FIU Law Review FIU Law Review
Volume 18 Number 1 Article 5
Winter 2023
Weaponizing Rhetoric to Legitimate Regulatory Failures Weaponizing Rhetoric to Legitimate Regulatory Failures
Kat Albrecht
Georgia State University
Kaitlyn Filip
Northwestern University School of Communication
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Kat Albrecht & Kaitlyn Filip,
Weaponizing Rhetoric to Legitimate Regulatory Failures
, 18 FIU L. Rev. 1
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1 ALBRECHT (DO NOT DELETE) 12/29/2023 3:44 PM
Kat Albrecht & Kaitlyn Filip*
Pyramid schemes are illegal. According to the courts, they are
fraudulent because they must eventually collapse, disappointing or exploiting
the members at the bottom. This illegality, largely governed by the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), is narrowly construed to encompass only very specific instances of
activity. In particular, we argue that the specificity of the law allows multi-
level marketing companies (MLMs) to argue that they are not a pyramid
scheme both legally and societally in order to obfuscate exploitative
conditions within the company.
We take LuLaRoe as a case study of the ways in which this discourse is
weaponized to obfuscate the harms of multi-level marketing, thereby
exposing a substantial hole in regulatory frameworks. We conduct thematic
text analysis on a popular internet discussion forum to study how ordinary
people understand the law surrounding multi-level marketing companies. We
share findings about how the specific construction of the law affects legal
consciousness and cynicism about the protective capacities of consumer
protection and regulatory law. We advance the theoretical terrain by moving
from legal consciousness to legal cynicism to a new concept that we name
“legal creativity.” We ultimately argue that a narrow legal interpretation of
“pyramid schemes” serves to further exploit the very people that such
illegality is meant to protect; that ordinary people navigate regulatory holes
and fundamentally imperfect knowledge of the law by employing legal
creativity to generate solutions.
I. I
NTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 2
* Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University in the Andrew Young School
of Policy Studies. Robert Evans is a law student at Georgia State University. Kaitlyn Filip is a Law &
Humanities Fellow and a J.D. and Ph.D. Candidate at Northwestern University. The authors are grateful
to Tom Stanton, instructor at Johns Hopkins and former FTC senior official, for his comments and
encouragement on an earlier draft of the manuscript. The authors are also appreciative of valuable
feedback from attendees of the National Communications Association and the Law and Society
Association annual meetings and from the Northwestern J.D. and Ph.D. seminar.
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2 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
LEGAL CREATIVITY ............................................................................ 9
EGAL REGULATION OF PYRAMID SCHEMES ................................... 11
A. The Law Through LuLaRoe ....................................................... 12
B. “Doomed to Fail”: Historical Insight from Herbalife .............. 14
C. The Amway Rules: Our Analytic Substitutions .......................... 16
D. Published Administrative Guidance from the FTC and SEC .... 18
V. L
ULAROE CASE STUDY .................................................................... 22
A. Why LuLaRoe? .......................................................................... 24
B. The Problems of LuLaRoe ......................................................... 25
ETHODS AND DISCOURSE DATA .................................................... 28
A. Methods ..................................................................................... 29
B. Thematic Analysis ...................................................................... 32
1. Pyramid Schemes Are Illegal .............................................. 32
2. Incomprehensibility Surrounding the Legal Definition of
Pyramid Schemes................................................................. 34
3. Pessimism About the Protective Capacity of Law .............. 36
4. Alternative Strategies and Legal Creativity ......................... 38
ECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS......................................... 40
I. I
In September 2021, the four-part docuseries LuLaRich premiered on
Amazon Prime Video.
The documentary tells the story of the founding of
and subsequent turmoil surrounding the multi-level marketing (MLM)
company, LuLaRoe. The show, through formal interviews with the founders
DeAnne and Mark Stidham, interviews with former LuLaRoe distributors
and designers, and deposition footage from lawsuits against the Stidhams,
told the story of a rapid, and ad hoc building of a massive company known
for selling leggings with bold patterns.
What followed was eventual feelings
of disenchantmentand subsequent lawsuitsfrom distributors who felt as
though they were being set up to fail. The series points to a large array of
problems within LuLaRoe that harmed distributors, including astronomical
buy-in costs into over-saturated markets and the use and circulation of stolen
LuLaRich also interviewed former top-level distributors who were
left bankrupt and unsatisfied with their experience. Notably, the docuseries
also centered around deposition footage of the Stidhams directly
contradicting their own interview testimony. It is a salacious story of a
LuLaRich (Amazon Prime Video 2021).
See generally id.
See generally id.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 3
company causing a great deal of harm with ambiguous legal reckoning.
Although LuLaRich itself made a huge splashwith headlines detailing the
documentary as a tale of the scandals haunting LuLaRoe and predicting the
“collapse” of the companythe broader cultural and legal impact of
LuLaRoe and companies like it remains understudied and largely ignored by
the law even as these same companies continue to thrive.
In the aftermath of
LuLaRich, LuLuRoe has continued to operate and has most recently released
their 2023 Valentine’s Day Collection.
Although LuLaRoe garnered particular attention in fall 2021, it is just
one of many MLMs operating in roughly the same fashion. Multi-level
marketing companies, as their name suggests, operate by organizing their
sales into multiple levels. Instead of franchises or storefronts, MLMs center
around one company selling goods or services with layers of independent
distributors who directly sell within their personal and professional networks.
These distributors also make money by recruiting additional distributors to
work under them in what is called their “downline.” Many well-known
companies work with this distribution model or with this model in addition
to more traditional storefronts.
Such companies include, but are not limited
to: Arbonne, Amway, MaryKay, Avon, Beach Body, Herbalife, Nu Skin,
Pampered Chef, Primerica, Tastefully Simple, Thirty-One Gifts, and Young
Although LuLaRich portrayed LuLaRoe as a company whose
business model structurally hurt their distributors, the problems described by
the series reach far beyond this one company. And the law, despite the broken
promises of the LuLaRoe lawsuits, lacks teeth against the harm these
companies cause.
It can be tempting to delegitimize the economic effects and social
consequences of MLMs due to romanticized notions of suburban Tupperware
parties and door-to-door lipstick sales. However, this $35 billion industry
operates in a legal gray area that leaves 99% of its consultants losing money
See, e.g., Adrian Horton, It’s Very Culty’: The Bizarre Billion-Dollar Downfall of Fashion
Company LuLaRoe, GUARDIAN (Sept. 15, 2021, 3:37 PM),
radio/2021/sep/15/lularich-lularoe-amazon-docuseries; Daniel D’Addario, ‘LuLaRich’ Breaks Down the
Fall of a Women’s Clothing Giant: TV Review, VARIETY (Sept. 9, 2021, 9:00 AM),; Elizabeth
Yuko, ‘Oh My God, We’re In a Cult’: New Docuseries Shows the Dark Side of Clothing Brand LuLaRoe,
ROLLING STONE (Sept. 18, 2021),
See Love Ya Valentine’s Collection, LULAROE (2023),
See Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, FED. TRADE COMMN (July 2022),
Member Directory Results, DIRECT SELLING ASSN, (last visited Oct. 14,
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4 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
after targeted and predatory recruitment tactics.
Moreover, a lot of these
companies can skirt the technical requirements of ineffective pyramid
scheme regulations in the United States and continue to operate legally. The
regulatory oversight of MLMs is toothless, relying on the opaque and
ineffective concept of the “pyramid scheme” against which MLMs can often
define themselves in order to dodge legal accountability for their
unsustainable business practices. We demonstrate that because of the massive
administrative holes, MLMs functionally weaponize anti-pyramid scheme
rhetoric to appear legitimate to vulnerable recruits and consumers. In other
words, MLMs use the ineffective concept of the pyramid scheme in order to
build a case for their own legitimacy. In this way, the law serves to endorse
and amplify the very harm it was intended to prevent.
This Article uses LuLaRoe as a case study to interrogate the ways in
which legal regulation of pyramid schemes utterly fails in the face of MLMs.
Even beyond that, the ineffectiveness of pyramid scheme regulation actually
creates an opening for businesses that are facially legitimate to exploit
consumers and distributors in the very ways that anti-pyramid rules and
regulations are theoretically meant to prevent. We argue that existing rules
against pyramid schemes are thin and do not adequately regulate against the
behaviors that are harmful in practice. Furthermore, we argue that not only is
this category not protective, it is also problematically opaque and difficult to
understand in such a way that erodes public trust in the regulatory system.
We select LuLaRoe as a case study because of its large market share,
spate of legal problems, and the presence of a large discursive community
focused on LuLaRoe, but the harms that this company perpetuates and the
problems we articulate are generalizable across the industry. We broadly
argue that the legal definition of a pyramid scheme is so narrow that predatory
companies like LuLaRoe are insufficiently regulated. Further, we argue that
the specific construction of the law has additional consequences that affect
consultants and consumers. To make these arguments, we conduct a thematic
analysis of text discussions about LuLaRoe and identify three primary
concerns: (1) that the specific legal definition of a pyramid scheme creates a
way for LuLaRoe and its consultants to differentiate LuLaRoe from an illegal
pyramid scheme, (2) that ordinary people do not understand the legality of
MLMs or the definition of pyramid schemes, and (3) that ordinary people are
consequently pessimistic about the capacity of law to protect them from
exploitation and predatory practices.
LEVEL MARKETING intro. at 4 (2012) (explaining the results of studying 350 MLM or direct sales
companies and discussing common myths and misperceptions about the structure of and possible profits
from such companies).
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 5
This Article makes several important scholarly and practical
interventions. First, we introduce the theoretical idea that both cultural and
legal discourse can work to paper over systemic injustices, directly
contributing to the legal consciousness, and legal cynicism literature. Second,
we specifically interrogate the legal and analytic category of the “pyramid
scheme,” arguing that it is opaque, unsustainable as a regulatory practice, and
a functionally useless category. Third, we demonstrate how ordinary people
talk about and understand the legal and analytical category of “pyramid
scheme” by unpacking the relevant discourse around our particular case
study. In doing so, we make methodological interventions in the legal
consciousness space by utilizing data from internet forums, and bringing in
direct perspectives from ordinary people. Specifically, our data source is
Reddit, which structurally offers space for detailed discussion under the veil
of anonymity, giving a more accurate depiction of how people actually talk
to each other, particularly when compared to artificial lab conditions under
which behavior and opinion are ordinarily studied.
The Article proceeds as follows. First, we unpack the history of MLMs,
including how they have been socially and economically disadvantageous.
Second, we review the currently existing literature in the legal consciousness
and legal cynicism spaces in order to hone in on these conversations and
develop them into our own theory of legal creativity. Specifically, we discuss
literature on administrative law and regulatory philosophy, class actions and
arbitration as means of adjudicating harm against businesses, and the legal
consciousness and legal cynicism literature we have foregrounded in this
introduction. Third, we unpack the existing legal terrain of regulating
pyramid schemes, ultimately arguing that this legal concept is not a useful
heuristic for preventing the types of harms perpetuated by MLMs, as outlined
in section two. Fourth, we introduce our case study, specifically unpacking
the history of LuLaRoe and its controversies to date. Fifth, we delve into that
case study, using forum data to argue that MLMs and their distributors use
and, ultimately, weaponize rhetoric around the concept of “pyramid
schemes” in order to dodge social and legal accountability. Further, we argue
that ordinary people, non-legal experts, are aware of how this rhetoric is
deployed and how the law is toothless to stop it. Finally, we conclude with
recommendations, specifically focusing on the recommendation to
affirmatively regulate MLMs as MLMs in order to prevent the pervasive use
of “pyramid schemes” for oppositional self-definition.
Direct-sales models have been popular in the United States since the
early 20th century, with early estimates in volume of direct sales ranging
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6 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
from $300500 million annually.
Although some companies targeted male
salespeople, college-aged salespeopleand in the case of Fuller Brush
Company, African American teacherswomen targeted companies have
long dominated the beauty and lifestyle categories.
With the midcentury
rise of behemoth beauty brands like Avon and Mary Kay, women had new
types of work options outside the home, propelling direct sales to billions of
dollars in retail sales each year post-WWII.
Today, multi-level marketing
is driven by primarily female consultants delivering female-targeted products
like home goods, fashion, and beauty.
Data collected by the Direct Selling
Association in 2017 found that 73.5% of the 18.6 million direct-sales
consultants are female and that they contributed to an estimated $34.9 billion
in annual retail sales.
Following several important structural and operational changes, direct-
selling models transitioned into multi-level marketing (both structurally and
rhetorically) in 1945.
While still strongly reliant on directly selling to
networks of friends and family, the contemporary MLM model also makes
recruiting, training, and supervising recruits the job of sales consultants.
This creates a system where sales consultants develop “downlines” from
which they gain selling incentives or bonuses. Scholars William W. Keep and
Peter J. Vander Nat explain that MLMs effectively combine three forms of
entrepreneurial sales: (1) selling products to non-distributors, (2) selling
products to other distributors via downlines, and (3) earning company
William W. Keep & Peter J. Vander Nat, Multilevel Marketing and Pyramid Schemes in the
United States, 6 J. HIST. RSCH. MKTG. 188, 189 (2014) (citing Walter Curtis, Direct Selling Has Come to
Stay, NATIONS BUS., Aug. 1925, at 25; and H. Botsford, Direct Distribution, 6 BARRONS, no. 12, 1926,
at 12).
See Enid Nemy, Mary Kay Ash, Who Built a Cosmetics Empire and Adored Pink, Is Dead at
83, N.Y. TIMES (Nov. 23, 2001),
built-a-cosmetics-empire-and-adored-pink-is-dead-at-83.html; see also WALTER A. FRIEDMAN, BIRTH OF
A SALESMAN 20405 (2004).
Peter S. Cahn, Building Down and Dreaming Up: Finding Faith in a Mexican Multilevel
Marketer, 33 AM. ETHNOLOGIST 126, 12627 (2006); see generally U. S. BUREAU LAB. STAT., WOMEN
THE LABOR FORCE: A DATABOOK (2013) (providing general context about female labor force
Throughout this Article, we deliberately use the phrase “multi-level marketing,although
MLMs have been and continue to be referred to as network marketing and direct sales models as well. We
use MLM for consistency across this Article because it is the most well-known nomenclature, and because
it emphasizes the problematic structure of the model particularly when compared to obfuscating
nomenclature such as “direct selling.”
See generally Kent Grayson, Friendship Versus Business in Marketing Relationships, 71 J.
MKTG. 121 (2007).
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 7
compensation based on personal purchases and the purchases of a downline.
Effectively, not only are sales consultants salespeople, but they are also
customers when they purchase from other distributors in their upline.
Although the MLM industry has seen massive profits and the Direct
Sales Association has reported profits for women,
the reality for individual
consultants is much more bleak. In fact, despite the corporate profits, 99% of
individual consultants lose money.
This is a shocking proportion of
participants in MLMs and, as we shall show, a substantially worse outcome
than might be expected given their legality. This statistic is not new, nor has
it slowed the meteoric rise of MLMs. As far back as 1980, an investigation
by the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Wisconsin found that
the top 200 distributors of Amway (a popular lifestyle MLM founded by the
DeVos family) made an average of -$900: operating at a loss of nearly
The 2011 report by the Consumer Awareness Institute conducted
thirty years later found no improvement in the odds of MLM success, and
reports that 100% of the 350 analyzed MLMs are recruitment driven, top-
weighted, and that at least 99% of consultants lose money.
research has concluded that financial losses from MLM participation are felt
more severely in areas with less formal labor force participation by women,
higher inequality, lower social capital, and a higher percentage of people
identifying as Hispanic.
This leaves us with a market structure that is proven
predatory, begging the question of why MLMs continue to be popular,
continue to be profitable, and continue to be legal.
The terrain of MLMs has continued to change with the advent of the
internet. Although MLMs got their start in Cold War living rooms and in
door-to-door sales, in 2023 they largely exist through social media and are
propelled in digital spaces. The classic “Tupperware party” is largely a
phenomenon of the pre-internet days, and now, most buying, selling, and
recruiting takes place online. MLM distributors utilize all forms of social
mediaincluding Facebook groups and Instagram stories in particularin
order to buy, sell, and recruit additional participants. This has given MLM
consultants a wider customer base than ever before. The advent of social
media has come with a substantial increase in the number of sellers and,
consequently, a substantial increase in the volume of informal advertisements
Keep & Vander Nat, supra note 9, at 19293.
DIRECT SELLING ASSN, supra note 13.
TAYLOR, supra note 8, intro. at 45.
Id. ch. 7, at 3.
See id. at 21, 26; id. ch. 8, at 55; id. ch. 10, at 49.
Claes Bäckman & Tobin Hanspal, Participation and Losses in Multi-Level Marketing: Evidence
from a Federal Trade Commission Settlement, 5 FIN. PLAN. REV., no. e1137, Mar. 2022, at 1, 1, 2, 67,
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8 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
(or social media posts) for MLM products and services. These posts are often
entirely free from oversight, either from regulatory agencies such as the FCC
or from the companies for which they advertise. Selling tactics on social
media have been documented to be misleading, including creating deceptive
images and posts about money-making potential and flexible work
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased legal and popular
problematization of MLMs. Since the pandemic reached the United States in
March 2020, MLM distributors have made health and earnings claims related
to the coronavirus: they are exaggerating the health benefits of their products
and making guarantees of income for furloughed workers in addition to
generally exploiting a time of panic for profit.
This pandemic rhetoric
prompted the FTC to release multiple rounds of warnings directed at
companies and individual consultants beginning in April of 2020. These
warnings specifically highlight financial claims that tout MLMs as a viable
employment strategy in the wake of mass unemployment due to COVID-
One such highlighted claim, comparing an MLM to the United States
government’s stimulus package in a bid to recruit new distributors, was made
in a video that stated:
I can tell you that there’s thousands of people that are out of
work right now. They’re all looking for a way to go earn
money. This is a great stimulus package, because you get to
teach somebody how to go earn $1,730 literally in their first
10 days in the business.
This demonstrates how the pandemic could be leveraged as a means to,
not just sell products, but to recruit additional distributors. This particular
brand of rhetoric brought increased scrutiny to MLMs both in the public
consciousness and from regulatory agencies.
Sara Silverstein et al., People Who Sell for Multilevel Marketing Companies Look Wildly
Successful on Facebook, but the Reality is Much More Complicated, BUS. INSIDER (Aug. 6, 2019, 12:11
Lisette Voytko, FTC Warns 16 Multi-Level Marketing Companies About Coronavirus Fraud,
FORBES (June 28, 2021, 1:21 PM),
FTC Sends Warning Letters to Multi-Level Marketers Regarding Health and Earnings Claims
They or Their Participants are Making Related to Coronavirus, FED. TRADE COMMN (Apr. 24, 2020),
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 9
Just over a month later, in June of 2020, the FTC released another round
of warnings to combat claims made in both English and Spanish languages.
Again, the FTC focused on misleading health claims and financial claims
made by multi-level marketing companies and their sales consultants.
remains to be seen if there will be a significant rise in MLM consultants and
consumers as a result of the economic devastation of the pandemic as it is
still too early to tell even three years out, though several news outlets report
an increased prevalence of predatory recruitment tactics.
However, the
attention from the FTC in particular seems to have been short-lived.
In this Article, we use our case study to map a path from the heavily
established theoretical frameworks of legal consciousness to legal cynicism
to a new theoretical framework we call “legal creativity.” All of these
theoretical frameworks attempt to theorize the relationship between ordinary
peoplenon-expertsand the law. Legal consciousness scholars study how
ordinary people understand and interpret the law. This is an epistemological
framework but one that often argues that people’s understanding of the law
motivates their interest in and ability to interact with the legal system to enact
their rights. Legal cynicism posits that some communities, particularly
marginalized ones, have a robust lack of trust in the legal system, often
stemming from their intimate knowledge of that system. We take both of
these theoretical categories in turn before unpacking our own theory of legal
creativity as a response to legal consciousness and legal cynicism.
Legal consciousness literature, as described by Lynette J. Chua and
David M. Engle, “refers to the ways in which people experience, understand,
and act in relation to law,” including the documentation of that process.
Sometimes this theoretical framework intersects with the law and rhetoric or
FTC Sends Second Round of Warning Letters to Multi-Level Marketers Regarding Coronavirus
Related Health and Earnings Claims, FED. TRADE COMMN (June 5, 2020),
Paige Leskin, ‘Predatory’ Companies Like Monat and Mary Kay are Using Memes and
Coronavirus Anxiety to Target Millions of Newly Unemployed Americans, BUS. INSIDER (Apr. 10, 2020,
2:56 PM),
recruit-social-media-2020-4; Stephanie Parker, MLMs are Using the Coronavirus to Recruit New Sellers,
VOX (Mar. 26, 2020, 7:10 AM),
Lynette J. Chua & David M. Engel, Legal Consciousness Reconsidered, 15 ANN. REV. L. &
SOC. SCI. 335, 336 (2019).
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10 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
the law and literature scholarship. Patricia Ewick and Susan S. Silbey, for
example, argue that the law is a kind of narrative which frames how people
understand it.
Other important work in legal consciousness emphasizes the
ways in which an individual or group’s social position influences their
consciousness or understanding of the law.
Others have argued that changes
in policy and social movements can result in shifts in legal consciousness.
Legal cynicism literature has similar social-scientific and humanistic
dueling underpinnings. Political and rhetorical theorists emphasize the ways
in which public trust in institutions can be eroded through the public’s
awareness of malfunctions in the institution, including the legal system.
Social scientists have named and studied this phenomenon as legal cynicism
and have noted how it functions, particularly within poor, Black communities
to justifiably limit trust in policing.
In this Article, we contribute to these literatures as we argue that, in our
case study, ordinary people are specifically and deliberately engaging with
the law, but that engagement ultimately renders them cynical about the
protective capacities of the law. We find that, despite the opacity of the
concept and overall difficulty clarifying what a pyramid scheme is or means
legally, ordinary people are able to sufficiently grapple with the law to
Laura Beth Nielsen, Situating Legal Consciousness: Experiences and Attitudes of Ordinary
Citizens About Law and Street Harassment, 34 L. & SOCY REV. 1055, 1087 (2000); Leisy J. Abrego,
Legal Consciousness of Undocumented Latinos: Fear and Stigma as Barriers to Claims-Making for First-
and 1.5-Generation Immigrants, 45
L. & SOCY REV. 337, 337 (2011); Diana Hernández, “I’m Gonna
Call My Lawyer:” Shifting Legal Consciousness at the Intersection of Inequality, 51 STUD. L. POL. &
EVERYDAY LIFE (2005); Kathleen E. Hull, The Cultural Power of Law and the Cultural Enactment of
Legality: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage, 28 L. & SOC. INQUIRY 629, 629 (2003); MICHAEL W.
Lynette J. Chua, Pragmatic Resistance, Law, and Social Movements in Authoritarian States: The Case of
Gay Collective Action in Singapore, 46
L. & SOCY REV. 713, 718 (2012); Lynette J. Chua, The
Vernacular Mobilization of Human Rights in Myanmar’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Movement, 49 L. & SOCY REV. 299, 304 (2015); LYNETTE J. CHUA, THE POLITICS OF LOVE IN MYANMAR:
Paul Gowder, What the Laws Demand of Socrates
and of Us, 98 MONIST 360, 360 (2015).
Robert J. Sampson & Dawn Jeglum Bartusch, Legal Cynicism and (Subcultural?) Tolerance of
Deviance: The Neighborhood Context of Racial Differences, 32 L. & SOCY REV. 777, 78283 (1998);
Lawrence D. Bobo & Victor Thompson, Unfair by Design: The War on Drugs, Race, and the Legitimacy
of the Criminal Justice System, 73 SOC. RSCH. 445, 44647 (2006); David S. Kirk & Andrew V.
Papachristos, Cultural Mechanisms and the Persistence of Neighborhood Violence, 116 AM. J. SOCIO.
1190, 1191, 1199200 (2011); John Hagan et al., Dual-Process Theory of Racial Isolation, Legal
Cynicism, and Reported Crime, 115 PNAS 7190, 719091 (2018).
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 11
understand that it does not offer meaningful legal protection. This awareness
of the toothlessness of the law results in cynicism about the law. However,
we take that a step further and discuss how this awareness of the lack of
protective capacityand the conception of the law as a problem-solving
toolalso results in ordinary people engaging in what we call “legal
creativity.” Here, we will move beyond the legal consciousness and legal
cynicism literature to develop how ordinary people engage in legal creativity.
Although the FTC has paid some increased attention to MLMs in the
COVID-19 era and, as we will show, consumers are increasingly curious
about the MLMs’ legal standing as pyramid schemes, the substantive case
law on MLMs as pyramid schemes is incredibly thin. Pyramid schemes are
illegal; a company theoretically cannot operate as a pyramid scheme without
facing potential civil or, in some instances, criminal sanctions. However, it is
incredibly difficult to determine the standards against which companies will
be measured in determining if they are legally cognizable as pyramid
schemes. This is particularly true for MLMs which operate as complete
structures and always involveat least faciallythe sale of goods or
services. As we will show in our case study analysis, there is an assumed
cultural relationship between pyramid schemes and MLMs in some
discursive communities. Ultimately, however, although the relationship
between MLMs and pyramid schemes has taken hold in the popular
imagination, the law has not adequately provided guidance for or testing of
this relationship. In fact, insofar as a legal definition of pyramid schemes
exists, we argue that it is so narrow as to be functionally meaningless. In this
section, we unpack the legal terrain of MLMs and argue that the legal and
analytical category of “pyramid scheme” is functionally toothless in the face
of most pertinent predatory business practices.
This section proceeds in four parts. First, we discuss the specific
lawsuits faced by LuLaRoe in order to begin to understand the contemporary
legal landscape through the most contemporary example. Next, facing
unsatisfying legal answers from LuLaRoe’s spate of legal cases, we draw on
the historical example of Herbalife and unpack the “doomed to fail” as a
standard for understanding the definition of a pyramid scheme. Again, not
reaching clear definition standards, we turn next to Amway and the still-in-
use rules that define pyramid schemes. We argue here that even though we
begin to see some affirmative definition work from lawmakers, it is
ultimately just an expression of preference from Amway itself and covers
only a small portion of the problem. Finally, we turn to agency guidance to
once again attempt to understand the most current definitional landscape on
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12 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
the “pyramid scheme” versus MLM debate. Here, we argue that, once again,
the guidance does little to actually cover harms caused by MLMs and instead,
sets up an artificial distinction between “pyramid schemes” and “legitimate
MLM business opportunities” that only serves to paper over overt regulatory
A. The Law Through LuLaRoe
We begin our legal analysis through a specific look at LuLaRoe.
Because, as we will show, the law has not affirmatively offered substantial
insight into how MLMs are evaluated via statute or strong precedent, using
contemporary cases is, in fact, the best way of beginning to understand the
legal landscape. LuLaRoe has, compared to other MLMs in the digital age,
been a hotbed of legal activity.
In legal actions against MLMs alleging a
pyramidal structure, the cases are likely to be civil suits where the plaintiffs
are individuals (or classes of individuals) or regulatory action taken by
federal agencies like the FTC, the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), or the Department of Justice (DOJ).
The DOJ has criminal
jurisdiction, but they are unlikely to exercise such jurisdiction over MLMs.
Instead, the major players here tend to be individuals in class action suits and
the FTC.
LuLaRoe has faced litigation and enforcement from both.
In addition to a host of other civil lawsuits, including for improper
calculation of sales tax, intellectual property theft on their product design,
and breach of contract failure to pay their suppliers, LuLaRoe has been the
named defendant in several civil cases specifically alleging that they operate
as a pyramid scheme.
In 2017, LuLaRoe was confronted with five class
action civil suits in the Central District of California alleging that LuLaRoe
See sources cited infra notes 3949.
Camille H. Mangiaratti, Big Dreams and Pyramid Schemes: The FTC’s Path to Improving
Multi-Level Marketing Consumer Protections in Light of AMG Capital Management and the 2016
Herbalife Settlement, 30 J.L. & POLY 228, 250 (2021).
See sources cited infra notes 3949.
See, e.g., Webster v. LLR, Inc., No. 2:17cv255, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 232832, at *23 (W.D.
Pa. Aug. 20, 2018) (hearing on the improper calculation of sales tax); Complaint at 78, Balaz Solti v.
Lularoe, LLC, No.2:17-cv-00451 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 19, 2017) (hearing on the improper calculation of
intellectual property theft); Third Amended Complaint at 12, Providence Indus., LLC v. LuLaRoe, LLC,
No. RIC 1825263 (Cal. Super. Ct. Mar. 12, 2019) (hearing on the failure to pay their suppliers
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 13
operated as a pyramid scheme.
All five of these cases were voluntarily
dismissed by the plaintiffs.
In 2019, LuLaRoe was the named defendant in another Central District
of California class action suit, which resulted in an arbitration order and
another voluntary dismissal.
Often, the reasons for the voluntary dismissal
are unclear; here, however, the plaintiffs named the reasoning in their motion
to dismiss. In this instance, they expressly stated that the arbitration order
was unduly prohibitive because it functionally decertified the class,
mandating that each plaintiff proceed with arbitration individually.
action suits work effectively as a response to companies causing harm to
large groups of individuals because they allow for damages sufficient to
compensate representation while still providing some form of restitution for
the harms experienced and those individuals harmed.
Arbitration is
typically more financially feasible for defendant corporations and more
expensive for individual plaintiffs because it requires each individual to
participate in their own action against the company.
Arbitration is typically
not subject to standard rules of discovery (limiting the kinds of evidence that
can be introduced and emphasizing greater initial knowledge from the
plaintiffs at the time of pleading) and arbitral awards tend to be smaller.
Functionally, there is no precedential outcome in any of the class action
civil suits brought against LuLaRoe because they all ended in a voluntary
dismissal prior to actual litigation. The courts have not yet fully heard the
issue of whether or not LuLaRoe is operating as a pyramid scheme. Although
there are often legal, economic, and strategic reasons behind a pattern of
dismissals, it is not possible to ascertain a specific legal rule from a case that
did not proceed. From the pattern of litigation, we are able to see a glimpse
into litigation strategies being attemptedhere, in part, arguing that
LuLaRoe is operating as a pyramid schemebut lack a deep understanding
Complaint, Lemberg v. Lularoe, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 239291 (C.D. Cal. Mar. 1, 2018) (No.
17-cv-02102-AB); Complaint, Berry v. Lularoe, LLC, No. 17-cv-02176 (C.D. Cal. Oct. 23, 2017);
Complaint, Haskett v. Lularoe, No. 17-cv-02212 (C.D. Cal. Oct. 27, 2017); Complaint, Atkinson v.
Lularoe, No. 17-cv-02287 (C.D. Cal. Nov. 14, 2017); Complaint, Rocke v. Lularoe, No. 17-cv-02414
(C.D. Cal. Nov. 30. 2017).
20172021 Pyramid Scheme Class Actions, TRUTH ADVERT. (Feb. 10, 2022),
LuLaRoe Pyramid Scheme Allegations, TRUTH ADVERT., (last visited July 26, 2021).
Motion for an Order Dismissing Action with Prejudice at 13, Sperring v. LLR, Inc., 2019 U.S.
Dist. LEXIS 247160 (C.D. Cal. Aug. 29, 2019) (No. 19-cv-00433-AB).
David Rosenberg, Mandatory-Litigation Class Action: The Only Option for Mass Tort Cases,
115 HARV. L. REV. 831, 832 (2002).
Sarah Clasby Engel & Sherry Tropin, Class Action Arbitration: A Plaintiff’s Perspective, 5 FIU
L. REV. 145, 150 (2009).
Id. at 15051.
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14 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
as to why they are unsuccessful and even if they would be successful, were
particular barriers to that argument removed.
Beyond the individual class actions, the Washington Attorney General
brought a civil suit against LuLaRoe in 2019, also claiming that the company
was operating as a pyramid scheme.
In February of 2021, LuLaRoe settled
this case for $4.75 million.
Although there are many reasons why a
company might choose to settle instead of pursuing litigationLuLaRoe
itself points to the comparative expense of a protracted legal battlethe
outcome is the same as with the dismissed civil suits above: we cannot
definitively say what the court would do with these facts under those laws.
The story of the law as told through the litigation against LuLaRoe is one that
is fundamentally unsettled. Although the litigation strategy coalesces around
the idea of the illegal pyramid scheme, LuLaRoe itself gives very little insight
into actually understanding how the law understands MLMs.
B. Doomed to Fail”: Historical Insight from Herbalife
The cases against LuLaRoe ultimately go nowhere in terms of offering
a definitive answer to the question of whether or not LuLaRoe is operating
as a pyramid scheme. In fact, no cases against any MLM have offered a
definitive standard for determining how (or whether) to distinguish MLMs
from pyramid schemes. The closest any legal action has gotten into offering
insight is the 2016 FTC settlement with health and wellness MLM Herbalife.
In 2016, the FTC mandated that Herbalife, in order to continue operations,
would need to pay $200 million to compensate consumers and to
fundamentally restructure their business to decouple compensation from
The terms of this settlement are obviously not precedential but
they offer more contemporary insight into the FTC’s regulatory process and
broadly reiterate an older regulatory action as well as model some standards
AG Ferguson Sues LuLaRoe Over Pyramid Scheme, WASH. ST. OFF. ATTY GEN. (Jan. 25,
2019) [hereinafter AG Ferguson Sues LuLaRoe],
Stephanie McNeal, LuLaRoe is Paying More Than $4 Million To Settle a Lawsuit That Claimed
It Was Running a Pyramid Scheme, BUZZFEED (Feb. 2, 2021, 8:32 AM),
scheme-lawsuit; LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million to Resolve AG Ferguson’s Lawsuit Over Pyramid Scheme,
ASH. ST. OFF. ATTY GEN. (Feb. 2, 2021) [hereinafter LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million],
Herbalife Will Restructure Its Multi-level Marketing Operations and Pay $200 Million For
Consumer Redress to Settle FTC Charges, FED. TRADE COMMN (July 15, 2016),
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 15
that become clear in FTC and SEC consumer-facing guidance: that a pyramid
scheme is “doomed to fail.”
The idea that a pyramid scheme is a pyramid scheme because it is
“doomed to fail” has definite popular analytical traction, although that is only
part of the legal story.
This term is analytically simple in organizations
operating without the transmission of products or services. An enterprise is
“doomed to fail” if its sustainability depends upon the continued recruitment
of additional investors at lower and lower levels of the pyramid. Pyramid
schemes require top level investors to recruit a larger number of investors at
the next level to turn a profit and, in turn, those investors must recruit a larger
number of investors at the next level in order to turn a profit. As long as the
next level is and can be bigger, the members will be profitable. A pyramid
scheme is analytically doomed to fail because, eventually, there cannot be a
bigger level and investors who are at the bottom when the scheme runs out
of potential investors will inevitably lose their money. This structure is easy
to identify in something like the “airplane game” where the entire enterprise
exists solely to pay money up the pyramid, which became the salient news
media touchstone for what a pyramid scheme looked like at its simplest.
Here, there are no goods or services being exchanged and the scam is much
more evident.
The analytically more difficult question occurs when a company
includes a product or service in their model, as is always the case in an MLM
by definition. A product fundamentally changes the nature of the agreement
or promise: any financial investment looks, legally and rationally, more akin
to a traditional financial investment. The buy-in to an MLM looks closer to a
franchise or licensing agreement even though it is not onea normalized
business opportunity whereby a participant exchanges money for permission
to sell (and potentially turn a profit)and becomes legally distanced from a
simple exchange of money for a promise of an impossible return. The idea
that income is not guaranteed feels more comfortable and is often legal when
goods and services are involved: this is, after all, the normal risk of running
a business. However, the existence of a product is likely insufficient to defeat
concerns about an enterprise being doomed to fail. Courts have not held that
a product alone is sufficient and have only considered it as one factor. The
doomed to fail term of art is not, in fact, the only way that courts look to
See, e.g., Are All MLM Companies Pyramid Schemes Doomed to Fail by Design, QUORA, (last
visited July 26, 2021); Pyramid Scheme, WIKIPEDIA, (last visited July 26,
Elizabeth Neuffer, ‘Airplane’: High-Stakes Chain Letter, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 7, 1987, at B7.
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16 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
evaluate whether an enterprise is a pyramid scheme. We consider that in the
next section.
C. The Amway Rules: Our Analytic Substitutions
The still-leading case on determining whether an MLM is operating as
a pyramid scheme is the FTC decision in Amway.
This 1979 case leaves
open the possibility that an MLM could be legally cognizable as a pyramid
scheme while, at the same time, decidedly determining that Amway is not
one. Amway, founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos, sells
health, beauty, and cleaning products, and has also been the defendant in
various cases alleging that their operation is a pyramid scheme.
LuLaRoe, Amway has never been found liable for or guilty of acting like a
pyramid scheme. However, the case explicitly lays out some ground rules on
understanding the relationship between pyramid schemes and MLMs that are
still cited today.
The FTC, in Amway, looked to Amway’s own rules as a proxy for
determining how the company functioned in relation to unethical,
exploitative, and illegal consumer behavior.
The Amway Rules, a set of
Amway’s own rules for consultancy and distribution, speak to the implicit
legal question defined from this action: Are the consultants operating as
distributors or as customers?
In other words, is the profit primarily from
recruitment? Notably, this test is a reframing of the “doomed to fail” idea that
is both more specific and more potentially applicable to an enterprise that
does involve the distribution of products. In other words, the Amway Rules
still work within the same conceptual arena as the “doomed to fail” heuristic.
However, the Amway Rules now explicitly define the tests in relation to what
type of person is providing the profit: consumer or distributor. The material
rules, together sufficient to establish that Amway’s profits are primarily from
recruitment, were the Seventy Percent Rule, the Ten Customer Rule, and the
Buy-Back Rule.
The Seventy Percent Rule and the Ten Customer Rule both pertain to
the allocation of bonuses among consultants. In order for an individual
Amway consultant to qualify for Amway’s bonus frameworkmoney on top
Amway Corp., 93 F.T.C. 618 (1979). Per Chevron, courts will defer to the FTC’s interpretation
as Congressand courtshad not previously spoken on the issue. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. NRDC, Inc.,
467 U.S. 837, 84344 (1984).
See generally Complaint, Amway Corp., 93 F.T.C. 618 (No. 9023); Pokorny v. Quixtar, Inc.,
601 F.3d 987, 990 (9th Cir. 2010).
Amway Corp., 93 F.T.C. at 710.
Id. at 716.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 17
of ordinary commission from a resalea consultant must sell 70% of their
inventory to others and the others must consist of ten or more other
We argue that these rules seek to ensure that consultants are
distributing rather than purchasing items “as customers” (either intentionally
or incidentally becoming the final destination because the items will not or
cannot be redistributed).
However, this is largely an aesthetic concern as less than 1/5 of MLM
consultants meet the requisite sales threshold to qualify for bonuses.
practice, the rule does not do much other than theoretically disincentivizing
an individual distributor from purchasing a large amount of product in
exchange for a bonus. This type of behavior, according to LuLaRoe’s own
disclosure statements, does not account for the ways in which most of their
distributors actually interact with the company.
This is, as we shall argue,
one specific way of diminishing predation but it does not have a widespread
impact. The Amway bonus rules work to incentivize some aspects of
behavior vis-à-vis bonuses but still does not take burden off the distributor
for recruitment rather than sales. If anything, these rules incentivize more
recruitment because recruitment guarantees that more product will go to more
people, which will meet the requirements for bonuses, and will presumably
provide a desirable source of income.
Amway’s Buy-Back Rule stipulated that Amway would accept returns
of and offer refunds on unsold merchandise should a consultant choose to
sever their relationship with the company.
Although terms and conditions
may applythe company need not buy back at the full purchase price or
might exclude certain types of merchandisethis does provide substantial
assurance that the consultant is not the final home of the merchandise and is
not, functionally, a customer. Compared to the specific rules governing bonus
allocation, the buy-back rule seems substantially more robust. It protects
against making the distributor into a customer and is thereby more effective
at alleviating some of the more exploitative business practices.
Neither rule on its own is necessary, but each may or may not be legally
sufficient individually though their individual sufficiency has yet to be tested.
However, the Amway Rules are models for how to parse out the legal
distinction between a pyramid scheme and a legitimate enterprise. Although
the universe of behaviors modified by the Amway Rules is extraordinarily
LuLaRoe reported in their 2020 income disclosure statement that only 14.62% of their
consultants received bonuses through the leadership compensation plan. Hayley Peterson, LuLaRoe is
Making Some Women Rich, While Thousands Struggle to Make a Profit, YAHOO FIN. (Mar. 16, 2017),
Amway Corp., 93 F.T.C. at 732.
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18 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
small, MLMs can and do adopt the Amway Rules as a mode of signaling their
legal legitimacy and the FTC can and does use the Amway Rules to establish
that standard.
This is, as it stands, the best understanding of the current state
of the law governing MLMs and pyramid schemes. Ultimately, these rules,
we argue, allow for massive gaps that allow for additional behaviors that are
not legally recognized as problematic. Furthermore, we reiterate that in
Amway, the FTC took Amway’s lead, allowing the business under
investigation to set the standard for how businesses of its type should
This allows MLMs to operate using standards that they voluntarily
D. Published Administrative Guidance from the FTC and
Beyond the Amway Rules, the FTC and SEC offer published guidance
on distinguishing between pyramid schemes and what they call “legitimate
MLM business opportunities.”
We take this guidance at face value and
interpret these publications as indicative of problematic business behaviors
that could, theoretically, be subject to regulatory authority. In this section, we
synthesize these documents, drawing out analytically what the FTC and SEC
take to be problematic behaviors. What the agencies suggest potential
consultants look for can be broken down into three types of behaviors: first,
the use of bombastic rhetoric in recruitment; second, the framing of the
opportunity as a recruiting opportunity rather than a sales opportunity; and,
third, behaviors that position the consultant as the buyer. We take each of
these in turn and analyze their limitations, ultimately arguing that the
distinctions offered between “legitimate MLM business opportunities” and
pyramid schemes are so hollow as to be meaningless. Once again, we
conclude that the analytic category of the pyramid scheme is ultimately
legally toothless.
The FTC and SEC warn against promoters who utilize bombastic
rhetoric in recruiting additional participants.
They warn against the
deployment of rhetoric that seems “too good to be true”: promises of high
returns in a short time period or extravagant promises about earning potential,
FTC v. BurnLounge, Inc., 753 F.3d 878, 883 (9th Cir. 2014) (citing Amway Corp., 93 F.T.C. at
See discussion supra Section IV.C.
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6; Beware of Pyramid
Schemes Posing as Multi-level Marketing Programs, U.S. SECS. & EXCH. COMMN (Oct. 17, 2013)
[hereinafter Beware of Pyramid Schemes],
Beware of Pyramid Schemes, supra note 64.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 19
easy money or passive income, or emotional/high-pressured sales tactics
(such as saying that the opportunity is time sensitive).
On its face, this
subset of warnings makes a great deal of sense. They are functionally
suggesting that manipulative advertisement is a sign of overall manipulative
business practices.
However, using this to parse out pyramid schemes from “legitimate
MLM business opportunities” is incredibly difficult and over-emphasizes the
distributor rather than the company for which they distribute. For example,
some MLM distributors might routinely deploy this language even if that
language is not specifically sanctioned by the company they sell for; while,
at the same time, other distributors for the same company might not utilize
bombastic rhetoric. As a warning sign, this overemphasizes the individual
choices of individual distributors. A person who only encounters distributors
who do not use this rhetoric are not, in fact, encountering a meaningfully
different type of businessthey are just encountering a slightly different
recruitment tactic. This warning does little to emphasize how the business
itself operates.
The agencies further warn against promoters who pitch the opportunity
as one about recruitment rather than sales and they warn against structural
features of the enterprise that position the opportunity as one about
recruitment rather than sales.
That is, they warn against individuals joining
companies in order to become recruiters rather than salespeople. The FTC
identifies this as a prominent warning sign: “Promoters emphasize recruiting
new distributors for your sales network as the real way to make money. Walk
away. In a legitimate MLM program, you should be able to make money just
by selling the product.”
The SEC makes the structural critique implicit by
warning against a lack of demonstrated revenue from retail sales to show that
the MLM generates income by selling products and services to people outside
the enterprise. In other words, it’s not a good sign if the recruiter cannot
establish that consultants generate income by selling products or services to
people who are not also consultants. Further, they warn against complex
commission structures that reward something other than sales, usually
recruitment, made to individuals, which are likely translatable into the bonus
structures discussed above.
Facially, this is an obvious indictment against predatory business
practices. It makes sense that businesses that focus on recruitment rather than
sales would be likely to operate as pyramid schemes because the emphasis
on recruitment suggests that new levels of distributors are where the profits
LuLaRoe Pyramid Scheme Allegations, supra note 42.
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6; see also LuLaRoe
Pyramid Scheme Allegations, supra note 42.
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20 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
are coming from. However, it is not clear how this is a difference-making
trait, and the overemphasis on companies being explicit about their emphasis
on recruitment is problematic. These warnings do not emphasize patterns of
behaviors that have the outcome of emphasizing recruitment over product
salessuch as, flooding the market with sellers such that the product is
oversaturated, offering bonus structures for recruitment, or allowing
recruiters to earn money off of every recruitee’s sale, all of which are normal
MLM behaviorsbut instead, focus on whether or not the company is
pitching itself as emphasizing recruitment.
Again, this focuses on the
behaviors of distributors, who are the ones who would be making these
claims, rather than on companies who are likely to emphasize their products
while maintaining practices that emphasize recruitment. In other words, none
of the FTC or SEC warning signs adequately warn against the emphasis on
Finally, the FTC and SEC warn against structural features in the
enterprise that position the consultant as the customer.
The SEC warns
against enterprises where buy-in is required, that is, if a potential consultant
is required to pay to participate within the program.
The FTC offers a more
holistic warning against companies where consultants buy more products
than they personally use or can resell in order to stay active in the company
or to qualify for bonuses.
The concern about qualifying for bonuses seems
to match exactly with the Amway Rules, but the warning against buying to
stay active does work to demystify the role of products as buy-in. It is clear
that the existence of a product might not be sufficient to distinguish between
a legitimate business opportunity and a pyramid scheme or other illegal
This is, at best, confusing guidance. Paying to participate is difficult to
meaningfully define, particularly if one is parsing a “legitimate MLM
business opportunity” from an illegal pyramid scheme. Directly giving
money to an upline in exchange for an opportunity rather than wholesale
products or licensing to sell under a particular company’s name is much more
obviously suspect. Again, MLMs by definition do not do that: the buy-in
money comes with an inventory of products.
The FTC guidance allows for
the existence of a product but does not clarify how a potential distributor
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6.
Id.; Beware of Pyramid Schemes, supra note 64.
Beware of Pyramid Schemes, supra note 64; Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid
Schemes, supra note 6.
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6; Beware of Pyramid
Schemes, supra note 64.
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6; Beware of Pyramid
Schemes, supra note 64.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 21
could determine what practices specifically lead to distributors over-buying
or why those company behaviors differ from the ordinary costs of starting a
Certainly, MLMs have practices that promote over-buying:
LuLaRoe, for example, does not allow distributors to pick their inventory and
operates on a model whereby they have limited runs of extremely popular
patterns, encouraging consultants to buy large bundles of product in the hope
of getting the specific items that are more likely to sell.
The guidance, once
again, points to patterns of behavior from distributorsthat may be difficult
to impossible for a potential distributor to spot or identifyrather than on the
corporate behavior that encourages those warning signs to crop up.
The FTC and SEC guidance to consumers is not a set of legal standards.
Notably, although there is substantial overlap, the boundaries discussed here
go beyond those advanced by the FTC in Amway because the stakes are
lower. That is, there is a broader universe of potentially suspicious behaviors
under the agency guidelines. Here, the agencies are offering warning signs to
identify what could be a pyramid scheme rather than actually testing for
pyramidal structure as they would in a regulatory action. Yet, even then, they
fall short. All MLMs at some point or another meet one or more of these
warning signs: consultants regularly make “limited time” recruitment offers
and income disclosure statements that routinely establish that only the top
percent of consultants make income from the enterprise.
However, none
seem to ever cross the line from “warning signs” to “stop signs” in an actual
legal proceeding. The guidance ultimately straddles the line between critique
and acceptance of the MLM business model. Here we have argued that in
some ways, the practices of the companies are apparent in this guidance, yet
they refrain from fully implicating MLMs, allowing there to exist a category
of “legitimate MLM business opportunity” without meaningfully defining
how that differs from a pyramid scheme.
Therefore, although the FTC and SEC both advise consumers that some
MLMs can be pyramid schemes, there is a tendency to identify a potential
other optiona “legitimate MLM business opportunity”without providing
a robust definition of that for comparative purposes. That is, all of the
guidance is predicated on the idea that there does exist such a thing as a
“legitimate MLM business opportunity,” but what that would actually
meaningfully look like to a consumer is an open question. What the guidance
does in practice, then, is functionally distinguish MLMs generally from
Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and Pyramid Schemes, supra note 6; Beware of Pyramid
Schemes, supra note 64.
McNeal, supra note 48.
See, e.g., 2022 U.S. Income Disclosure, AMWAY,
disclosure (last visited Jan. 25, 2023); Earnings Representation, MARYKAY,
ca/pages/earnings-representation (last visited Jan. 25, 2023).
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22 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
pyramid schemes. Because the reader cannot meaningfully parse the
distinction between legitimate and illegitimate MLMs, the use of “legitimate
MLM business opportunity” functionally serves to legitimize all MLMs
Furthermore, as we have indicated throughout this section, the guidance
rests almost exclusively on the practices of individual distributors, rather than
offering a holistic or robust look at the systemic practices of companies or
the business model in general. The immediate impact of this means the
effectiveness of the warnings to consumers varies tremendously based on the
practices of the individual-level distributors each consumer may encounter.
A consumer may encounter distributors who do not use bombastic rhetoric
or rhetorically emphasize recruiting, but that do still rely on recruitment
instead of selling products. Furthermore, this warning pattern distracts from
the power of the company and the subtler ways that MLMs can and do exploit
customers. Importantly, this guidance suggests that the people responsible
for the harms caused by pyramidal business practices are the individual level
distributors who are most likely to do the behaviors described above. This is
a concerning pattern of guidance because, ultimately, we argue, regulating
individual distributors is not an effective solution given that the problems
delineated are company- or industry-wide.
Ultimately, the legal relationship between MLMs and the category of
pyramid schemes is an open question. There has been very little traction in
regulating MLM behavior or remediating harms related to MLM behavior
through the pyramid scheme framework. MLMs are unlikely to face
sanctions as pyramid schemes. If anything, as we have argued, the MLMs
themselves are able to utilize the undefined and underexplained, but assumed,
distinction between “pyramid scheme” and “legitimate MLM business
opportunity” to directly evade being lumped in with pyramid schemes
without being meaningfully structurally distinct. In the next section, we begin
to discuss how that assumed but not substantive difference between “pyramid
scheme” and “legitimate MLM business opportunity” is actively weaponized
by MLMs in order to emphasize their legitimacy without evidence to support
V. L
We argue here that the lack of suitable legal protection against predatory
MLMs does more than leave consultants and customers vulnerableit
actually creates a weapon of legitimacy for predatory MLMs. As we have
discussed above, there are massive gaps in the regulatory framework, which
allow for predatory behavior from MLMs to be legally legitimized. Here, we
argue that this legitimization is used by participants in the MLMs to recruit
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 23
additional participants. Specifically, we argue that distributors do what the
FTC and SEC warned about above, entirely unchecked by the companies they
sell for. Using conversational text data from the popular internet forum (“Reddit”), we analyze the process by which legal rhetoric
surrounding pyramid schemes is used to distinguish an MLM company from
an illegal pyramid scheme and how the protections of law are both
confusing and insufficient in the minds of ordinary people. We look at two
levels of discourse: first, the rhetoric from distributors distinguishing
themselves from participants in pyramid schemes and, second, the rhetoric
around that distributor rhetoric by ordinary people discussing the companies.
We do this using LuLaRoe as a case study.
LuLaRoe is a massive MLM that is best known for selling leggings with
outlandish patterns.
In the eleven years since LuLaRoe’s 2012 founding,
the company has become among the most notorious; and we argue that it is
the site of intense discursive contestation. There are a number of competing
stories about what LuLaRoe does, what LuLaRoe means, and how LuLaRoe
functions within society. The self-told story of LuLaRoe is one of a
struggling mother making a fortune in modest, size-inclusive clothing.
founders emphasize this story, building up a narrative of their humble
beginnings and painting a picture of clothing with strong mass appeal.
However, critics identify the consequences of LuLaRoe’s business strategy,
saying that it is actually:
[T]he story of rural and suburban disenfranchisement and the
MLMs that offer desperate American women a chance at
clawing their way out. They’ve become part of the fabric of
suburban America, as cherished and inevitable as barbeques
and the county fair . . . it’s a genius manipulation of rural and
suburban American societal norms.
This suggests that LuLaRoe is something much more sinister, utilizing
the narrative of humble beginnings to trap others with false promises. At one
end of the spectrum, LuLaRoe’s own marketing materials suggest an
interestingly disruptive company that fills a unique market need (modest,
aesthetically pleasing clothing specifically for mothers). At the other,
See generally LULAROE, (last visited Dec. 8, 2023); Claire Suddath,
Thousands of Women Say LuLaRoe’s Legging Empire is a Scam, B
LOOMBERG (May 7, 2018, 4:39 PM),
See About LuLaRoe, LULAROE,
Alden Wicker, MultiLevel-Marketing Companies like LuLaRoe are Forcing People into Debt
and Psychological Crisis, QUARTZ (Aug. 6, 2017),
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24 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
critiques of the company suggest a predatory scheme that utilizes that very
rhetoric in order to exploit the customers whose needs they claim to address.
We argue that the truth is much closer to the exploitation end of the
spectrum. By unpacking how this particular company actually functionsin
addition to how LuLaRoe and its consultants and customers talk about the
companywe are able to show how LuLaRoe operates specifically and
intentionally in relation to the regulatory frameworks discussed above.
Understanding how their language works helps us understand the actual
narratives at play for the company and, subsequently, what persuasive
techniques they are using in order to recruit participants and make money. In
this section, we delve into our case study, explaining our selection criteria,
and unpack how LuLaRoe functions to evade regulation.
A. Why LuLaRoe?
LuLaRoe is a compelling case study of MLM practices for logistical and
legal reasons: their recency, slew of legal troubles, relatively high (and
unstable) buy-in costs, and the relatively heavy demonstrated use of MLM
bonus structures that is most at stake in defining pyramid schemes in Amway.
However, LuLaRoe also has an uncommonly strong retail presence and buy-
back guarantee that makes it less likely to be sanctioned under existent
pyramid scheme regulations. They have a complicated interplay with the
definitional framework discussed above. Although the particulars of how
LuLaRoe operates might differ from other MLMs, we argue that the ideology
driving their particular business strategies (fundamentally evading capture
under pyramid scheme regulatory frameworks) is actually quite similar to
other MLM companies. Therefore, we are able to use LuLaRoe as an
exemplary case that allows us to deeply interrogate particulars even as the
case maintains its generalizability.
We begin with a brief history of LuLaRoe told through these salient and
shifting featureslegal troubles, buy-in costs, bonus structures, retail
presence, and buy-back guaranteesbefore transitioning into the rhetorical
data project. This data project transforms the problem of MLMs from one
characterized by a lack of protections, to one where the importance of the law
actually grants some legitimacy and permanence to MLMs. In other words,
the data project illustrates what we were previewing above: the ways in which
pyramid scheme-related rhetoric functions to legitimize MLMs and create
confusion and, even beyond that, pessimism about the law itself. Regulatory
loopholes are utilized not just as loopholes, but also as rhetorical strategies
for recruiting additional members: regulation becomes its own kind of
bombastic rhetoric offering promises to recruits of legality and legitimacy.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 25
LuLaRoe is a women’s fashion company founded by Mark Stidham and
DeAnne Brady in 2013, primarily known for selling heavily-patterned,
“buttery soft” leggings.
By 2017, LuLaRoe had grown from self-described,
single family, hand-sewing maxi skirts into a retail juggernaut worth $2
billion and with over 80,000 “independent fashion retailers”IFRs, the
LuLaRoe-specific terminology for distributorsconcentrated mostly outside
of large urban cities.
The company scaled very quickly to become the
widespread MLM it is today, moving massive amounts of product to and
through a large number of distributors.
As we have discussed above,
LuLaRoe’s turbulent rise to the top of the MLM fashion industry has included
lawsuits for improper taxes on retail goods, appropriated copyrighted
artwork, non-payment to manufacturers, non-payment to the postal service,
and, significantly, multiple rounds of pyramid scheme accusationsmost
notably a 2019 filing by the Washington State Attorney General that resulted
in a $4.75 million settlement.
B. The Problems of LuLaRoe
Although we argue that LuLaRoe is structurally similar to other MLMs,
it has two key distinguishing features. It is distinguishable from many other
MLMs first, because it has historically involved a high start-up cost
although recently their start-up costs have shifted seemingly in response to
litigationand second, because it requires that distributors maintain a
collection of an expensive inventory of clothing in many sizes.
A class
action filing in March of 2019 explains that the buy-in costs range from
$2,000 to $9,000 for first orders of clothing.
This is uncommonly high;
many other MLMs require a buy-in for a starter pack retailing $250 or less.
See About LuLaRoe, supra note 78.
Richard Kestenbaum, This Retailer Went from Zero to $2 Billion in Four Years, FORBES (Oct.
17, 2017, 7:45 AM),
from-zero-to-2-billion-in-four-years/?sh=309b37dd5fa3. In episode one of the LuLaRich docuseries,
DeAnne describes the early years involving herself personally handmaking 20,000 maxi skirts. This seems
implausible for one person in even four years, so it is difficult to get a handle on who was working on
what in those early days and how production scaled. LuLaRich, supra note 1.
Horton, supra note 4.
LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million, supra note 48; Suddath, supra note 77.
See Become a Fashion Entrepreneur, LULAROE,
(showing start-up costs) (last visited Jan. 25, 2023); Kirsten Fleming, How LuLaRoe Cost Some Women
Their Homes, Cars, Savings, and Marriages, N.Y. POST (Sept. 20, 2021, 10:46 AM),
Sperring v. LLR, Inc., No. 5:19-cv-00433, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 247160, at *6 (Cal. Dist. Ct.
July 23, 2019).
See, e.g., TASTEFULLYSIMPLE, (with the most expensive kit
priced at $99); SCENTSY, (with kits starter packs priced at $99).
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26 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
Moreover, as we mentioned briefly above, distributors do not get to choose
the patterns of clothing that they purchase as LuLaRoe ships orders in blind
bundles; this leaves retailers constantly re-purchasing in the hopes of
procuring desirable patterns and in-demand sizes.
Heightened levels of
inventory accumulation has tangible consequences for the tens of thousands
of women who have left the company. LuLaRoe’s practice of blind bundling
leaves many distributors with massive amounts of inventory when they
decide to leave, and it has historically been unclear whether or not LuLaRoe
would “buy-back” that unsold, unwanted inventory and, if so, if that would
be a full refund. Notably, LuLaRoe’s buy-back policies have changed
frequently, with little warning, and are often unclear as to their specific
applicability to common garments. LuLaRoe’s combination of high buy-in
costs and inconsistent and confusing buy-back policies leaves distributors
taking an atypically large financial risk when joining the company.
That risk feels even bigger considering the low potential for reward.
Yearly disclosure statementsof LuLaRoe in particular and of MLMs as a
categorytell a profoundly negative story about the financial realities of
participating in MLMs as a distributor.
Most distributors do not make any
money at all from their participation.
Even more troublingly, most
participants lose money through these “business opportunities.”
But the
stories told in litigation underscore how truly volatile this situation is. In a
class action complaint filed in March of 2019, three plaintiffs explained the
extent of financial ruin possible for former LuLaRoe consultants that they
alleged was a result of LuLaRoe’s culture of blind bundling merchandise to
Plaintiff Tabitha Sperring pled that she was left with $16,000
in credit card debt and $11,000 in unsellable inventory; plaintiff Paislie
Marchant pled that she was left with $10,000 in unsellable inventory; and
This incentivizes massive and frequent purchases in the hopes of obtaining patterns that are
desirable to customers. Note that retailers could theoretically select sizes (with some exceptions), but that
scarcity of wholesale items to purchase often left retailers to buy whatever sizes they could or even unable
to purchase new inventory at all.
See LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million, supra note 48; Ginger Rough, Lularoe Abruptly Changes
Return Policy; Consultants Say They Are Out Thousands, WHAS11 (Sept. 15, 2017, 8:00 AM),
out-thousands/417-475108523; Angela Kennecke, Former LuLaRoe Consultant Stuck With $5k in
Inventory, KELOLAND (Nov. 1, 2017, 10:02 PM),
2020 LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement, SEQUENCE INC. FORENSIC ACCT., (last visited Sept. 19,
2023); AG Ferguson Sues LuLaRoe, supra note 47.
See 2020 LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement, supra note 90.
See id.
See Class Action Complaint at 45, 21, Sperring v. LLR, Inc., No. 5:19-cv-00433, 2019 U.S.
Dist. LEXIS 247160 (Cal. Dist. Ct. July 23, 2019).
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 27
plaintiff Sally Poston pled that she lost $22,000.
These are financial
consequences that outlast the yearly disclosures of MLMs and foreshadow
the scope of the economic costs of MLMs to ordinary Americans.
Unpacking the bonus structure reveals a massively top-weighted
structure for consultants that is contingent on gross disparities in the
distributors’ incomes, generally. According to LuLaRoe’s 2020 income
disclosure statement, the median IFR gross profit was $1,444.65.
Additionally, 19.2% of IFRs made $0 or less, while 50.1% made between $1
and $4,999 (notably covering a substantial range of outcomes).
only 2.35% of IFRs made over $75,000.
This means that the distributor
experience is heavily skewed to earning less than $5,000 per year or losing
money through the endeavor.
Still, there are distributors who make
substantially more, earning a very real middle- or upper-class salary annually
from the company. This is a massive disparity in outcomes.
The reason for this disparity is LuLaRoe’s Leadership Bonus Plan.
Under this plan, consultants earn bonuses based on the total pieces sold by
the entire TEAM (“Together, Everyone Achieves More”) in the downline.
That means that the highest-ranking consultants receive 5% of the dollar
amount of inventory of all the consultants below them, even those they did
not directly recruit.
However, 85.38% of distributors make no money under
the Leadership Compensation plan.
This is not facially illegal or even
unethical. It is easy to see how it could feel or seem unfair. For example,
founder DeAnne Brady herself had consultants disclose the discrepancy
between their commissions and actual retail sales at a leadership convention
in 2017which underscored the lack of a relationship between sales and
income, despite that being the purported business structure.
reported that their monthly bonus checks ranged from $85,000 to $307,000,
while their personal retail sales ranged from $12,000 to $25,000.
demonstrates that, on average, a vast majority of income for high-ranking
consultants is coming from recruitment incentives rather than selling retail
See id. at 5.
See 2020 LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement, supra note 90.
Called Out, LuLaRoe: The Hot New Pyramid Scheme, MEDIUM (Mar. 7, 2017),
Gemma Davison, “It Was Very Toxic!” The Bizarre Rise and Fall of LuLaRoe, VERIFIED.ORG
(Oct. 12, 2021),
LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million, supra note 48.
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28 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
Despite this demonstrated use of incentive structure tactics, which ought
to raise a red flag per the FTC’s own guidelines, LuLaRoe can likely
distinguish itself from pyramid schemes because a majority of consultants
(especially those comprising the 99.84% in the lowest incentive tier) make
their money exclusively by actually selling clothing and the company
currently, as of this writing, has a seemingly generous buy-back policy.
For example, in 2016, LuLaRoe claimed 72.63% of its income through
selling clothing alone.
This reality can co-exist with massively inflated
bonuses at the top of the proverbial pyramid, since a vast majority of
consultants lose money or make very little money. LuLaRoe as a company
may make 72.63% of its income through selling clothes; however, that figure
does not specify to whom.
If much of those sales are taking place within
the company (to distributors who, due to an oversaturated market, cannot sell
their inventory to outside consumers), that tells a story that differs profoundly
from an ordinary retail opportunity.
LuLaRoe also has a 90% to 100% buy-back program that seems to
follow the precedent set by Amway.
However, this program excludes a
large amount of limited edition merchandise and numerous consultants report
being unable to secure their full refund under the buy-back program,
especially after LuLaRoe abruptly changed the terms of the buy-back
program from 100% of wholesale investment to 90% in 2017.
The buy-
back structure is one that exists on paper, passing the bare minimum Amway
test, but does not actually exist or work in practice. Both the misleading
nature of the compensation structure, and buy-back system further illustrate
how an MLM such as LuLaRoe might escape the legal categorization of
‘pyramid scheme’ without doing anything substantive to protect their
consultants, compared to the victims of legally acknowledged pyramid
In this section, we unpack our case study and thematically analyze the
results of our data collection. This section proceeds in two parts. First, we
See 2020 LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement, supra note 90.
Wicker, supra note 80.
LuLaRoe to Pay $4.75 Million, supra note 48.
Desiree Stennett, LuLaRoe Just Changed its Return Policy…and Retailers are Absolutely
Livid, PENNY HOARDER (Oct. 11, 2017),
Please note that Section VI consists of original data collected by the authors and therefore
contains few citations that are attributable to external sources.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 29
describe our methodological approach and justify our particular data
selection. Second, we discuss the themes we found in the data. We break
these themes into four discursive categories: (1) pyramid schemes as
conceptually illegal, (2) general incomprehensibility surrounding the legal
definition of pyramid schemes, (3) pessimism about the protective capacity
of the law, and (4) layperson suggestions of alternative litigation strategies in
light of this pessimism.
A. Methods
In order to better understand the tangible consequences of the legal grey
area of multi-level marketing, we conduct discourse analysis on a universe
of discussion about MLMs in general and LuLaRoe in particular. Discourse
analysis provides a set of tools to interpret a phenomenon in a theoretically
informed and insightful way.
In capturing a fuller universe of discussion
around LuLaRoe, we avoid assuming what people are discussing and avoid
the sterility of a laboratory experiment. Instead, we are able to study a
snapshot of a community, interacting naturally in accordance with their own
substantive understandings and their own understandings of what issues are
Thus, our data collection procedure began with the identification of a
suitable community for text extraction. We targeted platforms where there
would be discussion from MLM retailers, former MLM retailers, and MLM
product consumers. We made this choice not only to integrate a variety of
perspectives, but also to more fully represent the pipeline flow of
information, from upline to downline, to consumers. Reddit emerged as a
viable platform for this research due to its public accessibility, the prevalence
of active discussions, and the way comments and threads function on the site.
Reddit has previously been used in a variety of social science and humanities
research for discourse analyses efforts similar to ours.
Reddit is organized
Keith Jacobs, Discourse Analysis and Its Utility for Urban Policy Research, 24 URB. POLY &
RSCH. 39, 39 (2006).
See generally Nicolas Schrading et al., An Analysis of Domestic Abuse Discourse on Reddit,
of domestic abuse discourse on Reddit forums; Shaina J. Sowles et al., A Content Analysis of an Online
Pro-eating Disorder Community on Reddit, 24 BODY IMAGE 137 (2018), for an analysis of pro-anorexia
communities on Reddit forums; Emma I. Brett et al., A Content Analysis of JUUL Discussions on Social
Media: Using Reddit to Understand Patterns and Perceptions of JUUL Use, 194 DRUG & ALCOHOL
DEPENDENCE 358 (2019), for an analysis of perceptions and discussions of JUUL use on Reddit; Kamran
Munawar & Vinay Prabhu, Radiology on Reddit: A Content Analysis and Opportunity for Radiologist
Engagement and Education, 50 CURRENT PROBS. DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY 362 (2021), for an analysis
of community discourse surrounding Radiology on Reddit; Nicholas Botzer et al., Analysis of Moral
Judgment on Reddit, 10 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOC. SYS. 947 (2023), for an analysis
of Reddit usage to evaluate questions of moral judgement; and others.
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30 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
into a series of communities called subreddits, where users opt into subreddits
of interest. There are a number of engagement behaviors available to users
including: authoring posts, responding to others’ posts, upvoting or
downvoting posts or threads, and giving awards to other users. This variety
of engagement types creates a more dynamic community of discussion and
endorsement that could be analyzed in a survey experimental setting. This is
particularly useful to our analysis as we seek to understand community
consensus and perceptions overall, rather than solely at the individual level.
We mined three active subreddits for threads that specifically reference
LuLaRoe and coded the resultant posts into a set of themes that typifies
understandings of pyramid schemes and the legality of MLMs.
describe the selected communities in Table 1 below. We balanced the
selected subreddits across three vectors: activity, specificity, and pro-anti
MLM sentiment. It was generally difficult to find subreddits that were
explicitly pro-LuLaRoe. However, historically, we observed that r/LuLaRoe
used to be more positive toward the brand and that historical text was
intentionally included in this analysis.
Reddit is a public facing platform where users comment pseudo-anonymously under a
consistent username. The following section contains quotes taken from commenters in the three subreddits
mentioned in Table 1. While this information is public, we have redacted usernames to further protect the
privacy of commenters.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 31
Rationale for Inclusion
This is by far the largest MLM-
related community on Reddit,
making it a repository and hub for
sharing screenshots and personal
experiences and beliefs surrounding
MLMs. There is no corresponding
‘pro’ MLM subreddit.
This is a subreddit specifically for
former consultants of LuLaRoe.
General topics of discussion are
experiences with the company,
policies of the
company, and the
future of the company (including
pending litigation).
r/LuLaRoe 6K
This is a subreddit specifically for
LuLaRoe apparel. It used to be more
positively geared toward the brand,
even serving as a means for
customers to find desirable patterns
of LuLaRoe apparel and for positive
discussions of the company. More
recently, the subreddit is more
firmly anti-LuLaRoe in its rhetoric.
The entire history of the subreddit
was included in this analysis.
We employed an ontological search method, generating a list of terms
relevant (but not morally directional) about LuLaRoe and legality,
constructing Boolean search queries to extract streams of threads, posts, and
comments from the relevant subreddits. We intentionally constructed these
queries to include common abbreviations of LuLaRoe (llr). We searched all
three forums for a set of seven terms including, “LuLaRoe AND illegal, llr
AND illegal, LuLaRoe AND legal, llr AND legal, LuLaRoe AND pyramid
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32 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
scheme, llr AND pyramid scheme, and pyramid scheme.” Forums specific to
LuLaRoe included searches only for the terms: legal, illegal, and pyramid
scheme since refining LuLaRoe did not need to be accomplished through the
Boolean search.
This resulted in a total sample of 211 unique threads comprising of
101,848 upvotes, and 10,130 unique comments. Each comment was carefully
and manually examined by the research team in its individual contextand
in its relationship to the thread it was a part ofand was qualitatively coded
into thematic categories, represented here with examples typical of larger
discussions across the three analyzed subreddits.
B. Thematic Analysis
1. Pyramid Schemes Are Illegal
One identifiable subset of subreddit participants were distributors who
sold product for LuLaRoe. Perhaps the most common way these distributors
engaged with pyramid scheme rhetoric was by explaining how LuLaRoe
could not possibly be a pyramid scheme because pyramid schemes are illegal.
This logic is circular yet pervasive. One retailer wrote, for example:
Network Marketing, Multi-Level Marketing, Affiliate
Marketing, all are pretty much the same thing, once you
actually take time to research what it actually means and how
it is structured. They are not pyramid schemes, those are
illegal. If it is not for you, no biggie, but they are the wave
of the future and are actually brilliant business models.
Specifically, this retailer argues that MLMs cannot be pyramid schemes
because pyramid schemes as a category are illegal and MLMs as a category
are not illegal. This tautological approach underscores the particular
regulatory failure in parsing between those two analytic categories. In this
way, the lack of specific legal prohibition of MLMs is actually cast as a
legitimating distinguisher from ‘illegal pyramid schemes’ without addressing
how the two business models are functionally equivalent for the consultant
consumer. That is, we can critique this analysis as surface-level engagement
with categories and their illegality; however, this is the same surface-level
engagement present in the legal materialsfrom agency opinions to agency
guidancerelied upon for consumer protection and regulation.
Other consultants actually defined what a pyramid scheme is as a
strategy for demonstrating how LuLaRoe could not possibly be a pyramid
scheme without delving into how LuLaRoe passes that test. In other words,
they listed characteristics of pyramid schemes without matching those
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 33
characteristics to LuLaRoe or, more importantly, without doing the work to
distinguish LuLaRoe from a predatory pyramid scheme.
In doing so, distributors defined what a pyramid scheme is as a strategy
for demonstrating how LuLaRoe could not possibly be one. Commenters
often focused on the presence of legitimate retail products, one of the big
sticking points for the FTC, writing things like: “A Pyramid Scheme is a form
of investment (illegal in the US and elsewhere) in which each paying
participants [sic] recruits two further participants, with returns being given to
early participants using money contributed by later ones…AKA NO
This is another example of how current regulation around pyramid
schemes and lack thereof for MLMs can serve to amplify public confusion
and vulnerability about how to identify manipulative companies. In the
regulatory framework as it currently exists, there exists nothing between
“illegal pyramid scheme” and “legitimate (presumptively ethical) business
opportunity.” In fact, as MLMs and their rhetorical tactics demonstrate, there
exists a large, utterly unchecked middle ground of manipulative, exploitative
business practices that do the very things pyramid schemes do but under the
guise of legal legitimacy.
Moreover, the FTC is clear that there can be a physical product and still
be a pyramid scheme, but this nuance is not generally articulated by
commenters in these public forms. This is unsurprising given the
unlikelihood of success on a claim that a company is a pyramid scheme if
they sell a product: a product serves as both a legal and rhetorical shield.
Instead of interrogating the presence of a product with nuance, retailers use
that presence and the continuing legal corporate existence of LuLaRoe as a
justification for how it cannot be a pyramid scheme with the implication that
the company is not manipulative, unethical, or problematic.
Patterns of linguistic obfuscation were not lost on non-distributors and
commenters who do not support MLMs, who specifically commented on this
tautological logic and how it matters for perceptions of LuLaRoe. Non-
distributor commenters frequently discussed the process by which
consultants continue to use this rhetoric as a recruiting tactic in their
downlines and thereby explain one mechanism by which this misperception
might be spread. As one commenter explains: “So, when someone says it’s a
pyramid scheme, they ask their upline if it’s a pyramid scheme, and their
upline says no, because those are illegal. Then they parrot that back to
In this example, other people taking in rhetoric from distributors suggest
that there is a broader pattern of logically rendering MLMs as not pyramid
schemes for the simple, unexplored reason of “because they are not.” Here,
the commenter believes that this logic comes from higher up in the
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34 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
organizationsuggesting, again, that the agency guidance of surface level
advertisement analysis does not go deep enough and, furthermore, ordinary
people are aware of the need for more depth.
Commenters also opined that the longevity of some MLM companies
(i.e., avoiding penalty under the law as pyramid schemes) also served to
confer an air of legitimacy around their business models. When comparing a
company like LuLaRoe to longer-lived companies like Avon or Mary Kay, a
commenter explains their theory:
They’ve been around long enough that they’re seen as
legitimate, they do have a reputation for pretty decent
products. . . . That doesn’t make them good companies by
any means, if they were they’d launch as just regular
cosmetics lines, but that’s why. An air of legitimacy,
products that would probably sell just as well if they were
regular companies, and good PR teams.
In this way, the sheer survival of a company serves to legitimize it and
its business model. This is deeply related to the idea that MLMs are not
pyramid schemes because pyramid schemes as a class are illegal. Once again,
we see, perhaps, that the very fact that MLMs are largely unregulated or
uncritiqued operates broadly as a suggestion that they do not need to be. That
is, they are legitimate because they have not been proven to not be
regardless of whether or not this lack of proof is through systemic oversight.
This low bar for legitimacy is reified by a narrow legal classification of
pyramid schemes. We discuss in the next section how this narrow
conceptualization also led to substantial confusion about what actually counts
as a pyramid scheme under the law.
2. Incomprehensibility Surrounding the Legal
Definition of Pyramid Schemes
Non-distributor commenters, who were critical of LuLaRoe, frequently
explained to others on the forum why LuLaRoe is unlikely to be legally
classified a pyramid scheme. As is true in any unmoderated space, the
accuracy of these explanations varied widely. This also matched the general
technical complexity and administrative opacity of the legal concept being
discussed. The following conversation exemplifies a pattern of education and
analysis displayed in the comment forums, including the misconceptions that
come along with legal definitions of MLMs:
[Person 1]: They aren’t different. MLM is simply a pyramid
scheme. Calling it multi-level marketing is just a way to
disguise this. Nobody wants to be a part of a pyramid scheme
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but they might sign up for something called multi-level
[Person 2]: I had to look up pyramid schemes on Wikipedia.
I guess the main difference is that they sell a non-worthless
product . . . . Lularoe has an entire clothing line so that is
why they can get away with it legally . . . so I guess the big
question would be, can people make money off of selling
their clothing alone without recruiting anyone underneath
them and be successful?
In this example, and more broadly, disillusioned commenters come to
the forum to air their grievances with LuLaRoe and other MLMs and engage
in legal education surrounding what legally constitutes a pyramid scheme.
The pyramid scheme language is enduring beyond the definitional work not
being done by distributors and it seems to have led forum members to look
into pyramid schemes in general. However, even intentional research in the
topic does not necessarily lead consumers (the group theoretically protected
by law in this space) to accurate conclusions about the legality of MLMs.
Specifically, the same fixation on the presence of retail products that
distributors invoked in their “not a pyramid scheme logic” was
misunderstood by non-supporters. Because the presence of a retail product is
tangible and easy to understand, the presence of such a product makes for a
compelling but insufficient first step in understanding the pyramid scheme as
an analytic framework. However, some non-distributor commenters were
insistent that the existence of a product would be sufficient to defeat a claim.
For example, one commenter wrote: “In their defense, Lularoe is not
technically a pyramid scheme under the law, since there was an actual
product being sold. But yeah they’re c*nts. This is why I suggest people
engage their thinking skills and not give their time and money to people like
In reality, the FTC is clear that distributors can, in fact, provide a
physical product and still be a pyramid scheme. But this nuance is generally
not articulated by commenters in these public forums, even as they
understand the general stakes of the categorythat profits come from
participants, not from sales of goods or services. Instead, consultants use the
presence of product and the continuing legal existence of LuLaRoe as a
justification for how it cannot be a pyramid scheme or cannot be illegal.
Importantly, we argue, this misunderstanding isn’t only used by consultants,
but also by anti-MLM consumers.
Furthermore, we argue that this misunderstanding makes conceptual
sense, given the broad lack of specificity in the law. It is unsurprising that
ordinary people would latch onto any available potential substitutions for
black letter rules. Here, that includes an emphasis on the selling of products
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36 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
over attention to the pyramidal structure. These commenters do suggest a
kind of third spacebetween legitimate and easily cognizable as a pyramid
schemein which MLMs inhabit, outside the bounds of both ethicality and
illegality. Although the commenters miss the nuance of the pyramid scheme
as a legal category, they emphasize the nuance that simple tautological
reasoning from distributor commenters miss: that businesses can operate
without legal sanctions while still not being ethical. Ultimately, this is
another example of how current legislation and case law around pyramid
schemes and MLMs can serve to amplify public confusion and vulnerability
about how to identify manipulative companies by providing a shield of
legality due to the extremely narrow definition of pyramid schemes under the
law. This nuance leads to our next thematic point, that commenters,
particularly non-distributor commenters, are pessimistic about the protective
capacity of the law.
3. Pessimism About the Protective Capacity of
Commenters seemed to undergo a natural progression of learning about
the law to full-blown cynicism as they learned more (accurate or not)
information about the law defining pyramid schemes, eventually leading
them to abandoning hope of regulating MLM companies under pyramid
scheme rules at all. An example of this progression is explained below:
[Person 1]: This company is shady AF, and hopefully
something is able to get them on something which forces
them out of business, but pyramid scheme will not be it.
[Person 2]: It just doesn’t meet the legal definition of a
pyramid scheme. There is actual retailing going on with
[Person 1]: It would be so amazing if one of these lawsuits
could make ANYTHING happen, but if they keep harping
on this ‘pyramid scheme’ nonsense, nothing will come of it.
After acknowledging and agreeing that LuLaRoe does not meet current
standards for pyramid scheme classification, the original commenter opines
that they are hoping for any type of improvement at all. In fact, they also
suggest that focusing on whether or not LuLaRoe is a pyramid scheme at all
is a smokescreen that will ultimately absolve the company of any legal
It is also important to note that commenters in these forums frequently
engage in advanced legal analysis that leads to their cynical conclusion that
the law in its current form is not designed to protect consumers. One
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 37
commenter, writing specifically about the fate of a class action lawsuit
against LuLaRoe, says:
I am not optimistic. If the class gets out of the arbitration
clause and gets certification, and if LLR loses both suits,
then this will be the end of MLMs as we know it. I mean,
more actual retailing went on in LLR than any other MLM
in history. If an MLM where actual retailing happened is
considered a pyramid scheme (under the law), then the MLM
industry as we know it is gone. If you think an industry that
is constantly greasing palms is going to just get wiped off
the map, then I have a bridge to sell you. MLMs are here to
stay and LLR will not be losing these cases.
Here, the commenter identifies the strength of MLMs politically and
legally. They articulate that finding LuLaRoe to be a pyramid scheme would
require a fundamental upheaval in the entire MLM industry that they view as
unlikely or impossible. They also specifically point out that LuLaRoe in
particular has secured its position relative to legal precedent despite their
widely acknowledged predatory and damaging business practices.
In these conversations, the cynicism around LuLaRoe’s potential
vulnerability to the law is deep. Non-distributor commenters can be deeply
skeptical of not just the law’s ability to regulate companies like LuLaRoe,
but this second commenter even goes so far as to say that agencies are
unwilling to regulate companies like LuLaRoe, specifically stating that not
only is LuLaRoe not doomed to fail, but it is too big to fail. This commenter
suggests deep skepticism toward the regulatory potential because they
believe that the deck is stacked, and has been stacked, through manipulative
legislative and legal tactics by LuLaRoe. They suggest that LuLaRoe has
been not only resting on an ineffective and toothless law, but has been
coercively setting up structures whereby those laws are ineffective and
toothless or, at least, that leave LuLaRoe out of their purview. Although this
skepticism about LuLaRoe’s ethics generally transcends the scope of this
paper, it does build upon a fundamental point: people see companies like
LuLaRoe as untouchable, and this untouchability is deeply connected to
general cynicism about the protective capacity of the law.
In 2018, twenty-two former consultants sued LuLaRoe for $1 billion in damages (on behalf of
thousands of sellers), but a California judge ordered the case be moved to arbitration due to contracts
signed by consultants mandating legal disputes be resolved by arbitration. Suddath, supra note 77.
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38 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
4. Alternative Strategies and Legal Creativity
Our final thematic category follows a more hopeful path from
commenters. Here, former consultants and consumers suggested alternative
legal strategies for dismantling LuLaRoe, suggesting a kind of legal
creativity in response to existing failures. We build out a new analytical
category for legal analysis: legal creativity. We argue that both experts and
non-experts, when confronted with systemic roadblocks in the advancement
of justice, can and do respond to the law with creativity. In this section, we
examine what that legal creativity looks like when ordinary people are
confronted with a frustratingly opaque system that lacks meaningful access
to remedy for harms caused. Commenters diverge from the well-worn
pyramid scheme and “legitimate MLM business opportunity” scripts that we
have been discussing in this Article and begin to unpack different alternative
After acknowledging the difficulty of prevailing on pyramid-scheme-
type claims, commenter’s suggested avenues for legal remedies that they felt
may be more viable:
I’m afraid these lawsuits won’t really go anywhere. As
[redacted] said, there’s an actual product. And in theory,
even the lowest-on-the-downline consultant has gotten
something (no matter how sh*tty and stale the inventory is)
for their money put into LLR. That’s how MLMs “get away
with” hiding their pyramid-iness. The lawsuits would be
better off if they address the unethical changes to policies
and going back on returns.
This commenter specifically identifies the strong retail presence of
LuLaRoe as a strategy for “getting away with” a pyramidal shaped company.
The commenter goes a step beyond this conclusion to suggest that the law
might be better suited to punish the company for policy changes than for the
fundamental way the company operates. Importantly, this commenter
identifies a significant shortcoming in current law surrounding pyramid
schemes: the vagueness with which something becomes a “worth something”
product for your investment. Rather than focusing on the nuance of product
distribution, the presence of an actual product that is “worth something” takes
precedence. As we have argued, even though the law might not work to
address claims framed in that way, commenters address the potential
describing in fairly explicit detail how they would like the law to work:
addressing the unethical behavior, even as the company moves the goal post.
A second commenter responds directly, pointing out that there are still
failures with the law, even under this new imagined solution. They say:
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 39
The problem is the changes are just unethical not illegal.
According to this suit the problem is that they incentivize by
purchases rather than sales (they changed this in the last
year). They have docs and videos stating the classic LLR
phrase used “you need to buy more to sell more” which gives
those at the top more money while those at the bottom
couldn’t make a profit. This is what makes it an endless
chain which is illegal according to CA law.
That said, I still doubt it will get them any money from
LLR, but according to some the way the RICO suit is filed
. . . allows them to chain this to the top 100 consultants as
well. I’m sure LLR lawyers will protect the company, but
leave those out to dry.
This commenter shares the cynicism toward the pyramid scheme
allegations but is more generally pessimistic about the legal remedies owed
for unethical behavior, differently framed. Even with the presence of
substantial evidence to imply incentivizing mass inventory hoarding by
consultants, there is a lack of belief in the protective capacity of the law. In
fact, the commenter postulates that other consultants are more likely to bear
the brunt of legal sanctions than the actual company due to the adeptness of
LuLaRoe’s legal team. Here, they explicitly target an idea we developed
earlier: that the current law allows for a reframing of responsibility away
from companies and toward individual consumers. This commenter’s
cynicism reflects that position.
Although the commenters continue to return to the idea that the law, as
it exists, is ineffective, they are engaging in a discursive process that begins
to delineate a desire for alternative solutions and starts to generate how those
solutions would work with the problems they identify. In other words,
although this conversation ends in a partially cynical place, the commenters
have concluded that the law as it exists is still ineffective for dealing with the
problems they have identifiedthey are still attempting to generate solutions
within the law. The commenters follow their own substantial, if imperfect,
knowledge of the law and, in the face of evidence that the law is not
specifically meant to do what they are proposing, are still using the law to
attempt to generate solutions. This, we argue, is a kind of legal creativity
whereby ordinary people are responding to the constraints of imperfect
knowledge and fundamentally flawed legal systems with a generative and
discursive interest in using those very systems for productive and positive
justice work.
Across all thematic groups identified here there is a common thread: the
current iteration of the law protects MLMs as distinct from pyramid schemes,
despite predatory tactics and consultant financial outcomes that are often
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40 FIU Law Review [Vol. 18:001
significantly worse than legally recognized pyramid schemes. We find that
active retailers leverage the weakness of current law to cast their businesses
as more legitimate, while disillusioned former retailers and consumers
anticipate a hopeless cycle where MLMs are not only not held accountable,
but where the law needs to be subverted and finessed to find a way to put
MLMs out of business. This speaks to the ineffectiveness of the current
regime in preventing harms meant to be mitigated by laws prohibiting
pyramid schemes.
Generally, the United States broadly lacks consumer protection and
worker protection for the types of work that MLM distributors do.
broader, federal regulatory plan that addresses these gaps to better protect
individuals, regardless of place of incorporation or residence, would
generally aid in the elimination of predatory business practices. State-specific
plans cannot work due to the national (and global) nature of the corporations
in the twenty-first century. Specifically, in light of our findings here, we
recommend that the FTC promulgate rules with a particular eye toward the
particular harms they intend to prevent. Such rules would specifically need
to address how these businesses are set up as recruitment rather than sales
models and need to put the onus of blame on the company, rather than
independent distributors. For example, we recommend that regulatory
agencies be explicitly critical of bonus structures entirelynot just require
companies have rules that limit the distribution of bonusesbecause those
structures heavily incentivize recruitment. This incentivization of
recruitment does not matter as a mere rhetorical or advertising matter; it is
harmful by diluting the market, redirecting focus from sales, and encouraging
stockpiling of inventory.
We also recommend that Congress enact legislation, independently or
through updating existing consumer protection statutes (to expand beyond
action against individual distributors and shift liability to the company) or
RICO, that grants individuals private rights of action against companies with
predatory recruitment and distribution practices.
A model statute would
address how profits function within MLMsprohibiting the operation of
business whereby most distributors pay money to the company rather than
earnand how distributorship, rather than just the allocation of bonuses, is
based on maintaining an inventory from the company and enforcing liability
See generally Mangiaratti, supra note 36.
RICO is potentially a viable site for updating regulations around MLMs because the digital
world of MLMs is plausibly related to telecom fraud and therefore, within the scope of RICO. However,
this potential pathway has yet to be pursued in any previous or active cases.
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2023] Weaponizing Rhetoric 41
against companies for the misleading rhetoric and recruitment tactics of their
distributors. This would likely mean prohibiting business models based on
multi-level marketing entirely.
The absence of legal regulation around MLMs does more than leave
consumers and consultants vulnerable; in practice, it confers legal and
institutional legitimacy onto MLMs by virtue of “not being illegal pyramid
schemes.” They are able to differentiate themselves from illegal behavior
without any meaningful difference or effort. In this Article we have
demonstrated how legal regulation is not self-contained to the legal system.
Instead, the rhetoric of legal decisions permeates the discourse around
regulatory topics and changes the way people understand these phenomena.
The case study of LuLaRoe exemplifies how legal discourse matters. We
argue that the court’s failure to acknowledgeand to make LuLaRoe and
similarly situated companies acknowledgetheir pyramidal structure seems
like a minor symbolic loss. However, it is extremely important how the
general public understands the law and its protective capacity, and the legal
replicability of the remedy for consultants in other states. In this way, the
decisions of the court become the rhetoric of the public and fundamentally
change the meaning of the law itself in the public’s consciousness. Failing to
protect consumers does more than just fail to protect consumers: it erodes
public trust in the legitimacy of the law as a system.
The current legal discourse around pyramid schemesand the ways
federal agencies carve out a tiny pocket of businesses to fit this definition
is, then, able to be exploited by the businesses themselves. By virtue of not
meeting the impossibly narrow definition of a “pyramid scheme,” MLMs and
the small subset of individuals who profit from them are not only able to
evade liability for harms in their downline, they are also able to utilize that
distinction to establish their legitimacy. In other words, MLMs are “not bad”
because they are not (quite) pyramid schemes. This slippery legal framework
ultimately allows the businesses to perpetuate the very harm this language
purports to prevent.