It is only when the goals and aspirations of the individual mesh and work together with the goals
and aspirations of his company that we can expect optimum performance.
Delta Founder
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THE “DELTA DIFFERENCE”separates our company
and our people from our competitors. Beginning in 1928, Delta
people have worked diligently to build Delta’s record and reputation
for delivering safe, high-quality service, and for acting with honesty,
integrity and professionalism in all we do. We are proud of
this legacy. Our culture of treating others with dignity and respect
and doing what is right continues to make Delta a great place to work.
We all have a responsibility to protect and enhance Delta’s reputation,
culture and brand each and every day. Individually and collectively,
we are the Delta Difference.
With a diverse workforce and complex operations worldwide, it isn’t
possible, practical or even necessary to have a written policy to cover
every situation that might come up. But it is expected that we all
understand the company’s values, expectations and business goals—
and that we act professionally and with good judgment in all we do.
Delta people must always be guided by the Rules of the Road and our unique
Delta culture—a collective ability to pitch in as a team and always accomplish
what we set out to do. With the Rules of the Road and the guidelines in this
document as a compass, along with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct,
our annual Flight Plan and any divisional policies and procedures relevant to
your job, we will all keep working together as a team to continue making Delta
a great company and a great place to work.
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We run our business using the following as our primary guides:
Rules of the Road, which is our foundation and outlines our core values,
principles and expectations of modeling leadership at every level of the company
This document, The Way We Fly, which outlines our basic expectations of
each other as employees and which was developed with strong input from a
cross divisional team of Delta employees for all of us
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, which defines how we conduct
business around the world
Our annual Flight Plan, which defines our corporate goals for the year
The documents listed above describe and reinforce fundamental values and basic
behaviors required of all of us and also what we can expect of Delta in return
including a commitment to our long-standing Open Door Policy. You should refer
to them often. And, if you have questions or need clarification, ask your leader for
additional information.
These are important documents but they are not the only ones you’ll need to know
in the course of your career at Delta. You need to actively seek information about
the benefits and privileges you receive from Delta – for example, your pass travel
privileges. In addition, most departments have their own specific policies and/or
guidelines that supplement and expand upon the topics discussed in this document.
In addition, your department or division will also have policies and procedures
applicable to your specific job that you will need to know and regularly review.
It’s Your Responsibility
Come To Work Fit For Duty
Health, Safety & Security Are Non-Negotiable
Violence, Threats Of Violence And Weapons Are Not Tolerated
Our Anti-Drug & Alcohol Policy
Limit Tobacco Use
Minimize Our Environmental Footprint
We Value Diversity
Discrimination Is Not Tolerated
Harassment, Bullying Or Other Forms of Intimidation Are Not Tolerated
Our Open Door Policy
Working at Delta
Family & Other Relationships At Work
Using Delta Computers, Data & Other Equipment
Working Outside Delta
Delta Subsidiaries
Protect Our Operations
Reliability Is Essential To Our Success
Do Your Best Every Day
Seeking Accommodation
Soliciting Or Selling At Delta
Put Customers First
Treat Customers Fairly & Respectfully
Accommodate Customers With Disabilities
Protect Customer Property
Protect Customer Privacy
Be A Good Steward Of Company Resources
Company Funds
Delta Equipment
Theft & Misappropriation Are Prohibited
Keep Accurate & Honest Records
Protect Our Computer & Network Security
Cooperate In Company & Government Investigations
Be The Brand In Your Uniform
You’re Delta Even Without A Uniform
Using Cell Phones & Other Electronics
Your Off-Duty Conduct
You, Delta & The Media—Including Social Media
Pass Travel—With Great Privilege Comes Great Responsibility
Put safety fi rst—always.
That is the rst Basic Business Principle set out in the Rules of the Road and a core
value for all Delta people. Whatever your job, safety is a part of it.
Providing a safe, secure operation is our fundamental obligation to our customers, our
colleagues, and the communities we are privileged to serve. As a global company, Delta
maintains the highest standard of business conduct and operates in full compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations in the many countries where we do business.
Each of us is responsible for following all of the laws that apply to our responsibilities
within the company.
We believe no level of harm is acceptable to anyone as a cost of doing business.
Responsibility for the safety and security of our operation rests with each of us. Take
time to understand the safety policies and procedures for your job. Each department
at Delta may have speci c requirements or best practices dictated by operating needs,
location or the law. Ask questions if you don’t understand; make suggestions when
you see ways to improve safety and if you see an issue that may affect safety, let your
leader know about it right away.
If you have any questions or concerns about whether something is safe or legal, contact
your leader, Corporate Safety, Human Resources or the Law department for guidance.
If you believe that someone is violating the law or Delta’s policies, you also have the
option of reporting your concerns to Delta’s Ethics & Compliance HelpLine.
All of us, regardless of job title or responsibilities, must be t for duty every time we
work. When you come to work, you acknowledge that:
You are adequately rested
You are physically and mentally ready to do your job
You are compliant with Delta’s drug and alcohol policies
You will be alert and attentive in performing your duties safely
You will encourage your colleagues to engage in safe practices if they are
doing otherwise
You have a responsibility to practice safe work habits and to protect yourself and all
the individuals you encounter in performing your duties. Our customers and colleagues
expect and deserve nothing less. If illness, injury or some other circumstance prevents
you from safely and effectively performing your job, follow your department’s
procedures for reporting your absence.
At Delta, we all must foster a safe and secure work environment. Our goal is full
compliance with all occupational health and safety laws, as well as our own health
and safety policies—which often go beyond what the law requires. Safety rules are
not enough, though. To achieve our high standards, every Delta employee must make
safety and security a priority. You are expected to know the health, safety and security
requirements that apply to your job. Take time to familiarize yourself with the manuals
or other standards, available on DeltaNet, that apply to your work.
Safety responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Following all safety, security and environmental health policies and procedures
Reporting all hazardous conditions or unsafe equipment
Reporting any injuries, illnesses, ground damage or near misses
Using the required safety equipment and protective clothing
Refraining from the use of any equipment without both proper instructions
and authorization
To ensure everyone’s safety, Delta maintains a zero tolerance policy toward workplace
violence. We do not tolerate violence or threats of violence against one another, our
customers, aircraft or other people or property.
We also maintain a safe workplace free from weapons of all kinds, including fi rearms.
The standing exceptions are an armed federal, state or local law enforcement of cer on
of cial business or a credentialed Federal Flight Deck Of cer (FFDO) when performing
the duties of a FFDO. For more information, please visit DeltaNet and search for Delta
Security Manual.
As part of our commitment to safety, Delta supports a work environment free from
drug and alcohol misuse. No one may bring, use, or distribute any controlled drug on
company property, unless properly prescribed by an authorized medical provider.
Delta also prohibits the unlawful possession, distribution or use of drugs at any time,
on or off duty. This includes taking any controlled drug that would require a prescription
in the United States without a lawful prescription in your name, or using a prescription
medication in a quantity or method other than as prescribed. In addition, the purchase,
possession, use, sale, exchange or transfer of any controlled drug is prohibited.
Each one of us, regardless of job title or responsibilities, is expected to report to work
free of any mood-altering substances (alcohol or drugs). Prescription medication that
is required for the treatment or prevention of a diagnosed medical problem may be
taken as prescribed if it does not impact your ability to safely perform job functions.
Medications (whether prescribed or over-the-counter) taken during a work shift or
prior to reporting for duty must be limited to those that do not impair or alter normal
functions or reactions or otherwise render an employee not t for duty. Medications
that cause drowsiness, nervousness or any other work-impairing side effect may not
be used while on duty.
Employees are responsible for communicating with their medical treatment providers
and leaders to ensure that prescribed medication will not interfere with work safety.
Where there may be safety consequences, employees may need to be given temporary
assignments, if available, or use approved time off until they are able to safely resume
their job responsibilities.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages while on duty, during breaks or lunch periods
or while on Delta premises is prohibited unless previously approved for a company-
sponsored event. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is also prohibited when traveling
to a Delta business function scheduled to be conducted on the same day as the day
of travel. In addition, employees in uniform are prohibited from consuming alcoholic
beverages or visiting any bar, club or similar establishment where alcoholic beverages
are served, with the exception of restaurants that serve food as their principal business.
For more details, read Delta’s Drug and Alcohol Policy, as well as any applicable
divisional policies, available on DeltaNet.
To support those who may be struggling with addiction to alcohol, prescription
medication and other drugs, Delta offers the Substance Abuse Recovery Program,
which provides assistance and treatment for employees needing professional help.
Experts believe that giving people the opportunity to enter a treatment program while
retaining their jobs can enhance safety because they may be more likely to seek help
instead of hiding a drug problem. Those employees needing assistance with substance
dependence or abuse issues are encouraged to seek help before the problem results
in a serious deterioration of their health, dependability, or on-the-job performance.
For help, call the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-533-6939 or search for
Substance Abuse Recovery on DeltaNet.
If you smoke—or use smokeless tobacco products—please do so within the rules and
maintain professionalism when at work. Unless prohibited by local law, regulation or
policy, smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco is generally permitted in designated
areas outside of Delta buildings or leased space before or after work hours and during
authorized break periods.
And remember, many serious health risks are related to tobacco use, including heart
disease, elevated blood pressure and some cancers. Delta offers a free tobacco
cessation program to help employees quit. For more information on these valuable
resources, visit DeltaNet and search for Delta Health Direct.
As part of our commitment to being good corporate citizens, we all have a
responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment and to conduct our
operations in an environmentally sustainable manner. Delta is committed to
complying with all environmental laws and regulations, and you are responsible for
knowing and complying with the environmental laws and policies that pertain to your
work. Concerns regarding unsafe or environmentally hazardous conditions should be
immediately reported to your manager, to Corporate Safety, Security and Compliance
or to Delta’s Ethics & Compliance HelpLine.
Embrace diverse people, thinking and styles” is a key principle of the Rules of the Road.
By doing so, we engage and refl ect the cultures and communities we serve, which
makes us stronger as a company. We are an equal opportunity employer, committed
to a workplace free from discrimination. This means we will recruit, hire, train and
promote individuals based on job quali cations and performance, not on personal
characteristics or traits. Delta employees are expected to honor this commitment
and to treat our customers, suppliers, business partners and one another in a non-
discriminatory manner.
Delta is a place of equal opportunity. The company prohibits discrimination based on
race, color, religion, national origin, creed, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability,
genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, citizenship status,
parental status, veteran status or other characteristics that may be protected by law.
Our workplace must be safe, respectful and free of unnecessary and inappropriate
distractions. All employees are expected to work together professionally and to treat
each other with dignity and respect. Harassment on the basis of sex, race, age, national
origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other protected characteristic, or
any form of bullying or intimidation (whether physical, written or verbal), is forbidden.
If you believe that you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, bullying
or intimidation or if you become aware of such behavior in the work place, report the
matter. Notify your leader, any manager in your department, your Human Resources
professional or the Equal Opportunity department. You may also call Delta’s Ethics
& Compliance HelpLine at 1-800-253-7879. Callers from outside the U.S. may call
collect at 770-409-5006.
At Delta, we are committed to creating a great place to work by maintaining an
Open Door Policy, and each of us is encouraged and expected to raise concerns if we
become aware of practices or work environments that do not meet our expectations,
particularly for issues like safety, harassment and discrimination. Reporting your
concerns to leadership allows Delta to address them. You are encouraged to speak
directly to your leader about questions or concerns. While you are encouraged to
speak fi rst with your immediate leader, you may work through divisional and corporate
leadership as appropriate, speak directly with your Human Resources professional or
the Equal Opportunity department, or contact Delta’s Ethics & Compliance HelpLine
(including anonymously) at 1-800-253-7879. Callers from outside the U.S. may call
collect at 770-409-5006.
To encourage this open communication, any form of retaliation for reporting workplace
concerns is not tolerated. If you believe you have been retaliated against, notify your
leader, any manager in your department, your Human Resources professional or the
Equal Opportunity department. You may also contact Delta’s Ethics & Compliance
All complaints of discrimination, harassment or retaliation will be investigated.
Due to the sensitive nature of such complaints, investigations will be as discreet
as circumstances permit. Information concerning such investigations will be
communicated only to those who need to know such information. For more information,
search for Equal Opportunity on DeltaNet.
Any successful partnership requires joint effort and joint commitment. At Delta, we
strive to make our company a great place to work because we know that when employees
and the company succeed together, everybody wins. Jobs at Delta are highly sought
after, with tens of thousands of individuals seeking to join us each year. When hiring,
we work hard to select individuals who are qualifi ed and who share our commitment to
safety, integrity, professionalism, hard work and service excellence. Once hired, Delta
employees are expected to perform their jobs with professionalism and dedication.
In return, Delta provides a highly competitive package of compensation, benefi ts and
career growth, as well as a great work environment.
We always hope that the experience that each employee has at Delta will be long and
mutually rewarding. But we also realize that circumstances change and that Delta
employment is not always right for everyone. With that in mind, the employment
relationship between Delta and each employee is based on mutual consent and can
be terminated, either by Delta or an employee, at will at any time consistent with
applicable law. That includes the employment of our executives like our CEO, our
President and all our of cers. The employment relationship might end voluntarily
or involuntarily. Involuntary separations are initiated by Delta. Voluntary separations
are initiated by an employee. When an employee chooses to resign, Delta appreciates
receiving as much advance notice as possible, and most employees try to provide at
least two weeks’ notice. As part of the at will relationship, Delta maintains the ability
to modify an employee’s duties, title, compensation, or other terms and conditions of
employment, consistent with applicable law.
When an employee fails to follow Delta’s policies or meet performance requirements,
any decision to take disciplinary action or terminate employment is made only after
a rigorous process of review and usually only after an employee has received prior
coaching. Of course, in some situations, the behavior or policy violation may be so
serious that it, in and of itself, may warrant review for termination.
Family & Other Relationships at Work
There is no policy prohibiting family members or those in a close relationship from
working at Delta. In fact, we nd that the best employees are often those who have
strong ties and loyalty to the company through family members or close friends who
already work here. However, to avoid a confl ict of interest, or even the appearance
of one, Delta employees who are related by blood, family establishment, marriage,
domestic partnership or who are involved in a romantic relationship may not work
in the same direct management chain or have infl uence or control over the other’s
employment unless speci cally approved by Human Resources. If you have a family or
other relationship that falls into this category, please inform your leader and Human
Resources professional.
Seeking Accommodation
Delta has a review process in place for anyone who may need help in performing
their current job duties due to physical or mental impairment, or religious beliefs or
practices. If you need this type of assistance, let your leader know and then contact the
Equal Opportunity department for consideration. The Equal Opportunity department
will carefully review your request and supporting information and, where possible,
help to identify reasonable accommodations.
For more information, visit DeltaNet and search for Equal Opportunity, for more
information about accommodation for a medical impairment, search for Accomodation.
Using Delta Computers, Data and Other Equipment
When you’re using Delta computers or equipment, refrain from any activity that might
jeopardize Delta’s systems or otherwise refl ect negatively on the company or you.
Use your good judgment and remember:
Internet and intranet access is for business purposes
Email and all electronic communication must be appropriate and professional
for the workplace
Software or additional hardware must be properly licensed and approved by
Delta’s Information Technology department before use or installation.
We must take the necessary precautions to protect Delta systems from viruses
or security breaches
We have a responsibility to respect and protect sensitive or proprietary data
All electronic activity and communications using Delta property, including hardware,
software and transmission tools, may be monitored from time to time with or without
prior notice as permitted by applicable law. Employees should not expect to have
privacy when using Delta equipment or Delta email or internet accounts.
Many Delta people around the globe work with other organizations as employees,
volunteers and advisors. In these situations, it’s essential to avoid associations that
might even appear to divide your business loyalty or cloud your independent exercise of
judgment in your work for Delta. Because our employees are the key to our competitive
advantage, you can’t work for another airline while working for Delta.
Other potential con icts may also arise if you want to work for:
An agency that regulates Delta (such as the FAA or TSA, for example)
A travel agent or a travel-related business
A Delta vendor, such as a service agent that provides ramp services to Delta or
other carriers
These work relationships will be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine
whether they could create or appear to create a confl ict of interest. If you have
questions or doubts talk with your leader—and know that when appropriate, situations
may be subject to Delta review and approval.
Delta Subsidiaries
Delta employees cannot work for a Delta subsidiary, such as DGS, while also actively
working for Delta. This ensures that we properly administer our employee benefi ts and
follow state and local wage and over-time laws.
“Creating value through excellent operations” is a key business principle of our Rules
of the Road. Running an ef cient operation contributes to the company’s bottom line,
brings our customers back and helps secure our future. No matter what your job, we
all have a shared responsibility to contribute to the ef ciency of a safe and smooth
Reliability is Essential to our Success
On-time performance and reliability are the gold standards against which the airline
industry is measured. To meet our customer commitments, your regular and timely
attendance is essential. Of course, there may be some days when you are unable to
work because of illness or personal reasons. In such cases, you should follow your
division or department procedures to notify your leader as soon as possible. For more
information about your options for time away from work, talk with your leader or
search for Absence from Work on DeltaNet.
Delta’s Employee Assistance & WorkLife Programs
We all experience issues that can impact our ability to live and work well.
Personal obligations and pressures—if left unchecked—can have a signifi cant
impact on your health, relationships and other areas of your life. Delta provides
robust services through the Employee Assistance & WorkLife Programs. For more
information, check the EAP site on DeltaNet or call 1-800-533-6939.
Do Your Best Every Day
Drive for Results” is a key element for achieving success in our Rules of The Road.
We rely on, reward and recognize performance. A global company like ours requires
a high-performing team of employees operating together for peak performance.
Dedicate your best work to each assignment you have. Anything less is not living up
to your commitment to your customers, your colleagues and yourself. Each division
and position also has performance requirements you are expected to meet. Your
leader will work with you to communicate expectations and provide feedback on your
performance on a regular basis.
Soliciting or Selling at Delta
Selling goods or services among Delta employees is permitted on a limited basis, as
long as it does not disrupt our normal business or interfere with job performance.
Selling products or services to our customers that are not Delta-sponsored is never
appropriate. Representatives of outside business concerns, charities or volunteer
organizations are only allowed to sell goods or services on Delta premises when invited
by Delta.
Know our customers and care for them” is a key principle of the Rules of the Road.
We must put customers rst at every level of the company. Serving customers is the
reason we are in business. We welcome each and every one of them and strive to
deliver great service every single time a customer gives us the opportunity.
Treat Customers Fairly and Respectfully
As a global airline, Delta customers and colleagues refl ect the diversity of cultures we
serve around the world. We know that we are enriched by that diversity, and we strive
always to treat our customers and each other with dignity and respect.
Delta has an uncompromising policy to never discriminate against any customer,
including on the basis of race, gender, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual
orientation, veteran status or other similar classi cations. This not only complies with
legal requirements; it is part of Delta’s core values.
Accommodate Customers with Disabilities
Delta’s nondiscrimination policy includes providing reasonable accommodations for
our customers with disabilities. Those who serve our customers are responsible for
knowing the company’s policies and procedures, as well as applicable government
regulations, that apply to service for customers with disabilities. If you have questions
about them, contact your manager, Corporate Safety, Security and Compliance or the
Law department.
Protect Customer Property
Our customers entrust us with their valuables every day, and we have an obligation
to be worthy of their trust. The theft, attempted theft or unauthorized possession of
any property belonging to a customer, including cash or funds, bags or other property,
is not tolerated at Delta. If you nd misplaced customer property, follow the lost and
found policy for your division or let a leader know. Never take a customer’s property
home or off premises with you, even to safeguard the property.
Protect Customer Privacy
One way we demonstrate concern for our customers is the way we safeguard their
private information. Delta carries millions of passengers each year. We have a
responsibility to protect the privacy of the information that our customers entrust to us
when they choose Delta as their airline. Employees that do not have a business reason
to access this information should never seek to do so, and those that have legitimate
access should be sure that no unauthorized release or use of private customer
information ever occurs. Our customers deserve and expect no less. Accessing or
disclosing information for personal use is a violation of company policy and may also
violate the law.
Disclosures to third parties should be made only in accordance with applicable law
and company policy. You are responsible for knowing the privacy policies and other
policies regarding disclosing customer data to third parties that relate to your work.
For more information about Delta’s Information Security and Privacy Of ce, search for
“ISPO” on DeltaNet.
Live with integrity and refl ect honesty in all we do and say” is an important principle in
our Rules of the Road. No advantage can be gained through compromising our integrity
or professionalism, since such actions undermine our credibility, tarnish our image,
and jeopardize our continued success. Delta’s reputation is completely in our hands, to
be enhanced or damaged by our own statements and actions.
Delta invests billions of dollars in our assets and we trust the professional men and
women of this company to use good judgment to ensure those resources are not
wasted or misused. This helps make sure that, as a company, we can reap the benefi ts
of our collective efforts and hard work. Remember, you owe a duty of loyalty to Delta
to do what is right and to act in the company’s best interest.
Company Funds
How we use company funds impacts our pro tability, so protect Delta’s funds as you
would your own, guarding against misuse, loss or theft.
Delta Equipment
Our premises, aircraft, vehicles, tools and other equipment are valuable assets that
we all must safeguard. Repair or replacement of property is expensive and takes away
from company assets that are shared by us all. Take care of the company property you
work with and do not deface, damage, misuse or otherwise abuse company property
or the property of others. This includes graf ti of any sort.
Theft and Misappropriation Are Prohibited
The theft, attempted theft or unauthorized possession of any property, money or other
assets belonging to the company, a colleague, or any other person, is prohibited. This
Consuming or taking items that are intended for our customers, such as food,
beverages, or other catered items, and duty free products
Falsifying records, including time cards, work records or business expense reports
Unauthorized waivers or favors such as blocking seats or waiving fees or
eligibility requirements for given fares or inventory
Unauthorized distribution or use of travel, hotel or transportation vouchers
Selling or bartering pass travel privileges, including Buddy Passes, Travel
Companion privileges or other free or reduced rate travel
Using or allowing any of your travelers to use pass travel privileges for
any business related purpose (except for employees traveling on authorized
company business or commuting to their Delta job)
Disclosing nonpublic ideas, concepts and information such as business
processes or strategies and intellectual property. These are valuable assets
and are the property of Delta, just like aircraft, tools and catering supplies
Our credibility is measured in many ways—including by the integrity of our records.
Every employee must help ensure that reporting of business information (electronic
or paper) is accurate, honest and timely. Altering, falsifying, or inappropriately
destroying documents could seriously damage our reputation and credibility and
might even violate certain laws. For more information refer to Delta’s Code of Ethics &
Business Conduct available on DeltaNet. If you have any questions about retention of
documents, search for Corporate Records on DeltaNet or contact the Law department.
All information networks, whether they are owned by Delta or used to transmit
information about Delta, must be protected from unauthorized access. Always follow
proper security steps such as using strong passwords and not sharing your passwords,
IDs or other log-in credentials. Also, be sure to log off any computer where you are
using your Delta credentials to be sure others do not inadvertently or intentionally gain
access using your log-on. For more information, search for ISPO on DeltaNet.
Each one of us is required to fully cooperate in company investigations. This includes
providing truthful and accurate answers to questions, as well as documents or other
information requested by the company. In addition, if you are the subject of an inquiry
or investigation by law enforcement or government agency that relates in any way to
your role, responsibility, or performance of your duties at Delta, you must immediately
notify Delta of the inquiry or investigation by reporting it to your leader, Human
Resources, or the Law department.
If your job is one in which you wear a Delta uniform, wear it with pride. Also, wear it
only when you are ready to represent Delta—on duty, at a work-related event or when
traveling to or from work or for such an occasion.
Always use your good judgment and professional behavior when you’re wearing a
Delta uniform. It’s your responsibility to:
Keep your uniform clean and neat,
Replace any part of the uniform that has become noticeably worn or no longer
ts, and
Wear a full uniform and avoid mixing personal clothes with uniform elements
With wide-ranging jobs and working conditions around the globe, Delta divisions have
specifi c guidelines around the uniforms for their respective areas—so look to your
divisional policies for the specifi cs you need to know.
And whenever you are in uniform or are wearing an identi cation badge or other
item that identi es you as a Delta employee, regardless of whether you are on duty,
remember that you represent Delta and be sure that your words and actions remain
Projecting a professional, businesslike image is always in style. If your job doesn’t
require a uniform, your appearance and conduct should still refl ect that you are part of
the Delta team whenever you are on the job.
Dress and appearance requirements are designed to meet the company’s business
needs while recognizing the preferences of employees. Like many aspects of your
employment at Delta, using your good judgment is most important. Subject to
divisional or departmental policies and local guidelines that take precedence, simply
use good common sense.
Using cell phones, electronic tablets and other electronic devices helps us stay
connected to our families, our colleagues and even our customers. But sometimes they
can distract us from the task at hand or even create a safety risk. Be sure to comply with
your divisional guidelines for when and where you can use cell phones and electronic
devices. And, even while on break or non-work time, use good judgment about their
use in front of customers. Sometimes customers may see or hear you taking care of
personal business in uniform and assume you should be working, so please step out of
the line of sight before doing so.
As a general practice, Delta does not seek to monitor or become unnecessarily
involved in employees’ off-duty, off-premises conduct. However, in some situations
an employee’s off-duty, off-premises conduct will be reviewed and addressed by Delta
when that behavior involves other Delta employees or serious acts of misconduct.
Some examples of off-duty, off-premises conduct that may result in review or action
by the company include actions that:
Bring negative attention to or refl ect poorly on the company, including through
media, social media or other reports
Jeopardize Delta’s business relationships with customers or vendors
Involve harassment or mistreatment of another Delta employee
Improperly target a Delta customer
Are tied to the employee’s job, including misuse of Delta information,
services or property
Are violent or create safety and security concerns related to the
employee’s continued employment
Involve possible unlawful conduct, including possible arrests or criminal charges
Delta uses different forms of media to share company news and information,
strengthen the Delta brand and engage customers and the public. This ranges from
newspapers and television to Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
Delta has designated trained employees who are responsible for representing Delta
in both traditional and social media. Therefore, you should not act as a spokesperson
for Delta. You can prevent confusion by avoiding terms such as Delta, DAL, DL, or
Delta logos or titles in your username or as profi le images, as this may cause your
personal communications to be confused as of cial company communications. Feel
free to list Delta as your employer on your online pro les, however, please do not
engage in conversations with customers in traditional or online media—leave that for
our dedicated media staff to do.
When using social media, keep in mind that all media is public. Do not use it to share
con dential information or information that may re ect poorly on Delta. This includes
using profanity or hateful language that could be associated with Delta. Do not use
social media to harass or mistreat others.
Also, make sure that your designated Buddy Pass and nonrevenue pass riders know
that you are their channel for questions and assistance. Their use of any type of media
to express their discontent with Delta could impact your travel privileges.
For more information, visit DeltaNet and search for Media Policy.
Our pass travel program is a privilege to enjoy and use responsibly. As a company, the
primary mission we all share is to deliver paying customers to their destination safely,
on-time and with their bags and cargo. We count on your professionalism to achieve
that goal and to ensure that nonrevenue travelers do not distract from that goal.
Being able to share pass travel privileges with family and friends is yet another one of
the perks of working at Delta. Each year, over two million pass riders fl y more than six
million fl ight segments using the pass travel program. Good travel etiquette, including
appropriate attire, is expected of all nonrevenue passengers.
As always, it is your responsibility to ensure that pass riders connected to you—
including travel companions and Buddy Pass Riders—use your privileges appropriately,
exercise good judgment and follow Delta policy. Be sure to review the standby travel
process guide with your family and friends before they travel. Visit DeltaNet and search
for Jetiquette to fi nd the general factsheet for detailing basic pass rider etiquette.
About this Handbook: The guidelines in this document provide examples of some of Delta’s expectations as to the conduct,
performance and appearance of Delta employees. Any list of this nature obviously cannot be all inclusive, and you must use your
good judgment at all times. Seek the advice of your leaders if you have questions. Delta may choose to amend or change these
guidelines at any time for any reason and employees are responsible for maintaining current knowledge of corporate guidelines, as
well as guidelines used within their particular divisions.
THE “DELTA DIFFERENCE”separates our company
and our people from our competitors. Beginning in 1928, Delta
people have worked diligently to build Delta’s record and reputation
for delivering safe, high-quality service, and for acting with honesty,
integrity and professionalism in all we do. We are proud of
this legacy. Our culture of treating others with dignity and respect
and doing what is right continues to make Delta a great place to work.
We all have a responsibility to protect and enhance Delta’s reputation,
culture and brand each and every day. Individually and collectively,
we are the Delta Difference.
With a diverse workforce and complex operations worldwide, it isn’t
possible, practical or even necessary to have a written policy to cover
every situation that might come up. But it is expected that we all
understand the company’s values, expectations and business goals—
and that we act professionally and with good judgment in all we do.
Delta people must always be guided by the Rules of the Road and our unique
Delta culture—a collective ability to pitch in as a team and always accomplish
what we set out to do. With the Rules of the Road and the guidelines in this
document as a compass, along with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct,
our annual Flight Plan and any divisional policies and procedures relevant to
your job, we will all keep working together as a team to continue making Delta
a great company and a great place to work.
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It is only when the goals and aspirations of the individual mesh and work together with the goals
and aspirations of his company that we can expect optimum performance.
Delta Founder
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