Distributors shine
through daunting
supply chain of 2021
Top Americas distributors deliver crucial value to distressed electronics components
supply chain and achieve revenue jump of 21.9% in historically challenging year
n the midst of a multi-
year, global crisis
with impacts from
multiple sources on
the electronic components
supply chain, top
distributors have stepped
up as vital partners of
component manufacturers
and customers in managing
multiple challenges
that have no precedent.
Following a head fake
by the markets and
anticipating a major
slowdown in electronics
demand at the start of the
COVID pandemic, the surge
in demand for electronics
completely outstripped the
capacity of the electronics
component industry to
supply customer’s needs.
The cataclysmic events of
the past 2+ years have
reshaped the world and
the electronics industry so
profoundly that industry
leaders do not see a
future return to previous,
typical patterns and
business practices. Rather,
executives are preparing
to succeed in a “new
normal” industry that will
emerge from the wildres
of the early 2020s.
As the crises of 2020
grew and expanded in
2021, every stage of the
supply chain, ranging
from raw material supply
to component & system
manufacturing, shipping &
logistics, and end-market
demand were pressed to
manage the convulsions
of workforces in transition
and a critically strained
operating environment.
Shipping delays and prices
added to the mounting
supply chain pressures
while workers and
consumers were focused
on adapting to a new
world with unanticipated
changes to lifestyle, social
interactions, family life and
work requirements. The
vital support delivered by
distributors throughout the
past two years has enabled
the electronics components
industry and supply chain
to not only survive but
respond with resilience
in the face of incredible
difculties. In assessing the
events that have roiled the
electronics industry it is
amazing that the industry
has not only survived but
thrived in many ways.
However, everybody
understands that the road
ahead is steep and rocky
and will require continued
innovation, adaptation,
and perseverance.
Following two years of
declining revenues, the Top
50 Authorized Americas
Distributors achieved
revenue growth of 21.9
% in Americas sales. Even
more impressive, this
group delivered 30.3%
revenue growth on a
worldwide basis as EMEA
and Asia sales outpaced
Americas sales growth.
Interviews with
experienced distribution
executives yield important
understanding regarding
major issues confronting
the electronics components
supply chain participants.
As part of a survey to
identify the “Top 50
Americas Authorized
Distributors,” distributors
were asked to rate the level
of severity they expect the
electronic components
and supply chain industry
will experience in 2022.
The results of that
survey are shown below
and align with topics
addressed in interviews
with these leading
industry executives.
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
The cataclysmic
events of the past 2+
years have reshaped
the world and the
electronics industry
so profoundly that
industry leaders
do not see a future
return to previous,
typical patterns and
business practices
Dale Ford - ECIA Chief Analyst
May 2022 21
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26 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
2022 Electronic
component supply chain
challenge expectations
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
Dayna Badhorn, Avnet Regional
President, Americas
Chris Beeson, RS Components
Group Sr Vice President
Extended Lead Times
“Don’t Stop Thinking
About Tomorrow!”
While the overall, record-
breaking lead times appear to
be easing recently, the supply
chain crisis is far from over
as shipping solutions are still
overwhelmed and shipping
prices are highly inated.
The questions everybody is
asking are: “How long will
these extreme lead times
continue?” and “How will
the supply chain crisis be
solved over time?” David
Loftus, ECIA CEO, quoted
a speaker at a recent ERA
conference trying to reassure
listeners saying, “Don’t worry.
Nobody knows.” Loftus noted
that, “Everybody is trying to
compare this cycle to prior
cycles. But each cycle has its
own unique signature. Of all
the cycles I have experienced
or know about this is by far
the most unique. It is like
throwing darts trying to say
when this cycle will end.” By
added explanation he noted,
“Look at what we have seen
in the last few weeks. In
addition, you can’t predict
a worldwide pandemic &
recovery, ination, political
turmoil, and the world
pumping more than $20
trillion dollars into stimulus.
The M1 and M2 money
supply is still at record levels.
All this is causing confusion
and hyperactivity.” Loftus
believes market conditions
will continue to be strong
through 2022. However, he
sees declining stimulus and
increasing belt tightening
starting to have an impact
in 2022. “Four quarter-
point raises in interest by
the Federal Reserve should
dissuade overexuberance.”
Dayna Badhorn, Avnet
Regional President, Americas,
shared helpful results from
recent research conducted by
Avnet. She states that, “While
we are seeing lead times ease,
challenges are still likely on
the horizon. According to our
recent Avnet Insights survey,
a strong majority of overall
respondents still expect those
lead times to worsen and
prices to rise in the next year
and a half. The shortages are
already causing production
delays – and three-fourths of
those who have experienced
delays say they have lasted
up to six months – and
these continued concerns
imply that those delays may
continue. Our survey found
96% of design engineers are
concerned lead times will
continue to get longer in
the next year and a half.”
When asked about his
expectations for how long
extremely elevated lead times
would last, Chris Beeson,
RS Components Group Sr
Vice President – Electronics,
professed that he, ”would
have answered this question
differently before the start
of Russia’s war on Ukraine.”
Beeson explained that
industry participants will
need to develop a better
understanding of the end-to-
end manufacturing process
including the critical materials
that makeup a component
such as copper, nickel, etc. In
addition, he stated, “Gasoline
and natural gas will come
into play quickly. All these
play into how you make a
product.” In elaborating on
the impact of a “hot war”
Loftus explained, “The
military conict of a nuclear
power trying to take over
a huge next-door neighbor
has led to unprecedented
nancial sanctions that have
some self-penalties in their
implementation. Sanctions
are boomeranging on our
own economy that could
accelerate an economic
slowdown and tip our
economy and other major
economies into recession.”
In describing the challenge of
predicting when and how lead
times will change, multiple
executives used the example
of trying to solve a complex
equation. Sager President,
Frank Flynn, described a “long
equation with many variables
and new variables coming in.
It is not linear.” In trying to
solve these variables he shared
that, “Some improvements
have limited impact and
some elements improve
while others get worse.”
Sager explained, “there are
still major logjams at key
ports such as Shenzhen in
China. How long will it take
for products to move through
ports? Are they stuck behind
other containers? Ports in
Florida and Houston instead
of Los Angeles and Long
Beach? Most of the other ports
are not equipped to take a
major inux of product. What
is a more efcient shipping
path and how long would it
take to work? Is it better to
stay with existing shipping
paths or new ones? How
long would it be sustainable?
There are a lot of big models
that need to be worked. The
equation keeps lengthening
instead of shortening”
Elaborating on the theme
of equations and predicting
lead times, Beeson noted
the “need to understand the
totality of the equation. There
are variables you can control
and those that are beyond
your control. Major wars such
as Russia’s Ukraine invasion
could add a lot of volatility to
our industry. You get into the
concept of scarcity quickly.”
A major variable in any
effort to predict lead times is
“demand.” Karim Yasmine,
Future Electronics’ Corporate
VP, Strategic Supplier
Development, emphasizes
that, “You have to look at
supply AND demand. You
can’t look at just one or the
other. The difference now
from prior cycles is that every
segment and technology is
impacted. Its ALL technologies
and segments.” He observes
that, ‘general demand is
quite healthy still. We are in
a different world from other
markets. This is not a mature
28 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
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industry. Demand will remain
healthy with creativity from
manufacturers.” Yasmine
is concerned that, “The
greatest pain today comes
from legacy products. New
semiconductor fabs don’t
solve the challenge of supply
because manufacturers are
building new advanced
technology fabs and not 200
mm lines. However, the issue
is that there is still a lot of
legacy demand. If this supply/
demand gap continues,
legacy products could be
forced to move to higher-end
manufacturing processes.
Or, they may have to create
more modular designs.”
Frank Flynn believes,
“The free-market system
is naturally addressing the
many issues around raw
materials, warehouse capacity,
production workers, truckers,
infrastructure, and shipping.
As the industry contends with
limited supply and rising
prices, demand will ultimately
correct the problems
facing the supply chain.”
Distributors play an essential
role in delivering solutions
for the supply chain crisis.
Jim Ricciardelli, Digi-
Key; Executive VP, Sales
& Marketing, explains,
“Distributors are playing
the critical and difcult role
of projecting the necessary
pipeline of electronic
component inventory to
support the demand from
a multitude of industries
and customers. We are also
helping engineers with multi-
sourcing and cross references
has become more and more
important over the past 2
years.” Elaborating on the
value distributors deliver,
Flynn states, “At this time
the buying horizons are wide
open, which provides us a
lot of visibility into product
needs. Today, distributors
with an eye on double
ordering and the ability to
provide customers with other
in-stock parts, are able to
provide this view well past
what has been tradition.
Our suppliers are seeing our
product needs for all of this
year and into 2023. We are
all doing an end around the
just-in-time planning that
we have done in the past.”
Badhorn provides additional
perspective on the value
distributors deliver. “This
series of disruptions has
further underscored the value
of supply chain capabilities to
new and existing customers.
In addition to bringing
transparency and agility to
supply chain strategies overall,
distributors are also well
positioned to help manage
concerns around residual
impacts of the crisis – such
as counterfeit concerns, or
design implications. Yasmine
is concerned that, “The cash
ow crunch felt by smaller
players means we could see
some customers not survive.
Some companies may not be
able to endure this challenge
lasting more than it already
has. This could become a
bigger issue. We do not want
to see customers go out of
business. Major distributors
can potentially help with
nancial support. For
example, extended payment
terms, exibility in terms, etc.”
Bottom line - Among all the
executives interviewed, there
is near-unanimous agreement
that highly elevated lead-
times will continue through
the rest of 2022 and into
the rst half of 2023.
Revealing Strengths,
Exposing Weaknesses
Major challenges help
identify both strengths and
weaknesses. In looking at
the experience of different
distributors and customers
over the past two years, Chris
Wadsworth, Carlton-Bates VP,
OEM Electronics, observed,
“Those that made proactive
inventory investments prior
to the post-COVID recovery
have been able to support
the expanded demand best
and grow well above peer
levels. Also, customers that
were open to design work
were able to nd alternative
products with better lead
times. Those companies
that had strong demand
creation resources were able
to help customers and grow
sales above peer levels.”
The value of trusting
relationships in the supply
chain was highlighted over
the past two years. Frank
Flynn shared that, “In
the face of shortages and
rising prices, the long-term
relationships paid off up
and down the supply chain.
Distributors kept their
product for their long-term,
loyal customers. Customers
and suppliers who did not
have strong relationships
with their distribution
partners or component
manufacturers, respectively,
had the most
difcult time.
Any company that didn’t have
e relationships in place and
simply moved around for
pennies here or there, had
the hardest time adjusting.
Distributors worked with
their suppliers and customers
– customers who may have
worked from a playbook but
understood the magnitude of
the market dynamics – to get
through to the real costs.”
Dayna Badhorn commented,
“The importance and the
strength of distributors
like Avnet is our ability to
maintain visibility and agility
within the supply chain. This
has enabled us to orchestrate
solutions for our customers
and suppliers that account
for variability in the market.”
Underlying this strength
is the power of electronic
communication. David
Loftus believes, “Electronic
communication is better and
more efcient than we have
ever had. You can argue
about accuracy of forecasts,
but the communications
infrastructure is far more
advanced than one or two
cycles ago. Once we get
better lead times there will
Frank Flynn, Sager, President
Karim Yasmine, Future Electronics Corporate
VP, Strategic Supplier Development
32 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
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be better joint management
of production cycles.”
In Jim Ricciardelli’s
experience, “Companies have
been forced to drive for new
efciencies in managing their
business. The importance
of capturing and reacting to
data has been raised to a new
level. As Digi-Key saw the
number of orders doubling
and found themselves
expediting all day, it caused us
to analyze every aspect of our
business and identify greater
efciencies in every aspect.”
Once again, he observed that,
“Resiliency is a strength.”
While Loftus notes the
improved electronic
communications, Flynn sees
the need for “more seamless,
automated communication
between everybody. There
is not enough continuous
information ow on product
status, etc. Associations
like ECIA can help with
developing solutions. The
recently introduced ETL tool
delivered through ECIA is
a good example. The speed
of information getting into
the pipe is just too slow.”
The growing push for
sure-shoring” was discussed
by Wadsworth. “Most
manufacturers are too reliant
on products or subcomponents
coming out of APAC. Capacity
was too tight in the world for
a spike in demand. Key raw
material capacity is also a big
gap and increasing capacity
has not been successful in
the short term. We need to
have more capacity to build
products in the Americas
where the consumption
is being used and have
more resilient and back up
capacity for raw materials
when weather and other
related issues cause delays.”
In looking at the gaps
that occur in volatile
environments, Beeson
commented that “we get
conditioned to a typical
supply/demand curve and
fall into a comfort level.
In the C-suite there is a
need for a “Chief Worry
Ofcer” - somebody who is
focused on risk mitigation.”
What Goes Up… Must
It Come Down?
There is growing concern
that as demand falls and
production ramps there will
be a major discontinuity
between the two that
will result in a signicant
collapse in the electronics
components market before
Jim Ricciardelli, Digi- Key Executive
VP, Sales & Marketing
36 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
the end of 2022. However,
executives interviewed for this
article uniformly expressed
surprising optimism regarding
the future growth of the
electronics and electronics
components industry. The
optimism for managing the
future demand cycle stems
both from the growing
diversity of the markets as
well as the visibility and tools
that have been developed
to understand and manage
declining demand.
Badhorn provided a summary
that captures the overall
sentiment of executives.
“Today, electronics are in more
applications than ever before.
One cannot predict the future,
but since there are so many
more use cases for electronics, I
hope that any downturn would
be more contained than in the
past. Plus, we have employed
more tools than ever before to
enable us to gain more visibility
into upstream and downstream
supply chains. Not only can
we analyze historical usage (in
addition to current trends),
but partnerships between
customers and distributors
have strengthened.”
Elaborating on the benets of
a more diverse market as well
is technological innovation,
Flynn shared his vision of the
future. “As an industry, we are
always waiting for the other
shoe to fall. The dot com boom
followed by the bust in the
2000s cemented this psyche
which was reinforced later
in the ‘08 and ‘09 time frame
and even to some degree in
2018. We are just used to it
now, which is why there is
always concern as demand
falls and production ramps.
What is different this time
is we do not have signs of
demand falling. The demand
for new technologies is lling
the gap. New markets, new
infrastructure, and growth
in 5G, IoT, EV and other
green initiatives are creating
opportunities. As with the
beginning of the Internet in
the 1995-2000 timeframe, the
industry is poised to be strong
for the next ten years. There is
too much technology to ll the
void caused by a traditionally
cyclical event thus sidestepping
a signicant collapse. Now,
when one thing is down other
things are up. This plays well
for us. There are more selling
opportunities. ‘Vectors of
Growth’ that are strong. More
diversity will lead to a more
stable outcome over time.”
Ricciardelli believes that
“while there probably is
double booking, the demand
is strong enough to consume
the product. There does not
appear to be large inventories
building and not being
consumed. The demand
is so strong from so many
different industries. At the
moment a lot of product
is on order. However, the
impression from customers is
that they are using product
as fast as it is coming in and
not stockpiling it. I do not
see demand changing that
much. Sure, there is double
booking. Even with that
the customers are using it
up. When demand slows it
will not be like it has been.
A slowdown in consumer
demand will just give supply
a chance to catch up.”
Beeson is optimistic as he
thinks about “the need and
spirit around innovation.
The things that drive us
forward are not standing
still. We are changing tires
while going 60 mph. There
is unsatised demand sitting
on the sidelines today. In
addition, there is a lot of
capital sitting on the sideline
today just waiting to manage
through this time. The
industry is going to get larger
and broader in scope.”
Wadsworth is a bit more
cautious in his observations.
“Customer demand has
doubled and even tripled,
driven by lead times and
overall growth in demand.
Book to bills have been
well over 1.2 for many
consecutive months. It is very
difcult to understand the
bubble that is forming. The
manufacturers are slowly
adding capacity. I do expect
a correction but feel that it
will be softened by a slow
decrease in lead times where
distributors and customers
can adjust their new orders
to soften the blow.”
Just-in-Time” to
With a shift in inventory
management toward “Just-
in-Case” from “Just-in-Time”
how will this affect purchasing
patterns moving forward?
Executives expressed a
range of opinions on how
inventory management
strategies will evolve. Beeson
is representative of the more
conservative view on the
prospects for change. “If
behavior predicts behavior,
we won’t be able to change.
We will go back. I would put
it on your risk mitigation
chart. It is always moving. The
answer today will be different
to the answer two years from
now. The pendulum is always
swinging. You try to assess
and predict. If you take the
top 50 distributors and ask
them their forecast for 2021
vs. results, I don’t know how
many would be +/- 5%. It’s
not lack of understanding
but rather the challenge of
managing through. Even
for RS a long-term planning
horizon of 5 years is now
reduced to looking at a
half year or 90 days.”
By contrast, Badhorn states
that, “We are already seeing
suppliers expand capacity
and move towards larger
inventories and more “just
in case” strategies to meet
demand. But someone
will need to manage that
additional inventory and
continue to mitigate ongoing
logistics considerations. We
think that supply chain agility
will become more about
positioning and managing
inventory. Our ability to
look across customers and
geographies is a big part of
the value that we add for the
component manufacturers
that we serve as well. We
can bring them a clear view
of global demand for their
products – which in the end,
will be critical to determining
how supply chain strategies
evolve moving forward.”
Yasmine sees the experience
of the past two years
“driving many people to the
distribution network as they
see the benet of managing
demand on their behalf
and taking risks with them.
There are important benets
from inventory management
programs with distributors.
Smaller companies cannot
afford to go through a cycle
like this again. Automotive too.
Will they all learn or revert?
Extended lead times could
become the normal in the
industry for some technologies.
Everybody assumes everything
goes back to the way it was
but that may not be the case in
the future. Distributors provide
valuable support as companies
change their inventory
management and risk proles.”
Highlighting the importance of
partnering with distributors,
Wadsworth “see(s) end
David Loftus,
38 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
customers trying to push
the inventory to the channel
to hold and will want to
continue to be just in time
on their manufacturing oor.
I see the end customers
adjusting their MRPs to
support the buffer stocks
needed and will provide
POs to distributors to cover
but I see them wanting
the channel to hold their
inventory. This could lead
to taking less product
direct to manufacturers.”
In a nal observation on
this topic Ricciardelli states,
“We are learning that just in
time became too lean. We
pushed it to the limit. This
will magnify the importance
of distribution. Making
sure there is inventory
somewhere in the pipeline.
Distributors who planned for
this are doing well now.”
End-Market Dynamics
Last year’s survey found
that 58% of the distribution
TAM in the Americas was
driven by industrial type
markets such as Automation,
Military/aerospace, Energy
& power generation/
Building & home control,
and medical electronics.
Will distribution make
further inroads in the
industrial markets moving
forward? What other trends
in end-market dynamics
will create opportunities
for distributors? The gure
below shows the results
of the question in the
distributor survey asking
them to rate the greatest
sales growth drivers in 2022
and 2026. The technologies
generating the greatest
optimism are: 5G, Electric
Vehicles (EV/HEV), Internet
of Things (IoT), Climate
Technologies, Articial
Intelligence (AI) / Cloud
Computing, and Robotics.
It is clear that industrial
electronics will remain
core to the end-market
strategies of distributors.
Selected comments from
executives on these
markets are below:
Badhorn - The continued
electronication of all
products will inherently
lend itself to growth
opportunities throughout
market segments. The
industrial segment has
always been the sweet
spot for distributors
and that’s continuing –
including IoT-enabled
preventative maintenance
to solar inverter kits for
the energy segment and
temperature tracking,
smart patches, and
imaging devices for
medical applications.
Flynn - We live in the
industrial market and
it is already a big part
of our business. These
are the high growth
markets and having
available inventory is a
natural yes to supporting
this growth. As these
markets continue to grow,
so will our inventory
and our business.
Wadsworth - I see all
these verticals driving
the next multiple years
of growth except for
Ricciardelli - Automation,
Power, Medical are all
growth industries for
electronic components.
Yasmine – The Industrial
business remains very
attractive. Designs that
last a long time and have
a lot of reusability are
attractive. Technologies
such as connectivity
and robotics create
The automotive industry was
the rst to take a potentially
mortal blow from the inability
to source key components
such as semiconductors. Part
of their difculty came from a
general decision to go direct
rather than engage distributors
and making a critical mistake
in cancelling orders. Moving
forward, there is an opportunity
for distributors to illustrate
the benets they can deliver
to the automotive sector.
Badhorn notes that Avnet
is “seeing a number
of automotive brands
reevaluating their supply
chain models and leaning
on us as distributors to
help design those with
more focus on exibility
than cyclicality. This is
happening due to the
disaggregation of demand
across the different
players in their supply
chain. Distributors such
as Avnet help build in
more visibility to help
centralize that demand.”
Similarly, Ricciardelli
shares, “Segments of
the auto industry who
support the big four
are engaging more
with distribution and
distributors are now
shipping much more to
Automotive markets. The
EV market, particularly
Tesla, has always turned
to distributors. Its more
about innovation. As
they innovate they turn
to Digi-Key to support
product introductions.”
Yasmine sees a slightly
broader opportunity in the
“transportation business.”
He sees opportunities
in “both traditional
automotive as well as
emerging solutions.
There are both verticals
but also mass horizontal
opportunities like
connectivity in automotive
and transportation.”
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Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
May 2022 41
Looking at the bigger picture of value
delivered by distribution to electronics
manufacturers, Loftus observes, “The
value proposition of distribution has
gone up signicantly in this cycle. Every
company that has one lick of sense is
looking at supply chain resiliency and
JIT for consignment, etc. The customers,
with the pain that they have had, will up
the level of inventory in their own plants
to cushion but will also increase the level
of value-added support that they request
from channel. Component suppliers will
be pointing customers more to channel
partners to get the supply chain resiliency
that they desire. They certainly want to
have distributors in the middle of the
process to be able to soften the load on
the manufacturing side and manage all
the tremendous number of expedites that
they are dealing with on a daily basis.
“Most component manufacturers are
not built for a high level of customer
interaction – inside/outside sales, planners
with customers screaming that lines are
down, etc. It is a tremendous load on
the manufacturer. Their expertise is on
designing, marketing, and producing
product to be shipped in fairly large
quantities and have distributors break
down boxes to ship
to thousands of
customers. Most are not equipped for the
amount and intensity of customer service
load that is present in the market today.
That will reinforce the value of distribution
on both sides – manufacturers and
customers. This cycle has underscored and
emphasized the value of distribution for the
channel. One of the major dynamics that
will come out of this is whenever a customer
can design alternate products there will
be more customer R&D and procurement
effort to specify alternates on a BOM.”
Beeson provides an eloquent view on
future of electronics opportunities.
“The world is so curious about what
it can become. It speaks to thirst for
innovation, automation, efciencies,
etc. What was mechanical that can
now use more electronics? We all
see aspects of that every day. The
spirit of entrepreneurship. There
is a lot of independence out there
that will keep this industry healthy
with growth of applications.”
Chris Wadsworth, Carlton-Bates, VP -
OEM Electronics
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
Government Stimulus
and/or Private
The US government has
engaged in multiple
surveys and studies to
understand critical supply
chain vulnerabilities in the
US. The semiconductor
supply chain has been
identied as a critical
issue including the need to
develop sources of supply
locally and from reliable
partners. This has prompted
proposals for government
investments in semiconductor
manufacturing. Will US
government stimulus
programs yield any signicant
benets compared to private
investments and much larger
investments planned by
governments in other regions?
Distribution executives’
opinions on government
involvement in semiconductors
and the electronics
components industry range
from negative/skeptical to
desiring smart engagement.
Ricciardelli express the
concern that planned
government investment is
inadequate. “At the current
$52B level of potential
government investment
commitment the impact
will be minimal. In the big
picture that is not a lot of
money. That won’t move
the needle. It is really up to
the private sector. The big
electronic component private
sector companies should have
plenty of motivation to invest
in this booming industry
and they have to step up.
Those that can’t invest will
fall behind. It is good that
government is helping but
we shouldn’t rely on it.”
Loftus provides further detail
and explanation regarding
government plans. “$52B is
only three fabs – over a 10-year
period that doesn’t even keep
up with the growth rate. It is
an effort by US government
to try to show some level of
commitment to make the US a
more attractive place to build.
42 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Edition www.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
Is cash up front the real issue?
The US and other governments
around the world need to look at
their tax structure to get companies
to build fabs on their soil. There
is much more to do to even the
eld with Asian countries.
“Far less than 10 percent of
fab operating expense is labor.
It is the $150 million EUV
lithography machines that are
the real investment. I hope the
US government will at least have
an appreciation of the issue that
they need to be more competitive.
Even if the US is able to build 10
more fabs, that does not provide a
higher degree of US security. It is
still a small percentage of overall
semiconductor manufacturing
capacity. Companies will still
need the ability to get products
from all over the world. Four
out of ve components are
still likely to be sourced from
offshore fabs. I would love to
say that a majority of suppliers
are on friendly soil. But that ship
sailed a couple of decades ago.
The effort to change that needs
to be much more than what is
proposed from the US or the EU.
It is critical that we have more
control over our destiny in the US
and EU but people in Washington
are not thinking far enough
or comprehensive enough.”
Beeson views the ECIA as an
example of good governance.
“I hope there is an industry
roundtable that aids the
government in what it needs to
do. Stay away from one or two
companies trying to monopolize
or dictate the outcome. Most are
comfortable with a free market
orientation. Government has
now recognized that we have
lost capabilities that have been
transferred to other regions. There
have been some missteps along
the way. Should this initiative
be done as a consortium, at the
individual level, or government
managed? Talking with peers,
you don’t want to lead with
the government because they
are all global businesses.
Most of us live in a global
market. But there is always the
opportunity for localization in
North America. Look at how
divided the government is in
policy. This industry cannot be
that divided. There has to be
more harmony in strategies.”
Applying Digital
Technology to Supply
Chain Management
The importance and benets of
applying digital technologies to
the supply chain management
from both an IT and OT
perspective continues to gain
greater attention. Which digital
technologies are most advanced
in their adoption and use in
the electronics components
supply chain today and which
technologies will yield the greatest
long-term benets? What are
the barriers to the adoption of
these digital technologies and
how can they be overcome?
Dayna Badhorn emphasizes that,
“Digital technologies such as
cloud, machine learning and AI
are becoming integral parts of not
just corporate IT, but also overall
operational technologies including
the supply chain. New technologies
such as blockchain are being
researched. This is putting even
more emphasis on the importance
of having a supply chain partner
who deeply understands these
intricate technologies and how
to apply them to a company’s
overall component sourcing
strategy to capitalize on the
agility and transparency they
can provide. Digital access to
real time information to make
informed supply chain decisions
rapidly is becoming a necessary
requirement, versus an optional
one. Customers want end-to-end
real time visibility of all supply
chain nodes and ows; seamless
order-to-delivery experiences.”
Looking at the progression over
time, Frank Flynn observes,
“The industry has long adopted
the exchange of data between
suppliers, distributors, and
customers, but how this exchange
happens has evolved over time.
A host of digital opportunities
have replaced the days of
emailing spreadsheets. From the
earlier adoption of ecommerce,
ETLs, at le sharing and EDI
to advancements in automation
platforms, APIs, AI and machine
learning, the ways we transfer
data continue to evolve rapidly.”
Chris Beeson places the adoption
of digital technologies into a
larger perspective. “Even the term
is open for interpretation. COVID
alone drove a different means of
work. This involves a greater need
for content to be readily available.
There is a need for use of data
and data interpretation. You can
be overwhelmed by data. As you
get into terms like AI that have
been discussed for a while you
see companies that are beginning
to derive benets. However, we
are still in early days. We still
have a long way to go to be
fully digital in our orientation
in how we go to market.
“We are digital today. We are
virtual today. Is there more value
in a virtual trade show moving
forward as compared to a few
years ago? This is one of many
examples where companies
are considering how we go to
market. More companies are using
the term – Omni-channel. It is
knowing when to apply different
aspects of communication.
[According to Frost & Sullivan,
omnichannel is dened as
“seamless and effortless, high-
quality customer experiences that
occur within and between contact
channels”] How much can we do
from a digital perspective knowing
it is still a people business?
There is a great opportunity
to use the omni-channel.”
Employment and Employees
– The Future is Now
Dramatic workforce changes have
been amplied and accelerated
by the pandemic. All industries,
including the electronics
components industry and the
supply chain, are transitioning
44 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Edition www.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
their employee management,
retention and recruiting
practices to respond to
the requirements of a new
hybrid work reality and
“The Great Resignation.”
Flynn provides a fairly
comprehensive opinion on the
transition of the workplace.
‘The tools developed, the
comfort we have using those
tools, and the expectation
that we all share in moving
that way have all added to
the industry getting a high
mark as far as managing
the workforce disruption.
Without the crisis where
people had to work at home,
we as an industry or a
world would not have been
forced to fully embrace and
become comfortable socially
and professionally using
these tools. Limitations with
face-to-face meetings and
the advancement of online
meeting technology changed
what a sales call is, how
we work together, and how
we exchange documents,
information, and data.
Because it was necessary to
function, everybody learned it.
“There are pros and cons to
this new environment and the
move to a hybrid ofce. But
the market has spoken, and
the choice is no longer ours
to make. A hybrid approach
reduces commuting times,
pollution, and stress while
creating certain efciencies
and providing employees
with more leisure time and
an enhanced work / life
balance. On the other side,
there are benets from
in person interaction and
in-house training that are
lost, and there is an ongoing
blurring of work / life
schedules. We have become
more efcient over time, and
businesses will continue to
nd ways to improve and
maximize the benets of
this new approach while
overcoming the negatives.”
Beeson discusses the
challenge companies face
in managing employees
in this new environment.
“There has never been a
greater need of focus on
the ‘Greater HR’ backbone
of your organization. To
assess all the reasons as
to why people come and
go. What about: Culture?
Career Planning? Dynamics
of an aging organization?
International organization?
Wellness? These topics have
all come front and center.
Companies are now diving
into the reasons for behavior.
How much time have we put
into understanding turnover
and management of growth?
It is a large topic and if there
is a strategy session at any
executive level, HR has to
be involved. Involvement
of HR is really key to
organizations having greater
self-awareness. Companies
need to be in tune.”
Industry Growth Drivers
– Beyond Technology
There are many powerful
forces that drive growth in
the electronics and electronics
component industries beyond
technology and innovation.
Economic, social, political,
environmental, and wider
business forces all play a
role in shaping the future of
the industry. It is helpful to
repeat an observation made
by Tony Roybal last year as
he discussed the growing
emphasis on the principals of
ESG. Tony stated, “We tend to
think of innovation in terms
of technological progress,
but innovation is also about
creating opportunity out of
disruption. After the past
year’s events — a global
pandemic, the consequences
of climate change and the
urgent need for more diversity
and inclusion in business
and society — we must
deploy new approaches to
enable everyone to access
the opportunity for a better
quality of life. Meeting
some of these standards will
empower new consumers
with more spending capacity,
signicantly improving the
gross domestic product and
enabling new opportunities
for growth. As a result,
our actions as socially
responsible global citizens
promoting equity, diversity
and inclusion can translate
into real economic value.”
Once again distributors saw
“New Products” representing
their best opportunities for
growth in 2022 with 87%
expecting this area to be the
most signicant driver of
growth. 68% of distributors
saw “Value-Added Services”
and 66% “New Markets” as
growth drivers. Acquisition
activity represented only
modest expectations for
growth with 21% identifying
this as an opportunity. 31
of the Top 50 companies
offer design services while
35 support online sales.
48 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Edition www.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
Before presenting the results
for 2021 it is important
to highlight key areas of
methodology followed in
preparing this report.
1. Only Authorized
Distributors” are included
in the research and
rankings. This is consistent
with ECIA’s mission to
support the Authorized
Channel. As a result,
brokers and others are no
longer included and they
have been replaced by
authorized distributors.
2. The revenues for Arrow
Electronics have been
restated to include only
their revenues associated
with electronic component
distribution. For Arrow
Electronics this corresponds
to their “Electronic
Components” division.
3. In some cases, companies
have not provided inputs
in all areas of the survey.
Where companies did
not provide inputs for
worldwide or Americas
total revenues, estimates
have been developed based
on inputs from various
sources including D&B.
Where splits for revenues
by component category
or end market were not
provided, estimates were
developed based on various
inputs and models.
In addition to these basic
points, it is important to
explain signicant changes
to the companies included
in the Top 50 rankings
for 2021. In the course of
creating the rst true “Top
50 Worldwide Distributor”
report it was discovered
that seven companies
headquartered in Asia/Pacic
have sales revenues in the
Americas that qualify them
for inclusion in the Americas
Top 50. Also, 10 companies
that were included in
the 2020 rankings chose
to not participate in the
survey for 2021. Since
it was not possible to
develop reasonable, reliable
The top 50 Americas
authorized distributor
survey results
52 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
May 2022 53
estimates for their revenues
they have been dropped
from the 2021 rankings.
Total Americas revenue for the Top
50 authorized distributors in 2021
grew by 21.9% to $27.4 B from
$22.5 B. This same group of Top
50 companies grew their combined
worldwide revenue from $100.9
B to $131.5 B between 2020 and
2021, a growth of 30.3%. With sales
growth in Asia boosting overall
global sales, the share of worldwide
revenue accounted for by sales to
Asia expanded from 61.5% of the
total to 63.8% between 2020 and
2021. The share from Americas sales
slipped by 1.4% from 22.3% to 20.9.
Americas revenues for the Top
50 distributors grew for every
component category except
computer/systems in 2021. The
best sales performance came
from Semiconductors which
saw revenues grow by 30.4%
followed by Electro-Mechanical
Components with growth of 15.9%.
The largest component category,
semiconductors, saw its share of
the total Americas market grow
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
from 52.8% to 56.4%. Americas
in semiconductor revenue
moved from underperforming
all other categories in 2020 to
outperforming in 2021. Over the
ve-year period from 2016 to
2021 total Americas distribution
revenue grew by 4.0% Compound
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
with Passive components leading
the way followed by Electro-
Mechanical components at 5.2%
and 4.5% CAGR, respectively.
Semiconductors grew by
4.2% CAGR and Interconnect
components achieved 3.0% CAGR
growth. Power & Battery was
added as a separate category
for the rst time in 2021.
The top two Americas Distributors,
Arrow Electronics and Avnet, both
saw a boost in their Americas
revenues in 2021. Arrow
Electronics grew by 26.6% while
Avnet’s growth came in at 7.4%.
However, on the global stage
Arrow’s growth rate moved much
closer. Arrow Electronics grew
their revenue by 28.6% and Avnet
by 20.9%. The Top 10 companies
in 2021 with revenues of $23.4 B
and a combined revenue share of
85.3% saw their revenues grow by
23.1%. By comparison, companies
ranked between 11 and 50 with
combined revenues of less than
$4.0 B and combined market
share of 14.7% saw their revenues
grow by 15.2%. Average 2021
revenue for the Top 10 companies
was $2.3 B while average
revenue for companies ranked
11 through 50 was $101 M.
The largest end-market segments
for Americas distributors in 2021
were Industrial Automation,
Automotive, and Aerospace/
Military accounting for 25.7%,
15.1%, and 14.2% of the market,
respectively. However, the market
is fairly diversied with even
the smallest segment, Mobile
Communications, driving $1.3
B in revenues in 2021. OEMs
continued to be the largest
customers of distributors with
59% of total Americas revenue.
56 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
1 1
Arrow Electronics (2)
7,827,866 26.6 28.53 29.7 1 80.0 3.0 2.2 7.8 5.0 - 2.0 6,100 1.28
2 2
Avnet (Includes Farnell) (2)
5,005,733 7.4 18.25 23.2 1 75.0 4.6 3.2 11.2 2.5 0.5 3.0 3,967 1.26
3 4
Digi-Key Electronics (2)
52.0 9.42 54.8 3 43.3 15.1 16.4 18.7 0.8 4.4 1.3 4,200 0.62
4 3
Future Electronics (1)
2,480,000 24.0 9.04 38.9 1 75.0 6.2 4.8 14.0 - - - 2,725 0.91
5 5
1,760,000 20.5 6.42 51.7 2 - 49.0 6.0 45.0 - - - 3,475 0.51
6 6
Mouser Electronics
1,382,700 46.7 5.04 42.3 3 43.0 19.0 11.0 21.0 - 4.0 2.0 2,028 0.68
7 7
DAC / Heilind
948,900 19.2 3.46 79.5 2 - - 16.2 83.8 - - - 700 1.36
8 8
Allied Electronics/RS Components
672,000 0.3 2.45 25.8 3 1.9 1.8 21.4 15.6 10.2 11.0 38.1 1,000 0.67
9 9
Sager Electronics
381,000 21.7 1.39 100.0 2 - - 34.0 25.0 - 32.0 9.0 401 0.95
10 12
Master Electronics (1)
368,000 29.1 1.34 68.4 1 73.0 4.0 6.0 9.0 5.0 - 3.0 490 0.75
11 10
SIIX (1)
337,479 14.1 1.23 20.0 1 95.0 - - - - - 5.0 60 5.62
12 13
322,485 16.3 1.18 100.0 1 - - 75.0 20.0 - 5.0 - 300 1.07
13 11
Nexty Electronics (Toyota Tsusho +Tomen) (1)
322,023 9.9 1.17 6.5 1 85.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 - 2.0 130 2.48
14 15
WPG Americas
290,000 44.7 1.06 1.0 2 75.0 - - - 5.0 20.0 - 110 2.64
15 14
Bisco Industries
240,000 9.7 0.87 95.0 1 1.0 20.0 40.0 20.0 1.0 2.0 16.0 505 0.48
16 16
Powell Electronics
205,424 5.8 0.75 89.6 1 - - 7.0 93.0 - - - 224 0.92
17 17
PEI-Genesis (3)
182,278 1.3 0.66 61.5 1 - - - 100.0 - - - 330 0.55
18 19
165,248 21.1 0.60 2.8 1 81.0 - 7.0 - - 8.0 4.0 87 1.90
19 22
154,000 28.3 0.56 62.1 2 55.0 30.0 - 14.0 - - 1.0 55 2.80
20 21
Supreme Electronics (1)
151,853 24.5 0.55 2.0 1 75.0 7.2 5.1 12.7 - - - 170 0.89
21 23
Galco (2)
146,000 21.7 0.53 97.3 1 6.0 8.0 10.0 7.0 19.0 - 50.0 200 0.73
22 18
Electro Enterprises, Inc.
140,832 3.2 0.51 85.0 1 - - 30.0 70.0 - - - 310 0.45
23 20
BJG Electronics Group
119,400 -3.4 0.44 96.0 2 - - 9.0 88.0 - - 3.0 334 0.36
24 24
Hughes Peters
99,100 10.1 0.36 100.0 1 3.0 30.0 40.0 25.0 - - 2.0 160 0.62
25 27
Steven Engineering
97,530 29.9 0.36 91.7 2 - - 35.0 35.0 7.0 2.0 21.0 126 0.77
26 25
Richardson Electronics Ltd
97,513 25.9 0.36 46.9 2 65.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 - 5.0 10.0 305 0.32
27 26
Flame Enterprises
76,300 -1.3 0.28 64.7 2 - - 100.0 - - - - 58 1.32
28 30
Symmetry Electronics
75,000 36.4 0.27 83.3 2 96.0 - - - 2.0 2.0 - 80 0.94
29 29
Marsh Electronics
73,570 25.8 0.27 100.0 1 3.1 11.2 41.7 6.5 0.4 4.6 32.5 120 0.61
30 37
EDOM Technology
69,613 81.6 0.25 1.8 1 100.0 - - - - - - 20 3.48
31 28
Peerless Electronics (1)
69,230 -3.1 0.25 100.0 1 4.0 4.0 75.0 8.0 - - 9.0 105 0.66
32 33
48,500 14.1 0.18 96.8 2 4.0 22.0 3.0 70.0 - 1.0 - 58 0.84
33 35
S.A.S. Dragon (1)
48,400 22.4 0.18 1.0 1 82.0 8.0 10.0 - - - - 15 3.23
34 31
Area51 Electronics
47,207 1.3 0.17 96.3 1 22.8 28.0 21.4 14.4 2.8 0.8 9.8 67 0.70
35 34
World Micro Components / MIT Distributors (1)
44,469 11.3 0.16 90.0 2 50.0 14.0 8.0 11.0 - 10.0 7.0 45 0.99
36 38
Brevan Electronics
44,200 37.7 0.16 100.0 1 45.0 25.0 15.0 7.0 2.0 - 6.0 49 0.90
37 44
Flip Electronics
41,900 96.7 0.15 56.2 2 100.0 - - - - - - 59 0.71
38 36
Falcon Electronics
40,000 3.9 0.15 98.3 2 97.7 - 2.3 - - - - 18 2.22
39 32
Edge Electronics, Inc.
39,927 -13.6 0.15 100.0 2 52.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 21.0 3.0 19.0 34 1.17
40 39
Diverse Electronics
33,900 28.9 0.12 82.9 1 5.0 21.0 30.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 49 0.69
41 41
NASCO Aerospace & Electronics
30,173 20.7
100.0 1 20.0 5.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 5.0 - 25 1.21
42 40
Ryoden (1)
28,348 11.8 0.10 2.4 1 87.6 12.4 - - - - - 10 2.83
43 43
Bluff City Electronics
22,000 -3.1 0.08 100.0 1 10.0 10.0 65.0 5.0 - - 10.0 35 0.63
43 45
Sherburn Electronics
22,000 15.8 0.08 100.0 2 15.0 10.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 10.0 - 11 2.00
45 49
Microwave Components LLC
19,000 11.8 0.07 90.5 2
- - 100.0 - - - 25 0.76
46 46
Kensington Electronics
18,895 1.5 0.07 92.2 1 - 95.0 - 4.0 - - 1.0 29 0.65
47 47
Projections Unlimited, Inc. (PUI)
18,810 3.4 0.07 91.3 1 15.0 24.0 48.0 12.0 - 1.0 - 33 0.57
48 48
Benchmark Connector Corporation
16,000 -6.2 0.06 95.2 2 - - - 100.0 - - - 45 0.36
49 50
Inductors Inc (1)
14,751 13.0 0.05 90.0 2 4.0 95.0 1.0 - - - - 42 0.35
50 42
11,047 -51.4 0.04 100.0 1 25.0 25.0 20.0 10.0 - - 20.0 30 0.37
Rank 2021
Rank 2020
Sales Breakdown by Percent
2021 Americas Sales
($ Thousands)
2021/2020 (%)
Share of Top 50
Total Sales (%)
Americas Share of
Worldwide Sales (%)
Power &
Total Americas
Sales per
($ Millions)
May 2022 57
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
Top 50 Americas
authorized distributors
*Type of Distributor: 1 = Broadline; 2 = Specialized;
3 = High Service/E-Catalog | (1) ECIA Estimate
for Total North America Sales and Sales Breakdown
| (2) ECIA Estimate for Sales Breakdown| (3)
ECIA Estimate for Total North America Sales
60 May 2022 | Top 50 Authorized Distributor Report 2022 Americas Editionwww.electronics-sourcing.com
Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report 2022
1 Arrow Electronics (1) 6,262.3 40.45
2 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 3,754.3 24.25
3 Future Electronics (1) 1,860.0 12.01
4 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 1,119.3 7.23
5 Mouser Electronics 594.6 3.84
6 SIIX (1) 320.6 2.07
7 Nexty Electronics (Toyota Tsusho +Tomen) (1) 273.7 1.77
8 Master Electronics (1) 268.6 1.74
9 WPG Americas 217.5 1.40
10 Macnica 133.9 0.86
1 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 423.9 18.09
2 Carlton-Bates 241.9 10.32
3 Arrow Electronics (1) 172.2 7.35
4 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 160.2 6.84
5 DAC / Heilind 153.7 6.56
6 Mouser Electronics 152.1 6.49
7 Allied Electronics/RS Components 143.8 6.14
8 Sager Electronics 129.5 5.53
9 Future Electronics (1) 119.0 5.08
10 TTI 105.6 4.51
1 Arrow Electronics (1) 391.4 55.84
2 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 125.1 17.85
3 Allied Electronics/RS Components 68.5 9.78
4 Galco (1) 27.7 3.96
5 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 20.7 2.95
6 Master Electronics (1) 18.4 2.63
7 WPG Americas 14.5 2.07
8 Edge Electronics, Inc. 8.4 1.20
9 Steven Engineering 6.8 0.97
10 Diverse Electronics 3.4 0.48
1 Flip Electronics 96.7 41.9 21.3
2 EDOM Technology 81.6 69.6 38.3
3 Digi-Key Electronics 52.0 2,585.0 1,700.1
4 Mouser Electronics 46.7 1,382.7 942.6
5 WPG Americas 44.7 290.0 200.5
6 Brevan Electronics 37.7 44.2 32.1
7 Symmetry Electronics 36.4 75.0 55.0
8 Steven Engineering 29.9 97.5 75.1
9 Master Electronics (1) 29.1 368.0 285.0
10 Diverse Electronics 28.9 33.9 26.3
1 SIIX (1) 38.5 60 5.62
2 EDOM Technology 200.0 20 3.48
3 S.A.S. Dragon (1) 112.0 15 3.23
4 Ryoden (1) 16.9 10 2.83
5 RFMW 77.3 55 2.80
6 WPG Americas 46.2 110 2.64
Nexty Electronics (Toyota Tsusho +Tomen) (1)
6,183.1 130 2.48
8 Falcon Electronics 4,660.1 18 2.22
9 Sherburn Electronics 796.0 11 2.00
10 Macnica 32.1 87 1.90
1 TTI 862.4 35.23
2 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 390.3 15.95
3 Mouser Electronics 262.7 10.73
4 Arrow Electronics (1) 234.8 9.59
5 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 230.3 9.41
6 Future Electronics (1) 153.8 6.28
7 Bisco Industries 48.0 1.96
8 RFMW 46.2 1.89
9 Hughes Peters 29.7 1.21
10 Kensington Electronics 18.0 0.73
1 DAC / Heilind 795.2 15.74
2 TTI 792.0 15.68
3 Arrow Electronics (1) 610.6 12.09
4 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 560.6 11.10
5 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 483.4 9.57
6 Future Electronics (1) 347.2 6.87
7 Mouser Electronics 290.4 5.75
8 Powell Electronics 191.0 3.78
9 PEI-Genesis (1) 182.3 3.61
10 BJG Electronics Group 105.1 2.08
1 Sager Electronics 121.9 24.04
2 Digi-Key Electronics (1) 113.7 22.42
3 Allied Electronics/RS Components 73.9 14.57
4 WPG Americas 58.0 11.43
5 Mouser Electronics 55.3 10.90
6 Avnet (Includes Farnell) (1) 25.0 4.93
7 Carlton-Bates 16.1 3.18
8 Macnica 13.2 2.61
9 Richardson Electronics Ltd 4.9 0.96
10 Bisco Industries 4.8 0.95
Company Company
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($ Millions)
($ Millions)
($ Millions)
Sales Growth
2021/2020 (%)
($ Millions)
($ Millions)
($ Millions)
($ Millions)
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
($ Millions)
Sales per
($ Millions)
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
Share of
Top 50
Total Sales
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Note - (1) ECIA Estimate