3. From the lter types list choose a lter method.
For this example, choose "is one of" as the lter method.
4. In the lter values list that appears, select the value(s) you want to lter on and click Add.
For this example, choose AZ, CA, and OR from the drop-down list.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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The report will provide you with a breakdown and summary of accessory and bicycle sales for Arizona,
California, and Oregon.
5. Click Next.
The Grid Style screen appears.
16.3.7 Dening the structure of the Cross-Tab
Add elds from the Available Fields area to the Rows, Columns, and Summary Fields areas.
1. From the Customer table, select Region; then click the > arrow next to the Rows area.
The Region eld is added to the Rows area.
You can also add a eld to the dierent Cross-Tab areas by selecting it and dragging it to the Columns,
Rows, or Summary Fields areas.
2. From the Product table, select Product Class; then click the > arrow next to the Columns area.
The Product Class eld is added to the Columns area.
3. From the Orders table, select Order Amount; then click the > arrow next to the Summary Fields area.
The Orders Amount is added to the Summary Fields area.
4. Select the summary operation you want to perform on Order Amount from the list beneath the Summary
Fields area.
5. Click Next.
The Chart screen appears.
16.3.8 Applying a predened style and nishing the report
1. Select a style.
For this example choose Original.
2. Click Finish.
The Cross-Tab report appears in the Preview tab.
3. If you do not want the Cross-Tab to appear in the Report Header, click the Design tab, and move the Cross-
Tab to the Report Footer.
You can also place your Cross-Tab in the Group Header or Footer.
If you place the Cross-Tab in the Report Footer, unsuppress the footer by right-clicking in the Report
Footer's gray area and selecting Don't Suppress.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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4. Click the Preview tab to view the report.
16.3.9 Adding a Cross-Tab to an existing report using the
Cross-Tab Expert To add a Cross-Tab to an existing report using the
Cross-Tab Expert
In this example, a Cross-Tab is added to an existing report to show the sales in North America compared to the
rest of the world. However, instead of dening the report by dragging elds into it, you will use the Cross-Tab
1. Open your report.
This example uses the Group By Intervals.rpt included in the Feature Examples directory.
2. Click the Design tab.
3. On the Insert menu, click Cross-Tab.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Cross-Tab button on the Insert Tools toolbar.
An object frame appears with the Arrow cursor as you drag the Cross-Tab object into the report.
4. Place the object frame in an empty area in the Report Header and click to release it.
An empty Cross-Tab object appears in your report.
5. Right-click the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears. This dialog box is made up of three tabs: Cross-Tab, Style, and Customize
Style. Dening the structure of the Cross-Tab
Add elds to the Rows, Columns, and Summarized Fields areas.
1. From the Available Fields list, select Country; then click the > arrow next to the Rows area.
The Country eld is added to the Rows area.
You can also add a eld to the dierent Cross-Tab areas by selecting it and dragging it to the Columns,
Rows, or Summarized Fields areas.
2. From the Available Fields list, select Last Year's Sales; then click the > arrow next to the Summarized Fields
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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The Last Year's Sales eld is added to the Summarized Fields area.
3. Apply additional structure:
Click Country in the Rows area.
Click Group Options.
Select in specied order from the drop-down list.
Type North America for the name of the Named Group.
Click New.
Choose is one of from the drop-down list.
Select Canada, Mexico, and USA from the drop-down list.
Click OK to close the Dene Named Group dialog box.
Click OK to close the Cross-Tab Group Options dialog box. Choosing a predened style
1. Click the Style tab.
2. Select a style. Applying a custom style
1. Click the Customize Style tab.
2. Customize the style as desired.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects Finishing the Cross-Tab
1. Click OK.
2. On the Report menu, click Refresh Report Data.
The updated report appears.
16.4 Working with Cross-Tabs
This section describes ways you can work with a Cross-Tab once you've added it to your report.
16.4.1 Showing values as percentages
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of a Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. On the Cross-Tab tab, select a summarized eld; then click Change Summary.
3. In the Edit Summary dialog box, select the Show as percentage of option, and choose the summary eld
you want to base the percentage on.
4. Choose Row or Column depending on whether you want your percentage values to be calculated
horizontally (row) or vertically (column).
5. Click OK to close the Edit Summary dialog box.
6. Click OK to return to your Cross-Tab.
Summarized eld values are now displayed as percentages on your Cross-Tab.
You can also access the Edit Summary dialog box directly from your Cross-Tab by selecting the summary
eld and choosing Edit Summary from the shortcut menu.
16.4.2 Abbreviating large summarized elds
Because the values in a Cross-Tab's summarized elds are often very large, Crystal Reports lets you abbreviate
such values.
To complete this procedure, the report you're working with must include the custom function called
cdFormatCurrencyUsingScaling. The sample report called Custom Functions.rpt includes this function.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects
1. If there is no cross-tab object in the report, insert one in the Report Header.
Use Customer.Country for the Row, and Orders.Order Amount for the summarized eld.
2. Right-click the summarized eld you want to abbreviate and choose Format Field from the shortcut menu.
The Format Editor appears.
3. On the Common tab, click the conditional formatting button adjacent to Display String.
4. In the Functions tree of the Format Formula Editor, select cdFormatCurrencyUsingScaling from the Custom
Functions folder.
5. Complete the custom function's arguments as follows:
cdFormatCurrencyUsingScaling (CurrentFieldValue,1,"K","M")
As the rst argument, choose CurrentFieldValue from the Formatting Functions folder of the Functions
tree. This argument denes the actual value to be summarized.
As the second argument, enter the number of decimal places you want to display on your Cross-Tab.
As the third and fourth arguments, enter the strings (surrounded by quotation marks) that you want to
display as thousands and millions symbols.
6. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
7. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
8. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar.
You return to the Format Editor dialog box.
9. Click OK to return to your Cross-Tab.
Your summarized eld values appear abbreviated as dened.
You can create your own custom function, or you can copy and modify the provided sample to abbreviate a
summarized eld. In general, using a custom function is not a requirement of working with the Display
String feature. You can write any Display String formula you need as long as its return value is a string.
16.4.3 Customizing row/column labels
By default, row and column labels are derived from the data on which you base your Cross-Tab. You can,
however, customize row and column labels.
1. Right-click the row or column whose label you want to customize and choose Format Field from the
shortcut menu.
The Format Editor appears.
2. On the Common tab, click the conditional formatting button adjacent to Display String.
3. In the Format Formula Editor, create formula text that describes the custom names you want to use as well
as the conditions under which these names should be applied.
For more information about how to do this, see Working with conditional formatting [page 244].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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4. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
5. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
6. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar.
You return to the Format Editor dialog box.
7. Click OK to return to your Cross-Tab.
Your customized row and column names appear when the conditions you set are matched.
16.4.4 Using running totals in Cross-Tabs
Running Total elds can be useful as summary elds in Cross-Tab objects. Create your Cross-Tab as shown in
Creating a Cross-Tab report [page 304], but choose a running total eld as your Summary Field.
You cannot use Running Total elds as columns or rows in a Cross-Tab.
If you want a running total that totals down the Cross-Tab's columns, you must sort the records in the Cross-
Tab by Column and then Row. To total down columns
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of a Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
2. On the Cross-Tab tab of the Cross-Tab Expert, make sure you have added a Running Total eld to the
Summarized Fields area.
3. Click OK to return to the Cross-Tab in your report.
4. Click Record Sort Expert and sort your Cross-Tab by the eld you designated as a Column in the Cross-
Tab Expert.
5. Create a second sort on the eld you designated as a Row in the Cross-Tab Expert.
If you want a running total that totals across the Cross-Tab's rows, you must sort the records in the Cross-Tab
by Row and then Column. To total across rows
1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 of the previous procedure.
2. Click Record Sort Expert and sort your Cross-Tab by the eld you designated as a Row in the Cross-Tab
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3. Create a second sort on the eld you designated as a Column in the Cross-Tab Expert.
If you add a Group Sort (top or bottom N sort) based on a Running Total eld, the sort is carried out on the
running total values as shown in the Cross-Tab's Row/Column Total areas—it is not based on the summary
eld's totals. Also, in this case, the running total results appear correctly only in the total data and not in the cell
16.4.5 Printing Cross-Tabs that span multiple pages
When you create a Cross-Tab that is wider or longer than the specied page size, the program automatically
spans the printing across enough pages to accommodate the size of the Cross-Tab. In the Preview tab, a line
will appear at each page break. For ease in reading, column headings will be repeated on subsequent pages.
Row headings can also be repeated using the Keep Columns Together option. To repeat row labels
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. Select the Repeat Row Labels check box, if desired.
Crystal Reports lets you designate report objects that don't expand horizontally, such as text objects, eld
objects, OLE objects, charts, maps, lines, boxes, and so on, to be repeated on each additional horizontal page
that a Cross-Tab creates. For more information, see Repeating report objects on horizontal pages [page 240].
16.5 Formatting Cross-Tabs
Crystal Reports has powerful formatting capabilities that can be applied to Cross-Tabs. The following sections
describe some key procedures.
By applying such formatting as background color, borders, and fonts, you can emphasize important data and
create professional-looking, easy-to-understand Cross-Tabs. For more information, see Formatting properties
[page 229].
You can also use the Highlighting Expert to apply conditional formatting to Cross-Tab cells. To access the
Highlighting Expert, right-click the cell you want to format and, on the shortcut menu, click Highlighting Expert.
For more details, see Using the Highlighting Expert [page 250].
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Cross-Tab Objects
16.5.1 Changing width, height, and alignment of Cross-Tab
1. Click a cell within the Cross-Tab to activate the sizing handles.
2. Click and drag one of the sizing handles to expand the width or height of the cell.
3. Click an alignment option on the Formatting toolbar to change the alignment of the data in the cell.
You can choose between left, right, center, and justied alignment.
Changing one cell aects all like cells. For example, changing the width of one summary eld cell changes
all other summary eld cells at the same time.
16.5.2 Formatting background color of entire rows/columns
Use background colors to emphasize rows or columns within your Cross-Tab.
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. Click the row (in the Rows area) or column (in the Columns area), and select a color from the Background
Color drop-down list.
4. Click OK to return to the Cross-Tab.
The row/column is formatted as specied.
16.5.3 Formatting elds individually
1. Right-click the eld you want to format and choose Format Field from the shortcut menu.
The Format Editor appears.
2. In the Format Editor, make font, background, borders, numbering, currency symbols, and printing
characteristics choices.
3. Click OK to return to the Cross-Tab.
The eld is formatted as specied.
16.5.4 Formatting several elds at one time
1. Use the Shift-click method to highlight the desired elds.
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2. Right-click any one of them and choose Format Objects from the shortcut menu.
The Format Editor appears.
3. In the Format Editor, make font, background, borders, numbering, currency symbols, and printing
characteristics choices.
4. Click OK to return to the Cross-Tab.
The elds are formatted as specied.
16.5.5 Suppressing Cross-Tab data
This section provides you with the steps required to suppress data in your report. You can suppress:
Empty rows and columns.
Row and column grand totals.
Subtotals and their labels. To suppress empty rows and columns
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. Select either the Suppress Empty Rows or Suppress Empty Columns check box.
4. Click OK.
Now, when you print the report, empty rows and/or columns will not appear. To suppress row and column grand totals
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. Select either the Suppress Row Grand Totals or Suppress Column Grand Totals check boxes.
4. Click OK. To suppress subtotals and their labels
If you have more than two groups in your Cross-Tab you can suppress the subtotal and label for one of them.
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1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. Click the eld whose subtotal you want to suppress.
The Suppress Subtotal and the Suppress Label check boxes become active.
4. In the Group Options area, select the Suppress Subtotal check box.
5. Click the Suppress Label check box to suppress the label associated with subtotal.
6. Click OK.
16.5.6 Displaying summarized elds horizontally
If you have two or more summarized elds in your Cross-Tab, you can display their values horizontally instead
of vertically (the default).
1. Right-click the blank top-left area of the Cross-Tab and select Cross-Tab Expert from the shortcut menu.
The Cross-Tab Expert appears.
2. Click the Customize Style tab.
3. In the Summarized Fields area, select Horizontal.
4. Click the Show Labels check box if you want to display labels for the summarized elds.
Labels are displayed in the direction you chose for the summarized elds.
5. Click OK.
16.6 Advanced Cross-Tab features
There are several ways to add even more information to your Cross-Tabs. This section covers several advanced
Cross-Tab features.
Related Information
Calculated Members [page 318]
Embedded Summaries [page 321]
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16.6.1 Calculated Members
You can add rows or columns to your Cross-Tab by inserting a Calculated Member. These rows or columns can
contain custom calculations (for example, the dierence in sales between two regions) or can be used entirely
for formatting purposes (for example, inserting a blank row every three lines to increase readability).
You have complete exibility in designing your own calculation formulas and can choose whether they appear
only once or repeat regularly in the Cross-Tab.
Related Information
Calculation Formulas [page 319]
Header Formulas [page 319]
Insertion Formulas [page 321]
Value Formulas [page 320] To add a Calculated Member to your Cross-Tab
1. In your Cross-Tab, right-click the row or column header you would like to use as the rst value of your
Calculated Member.
For example, if you wanted to create a Calculated Member for the dierence between Sales and Sales
Returns, the desired formula would be Sales - Sales Returns. In this example, you would right-click the
Sales header.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and select the chosen value as your rst value.
In this example, you would select Sales as your rst value.
3. In your Cross-Tab, right-click the row or column header you would like to use as the second value of your
Calculated Member.
In this example, you would select Sales Returns as your second value.
4. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and select the desired calculation.
In this example, you would select Dierence of "Sales" and "Sales Returns" as the desired calculation.
A row or column that displays the results of the selected calculation appears in your Cross-Tab . To add a blank row or column to your Cross-Tab
1. In your Cross-Tab, right-click the header immediately preceding the desired location of your blank row or
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and depending on whether you have clicked a row or a
column, click either Insert Row or Insert Column.
A blank row or column appears in your Cross-Tab.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects To change the processing order of Calculated
1. Right-click the top-left corner of your Cross-Tab.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Advanced Calculations, and click Calculated Member.
The Cross-Tab Calculated Members Expert appears.
3. In the Calculated Members box, use the arrows to change the processing order of the Calculated Members.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to your report.
The Cross-Tab recalculates the values of the Calculated Members.
Changing the processing order of Calculated Members does not cause a database refresh. Calculation Formulas
Calculation Formulas are mathematical formulas that Crystal Reports uses to determine Calculated Member
cell values. You can choose between several pre-dened formulas or design your own in the Formula Workshop.
The pre-dened formulas are as follows:
Sum of
Dierence of
Product of
Quotient of
Crystal Reports is equipped with a variety of functions to help you design your own formulas. To edit a Calculation Formula
1. In the Calculated Member you would like to edit, right-click any cell except for the header.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and click Edit Calculation Formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter the desired Calculation Formula.
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
The Calculated Member displays the results of the new Calculation Formula. Header Formulas
Header Formulas determine the visible row or column header for a Calculated Member.
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PUBLIC 319 To edit a Header Formula
1. Right-click the header of the Calculated Member you would like to edit.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and click Edit Header Formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your desired header name in quotations.
You can also control your header formulaically. A Header Formula must return a string.
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
The Calculated Member header displays the result of the Header Formula. Value Formulas
If you want to reference a Calculated Member in a formula, you must assign a value to it. Value Formulas assign
values to Calculated Members for this purpose. To edit a Group Value Formula
1. Right-click the header of the Calculated Member you would like to edit.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and depending on whether you have clicked a row or a
column, click Edit Row Value Formula or Edit Column Value Formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your desired value.
You can also control your value formulaically. A Value Formula must be of the same type as the row/
column grouping eld that it is inserted into.
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
The Calculated Member retains the result of your Value Formula.
If you have not edited the Header Formula for a Calculated Member, the visible header displays the result of
the Value Formula. When you edit the Header Formula, it overrides the Value Formula as the visible header.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Cross-Tab Objects Insertion Formulas
Insertion formulas determine where a Calculated Member appears in a Cross-Tab. In most cases, a Calculated
Member appears only once. However, you can set it to appear in multiple locations or in a repeating pattern. To edit an Insertion Formula
1. Right-click the header of the Calculated Member you would like to edit.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Calculated Member, and click Edit Insertion Formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
3. In the Formula Workshop, enter your desired formula.
For example, the following formula inserts a Calculated Member after the country eld for Canada:
GetColumnGroupIndexOf(CurrentRowIndex) = 1 and
GridRowColumnValue("Customer.Country") = "Canada"
4. Click Save and close to return to your report.
The Calculated Member appears in the locations specied by the Insertion Formula.
16.6.2 Embedded Summaries
You can add an additional calculation to your Cross-Tab by inserting an Embedded Summary.
Unlike Calculated Members, Embedded Summaries do not add rows or columns to your Cross-Tab. Instead,
they cause additional calculations to appear within each cell of the Cross-Tab.
For example, in a report showing regional sales, you could insert a calculation for each region that shows the
percentage of total sales for the country. To add an Embedded Summary to your Cross-Tab
1. In your Cross-Tab, right-click any cell except for a header.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Embedded Summary, and click Insert Embedded Summary.
A blank Embedded Summary appears in the Cross-Tab.
3. In the Embedded Summary, right-click the text that says "Edit this formula."
4. Point to Embedded Summary, and click Edit Calculation Formula.
The Formula Workshop appears.
5. In the Formula Workshop, enter the desired Calculation Formula.
6. Click Save and close to return to your report.
The Embedded Summary displays the results of the new Calculation Formula.
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PUBLIC 321 To change the processing order of Embedded
If you have multiple Embedded Summaries in your Cross-Tab, the order in which they are calculated can aect
your results. You can change the processing order of Embedded Summaries in the Embedded Summaries
dialog box.
1. Right-click the top-left corner of your Cross-Tab.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Advanced Calculations, and click Embedded Summary.
The Embedded Summaries dialog box appears.
3. In the Summaries box, use the arrows to change the processing order of the summaries.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to your report.
The Cross-Tab recalculates the values of the Embedded Summaries in the new processing order.
Changing the processing order of Embedded Summaries does not cause a refresh from the database.
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Cross-Tab Objects
17 Building Queries
This section tells you how to access Business Objects universes through Crystal Reports, how to build queries,
and how to lter the data that the Business Objects Query Panel returns for you to use in Crystal Reports.
17.1 Connecting to a universe
You access the Business Objects Query Panel in Crystal Reports through the Database Expert. Once you have
selected Universes from the Create New Connection node, you are prompted to log onto SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform, after which you can select a universe and design your query.
Crystal Reports can connect to multilingual universes and report o of them, but it cannot take advantage of
the multilingual attributes. Crystal Reports will display multilingual eld names and other metadata content
only in the primary language of the universe.
You can only base new documents and queries on universes for which you have been granted the custom right,
Create / Edit Query.
If you are a user of Web Intelligence and you are using the Query Panel in Crystal Reports, you will
encounter some dierences in behavior from what you might expect in Web Intelligence.
17.1.1 To connect to a universe
1. In Crystal Reports, on the File menu, click New, and then click Blank Report.
2. In the Database Expert, double-click Create New Connection.
3. Double-click Universes to view a list of universes you have the right to base new reports on.
4. Log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform if you have not done so already.
For information about how to log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, see Working
with Enterprise folders [page 367].
5. Select the universe that you want to base your query on, and then click Open.
The Business Objects Query Panel appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
17.2 Dening the data selection for a query
You build queries in the Query Panel by using objects in a Business Objects universe. The objects in the
universe are a graphical representation of the information available in a database. The objects in the universe
are mapped to the table columns and rows in the database.
You can only base new documents and queries on universes for which you have been granted the custom right,
Create / Edit Query.
The Query Panel is divided into several panes:
The pane on the left shows a tree view of the objects that your universe contains. You cannot add new
objects or edit existing objects in the Query Panel. For information about the types of objects that might
appear in this pane, see Quick reference to objects [page 325].
You can see all available objects in this pane by selecting "All objects." If you want to see how objects
relate to each other, select "Hierarchies." This option provides you with a visual representation of the
hierarchical structure of objects if such a structure is present in the universe.
The Result Objects pane is where you place the objects that you want as part of your query.
The Query Filters pane is where you place the objects that you want to use to lter the data that is returned
from your universe. You can dene your lter when you add an object to this pane.
17.2.1 To build a simple query
1. In the Query Name eld, enter a name for your query.
Crystal Reports uses the query name as the name of the SQL Command that it creates for your report.
Once you have created your query in the Query Panel, you will see this name in the Available Data
Sources and Selected Tables areas of the Database Expert.
2. Select an object in the left-hand pane and double-click it or drag it into the Result Objects pane.
Objects that appear in the Result Objects pane become elds that you report on in your Crystal report.
3. Repeat the previous step for each object that you want to include in the query.
4. Select an object in the left-hand pane, or in the Result Objects pane, and drag it into the Query Filters pane.
Add lters to the Query Filters pane to restrict the data your query returns based on the object that you
selected. Filtering limits the data that a user can see and reduces the runtime of queries. For information
about adding lters, see Creating query lters [page 328].
5. Click OK.
6. If your query contains prompts, select your prompt value(s) in the Enter Parameter Values dialog box.
For information about using the Enter Parameter Values dialog box, search for the dialog box by name in
the Crystal Reports Online Help.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
7. If your data source is secure, use the connection dialog box to log on to the database that your universe
For information about using the supported connection dialog boxes, search for "Data source connectivity
dialog boxes" in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
You can create a number of queries in the Query Panel that Crystal Reports combines through the use of a
Union join.
17.2.2 To create a combined query
Create a simple query and click Add a combined query.
A new pane is added to the Query Panel under the tree view. You can switch between your query denitions by
clicking the nodes in this pane.
The objects in the result panel of the rst query are copied into the new query. The program does not copy
existing query lters.
When combining result objects of dierent datatypes from two queries into one query, the OK button may
be grayed out, and you may not be able to generate a report. For example, Query1 contains a string and a
number and Query2 contains a string and a date.
Before trying to combine the queries, ensure that the objects in both queries have the same datatype.
17.2.3 Quick reference to objects
An object is a named component that maps to data or a derivation of data in the database. For example, an
object may represent a column in a database table, or it may be the summary of the values in a column.
You use objects in a query to retrieve data for your reports. For example, some of the objects in a human
resources universe might be Names, Addresses, and Salaries.
Objects can represent dierent types of information.
Object properties are dened in the BusinessObjects Designer, but are not taken into account by the Query
Panel in Crystal Reports.
Objects cannot be dened directly in the Query Panel. Use the BusinessObjects Designer to dene objects
in a universe.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
Object Examples Description
Dimension This object retrieves the data that pro
vides the basis for analysis in a report.
Dimension objects typically retrieve
character-type data (for example, cus
tomer names, resort names, or dates).
Detail This object provides descriptive data
about a dimension. A detail is always at
tached to the dimension for which it
provides additional information. For ex
ample, Age is a detail object that is as
sociated with the Customer dimension.
Address provides additional informa
tion on customers.
Measure This object retrieves numeric data that
is the result of calculations on data in
the database. For example, Revenue is
the calculation of the number of items
sold multiplied by item price. Measure
objects are often located in a Measures
17.3 Editing an existing query
You can return to the Query Panel to change an existing query, provided you have been granted the custom
right, Create / Edit Query. You can add or remove an object, or you can add, edit, or remove a lter.
17.3.1 To edit an existing query
1. In Crystal Reports, open a report created with a universe as a data source, go to the Database menu, and
click Query Panel.
2. Log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform if you have not done so already.
For information about how to log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, see Working
with Enterprise folders [page 367].
3. In the Query Panel, edit your query as necessary.
4. When you have nished editing your query, click OK.
5. Click OK in the Database Expert to return to your report.
Changes that you made in your query are reected in Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
If you remove objects from your query that you have used in your Crystal report, you must remove
these objects from the report.
17.4 Viewing the SQL behind a query
When you build a query, Crystal Reports automatically generates the SQL that corresponds to the query and
saves it as a Crystal SQL Command object.
For more information about SQL Command objects, search for "Dening an SQL Command" in the Crystal
Reports Online Help.
For more information, see Dening an SQL Command [page 492].
17.4.1 To view the SQL when you create a query
In the Query Panel, click View SQL.
The SQL dialog box appears; it contains the SQL that constitutes your query. Use this option when you want to
check the SQL as you create a query.
17.4.2 To view the SQL after you have created a query
In Crystal Reports, open a report created with a universe as a data source, go to the Database menu, and click
Show SQL Query.
You can see the SQL in the Show SQL Query dialog box.
In Crystal Reports, open a report created with a universe as a data source, go to the Database menu, and click
Database Expert.
Once you are in the Database Expert, right-click your query in the Selected Tables list and select View
Command. You can see the SQL in the View Command dialog box.
17.5 Query lters and prompts
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
Creating query lters [page 328]
Building prompts [page 329]
Combining query lters and prompts [page 330]
Using And or Or to combine query lters [page 330]
Quick reference to query lter operators [page 331]
Editing and removing query lters [page 332]
17.5.1 Creating query lters
You can use the following types of lters in a query:
Predened lters
These lters are created by your administrator.
Custom lters
You dene these lters while you are creating the query.
Prompts are dynamic lters that you dene to display a question or a list of values; users can select
dierent lter value(s) each time they refresh the report. To add a predened lter to a query
1. Double-click the objects you want to use in your report, or drag them to the Results Objects pane.
For step-by-step instructions on selecting objects to build a query, see Dening the data selection for a
query [page 324].
2. Drag a predened lter to the Query Filters pane.
When you run the query, the data corresponding to the query lters you selected is returned to the report.
Predened lters are created and edited by your administrator. As a user of the Query Panel, you cannot
view the component parts of predened lters, neither can you edit them. To create a custom lter using the Filter Editor
1. Select the object you want to lter and drag it to the Query Filters pane.
The Filter Editor appears. The name of the object you selected is displayed beneath the "Filtered object"
2. Select an Operator from the list.
For a description and example of each operator, see Quick reference to query lter operators [page 331].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
3. Select Constant or Value(s) from list.
4. Depending on the operator you selected, type a single value or multiple values in the Type a value eld.
5. Click OK to conrm the properties of the custom lter.
The new lter displays in the Query Filters pane.
17.5.2 Building prompts
A prompt is a dynamic lter that displays a question every time you refresh the data in a report. You respond to
prompts by typing or selecting the value(s) you want to view before you refresh the data. Crystal Reports
retrieves only the values you specied from the database and returns those values to the report.
Prompts allow multiple users view a single report but specify a dierent sub-set of the database
information. Prompts also reduce the time it takes for the data to be retrieved from the database. To create a prompt
1. Select the object you want to apply a prompt on and drag it to the Query Filters pane.
For example, if you want to allow users to specify the geographical region for the report, drag the Region
eld to the Query Filters pane.
The Filter Editor appears. By default, the name of the lter is the name of the ltered object.
2. Select an operator from the list.
See Quick reference to query lter operators [page 331].
You cannot use the following operators for prompts: Is null, Is not null, Both, and Except.
3. Under Operator type, select Prompt.
The Prompt text eld shows the default message.
4. If you want to change the default message, edit it to word a question.
For example, you might ask "Which region do you want to see data for?"
5. Check Select only from list if you want your prompt to display a list of values from which users can select
Use this option to prevent users from typing a value that might not exist in the database.
6. Click OK to conrm the prompt.
The prompt appears at each report refresh.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
17.5.3 Combining query lters and prompts
You can apply multiple lters and prompts on a single query. To combine lters and/or prompts
1. Create each query lter and/or prompt.
For step-by-step information on how to create lters and prompts, see Creating query lters [page 328] or
Building prompts [page 329].
By default, the Query Panel combines the lters and prompts with the And operator. You can leave the And
operator or change the operator to Or. See Using And or Or to combine query lters [page 330].
2. If necessary, change the operator to Or by double-clicking the And operator.
Or now displays as the operator. The prompts appear when you click OK, or when you refresh the report
17.5.4 Using And or Or to combine query lters
This table explains the dierence between the And and the Or operators.
Retrieve this data Example Select
Data true for both lters. Customers who ordered supplies in Q1
and in Q2 (the data you retrieve will in
clude: customers who placed orders in
both Q1 and Q2).
Data true for any one of the lters. Customers who ordered supplies in: Q1
or Q2 (the data you retrieve will include:
customers who placed orders in Q1only;
customers who placed orders only in
Q2, and; customers who placed orders
in both Q1 and Q2).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
17.5.5 Quick reference to query lter operators
The following table will help you select the operator you need to dene a query lter.
Values to retrieve Example Select Filter created
Values equal to a value you
Retrieve data for the US only. Equal to <Country> Equal to US
Values dierent from a value
you specify.
Retrieve data for all quarters
except Q4.
Dierent from <Quarter> Dierent from Q4
Values greater than a value
you specify.
Retrieve data for customers
aged over 60.
Greater than <Customer Age> Greater
than 60
Values greater than or equal
to a value you specify.
Retrieve data for revenue
starting from $1.5M upward.
Greater than or equal to <Revenue> Greater than or
equal to 1500000
Values lower than a value you
Retrieve data for exam
grades below 40.
Less than <Exam Grade> Less than 40
Values lower than or equal to
a value you specify.
Retrieve customers whose
age is 30 or less.
Less than or equal to <Age> Less than or equal to
Values between two values
you specify that includes
those two values.
Retrieve the weeks starting
at week 25 and nishing at
36 (including week 25 and
week 36).
Between <Weeks> Between 25 and 36
Values outside the range of
two values you specify.
Retrieve all the weeks of the
year, except for weeks 25
through 36 (week 25 and
week 36 are not included).
Not between <Weeks> Not Between 25
and 36
Values that are the same as
several values you specify.
Retrieve data for only the fol
lowing countries: the US, Ja
pan, and the UK.
In list <Country> In list 'US; Japan;
Values that are dierent from
the multiple values you spec
Don't retrieve data for the fol
lowing countries: the US, Ja
pan, and the UK.
Not in list <Country> Not in list 'US; Ja
pan; UK'
Values for which there is no
value entered in the data
Retrieve customers without
children (the children column
in the database has no data
Is null <Children> Is null
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
Values to retrieve Example Select Filter created
Values for which a value was
entered in the database.
Retrieve customers with chil
dren (the children column in
the database has a data en
Is not Null <Children> Is not Null
Values that includes a spe
cic string.
Retrieve customers whose
date of birth is 1972.
Matches pattern <DOB> Matches pattern, '72'
Values that don't include a
specic string.
Retrieve customers whose
date of birth is not 1972.
Dierent from pattern <DOB> Dierent from pat
tern, '72'
Values that correspond to
two values you specify.
Retrieve Telco customers
who have both a xed tele
phone and a mobile phone.
Both <Account Type> Both "xed"
and "mobile"
Values that correspond to a
single value and do not corre
spond to another value you
Retrieve Telco customers
who have a xed telephone,
but don't have a mobile
Except <Account Type> "xed" Ex
cept "mobile"
17.5.6 Editing and removing query lters
You can edit and remove lters on queries. To edit a query lter
1. Double-click the lter you want to edit.
The Filter Editor appears.
2. Change the denition of the lter in the Filter Editor.
For information on how to dene lters, see Creating query lters [page 328].
3. Click OK to conrm your changes.
The modied query appears in the Query Filters pane. To remove a query lter
Drag the lter you want to remove and drop it onto the left-hand pane.
The lter is removed from the query denition and no longer appears on the Query Filters pane.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
17.6 Filtering data using subqueries and database ranking
This section explains how to work with more advanced types of query lters. It covers the following advanced
query lters:
Database rankings
Subqueries and database rankings allow you to create lters that are much more powerful than standard query
17.6.1 What is a subquery?
A subquery is a more exible kind of query lter that allows you to restrict values in more sophisticated ways
than with an ordinary query lter.
Subqueries are more powerful than ordinary query lters for the following reasons:
They allow you to compare the values of the object whose values are used to restrict the query with values
from other objects.
They allow you to restrict the values returned by the subquery with a WHERE clause.
Subqueries allow you to pose complex questions that are dicult or impossible to formulate with simple query
lters. For example: what is the list of customers and their associated revenue where the customer purchased a
service that had previously been reserved (by any customer) in Q1 of 2003?
17.6.2 Building a subquery
You build a subquery in the Query Filters pane of the Query Panel.
You can mix subqueries and other types of query lter in the Query Filters pane. To build a subquery
1. Add the objects that you want to appear in the query to the Result Objects pane.
2. Select the object that you want to lter with a subquery, and then click Add a subquery.
The subquery outline appears in the Query Filters pane. By default the object you selected appears as the
Filter object and Filter By object. For more information on the Filter Object and Filter By object, see
Subquery parameters [page 334].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
3. To add a WHERE condition to the subquery, drag a query object to the white area of the subquery outline.
You can use an existing subquery or standard query lter as a WHERE condition in a subquery. To do
so, drag and drop the existing lter or subquery to the white area of the subquery outline.
4. Select the operator and values used to lter the object in the WHERE condition.
For more information on query lter operators and values, see Query lters and prompts [page 327].
5. Click Add a subquery to add an additional subquery to the query lter.
By default the two subqueries are linked in an AND relationship. Click the AND operator to toggle between
AND and OR.
In addition to linking subqueries in AND or OR relationships, you can nest them (create subqueries within
subqueries) by dragging an existing subquery to the white area of the subquery outline. In this case the
inner subquery becomes part of the WHERE condition of the outer subquery. Subquery parameters
A subquery or set of subqueries contains the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Filter Object(s) The object whose values are used to lter the result objects.
You can include more than one Filter Object. If you do, Crys
tal Reports concatenates the values of the objects you spec
Filter By Object(s) The object that determines which Filter Object values the
subquery returns.
You can include more than one Filter By object. If you do,
Crystal Reports concatenates the values of the objects you
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
Parameter Description
Operator The operator that species the relationship between the Fil
ter object and the Filter By object.
Because of database restrictions you cannot use certain
combinations of operators and Filter By objects together. For
example, if you use the Equal To operator with a Filter By ob
ject that returns multiple values, the database rejects the
SQL because this type of subquery requires the Filter By ob
ject to return one value only.
In cases where the generated SQL is rejected by the data
base, you see an error message showing the error descrip
tion returned by the database.
WHERE condition (optional) An additional condition that constrains the list of values of
the Filter By object. You can use ordinary report objects, pre
dened conditions or existing query lters (including subqu
eries) in the WHERE condition.
Relationship operator If there is more than one subquery, determines the relation
ship between the subqueries.
AND - the conditions in all of the subqueries must be satis
OR - the conditions in any one of the subqueries must be
17.6.3 What is a database ranking?
Database rankings allow you to answer questions like "what are the top three customers, based on the revenue
they generated for each year?" at the query level, without the need to return data that falls outside the ranking
to Crystal Reports. You can then lter this data using a ranking.
When you rank data you sort and lter it according to ranking criteria. This process is much like selecting Top or
Bottom N values when sorting groups in Crystal Reports. For more information, see Selecting top or bottom N
groups or percentages [page 159].
A database ranking allows you to specify a ranking at the query and database level so that the data returned to
Crystal Reports by the query is already ranked. This has the following advantages:
Ranking data can be processing-intensive. By ranking at the database level you allow the server, which is
typically far more powerful than the client machine, to perform this processing.
Pre-ranking data reduces the amount of data retrieved across the network and stored in Crystal Reports.
You can perform a database ranking only if your database supports it. If this is not the case, the "Add a top
bottom" button is disabled on the Query Panel toolbar. Databases that support ranking are Oracle, DB2,
Teradata and Redbrick.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
Crystal Reports uses the SQL-99 Rank function in ranking SQL.
SQL is the query language supported by all relational databases (RDBMS), although each database has its
own syntax.
17.6.4 Creating a database ranking
You create a database ranking in the Query Filters pane of the Query Panel.
You can mix database rankings and other types of query lter in the Query Filters pane. To create a database ranking
1. Add the objects that you want to appear in your query to the Result Objects pane of the Query Panel.
2. Select the object that you want to rank by.
3. Click Add a database ranking on the toolbar.
The ranking outline appears in the Query Filters pane. The object that you selected appears as the ranking
dimension, and the rst measure in the query appears as the ranking measure in the "Based on" list.
The "Add a database ranking" button is disabled if your database does not support ranking.
4. Select the ranking direction (Top or Bottom).
5. Type the number of records you want the ranking to return in the box next to Top/Bottom.
You can specify a prompt instead of a constant by clicking the arrow next to the number. When you
select a prompt, the user must enter the ranking number when they run the query. For more
information on prompts, see Building prompts [page 329].
6. Drag the object that provides the calculation context for the measure to the For each box.
This dimension is optional.
To display the "For each" box, click the arrow to the right of the "Based on" measure.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
7. Drag any objects that you want to include in the WHERE restriction to the white area of the ranking outline.
For more information on the WHERE restriction, see the explanation under What is a subquery? [page
333]. Ranking parameters
The following table describes the parameters from left to right in the ranking:
Parameter Description
Top/Bottom Ranking order.
Top - ranks in descending order.
Bottom - ranks in ascending order.
Number of records The number of records to return in the ranking. For example,
the top 10.
Ranking object The object used in the ranking. For example, if the object is
Region and the ranking is Top 10, the ranking returns the top
10 regions.
Based on The measure by which the ranking object is ranked. For ex
ample, if the measure is Revenue and the object is Region,
Crystal Reports ranks regions by the amount of revenue they
For Each (optional) The object that species additional calculation context for
the ranking. For example, if the ranking object is Region, the
measure is Revenue and the For Each dimension is Country,
Crystal Reports ranks regions by revenue within each coun
WHERE condition (optional) Additional restriction on the values returned in the ranking
that appears below the other parameters. For example, a
ranking of regions with a condition that restricts Country to
"USA" ranks only those regions in the USA.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Building Queries
18 Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
This section describes how to create OLAP reports, how to update them when the location of your data
changes, and how to work with the data displayed in an OLAP grid.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
18.1 OLAP reporting with Crystal Reports
Although relational databases such as SQL servers and PC databases are the most common sources of data,
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Multi-Dimensional Data are rapidly becoming the popular data-
storage and analysis formats. Crystal Reports provides the same access and reporting features for OLAP data
sources that it provides for relational data.
The term OLAP is used in this topic to refer to all common forms of OLAP and Multi-Dimensional Data
storage and access systems.
Crystal Reports supports access to OLAP data through direct connection and Open OLAP gateways. A direct
connection requires an installed OLAP client and uses DLLs located on your local machine, whereas the Open
OLAP gateway doesn't require either. With an Open OLAP connection, data access is achieved through a Name
Server host that communicates with Crystal Reports and your OLAP data source. Set up an Open OLAP
connection on the Advanced Settings tab of the Connection Properties dialog box.
For direct connections, Crystal Reports supports many OLAP server types. These types are displayed in the
Server Type list of the Connection Properties dialog box. This list is dynamic and will show those server types
for which you have an installed client.
Crystal Reports can open OLAP reports that were created in previous versions. However, while Crystal
Reports 9 can open version 10 OLAP reports with saved data, it cannot refresh them.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
18.1.1 OLAP grid objects
When you design a report with OLAP data, Crystal Reports creates a primary report containing one or more
OLAP grid objects. OLAP grid objects look and act much like Cross-Tab objects, but they are designed
specically for OLAP data.
OLAP grid objects provide true multi-dimensional reporting. Add dimensions to either axis to analyze three,
four, or more dimensions in a single OLAP grid. Or instead of viewing multiple dimensions within one OLAP
grid, create multiple OLAP grids within the same report.
When Crystal Reports displays an OLAP grid, it can do so quickly if the grid is long (down many pages)
instead of wide (across many pages). When the grid is long, the program processes it on a page-by-page
basis. When the grid is wide, the program must gather all the data before it can display a page. This may
require signicantly more processing time.
18.2 Creating an OLAP report
OLAP reports are created using the OLAP Report Creation Wizard or the OLAP Expert. Before you start
creating your report, ensure you have the following information:
Server/Database name
User ID
Parameters (applies only to OLE DB for OLAP)
You can return to the OLAP Report Creation Wizard by selecting the OLAP Design Wizard option on the
Report menu. Do this if you want to change your page dimensions, or if you want to change parameter
18.2.1 To create an OLAP report
On the Start Page, click OLAP Cube Report Wizard.
The OLAP Report Creation Wizard appears with the OLAP Data screen active.
18.2.2 Specifying the data source
Use the OLAP Data screen to dene the OLAP data source.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
1. Click Select Cube.
The OLAP Connection Browser appears.
2. Browse your OLAP server for the cube you want to connect to.
If your server isn't in the list, click Add. In the Connection Properties dialog box, provide the server
information; then click OK.
3. Select the desired cube and click Open.
The OLAP Data screen reappears with the supplied data source information.
4. Click Next.
You can also click "Select CAR File" on the OLAP Data screen. If you choose this option, the Open dialog box
appears. Search for a le created in OLAP Intelligence Professional.
18.2.3 Dening the structure of the grid
Use the Rows/Columns screen to dene how your data is structured within the grid. You can place the
dimensions into either the Columns or Rows areas.
It is also possible to drag and drop the dimensions into either the Rows or Columns area.
1. Select a dimension to appear in the report.
2. Click the > arrow adjacent to either the Rows or the Columns areas, depending on where you would like the
dimension to be located.
3. Continue adding dimensions to the Rows and Columns areas.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
4. Click the Up and Down arrow buttons associated with the Rows and Columns areas to arrange the order of
the dimensions.
If you accidentally add a dimension to either the Rows or Columns area, click the < arrow to return it to
the Dimensions list.
5. Select a dimension in either the Rows or the Columns areas and click Select Row Members or Select
Column Members to specify the members to be included in your report.
The Member Selector dialog box appears.
6. Select the members you would like to include.
7. Click OK.
8. Select a dimension in either the Rows or the Columns areas and click Create/Edit Parameter to create a
parameter for use with the dimension.
The Create Parameter Field dialog box appears.
9. Select default values, prompting text, and other options, and then click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
Once you have created a parameter, access to the Member Selector dialog box is disabled for the
dimension until you delete the parameter.
If you create a row/column parameter, the View Cube command and the Cube View tab are not
10. If you want to delete a parameter, select the appropriate dimension and click Delete.
When you click OK in the Delete Link to Parameter Field dialog box, the program removes the parameter
description from the dimension.
11. Click Next.
The Slice/Page screen appears.
18.2.4 Setting sliced dimensions and specifying the number
of grids
Use this screen to set sliced dimensions and to specify the number of grids that are required.
The Slice area determines the boundaries that will be placed on your report. For example, if you have a time
dimension that is made up of scal quarter members, you could specify the report return the results for a
specic quarter.
If all of your members were used in the Rows/Column tab, nothing will appear here.
The Page area enables you to determine the number of grids and the subject of each. For example, if you have a
product dimension, you could put this in the page area and specify two dierent products. This would result in
two grids with the same rows, columns, and formatting, but each one would be based on a dierent product. To specify a slice
1. To determine the member that is going to be used as the slice, select a dimension in the Slice list and click
Select Slice, or double-click a dimension in the Slice list.
The Member Selector dialog box appears.
2. Select the appropriate member, expanding the structure if necessary.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Next if you do not want to add a page. The Style screen appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports To add a page
1. Use the > arrow to add dimension(s) to the Page list.
The Member Selector dialog box appears.
2. Expand the dimension's structure and select the appropriate members.
3. Click OK. To add a parameter
You can create a parameter eld to link to any dimension. When you add a parameter to a dimension in your
OLAP grid, users are prompted to select a value when refreshing report data.
1. Click the Create/Edit button.
2. Select default values, prompting text, and other options, and then click OK.
3. Click Next.
The Style screen appears.
Once you have created a parameter, access to the Member Selector dialog box is disabled for the
dimension until you delete the parameter.
18.2.5 Applying a predened style
1. Select a predened style for the grid from the list.
If you do not want to use a predened style, click Next.
A preview of the color scheme you select appears on the right.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
The color of the style you select may not appear correctly if your screen resolution is set to 256 colors.
Increase the resolution to correct this.
2. Click Next.
The Chart screen appears.
18.2.6 Inserting a chart
1. Select the kind of chart you want to add to your report from the options shown on the Chart screen.
If you do not want to insert a chart, click Finish.
2. Add a title for your chart.
3. In the On change of list, select the dimension you want to base your chart on.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
4. If necessary, in the Subdivided by list, click a secondary row or column you want to base your chart on.
Be sure that the chart type selected in Step 1 supports a secondary charting eld.
5. Click Other Dimensions to dene eld values for any dimensions you've used in your OLAP grid but not in
your chart.
For more information refer to Charting on an OLAP cube (OLAP layout) [page 267] and Creating charts
[page 264].
6. To nalize your report, click Finish.
18.3 Updating an OLAP report
The location of the OLAP data accessed by your report may change. Some possible scenarios include:
The location of the OLAP server or database may change due to restructuring of Information System
Another cube instance may have been successfully processed and reect more current information.
New reports may be developed on a smaller database that represents a subset or production version of the
primary OLAP database, then ported over to the actual working database to report on real data.
Before updating your report, it is important to ensure that it is compatible with the data. Some things to look
for include:
Removing dimensions contained in the report that are not in the cube.
Removing elds referred to explicitly in the design of the report, such as a formula.
If a report contains subreports or grids, and the database used for them has changed name or location, you
must update each subreport or grid.
18.3.1 To update a cube location in an OLAP grid object
1. Select the grid by clicking on the border.
2. From the Database menu, click Set OLAP Cube Location.
You can also right-click the grid and select Set OLAP Cube Location.
The Conrm Command dialog box appears.
3. Click Yes.
The Set OLAP Cube Location dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
4. Click Select.
The OLAP Connection Browser appears.
5. Browse your OLAP server for the cube you want to connect to.
If your server isn't in the list, click Add. In the Connection Properties dialog box, provide the server
information; then click OK.
6. Select the desired cube and click Open.
The Set OLAP Cube Location dialog box reappears.
7. Click OK.
If your report contains multiple OLAP grids that are based on the same cube, the program prompts you to
update the remaining grids to the new location.
Finally, if the location of your report's relational database is the same as the location of your cube, you are
prompted to change the location of the relational database to match the new location of the cube. Making sure
that the location of the relational database and the OLAP cube match ensures that your data remains
synchronized. The program can change the location automatically, or you can change it manually in the Set
Datasource Location dialog box.
18.3.2 To update the database location
1. In the Set Datasource Location dialog box, expand the Create New Connection folder in the "Replace with"
2. Expand the OLAP folder and search for the new cube location.
You can double-click the Make New Connection option to search for the cube in the OLAP Connection
3. Select the data source name, or an individual table, and click Update.
The data source name is changed in the Current Data Source area.
4. Click Close.
18.4 Formatting data in an OLAP grid
There are several ways to add formatting to rows and columns in an OLAP grid:
Use the Highlighting Expert to apply conditional formatting to all types of report elds: Number, Currency,
String, Boolean, Date, Time, and DateTime elds.
To access the Highlighting Expert, right-click the eld you want to format and, on the shortcut menu, click
Highlighting Expert. For more details, see Using the Highlighting Expert [page 250].
Use the Format Editor to apply absolute formatting to elds in the grid. Absolute formatting is applied
under all conditions, irrespective of the data values in the eld.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
To access the Format Editor, right-click the eld you want to format; then, on the shortcut menu, click
Format Field. For more details, see Working with absolute formatting [page 229].
Use the Formula Workshop to write your own conditional formatting formulas with Crystal or Basic syntax.
The Formula Workshop gives you maximum control over the formatting of the OLAP grid.
To access the Formula Workshop, open the Format Editor and click the appropriate Formula button. For
more details, see Working with conditional formatting [page 244].
Use the OLAP Expert to reformat the entire OLAP grid. This expert provides all of the formatting options
that are available in the OLAP Report Creation Wizard.
To access the OLAP Expert, select the entire grid object by clicking one of its borders. Right-click the
selected grid and, on the shortcut menu, click OLAP Grid Expert.
The OLAP Expert has two tabs not found in the OLAP Report Creation Wizard. Use the Customize Style and
Labels tabs to format your OLAP grid.
As well as letting you format an OLAP grid's rows and columns, Crystal Reports lets you designate report
objects that don't expand horizontally, such as text objects, eld objects, OLE objects, charts, maps, lines,
boxes, and so on, to be repeated on each additional horizontal page that the OLAP grid creates. For more
information, see Repeating report objects on horizontal pages [page 240].
18.4.1 Changing the background color of a dimension
1. On the Customize Style tab of the OLAP Expert, select a dimension.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
2. In the Group Options area, select the color from the Background Color list.
3. Click OK if you have nished customizing your grid.
18.4.2 Creating an alias for a dimension
You can create aliases to shorten long dimension names. This is useful when you plan on referring to a
dimension in a conditional formatting formula (by using the GridRowColumnValue function).
1. On the Customize Style tab of the OLAP Expert, select the dimension.
2. In the Group Options area, enter an alias name in the Alias for Formulas eld.
3. Click OK if you have nished customizing your grid.
18.4.3 Formatting grid lines
In the Format Grid Lines dialog box, you can dene whether the lines show or not, as well as the color, style, and
1. On the Customize Style tab of the OLAP Expert, click Format Grid Lines.
The Format Grid Lines dialog box appears.
2. From the list, choose the description of the area where you would like the lines to appear, or click the
appropriate area in the Format Grid Line diagram.
3. Select the Draw check box to have your lines appear in the report.
4. Select the color, style, and width.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK if you have nished customizing your grid.
18.4.4 Labeling dimensions
In the Labels tab, you are able to dene which dimensions will be labeled and how they will be displayed in the
grid. The dimensions available to you are the ones that have been designated as a page or slice.
1. Using the arrow buttons, move the dimensions to the Unlabeled and Labeled areas as required.
2. Make changes to the appearance of the label by using the options available in the Label Position and Label
Spacing areas.
3. Click OK if you have nished customizing your grid.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
18.5 Changing the view of OLAP data
When analyzing OLAP data in your report, there are several basic ways to change how the data is displayed in
the grid.
The methods described here let you manipulate your OLAP grid directly from the Preview tab of Crystal
Reports. You can also carry out the same and additional, more advanced, functionality on the Cube View
Search the online help for "Using the OLAP Worksheet" to learn more about the functionality available on the
Cube View tab.
18.5.1 To show or hide dimension members
1. Right-click the dimension whose members you want to show or hide.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Expand Member or Collapse Member.
The dimension expands to show its members, or collapses to hide them.
You can also double-click parent dimensions to drill down into the hierarchical data displayed in the
OLAP grid.
18.5.2 To create asymmetry in an OLAP grid
Using asymmetry, you can display dierent inner dimension members for any number of outer dimensions.
You can create asymmetry only on stacked dimensions.
1. Right-click the member that you want to remove.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Hide or Show and then select the appropriate option.
For information about how to use these options, search the online help for "Creating asymmetry" and
"Restoring symmetry."
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
18.5.3 To add totals to an OLAP grid
1. Right-click the dimension you want to see totals for.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Automatic Totals.
A submenu appears with options for the kind of totals you can add.
3. Select the option you want.
A "Total" row or column (or both) is added to your OLAP grid. To remove totals later, select No Totals.
18.5.4 To change the display format for member names
1. Right-click the dimension name.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Display Members Using, and then click one of the display options:
Caption : Name
Unique Name
For information about names and captions, search the online help for "Changing member captions."
18.5.5 To alter the data displayed in the OLAP grid
1. Drag and drop rows and columns to rearrange the data in the OLAP grid.
2. Drag and drop dimensions to and from the OLAP Labels area to add or remove data from the grid.
On the Preview tab, the OLAP Labels area is at the upper-left corner of the OLAP grid.
18.5.6 To dene the order of elds in the OLAP grid
1. Expand the row or column dimension whose elds you want to reorder.
2. Right-click the dimension and, on the shortcut menu, click Reorder Displayed Members.
You cannot reorder members for dimensions that you have created row or column parameters for.
3. In the Reorder Displayed Members dialog box, select elds and click the Up and Down arrows to rearrange
the members that are displayed in the grid.
4. Click OK to aect your changes and return to the OLAP grid.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
18.6 Sorting and ltering OLAP grid data
The sorting capabilities of the OLAP grid enable you to order data by row and column values. If you want to limit
the data based on particular eld values, add one or more lters to the grid. Filters also allow you to perform
top or bottom N analysis (by actual values and by percentage).
18.6.1 Sorting data in an OLAP grid
Use the OLAP grid's sorting capabilities to quickly arrange grid data in a useful manner. You can add, edit, and
remove sorts by right-clicking the appropriate row or column member and selecting from the shortcut menu.
You can sort data in ascending or descending order, and you can specify whether or not you want to break grid
In the following grid, for instance, an ascending sort has been added to the Budget column.
In this case, the OLAP grid respects the parent/child relationships between grid members and sorts the data
values accordingly. (Frozen Goods precedes Bakery, but Pastry follows Frozen Goods.)
In the next example, the Budget column remains sorted in ascending order; in this case, however, the Break
Hierarchies option is selected.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
Now the Report Designer disregards parent/child relationships between grid members and sorts on the basis
of data value alone. (Frozen Goods still precedes Bakery, but Pastry precedes all others.)
You can add up to three sorts to grid rows and up to three sorts to grid columns. In each case, the rst sort
takes precedence, and each subsidiary sort serves to further dierentiate between grid data. If you add a fourth
sort to a row or to a column, your rst three are removed from the grid, and the new sort becomes the single,
primary sort.
To locate a sorted row or column, move the mouse pointer over the OLAP grid. When you reach a sorted
member, the pointer turns into a double-arrow. To sort data in the OLAP grid
1. Right-click the row or column member that you want to sort by.
2. On the shortcut menu, point to Add First Sort.
3. From the submenu, select from the available sort options:
Ascending, Break Hierarchies
Descending, Break Hierarchies
An ascending sort on a grid row orders data values from lowest to highest, left to right. An ascending sort
on a column orders data values from lowest to highest, top to bottom.
Search the online help for "Sorting data" in the "Using the OLAP Worksheet" section to learn more about
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
18.6.2 Filtering data in an OLAP grid
Use lters to exclude grid data that are not important, or to display only the data that you want to see. You can
lter grid data by actual values, or you can choose to exclude or display the top or bottom N, or the top or
bottom N%. To add a lter
1. Right-click the eld whose values you want to lter.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Add Filter.
3. In the Dene Filter dialog box, use the Filter Type list to specify how you want to lter the data.
You can lter data by "Actual values," or by selecting "Top/bottom n" or "Top/bottom n%."
4. Use the Filter Denition options to specify which rows or columns you want to exclude or display.
5. Click OK to add the lter and return to the OLAP grid.
To locate a ltered row or column, move the mouse pointer over the OLAP grid. When you reach a ltered
row or column, the pointer turns into an X.
If you lter all the cells in your OLAP grid, right-click the empty grid and select Remove All Filters from the
shortcut menu.
Search the online help for "Filtering data" in the "Using the OLAP Worksheet" section to learn more about
18.7 Adding calculations to OLAP grids
Calculated members enable you to perform specic calculations on OLAP data and to display the results in
rows or columns that are added to the OLAP grid. You can create a quick calculation, such as a Variance
member calculated by subtracting Budget from Sales. Or you can use functions to perform complex Statistical
Analysis or Time Series calculations.
Search the online help for "Adding calculated members" in the "Using the OLAP Worksheet" section to learn
more about calculated members.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating and Updating OLAP Reports
19 Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
You can distribute nished reports using a variety of methods including printing, faxing, and exporting to
dierent formats. You can also set up hyperlinks so that you can see Report Parts in various Report Viewers.
Additionally, you can use smart tags with report objects in Microsoft Oce products.
To ensure that the export to Word, Excel, PDF, or another format displays the way that you expect it to, use
the Preview tab [page 62] option to preview the output as you are designing your report.
Not all operating systems render characters or fonts the same way; a report that displays properly on a
Windows system may not display perfectly on a non-Windows (Linux, Unix, Mac) system. You may see
either truncated or overlapping lines for multi-line elds, or the text lines may not wrap as expected.
To ensure that the report displays the way that you expect it to in a non-Windows system, verify the
formatting results on the BI platform while you are designing the report. During the design phase, publish
(or save) your report to the BI platform to test how it looks online. You can also test how a report exported
to PDF from the BI platform is displayed.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community Network where you'll
nd a large collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
19.1 Distributing reports
Crystal Reports enables you to distribute your report using a variety of methods.
19.1.1 Printing a report
1. On the File menu, select Print.
Another way to do this is to click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
The Print dialog box appears.
2. Choose the appropriate settings, and then click OK.
The Printing Report dialog box appears showing the progress of your print job.
For information about printers and printer drivers, see these topics:
Related Information
Printer drivers [page 227]
19.1.2 Faxing a report
Many fax applications, such as Microsoft Fax and Delrina WinFax, allow you to set up a printer driver that will fax
documents over a modem. When using one of these applications, you can fax a report from Crystal Reports. To fax a report
1. On the File menu, click Print.
The Print dialog box appears.
2. In the Print dialog box, click Find Printer.
The Find Printers dialog box appears. Use this dialog box to select your fax driver.
3. Click OK.
You are returned to the Print dialog box.
4. Choose the appropriate settings, and then click OK.
Your fax application appears, prompting you to select a cover page and to ll in the appropriate fax
19.1.3 Exporting a report
Finished reports can be exported to a number of popular formats, such as spreadsheet, word processor, HTML,
ODBC, and common data interchange formats. This makes the distribution of information easier. For example,
you may want to use the report data to project trends in a spreadsheet package or to enhance the presentation
of data in a desktop publishing package.
Crystal Reports lets you insert objects anywhere on the report page. When you export to formats such as
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and HTML, however, objects that you placed between lines are moved to
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
the closest line in the output. To alleviate the formatting problems this behavior could cause, it is
recommended that you use Guidelines when designing your reports. For more information, see Designing
with guidelines [page 215].
The exporting process requires you to specify a format and a destination. The format determines the le type,
and the destination determines where the le is located. Export format types
The export formats supported by Crystal Reports can be broadly categorized in two groups: page-based
formats and record-based formats.
Page-based formats tend to produce a more exact output. The emphasis of these formats is layout
representation and formatting. Formatting refers to attributes such as font style, text color, text alignment,
background color, and so on. Layout refers to object position, object size, and the relationship between these
attributes and other objects. Depending on the format you choose, it may not be possible for the program to
preserve all layout and formatting perfectly, but page-based formats, in general, preserve these properties as
closely as possible.
With record-based formats, the emphasis is on data rather than the layout and formatting. However, in some
formats—such as Microsoft Excel - Data only—you will notice that some formatting is exported. Some of the
record-based formats are only data-exchange formats.
Crystal Reports (RPT)
Exporting to Crystal Reports format is much like using the Save As feature with the "Save Data with Report"
option selected. This format exports (saves) your report with the current data without modifying the original
Crystal Reports Read-only (RPTR)
Crystal Reports Read-Only (RPTR) reports are Crystal reports that can be viewed with report viewer
applications, but cannot be opened by the Crystal Reports designer. This enables you to protect your
intellectual property by preventing users from modifying the report or obtaining information about proprietary
business logic that is stored in the report denition
HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0
HTML export formats are page based. The HTML 4.0 format preserves the layout and formatting of the report
by using DHTML. The HTML 3.2 format, however, cannot maintain all of the layout precisely. The HTML 3.2
format is intended for backward compatibility with older browsers that do not support HTML 4.0. All of the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
images in your report are saved externally and a hyperlink is inserted in the exported HTML output. Therefore,
this export format generates more than one le in the output.
PDF format is a page-based format. The exported documents are intended for printing and redistribution. PDF
format will export both layout and formatting in a manner that is consistent with how the report looks on the
Preview tab. PDF format embeds the TrueType fonts that appear in the document. (Non-TrueType fonts are not
supported.) This export format does not support Microsoft font-linking technology—which is used to provide
support for some extended character sets such as Chinese HKCS. Therefore, the fonts used in the report must
contain all of the required glyphs. These URI types are supported for hyperlinks: "http:", "https:" and "mailto:".
Microsoft Excel (XLSX)
Microsoft Excel (XLSX) is a page-based format that converts the report contents into Excel cells on a page-by-
page basis. Content from multiple pages are exported to the same Excel worksheet. If a report element covers
more than one cell, the export program merges cells to represent a report element. This export format retains
most of the formatting, but does not export line and box elements from your report. This format is an
enhancement to the existing Microsoft Excel (XLS) exporting type, and removes the 65536 rows and 256
columns restrictions.
Microsoft Excel (XLS)
Microsoft Excel format is a page-based format. This format converts your report contents into Excel cells on a
page-by-page basis. Contents from multiple pages are exported to the same Excel worksheet. If a worksheet
becomes full and there is more data to export, the export program creates multiple worksheets to
accommodate the data. If a report object covers more than one cell, the export program merges cells to
represent a report object. Microsoft Excel has a limit of 256 columns in a worksheet; therefore, any report
object (or part of it) that is added to cells beyond 256 columns is not exported. This export format retains most
of the formatting, but it does not export line and box objects from your report.
Microsoft Excel - Data-only (XLSX)
Microsoft Excel Data-only (XSLX) (.xlsx) is a record-based format that concentrates on data. However, this
format does export most of the formatting as well. The data-only format does not merge cells; each object is
added to only one cell. The data-only format can also export certain kinds of summaries in Crystal Reports as
Excel functions. The summaries that are supported are SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, and MAX.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Microsoft Excel - Data-only (XLS)
Microsoft Excel (XLS) Data-only is a record-based format that concentrates on data. However, this format does
export most of the formatting as well. Unlike the Microsoft Excel format, this format does not merge cells; each
object is added to only one cell. The data-only format can also export certain kinds of summaries in Crystal
Reports as Excel functions. The summaries that are supported are SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, and MAX.
To get the best output from Excel export formats, you should design your reports in an Excel-friendly way. For
more information, refer to the Technical Brief called "Exporting to Microsoft Excel" found on the SAP Business
Objects Support site.
Microsoft Word (RTF)
Microsoft Word is a page-based, exact format that produces an RTF (Rich Text Format) le. The exported le
contains text and drawing objects to represent report objects. Individual objects are placed in text frames. This
format is intended for use in applications such as ll-out forms where the space for entering text is reserved as
empty text objects.
Almost all of the formatting is retained in this export format. Text objects cannot, however, be placed outside
the left edge of the page. Therefore, if you have text objects in your report that are placed before the left edge of
the printable area, they will be pushed right. (This is most noticeable in reports with wide pages.)
Microsoft Word - Editable (RTF)
The Microsoft Word - Editable format is dierent from the Microsoft Word format; it is a page-based format, but
not all of the layout and formatting are preserved in the output. This format converts all of the report object
contents to text lines. Unlike Microsoft Word format, this format does not use text frames. Text formatting is
retained, but attributes such as background color, ll pattern, and so on may not be retained. All images in your
report are inlined with the textual content and, therefore, the images automatically shift to accommodate text
when the document is edited in Microsoft Word. This format does not export line and box objects from your
report. As well, the special elds Page Number and Page N of M do not work when exported in this format.
The Microsoft Word - Editable format has an option to insert page breaks at the end of each report page. This
option may not correspond to the page breaks created by Microsoft Word; the option is used mainly to
separate your report-page contents.
Rich Text Format (RTF)
The Rich Text Format (RTF) format is similar to the Microsoft Word (97-2003) format.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
ODBC is a record-based, data-exchange format. When you use this format, you can export your report data to
any ODBC-compliant database.
Record Style - Columns with spaces and Record Style - Columns without
The record-style formats export report data as text. These formats export data only from Group and Details
areas. The output contains one line per record in the database (for the report). The record-style formats are
used mainly for data exchange.
Report Denition
The Report Denition format exports your report to a text le that contains a brief description of the report's
design view. This format is maintained only for compatibility with Crystal Reports 5.0.
Separated Values (CSV)
The Separated Values format is a record-based, data-exchange format. It exports the report object contents as
a set of values separated by separator and delimiter characters that you specify. (When a comma (,) is used to
separate elds, the format is known as Comma Separated Values (CSV); this export format is popular among
Microsoft Excel users.)
Like record-style formats, the Separated Values format also creates one line of values for each record in your
report. A record contains all of the elds in each section of your report as seen in the Design view. That is, elds
in the Report Header section are exported rst, followed by the Page Header section, the Group Header
section, the Details section, the Group Footer section, the Report Footer section, and nally, the Page Footer
The Separated Values format cannot be used to export reports with cross-tabs or OLAP grids; nor can it be
used to export reports with subreports in Page Header or Page Footer sections.
Standard Mode of the Separated Values format respects conditional suppression but only for report
content. The data is suppressed, but a row is printed in the report with the eld delimiters. For example, if
your eld delimiter is a comma and your report has four columns, you will see a blank row that contains
four commas.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Tab Separated Text (TTX)
The Tab Separated Text format is similar to the Text format. This format preserves the layout of your report but
with some dierences. In the Text format, multi-line text objects are exported to multiple lines. In this format,
multi-line text objects are exported in a single line; all string values are surrounded by double quotes (""); and
the values themselves are separated by tab characters. TTX les can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Text format is a record-based format. Its output is plain text; therefore formatting is not retained. However, this
format can preserve some of your report's layout. Text format assumes that a font of a constant dimension is
used throughout the export. The Characters Per Inch (CPI) option species the number of characters that can
be t in a linear inch of horizontal space, and thus determines the dimension of the font.
This format also provides an option for pagination. If you select this option, a page break is inserted in the
output after every specied number of lines. Page breaks in this format may not correspond to the pagination
of your report.
XML is used primarily for data exchange. It is a record-based format that uses the Crystal XML Schema. The
XML Expert in Crystal Reports can be used to customize the XML output.
XML Legacy
XML is used primarily for data exchange. It is a record-based format that uses the Crystal XML Schema. Destination
The destination determines the export location of your report. Crystal Report enables you to choose one of six
destinations. They include:
Disk le
Exchange Folder
Lotus Domino
Lotus Domino Mail
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports Exporting to an application
If you export to an application, the program exports the report to a temporary le in the specied format and
then opens the le in the appropriate application.
When exporting to an application, the output opens with the program that is associated with its le
extension as specied on the File Types tab of your operating system's Folder Options.
When exporting in ODBC format, Application and Disk le are the same.
You will need to specify a le path if you are exporting in HTML format.
The le name of the report and the le name of the temporary le cannot be the same.
The sections below provide instructions on how to export a report to the Microsoft Excel (XLS) format for each
of the dierent destination types. To export to an application
1. Open the report you would like to export.
2. On the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the Export button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
3. Select the export format type from the Format drop-down list.
In this case, choose Microsoft Excel (XLS).
4. Select Application from the Destination drop-down list.
5. Click OK.
The Excel Format Options dialog box appears.
The options in the "Column width" area let you dene the width of the Excel cells in your output based
on a point width (a constant width) or a width determined by objects in various sections of your Crystal
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Selecting "Whole Report" does not necessarily emulate the layout of your Crystal report. Rather, the
Excel cell width is based on objects found in any section of your report. Likewise, for example, selecting
"Details" creates cell widths based on the objects found only in the report's Details section.
6. Change the formatting options as needed.
7. Click OK.
The Exporting Records dialog box appears.
Click Cancel Exporting to cancel the export process.
The program exports the report and opens it in the appropriate application. In this example, Microsoft Excel
opens with the exported data. Exporting to a disk le
If you export to a disk le, the program saves the report to the disk or diskette you have specied. To export to a disk le
1. Open the report you would like to export.
2. On the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the (Export) button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
3. Select the export format type from the Format drop-down list.
In this case, choose Microsoft Excel (XLS).
4. Select Disk le from the Destination drop-down list.
5. Click OK.
The Excel Format Options dialog box appears.
For more information about this dialog box, see step 5 in Exporting to an application [page 361].
6. Change the formatting options as needed.
7. Click OK.
The Select Export File dialog box appears.
8. Select the appropriate directory.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
9. Enter the File name.
10. Click Save.
Click Cancel Exporting to cancel the export process.
The program exports the report and saves it in the designated directory. Exporting to a Microsoft Exchange folder
Crystal Reports enables you to export a report le to a Microsoft Exchange folder. You select the folder, and the
report is stored there in the format that you specify. A Microsoft Exchange folder can contain standard notes
(mail), les, and instances of Microsoft Exchange forms. To export to a Microsoft Exchange folder
1. Open the report you would like to export.
2. On the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the (Export) button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
3. Select the export format type from the Format drop-down list.
In this case, choose Microsoft Excel (XLS).
4. Select Exchange Folder from the Destination drop-down list.
5. Click OK.
The Excel Format Options dialog box appears.
For more information about this dialog box, see step 5 in Exporting to an application [page 361].
6. Change the formatting options as needed.
7. Click OK.
The Choose Prole dialog box appears.
You will be prompted by the Microsoft Outlook Setup Expert if Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, or
Internet E-mail is not set up on your machine.
8. Select the desired prole from the Prole Name drop-down list.
If the prole is not listed, click New to create it.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
9. Click OK when nished.
10. When the Select a Folder dialog box appears, select the folder in the prole in which you want the report to
appear, and click OK.
The report is exported to the Microsoft Exchange folder you selected. The exported report can now be
accessed through the Microsoft Exchange client. Exporting to MAPI (Microsoft Mail)
This option works only if you have a mail client installed (Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Mail, or Exchange).
Because the exported report is attached to an email message, you must also have an email account
congured properly.
1. Open the report you would like to export.
2. On the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the (Export) button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
3. Select the export format type from the Format drop-down list.
In this case, choose Microsoft Excel (XLS).
4. Select Microsoft Mail (MAPI) from the Destination drop-down list.
5. Click OK.
The Excel Format Options dialog box appears.
For more information about this dialog box, see step 5 in Exporting to an application [page 361].
6. Change the formatting options as needed.
7. Click OK.
The Send Mail dialog box appears.
8. Enter the address details, then click Send.
The Exporting Records dialog box appears.
Click Cancel Exporting to cancel the export process.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports Exporting to HTML
By exporting reports in HTML format, Crystal Reports provides you with a new option for rapid, convenient
distribution of important company data. Once exported, your reports become accessible with many of the
most popular Web browsers, including Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. To export to HTML
1. With the report you want exported active, go to the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the Export button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
2. From the Format drop-down list, select HTML 3.2 or HTML 4.0.
3. Select a destination from the Destination drop-down list.
The rest of this section assumes you select Disk le to store the HTML document in a directory on a web
4. Click OK.
The Select Export Files dialog box appears. When exported to HTML format, a report is saved as separate
HTML pages. If you prefer, clear the check box to have the entire report saved to one le. Because the
report is saved as separate HTML pages by default, the program asks you for the name of a directory for an
export destination, and uses default names for the HTML les. The initial HTML page will be saved as Base
File Name.html. This is the le you open if you want to view your report through your Web browser.
When you are exporting to a single le (that is, you have cleared the Separate HTML Pages check box)
all blank space in headers and footers, as well as top and bottom page margins, is included. If you don't
want to see blank spaces in your HTML le, suppress empty header and footer sections and set the top
and bottom page margins to zero in the Page Setup dialog box.
5. Select an existing directory, or create a new directory for your report.
6. To navigate through separate HTML les, click the Page navigator option.
7. Click OK.
The program exports the report to HTML format. Exporting to an ODBC data source
Crystal Reports allows you to export reports to any ODBC data source. If you have an ODBC data source set up
for a database or data format, you can export your report to that data format through ODBC.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
For instance, you may have an ODBC data source set up through ODBC Administrator that you normally use to
access database tables designed in Microsoft SQL Server. Using the Export dialog box, however, you can select
your SQL Server data source and export your report as a new SQL Server database table.
You must have an ODBC data source set up through ODBC Administrator in order for the program to export
to a particular ODBC database format. See How to set up an ODBC data source.
Exporting to an ODBC data source allows you to:
Change data from a centralized database format into a format compatible with a local DBMS application.
Change data from a local database format into a format compatible with a centralized database.
Create a new database table that can be used as a separate data set in future reporting.
Create a mini data-warehouse.
Manipulate database data by ltering records, adding formulas, and removing elds to create a new
database table that provides the data you need most for your work. To export to an ODBC data source
1. With the report you want exported active, go to the File menu, point to Export, and then click Export Report.
Another way to do this is to click the Export button on the Standard toolbar.
The Export dialog box appears.
2. From the Format drop-down list, select ODBC.
Destination is ignored when you are exporting a report to an ODBC data source. You do not need to
make any changes to the Destination edit box.
3. Click OK in the Export dialog box.
4. If your ODBC data source species a particular database, the report will be exported to that database.
Otherwise, the ODBC Formats dialog box appears. Select the database to which this report will be added as
a new table, and then click OK.
5. If the ODBC data source you selected requires a Logon ID and password, the Login or SQL Server Login
dialog box appears. Enter your ID and Password, and then click OK.
The Enter ODBC Table Name dialog box appears.
6. Enter the name you want to give to the new table in the database, and then click OK.
The program exports the report as a new table to the database you specied.
If your report contains a binary eld, a Cross-Tab, or an OLAP grid, you will be unable to export it to an
ODBC data source successfully.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
19.1.4 Working with Enterprise folders
Another way to distribute your reports is through SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. When
you publish a report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, you can deliver it to end users via
any web application—intranet, extranet, Internet or corporate portal.
Crystal Reports facilitates the publication of reports through the Enterprise option found in the Open and Save
As dialog boxes and through the Workbench. For more information about publishing through the Workbench,
see The Workbench [page 83].
When you choose the Enterprise option in the Open dialog box, you can select any published report to make
changes to it. The same option in the Save As dialog box lets you save a modied report back to its original
location, or it lets you save a new report to an Enterprise folder, which, in essence, is the same as publishing the
report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. Opening a report in an Enterprise folder
You can open reports from SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform folders in Crystal Reports.
Crystal Reports displays the appropriate SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform folders in the
Open dialog box. To open a report in an Enterprise folder
1. On the File menu, click Open.
2. In the Open dialog box, click Enterprise.
If you have not already logged on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the Log On to
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
3. In the System eld, enter or select the name of the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
system that you want to connect to.
4. Enter your user name and password.
5. Click the Authentication list to select the appropriate authentication type.
Enterprise authentication requires a user name and password that is recognized by SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform.
LDAP authentication requires a user name and password that is recognized by an LDAP directory server.
Windows Active Directory (AD) authentication requires a user name and password that is recognized by
Windows AD.
Windows NT authentication requires a user name and password that is recognized by Windows NT.
6. Click OK.
The Enterprise folders appear and you can select a report to open in Crystal Reports.
To nd a specic report, highlight a folder and select Find from its shortcut menu. You can then use the Find
dialog box to enter the report's name or a part of its name.
To limit the risk of expanding a folder that contains many hundreds of reports, use the “batch” options on
the folder's shortcut menu:
First Batch displays the rst 100 objects in the selected folder.
Next Batch displays the next 100 objects in the selected folder.
Previous Batch displays the previous 100 objects in the selected folder.
Last Batch displays the last 100 objects in the selected folder.
Select the “Update Repository Objects” option to ensure that the report's repository objects are updated
when the report is opened in the future. For more information about the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Repository, see SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository [page 88]. Saving a report to an Enterprise folder
You can save Crystal reports to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform folders. Use the Save As
dialog box to save a modied report back to its original location, or use it to save a new report to an SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform folder. (Saving a report to an SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform folder is the same as publishing the report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
If your report uses a DataDirect DSN connection and you want to publish the report to a BI platform
installation on Unix, verify that the BI platform administrator has added a DSN entry into the odbc.ini le.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
For more information about conguring BI platform to use DataDirect connections, see the SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Installation Guide for Unix. To save a report to an Enterprise folder
1. On the File menu, click Save As.
2. In the Save As dialog box, click Enterprise.
3. If you have not already logged onto SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, do so now.
For information about how to log onto SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, see Opening a
report in an Enterprise folder [page 367].
4. When the Enterprise folders appear, select a folder to save your report in.
5. Enter a le name for your report.
6. Select Enable Repository Refresh if you want your report's repository objects to be updated when the
report is opened again in Crystal Reports or scheduled in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
For more information about the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, see SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise Repository [page 88].
7. Click Save to publish your report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
19.2 Viewing reports
You can view Crystal reports using a number of report viewers available through the stand-alone Report
Application Server (RAS) or SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and the SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform Software Development Kit (SDK). For information about the Crystal Report
Viewers, see the Report Application Server Viewer Help or the viewer online help in the SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform SDK documentation.
In general, the Crystal Report Viewers are page viewers that let you see complete pages of your Crystal reports.
However, one viewer—the Report Part Viewer—lets you see specic report objects without viewing the entire
page. Report objects displayed in such a way are referred to as Report Parts.
19.2.1 Report Parts and other Report objects What are Report Parts?
Report objects displayed by themselves in a viewer—without the rest of the report page—are referred to as
Report Parts. More precisely, however, Report Parts are objects that use hyperlinks to point from a home report
object to a destination object.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Report Parts work with the DHTML viewer subset of the Crystal Report Viewers to expand the navigation
possibilities within and between reports. Report Part hyperlinks can link to other objects in the current report
or to objects in any other report. This linking lets you create a guided path through your reports that shows only
specic information at each stop along the path.
Viewing Report Parts instead of the whole page is a powerful feature that allows you to seamlessly integrate
reports into portal and wireless applications. Report Part Viewer
The Report Part Viewer is a viewer that lets you display Report Parts without the rest of the report page. You
can integrate this viewer into web applications so that your users see only specic report objects without
having to see the rest of the report.
For the most part, you set up the Report Part hyperlinks in the Report Designer, but you take advantage of their
functionality in the report viewers. Navigating Report Parts and report objects
The navigation functionality in Crystal Reports lets you move to other report object(s) in the same report, or to
object(s) in another report—with a specied data context. In this last case, the other report must be managed
in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, or must be part of a stand-alone Report Application
Server environment. This navigation is available only in the DHTML viewers (zero-client, server-side viewers).
Its advantage is that you can link directly from one object to another; the viewer passes the required data
context so you go to the object and data that is relevant.
Report Parts use this navigation functionality when linking between Report Part objects. The key dierence
between Report Part navigation and regular (page) navigation is that, when navigating with Report Parts (using
the Report Part Viewer), you see only the objects identied as Report Parts. In regular navigation (using the
page viewers or the Advanced DHTML Viewer), you go to the identied object(s), but you see the entire page. Setting up navigation
Navigation (page or Report Part) is set up on the Hyperlink tab of the Format Editor dialog box.
In the DHTML Viewer Only area of the Hyperlink tab, you can select one of two options:
Report Part Drilldown
The Report Part Drilldown option is available for summary elds, group charts and maps, and elds in your
report's group header or group footer. This option is relevant only to Report Parts; regular navigation (using
the page view) drills down by default. For more information, see Report Part-specic navigation [page 372].
Another Report Object
You can use the Another Report Object option for both Report Part and page navigation. This option lets
you specify the destination object(s) you want to navigate to and the data context to pass.
When you select the Report Part Drilldown option, the "Hyperlink information" area contains these options:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Available Fields
The Available Fields area lists, as a tree view, all the sections in your report that contain report objects you
can use for Report Part drill down. You select objects from this area and add them to the Fields to Display
Fields to Display
The Fields to Display area lists, as a tree view, the section and objects that you have selected for drilling
down on.
See The Report Part Drilldown option [page 372] for information about how to use these options.
When you select the Another Report Object option, the "Hyperlink information" area contains these options:
Paste the Report Part link
Use the Past Link button to add detailed information about a report object that you previously selected and
copied. The pasted information depends, in part, on the option you select from the list associated with the
Select From
After you paste link information, the Select From eld contains the path and le name of the report you
selected and copied from (it is blank when the current report is referenced). You add information to this
eld by pasting a report part link; otherwise it is not accessible.
Report Title
The Report Title eld defaults to the title of the report specied in the Select From eld (it contains the text
<Current Report> when the current report is referenced). If a report title was not dened in the Document
Properties dialog box, the eld defaults to the report's le name. You add information to this eld by
pasting a report part link; otherwise it is not accessible.
Object Name
By adding one or more objects to this eld, you are identifying the destination objects for your navigation.
In page navigation, this information determines what object you move to in the page. For Report Part
navigation, this information determines what object(s) the viewer displays upon navigation (the viewer
displays only the identied objects).
You can select any of the following report object types in the Object Name eld (you can select one or more
objects from the same report section):
Field objects
Charts or maps
Text objects
You cannot select the following report object types as destinations:
Objects inside the Page Header or Page Footer.
Lines or boxes.
Subreports or any object inside a subreport.
Entire sections (you must select the objects inside the section individually).
You can add specic information in one of two ways:
You can type the object name(s) as they appear in the Report Explorer.
You can copy report object(s) from the current report or another and paste its information into the
object eld.
Data Context
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
The program normally completes the Data Context eld when you paste information for the destination
object(s). You can also customize this option by using the Conditional Formula button. For more
information, see Data context formats [page 379].
See The Another Report Object option [page 375] for information about how to use these options.
Report objects with hyperlinks dened are shown in the Report Explorer as blue text with a solid underline.
Objects with Report Part hyperlinks are shown as green text with a dashed underline. Report Part-specic navigation
Report Parts use the Crystal Reports navigation functionality. However, some special cases apply only to
Report Parts:
The viewer displays only the object identied as the destination object.
You must specify Initial Report Part Settings for each report that is the rst stop on the Report Part
navigation path. The Report Part Drilldown option
The Report Part Drilldown option lets you dene a hyperlink so that the Report Part Viewer can emulate the
drill-down functionality of Crystal Reports. The Report Part Viewer displays only destination objects; therefore,
to make drill down work, you need to dene a navigation path from a home object to one or more destination
objects. When you have multiple destination objects, they must all reside in the same report section.
The Report Part Drilldown option does not aect the DHTML page viewers since the option emulates the
default Crystal Reports behavior for drill down (which the page viewers already support). Page viewers,
however, do not limit which objects are displayed—they always show all report objects.
Use the Report Part Drilldown option only to navigate between objects in the same report.
Because the Report Part Viewer shows only destination objects, you must dene Initial Report Part Settings
(that is, a default home object) for a report before your Report Part Drilldown hyperlinks can work. A report's
Initial Report Part Settings dene the object that appears rst in the Report Part Viewer. Think of this object as
the place you'll begin your path of drill-down hyperlinks from. To dene Initial Report Part Settings
1. Open the report whose default home object you want to dene.
2. Right-click the object you want to set as the default home object and select Copy from its shortcut menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
3. On the File menu, click Report Options.
4. In the Initial Report Part Settings area of the Report Options dialog box, click Paste Link.
The program pastes the name and data context of the report object you selected as your home object into
the appropriate elds.
For more information about data contexts, see Data context formats [page 379].
Include another object from the same section of the report by entering a semi-colon (;) and typing the
name of the object.
5. Click OK. To create a Report Part Drilldown hyperlink
Before you begin this procedure, be sure to read Setting up navigation [page 370] to acquaint yourself with
the limitations of creating this type of hyperlink.
1. Open a report and select the intended destination object; then click the Format button on the Expert
Tools toolbar.
You can also do this by selecting Format Field from the Format menu.
2. In the Format Editor, click the Hyperlink tab.
3. In the DHTML Viewer Only area, select Report Part Drilldown.
The "Hyperlink information" area changes to show the elds available for this type of hyperlink.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
The Available Fields area shows only the sections and report objects you can select for drill down. In
general, these objects include eld objects, charts, maps, bitmaps, cross-tabs, and text objects contained
in the next section down (that is, for example, objects in group two when the object you selected is in group
The Available Fields area does not show suppressed report objects.
4. In the Available Fields area, select the section or report object(s) you want to use as your drill down
Use the Report Explorer to quickly identify the default names assigned to each of your report
objects. To open the Report Explorer, click its button on the Standard toolbar.
You can add all the objects in a section by selecting the section node. If you expand the section node, you
can select one or more of the objects that it contains.
5. Use the arrow buttons to move the selected section or object(s) to the Fields to Display area.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
For ease of identication, the program creates a section node in the Fields to Display area. This node
contains the objects that you selected in the Available Fields area.
6. If you want to add another object to the Fields to Display area, select it in the Available Fields list and drag it
into position.
The position an object has in the Fields to Display area determines how it appears in the Report Part
Viewer; top to bottom in the Fields to Display area equates to left to right in the viewer. Use the arrows
above the Fields to Display area to change the order of objects. (Note that a programmer can alter this
default behavior through the PreserveLayout property of the Report Part Viewer.)
The Fields to Display area can contain only one section at a time. If you try to add a second section or
an object from a second section, it replaces any existing section in the Fields to Display area.
7. Click OK.
You have established a hyperlink from your report's home object to a destination object or objects. In the
Report Part Viewer, you will see the home object rst, and when you click it for drill down, you will see the
destination object(s). The Another Report Object option
The Another Report Object option lets you dene a hyperlink path for linking objects in the same or dierent
reports. If you are dening a hyperlink path to a dierent report, that report must be managed in SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, or it must be part of a stand-alone Report Application Server
environment. The Report Part Viewer displays only the objects you specify. Like the Report Part Drilldown
option, all destination objects must be from the same report section.
When using a stand-alone Report Application Server environment, it is recommended that all reports
navigated to and from using the Another Report Object option reside in the default Report Application
Server report directory. Placing reports in this directory ensures that the linked reports can be easily
migrated to an SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform environment.
The DHTML page viewer also uses the Another Report Object option for navigation purposes.
You cannot use the Another Report Object option for an entire cross-tab or OLAP grid object; you can,
however, use it for any individual cell in a cross-tab or OLAP grid.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Work ow
Because the Another Report Object option allows you to create hyperlinks between objects in dierent reports
managed in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, it requires more set up on the Hyperlink tab.
This is an overview of the steps you have to complete to set up your hyperlink successfully.
Open the report that contains the object you want to be the destination object and copy it.
Open the report that contains the home object, select it, and open the Format Editor.
On the Hyperlink tab, paste the information from the destination object into the appropriate elds.
The following procedure shows you how to do all of these steps. To create an Another Report Object hyperlink
Before you begin this procedure, be sure to read Setting up navigation [page 370] to acquaint yourself with
the limitations of creating this type of hyperlink.
1. Open your source and target reports.
Your source report is the report you copy an object from; the target report is the report you add the
hyperlink information to.
When you view your target report in the Report Part Viewer, you rst see its home object. When you drill
down on that object, you go to the destination object you selected in the source report.
2. In your source report, right-click the intended destination object and select Copy from its shortcut menu.
3. In your target report, select the intended home object; then click the Format button on the Expert
Tools toolbar.
You can also do this by selecting Format Field from the Format menu.
4. In the Format Editor, click the Hyperlink tab, and then select the Another Report Object option.
5. In the "Hyperlink information" area, click Paste Link.
The Paste Link button is unavailable if you have not copied a destination object as shown in step 2.
The program pastes the identifying information from the destination object you selected in the source
report into the appropriate elds.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
The Paste Link button includes a list of options that you can use when pasting a link to the destination
object. Depending on the type of link you are creating (for example, a link to a specic data context rather
than a link to a generic data context), you may see these options:
Context Report Part
This is the default option; it is selected when you click Paste Link without viewing the other list options.
Use this option to paste a link that includes the most complete data context that the program can
determine. For more information, see Context Report Part option scenarios [page 378].
Design View Report Part
Use this option to paste a link that includes a generic data context (that is, a data context that does not
point to a specic record). Use this option when you want a broad data context, or when data is not yet
present in your source report.
Preview Report Part
Use this option to paste a link that includes a specic data context (that is, a data context that points
to a specic record). Use this option when you want a narrow data context, or when data is present in
your source report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
If you choose the Design View Report Part option (or if you choose the Context Report Part option for
an object copied from a report's Design view) and your source and target reports have dierent data
structures, you'll see the Report Part Map Fields dialog box. Each eld in the Unmapped Fields area
represents a group in your source report. Use this dialog box to map these groups to elds in your
target report. When you've mapped all the groups, the OK button is available, and you can proceed.
6. If you want to add other elds from the same section of the source report, click the Object Name eld and
move the cursor to the end of the existing text. Enter a semi-colon (;) and then the name of the eld(s).
The order of objects in the Object Name eld determines how they appear in the Report Part Viewer;
left to right in the Object Name eld equates to left to right in the viewer.
7. You can broaden your Data Context by using an asterisk (*) to represent all records in a group.
For example, if your Data Context is /USA/CA/Changing Gears (which will show only that specic detail
record), you could change it to /USA/CA/* to show all detail records within that group.
You might nd it more useful to copy your hyperlink information from the Design view because the data
context will be more general (that is, you won't be copying only a specic record as you might on the
Preview view).
If your report has a group selection formula, check the data context for your destination object to
ensure it contains the correct child index.
For more information, see Data context formats [page 379].
8. Click OK.
You have established a hyperlink from your home object to a destination object or objects. In the Report Part
Viewer, you see the home object rst, and when you click it for drill down, you see the destination object(s). Context Report Part option scenarios
When pasting linking information for a Report Part, the Context Report Part option mainly aects the data
context of the link; the Select From eld (the report URI) and the Object Name eld are always the same for any
of the choices available in the Paste Link list. This section provides various scenarios and describes how the
program creates a data context for each.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Scenario 1
If your source report contains data (that is, if the report is in Preview view), the Context Report Part data
context (in the target report) is the source report's Preview data context for all children of the selected eld. For
example, you might see this in the Data Context eld: /Country[USA]/Region[*]. Otherwise, the program
uses the source report's Design view data context as the Context Report Part data context in the target report.
Scenario 2
If your source and target reports are the same report, and the object you choose as your source is from the
Preview view, when the target object you choose to link to is in a higher level than the source object, the data
context is left empty. For example, when the source data context is /Country[Australia]/
ChildIndex[5], and the target data context is /Country[Australia], the Context Report Part data
context is left empty.
Scenario 3
If your source and target reports are the same report, and the object you choose as your source is from the
Preview view, when the target object you choose to link to is in a lower level than the source object, the data
context pasted is a Design view data context (in the form of a formula). For example, when the source data
context is /Country[Australia], and the target data context is /Country[Australia]/ChildIndex[5],
the Context Report Part data context is "/"+{Customer.Country}.
If the object you copy in your source report is part of a cross-tab, the Context Report Part data context is based
on the selected object embedded in the cross-tab. Crystal Reports creates the data context by tracking if the
selected object in the cross-tab is a row, column, or cell. Next, the program retrieves row and column names.
Then it parses the Design view data context. Finally, it generates the Context Report Part data context by
adding the GridRowColumnValue function if the group in the data context formula appears in the row or
column names retrieved earlier. You might see, for example, a data context such as:
+"/"+GridRowColumnValue("Customer.Region") Data context formats
Normally, a data context formula appears as follows:
"/" + {Table.Field} + "/" + {Table.Field}
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
You can also use these formats:
XPath-like format:
Strongly-Typed format:
/Country[USA]/Product Class[Bicycle]
You can add detail-level information in 0-based format:
You can also use a wildcard to identify all instances:
For cross-tab objects, you can use navigation on cells, columns, or rows. To dene the data context, use the
GridRowColumnValue formatting function. For example:
"/" + GridRowColumnValue ("Supplier.Country") + "/" + GridRowColumnValue
("Product.Product Class"). Hyperlinks displayed in the viewers
This section summarizes information about the hyperlink options and how they work in the page viewers and
the Report Part Viewer.
Dierences between the hyperlink options
Another Report Object Report Part Drilldown
This option allows the selection of one or more report ob
This option allows the selection of one or more report ob
Destination objects must be from the same report section. Destination objects must be from the same report section.
The location of the section that contains the destination ob
jects has no restriction:
The section can be located anywhere in the report.
The section can be in a group level above or below the
source object.
The location of the section that contains the destination ob
jects must be in the immediately next, lower-group level
from the source object.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Another Report Object Report Part Drilldown
The object can be in a dierent report that is managed in
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform or is
part of a stand-alone Report Application Server (RAS).
The object must be in the same report.
Dierences between how the viewers display hyperlinks
Page viewers Report Part Viewer
Another Report Object:
Navigates to destination objects and shows contents of
the entire page.
Another Report Object:
Navigates to destination objects and shows only the
destination objects.
Report Part Drilldown:
Navigates (drills down) to the group and shows the
complete contents of the group.
Report Part Drilldown:
Navigates to destination objects and shows only the
destination objects.
Default drill down (no hyperlink):
Group drill down from a group header or footer, chart,
or map displays the group view.
Subreport drill down displays the subreport view.
Default drill down (no hyperlink):
Not available.
19.2.2 Creating an Enterprise Hyperlink
You can create hyperlinks from a report to enterprise documents such as Crystal Reports, Interactive Analysis
and other documents.
In order for this feature to work, SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform needs to be running. To create an Enterprise Hyperlink
1. Select a report object on the Design or Preview tab.
2. On the Format menu, click Hyperlink.
The Format Editor dialog box appears with the Hyperlink tab active.
3. On the Hyperlink type section, select the option A Website on the Internet.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
4. Click Create enterprise hyperlink.
5. Click Browse.
The Open dialog box appears.
6. Click My Connections to add a new connection to the Enterprise.
If you already have a connection, click Enterprise.
7. Navigate to the enterprise document that you wish to open and click Open.
The Document ID and Document Name elds are lled out with the CUID and name of the selected
document respectively.
8. On the Hyperlink Settings section change the dierent options to create the hyperlink with the specied
9. On the Parameter Settings section select the parameter values, if the selected document has parameters.
10. Click OK.
19.2.3 Using Smart View to view a report in the CMC
The Smart View setting in the Central Management Console (CMC) allows an administrator to change BI
launch pad report viewing behavior from viewing the latest instance of a report to refreshing report content
from the data source.
1. In the Central Management Console, click Applications.
2. On the Applications page, double-click Crystal Reports Conguration.
The Properties: Crystal Reports Conguration dialog box appears.
3. Under Properties, select BI launch pad.
4. Under Smart View, perform one of the following actions:
To view the last successful instance when you double-click a publication in BI launch pad, select View
Latest Instance. If no successful instance exists, the publication is refreshed against its data source.
This is the default view.
To always refresh a publication against its data source (regardless of whether an instance exists) when
you double-click the publication in BI launch pad, select View Object.
5. Click Save & Close.
19.3 Using smart tags
Crystal Reports lets you take advantage of smart tags in Oce XP. When you paste a chart, a text object, or a
eld object into an Oce XP application, you can view data from the host report after selecting a smart tag
option. This table summarizes the options available to you.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
Oce XP application Smart tag option Crystal Reports object type
Word View
Text object
Field object
Excel View
Text object
Field object
Outlook View
Refresh (only when creating a message)
Text object
Field object
Before you can use smart tags, web server options must be congured on the Smart Tag tab of the Options
dialog box. As well, an .asp or .jsp page must be created for viewing report details. Normally, these tasks should
be carried out by your system administrator.
The reports you want to use with smart tags must exist on the web server named in the Options dialog box
in a directory that mirrors their real location, or the web server must be congured to accept a UNC path.
19.3.1 To use smart tags with a Crystal Reports object
1. Open the Crystal report that contains the object you want to copy to an Oce XP application.
2. On the File menu, click Options and ensure that the options in the Smart Tag Web Server Options area on
the Smart Tag & HTML Preview tab have been congured:
Your web server must be named.
A virtual directory must be named (a default is provided).
A viewing page must be named (a default is provided).
3. On the Preview tab of Crystal Reports, right-click the text object, eld object, or chart you want to copy and
select Copy Smart Tag from its shortcut menu.
4. Open the appropriate Oce XP application, and paste the report object into a document, worksheet, or
email message.
See the table in this section for limitations about which report objects can be pasted into each Oce
XP application.
5. In your Oce XP application, choose the appropriate smart tag from the options for the pasted report
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
See the table in this section for limitations about which smart tags are available in each Oce XP
The .asp or .jsp page named in the Options dialog box appears showing the appropriate information from
the host Crystal report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Printing, Exporting, and Viewing Reports
20 Report Alerts
This section provides information about creating and using alerts in your Crystal reports.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
20.1 About Report Alerts
Report Alerts are custom messages created in Crystal Reports that appear when certain conditions are met by
data in a report. Report Alerts may indicate action to be taken by the user or information about report data.
Report Alerts are created from formulas that evaluate conditions you specify. If the condition is true, the alert is
triggered and its message is displayed. Messages can be text strings or formulas that combine text and report
Once a Report Alert is triggered, it's not evaluated again until you refresh your report's data.
Because Report Alerts are specic to each report, you decide when to use them and when not to. They can be
useful to point out important information, such as sales that fall above or below a limit. And the message is
created by you, so it can be specic to your data.
20.2 Working with Report Alerts
This section focuses on the tasks you'll need to undertake in order to use Report Alerts.
20.2.1 Creating Report Alerts
You must complete three steps when creating a Report Alert:
Name the alert.
Dene the condition that triggers the alert.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Alerts
Create the message you want to appear when the alert is triggered (this step is optional). To create a Report Alert
1. On the Report menu, point to Alerts and then click Create or Modify Alerts.
The Create Alerts dialog box appears.
2. Click New.
The Create Alert dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name for your new alert in the Name box.
4. Enter your alert message in the Message box.
The Message box lets you enter a message to be used as a default. If you want the same message to
appear every time your alert is triggered, enter it in the Message box.
If, however, you want to use a formula so the message is customized with data elements, see the next step.
5. If you want to use a formula to create an alert message, click the formula button to the right of
The Formula Workshop appears. For information on how to use the editor, see Working with the Formula
Editor [page 400].
6. Enter your alert message formula.
For example, if you want to see the message "Country is a star performer" (where Country is the name of a
specic country), you might create the following formula:
({Customer.Country}) + " is a star performer"
The result of an alert message formula must be a string.
The DefaultAttribute function can be used to refer to a message added in the Message box. For
example, if the message in your Message box is " is a star performer," your alert message formula
might be:
({Customer.Country}) + DefaultAttribute
This formula relies on the text you enter in the Message box; that text becomes the DefaultAttribute.
Message condition formulas can be created using either Crystal Syntax or Basic Syntax.
7. Click Save and close to return to the Create Alert dialog box.
8. In the Create Alert dialog box, click Condition.
The Formula Workshop appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Alerts
9. Enter your alert condition formula.
Alert formulas can be based on recurring records or on summary elds, but cannot be based on print-time
elds, such as running totals or print time formulas. Alert formulas cannot have shared variables.
If an alert formula is based on a summary eld, any recurring elds used must be constant over the
summary eld. For example, if you are grouping on Country and Region, you might create an alert such as:
Sum ({Customer.Last Year's Sales}, {Customer.Region}) > 10000
In this case, your formula can refer to either Country or Region, but not City or Customer Name since these
are not constant.
Alert condition formulas can be created using either Crystal Syntax or Basic Syntax.
10. Clear the Enable check box if you do not want the alert to be evaluated.
Otherwise, leave it selected.
11. Click OK to save your alert.
You are returned to the Create Alerts dialog box and your new alert is listed. You can see its name and
status (Enabled or Disabled).
Only enabled and disabled alerts appear in the Create Alerts dialog box. If an alert is triggered, it is seen in
the Report Alerts dialog box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Alerts
20.2.2 Editing Report Alerts
1. On the Report menu, point to Alerts and then click Create or Modify Alerts.
2. In the Create Alerts dialog box, select the alert you want to edit and click Edit.
Double-clicking an alert also lets you edit it.
3. Make the changes you want in the Edit Alert dialog box.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
If the alert has already been triggered, editing it removes it from the Report Alerts dialog box.
20.2.3 Deleting Report Alerts
1. On the Report menu, point to Alerts and then click Create or Modify Alerts.
2. In the Create Alerts dialog box, select the alert you want to delete and click Delete.
The selected alert is removed from the Create Alerts dialog box.
If the alert has already been triggered, deleting it removes it from the Report Alerts dialog box as well.
20.2.4 Viewing Report Alerts
You can view triggered Report Alerts by:
Refreshing your report's data.
Selecting Triggered Alerts from the Alerts submenu of the Report menu.
If you want to view alerts when report data is refreshed, you must select "Display Alerts on Refresh" on the
Reporting tab of the Options dialog box (this option is also available on the Report Options dialog box). To view Report Alerts
1. On the Report menu, point to Alerts and then click Triggered Alerts.
The Report Alerts dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Alerts
2. Select the alert whose records you want to see.
3. Click View Records.
A new report tab is opened showing the report record(s) that triggered the alert. If the record is hidden, the
record's group is shown but drill down is not performed.
If you select more than one triggered alert before clicking the View Records button, the results are
generated by performing a Boolean AND operation on the selected alerts.
4. To return to the Report Alerts dialog box, click the Preview tab.
5. Click Close to remove the Report Alerts dialog box.
20.2.5 Referring to Report Alerts in formulas
Alerts can be referred to in formulas. Any formula that references an alert becomes a print time formula.
The following functions are available:
IsAlertEnabled( )
IsAlertTriggered( )
AlertMessage( )
These functions behave the same as alerts created in the Create Alerts dialog box:
IsAlertTriggered("AlertName") is true only for the records on which the alert is triggered
AlertMessage("AlertName") displays the message for a record when the alert is true.
Because alerts are not eld objects (you cannot drop them into the report), alerts are represented dierently
from report elds in the Formula Workshop. In the Functions tree, you'll see an Alerts heading where the
functions themselves appear. Available alerts are listed by name below that.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Alerts
21 Using Formulas
This section explains the basics of formulas and introduces you to the Formula Workshop in order for you to
begin to create formulas.
21.1 Formulas overview
In many cases, the data needed for a report already exists in database table elds. For example, to prepare an
order list you would place the appropriate elds on the report.
Sometimes, however, you need to put data on the report that does not exist in any of the data elds. In such
cases, you need to create a formula. For example, to calculate the number of days it takes to process each
order, you need a formula that determines the number of days between the order date and the ship date.
Crystal Reports makes it easy for you to create such a formula.
21.1.1 Typical uses for formulas
There are many uses for formulas. If you have a need for specialized data manipulation, you can do it with a
Creating calculated elds to add to your report
To calculate a price discounted 15%:
Crystal syntax example:
{Orders_Detail.Unit Price}*.85
Basic syntax example:
formula = {Orders_Detail.Unit Price}*.85
Formatting text on a report
To change all the values in the Customer Name eld to uppercase:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Crystal syntax example:
UpperCase ({Customer.Customer Name})
Basic syntax example:
formula = UCase ({Customer.Customer Name})
Pulling out a portion, or portions, of a text string
To extract the rst letter of the customer name:
Crystal syntax example:
{Customer.Customer Name} [1]
Basic syntax example:
formula = {Customer.Customer Name} (1)
Extracting parts of a date
To determine what month an order was placed:
Crystal syntax example:
Month ({Orders.Order Date})
Basic syntax example:
formula = Month ({Orders.Order Date})
Using a custom function
To convert $500 from U.S. currency to Canadian:
Crystal syntax example:
cdConvertUSToCanadian (500)
Basic syntax example:
formula = cdConvertUSToCanadian (500)
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
21.2 Formula components and syntax
Formulas contain two critical parts: the components and the syntax. The components are the pieces that you
add to create a formula while the syntax is the rules that you follow to organize the components.
21.2.1 Formula components
Creating a formula in Crystal Reports is like creating one in any spreadsheet application. You can use any of the
following components in your formula:
Example: {customer.CUSTOMER LAST NAME}, {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES}
Example: 1, 2, 3.1416
Example: "Quantity", ":", "your text"
Example: + (add), / (divide), -x (negate)
Operators are actions you can use in your formulas.
Example: Round (x), Trim (x)
Functions perform calculations such as average, sum, and count. All functions available are listed with their
arguments and are arranged by their use.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Custom functions
Example: cdFirstDayofMonth, cdStatutoryHolidays
Custom functions provide a way to share and reuse formula logic. They can be stored in the SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository and then added to a report. Once in the report, custom functions can
be used in the Formula Expert when creating formulas.
Control Structures
Example: "If" and "Select", "For" loops
Group eld values
Example: Average (d, condFld), Sum (d, condFld, "condition")
Group eld values summarize a group. For example, you could use group eld values to nd the percentage of
the grand total contributed by each group.
Other formulas
Example: {@GrossProt}, {@QUOTA}
21.2.2 Formula syntax
Syntax rules are used to create correct formula. Some basic rules are:
Enclose text strings in quotation marks.
Enclose arguments in parentheses (where applicable).
Referenced formulas are identied with a leading @ sign. Crystal and Basic syntax
When creating formulas, you have the option of using either Crystal or Basic syntax. Almost any formula
written with one syntax can be written with the other. Reports can contain formulas that use Basic syntax as
well as formulas that use Crystal syntax.
Crystal syntax is the formula language included in all versions of Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
If you are familiar with Microsoft Visual Basic or other versions of Basic, then Basic syntax may be more
familiar to you. In general, Basic syntax is modeled on Visual Basic except that it has specic extensions to
handle reporting.
If you are already comfortable with Crystal syntax, you can continue to use it, and benet from the new
functions, operators and control structures inspired by Visual Basic.
Record selection and group selection formulas cannot be written in Basic syntax.
Report processing is not slowed down by using Basic syntax. Reports using Basic syntax formulas can run
on any machine that Crystal Reports runs on.
Using Basic syntax formulas does not require distributing any additional les with your reports. For more information
To learn about Basic syntax, see Creating Formulas with Basic syntax in the online help.
To learn about Crystal syntax, see Creating Formulas with Crystal syntax in the online help.
21.3 User Function Libraries in formulas
Crystal Reports lets developers create User Function Libraries (UFLs) that are recognized by the Formula
Editor. A UFL is a library of functions that is created by a developer to address a specic need. UFLs can be
programmed in a COM or a Java environment.
Crystal Reports lets you see COM UFLs or Java UFLs in the Formula Editor, but not both at the same time. (You
can also choose to see no UFLs.)
Java UFLs are not supported in the Report Application Server (RAS) and the Crystal Page Server, so if a
report has a formula in it, and that formula uses a Java UFL, the report may not run in SAP
BusinessObjects Businiess Intelligence platform because the formula will fail to compile.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 requires 64-bit COM and .NET UFLs. 32-bit User Function Library (UFL) will
not work in Crystal Reports 2020 since it is a 64-bit application. User Function Library (UFL) are
created by third party developers to add additional functions to Crystal Reports. If your report is using a
32-bit UFL, contact the Third Party Provider that developed it to compile the UFL in 64-bit, or create a
Custom Function that perform a similar function if the UFL did not require access outside the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
For details about developing Java UFLs and conguring Crystal Reports to use a UFL, see the Java Reporting
Component Developer's Guide.
After you have completed the conguration outlined in the Developer's Guide, you must return to Crystal
Reports, point to the File menu, and select Options. On the Formula Editor tab, go to UFL Support and
select Java UFLs Only.
21.4 Specifying formulas
There are several dierent kinds of formulas in Crystal Reports: report, formatting, selection, search, running
total condition, and alert formulas. The majority of formulas in a report are report formulas and conditional
formatting formulas.
Report formulas
Report formulas are formulas that you create to stand alone in a report. For example, a formula that calculates
the days between the order date and the shipping date is a report formula.
Conditional formatting formulas
Formatting formulas change the layout and design of a report, as well as the appearance of text, database
elds, objects, or entire report sections. You format text through the Format Editor. If you need to create a
formatting formula, you access the Formula Workshop from the Format Editor. See Working with conditional
formatting [page 244].
If you open the Formula Workshop from the Format Editor, you cannot create a dierent type of formula,
nor can you modify or delete existing formulas. You can, however, view any formula for reference.
Selection formulas
Selection formulas specify and limit the records and groups that appear in a report. You can either enter these
formulas directly or specify the selection using the Select Expert. Crystal Reports then generates the record
selection and group selection formula. You have the option to manually edit these formulas, but you must use
Crystal syntax. See Selecting records [page 121].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Search formulas
Search formulas help you locate data in your report. Like selection formulas, you normally do not enter these
formulas directly, but instead specify the search criteria using the Search Expert. Crystal Reports generates the
formula. You have the option to manually edit these formulas, but you must use Crystal syntax.
If you already know Basic syntax, you need to know only a small amount of Crystal syntax to modify most
selection and search formulas.
Running Total condition formulas
Running Total condition formulas let you dene the condition upon which your running total will be evaluated or
reset. See Creating conditional running totals [page 175].
Alerting formulas
Alerting formulas help you dene conditions and messages for report alerts. See About Report Alerts [page
21.4.1 Working with the Formula Workshop
You can create many dierent kinds of formulas in the Formula Workshop. The workshop consists of a toolbar,
a tree that lists the types of formulas you can create or modify, and an area for dening the formula itself.
Search formulas and Running Total condition formulas are created and maintained through the Search
Expert and the Create (or Edit) Running Total Field dialog box. These features open the Formula Workshop
so you can work with its familiar user interface, but you cannot add or maintain these kinds of formulas
directly from the main Formula Workshop. Accessing the Formula Workshop
There are many ways to access the Formula Workshop. You see it when you add new Formula Fields, when you
dene selection formulas, when you work with custom functions, and so on.
You can open the Formula Workshop by itself before you begin adding specic kinds of formulas.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas To access the Formula Workshop
1. On the Report menu, click Formula Workshop.
Another way to do this is to click the Formula Workshop button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Formula Workshop appears.
2. Click New and select the kind of formula you want to create from the list that appears.
You can also select the appropriate folder in the Workshop Tree, and then click the New button.
The appropriate editor or dialog box appears. Workshop Tree
The Workshop Tree contains folders for each type of formula you can create in Crystal Reports. It also contains
folders for custom functions and SQL Expressions. If the workshop appears as the result of using a specic
command (for example, you've selected the Record command on the Selection Formulas submenu), the
appropriate folder in the tree is selected, and the appropriate version of the Formula Editor appears.
Expand any folder in the tree to see the formulas that already exist. New formulas can be added, and existing
formulas can be edited or deleted as needed.
The Workshop Tree can be docked. By default, it appears docked on the left-hand side of the Formula
Workshop, but you can manually dock it on the right-hand side. In free-oating mode, the Workshop Tree
can be dragged to any location in the workshop. Formula Workshop buttons
The main toolbar in the Formula Workshop is made up of three smaller toolbars. Each of these toolbars
contains a set of buttons that is relevant to specic actions: working with the Formula Workshop as a whole,
working with the Workshop Tree, or working with an editor. Individual buttons are available or unavailable based
on the task you are undertaking. Each toolbar can be moved and docked as you require.
The buttons for the General Toolbar of the Formula Workshop perform the following functions:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Closes the Formula Workshop after prompting you to save
changes. If you save changes, your formula is checked for er
Saves the formula, SQL Expression, or custom function.
Creates a new formula of the type selected from the list. Also
used to create a new custom function or SQL Expression.
Shows or hides the Workshop Tree.
Toggles display between Custom Function Editor and Cus
tom Function Properties dialog box. Custom functions and
formulas (where possible) are displayed in the selected
mode until this button is clicked again.
Opens the Formula Expert. Use the Formula Expert to help
you create a formula based on a custom function.
This button is not available when creating a custom
Opens online help for the Formula Workshop dialog box.
The buttons for the Workshop Tree Toolbar of the Formula Workshop perform the following functions:
Lets you rename the selected formula, custom function, or
SQL Expression.
Deletes the selected formula, custom function, or SQL Ex
Expands the selected node in the Workshop Tree. Also works
with multiple node selections.
Shows or hides report object nodes in the Formatting For
mulas folder if the objects do not have formulas associated
with them.
Opens the Add Custom Function to Repository dialog box so
you can select the repository to add the custom function to.
Adds the selected repository custom function to the report.
The buttons for the Expressions Editor Toolbar of the Formula Workshop perform the following functions:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Tests the syntax of the formula or custom function and iden
ties syntax errors if they are found.
Undoes the last action performed.
Redoes the last action.
When you select a eld from the Report Fields window and
click the Browse Data button, a dialog box appears with a list
of the values for the selected eld.
View values for the selected eld and select individual values
to insert into your formula.
This button is not available for custom functions.
Searches the Formula Editor for a specied word, number, or
formula string.
Inserts a bookmark at the beginning of a selected formula
line. Click the button again to remove the bookmark.
Jumps to the next bookmark.
Jumps to the previous bookmark.
Deletes all bookmarks in the current formula.
Arranges all Report Fields, Functions, and Operators trees in
alphabetical order.
Hides or views the Report Fields tree.
This button is not available for custom functions.
Hides or views the Functions tree.
Hides or views the Operators tree.
Hides or views the result set of a global formula search.
Allows you to select Crystal syntax or Basic syntax as your
formula syntax.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Allows you to select Exceptions For Null or Default Values For
Nulls as a method for dealing with null values in your data.
Comments out the highlighted selection of a formula. Com
mented lines are not evaluated as part of the formula.
21.4.2 Working with the Formula Editor
The Formula Editor is a component of the Formula Workshop. Use the Formula Editor to create and modify the
content of formulas. Understanding the sections of the Formula Editor
The Formula Editor contains four main windows.
Window Description of contents
Report Fields Report elds contain all database elds accessible for your
report. They also contain any formulas or groups already
created for the report.
Functions Functions are prebuilt procedures that return values. They
perform calculations such as average, sum, count, sin, trim,
and uppercase.
Custom functions are also listed in this window.
Operators Operators are the "action verbs" you use in formulas. They
describe an operation or an action to take place between two
or more values.
Examples of operators: add, subtract, less than, and greater
Formula text window Area where you create a formula. Choosing the syntax
The Expressions Editor Toolbar of the Formula Workshop contains the drop-down list where you choose either
Crystal or Basic syntax for the formula you are creating.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Changing the syntax from Crystal syntax to Basic syntax or vice versa will change the list of functions in the
Functions window as well as the list of operators in the Operators window. The functions and operators
dier from syntax to syntax.
The available report elds remain the same since the report elds are available to each syntax.
Setting the default syntax
When you open the Formula Editor, Crystal syntax appears as the syntax default. If you want to change the
syntax default, select Options from the File menu, then click the Reporting tab. Choose the preferred syntax
from the Formula Language drop-down list and click OK. When you access the Formula Editor, the syntax you
selected appears as the default. Entering formula components
The Report Fields, Functions, and Operators tree at the top of the Formula Editor contain the primary formula
components. Double-click any component from these trees to add this component to your formula.
For example, if you set the syntax to Basic syntax and double-click the Operators > Control Structures > Multi-
Line If in the Operators tree, the following text is transferred to the Formula text window with the cursor
between the If and Then:
If | Then
ElseIf Then
End If
The above text helps you organize the parts needed to write your formula. Formula Editor buttons
For a list of the buttons you can use in the Formula Editor, see the Expressions Editor Toolbar section of
Formula Workshop buttons [page 397]. Changing the font size of the Formula Editor
The Options dialog box (File menu) allows you to change the font size and the background/foreground color of
text, comments, and keywords in the Formula Editor.
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Using Formulas
PUBLIC 401 Formula Editor Key Controls
The Formula Editor accepts the following key controls:
Keyboard Combination Action Performed
Alt+B Opens Browse dialog box for highlighted eld.
Alt+C Checks formula for errors.
Alt+F Opens or closes the Shows Field tree.
Alt+M Comments out or removes comments from current line
Alt+O Sorts contents of trees.
Alt+P Opens or closes the Shows Operator tree.
Alt+S Saves formula without closing Formula Editor.
Alt+U Opens or closes the Shows Function tree.
Ctrl+A Selects all.
Ctrl+C Copies.
Ctrl+End Goes to the end of the last line of the formula.
Ctrl+F Opens the Find dialog box (same as clicking the Find or Re
place button).
Ctrl+F2 Sets bookmark.
Ctrl+Shift+F2 Clears all bookmarks.
Ctrl+Home Goes to the beginning of le.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Goes to the beginning of the left word (+Shift key will do the
Ctrl+N Opens Formula Name dialog box, or another appropriate dia
log box, to create a new formula.
Ctrl+S Saves formula and closes Formula Workshop.
Ctrl+T Sets focus to the syntax name list box.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Changes focus to next control box (reverse order of Ctrl-
Ctrl+Tab Changes focus to next control box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Keyboard Combination Action Performed
Ctrl+V Pastes.
Ctrl+X Cuts.
Ctrl+Z Undoes an action.
Ctrl+Shift+Z Repeats an action.
Ctrl+Space Keyword Auto Complete—shows a list of the functions avail
End Goes to end of line.
Enter Copies a selected object from a list to the formula text box.
F3 Finds next item as dened in the Find dialog box.
Shift+F2 Goes to previous bookmark.
21.5 Creating and modifying formulas
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
To create a formula and insert it into a report [page 403]
Creating a formula in the Formula Expert [page 404]
Editing formulas [page 405]
Searching for formula text [page 406]
Copying formulas [page 407]
21.5.1 To create a formula and insert it into a report
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
2. In the Field Explorer dialog box, select Formula Fields and click New.
3. In the Formula Name dialog box, enter the name you want to identify the formula by, and then click OK.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
4. On the Expressions Editor Toolbar, choose either Crystal or Basic syntax.
If you are unsure which syntax to choose see Formula syntax [page 393].
5. Enter the formula by typing in the components or selecting them from the component trees.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Ctrl+Space will bring up a list of the available functions. If you've already started typing it will bring up a
list of keywords that are possible matches for what you've already typed.
A list of available elds automatically appears when you enter an open brace bracket. Ctrl+Space will
bring up the list again if you previously pressed Esc to clear it.
6. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
7. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
8. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar.
9. Select the new formula in the Field Explorer dialog box, and drag it to where you want it to appear on your
A formula that is placed on a report is indicated by @ (for example, @ProcessTime) on the Design tab.
21.5.2 Creating a formula in the Formula Expert
The Formula Expert is a component of the Formula Workshop. Use the Formula Expert to create and modify
formulas based on custom functions.
To learn about the Formula Expert's user interface, see Formula Expert in the online help. To create a formula in the Formula Expert
Before you begin this procedure, ensure you have a custom function in your report or in the SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository you have access to.
1. On the Report menu, click Formula Workshop.
Another way to do this is to click the Formula Workshop button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
2. Select Formula Fields in the Workshop Tree and click New.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
3. In the Formula Name dialog box, enter the name you want to identify the formula by, and then click OK.
The Formula Expert appears with the Formula Editor active.
4. Click Use Expert/Editor on the toolbar.
The Formula Expert appears.
5. In the Custom Function area, choose the custom function you want to base your formula on.
You can choose a Report Custom Function (a custom function that exists in the current report) or a
Repository Custom Function (a custom function that is stored in the repository).
If you select a Repository Custom Function, that custom function is added to the current report. If that
custom function requires other custom functions from the repository, they can be added as well.
6. In the Function Arguments area, specify a value for each argument in the appropriate Value eld.
You can enter constant values directly, or you can select predened values or report elds from the
associated list.
7. Click Save to save the formula to the Formula Fields folder of the Formula Workshop.
You can now use this formula in your report just as you would use a formula you created in the Formula Editor.
21.5.3 Editing formulas
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
2. Right-click the formula you want to edit and choose Edit.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
3. In the Formula Editor, edit the formula.
4. Click Check to identify any errors in the formula.
5. Fix any syntax errors the Formula Checker identies.
6. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar.
21.5.4 Searching for formula text
You can use the Find dialog box to carry out a number of dierent activities:
Search for text or characters in the Field, Function, or Operator trees.
Search for text or characters that you want to mark or replace in the formula, Custom Function, or SQL
Expression that you have open.
Search for text or characters across all SQL Expressions in a report.
Search for text or characters across all formulas and Custom Functions in a report.
When you search for text across all formulas, the results appear in a pane at the bottom of the Formula
Workshop. (You can dock the results pane in other locations). When you click an item in the results pane,
Crystal Reports opens the appropriate formula and highlights the matching text.
You can open the Formula Workshop to search across all formulas from the Field Explorer and from the
body of a report. To do this, select a formula eld, right-click it, and choose the "Find in Formulas" option. To search and replace text
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Right-click the formula you want to edit and choose Edit.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
3. On the Expressions Editor Toolbar, click Find or Replace to open a Find dialog box.
From this dialog box, you can search and replace text within the Formula text box.
4. Enter the text that you want to search for.
5. Select Edit Text from the Search list.
6. If you want to mark all occurrences of the search text, click Mark All.
7. If you want to replace all occurrences of the search text with the contents of the "Replace with" text box,
click Replace All.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
21.5.5 Copying formulas
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
To copy an existing formula [page 407]
To copy formulas from online help [page 407]
To copy a formula from one report to another [page 408]
Key points for editing a copy of a formula [page 408] To copy an existing formula
Crystal Reports lets you copy an existing formula and then modify it to create a new formula.
1. Choose View from the main menu and select Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Select an existing formula in the Formula Fields list, right-click it, and select Duplicate from the shortcut
Crystal Reports creates a copy of the formula by appending a number to the end of the formula's name.
3. Click Edit to modify the formula by changing its denition.
You can also rename the formula in either the Formula Workshop or the Field Explorer.
4. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar. To copy formulas from online help
Since the formulas you develop using the Formula Editor are text, you can copy useful online formulas directly
into the Formula Editor and then modify them to t your needs.
1. On the Help menu, click Crystal Reports Help.
The Crystal Reports online help appears.
2. Click the Index tab.
3. Enter formulas in the keyword eld and click Display.
4. Scroll through the formula topics until you locate the formula you want to copy.
5. Highlight the formula, right-click, and choose Copy from the menu.
Windows places a copy of the selected text on the Clipboard.
6. Return to Crystal Reports, choose View from the main menu and select Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
7. Select Formula Fields and click the New button.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
The Formula Name dialog box appears.
8. Enter the name you want to identify the formula by, and then click OK.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
9. Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor
and press Ctrl+V to paste the text from the Clipboard.
10. Modify the formula by changing the elds, formulas, group elds, conditional statements, and text strings
as necessary for use with the data in the new report.
11. When the formula has the correct syntax, click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar. To copy a formula from one report to another
1. Select the formula eld you want to copy in the report.
2. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
3. Open the report you want to copy the formula to.
4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
5. When the program displays the object frame, drag the formula to the new location.
6. To make changes to the formula, right-click the formula and choose Edit Formula from the shortcut menu.
The Formula Workshop appears with the Formula Editor active.
7. Delete the old values and type in the new values, or select them from the Fields, Functions, and/or
Operators tree.
8. Click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar when nished. Key points for editing a copy of a formula
When making changes, use the following points as a guide:
All elds, formulas, and group elds referenced in the formula copy must actually exist in the new report.
This means that any database referenced in the original formula (or a database with the same structure,
eld names, and alias) must be active in the new report.
If such a database is not active, you must change the eld, formula, and group eld references in the
formula copy to correspond to elements in your new report.
If the formula contains conditional elements, make certain that the conditions apply to the data in the new
report. For example, if the formula in your old report performed an action when the quantity was greater
than 100, make sure that the greater than 100 condition makes sense in the new formula. When modifying
a formula, you may nd that greater than 10 or greater than 2000 makes more sense with your new data.
If you are using the formula with new data, and if your report contains statements similar to the following:
If {file.FIELD} = "text string"
Make sure that the text strings used in the formula match values that actually exist in the new data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
21.6 Deleting formulas
When a formula is created and added to a report, the Report Designer:
Stores the specication for creating the formula, using the name you assigned to it.
Places a working copy of that formula at the point you specify in the report. A working copy is any
occurrence of the formula in the report.
In order to completely delete formulas, you must delete the specication and all working copies of the formula.
You cannot delete the specication without deleting all working copies of the formula.
21.6.1 Removing the working formula from your report
1. Right-click the formula you want to delete from the report.
2. Select Delete.
Even after the working copies of a formula have been deleted from the report, the formula specication
remains unchanged. The specication is listed in the Field Explorer dialog box. It is available if you wish to
enter the formula in the report again.
21.6.2 Deleting the formula specication
1. Choose View from the main menu and select Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Right-click the formula you want to delete and choose Delete.
A dialog box appears if this formula is currently in use in a report. If you delete this formula, you will delete
all references of it in reports. Click Yes to delete.
21.7 Debugging formulas
For help on debugging formulas that occur when you save your formula, see the Debugging tutorial [page 410].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
For help on debugging evaluation time errors that invoke the formula editor stack list and assisted debugging,
see Debugging evaluation time errors [page 410].
21.7.1 Debugging evaluation time errors
When the Formula Workshop is being displayed as a result of an evaluation time error, the Workshop Tree will
contain a call stack. The root of the tree provides a description of the error which occurred. The nodes in the
tree provide the names of the custom functions and/or formulas which were being evaluated when the error
occurred. The custom function/formula at the top of the call stack is where the error was detected. The
custom function/formula next in the stack has invoked the custom function/formula above it in the stack. If
you select a custom function/formula node in the tree, the text of the custom function/formula will be
displayed in the editor window and the text of the expression being evaluated when the error occurred will be
highlighted. If you expand a custom function/formula node in the tree, the variables being used in the custom
function/formula will be shown along with the value they had at the time the error occurred. Example of an evaluation time error
Using the sample report "Custom Functions.rpt", create a new formula that divides 1 by the result of the
@Calendar Days Between function. The function would look like this in Basic syntax:
formula = 1/{@Calendar Days Between}
It would look like this in Crystal syntax:
1/{@Calendar Days Between}
Insert this formula into the details section of the report and preview it. You'll get a division by zero error and the
formula editor will be invoked with the call stack on the left hand side.
21.7.2 Debugging tutorial
Follow the example below to learn the necessary steps for debugging a formula. After completing this exercise,
use the same principles to debug your own formulas. About this tutorial
This tutorial uses the Xtreme.mdb sample database.
This tutorial uses Crystal syntax.
The following formula is the formula you will test for errors:
If ({customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2 = "Bi" and
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
ToText({customer,CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "6") Or
({customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1] = 'Ro" and
ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "5")
If correct, this formula should pick out all customers whose names begin with "Bi" and whose customer IDs
begin with "6" as well as those companies whose names begin with "Ro" and whose customer IDs begin with
"5". When printing the eld, those selections will read "PREFERRED CUSTOMER", while the rest will read "DOES
You will now break down the formula to check and see that each condition of the formula is working individually. Formula1
1. To get started, create a report using the Customer table in Xtreme.mdb and place the following elds from
left to right in the Details section:
{customer.CUSTOMER ID}
{customer.CUSTOMER NAME}
To test each portion of the formula, you will place a new formula eld next to these two elds in the report.
2. Create a new formula called Formula1.
3. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If {customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2 = "Bi" Then
4. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:
The ] is missing.
5. Correct the formula by inserting the missing " ] " after the 2.
6. Click Check again. You will receive the following message:
No errors found.
7. Click Save and close on the Formula Workshop toolbar.
8. Insert the corrected formula eld to the right of the two data elds in the Details section of your report.
9. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to check the values in the report and compare the elds to
see if the eld values returned by @Formula1 are correct.
You will nd "TRUE" listed next to the customer names that begin with "Bi" and "FALSE" next to all the others.
Now you will check the other portions of the formula. Create Formula2, Formula3, and Formula4, by following
Steps 1 - 9, using the formulas specied below for each.
Insert each formula eld on the same line of the Details section for easy comparison. Check each one for
errors, x as needed, and make sure the values returned are correct before moving on to Formula2.
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PUBLIC 411 Formula2
1. Create a new formula called Formula2.
2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If ToText({customer,CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "6" Then
3. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:
This field name is not known.
4. Correct the formula by replacing the comma (,) in the eld name with a period (.).
5. Click Check again. The formula should now be error-free.
6. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula1 eld.
7. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to check the values in the report and compare the elds to
see if the eld values returned by @Formula2 are correct.
You should see "TRUE" next to all customer numbers that begin with 6 and "FALSE" next to all customer
numbers that do not begin with 6. Formula3
1. Create a new formula called Formula3.
2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If {customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2] = 'Ro" Then
3. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:
The matching ' for this string is missing.
4. Correct the formula by changing the single quote (') before Ro to a double quote (").
5. Click Check again. The formula should now be error-free.
6. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula2 eld.
7. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to see the values in the report and compare the elds to
check if the eld values returned by @Formula3 are correct.
You should see "TRUE" next to all Customer names that begin with "Ro" and "FALSE" next to all Customer
names that do not begin with "Ro".
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas Formula4
1. Create a new formula called Formula4.
2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "5"
3. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:
The word 'then' is missing.
4. Correct the formula by typing in the word "Then" at the end of the rst line after "5".
5. Click Check again. The formula should now be error-free.
6. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula3 eld.
7. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to see the values in the report and compare the elds to
check if the eld values returned by @Formula4 are correct.
You should see "TRUE" next to all Customer IDs that begin with 5 and "FALSE" next to all Customer IDs that do
not begin with 5.
Now that the formulas are error-free and the eld values returned are correct, you will create a formula that
links the separate components together. You will begin by linking the rst two formulas (@Formula1 and
@Formula2) and then you will add @Formula3 and @Formula4 to create the nal formula @FinalFormula. Formula1+2
1. Create a new formula called Formula1+2.
2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If {customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2] = "Bi" and
ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "6" Then
3. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula4 eld.
You should see "TRUE" next to each customer whose name begins with Bi and Id begins with 6, and "FALSE"
next to all Customer IDs that do not meet this criteria.
If this formula is working correctly, you can create one last formula adding the code from @Formula3 and
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PUBLIC 413 FinalFormula
1. Create a new formula called FinalFormula.
2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If ({customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2] = "Bi" and
ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "6") or
({customer.CUSTOMER NAME} [1 to 2] = "Ro" and
ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "5") Then
3. Place the formula where you want it to appear in the Details section of the report. You can now delete all
other formula elds from the report. See Deleting formulas [page 409].
You can use this same process of condition-by-condition testing for any formulas as a means of systematically
checking them.
21.8 Error Messages and Formula Compiler Warnings
A ) is missing.
Parentheses must be used in pairs; each opening parenthesis must be matched with a closing parenthesis. One
of your opening parentheses is not matched by a closing parenthesis. Insert the missing parenthesis and
A ] is missing.
Brackets must be used in pairs; each opening bracket must be matched with a closing bracket. One of your
opening brackets is not matched by a closing bracket. Insert the missing bracket and recheck.
A Boolean range variable is not allowed.
You have entered a Boolean range variable. Range variables are allowed in all data types other than Boolean.
Either change the data type to something other than Boolean, or enter a Boolean item variable to replace the
Boolean range variable.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
A day number must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.
You have entered a day number that does not t the month. The Formula Checker displays this warning if, for
the month of January, for example, you enter a day number of zero (0) or a number 32 or greater. Change the
day number to t the month and recheck.
A eld is required here.
You have entered something in your formula other than a eld at a position where a eld is expected. Correct
the problem and recheck.
A formula cannot refer to itself, either directly or indirectly.
You cannot enter a formula that refers to itself. For example, in creating the formula @Prot, you cannot use
@Prot as the argument to a function. Remove the reference and recheck.
A function is required here.
The Formula Editor is expecting a function but none was entered. Review your formula and enter the required
function or correct the formula if it is in error.
A month number must be between 1 and 12.
You have entered a month number that falls outside the allowable range. Enter a month number between 1 and
12 and recheck.
A string can be at most 65534 characters long.
The program allows strings in formulas to be up to 65534 characters long. You have entered a string that
exceeds that limit. Reduce the length of the string and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
A subscript must be between 1 and the length of the string.
You have entered a subscript number that species a character that does not exist. If you enter a subscript that
references the 6th or the 8th character in a ve character string, for example, you will get this warning. Change
the subscript to a value that exists and recheck.
A subscript can be a negative number if that number is a negative between -1 and the negative length of the
string. For example, if the string is three characters long, you can use -1, -2, or -3 as a subscript.
A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array.
You have entered a subscript that species an array item that does not exist. If you enter a subscript that
references the 6th or 8th item in a ve item array, for example, you will get this warning. Change the subscript
to a value that exists and recheck.
A subscript can be a negative number if that number is a negative between -1 and the negative size of the
array. For example, if the array is [1,2,3], you can use -1, -2, or -3 as a subscript.
A subtotal condition is not allowed here.
You have entered a subtotal condition for a subtotal that uses something other than a date or Boolean eld as
the sort and group by eld. Your subtotal does not require a condition. Delete the condition and continue.
A subtotal condition must be a string.
You have entered a subtotal condition that is not in string format. Make certain when you enter the condition in
the formula that it is surrounded by single or double quotation marks.
A variable cannot be redeclared with a dierent type.
You have declared a variable with the same name but a dierent data type than a variable already declared.
This is not allowed. Either change the name of the variable or change the data type so it conforms with the
original data type.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
A variable is required here.
You have used the assignment operator (:=) in a formula without preceding it with a variable. The program
expects to see a variable immediately before (to the left of) the assignment operator. Enter a variable and try
A variable name is expected here.
You have declared a variable data type without declaring a variable name. You must enter a variable name to
complete the declaration. Enter the variable name and continue.
Access denied.
DOS will not allow access to a le specied. Make certain the le is not in use by another program (or another
user on a network), and/or make certain you have the right network permissions and try again.
An error occurred when calling the custom function 'sampleFunction'.
An error occurred in your report when it tried to call the custom function specied. Please see the debugger in
the Formula Workshop for help with the error.
Cannot allocate memory.
This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not
needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.
Cannot reallocate memory.
This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not
needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Custom function, a return value must be specied by assigning a value to
the function name.
You must assign a return value to the function.
Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999.
You have entered a date that falls outside the allowable range. Enter a date that falls within the range of years 1
to 9999 (including the end values), and then recheck.
Disk full.
You have attempted to save a report to a disk that is full. Either save to a dierent disk, or delete unnecessary
les from the current disk and try again.
Division by zero.
You have entered a formula that attempts a division by zero. The program does not allow such a division. Edit
the formula so it does not attempt to divide by zero, and then recheck.
To avoid this type of problem, you can use a test such as this:
If {file.FORECAST} = 0 Then
{file.SALES} / {file.FORECAST}
Error in formula code. Please contact Business Objects, Information
Management Group.
There is something unusual about the formula that was not foreseen. Please save the formula text that
produced this warning and contact the company.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Error in parse tree. Please contact Business Objects, Information
Management Group.
In parsing your formula, the program encountered a situation that the parse tree could not process. Please
save the formula text that produced this warning and contact the company.
Field still in use.
The eld you are requesting is currently in use. Try again once the eld becomes available.
Fields cannot be used within a custom function.
You have tried to use a eld within a custom function. Fields cannot be used in custom functions.
File name already in use. Please close the window for xxx before saving under
this name.
You have tried to save a le under the name of a le already in use in an open report. Close that report rst, and
then try again.
File not found.
The le name you specied cannot be found. Either the lename or the path is incorrect. Enter the correct
lename/path and try again. In some instances the le WBTRVDEF.DLL is missing from your directory. This le
is required for reading Data Dictionary les along with WBTRCALL.DLL.
File permission error.
You have requested a le for which you do not have permission. You must gain the necessary permission before
you can activate the le.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Incorrect Borland Custom Control DLL (BWCC.DLL) installed. Version m.n or
higher required.
The program is nding and using a version of BWCC.DLL that is too old for proper program operation. Here's
how this can happen:
BWCC.DLL is installed in the CRW directory (the same directory in which CRW32.EXE or CRW64.EXE resides)
during program installation.
The CRW directory is added to the end of the path statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT during installation (if you
allowed the installation program to update the path statement).
If an older version of BWCC.DLL has been installed in the Windows directory, the Windows System directory, or
a directory that appears earlier in the path than the CRW directory (the result of an earlier installation), the
program picks up that version, not the newer version in the CRW directory.
To correct this problem
The correct version of BWCC.DLL is shipped with Crystal Reports. To correct the problem, delete older versions
of BWCC.DLL that reside in directories earlier in the path than CRW.
If this does not solve the problem, move the latest version of BWCC.DLL from the CRW directory to the
Window's directory.
Internal Error: PrintDlg fail: 4100.
There is no printer driver installed in the Windows Control Panel. When Crystal Reports opens a report, it looks
for the printer that was saved with the report. If that printer cannot be found, it looks for the default printer. If
there is no default printer set, the error message results.
Insucient memory available.
There is not enough memory available to do what you want the program to do. Free up memory and try again.
Invalid DOS version.
You are using a version of DOS earlier than Version 3.0. Install DOS Version 3.0 or higher and try again.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Invalid le handle.
You have specied a le handle that does not exist. Enter the correct le handle and continue.
No default printer selected. You may use the Control Panel to select a
default printer.
Please use the Control Panel to select a printer and start the program again.
You cannot begin to utilize the program unless you have a default printer selected. Trying to start the program
without a default printer results in this error message.
To select a default printer.
Click the Printers icon in the Windows Control Panel; the Printers dialog box appears with all installed printers
listed in the Installed Printers box.
If you have not yet installed the printer, install it rst, and then double-click its listing.
A printer must rst be given the status Active before it can be selected as the default printer.
For additional information in installing printers and default printers, please refer to the documentation that
came with Microsoft Windows.
Non unique table reference: tablename.
This is usually caused if a table name contains an underscore or is more than 15 characters long, or starts with
a number.
Not enough arguments have been given to this function.
The function requires more arguments than you have entered. Enter the missing argument(s) and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Not enough memory.
There is not enough memory available to process the command. Close any reports that are not needed, and
exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.
Numeric overow.
An intermediate result or the nal result cannot be represented because it is too big. Restructure or subdivide
the formula to create smaller results, and then recheck.
Only local variables can be used within a custom function.
A custom function cannot refer to variables not dened in the custom function.
Physical database not found.
The program is unable to locate either a DLL or the database. Check to make certain that the directories that
hold these les are listed in the path statement.
Please cancel printing before closing.
Your Report Engine call is attempting to close a job while it is still in progress. Make certain that you cancel the
printing before you close the print job.
Printer not available.
There are problems connecting to the selected printer. Reselect the printer through the Windows Control Panel
and try again.
Report le already exists. Overwrite sample.rpt?
You are attempting to save a report under the same name as an existing report. This will overwrite the existing
report and make it no longer available. Click Yes to overwrite the report, No to stop the saving process to give
you a chance to select a dierent name.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Report has changed. Save changes to sample.rpt before closing?
You are attempting to close a report window without rst saving it, even though you have made changes to the
report since you opened it. The changes will be lost unless you save the report before closing. Click Yes to save
the changes, No to close the report without saving the changes.
'sampleFunction' must be assigned a value within the custom function.
You must assign a value to the function within in the custom function.
Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later.
You have attempted to use a feature that has not been implemented in the current release. Wait till an upgrade
that implements the feature and try again.
The formula cannot be evaluated at the time specied.
You are trying to force a eld, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time
functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the
required evaluation time.
The formula is too complex. Try simplifying it.
The formula could not be evaluated because it exceeds the limit of 50 pending operations. Pending operations
are operations that are on hold due to order of precedence rules; they will be performed once the operations
with higher level precedence are nished.
Sometimes it is possible to rearrange the formula and calculate the same value without requiring as many
pending operations. As a very simplied example, in the formula 2+3*4, the addition cannot be performed until
the multiplication has been done. The addition thus becomes pending, on hold until the multiplication is
complete. If the formula is written as 3*4+2 instead, the operations can be performed left-to-right with the
same result, thus eliminating the pending operation.
Correct the formula and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
The matching } for this eld name is missing.
Field names must be enclosed in braces { }. You have entered one of the required braces but not the other.
Insert the missing brace and recheck.
The matching ' for this string is missing.
A string that begins with a ' must end with a ' before the end of the line. You have used the ' in one of those
positions but not the other. Insert the missing punctuation and recheck.
The matching " for this string is missing.
A string that begins with a " must end with a " before the end of the line. You have used the " in one of those
positions but not the other. Insert the missing punctuation and recheck.
The number of copies of the string is too large or not an integer.
Using the ReplicateString function, you have requested too many copies or you are requesting a non-integer
number of copies. Lower the number of copies requested or specify an integer number of copies and try again.
The number of days is too large or not an integer.
When adding days to dates, or subtracting days from dates, you can use only an integer number of days (a
whole number); you cannot add or subtract non-integer numbers of days (1/2 days, 3.6 days, and so on).
Additionally, once you add or subtract days from a date, the resulting date must fall within the allowable (year)
date range, 0000-9999. If you enter a non-integer number of days or if your result falls outside the allowable
range, the Formula Editor displays this warning. Correct the problem and recheck.
The number of decimal places is too large or not an integer.
The second argument to the Round(x, # places) or ToText(x, # places) functions must be a small integer (whole
number). You have entered a number as the second argument (# places) that species too many decimal
places or that is not an integer. Change the number to a small integer and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
The record selection formula cannot include 'PageNumber', 'RecordNumber',
'GroupNumber', 'Previous', or 'Next'.
You cannot include the following Print State functions in your record selection formula: PageNumber,
RecordNumber, GroupNumber, Previous, or Next. Eliminate the eld(s) and recheck.
The record selection formula cannot include a summary eld.
You have included a summary eld in a record selection formula. The program does not allow this. Remove the
summary eld and recheck.
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
You have provided a formula operand (the item on which a formula operation is to be performed) where none is
expected. Often this means that you have forgotten an operator, or an earlier part of a function, or some
required syntax item. Correct the error and then recheck.
The result of a formula cannot be a range.
You have created a formula that results in a range. A formula must result in a single value. Correct the formula
and recheck.
The result of a formula cannot be an array.
You have created a formula that results in an array. A formula must result in a single value. Correct the formula
and recheck.
The result of the selection formula must be a Boolean.
You have created a selection formula that returns something other than a Boolean value. Reconstruct the
formula using comparison operators (=, and so on) and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
The special variable eld could not be created.
This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not
needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.
The string is non-numeric.
The argument to the ToNumber function must be a number stored as a string (for example, a customer
number, an ID number, and so on). The string may be preceded by a minus sign and may contain leading and
trailing blanks. You have used an argument that is non-numeric and therefore cannot be converted to a
number. Change the argument to numeric and recheck.
The summary eld could not be created.
This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not
needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.
The variable could not be created.
The variable you declared could not be created. Check the spelling and syntax of your declaration statement
and try again.
The word 'Else' is missing.
In an If-Then-Else expression, you have left out (or misplaced) the 'Else' component and the formula will not
function. Insert (or reposition) the 'Else' component and recheck.
The word 'Then' is missing.
In an If-Then-Else expression, you have left out (or misplaced) the 'Then' component and the formula will not
function. Insert (or reposition) the 'Then' component and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
There are too many characters in this eld name.
A eld name may have at most 254 characters. You have entered a eld name that exceeds that number. Enter
a eld name that has an allowable number of characters and try again.
There are too many characters in this string.
Strings in formulas are allowed to be up to 65534 characters long. You have entered a string that exceeds that
limit. Reduce the length of the string (or break it into 2 or more concatenated strings) and recheck.
There are too many letters and digits in this name.
A variable name can have at most 254 characters. You have entered a name that exceeds that number. Shorten
the name to conform to the limit and continue.
There is an error in this formula. Please edit it for more details.
You have tried to accept a formula (via the Accept button in the Formula Editor) that contains an uncorrected
error. Correct the error that was indicated and try again.
There is an error in this custom function. Please edit it for more details.
You have tried to save a custom function that has an error in it. Correct the error that was indicated and try
There must be a subtotal section that matches this eld.
You have entered a subtotal in a formula without there being a corresponding subtotal in the report itself. Any
subtotal you enter in a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Add the required subtotal to
the report and then re-enter the formula, or delete the formula, and then recheck.
This array must be subscripted. For example: Array [i].
You have entered an array without enclosing it in brackets. Enclose the array in brackets and recheck.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
This eld cannot be summarized.
You have entered a summary eld that does not already exist in your report. Any summary eld you enter in a
formula must duplicate a summary eld already in your report. Either enter the summary eld in your report
rst and then re-enter it in the formula, or do not enter the summary eld in the formula at all.
This eld cannot be used as a subtotal condition eld.
The eld you are entering as a condition eld causes the subtotal in the formula not to match any subtotal in
the report. Any subtotal you enter in a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Either enter the
subtotal in your report rst and then re-enter it in the formula, or do not enter the subtotal in the formula at all.
This eld cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
You are trying to force a eld, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time
functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the
required evaluation time.
This eld has no previous or next value.
You have used a eld for which there is no "previous" value as the argument for the Previous or PreviousIsNull
function, or you have used a eld for which there is no "next" value as the argument for the Next or NextIsNull
function. To use either of those functions, replace the argument with a eld that contains the appropriate
This eld must be in the same section as the current formula.
Since the eld was put into the formula as an operand, it has been moved to a section where it is no longer a
valid operand.
This eld name is not known.
You have entered a eld name that does not appear in any of the active databases. Correct the spelling of the
eld name and/or its alias, and then recheck. Or, to enter a eld name from a database that is not currently
active, activate the database rst and then re-enter the eld name.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
You are trying to force a eld, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time
functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the
required evaluation time.
This function cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
You are trying to force a eld, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time
functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the
required evaluation time.
This function cannot be used within a custom function.
You have tried to use a function or formula that will not work in a custom function, that is it is not "stateless".
This group section cannot be printed because its condition eld is non-
existent or invalid.
Your report contains a group section that is based on a condition eld that is either no longer in the report or
changed so it is invalid for the group section. Review your grouping criteria to identify and correct the source of
the problem.
This subtotal condition is not known.
You have entered a subtotal condition that does not appear anywhere in your report. Any subtotal you enter in
a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Change the condition and recheck.
Too many arguments have been given to this function.
You have entered an array as the argument to a non-array function. This kind of problem can occur, for
example, if you forget to use brackets (the required syntax items for an array) to enclose an array. The Formula
Checker sees the array values as arguments to a non-array function and displays the error message.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
Too many items have been given for this array.
The program allows up to 50 values in an array. You have exceeded this limit. Reduce the number of values in
the array and recheck.
Too many open les.
You have too many open les (databases, reports) given the number of les you specied in the CONFIG.SYS
FILES = statement. To prevent this error from recurring, either use fewer les or increase the number of les
specied in the FILES = statement.
Missing or incorrect operand warnings.
The following warnings appear when the Formula Checker expects to nd a specic kind of operand (the item
on which a formula operation is to be performed), and nds something dierent. For example, the formula 5>a
is comparing a number to text (the old comparing apples to oranges analogy). When the Formula Checker sees
that the number ve is being compared to something, it expects that something to be another number. If
anything other than a number appears, it displays the warning: "A number is required here."
Depending on the formula that you enter, you might see one of the following messages:
A number is required here.
A Boolean array is required here.
A Boolean is required here.
A currency amount is required here.
A currency array is required here.
A currency range is required here.
A date array is required here.
A date is required here.
A date range is required here.
A number array is required here.
A number array or currency array is required here.
A number, currency amount, Boolean value, or string is expected here.
A number, currency amount, Boolean, date, or string is required here.
A number, currency amount, date, or string is required here.
A number, currency amount, or date is required here.
A number eld or currency amount eld is required here.
A number is required here.
A number or currency amount is required here.
A number range is required here.
A string array is required here.
A string is required here.
A string or an array of values is required here.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
An array of values is required here.
The custom function name 'sampleFunction' is expected here.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Using Formulas
22 Parameter Fields and Prompts
This section explains what parameter elds are and how they can be applied to create a single report that can
be used to access dierent types of data depending on the user's needs. The section also describes the kinds
of parameter prompts that are available in Crystal Reports.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
22.1 Parameter and prompt overview
Parameters are Crystal Reports elds that you can use in a Crystal Reports formula. As a formula component, a
parameter must have a value before the program can process the report. By using parameters in formulas,
selection formulas, and in the report itself, you can create a single report that changes its behavior depending
on the values entered by your users. Parameter elds can also be used in subreports.
Prompts are elements that help users set a value for report parameters. Prompts are dierent from parameters
in several ways:
Prompts are not used directly by a Crystal Reports formula.
Prompts include user-interface settings that help you determine the appearance of the prompting dialog
box that your users see.
Prompts include an optional list of values that your users can choose from. This list of values can be a
static list that is stored in each report, or a dynamic list that is retrieved from a database (this type of
prompt includes multi-level cascading lists that are also retrieved from a database).
Prompts can be set so that the parameter itself is optional.
When your users select values in the prompting dialog box, they are setting values for prompts. The Crystal
Reports prompting engine then assigns that value to the corresponding parameter, which is nally used by the
When you create and edit a parameter eld, you work with one parameter and one or more prompts.
22.1.1 Parameter eld considerations
There are a number of things to keep in mind when working with parameter elds:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Parameter elds support the following data types:
Boolean: Requires a yes/no or true/false answer.
Example: Include planned budget numbers in the summary?
Currency: Requires a dollar amount.
Example: Display customers with sales over XXXXX.
Date: Requires an answer in a date format.
Example: Enter the start and end dates of the quarter.
DateTime: Requires both date and time.
Example: Display statistics for 07/04/1999 between 1:00pm-2:00pm.
Number: Requires a numeric value.
Example: Enter the customer identication number.
String: Requires a text answer.
Example: Enter the region.
Time: Requires an answer using a time format
Example: Display the total number of calls from 1:00pm-2:00pm.
Parameter eld prompting text can be up to four lines long with approximately 60-70 characters per line
(depending on character width, up to the 254 character limit). Text over one line in length will automatically
word wrap.
You can create a list of values from which users can choose the parameter value rather than having them
enter it manually. Lists of values can be static (embedded in each report), dynamic (refreshed from a
database on demand), scheduled (refreshed from a database on a recurring schedule), or partially
scheduled (portions of a list of values can be scheduled, while other portions remain on-demand).
Scheduled and partially scheduled lists of values are administered through the Business View Manager. For
more information, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide.
A parameter eld does not have to be placed in a report in order to be used in a record or group selection
formula. You create the parameter eld and then enter it in your formula as you would any other eld.
A parameter eld does not have to be placed in a report in order to be used in a record or group selection
formula. You create the parameter eld and then enter it in your formula as you would any other eld.
A parameter eld can be set to be optional so that users are not forced to enter a value when prompted.
22.1.2 Prompt considerations
There are a number of things to keep in mind when working with prompts:
Prompts can be static or dynamic. As well, a dynamic prompt can have a cascading list of values. For a
description of each option, see these topics:
Creating a parameter with a static prompt [page 440].
Creating a parameter with a dynamic prompt [page 444].
Creating a parameter with a cascading list of values [page 447].
Dynamic prompts contain lists of values that you can use for a particular report or for many reports. You
share a list of values by adding it to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
A list of values can be scheduled for automatic updates through the Business View Manager. For more
information about scheduling a list of values, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide.
A list of values can form a cascading prompt; that is, you can create a prompt whose nal value is
determined through a sequence of choices. For example, users might rst be prompted to pick a country
before the choices for region appear. The users might then need to pick a region before the choices for city
appear, and so on.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.1.3 Data and non-data parameters
Depending on how parameters are used, they are marked as either data parameters or non-data parameters.
How these parameters are used within a report will impact whether the report data will refresh upon changing
parameter values.
Data parameters are used in:
Record selection formulas, directly or indirectly (by way of being referenced within a formula)
Command objects
Stored procedures
Universe parameters
Changes made to the value of a data parameter require a report refresh to fetch new data from the database.
For example, a report will be refreshed when a data parameter is used to generate a query.
Non-data parameters are used in:
Saved data selection formulas
Conditional formulas
Parameters placed on the report
Changes made to the value of a non-data parameter will lter the saved data of the report and will not require a
refresh. This process minimizes the processing demand on the database. For example, a title is a non-data
Non-data parameters change the presentation of existing data. It is best to use them only in a way that
makes sense for the report. For example, do not lter using a saved data selection formula to display values
that are below 100,000 if you have a record selection formula that only selects values above 100,000 from
the database. Using selection formulas improperly may provide confusing results, or even blank pages.
22.1.4 Optional parameters
Crystal Reports supports optional parameters. An optional parameter is a prompted value that does not have
to be supplied by the user.
Report designers should provide some guidance to the end user that a parameter is optional by adding this
information to the prompt text.
Optional parameters are treated by Crystal Reports as optional anywhere within the report that they are used.
You cannot set one instance of the parameter to optional and another to mandatory.
After you set a parameter to optional, if you use the Select Expert, the system will automatically add
the selection formula for you using the HasValue() function.
The Formula Editor does not automatically add the formula. Only the Select Expert automatically adds
the formula for you.
If you change the parameter from optional to mandatory, the HasValue() function is not
automatically removed from your formula.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Handling a parameter with no value
When the report engine evaluates any formula which references an optional parameter that does not have a
value, it generates a runtime error. All formulas that reference an optional parameter should rst use the
HasValue() function to check if that parameter has a value before evaluating it. This includes record selection
formulas and saved data formulas.
The system will not automatically drop a statement from the SQL WHERE clause. It is the report designer’s
responsibility to decide which statement to leave out based on HasValue() testing.
22.2 Understanding dynamic prompts
Both dynamic prompts and cascading lists of values are available in Crystal Reports. These features let you
populate the lists of values associated with a prompt from a data source outside of your report. (Static lists of
values that are stored in your report are also available in Crystal Reports.)
This dynamic capability is available to all Crystal Reports users—whether or not they have the added
capabilities of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. When Crystal report les are stored in SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, additional dynamic prompting features are available. The
following table shows which features are available with each product.
In the table, and elsewhere in this section, the term managed report is used to describe reports that are
stored in a SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform environment, while unmanaged report is
used to describe reports that are stored outside such an environment.
Available when Crystal reports are
stored outside of SAP BusinessOb
jects Business Intelligence platform?
Available when Crystal reports are
published to SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform?
Create dynamic prompts and cascading
lists of values.
Yes Yes
Reuse list of value denitions within a
single report at design time.
Yes Yes
Reuse list of value denitions within
multiple reports at design time.
No Yes
Schedule lists of values. No Yes
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Available when Crystal reports are
stored outside of SAP BusinessOb
jects Business Intelligence platform?
Available when Crystal reports are
published to SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform?
Populate lists of values from command
Yes No
All lists of values that are used by man
aged reports are based on Business
Views; however Business Views can
themselves be based on command ob
jects. In this way, lists of values can be
indirectly based on command objects.
Populate lists of values from report
Yes No
Populate list of values from Business
No Yes
Cache lists of values at report run time,
and share that list among multiple exe
cuting reports.
No Yes
Schedule lists of values to update
themselves on a regular basis.
No Yes
Schedule portions of lists of values to
update themselves on a regular basis,
while the remaining portions retrieve
their values from the database on de
No Yes
Some components in the Crystal Reports and SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform products
support the execution of reports with dynamic prompts and cascading lists of values:
The supported viewers are as follows:
.NET Winform
.NET Webform
Java, COM, and JSF DHTML page viewers
Java and COM Advanced DHTML Viewer
The Java Applet viewer is not supported. Reports that use dynamic prompts and cascading lists of
values will run in the Java Applet viewer, but they will not have pick lists where dynamic lists of values
should appear.
The BI launch pad and Central Management Console scheduling interfaces in SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform.
The Report Designer Component (RDC).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Crystal Reports XI R2 and later.
These components support the design of reports with dynamic prompts and cascading lists of values.
Crystal Reports XI R2 and later.
The integrated Visual Studio .NET designer.
Business View Manager.
While the dynamic capability is not available with SAP BusinessObjects BI Interactive Analysis or with full-
client products, Crystal reports that are based on universes can use the dynamic prompting capabilities
described throughout this section.
22.3 Understanding lists of values
List-of-values objects describe how to return a set of values from a data source:
They provide the values for prompts in the prompting dialog box.
They can be either static (the values are stored in the report), or dynamic (the values are stored outside
the report in a database).
They are used for both single-level dynamic prompts, and multi-level cascading prompts.
For example, a list of countries could be a dynamic prompt, while a hierarchical list of countries, regions,
and cities could be a dynamic prompt with a cascading list of values.
Crystal Reports supports three data sources for list-of-values objects:
Report elds (only for unmanaged reports).
Command objects (only for unmanaged reports).
Business Views (only for managed reports).
A list of values can have one or more levels. If there are multiple levels in the list of values, then each level
constrains the next.
You can think of a list of values as the denition of the data needed to populate all levels of a cascading list. In
Crystal Reports, a cascading relationship is dened by a single list-of-values object, not by multiple queries that
are linked together by a common key. Although the list of values is dened as a single entity, data is not
necessarily fetched from the data source in a single query.
List-of-values objects are not aected by report record selection or group selection formulas. These
formulas aect the report data, not data used for prompt-time lists of values.
If a data connection is broken or reset, Crystal Reports does not attempt to create or update the
dynamic list-of-values object and instead reverts to a static list.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.3.1 List-of-values types
There are two dierent types of list-of-values objects:
Unmanaged lists of values are stored within each report le.
If you do not have SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, or if you never publish your reports
to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, you use an unmanaged list-of-values object.
Unmanaged list-of-values objects can use report elds or command objects as a data source.
Managed lists of values are stored within SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
Every report that you store in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform uses managed list-of-
values objects. All managed list-of-values objects are based on a Business View, even if the report itself
does not use a Business View. Managed list-of-values objects have a number of features that are not
available to unmanaged list-of-values objects.
Unmanaged list of values Managed list of values
Report elds Command objects Business Views
Database query per list-of-
value level.
The database is queried for
each level as the user se
lects values in the prompt
ing dialog box.
The database is queried for
all values in all levels of the
list at one time.
The database is queried for
each level as the user se
lects values in the prompt
ing dialog box (provided the
Business View is not based
on a command object).
At design time, specify a l-
ter for the list of values.
All of the values in the re
port elds that are also in
the list of values denition
are used.
Any lter that can be repre
sented in SQL can be used.
Business Views support l-
At report-view time, prompt
for additional information
needed by the list of values.
No Yes
If the command object con
tains parameters, the
value(s) are prompted for at
report-view time.
If the Business View con
tains parameters, the
value(s) are prompted for a
report-view time.
Display dierent values to
dierent users.
No No Yes
Because managed lists of
values are based on Busi
ness Views, they inherit the
view-time security capabili
ties of Business Views.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Unmanaged list of values Managed list of values
Report elds Command objects Business Views
Schedule the list of values
to update on a recurring
No No Yes
The scheduling capability
comes from the Business
View Manager, not the Cen
tral Management Console
(CMC) where reports are
Partially schedule the list of
values to update only cer
tain portions of the list on a
recurring schedule.
No No Yes
22.3.2 Determining which list-of-values type to use
Dierent reporting problems require dierent prompting solutions, depending on the amount of data in the
lists of values. This table provides a rough guide to which list-of-values design you should use.
Unmanaged list of values Managed list of values
Report elds Command objects Business Views
Single-level code tables. (A
table that has hundreds of
semi-static values in a single
Not well suited.
Because report elds cannot
be ltered, any ltering of the
list that you require must be
done outside of Crystal Re
ports in a database view.
Well suited.
You can dene ltering within
a command object. (That
command objects return the
data for all levels in the list is
not a problem for single-level
Well suited.
You can dene ltering within
the source Business View.
Multi level-cascading code
tables. (A table that has hun
dreds of semi-static values in
multiple levels.)
Well suited.
Provided that the data lter-
ing is done outside of Crystal
Reports, report elds are well
suited to multi-level cascad
ing code tables because they
retrieve data one level at a
Well suited.
Provided that the total data
volume for all levels in the list
is not too large. If there is too
much data, you could en
counter performance issues
because command-object-
based lists of values retrieve
data for all levels in one trip
to the database.
Well suited.
Business-View-based lists of
values can support both l-
tering and level-by-level data
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Unmanaged list of values Managed list of values
Report elds Command objects Business Views
Fact tables. (These tables
tend to be very large, dy
namic tables with millions of
values in multiple levels.)
Well suited.
Provided that the ltering is
done outside of Crystal Re
ports in a database view, and
provided that there is a multi-
level hierarchy to the data.
Not well suited.
Because command objects
retrieve their data in one trip
to the database, there could
be performance issues when
you use them against very
large tables.
Well suited.
Partially scheduled lists of
values excel in this situation,
where the semi-static part of
the data can be scheduled,
and the most dynamic part
can be retrieved on-demand.
22.3.3 Lists of values and prompt groups contrasted
Lists of values are the data part of a prompt; the values from your data that your users will see and select from.
Prompt groups, on the other hand, are the presentation part of a prompt. Crystal Reports treats prompt groups
as separate objects so that you can share the same list of values with dierent presentations. For example, you
can have a Shipping City prompt, and a Customer City prompt. Perhaps you allow for multiple customer cities,
but only a single shipping city in your report. You can design this report so that it uses a single city list of values,
but with two dierent prompt groups (or presentations styles).
For more information about using prompt groups, see Sharing common lists of values within a report [page
22.4 Creating a parameter with a static prompt
A static prompt is one that always contains the same values. For example, if your parameter prompts for a
country value, you could create a static prompt because the country list represents a set of values that does
not change often.
Use the following steps to create a parameter with a static prompt that lets users see a list of customers that
they can select a specic country from.
This procedure is made up of two sets of steps. The rst is creating the parameter, and the second is using the
Select Expert to incorporate the parameter into the record selection lter.
22.4.1 To create a parameter with a static prompt
1. Open the sample report called Group.rpt.
Sample reports are located on the SAP Business Objects Support web site.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
Another way to do this is to click the Field Explorer button on the Standard Toolbar.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
4. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld (up to 255 alphanumeric characters).
This example uses Country.
5. Select the appropriate Type from the list.
This example uses String.
When creating a parameter whose Type is either Date or DateTime, you can change the date format to
suit your needs. For details, see Changing your default eld formats [page 232].
6. From the Value Field list, select Country.
7. Click Actions and select Append all database values to move all of the countries in the sample database to
the Values area.
This example will enable the user to choose from any of the countries. If you want to limit the selection,
manually enter only the countries that you would like the user to choose from.
8. In the Value Options area, enter the desired prompting text in the Prompt Text eld (up to 255
alphanumeric characters).
This is the text that appears in the "Enter prompt values" dialog box when the report is refreshed. This
example uses the default value.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
9. Click OK.
10. Return to the Field Explorer dialog box, and drag the Country parameter into your report.
The "Enter prompt values" dialog box appears.
If you don't want to see the parameter eld you dropped in your report, place it in a section you can
suppress, such as a report header or footer.
11. Select the country to base the report on.
This example uses Brazil.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
12. Click OK.
22.4.2 To incorporate the parameter into the record
selection lter
1. On the Report menu, click Select Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Select Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Choose Field dialog box appears.
2. Select Country from the Customer table, then click OK.
The Select Expert appears.
3. Choose is equal to from the drop-down list.
4. Choose the parameter from the adjacent drop-down list.
This example uses {?Country}.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
5. Click OK.
The report appears with the information for Brazil.
With parameter elds, you can create a single report that can be customized quickly to meet a variety of needs.
22.4.3 To incorporate the parameter into a saved data
selection formula
1. On the Report menu, point to Select Expert and then click Saved Data.
The Choose Field dialog box appears.
2. Highlight the eld on which you want to base record selection and click OK.
The Select Expert appears.
3. Use the drop-down lists to enter your selection criteria for the indicated eld.
4. Choose the parameter from the adjacent drop-down list and click OK.
If the parameter is being referenced for the rst time, the Enter Values dialog box appears.
5. Select your initial values and click OK.
Crystal Reports immediately lters the report data according to your selection criteria.
22.5 Creating a parameter with a dynamic prompt
The values of a dynamic prompt are retrieved from the data source and are not stored within the report. For
example, if you are prompting for customer name, you could create a dynamic prompt because the names in
your customer database probably change frequently.
Dynamic prompts can be authored in Crystal Reports. You do not need SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform or Crystal Reports Server to author dynamic prompts. When Crystal Reports is installed
on the same machine as Microsoft Visual Studio, you can use the embedded Crystal Reports designer to
author dynamic prompts. When Crystal Reports is used with Crystal Reports Server or the SAP BI platform
Server, additional features are available. For more information, see Managed reports [page 454].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Use the following steps to create a parameter that uses a dynamic prompt. As part of the procedure, you will
create a list of values.
22.5.1 To create a parameter with a dynamic prompt
1. Open the sample report called Group.rpt.
Sample reports are located on the SAP Business Objects Support web site.
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
4. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld (up to 255 alphanumeric characters).
This example uses Region.
5. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
6. Ensure that New is selected in the Choose a Data Source area.
If your report already contains a list of values, or if you want to pick a list of values from your repository,
you can select Existing and choose an existing list of values from the tree structure.
7. Click Insert, and from the Value list, select Region.
8. In the Value Options area, enter the desired prompting text in the Prompt Text eld (up to 255
alphanumeric characters).
This is the text that appears in the "Enter prompt values" dialog box when the report is refreshed. This
example uses "Select a Region."
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
9. Click OK.
10. Return to the Field Explorer dialog box, and drag the Region parameter into your report.
If you don't want to see the parameter eld you dropped in your report, place it in a section you can
suppress, such as a report header or footer.
When you look at your dynamic prompt within Crystal Reports, it does not seem to be much dierent from a
static prompt. In the background, however, Crystal Reports stores the information about the list of values that
you created for this prompt. When the report engine requires a parameter that has a dynamic prompt, it will
access the data source and populate the list of values automatically. This will be displayed on the end user
prompt page. If you choose to publish the report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform or
Crystal Reports Server, the list of values becomes a separate entity that you can optionally schedule in
Business Views Manager.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.6 Creating a parameter with a cascading list of values
A dynamic prompt can include a cascading list of values, which adds additional levels of selection for your
users. For example, if you are prompting for a city value, but you also need to know which country and region
that city comes from, you could create a dynamic and cascading prompt. In this case, you rst prompt for a
country, and when that value has been selected, the program prompts for a region by showing only the regions
that apply to the selected country. Finally, when a region value has been selected, the program prompts for a
city by showing only the cities that apply to the selected region. In this way, you can be sure that your user
picks the correct city (for instance, Vancouver, Washington, USA rather than Vancouver, British Columbia,
As with a dynamic prompt that has only one value, you are able to create or specify a cascading list of values
that you can schedule for updates as often as you like through the Business View Manager. For more
information about scheduling a list of values, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide.
Use the following steps to create a parameter that uses a dynamic prompt and a cascading list of values.
22.6.1 To create a parameter with a cascading list of values
1. Open the sample report called Group.rpt.
Sample reports are located on the SAP Business Objects Support web site.
2. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
3. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
4. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld (up to 255 alphanumeric characters).
This example uses Supplier City.
5. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
6. Enter prompting text for your prompt group in the Prompt Group Text eld.
This example uses "Choose the City that your supplier is located in."
Prompt groups let you use cascading list of values for other cascading prompts. For example, if you set
up such a list of values for an address prompt, you might want to use the list for both shipping and
billing addresses. In this case, you could create two prompt groups for the same list of values; you
might call one prompt group Shipping Address and the other Billing Address.
7. Ensure that New is selected in the Choose a Data Source area.
If your report already contains a list of values, or if you want to pick a list of values from your repository,
you can select Existing and choose an existing list of values from the tree structure.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
8. Click Insert.
The program automatically expands the Value list. You use this area to dene the elds that make up your
cascading list of values. This example uses a cascade of Country, Region, and City.
9. From the Value list, select Country.
10. Click the blank eld under Country and select Region.
11. Click the blank eld under Region and select City.
12. In the Parameters area, click City to bind the eld that contains the City value to the parameter.
In this step, you are choosing the eld in your cascading hierarchy that should be bound to the parameter
eld that you are creating. Because this particular parameter is intended to provide Crystal Reports with a
city value, you bind the parameter to City.
13. In the Prompt Text eld (in the Value Options area), enter additional prompting text for each of the elds in
your cascading list of values.
This is the text that appears in the "Enter prompt values" dialog box when the report is refreshed.
14. Click OK.
15. Return to the Field Explorer dialog box, and drag the Supplier City parameter into your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
If you don't want to see the parameter eld you dropped in your report, place it in a section you can
suppress, such as a report header or footer.
22.7 The Parameter Panel
The Parameter Panel lets users interactively format and lter report data by changing parameter values. It is
located within the Preview Panel.
In the Create New Parameter and Edit Parameter dialog boxes, you can specify parameters to display on the
Parameter Panel via the Show on (Viewer) Panel option. You can choose one of several settings:
Do not show
The parameter is not visible on the panel. Users must refresh the report to change the parameter values.
Users can view and change the parameter values on the panel.
Read only
Users can view the parameter values on the panel, but cannot change them.
Do not show is the default setting for a new parameter.
The Parameter Panel displays all parameters that have been set to Editable or Read only. Depending on the type
of parameter, users can add, delete, or modify parameter values either by using the dropdown menus and
applying their changes or by clicking the Advanced Dialog button.
The following are some of the more commonly used types of parameters that must be modied by clicking the
Advanced Dialog button:
Parameters with ranged values.
Dynamic parameters that use cascading prompts.
On the panel, data parameters are dierentiated from non-data parameters with a database icon. When a user
modies the value of a data parameter, the report refreshes and accesses the database to make the
corresponding changes. When a user modies the value of a non-data parameter, the report is formatted or
ltered based on saved data within the report. It does not access the database.
22.8 Working with lists of values
Dynamic prompts use lists of values. You can create a list of values in either Crystal Reports or in the Business
View Manager. Crystal Reports refreshes the data in a list of values when you open a report that contains a
dynamic prompt; however, you can also refresh the data in a list of values by scheduling it in the Business View
Manager. For more information, see Using Business Views.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
You can add lists of values to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform or Crystal Reports Server in
several ways:
You can create a list of values when you design a report, and then you can save the report to an Enterprise
folder. For more information, see Saving a report to an Enterprise folder [page 368].
You can create a list of values in the Business View Manager. For more information, see Using Business
You can create a list of values when you design a report, and then you can add it to SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform through the Central Management Console (CMC). For more information,
see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide.
You can migrate lists of values from one environment to another by using the Business Views Manager
Import/Export facility. For more information, see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
Administrator Guide.
22.8.1 Sharing common lists of values within a report
You can use a single list-of-values object for many unrelated prompts within a single report. For example, in a
report that shows shipments from suppliers to customers, shipments can go from a supplier in one city to a
customer in another city. You would want your report to prompt for both supplier city and customer city; both
have the same set of values. Because there are many hundreds of cities in the database, you can break up this
long list of values into countries, regions, and cities. In that way, your users can navigate through hundreds of
values by selecting from three shorter lists. To share a common list of values within a report
1. Create a report that contains elds for Country, Region, and City.
2. In the Field Explorer, select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld.
This example uses SupplierCity.
4. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
5. Enter prompting text for your prompt group in the Prompt Group Text eld.
This example uses "Choose the City that your supplier is located in."
6. Click Insert, and from the Value list, select Country.
7. Click the blank eld under Country and select Region, and then click the blank eld under Region and select
8. In the Parameter Binding area, ensure that only the City value is bound.
9. Click OK.
10. Return to the Field Explorer dialog box, select Parameter Fields, and click New.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
11. Enter a name for the second parameter in the Name eld.
This example uses CustomerCity.
12. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
13. Enter prompting text for your new prompt group in the Prompt Group Text eld.
This example uses "Choose the City that your customer is located in."
14. Select Existing, and select the list of values that you created in steps 6 through 9.
15. Click OK.
You have created two prompts: a Country, Region, City hierarchy for the {?SupplierCity} parameter, and a
second Country, Region, City hierarchy for the {?CustomerCity} parameter. By reusing the list-of-values object,
you saved time and improved performance time in Crystal Reports.
You can also use an existing list of values if you have another parameter eld that should have a country
value. For example, if you add a {?DivisionCountry} parameter to indicate the corporate division that you
want to report on, you could use the same list-of-values object in your report. You would bind this
parameter to the top-level value in your hierarchy—that is, the Country level of the Country, Region, City
22.8.2 Using separate value and description elds
It is common in relational databases to make use of code elds that represent values. These codes are often
numeric or text strings that cannot be read by your users. For such cases, you can create separate value and
description elds in your list of values denition. You set the value eld to the parameter; the description eld
appears in the prompting dialog box. How the description eld appears in the prompting dialog box is
controlled by the prompt option "Prompt with Description Only." When set to True, only the descriptions are
visible; when set to False, both the values and descriptions are visible. To set separate value and description elds
1. Open the sample report called Group.rpt.
Sample reports are located on the SAP Business Objects Support web site.
2. In the Field Explorer, select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld.
This example uses Customer Name.
4. In the List of Values area, click Dynamic.
5. Click Insert and, in the Value eld, select Customer ID.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
6. In the Description eld, select Customer Name.
7. In the Value Options area, set the Prompt with Description Only option to True.
8. Click OK.
When your users see this prompt in the prompting dialog box, they do not see values from the Customer ID
eld (the eld on which the parameter is based), but rather, they see a list of customer names.
22.8.3 Using command objects as list-of-values data sources
Crystal Reports supports command objects as data sources for unmanaged lists of values. To use this feature,
you rst create a command object using the Database Expert to return the values that you want in your list-of-
values object.
For more information see "Dening an SQL Command" in the online help.
For more information see Dening an SQL Command [page 492].
The query you create should return at least one database eld per level in the new list-of-values object. For
example, if you want to build a Country, Region, City list-of-values object, your query should return at least
three columns from your database: Country, Region, and City. You need to return all three values in a single
select statement. There is no need for an order by clause, because the prompting engine sorts the values
according to your specications.
It is not necessary to link your command object to your report elds. In general, command objects that you
use only to populate lists of values do not need to be linked to your report. However, if you want to use a
column from this command object in your report, you need to link the command object to the report.
All the command objects dened in your report appear in the value elds drop-down list, and in the description
elds drop-down list in the Create New Parameter dialog box. You can then associate your list of values with the
command object.
22.8.4 Null handling
Null values in the data returned by the list of values are displayed as "null" in the drop-down list for that prompt.
Your users can select these values, and any parameters associated with that prompt receive the null value. You
can test for this functionality in the Crystal Reports formula language with the IsNull function.
For more information, see "IsNull (d)" in the online help.
22.8.5 Long lists of values
Because the number of items in a list of values (LOV) can be very large, numbering in the hundreds or
thousands, Crystal Reports handles these long LOVs by retrieving smaller batches of values at a time.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Crystal Reports displays a single batch of LOVs, and provides two options to the user to control the list: the
batch number and a simple text lter for limiting the number of items in the list.
The default number of items per batch retrieved in a long LOV is set to 1 000; however, you can change this
default number by editing a registry key. For more info, please refer to SAP Knowledge Base Article 1218588 .
Changing the number of items in a long LOV
There are two methods for changing the number of items in a long LOVs.
When prompting the user, Crystal Reports retrieves the long LOV batch size from this Windows registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports
If it does not already exist, create the DWord value called PromptingLOVBatchSize, and set the value to the
number of items in a batch.
Be careful to select Decimal as the base value before entering the batch size.
You can create or change a parameter in the Tomcat conguration le to set the batch size for long LOVs. Open
the following le:
If it does not already exist, create this parameter:
Where <{number}> in the above example is the number of items in the batch.
22.9 Best practices for prompting
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Unmanaged reports [page 454]
Managed reports [page 454]
Converting unmanaged reports to managed reports [page 455]
Deploying managed reports with dynamic prompts [page 455]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.9.1 Unmanaged reports
Unmanaged reports are reports that you store outside of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
These reports can use lists of values that you dene within the report, or lists of values that you have stored in
the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. (You create report lists of values in Crystal Reports when you
use the Create New Parameter dialog box. You create repository lists of values in the Business Views Manager.)
Lists of values dened within a report have the following properties:
They can be based on command objects or report elds.
They are always stored within the .rpt le.
They cannot be shared between reports.
If your unmanaged report also uses a repository-based list of values, the report will prompt you to log on to the
repository whenever it is opened. This process is required so that Crystal Reports can locate the list-of-values
To maximize performance and scalability of unmanaged reports, you should reuse list-of-value objects within a
single report wherever possible. For information about how to do this, see Sharing common lists of values
within a report [page 450].
22.9.2 Managed reports
Managed reports are reports that you store within SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
Lists of values used in managed reports have the following properties:
They are always stored in the repository.
They can be shared between reports.
They are based on Business Views.
To maximize performance and manageability of your managed reports, the following practices are
Dene your list-of-values objects in Business View Manager, not Crystal Reports.
Build a separate Business View to provide lists of values for all of your reports. The only elds that you need
in this Business View are those that you use for prompting. See the Business Views Administrator's Guide
for information about how to create a Business View.
Create managed list-of-values objects for each dynamic prompt that you intend to use in your report.
These objects are visible to Crystal Reports users when they design parameters and prompts. If you need a
list of values for a Country > Region > City hierarchy, and a Country pick list, you can satisfy both needs
with a single list-of-values object.
Dening your list-of-values objects in Business View Manager has the following benets:
You have control over the metadata that is used to dene the prompting list of values.
You can apply row-level security (if desired) to the Business View that is used for prompting.
You can separate metadata design from report design. A metadata designer can be responsible for
authoring the list-of-values denitions, and the report designer can be responsible for authoring the report.
This method minimizes the number of metadata objects you need to create to support prompting.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.9.3 Converting unmanaged reports to managed reports
You can convert an unmanaged report to a managed report in the following ways:
Publish one or more reports with the Publishing Wizard.
Save the report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform using the Crystal Reports Save As
Create a new report object from within the BI launch pad portal.
Create a new report object from within the Central Management Console portal.
In all of these cases, these actions are carried out on the prompt object in your unmanaged report:
List of values (LOV) objects that are dened in the report are converted to repository lists of values. A
Business View, Business Element, Data Foundation, and Data Connection object is created.
If the same LOV object already exists in the repository, no duplicate object is created. Instead, your report
references the existing LOV object.
LOV objects that are repository-based are unchanged.
Prompt groups that are dened in the report are converted to repository prompt groups.
Prompt groups that are repository-based are unchanged.
All of the new repository-based Business View objects, LOV objects, and prompt-group objects are created
in the repository folder called Dynamic Cascading Prompts.
22.9.4 Deploying managed reports with dynamic prompts
Repository-based lists of values and prompt groups are repository objects like any other. When managed
reports are migrated from one repository to another using the Import Wizard, the list-of-values and prompt-
group objects are imported as well. This functionality makes it easy to migrate reports from system to system.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform tracks the objects that a report depends on, and imports
these objects to the destination system if needed.
Business Views Manager has been enhanced to support the import and export of lists of values and prompt
groups. For more information, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide.
22.10 Deleting parameter elds
There are several methods for deleting parameters within a report. The type of parameter you are deleting
determines the method you can use.
22.10.1 To delete a parameter that is not used in a formula
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
2. Expand the Parameter Fields folder and click the parameter you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
If the parameter is used in your report, a Crystal Reports dialog box appears conrming whether you want
to delete the parameter.
4. Click Yes.
This parameter is removed from the Parameter Fields folder and from your report.
22.10.2 To delete a parameter used with the Select Expert
1. On the Report menu, click Select Expert.
Another way to do this is to click the Select Expert button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Select Expert dialog box appears.
2. Choose the tab whose selection criteria uses the parameter you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to close the Select Expert.
5. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
6. Expand the Parameter Fields folder and click the parameter you want to delete.
7. Click Delete.
22.10.3 To delete a parameter that is used in a formula
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears.
2. In the Formula Fields folder, select the formula that contains the parameter you want to delete.
3. Click Edit and delete the parameter eld from the formula.
If the parameter is used in more than one formula, it must be deleted from each formula.
4. Close the Formula Workshop.
5. Expand the Parameter Fields folder and click the parameter you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
22.11 Responding to parameter eld prompts
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Previewing a report for the rst time [page 457]
Refreshing report data [page 457]
22.11.1 Previewing a report for the rst time
When you preview a report for the rst time, the Enter Prompt Values dialog box appears, prompting you for a
If you specied a default value when you created the parameter eld, the program will use that value unless
you specify a new one.
If you did not specify a default value, the program will not refresh the data until you supply a new value.
If the parameter is a string value type, without a default value, and the "Allow discrete values" eld is True,
an empty string appears.
22.11.2 Refreshing report data
When you refresh data from the Preview tab, the Refresh Report Data dialog box appears.
Select the "Use current parameter values" option to use the current parameter value.
Select the "Prompt for new parameter values" option to enter a new parameter value. When you select this
option and click OK, the Enter Prompt Values dialog box appears.
Enter String values exactly as they will appear in the eld. If the parameter eld allows multiple values, you
can enter additional parameter values using the Add button.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Enter Boolean values using the following format: TRUE or FALSE.
Enter Number values exactly as they will appear in the eld.
Enter Currency values exactly as they will appear in the eld.
Enter Date values to match the format used on-screen. If the format is unspecied, enter as Date (Year,
Month, Day). For example, Date (1997, 5, 21). To access the calendar, click the drop-down arrow beside the
Enter Time values to match the format used on-screen. If the format is unspecied, enter as Time (Hour,
Minutes, Seconds AM/PM). For example, Time (4:32:12 PM). You can also select the unit of time and then
use the up and down arrows to scroll through the numbers.
Enter DateTime values using the following format: Date (Year, Month, Day), Time (Hour, Minutes, Seconds
AM/PM). For example, Date (1997, 5, 21), Time (4:32:12 PM). You can also enter DateTime values by using
the associated drop-down arrow to access the calendar, and the up and down arrows to scroll through the
The drop-down arrow to access the calendar for dates and the up and down arrows to scroll for times
will only be available if you have the correct version (4.70 or later) of comctl32.dll.
To use the current value displayed, click OK, or, to use a dierent value from the one displayed, type a new
value in the text box, and click OK.
If the parameter eld is range limited, then you can only enter values within a certain range. The range limit
is specied in the Set Default Value dialog box when creating or editing a parameter.
If the parameter is a string value type, you can limit the values the user is able to enter by using the length
limit option or by using an edit mask to restrict the format.
The program now runs the report using the new value(s) you specied.
22.12 Advanced parameter features
There are a variety of ways that parameters can be used within a report. This section covers some of the
advanced methods of using parameters.
22.12.1 Creating a parameter with multiple prompting values
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
2. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
3. Enter a Name for your parameter.
4. Select a value type from the Type list.
5. From the Value Field list, select the table and eld that you want to use to obtain your prompting values.
6. Add the values from the eld you selected by clicking Actions and choosing Append all database values.
You can also import values, or you can create your own in the Value area under the Options button.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
7. In the Value Options area, select the Allow multiple values option and set its value to True to enable your
uses to enter more than one prompting value for this parameter.
Both discrete and range type values are allowed individually or in combination.
For details on single or range values, see Specifying single or ranges of values [page 460].
8. Click OK.
22.12.2 Applying conditional formatting using parameter
Parameter elds can be used to create conditional formatting formulas. You can customize these formulas
whenever you refresh the report data. A conditional formatting formula could be used for color-agging data
that meets certain conditions. For example:
Sales representatives who sell more than 10% over quota.
Customers who have not ordered in the last quarter.
Inventory items that have not had any movement in the last month.
If the conditions under which you ag these items never change, you do not need to use parameter elds. You
can just use formulas (for text ags) or conditional formatting (for border ags). However, to change the
conditions from report to report, you need to use parameter elds in formulas and conditional formatting
formulas. To apply conditional formatting using parameter
1. Create the parameter eld of the data type you need for the formula.
2. Create the formula and use the parameter eld in place of the xed value you would normally use.
For example, to be prompted for all the customers whose last year's sales were over a certain value,
and to print their names in red, select the Last Year's Sales eld and click Format from the Expert Tools
The Format Editor appears.
3. Click the Conditional formula button next to the Color property on the Font tab, and format the eld
using a conditional formatting formula like this:
If {customer.LAST YEAR'S SALES} > {?SalesTarget} Then
Now, when you refresh the data, the program will prompt you for the value that triggers the color ag (known
as the threshold value). It then runs the report and ags all the customers that had sales last year above the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
threshold gure. You can change the gure each time you run the report and the program will ag a dierent
set of Customer Names.
For more information see "Conditional formatting functions" in the online help.
22.12.3 Creating a report title using parameter elds
Crystal Reports allows you to use parameter elds to create a report title that can be changed each time the
report is refreshed. To create a report title using parameter elds
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears.
2. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Type a name for the parameter eld in the Name eld.
4. Select String from the Type list.
5. To specify a default title, click Click here to add item in the Value area and type the desired text.
Continue adding titles as required.
6. Click OK.
7. Return to the Field Explorer, and then place the parameter eld in the Page Header section of the report to
have the title appear on every page, or in the Report Header section if you want the title to appear on only
the rst page of the report.
Now, when you refresh the data, the program will prompt you for a report title. If you wish, you can change the
title each time you run the report.
22.12.4 Specifying single or ranges of values
You can create parameters that require users to enter a single (discrete) value, or a range of values. If you then
include these parameters in your report's record selection, you can help users nd specic information. For
example, in the case of a record selection parameter than uses a discrete value, a user might enter a single
country name to see sales gures for only that country. In the case of a record selection parameter that uses a
range of values, a user might enter a range of countries (for example, Canada and France) to see sales gures
for all the countries in the range (in this case, Chili, China, Denmark, England, and so on).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts To specify single or range values
1. Select the Allow discrete values option or the Allow range values option to specify whether the parameter
eld will accept a range of values.
If you select "Allow discrete values," the parameter eld will accept single values (rather than ranges of
If you select "Allow range values," then when you are prompted for parameter values, you can enter a
start value and an end value. For example, if you enter the values "5" and "10", the range is 5-10, and a
report that uses this parameter for record selection will display all records with values between 5 and
10. This also works for string parameter elds. With a start value of "A" and an end value of "E", a report
that uses this parameter for record selection will display all records within an alphabetical range of A-E.
If the "Allow multiple values" and the "Allow discrete values" options are selected, the parameter eld
will accept multiple single values. In this case, you can enter more than one value, but these values will
be evaluated individually and will not be interpreted as a range. If the "Allow multiple values" and "Allow
range values" options are selected, the parameter eld will accept multiple ranges.
2. If applicable, select the Min Length and/or Max Length options to designate the length of the eld.
For a Currency or Number parameter eld, options for entering the "Min Value" and "Max Value"
For a Date, DateTime, or Time parameter eld, options for entering the "Start" and "End" values
22.12.5 Incorporating a parameter into a formula
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears.
2. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Create a parameter eld and save it.
4. Select Formula Fields and click New.
The Formula Name dialog box appears.
5. Enter the name of the formula, and then click OK.
6. Create a formula using the parameter eld as you would any constant value. For example, rather than
creating a formula that hard-codes the country name:
{customer.COUNTRY} = "USA"
Use a parameter eld instead of "USA".
{customer.COUNTRY} = {?Country}
To do this double-click the database eld, press =, then double-click the parameter.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Identify parameter elds easily by looking for (?).
7. Click Save and Close on the Formula Workshop.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears. The name of the formula you have just created is highlighted in the
Formula list box.
8. Drag and drop the formula into the report.
9. Click Refresh to generate the report.
A dialog box appears, prompting you for values.
22.12.6 Dening sort order using parameter elds
To set the sort order using parameter elds, you need to rst create a formula that includes a parameter eld
and then sort based on that formula. For example, assume that you have a customer list report based on the
Customer table. For each customer, you show the Customer Name, City, Region, Country, and Phone Number.
You want to be able to sort the report by Country, by Region, or by City, depending on your needs at the time.
1. Create a parameter eld and call it SortField.
2. Select String from the Type list.
You may want to limit the number of characters the user can type to one.
3. To do this, type the numeral 1 into the Min Length and Max Length text boxes and click OK.
Now the parameter eld will only accept single-character values. The eld will accept "C" as a value, but
not "City."
4. In the Prompting Text eld, enter a prompt similar to this:
Type R to sort by Region or C to sort by City; otherwise, data will be sorted
by Country.
5. Create a formula similar to this and call it Sort:
If {?SortField} = "C" Then {customer.CITY}
If {?SortField} = "R" Then {customer.REGION}
This formula prompts for a value for the parameter eld {?SortField}. If you enter "C", the formula will sort
by the City eld. If you enter "R" it will sort by the Region eld. If you enter anything else, or do not enter
anything at all, the formula will sort by the Country eld.
For more information see "If statements" in the online help.
6. Place the formula in the Report Header section of the report and select Suppress (No Drill-Down) in
the Section Expert so that it does not print.
7. Click Sort Records.
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Parameter Fields and Prompts
8. Choose your formula and click Add.
9. Click OK.
Now when you run the report, the program will prompt you for a sort eld, the formula will return a value based
on your selection, and the sort facility will use that value as your sort eld.
22.12.7 Dening entry type and format using the Edit Mask
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
2. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Enter the Name and value Type.
4. For a string parameter eld, you can choose to enter an edit mask in the Edit mask eld, rather than
specifying a range.
An edit mask can be any of a set of masking characters used to restrict the values you can enter as
parameter values (the edit mask also limits the values you can enter as default prompting values).
You can enter any of the following masking characters, or any combination of them:
"A" (allows an alphanumeric character and requires the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"a" (allows an alphanumeric character and does not require the entry of a character in the parameter
"0" (allows a digit [0 to 9] and requires the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"9" (allows a digit or a space, and does not require the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"#" (allows a digit, space, or plus/minus sign, and does not require the entry of a character in the
parameter value).
"L" (allows a letter [A to Z], and requires the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"?" (allows a letter, and does not require the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"&" (allows any character or space, and requires the entry of a character in the parameter value).
"C" (allows any character or space, and does not require the entry of a character in the parameter
". , : ; - /" (separator characters). Inserting separator characters into an edit mask is something like
hard coding the formatting for the parameter eld. When the eld is placed on the report, the
separator character will appear in the eld object frame, like this: LLLL/0000. This example depicts an
edit mask that requires four letters followed by four numbers.
"<" (causes subsequent characters to be converted to lowercase).
">" (causes subsequent characters to be converted to uppercase).
"\" (causes the subsequent character to be displayed as a literal). For example, the edit mask "\A"
would display a parameter value of "A." If the edit mask is "00\A00," then a valid parameter value
would consist of two digits, the letter "A," and then two additional digits.
"Password". Allows you to set the edit mask to "Password," you can create conditional formulas
specifying that certain sections of the report become visible only when certain user passwords are
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
Some of the edit mask characters require that you enter a character in their place (when entering a
parameter value), while others allow you to leave a space, if needed. For example, if the edit mask is
000099, you can enter a parameter value with four digits, ve digits, or six digits, since the '9' edit
mask character does not require the entry of a character. However, since '0' does require such an entry,
you could not enter a parameter value with less than four digits.
5. Click OK.
6. Return to the Field Explorer, and drag the parameter into the report.
22.12.8 Creating a saved-data record lter using parameter
You can design your report so that users can lter elds and records without refreshing information from the
database. Saved-data record lters combine the use of saved data selection formulas and the Parameter Panel.
This feature is particularly useful for several reasons:
It allows users to lter and re-lter report data without leaving the canvas of the report.
It eliminates processing demand on the database.
It reduces the time users spend waiting for data to be ltered.
It allows users to lter records in the report even if they do not have a connection or rights to access the
database at the time of viewing.
When planning to include a saved-data record lter in your report, it is important to consider the following
To prevent report refreshing to the database, only non-data parameters should be added to the Parameter
Exported reports retain all recently applied parameter changes.
Sub-report parameters cannot be shown on the Parameter Panel. To create a saved-data record lter using parameter
Combine the tasks below to create an interactive saved-data record lter.
a. Create a parameter appearing on the Parameter Panel
b. Incorporate a parameter into a saved data selection formula
Related Information
To create a parameter appearing on the Parameter Panel [page 465]
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Parameter Fields and Prompts
To incorporate the parameter into a saved data selection formula [page 466]
22.12.9 To create a parameter appearing on the Parameter
1. On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
Another way to do this is to click the Field Explorer button on the Standard Toolbar.
The Field Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Select Parameter Fields and click New.
The Create New Parameter dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name eld (up to 255 alphanumeric characters).
4. Select the appropriate Type from the list.
When creating a parameter whose Type is either Date or DateTime, you can change the date format to
suit your needs.
5. From the Value Field list, select a value.
6. Click Actions, and select Append all database values to move all of the applicable values to the Values area.
This example will enable the user to choose from any of the values. If you want to limit the selection,
manually enter only the values that you would like the user to choose from.
7. Select Editable from the Show on (Viewer) Panel list.
This example will enable the user to edit the parameter value on the Parameter Panel. If you want to show
the parameter on the panel, but do not want to allow the user to edit it, select Read only for this option.
8. Click OK.
9. Return to the Field Explorer dialog box, and drag the parameter onto your report.
The Enter prompt values dialog box appears.
If you don't want to see the parameter eld you dropped in your report, place it in a section you can
suppress, such as a report header or footer.
You don't need to drag the parameter onto the report if you plan on referencing it in a conditional
formatting formula or a selection formula. If you have set the parameter options to Editable or Read
only on the Parameter Panel, using the parameter in a formula will automatically activate it on the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
The parameter now appears on the Parameter Panel.
22.12.10 To incorporate the parameter into a saved data
selection formula
1. On the Report menu, point to Select Expert and then click Saved Data.
The Choose Field dialog box appears.
2. Highlight the eld on which you want to base record selection and click OK.
The Select Expert appears.
3. Use the drop-down lists to enter your selection criteria for the indicated eld.
4. Choose the parameter from the adjacent drop-down list and click OK.
If the parameter is being referenced for the rst time, the Enter Values dialog box appears.
5. Select your initial values and click OK.
Crystal Reports immediately lters the report data according to your selection criteria.
22.12.11 Adding dynamic grouping using parameter elds
You can design your report so that users can change the grouping presentation of the report without refreshing
information from the database. For instance, users can move from a customer-focused view of the report to
either a region-focused or an order-focused view. Dynamic grouping combines the use of group selection
formulas and the Parameter Panel. To add dynamic grouping using parameter elds
1. Create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb, and place the following elds from left to right in the
Details section:
{Customer.Customer Name}
{Orders.Order ID}
{Orders.Order Date}
{Orders.Order Amount}
2. Create a new parameter eld and call it GroupBy.
3. Select String from the Type list.
4. Add the following values to your parameter:
5. Select Editable from the Show on (Viewer) Panel list, and click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
6. Create a new formula eld and call it GroupField.
7. Type the following formula into the Formula text box.
If {?GroupBy} = 'Customer' then
{Customer.Customer Name}
Else if {?GroupBy} = 'Country' then
Else if {?GroupBy} = 'Order' then
ToText({Orders.Order ID})
Crystal Reports
formulas do not allow conditions to return dierent data types. Both the Customer
Name and Country elds return strings, so the ToText function must be used to convert the Order ID
from a number to a string as well.
8. Save your formula and close the Formula Workshop.
9. In the Group Expert, select the GroupField formula as your group eld, and click OK.
10. Customize summary elds and section formatting as you like.
Users can now change the grouping presentation of the report by modifying the GroupBy parameter value on
the Parameter Panel.
Changing parameter values will not cause a database refresh as long as the parameter is a non-data
Related Information
Data and non-data parameters [page 434]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Parameter Fields and Prompts
23 Subreports
A subreport is a report within a report. With subreports, unrelated reports can be combined into a single report.
You can coordinate data that otherwise cannot be linked and present dierent views of the same data in a
single report. This section shows you how to create and use subreports.
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community Network where you'll
nd a large collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
23.1 What are subreports?
A subreport is a report within a report. The process for creating a subreport is similar to the process of creating
a regular report. A subreport can have most of the characteristics of a report, including its own record selection
criteria. The only dierences between a subreport and a primary report are that a subreport:
Is inserted as an object into a primary report; it cannot stand on its own (although a subreport can be
saved as a primary report).
Can be placed in any report section and the entire subreport will print in that section.
Cannot contain another subreport.
Does not have Page Header or Page Footer sections.
There are four instances in which a subreport would typically be used:
To combine unrelated reports into a single report. See Combining unrelated reports by using subreports
[page 476].
To coordinate data that cannot otherwise be linked. See Using subreports with unlinkable data [page 477].
To present dierent views of the same data within a single report. See Showing dierent views of the same
data in a report [page 480].
To perform one-to-many lookups from a eld that is not indexed on the lookup eld.
You can increase the performance of reports containing subreports by using on-demand subreports
instead of regular, in-place subreports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
23.1.1 Unlinked vs. linked subreports
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Unlinked [page 469]
Linked [page 469]
Database links vs. subreports in one-to-many situations [page 469] Unlinked
Unlinked subreports are free-standing; their data is not in any way coordinated with the data of the primary
In unlinked subreports, there is no attempt to match up the records in one report with records in the other. An
unlinked subreport does not have to use the same data as the primary report; it can use the same data source
or a dierent data source entirely. In addition, the subreport is not limited to reporting on a single table. An
unlinked subreport can be based on a single table or on multiple tables. Regardless of the underlying data
sources, the reports are treated as unrelated. Linked
Linked subreports are just the opposite; their data is coordinated. The program matches up the records in the
subreport with records in the primary report. If you create a primary report with customer information and a
subreport with order information and link them, the program creates a subreport for each customer and
includes in that subreport all the orders for that customer. Database links vs. subreports in one-to-many
When two tables in a report have a one-to-many relationship, the program retrieves the data in dierent ways
depending on:
Data source.
Index situation.
Record selection criteria.
Whether you are creating a single report based on linked tables or a primary report that contains a
When you are considering whether to use a subreport or linked tables, you need to understand the
ramications of each. These issues are discussed fully in Performance considerations in one-to-many links
[page 498].
As a general rule, if you have indexed tables, linked indexed elds, or range limiting record selection criteria
based on the indexed elds, the program needs to read the same number of records whether you are linking
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
tables in a single report or using subreports. Since each subreport is run as a separate report, linked tables
may have a performance advantage. See Indexed tables [page 483].
23.1.2 How subreport linking works
When you link a subreport to a primary report, the program creates the link by using a parameter eld.
When a subreport link eld is selected, the program creates:
A parameter eld in the subreport which is then used to retrieve values passed to it by the primary report.
A record selection formula for the subreport using the parameter eld.
The selection formula limits the subreport to those records in which the link eld is equal to the parameter
eld value.
When the report is run, the program nds the rst primary eld record it needs and passes the value in the link
eld to the parameter eld in the subreport. The program then creates the subreport with record selection
based on the parameter eld value. Here is an example:
You create a report that shows customer data and a subreport that shows order data and then you link the
two reports using the Customer ID eld.
When you run the report, the program nds the rst customer record it needs and passes the Customer ID
value from that record to the subreport parameter eld.
The program runs the Orders subreport. Since the subreport selection formula selects only those records
in which the Customer ID value is equal to the parameter eld value, and since that parameter eld value is
equal to the Customer ID in the rst record in the primary report, the subreport contains only those
records that have the same customer ID. Namely, those records that are orders for the rst customer.
When the subreport is nished, the program locates the second record it needs in the primary report,
prints the customer data, and then passes this customer's ID number to the parameter eld.
The program then runs a subreport including only those order records for the second customer.
The process continues until the report is nished.
All of this parameter eld manipulation takes place behind the scenes. You simply pick the elds that will
link the primary report with the subreport and the program does the rest. The values are passed without
the parameter eld prompting you for a value.
If you have a linked subreport and you click the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar (from the
Subreport Design tab), the program runs the subreport on its own, without waiting to receive a parameter
eld value from the primary report and without evaluating the tab text formula. In this case, the program
displays the Enter Parameter Values dialog box and prompts you for a value.
The value entered in the box is the value the program uses to run the subreport.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
23.2 Inserting subreports
1. On the Insert menu, click Subreport.
Another way to do this is to click the Insert Subreport button on the Insert Tools Toolbar.
The Insert Subreport dialog box appears.
2. To choose an existing subreport, click Choose an existing report and type the name. If you do not know the
name, click the Browse button and locate it in the dialog box that appears.
To create a new subreport, click "Create a subreport with the Report Wizard" and type a name; then click
the Report Wizard button. See Creating a new report [page 67] for information about using a wizard to
create a report.
3. Choose On-demand subreport (similar to a hyperlink) to have the ability to retrieve the data on the
subreport when needed. Otherwise, all the subreport data will appear with the report.
4. Click OK.
The program displays an object frame.
5. Move the frame where you want it to appear in the report and click once to place it.
The program creates a Subreport Design tab, which is labeled with the subreport name. To edit the report,
click the design tab and make your modications.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
6. Click the Preview tab to see your report.
7. If you chose On-demand subreport (similar to a hyperlink), click the subreport preview tab to see your
This tab is labeled with the name of your subreport.
Using on-demand subreports will increase the performance of reports that contain subreports.
For information about creating a custom caption for the Subreport Preview Tab, see Adding captions to on-
demand subreports [page 479].
23.2.1 Previewing subreports
There may be times when you want to preview a subreport on its own instead of previewing it as a part of the
main report. For example, you may want to preview the subreport in order to view and analyze the data for a
particular set of parameter values. To preview a subreport
1. Click the subreport's Design tab.
This tab is labeled with the name of your subreport.
2. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar.
The program displays a preview of the selected subreport.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
23.2.2 Saving a subreport as a primary report
You may nd it advantageous to save a subreport as a primary report for the sake of distributing the
information to a variety of audiences. For example, the primary report containing the subreport may be
relevant for a stockholders meeting at the end of the scal year; however, the data contained in the subreport
may be relevant for everyday use by your managers. In such cases, it is easy to save a subreport as a primary
report. To save a subreport as a primary report
1. In the Design tab, right-click the subreport and click Save Subreport As from the shortcut menu.
The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Search for the appropriate directory in the Save As dialog box.
3. Type a new name for the subreport.
4. Click Save.
The program saves the subreport as a primary report so that you can open it separately when necessary.
23.2.3 Updating subreports
In order to maintain the most up-to-date subreports, you can manually update the subreport data. However,
you may want to re-import a subreport automatically when opening the main report.
Re-importing is available only for subreports that were created from a report le.
Re-importing not only updates the data, but updates the formatting, grouping, and structure of the subreport if
any changes have been made. If you change the report the subreport was originally based on, you can have
these changes reected in the report containing the subreport.
You can either globally specify that all subreports should be re-imported, or set the automatic re-import for an
individual subreport. To manually update the subreport data
You can update your subreport data at any time.
1. On the Design tab, right-click the subreport.
2. Click Re-import subreport from the shortcut menu.
3. Click Yes to update the subreport data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 473 To globally update subreports when opening a main
1. On the File menu, click Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Reporting tab.
3. Click Re-import Subreport on Open.
4. Click OK.
Any subreport will be updated when its main report is opened and refreshed. To update a specic subreport when opening a main
1. From the Format menu, click Format Subreport.
2. In the Format Editor dialog box, click the Subreport tab.
3. Click Re-import When Opening.
The current subreport will be updated when the main report is opened and refreshed.
23.3 Linking a subreport to the data in the primary report
Frequently, the data in a subreport supplements the data in the primary report. You might, for example, have
customer data in a primary report and then use subreports to show the orders for each customer.
In such cases, you will need to coordinate the data in the primary report with the data in the subreport so that
the orders in each subreport match up with the correct customer.
To do this, you need to specify a eld that is common to both the subreport and the primary report. With the
Subreport Links dialog box, you create a link between the two common elds. Crystal Reports uses the link to
match up records from the primary report to those in the subreport. The link makes certain that the "orders"
data in the subreport sits on the same row as the corresponding "customer" data in the primary report.
23.3.1 To link a subreport to the data in the primary report
1. If you are creating a new subreport or importing an existing report as a subreport, from the Insert menu,
click Subreport. Choose or create a report and click the Link tab.
- or -
If you have already placed a subreport in the primary report, but did not create a link at setup, navigate to
the Subreport Links dialog box by choosing Subreport Links from the Edit menu.
The Subreport Links dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
2. Choose the subreport you want to link from the For subreport list (if it is not already selected).
3. Select the eld you want used as a link eld in the primary (containing) report from the Available Fields list.
4. Click the > arrow.
The eld is added to the "Field(s) to link to" list box, and is now selected as a link eld.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional link, as desired.
6. Use the Field link section (which will only appear if you have selected a link eld) to set up the link for each
link eld:
Select the eld you want linked to the primary report from the "Subreport parameter eld to use."
Select the "Select data in subreport based on eld" check box on and select a eld from the adjacent
drop-down list to organize the subreport data based on a specic eld (this is the quick equivalent of
using the Select Expert). If nothing is specied here, the subreport will adopt the organization of the
primary report.
7. Click OK.
When you run the report, the program will coordinate the data in the primary report with the data in the
The eld type of the Containing Report eld determines which subreport elds are visible. Because the
Report Designer reads dates as either strings, dates, or date/time elds, you must make sure your
subreport parameter eld type matches the eld type set up in Report Options in the main report for the
eld you want linked.
23.4 Linking a subreport to the main report without
modifying the selection formula
Crystal Reports uses a parameter eld mechanism for linking subreports to main reports.
When linking a main report eld that is not a parameter eld to a subreport eld, the program:
Automatically creates a parameter eld to complete the link.
Modies the subreport record selection formula to select those records in which the subreport eld is
equal to the parameter eld value.
The need for a parameter eld is implied; it is called an "Implicit Link" situation.
At times, you may wish to use a linked parameter eld in a subreport without using it as part of the selection
formula for the subreport. For instance, you may want the main report to pass in a summary value that can be
used in calculations by the subreport, or you may want the main report to pass in the title of the subreport.
When you link a eld in the main report to a parameter eld that you have created in the subreport, the
Checks the link you have specied.
Does not create any additional parameter elds.
Does not modify the subreport record selection formula.
Specifying a link is called an "Explicit Link" situation.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
23.4.1 To link a subreport to a main report without modifying
the selection formula
1. Create a parameter eld in the subreport.
2. Link a eld in the main report to that parameter eld.
23.5 Combining unrelated reports by using subreports
At times, you may wish to combine unrelated reports into a single report. For example, you may want to create
a single report that presents:
Sales grouped by sales representative.
Sales grouped by item.
While both reports deal with sales data, there is no real linear relationship between the reports.
Subreports can be used to combine unrelated reports into a single report like this. While the reports could be
based on the same data set, they do not have to be. They could each be based on entirely dierent data sets.
Each of these reports is free-standing; the data in any of the reports is not linked in any way to data in another
report. This is the easiest of the subreport options to work with.
23.5.1 To combine two unrelated reports
1. Create the report you want printed rst as the primary report.
2. Import an existing report for use as a subreport or create a new subreport.
3. Place the subreport into the Report Footer and it will print immediately after the primary report.
23.5.2 To combine three or more unrelated reports
1. Create the report you want printed rst as the primary report.
2. Import or create each of the other reports you want to use as subreports.
3. Use the Section Expert to insert enough Report Footer sections to match the number of subreports that
you are using.
For example, if you want to use three subreports, insert two new Report Footer sections so that you have a
total of three Report Footer sections.
4. In Report Footer A, place the subreport you want printed immediately after the primary report. In Report
Footer B, place the subreport you want printed next, and so forth.
The primary report will print rst and then the subreports in the order that you placed them in the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Subreports can be placed side-by-side in the same Report Footer section. They will print next to each
other at the end of the report.
5. Place the subreports into the Report Footer sections and they will print sequentially after the primary
23.6 Using subreports with unlinkable data
Tables can be linked in a report as long as the following criteria are met:
The link elds are both database elds.
The link elds contain similar data.
The link elds are the same length.
The link eld in the link to (lookup) table is indexed (PC databases only).
Linking tables is rarely a problem. However, there are some circumstances in which you cannot coordinate data
from dierent tables because the data does not meet the linking criteria.
For example, linking to or from a formula eld, or linking two unindexed tables cannot be done in a single report.
Subreports must be used.
23.6.1 Linking to/from a formula eld
There are situations in which you may need to link to or from a formula (calculated) eld. For example, an
employee ID could be an 11 character value that consists of a two-character department code followed by the
employee's nine-character Social Security Number (for example, HR555347487).
The formula language makes it easy to extract the Social Security Number from this eld:
{employee.EMPLOYEE ID} [-9 to -1]
- or -
{employee.EMPLOYEE ID} [3 to 12]
For the value HR555347487, either formula would return the value 555347487.
While the return value is a valid Social Security Number, the fact that it comes from a formula prevents you
from using the eld to link to a Social Security Number eld in another table. You can report on and coordinate
the values in the two tables, however, by using a subreport.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
PUBLIC 477 To link to/from a formula eld
1. Create the primary report using a table that includes the Social Security Number eld.
2. Create (or import) a subreport using the formula that extracts the Social Security Number from the
Employee ID eld (for this example, {@EXTRACT}).
See Inserting subreports [page 471].
3. Place the subreport where you want it to appear in the primary report.
4. Link the subreport to the primary report by linking the Social Security Number eld in the primary report
({le.SSN}) to the formula that extracts the number in the subreport ({@EXTRACT}). See Linking a
subreport to the main report without modifying the selection formula [page 475].
23.6.2 Linking unindexed tables
When using PC (not SQL or ODBC) databases, the link eld in the lookup database needs to be indexed in order
to create a valid link. You cannot link the tables in a single report when two tables contain related data yet
neither is indexed on the eld which you want to use as a link eld, or when the primary table is indexed but the
lookup table is not. You must use subreports if you want to coordinate the data in both tables.
It is important to note that linking unindexed tables or linking from an indexed primary table to an
unindexed lookup table may cause inecient reporting. If your data set is large, this kind of report will take
considerable time to run. Use this technique only if you do not have other options. To link unindexed tables
1. Create the primary report.
2. Create (or import) the subreport and insert it into the primary report.
See Inserting subreports [page 471].
3. Use the unindexed elds (or the indexed eld in the primary table and the unindexed eld in the lookup
table) to link the subreport to the primary report. See Linking a subreport to the data in the primary report
[page 474].
23.7 Creating an on-demand subreport
On-demand subreports can be especially useful when you want to create a report that contains multiple
subreports. In this case, you can choose to have these subreports appear only as hyperlinks.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
The actual data is not read from the database until the user drills down on the hyperlink. This way only data for
on-demand subreports that are actually viewed will be retrieved from the database. This makes the subreports
much more manageable.
Data for an on-demand subreport is not saved unless the subreport is actually open in a preview window.
23.7.1 To create an on-demand subreport
1. Place an ordinary subreport in your primary report.
2. Click the Format button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Click the Subreport tab and select the On-demand subreport check box.
4. Click OK.
23.8 Adding captions to on-demand subreports
To further organize a report, captions can be created for the Subreport Preview tab and for the placeholder
frame of an on-demand subreport.
Captions are written by using formulas. Both placeholder frame captions and Subreport Preview tab captions
can include eld names from the main report.
A tab text caption replaces the subreport le name caption on the Subreport Preview tab.
Placeholder frame captions only apply to on-demand subreports, while tab text captions apply to both on-
demand subreports and regular subreports. Since the data from a regular subreport is visible on the
Preview tab, there is no need for a frame caption when you format a regular subreport.
23.8.1 To add a caption
1. Select the subreport and click the Format button on the Expert Tools toolbar.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
2. Click the Subreport tab.
3. You can enter either an on-demand subreport caption or a preview tab caption by clicking the appropriate
Formula button and opening the Formula Workshop.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
4. Enter your formula in the Formula text box.
Crystal syntax formula example:
"More Information About " + {Customer.Customer Name}
Basic syntax formula example:
formula = "More Information About" + {Customer.Customer Name}
Using the Xtreme.mdb sample database, these formulas would give you a caption like "More Information
About Pathnders" or "More Information About Rockshocks for Jocks."
5. Click Check to check the formula for errors. If the program nds an error, it will prompt you with a
message box detailing the nature of the error.
6. After xing any errors, click Save and close.
7. Click OK to return to the report.
A tab text formula is only evaluated when you drill-down on a subreport. If you preview a subreport
separately from the primary report, the formula will not be evaluated.
23.9 Showing dierent views of the same data in a report
Subreports can be used to provide a dierent view of the data in the primary report. For example, you might
want to show summary values at the top of a report and details at the bottom.
This can be done in a variety of ways. The two easiest methods are:
By creating the summary report as the primary report and the details report as the subreport. In this
method, the details subreport would be placed in the Report Footer section.
By creating the details report as the primary report and the summary report as the subreport. In this
method, the summary report would be placed in the Report Header section.
Use the appropriate link elds to link the report and coordinate the data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
24 Understanding Databases
This section describes the essentials you'll need to know to understand database design and use. After
describing relational databases (including those from ODBC data sources), indexing, and table linking, the
section introduces the concepts of server-side processing (pushing report processing to the server level) and
eld mapping (re-establishing report and database eld mappings after a database changes). Finally, the
section focuses on common database-related tasks such as changing a database driver and creating an ODBC
data source.
If you are new to databases in general, begin with the Databases overview [page 481].
Online support, samples, and technical briefs
For more information about topics covered in this online help, visit the SAP Community where you'll nd a large
collection of samples, downloads, technical briefs, and other useful information.
24.1 Databases overview
Though there are hundreds of Database Management Systems (DBMS) available, Crystal Reports eliminates
many of the dierences once it connects to the actual database les. The process of working with database
les, tables, elds, and records is much the same, regardless of the actual type of data being accessed.
This section discusses several concepts and tasks common to working with database les. Using database
aliases, locating moved or renamed database les, working with indexed tables, and linking tables are subjects
common to anyone who designs reports in Crystal Reports. Using SQL and SQL databases [page 484], is
especially important for anyone who accesses data in SQL databases and other database formats that are
accessed through ODBC.
24.1.1 Relational database basics
The most popular architecture for database les used in the corporate world is based on the relational model.
Applications that allow you to create databases with the relational model are, therefore, often referred to as
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).
In a relational database, data is organized in a system of rows and columns. The rows are called records, and
the columns are called elds. Each record contains a collection of related data, all information relating to a
specic customer, for example. Each eld refers to a common type of data that exists in all records, the names
of the customers, for example. Records and elds are stored in a database table. The following diagram
illustrates the basic relational database model:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Often, data in two dierent tables can be related by a common eld. For example, a Customers table will have a
Customer ID for each customer, and an Orders table will have the Customer ID of each customer who placed
an order, demonstrating a relationship between tables. The two tables can be linked by a common eld see
Linking tables [page 497].
The following diagram displays how two tables can have a relationship:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.1.2 Indexed tables
Creating indexes for database tables can increase the speed of data access and reduce the time it takes for the
program to evaluate data. Some DBMS applications automatically index your database tables, while others
require that you create an index yourself. For the best report generation performance, make sure each of your
database tables has a corresponding index.
Some DBMS applications do not support indexed tables. Refer to the documentation for your DBMS to nd
out if it supports indexes and how to create them. If your DBMS documentation does not mention indexed
tables, it may not support them, and you should link tables based on common elds. The Links tab of the
Database Expert can also help you determine if your tables include indexes.
Indexes organize the records in a relational database table so that data can be located easier. For example,
assume you have a table with the following data:
Order# Customer Amount
10444 Allez Distribution 25141.50
10470 BG Mountain Inc. 19164.30
10485 Sierra Mountain 8233.50
10488 Mountain Toad 24580.50
10495 SFB Inc. 7911.80
10501 La Bomba de Bicicleta 1956.20
10511 BG Mountain Inc. 1683.60
10544 Sierra Bicycle Group 19766.20
10568 Mountain Tops Inc. 29759.55
10579 Sierra Bicycle Group 12763.95
The information in this table is organized according to the Order# eld. This is ne anytime you want to look up
information in the table based on order numbers. However, what if you want to look up information specic to a
certain customer?
Say you want to look up all orders made by Sierra Bicycle Group. The database engine must begin by looking at
the rst order number in the list and checking to see if the customer name matches the request. If not, it goes
to the second order number, and checks that customer name. When an order number is reached that contains
the correct customer name, the database engine retrieves the information, then continues to the next order
number. Using this technique, both the Order# eld and the Customer eld must be read for every single
record in the table. This takes a long time and a large amount of computer processing eort for examining
extensive database tables with thousands, or even millions of records.
Instead, you can create an index for the table based on the Customer eld. Such an index might look like this:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Customer Pointer to Order#
Allez Distribution 10444
BG Mountain Inc. 10470
BG Mountain Inc. 10511
La Bomba de Bicicleta 10501
Mountain Toad 10488
Mountain Tops Inc. 10568
SFB Inc. 10495
Sierra Bicycle Group 10544
Sierra Bicycle Group 10579
Sierra Mountain 10485
In this index, information is organized by customers, not order numbers. Also, notice that the second column
actually contains pointers to specic order numbers in the original table. By using this index, the database
engine can search just the information in the Customer column until it nds the customer you are interested in,
Sierra Bicycle Group.
For each correct customer entry the database engine nds in the index, it looks up the matching order in the
table according to the pointer in the second column of the index. Only the orders for the correct customer are
read. Finally, since information in the index is organized according to the customer names, the database engine
does not need to continue searching through the index or the table as soon as it nds an index entry that does
not match the requested customer.
The advantage of this highly organized search through a database table according to an index is speed. Using
indexes speeds up data retrieval and report generation, important factors when reporting on large database
24.2 Using SQL and SQL databases
Perhaps the most popular and most powerful database formats are DBMS applications based on the
Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL databases usually work over a client/server network architecture,
providing an SQL Server to create, store, and manipulate database les, tables, elds and records, and an SQL
Client interface allowing workstation users not only to design and work with database les, but also to retrieve
useful and meaningful data that will help them in their everyday work.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.2.1 What is SQL?
SQL is a query language designed for organizing, managing, developing and querying large relational databases
over computer networks. SQL is a common language in the Information Science (IS) and Information
Management industry. The language has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO), meaning that there are specic features that must
be present in any version of SQL produced by a software company in order for that version to be ocially called
SQL. Many software vendors add more advanced features to their version of SQL in an eort to improve the
language and attract customers, but it must retain the original standards established by ANSI and ISO.
SQL is not a true computer language. It cannot be used to create stand-alone computer applications or
operating systems. SQL is often referred to as a sub-language, since it can be used within other languages or
applications. Most importantly, the purpose of the SQL language is specic to working with relational
The syntax of the SQL language is built on a system of sending SQL statements to the SQL database server.
Each statement is a request to perform a database operation, such as creating a database le, adding tables
and elds to a database, adding records to tables, or retrieving data from databases. The SQL server analyzes
the SQL statement and performs the required operation. For example, if the statement is a request for data, the
server gathers the data and returns it to the client workstation for the user to view.
An SQL query is an SQL statement designed specically to request data from one or more SQL databases.
Some SQL applications require that you type in an SQL query directly using a text editor, while others provide
graphical user interfaces that lead you through the process of querying an SQL database. In the latter case, the
application must create an SQL statement based on the information you provide. This statement is the actual
SQL query, and it is the SQL query that is used to request the data. Crystal Reports falls into both categories of
SQL-compliant applications. Client/server architecture
One of the most powerful features of SQL DBMS applications is their ability to eciently use the client/server
architecture of a network.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
A simple network structure consists of one or more network servers that provide a common location where all
users on the network can obtain data and applications. Many network servers also provide network security,
automated services such as backing up data, and network resource monitoring to provide the best service
possible to all workstations on the network. Because of the high processing demands required by a network
server, the computer used as the server is often a high-powered, fast machine that may contain multiple
processors, multiple hard drives, and multiple CD-ROM drives.
A network client is a single computer workstation that is used regularly by one or more company employees. A
user works on the client and accesses data and applications from the server over the network. Large
processing jobs that require a lot of time and resources are handled by the server, and the nished results are
sent back to the client. This provides more ecient time management for users because the local workstation
has less processing time and more "up" time available to the user.
Many modern computer applications are based on this client/server architecture. A simple client/server
application has two parts: a server-based application that is located on a network server machine, and a client-
based application that is located on a user's workstation. The server application handles complex, time-
consuming, or power-demanding processes, taking advantage of the network server's power and resources,
while the client application provides an easy-to-use user interface designed to help get the work done faster
and better than it could otherwise be done.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Often, a client/server application will be available with a certain number of seats, depending on the cost of the
application. Each seat represents either a single client workstation, or a single client user (depending on the
software vendors' specications) that can be connected to the client/server software. Software vendors often
sell additional seats for their applications, each seat coming with a complete set of client application software.
Do not confuse server applications with network server computers. Both are often referred to as servers.
However, a server application resides on a network server, taking advantage of the hardware and operating
system capabilities of the server machine, while a network server is a physical machine to which network
clients are connected by cables or some other connection device.
24.2.2 SQL DBMS
An SQL Database Management System is a common example of a client/server software package. A standard
SQL DBMS will include an SQL server application that handles all the actual work of building and working with
databases and database data. The DBMS will also include at least one set of SQL client software (one seat) that
can connect to the SQL server over your network. SQL client software usually consists of, at the very least, an
SQL statement editor that you can use to write and execute SQL statements, and an underlying
communications layer that works with the SQL server application over the network.
When you execute an SQL statement, the client software passes the statement to the communications layer,
which sends the statement over the network to the server software. The SQL server analyzes the statement,
performs the requested operation, and returns any data requested to the client software. If the server returns
any data, the client software displays the data to the user. Stored procedures
In addition to the common relational database attributes (tables, elds, records, and so on) many SQL DBMS
systems support stored procedures. A stored procedure is a compiled SQL program consisting of one or more
SQL statements. A stored procedure can be used to dene an SQL query that you can use over and over again.
Furthermore, variables, conditional expressions, and variable arguments can be dened in the stored
procedure so that you are prompted to provide information before the procedure is executed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Since stored procedures can return a result set, they can provide a specic set of data when executed. In fact,
Crystal Reports allows you to execute a stored procedure on an SQL database and use the returned data to
design a report. If the stored procedure is designed to prompt a user for information to base its query on,
Crystal Reports will prompt you for that information when you select the stored procedure for your report. To select an SQL stored procedure
1. Choose Options from the File menu.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Database tab and ensure that Stored Procedures is selected.
Selecting "Stored Procedures" automatically displays any available stored procedures when you log on to
an SQL database.
3. In addition, you can specify Table name LIKE and Owner LIKE options if you wish.
"Table name LIKE" is based on the SQL LIKE clause. This option allows you to specify the kinds of table
names you want to appear in the Choose SQL Table dialog box. You can use the underscore character
(_) or the percent sign character (%) as wildcards with this function. The underscore character
species any single character, while the percent sign signies any character string. For example, DAV_
matches DAVE only, while DAV% matches DAVE and DAVID. Table name LIKE C% would display only
those tables that have a table name beginning with the letter C.
"Owner LIKE" is also based on the SQL LIKE clause. The Owner LIKE option allows you to select the
Owner (or Creator or Alias) of the table, not the table name itself. For example Owner LIKE C% would
display only those tables that have an owner beginning with the letter C.
For more information on the SQL LIKE clause, refer to your SQL documentation.
4. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box.
5. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
6. Locate and select the SQL Server data source that contains the stored procedure you want to use.
7. Click Next to go to the Connection Information dialog box.
8. Enter the required information to log in.
You can also connect the SQL data source by selecting the Integrated Security checkbox. No user ID or
password is required with this option, but it does require that Database Authentication is enabled on
the server. Please consult your Database Administrator on how to enable and congure this function.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
9. Click Finish. To change a parameter in a stored procedure
1. Highlight an SQL stored procedure in the Stored Procedures folder, and click the > arrow to add it to the
Selected Tables list.
The Enter Parameter Values dialog box appears.
2. Highlight a parameter in the Parameter Fields list.
3. Assign a value by typing into the Discrete Value box and then click OK.
You are returned to the Database Expert.
4. Click OK and create your report using the elds in the stored procedure.
The rst time you refresh your report's data the parameter you entered is used. Only the records that satisfy
that value are used in your report. Subsequent refreshing prompts for new parameter values.
24.2.3 How does Crystal Reports use SQL?
When you connect to an SQL database, Crystal Reports acts as an SQL client application, connecting to your
SQL server through your network.
When you design a report that accesses SQL data, Crystal Reports builds an SQL query. This query can be seen
by choosing Show SQL Query from the Database menu.
This SQL query is a representation of the SQL statement that Crystal Reports sends to the SQL server. By
interpreting as much as possible from the report design into an SQL query, Crystal Reports can o-load much
of the report processing onto the server machine. Rather than having to sift through an entire database to nd
the data you requested, Crystal Reports lets the server do the sifting and gets back a much smaller set of data,
thus reducing the time and resources your workstation must use in order to nish the report.
24.2.4 The SQL language
Since Crystal Reports uses the SQL language to access client/server databases through ODBC, you can better
understand the report generating process by understanding some of the SQL clauses (commands) used: SELECT
The SELECT clause indicates specic data items to retrieve from the database tables. The item retrieved may
be the values in a database eld (column), or it may be the result of a calculation performed while gathering the
data. For example:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
The DISTINCT clause forces the query to retrieve only unique (distinct) sets of data. When using the DISTINCT
clause, a row of results will be retrieved only once. The previous SELECT statement can be modied to use the
DISTINCT clause:
The FROM clause indicates the sources of the database elds specied in the SELECT clause. FROM lists
actual database tables that include the elds and records containing the requested data. The FROM clause
generated by Crystal Reports precedes the name of each table with the alias it uses to identify the table in your
report. The following example illustrates the FROM clause used with the SELECT clause:
The WHERE clause has two purposes:
To specify record selection criteria.
To show how two database tables are joined.
When WHERE is used to specify record selection criteria, it includes a search condition in order to determine
which records (rows of data) are to be retrieved. For example:
When WHERE is used to specify how two tables are linked, an SQL join operator sits between the two table
names. See Linking options [page 506].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
The following is an example of the WHERE clause joining two tables:
The ORDER BY clause species that the database records retrieved be sorted according to the values in a
specic eld. If you do not use the ORDER BY clause, the program retrieves records in the order in which they
appear in the original database. If you specify more than one eld after the ORDER BY clause, the program
sorts the records according to the values in the rst eld specied, then, within that sort, the program sorts the
records by the values in the second eld specied, and so on. The following SQL statement uses the ORDER BY
ASC indicates that the values in the eld are sorted in ascending order rather than descending order
(DESC). Ascending order sorts letters from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9. GROUP BY
The GROUP BY clause retrieves a set of summary data. Instead of retrieving the data itself, GROUP BY groups
the data and summarizes each group with an SQL aggregate function. The server returns only the
summarization information for each group to Crystal Reports.
For example:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.2.5 Dening an SQL Command
If the database you are using supports a query language such as SQL, you can write your own command which
will be represented in Crystal Reports as a Table object. This allows database users complete control of the
data processing that gets pushed down to the database server. A user who has experience with databases and
the SQL language can write a highly optimized command that can considerably reduce the size of the set of
data returned from the server.
You can write your own command by using the Add Command node in the Database Expert to create a virtual
table which will represent the results of processing the command. Once the command has been created, you
can store it in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository so that it can be shared between many users.
When you use a virtual table that was created as a Command, or when you use a Command from the SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, Crystal Reports does not alter the syntax of the SQL submitted to the
server (that is, it does not automatically add quoting or escape characters). This behavior also applies to
parameters used in Commands. Therefore, you must add the quoting and escape characters that are
necessary for your database driver.
Some of the Crystal Reports native database drivers do not support the Add Command feature:
DB2 Server
Sybase Server
Informix Online Server
The Add command feature is susceptible to SQL Injection attacks.
Many web pages use SQL Injection to insert user parameters into SQL queries that run against the
relational database. For example, a login webpage takes a user name and password and executes an SQL
Injection to the database to authenticate the information. An attacker can put a value in the username or
password eld that adversely changes the SQL query that runs against the database. To create a command object
1. In the Database Expert, expand the Create New Connection folder and browse the subfolders to locate your
data source.
2. Log on to your data source if necessary.
3. Under your data source, double-click the Add Command node.
4. In the Add Command to Report dialog box, enter an appropriate query/command for the data source you
have opened.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
For example:
Customer.`Customer ID`,
Customer.`Customer Name`,
Customer.`Last Year's Sales`,
Orders.`Order Amount`,
Orders.`Customer ID`,
Orders.`Order Date`
Customer Customer INNER JOIN Orders Orders ON
Customer.`Customer ID` = Orders.`Customer ID`
(Customer.`Country` = 'USA' OR
Customer.`Country` = 'Canada') AND
Customer.`Last Year's Sales` < 10000.
Customer.`Country` ASC,
Customer.`Region` ASC
Crystal Reports supports SQL query language for data retrieval like SELECT, FROM, WHERE,
GROUP BY, ORDER BY and UNION. However, SQL query language data manipulation functions
The use of double or single quotes (and other SQL syntax) is determined by the database driver
used by your report. You must, however, manually add the quotes and other elements of the syntax
as you create the command.
5. Optionally, you can create a parameter for your command by clicking Create and entering information in
the Command Parameter dialog box.
For more information about creating parameters, see To create a parameter for a command object [page
6. Click OK.
You are returned to the Report Designer. In the Field Explorer, under Database Fields, a Command table
appears listing the database elds you specied.
To construct the virtual table from your Command, the command must be executed once. If the
command has parameters, you will be prompted to enter values for each one.
By default, your command is called Command. You can change its alias by selecting it and pressing F2. To edit a command object
1. In the Selected Tables area of the Database Expert, select the command you want to edit.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
2. Right-click the command and select Edit Command from the shortcut menu.
If the command is stored in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, you must disconnect it before
editing. For more information, see Modifying objects in the repository [page 96].
3. Make the changes you want in the Modify Command dialog box and click OK when you're done. To create a parameter for a command object
You can create a parameter eld while working in the Add Command to Report dialog box or the Modify
Command dialog box.
1. In the Parameter List area of the appropriate command dialog box, click Create.
2. In the Command Parameter dialog box, enter the following information in the elds provided:
Parameter Name
Enter the name you want to identify your parameter by.
Prompting Text
Enter the text you want to appear when the program prompts you.
Value Type
Select the data type of the parameter eld.
Default Value
Enter the value you want the program to use if you do not supply a new value. This is an optional step.
3. Click OK.
Your parameter is added to the Parameter List. You can modify or delete it by returning to the Modify
Command dialog box. To add a parameter to a command object
1. Place the cursor in the query text in the spot where you want to insert the parameter.
2. Double-click the parameter's name in the Parameter List.
The parameter is added where your cursor is sitting. It should look like this:
Customer.`Country` = '{?CountryParam}'
You must manually add quotes and other elements of syntax as you create your command.
If you want to change the parameter eld you've created, go to the Field Explorer dialog box and select it from
the Parameter Fields node. See Parameter Fields and Prompts [page 432] for more information.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.3 Changing data sources
When a database le is moved or renamed, Crystal Reports will not be able to nd the data the next time the
report is printed. On other occasions, a report may be created on one machine where all of the database data is
stored in a certain directory, then the report is copied or moved to another machine that stores the same data
in a dierent directory. In any of these events, you need to verify the location of the database les accessed by
the report and reset the alias pointers to the new database location or name.
The Verify Database command on the Database menu checks the alias pointers stored in a report le to verify
that the database les expected are located in the indicated directories. If the databases are not found in the
specied location, the program noties you of the discrepancies.
Use the Set Datasource Location command on the Database menu to change the alias pointers stored by
Crystal Reports. The Set Datasource Location command provides a simple way to indicate the new name or
location of database les. In addition, the Set Datasource Location command automatically converts your
database driver to the data source you have chosen. For example, you can automatically convert a direct
access data source to an ODBC data source using the Set Datasource Location command.
24.3.1 To change the data source
1. On the Database menu, choose Set Datasource Location.
The Set Location dialog box appears with the database tables currently used in the report shown in the
Current Data Source area. The main report is shown as the root node.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
2. Highlight the database or table in the Current Data Source area that you want to replace.
If you want to set the database location to the location of the active report, expand the report's
Properties node and right-click the Database Name eld. Select "Edit" to manually enter a location,
"Same as Report" to set the location to a local drive, or "Convert to UNC" to set the location to a
mapped drive.
3. Highlight the database or table in the "Replace with" area that you want to use instead.
4. Click Update.
This button is available only when like items are selected (that is, if you select a table in the upper list, you
must select a table in the lower list).
Once the Update button is clicked, the new data source information is updated in the Current Data Source
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 if necessary.
24.4 Working with aliases
For a variety of reasons, database names and locations get changed. If you create a report, then change the
name or location of a table or le, the Report Designer must be able to nd the new name or location. This is
especially important when you create formulas in your report that access a table that has been renamed or
moved. To x the reference for a single eld would not be dicult, but to nd every formula that uses that eld
could be a dicult and time consuming task.
To solve this problem, the Report Designer uses aliases to refer to database tables and les. Aliases are
pointers, internal devices that tell the program where it should look for a database eld. Now, if you change the
name or location of the database, you simply reset the pointer. See Changing data sources [page 495]. The
name of the alias does not change, so your formulas are not aected. The Report Designer looks to the alias for
the location and name, goes to the new location for the database eld, and executes the formula without a
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
The Report Designer automatically assigns default alias names to database tables when you rst select the
table or le. By default, an alias matches the original name of the table. In databases where the database table
is a separate le (for instance, dBASE), the name of the database le is used without the le name extension.
For example, if you are using the dBASE database le Company.dbf, the program will assign a default alias
name of Company to the le. You can accept the default alias or assign a new one to the database table.
You can change an alias at any time using the Database Expert. However, if you have already created formulas
in your report using the original alias name, you will need to edit the formulas to use the new alias.
24.5 Linking tables
You link tables so records from one table will match related records from another. For example, if you activate
an Orders table and a Customers table, you link the tables so that each order (from the Orders table) can be
matched up with the customer (from the Customer table) that made the order.
When you link, you are using a eld that is common to both tables. Crystal Reports uses the link to match up
records from one table with those from the other. In this example, the link assures that the data in each row of
the report refers to the same order.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.5.1 Link from and link to
When you link two tables, you link from one table to another table. The from table is used as a primary table,
while the to table acts as a lookup table where records are looked up by the primary table. In a simple link, the
Report Designer examines the rst record in the primary table and nds all matching records in the lookup
table. Once all matches have been found in the lookup table for the rst record in the primary table, all matches
in the lookup table for the next record in the primary table are found.
24.5.2 Link relationships
When you link records from one table to another table, the records will typically fall under one of two
relationship types: one-to-one or one-to-many. One-to-one relationships
In a one-to-one relationship between records in two linked tables, for every record in the primary table there is
only one matching record in the lookup table (based on the linked elds). For example, in the Xtreme.mdb
database, the Employee table can be linked to the Employee Addresses table based on the Employee ID eld in
each table. The Employee table contains information about employees at the company, the positions they hold,
their salaries, hiring information, and so on. The Employee Addresses table contains each employee's home
address. There is only one record for each employee in each of these tables. Therefore, if the Employee table is
linked to the Employee Addresses table, only one record will be found in the Employee Addresses table for each
record in the Employee table. This is a one-to-one relationship. One-to-many relationships
In a one-to-many relationship between records in two linked tables, for every record in the primary table, there
may be more than one matching record in the lookup table, based on the linked elds. In the Xtreme.mdb
database, the Customer table can be linked to the Orders table based on the Customer ID eld in each table.
The Customer table contains information about each customer that has placed an order with the company.
The Orders table contains information about orders that customers have placed. Since customers can place
more than one order, there may be more than one record in the Orders table for each customer record in the
Customers table. This is a one-to-many relationship.
24.5.3 Performance considerations in one-to-many links
The information provided in this section is intended to help you maximize processing speed and minimize
network trac when you are running your reports. You will learn about the best ways to use selection formulas
and indexes in one-to-many situations to make your reporting more ecient. If you do not use the information
in this section, your reports may end up processing dozens or even thousands more records than necessary.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
When a one-to-many situation exists between two database tables and the program matches up records from
the tables, there are a number of factors that determine how many records the program reads and evaluates.
The tables that follow show the eects of the dierent factors on the number of records the program ultimately
has to read. The charts are based on these assumptions:
Table A contains 26 records (one for each letter in the alphabet).
Table B contains 2600 records (100 matching records for every record in Table A).
The scenario is to produce a report that nds two specic records in Table A and the 200 records
(100+100) in Table B that match those two records in Table A.
In a best case scenario, the program would only have to read about 200 records to accomplish the task.
In a worst case scenario the program would have to read about 67,600 records to accomplish the same
The performance considerations for data les are dierent from the considerations for SQL databases. A
data le is any non-SQL database that is accessed directly from Crystal Reports. For the purpose of this
discussion, an SQL database is any database capable of accepting SQL commands accessed directly from
Crystal Reports or through ODBC as well as any other database types that are accessed through ODBC.
For a better understanding of the dierence between direct access databases and ODBC data sources, see
Accessing Data Sources in the online help.
For a better understanding of the dierence between direct access databases and ODBC data sources, see the
Accessing Data Sources chapter in the Crystal Reports User Guide. Extended descriptions of chart columns
The performance charts use the following columns:
Linking or Subreport
Are you creating a report from linked databases or are you inserting a subreport and binding it to the data
in your primary report?
Selection Formula
Does your primary report include a record selection formula that sets range limits on the key (indexed)
eld in Table A?
Index A
Is Table A on the eld you are going to use indexed to match up the records?
Index B
Is Table B on the eld you are going to use indexed to match up the records?
Reads A
How many records does the program have to read out of Table A to nd the two records it is looking for?
For each A reads in B
How many records does the program have to read in Table B to nd the 200 records it is looking for?
Total Records Read
What is the total number of records the program has to process to complete the task?
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
PC Data
Selection For
mula Index A Index B Reads A
For each A
reads in B
Total Records
Linking No Yes or No Yes 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Linking Yes No Yes 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Linking Yes Yes Yes 2 100 (2*100) 200
Subreport No No No 26 2600
Subreport No Yes No 2 2600
Subreport No Yes Yes 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Subreport Yes No No 2 2600 (2*2600) 5200
Subreport Yes No Yes 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Subreport Yes Yes Yes 2 100 (2*100) 200
SQL Data
Linking/Subreport Selection Formula Reads A For each A reads in B Total Records Read
Linking No 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Linking Yes 2 100 (2*100) 200
Subreport No 26 100 (26*100) 2600
Subreport Yes 2 100 (2*100) 200
24.5.4 Data le considerations
When working with data les, one-to-many links can occur when you link tables in a single report or when you
add a subreport to your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases Linking data les
When retrieving data from linked data les in one-to-many situations, the program uses the following process:
If there is a selection formula, the program parses the selection formula and passes what it can down to
the database DLL. This is generally range limit information. Consider the following record selection
{customer.REGION} in "CA" to "IL" AND
Remainder ({customer.CUSTOMER ID},2)=0
In this formula, the part before the "and" operator contains range selection criteria for the Region eld. The
region must fall alphabetically between "CA" and "IL." The program passes this kind of condition down to
either the database DLL (for PC data) or the server (for SQL data). See Record Selection [page 121].
The second half of the selection formula, however, requires processing that must be done in the Report
Engine. It uses a built-in function to manipulate and evaluate a eld value and it cannot be done in the
database DLL or the server. The program does not pass this condition to the database DLL.
If there is an index on Table A, and the range limit selection condition is based on the indexed eld
({customer.REGION} in this example), the program goes directly to the record it is seeking in Table A (the
rst CA record) and reads it.
For that record, the program locates the rst matching record in Table B, using the Table B index.
The program passes this merged record (A+B) back to the Report Designer, which tests the record
against the entire selection formula.
The program then reads the second matching record and passes the merged record on, and then
reads the third matching record, and so on, until it has read all of the matching records.
The program then returns to Table A and reads the next record. There is no need to test the record to
see if it meets the CA condition; the eld is indexed and the records are in alphabetic order. But the
program tests the record to see if it goes beyond the "IL" condition (for example, could the next record
be from Mississippi or Tennessee?). If the record is still within the specied range, the program begins
the matching process again for that record.
The program continues the process until it has located all targeted Table A records and the matching
Table B records.
To nd two records in Table A and the 100 records in Table B that match the Table A records, the
program reads 200 records.
If there is no index on Table A, or if there is an index but the range limit selection condition is not based on
the indexed eld, the program reads the rst record it nds.
For that record, the program uses the Table B index to locate the rst matching record in Table B.
The program passes this merged record (A+B) back to the Report Engine, which tests it against the
entire selection formula.
The program then locates the second matching record in Table B and passes that merged record back,
then the third record, and so on, until it has located, merged, and passed back all the records in Table B
that match the rst record in Table A.
The program then moves on to the next record in Table A and begins the matching and merging
process all over again.
To nd two records in Table A and the 100 records in Table B that match the Table A records, the
program reads 2600 records.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
PUBLIC 501 Subreports and data les
If your primary report is based on Table A, the subreport is based on Table B, and the records are linked, your
primary considerations are as follows:
The number of subreports that are run by the program is determined by the index and the selection
formula situation in the primary report:
If Table A is indexed, and if the primary report has a selection formula that passes down range limit
conditions for the indexed eld, the program runs two subreports.
If Table A is not indexed, or if Table A is indexed but the selection formula does not pass down range
limit conditions for the indexed eld, the program runs 26 subreports.
The number of records read for each subreport is determined by the index situation on Table B:
If you have an index on Table B, the program will read only the matching records (100) when it runs a
If you do not have an index on Table B, the program will always read every record in Table B (2600)
when it runs a subreport.
24.5.5 SQL database considerations
Since indexes are not critical with SQL data, the primary concern with both linked tables and subreports is
whether or not there is a selection formula in the primary report that puts range limits on Table A. See Linking
data les [page 501]. Linked SQL tables
If there are range limit conditions in the selection formula, the program passes those conditions down to the
If there is a selection formula that puts range limits on Table A, the server locates the records in Table A
that satisfy the selection criteria (2), matches them up with the appropriate records in Table B (100), and
returns 200 merged records to the Report Engine.
If there is no selection formula, or if there is a selection formula that does not put range limits on Table A,
the server matches up each record in Table A (26) with the appropriate records in Table B (100), and
returns 2600 merged records to the Report Engine.
In either case, the Report Engine will then apply the entire selection formula to the merged records. Subreports and SQL databases
If you are creating a primary report based on Table A and a subreport based on Table B:
The number of subreports that are run is determined by the selection formula situation in the primary
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
If there is a selection formula and it passes down range limits on Table A, the program runs a subreport
only for those records that satisfy range limit conditions (2).
If there is no selection formula, or if the selection formula does not pass down range limits on Table A,
the program runs a subreport for every record in Table A (26).
The number of records read by each subreport remains the same regardless of whether there was range
limit selection on Table A. Each subreport will read only those records in Table B that match each record
read in Table A (100).
24.5.6 Performance considerations for all reports
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Consideration 1 [page 503]
Consideration 2 [page 504]
Consideration 3 [page 504] Consideration 1
With both data les and SQL databases, the program parses the entire selection formula and passes down
whatever parts of the criteria it is able to translate (pass), wherever they may physically appear in the formula.
Thus, if the formula nds criteria it can pass, then criteria that it cannot, then criteria that it can, it passes down
the rst part, skips the second, and then passes down the third.
In the case of data les, the program passes down the criteria that it can to the database translation layer.
In the case of SQL databases, the program passes down to the server the criteria that it can in the form of a
WHERE clause.
While there are exceptions, as a general rule the program can pass down any part of the record selection
formula that compares a eld with a constant. Typically, this means that it can pass down any kind of record
selection criteria that can be set up in the Select Expert (equal to, one of, less than, greater than, less than or
equal, greater than or equal, between, starting with, or like constant).
There are two special selection formula situations that you need to consider. In these situations, the record
selection formula includes multiple conditions, some of which can be passed down while others cannot.
AND situations
{customer.REGION} = "CA" and
{customer.CUSTOMER ID}[3 to 5] = "777")
In this situation, the program sees that it can pass down the condition before the And operator but not the
condition after. Since the only records that will meet the second condition will have to meet the rst as well,
the program passes down the rst condition, retrieves the data set that satises the condition, and then
applies the second condition only to the retrieved data. The rule for AND situations is that the program
passes down whatever conditions it can.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
If all of the conditions in an AND situation can be satised on the server or in the database DLL, the
program passes them all down.
OR situations
{customer.REGION} = "CA" or
{customer.CUSTOMER ID}[3 to 5] = "777")
In this situation, the program also sees that it can pass down the condition before the Or operator but not
the condition after. Since there are records that can satisfy the second condition without satisfying the
rst, passing the rst condition down does not make any sense because it will retrieve an incomplete data
set. In other words, even if it retrieves all the data that satises the rst condition, it will still have to retrieve
all the data in the table(s) before it can apply the second condition in Report Designer. Thus, instead of
duplicating parts of the data retrieval, the program passes nothing down. It retrieves all the data and then
runs both tests in Report Designer. The rule for OR situations is that the program either passes down all
the tests, or none of the tests.
If all the tests in an OR situation can be performed on the server or in the database DLL, the program
passes them all down. Consideration 2
To make certain the program can use the index on Table A to enhance performance, make certain:
There is a selection formula.
There are range limits in the selection formula on the key (indexed) eld in Table A.
Use Indexes is selected in the Options dialog box. Consideration 3
If the elds you are using from Table A are not indexed, but there is an indexed eld that you can use in your
record selection request, use that eld. For example, assume that you have three products (Product 1, Product
2, and Product 3) and you want to identify all sales of Product 2 in the U.S. There is no index on the Product
eld but there is an index on the Order Date eld. Since you know that Product 2 did not begin shipping until
July of 1995, you can improve speed by limiting your report to orders placed in and after July 1995 using the
selection formula. In such a case, the program uses the Order Date index to retrieve only those orders from July
1995 and afterward (a small subset of the entire database) and then searches for the occurrences of Product 2
in that subset, not in the entire database.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.5.7 The Database Expert Links tab
The Database Expert Links tab lets you easily link two or more tables. Choose the Database Expert from the
Database menu to display all current tables; then choose the Links tab to display all current links.
The easiest way to link database tables is to select Auto Link in the Database Expert Links tab. Auto Link
automatically chooses links for your tables based on common elds in tables or indexed elds (if your database
supports indexed elds).
24.5.8 Linking indexed tables
When you are linking direct-access database tables, you link from a primary table to a eld in the lookup table.
The link eld in the primary table can be indexed, but does not have to be. The link eld in the lookup table does
not have to be indexed, either, unless you aren't using a native driver for your connection.
In addition, the elds used to link two tables must have the same data type. For example, you can link a string
eld in one table to a string eld in another table, or a numeric eld in one table to a numeric eld in another
table, but you cannot link a numeric eld in one table to a string eld in another table.
Some DBMS applications allow you to convert the eld value to another data type in the index. For
instance, the eld in the table can be numeric, while the index converts the eld value to a string. However,
if you choose to use that eld to link to another table, you must link to a eld of the original data type. You
cannot link a string value to a numeric eld that has been converted to a string in the index.
If you are linking tables from two dierent ODBC data sources, MS SQL Server and Oracle, for example, you
can only use string elds to link the tables. String elds are stored in databases in the same manner,
regardless of the data source. Other types of values, however, may not be stored the same way in dierent
data sources, so you cannot link dierent data sources in Crystal Reports using anything other than string
When linking direct-access database tables using native drivers (non-SQL), the only join type available is
Left Outer join. Changing the index used in linking
When using the Smart Linking feature to link tables using a eld that is a component of multiple indexes (two or
more), Crystal Reports selects one of the indexes for the link. That index may or may not be the one you want
to use. Delete the link made by the Smart Linking feature and manually link the tables. See Linking multiple
tables [page 68] for more information.
Not all DBMS applications support indexed tables. Verify that your database uses indexes before trying to
select an index for linking. Refer to your DBMS documentation to nd out if your DBMS can use indexes,
and to learn how to create them.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.5.9 Link processing order
When there is more than one link, Crystal Reports needs to know in what order it should process the links. By
default, the processing order matches the order in which the links appear on the Links tab. Use the arrow
buttons in the Links Order dialog box to change the default order.
For example, if you have chosen the Credit, Customer, Orders, and Orders Details tables from the Xtreme
sample database, the links tab shows the tables linked as follows.
In this case, the links will be processed rst between the Credit/Customer tables, then between the Customer/
Orders tables, and nally between the Orders/Orders Details tables. The Links Order dialog box shows you this
default order and allows you to change the positions in the processing hierarchy as you require.
Dierent link orders may result in dierent data sets returned for use in your report. As well, link order has a
signicant eect on performance.
24.5.10 Linking options
Crystal Reports enables you to specify the type of join and type of link you want to use when linking tables. You
can also enforce the use of tables in your joins. Joins and links indicates how linked elds in two tables are
compared when records are read. Join, enforce, and link options can be specied in the Link Options dialog
box. Using the various join enforcement options can ensure that linked tables are included in the SQL query,
even when none of the elds in the table are used in the report.
When you link elds using joins, no indexed elds are required.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
The join types are:
Inner join
Left Outer join
Right Outer join
Full Outer join
The enforce join options are:
Not Enforced
Enforced From
Enforced To
Enforced Both
The link types are:
Equal [=] link
Greater Than [>] link
Greater Than Or Equal [>=] link
Less Than [<] link
Less Than Or Equal [<=] link
Not Equal [!=] link Inner join
An Inner join is the standard type of join. The result set from an Inner join includes all the records in which the
linked eld value in both tables is an exact match. For instance, you can use an Inner join to view all customers
and the orders they have placed. You will not get a match for any customer who has not placed orders.
Customer Table Customer Table Orders Table
Customer ID Customer Name Order Amount
52 Allez Distribution 25141.50
53 BG Mountain Inc. 19164.30
53 BG Mountain Inc. 1683.60
57 Hansen MTB Inc. 15716.40
58 La Bomba de Bicicleta 1956.20
60 Mountain Toad 24580.50
62 SFB Inc. 7911.80
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 19766.20
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Customer Table Customer Table Orders Table
Customer ID Customer Name Order Amount
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 12763.95
64 Sierra Mountain 8233.50 Left Outer join
The result set from a Left Outer join includes all the records in which the linked eld value in both tables is an
exact match. It also includes a row for every record in the primary (left) table for which the linked eld value has
no match in the lookup table. For instance, you can use a Left Outer join to view all customers and the orders
they have placed, but you also get a row for every customer who has not placed any orders. These customers
appear at the end of the list with blanks in the elds that would otherwise hold order information:
Customer Table Customer Table Orders Table
Customer ID Customer Name Order Amount
52 Allez Distribution 25141.50
53 BG Mountain Inc. 19164.30
53 BG Mountain Inc. 1683.60
57 Hansen MTB Inc. 15716.40
58 La Bomba de Bicicleta 1956.20
60 Mountain Toad 24580.50
62 SFB Inc. 7911.80
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 19766.20
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 12763.95
64 Sierra Mountain 8233.50
54 Bicicletas Aztecas
55 Deely MTB Inc.
Left Outer and Right Outer joins are handled dierently in the SQL language from other join types. If the
database is accessed through ODBC, Crystal Reports uses ODBC syntax in the SQL statement. If you are
connecting to an SQL database directly (not through ODBC), Crystal Reports uses a syntax native to the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
database. For more information about what an Outer join looks like in an SQL statement, refer to Microsoft
ODBC documentation or to the documentation for your SQL database. Right Outer join
The result set from a Right Outer join includes all the records in which the linked eld value in both tables is an
exact match. It also includes a row for every record in the lookup (right) table for which the linked eld value
has no match in the primary table. If you link the Customer table to the Orders table, you get one row in the
table for each order a customer has placed. You also get a row for every order found that cannot be linked to a
customer. Theoretically, this should not happen, but if an inexperienced sales person forgot to assign a
customer ID to an order, you can quickly locate that order with a Right Outer join. The resulting table leaves a
blank in any of the Customer elds for the order without a customer.
Customer Table Orders Table Orders Table
Customer ID Order ID Order Amount
52 6 25141.50
53 11 19164.30
53 21 1683.60
57 4 15716.40
58 20 1956.20
60 16 24580.50
62 19 7911.80
63 28 19766.20
63 32 12763.95
64 14 8233.50
25 10320.87
Left Outer and Right Outer joins are handled dierently in the SQL language from other join types. If the
database is accessed through ODBC, Crystal Reports uses ODBC syntax in the SQL statement. If you are
connecting to a SQL database directly (not through ODBC), Crystal Reports uses a syntax native to the
database. For more information about what an Outer join looks like in an SQL statement, refer to Microsoft
ODBC documentation or to the documentation for your SQL database.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
PUBLIC 509 Full Outer join
A Full Outer join is a bidirectional outer join where you can see all records in your linked tables. The result set
from a Full Outer join includes all the records in which the linked eld value in both tables is an exact match. It
also includes a row for every record in the primary (left) table for which the linked eld value has no match in
the lookup table, and a row for every record in the lookup (right) table for which the linked eld value has no
match in the primary table. If you link the Customer table to the Orders table, you get one row in the table for
each order a customer has placed. You also get a row for every order found that cannot be linked to a customer,
and a row for every customer for whom an order cannot be found.
Customer Table Orders Table Orders Table
Customer ID Order ID Order Amount
52 6 25141.50
53 11 19164.30
53 21 1683.60
57 4 15716.40
58 20 1956.20
60 16 24580.50
62 19 7911.80
63 28 19766.20
63 32 12763.95
64 14 8233.50
25 10320.87 Not Enforced
When you select this option, the link you've created is used only if it's explicitly required by the Select
statement. Your users can create reports based on the selected tables without restriction (that is, without
enforcement based on other tables). This is the default option.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases Enforced From
When you select this option, if the to table for the link is used, the link is enforced. For example, if you create a
link from TableA to TableB using Enforce From and select only a eld from TableB, the Select statement will still
include the join to TableA because it is enforced. Conversely, selecting only from TableA with the same join
condition will not cause the join to TableB to be enforced.
For an explanation of from and to tables, see Link from and link to [page 498]. Enforced To
When you select this option, if the from table for the link is used, the link is enforced. For example, if you create
a link from TableA to TableB using Enforce To and select only a eld from TableA, the join to TableB will be
enforced, and the Select statement that is generated will include both tables.
For an explanation of from and to tables, see Link from and link to [page 498]. Enforced Both
When you select this option, if either the from table or the to table for this link is used, the link is enforced. Equal [=] link
The result set from an Equal link includes all the records where the linked eld value in both tables is an exact
match. In the following example, the Customer table is linked to the Orders table by the Customer ID eld.
When the program nds a Customer ID in the Orders table that matches a Customer ID in the Customer table,
it displays information for the corresponding records in both tables.
SQL uses the following syntax to describe an Equal link:
SELECT Customer.'Customer ID',
Customer.'Customer Name',
Orders.'Order Amount'
FROM 'Customer' Customer,
'Orders' Orders
WHERE Customer.Customer ID =
Orders.Customer ID
This statement produces the following data:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Customer Table Customer Table Orders Table
Customer ID Customer Name Order Amount
52 Allez Distribution 25141.50
53 BG Mountain Inc. 19164.30
53 BG Mountain Inc. 1683.60
57 Hansen MTB Inc. 15716.40
58 La Bomba de Bicicleta 1956.20
60 Mountain Toad 24580.50
62 SFB Inc. 7911.80
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 19766.20
63 Sierra Bicycle Group 12763.95
64 Sierra Mountain 8233.50 Greater Than [>] link
The result set from a Greater Than link includes all records in which the linked eld value from the primary table
is greater than the linked eld value in the lookup table. As an example, a company may want to compare the
salaries made by all their sales representatives to the salaries made by all their sales managers. The company
executives want to make sure no sales representative is making more money than any manager.
With this in mind, you can link the SalesRep table to the Manager table by the Salary eld in each table using a
Greater Than link:
SELECT SalesRep.'Last Name',
Manager.'Last Name',
FROM 'SalesRep' SalesRep,
'Manager' Manager
WHERE SalesRep.'Salary' >
This SQL statement might produce data similar to this:
SalesRep Table SalesRep Table Manager Table Manager Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Davolio $35,000.00 Fuller $32,000.00
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
SalesRep Table SalesRep Table Manager Table Manager Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Davolio $35,000.00 Brid $30,000.00
Davolio $35,000.00 Buchanan $29,500.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Hellstern $45,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Fuller $32,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Brid $30,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Buchanan $29,500.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Martin $35,000.00
Patterson $30,000.00 Buchanan $29,500.00
In this table, there is no relationship established between sales representatives and sales managers. Since all
managers have seniority over all sales representatives, a company might nd it necessary to check if any
representatives make more money than any managers, evidence of a salary problem that needs to be
remedied. Greater Than Or Equal [>=] link
The result set from a Greater Than Or Equal link includes all records in which the linked eld value in the
primary table is greater than or equal to the linked eld value in the lookup table. The example here is identical
to the example for the Greater Than join, except that it uses the Greater Than Or Equal link:
SELECT SalesRep.'Last Name',
Manager.'Last Name',
FROM 'SalesRep' SalesRep,
'Manager' Manager
WHERE SalesRep.'Salary' >=
This statement might produce data such as this:
SalesRep Table SalesRep Table Manager Table Manager Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Davolio $35,000.00 Fuller $32,000.00
Davolio $35,000.00 Brid $30,000.00
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
SalesRep Table SalesRep Table Manager Table Manager Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Davolio $35,000.00 Buchanan $29,500.00
Davolio $35,000.00 Martin $35,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Hellstern $45,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Fuller $32,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Brid $30,000.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Buchanan $29,500.00
Dodsworth $48,300.00 Martin $35,000.00
Patterson $30,000.00 Brid $30,000.00
Patterson $30,000.00 Buchanan $29,500.00 Less Than [<] link
The result set from a Less Than link includes all records in which the linked eld value in the primary table is
less than the linked eld value in the lookup table. Using the Less Than link, you can compare sales
representative and manager salaries in a dierent direction. Once again, the Salary eld in each table is used as
the link eld. This time, though, you link from the Manager table to the SalesRep table using a Less Than link on
the linked Salary elds:
SELECT Manager.'Last Name',
SalesRep.'Last Name',
FROM 'Manager' Manager,
'SalesRep' SalesRep
WHERE Manager.'Salary' <
This SQL statement produces a slightly dierent table than that produced by the Greater Than link:
Manager Table Manager Table SalesRep Table SalesRep Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Fuller $32,000.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Fuller $32,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Brid $30,000.00 Davolio $35,000.00
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Manager Table Manager Table SalesRep Table SalesRep Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Brid $30,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Buchanan $29,500.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Buchanan $29,500.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Buchanan $29,500.00 Patterson $30,000.00
Martin $35,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Hellstern $45,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00 Less Than Or Equal [<=] link
The result set from a Less Than Or Equal link includes all records in which the linked eld value in the primary
table is less than or equal to the linked eld value in the lookup table. The example here is identical to the
example for the Less Than link, except that it uses the Less Than Or Equal link:
SELECT Manager.'Last Name',
SalesRep.'Last Name',
FROM 'Manager' Manager,
'SalesRep' SalesRep
WHERE Manager.'Salary' <=
This SQL statement produces data similar to the following:
Manager Table Manager Table SalesRep Table SalesRep Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Fuller $32,000.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Fuller $32,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Brid $30,000.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Brid $30,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Brid $30,000.00 Patterson $30,000.00
Buchanan $29,500.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Buchanan $29,500.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Manager Table Manager Table SalesRep Table SalesRep Table
Last Name Salary Last Name Salary
Buchanan $29,500.00 Patterson $30,000.00
Martin $35,000.00 Davolio $35,000.00
Martin $35,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00
Hellstern $45,000.00 Dodsworth $48,300.00 Not Equal [!=] link
The result set from a Not Equal link includes all records in which the linked eld value in the primary table is not
equal to the linked eld value in the lookup table. This type of link can be used to nd possible combinations of
items when a table is joined to itself (a self-join). For example, a company can have a table listing all products
they sell. When they decide to hold a sale where their customers buy one item and get the second item half
price, they may need a list of all possible two item combinations:
SELECT Product1.'Product Name',
Product2.'Product Name',
FROM 'Product' Product1
'Product' Product2
WHERE Product1.'Product Name' !=
Product2.'Product Name'
In this SQL statement, the Product table is opened twice. The rst time, it is given the alias name Product1. The
second time, it is given the alias name Product2. Then the Product Name eld is used to link from the Product1
table to the Product2 table. This is the same table, but since it has been opened twice using dierent aliases,
Crystal Reports considers it two separate tables. A Not Equal link is used to link the tables by the Product Name
eld. As a result, each product is paired with every other product oered, but is not paired with itself:
Product1 Product2
Product Name Product Name
Xtreme Adult Helmet Xtreme Mtn Lock
Xtreme Adult Helmet InFlux Lycra Glove
Xtreme Adult Helmet Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle
Xtreme Mtn Lock Xtreme Adult Helmet
Xtreme Mtn Lock InFlux Lycra Glove
Xtreme Mtn Lock Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Product1 Product2
Product Name Product Name
InFlux Lycra Glove Xtreme Adult Helmet
InFlux Lycra Glove Xtreme Mtn Lock
InFlux Lycra Glove Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle
Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle Xtreme Adult Helmet
Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle Xtreme Mtn Lock
Roadster Micro Mtn Saddle InFlux Lycra Glove
The symbol != is used to represent a Not Equal link, if the ODBC data source driver for the data being
accessed supports this symbol. If not, the default symbol <> is used to represent a Not Equal link.
24.6 Server-side processing
Server-side processing allows you to set up a report that performs the majority of its processing on the server
and pushes only relevant details to your computer.
Server-side processing provides you with a number of benets:
Less time connected to the server.
Less memory needed to process the report on your computer.
Lower transfer time from the server to the client.
Here's how server-side processing works: by using SQL pass-through technology to send an SQL statement to
the database server and retrieve an initial set of data, Crystal Reports o-loads much of the data retrieval and
sorting work onto the server system, thus freeing up local memory and resources for more important tasks.
That is why server-side processing works only for reports that have been sorted and grouped; if a report has
not been sorted and grouped (for example, if it is a simple list report), then there is no processing to push to
the server. You should also note that server-side processing works only for reports based on SQL data sources.
This description applies only to o-loading grouping and sorting to the server.
Large amounts of server resources can be used for the temporary databases required when pushing
grouping to the server.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
Keep in mind that in order to perform the grouping on the server, your report must conform to the following
The Perform Grouping on Server option (in the Options dialog box) is enabled. For more information, see
Enabling server-side processing [page 519].
The report uses some form of grouping.
The report is at least partially hidden (at the very least, the Details section must be hidden). Since the
server will process those sections that are hidden, the greater the portion of the report that is visible, the
greater the amount of processing that must take place on the client side. If the Details section is shown,
server-side processing will not be possible.
In some cases, formula elds must be processed on the client side. If grouping is based on a formula eld,
or if a formula is used in a summary eld, then all the records must be transferred to the client side before
the formula can be evaluated. This will increase the amount of time required to run the report. Therefore,
you may want to use SQL expressions as an alternative to formulas.
Formulas used for record selection are an exception and can be pushed down to the server.
For a report to be processed on the server, any running totals appearing in the report must be based on
summary elds (since the data needed for the running totals will be pulled over to the client side).
For a report to be processed on the server, the report must contain only summary elds of these types:
Sum, Maximum, Minimum, Count.
The report does not contain specied value grouping.
When you drill-down on a hidden section of a report, with the processing being done on the server,
connection to the server will be automatically initiated. If the client is disconnected from the server (for
example, if you download a report onto your laptop and you work on it from a remote location), then
drilling-down on data will produce an error since the database is not available.
If you save a report that has been partially processed on the server using the Save Data with Report option,
the program will save only those records that have been transferred to the client side. In other words, if you
have drilled-down on a hidden section and there is a tab for that data in Crystal Reports (indicating the data
has been transferred), those records will be saved with the report.
24.6.1 How server-side grouping aects the SQL query
When a report pushes most of its processing to the server, this by necessity alters the SQL query. Thus, when
the Perform Grouping on Server option is enabled, individual aspects of server-side processing will modify the
SQL statement in dierent ways.
If you select Use Indexes Or Server For Speed (in the Report Options dialog box), the program adds an
ORDER BY clause to the SQL statement and a WHERE clause for the record selection formula, if possible.
If you group on a linkable data type in the DBMS, the program adds a GROUP BY clause to the SQL
statement. The program uses the GROUP BY clause to perform the grouping on the server.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
If you summarize on a linkable data type, the program adds a summary eld to the SELECT clause of the
SQL statement.
If you drill-down on a linkable data type, the program adds a WHERE clause to the SQL statement.
If you group in descending order on a linkable data type, the program adds an ORDER BY clause to the SQL
The statement also varies between tabs:
If you are working in the Preview tab, the statement includes the GROUP BY clause, as well as any
aggregates that the report is pushing to the server.
If you are drilling-down, the statement varies depending on the underlying data and the level of drill-down.
With each drill-down, the WHERE criteria changes. Also, if you drill-down to the details, the statement will
not include a GROUP BY clause (since you no longer have any groups on that drill-down tab).
To view the current SQL statement for the active tab, choose Show SQL Query from the Database menu. The
Show SQL Query dialog box appears, displaying the SQL statement.
You can use the Formula Workshop to edit SQL expressions to be processed on the server. Enabling server-side processing
1. On the File menu, click Report Options.
2. Select Perform Grouping on Server on the Report Options dialog box.
This check box is inactive if Use Indexes or Server for Speed is not selected.
3. Click OK.
You can also enable or disable this option quickly by selecting or deselecting Perform Grouping on Server
on the Database menu as needed. If Use Indexes or Server for Speed is not selected in the Report Options
dialog box, this command is inactive.
24.7 Mapping database elds
The Map Fields dialog box allows you to link report elds to their corresponding database elds when you have
made changes to the structure of the database, or when you have created a report based on one database from
a template of another report based on some other database that has the same table and eld structure. In this
way, the dialog box helps you to make sure your reports print with the current version of the active database.
When you rst create a report, the report draws its elds from the database as it exists at the time. If you
change the structure of the database after you create the report, the program needs to adapt the report to the
new structure.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.7.1 About the Map Fields dialog box
The Map Fields dialog box contains four boxes:
The upper-left box displays the names of all unmapped report elds (for which the program detects a
change in the active database). The top name is selected by default.
The upper-right box displays the names of unmapped database elds (in which the program detects a
change). Since the Match Type box is selected by default, this box displays only the names of unmapped
database elds of the same type as the unmapped report eld you selected in the upper-left box. To display
all unmapped database elds, regardless of type, clear the Match Type box.
The lower-left box displays the names of mapped report elds. When you map elds in the upper boxes,
they appear in the lower boxes.
The lower-right box displays the names of mapped database elds. When you map elds in the upper
boxes, they appear in the lower boxes.
For each database eld that you have changed, highlight the report eld and the database eld in the upper
sections and click Map. The eld names move from the upper boxes to the lower boxes.
You do not have to remap every report eld. For example, if you delete a database eld, it is not necessary to
remap its corresponding report eld, since you will not need that eld in your report. You can click OK to close
the dialog box without remapping each eld listed in the upper-left box.
On some occasions, you might want to unmap or unlink report and database elds that you have already
mapped. For example, you might mistakenly map the wrong elds or want to map a report eld to a database
eld that you have already mapped. In these cases, you can select a report eld in the lower boxes (the
program then automatically selects the database eld) and click Unmap. The eld names will move from the
lower boxes to the upper boxes.
Crystal Reports does not automatically refresh the report data when you close the Map Fields dialog box.
To refresh your data, click Refresh on the Standard toolbar.
24.7.2 Remapping processes
If you make changes to the active database or universe elds that require you to remap the corresponding
report elds, you can display the Map Fields dialog box by choosing any of these commands from the Database
Verify Database
Verify on First Refresh
Set Datasource Location
There is also a global option called Verify When Database Driver Upgraded (set on Database tab of the
Options dialog box) that can make the Map Fields dialog box appear when you rst refresh a report's data
after updating its database driver.
You can use each of these commands for a specic function; however, any of these commands will open the
Map Fields dialog box if the program detects a mismatch between the eld names in the report and the eld
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
names in the database or universe. In order to detect any possible mismatches, the program checks each eld
name in the report against the eld names in the database or universe. If one of the eld names does not match
any of the eld names in the database or universe, the Map Fields dialog box appears.
Report elds that are left unmapped are removed from the report. Using the Verify Database process
When you choose Verify Database from the Database menu, the program checks the active databases or
universes, and reports. If it detects changes, the report must be adapted to prevent errors.
The program displays the Map Fields dialog box when it detects either of these types of changes to the
database or universe:
The name of a eld that is used in the report has changed.
The database or universe has been upsized from a PC data source to an SQL data source.
For a tutorial on the Map Fields dialog box, see Remapping altered database elds [page 522]. Crystal Reports
automatically adapts the report (and does not display the Map Fields dialog box) if it detects any of these
Fields have been added to the database or universe.
Fields that are not used in the report have been deleted from the database or universe.
Field positions have changed in the database or universe.
Data types have changed for elds in the database or universe. Using the Verify on First Refresh process
Verify on First Refresh triggers the Verify Database command the rst time you refresh your report data per
If there is a check mark beside Verify on First Refresh, the option is active (the option is active by default for
new reports).
If there is no check mark beside it, the option is inactive. Using the Set Datasource Location process
When you choose Set Datasource Location from the Database menu and specify a new location for the active
database or universe, the program checks the database or universe for changes.
Set Datasource Location displays the Map Fields dialog box when it detects any of the following changes in the
database structure:
A eld has been deleted.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
A eld has been renamed.
The database or universe is completely new.
The program checks for these changes only if the databases or universes have dierent names or if the
name has changed. If the databases or universes have the same name, the Map Fields dialog box does not
appear, and you need to verify the database or universe when you have nished setting the location. For
more information, see Using the Verify Database process [page 521].
24.7.3 Remapping altered database elds
Use the Map Fields dialog box to remap existing report elds in the active database or universe if they have
been altered. To remap an altered database eld
1. With the report active in the Design tab, choose Verify Database from the Database menu.
The Verify Database message box appears.
If the program detects no changes in the active database, the message box displays this message:
"The database is up to date." In this case, click OK and return to your work.
If the program detects a change(s) in the active database, the message box displays this message:
"The database le ["table name"] has changed. Proceeding to x up the report!"
2. Click OK.
If the program detects that a eld name has been altered in the active database, the Map Fields dialog box
The program automatically adapts the report to changes in other data within the database (number of
elds, eld position, data type, and so on). It is not necessary to remap elds in which these changes
have been made.
3. Highlight the rst report eld that you want to remap in the upper-left box.
4. In the upper-right box, highlight the unmapped database eld to which you want to remap the selected
report eld.
5. Click Map.
The highlighted report and database elds no longer appear in the upper boxes. Instead, they appear in the
corresponding lower boxes.
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 for each unmapped report eld you want remapped.
If the names of any report elds remain in the upper-left box when you exit the dialog box, the program
removes them from your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
7. Click OK.
The program remaps the report elds to the altered database elds.
24.8 Saved Data Indexes
You can increase the performance of a Crystal report by indexing its saved data. When you create a Saved Data
Index on a particular eld, Crystal Reports can more eciently lter on that eld. In particular, you will achieve
considerable performance gains—especially in larger reports—by indexing elds that are referred to by record
selection formulas.
The benets of Saved Data Indexes are largely unnoticeable in reports whose record selection returns fewer
than 10,000 records.
Saved Data Indexes are especially useful when you schedule your Crystal reports for viewing through SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
. For example, you want to provide your users with information
about yearly sales for North America, so you create a report. You also want sales representatives to see gures
for their individual regions, but you don't want them to see gures for other regions, so you create a selection
formula to limit the report. After you schedule the report in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
platform and sales representatives view its instances, they see only gures for their own regions. If you had also
created Saved Data Indexes, the representatives would see their records without having to wait for all records
to be loaded.
In other words, the Saved Data Indexes allow a subset of the report's data to be accessed by a user. The
indexes are invoked by applying a selection formula in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform at
view time (that is, the selection formula applies a lter to an indexed eld). These selection formulas can be
applied by setting them in a report viewer, or by setting them through a report processing extension. (For
information about report processing extensions, see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
Platform .NET SDK Developer Guide.)
24.8.1 How Report Indexing works
With a non-indexed report, Crystal Reports has to look at every record in order to locate values that meet
specied criteria. For instance, when a user requests a particular subset of the saved data, or when a user
requests the report but only has rights to access certain records, Crystal Reports lters the saved data by
checking each record for the appropriate values.
If you have indexed the saved data by one or more elds, however, Crystal Reports already knows which
records contain particular values. Consequently, when a user accesses a particular subset of the saved data
from the indexed eld, Crystal Reports can locate and format the appropriate records more eciently.
Once you have created Saved Data Indexes, they work entirely in the background. Users don't know that the
saved data is indexed, and the grouping, sorting, or formatting of the report doesn't change at all. The indexes
merely allow Crystal Reports to locate particular records quickly, without passing through the saved data in its
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.8.2 Considerations for using Saved Data Indexes
There are some things that you should consider before deciding to use Saved Data Indexes:
Indexes work best in scenarios where a report contains a large set of data, but only small subsets of the
data are viewed at one time.
Large, complex reports can overload the Crystal Reports report engine.
For example, creating a large report with a selection formula that returns 90% of the report's data will
probably take up more memory and disk space than a report le without indexes. In such a case, report
processing will be slower.
Indexes require disk space; this disk space can add up to more than the space required for the data itself.
You trade the speed of applying selection formulas for the size of your report les.
The Crystal Page and RAS servers are limited in how much caching occurs for dierent users when
selection formulas are applied. Therefore, when a user views a report le with a selection formula and the
Page Server takes up a certain amount of RAM, adding more users could cause the Page Server to use
even more RAM.
24.8.3 Indexing the right eld(s)
These guidelines describe the best ways to index saved data and what to avoid when indexing:
Index elds that users frequently add to their record selection formulas.
Index elds that are referred to by the report's record selection formula.
Don't index all of the elds in the report.
Doing so can result in increased processing times. It is best to index only on the elds that meet the criteria
specied above. If all of the elds meet these criteria, then you should prioritize the elds and index only
some of them.
Don't index elds that contain unique values only.
For instance, don't index a eld such as "Last Year's Sales," whose values are likely to be distinct from one
another. If you do so, a separate index is created for each and every value in the eld. To index saved data
1. Open your report in the Crystal Reports.
2. On the Report menu, click Report Bursting Indexes.
3. In the Saved Data Indexes dialog box, select the elds that you want indexed within the saved data.
4. Click OK to return to Crystal Reports.
5. If you want to create the index immediately, refresh and save the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.9 Unicode support in Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports supports Unicode by converting data from non-Unicode databases as it accesses it (this data
conversion happens within Crystal Reports; the data in your database is not aected). Conversion is done
using the identier of the non-Unicode data and the machine's locale setting (usually found in the Control
Panel's Regional Settings). To take advantage of the Unicode support in Crystal Reports, ensure the locale
setting is correct on each machine that uses Crystal Reports.
24.10 Working with databases
This section introduces several common procedures related to accessing database les from within Crystal
Reports. Where practical, step-by-step instructions are provided.
24.10.1 Using Access queries
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Opening Access queries through ODBC [page 525]
Opening Access Parameter queries [page 526] Opening Access queries through ODBC
ODBC gives you more control over which parts of a database you can use. For this reason, using an Access
query through ODBC may require a few extra steps. To open an Access query through ODBC
1. On the File menu, click Options.
2. Click the Database tab.
3. Ensure that the Views check box is selected.
Selecting "Views" automatically displays any available queries in your Access database.
4. In addition, you can specify Table name LIKE and Owner LIKE options, if you wish.
"Table name LIKE" is based on the SQL LIKE clause. This option allows you to specify the kinds of table
names you want to appear in the Choose SQL Table dialog box. You can use the underscore character
(_) or the percent sign character (%) as wildcards with this function. The underscore character
species any single character, while the percent sign signies any character string. For example, DAV_
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
matches DAVE only, while DAV% matches DAVE and DAVID. Table name LIKE C% displays only those
tables that have a table name beginning with the letter C.
"Owner LIKE" is also based on the SQL LIKE clause. Owner LIKE allows you to select the Owner (or
Creator or Alias) of the table, not the table name itself. For example Owner LIKE C% displays only
those tables that have an owner beginning with the letter C.
5. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box.
6. Create a new report and choose ODBC as the data source for your Access database.
7. Locate and select the data source that contains the Access query you want to use.
If your database requires a user name and password, or any other log on information, click Next to go
to the Connection Information dialog box.
Choosing an ODBC data source and entering connection information automatically logs you onto the
8. Highlight your query in the Views folder, click the > arrow, and then click OK.
The Design tab appears along with the Field Explorer dialog box. Your Access query, and all elds
associated with that query, appear under "Database Fields."
You cannot use Access Action queries or Update queries in Crystal Reports. However, you can use Access
Select queries and Cross-tab queries. Opening Access Parameter queries
Access Parameter queries can be opened only when you open an Access database via ODBC. Make sure you
have an ODBC data source set up for your Access database before attempting this procedure. See Setting up
an ODBC data source [page 528].
When you design a Parameter query in Access, you must provide a prompt for the query and specify a data
type for the parameter. First, with your query open in Design View in Microsoft Access, enter a prompt in
the Criteria cell for the eld that will act as a parameter. Then, choose Parameters from the Query menu in
Access, and specify a data type for the parameter you just created. Make sure the prompt appears exactly
as it does in the Criteria cell. For complete instructions, refer to your Access documentation. If you do not
set up your Parameter query correctly, Crystal Reports will not be able to use it.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases To open an Access Parameter query
1. In Crystal Reports, choose Options from the File menu.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Database tab.
3. Ensure that the Stored Procedures check box is selected.
Selecting "Stored Procedures" automatically displays any available stored procedures when you log on to
an ODBC data source. Crystal Reports treats Access Parameter queries much like it treats SQL stored
procedures. So, to use a Parameter query, the Stored Procedures check box must be selected.
4. In addition, you can specify Table name LIKE and Owner LIKE options if you wish.
"Table name LIKE" is based on the SQL LIKE clause. This option allows you to specify the kinds of table
names you want to appear in the Choose SQL Table dialog box. You can use the underscore character
(_) or the percent sign character (%) as wildcards with this function. The underscore character
species any single character, while the percent sign signies any character string. For example, DAV_
matches DAVE only, while DAV% matches DAVE and DAVID. Table name LIKE C% displays only those
tables that have a table name beginning with the letter C.
"Owner LIKE" is also based on the SQL LIKE clause. Owner LIKE allows you to select the Owner (or
Creator or Alias) of the table, not the table name itself. For example Owner LIKE C% displays only
those tables that have an owner beginning with the letter C.
5. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box.
6. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
7. Locate and select the ODBC data source that contains the Access Parameter query you want to use.
If your database requires a user name and password, or any other log on information, click Next to go
to the Connection Information dialog box.
Choosing an ODBC data source and entering connection information automatically logs you onto the
8. Highlight your Parameter query in the Stored Procedures folder, click the > arrow, and then click OK.
9. Create your report using the elds in the Parameter query.
10. On the Standard toolbar, click Refresh to update the report's data.
The Enter Prompt Values dialog box appears.
11. Assign a value by typing into the eld and then click OK.
Your report appears. Only the records that satisfy the parameter values you specied in the Enter
Parameter Values dialog box are used in your report.
You can change parameter values at any time by choosing Stored Procedure Parameters from the
Database menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
You cannot use Access Action queries or Update queries in Crystal Reports. However, you can use Access
Select queries and Cross-tab queries.
24.10.2 Using ODBC data sources
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Setting up an ODBC data source [page 528]
Checking settings for an ODBC data source [page 529]
Logging on to an ODBC data source [page 529]
Adding an ODBC database table to a report [page 529]
Logging o an ODBC data source [page 530] Setting up an ODBC data source
To set up an ODBC data source, you must rst have an ODBC driver installed for the type of data you want to
use. Many 64bit database clients automatically install and set up ODBC drivers. If you are not sure whether
ODBC drivers have been installed for your data, refer to the documentation that came with your 64bit database
client. To set up an ODBC data source
1. Open the 64bit ODBC Data Source Administrator, which is usually found under Start > Programs >
Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), or Start > Settings > Control Panel > Data Sources (ODBC).
2. Click Add to add a new ODBC data source.
The Create New Data Source dialog box appears.
3. Choose the ODBC driver appropriate for your data type from this list.
4. Click Finish when nished.
If a driver does not appear for your data type, then the ODBC driver has not been correctly installed. Refer
to the documentation for your DBMS application.
An ODBC Data Source Setup dialog box that is specic to the ODBC driver you selected appears.
If an error message appears instead of the Setup dialog box, you may not have the correct ODBC
drivers installed on your system for the type of data you selected.
5. Type the name for your new ODBC data source in the Data Source Name box.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
The dialog box that appears may look dierent from the one shown here, depending on the type of data
you are using. This dialog box is specic to the Access ODBC driver. For more information about using
the dialog box that appears for your data, click Help.
6. Click OK when nished. Checking settings for an ODBC data source
1. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64 bit), which is usually found under Start > Programs >
Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), or Start > Settings > Control Panel > Data Sources (ODBC).
2. Highlight the appropriate data source from the User Data Sources list (on the User DSN tab).
3. Click Congure.
The ODBC Data Source Setup dialog box that appears is specic to the data source you selected, and
contains controls and information for setting up your data source.
4. Check the settings in this dialog box to make sure the information matches your system and database.
5. Make any changes necessary, and then click OK.
6. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog. Logging on to an ODBC data source
1. Choose Log On or O Server from the Database menu.
If no report is open, choose Log On or O Server from the File menu.
The Data Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Choose the ODBC database le you want to open and click Log On.
If the data source requires a user name and password, or any other log on information, a log on dialog box
3. Type in the log on information you usually use to access this database, and click OK.
If you did not specify a database with the ODBC data source, the Select Database dialog box appears.
Select the database le and then click OK. Adding an ODBC database table to a report
1. Choose Database Expert from the Database menu.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
2. Expand the Create New Connection folder, and then expand the ODBC (RDO) folder.
The ODBC (RDO) dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
3. Choose the data source you want to open by Data Source Name or File DSN.
4. Click Next if the data source requires a user name and password, or other logon information.
5. Type in the log on information you usually use to access this database, and click Finish.
If you did not specify a database with the ODBC data source, the Select Database dialog box appears.
Select the database le and then click OK.
6. In the Database Expert, select and link database tables as usual. Logging o an ODBC data source
1. Choose Log On or O Server from the Database menu.
If no report is open, choose Log On of O Server from the File menu.
The Data Explorer dialog box appears.
2. Highlight the ODBC data source you want to log o from this list.
3. Click Log O.
4. Click Close when nished with the Data Explorer dialog box.
24.11 Advanced database features
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
One-to-many links [page 530]
Reporting on an NT Event Log [page 531]
24.11.1 One-to-many links
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up an A to B, A to C report using the Customer, Credit, and Orders tables
in the Xtreme.mdb sample database. Use the instructions here as a guideline for creating A to B, A to C reports
with your own database les.
1. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
2. In the Database Expert dialog box, expand the Create New Connection folder, and then expand the
Database Files folder.
3. In the Database Files folder, double-click Find Database File.
4. Use the Open dialog box to locate and highlight the Xtreme.mdb database le and expand its Tables folder.
5. Highlight the Credit table and add it to the Selected Tables area.
6. Repeat the previous step for both the Customer and Orders tables.
7. When all three tables have been added, click the links tab on the Database Expert dialog box.
8. If the tables are linked by default, click Clear Links.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
9. Manually link the Customer Credit ID eld in the Credit table to the Customer ID eld in each of the other
two tables.
10. Click Order Links.
The Order Links dialog box appears.
11. Select a link and use the Up or Down arrow to arrange the links in the order you want.
12. Click OK to return to the Database Expert Links tab.
13. Click OK to close the Database Expert.
You have now established an A to B, A to C relationship among the three tables.
24.11.2 Reporting on an NT Event Log
If you are running on a Windows NT machine, Crystal Reports gives you the ability to generate reports based on
the NT Event Log.
1. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
2. In the Database Expert dialog box, expand the Create New Connection folder.
3. Double-click either NT Archived Event Log or NT Current Event Log.
Choose NT Archived Event Log to report on a previously archived NT Event Log. If you choose this
option the Select Archived NT Event Log dialog box appears, allowing you to navigate to the le you
want to report on.
Choose NT Current Event Log to report on the most recent NT Event Log.
4. If you chose to report on the NT Current Event Log, the Select Current Event Log dialog box appears:
5. The computer referenced in the Computer(s) box is the computer on which the sample report is based. To
change the computer, expand the Microsoft Windows Network tree.
The directory structure expands to display the network group to which your computer is connected.
6. Expand the network group to display individual machines connected to the group.
7. Select the NT machine for which you would like to create an NT Event Log Report.
When you select a machine, that name appears in the Computer(s) box.
Three tables become available on the Database Expert dialog box:
Use these tables to create your report based on the NT Current Event Log.
In order to report on the Security table, you need to have the User Right of "Manage auditing and security
log" added to your Policy in NT.
The data that you will see is the same data that is seen from the NT Event Viewer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
24.12 For additional information
This section has only touched on some of the more important aspects of database access, relational
databases, and SQL. If you are interested in learning more about database topics, refer to the documentation
provided with your DBMS application.
In addition, there are hundreds of books available on the market that discuss database theory and design in
depth. Look for the computer-related section at your local bookstore.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Understanding Databases
25 Integrating Business Applications with
Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports is the program that you use to create and format Crystal reports, and SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform is the multi-tier system that allows you to distribute these reports over the Web
in a secure and managed environment. The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Integration
with the following business applications provides components that enable you to combine the functionality of
Crystal Reports and SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform to work with your choice of business
JD Edwards (JDE) System
Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)
PeopleSoft (PSFT)
Unlike in earlier releases, the integration for each application listed above has been integrated with the SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform install. The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
Platform install program provides integration for SAP, JDE, EBS, PSFT, and Siebel . You can use SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform to congure administrative tasks and use Crystal Reports to
congure access to data in the applications. You can begin to work with the data from dierent applications in
Crystal Reports and/or SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform.
Refer to the following guides to learn how to perform administrative tasks for individual applications:
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform User's Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Suite Master Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Installation Guide
25.1 Integrating with SAP
25.1.1 Introduction
Crystal Reports SAP Integration features enable you to extract additional value from your SAP Business
Information Warehouse (BW) and R/3 data and share it with users across the enterprise.
The SAP integration components are:
Data Access
This component provides database drivers that are designed specically for reporting o SAP data. Crystal
Reports drivers are included for OpenSQL, InfoSet, BW MDX, and ODS. Crystal Reports drivers need to be
installed on the machines that host the Crystal Reports servers.
Crystal Reports SAP Toolbar
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Integrated within Crystal Reports, the SAP Tools toolbar facilitates tasks associated with reporting o BW
queries. It allows you to log on to BW and work with its data sources, save reports to BW, and publish
reports immediately to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform via BW.
SAP Business Explorer (BEx) should be installed on the same machine as SAP Crystal Reports, so that
Crystal Reports SAP Toolbar can reuse BEx logon information and enable advanced workows.
Related Information
Reporting o InfoSets, Operational Data Stores, and MDX cubes [page 538]
Reporting o other SAP data sources [page 569] Reporting o SAP Data
This section shows how to connect to SAP from Crystal Reports, how to create reports o your SAP data with
the Data Access Components, and how to access your reports through BI launch pad. The section also
discusses the sample reports and the conguration options in Crystal Reports. Overview of the Data Access Components drivers
The Data Access Components consist of the InfoSet Query driver, OLAP ABAPI driver, Open SQL driver, ODS
driver, and the BW MDX Query driver. These drivers enable you to design reports o your SAP tables, ABAP
functions, ABAP data clusters, ABAP queries, InfoSets, Operational Data Stores, and cubes. With the BW MDX
Query driver, you can design formatted Crystal reports that are based on the data that is stored in SAP
Business Information Warehouse (BW).
The Crystal reports that you create can be refreshed against the current SAP data by any user who has
installed the drivers along with Crystal Reports. You can also schedule these reports within SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, so your users can access customized reports with current
data on a regular basis.
This section includes the following topics:
Connecting to SAP with Crystal Reports [page 535]
Crystal Reports conguration options [page 536]
The procedures in this section are based on Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Connecting to SAP with Crystal Reports
Once you have installed Crystal Reports, you can start Crystal Reports and select a driver for your report. There
are two ways to select a driver in Crystal Reports: use one of the Report Wizards, or select Log On Server from
the File or Database menu. Both methods are described below.
Crystal Reports includes several integrated tools that allow you to report o your data. Using the Report Wizards
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. Click the Start Page tab if the Start Page is not already visible in Crystal Reports.
3. In the New Reports area, click Blank Report.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
4. Expand Create New Connection, then expand the folder that corresponds to the driver that you want to use:
To use the Info Set driver, expand "SAP Info sets."
To use the Open SQL driver, expand "SAP Table, Cluster, or Function."
To use the ODS driver, expand "SAP Operational Data Store."
To use the BW MDX Query driver, expand "SAP BW MDX Query."
Once you've selected a driver, the SAP System Logon dialog box appears. For more details, see Logging on
to the SAP server [page 536]. Using the Log On Server command
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. On the File menu (or Database menu, if a report is already open), click Log On or O Server.
3. In the Data Explorer, expand Create New Connection. Then, expand the folder that corresponds to the
driver that you want to use:
To use the Info Set driver, expand "SAP Info sets."
To use the Open SQL driver, expand "SAP Table, Cluster, or Function."
To use the ODS driver, expand "SAP Operational Data Store."
To use the BW MDX Query driver, expand "SAP BW MDX Query."
Once you've selected a driver, the SAP System Logon dialog box appears. For more details, see Logging on
to the SAP server [page 536].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 535 Logging on to the SAP server
Regardless of which SAP driver you select, you must specify the SAP system that you want to report o and
provide valid R/3 or BW user credentials for that system. Each driver prompts you for this logon information
before it allows you to select the elements that you want to include in the report. Your user credentials are also
requested when you run any existing reports that are built o SAP data sources. To log on to the SAP server
1. Once you have selected a driver, the SAP System Logon dialog box appears.
2. Select the SAP system that you want to report o and click Next.
If your SAP administrator has not congured SAP Logon, your SAP system will not appear in the
Available SAP systems list.
The next SAP System Logon dialog box prompts you for user logon credentials.
3. In the Client eld, type your usual three-digit SAP client number.
4. In the Username and Password elds, type your usual SAP logon credentials, then click Next.
When selecting Secure Network Communication (SNC) enabled entries, the password eld will be
The next SAP System Logon dialog box prompts you for extended logon parameters.
5. If you want the SAP Communication Library to create trace les for all client/server communication (for
troubleshooting purposes), select the Generate RFC trace les check box.
6. Click Finish.
Crystal Reports logs you onto the SAP system and displays the connection in the Data Explorer (or in the
Available Data Sources list of a Report Wizard).
It is strongly recommended that you lter the tables that are displayed under the new connection by right-
clicking the connection, selecting Options, and modifying the appropriate settings in the Options dialog
box. You can choose not to specify lter options for the tables that are returned to the Data Explorer;
however, if the SAP system contains numerous tables, a signicant wait may occur while Crystal Reports
retrieves the list of data sources from your SAP system. Crystal Reports conguration options
When you install Crystal Reports, you may need to change your global reporting options to improve the
experience of reporting o SAP. The steps in this section show how to congure Crystal Reports to list tables
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
and elds by both name and description. The section also shows how to lter the tables that are displayed in
the Data Explorer.
Your SAP system may contain thousands of tables, each with a predened technical name. The options that are
described in this section ensure that you can select specic tables for a report without having to search
through a lengthy list. To change conguration options
1. On the File menu, click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Database tab.
3. In the Data Explorer area, select the check boxes for the types of data that you want to make available for
the report.
4. Use the Table name LIKE and/or the Owner LIKE elds to select only a subset of the available data types.
Use any of the following techniques when ltering:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Type full or partial names of tables.
Add wildcards to select multiple queries or InfoSets: use a percentage sign (%) to denote any number
of characters; use an underscore (_) to denote a single character. (The % and _ wildcards correspond
respectively to the * and ? wildcards that are used within Windows.)
Clear both elds and click OK to proceed without ltering. Note, however, that there is a limit to the
number of objects that can be displayed in the Data Explorer. If the number of queries or InfoSets in
SAP exceeds this limit (which is by default 8000), you may receive an Out of Memory error or a blank
Data Explorer.
5. In the Tables and Fields area, select Show Both.
6. Click OK.
25.1.2 Reporting with SAP
This section describes the key features provided by Crystal Reports to report o SAP systems. Reporting o InfoSets, Operational Data Stores, and
MDX cubes
Crystal Reports provides connectivity to your SAP data through three database drivers— the InfoSet driver, the
ODS driver, and the MDX driver:
The BW Query driver is not supported in the current and future releases. The MDX driver provides the same
function set as the BW Query driver with enhancements. You can migrate the existing BW Query reports to
MDX driver.
The InfoSet driver provides Crystal Reports with another means of accessing SAP data sources: this driver
can access R/3 InfoSets (previously known as Functional Areas) and ABAP Queries. You access this driver
through the Data Explorer in Crystal Reports .
The Operational Data Store (ODS) driver allows you to use existing ODS objects from your BW Data
Warehouse as a data source in Crystal Reports.
The SAP BW MDX Query driver helps you report o BW cubes and queries. By writing reports with the MDX
Query driver, you gain direct access to BW cubes, display attributes, and multiple structures. You will be
able to use SAP BW system as a data source through the MDX driver on
Crystal Reports C++ stack. By
providing required SAP system information and credential, you will be able to create connection to the SAP
system, achieve the common features of SAP System as a data source through MDX driver such as create
report, view and schedule report etc in the SAP system.
One advantage of these drivers is that they allow business users to report o predened views of your SAP
data. Tables and elds are rst logically grouped by an SAP content expert into queries, InfoSets, and so on.
You then make these data sources accessible to users who are designing reports with Crystal Reports.
These drivers are also included in the add-ons for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform (the
Data Access feature), so the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform processing servers can
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
successfully run the your reports against your SAP systems. These drivers allow you to work with Crystal
Before you can design or process reports with the InfoSet or OpenSQL drivers, you must install the
corresponding transport le on the SAP system.
Related Information Reporting o BW Queries and Cubes: MDX Query
This section introduces you to Crystal Reports and the integrated features of the MDX Query Driver. It shows
how to format and build reports o a BW query and hierarchy. MDX Query driver overview
The SAP BW MDX Query driver helps you report o BW cubes and queries. By writing reports with the MDX
Query driver, you gain direct access to BW cubes. You can also now use display attributes, Multiple Structures,
and Free Characteristics in your Crystal reports.
Additionally, the MDX Query driver allows you to create reports from queries that contain hierarchy variables
and hierarchy node variables. The driver creates specic elds that allow you to specify pick lists for your
variables in Crystal Reports. Formatted reporting overview
With the BW MDX Query driver, you can design formatted Crystal reports that are based on the data that is
stored in SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW). You base these reports either on the queries that you
create with SAP's Business Explorer (BEx) Query Designer or directly on cubes. Once you have designed your
Crystal reports, you can save them to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and, if required,
target them for translation in order to make them available to users in multiple languages.
This section focuses on Crystal Reports and the task of using the MDX Query driver to select BW queries and
cubes as data sources for Crystal reports. This section ends with a series of tutorials that guide you through
the creation of reports o a sample query.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
It is recommended that you complete the tutorials in sequential order because each tutorial builds on the
query and report you built in the previous tutorial.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform allows you to share Crystal reports over the Web so that
all users can view your formatted content. For details about publishing reports to SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform, see Publishing Reports [page 598].
Your BW queries may contain SAP variables that appear as parameters in SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform and
Crystal Reports. To accommodate these variables in the BI platform, BusinessObjects
Integration for SAP Solutions employs dynamic pick lists. A dynamic pick list provides you with a list of possible
values to choose for a parameter (variable). Additionally, the values that are displayed in a dynamic pick list
correspond to your user rights—you see only the pick list values that you have the rights to as dened by SAP
BW security settings.
In Crystal Reports, the pick lists are static but in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform they
are dynamic. Accessing BW queries for reporting
This section outlines the ways in which you can create BW queries and select existing BW queries to use as
data sources for you Crystal reports. To access the BEx Query Designer to create new queries you can use the
Programs menu to navigate to it. To select existing queries you can use the Database Explorer in Crystal
Reports. Creating new queries for Crystal Reports
You can use Programs menu to open the Query Designer. To create a BW query directly from the BEx
Query Designer
1. Go to Start > Programs > Business Explorer > Query Designer.
2. When prompted, log on to your SAP BW system.
3. On the Query Designer's toolbar, click New Query.
The New Query: Select InfoProvider dialog box displays the InfoAreas and InfoProviders that are available
on your system.
4. Select the InfoProvider on which you want to base your query, then click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
5. Dene your query by selecting measures and characteristics from the Key Figure and Dimensions lists and
dragging them to the Columns area.
When you create a new query for reporting purposes, it is recommended that you place Key Figures in
the Columns area of the Query Designer and Characteristics in the Rows area.
6. Click Query Properties.
7. Click the Extended tab and ensure that Allow External Access to this Query is selected.
This option allows other programs, like Crystal Reports, to access this query.
8. Click Save Query.
9. In the Save Query dialog box, click Roles and select the role where you want to save the query.
10. Type a Description and a Technical Name for the query, then click Save.
The Technical Name must uniquely identify the query—that is, the name can appear only once across all
InfoProviders in BW. The Technical Name can be up to 30 characters long and must begin with a letter. Selecting BW Queries for a report
There are two ways you can access BW queries to use as Crystal Reports data sources. You can use the SAP
Tools toolbar in Crystal Reports or you can use the Database Explorer in Crystal Reports. Using the SAP Tools toolbar to select an MDX
The tutorials in this section use the SAP Tools toolbar to create new queries for reporting. However, when
creating new queries you can use whichever method you prefer.
Before you can see a query in the Database Explorer, you will need to set the “Allow External access to the
Query” option in its properties.
1. On the SAP menu click Create New Report from a Query.
2. When prompted, log on to your SAP BW system.
The Select Query for your Crystal Report dialog box displays the queries that are available through your
Favorites, Roles, and InfoAreas in BW.
3. Select the query with the data that you want to report o, then click OK.
Crystal Reports generates a report that uses your query as its data source. The report opens in the Design
tab of Crystal Reports. You can now add elds, titles, charts, and other objects to the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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PUBLIC 541 Using the Database Expert to select an MDX
1. On the File menu in Crystal Reports, click New and then click Blank Report.
The Database Expert appears.
2. Under Available Data Sources, expand Create New Connection and then expand SAP BW MDX Query.
The SAP System Logon dialog box appears.
3. Select the appropriate BW system and click Next.
The next SAP logon dialog box prompts you for user credentials
4. Type your usual SAP user credentials in the Client, Username, and Password elds, then click Next.
To set the logon language, you must specify your Preferred Viewing Local in Crystal Reports under
View Preferred Viewing Local .
The next SAP logon dialog box asks you whether you would like to generate RFC trace les.
5. If you want the SAP Communication Library to create trace les for all client/server communication (for
troubleshooting purposes), select the Generate RFC trace les check box.
6. Click Finish.
You are returned to the Database Expert. There are now two entries under your SAP BW MDX Query
connection. One is labeled CU (Cubes) and the other is labeled (QC) Queries.
7. Expand QC (Queries) to reveal the dened MDX BW Queries that are available as report data sources.
If no items are found, check the Options setting of the Data Explorer.
a. Right-click QC (Queries) and click Options.
This opens the Options dialog box with only the Database tab visible.
b. In the Data Explorer area, ensure that Stored Procedures is selected and then click OK.
You are returned to the Database Expert.
c. Select SAP BW MDX Query and press the F5 key to refresh the Database Expert.
d. Expand Current Connections and then expand QC (Queries).
Now there are lists of available queries.
8. Select the query that you want to report o and click the right-arrow button.
9. Click OK.
Crystal Reports generates a blank report that uses your query as its data source. You can now add objects
to the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Showing eld descriptions and technical eld
In Crystal Reports you can choose to identify elds by their description, name, or both. In some cases you may
prefer to show both and in other cases you may prefer to use just one. For example, when working with Multiple
Structures, it is recommended that you show only the descriptions. The Global Unique Identiers (GUID) that
SAP assigns to Multiple Structures are reected in Crystal Reports and can be dicult to work with. To adjust the eld name and description
1. On the File menu, click Options.
The Options dialog box appears, with the Layout tab active.
2. Click the Database tab.
3. In the “Tables and Fields” area, select Show Name, Show Description, or Show Both.
4. Click OK.
For more information about formatted reporting, see the SAP Library > Business Information Warehouse >
Business Explorer > Formatted Reporting: Crystal Reports Integration. Tips regarding eld names in Crystal Reports
When you are viewing attribute names in Crystal Reports, the number that the attribute name is preceded by
gives you information about what kind of information the eld contains.
2 means that the attribute is the member key
1, 4, or 5 means that the attribute is a member description
When you are viewing characteristic names in Crystal Reports, if the characteristic name is followed by many
spaces and then the name of a hierarchy, the characteristic contains that hierarchy.
For example, if the Material characteristic contains the HIGHTECH hierarchy, it appears as [0Material
The following elds are used for hierarchical grouping and parameter binding when there is a hierarchy node
variable on a characteristic. These elds should not be used for reporting.
Parent NodeId
Putting the MemberUniqueName on a report will cause performance issues.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
When a query contains a hierarchy variable, the MDX Query driver creates an extra eld called Hierarchies in
Crystal Reports that allows you to create a list of values for the variable.
The Hierarchies eld has the following attributes:
Hierarchy names
Hierarchy descriptions
This eld has no purpose other than to create lists of values for hierarchy variables. This eld should not be
used for reporting. Selecting cubes for reports
If you or someone else in your organization has dened one or more cubes for reporting purposes within BW,
you can select them as data sources for new Crystal Reports. To select an existing query for a report
1. On the File menu in Crystal Reports, click New and then click Blank Report.
The Database Expert appears.
2. Under “Available Data Sources”, expand Create New Connection and then expand SAP BW MDX Query.
The SAP System Logon dialog box appears.
3. Select the appropriate BW system and click Next.
The next SAP logon dialog box prompts you for user credentials
4. Type your usual SAP user credentials in the Client, Username, and Password, elds, then click Next.
To set the logon language, you must specify your Preferred Viewing Local in Crystal Reports under
View Preferred Viewing Local .
The next SAP logon dialog box asks you whether you would like to generate RFC trace les.
5. If you want the SAP Communication Library to create trace les for all client/server communication (for
troubleshooting purposes), select the Generate RFC trace les check box.
6. Click Finish.
You are returned to the Database Expert. There are now two entries under your SAP BW MDX Query
connection. One is labeled CU (Cubes) and the other is labeled (QC) Queries.
7. Expand CU (Cubes) to see the dened BW cubes that are available.
If no items are found, check the Options setting of the Data Explorer.
a. Right-click CU (Cubes) and click Options.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
b. This opens the Options dialog box with only the Database tab visible.
c. In the “Data Explorer” area, ensure that Stored Procedures is selected and then click OK.
d. You are returned to the Database Expert.
e. Select SAP BW MDX Query and press the F5 key to refresh the Database Expert.
f. Expand Current Connections and then expand CU (Cubes).
g. Now there are lists of available cubes.
8. Select the cube that you want to report o and click the right-arrow button.
9. Click OK.
Crystal Reports generates a blank report that uses your cube as its data source. You can now add objects
to the report. Multiple Structures and Crystal Reports
The MDX Query driver recognizes Multiple Structures and allows you to use them in your Crystal reports.
Multiple Structures show in Crystal Reports as a single dimension. That is, they show with no attributes. The
structure consists only of the members that are in the query. Saving reports to BW
After designing a report based on a query, you can save the report to a role in BW. At the same time, you can
prepare the report for translation or automatically publish it to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
Before saving your report, check its title by clicking Summary Info on the File menu. The title that appears here
is displayed to users in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. The technical name of the query is
used as the default title, but you can replace it with a descriptive title that is more meaningful to SAP users.
Use the Save As command on the File menu to save the report to disk. To save a report to BW
1. On the SAP menu, click Save Report.
You may be prompted to logon to the SAP system again to choose a role to publish the report to. This is
necessary after accessing the SAP toolbar the rst time after a report is created.
2. In the Save a Crystal Report to BW dialog box, select the role where you want to save the new Crystal
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
3. Type a Description for the report, then click Save.
Depending on your connection settings, the Save to BW options dialog box may appear.
4. Select from the available options:
Prepare this report for translation
When you select this option, the strings in your report are extracted and made available for translation
within SAP. For details, see Designing reports for translation [page 596].
Automatically publish to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
For more information on publishing reports, see Publishing Reports [page 598].
If you are unable to publish your report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, you
may need to consult with your administrator about licensing.
Don't show this dialog again
If you select this option now, you can modify your default settings later by clicking Settings on the SAP
5. Click OK. Building a report o a BW query
This tutorial provides an introduction to reporting o a query using the BW MDX Query driver. You will perform
the following tasks in this tutorial:
Create a query
Select the query as a data source for a Crystal report
Insert database elds
Group and sort data
Summarize data
Preview the report How to create a simple BW query
This section guides you through the process of creating a query, saving it to BW, and releasing it for use by
Crystal Reports. To create a simple BW query
1. Go to Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer .
2. When prompted, log on to your SAP BW system.
The Query Designer opens.
3. On the Query Designer's toolbar, click New Query.
The New Query: Select InfoProvider dialog box displays the InfoAreas and InfoProviders that are available
on your system.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
4. Select the Customer-Cube and click OK.
The location of the Customer-Cube varies, so you may need to browse to nd it.
5. Select the following characteristics from the Dimensions list, and drag them to the “Rows” area:
You can nd Division under the Sales area data dimension.
6. Select the following measures from the Key Figure list, and drag them to the Columns area:
Invoiced quantity
Sales Volume
7. Click Query Properties.
8. Click the Extended tab and ensure that Allow External Access to this Query is selected.
This option allows other programs, like Crystal Reports, to access this query. To save the query in BW
1. Click Save Query.
2. In the Save Query dialog box, click Roles and select the role where you want to save the query.
3. Type a Description, such as Sample Material query
4. Type a Technical Name, such as MATERIALSAMPLE01.
The Technical Name must uniquely identify the query—that is, the name can appear only once across all
InfoProviders in BW. The Technical Name can be up to 30 characters long and must begin with a letter.
5. Click Save. To use the query in Crystal Reports
Click Quit and Use Query.
Crystal Reports generates a report that uses your query as its data source. The report opens in the Design tab
of Crystal Reports. You can now add elds, titles, charts, and other objects to the report. How to create a new report based on the query
This section guides you through the process of creating a new report based on the query you created in the last
section, How to create a simple BW query [page 546].
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Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 547 To create a new report
On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears. Expand Database Fields and Sample Material query to see the list of elds available
for your report.
To change how the elds are identied in Crystal Reports, see Showing eld descriptions and technical eld
names [page 543]. To select elds for the report
1. Expand Key Figures.
2. Drag Invoiced Quantity from the Field Explorer and place it in the Details section of the report.
3. Click the Refresh button to view the result set.
Only one value is returned on the report. This value represents the aggregated value of this Key Figure
across all Characteristics in the cube. To display more detailed results, you must group the data on one or
more dimensions. To group and sort data
If you group on an attribute value, report performance is degraded. This occurs because the MDX query is
slow to return data. To retain processing speed, it is recommended that you group on the Member Caption
eld whenever possible, as outlined in this tutorial.
1. On the Insert menu click Group.
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
2. On the rst list click Division.
This eld is the Member Caption for Division.
3. On the second list click in ascending order.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Insert menu click Group.
6. On the rst list click Material.
This eld is the Member Caption for Material.
7. On the second list click in ascending order.
8. Click the Refresh button to view the result set.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
When you view this report, the records are rst grouped according to the value in the Division
characteristic. The resultant groups are then displayed in the report in ascending alphabetical order. The
records in each Division group are further divided into secondary groups based on the values in the
Material dimension. The resultant groups are also sorted in ascending alphabetical order.
If you want to see the MDX query statement that the MDX Query driver is passing to the server, you can use
the Show SQL Query option in CR. To see the query, on the Database menu, click Show SQL Query.
This MDX statement can be tested directly against SAP BW using the transaction mdxtest. How to summarize data and save report
This section guides you through the process of summarizing data and saving report based on the report you
created in the last section, How to create a new report based on the query [page 547]. To summarize the data
1. On the Insert menu click Summary.
2. The Insert Summary dialog box appears.
3. In the Choose the eld to summarize list, select Invoiced Quantity.
4. In the Calculate this summary list, select Sum.
5. In the Summary Location list, select Group #1:[Field Name].
In this case, [Field Name] indicates the name of the eld that the group is based on.
6. Click the Refresh button to view the result set.
When you view the report, there is one summary in Group Footer 1.This summary represents a sum of the
Invoiced Quantity for each Division. To save your report
On the SAP menu, click Save Report, and save the report to a role in BW.
For details, see Saving reports to BW [page 545].
You may want to resize or reposition report elements, or further modify the report's design. You can, for
instance, select and drag the borders of columns and column headings in order to resize them in the Preview
tab; or, you can quickly display only a subset of the data by ltering the records with the Select Expert.
The Crystal Reports Online Help provides extensive conceptual and procedural information, tutorials, and
examples to help you use Crystal Reports to its fullest potential. Access the help by pressing F1 anywhere
within Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 549 Building a report o a BW hierarchy
This tutorial demonstrates how to report o a BW query with a hierarchy using the MDX Query driver in Crystal
In this tutorial you will:
Create a simple BW query with a hierarchy.
Create a new report and group the data hierarchically.
Insert a summary.
Adjust object positioning dynamically.
This tutorial builds on the topics covered in Building a report o a BW query [page 546], which provides
more details on steps such as logging on to your SAP system, selecting the Customer-Cube and saving
queries. How to create a simple BW query with a
This section uses the query that you created in the last tutorial, Building a report o a BW query [page 546].
You will be adding a hierarchy to the query on the Material dimension. To create a BW query with a hierarchy
1. Go to Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer .
2. Click Open Query.
3. Select the query you created in the last tutorial.
If you have not created a query, see Building a report o a BW query [page 546].
4. In the Rows area, right-click Material and click Properties.
The Characteristic Properties dialog box appears.
5. Next to the Hierarchy Name eld, click the Values button.
The Select Hierarchy dialog box appears.
6. In the Available Hierarchies list, select Material class and click OK.
You are returned to the Characteristic Properties dialog box.
7. Click OK and then click Save Query As... to save your query to the appropriate location.
For this example, in the Description eld, type Simple Hierarchy for MDX, and in the Technical Name eld,
8. Click Quit and Use Query.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
You now have a simple query with three possible levels of hierarchy. You can display the query in either the SAP
Business Explorer Analyzer or as a dataset in Crystal Reports. How to build a report o the BW hierarchy
The report that you build in this section starts using the same eld as the report you created in Building a
report o a BW query [page 546]. The dierence comes with the grouping. Instead of grouping the data like
you did in the previous tutorial, you will group the data hierarchically. This way, the hierarchy that exists in the
data is reected in the report.
This tutorial will use the following elds to create a hierarchical display:
<Hierarchy Name > Node ID
This eld reects the child values.
<Hierarchy Name> Parent ID
This eld reects the parent values. Combined with the Actual Node ID, Crystal Reports uses these elds to
determine the hierarchy based on the information received from the SAP BW query.
<Hierarchy Name>
This eld contains the captions of the hierarchy members. To build a hierarchy report o the BW
On the View menu, click Field Explorer.
The Field Explorer appears. Expand Database Fields and Simple Hierarchy for MDX to see the list of elds
available for your report.
You may want to set the eld name and description display options to make it easier to select elds. To
change how the elds are identied in Crystal Reports, see Showing eld descriptions and technical eld
names [page 543] To select elds for the report
1. Expand Key Figures.
2. Drag Invoiced Quantity from the Field Explorer and place it in the Details section of the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 551 To group and sort data
1. On the Insert menu click Group.
The Insert Group dialog box appears.
2. On the rst list click Material Node ID.
3. On the second list click in ascending order.
4. Click the Options tab and select the Customize Group Name eld.
5. From the Choose from Existing eld list, select Material.
Material is the hierarchy name, or Member Caption.
6. Click OK.
7. On the Report menu click Hierarchical Grouping Options.
The Hierarchical Group Options dialog box appears.
8. In the Available Groups area, ensure that Material Node ID is selected.
Material Node ID is probably the only group listed.
9. Select the Sort Data Hierarchically check box.
10. In the Parent ID eld, select Material Parent Node ID.
11. In the Group Indent: eld, type the amount that you would like each hierarchy level to be indented.
This entry depends on how you want your report to look and on what unit of measurement you are using in
12. Click the Refresh button to view the result set.
The result set for the report is now displayed hierarchically. How to summarize data
This section guides you through the process of summarizing data based on the query you created in the last
section, How to build a report o the BW hierarchy [page 551]. To summarize the data
1. On the Insert menu click Summary.
2. The Insert Summary dialog box appears.
3. In the Choose the eld to summarize list, select Invoiced Quantity.
4. In the Calculate this summary list, select Sum.
5. In the Summary Location list, select Group #1:[Field Name].
In this case, [Field Name] indicates the name of the eld that the group is based on.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
You do not need to select Summarize across hierarchy in order to have the data summarized correctly
in this example because Crystal Reports can recognize the Hierarchy node summaries that the SAP
BW data delivers.
The report now displays the summary data across the hierarchy. However, the summary values are indented.
To x this see, How to indent a hierarchy without aecting other elds [page 553]. An important note about group summaries
If you mix hierarchical grouping with regular grouping and insert a summary at the regular group level, the
summary may be incorrect. That is, the existing summaries are summarized again along with the detail
In this case, you must use server-side calculated summaries at the regular group level. How to indent a hierarchy without aecting
other elds
This procedure demonstrates how to indent a hierarchy while keeping all other elds on a report in their
original positions. To indent a hierarchy without aecting other
1. On the Report menu, click Hierarchical Grouping Options.
2. Ensure that the Group Indent eld is set to zero.
3. Click OK.
The report now displays the data without any indent.
4. Right-click the group header eld and click Size and Position.
5. Click the Conditional Formula button beside the X position value eld.
6. In the Formula Workshop, enter the formula:
HierarchyLevel (GroupingLevel({<[Hierarchy Name]> Node ID})) * 250
The eld {[Hierarchy Name] Node ID} appears with its technical name in the formula.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Positions are measured in twips; there are 1440 twips in an inch.
The report now displays the summary data in its original position and the group headers hierarchically. Building a report o a BW query with a hierarchy
node variable
When you design your reports, you might want to give users the opportunity to restrict the amount of data that
is returned by Crystal Reports. To do this, you can create a hierarchy node variable in your query. This variable
will be treated as a parameter in Crystal Reports.
You will perform the following tasks in this tutorial:
Create a query with a hierarchy node variable
Create a new report based on this query
Bind the hierarchy node variable to the MemberUniqueName eld in Crystal Reports.
Preview the report
This tutorial builds on the query that you built in the previous tutorial. If you have not built a query yet,
follow the steps outlined in How to create a simple BW query [page 546] and How to create a simple BW
query with a hierarchy [page 550]. How to create a query with a hierarchy node
This section guides you through the process of creating a hierarchy node variable on the Material hierarchy.
When you report o this query using Crystal Reports, you will receive a prompt to select a hierarchy node to
use for the report data. To create a hierarchy node variable
1. Go to Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer .
2. Click Open Query.
3. Select the query you created in the last tutorial.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
If you have not created a query, complete the steps outlined in How to create a simple BW query [page
546] and How to create a simple BW query with a hierarchy [page 550].
4. In the Rows area, right-click Material and click Restrict.
The Selection for [Dimension] dialog box appears.
5. Ensure that the Selection eld is set to Single Values, and that the Hierarchy eld is set to the hierarchy you
created for this dimension.
In this example, the hierarchy is Material class.
6. Click the Variable tab.
7. Right-click in the white space and click New Variable.
The SAP BW Variables Wizard opens.
8. Click Next on the Introduction window.
9. Ensure that the Type of Variable eld says Hierarchy Node.
10. Fill in the rest of the elds as follows:
In the Variable Name eld, type a name such as HNV01.
In the Variable Description eld, type a name such as Test Hierarchy Node Variable.
In the Processing by eld, ensure it says User Entry/Default Value.
In the Characteristic eld, ensure it says Material.
11. Click Next.
The Details window appears.
12. On the Variable Entry is list click Optional or Mandatory.
13. Click Next to accept the other default values.
The Default Values window appears.
14. Click Next to accept the default values.
15. Click Finish to create the variable.
You are returned to the Selection for Dimension dialog box. Your new hierarchy node variable is visible in
the variable list. To add the hierarchy node variable to the
1. Click the hierarchy node variable named Test Hierarchy Node Variable.
2. Click the right arrow to move the variable to the Selection area of the dialog box.
3. Click OK.
You are returned to the BEx Query Designer. Your new hierarchy node variable is visible in the Rows area
under the Material characteristic. You are now ready to save the query.
4. Click Save Query As.... to save the query with a new name and description.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
For this example, in the Description eld, type Simple Hierarchy w Node Variable, and in the Technical
5. Click Quit and Use Query.
You now have a query with a simple hierarchy on Material class and a hierarchy node variable based on the
Material class hierarchy. How to build a report o the query with a
hierarchy node variable
This section guides you through the process of creating a list of default values for the parameter that appears
in Crystal Reports.
1. Create the same report that you created in How to build a report o the BW hierarchy [page 551] except
you are now using the query called Simple Hierarchy w Node Variable as the data source.
2. Click the Refresh button when you have nished designing the report.
If your variable is optional, ensure that the Set to Null check box is clear when you select a parameter value.
The Set to Null check box overrides any value you select from the list of default parameter values. This
check box is not always cleared when you select a parameter value. Building a report o a BW query with a hierarchy
variable and a hierarchy node variable
This tutorial guides you through adding a hierarchy variable to the query you created in the last tutorial. The
hierarchy variable allows users to choose what hierarchy they would like Crystal Reports to use when displaying
the data. The hierarchy node variable allows users to then choose what node of the hierarchy they would like to
see data from.
You will perform the following tasks in this tutorial:
Add a hierarchy variable to your existing query
Create a new report based on this query
Bind the hierarchy node variable to the MemberUniqueName eld.
Bind the hierarchy variable to the Hierarchies eld.
Preview the report
This tutorial builds on the query that you built in the previous tutorial. If you have not built a query yet,
follow the steps outlined in How to create a simple BW query [page 546], How to create a simple BW query
with a hierarchy [page 550], and How to create a query with a hierarchy node variable [page 554].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports How to create a hierarchy variable
This section guides you through the process of creating a hierarchy variable on your existing query and
resetting the hierarchy node variable to correspond to this new hierarchy variable.
In the last tutorial, you set the hierarchy node variable to the Material class hierarchy because that is the
hierarchy that existed in the query. In this tutorial you will change the hierarchy of the query from the Material
class hierarchy to a variable. To avoid unexpected behavior, the hierarchy node variable should be based on the
same hierarchy as the query. Therefore, you will change the hierarchy node variable to reect the new hierarchy
variable in this query. To create a hierarchy variable
1. Go to Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer .
2. Click Open Query.
3. Select the query you created in the last tutorial.
This query already contains a hierarchy and a hierarchy node variable.
If you have not created a query, complete the steps outlined in How to create a simple BW query [page
546], How to create a simple BW query with a hierarchy [page 550] and How to create a query with a
hierarchy node variable [page 554].
4. In the Rows area, right-click Material and click Properties.
The Properties for Characteristic Material dialog box appears.
5. Click the Values icon.
The Select Hierarchy dialog box appears.
6. Select the Variables check box and then click the New Variable icon.
The SAP BW Variables Wizard appears.
7. Ensure that the Type of Variable eld says Hierarchy.
8. Fill in the rest of the elds as follows:
In the Variable Name eld, type a name such as HV01.
In the Variable Description eld, type a name such as Test Hierarchy Variable.
In the Processing by eld, ensure it says User Entry/Default Value.
In the Characteristic eld, ensure it says Material.
9. Click Next.
The Details window appears.
10. On the Variable Entry is list click Optional or Mandatory.
The Default Values window appears.
11. Click Next to accept the default values.
12. Click Finish to create the variable.
You are returned to the Select Hierarchy dialog box. Your new hierarchy variable is visible in the Name list.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
13. Select the new hierarchy variable from the Name list and click OK.
In this example, the hierarchy variable name appears as HV01(Test Hierarchy Variable).
Now that the display hierarchy is set to a variable rather than the Material class hierarchy, you must reset the
hierarchy node variable to the new hierarchy variable. To set the hierarchy node variable
1. In the Rows area, click the Test Hierarchy Node Variable, and click Restrict.
The Selection for Material dialog box appears.
2. In the Selection area, right-click the Test Hierarchy Node Variable.
3. Click Select Variable Hierarchy.
4. Select the Variables check box to expose the variable hierarchies in the Name list.
5. From the Name list, click the hierarchy variable you created earlier in this tutorial.
In this example, the hierarchy name is HV01 (Test Hierarchy Variable).
6. Click Save Query As... and name the query Simple Hierarchy Variable w HN Variable.
7. Click Quit and Use Query.
You now have a simple query that will prompt the user to choose a particular hierarchy to use when displaying
results and to restrict that result set to a particular hierarchy node. How to build a report o the query with a
hierarchy variable and hierarchy node variable
This section guides you through the process of creating a basic report o your new query and creating a list of
default values for the hierarchy variable in Crystal Reports. To build a report o the query with a hierarchy
variable and hierarchy node variable
1. Create the same report that you created in Building a report o a BW query [page 546] except you are now
using the query called Simple Hierarchy Variable w HN Variable as the data source.
2. Click the Refresh button.
You are presented with two parameter prompts. One prompts you to enter a value for the hierarchy node
variable and one prompts you to enter a value for the hierarchy variable.
3. Select a value for the Hierarchy parameter.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Be sure to select this value rst because the Hierarchy Node values are set based on the selection you
make here.
4. Select a value for the Hierarchy Node parameter. Crystal Reports and variable pick lists
Crystal Reports does not create default pick lists for any BW variables that are in your query.
You do not need to do this when viewing the report in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
In SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform the pick list is dynamic. Creating default values list for hierarchy node
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
To create a list of default values for the hierarchy node variable [page 559] To create a list of default values for the
hierarchy node variable
This procedure is based on the query you created in Building a report o a BW query with a hierarchy
variable and a hierarchy node variable [page 556].
1. In the Field Explorer, expand Parameter Fields, and right-click [HNV01].
The parameter, [HNV01], in CR represents the hierarchy node variable you created for this query.
2. Click Edit.
The Edit Parameter dialog box opens.
3. Ensure that the List of Values eld is set to Static.
4. From the Value Field list, select Material MemberUniqueName.
The attributes appear with their technical names in this list.
5. From the Description Field list, select Material, which is the Member Caption eld.
The attributes appear with their technical names in this list.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
6. Click Actions and then click Append all database values.
The Value and Description lists are populated with values from the BW system.
7. In the Values Options area, set the Prompt Text to the message you would like users to receive in the
parameter prompt.
8. Ensure that Allow custom values and Allow multiple values are set to False.
9. Click OK.
Now when you refresh the report and are presented with the parameter prompt, you are able to pick the
parameter value from a list of values.
If your variable is optional, ensure that the Set to Null check box is clear when you select a parameter value.
The Set to Null check box overrides any value you select from the list of default parameter values. This
check box is not always cleared when you select a parameter value. Creating list of default values for hierarchy
This procedure is based on the query you created in Building a report o a BW query with a hierarchy
variable and a hierarchy node variable [page 556].
When a query contains a hierarchy variable, the MDX Query driver creates an extra eld called Hierarchies in
Crystal Reports that allows you to create a list of values for the variable.
1. In the Field Explorer, expand Parameter Fields, and right-click [HV01].
The parameter, [HV01], in CR represents the hierarchy variable you created for this query.
2. Click Edit.
The Edit Parameter dialog box opens.
3. Ensure that the List of Values eld is set to Static.
4. From the Value list, select Hierarchies-[0MATERIAL].
5. From the Description list, select Hierarchies-[0MATERIAL]-Description.
6. Click Actions and then click Append all database values.
The Value and Description lists are populated with values from the BW system.
7. In the Values Options area, set the Prompt Text to the message you would like users to receive in the
parameter prompt.
8. Ensure that Allow customer values and Allow multiple values set to False.
9. Click OK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports To create a list of default values for the
hierarchy node variable
Repeat the steps outlined in the task To create a list of default values for the hierarchy node variable [page
Now when you refresh the report, you are presented with two prompts, each with a list of default values. Reporting o Operational Data Stores
This section introduces the Operational Data Store Driver and how to report o it. Operational Data Store driver overview
The Operational Data Store (ODS) driver allows you to use existing ODS objects from your BW Data Warehouse
as a data source in Crystal Reports. ODS objects are collections of info objects that act as smaller
organizational units for the data in your BW Data Warehouse. Through this driver, the user can design multiple
reports by quickly referencing the same ODS objects.
Reports that are based on ODS objects behave similarly to reports that are based on stored procedures in
mainstream databases. Because the data stored in the ODS objects is not multidimensional and contains no
parameters, it can be accessed and reported from quickly. This driver also pushes record selection to the
server, which further speeds up report processing. Selecting an ODS object
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. Connect to SAP as outlined in Using the Log On Server command [page 535].
Select SAP Operational Data Store in the Data Explorer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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3. Click Options.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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The Options dialog box appears with only the Database tab displayed.
If you chose to use the report wizard, right-click SAP Operational Data Stores and click Options.
4. In the Data Explorer area, select the options for the types of data that you want to make available for the
In this case, ensure that Stored Procedures is selected.
5. Use the Table name LIKE and Owner LIKE elds to select only a subset of the available data types.
Use any of the following techniques when ltering:
Type full or partial names of tables.
Add wildcards to select multiple ODS objects.
Use a percentage sign (%) to denote any number of characters.
Use an underscore (_)to denote a single character.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
The % and _ wildcards correspond respectively to the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcards
used in Windows. The % and _ wildcards correspond respectively to the asterisk (*) and plus sign
(+) wildcards in SAP.
Clear both elds and click OK to proceed without ltering.
6. In the Tables and Fields area, click Show Both.
7. When you have specied the ODS that you want to see, click OK.
The Data Explorer displays the selected tables with descriptions dened by the SAP administrator.
8. Click Close.
9. Open a new, blank report.
The Database Expert opens.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
10. In the Available Data Sources area, double-click the ODS that you want to use as a data source for the
The ODS moves to the Selected Tables area.
11. Click OK.
You can now add elds and continue to design your report. Reporting o InfoSets and SAP Queries
This section describes the combined InfoSet/ABAP Query driver and shows how to select an InfoSet or an SAP
query as a data source for a Crystal report. InfoSet Query driver overview
The combined InfoSet/ABAP Query driver allows you to use an existing SAP query or InfoSet (previously known
as a Functional Area) as a data source for a Crystal report. The SAP query or InfoSet is built within SAP by a
content expert, who then makes the data set available to the business user. Through this driver, the user can
design multiple reports by quickly referencing the same query or InfoSet.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Because an InfoSet can be built on top of a logical database in SAP, it can inherit all of the business logic and
security that is programmed into the logical database. However, the report that is designed through the driver
can contain only as much data as the SAP query or InfoSet has been designed to retrieve.
Reports that are based on SAP queries and InfoSets behave similarly to reports that are based on stored
procedures in mainstream databases. You can insert subreports that are based on dierent queries or InfoSets
into the main report.
If you want to join two or more InfoSets or SAP queries, you should consider creating a brand new InfoSet
or SAP query instead. The new join will be processed on the SAP server allowing the report to respond
Your SAP queries and InfoSets may contain parameters that you can use to limit the data that is returned
from the SAP system. For example, you might specify a date range to get data for only a certain period. If
parameters are included in the SAP query or InfoSet, Crystal Reports prompts you to specify the values
that you want to include in the query.
You can use transaction SQ02 to create an InfoSet in SAP, and transaction SQ01 to create an SAP query. For
more information about designing SAP queries and InfoSets, refer to your SAP documentation. Accessing an InfoSet or SAP query
User groups are groups that are managed in SAP. They allow you to control user access to InfoSets and SAP
An SAP query can belong only to a single user group (which must be shared with the InfoSet that the SAP
query is based on). In contrast, InfoSets can belong to multiple user groups. For a user to report o an InfoSet
(or SAP query based on an InfoSet), the user and the InfoSet/SAP query must belong to a common user group.
To associate existing InfoSets and users with additional user groups in SAP, use transaction SQ03. Selecting an InfoSet or SAP query in Crystal
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. Connect to SAP as instructed in Using the Log On Server command [page 535]. Select the SAP InfoSet
driver, and provide your user credentials.
The Data Explorer dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
3. Click Options.
The Options dialog box appears with only the Database tab displayed.
4. In the Data Explorer area, select the check boxes for the types of data that you want to make available for
the report.
5. Use the Table name LIKE eld to select only a subset of the available data types. Use any of the following
techniques when ltering:
Type full or partial names of tables.
Add wildcards to select multiple queries or InfoSets: use a percentage sign (%) to denote any number
of characters; use an underscore (_) to denote a single character. (The % and _ wildcards correspond
respectively to the * and ? wildcards that are used within Windows. The % and _ wildcards also
correspond respectively to the * and + wildcards that are used within SAP.)
Clear both elds and click OK to proceed without ltering. Note, however, that there is a limit to the
number of objects that can be displayed in the Data Explorer. If the number of queries or InfoSets in
SAP exceeds this limit (which is by default 8000), you may receive an Out of Memory error or a blank
Data Explorer.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
The InfoSet driver does not make use of the Owner LIKE eld.
6. In the Tables and Fields area, select Show Both.
7. When you have specied the data sources that you want to see, click OK.
The Data Explorer displays the selected queries or InfoSets, along with the descriptions dened by the SAP
8. Click Close.
9. Open a new, blank report.
The Database Expert appears.
You can also add InfoSets or SAP queries to existing reports. To do so, open the desired report and, on
the Database menu, select Database Expert.
10. In the Available Data Sources area, locate the query or InfoSet that you want to use as a data source for the
Expand either I (for Info Set) or Q (for SAP query).
Expand either G (to search in the Global area) or L (to search in the Local area).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Queries and InfoSets in the Local area are client-dependent.
11. Double-click the query or InfoSet that you want to use as a data source for the report.
If the query or InfoSet contains parameters, the Enter Parameter Values dialog box will prompt you for
information. Use the dialog box to specify the data that you want to include, and then click OK.
12. In the Data Explorer dialog box, click OK.
For additional information about parameters and general report design topics, see the Crystal Reports
Online Help. Reporting o other SAP data sources
In addition to the previously mentioned drivers, Crystal Reports provides the Open SQL driver, which allows you
to report o additional SAP data sources from within Crystal Reports. Reporting o tables, views, clusters, and functions
The Open SQL driver is the most powerful of the drivers due to the exibility it provides for accessing data in
SAP. This exibility, however, results in a higher level of complexity than with the InfoSet driver.
When you create reports that use the Open SQL driver, you gain easy access to SAP's transparent tables, pool
tables, cluster tables, and views. Users who are currently involved with the production of ABAP reports will nd
it easy to build reports quickly with this driver.
Advanced functionality in the driver also allows reporting against ABAP functions and ABAP data clusters.
ABAP developers can use these features to perform advanced tasks such as reporting against data clusters in
HR. Open SQL driver overview
The Open SQL driver is a powerful driver because of the exibility that it provides for accessing data in SAP. By
writing reports with the Open SQL driver, you gain easy access to SAP's transparent tables, pool tables, cluster
tables, and views. If you are currently involved with the production of ABAP reports, you will nd it easy to
quickly build reports with this driver.
The advanced functionality of the driver allows you to report against ABAP functions and ABAP data clusters.
ABAP developers can therefore perform advanced tasks such as reporting against data clusters in HR. The
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Cluster Denition tool is provided as part of the server installation for users who need to add, edit, and delete
data cluster denitions. Developers can also utilize ABAP to augment report processing.
Additionally, the Open SQL driver provides the ability to secure the data to which users have access. You can
place limitations either on individual tables, or, at a more granular level, on the individual rows within a table.
For more information about using the Security Denition Editor to customize your own set of data access
authorizations, see the “Dening Security for the Data Access Kit” section in the SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence Platform Installation Guide. Objects supported by the Open SQL driver
The Open SQL driver provides access to several low-level objects within SAP: transparent tables, pool and
cluster tables, views, and ABAP data clusters and functions. Transparent tables
This type of database object is similar to the traditional database table. Transparent tables contain the majority
of the SAP application data from which you can derive Business Intelligence. Most SAP applications use one or
more transparent tables to store and retrieve business transactions. You can link these tables to other
transparent tables in order to pull information from other application areas of the SAP system. Pool and cluster tables
Pool and cluster tables are made up of a logical grouping of other database tables. They are primarily used to
store application conguration and control information rather than the actual application data. Because these
tables are only a logical view of several tables combined, they are accessible only through the Open SQL driver.
Native database access does not provide the same view of this data. Views
A view appears as one table with a list of elds, but actually consists of several tables linked together. Views
provide a more abstract view of the data and allow you to build reports without having to worry about linking
multiple tables in a report. Views are maintained within SAP and need to be congured before you use them for
reporting. For more information about views, see your SAP documentation.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports ABAP data clusters and functions
Reporting o ABAP data clusters and functions are advanced topics that usually require some understanding
of the ABAP programming language. For details, see Reporting o ABAP functions [page 573] and Reporting
o ABAP data clusters [page 577]. Selecting tables, views, functions, and clusters
Once you have selected the Open SQL driver and provided valid SAP user credentials, use the Options dialog
box to choose the tables, views, functions, or clusters that you want to add to the report. You can lter by the
type of table and by the actual table name. Note that, in this situation, table also refers to views, ABAP data
clusters, and ABAP functions. To select tables, views, functions, and clusters
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. Click the Start Page tab if the Start Page is not already visible in Crystal Reports.
3. Click Blank Report in the New Reports area.
The Database Expert dialog box appears.
4. In the Create New Connection folder, expand SAP Table, Cluster, or Function.
The SAP System Logon dialog box appears.
5. Log on to an SAP system, provide your user logon credentials, and specify extended logon parameters as
prompted. Then, click Finish.
You return to the Database Expert dialog box.
6. Right-click the connection you created and select Options.
The Options dialog box appears, with only the Database tab displayed.
7. In the Data Explorer area, select the check boxes for the types of data that you want to make available to
the report.
8. Use the Table name LIKE eld to select only a subset of the available data types. Use any of the following
techniques when ltering:
Type full or partial names of tables.
Add wildcards to select multiple queries or InfoSets: use a percentage sign (%) to denote any number
of characters; use an underscore (_) to denote a single character. (The % and _ wildcards correspond
respectively to the * and ? wildcards that are used within Windows. The % and _ wildcards also
correspond respectively to the * and + wildcards that are used within SAP.)
Clear the eld and click OK to proceed without ltering. Note, however, that there is a limit to the
number of objects that can be displayed in the Data Explorer. If the number of queries or InfoSets in
SAP exceeds this limit (which is by default 8000), you may receive an Out of Memory error or a blank
Data Explorer.
9. In the Tables and Fields area, select Show Description.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
10. Click OK.
The Database Expert displays the selected clusters, tables, or functions, along with the descriptions that
were dened by the SAP administrator. Three branches appear under the data connection that you
ABAP Function modules
Data Clusters
Data Dictionary
11. In the Available Data Sources area, double-click the tables, clusters, or functions that you want to add to
the report.
You can also CTRL-click multiple tables and then click >.
12. Click OK.
If you selected multiple tables for the report, you must provide table-linking information. For more details, see
Linking tables and views [page 572]. If you selected a single table, you can now add elds to the report. Linking tables and views
Reports that are based on SAP tables (transparent, pool, and cluster tables, as well as views) behave similarly
to reports that are based on mainstream databases. If you include more than one table or view in a report, you
must describe the relationship between the tables by using the Links tab in the Database Expert in Crystal
Due to the standardized eld-naming conventions that are used by SAP, you may nd that the Auto-Link
feature (on the Links tab of the Database Expert) generates unnecessary links between tables. To clear Auto-Links
1. On the Database menu, click Database Expert.
2. On the Links tab, click Clear Links.
3. Click OK.
The Links tab appears in the Database Expert only when two or more tables are selected for the report.
The following client eld and language eld features are specic to SAP tables. Client eld
Most tables in SAP contain a client eld (native eld name is MANDT). Because individual SAP systems can be
congured to hold data for multiple clients, the client eld species which rows of data in a table are for which
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
clients. The Open SQL driver automatically handles this conguration. When you connect to SAP, you are
prompted to provide your client number: this information eliminates the need to create a selection formula that
lters the clients. As well, if a report contains multiple tables, you do not need to include a link on the client eld
—this, too, is automatically handled by the Open SQL driver. Language eld
Some tables in SAP, specically those that contain text descriptions, have multiple entries—one for each
language that is installed on the SAP system. Consequently, with these tables you must create a selection
formula on the Language Key (native eld name is SPRAS) and specify the language that you want to display.
For example:
{table.spras} = "E"
For additional help on table-linking and on general report design topics, see the Crystal Reports Online Help. Reporting o ABAP functions
Reporting o ABAP Functions is an advanced topic that requires an understanding of the ABAP programming
While technically not a table, an ABAP function is often used in SAP reporting to provide calculations, and to
retrieve data that is based on parameters that are passed into the function (for example, an employee number
passed to a function that returns the employee's address). For this reason, the Open SQL driver provides the
ability to call ABAP functions that have dened return types and to display their results. ABAP functions are
also useful in situations where complex pre-processing of the data must occur before viewing, or in
circumstances where you may want to further optimize the performance of a query. How it works
Using the steps listed in Selecting tables, views, functions, and clusters [page 571], select a function. In the
Database Expert's Available Data Sources area, right-click ABAP Function modules and select Options. Then,
type the full or partial function name in the Table name LIKE eld. When you add it to the report, the function
appears on the Links tab of the Database Expert just like a table (assuming there is more than one table or
function already added to the report). All the input and output parameters are displayed as elds in the table.
Specify the input parameters either by linking them to another table's elds or by adding them to a record
selection formula. If the output of the function is one or more tables, the "virtual table" consists of rows that are
the cross-product of the values in all the tables. If the output of the function is one or more values or structure
instances, the "virtual table" consists of a single row that contains all the values/structure values.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 573 Limitations
For functions to be used in a report, they must meet two conditions:
Functions must have dened return types for each of the output parameters.
Functions must not have whole tables as input parameters.
If a function does not meet the rst condition, you can write a "wrapper" function with dened return types,
and then call the original function from within the wrapper function.
Finally, the ability to call entire programs is not supported—you may call individual functions only. Examples
The following examples illustrate the dierent types of ABAP functions that can be called by the Open SQL
driver and show how they appear in Crystal Reports. Functions with values as inputs and outputs
Function F
VALUE(Years_of_service) TYPE I
This function would appear as a table called "F" with the following schema:
Field Type
Name String
Department String
Years_of_service Integer
Age Integer
The rst two elds, Name and Department, are input parameters. You must either link to them from another
table (or function), or specify them with a record selection formula (for example, {F.Name} = "Richard").
For example, if table "T" contains departments that are over budget, you can link {T.Department} to
{F.Department} and have a record selection formula that species {F.Name} = "Richard". This formula will
get the years of service and age of all people named Richard in departments over budget.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Functions with values as inputs and outputs
and in/out (CHANGING) parameters
Function F
VALUE(Years_of_service) TYPE I
This function would appear as a table called "F" with the following schema:
Field Type
Name String
Department String
Years_of_service Integer
Age Integer
DateField_In Date
DateField_Out Date
When working with the Name, Department, and DateField_In elds, you must either link them to another table,
or specify them in a record selection formula.
For example, if table "T" contains departments that are over budget, you can link {T.Department} to
{F.Department} and have a record selection formula that species {F.Name} = "Richard" and
DateField = Date(1999,04,14). This formula will get the years of service, age, and start date of all people
named Richard in departments over budget on April 14, 1999. Functions with structures as inputs and
Function F
S_CINFO is defined as:
S_ADDR is defined as:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
This function would appear as a table called "F" with the following schema:
Field Type
Address.street String
Address.zipcode Integer
ContactInfo.Phone String String
As before, you must either link the street and zip code elds to or from another table, or dene them in a record
selection formula. Functions with a table as their output
Function F
S_POSN is defined as:
In this case, the function takes a name as an argument and returns the age and position of that person.
Suppose that Tom's gender is male, and that the Positions table returned by F for Tom contains:
Title StartDate
Mail Clerk 1/1/93
Manager, Mail 3/4/95
VP, Mail 7/12/98
When the function is called, the result will be a table called "F" that contains:
Name Gender Positions.Title Positions.StartDate
Tom M Mail Clerk 1/1/93
Tom M Manager, Mail 3/4/95
Tom M VP, Mail 7/12/98
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Functions with multiple tables as their output
Function F
S_POSN is defined as before and S_OPTN is defined as:
Suppose that the data from Positions is as before, and the Options table looks like:
GrantDate Number
4/4/93 1000
5/6/97 15300
When the function is called, the result will be a table called "F" that contains:
Name Gender Positions.Title
Tom M Mail Clerk 1/1/93 4/4/93 1000
Tom M Manager, Mail 3/4/95 4/4/93 1000
Tom M VP, Mail 7/12/98 4/4/93 1000
Tom M Mail Clerk 1/1/93 5/6/97 15300
Tom M Manager, Mail 3/4/95 5/6/97 15300
Tom M VP, Mail 7/12/98 5/6/97 15300 Reporting o ABAP data clusters
Reporting o ABAP data clusters is an advanced topic that requires an understanding of the ABAP
programming language. What is a data cluster?
Unlike most of the SAP system, the Human Resources module stores much of its data in ABAP data clusters,
rather than in data dictionary tables such as transparent, pool, or cluster tables. Data clusters are actually
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
stored in some transparent tables. Any such transparent table can contain many dierent types of clusters.
Each cluster of data is stored in encoded binary elds. A cluster can contain any number of individual
components or pieces of data, which may range from single values to structures to tables.
You can access a data cluster in an ABAP program by running the ABAP command IMPORT. This command
takes parameters—such as cluster database name, cluster ID, and so on—as well as a list of pieces of data to
import. The IMPORT command also copies the contents of the data cluster into local variables within the
calling code. A typical transparent table that contains cluster data has a structure similar to the following:
client area key line counter user data data length data cluster
The combination of transparent table name and area identies which type of cluster to import, while the key
identies the specic cluster. For HR, the cluster key is typically some combination of personnel number and
something else. The key is stored in a single text eld, but may actually represent more than one logical key
eld (for example, personnel number + a sequence number for HR Payroll data). How it works
The diculty in working with clusters from a generic, relational data access point of view is that the denition of
the clusters is not stored in a repository such as the ABAP dictionary (unlike the denitions of transparent,
pool, and cluster tables, for instance). Furthermore, the format of these clusters may change from site to site
due to customizations. Finally it is fundamentally dicult to map these as tables in the relational sense
because, although the data represented is relational, it is stored in independent clusters in an almost
hierarchical form.
In order to overcome these issues, the individual components of data clusters must be mapped as tables. You
can do this by creating a dictionary of the clusters on a particular SAP system. Mapping ABAP data clusters
The Cluster Denition tool (transaction ZCDD) enables you to create a dictionary of the data clusters on your
SAP system. Once you have added a data cluster to the dictionary, you can select the cluster in Crystal Reports
and report o its data with the Open SQL driver. You will usually require prior experience with ABAP
programming because you need to nd the cluster denitions within R/3 before you enter them with the
Cluster Denition tool.
The following procedures show how to map the SALDO table (Time balances per period) to your dictionary of
data clusters with the Cluster Denition tool. The SALDO table is located in the B2 (PDC Data (Month)) cluster
area of the ABAP data cluster that is stored in the PCL2 (HR cluster 2) transparent table. In this case, PCL2 is
the cluster database, B2 is the cluster area or type, and SALDO is the table. The procedures listed below
correspond to SAP R/3 4.6b:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Creating a new cluster entry in the dictionary
This section guides you through the process of dening a new cluster entry in the dictionary. To create a new cluster entry in the dictionary
1. From the SAPGUI, execute transaction ZCDD.
The Cluster Denition tool displays its View Cluster Id Table screen.
2. Click Add to create a new entry.
The Edit Cluster ID Record screen appears.
3. In the Cluster Database eld, type the name of the table in which the ABAP data cluster is stored.
For this example, type PCL2.
To nd out which transparent table contains a required ABAP data cluster, ask a subject matter expert
about the module on which you are working. Or, if you are trying to locate the data from a particular
program (such as an SAP report like RPC11XE0), look for the table in the ABAP code. When you nd the
table, look at the data in the RELID eld for a list of cluster areas.
4. In the Cluster Area eld, type the name of the cluster area or RELID.
For this example, type B2.
5. Click Save and exit the Cluster Denition tool.
You now need to nd the key to the cluster area. Specically, you need the name of the dictionary structure or
table in which the key elds are stored, and you need the names of those key elds. To locate the cluster area's
key elds, go to the next section, Locating the cluster area's key elds [page 579]. Locating the cluster area's key elds
This section guides you through the process of locating the cluster area's key elds based on the new cluster
entry you created in the last section, Creating a new cluster entry in the dictionary [page 579].
There are several ways to nd this information within SAP. This example uses the Object Navigator to locate the
key information for the B2 cluster area. To locate the cluster area's key elds
1. Execute transaction SE80 to access the Object Navigator.
2. Select Program from the list and type the name of the program that holds the key information related to
the cluster area.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
For this example, type RPCLSTB2, which is the program that holds the key information for the B2 cluster
3. Press Enter.
The Object Navigator displays the information for the specied program.
4. In the Object name list, expand the Fields folder.
5. Double-click the entry that corresponds to your cluster area's key.
For this example, double-click the B2-KEY entry.
The relevant ABAP code is displayed.
6. In the ABAP code, look for the heading that denotes the beginning of the cluster area's key, and note the
structure that is included in the following line.
For this example, look under the heading DATA: BEGIN OF B2-KEY for the line INCLUDE STRUCTURE
PC2B0 (highlighted in the image above). This shows that the PC2B0 structure contains the elds of the
Now that you've located the name of the structure that holds the key elds, you need to determine the
names of those key elds.
7. Create a new session in R/3 and execute transaction SE11 to access the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
The ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen appears.
8. Select Database table and type the name of the structure that contains the key elds.
For this example, type PC2B0.
9. Click Display.
The Dictionary: Display Structure screen appears.
10. Make a note of the names of the key elds displayed in the Component column.
In this case, the four key elds are PERNR, PABRJ, PABRP, CLTYP.
You now need to add the key elds to your new dictionary entry in the Cluster Denition tool. To add these key
elds to the dictionary entry, go to next section, Adding the key elds to the dictionary entry [page 580]. Adding the key elds to the dictionary entry
This section guides you through the process of adding the key elds to the dictionary entry based on the key
elds that you noted in the last section, Locating the cluster area's key elds [page 579].
Following are the steps involved in adding the four key elds to the dictionary entry that you created for the B2
cluster area. To add the key elds to the dictionary entry
1. In the SAP Easy Access screen, execute transaction ZCDD to access the Cluster Denition tool.
2. In the View Cluster Id Table screen, select the new entry that you created.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
For this example, select the PCL2 B2 entry.
3. Click Edit.
The View Cluster Record screen appears.
4. Click New Cluster Key.
The Edit Cluster Key Record screen appears.
5. In the Key Number eld, type the sequence number of the key eld that you want to specify.
For this example, type 001 (this is the rst entry for this cluster area's key).
6. In the Key Name eld, type the name that you want to appear when you use this key eld in Crystal
For this example, type K_PERNR.
In general, follow a naming convention. For instance, start a key eld name with K_ to specify it as a key
eld, as has been done here.
7. Use the Reference Table eld to dene the key eld's data type by referencing an existing eld of the same
type in another table.
For this example, type PC2B0, because it is the name of the structure that holds the Reference Field.
8. In the Reference Field eld, type the name of the eld to which you want to refer. This eld must exist in the
Reference Table.
For this example, type PERNR.
If the key eld is not already dened in the data dictionary, and if you do not dene it by referencing an
existing eld, you can manually specify the ABAP type and Length in order to dene the key eld's data
type. In this example, the key eld is dened by reference, so you can ignore the ABAP type and Length
9. Click Save; then click Back to return to the View Cluster Record screen.
10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for each eld in the key. In the Key Number eld, be sure to increment the sequence
number by one every time you dene a new key eld for this cluster area.
The values for each eld in this example are:
Key Number Key Name Reference Table Reference Field
Once you have entered all of the denitions, the View Cluster Record screen looks like this.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Now you need to determine the structure of the table that you want to access. In this example, the table in
question is SALDO. There are several ways to determine the SALDO table's structure within SAP. The next
section Determining the structure of the cluster table [page 582] explains one way. Determining the structure of the cluster table
This section guides you through the process of determining the structure of the cluster table based on the
cluster entry you created in the previous section. This example below again uses the Object Navigator to locate
the required information about the SALDO table. To determine the structure of the cluster
1. In the SAP Easy Access screen, execute transaction SE80 to access the Object Navigator.
2. Select Program from the list and type the name of the program that holds the key information related to
the cluster area.
For this example, type RPCLSTB2, which is the program that holds the key information for the B2 cluster
area and its SALDO table.
3. In the Object name list, expand the Fields folder.
4. Double-click the entry that corresponds to the table that you want to access.
For this example, double-click the SALDO entry.
The relevant ABAP code is displayed.
5. In the ABAP code, look for the heading that denotes the beginning of the table, and note the structure that
is included in the following line.
For this example, look under the heading DATA: BEGIN OF SALDO OCCURS 50 for the line INCLUDE
STRUCTURE PC2B5 (highlighted in the image above). This shows that the PC2B5 structure denes the
elds of the SALDO table.
Now that you've determined which structure denes the elds of the table you want to report o, you must add
this information to your new dictionary entry by following the steps in section, Adding the table to the
dictionary entry [page 582]. Adding the table to the dictionary entry
This section guides you through the process of adding the table to the dictionary entry based on the cluster
table's structure you created in the last section, Determining the structure of the cluster table [page 582].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports To add the table to the dictionary entry
1. In the SAP Easy Access screen, execute transaction ZCDD to access the Cluster Denition tool.
2. In the View Cluster Id Table screen, select your new entry.
For this example, select the PCL2 B2 entry.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the View Cluster Record screen, click New Cluster Data.
The Edit Cluster Data Record screen appears.
5. In the Piece Name eld, type the name of the table as it appears in the cluster area.
For this example, type SALDO.
6. In the Display Name eld, type the name of the table as you want it to appear in Crystal Reports .
For this example, type B2SALDO.
In general, use a naming convention. For instance, combine the table name with the name of the cluster
area, as has been done here (in case there is another SALDO table in a dierent cluster area).
7. In the Piece Class eld, type the abbreviation appropriate to the data piece: (T)able, (S)tructure, or (B)asic
For this example, type T.
8. Use the Reference Table eld to dene the structure of the new data piece by referencing an existing
structure of the same type in another table.
For this example, type PC2B5.
In this example, you need not complete the remaining elds (Reference Field, ABAP Type, and Length).
Use these elds to add specic information if the structure of the table is not dened in the data
9. Click Save; then click Back to return to the View Cluster Record screen.
Now that you have entered all of the denitions, you have nished creating your new dictionary entry in the
Cluster Denition tool. The View Cluster Record screen appears.
When you create a new report with the Open SQL driver, you can report o your customized ABAP data cluster
by searching for the table named B2SALDO.
Although it takes some time to dene each data cluster, keep in mind that once the denition is complete all
users can access the cluster—regardless of whether or not they have ABAP experience.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 583 Dening Security for the Open SQL driver
This section shows how to use the Security Denition Editor to dene table-level and row-level security for
specic SAP tables when you access them using the Open SQL driver. The Security Denition Editor enables
you to maintain your current SAP security levels when you deploy the Open SQL driver. Security Denition Editor overview
When you deploy the Data Access component and distribute the database drivers, you allow SAP users to
access the data stored within your SAP R/3, mySAP ERP, and BW systems. By default, the Open SQL driver
provides an open reporting environment where there are no data access restrictions. (You can, however, easily
reverse this default behavior with the Security Denition Editor's Global Lock feature, which initially restricts
users from accessing all SAP tables.
If you need to deploy a security model that regulates users' access to SAP data, use the Security Denition
Editor (transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS) to restrict data access at the table level and at the row level. The Security
Denition Editor denes security for transparent tables, pool tables, cluster tables, and tables containing data
clusters (for instance, PCL2). The restrictions that you specify are enforced whenever a user attempts to
connect to SAP with the Open SQL driver, whether to design, refresh, or schedule a Crystal report. Thus, in
order to design, refresh, or schedule a Crystal report against R/3, mySAP ERP or BW, users require access to
all of the tables referred to by the report.
Data access restrictions that you dene using the Security Denition Editor are applied on a per-client basis.
That is, the restrictions you apply aect all users who access SAP using the same client used to dene the
In previous versions of BusinessObjects Enterprise, data access restrictions were client-independent. To
preserve restrictions that you dened using earlier versions of this tool, follow the instructions in Migrating your
existing security model [page 584] before continuing.
The Security Denition Editor is provided by the Security Denition Editor transport, which you import into
your SAP system when you set up the Data Access. Migrating your existing security model
To continue to use the data access restrictions that you dened using a previous version of SAP
BusinessObjects XI Integration (using the ZRLS transaction), you can import these restrictions into client-
dependent form using /CRYSTAL/RLS. Import these data restrictions before using /CRYSTAL/RLS to create or
modify additional restrictions. Any changes you made using /CRYSTAL/RLS will be overwritten when you
import the global restrictions.
To apply your global data access restrictions to additional clients, import these restrictions once for each client.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports To migrate data access restrictions
1. Enter the transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS in your SAP system.
2. Under the Extras menu, select Import Global Data.
A dialog appears, warning you that importing these restrictions will overwrite any restrictions you have
dened using /CRYSTAL/RLS.
3. Click Yes.
Your global, client-independent data access restrictions are imported. Choosing your table-level security model
For enhanced exibility, the Security Denition Editor provides a Global Lock feature, which allows you to dene
the basis of your data access security model in one of two ways:
Global Lock disabled
This open security model initially provides all users with access to all tables. To customize the model to
match your current SAP security conguration, you can prevent users from accessing particular tables on
a table-by-table basis. When you rst deploy the Data Access , the Global Lock is disabled by default.
Global Lock enabled
This closed security model initially denies all users access to all tables. To customize the model to match
your current SAP security conventions, you can authorize users to access particular tables on a table-by-
table basis. Additionally, you can specify a list of custom functions that users can still report o when the
Global Lock is enabled.
Once you have enabled or disabled the Global Lock, you can rene the security model by customizing data
access authorizations for particular tables. To enable/disable the Global Lock
1. From the SAPGUI, execute transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS.
The Security Denition Editor appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
2. You now have two options:
If you want to enable the Global Lock, select the Allow access only to the tables specied above option.
If you want to disable the Global Lock, ensure that the Allow access only to the tables specied above
option is not selected.
Now that you've chosen an open or closed basis for your security model, you can customize authorizations for
particular users and tables, thereby allowing or disallowing data access in order to match your SAP security
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Customizing authorizations for specic tables
Whether you have enabled or disabled the Global Lock feature, you may need to customize the data access
authorizations for one or more SAP tables. If the Global Lock is enabled, you will need to allow all or some users
to access particular tables. (Otherwise, users will be unable to design or refresh reports against the SAP
system.) Alternatively, if the Global Lock is disabled, you may need to prevent all or some users from accessing
tables that contain sensitive data.
In either case, whether you want to secure a table or to permit access to a table, you must use an authorization
object for that purpose. (You can customize a new authorization object, or reuse an existing one.) Then, using
the Security Denition Editor, you associate the authorization object with the table in question. Finally, you
incorporate the new authorization object into your current conguration of user proles or roles.
Essentially, by associating an authorization object with an SAP table, you dene that table as an exception to
the Global Lock settings that you have made within the Security Denition Editor. In other words, once you've
associated an authorization object with a table, that table is withheld from all users—regardless of your Global
Lock settings. You must then use the authorization object according to your usual SAP security conventions in
order to provide particular users with access to the SAP table. To customize authorizations for a specic
1. Create a new authorization object.
For this example, create an authorization object called ZTABCHK that consists of one authorization eld
called TABLE. The ZTABCHK authorization is being used to secure the VBAK table from all but a particular
subset of users.
Use transaction SU21 to create the authorization object, or see the SAP Help for more information on
creating authorization objects.
2. From SAP, execute transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS.
The Security Denition Editor screen appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
You will now associate your new authorization object with an SAP table.
3. In the Table name eld, type the name of the table whose security denition you will customize.
For this example, type VBAK.
4. Click Create.
The Authorization entries screen appears
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
5. Click Create.
The Authorization Object entry dialog box appears.
6. Click Reference to an authorization object.
The Authorization Object entry screen appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
7. In the Authorization object name eld, type the name of the authorization object that you created in step 1.
For this example, type ZTABCHK.
8. Click Create.
The Authorization eld values screen appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
9. In the Field value list, type the name of the table whose security denition you want to customize.
For this example, type VBAK.
10. Click Save.
You have now associated your customized authorization object with a specic SAP table.
11. Exit the Security Denition Editor.
12. Following your usual procedure, incorporate the new authorization object into your conguration of user
proles or roles.
For instance, following this example, you would apply the ZTABCHK authorization object to the subset of
users who need to access the VBAK table.
Depending on the version of R/3 or mySAP ERP that you are using, and the SAP authorization model that
you have already deployed, you can accomplish this in various ways:
Attach the new authorization object to a new role that you in turn add to each user's security prole.
Attach the new authorization object to a new prole that you in turn add to each user's security prole.
The end result is that the authorization is added to the master user data, so the database drivers can
adhere to your customized data access restrictions.
Regardless of the method you use, ensure that your new authorization holds the name of the correct
database table in its TABLE eld value. In this example, the VBAK table must be specied.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 591 Customizing authorizations for specic
When the Global Lock feature is disabled, report designers essentially have the freedom to call any function on
the SAP system. To restrict the functions available to report o, enable the Global Lock. This restricts users
from calling any functions on the SAP system. In the /CRYSTAL/AUTHFCN table, you can specify a list of
functions that are exceptions to the Global Lock. That is, you can specify a list of functions that users are able
to call. To access the list of functions, use the
/CRYSTAL/RLS tool and go to Extras Function modules . Dening table authorizations by group
The Security Denition Editor provides two ways for you to quickly dene table authorizations for tables that
require similar levels of security:
You can reference a table to any other table whose data access authorizations you have already dened.
The Reference to an already dened table or group option is provided in the Select authorization entry type
screen, which appears in the Security Denition Editor when you create an authorization entry for a table.
You can reference multiple tables to a group table that acts as a security template.
To create a group table, execute transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS and specify a nonexistent table name in the
Editor. (When the specied table does not exist, the Editor assumes instead that you are creating a group
or template.) The main screen listing all the denitions will show the table type as group. You can now
share security levels by referencing existing tables to this security template. Applying row-level security
Sometimes table-level security does not allow you to secure data in a way that corresponds with the security
privileges of your SAP users: you may need to grant all users access to a particular table, while at the same
time limiting a subset of those users to a certain portion of the table's data. To accomplish this, use the
Security Denition Editor to dene an additional level of security for the individual rows of data.
In general, row-level security is based on a particular eld within a table. For instance, you might need to
prevent users from seeing data for all customers within a Sales table. To enable this type of restriction, you
create an authorization object and use the Security Denition Editor to associate the object with the Customer
eld in the Sales table. Then, when you apply the new authorization object to each user's prole or role, you
specify the Customer values for those customers whose Sales records the user is permitted to view. When the
user designs or refreshes reports against the Sales table, data is returned only for those customers that you
have specied.
Essentially, by associating an authorization object with a eld within an SAP table, you dene that table as an
exception to the Global Lock settings that you have made within the Security Denition Editor. In other words,
once you've associated an authorization object with a eld, the parent table is secured from all users—
regardless of your Global Lock settings. You must then use the authorization object according to your usual
SAP security conventions in order to provide particular users with access to rows of data within the SAP table.
You can secure rows in a table by using authorization objects, custom functions, or both.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Securing rows using authorization objects
In order to dene row-level security for tables, you can create an authorization object and use the Security
Denition Editor to associate the object with one of the table's elds. You then apply the new authorization
object to the roles or proles of SAP users who need to access any of the table's data. When you apply the
authorization object, you specify the rows of data that each user is permitted to access. To dene row-level security using an
authorization object
1. Create a new authorization object.
For this example, create an authorization object called Z_BUKRS that consists of one authorization eld
called BUKRS. This authorization is being used to secure the GLT0 table based on the values in the BUKRS
(Company Codes) eld.
Use transaction SU21 to create the authorization object, or see the SAPGUI Help for more information
on creating authorization objects.
2. Execute transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS to access the Security Denition Editor.
3. In the Table name eld, type the name of the table that contains the rows you want to secure.
For this example, type GLT0.
You can now use wildcards to specify the table name. This is an ecient way to apply an authorization
to multiple tables with similar names simultaneously. Use * to specify zero or more characters and + to
specify one character.
4. Click Create.
5. In the Authorization entries screen, click Create.
6. In the Select authorization entry type screen, click Reference to an authorization object.
7. Click OK to access the Authorization Object entry screen.
8. In the Authorization object name eld, type the name of the authorization that you created in step 1.
For this example, you would type Z_BUKRS.
9. Click Create.
The Authorization eld values screen appears.
10. In the Field value list, type the equals sign (=) and the name of the eld that you want to secure.
For this example, you would type =BUKRS.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
To view a list of available elds, right-click the Field value list and, on the shortcut menu, click Possible
entries. Double-click the desired eld (in this case, BUKRS) to insert it along with the required equals
sign (=).
11. Click Save.
12. Exit the Security Denition Editor.
13. Following your usual procedure, apply the new authorization object to the proles or roles of the
appropriate users.
For instance, following this example, you would apply the Z_BUKRS authorization object to each user who
needs to access rows of data within the GLT0 table. When you apply the authorization object, you enter the
appropriate Company Code values into the BUKRS authorization eld, thereby specifying the Company
Codes that the specied user is authorized to access.
Depending on the version of R/3 or mySAP ERP that you are using, and the SAP authorization model that
you have already deployed, you can accomplish this in various ways:
Attach the new authorization to a new role that you in turn add to each user's security prole.
Attach the new authorization to a new prole that you in turn add to each user's security prole.
The end result is that the authorization is added to the master user data, so the database drivers can
adhere to your customized data access restrictions. Securing rows using custom security exits
In addition to, or instead of using authorization-based restrictions for tables, you can secure rows using custom
security exits. That is, you can map table elds to function parameters so that you can dene the call to one
function to handle the post ltering for any table.
You must give a value (either constant or eld-mapped) for all non-optional parameters.
Make mappings between compatible types. For example, do not link a function parameter for a date to a
number eld. Mapping incompatible types results in a failure at runtime.
The following example shows how to map table elds to function parameters in a custom security exit. To dene row-level security using a custom
security exit
1. Execute transaction /CRYSTAL/RLS.
2. In the Table name eld, type the name of the data table whose rows you want to secure.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
For this example, type PA0000 to secure the rows in that table.
You can now use wildcards to specify the table name. This is an ecient way to apply an authorization
to multiple tables with similar names simultaneously. Use * to specify zero or more characters and + to
specify one character.
3. Click Create.
The Authorization entries screen appears.
This screen lists the authorization entries (if any) that are currently applied to the table.
4. Click Custom exit.
The Edit custom function security exit mappings window appears.
5. In the Function name eld, type the name of the function that you want to use to secure the table, and then
click Transfer.
For this example, type HR_CHECK_AUTHORITY_INFTY.
6. For each necessary parameter, specify a value or eld to map to that parameter.
In this example make the entries listed in the table below:
Imported parameter name Field name
7. Click Save.
You are returned to the Authorization entries screen, which now indicates that there is an active custom
security exit for this table.
When a user attempts to access a table secured by a custom security exit, the driver checks the
appropriate eld(s) in the table. The eld values you mapped are passed as parameters to the function you
selected, in this example HR_CHECK_AUTHORITY_INFTY. When authorization restrictions are combined
with the values you mapped, the authorization restrictions lters the results rst, and then the mapped
values further lter the results. Reporting with SAP BW
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Designing and Translating Reports [page 596]
Publishing Reports [page 598]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 595 Designing and Translating Reports
This section introduces you to the Report Wizards in Crystal Reports and provides reporting details that are
relevant within SAP environments. The section also shows how to prepare reports for translation and how to
conditionally modify the report's design based on the user's logon language. Designing reports for translation
If your BW system supports users in multiple languages, you may want to prepare your reports for translation
within BW. Once you publish the translated reports to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform,
SAP users can view the reports that correspond to their preferred viewing locale. This section describes how to
prepare your report for translation, and how to use a report's LanguageCode% formula to make language-
specic modications to reports. Preparing reports for translation
When you save a report to BW, you are given the option to prepare the report for translation. When you select
this option, Crystal Reports extracts the string contents from all the text objects that you have inserted into the
report (and replaces the original strings with placeholders in the .rpt le). Use the standard translation
transactions within BW to access the language table that contains the original strings and translate them into
all the languages that you require. Once you nish this process, the translated strings will be inserted back into
the report when you publish to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
When you publish a translated report from BW to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the BW
Report Publisher receives a single .rpt le, the original report strings, a list of destination languages, and all the
translated report strings from BW. For each language, the BW Report Publisher copies the original .rpt le and
replaces the placeholders with the corresponding report strings. The BW Report Publisher also marks each
report with a language code (for details, see Conditional formatting with the LanguageCode% formula [page
597]). The BW Report Publisher then generates multiple .rpt les (one for each language), and publishes each
of these objects to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
When users refresh or schedule translated reports, new data is retrieved from BW, but the report strings
are not refreshed. To update the translations of your report strings, publish the reports again from BW to
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. To prepare all reports for translation
1. Start Crystal Reports and open a report that you want to prepare for translation.
2. On the SAP menu, click Settings.
The Settings dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
3. Ensure that Prepare reports for translation on server is selected.
This option changes your default settings, so reports are always prepared for translation on the server.
If you prefer to select this option for individual reports, clear the Suppress save dialog option. You are then
prompted with a Prepare this report for translation option every time you save a report to BW.
4. Click OK.
5. On the SAP menu, click Save Report and proceed as usual. Conditional formatting with the LanguageCode
% formula
When you rst create a report that is based on a BW query, Crystal Reports automatically generates a formula
named LanguageCode%. You can nd this formula in the Field Explorer. Rather than performing a calculation,
this formula consists of a string value—a single letter—that serves to associate the report with a particular
logon language.
When you rst create and design your report, the formula contains the code for your current language ("E" for
English, "D" for German, and so on). This is the report's master language. When you prepare reports for
translation and subsequently publish them to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the BW
Report Publisher modies the LanguageCode% formula in each translated report. When an SAP user views a
Crystal report or logs on to BI launch pad, the application lters the available reports: if a translated report is
available in the user's logon language, it is displayed for the user; if a translated report is unavailable, the report
appears in its master language.
The LanguageCode% formula is intended to provide you, the report designer, with a tool for conditionally
formatting reports in ways that accommodate users with dierent logon languages. For example, suppose that
your report displays values from a Product Category eld, the string values of which are translated within SAP.
As a report designer, the diculty lies in that the German strings are longer than the equivalent English strings.
To solve this problem, you could use the LanguageCode% to conditionally reduce the font size for the
translated version of the report (as demonstrated in the following steps). Alternatively, you could insert two
Details sections—each containing the same database elds—and increase the width of the elds in the second
section to accommodate for the longer German strings. Your conditional formatting formula would then show/
hide the Details sections according to the report's language.
For complete instructions on conditionally formatting elds and using the Format Editor, see the Crystal
Reports Online Help. To reduce a eld's font size conditionally
1. Open the report in Crystal Reports, and click the Design tab.
2. In the Details section of the report, right-click the eld that contains the font that you want to conditionally
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
3. On the shortcut menu, click Format Field.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
4. Click the Font tab.
5. Click the Formula button that corresponds to the Size eld.
The Formula Workshop opens a new formula and names it Font Size.
6. In the text area, type this formula (which uses Crystal Syntax):
if {@LanguageCode%} = "D"
then 10
else 12
This formula ensures that the font size of the eld that is currently selected is reduced from 12 pts to 10 pts
when the user's logon language is German (or when the user schedules a German instance of the report).
7. Click Save and close. Publishing Reports
This section describes how to publish Crystal reports to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. It
also describes how to view those reports from SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise BI launch pad and through
other applications. Publishing predened reports to SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
There are several ways to publish valid Crystal report les to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
When you open a report in Crystal Reports, you can simultaneously save it to BW and publish it to SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
If you have already added a number of reports to BW, you can publish them in batches to SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. For details, see Batch publishing reports from BW [page
You can add Crystal reports to the system through the Publishing Wizard, the Central Management
Console, or the Import Wizard. For details, see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
Administrator Guide (admin.pdf in the docs directory of your SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
platform product distribution). Batch publishing reports from BW
You can publish large numbers of Crystal reports using the Content Administration Workbench. For more
information on the Content Administration Workbench, see the Conguring publishing in the Content
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Administration Workbench” section of the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Administrator
Guide. Migrating development content to a production
BW system
If you have deployed SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Integration for SAP Solutions in your development BW
environment, you can import your reporting content to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
platform system that is congured for use with your production BW environment.
Before importing your content, consider the following:
BW treats Crystal reports (.rpt les) as native objects. If the Crystal reports are stored in the repository of
your development BW system, you can transport the BW content and then batch publish the reports to
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. (For details about transporting content between BW
systems, see the SAP Library.) This procedure ensures that the database information for each report is
updated by the BW Report Publisher.
If you have deleted some or all of the Crystal reports from the repository of your development BW system,
you can use the Upgrade Manager to import the report objects from one SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
installation to another. When using the Upgrade Manager, be sure to set the correct database information
on each of the report les that you import.
If the number of report les that you want to migrate is small, you may nd it easier to change each
report's database information in the Central Management Console (CMC). (Go to the Objects management
area, locate the report, and click the Database link on its Process tab.)
After you migrate your content, use the Content Administration Workbench to perform maintenance on your
reports. Report maintenance tasks include synchronizing information about reports between SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and BW (Update status), deleting unwanted reports (Delete
reports), and updating reports migrated from previous versions of SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise (Post-
For more information about maintaining you reports, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
Platform Administrator Guide.
25.2 Integrating with Oracle E-Business Suite
25.2.1 Overview
If you installed the Data Connectivity feature part of the Crystal Reports installation and SAP BusinessObjects
BI installation for Oracle E-Business Suite, you can work with Oracle EBS data in SAP Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
25.2.2 To access data in SAP Crystal Reports
1. Start Crystal Reports.
2. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
3. In the Database Expert, expand Create New Connection.
4. Provide the information in the following table.
Host Type the name of the server that hosts your Oracle EBS system.
Port Type the port number that the server uses for the SML listener
Environment Type the name of the environment that you want to access in the system.
User Type your user name.
Password Type your password.
Role Type the name of the role that you want to access in the system.
5. Click Finish.
You can now create Crystal reports with data from your Oracle EBS system.
Once you have connected to a data source, you can save the connection in your Favorites folder. In the
Database Expert, right-click the connection, and click Add to Favorites.
For details on using SAP Crystal Reports please see the SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide.
To enable Unicode support, you must congure your system as described in the SAP Crystal Reports 2020
User Guide and the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3 Installation Guide.
25.3 Integrating with Siebel
25.3.1 Connecting to Siebel
Generating reports using the Integration product provides easy access to the data within Siebel. Users who are
currently involved with the production of reports using Siebel or other tools will nd it easy to build reports
quickly with the driver included in the Integration product.
This section discusses how to connect to Siebel with the driver, and also describes advanced features such as
controlling visibility, using Siebel formatting features, and connecting to an active Siebel Mobile/Dedicated
Web Client. Creating a connection in SAP Crystal Reports
Once you've installed the Integration product on a machine running the SAP Crystal Reports designer, you
must create a connection to Siebel for your report. There are two ways to create a connection in SAP Crystal
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Reports: use one of the Report Wizards, or select Log On Server from the File or Database menu. Both methods
are described below. Using the Report Wizards
1. Launch SAP Crystal Reports.
2. On the Start Page, click Report Wizard.
The Standard Report Creation Wizard dialog box appears.
To create a specic type of report, select the appropriate Wizard.
3. In the Available Data Sources list, expand Create New Connection and double-click Siebel eBusiness
The Connection Information dialog box appears.
4. In the Connection Type area, select Server, Local, or Local (Active Dedicated Session).
This example illustrates how to create a Server connection type. To decide which connection type to
select, and for details on how to create the other types of connections, see Conguring the connection
[page 602].
5. In the Connection Name eld, type a name for the connection.
6. Click Next.
The Connection Details dialog box opens.
7. Type your Siebel user name and password in the appropriate elds.
8. In the Connection String eld, type the connection string for your Siebel Server.
9. If you are using a Server connection, type the name of your Siebel repository in the Repository eld.
You can leave this eld blank if you are using the default name of "Siebel Repository" for your repository.
Otherwise, type the name of your repository.
10. If desired, select Apply Current Query or Restrict to Current Selection.
You must select Apply Current Query to display the Restrict to Current Selection option.
11. Click Finish to return to the Standard Report Creation Wizard.
Once you have congured the Siebel connection, you can store the connection in the Favorites folder.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 601 Using the Log On Server command
If you prefer not to use the Report Wizards, connect to Siebel using the Log On Server command.
1. Launch SAP Crystal Reports.
2. On the File menu (or Database menu, if a report is already open), click Log On or O Server.
3. In the Data Explorer, expand Create New Connection.
4. Expand Siebel eBusiness Applications.
The Connection Information dialog box appears.
5. In the Connection Type area, select Server, Local, or Local (Active Dedicated Session).
This example describes how to create a Server connection type and helps you decide which connection
type to select and for details on how to create the other types of connections.
6. In the Connection Name eld, type a name for the connection.
7. Click Next.
The Connection Details dialog opens.
8. Type your Siebel user name and password in the appropriate elds.
9. In the Connection String eld, type the connection string for your Siebel Server.
10. If you are using a Server connection, type the name of your Siebel repository in the Repository eld.
You can leave this eld blank if you are using the default name of "Siebel Repository" for your repository.
Otherwise, type the name of your repository.
11. If desired, select Apply Current Query or Restrict to Current Selection.
You must select Apply Current Query to display the Restrict to Current Selection option.
12. Click Finish to return to the Data Explorer.
Once you have congured the connection to Siebel, you can store the connection in the Favorites folder.
25.3.2 Conguring the connection
The Integration product supports the following connection types:
Server [page 603]
Local [page 603]
Local (Active Dedicated Session) [page 605]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports Connection names
When you open a connection to a data source, Crystal Reports automatically assigns a name to the connection
in the Connection Name eld of the Siebel eBusiness Applications Connection Information dialog box. By
default, the rst connection is named SIEBEL1, and additional connections opened in the same session are
named SIEBEL2, SIEBEL3, and so on. To give your connections distinct and descriptive names, you can edit the
Connection Name eld when connecting.
If you do not ensure that your connections have dierent names, you may experience problems when
refreshing your reports.
For example, if you refresh a Crystal report with the connection name SIEBEL1, Crystal Reports will prompt you
for the location of the data source before refreshing the report. If you do not close this report before opening
and refreshing a second Crystal report with the same connection name (in this example, SIEBEL1), the second
report will be refreshed using the rst report's data source.
Therefore, it is recommended that you either give your connections distinct names, or that you do not open two
reports with the same connection name concurrently. Server
The Server connection type connects directly to the Siebel server. It is available only if the appropriate Siebel
EAI components are installed on the workstation.
When using the Server connection type, all data is accessed directly from the server, thus making it ideal for
reports that are to be published to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and delivered through
HTML, DHTML, or other zero-client technologies.
If you select the Server connection type when connecting to Crystal Reports, the Connection Details dialog box
will require a connection string. Connection String
In the Connection String eld, enter the connection string used to connect to the Siebel Server. Depending on
your Siebel conguration, you may be able to nd connection strings for your server in a le named
eapps.cfg, which is located on your Siebel web server. For more details, see the Siebel Bookshelf. Local
The Local connection type connects to the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client and accesses data from any of
the available data sources, such as Local database, Server database, and Sample database. To use this
connection type, the complete Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client must be installed on the same machine as
Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
When using this connection, all data is accessed through the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client, thus making
report design possible without impacting the Siebel servers.
Before a report created using the Local connection type can be published to SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform, the connection type must be changed to Server.
If you are creating a local Siebel database for use with a Crystal Reports local connection, when extracting
the database make sure you set the Extract all Repository Tables parameter to True. This parameter is
usually set to False by default, and this will prevent your Siebel data from functioning properly with a
Crystal Reports local connection.
If you select the Local connection type when connecting to Crystal Reports, the Connection Details dialog box
has the following elds:
Cong File [page 604]
Data Source [page 604] Cong File
In the Cong File eld, enter the full lename and path to the conguration le used by the Siebel Mobile/
Dedicated Web Client. For example:
C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.7\web client\BIN\ENU\siebel.cfg Data Source
The Data Source eld contains the data source as selected when logging on to the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated
Web Client. These data sources are dened in the conguration le entered in the Cong File eld. Examples of
data sources are: Server, Local, and Sample.
Selecting the Server data source in the Data Source eld continues to use the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated
Web Client to connect and will require a Set Location operation on the report before it is published to a SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform server. To nd your conguration le
1. Right-click the icon you use to start Siebel.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
2. From the shortcut menu, click Properties.
The Siebel Properties dialog box appears. On the Shortcut tab, the Target eld contains the lename and
path to the conguration le. Local (Active Dedicated Session)
The Local (Active Dedicated Session) connection type is a renement of the Local connection type, and
requires the complete Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client. This connection type allows reports to be opened
and run from within the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client without the user having to log on to Siebel again.
The Local (Active Dedicated Session) connection type is provided for use with the Crystal Reports Local Viewer
application. When designing reports against a local data source, use the Local connection type.
Since the Local (Active Dedicated Session) connection type connects directly to the rst Siebel Mobile/
Dedicated Web Client that is running, it does not require a user name and password. If more than one Siebel
Mobile/Dedicated Web Client is running concurrently, it is not possible to specify which client Crystal Reports
will connect to.
Before a report created using the Local (Active Dedicated Session) connection type can be published to
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the connection type must be changed to Server. Queries and Selections
The Connection Details dialog box allows you to congure how the report will act when operated from the
Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client included with the Integration product or BI launch pad. These settings
have no eect when refreshing reports from within Crystal Reports or SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform itself. They are used only when reports are linked to Siebel views and accessed via the
contextual awareness feature.
Two options are available:
Apply Current Query [page 606]
Restrict to Current Selection [page 606]
If Apply Current Query is not selected, Restrict to Current Selection is not available.
When you view a report using the Siebel Mobile Web Client and the BI launch pad, the report always
uses the query and selection options that you chose when you created the report.
To use the Apply Current Query functionality in the BI launch pad, the report must use the same
Business Component as the Siebel view that you link it to.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
PUBLIC 605 Apply Current Query
Siebel allows a user to lter information displayed in any view by applying a query. If Apply Current Query is
selected when using the Server connection type, the query applied in Siebel is applied to the Crystal report
when the report is published to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
For example, if a query in Siebel has restricted the list of Accounts to only those that begin with "A", such as
shown in the image below, only these accounts will be visible in the Crystal report.
Apply Current Query takes eect only if the same business component is being used in the report and in
the current Siebel view; otherwise the a Database Connector Error message will display if you attempt to
view or schedule a report.
Apply Current Query applies only to Crystal reports that are linked to Siebel views. Restrict to Current Selection
If you select Apply Current Query, you can also choose to select Restrict to Current Selection. Selecting
Restrict to Current Selection further restricts the records displayed in a Crystal report to the record highlighted
in Siebel. This allows you to select a single record and produce reports on its elements.
For example, if you apply a query that restricts the list of Accounts to only those that begin with "A," and then
further highlight a specic record in your view and select both Apply Current Query and Restrict to Current
Selection when connecting to Crystal Reports with the Local (Active Dedicated Session) connection type, the
Crystal report will show information only for this record. If you select both Apply Current Query and Restrict to
Current Selection when connecting to Crystal Reports with the Server connection type, the record that is
highlighted in Siebel is applied to the Crystal report but will only be visible after the report has been published
to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
If there is no active selection for the business component being viewed in Crystal Reports, then this restriction
has no eect and the same records are returned as if this option was not selected.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
If you apply any ltering to the Crystal report, the selection is lost, and the report behaves as though
Restrict to Current Selection was not selected.
25.3.3 Selecting business components
Once a connection is completed, Crystal Reports displays the list of business objects and business
components available. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and business components are
displayed in a tree structure, with business components shown under the business object that they are a part
of. This is formatted as:
business component
You add business components to a report in the same way that you add tables to a report. If you select multiple
business components to place them in a report, you must link the business components. See Linking tables in
reports [page 611] for details. Filtering business components
If you apply a lter to the list of business components, it reduces only the number of business components in
the tree structure. All business objects will still be visible. Filtering business components should not be
necessary in most cases.
If you apply a lter, it is applied to all data sources. Remember to reset the Options so that your search will
not be restricted when you connect to other business components at a later time.
25.3.4 Refreshing reports with Siebel data
You can modify the sample reports so that they report o the data stored in your Siebel environment. This
requires you to set each report's database location, so that it points to the Siebel system. To change the connection information in Crystal
1. From the Database menu, select Set Datasource Location.
The Set Datasource Location dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
2. In the Current Data Source area, select the data source whose connection you want to change.
3. If you already have a replacement connection congured (that is, one that uses the same business
components and a Server connection type), select it in the Replace with area, click Update, and skip to step
4. If you do not, expand Create New Connection and double-click Siebel eBusiness Applications.
The Connection Information dialog box opens.
5. Select your Connection Type, choose a connection name, and then click Next.
6. Enter the rest of your connection details such as User name, Password, Connection String, for your
connection to Siebel.
7. Click Finish to return to the Set Datasource Location dialog box.
8. Under the new connection, select the business component that was used in the original report and click
9. Refresh the report to verify that the connection has been updated and the report retrieves the correct data.
10. Save the report.
25.3.5 Updating reports created in earlier versions of Crystal
It is recommended that you reset the datasource location of reports created with Crystal Reports 8.5 and
earlier versions of the Integration product. To do so, you must reset each report's database location. To change the connection information in Crystal
1. From the Database menu, select Set Datasource Location.
The Set Datasource Location dialog box appears.
2. In the Current Data Source area, select the data source whose connection you want to change.
3. If you already have a replacement connection congured (that is, one that uses the same business
components and the correct connection type for your Siebel environment), select it in the Replace with
area, click Update, and skip to step 9.
4. If you do not, expand Create New Connection and double-click Siebel eBusiness Applications.
The Connection Information dialog box appears.
5. Select your Connection Type, choose a connection name, and then click Next.
6. Enter the rest of your connection details such as User name, Password, Connection String, and language
for your connection to Siebel.
7. Click Finish to return to the Set Datasource Location dialog box.
8. Under the new connection, select the business component that was used in the original report and click
9. Refresh the report to verify that the connection has been updated and the report retrieves the correct data.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
10. Save the report.
25.3.6 Security
Crystal Reports supports Siebel's security to ensure that sensitive information can be managed. Every time
users run reports against Siebel data, they must log on with valid Siebel user credentials. This ensures that
users are able to access only the information that they are permitted to by their Siebel credentials.
In the case of the Local (Active Dedicated Session) option, there is no logon prompt, as the user has already
logged on using the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client.
Crystal Reports allows reports to be produced with any of Siebel's available visibility settings. These settings
can be changed for any given report. Thus, a single report can be ltered to show dierent views of its
information. For example, a report showing Accounts can be ltered so that only the accounts available in the
My Accounts view or the My Team's Accounts view are visible. The View Mode eld
In each table, there is a eld called View Mode. This eld is designed to be a lter that allows the visibility to be
changed. For example, if you want the report to show the PersonalView, you can add a selection to set the View
Mode eld to PersonalView.
When accessing data from Siebel, Crystal Reports represents business components as tables. Crystal
Reports does not access Siebel tables when using the Integration product connection.
If the View Mode eld is placed onto a report, it will always show the current visibility, which is AllView by
default. To set up record selection using the Select Expert
1. On the Report menu, click Select Expert.
The Select Expert dialog box appears.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
If you click the Select Expert button without rst highlighting a eld in your report, the Choose Field
dialog box appears. Highlight the eld on which you want to base record selection (in this example,
Account_Account._ViewMode), and click OK. The Select Expert appears.
2. Use the drop-down lists to enter your selection criteria. In the example above, the View Mode eld is set to
View Mode is not a true database column and has certain restrictions. Each table can have only one
view mode, so it is not possible to use lters that employ options other than "is equal to," and only a
single lter can be used for each table.
Because of these restrictions, the following type of formula is not supported:
View Mode = PersonalView OR View Mode = SalesRepView
3. Click OK when nished.
A selection formula is generated based on your specications, limiting the report to the records you
To view the selection formula, click Show Formula in the Select Expert. The Select Expert expands to
show the formula. Click the Formula Editor button to modify the formula.
Separate tables can use dierent view modes.
For more information about visibility, see the Siebel Bookshelf.
25.3.8 Using Siebel formatting
Siebel provides a mechanism that formats information for the user based on preferences dened within the
Siebel system. For example, currency elds are formatted to show the correct currency symbol, numbers and
dates are adjusted to the display style of the user's nation, and textual information may also be modied.
Although much of Siebel's formatting can be replicated inside Crystal Reports, doing so can be time
consuming. Instead, you can simply convert table elds into the representation that Siebel would display. This
is done by inserting an SQL expression eld. To insert an SQL expression eld
1. Open the report in SAP Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
2. From the View menu, select Field Explorer.
3. Right-click SQL Expression Fields.
4. From the shortcut menu, select New.
The SQL Expression Name dialog box appears.
5. Type in a name for the column you are adding to the table and click OK.
The SQL Expression Editor appears. It has ve panes:
the navigation pane at left
the Report Fields, Functions, and Operators panes across the top
the Formula text pane at the bottom.
6. In the Functions pane, expand System.
7. Double-click the Format function.
In the Formula text pane, the text Format() appears with a ashing cursor after the last parenthesis.
8. Move the cursor between the parentheses ().
9. In the Report Fields pane, double-click the eld you wish to format.
In the Formula text pane, the name of the eld you selected appears between the parentheses. It is now
part of a function.
Only the format function shown below is supported by the driver included in the Integration product.
Format expression is not a true SQL expression supported by Siebel. So it is not possible to create
complex expressions other than those involving a single eld.
Because of these restrictions, the following types of expressions are not supported:
Format('Account_Revenue'.'Revenue') + " USD"
10. Click Save and close.
11. The new eld appears under the SQL Expression Fields category. It can now be dragged and dropped onto
the report.
25.3.9 Linking tables in reports
Siebel does not present its data as relational database tables, but rather as a series of objects called business
components. When accessing Siebel data using this Integration product, Crystal Reports represents each
business component as a table.
You can use a variety of link types to link these tables in reports and subreports. Because business components
are not relational tables, these linking operations are performed by Crystal Reports on the client side. For more
information on linking tables, see your Crystal Reports documentation.
In addition to the client-side linking performed by Crystal Reports, Siebel allows multiple business components
to be programmatically linked if the business components have a parent-child relationship. Doing so allows
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
users to improve report performance, and in some cases report from child business components that would
otherwise be impossible to report o directly.
You can report o Siebel parent and child business components by linking parent business components to
child business components. For details, see Reporting o parent-child business components [page 612]. Additional Siebel business components
Siebel provides a mechanism for generating additional business components that combine data at the object
level. For more information, see the Siebel Bookshelf. Reporting o parent-child business components
The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform allows you to report o Siebel business components
with parent-child relationships. When you dene a link between parent and child business components in
Crystal Reports, the Siebel server returns only the subset of data relevant to the parent and child components,
signicantly improving report performance.
You can report o parent-child business components by linking parent business components to child business
components in the following ways:
By opening the child business component using the same business object that is used to open the parent
business component.
By opening the child business component associated with the parent's Multi Value eld, identied with a
name that represents the child business component.
By opening the child business component associated with the parent's Pick List Value eld, identied with
a name that represents the child business component. Using the same business object
To open multiple business components with parent-child relationships using the same business object, the
components must be linked.
In this example, the three business components are opened using the same business object that was used to
open the top-level parent component (Account_Account). Using the parent's Multi Value eld
To open a child component by using its parent's Multi Value eld, you must rst link the parent component to
the child component, then set the record selection on the child component to specify the name of the parent's
Multi Value eld that you want to use.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports To open a child business component using its
parent's Multi Value eld
1. In Crystal Reports, link the parent and child business components.
2. On the Report menu, click Selection Formulas and then click Record.
3. In the Field Tree pane of the Record Selection Formula Editor, expand the Siebel database eld tree.
4. Expand the child business component.
5. Double-click the _Multi Value eld to add it to the formula.
6. Type an equals sign and quotation mark (= "), the name of the parent's Multi Value eld that you want to
use, and then a closing quotation mark.
7. Click Save and close.
_Multi Value and _Pick List Value are not true database columns and therefore have certain restrictions.
Each child business component can use only one of _Multi Value or _Pick List Value to specify the
associated parent eld. So it is not possible to use complex lters that employ options other than "is equal
to", and only a single lter can be used for each business component. Using the parent's Pick List Value eld
To open a child component by using its parent's Pick List Value eld, you must rst link the parent component
to the child component, then set the record selection on the child component to specify the name of the
parent's Pick List Value eld that you want to use. To open a child business component using its
parent's Pick List Value eld
1. In Crystal Reports, link the parent and child business components.
2. On the Report menu, click Selection Formulas and then Record.
3. In the Field Tree pane of the Record Selection Formula Editor, expand the Siebel database eld tree.
4. Expand the child business component.
5. Double-click the _Pick List Value eld to add it to the formula.
6. Type an equals sign and quotation mark (= "), the name of the parent's Pick List Value eld that you want to
use, and then a closing quotation mark.
7. Click Save and close.
_Multi Value and _Pick List Value are not true database columns and therefore have certain restrictions.
Each child business component can use only one of _Multi Value or _Pick List Value to specify the
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
associated parent eld. So it is not possible to use complex lters that employ options other than "is equal
to", and only a single lter can be used for each business component.
25.3.10 Multi-value columns
There are certain columns within the tables that are displayed through the Siebel driver that represent multiple
values. Crystal Reports will normally display the primary value for these elds. If no primary ID eld is dened,
Crystal Reports will display one of the values, but this value is not predictable.
By default, Crystal Reports tries to improve performance by having any sort performed on the server. In the
case of multi-value columns where no primary value has been dened, this will fail. It is necessary to make any
report that needs to sort using multi-value columns perform the sorting on the client. To perform sorting on the client
1. From the File menu in Crystal Reports, click Report Options.
2. In the Report Options dialog box, clear the Use Indexes Or Server For Speed check box.
3. Make sure the Always Sort Locally check box is selected.
4. Click OK.
25.3.11 Data Types
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
Mapping Siebel data types to Crystal Reports types [page 614] Mapping Siebel data types to Crystal Reports types
Siebel supports a range of data types within its business components. These are converted to Crystal Reports
data types for presentation of the table equivalents. The following table shows the conversions.
Siebel Type Crystal Reports Type
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Siebel Type Crystal Reports Type
DTYPE_PHONE in Siebel is a number. However, for the value to be meaningful, it is necessary to apply
Siebel formatting to the eld. To reduce the eort required to add a SQL expression for every
DTYPE_PHONE element, Crystal Reports automatically applies the format and returns the value as a
When ltering the phone type eld, the Crystal report automatically removes the formatting and converts the
value into a number. For example:
[Phone Number] = (123) 456-7890
will be ltered as
[Phone Number] = 1234567890
25.4 Integrating with PeopleSoft
25.4.1 Overview
If you installed the Data Connectivity feature of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.x, you
can work with PeopleSoft data in SAP Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
25.4.2 To access data in SAP Crystal Reports
1. Start SAP Crystal Reports.
2. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
3. In the Database Expert, expand Create New Connection.
4. Double-click the data source type that corresponds to your installation:
If you installed the integration product on a PeopleSoft Enterprise (PeopleTools 8.46-8.49)
environment, click PeopleSoft Enterprise, and provide the following information:
Field Action
Server Type the appropriate URL to connect to the Query Ac
cess Services through the PeopleSoft Integration Gate
way. (For example, type
http:// <webserver> /
This URL is specied when you congure the Query
Access Services in PeopleSoft.
User Type your user name.
Password Type your password.
If you installed the integration product on a PeopleSoft Enterprise (PeopleTools 8.21-8.45)
environment, click PeopleSoft Query, and provide the following information:
Field Action
Type <//server:port> , where <server> is the
name of your PeopleSoft Application Server, and
<port> is the JSL port number that the server uses
for the Jolt listener.
User Type your user name.
Password Type your password.
If you installed the integration on a PeopleTools 8.50 environment, click PeopleSoft Query, and provide
the following information:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Field Action
Server Type the appropriate URL to connect to the Query Ac
cess Services through the PeopleSoft Integration Gate
way. (For example, type
User Type your user name.
Password Type your password.
5. Click Finish.
You can now create Crystal reports with data from your PeopleSoft Enterprise system.
Private queries in PeopleSoft Enterprise are marked with an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from
public queries.
Once you have connected to a data source, you can save the connection in your Favorites folder. In the
Database Expert, right-click the connection, and click Add to Favorites.
For details on using Crystal Reports please see the Crystal Reports User's Guide.
To enable Unicode support, you must congure your system as described in the Crystal Reports User's Guide
and the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 Installation Guide.
25.5 Integrating with JD Edwards
25.5.1 Overview
If you installed the Data Connectivity feature of the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.x,
you can work with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data in SAP Crystal Reports.
25.5.2 To access data in SAP Crystal Reports
1. Start SAP Crystal Reports.
2. On the Start Page, click Blank Report.
3. In the Database Expert, expand Create New Connection.
4. Provide the information in the following table.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
Field Action
Host Type the name of the server that hosts your EnterpriseOne system.
Port Type the port number that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server uses for the XML listener
Environment Type the name of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment that you want to access in the system.
User Type your user name.
Password Type your password.
Role Type the name of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne role that you want to access in the system.
5. Click Finish.
You can now create Crystal reports with data from your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise system.
Once you have connected to a data source, you can save the connection in your Favorites folder. In the
Database Expert, right-click the connection, and click Add to Favorites.
For details on using Crystal Reports please see the SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide.
To enable Unicode support, you must congure your system as described in the SAP Crystal Reports 2020
User Guide and the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3 Installation Guide.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Integrating Business Applications with Crystal Reports
26 Accessing Data Sources
26.1 Introduction
Crystal Reports can access data stored in almost any common database format, as well as many uncommon
formats. This section discusses the many dierent types of data that Crystal Reports can access, and explains
the data access layers involved in connecting to the data. If you are not sure what Database Management
System (DBMS) your company uses, contact your IT manager or your network administrator.
The principal purpose of Crystal Reports is simply to access data stored in databases and to produce reports
on that data. This goal is one of the oldest uses of computers and remains one of the most common and most
necessary. Crystal Reports is designed to make that task easier, less time-consuming, and more powerful.
This idea of accessing data remains at the root of every report produced. By understanding how Crystal
Reports accesses data, you will gain a better knowledge of the reporting process, as well as a better knowledge
of the type of data with which the program can work.
In addition, understanding the data access process will help you troubleshoot problems you may encounter
while trying to open a particular database le. This is especially useful for IT managers, or for anyone who
provides data access support for a group of users.
Most of the information in this section is designed for experienced Crystal Reports users and IT managers, and
covers technical aspects of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and data storage techniques. A familiarity
with computers, the Windows operating system, and at least one DBMS application is assumed.
26.1.1 Four types of data
The data that Crystal Reports can access falls into four general categories:
Direct access database les [page 620]
ODBC data sources [page 626]
OLE DB [page 632]
Business Views [page 636]
Each type of data must be accessed using a specic set of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) and other data
access-related les. Once you understand the process the program uses to access each type of data, you
will have a better understanding of the report creation process and the elements used to create powerful
reports with your data.
When accessing any type of data, Crystal Reports relies on the database drivers to provide eld names,
eld types, and eld lengths. This information is provided by either the database engine or the ODBC
database driver.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
26.2 Direct access database les
Crystal Reports can access many of the most common PC database formats directly. In other words, the
program has the built-in capabilities needed to directly open database les and tables designed in Microsoft
Exchange server, Outlook les, Local le system, IIS log les, among others. This functionality exists as soon as
you install Crystal Reports. Once the program is installed on your system, you can immediately begin creating
reports based on these databases by selecting the appropriate le.
26.2.1 Advantages
Accessing the database directly is the fastest way to read the data. Crystal Reports only needs to talk to a
single data access layer that provides contact with the data. Report results can be obtained quickly in almost
any system environment.
In addition, data access is simple. Direct access database les are point-and-click data sources. You need only
select the required database les, and Crystal Reports will read all the stored data.
26.2.2 Disadvantages
When you access a database directly through Crystal Reports, only that database type can be used by the
report. You cannot switch to a dierent type of database or table without creating a new report.
If you access data through ODBC, on the other hand, the syntax used is always the SQL language, regardless of
the actual database type. See ODBC data sources [page 626].
26.2.3 Three layers
Direct access of database les from Crystal Reports requires three layers:
Crystal Reports [page 620]
Data translation [page 621]
Database [page 621]
Crystal Reports uses the data translation layer to talk to the database and access its data. Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports operates as an interface through which you can format, arrange, select, and sort the data
stored in database les. It obtains data by communicating with one or more les in the data translation layer
that can actually read the database. Since Crystal Reports can work with many forms of data, it must rely on
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
other les in order to work directly with the data. Crystal Reports can then use a native method of
communication to talk to the translation les. Data translation
Data is translated through a set of DLLs specic to Crystal Reports. The program uses the DLLs specic to a
certain data type to understand how data is organized for that type and to present it correctly when your report
is printed, previewed, or exported.
Crystal Reports comes with all the data translation les for each of the direct access database types that it
supports. Database
The database le consists of one or more tables. Dierent DBMS applications store database information
When Crystal Reports accesses a database le directly, it automatically retrieves information about all of the
tables and elds in that le. You may not use all of the tables or elds, but the program will make them available
to you.
Crystal Reports will also open queries in an Access database through ODBC and will allow you to report on
query elds, as with table elds. See Access [page 630].
26.2.4 Common database formats
Although Crystal Reports uses the same three-tiered system for obtaining data from all direct access database
le formats, each format requires a dierent set of DLLs. However, some formats expand the basic three-tiered
The following sections cover the systems used by Crystal Reports to access data from some of the most
popular database formats. Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access provides several means for opening its database les. Each method has its advantages and
disadvantages, and the technique that you should use may depend on how your data is set up. You can use
Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard, which is described in Access [page 630].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
PUBLIC 621 Exchange
Exchange is Microsoft's successor to MS Mail. Exchange, however, includes not only e-mail, but also
management of group scheduling, electronic forms, groupware, and Internet connectivity. An Exchange folder
can contain standard notes (mail), les, and instances of Exchange forms. All of this data is stored in the
Exchange Information Store.
Exchange 2000 can be accessed through ADO.
Crystal Reports can report on data contained in the Exchange Information Store. Exchange data sources
available for reporting include:
Message Tracking Logs
Address Lists
Personal Address Books
Global Address Lists
Distribution Lists
Exchange Folder Contents
Mail messages
Exchange Form applications
Properties of OLE documents
Exchange Administrator
Properties of Exchange mailboxes on the Exchange Server
Properties of public folders on the Exchange Server
Replica list of public folders
ACL (Access Control List) of public folders
You can use each Exchange data source like a database table and you can link each Exchange data source to
other data sources. For example, you can join the Message Tracking Log to an Address List by using an e-mail
address as the link eld.
The data translation le used to access the Exchange data source depends on the data source that is being
accessed. The following table lists each of the Exchange data translation les and describes their purpose:
File name Data source
crdb_p2strack.dll Exchange Server Message Tracking Logs
crdb_p2smapi.dll Exchange Folders and Address Book
crdb_p2sexsrm.dll Exchange Server Mailbox Admin
crdb_p2sexsrp.dll Exchange Server Public Folders Admin
crdb_p2srepl.dll Exchange Public Folder Replica
crdb_p2sacl.dll Public Folders Access Control Lists (ACL)
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
File name Data source
Physical Server DLL for Microsoft Outlook
Exchange translation les work directly with the Microsoft Messaging API (MAPI). MAPI acts as a database
engine for Exchange data.
How Crystal Reports treats Exchange data
Crystal Reports treats Exchange Administrator data (Public Folder Admin, Public Folder ACL, Public Folder
Replica, and Mailbox Admin server types) as a physical database server. To access this data, you must log on
using a SQL/ODBC server and select the appropriate tables from the Choose SQL Table dialog box.
When you log on to any of the Exchange Administrator servers, you must select a prole (or proles). Each
prole represents an Exchange Server.
Refer to your Microsoft Exchange documentation for more information about how to set up and create
Exchange proles. Outlook
Microsoft Outlook provides powerful organization and information management tools in the form of e-mail,
calendars, task lists and other popular tools.
Crystal Reports lets you report on your Outlook data by providing the translation les crdb_p2soutlk.dll and
p2soutlk.dll. Because Outlook data is stored in a at le system, the translation le accesses it directly.
You must have Microsoft Outlook installed, or available through UNC (universal naming convention) read-
access. UNC is a standard format for paths that include a local area network le server. The basic syntax is:
\\server\share\path\filename Oracle
Crystal Reports supports direct access to Oracle SQL databases. This accessibility is provided by the
crdb_oracle.dll translation le. This le communicate with the Oracle database driver, which works directly with
Oracle databases and clients, retrieving the data you need for your report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
In order for Crystal Reports to use Oracle SQL databases, the Oracle client software must be installed on
your system, and the location of the Oracle client must be in the PATH statement of your Autoexec.bat le.
When logging on to Oracle using crdb_oracle.dll, the date format is changed to match the default date/time
format of Crystal Reports. Sybase Adaptive Server
Crystal Reports opens SQL data created by Sybase Adaptive Server directly through the crdb_p2ssyb10.dll,
installed with Crystal Reports. This translation le works with the Sybase database drivers to read Sybase
Adaptive Server data. If your Sybase server is correctly congured, you will be able to read Sybase data as soon
as Crystal Reports is installed. DB2 Server
IBM's DB2 Server is an SQL compliant, client/server application that is part of IBM's popular database
management suite.
Crystal Reports opens SQL data created by DB2 through the crdb_p2sdb2.dll, installed with Crystal Reports.
This translation le works with the DB2 database drivers to read DB2 data. You must have the DB2 client
installed and congured properly before using this translation le. Active Data
Crystal Reports can be used to report o ActiveX data sources, including ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and
Remote Data Objects (RDO). Reports created o these data sources can be used in Visual Basic applications
that use these ActiveX data sources.
Crystal Reports also oers the ability to create reports without specifying an actual data source. This is
supported through the use of a Data Denition le, which is an ASCII text le with placeholders to represent
database elds. By using reports created o a Data Denition File, an application developer has the exibility of
specifying the actual data source at runtime.
Crystal Reports provides these translation les for Active Data reporting:
File Description
crdb_elddef.dll For Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
File Description
crdb_ado.dll For Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects
crdb_odbc.dll For ODBC
These translation les works with a dierent set of drivers for each data source. Local le system
You can use Crystal Reports to report on les located on your system or network drives including information
such as le name, version number, date, and so on.
The translation le crdb_lesystem.dll is provided by Crystal Reports for reporting on your local le system.
You must have UNC (universal naming convention) read-access to your local le system. UNC is a standard
format for paths that include a local area network le server. The basic syntax is: \\server\share\path
\filename NT Event Log
If using Windows NT version 3.51 or later, you can use Crystal Reports to report on the NT Event Log. The Event
Log is a database used by network administrators to record and keep track of dierent types of events that can
occur on a Windows NT Workstation or on a Windows NT server.
Crystal Reports provides the translation les crdb_p2sevta.dll (archived log) and crdb_p2sevtc (current log) for
working with NT Event Log data. These les communicate with the Event Logging API in Advapi32.dll, a part of
the Windows NT operating system. Microsoft IIS/Proxy log le
If you use Microsoft Internet Information Server (MS IIS), or Microsoft Proxy, you can use Crystal Reports to
report on the log les. These log les keep track of dierent types of events that occur when using a web server
and browser.
The translation le Crystal Reports provides for MS IIS and Proxy log les is crdb_p2smsiis.dll. Because log le
data is normally stored in a at le system, the translation le accesses it directly.
You must have UNC (universal naming convention) read-access to your local le system. UNC is a standard
format for paths that include a local area network le server. The basic syntax is: \\server\share\path
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
PUBLIC 625 Web/IIS log les
You can use Crystal Reports to report on Web log les. These log les keep track of dierent types of events
that occur when using a web server and browser.
The translation le Crystal Reports provides for Web/IIS log les is crdb_p2swblg.dll. Because log le data is
normally stored in a at le system, the translation le accesses it directly.
You must have UNC (universal naming convention) read-access to your local le system. UNC is a standard
format for paths that include a local area network le server. The basic syntax is: \\server\share\path
26.3 ODBC data sources
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard developed by the Microsoft Corporation through which
many dierent types of data can be accessed by a single application. An application need only communicate
with one set of les (ODBC) to be able to work with any source of data that can be accessed by ODBC.
There are hundreds of Database Management Systems (DBMS) available for personal computers, and
thousands of applications that access DBMS data. Normally, a company that designs an application that
accesses data, such as Crystal Reports, must develop a means for the application to communicate with each
type of data that a customer might want to use. Crystal Reports does this with the databases that it can access
On the other hand, if a DBMS simply provides a means by which ODBC can access its data, the DBMS data
becomes an ODBC data source. Any application that can communicate with ODBC (such as Crystal Reports),
will instantly have access to any ODBC data source. With ODBC drivers available for most common DBMS
products, the range of data types that Crystal Reports can use is almost unlimited.
26.3.1 Advantages
Perhaps the biggest advantage to accessing data through ODBC is the ability to access a wide range of data
with just one interface. Since most popular Database Management Systems now oer ODBC drivers, with more
appearing every day, Crystal Reports can use any type of data you have.
Because of the extreme exibility built into ODBC, you can use the same report le with dierent ODBC data
sources. For example, you might design a report using an Oracle data source, and later, if your company
switches to Microsoft SQL Server, you can simply change the ODBC data source used by your report. The only
requirement is that the new data source must have the same structure (tables and elds) that the original data
source had (although table names can be dierent). For more information, search for the topic called
"Changing the data source accessed by a report" in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
Experienced SQL (Structured Query Language) programmers also benet from the ODBC standard. Since
Crystal Reports uses SQL to communicate with ODBC, SQL programmers and Database Administrators can
view and edit the SQL statements sent to ODBC, controlling exactly how data is retrieved from the data source.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
Finally, by using SQL pass-through technology to send an SQL statement to ODBC and retrieve an initial set of
data, Crystal Reports o-loads much of the data retrieval and sorting work on to the server system, freeing up
local memory and resources for more important tasks. In addition, only the data specied by the SQL
statement is returned to Crystal Reports, reducing network trac and the use of network resources. By
working more eciently with the original data, Crystal Reports saves you time and eort, and lets you
concentrate on the design process and other more important work.
26.3.2 Disadvantages
There are many layers involved in passing data through ODBC from a database to an application. First, Crystal
Reports must request some data. The request must be translated by the ODBC translation layer into a format
that ODBC understands (an SQL statement). ODBC must determine where the requested data exists, and pass
the request on to the ODBC data source. For more information, see DBMS translation (ODBC data source)
layer [page 628]. The data source must analyze the request and translate it again into a format that can be
understood by the DBMS. This complex process can fail at any of several possible levels.
In addition, ODBC data sources must be correctly congured and set up in the Odbc.ini and Odbcinst.ini les
before they can be used. If you create a report on one system and try to open it on another system that does
not have the same ODBC data source set up, Crystal Reports will not be able to connect to the data.
When working with ODBC, you should also be aware that the SQL language used by ODBC is based on the
standards set for the SQL language by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Some SQL-based
DBMS applications, however, provide additional features to the SQL language that are specic to that DBMS. If
your data uses features unique to your DBMS, ODBC will not be able to translate those features (though in
many cases it will still retrieve most of the data). See The SQL language [page 489].
26.3.3 Five layers
The process by which Crystal Reports accesses data from an ODBC data source consists of ve layers:
Crystal Reports layer [page 627]
ODBC translation layer [page 628]
ODBC layer [page 628]
DBMS translation (ODBC data source) layer [page 628]
Database layer [page 629]
By using the Structured Query Language (SQL), all ve layers can conveniently pass data from the database to
your report. Crystal Reports layer
When working with ODBC data, Crystal Reports generates an SQL statement that requests the appropriate
data from ODBC. The powerful SQL generator built into Crystal Reports is designed to create an SQL
statement that will let the ODBC data source or ODBC itself do as much of the report generation as possible,
returning only the data needed to produce the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
PUBLIC 627 ODBC translation layer
Crystal Reports uses the Dynamic Link Library crdb_odbc.dll to communicate with ODBC. This le is unique to
Crystal Reports environment and provides your report with access to any ODBC data source. This is the driver
that actually passes data to and from ODBC. ODBC layer
ODBC is a set of several DLLs and INI les built into the Windows environment that act as a gateway through
which database requests and data can pass. Any database le or format that is to be used via ODBC must be
set up as an ODBC data source.
For more information on ODBC and the ODBC les, see the Microsoft ODBC documentation.
ODBC uses the SQL language for all transactions between Crystal Reports and ODBC. Even if the database
does not normally use SQL to create and work with tables, the ODBC driver provided by the database (the
DBMS translation layer) must communicate with ODBC using SQL. For most users, this feature of ODBC is
transparent, but more advanced users often take advantage of the features of the SQL language used by
ODBC. DBMS translation (ODBC data source) layer
This layer consists of one or more drivers provided by a DBMS that allow ODBC to communicate with the
database. Crystal Reports ships with several ODBC drivers for many of the most common database formats. If
you are unsure whether you can use an ODBC driver to access the data in your database, refer to the
documentation for your DBMS application. Most DBMS applications that run on a Windows-based platform
oer an ODBC driver.
When a DBMS provides an ODBC driver, it must register the driver with ODBC on the machine on which it has
been installed. It does this by assigning a name to the driver and recording the lename in the Odbcinst.ini le.
Usually, this step is handled automatically when the DBMS application is installed on the system. However,
your network system or DBMS application may require that you register the ODBC driver manually with the
ODBC Setup application. For more information about registering an ODBC driver with ODBC, refer to the
documentation for your DBMS.
Once an ODBC driver is registered, you need to establish an ODBC data source using that driver. The ODBC
data source is the object that you connect to when accessing data from Crystal Reports through ODBC. Data
sources are recorded in the Odbc.ini le. The data source keeps track of the DBMS translation les (ODBC
drivers) and, sometimes, the database itself. An ODBC data source can specify just a database format, such as
Oracle, Sybase SQL, or MS SQL Server. Some users, however, prefer to actually specify a particular database.
In this case, the ODBC data source extends across both the DBMS translation layer, and the database layer.
If you are using a client/server database, such as an SQL server, the ODBC drivers communicate with the
database server through the Database Communication layer, the same layer that your database client uses to
communicate with the database server.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
ODBC drivers nd their specic DBMS client les on the local machine mainly through key directories
that the DBMS client has installed in the search path. The important thing to remember is that a
workstation client on a local PC must be able to connect to its server successfully. If you are not sure
how to verify this, contact your IT manager.
Crystal Reports 2020 is a 64bit application. Make sure database client and ODBC driver are both 64bit.
For Crystal Reports and the ODBC drivers, it does not matter what kind of platform your database server exists
on. It is the DBMS client that connects and communicates with the server; Crystal Reports and the drivers
need only communicate with the DBMS client. For more information, see Using SQL and SQL databases [page
484]. Database layer
The database le which the ODBC data source refers to can be located anywhere on a system. Once the ODBC
data source is set up, Crystal Reports does not need to know the actual location and format of the data. Thus,
the database can have any format and can be located anywhere on a network, as long as ODBC can
communicate with it through the ODBC data source.
26.3.4 Installing database clients
Ideally, your database client should be installed and congured before you install Crystal Reports. If, however,
you've installed Crystal Reports rst, you can ensure the proper conguration of the Crystal Reports ODBC
Data Source Name (DSN) by following this procedure.
Crystal Reports 2020 is a 64bit application and requires the 64bit database client and 64bit ODBC driver to be
installed and congured. For information on installation and conguring Database Client, see your database
documentation or your database administrator. To ensure correct ODBC DSN conguration
1. On the Start menu, select Settings, select Control Panel, then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select Crystal Reports and click Change.
3. In the Crystal Reports Setup dialog box, click Add/Remove.
4. Expand the Data Access folder and select the appropriate data access option.
For example, if you have installed the Informix database client, select Informix from the Data Access folder.
5. Click the selected data access option and choose Entire feature will be unavailable.
An X appears next to the option and the Feature Description area includes a remark that the feature will be
completely removed.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
6. Click Next on this dialog box and the following one.
The data access option you selected is removed.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 4.
8. Click the selected data access option and choose Will be installed on local hard drive.
The X next to the option is removed and the Feature Description area includes a remark that the feature will
be installed.
9. Click Next on this dialog box and the following one.
The data access option you selected is reinstalled and its ODBC DSN is congured properly.
26.3.5 Common ODBC database formats Access
Although Microsoft Access les can be opened directly by Crystal Reports (see Microsoft Access [page 621]),
you may wish to use ODBC for these les instead. When communicating with Access databases, ODBC uses a
translation le that communicates with the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The Jet Database Engine is an
example of a DBMS-specic ODBC driver.
The Jet engine is the part of the Access DBMS that does all of the actual work with an Access database. Jet is a
required component for working with Access data. Since the Jet engine is an integral part of all Access
databases, it is shown here as part of the database layer. Excel
You can convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into databases that can be read by Crystal Reports through
ODBC. In Excel 4.0 and earlier, use the Set Database command on the Data menu. In Excel 5.0 and later, use
Dene on the Name submenu of the Insert menu. Once converted, spreadsheet rows become records, and
spreadsheet columns become elds. (For more information on converting your spreadsheets to database
format, refer to your Excel documentation). Once the spreadsheet is converted, you can set up an ODBC data
source for the le, and then select it from Crystal Reports.
If you are using Excel 7 or later, you can export your spreadsheets as Access database tables, and read
them from Crystal Reports as you would read any other Access tables. For more information, refer to your
Excel documentation.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources Informix
Crystal Reports accesses Informix databases through ODBC. The Informix client should be installed on your
machine. Otherwise, Crystal Reports provides the DataDirect driver that ODBC uses to communicate with the
Informix database engine.
If your report uses a DataDirect DSN connection and you want to publish the report to a BI platform
installation on Unix, verify that the BI platform administrator has added a DSN entry into the odbc.ini le.
For more information about conguring BI platform to use DataDirect connections, see the SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Installation Guide for Unix. SQL databases through DataDirect
There are many dierent SQL Database Management Systems available on the market, and most of them can
be accessed through ODBC. Crystal Reports provides several DataDirect ODBC drivers, allowing you to access
many of the most popular SQL databases, including:
Microsoft SQL Server
Crystal Reports still communicates with ODBC through the crdb_odbc.dll translation le, but the DataDirect
drivers provide ODBC with easy access to the actual databases.
If you are using an SQL database not accessed by the DataDirect drivers, refer to your DBMS
documentation for more information about the required ODBC drivers.
Do not confuse SQL databases with the SQL language. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a specialized
computer language used to design, build, and read database les. See Using SQL and SQL databases [page
SQL databases are any collection of computer applications that depend on the SQL language for database
creation and manipulation. SQL DBMS applications are usually designed to run as large client/server
applications spread across a network.
To open an SQL database, ODBC uses a set of DataDirect ODBC support drivers (these are the same for every
SQL database format), a DataDirect ODBC driver specic to the database format, and the Database
Communication layer that actually communicates directly to the database le. The les provided for this DBMS
translation layer are all DataDirect drivers.
ODBC does not have to use the DataDirect drivers to access the SQL databases shown here. Most SQL
DBMS applications provide their own ODBC drivers.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
If your report uses a DataDirect DSN connection and you want to publish the report to a BI platform
installation on Unix, verify that the BI platform administrator has added a DSN entry into the odbc.ini le.
For more information about conguring BI platform to use DataDirect connections, see the SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Installation Guide for Unix. OLE DB
OLE DB is a database connectivity entity from Microsoft similar in conception to ODBC.
OLE DB is a connectivity methodology and not a database. Like ODBC, it facilitates the exchange of data
created in other database management systems by providing an interface layer.
OLE DB requires the use of an OLE DB provider, which is the OLE DB equivalent of an ODBC driver.
There are two ways to connect using an OLE DB provider. You can connect using a username and password,
and depending on the provider, you may also be able to connect using Integrated Security. No user ID or
password is required with Integrated Security, but it does require that Database Authentication is enabled
on the server. Please consult your Database Administrator on how to enable and congure this function.
26.4 JDBC data sources
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java API developed by Sun Microsystems that acts as an interface
between a developer's Java code and a database. JDBC provides a mechanism for the developer to use to
connect to a specied database, request information about the database, and then select information from it.
JDBC is similar to Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and is fast becoming the standard for
database-independent connectivity between Java applications and SQL-based databases.
JDBC shares many of the advantages of ODBC, but it has a unique advantage in its ability to provide platform-
independent access to any database that has a JDBC driver available to it.
The Crystal Reports JDBC driver requires version 1.4 of the JDK.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
26.4.1 JNDI
The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) provides an interface that you can use to seamlessly connect
to diverse naming and directory services within your company. Most importantly for reporting purposes, JNDI
contains a repository for holding JDBC connection strings; when you provide these predened connection
strings through JNDI, your users will not be called on to provide connection URLs and class names when
connecting to a data source.
JNDI can also be used to employ the more advanced connection-pooling type connections to a database. In
either case, JNDI returns a valid connection to your database.
Check the Platforms.txt le in the Crystal Reports product distribution for a list of supported JNDI
26.4.2 Five layers
The process by which Crystal Reports accesses data from a JDBC data source consists of ve layers.
Crystal Reports layer [page 633]
JDBC translation layer [page 633]
JDBC layer [page 633]
DBMS translation (JDBC data source) layer [page 634]
Database layer [page 634] Crystal Reports layer
The Crystal Reports layer is database-driver independent, but it is used to drive all of the remaining layers. JDBC translation layer
Crystal Reports uses the Dynamic Link Library crdb_jdbc.dll to communicate with JDBC. This le is unique
to Crystal Reports environment and provides your report with access to any JDBC data source. This is the
driver that actually passes data to and from JDBC. JDBC layer
JDBC acts as a gateway through which database requests and data can pass.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
For more information on JDBC and the JDBC les, see the Sun Microsystems web site.
JDBC uses the SQL language for all transactions between Crystal Reports and JDBC. Even if the database does
not normally use SQL to create and work with tables, the JDBC driver provided by the database (the DBMS
translation layer) must communicate with JDBC using SQL. For most users, this feature of JDBC is transparent,
but more advanced users often take advantage of the features of the SQL language used by JDBC. DBMS translation (JDBC data source) layer
This layer consists of one or more drivers provided by a DBMS that allow JDBC to communicate with the
database. If you are unsure whether you can use an JDBC driver to access the data in your database, refer to
the documentation for your DBMS application. Database layer
The database le which the JDBC data source refers to can be located anywhere on a system. Once the JDBC
data source is set up, Crystal Reports does not need to know the actual location and format of the data. Thus,
the database can have any format and can be located anywhere on a network, as long as JDBC can
communicate with it through the JDBC data source.
26.4.3 Supported JDBC database formats
There are many dierent SQL Database Management Systems available on the market, and many of them can
be accessed through JDBC. Crystal Reports communicates with JDBC through the crdb_jdbc.dll
translation le, which has been designed to work with any fully JDBC-compliant driver. Crystal Reports ocially
supports third-party JDBC-compliant database drivers provided with:
Microsoft SQL Server
BEA LiquidData for WebLogic
Check the Release Notes in the Crystal Reports product distribution for specic version requirements and
for updates to this list; more database drivers may be added as testing progresses.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
26.4.4 Conguring the Crystal Reports JDBC driver
When you install Crystal Reports, the following Crystal Reports JDBC driver les are added to your system:
In the \Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
4.0\win64_x64 directory:
In the \Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
4.0\java directory:
In the \Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
4.0\java\lib directory:
CRDBJavaServer.jar CRCong.xml conguration for JDBC/JNDI
After installing the Crystal Reports JDBC driver, you must congure the CRConfig.xml le before the driver
will work. See the CRCong.xml Tag Reference in the
Crystal Reports Online Help for a complete list of tags. The
main tags that you must congure are <JavaDir, Classpath> , and <IORFileLocation> .
26.5 Business Objects universes
You can create a Crystal report from a Business Objects universe. Crystal Reports lets you select a universe and
design a query from it using a tool called the Business Objects Query Panel. This query forms the basis of a
SQL statement that is saved as a Crystal SQL Command object. For more information about SQL Command
objects, search for the topic called "Dening an SQL Command" in the Crystal Reports Online Help.
When you report o a universe in Crystal Reports, the query that is produced is based on the structure of
the database the universe references as it was when you designed the report. If the universe changes, you
must return to the Query Panel to propagate the changes in the report. See Editing an existing query [page
326] for more information.
If the universe contains security that is created and managed through BusinessObjects Supervisor, the
rights applied to the current report are always the rights of the person designing the report.
When you report o a universe in Crystal Reports, Interactive Analysis server groups are not supported
(PServer, JServer groups are supported).
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
This version of the Query Panel in Crystal Reports supports ODBC database connections (including Sybase
and Informix ODBC) as well as OLE DB, DB2 native, and Oracle native connections.
To learn how to begin reporting o a universe in Crystal Reports, see Connecting to a universe [page 323].
26.6 Business Views
Business Views are collections of components created in Business View Manager—a exible and reliable multi-
tier system. Business View Manager lets companies build detailed and specic Business Views that help report
designers and end users access the information they require.
Using Business Views, you can integrate data from disparate sources. You can also bring together data from
multiple data collection platforms and application boundaries so that the dierences in data resolution,
coverage, and structure between collection methods are eliminated.
Business View Manager, a thick-client application, enables administrators to create and modify Data
Connections, Dynamic Data Connections, Data Foundations, Business Elements, and Business Views.
A Business View is dened as the following collection of components:
Data Connections
Dynamic Data Connections
Data Foundations
Business Elements
Users can access Business Views through products such as Crystal Reports and the Report Application Server.
For detailed information about Business Views and how to create them, see the Business Views Administrator's
When you save a report that is based on a Business View, the Save As dialog box contains an option called
"Disconnect view security." Selecting this option disconnects the report from the Central Management
Server (CMS) so that users are not prompted for logon when they open the report. Once a report is
disconnected from the CMS, you cannot reconnect to BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and
its security features, nor can you refresh the report's data. This is a useful option for times when you might
want to share data that is normally secured, but you don't want those who receive the report to be able to
refresh the data later.
It is the responsibility of the System Administrator, or the report designer who has Administrator rights, to
save reports based on Business Views to a secure location. If the Administrator creates a report based a
Business View that has row- or column-level security, saving the report with saved data to a non-secure
location and then disconnecting from SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform makes the
report and all of its data available to any user.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Accessing Data Sources
27 Report Processing Model
This section provides you with in-depth information about the Report Processing model. This model
determines the order in which data is accessed and manipulated during report generation.
27.1 Overview
Crystal Reports uses a three-pass reporting method to generate reports. The sections below describe what
happens during each step of this process. To see a visual representation, refer to the ow-chart at the end of
this section.
27.1.1 What is a "pass"?
A pass is a process that Crystal Reports uses each time the data is read or manipulated. Depending on the
complexity of the report Crystal Reports may make 1, 2, or 3 passes over the data. This feature allows for
complex reporting and formula manipulation.
27.1.2 Pre-pass 1
When previewing a report, the rst elements to be evaluated are "constant" formulas. Constant formulas are
those that have a constant value for the entire report. They do not change from record to record. For example,
100* 30 would be a constant formula. Constant formulas are evaluated at the beginning of the print generation
process and are never evaluated again. This process is known as "BeforeReadingRecords." If you were to place
a constant formula eld (i.e., 100*30) in the Details section, the result would be 3000 for each record
27.1.3 Pass 1
After the "BeforeReadingRecords" process has taken place, Crystal Reports begins reading the database
records. During the record reading process, the following will occur:
Record retrieval. Where possible record selection and sorting are pushed down to the database in this step.
Evaluation of recurring formulas. These formulas are those that contain database elds but do not contain
references to subtotals or summary information. This evaluation time is known as "WhileReadingRecords."
Formulas that contain references to subtotals or summary information are processed in the second pass.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Processing Model
Application of the record selection locally. If the record selection is too complex to be pushed down to the
database, it is applied by Crystal Reports in this step.
Application of the saved data record selection formulas. When records return to the report, they are further
ltered through any existing saved data formulas.
Sorting, grouping, and totaling. In this step, Crystal Reports sorts the records, separates them into groups,
and then calculates the subtotals and summaries needed for each group.
Cross-Tab, chart, and map generation. Only Cross-Tabs, charts, and maps that are based entirely on
database elds and recurring formulas are generated in Pass 1. If these objects include running totals
and/or PrintTime formulas, they are generated in Pass 2.
Storage of saved data. After the totaling process is complete, all of the records and totals are stored in
memory and to temporary les. Crystal Reports does not read the database again, but instead uses this
saved data during all subsequent processing.
27.1.4 Pre-pass 2
During Pre-Pass 2, Crystal Reports orders the groups in the report for Top/Bottom N or Hierarchical Grouping.
The records are not read in this process, instead Crystal Reports only looks at group instances from Pass 1, and
takes the Top N as appropriate, or orders the groups based on the Hierarchical Grouping settings specied.
27.1.5 Pass 2
Crystal Reports enters the second pass through the data to format pages. The pages are formatted on
demand. This means that Crystal Reports will not format a page until it is requested by the user, or until it is
required for the total page count in Pass 3.
During page formatting, Crystal Reports does the following:
Group selection formulas.
Running totals.
Calculation of formulas marked "WhilePrinting Records."
These are formulas that contain references to subtotals or summary information, also known as
"PrintTime" formulas. This evaluation time is known as "WhilePrinting Records."
Cross-Tabs, charts, and maps.
Cross-Tabs, charts, and maps that include running totals and/or PrintTime formulas, and charts that are
based on Cross-Tabs are generated in Pass 2.
OLAP grids.
Generation of Pages on Demand.
Subtotals, grand totals, and summaries may appear to be incorrect if the report has a group selection
formula. This occurs because the grand totals and summaries are calculated during Pass 1, but the group
selection formula lters the data again in Pass 2. Running total elds can be used instead of summaries to
total data in reports with a group selection formula.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Processing Model
You can use on-demand subreports to ensure that your main report remains a single-pass report. With on-
demand subreports, Crystal Reports must still make a second pass through the data; however, this second
pass does not begin until you drill down on the subreport. Consequently, you can increase the performance
of reports that contain subreports by using on-demand subreports.
27.1.6 Pass 3
In the third, and nal pass, the total page count is determined. This applies to reports that use the total page
count, or Page N of M special elds.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Report Processing Model
28 Crystal Reports Error Messages
This section provides you with information and resolutions for some common error messages that you might
encounter in Crystal Reports.
28.1 Drive:\lename.extension
This document could not be opened. It does not appear to be a Crystal Reports document.
Occurs when attempting to open a Crystal report le that does not have an RPT extension.
This error occurs because the report has become corrupted.
A backup copy of the report must be used in place of the corrupted copy.
28.2 Drive:\test.rpt
This document could not be opened. It does not appear to be a Crystal Report document.
The document has the expected extension (RPT), but it seems to be corrupted. If this report used to work, try
opening it with a dierent version of Crystal Reports; if that does not work, contact your administrator.
Occurs when attempting to open a Crystal report le that has an RPT extension.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Crystal Reports Error Messages
This error occurs because the report has become corrupted.
A backup copy of the report must be used in place of the corrupted copy.
28.3 Failed to load database connector
The database connector is not available on the machine that is processing the report.
The database client software required by the database connector is not available on the machine that is
processing the report.
Occurs when refreshing or previewing a Crystal report that does not contain saved data.
Ensure that the database connector used by the report is installed on all machines where the report can be run.
Ensure that the necessary database client software required by the database connector is installed and in the
PATH environment system variable on all machines where the report can be run.
28.4 Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database
Vendor Code: <vendor code number>]
The data source required by the report is unavailable or improperly congured on the machine that is
processing the report.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Crystal Reports Error Messages
The database server required by the report is unavailable.
The database client is installed but improperly congured on the machine that is processing the report. For
example a DB2 database alias, Oracle tnsnames entry or Sybase DSEDIT entry is missing or improperly
Occurs when refreshing or previewing a Crystal report that does not contain saved data.
Ensure that the data source required by the report is available and properly congured on all machines
where the report can be run. For example, the ODBC data source or JNDI data source exists and
connectivity can be proven from a client test tool.
Ensure that the database server required by the report is running and that connectivity can be proven from
a client test tool on all machines where the report can be run.
28.5 Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details:
[Database Vendor Code: <vendor code number>]
Occurs when refreshing or previewing a Crystal report that does not contain saved data.
The report SQL queries that have been sent to the server cannot be executed, because an error was returned
by the database server after it processed the queries. For example, a eld/table/procedure required by the
report is missing, or the queries contain syntax errors.
Ensure the report is using the correct connection information. For example, the data source name, server
name, database name, and user name are correct.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Crystal Reports Error Messages
In a database client test tool, ensure that the elds, tables, and procedures used by the report exist, and that
SQL queries can be executed against them.
In the Crystal Reports designer, verify that the SQL query, as shown under the Database menu Show SQL
Query option does not contain syntax errors.
If the SQL query shown in Crystal Reports is valid, execute the same SQL query through a database client test
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Crystal Reports Error Messages
29 Creating Accessible Reports
Click a link to view one of the topics in this section:
About accessibility [page 644]
Improving report accessibility [page 646]
Designing for exibility [page 654]
Improving data table accessibility [page 657]
Accessibility and BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform [page 662]
Accessibility and customization [page 663]
Resources [page 664]
29.1 About accessibility
When you create Crystal reports for a large audience across the organization—and around the world—you need
to account for the diverse needs of that audience. Report designers often create reports for specic languages,
countries, job tasks, or work groups, but it is also important to consider the accessibility requirements of users.
Report users may have physical, sensory, or cognitive limitations that aect their ability to access the Web.
They may not be able to see, move, or hear. They may have low vision or limited movement. Some people have
dyslexia, color-blindness, or seizure disorders; others have diculty reading or understanding text. They may
have a combination of disabilities, with varying levels of severity.
People with disabilities often use assistive technologies: products or techniques that help people perform tasks
they cannot perform otherwise. Assistive technologies include adaptive software programs such as screen
readers (which translate text into audible output), screen magniers, and speech-recognition software. People
with disabilities may also use special browsers that allow only text or voice-based navigation. They may use
assistive devices such as refreshable Braille displays, or alternative keyboards that use "sip-and-pu" switches
or "eyegaze" technology.
To meet the reporting needs of people with disabilities, your reports should be designed to work with as many
assistive technologies as possible.
Despite the wide range of potential accessibility issues, you can use the techniques described in this section to
create reports that are useful for everyone.
29.1.1 Benets of accessible reports
As more business and government leaders adopt new standards for delivering web content to people with
disabilities, accessible design is becoming critical to information management and delivery.
Accessible design provides many benets:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Accessible reports are easier for everyone to use.
Many accessibility guidelines result in improved usability. An accessible report must provide logical and
consistent navigation. Its content must be clearly written and easy to understand.
Accessible reports are more compatible with a variety of technologies, new and old.
Accessible content is easier to export to simple formats that are more compatible with mobile phone
browsers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other devices with low-bandwidth connections.
Some people may not have a keyboard or a mouse. They may have a text-only screen, a small screen, or a
slow Internet connection. Accessible design makes it easier for people with limited technology to access
Accessible content is easier to reuse for other formats.
In the viewers, accessible reports are more accurately copied or exported to other formats.
Accessible reports improve server eciency.
You may reduce the number of HTTP requests on the server, by providing clear navigation so people can
nd. what they need faster. Providing text-only alternatives can reduce the number of graphics, which take
up valuable bandwidth.
Recent initiatives indicate a worldwide trend towards providing accessible web content.
More companies are making accessibility a requirement for their web content, especially in the United
States, where the government introduced section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Accessibility is quickly
becoming an essential part of web content delivery.
You may be legally required to provide accessible content.
Each year, more countries introduce anti-discrimination laws that ensure equal opportunities for people
with disabilities. Even if you are not legally required to meet accessibility guidelines, you may want to do
business with an organization that is required to adhere to them.
Creating accessible reports is easier than modifying existing reports to make them accessible.
If you build accessible features into your reports now, it will be signicantly less expensive than to redesign
existing reports later.
29.1.2 About the accessibility guidelines
The most comprehensive accessibility guidelines are the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG),
developed by the international World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The WCAG is widely considered the
denitive set of recommendations for delivering web content to people with disabilities. The WCAG has
inuenced the development of similar web content standards around the world.
Organizations and governments worldwide are adopting the accessibility recommendations of the W3C. In
Australia, the Disability Discrimination Act includes standards for web site accessibility. Similar guidelines have
been introduced in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe. In Canada, all government web content is now
developed according to the Common Look and Feel (CLF) initiative, which is largely based on the W3C's Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines. Taking web accessibility a step further, the United States government
introduced legislation in the form of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which ensures the right to accessible
government web content.
Common to all guidelines is a focus on providing web content that is useful for all people, regardless of
disability or impairment. For reports, accessible design is focused on the same key concepts:
Content must be easy to understand and navigate.
Text equivalents or alternatives should be provided for non-text objects.
Objects should be logically organized to clarify relationships between objects.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Reports must not rely on any one specic type of hardware, such as a mouse, a keyboard, or a color
For more information on specic accessibility guidelines, see Resources [page 664].
29.1.3 Accessibility and Business Objects products
Business Objects products allow you to design accessible reports and deliver them to your users via the Web.
By observing accessibility guidelines, you can use Crystal Reports to create reports that are accessible to users
with disabilities. You can then publish these reports to the BI platform Server, where people with disabilities can
view them on the Web using the BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform web desktop and the DHTML
The reports in this section were created in Crystal Reports and tested using screen readers (including JAWS
However, Crystal Reports does not currently provide complete accessibility for report designers with
The BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform management components, including the BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence platform Central Management Console (CMC) and the Central Conguration Manager
(CCM), do not currently provide access for people with disabilities. The ActiveX and Java viewers are also not
In the BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform web desktop, the main user interface for working with
reports through BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the ability to log on and view reports is
accessible for most users. However, other areas, such as new account sign up and scheduling, may not be
Although you can use many of the same design guidelines to improve the accessibility of OLAP Intelligence
Professional reports, Worksheets are dicult to format for accessibility. Crystal Reports is the
recommended option for delivering reports to people with disabilities.
29.2 Improving report accessibility
To begin improving the accessibility of your Crystal reports, start with accessibility guidelines that are quick
and easy to implement. A small change in your design conventions or company template may have a
signicant impact on accessibility.
Simple navigation and clearly-written content are critical for accessibility, but they are easy to implement and
useful for all report users.
The following sections provide tips and guidelines on how to design reports with accessibility in mind. Click the
appropriate link to jump to that section:
Placing objects in reports [page 647]
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Text [page 648]
Color [page 651]
Navigation [page 653]
Parameter elds [page 653]
29.2.1 Placing objects in reports
There are a few general guidelines to keep in mind when you place objects on a report. Organizing objects logically
When you place objects on reports, make sure their placement is clear and logical, especially when you need to
imply a relationship between two objects in a report. For example, if you include a text description of a chart,
ensure that it is close enough to the chart to make the connection clear.
Many assistive technologies read from left to right and from top to bottom; therefore, if you include a text
description and title for a chart, you should decide which one you want the user to read rst. This will ensure
that the objects in a report are read in the correct order. Placing objects in order
When you publish a report to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, the HTML version organizes
the objects in the report according to the consecutive order that you added them in Crystal Reports, not
according to where they were positioned on the report. The report appears the same on the screen, but the
underlying HTML code lists the reports objects in the order they were inserted. Instead of reading the report
from left to right and top to bottom, screen readers and other assistive devices may follow the order specied
in the HTML. To make a report accessible, you must add objects to reports in the order that you want a screen
reader to read them.
For example, you place Quarter, Year, and Invoice elds in the Details section and then add the report title
"Invoices by Quarter" to the Report Header. When you publish the report to the BI platform Server, it looks the
same as it did in Crystal Reports, but the underlying HTML displays the database eld headings rst, followed
by the title. Instead of reading the report title rst, a screen reader reads the headings rst: "Quarter, Year,
Invoice, Invoices by Quarter."
To avoid this, insert the "Invoices by Quarter" title rst. Before you add the data table, you could provide an
introductory text object that describes the table. Finally, add the elds to the Details section. The report will
now make more sense in a screen reader, which will read "Invoices by Quarter. The following table lists our
invoices for each quarter. Quarter, Year, Invoice.", and then read the data. (For details on providing accessible
data tables, see Improving data table accessibility [page 657].)
Therefore, to create accessible reports, you must plan the order of your report before you begin working in
Crystal Reports. Plan it on paper. Make sure you know which objects you want to add and where you want
them. Include all calculations, images, and charts on your plan. When you create a new report based on your
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
plan, you can start adding objects from the upper left corner and work your way to the bottom right corner of
the report. Once the objects are placed, you can make changes to them afterwards without aecting their
If you create a text-only alternative of your report, add it to your report as a subreport and, most
importantly, add the subreport before you add any other object to your report. For further details, see Text
[page 648].
After you add all objects to the report, you can test their placement order by tabbing through the objects. To test the placement order of objects in a report
1. Make sure no objects in the report are selected.
2. Press the Tab key.
Crystal Reports selects the object that was placed on the report rst.
3. Tab through the remaining objects.
The order that Crystal Reports uses to tab through the objects is the same order adopted by a screen
reader that views the published version of the report.
29.2.2 Text
The most common accessibility issue encountered by report designers is also one of the easiest to resolve:
providing text-only versions of non-text objects. A non-text object is an object that conveys meaning through a
picture or sound. Non-text objects include pictures, charts, graphical buttons, graphical representations of
text, sounds, animations, and audio or video clips.
People who use assistive technologies are accustomed to text-only substitutes and, therefore, will respond well
to the text-only alternatives you provide.
There are a number of ways you can use text to substantially improve your reports' accessibility:
Provide text equivalents for objects in reports.
Provide text alternatives for reports.
Ensure that text is written and formatted clearly.
Text is a useful tool for creating accessible reports. Most assistive technologies require text input, including
screen readers, speech synthesizers, and Braille displays. You can easily resize and format text, and text is the
most exible medium for import and export. Providing text equivalents
When you create reports, there are many opportunities to use text equivalents to clarify non-text objects.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Place a descriptive text object next to a non-text object, and be sure to add them to the report in
consecutive order (for more details see Placing objects in order [page 647]).
Whenever possible, a text equivalent should communicate the same information as its corresponding
object in the report. If a report displays data in a pie chart, for example, include a text box next to the chart
that summarizes its contents.
Describe the purpose of the non-text object. For example, if an image performs an action when you click it,
describe the action. For a button that opens your web site, provide a text box labeled "Click to view our web
If a report includes audio links, provide a transcript for signicant audio clips.
If a report links to a multimedia or video presentation, provide a transcript. You may also want to provide
captioning for the audio portion and an audio description of the visual portion. Captioning should be
synchronized with the audio. Providing text-only alternatives
If there are too many non-text objects on a report, or if you do not have the resources to integrate accessible
design into all of your reports, then you can provide complete text-only alternatives. For reports that represent
data using only charts and graphics, for example, you can provide a link to a text-only alternative that provides
the same data in data tables and text objects.
Whenever possible, a text-only alternative should provide the same information as the original report. The
information conveyed through images in the main report should also be described using text objects on the
alternative report.
If you cannot produce a complete text-only version of the report, you can still improve accessibility by
providing a descriptive summary of key information or conclusions illustrated by the report.
It is good practice to provide the text-only alternative on a subreport, linked from the top left corner of the main
report, so the user has the opportunity to switch to the text-only version as soon as possible. Add the subreport
to the report before any other object to ensure that a screen reader will read it rst. If you want the subreport
link to appear only for people using screen readers or similar software, you can create a subreport link that is
the same color as the background color. The link will appear as a small blank space, but a screen reader will
read the text for the link. To add a text-only alternative to a subreport
1. Create a text-only version of the report and save it.
2. Open a new report.
3. On the Insert menu, click Subreport.
4. In the Insert Subreport dialog box, select Choose an existing report and click Browse to locate the report
you created in step 1.
5. Click the subreport, then choose Format Subreport from the Format menu.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
6. In the Format Editor, on the Subreport tab, select On-demand Subreport.
7. To hide the subreport link, on the Font tab, choose the color that matches the background color of the
Instead of hiding the subreport link, you can conditionally suppress the section that contains the
subreport. For details, see Accessibility and subreports [page 656]. Using punctuation
To improve the logical ow of spoken text, you may need to add extra punctuation to create pauses. Without
extra punctuation, screen readers may read several text objects as one continuous sentence, making the
content dicult to understand. For example, information in data tables may be read without stop. To prevent
this, you can break up information in data tables by inserting periods between elds.
Certain punctuation marks are read aloud, which may be distracting if used too frequently. For example, when
a screen reader reads a colon ":", it may read it aloud as "colon" instead of a pause. You can change the amount
of spoken punctuation in your screen reader's settings.
To troubleshoot your report's punctuation, it is good practice to read the report using a screen reader. Do
objects run together too quickly? Or are there too many pauses? Are any punctuation marks read aloud? Does
this improve or deter from the usability of the report? Formatting text
After you create text equivalents or alternatives for non-text objects, ensure that the text is clearly written and
easy to read. Observe the following design guidelines:
Use a larger font.
Although people with visual impairments can use the Zoom feature to increase the size of the report, they
will not need to magnify the report as much if the font size is larger. For example, chart labels or legends
can appear in a small font by default. For general legibility, it is good practice to use a font larger than 8
point. For accessibility, ensure that text is larger than 11 point.
Use a "sans serif" font.
Simple fonts such as Arial and Helvetica can be easier to read than serif fonts like Times or Palatino.
Choose left or justied alignment.
Left-aligned or justied text is easier to read than centered or right-aligned text.
Ensure that text follows the guidelines for color usage. For details, see Color [page 651].
You can allow users to choose dierent font settings using a parameter and conditional formatting. For
details, see Accessibility and conditional formatting [page 654].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports Finding the right balance between text and non-text
Text equivalents are very exible and often the best solution for accessibility, but they are not always necessary
or preferred.
Not all non-text objects require text equivalents. You need to include text alternatives only for non-text objects
that provide information or navigation elements that the user cannot do without. Images used for decorative
purposes do not need a text description. If a report has a watermark image that acts as a background for the
data, you do not need to provide a text equivalent. Adding text descriptions for decorative objects can produce
unnecessary clutter.
Text versions of visual or auditory objects in reports should be used as a complement to the object—not as a
replacement. You do not need to remove non-text objects. Visual objects in reports can be very helpful,
especially for people with learning disabilities such as attention decit disorder, or for people who are deaf.
People with hearing impairments may be accustomed to visual communication such as sign language, and
may nd images more useful than text.
No one presentation method can meet the needs of all users. Audio clips can be very useful for people with
visual impairments, but people with hearing impairments will be unable to use them. To help both groups,
provide a combination of audio and text. Multimedia presentations may provide audio information for people
with visual impairments, as well as video information for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Multimedia
presentations are particularly eective for people with attention decit disorder. However, people with certain
mental health disabilities may be distracted by visual or audio objects.
The best approach is to communicate the same information with both text and non-text objects. Add
descriptive text to support the images, and add images that support the text.
If text objects begin to overwhelm your report, you may want to provide a complete text-only version in a
separate report or a subreport. For details, see Providing text-only alternatives [page 649].
To learn more strategies on how to choose presentation methods that meet the needs of a variety of audiences,
see Designing for exibility [page 654].
29.2.3 Color
The colors you choose for objects in reports can have a signicant impact on accessibility for people with visual
impairments, low vision, or color blindness. Ensure that your reports can be understood when viewed without
color. Contrasting colors
Users with limited vision may be unable to distinguish between colors. To test the color contrast in your report,
print or view a black and white copy. You should be able to distinguish between values or elds displayed in
dierent colors (in a pie chart, for example).
If you cannot distinguish between colors on the report, try dierent colors or use gray shading. If this does not
resolve the issue, you can change other characteristics.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
For text, use the Format Editor to change the font, size, or style. You can add borders, underlining, or
background shading to dierentiate text objects from each other.
For charts, use a combination of shading and patterns. You can automatically convert a color chart to a black
and white one using the Chart Expert, or you can select values individually and choose your own patterns. To convert a chart into black and white
1. Select the chart and choose Chart Expert from the Format menu.
2. In the Chart Expert, click the Options tab.
3. In the "Chart color" area, select Black and white, and then click OK.
The chart colors convert to a variety of high-contrast pattern and color lls. To change the ll for a chart value
1. Select the chart, then click the shaded area you want to change.
2. On the Chart menu, point to Chart Options, and then click Format Background.
3. In the Format Background dialog box, on the Fill tab, choose a color and click Pattern.
4. In the Choose A Pattern dialog box, click a pattern, then click OK.
You can also select a texture, gradient, or picture as a ll for the chart value. See the Chart Help for more
information. Using color to convey information
Do not use color as the only identifying characteristic for critical information in a report.
For example, a text object may instruct users to "click the green button" to open a subreport. Users with limited
vision cannot tell which button is green. The button should be recognizable by another dening characteristic
besides its color. For example, you can change the button graphic to a shape that is not used elsewhere on the
report, and instruct users to "click the green arrow button". This solution provides color information for people
who can distinguish colors, and extra information for people who cannot.
Other common situations where color may be used to provide important information include:
To highlight particular values in a table, do not change only the color of the value. If you highlight
outstanding invoices in red, for example, they may look the same as the paid invoices to someone with
limited vision. In the Highlighting Expert dialog box, change a font characteristic other than color, such as
font style.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Using color as the only method for identifying hyperlinks may also cause problems for color-blind users.
When you print your report in black and white, check the hyperlinks to ensure that they are still visible.
Identifying important areas of the report
Do not organize a report by using color as a background or as a separator between dierent sections or
areas. Instead of using color to identify sections, establish clear and consistent navigation for the entire
29.2.4 Navigation
As with other aspects of accessible design, providing several alternative navigation methods can help you meet
the reporting needs of more people. The W3C recommends including several dierent navigation methods. On
the other hand, simplicity is critical for intuitive navigation. Section 508 recommends simple navigation that
uses the least number of navigation links possible. Either approach can be eective for your reports, as long as
you maintain clarity and consistency.
You may want to use report parts to navigate a report (or to connect several reports). If you provide a series of
links in a page header, keep in mind that screen-reading software will reread the navigation information every
time the user refreshes the page or views a new page. In this case, simple navigation is preferable.
For a large report, you could provide a list of navigation links as a table of contents in the report header. More
extensive navigation can be useful when you have a large volume of data. To allow users to skip the list, you
could start with a "Skip the table of contents" link that jumps ahead to the rst page header.
In general, report navigation should follow these guidelines:
Identify the target of each link.
Provide information at the start of the report that describes the layout and navigation.
Use navigation consistently.
Provide the opportunity to skip repetitive navigation links.
29.2.5 Parameter elds
When you include parameter elds in a report, make sure they are clear and simple. Although parameter elds
can be a useful tool for providing accessible content, they can also introduce several accessibility concerns. It is
important to test all parameter elds for accessibility.
Parameter elds should follow these guidelines:
Provide a list of default values for the user to choose from.
Avoid requiring the user to type a value for a parameter. When users provide their own values, they need to
make sure the format of the value will be recognized by the parameter eld. A list of default values is easier
to use, and it ensures that the user chooses from values with valid formats.
Try to avoid complex parameter elds.
A complex parameter eld may be more accessible when it is broken down into multiple parameters. When
you test the accessibility of your parameter elds, pay particular attention to parameters that require a
range. It may be easier to understand if you provide two parameter elds that prompt for discrete values
for the top and bottom of the range, rather than ask the user to choose both values in the same parameter
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
For date elds, do not allow users to choose their own values.
The calendar used to select date values is not currently accessible. Provide a pick-list of default date
values. Using a list of default values also helps avoid invalid date formats.
29.3 Designing for exibility
Flexibility is the key to providing accessible reports. Because dierent users require dierent levels of
accessibility, it is good practice to provide a variety of presentation styles and methods to meet the needs of as
many people as possible. For a detailed report, however, you may not be able to provide multiple presentation
styles without cluttering the report with extra objects.
To address this problem, plan the degree to which you want to integrate accessible formats into your reports.
You can provide accessible formatting for each object, for each section, or as a subreport. You can then allow
users to choose their own accessibility options using a parameter eld that prompts them to choose whether
or not to display accessible formats.
Using this parameter eld, you can conditionally format objects, or conditionally suppress sections that
address dierent access needs. Or you can provide dierent display options by using subreports.
29.3.1 To create an accessibility parameter eld
1. In Crystal Reports, on the View menu, click Field Explorer.
2. In the Field Explorer, right-click Parameter Fields and click New.
3. In the Create New Parameter dialog box, type the parameter name ( Access , for example).
4. Ensure that the Type is set to String.
5. In the Value area, create Yes and No values.
6. In the Value Options area, add prompting text in the Prompt Text eld (for example, Do you want to
enable accessible formatting for this report? ).
7. Click OK in the Create New Parameter dialog box.
29.3.2 Accessibility and conditional formatting
Using the accessibility parameter eld in simple formulas, you can provide multiple formats for any object in a
report. If a user chooses "Yes" when prompted by the parameter, the conditional formulas will ensure that the
objects are modied with accessible formatting conventions. If a user chooses "No", then the report appears
without accessible formatting, perhaps in the standard company template.
For accessible text formatting, you can follow the guidelines suggested by this section and by the W3C, or you
can survey your report users to determine the formats that work best for them. After you determine the
formatting options you want to use, you can create conditional formulas that dene the options. For example,
you can display all database elds in a large Arial font, in white text on a black background, with the Can Grow
option enabled.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
The following procedure creates a conditional formatting formula based on the ?Access parameter eld. The
formula increases the font size if the ?Access parameter eld is set to "Yes". You can use similar formulas to
change colors, add borders, or enable the Can Grow setting. For complete instructions on conditionally
formatting elds and using the Format Formula Editor, see the Crystal Reports Online Help.
If text objects are too small to accommodate the enlarged font, you can use a similar conditional formatting
formula to enable the Can Grow setting, which appears on the Common tab of the Format Editor. To apply accessible settings to font size
1. Open the report in the Design tab of Crystal Reports.
2. In the Details section, right-click the eld you want to conditionally format, and select Format Field.
3. In the Format Editor, click the Font tab.
4. Click the Formula button that corresponds to the Size list.
The Format Formula Editor opens a new formula named Font Size.
5. In the Formula text window, type this formula (which uses Crystal Syntax):
if {?Access} = "Yes"
then 20
else 10
This formula ensures that the font size for the currently selected eld is increased from 10 point to 20 point
when the user chooses to display accessible formatting.
6. Click Save and close.
7. Click OK in the Format Editor.
29.3.3 Accessibility and suppressing sections
Instead of formatting individual objects conditionally, you can create separate sections for accessible versions
of the report content, then use the accessibility parameter eld to conditionally suppress sections. The
accessible and non-accessible sections can be suppressed or shown, based on the parameter value the user
Creating separate sections for accessible versions of report content may be more time-consuming, but there
are a few situations where suppressing sections conditionally can be more practical than formatting on the
object level:
If a report contains many objects, suppressing sections may require fewer conditional formulas.
Not all settings and features can be formatted conditionally. By suppressing sections, however, you can
make any formatting changes you want.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
You may want to provide completely dierent types of information for people viewing the accessible
version of the report. For example, you may want to split visual and audio objects into two dierent
sections and conditionally suppress them based on the parameter value the user chooses. To suppress an accessible section
1. Right-click the left boundary of the section you want to suppress conditionally, and click Section Expert.
2. In the Section Expert, click the Formula button that corresponds to the Suppress (No Drill-Down)
The Format Formula Editor opens a new formula named Suppress (No Drill-Down).
3. In the Formula text window, type this formula (which uses Crystal Syntax):
if {?Access} = "No" then True
This formula selects the Suppress option if the user chooses not to view accessible report content.
4. Click Save and close.
5. Click OK in the Section Expert.
29.3.4 Accessibility and subreports
Accessible report design may become too cumbersome using conditionally formatted objects and suppressed
sections. Two situations in particular may be problematic:
To make the report accessible, you may need to change the overall organization of the report sections, or
you may need to provide dierent objects.
If the report contains a large number of objects or sections, it may take too much time to create conditional
formulas for all of them.
For example, if a report contains many non-text objects displayed in a complex series of groups and sections,
you may want to provide a text-only version that uses dierent objects and a simplied group structure to meet
accessibility guidelines. The easiest way to address this problem is to create a subreport that displays the
accessible version of the report and place the subreport at the beginning of the main report. For details on
creating a text-only accessible subreport, see Providing text-only alternatives [page 649].
If you want only screen readers to be able to see the subreport, you can hide it by changing the subreport link
to the same color as the background. Alternatively, you can use the ?Access parameter eld to allow users to
choose whether or not the subreport appears in the report. Place the subreport in its own section and
conditionally suppress the section based on the ?Access parameter eld. For details, see Accessibility and
suppressing sections [page 655].
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
29.4 Improving data table accessibility
Large tables of data can be dicult to interpret if a person is using a non-visual means of accessing the web,
such as a screen reader. People using screen magniers or the Zoom feature may also nd data tables hard to
navigate because they cannot see the table headings at all times. It can easily become dicult to associate the
value that a screen reader is reading with the corresponding column and row headings. Users need to be able
to understand the data value's position in the table and its relationship to other values.
To improve data table navigation, you can use text objects to provide contextual information with each value.
Using conditional formatting or suppression, you can create a report that displays these objects only if the user
chooses to view them. Other design guidelines can help make large tables of data easier to understand, such as
providing summary paragraphs and expanded column headings.
This section uses terminology consistent with the W3C accessibility guidelines. In these guidelines, the
term data table refers to values arranged in columns and rows. In Crystal Reports, data tables take the form
of group or page headings combined with database elds in the Details section. Do not confuse data tables
with database tables, which are data sources used by Crystal Reports.
29.4.1 Text objects and data table values
You can make a large table easier to understand and navigate by adding text objects that provide information
about each value in the table.
Include whatever information is necessary to establish the meaning and context of the value displayed. When
appropriate, include information that describes column headings or neighboring elds. For example, if a report
displays employee names and salaries, you can add a text object before the Salary database eld that reads
"{Last Name}'s salary is ". The user can determine the context and meaning of the value by reading the
accompanying text object.
Ensure that your text objects use punctuation that will make the content easier to understand when read aloud
by a screen reader. Without accessibility-orientated punctuation, data tables may be read as one long
sentence, making navigation and interpretation very dicult. For example, you can add periods after values so
a screen reader will pause between columns and rows. For details, see Using punctuation [page 650].
As with all objects in reports, the order in which you place text objects on the report can aect accessibility.
Screen readers read the objects in the order they were originally added. (For details, see Placing objects in
order [page 647].) The correct placement order is critical when you add a text object that identies the
contents of a particular column in a data table. If you add the text objects at the end of the design process, they
may be read after the columns that they refer to. When you add text objects that describe values in a report,
ensure that you place them on the report in the order that you want them to be read.
Before you can create an accessible data table, you must plan your report in advance, determining which
objects and database elds you want to include. Because objects must be placed in the order you want them to
be read, planning your content for accessibility is essential. As part of this planning, it is good practice to
choose how you will use text objects to identify data table values. You can simply add text objects before each
database eld. Or you can conditionally suppress text objects or use formulas to combine text objects and
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
PUBLIC 657 Labeling data tables with text objects
Before each eld, add a text object that describes the eld's position in the table. In the following example, the
text box provides information about the Employee ID number. When the report is read with a screen reader,
each number is preceded by the brief explanation in the text box.
Providing extra information for each value can make a data table appear cluttered for people without vision
impairments, so you may want to hide the extra text objects by changing the font color to the same color as the
background. The extra text is invisible, but is still detected and read by screen readers.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports Labeling data tables conditionally
Although adding text objects is relatively easy to implement, it does not address all accessibility concerns.
Invisible text is read by screen readers, but does not help people with limited vision. You can allow the user to
choose whether or not to display text descriptions in the data table by conditionally formatting or suppressing
text objects.
Make sure your report includes an accessibility parameter eld. For instructions on how to create the ?Access
accessibility parameter eld, see Designing for exibility [page 654].
You can use the parameter eld to suppress the text objects conditionally. While it has the same eect as
changing the font color to the background color, conditionally-suppressed text also allows you to use the
parameter eld to specify other formatting options such as font size and style.
To display the text objects only when the user chooses Yes for the ?Access parameter eld, the following
report uses a simple conditional formula to enable the Suppress option on the Common tab of the Format
The formula must be added for each text object you want to suppress.
When the user chooses Yes for the ?Access parameter eld, the text objects are not suppressed; the data table
displays text descriptions.
The report shown also uses the ?Access parameter eld to enable the Can Grow option (also on the
Common tab of the Format Editor) and increase the font size for people with visual impairments.
When the user chooses No for the ?Access parameter eld, the conditional formula suppresses the text
objects, leaving spaces in the report in place of the text objects.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
PUBLIC 659 Labeling data tables with formulas
Another method for adding explanatory text to a data table is to create formulas that combine text, database
elds, and conditional formatting. By adding the text and the database elds together in a conditional formula
based on the ?Access parameter, you can provide optional text for values in a table without leaving blank
spaces in the report. Using formulas also reduces the number of objects on the report, making it easier to
maintain the proper placement order.
Do not use this method if the report has summary elds or calculated elds. Although formulas provide the
best display of data, they can interfere with calculations because the data is converted to text.
The following report uses formulas placed in the Details section that combine the database elds and the extra
text. When the user chooses Yes for the ?Access parameter eld, each formula builds a string that includes the
description and the value.
This report uses the following formulas:
@Employee ID
If {?Access}="Yes" then "Employee ID "
+ ToText({Employee.Employee ID},0) + ". "
else ToText({Employee.Employee ID},0)
@Last Name
If {?Access}="Yes" then "Employee last name is "
+ {Employee.Last Name} + "."
else {Employee.Last Name}
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
If {?Access}="Yes" then {Employee.Last Name} + "'s Salary is " +
ToText({Employee.Salary}) + "."
else ToText({Employee.Salary})
Notice the added punctuation. The periods at the end of each formula improve screen reader legibility by
creating a pause between elds.
The report also uses the ?Access parameter eld to enable the Can Grow option and increase the font size.
In @Employee ID, ?Access parameter eld has been set to "0" to enable the Can Grow option and increase
the font size.
When the user chooses No for the ?Access parameter eld, the formula returns only the data. The report does
not display blank spaces in place of the conditional text objects. Both versions of the report are easy to read.
29.4.2 Other data table design considerations
In addition to labeling data values with text objects, other report design techniques can help you create data
tables that are easier to understand and navigate.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
Include an introductory paragraph that summarizes the content of the table. The summary should be brief:
one or two sentences if possible.
Ensure that headings provide enough information to clearly identify the values that they label.
To test a table's accessibility, read its headings and values in a linear fashion from left to right and from top
to bottom. For example, if a report displays last and rst name elds for each customer, it may read better
if it displays rst name followed by last name. Whenever possible, test the report using assistive
technologies such as screen reading software.
The nal accessible report includes a summary of the data table.
To display the table summary conditionally, the report designer divided the Page Header into two sections. The
rst page header is suppressed when the ?Access parameter eld is set to No . The second page header is
suppressed if the user chooses Yes . For details, see Accessibility and suppressing sections [page 655].
29.5 Accessibility and BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform
Designing accessible reports is only part of the solution. You need to make sure that you deliver reports
through an accessible interface that follows the same design guidelines.
Although the administrative components of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and the
scheduling functionality in the BI platform Server web desktop are not currently accessible to everyone, the
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform web desktop and the DHTML viewer allow for accessible
access to reports over the Web.
Several enhancements have been made to the BI platform Server to account for accessibility issues. Text
descriptions are now provided in ALT tags for the toolbar buttons and other images. Descriptions for text boxes
are clearer, and shortcut links are provided in the DHTML viewer so you can navigate past the toolbar and
group tree.
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
29.5.1 Setting accessible preferences for SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
For the best accessibility support in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, you need to set
certain display preferences.
For the BI platform Server web desktop, display objects in the Action view. The Action view is more accessible
because it provides a text list of the available reports and does not use shortcut menus for report commands.
Depending on your users' needs, you may also want to reduce the number of reports displayed on each page.
For viewing reports, choose the DHTML viewer as the default viewer in your preferences.
You must have your own account on the system in order to set preferences. To set accessible preferences for SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
1. Log on to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
2. On the title bar, click Preferences.
3. On the General Preferences page, in the "On my desktop, show me" area, select Action view.
4. To reduce the number of reports displayed on each page, type a number in the text box next to the Action
view option.
5. Click the Crystal Report Preferences link.
6. In the "View my reports using the" area, select the DHTML viewer.
7. Click Apply.
29.6 Accessibility and customization
When you customize Crystal reports or the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform web desktop,
or if you incorporate the BI platform Server into an existing web site, ensure that your changes follow the
accessibility guidelines set forth by the U.S. Access Board in section 508, or the W3C's Web Accessibility
If you customize Crystal reports or the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform web desktop
extensively, you may encounter other accessibility issues. For online resources that provide comprehensive
accessibility guidelines, see Resources [page 664]. The following list provides some common accessibility
issues that may cause problems when you customize Crystal Reports or SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence platform content.
Frames should be clearly labeled, for easier identication and navigation. Provide text at the top of the
frame that describes its purpose. For example, if a frame provides a list of links to dierent countries, you
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
can clarify its purpose clear by adding text to the frame, such as a title ("Countries") or short instructions
("Click a country for details").
Style sheets
If you have a visual impairment, you can create a style sheet with specic viewing preferences to
accommodate the disability. For example, you could create a style sheet that displays all web pages in a
large font with white characters on a black background. Users cannot apply personalized style sheets to
Crystal reports, but the viewers provide a Zoom button that enables people with visual impairments to
increase the magnication to suit their needs. You can also allow users to choose from dierent formatting
options using conditional formatting. For details, see Accessibility and conditional formatting [page 654].
If you modify Crystal content to include a script that displays content or an interactive object, ensure that
the script is identied by text that conveys the purpose of the script. Make sure that pages with scripts are
still usable when the scripts are turned o or unsupported. For more information about scripts and
accessibility, see Resources [page 664].
Image maps
Server-side image maps identify active regions using coordinates, which are not meaningful to a screen
reader. Client-side image maps provide better accessibility because you can assign a link or URL to each
active region within the image map.
Electronic forms
Electronic forms can present diculties for screen readers, and must be set up carefully. When you label a
component in a form, ensure the label is clearly located next to the form component. For example, for a
Search box, ensure that the "Search" title appears alongside the appropriate text box.
Applets and plug-ins
If a report needs an applet, plug-in, or other application on the client machine in order to interpret page
content, the plug-in or applet must follow accessibility guidelines.
If you attach multimedia or other additional resource les to your report, such as PDF or Real Audio les,
provide a link to install the required plug-ins or software, and ensure that the required software also meets
accessibility design standards.
Flickering images can trigger seizures for people with seizure disorders. The W3C recommends to avoid
use of images that icker or ash between four and 59 times per second.
Search engine placement
Do not use hidden text to enhance your web site's placement in search engines. Hidden text reduces
readability, because it is read by the screen readers. Also, hidden text is actively discouraged by popular
search engines such as Google, and thus oers little benet.
29.7 Resources
This section focuses on how you can create and distribute accessible reports with Crystal software. The report
design techniques in the section were tested using JAWS 4.5. It is good practice to test all accessible reports
using JAWS and other assistive technologies whenever possible.
To make all of your Web communications accessible, consult the detailed guidelines available through the W3C
or from your government's web site.
World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
the United States Access Board's web site for Section 508:
the Government of Canada Internet Guide:
SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
Creating Accessible Reports
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SAP Crystal Reports 2020 User Guide
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