Author Guide
ScholarOne Manuscripts
ScholarOne Manuscripts| Author User Guide Page i
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Effective Date: 13-August-2019
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LOGIN AND ACCOUNT CREATION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Logging In ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ORCID Account Creation and Validation ....................................................................................................................... 1
ORCID Log In ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Logging Out ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Forgot Your Password? ................................................................................................................................................. 6
HEADER RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Maintaining Your account ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Help Documentation ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Language Toggle ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Instructions and Forms ................................................................................................................................................. 8
THE HOME PAGE .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Navigation ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
THE AUTHOR DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................................ 11
START A SUBMISSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Important Notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Basic Screen Navigation .............................................................................................................................................. 13
STEP 1 TYPE, TITLE, & ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 14
STEP 2 FILE UPLOAD ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figures and Images ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Zip Files and LaTex Documents ................................................................................................................................... 20
STEP 3 ATTRIBUTES ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
STEP 4 AUTHORS & INSTITUTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 25
Collecting Author Contribution during Submission .................................................................................................... 28
STEP 5 REVIEWERS & EDITORS ........................................................................................................................................ 30
STEP 6 DETAILS & COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Cover Letter ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Entering Article Funding Information ......................................................................................................................... 35
Custom Questions ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
STEP 7 REVIEW & SUBMIT ............................................................................................................................................... 38
SUBMISSIONS USING OVERLEAF ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Creating an Overleaf Submission ................................................................................................................................ 43
Overleaf File Upload ................................................................................................................................................... 44
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OPEN ACCESS SUBMISSIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 46
TIPS FOR AUTHORS SUBMITTING A REVISION ................................................................................................................... 49
MANUSCRIPT TRANSFER .................................................................................................................................................... 50
Journals Offering Choice of Transfer Destination ....................................................................................................... 50
Journals Offering a Single Transfer Option ................................................................................................................. 51
PREPARING FILES FOR SUCCESSFUL CONVERSION TO PDF AND HTML ............................................................................. 53
SUPPORTED FILE TYPES ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
HOW OUR FILE CONVERSION SYSTEM WORKS .................................................................................................................. 54
PREPARING YOUR FILES ..................................................................................................................................................... 54
DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
IMAGES ................................................................................................................................................................ 55
UPLOADING YOUR FILES .................................................................................................................................................... 55
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
LATEX FILES TO PDF............................................................................................................................................................ 61
PREPARING YOUR FILES ..................................................................................................................................................... 61
UPLOADING YOUR FILES .................................................................................................................................................... 61
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
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Each journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site has a unique Web address (URL). Typically, you are
given the address in an email sent by the journal. If the address is hyperlinked, select the link
within the email, or copy and paste into the browser. The journal’s Log In page is displayed.
Access to the journal site may be provided in two ways:
1. The journal may create your account and email to you instructions on how to log in and
set your User ID and password.
2. Some journals allow their users to create their own accounts. If yours does, there will
be a Create Account link on the top of the page, or you can use the Create Account just
below the Log In. Follow the 3-step process for creating your account.
Journal-required fields are denoted by a red asterisk.
Note: Your User ID or Password cannot contain any spaces and your password must be at
least 8 characters in length (the 8 characters must contain two or more numbers).
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During account creation, you may be given the option to associate an ORCID iD with your
account by either registering for a new ORCID iD or associating and existing ORCID iD. Each of
these options will be presented to you as links in the first step of the account creation process.
When you select one of these options to associate an ORCID iD with your account, a new
browser window will open and special registration page on the ORCID website allowing the
user to enter your existing ORCID credentials, link an existing ORCID iD, or register for a new
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Once you have validated an ORCID iD using one of the options, you will be asked to either
authorize or deny the journal access to your ‘limited’ data.
If you click Authorize, you will be redirected back to your journal’s ScholarOne site with a
validated ORCID iD.
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The journal site may be configured to use ORCID Login. Select the Log In with ORCID iD button
at the bottom of the Log In box.
You will then log in to ORCID ID, or register an ORCID account.
If the you have used this login process before or have already linked your ORCID iD to your
ScholarOne profile, you will automatically be logged in to the ScholarOne site.
If this is their first time linking your ORCID and ScholarOne accounts together, you will be asked
to authorize the publisher or journal to get their ORCID iD and to read limited-access
information such as their name and address. Reading limited-access information will make it
easier for new users that do not have a ScholarOne account to pre-fill their profile information
when creating an account.
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Next, you will link your ORCID account to the ScholarOne site. You will see the option of
creating a new account or logging in with your existing site credentials.
If you already have an account on the ScholarOne site, you will only need to provide your
ScholarOne login credentials once. Afterwards, you can use either the ScholarOne or ORCID
credentials to log in to the participating site.
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You can log out of ScholarOne Manuscripts at any time by selecting Log Out at the top right
corner of the page. You will be returned to the Log In page.
If you know you have an account but have forgotten your password, use the Reset Password
link. This will open a new window for you to type in your email address and click Send Reset
Link. The system will email you a link to reset your password. Please be sure to check your
spam folder as our email is sometimes treated as spam.
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To keep your account information current, click on your name and select the area you need to
Online training documentation is available through the Help link at the top right of all journal
site pages and through the Resources section on the Log In and Welcome pages.
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Language toggle allows you to switch the display from the default language of English to
another language. If configured for your site, you will find the language toggle located on the
header at the top of the screen. Current languages available are French, Chinese and Japanese.
Note: All uploaded documents and end-user supplied text will not toggle and will be displayed
in the language entered by the user.
Select Instructions and Forms on the header to access journal-specific information regarding
submitting your manuscript. It is very important that you follow the instructions provided by
the journal.
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When you log in, you are taken to the Home page. The page may contain information from the
journal, such as submission instructions and forms.
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Top-Level Menu
Access to Author and Review Centers
1. Author Center
2. Reviewer Center
3. Journal Selection
4. Help Links
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The Author Dashboard is where you will create and manage your submissions. The left menu
lists available options. When you first log on, you will see the option to Start New Submission.
Later, you will see additional queues which indicate your manuscript’s progress through the
submission process or actions you may need to perform.
Note: Some journals may have multiple submission methods. Please read the descriptions and
select the appropriate method.
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To begin the submission process, select Begin Submission (or select from available submission
Each journal can configure ScholarOne Manuscripts to ask for different pieces of
information and different required fields from the examples shown in this guide
Journal-required fields are denoted by a red asterisk
Journals may vary the requirements based on manuscript type
Always follow journal instructions carefully when submitting manuscripts
If your journal utilizes the Overleaf integration, please also see the Submissions using
Overleaf section of this document.
The steps for submitting a manuscript are listed on the left of the screen.
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Screen Element Description
Indicates a required field
Click for a description or instructions for a specific field.
Click to see a preview of the entered text
Click to add special characters and formatting to the text
Word or character counts display for each text field. The
counts update as you type.
In sub-tasks, such as selecting keywords, the gray action
button will become highlighted in orange to indicate
where to click to complete your selection.
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1. Complete the Type Title & Abstract screen.
Type: Select from available manuscript types. Types are determined by the journal
and may vary. Selecting a type determines what information you are required to
enter throughout the submission process. Once saved, you cannot change the type.
Title: Enter a manuscript title.
Running Head: If present, enter a short title.
Abstract: Enter the abstract.
2. Click Save and Continue.
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In this step you will upload all of your manuscript files.
1. In the File Upload section, click the Select File 1 button. Browse for your main
document file.
2. If needed, use the Select File 2 and additional buttons to select additional files. Choose
an appropriate file designation from the drop down list.
Note: The total size limit for file upload is set by the journal. The number of slots indicates
the number of files that can be uploaded at once and not the total number.
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Note: See sections below for additional information on Figures and Images and Zip Files and
LaTex Documents.
3. Click the Upload Selected Files button.
4. Once the files have been uploaded, they display in the Files section at the top of the
5. You may reorder them by choosing a number from the Order drop-down list, then
clicking the Update Order button.
6. You may remove a file by clicking the Actions drop-down list for a file and selecting
Remove File.
7. You can view a proof by clicking either the View HTML proof or View PDF proof
8. Click Save and Continue.
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Figures and image files will display a thumbnail of the image after file upload has been
completed. You may edit the image with a caption or link to text within the main document.
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If configured for your journal, you can upload zip files, using any of the upload buttons.
Each file that is uploaded will be unpacked and displayed in the list so you can provide the
proper designation for each item.
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For TeX/LaTeX submissions, the package contents will be unpacked, parsed, and processed to
determine the identity of the LaTeX content files. The files can then be assigned to their file
designation. Be sure that the very first file presented in your file listing is the main LaTeX file.
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Attributes or keywords are often required for manuscript submission. Some journals have a list
of keywords for you to choose from, others allow authors to enter their own keywords, and
some sites allow for both options.
1. Enter a keyword in the Keywords field using any of the following methods.
a. Type-Ahead search
Begin typing in the Keyword field and Type-Ahead Search will show any
existing keywords matching your search term.
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Click on the keyword.
Click the Add button.
b. Select from the list
Click Show Full List
Click on an item in the list. Ctrl-click to select multiple items.
Click the Add button.
c. Add Your Own Keyword (if configured for your journal)
If no appropriate keywords are found, you may be able to add a new
keyword to the list, if allowed by your journal. Type the keyword into the
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Click the Add button.
2. Click Save and Continue.
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Enter or confirm your institution information and add any co-authors and their information.
The journal may have limits set on the number of co-authors you can enter and the number of
institutions per author.
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1. In the Agent Question field, indicate whether you are the author or the submitting
agent for this manuscript.
2. If you are the author, you may be asked to create or associate an ORCID iD with your
submission. Select the appropriate option and follow the ORCID process. You will be
returned to this screen when complete.
3. To add co-author information to the manuscript submission, enter the author’s email
address and click the Search button. Please note that authors may have several email
addresses and you may need to search using an alternate email address.
4. If no matching email address is found, the message below will display.
5. To add the co-author you must create the author. Click the Create New Co-Author link
in the message.
6. The Create new Author screen displays. Complete all the required fields to identify
both the author and the institution they are affiliated with.
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7. The Institution field utilizes the Ringgold Identify database of institutions. Simply type a
minimum of three characters and search results will display. Type more characters for a
better match. Select from the list. If you are unable to find the institution in the list,
simply type the institution name in the field.
If you see warning symbol next to the institution name, it means that the instutuion
is not a Ringgold connected institution. Please be sure to check again to see if you can
find the correct institution in the database.
8. Add additional institutions as needed.
9. When finished creating the author, click the Add Created Author button.
Note: When adding a new Co-Author to a submission, you will not be prompted to enter their
ORCID iD. Co-authors may receive an email requesting their ORCID iD.
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10. Added authors display. You may re-order them by dragging the double-arrow at the
left of the author information. You may also use the numbers in the Order column to
re-order then click the Update Author Order button.
11. Select the Actions drop-down list to edit, remove, and assign as a corresponding
12. Click Save and Continue.
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The journal may be configured to use the CASRAI’s CRediT taxonomy to recognize the
individual contributions of authors on the submission. When adding authors to the
submission, you will be given the option to choose from a list of contributions.
From the Authors list, choose Provide CrediT Contribution.
Check each contribution for the author, then select the level of contribution from the drop-
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Some journals allow or require you to add Preferred and/or Opposed Reviewers and Editors for
your manuscript.
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1. Click the Add Reviewer button.
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2. Complete the Add a Reviewer screen.
Enter the Reviewer’s name and email information.
Search for the Institution. Complete any other fields as appropriate.
Select a preference to recommend or oppose a reviewer for this manuscript.
3. Click the Add New Reviewer button.
4. The reviewer’s information displays.
5. Click Save and Continue.
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This page is journal-specific and may include an area for a cover letter, as well as any other
required submission information.
1. If a cover letter is required, enter it using one of the following methods.
Enter it in the Write Cover Letter field. You may type or copy/paste into the Write
cover letter field.
Upload a file. Click the Select File button to browse to your cover letter file. Then
click the Attach File button.
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If configured on your site, you may see a section for funding information. You will be able to
search for your Funding Institution(s) from a list and enter your Grant /Award Number(s).
When, configured, you will be required to either select that the submission has no funders to
report or add at least one funder to the submission.
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2. If funding information is requested, complete the appropriate fields.
When you type in the name of your funder the system displays potential matches
from the registry. Select the organization from the list. If the organization you
chose has a parent organization, that will be automatically entered in the Funder
Name filed and the organization you chose will be in the Sub-organization field.
If no match is found, simply type the name of the funder into the Name field.
Enter the Grant/Award Number.
Click the Add Funder button to enter funder information.
If you entered a new funder name, you will see the following message. Click OK.
3. The funder information displays.
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The journal may have custom question you are required to complete as part of your
submission. These will vary by site.
4. When finished with the Details & Comments page, click Save and Continue.
5. Click Save and Continue.
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This is a final review step before submitting your manuscript. All sections must display the
green checkmark in the navigation menu before you can submit to complete the submission
You will see a message indicating that you are almost done. When you first enter this screen,
the Submit button is not available. You must review your submission and view the proof
before submitting.
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1. Review each section carefully for accuracy and completeness.
2. If required fields have not been completed, you will receive an error at the top of the
screen and the left menu will not display a green check next to the step.
3. You may return to any step to correct errors by clicking the Step number on the error
message or on the left menu.
4. Review the HTML and/or PDF versions of your submission.
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Note: The Submit button will not be active until you have viewed the proof and fixed all
Note: If the journal requires payment at the time of submission, your next step will not be
Submit. Click the Continue to Payment button and follow prompts for entering
payment. If payment is only required after acceptance, you will be prompted to pay at a
later time.
5. Click the Submit button.
6. Click Yes to confirm the submission.
7. You will receive a submission confirmation on the screen.
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Overleaf is a collaborative writing and publishing platform, which makes the process of writing,
editing and publishing scientific documents quicker and easier. Your journal may have chosen
to integrate Overleaf with ScholarOne Manuscripts
The Overleaf integration will allow you include files created with Overleaf directly in your
submission. You will follow the same steps as described in earlier sections of this guide to
complete all other required submission information.
There are two ways to begin an Overleaf submission. You may find a link to Overleaf directly
from the Journal’s web site, or you may select connect to Overleaf from ScholarOne
Author Dashboard.
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You will be logged out of ScholarOne Manuscripts
and will log into Overleaf. Once in
Overleaf create your submission using that tool. When ready to submit it to ScholarOne
, click the Next Step: Submit to Journal link.
After using the Next Step: Submit to Journal link on Overleaf, log in to ScholarOne Manuscripts
TM. Files are automatically imported into the ScholarOne submission and can be found on the
File Upload step. They are indicated by the Overleaf logo.
If you need to edit your work, you can use the convenient Edit on link in the
Actions column to go directly into your project on Overleaf and start editing. When edits are
complete, simply use the Next Step: Submit to Journal link again to import and overwrite the
files in ScholarOne Manuscripts, keeping them in sync and up-to-date.
If an Author or Admin removes the Overleaf files, the Author (or OverLeaf account holder) has
two ways to get the files back into the submission on ScholarOne:
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1. The first method is by clicking on one of two links that will take them directly into the
corresponding project on Overleaf.
a. One of these links will appear underneath the Files table when all Overleaf files
have been removed.
b. Link will appear as a “Tip” in the Overleaf file upload section.
2. The new Overleaf file upload section will appear when there are or have been files
associated with Overleaf in the submission. While going to the project on
directly will ensure synchronicity between platforms, this section offers an alternative
by allowing Authors to upload Overleaf files that are stored on their computer.
Uploading them in this section ensures the Overleaf files are processed properly.
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The journal you are submitting to may have a listing for fees associated with certain types of
submissions that will be charged for Open Access.
For journals where all manuscripts are published under Open Access, you may be asked to
agree to Open Access publication.
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Journals may give you the option of several publication methods. Select your publishing
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To start your revision, you will need to log back into your Author Center and find the
Manuscripts with Decisions queue. Selecting this queue will display information on the right,
click Create a Revision submit your revised paper.
Depending on your journal the link may say Create a Resubmission.
Note: If you do not see the link, your time has expired to create a revision and you will need
to contact the journal office for an extension. Once the extension is granted, the link
will reappear.
If you have already started a revision, the revision is now located in the Revised Manuscripts in
Draft queue. Select this queue and click Continue to finish your revised submission.
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The ability to transfer submitted manuscripts between journals on ScholarOne is a valuable
feature which publishers are using more and more frequently to make sure each journal
reviews and publishes articles well-aligned with their scope.
If your submission is selected for transfer, you will receive an email notification with a link to
accept review the transfer options. Without having to log-in, select the link. You will be shown
the transfer options along with a final option to decline transfer of the paper. A refusal of the
transfer will result in a final reject of the manuscript on the site to which it was originally
You may also acces manuscripts that have been offered a transfer through the Author Center
dashboard in the Manuscripts Awaiting Approval to Transfer queue. Select View Transfer
Options to see that journal(s) that you may choose to transfer to.
Select a journal destination, or choose to decline transfer, then click Submit my Choice.
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If your submission is selected for transfer, you will receive an email notification with a link to
accept or reject the transfer. Without having to log-in, click either the Approve or Reject link.
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You may also access manuscripts that have been offered a transfer through the Author Center
dashboard in the Manuscripts Awaiting Approval to Transfer queue. Click Approve or Reject.
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This section will assist authors in preparing and uploading their submission files so that they
successfully convert to PDF and HTML and are easily viewed in the corresponding proofs.
The files below are supported by ScholarOne Manuscripts and can be converted to PDF and
HTML. Other files may be accepted for submissions and reviews, but may not convert
doc, docx
ppt, pptx
xls, xlsx
jpg, jpeg
tif, tiff
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Note: Acceptable file formats are determined by each journal. ScholarOne Manuscripts will warn
you if the file format is unacceptable at the time of upload, before it enters the peer review
When you upload a file, it is saved to a temporary folder on our application server and scanned for
viruses. If the file passes the scan it is placed on our production file system.
If the file to be used is to be converted to PDF such as a main document or a title page, it is sent to
the document conversion server and is converted to PDF format. If the file needs to be converted
to HTML or XML, it is first converted by Microsoft Word 2010 and then saved as HTML or XML as
If images are uploaded they are sent to our image converter where they are converted to both
All files that have been successfully converted will have copies of their files in different formats or
what we call renditions and they are assembled together to create a single PDF and HTML proof.
Follow the checklists below to ensure that your files will properly convert to HTML and PDF.
File names do not include special characters (non ASCII)
File names are less than 200 characters long
File names follow the format "name.extension", i.e. "mymanuscript.doc"
Embed fonts
Remove macros
Remove local hyperlinks
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Embed Images and verify there are less than 100 embedded images in the file
Remove Field Codes (placeholders in Microsoft Word for data that might change in a
Verify your spreadsheet files only have single tab
Remove thumbnails from image files
Verify your images are in single, flattened layer (e.g. no multi-pages TIFs)
To upload your files, follow these steps:
8. Proceed to the File Upload step of your submission.
9. Click the Select File 1 button under the File Upload section.
10. Browse for the file you would like to upload on your computer.
11. Select the File Designation that matches your file closest.
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12. If desired, add a Caption / Legend and/or Link text. The Caption / Legend will show on the
proofs under each image file uploaded. The Link text will link the uploaded image to your
document in the HTML proof where the link text matches.
Note: Only image files (jpg, tif, gif, etc.) will display the text added to the Caption /
Legend option in the PDF proof.
13. Repeat above steps for the remaining files.
Tip: You can upload as many files at a single time as there are available slots. The
number of slots is not the limit of the number of files you may upload to your
7. Click Upload Selected Files.
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Once the file upload has completed, you will see your files listed under the Files section.
Tip: Some journals enforce a limit for the file size of all files uploaded to a single submission.
You can see if there is a limit at the upper-right of the Files section.
To edit the file information, click on Edit under the ACTIONS column.
To delete the file, click on Remove… under the ACTIONS column.
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To change the file order, update the number(s) in the ORDER menu then click on
Update Order. The order of your files here will determine the order of the files in the
HTML and PDF proofs.
To view your current HTML proof, click on View HTML Proof.
To view your current PDF proof, click on View PDF Proof.
Below are some common questions and resolutions to file upload and conversion difficulties.
How can I increase the quality of images in my proof?
There are many factors that contribute to the quality of an image. However, there are some
general guidelines you can follow for making better quality images:
Crop the image to avoid white space
Adjust the image size
Adjust the image resolution (DPI)
Why is a file not included in the PDF/HTML proofS?
Some file designations are set up in the background to not be included in the PDF or HTML proofs.
If you would like a specific file to be included in the proofs, we recommend deleting the file and re-
uploading the file with a different File Designation selected.
My PDF file did not convert. What can I do to fix this?
ScholarOne Manuscripts does not support PDF files that were created using Quartz or GhostScript
PDF Writer. In order to create a PDF file that will convert, you will need to resave the file using
Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe® Reader®.
Why does the PDF show MY FIlE in Portrait Layout When it was Saved as Landscape Layout?
Make sure that all pages in your file have the page orientation and margins set to landscape.
Why are my images showing in the PDF Proof But Not the HTML Proof?
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If you find that only part of the HTML proof loads, it may be because you used similar text in the
Link text for your image files. To verify this, click on Edit under the ACTIONS column beside the
image files. If you compare Link text across your image files find that some share the same text or
parts of the same text, this can cause the HTML proof to not render properly. For example, if you
have "Figure 1" and "Fig 1" in two separate files, it will cause this issue. Rename your Link text in
your image files to correct the display of the HTML.
Why did I receive the error "Unable to download file. File not found on server" when trying to
view my HTML Proof?
This error occurs when parentheses, quotations, apostrophes or < > are used in the Link text for
images or figures. Remove these from the Link text to fix the error and to load the full HTML proof.
What is the file size limit for a single file?
ScholarOne Manuscripts only allows an individual file size limit of 350Mb, but the total file size
limit for all uploaded files on a single submission is noted at the File Upload step of the manuscript
submission process to the right of the Files section. The limit varies across journals based on the
preference of the Editorial Office. If the total file size limit has been exceeded, an error will be
displayed. You will need to reduce the total size of your files in order to submit your manuscript.
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How can I make My TIF FILes smaller in size without reducing the quality?
Images that are greater than 40 megapixels (length in pixels multiplied by height in pixels) can be
uploaded, but will not be successfully converted by the image converters in the system. It is
recommended that LZW compression be used for large TIF/TIFF files in order to reduce the overall
file size without harming the quality of the file.
Note: This fix will only work for individual image files. If the TIF/TIFF files are embedded in a
document, they cannot be compressed or the document file will fail to convert.
There are sections in the HTML proof where the font size and/or style is different from the rest
of the text. HOW can I fix this?
If text that is appearing normally in your document and in the PDF proof, but the text is displaying
differently in places in the HTML proof, Microsoft Word is applying Heading styles to your
document text. Some of these styles are also used to format text when it is displayed on an HTML
page. When your file is converted to HTML, your browser automatically applies text and paragraph
formatting that might vary from how it appears in Microsoft Word or in the PDF proof. You can
correct the text display by modifying the style setting for the affected text in your document and
then re-uploading the file.
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This section will assist authors in preparing and uploading their submission files created with LaTeX
so that they successfully convert to PDF and are easily viewed in the corresponding proof.
ScholarOne Manuscripts does not create HTML proofs from LaTeX files.
If the particular journal is not set up to convert LaTeX files to PDF, then the author may be
permitted by the journal to upload a PDF file generated from their LaTeX files and may upload their
LaTeX files as supplemental files for publication.
Follow the checklist below to ensure that your LaTeX files will properly convert to PDF.
Files were generated using pdfTeX Version 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13, TeXLive 2012 or earlier
Verify your images, graphs, drawings or tables are in any of these formats: gif, jpg, png, ps,
eps, pdf
All supplemental LaTeX files such as classes/styles, reference files, and bibliographies are
referenced properly in the main document. Verify that they are referenced and uploaded
with exactly same name and capitalization.
Verify your images are in single, flattened layer.
The commands to include your images in the LaTeX (.tex) main document do not begin with
dots or slashes before the image name. For example, the correct command would be
"\includegraphics[xxx]{fig1.eps}" instead of "\includegraphics[xxx]{./fig1.eps}". It is
recommended that all of your LaTeX-related files are created and saved in a single folder.
Tip: You can tell if the journal you are submitting to supports LaTeX files by checking the File
Designation menu on the File Upload submission step. There will be a File Designation that
includes the text TeX/LaTeX Suppl File.
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To upload your files on journals that convert LaTeX files to PDF, follow these steps:
1. Proceed to the File Upload step of your submission.
2. Click the Select File 1 button under the File Upload section.
3. Browse for the LaTeX (.tex) main document file on your computer.
4. Select the main document-related File Designation.
Note: The journal will most likely include the best File Designation to select for your LaTeX
(.tex) main document file in the Instructions on the File Upload step.
5. Click the Select File 2 button under the File Upload section.
6. Browse for one of the LaTeX Supplementary files.
7. Select the TeX/LaTeX Suppl File (or similarly named) File Designation.
8. Repeat Steps 6-7 for the remaining available file upload slots.
Tip: You can upload as many files at a single time as there are available slots. The
number of slots is not the limit of the number of files you may upload to your
9. Click Upload Selected Files.
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Once the file upload has completed, you will see your files listed under the Files section.
10. Upload the remaining files as displayed in red with the text [Missing], as listed under the
main document.
If all of the referenced files have been uploaded, you will see a green checkmark beside Step 6: File
Upload on the Submission side menu and the PDF should render correctly.
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To view the TeX Processor Log, click the link with the same name under the main
document. This will include any errors in your main document or supplemental files.
To delete a file, click on Remove… under the ACTIONS column.
To view your current PDF proof, click on View PDF Proof.
Below are some common questions and resolutions to LaTeX file upload and conversion
Why is it that after I upload a new LaTeX main document the files fail to convert to PDF?
If any changes are made to the LaTeX main document after all of the supporting files have been
uploaded, all files will have to be removed and re-uploaded.
I have checked the TeX Processor Log but my files will still not convert. Where can I go for
additional assistance?
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If you have checked the LaTeX processing errors under the TeX Processor Log link and are unable to
fully understand the error message(s), please navigate to the following page for additional
I am unable to get my DVI file to convert when it is uploaded. What can I do?
ScholarOne Manuscripts cannot guarentee the conversion of DVI files. If you cannot get your DVI
file(s) to convert, upload your TeX/LaTeX supplementary files for PDF conversion instead.
A "Type 3 font error" message is displayed when I attempt to generate the PDF proof. How do I
fix this?
There are two main causes of the "Type 3 Font Error" message you received after you uploaded
your LaTeX files:
1. One or more classes/styles are missing.
The ScholarOne file converters are pre-loaded with many basic LaTeX packages, however new or
specialized packages may not be included. To resolve, upload all style sheets and class files
referenced in the LaTeX (.tex) main document.
2. Your are using bitmap (raster) fonts.
To resolve, you will need to update your LaTeX (.tex) main document so that it uses vector fonts.
My LaTeX (.tex) main document successfully uploaded but it appears in red at the File Upload
step, along with the error message "Unable to convert file.". How do I fix this?
This issue most often occurs when there is an incompatibility or other issue with the .bib or .bst
file. To resolve the error, delete the uploaded .bib or .bst file, incorporate the contents
(copy/paste) of the .bbl file generated in the LaTeX run into the LaTeX (.tex) main document, and
then comment out the reference in the LaTeX (.tex) main document to the separate .bib and/or
.bst file.
MY PDF proof is truncated. Why?
This issue most often occurs when an image in a figure file is not a flattened image. To resolve this,
make a note of where the truncation occurs in the proof, which will likely be immediately prior to
the reference to the affected figure file. Open the figure file in an image editor, flatten the image
by removing or combining the multiple layers, and re-save it. On the File Upload step, delete the
previous figure file and upload the new flattened version.
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Why are the supplemental LaTex figures showing as uploaded BUT they are noted as missing?
When saving your LaTeX files, you may have subfolders on your computer for images that were not
uploaded. The figure files are pointed to those subfolders in the LaTeX (.tex) main document. If you
repoint the figure files(s) in the LaTeX (.tex) main document and then re-upload them, this should
resolve the issue. Alternatively, you can save all of your LaTeX files, including your figures, into a
single folder and then re-upload them to ScholarOne Manuscripts.
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