Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Lecture 09
C Structs and Linked Lists
In this lecture
Structs in C
Structs within BMP files
Reading Header information from BMP files
Passing structs to functions
Passing pointer to structs
Array of structs and Array of struct pointers
Concept of a linked list
Types of Linked List
Further readings
Structs in C
Structs in C are used to package several data fields into one unit. Structs can be used to
define types and can be used to define variables of that type. C structs are different from
Java classes. Java Classes “encapsulates” both state (data fields) and behavior (methods)
with these fields being public, private or protected. C structs can only declare public data
fields and all fields are accessible using the dot (.) operator. For example, we can define a
typedef for a struct that contain two fields, var1 and var2 as:
typedef struct {
unsigned int var1;
char* var2;
} node;
A variable mynode of type node can be defined as
node mynode;
fields within mynode variable can be accessed using,
mynode.var1 = 100;
mynode.var2 = malloc(20); =================== (1)
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
The amount of memory required to hold the variable mynode is equivalent to
sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(char*) . You can also write sizeof(node) to find the how
many bytes are required to hold a variable of size node. The amount of memory
necessary to hold struct is not always the sum of the data sizes. It is possible that a
padding may occur for word alignment. Note that sizes of specific data types are
dependent on the machine you may be using. For example, on andrew domain
machines(, an address variable is 4 bytes while in CS domain
machines ( an address variable is 8 bytes.
As with initializing variables as they are declared, structs can also be initialized as
node mynode = {100, malloc(20)};
There are two ways to access fields within a struct. Field within a struct can be accessed
using the dot operator. However, if a pointer to the struct is given, then we can access
fields within the struct using -> operator. For example,
node mynode;
node* ptr = &mynode;
ptrvar1 = 100;
ptrvar2 = malloc(20);
is equivalent to the code given above in (1) using the dot operator. The arrow operator
will be used extensively in cases where a pointer to the struct is passed to a function
instead of a copy.
Define a struct that can hold a name(char*) and an int. Show how to read data
into the struct using fscanf.
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Structs within BMP files
An interesting example of a struct type is header information stored in a bitmap (BMP)
file. BMP, a format invented by Microsoft stores the image using a schema as follows.
The first 14 bytes is reserved for information given by the following struct
typedef struct {
unsigned short int type; /* BMP type identifier */
unsigned int size; /* size of the file in bytes*/
unsigned short int reserved1, reserved2;
unsigned int offset; /* starting address of the byte */
The next 40 bytes are reserved for a structure as follows.
typedef struct {
unsigned int size; /* Header size in bytes */
int width,height; /* Width and height in pixels */
unsigned short int planes; /* Number of color planes */
unsigned short int bits; /* Bits per pixel */
unsigned int compression; /* Compression type */
unsigned int imagesize; /* Image size in bytes */
int xresolution,yresolution; /* Pixels per meter */
unsigned int ncolors; /* Number of colors */
unsigned int importantcolors; /* Important colors */
Suppose we are interested in extracting this information from a BMP file. First we need
to read a block of 54 bytes using fread function as follows. Since BMP files are binary
files (recall that there are two types of files, ASCII and Binary) and reading bytes from a
BMP file needs to be done using fread (instead of fscanf for formatted data)
The prototype of the fread function is given by
#include <stdio.h>
size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream);
The fread() function reads, into the array pointed to by ptr, up to nitems members whose
size is specified by size in bytes, from the stream pointed to by stream. [source:open
Show how to define a struct pointer and read data into a struct.
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Reading Header Information from BMP file
Suppose we would like to read header information from a BMP file. Let us first allocate a
block of 54 bytes to hold the struct.
void* ptr = malloc(54);
Now we can read 54 bytes from a file stream that is opened.
FILE* infile = fopen(“image.bmp”, “r”);
fread(ptr, 54, 1, infile);
Now suppose we need to find the width and height of the image from header information.
We could look at the 54 bytes as follows.
To find the width, we need to offset a total of 18 bytes (14 + 4 bytes for the unsigned int).
Hence we can extract information about width as follows.
int* tmp = ptr + 18;
printf(“The width of the image is %d \n”, *tmp);
Similarly all other information about the BMP file can be extracted and manipulated.
Passing Structures to Functions
Structures can be passed to functions as arguments. For example, consider the following
function foo that takes a copy of a struct as an argument. We will be using struct
INFOHEADER as defined above in BMP example.
int foo(INFOHEADER info){
return 0;
We define a variable info and pass that to function foo. A copy of info is made and
placed on the runtime stack of foo.
See Demo Code
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Note that the fields within the original variable info may not be affected by statements in
When a structure is passed as value parameter, a copy of the struct is made on the
runtime stack and information is used to perform the operations. If the function does not
require permission to change the original variable info, this may be ok. However, a
programmer needs to be aware that if the struct is large, then two much information may
be copied to run time stack, making the program run slower. A programmer must be
careful in a situation where the foo may be called multiple times.
Passing a Pointer to a Struct
To avoid copying large structs within the run time stack, we can pass the address of a
struct variable (i.e. a pointer) to a function. There are two instances under which passing
a pointer to a struct, instead of a copy of the struct may be advantages. A pointer allows
efficient access to the struct (instead of making a copy on runtime stack) as well as the
opportunity to directly manipulate the information within the original struct.
For example, if we need to change some information within a field of INFOHEADER,
we can pass the address of an INFOHEADER variable to a function whose prototype is
given by
int foo(INFOHEADER* ptr){
width = 720;
return 0;
In the calling function we can do;
Now the fields within the original variable info can be manipulated directly by the ptr.
ptr -> width = 720;
Compromising Security
One disadvantage of passing an address to a function is that we may be compromising the
security of the variable. When a pointer to a struct is passed to a function, then the
function can change the information within the struct, even if you did not intend to do so.
But there is a way to retain the efficiency of passing by reference, while maintaining the
security. One possibility is to define a function as follows.
int foo(const INFOHEADER* ptr){
return 0;
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
This does not allow any changes to the original content, but provides access to the fields
within the struct directly from the ptr.
So ptr -> width = 100; would be illegal
int tmp = ptr -> width; would be legal
Array of Structs
Structs can be combined to form an array. Suppose we need to define a struct that will
store positional information as well as color information of a point in 2D space. A struct
2Dpoint is then can be defined as follows.
typedef struct {
unsigned char R,G,B; // stores a value between 0-255 representing the color depth
int x,y;
} 2Dpoint;
Then we can define an array of 100, 2D points as follows.
2Dpoint A[100];
The array can also be initialized as
2Dpoint A[100] = {{0,0,255,20,40}, {255,0,255,40,20}, ….};
It should be noted that one could ignore the inner braces as long as the list matches the
amount and type of things to be initialized. So we could write
2Dpoint A[100] = {0,0,255,20,40,255,0,255,40,20, ….};
Array of Struct Pointers
In some applications, using an array of struct pointers may be useful. Therefore we can
define an array of struct points as follows.
2Dpoint* A[100];
In this case each array element, A[i], is a pointer to a 2Dpoint. Access to the fields can be
obtained using
R = 255; /* changes the color red to 255 */
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Dynamically Allocated Lists
Concept of a linked list
Static arrays are structures whose size is fixed at compile time and therefore cannot be
extended or reduced to fit the data set. A dynamic array can be extended by doubling the
size but there is overhead associated with the operation of copying old data and freeing
the memory associated with the old data structure. One potential problem of using arrays
for storing data is that arrays require a contiguous block of memory which may not be
available, if the requested contiguous block is too large. However the advantages of using
arrays are that each element in the array can be accessed very efficiently using an index.
However, for applications that can be better managed without using contiguous memory
we define a concept called “linked lists”.
A linked list is a collection of objects linked together by references from one object to
another object. By convention these objects are named as nodes. So the basic linked list
is collection of nodes where each node contains one or more data fields AND a reference
to the next node. The last node points to a NULL reference to indicate the end of the list.
image source: Weiss Data Structures
The entry point into a linked list is always the first or head of the list. It should be noted
that head is NOT a separate node, but a reference to the first Node in the list. If the list is
empty, then the head has the value NULL. Unlike Arrays, nodes cannot be accessed by
an index since memory allocated for each individual node may not be contiguous. We
must begin from the head of the list and traverse the list sequentially to access the nodes
in the list. Insertions of new nodes and deletion of existing nodes are fairly easy to handle
and will be discussed in the next lesson. Recall that array insertions or deletions may
require adjustment of the array (overhead), but insertions and deletions in linked lists can
be performed very efficiently.
Types of Linked Lists
There are few different types of linked lists. A singly linked list as described above
provides access to the list from the head node. Traversal is allowed only one way and
there is no going back. A doubly linked list is a list that has two references, one to the
next node and another to previous node. Doubly linked list also starts from head node,
but provide access both ways. That is one can traverse forward or backward from any
node. A multilinked list (see figures 1 & 2) is a more general linked list with multiple
links from nodes. For examples, we can define a Node that has two references, age
pointer and a name pointer. With this structure it is possible to maintain a single list,
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
where if we follow the name pointer we can traverse the list in alphabetical order of
names and if we traverse the age pointer, we can traverse the list sorted by ages. This
type of node organization may be useful for maintaining a customer list in a bank where
same list can be traversed in any order (name, age, or any other criteria) based on the
Figure 1 – Linked List with two pointers
Another example of multilinked list is a structure that represents a sparse matrix as shown
Figure 2 – A sparse matrix representation
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Another important type of a linked list is called a circular linked list where last node of
the list points back to the first node (or the head) of the list.
Implementation of a Linked List
Designing the Node
Linked list is a collection of linked nodes. A node is a struct with at least a data field and
a reference to a node of the same type. A node is called a self-referential object, since it
contains a pointer to a variable that refers to a variable of the same type. For example, a
struct Node that contains an int data field and a pointer to another node can be defined as
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
typedef struct Node node;
node* head = NULL;
Allocating memory for the first node
Memory must be allocated for one node and assigned to head as follows.
head = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
(*head).data = 10;
(*head).next = NULL;
Adding the second node and linking
node* nextnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
(*nextnode).data = 12;
(*nextnode).next = NULL;
(*head).next = nextnode;
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Continuation of this process creates a linked list of
nodes. The advantages of a linked list as compared to an
array is that memory blocks are small and hence there is
more flexibility in managing memory required by the
application. In the next lesson we will discuss some
operations on linked lists as well as details about
implementing a Doubly Linked List.
Further Readings
[1] K & R – chapter 6.1-6.4 – pages 127-138
For all of the following exercises (where applicable) use the following
definition of node.
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node* next;
} node;
[1] What would be returned if sizeof(node) is used (assume
[2] What is wrong with the following code?
node ptr;
data = 25;
next = NULL;
[3] The following code is supposed to insert a new node, after the first node. (assume
there is at least one node). However, the code seems to throw a seg fault after sometime.
What could be the reason?
node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
next = newnode;
next = first
[4] design a struct that can be used to implement a multilinked list as given in Figure 2.
Include the proper fields to hold all the data.
See demo code on how to build a linked list of nodes
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
For all of the following exercises (where applicable) use the following
definition of node.
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node* next;
} node;
[1] What would be returned if sizeof(node) is used (assume
ANSWER: sizof(node) = sizeof(int) + sizeof(struct node*)
= 4 + 4 = 8
[2] What is wrong with the following code?
node ptr;
data = 25;
next = NULL;
ANSWER: Memory is not being allocated for ptr. Therefore any dereference to
data could cause a segmentation fault
[3] The following code is supposed to insert a new node, after the first node. (assume
there is at least one node). However, the code seems to throw a seg fault after sometime.
What could be the reason?
node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
next = newnode; ----------------- (2)
next = first
next; ----------------- (3)
ANSWER: The problem seems to be that this creates an infinite loop situation. We
can fix the code by switching lines 2 and 3.
[4] design a struct that can be used to implement a multilinked list as given in Figure 2.
Include the proper fields to hold all the data.
typedef struct node {
int row, col;
double value;
struct node* rowptr;
struct node* colptr;
} node;