The objective of the Section 504
loan/grant program is to help very low-income
owner occupants of modest single family homes
in rural areas repair their homes. Loan funds are
available for repairs to improve or modernize a home, make it safer or more sanitary, or remove
health and safety hazards. For homeowners 62 and over who cannot repay a loan, grant funds
are available to remove health or safety hazards, or remodel dwellings to make them accessible
to a household member with a disability. Attachment 12-A provides a summary of the
differences between Section 504 loans and Section 504 grants, Attachment 12-B provides the
differences between Section 502 and Section 504 loans, Attachment 12-C provides a processing
and closing checklist, Attachment 12-D provides a checklist for assessment of an existing
dwelling, and Attachment 12-E provides items included with a complete application.
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, Section 504 loan/grant applications should be
accepted, evaluated, and closed following the same procedures described for Section 502 loans
in Chapters 2 through 10. However, Section 504 loans cannot be assumed except on Same
Rates and Terms as in Paragraph 2.4 B. In addition, a property survey is not required for a
Section 504 loan or grant unless a mortgage or deed of trust is being filed and there is a
compelling reason to question the placement of the dwelling on the property; or, in farm acreage
cases, where the house site is subdivided from a larger parcel. The cost of a survey can be
included in the loan if there is sufficient equity.
Section 504 loan funds may be used to make
general repairs to improve or modernize the property, as
long as the dwelling remains modest. Loan Originators
may approve any of the eligible costs listed in Paragraph
6.4, unless specifically prohibited in this chapter.
Section 504 grant funds may be used only for repairs
and improvements that will remove health and safety
hazards, or to repair or remodel dwellings to make them
accessible and useable for a household member with a disability.
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Only those procedures that differ from
Section 502 loans are described in this
Hazards and Major Hazards
A hazard is a property condition that
jeopardizes the health or safety of the
occupants or members of the community, but
that does not make it unfit for habitation. A
major hazard is a condition so severe that it
makes the property unfit for habitation.
Paragraph 12.2 Eligible Purposes for 504 Funds [7 CFR 3550.102]
Restrictions on the Use of 504 Funds
Section 504 loan or grant funds cannot be used to:
Assist in the construction of a new dwelling;
Make repairs to a dwelling in such poor condition that when the repairs are
completed, the dwelling will continue to have major hazards;
Move a mobile home or manufactured home from one site to another;
Pay for any off-site improvements except for necessary installation and assessment
costs for utilities;
Refinance any debt or obligation that the applicant incurred before the date of
application (except for payment of the installation and assessment costs of utilities);
Pay packaging fees to for-profit entities;
Provide site preparation (e.g., grading, foundation plantings, seeding or sodding,
trees, walks, yard fences, or driveways to a building site);
Construct new decks (existing decks may be repaired if a safety hazard exists);
Install concrete or asphalt driveways, although improvements to make the dwelling
accessible and useable for a household member with a disability is an eligible
purpose; or
Repairs to Mobile or Manufactured Homes
Section 504 loan and grant funds can be used to repair mobile or manufactured homes if:
The applicant owns the home and the site and occupied the home prior to filing an
The repairs are needed to remove health or safety hazards; and
Paragraph 12.2 Eligible Purposes for 504 Funds [7 CFR 3550.102]
The home is on a permanent
foundation, or will be put on a
permanent foundation with Section
504 funds.
Applicants interested in the 504 Program will be provided Form RD 410-4, Uniform
Residential Loan Application, Form RD 3550-1, Request for Information, Form RD 3550-4,
Employment and Asset Certification, and Attachment 12-E checklist. Applications received
must be date stamped on page 8 of Form RD 410-4 upon receipt.
Applications must be reviewed within three business days of receipt to confirm the
application is complete. The Loan Originator will send Handbook Letter 11 (3550), Request
Information, to the applicant requesting any missing items and stating that their application will
be withdrawn if the missing information is not received within 15 days (30 days may be allotted
if the applicant is waiting for repair bid(s)). A complete Section 504 application includes
applicable items listed on Attachment 12-E checklist.
The Loan Approval Official will make a determination of eligibility within 30 days of
receiving a complete loan application. When funding is available, a pre-construction conference
should be scheduled within 30 days of an eligibility determination and loan/grant approval.
Attachment 12-F is utilized to document the pre-construction conference. If funding is not
available send Handbook Letter 3 (3550), Waiting Period, to the applicant. The waiting period
can be estimated using an average of the previous two year allocations.
Section 504 applications requesting assistance to remove health or safety hazards should
receive priority processing. Veteran’s preference described in Paragraph 3.13 C. should be used
in cases where multiple applications with the same priority preference are received on the same
day. Complete applications will be processed in the order received using the following priority
First Priority: Health and safety hazards such as unsafe water, failed septic system, lack
of heat, and those affected by natural disasters who are ineligible for other federal assistance.
Second Priority: Removal of other health and safety hazards. Third Priority: Subsequent
applications to an existing borrower. Fourth Priority: All other requests that do not meet the
above criteria.
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Permanent Foundation
A permanent foundation is either: (1) a
full below-grade foundation; or (2) blocks, piers,
or some other type foundation with skirting, and
anchoring with tie-downs.
Paragraph 12.3 Applications [7 CFR 3550.104]
A property evaluation may be conducted utilizing online resources and photos to view
the property and real estate tax assessments to determine the condition and value of the
property. If the condition of the property cannot be determined using online resources, an on-
site visit is documented with Attachment 12-D, Checklist for Evaluation of Existing Dwelling.
By submitting applications for a grant, applicants certify that they will not engage in the
unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance in
conducting any activity with the grant
In order to be eligible for a Section 504 loan or grant, the adjusted income at the time of
loan/grant approval and at loan closing must not exceed the applicable very low-income limit.
Low-income applicants cannot receive assistance under Section 504.
Medical deductions in excess of 3% of annual income should be closely examined and
applied to elderly applications, as described in HB 1-3550, Paragraph 4.4 (g). Consider the
following unreimbursed medical expenses; Medicare premiums, supplemental insurance, long-
term care insurance, prescription drug coverage, pharmacy expenses, co-payments, eyewear,
hearing aid / batteries, exams, dental expenses, including the greater of the actual travel costs for
medical appointments or the published Internal Revenue Service mileage rate. You may not
deduct funeral or burial expenses, nonprescription medicines, toothpaste, toiletries, cosmetics, a
trip or program for the general improvement of your health, or most cosmetic surgery. Additional
guidance on eligible medical expenses can be located on the Internal Revenue Service website.
Credit Requirements
Applicants receiving grant only funding do not need a credit history evaluation. An
applicant with an outstanding judgment obtained by the United States in a Federal court, other
than in the United States Tax Court, is not eligible for a Section 504 grant or 504 loan.
For loans, applicants must have a credit history that indicates a reasonable ability and
willingness to meet debt obligations. Applicants with a credit score of 620 or higher, do not
require Form RD 1944-61, Credit History Worksheet or further evaluation. These applicants
are considered to have acceptable credit histories, with the exception for loan applicant(s) with
a significant delinquency described in Paragraph 4.12 (a), or delinquency of a federal debt.
For unsecured loans an infile credit score is considered reliable and there is no minimum trade
line requirement. An applicant with a credit score less than 620 must demonstrate a history of
reliable traditional or non-traditional credit using Form RD 1944-61, Credit History
Worksheet to conduct the credit analysis.
Paragraph 12.4 Applicant Eligibility [7 CFR 3550.103]
The indicators of unacceptable credit described in Exhibit 4-4 for Section 502 loans
can be used to evaluate the applicant’s credit history, however, general credit requirements
may be less stringent than those for section 502 loans. Late payments for housing costs
should not be considered as an indicator of unacceptable credit.
The Loan Originator will check Department of Treasury’s Do Not Pay (DNP) portal, as
described in Paragraph 4.11 for loan and grant requests. Infile credit reports will be required
for applicant(s) receiving a 504 loan assistance. A Tri-Merge Credit Report (TMCR) is
required for all applications for loans of $7,500 or greater, but the cost of the report is not
charged to the applicant.
Asset Requirements
Asset requirements are identical to those imposed by Section 502, except that only assets
that can be converted to cash in 90 days or less are included in the calculation of non-retirement
assets. Non-retirement assets in excess of $15,000 (or $20,000 for an elderly household) must be
used to reduce the Section 504 request.
Repayment Ability
To qualify for a Section 504 loan, the applicant must have a reliable income source
sufficient to allow repayment of the loan as supported by a budget. Effective October 1, 2017, a
budget is defined by using a maximum Total Debt (TD) ratio of 46%. For applicants 62 years
of age or older, the budget is determined by income-based eligibility and/or repayment ability.
as demonstrated in Exhibit 12-1 “Eligibility”. Non-taxable income cannot be “grossed up” by
any percentage for the Section 504 Program.
Age and Income for Section 504 Grants
1. At least one applicant must be 62 or older for a household to qualify for a grant. There is
no minimum grant award requirement. Grant eligibility is contingent upon meeting one
of the following: 1) Income-Based Grant Assistance, 2. Lack of repayment ability, and
3) If the applicant has exhausted all 504-loan potential.
a) A qualified applicant with an adjusted household income not exceeding 30% of the
area median income (AMI) limit will be considered income-based eligible for
grant assistance up to the maximum allowable grant limit. An income-based grant
recipient can also receive loan assistance provided they demonstrate adequate
repayment ability. Banded income limits (1-4 person, and 5-8 person limits) are
not used for grant determinations.
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Paragraph 12.4 Applicant Eligibility [7 CFR 3550.103]
b) Lack of repayment ability refers to qualified applicant(s) whose TD ratio exceeds
46%; therefore not able to repay a loan. Applicant(s) could qualify up to the
maximum grant assistance for eligible grant purposes. The calculation of total
debt is based on all applicants and/or parties to the note.
c) An applicant who has received maximum 504 loan assistance and has exhausted
their loan options may qualify for up to the maximum grant assistance for
eligible grant purposes.
2. A qualified applicant who meets the age restriction but does not qualify for income-
based assistance (adjusted household income greater than 30% of AMI) will be
evaluated to determine their repayment ability (TD ratio not exceeding 46%). If the
applicant demonstrates repayment ability a 50/50 combination loan and grant will be
calculated up to 46% TD ratio. To determine program type eligibility, the Loan
Originator must use the following criteria:
Is the applicant or co-applicant 62 years of age or older?
Yes, proceed to step two.
No, determine the loan amount according to a TD ratio not to exceed
Does the adjusted household income exceed 30% AMI?
No, if adjusted income does not exceed 30% AMI, the applicant(s)
automatically qualify for income-based grant assistance.
Yes, if the adjusted household income exceeds 30% AMI, proceed to step three.
Determine the applicant(s) existing TD ratio:
TD ratio exceeds 46%, the applicant(s) qualifies for grant only assistance.
TD ratio does not exceed 46%, the applicant(s) will qualify for a
combination loan /grant, proceed to step four.
Determine combination loan /grant amount taking the following into consideration:
The minimum initial loan amount is $1,000.
Combination loan / grant will have equal loan and grant amounts with a TD ratio
not to exceed 46%.*
The maximum grant may not exceed the lifetime $7,500 limit.
*Certain circumstances will result in unequal combination loan / grant amounts
(e.g. applicants requesting less than $2,000 or greater than $15,000).
Paragraph 12.4 Applicant Eligibility [7 CFR 3550.103]
Exhibit 12-1
ram T
e Eli
Adjusted Household Income Age TD Ratio Eligible Amount
Up to 30% AMI 62 or n/a Grant up to $7,500 Limit
Greater than 30% AMI 62 or Exceeds 46% Grant up to $7,500 Limit
Greater than 30% AMI 62 or
< 46% Loan/Grant Combination for
equal amounts (minimum $1,000
loan; maximum $7,500 grant)
Any very-low income AMI Any Less than
Maximum $20,000 Loan
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Example 1 - Maddie is 82 years old with an adjusted household income equal to
38% of AMI and a TD ratio of 41%. She requested $7,500 in repair assistance for
eligible loan or grant purposes. Her income exceeds 30% AMI and shows adequate
repayment for Loan/Grant Combination. She is eligible for a 50% Loan/Grant
Combination, $3,750 loan and $3,750 grant.
Example 2 - Rowdy is 72 years old with an adjusted household income equal to
49% of AMI and a TD ratio of 39%. He is applying for $1,500 in repair assistance for
eligible loan or grant purposes. His income exceeds 30% AMI and shows adequate
repayment for a Loan/Grant Combination. He is eligible for 50% Loan/Grant
Combination; however, he must meet the $1,000 minimum loan requirement for
initial loans. Rowdy is eligible for a $1,000 loan and $500 grant.
Example 3 - Mary is 62 years old with an adjusted household income equal to
31% of AMI and a TD ratio of 25%. She is applying for $22,000 in repair assistance
for eligible loan or grant purposes. Her income exceeds 30% AMI and shows
adequate repayment for a 50% Loan/Grant Combination. She is eligible for a $14,500
loan and $7,500 grant.
Paragraph 12.4F Ownership of Property [7 CFR 3550.107]
Ownership of Property [7 CFR 3550.107]
The applicant must own and occupy the property to be eligible for Section 504 funds, and
must be able to document ownership, as described in Paragraph 5.11, with 3 exceptions.
First, the time restrictions for leasehold interests are different. In general, Section 502
loans must have a leasehold interest with an unexpired term that is at least 150 percent of the
term of the mortgage. For Section 504 loans, the property must be covered by a lease with an
unexpired portion of not less than 2 years beyond the term of the promissory note, and for grants,
the remaining lease period must be at least 5 years.
Second, a land purchase contract is acceptable if the applicant is current on all payments
and has the ability to remain current.
Third, if standard evidence of ownership, as described in Paragraph 5.11, is not available,
Section 504 loan/grant applicants may demonstrate ownership by presenting any of the
Records of the local taxing authority that show the applicant as owner and that
demonstrate that real estate taxes for the property are paid by the applicant;
Affidavits by others in the community stating that the applicant has occupied the
property as the apparent owner for a period of at least 10 years, and is generally
believed to be the owner; or
Any instrument, whether or not recorded, that is commonly considered evidence of
ownership, such as a deed or mortgage.
Property Requirements [7 CFR 3550.106(a)]
To be eligible for Section 504 funds, the property must be owner occupied and the
applicant’s sole and primary residence. The property must be considered typical and modest for
the area and must not be used for rental or other income producing purposes. However, Section
504 loan or grant funds may be used to improve a home on a property that has income-producing
land or a small business, as long as the loan or grant is only used to improve the applicant’s
The property must be deemed a single family housing residential unit. The agency will
not use 504 program funds to improve multi-family housing, or accessory dwelling units. An
accessory dwelling unit is a single family housing dwelling with an attached or detached living
quarters that operates independent of the primary unit located on the same site.
Paragraph 12.5 Property Eligibility
A modest dwelling may not have an estimated or appraised value in excess of the
applicable area loan limit or an in-ground swimming pool, unless waived by the State Director.
Waivers will be documented in the recipient’s electronic customer file or case folder and
reported to the Director, Single Family Housing Direct Loan Division for informational
Determining Property Value [7 CFR 3550.111]
The Loan Approval Official will determine whether an appraisal is needed to assure
adequate security exists for the proposed loan. Section 504 applicants are required to pay an
appraisal fee if an appraisal is deemed necessary. The cost of the appraisal fee is described in
Paragraph 5.22 and may be included in the 504 loan amount.
If an appraisal is not required, the value and the method used to develop the estimate
should be documented in the running record. Utilization of tax assessments, and real estate
websites such as Zillow.com, Trulia.com and Realtor.com may be considered as a tool to
estimate the value of security. Appraisals are required when issuing an adverse action
based on inadequate value of security.
Construction Standards [7 CFR 3550.106(c)]
Dwellings repaired with Section 504 loan or grant funds must remain modest and all
work must be completed in accordance with local codes and standards. They need not be
brought to Agency development standards, nor must all of the existing hazards be removed,
provided the property does not continue to have major health or safety hazards after the planned
repairs are made. Refer to Section 6, Chapter 5 for all construction management information.
Environmental Requirements
Section 504 loans and grants are subject to the same environmental requirements as
Section 502 loans, as described in Section 3 of Chapter 5.
Section 504 loans have an interest rate of 1 percent and a term of 20 years. Section 504
loans are amortized on a monthly basis. Annual payment terms are not permitted.
Maximum and Minimum Loan Amount
Loan and grant amounts should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. The maximum
and minimum loan that an individual applicant may receive is limited by the four (4) factors
discussed below:
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Paragraph 12.7 Maximum Loan and Grant Amounts [7 CFR 3550.112]
Outstanding loan amount. The sum of the outstanding balance on all Section 504
loans may not exceed $20,000 without an exception from the Deputy Administrator,
Single Family Housing.
Minimum Loan Amount. A minimum loan amount of $1,000 is required for all
initial borrowers.
Repayment ability. The applicant receiving a loan must demonstrate repayment
ability based on an analysis of the applicant’s TD ratio not to exceed 46%. Please
refer to Paragraph 4.22 (B) (2) Establishing TD, for guidance regarding calculating
total debt. Compensating factors may be approved by the Loan Approval Official
and exceed the TD ratio described in Paragraph 4.24A without approval by a next
level supervisor.
Eligible costs. The applicant can only receive loan funds to cover eligible costs. For
example, if the applicant has only $5,000 of eligible repairs to make, the maximum
loan allowed is $5,000.
Grant Limits
Grant amounts should be rounded to the nearest dollar. Grant funds are limited by three
Ability to repay a loan. A grant cannot be awarded unless the maximum level of
loans, as supported by a repayment calculation not to exceed of 46% TD ratio, or is
awarded in combination with a loan for an applicant age 62 or older.
Grant Award Limitation. The grant award is subject to the applicant’s adjusted
household income and median household income ratio.
Lifetime maximum. The lifetime grant assistance to any applicant cannot exceed a
cumulative total of $7,500.
Loan Approval
Notifications of secured loan approval utilize Form RD 3550-7, Funding Commitment
and Notification of Loan Closing. Notifications of unsecured loan approval or denial of credit
should be handled with use of Handbook Letter 12 (3550), Notification of Approval, and
Handbook Letter 15 (3550), Standardized Adverse Decision Letter, respectively. Preparation of
all forms needed to close the loan should be handled in accordance with Chapter 8.
Security Requirements
If the total Section 504 loan indebtedness is $7,500 or more, it must be secured by a
mortgage on the property. The Agency does not require first lien position, but the total of all
debts secured by the property must not exceed the property’s market value, except by the amount
of any required contributions to an escrow account for taxes and insurance and the tax service
Paragraph 12.8 Loan Approval and Closing [7 CFR 3550.108]
Loan Closing
Loans less than $7,500 may be closed by the Loan Originator or designee. Loans of
$7,500 and greater must be closed by a closing agent and are subject to the disclosures
requirements under the Truth in Lending Act and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Integrated Mortgage Disclosures (TRID). The process for selecting a closing agent is the same as
for a Section 502 loan and is detailed in Paragraph 8.4.
Grant Approval
Grant recipients should be notified by sending Handbook Letter 12(3550), Notification of
Approval (504 Grant and/or Loan).
Grant Repayment Agreements [7 CFR 3550.114]
Before any grant funds are disbursed, the recipient must sign Form RD 3550-24, Grant
Agreement. The agreement states that if a home repaired with a Section 504 grant is sold within
three (3) years of signing the grant agreement, the full amount of the grant must be repaid. In the
case of a life estate interest or an undivided ownership interest, as described in Paragraph 5.11, all
co-owners living or planning to live in the household must sign Form RD 3550-24. The original
Form RD 3550-24 should be filed with the promissory notes in a locked cabinet with a copy to the
recipient’s electronic customer file or case folder, and a copy provided to the recipient. Exhibit
12-2 illustrates owner and co-owner income, assets and signatures required for secured loans and
unsecured loans or grants.
Exhibit 12-2
Other Household
Verify Income Yes Yes No Yes
Verify Assets Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No No
Yes Yes
Yes or
*Undivided interests, life estates and other jointly held property not
exceeding 50 percent of ownership, may be excluded by the State
Director if permitted by State law for secured loans. See Paragraph 5.11.
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Paragraph 12.9 Grant Approval and Disbursement
Documentation of Grants
In order to ensure that applicants do not receive more than the maximum
allowable grant assistance of $7,500, the Loan Originator must document the amount of any prior
grant provided to each grantee. Since 1998, grant records have been maintained in MortgageServ.
A list of grants closed prior to 1998 will be retained in the operational file folder 3550-C "Section
504 Grantee List." When processing grant applications for individuals born prior to 1936, both
MortgageServ and the operational file folder will be checked to document if prior assistance was
received. For all other grant applications, a MortgageServ check is sufficient.
ESCROW, TAXES, AND INSURANCE [7 CFR 3550.109, 7 CFR 3550.110]
If the total outstanding indebtedness is more than $15,000, Section 504 borrowers are
responsible for furnishing and maintaining hazard insurance, as described in Section 3 of Chapter
7. If funds are not escrowed through another lender to pay for taxes and insurance, the borrower
must contribute the appropriate amount to an escrow account managed by the Agency. Escrow is
also not required where the security property includes a farm and the property is not subdivided
between the farm and non-farm tract unless the housing represents the majority of the value of the
security property or it is in the Agency’s best interest. Flood insurance is required in Special
Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) throughout the term of a loan, except for loans with an original
principal balance of $5,000 or less. For grants of more than $5,000, flood insurance is required
when the grant is approved, unless grant funds will be used to obtain the insurance.
This section generally refers to work being done which is less complex than new dwelling
construction such as subsequent loans, and unsecured Section 504 loans and grants. Typically, the
repairs, improvements, or minor rehabilitation (work) discussed within this section would be able
to be completed within 30 days of it commencing.
Communicating the Standards
The applicant needs to be aware of the standards the local jurisdiction has in place for
repairs or improvements to their home before the design or bid process progresses.
Contractors should be provided with a scope of work by the applicant to ensure that the
repair estimates for labor and materials are consistent with the homeowners’ expectations. If
application fees and permits are required, the scope of work will identify the party responsible
for submitting the permit fees and approval from the local jurisdiction.
Paragraph 12.11 Managing Repairs and Minor Rehabilitation
Selecting the Contractor
While a list of approved contractors should not be maintained, the Agency may provide
applicants with sound advice on selecting a contractor (e.g. encouraging competitive bids,
checking references, Better Business Bureau, etc.). The Loan Originator should discuss any
concerns from their initial review with the homeowner in order to assist with their decision on
selecting their contractor(s) to make the repairs, or improvements to their dwelling. The Loan
Originator should document in the running record which contractor(s) the homeowner selected.
The contractor must have a valid contractor’s license if required by the local jurisdiction,
and such license must be documented by the Loan Originator. In many cases, the applicant will
have a contractor in mind. Detailed specifications are not required however; the contractor’s bid
should include a breakdown of materials and labor and describe the quantity, quality, grades,
styles, model numbers, etc. to identify the work and materials to be furnished.
The applicant will provide an adequate number of bid(s) from a qualified contractor(s).
The local office must review the bid(s) obtained to ensure costs are reasonable for the area
serviced and the number of bid(s) are sufficient. The bid(s) must be detailed to include cost of
material, size, quantity and manufacturer. Refer to Paragraph 5.26 for guidance and requirements
on minor rehabilitation.
Pre-Construction Conference
Once the funding has been obligated, the Agency, the applicant(s), and the contractor(s)
are required to hold a pre-construction conference using Attachment 12-F, Pre-Construction
Conference prior to work commencing. The purpose of the conference is to ensure that each party
understands their respective roles and responsibilities. The parties should review the contract or
accepted contractors bid/proposal, start date, estimated completion date, requirements and
specifications to ensure all parties understand the scope of work, construction/thermal standards,
environmental mitigation requirements, fees, materials, inspection requirements, change orders,
responsibilities for access, cleanup, and payment procedures.
Construction Contract
Written contracts using Form RD 1924-6, “Construction Contract” are strongly
recommended for all rehabilitation-related construction and are required if the construction work
will affect the dwelling’s structural integrity (widening doorways, removing walls, foundation
work, termite/water damage, etc.). A contract or bid not exceeding $10,000 may use, Form RD
1924-6, “Construction Contract” however; but it is not required. Contractors commonly have bid
acceptance language at the bottom of their bid proposals, regardless the homeowner’s signature is
required as it binds the agreement (contract). The applicant and contractor must sign the
contract(s) or bid/proposal no later than at the pre-construction conference. If there are multiple
contracts or bids, Form RD 1924-1, Development Plan with cost estimates and bid specifications
must be used. Separate contracts and arrangements which split responsibility of contractors
(multiple small contracts at the same time), should be avoided whenever it is practical to do so.
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Once the contract or bid has been accepted and/or signed, the pre-construction
conference has been held, the work may begin. Generally, the complexity of most repairs and
minor rehabilitation will not require periodic inspections by Agency staff. The homeowner and
contractor should communicate with Agency staff any unforeseen issues that arise which could
increase costs or jeopardize timely completion.
Inspecting the Work
The homeowner will be responsible for making inspections necessary to protect
their interest. Agency inspections, or acceptable alternatives are to ensure the funds were
used for the completion of the improvements, minor rehabilitation, or repairs as outlined without
implication of duty or obligation to the homeowner. The inspection(s) may be conducted on-site
by Agency Staff utilizing Form RD 1924-12, Inspection Report, or by alternative methods such
as photos, videos, and written reports provided to the Loan Originator
Qualified third-party inspectors may be used when on-site inspections or alternative
methods are not feasible. The cost for these services may also be reimbursed to the homeowner
with loan or grant funds. Because of additional costs to the homeowner, payment for qualified
third-party inspectors is not the preferred method. If inspections are conducted by a third party,
the inspector should submit periodic inspection reports to the Agency.
Payment Upon Completion
1. Payment Options
Before the Loan Originator initiates payment, they must ensure that the homeowner is
satisfied with the work completed. The homeowners acceptance of work completed must be
documented on Form RD 1924-9, Certificate of Contractors Release prior to issuance of
payment. The number and timing of inspections varies by the type and extent of work performed.
Once work has commenced, there are two payment options. The first and preferred
method is lump sum payment upon completion of work. The second is multiple advances
for work in place in accordance with HB 1-3550, Paragraph 5.26 C. Multiple advances are
used to pay the contractor for work completed and calculated not to exceed 60% of the value
of work in place for that portion of the contract (i.e.; contract $10,000, 25% of work
completed, calculated as: 0.25 x $10,000 x 0.60 = $1,500 payment). When payment is
made to multiple contracts, advances can be performed in lump sum to pay each contractor
for work in place.
Required Forms
The Loan Originator determines acceptability of documentation submitted showing
completion of repairs and documents running record accordingly.
Paragraph 12.12 Commencement of Work
1. For unsecured loans and grants the following documents should be submitted
prior to final payment.:
Form RD 1924-9, Certificate of Contractor’s Release including an applicant/owner
signature(s) confirming their acceptance of the work.
Photos of the completed work as provided by the owner or contractor,
A copy of a third-party inspection (if applicable).
2. For secured loans Loan Originator must receive the following documentation
prior to final payment:
Form RD 1924-9, Certificate of Contractor’s Release including an applicant/owner
signature(s) confirming their acceptance of the work
Form RD 1924-10, Release by Claimants, or similar
Form RD 1924-19, Builder’s Warranty, or similar
Form RD 1924-12, Inspection Report, or a copy of a third-party inspection (if
applicable) or photos of the completed work as provided by the owner or contractor.
Borrower Method [RD Instruction 1924-A, 1924.6 (b)]
Borrower method can be used when the construction method is not feasible, and the
borrower demonstrates the capacity and experience to oversee the construction process. This
method increases risk for the agency and provides the least amount of coverage to the borrower. If
this method is utilized, the total development of rehabilitation and repairs cannot exceed $5,000. A
detailed estimate of labor and materials should be obtained in writing, with the exception for
amounts less than $100. The Agency has two payment options:
Checks can be made payable directly to the laborers and the seller for equipment and
materials furnished, or
Checks can be issued to the owner, if the owner has paid for labor/material out of
pocket and obtained all the signatures of the workers who performed labor on Form RD
1924-11, “Statement of Labor Performed”.
The following documentation should be completed prior to final payment:
Form RD 1924-1, Development Plan,
Form RD 1924-11, Statement of Labor Performed for each worker involved in
performing borrower method paid labor,
Itemized invoice from the contractor to include all equipment and materials furnished,
Homeowners’ written acceptance of the completed work,
Photos of the completed work provided by the owner.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
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Once work is satisfactorily completed, the Agency will release the final payment to the
homeowner and their contractor. The homeowner is party to the contract and therefore responsible
to pay their contractor. Before payment occurs, the Loan Originator ensures that the work has been
accepted by the homeowner. If construction or rehabilitation work cannot be completed because
the contractor is unable or unwilling to do so, (even with the Agency’s assistance), loan funds will
be applied to reduce the borrower’s principal balance. Grant funds will be returned to the NFAOC.
If the homeowner refuses to pay the contractor due to a dispute or unsatisfactory
workmanship, the Agency or a third-party inspector will perform an on-site inspection. The
undisbursed funds will be processed in the following manner:
If litigation is pending, the Agency will consult with the Office of the General Counsel
prior to disbursing or returning funds.
If litigation is not pending, the Agency will return remaining funds to be applied to the
borrower’s loan or grant amount. Once funds have been disbursed or returned, loans must
be converted to permanent accounts on the first of the following month. The homeowner
should also be advised of their contractual obligations, and may wish to seek their own
legal counsel.
Funds Remaining After Completion [RD Instruction 1951-A, 1951.11(b)(3)]
Funds remaining after completion of construction
and disbursement payment to the contractor, may either
be returned as unused funds or used toward an eligible
repair. Loan funds returned will be curtailed to principal.
However; if a borrower received a combination loan and
grant, the remaining funds will first be returned to reduce
the grant amount. A notice informing the borrower of
their right to appeal must be issued within 10 days of the
determination to return unused funds. The remaining
funds must be returned within 90 days.
Disbursement [DLOS Manual Chapter 8]
Loans and grants can be disbursed utilizing either multiple draws or single check
disbursement (lump-sum payment). For larger or long-term construction/rehabilitation projects
(exceeding 30 days) a supervised bank account may be necessary for multiple disbursements.
When ordering multiple draws for loan-grant combinations, additional draws on the grant
portion cannot be performed once the loan has been fully disbursed. To order multiple draws, the
purpose code on the registration screen in Unifi must be coded 40 (construction loan). This code
will transfer to the new loan screen in MortgageServ which should reflect a close code of “5” and
verified during loan closing.
Example - Joe Smith receives
$6,000 in combination loan and
grant assistance ($2,000 loan
and $4,000 grant funds). The
repairs are completed and
invoiced at only $4,000, less
than the original contract price.
The remaining $2,000 will be
returned as unused funds to
reduce the grant (not the loan).
Paragraph 12.13 Closeout Process
Cancellation of Funds
Partial or full cancellation of loan and grant funds can be performed in accordance with
DLOS Manual Chapter 8. If a Treasury Check is held by the Agency, it must be voided and
returned to NFAOC with form RD 3550-17, “Funds Transmittal Report”. The following reason
codes may be used on the Funds Transmittal Report:
05 Cancellation of Treasury Funds (loan or grant)
20 Principal Curtailment
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Attachment 12-A
Page 1 of 1
Note: This attachment summarizes key requirements to assist the reader in comparing Section
504 loans and grants. It is not a comprehensive description of all requirements.
Topic Section 504 Loan Section 504 Grant
Use of Funds
May be used to: (1) improve or
modernize; (2) make dwelling
decent, safe, and sanitary;
(3) remove hazards.
Cannot be used for acquisition or
new construction. Specific
prohibitions are listed in
Paragraph 12.2 A.
May be used only to remove health
and safety hazards or to make
dwelling accessible to household
member with disabilities.
Drug-Free Workplace N/A Applicants must certify that they
will not engage in the unlawful
manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession, or use of a
controlled substance in conducting
any activity with the grant.
Credit Reports Required for all applicants with
adjusted income exceeding 30%
AMI but no fee charged.
Age of Applicant N/A 62 or older
Leaseholds The property must be covered by a
lease with an unexpired portion of
not less than 2 years beyond the
term of the promissory note.
The remaining lease period must be
at least 5 years.
Appraisals Fee charged if appraisal completed. N/A
Maximum Assistance $20,000 outstanding at one time. $7,500 lifetime limit.
Security If Section 504 loan is >or equal to
$7,500, a mortgage is required.
No security required.
Insurance If indebtedness >$15,000, property
insurance is required.
Flood insurance is required in
Special Flood Hazard Areas
(SFHA)> $5,000.
Flood insurance is required in
SFHA at grant approval for grants
of >$5,000.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (10-05-17) PN 504
Attachment 12-B
Page 1 of 4
Note: This attachment summarizes key requirements to assist the reader in comparing Section
502 and 504 loans. It is not a comprehensive description of all requirements.
Topic Section 502 Loan Section 504 Loan
Program Purpose Assist applicants who are not
homeowners to become
Assist current homeowners with
necessary improvements and
Processing Priorities Multiple priorities may apply.
Applications that meet special
criteria are processed
immediately upon funding
Multiple priorities apply, but
applications for assistance to
remove health and safety hazards
receive first priority processing.
Veteran’s preference is used for
applications with the equivalent
priority status received on the
same day.
Eligible Purposes In general, funds may be used to
buy, build, rehabilitate, improve,
or relocate an eligible dwelling
and provide related facilities for
the borrower to personally
No initial loans for repair of
manufactured homes.
Remove health and safety
hazards. Repair or remodel
dwelling to make more accessible
and useable for a household
member with a disability.
General repairs to improve or
modernize a home.
Repair mobile or manufactured
homes with a permanent
Income Applicant income must not
exceed low-income limit at loan
approval and must not exceed
moderate-income limit at loan
Applicant income must not
exceed the very low-income limit
at loan approval and closing.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (10-05-17) PN 504
Attachment 12-B
Page 2 of 4
Topic Section 502 Loan Section 504 Loan
Credit Requirements
Credit history must demonstrate
ability and willingness to pay.
Costs for credit reports are
charged to applicant.
Applicants must have a credit
history that indicates a
reasonable ability and
willingness to meet debt
obligations. Costs for credit
reports are not charged to the
Asset Requirements Applicants are required to
contribute nonretirement assets
exceeding $15,000 ($20,000 for
elderly households) toward the
purchase of the property.
Same as Section 502, except
nonretirement assets include only
assets that can be converted to
cash within 90 days.
Repayment Ability Applicants must show repayment
ability based on PITI and TD
Applicants must show repayment
ability based on a TD ratio of
46% or less.
Ownership The applicant need not own the
A leasehold must have an
unexpired term of at least 150%
of the term of the mortgage,
unless the loan is guaranteed by a
public authority, Indian tribe, or
Indian Housing Authority.
No exceptions on ownership
The applicant must own the
A leasehold must have an
unexpired term of at least 2 years
beyond the loan term.
If standard evidence of
ownership is unavailable,
exceptions may be made.
Attachment 12-B
Page 3 of 4
Topic Section 502 Loan Section 504 Loan
Area Loan Limit Individual exceptions are
Individual exceptions are
Property Standards The property must meet the
Agency’s site and dwelling
The property: (1) need not be
brought to Agency development
standards; (2) need not have all
hazards removed; but (3) must
have all major hazards removed.
Appraisals An appraisal is required when the
debt is to be secured and prior
liens exceed $15,000. Applicants
are required to pay an appraisal
fee which may be included in the
The Loan Official determines
when an appraisal is needed.
Applicants are required to pay an
appraisal fee which may be
included in the loan.
Interest Rate and Loan Terms The applicable Rural Housing
(RH) Section 502 low or
moderate interest rate in effect at
loan approval or closing,
whichever is lower. Standard
term is 33 years; some applicants
may qualify for a 38 year term.
Borrowers may be eligible for
payment subsidies that reduce the
effective interest rate.
1 percent interest rate and a
standard loan term of 20 years.
Loan Amount Total secured indebtedness must
not exceed the area loan limit or
the market value by more than 5
Total secured indebtedness must
not exceed the area loan limit or
the market value limitation.
The outstanding balance on the
sum of all Section 504 loans
cannot exceed $20,000.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (10-05-17) PN 504
Attachment 12-B
Page 4 of 4
Topic Section 502 Loan Section 504 Loan
Loan Closing Loans must be closed by a
closing agent.
Unsecured loans less than $7,500
may be closed by the Loan
Originator or a designee.
Security First liens are generally required,
but Agency interests may be
subordinated in some
First lien position is not required.
Insurance Requirements If indebtedness is greater than
$15,000, property insurance is
If indebtedness is greater than
$15,000, property insurance is
Attachment 12-C
Page 1 of 5
(This document should be filed in position 1)
Applicant: Co-Applicant:
Review application for completeness within 3 business days of receipt. Call or write the applicant to request any
missing information. Follow up with a letter advising applicant of a 15-day deadline for submission or the
application will be withdrawn, or a 30-day deadline to obtain repair bid(s). Mark files as inactive until complete.
(HB-1, 3.6)
3 RD 410-4, Uniform Residential Loan Application, include information sheet similar to
Attachment 3-D and RD 3550-1, Authorization to Release Information (HB-1, 3.5)
3 Infile Credit Report (HB-1, 3.3, 4.11)
If a secured loan application is subject to TRID, forward the following documents as applicable
to the applicant within 3 business days of receipt of the application (HB-1, 3.8):
CFPB’s “Your home loan toolkit: A step-by-step guide”
2 CFPB’s Loan Estimate form
2 Attachment 3-I, Settlement Service Providers List & Mortgage App. Related
2 For an unsecured loan, send RD 1940-41, Truth in Lending Statement. Date Returned:
3 Check Treasury’s DNP portal, and file in applicant file (HB-1, 4.11, 12.4B)
3 Check MortgageServ’s “SSN CROSS REFERENCE” softlink key (HB-1, 4.11, 12.9C)
3 Check list for 504 Grant recipients born prior to 1936 for prior assistance ($7,500 lifetime limit)
and document in running record (HB-1, 12.9C)
3 Identification and Verification of age (grants only) (HB-1, 4.21)
Evidence of age Taxpayer’s ID number Photo ID
5 Evidence of homeownership and occupancy: (copy of Deed, RE Tax Bill, etc.) (HB-1 12.4F)
6 Verify eligibility of subject property. (HB-1, 5.1)
3 Enter application complete date in stage updating of UniFi and on Form RD 410-4
4 Funds Available; send HB Letter 11, Request Information (HB-1, 3.13)
4 Funds Not Available; send HB Letter 2, Funds Not Available (HB-1, 3.12)
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (10-05-17) PN 504
Attachment 12-C
Page 2 of 5
3 Document repayment ability, TD ratio does not exceed 46% without documented compensating
factors (HB-1, 12.7).
3 RD 1910-5, Request for Verification of Employment – if paystubs are not available (HB-1, 4.3):
If no response in 14 days, call employer to follow up and document the discussion
3 Other Income/Asset documentation (HB-1, 4.3, 4.5):
Public Assistance Self-employment income
Child Support/Alimony Social Security/VA Benefits
Unemployment Benefits Pensions/Annuities
Latest two Federal Income Taxes with W-2s and applicable schedules
RD 3550-4, Employment and Asset Certification Other
Two (2) most recent asset statements (bank accounts, retirement funds, etc._)
3 Automated Worksheet for Computing Income and 504 Eligibility
3 Deduction documentation (HB-1, 4.4):
Child Care Educational Assistance Expenses
Elderly/Disabled (RD 1944-4, if applicable) Full-time Student status
Medical Expenses
Minor Dependent
3 Separation/Divorce/Paternity/Property Settlement Agreement, if applicable
3 Tri-Merge Credit Report (TMCR) documentation (Only loans $7,500 or greater)
[no grants] – no charge to the applicant) (HB-1, 4.12 & 12.4):
Report: Requested Received
Document in item 19 of RD 410-4
Credit Scores: Applicant Co-Applicant
3 Credit score is less than 620 (HB-1, 12.4B):
Applicant Reference Letter (RD 410-8)
Credit History Worksheet (1944-61)
3 RD 3550-2, Request for Verification of Gift/Gift Letter, if applicable - (HB-1, 4.3 & 6.15)
3 Document applicant lacks personal resources and meets non-retirement asset limitations
($15,000; $20,000 for elderly households) (HB-1, 4.6, 6.10, and 12.4C)
3 Citizenship status (if not a citizen, see HB-1-3550, Attachment 4-D (S.A.V.E.) (HB-1. 4.20)
3 Document Eligibility on originally submitted Application - item 17. Update UniFi/Stage
2 RD 3550-23, Applicant Orientation Guide (HB-1, 4.26 loans only)
2 If changed circumstances occur, issue revised Loan Estimate within 3 business days of receiving new
information, but no later than 4 business days prior to loan consummation.
Attachment 12-C
Page 3 of 5
3 Property eligibility determination (document with Automated Worksheet for Computing Income
and 504 Eligibility) (HB-1, 12.3) Method used: (site visit, online resources)
6 Verify the subject property’s address using the USDA address verification site. Result code
must be 1 or 2; or researched, verified, and documented if not. Enter verified address in UniFi.
(HB-1, 5.1) (http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/addressVerification)
6 Checklist for Evaluation of Existing Dwelling (HB-1, 12.3, Attachment 12-D), if applicable.
6 Photographs of property and essential repairs (before and after). (HB-1, 12.12)
8 Appraisal Report, or document Statement of Value (HB-1, 12.5B)
8 RD 1922-15, Administrative Appraisal Review for Single Family Housing - within 7 days of
appraisal (HB-1, 5.21); Reviewed and Accepted (initial and date)
6 Lead Based Paint (LBP) Compliance Key and Print Out (houses built prior to 1978)
3 RD Instruction 1970-B, Exhibit D, “Environmental Checklist for Categorical Exclusions”
(1970-B & HB-1, 5.8)
3 FEMA’s Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form (HB-1, 5.8 & 1970-F)
3 FEMA’s Elevation Certificate Form, (HB-1, 5.8 & 1970-F), if substantial rehabilitation
3 Private Party Notice Regarding Flood Hazards, as applicable (HB-1, 5.8 & 1970-F)
3 RD 3550-6, Notice of Special Flood Hazards, Flood Insurance Purchase Requirements, and
Availability of Federal Disaster Relief Assistance, as applicable (mail 10 days prior to closing)
(HB-1, 5.8)
5 _______Check contractor(s) in the DNP portal and place a copy in applicant’s file
6 Attachment 12-F. Pre-Construction Conference (HB-1, 12.3)
6 RD 1924-7, Contract Change Order, if applicable
7 ________ Review detailed bid(s) from contractor(s) itemized costs to include labor and materials (HB-1,
5.25) or use 1924-6, Construction Contract and RD 1924-7, Contract Change Order, if
6 RD 1924-1, Development Plan
6 RD 1924-9, Certificate of Contractor’s Release
6 RD 1924-10, Release by Claimants if subcontractors are used
6 ________ Pictures of repairs before and after
CONTRACTS > $10,000
6 RD 1924-6, Construction Contract
6 ________Ex C, RD Inst. 1901-E (HB-1, 12.11) DOL within 10 days, DOL website
6 “400 Series” (400-1, 400-3, 400-6, posters) (HB-1, 5.25),
2 RD 402-1, Deposit Agreement and RD 402-2, Statement of Deposits and Withdrawals, if
6 RD 1924-12, Inspection Report (HB-1, 12.12) if an on-site visit was necessary
6 RD 1924-9, Certificate of Contractor’s Release
6 RD 1924-10, Release by Claimants, if applicable
6 RD 1924-11, Statement of Labor Performed (borrower method only)
6 RD 1924-19, Builder’s Warranty (HB-1, 5.27), if construction contract used
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Attachment 12-C
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3 Reverify income - if over 120 days old (HB-1, 8.6)
2 Verify UniFi Program Type Code (must match income type) Program Type Code:
2 Update all screens in MortgageServ before uploading file; check Display History Screen for
correct loan / grant amount.
4 If rejected, use HB Letter 15 (3550), Standardized Adverse Decision Letter, and attach review
& appeal rights (HB-1, 1.9 & 8.2)
2 RD 3550-7, Funding Commitment and Notification of Loan Closing – issued when secured
loan funds are obligated in MortgageServ (if not accepted and returned in 15 days, deobligate)
(HB-1, 8.2)
4 Handbook Letter 12 (3550), Notification of Approval – issued when unsecured loan and/or
grant funds are obligated in MortgageServ.
2 Obligate through MortgageServ (HB-1, 8.7).
5 RD 1927-4, Transmittal of Title Information (HB-1, 8.4)
5 Title Insurance required for loans $7,500 or greater (HB-1, 8.4)
5 RD 1927-9, Preliminary Title Opinion (loans $7,500 or greater), as applicable (HB-1, 8.4)
7 Hazard Insurance Binder & Receipt for 1
year premium for loans $15,000 or greater
(HB-1, 7.12)
7 Flood Insurance Binder & Receipt for 1
year premium required for properties located in Special
Flood Hazard Area (Loans and grants $5,000 or greater)
5 Review Title Insurance Binder/Preliminary Title Opinion and verify legal description is correct
If exceptions noted affect the security value, loan cannot close (HB-1, 8.5)
7 RD 3550-15, Tax Information loans $15,000 or greater (HB-1, 7.10)
5 RD 3550-9, Initial Escrow Account Disclosure Statement, loans $15,000 or greater
(HB-1, 7.5 & 12.10)
5 RD 3550-25, Loan Closing Instructions and Loan Closing Statement – for loans $7,500 or
greater (should include documents to be signed at closing) (HB-1, 8.11)
2 RD 3550-17, Funds Transmittal Report for tax service & appraisal fees, escrow funds, etc.
(copy in Collections Operational File) (1951-B, if applicable)
5 RD 3550-19, Transmittal-Closing Documents & Attachments, as applicable
(Grant documents are not sent to NFAOC) (HB-1, 8.11)
3 RD 410-4, Uniform Residential Loan Application - PRINTED FROM UniFi
3 Check the contractor using Treasury’s DNP portal print hard copies for file (1940-M)
5 RD 1927-5 “Affidavit Regarding Work of Improvement” (if required by State Supplement)
send blank to closing (1927-B, 1927.58)
2 RD 1940-16, Promissory Note (original in safe) - all loans (HB-1, 8.9)
5 Closing Disclosure (HB-1, 8.5), review for compliance with tolerance limits (secured loans)
Attachment 12-C
Page 5 of 5
2 RD 1940-41, Truth in Lending Statement – if applicable for an unsecured loan (HB-1, 3.8B)
2 RD 1940-43, Notice of Right to Cancel - if secured loan (HB-1, 8.6)
5 RD 3550-14, Real Estate Mortgage or Deed of Trust for (State) – ($7,500 or greater – sent
blank) (HB-1, 8.11)
5 RD 1927-10, Final Title Opinion, if applicable
5 RD 1927-8, Agreement with Prior Lienholder, if applicable (HB-1, 8.6)
2 RD 3550-24, Grant Agreement (original in safe; copy in case file) (HB-1, 12.9)
5 RD 3550-29, Document Errors and Omissions Agreement (HB-1. Attachment 8-A)
5 Verify closing documents faxed to NFAOC in required time frame (HB-1, 8.11)
Verify proper lien position.
Post 1 month follow-up for recorded Real Estate Mortgage.
Post follow-up for Title Insurance Policy (60 days) or Final Title Opinion (14 days).
(If not received, contact Closing Agent by mail with a copy of the letter to the insurance
2 Activate loan (wait until the rescission period has expired, if applicable)
5 Review final Loan Estimate & Closing Disclosure for tolerance violations. Cure violation within
60 days of closing.
5 RD 3550-25 – Loan Approval Official approves after all forms are returned, reviewed, and
correct (HB-1, 8.11 secured loans)
2 Delinquent/Lienholder Screen – complete MortgageServ screen for each leveraged partner
Include forgivable loans from CDCs and Non-Profits
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (08-29-19) PN 527
Attachment 12-D
Page 1 of 2
Owner-Occupant Name Property Address
Co-Owner Occupant Name Account Number
Mark the appropriate box to indicate the condition of each element.
Health /
1. Entry, Exit, Walkway and Driveway. Porches, stairs, decks are sound and free
of deterioration. Handrails are required for extended stairs generally four or more
consecutive steps. Walkways, porches and decks pose no safety hazards and provides
adequate accessibility for a household member with a disability, if applicable.
2. Exterior Walls. Exterior walls do not exhibit signs of structural fatigue, failure,
or excessive bowing. The siding is free of any rot or paint that is loose, peeling,
chipping, scaling, or cracking. Vinyl or aluminum siding is free of mildew. Brick or
stone veneer is sound and exhibits no displacement.
3. Utilities. The property is connected to a water/septic system that is approvable by
an appropriate public agency. The system is adequate for the size of the property and
is performing satisfactorily. The dwelling has adequate, safe, dependable utilities
with no evidence of malfunction.
4. Foundation. The foundation is structurally sound with no evidence of defects such
as cracks, bowing or moisture intrusion. If a deficiency is noted, describe the nature
of the deficiency and report necessary repairs, alterations or required inspections to
alleviate the deficiency. Gutters, downspouts and grading are functioning adequately
and provide proper drainage, if applicable.
5. Roof. The roof is satisfactory and free of serious defects such as buckling,
sagging, holes, leaking and is expected to last a minimum of 2 years.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (10-05-17) PN 504
Attachment 12-D
Page 2 of 2
Health /
6. Interior walls, framing and trim. Structurally sound and are exhibiting
no signs of bowing, sagging, or deterioration.
7. Windows. Windows are functional, adequate and energy efficient
exhibiting no obvious signs of deterioration.
8. Framing. Floor, subflooring, ceiling joists and partition framing are sound
and exhibit no structural deficiencies.
9. Floor covering. Structurally sound and without presence of cracks, holes,
buckling, damage, heavily worn or soiled.
10. Plumbing. Functionally adequate water pressure, flow and waste
removal. Water heater and sump pump are functional. Plumbing fixtures
exhibits no evidence of leaks, damage.
11. Heating and Air Conditioning. Functionally adequate
12. Electrical Wiring. Functionally adequate.
Additional Comments:
Reviewer Signature Date
Attachment 12-E
Page 1 of 2
Applicant Name: Phone: Cell:
Co-Applicant Name: Phone: Cell:
Applicant Email: Co-Applicant Email:
Preferred contact? Mail: Phone: Cell: Email:
REQUIRED FORMS: Please submit the following documentation:
Form 410-4, “Uniform Residential Loan Application” complete, sign and date pages 5 & 8.
Form 3550-1 “Authorization to Release Information” for each adult household member.
Form 3550-4, “Employment & Asset Certification” for each adult household member.
Verification of all household income. To qualify for the program, a household’s adjusted
income must be within the established income limit based on size and location. Below are
some examples of income that may be applicable to all household members and what should
be provided to the Agency.
Copies of the last four week’s consecutive pay stubs.
Copies of recent benefit statements for regular unearned income (such as social
security, public assistance, retirement income, etc.).
Last 12 month payment history of alimony and/or child support received as provided
by the court appointed entity responsible for handling payments. If this is not
available, a copy of the separation agreement or divorce decree.
For each applicant, a complete copy of their last two signed and filed Federal Income Tax
Returns. IRS Form W-2, “Wage and Tax Statement,” and/or IRS Form 1099-MISC,
“Miscellaneous Income”, must be attached. For returns mailed to the IRS, provide a copy of
the signed document. For returns filed electronically, include a copy of the signature page
with the Self-Select PIN, confirmation that the return was accepted, or evidence that it was
filed by an authorized E-File provider.
For each applicant, a signed IRS Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (08-29-19) PN 527
Attachment 12-E
Page 2 of 2
For each non-retired applicant, a written explanation of employment history of less than two
years or employment gaps in excess of 30 days within the last two years.
For each applicant, a copy of their two most recent asset/bank statements. (Note that if you
are obtaining this information through online banking, you should print your bank statement,
as opposed to printing the online transaction history.)
For each applicant, a written explanation for late payments, collections, judgments, or other
derogatory items in their credit history of which they may be aware. If applicants are unsure
what their credit history looks like, they can obtain a free credit report by calling 1-877-322-
8228 or logging into http://www.annualcreditreport.com. By law, individuals are entitled to
receive one free credit file disclosure every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer
credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. This free report cannot
replace the credit report that the Agency will obtain to determine eligibility.
For each applicant, verification of their identity. A copy of a Government-issued photo
identification, evidence of date of birth (only required if not listed on the photo
For a household member who is a full-time student and 18 years of age or older, a copy of
their school transcript.
If applicable, provide written evidence of child care expenses for dependents 12 years of age
or younger.
If applicable, evidence of out of pocket annual medical expenses (for applicants 62 years of
age and older, or individuals with a disability) who wish to be considered for a deduction to
household income.
Evidence of Ownership: Copy of Deed, or other documentation.
Tax Statement: Most recent property tax assessment and annual statement, if applicable.
Insurance: Evidence of homeowner’s hazard or flood coverage, if applicable.
Repair Bid(s) including an itemized description of repairs, material, labor, and a copy of
Contractor’s license, if applicable.
Mortgage Statement: Most recent copy of mortgage statement, if applicable.
Photos of repair(s) and the front and back of property.
Attachment 12-F
Page 1 of 2
Owner Name(s): Contractor:
A Pre-Construction Conference was held ( ) in person, ( ) by telephone on
to review the contract/bid and/or specifications dated for work to be completed and
performed at the property address, .
The Contractor will start work on , and will complete the work by .
Although Rural Development (RD) is interested in the proper completion of the work, RD is
not and will not become a party to the contract nor incur any liability thereunder.
Parties involved have reviewed the plans and specifications/bid and understand the scope of
work, construction standards, environmental requirements, materials, liquidated damages,
inspections, change orders and payment procedures.
The Contractor will submit evidence (i.e. unconditional lien waivers) that all payrolls, labor,
equipment and material bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid
and at completion of the Contract, will furnish and sign Form RD 1924-10 “Release of
Claimants”, Form RD 1924-9 “Certificate of Contractor’s Release”, and RD 1924-19
“Builders Warranty” (or similar documentation).
Acceptance by the Owner will not relieve the Contractor of obligation to the Owner to
discharge any and all liens for the benefit of subcontractors, laborers, material, person, or any
other persons performing labor upon the work or furnishing material or machinery for the
work covered by this contract, which have attached to or may subsequently attach to the
property, or interest of the Owner.
All notices, consents, or other acts to be given or done hereunder shall be valid only if in
Disputes in the construction and/or completion of the contract will be resolved between the
Owner and the Contractor with RD remaining informed by both parties.
Should a dispute arise between the Contractor and Owner, the Contractor will have 90
days to complete court proceedings. If these actions are not taken within this timeframe,
RD will return funding obligated toward the project and the Owner will be responsible for
the decision rendered by the judge.
Owner is responsible to monitor progress of proposed repairs, approve payments to
contractor as specified in contract, and attend final inspection. Owners are responsible for
property inspections, to address any faulty or defect in work or nonconformance with the
contract and provide written notice to RD to protect their own interests.
(01-23-03) SPECIAL PN
Revised (08-29-19) PN 527
Attachment 12-F
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Contractor’s responsibilities include obtaining and displaying posters and permits as
required, perform work in accordance with approved plans, specifications and apply
for preapproval for contract change orders if necessary. Notify owner and RD when
work is complete. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain and furnish RD with all
permits, inspections and approvals required by the local code department. Be advised that
should human remains, historic or cultural resources be uncovered during excavation or site
development, all work must be stopped until an additional environmental analysis is
RD’s responsibility is to protect the government’s interest, monitor progress of construction,
authorize partial payments, final payments, and authorize contract change orders. RD
inspections do not create or imply duty or obligation to the owner and are conducted to
determine whether the property provides adequate security and dwelling requirements.
Check the applicable:
Contract is in excess of $10,000 and subject to Executive Order 11246, as amended. Form
RD 400-1 has been executed by the Owner, Form RD 400-3 has been issued by the Agency
along with applicable posters to be displayed at the job site, and Form RD 400-6 has been
executed by the Contractor. Established affirmative action goals for women and minority
construction participation are included in the contract, or;
Contract is not in excess of $10,000 and is not subject to EO 11246.
Contractor and subcontractors (if applicable) greater than $25,000 sums have executed Form
AD 1048, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility” in accordance
with EO 12549; or
Contract sum is $25,000 or less and Form AD 1048 is not required.
Form RD 1924-25, “Plan Certification” is required and has been completed; or
Form RD 1924-25, “Plan Certification” is not required.
Contractor will obtain applicable building and occupancy permits; or
No building or occupancy permits are required.
The presence of Lead-Based Paint (LBP) is presumed. Contractor will use EPA certified
Safe Work Practices in accordance with 24 CFR 35.1350, HUD LBP regulations during
completion of work to be performed. Upon completion of the contract, the area in which the
work was performed will be subject to a LBP Clearance Test, as performed by a licensed
LBP Inspector or Risk Assessor. Should the test results indicate an unacceptable level of
LBP residue, the Contractor will be responsible for additional cleanup, and providing an
acceptable clearance report from a LBP Inspector or Risk Assessor to RD. No payment for
work will be made until an acceptable clearance report is provided; or
No LBP Clearance Test is required.
No subcontractors will be utilized; or
A list of subcontractors will be provided by the Contractor.
Owner: Co-Owner:
Contractor: RD Representative