Energy Policy Review
Spain 2021
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International Energy Agency
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The International Energy Agency (IEA) has conducted in-depth peer reviews of its member
countries’ energy policies since 1976. This process supports energy policy development and
encourages the exchange of and learning from international best practices. By seeing what
has worked or not in the “real world”, these reviews help to identify policies that deliver
concrete results. Since 2017, the IEA has modernised the reviews by focusing on the key
challenges in today’s rapidly changing energy markets.
Spain has shown important leadership on clean energy transitions, including through support
for key IEA initiatives. I am especially grateful to Teresa Ribera Fourth Vice President of
the Spanish Government and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic
Challenge for her longstanding dedication to action on climate change and ensuring fair
and equitable energy transitions. She has played an invaluable role in the Global
Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency and the Global Commission on People-
Centred Clean Energy Transitions, two high-level groups of leading international figures that
I convened in recent years to bring greater attention and policy action in these critical areas.
Since the last IEA review in 2015, Spain has solved a long-standing problem of electricity
and gas tariffs not covering costs, and has closed all of its coal mines, allowing it to prioritise
the energy transition in its policy agenda. Spain has emphasised the concept of a just
transition by ensuring that communities in traditional energy sectors, notably coal mining,
are not left behind.
The Spanish framework for energy and climate is based on a 2050 objective of national
climate neutrality and 97% renewable energy in the total energy mix. As such, it is centred
on the massive development of renewable energy, energy efficiency, electrification and
renewable hydrogen. Notwithstanding its considerable progress to date on decarbonising
and increasing the share of renewables in the electricity sector, Spain’s total energy mix is
still heavily dominated by fossil fuels. The transport, industry and buildings sectors all have
considerable work ahead of them to meet the country’s targets for increasing the share of
renewables and reducing emissions.
When all of Spain’s plans and strategies are implemented, a completely different energy
sector will emerge, where fossil fuels are no longer dominant and end-user sectors are
mostly electrified. Such a transformation will bring new challenges in the form of energy
security, as fluctuating renewable generation will require new forms of back-up and flexibility.
The changes will also bring opportunities, particularly in areas such as energy system
integration. Importantly, Spain’s plans to recover from the COVID-19-induced economic
crisis present a major opportunity to frontload its planned investments in its clean energy
transition over the upcoming three years.
I sincerely hope that the recommendations proposed in this report will help Spain navigate
its energy system transformation as it seeks to build momentum towards achieving climate
neutrality and a renewables-based energy system by 2050.
Dr. Fatih Birol
Executive Director
International Energy Agency
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1. Executive summary .....................................................................................................11
Overview ............................................................................................................................11
Climate change policies.....................................................................................................12
Energy efficiency ...............................................................................................................13
Electricity transition ............................................................................................................13
Energy system transformation ...........................................................................................14
Energy security ..................................................................................................................14
Key recommendations .......................................................................................................15
2. General energy policy .................................................................................................17
Country overview ...............................................................................................................17
Supply and demand ...........................................................................................................19
Institutions ..........................................................................................................................23
General energy policy overview ........................................................................................25
Energy security ..................................................................................................................30
Pricing and taxation ...........................................................................................................31
Assessment .......................................................................................................................32
Recommendations .............................................................................................................37
3. Energy and climate change ........................................................................................39
Overview ............................................................................................................................39
Energy-related CO
emissions ..........................................................................................40
Carbon intensity .................................................................................................................42
Institutional responsibilities ................................................................................................43
Emission targets and strategy ...........................................................................................44
Adaptation to climate change ............................................................................................49
Assessment .......................................................................................................................50
Recommendations .............................................................................................................52
4. Energy efficiency .........................................................................................................55
Energy intensity .................................................................................................................55
Energy consumption by sector ..........................................................................................57
Institutional responsibilities ................................................................................................61
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Energy efficiency targets and strategies ...........................................................................61
Assessment .......................................................................................................................72
Recommendations .............................................................................................................75
5. Renewable energy .......................................................................................................77
Renewable energy in total final energy consumption .......................................................77
Renewable energy in electricity .........................................................................................80
Institutional responsibilities ................................................................................................81
Renewable energy policy ..................................................................................................82
Assessment .......................................................................................................................91
Recommendations .............................................................................................................93
6. Energy research, development and innovation .......................................................95
Overview ............................................................................................................................95
Energy innovation priorities and guiding documents ........................................................97
Key actors in Spain’s energy innovation ecosystem .........................................................99
Resource push ............................................................................................................... 100
Knowledge management ................................................................................................ 103
Market pull ...................................................................................................................... 104
Socio-political support .................................................................................................... 105
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 107
Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 108
7. Electricity................................................................................................................... 111
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 111
Electricity supply and demand ........................................................................................ 112
Electricity market structure ............................................................................................. 114
Trade and interconnections ............................................................................................ 119
Electricity prices .............................................................................................................. 121
Electricity market regulation ........................................................................................... 123
Electricity market policies ............................................................................................... 126
Electricity security ........................................................................................................... 131
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 134
Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 137
8. Nuclear ....................................................................................................................... 139
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 139
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Nuclear policy ................................................................................................................. 140
Nuclear power plant operation ....................................................................................... 142
Nuclear fuel supply ......................................................................................................... 144
Decommissioning and radioactive waste management ................................................. 144
Research and development ........................................................................................... 149
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 149
Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 151
9. Coal ............................................................................................................................ 153
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 153
Supply and demand ........................................................................................................ 154
Coal policy ...................................................................................................................... 156
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 158
Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 159
10. Natural gas .............................................................................................................. 161
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 161
Supply and demand ........................................................................................................ 162
Gas prices ....................................................................................................................... 164
Institutions ....................................................................................................................... 166
Natural gas industry structure ........................................................................................ 167
Natural gas regulation .................................................................................................... 168
Natural gas market operation ......................................................................................... 170
Natural gas policy ........................................................................................................... 172
Natural gas infrastructure ............................................................................................... 174
Natural gas security of supply ........................................................................................ 177
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 180
Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 182
11. Oil ............................................................................................................................. 185
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 185
Supply and demand ........................................................................................................ 186
Oil market structure ........................................................................................................ 190
Oil market policies .......................................................................................................... 190
Prices and taxation ......................................................................................................... 192
Oil infrastructure ............................................................................................................. 194
Oil emergency policies and organisation ....................................................................... 196
Emergency oil stocks ...................................................................................................... 198
Assessment .................................................................................................................... 199
Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 201
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ANNEX A: Organisations visited .................................................................................... 203
ANNEX B: Energy balances and key statistical data ..................................................... 206
ANNEX C: International Energy Agency’s “Shared Goals” ............................................ 210
ANNEX D: Glossary and list of abbreviations ................................................................ 212
Figure 2.1 Map of Spain ..................................................................................................19
Figure 2.2 Overview of Spain’s energy system by fuel and sector, 2019.......................20
Figure 2.3 Spain’s total energy supply by source, 2000-19 ............................................21
Figure 2.4 Spain’s energy production by source, 2000-19 .............................................21
Figure 2.5 Spain’s production/total energy supply by energy source, 2000-19 .............22
Figure 2.6 Spain’s total final consumption by sector, 2000-19 .......................................22
Figure 2.7 Spain’s total final consumption by source and sector, 2019 .........................23
Figure 3.1 Greenhouse gas emissions in Spain by sector, 1990-2018 ..........................40
Figure 3.2 Energy-related CO
emissions in Spain by sector, 2000-19 .........................41
Figure 3.3 Energy-related CO
emissions in Spain by energy source, 2000-19 ............41
Figure 3.4 Energy-related CO
emissions and key drivers in Spain, 2000-19 ...............42
Figure 3.5 CO
intensity in Spain and selected IEA member countries, 2000-19 ..........43
Figure 3.6 CO
intensity of electricity and heat generation in Spain and selected
IEA member countries, 2000-19 ....................................................................43
Figure 4.1 Energy consumption and drivers in Spain, 2000-19 .....................................56
Figure 4.2 Energy intensity in select IEA member countries, 2000-19...........................56
Figure 4.3 Energy consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19 .........................................57
Figure 4.4 Energy consumption in transport in Spain by fuel, 2000-19 .........................58
Figure 4.5 Energy consumption in industry in Spain by fuel type, 2000-19 ...................58
Figure 4.6 Energy consumption in the residential sector in Spain by fuel, 2000-19 ......59
Figure 4.7 Breakdown of energy consumption in the residential sector in Spain
by use, 2018...................................................................................................60
Figure 4.8 Energy consumption in the services sector in Spain by fuel, 2000-19..........61
Figure 4.9. Spain’s cumulative final energy savings projected for 2021-30 ....................62
Figure 5.1 Renewable energy in total final energy consumption in Spain, 2019 ...........78
Figure 5.2 Renewable energy in total final energy consumption in Spain, 2000-19 ......79
Figure 5.3 Renewable energy as share of total final energy consumption
in IEA countries, 2018 ....................................................................................79
Figure 5.4 Renewable energy in electricity generation in Spain, 2000-19 .....................81
Figure 5.5 Renewable energy as a share of total electricity generatio
in IEA countries, 2019 ....................................................................................81
Figure 6.1 The IEA’s four functions of a successful innovation ecosystem for energy ..96
Figure 6.2 Energy-related public RD&D spending per GDP in IEA countries, 2018 ... 101
Figure 6.3 Energy-related public RD&D spending in Spain by category, 2000-18 ..... 101
Figure 6.4 Spain’s gross domestic expenditure on total R&D, 2000-18 ...................... 102
Figure 7.1 Spain’s electricity supply by source, 2000-19 ............................................ 113
Figure 7.2 Electricity generation by source in IEA member countries, 2019 ............... 113
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Figure 7.3 Electricity consumption in Spain by consuming sector, 2000-19 ............... 114
Figure 7.4 Spain’s current interconnections with neighbouring countries ................... 119
Figure 7.5 Spain’s electricity trade by country, 2000-19 .............................................. 120
Figure 7.6 Electricity price for industry in IEA member countries, 2019 ...................... 122
Figure 7.7 Electricity prices for households in IEA member countries, 2019 .............. 122
Figure 7.8 Electricity prices in Spain and selected IEA member countries, 2000-19 .. 123
Figure 7.9 Spain’s electricity system tariff balances, 2000-18 .................................... 124
Figure 7.10 Installed power capacity in Spain’s NECP’s target scenario ...................... 127
Figure 8.1 Final shutdown schedule of nuclear power plants in Spain according
to the NECP ................................................................................................ 140
Figure 8.2 Institutional structure of nuclear energy in Spain ....................................... 141
Figure 8.3 Capacity factors of nuclear power plants in Spain and the world .............. 143
Figure 8.4 The funding system for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and
radioactive waste management .................................................................. 148
Figure 9.1 Share of coal in different energy supplies in Spain, 2000-19 ..................... 153
Figure 9.2 Spain’s coal supply by source, 2000-19 ..................................................... 154
Figure 9.3 Spain’s coal net imports by country, 2000-19 ............................................ 155
Figure 9.4 Coal consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19 .......................................... 155
Figure 10.1 Natural gas in energy production, total energy supply, electricity and
total final consumption in Spain, 2000-19................................................... 162
Figure 10.2 Natural gas consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19 ............................... 163
Figure 10.3 Spain’s natural gas net imports, 2000-19 ................................................... 164
Figure 10.4 IEA comparison of industry and household gas prices, 2019 .................... 165
Figure 10.5 Natural gas prices in industry and households in selected IEA countries,
2000-19 ....................................................................................................... 166
Figure 10.6 Map of Spain’s natural gas infrastructure ................................................... 175
Figure 11.1 Share of oil in energy production, total energy supply, electricity and
total final consumption in Spain, 2000-19................................................... 186
Figure 11.2 Oil consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19 ............................................. 187
Figure 11.3 Spain’s crude oil net imports, 2000-19 ....................................................... 188
Figure 11.4 Spain’s oil products imports and exports by country, 2000-19 .................. 188
Figure 11.5 Spain’s oil refinery output and demand, 2019 ............................................ 189
Figure 11.6 Spain’s oil refinery output, 2000-19 ............................................................ 189
Figure 11.7 Price comparison for automotive diesel in the IEA, Q3 2020 ..................... 194
Figure 11.8 Price comparison for unleaded gasoline in the IEA, Q3 2020 ................... 194
Figure 11.9 Price comparison for light fuel oil in the IEA, Q3 2020 ............................... 194
Figure 11.10 Map of the Spanish oil infrastructure ........................................................ 196
Figure 11.11 Spanish oil stocks, as of end November 2020 ......................................... 199
Table 5.1 Renewables auction results in Spain .............................................................84
Table 5.2 Spain’s renewable energy auction calendar ..................................................85
Table 8.1 Operating nuclear power plants in Spain in 2020....................................... 142
Table 8.2 The cost structure of nuclear power generation in Endesa ........................ 144
Table 8.3 Status of the decommissioning process of nuclear power plants
in Spain, 2020 ............................................................................................. 145
Table 8.4 Phases to implement the deep geological repository proposed in the draft
7th GRWP ................................................................................................... 147
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Table 10.1 Technical capacity (firm and interruptible) of international interconnections
(GWh/day) ................................................................................................... 176
Table 10.2 Spanish liquefied natural gas import terminals (operating facilities) .......... 176
Box 6.1 IEA framework for energy innovation policies ...............................................96
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1. Executive summary
Since the last International Energy Agency (IEA) in-depth review in 2015, Spain has solved
a long-standing issue of tariff deficits in its electricity and gas sectors and closed all of its
coal mines, which has allowed it to prioritise the issue of climate change on its national
agenda and align its goals with European Union (EU) objectives and ambitions. In doing
so, Spain has placed the energy transition at the forefront of its energy and climate change
The current Spanish framework for energy and climate is based on the 2050 objectives of
national climate neutrality, 100% renewable energy in the electricity mix and 97%
renewable energy in the total energy mix. As such, it is centred on the massive
development of renewable energy, particularly solar and wind; energy efficiency;
electrification; and renewable hydrogen. This is seen as an opportunity to stimulate the
economy; create jobs; modernise industry; enhance competitiveness; support vulnerable
groups; improve energy security; and support research, development and innovation.
Notwithstanding its considerable progress to date on decarbonising and increasing the
share of renewables in the electricity sector, Spain’s total energy mix is still heavily
dominated by fossil fuels. Notably, the transport, industry and buildings sectors all have
considerably more work ahead of them to meet the country’s targets for renewables
penetration and decarbonisation.
Moreover, under Spain’s decentralised system of government, regional administrations
have considerable authority over energy policy development and implementation, making
effective co-ordination between the centre and the regions even more critical to successful
enactment of energy strategies in Spain.
When all of Spain’s plans and strategies are implemented, a completely different energy
sector will emerge, where fossil fuels are no longer dominant and end-user sectors are
mostly electrified. Such a transformed energy landscape will come with new challenges
and will provide new opportunities.
The challenges include energy security. The current system is backed up by massive
stocks of oil, gas and coal that can be dispatched in a flexible way; the new system, with
a large share of variable renewable generation, will require other forms of longer term
backup, on top of short-term flexibility. New vulnerabilities will also arise, as electrification
goes hand-in-hand with smartening of the system and digitalisation.
The opportunities are with energy system integration. The new energy system can be
much more efficient than the current one, as end-use sectors can be coupled with higher
electrification, the use of residual heat, waste to energy, but also using electricity to
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produce renewable gases like hydrogen, among others. It will be important for Spain to
adapt the policy and regulatory framework, where needed, to gradually shape such a new
integrated energy system.
The current post-COVID-19 recovery context presents Spain with an important opportunity
to frontload its planned energy transition investments to the upcoming three years. Spain
is currently working on its green recovery plan, as it will be one of the key beneficiaries of
EU recovery funds. The main areas defined in the initial draft of Spain’s Recovery and
Resilience Plan for the energy transition are efficiency, sustainable mobility, renewable
energies, electricity infrastructure, storage and flexibility, and green hydrogen. Spain
should capitalise on this opportunity to jumpstart actions outlined in its National Energy
and Climate Plan (NECP).
Climate change policies
s a member of the European Union (EU), Spain is bound by EU targets for energy and
climate change as part of the Energy Union.
Toward this end, the central strategy document guiding Spain’s energy and climate policies
over the coming decade is its NECP for the period 2021-30. It outlines a number of policy
actions in various sectors that will support the country’s climate targets, including in the
areas of energy efficiency, renewables and transport. Its 2030 objectives include: a 23%
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levles; a 42% share of renewables in
energy end use; a 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency; and a 74% share of
renewables in electricity generation. Policies include increasing renewable power
installations and boosting the use of renewable gases in the power sector, modal shifts
and electrification in the transport sector, refurbishments and increasing the use of
renewable heating in the residential and commercial sectors, promoting energy efficiency
and fuel switching in the industry sector, and energy efficiency improvements in the
agricultural sector. The government anticipates that investments of EUR 241 billion will be
needed to enact the measures outlined in the NECP, out of which 80% is estimated to
come from the private sector.
Domestically, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Bill places the fight against
climate change and the need for an energy transition at the centre of the economy and
society. Its main targets are similar to those in the NECP, also placing renewable energy
and energy efficiency at the centre of the energy transition.
Notably, Spain has emphasised the concept of a just transition to ensure that communities
in traditional energy sectors, notably coal mining, are not left behind. To this end, Spain’s
Just Transition Strategy includes measures to promote employment opportunities in the
energy transition, supported by a framework of vocational training, active labour policies,
support measures to the most vulnerable and economic stimulus plans for those regions
most affected by the energy transition. These are executed through “just transition
agreements” between the government, unions and businesses, which can serve as an
example to other countries facing similar issues.
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Energy efficiency
pain’s overall energy strategy employs an efficiency firstprinciple. In all sectors, Spain’s
energy transition objectives hinge heavily on reducing consumption. Already, Spain has
begun to decouple economic growth from energy consumption; energy intensity, the ratio
of total consumption to gross domestic product, fell by 18% between 2008 and 2019. Still,
more reductions will be needed across all sectors.
The Bill on Climate Change and the Energy Transition as well as the NECP outline a
number of measures to improve efficiency and reduce consumption in all economic
sectors, including transport, buildings and industry. The policy plans are extensive and can
achieve strong results, but will need to be accompanied by a predictable, long-term
regulatory framework; sufficient incentives to mobilise private investments; and adequate
public financing to underpin all the programmes over the coming decade.
In addition, under Spain’s decentralised system of government, the implementation of a
number of efficiency measures for transport, buildings and industry will fall on regional and
local governments, making co-ordination between the central government and
regional/local administrations as well as skills capacity at all levels of government essential
to success.
Electricity transition
Spain is progressing toward its 2030 targets, notably in the electricity sector. After a slump
in investments between 2013 and 2018 due to a lack of financial means to promote
renewables, investments took off again in 2019. The share of renewables (including
non-renewable waste) in the national electricity mix grew from 24% in 2009 to 38%
in 2019. As such, Spain is well on track to meet its 2020 target to source 42% of its
electricity from renewables.
Though Spain’s progress on ramping up renewables in its electricity mix is commendable,
the future trajectory of its power mix warrants careful consideration to ensure a smooth
transition. To start, Spain plans to phase out both coal and nuclear power generation. The
coal phase-out appears well on track, with coal only providing around 5% of electricity
generation in 2019 and even less in 2020. Nuclear power, which accounted for 22% of
power generation in 2019 (and an important source of low-carbon generation), will begin
shutting down from 2027. Four of Spain’s seven nuclear reactors are scheduled to close
by the end of 2030, representing around 4 gigawatts of capacity. Natural gas
combined-cycle plants provide around one-third of power generation, and will be crucial to
balancing out a power system that is heavily dependent on variable renewables once coal
and nuclear have left the market. As such, the government will need to pay special
attention to prevent natural gas generation capacity from simultaneously exiting the
system. In this regard, the government should thoroughly assess the cost implications for
consumers of the expedited phase-out of both coal and nuclear generation.
Spain’s targets also foresee a sizeable buildout of new renewables capacity to reach 74%
of electricity generation by 2030, notably wind and solar. As such, a stable, long-term
remuneration framework for supporting the growth of renewables, including for storage,
will be essential. Spain’s updated auction mechanisms are a step in the right direction, and
investor sentiment and availability of financing appears on track. Additional help could
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come in the form of expedited permitting and timely issuance of auction schedules and
terms to improve investment clarity.
Moreover, the trajectory will require a concerted focus on system integration of variable
renewables in the coming years. The government’s strategy is centred on
interconnections, storage, demand-side management and digitalisation. Public
consultations and regulatory proceedings are underway in all of these areas, though timely
issuance of a regulatory framework will be crucial to mobilising investments, including in
next-generation technologies such as biogas and hydrogen. Co-operation with
neighbouring governments on interconnection capacity will also be a key element of
utilising Spain’s full production capacity on renewables, notably with France to expand
connection of the Iberian peninsula with the rest of continental Europe.
Energy system transformation
Beyond the electricity sector, the government plans to expand self-consumption of
renewables and distributed generation, as well as promote the use of renewables in the
industry and heating sectors. It also has plans to support the production of advanced
biofuels and renewable gases, as well as hydrogen.
Overall, Spain plans to move toward a full energy system transformation, the foundations
of which will be laid in the coming decade. The Long-Term Strategy projects that the
electrification of the economy will be over 50% by 2050.
In order to integrate more renewables into other sectors of the economy, the government
has a four-pronged strategy: 1) energy efficiency first; 2) renewables-based electrification;
3) storage; and 4) indirect electrification through renewable gases, mainly hydrogen. The
promotion of renewable gases is a critical measure outlined in Spain’s NECP, with uses
planned in mobility, industry, seasonal storage and synthetic fuels.
To this end, the government has several initiatives in place or underway to jumpstart plans
and investments in the 2030 time frame, including a Hydrogen Roadmap, a Biogas
Roadmap, an Offshore Wind Roadmap, a self-consumption strategy public consultation
and a smart meter evolution public consultation.
As Spain looks to a future of increased electrification of end-use sectors and sector
couplingan essential element to achieve an energy transition the competitiveness of
electricity against fossil fuels will be a critical element to achieving the desired results. As
such, Spain should consider changes to its taxation system, notably to incorporate the cost
of carbon into end-use prices, to reduce barriers to increased uptake of clean electricity in
more end uses.
Energy security
From an energy security perspective, although Spain continues to be heavily dependent
(73% dependency) on foreign sources for its energy, its sources for oil and gas are
relatively well diversified and the government has robust emergency response frameworks
in place in the case of a disruption.
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Though the new policies and increased electrification will reduce Spain’s import
dependency, the rapid closure of coal and nuclear facilities over the coming decade bears
watching, as it could increase the country’s call on natural gas, especially if new
renewables capacity cannot be built as quickly as planned.
Interconnectivity with other European countries is also a critical element for Spain to
improve security of supply. While electricity projects with Portugal are progressing, existing
interconnection with France is often congested and new projects have been delayed,
causing Spain to fall short of its EU interconnectivity targets of 10% by 2020 and putting
at risk its 15% target by 2030.
Key recommendations
The government of Spain should:
Ensure that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan supports achieving the NECP’s
mprove co-ordination with regional authorities and municipalities to implement t
ECP’s measures, especially on energy efficiency, more effectively.
Reinforce efforts to create more flexibility in the electricity market and to ensure proper
price signals for investments in generation, through increased interconnectivity,
continued integration of regional markets, and the development of demand-sid
esponse and storage.
Review taxation to avoid excess charges and distortionary impacts on electricit
elative to oil and gas consumption to promote electrification. Consider additional
carbon-based taxation as well as other mechanisms to progressively redistribute
electricity charges among all actors in the energy system.
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2. General energy policy
Key data
otal energy supply (TES): 121.4 Mtoe (oil 42.4%, gas 25.4%, nuclear 12.5%, bioenergy
and waste 6.6
%, coal 4.0%, wind 3.9%, solar 2.8%, hydro 1.7%, electricity imports 0.5%), -
% since 2009
TES per capita:
2.6 toe/cap (IEA average* 3.7 toe/cap, IEA median 3.5 toe/cap)
TES per unit of GDP
:* 68 toe/USD million (IEA average* 85 toe/USD million, IEA median
toe/USD million PPP)
otal final consumption (TFC): 85.5 Mtoe (oil 50.8%, electricity 23.8%, natural gas 17.1%,
bioenergy and waste 6
.9%, solar 0.4%, coal 1.0%), -12.1% since 2008
TFC per capita
: 1.8 toe/cap (IEA average* 2.8 toe/cap, IEA median 2.4 toe/cap)
TFC per unit of GDP
:** 48 toe/USD million (IEA average* 62 toe/USD million PPP, IEA
median 62 toe/USD million PPP)
Energy producti
on: 34.0 Mtoe (nuclear 44.8%, biofuels and waste 24.5%, wind 14.1%,
9.9%, hydro 6.2%, natural gas 0.3%, oil 0.1%), +11.9% since 2009
Weighted average of IEA member countries in 2018.
GDP data are expressed in 2015 prices and purchasing power parity (PPP).
Country overview
pain has a population of around 47 million and an area of 505 000 km
. It covers most of
the Iberian peninsula and also includes the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and the
autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. Due to its size and geography, the
country’s climate can vary substantially by region.
Spain’s population has been stable since 2008, after increasing in previous years due to
immigration. The Spanish economy grew by 4.5% between 2008 and 2018, as the financial
crisis in 2008 strongly affected the industry, services and transport sectors. After
decreasing by 9% between 2008 and 2013, the economy rebounded by 14% between
2013 and 2018. This successful recovery has been guided by structural reforms, robust
employment growth and gains in competitiveness, allowing Spain’s economic growth to be
consistently higher than that of the euro area between 2014 and 2018 (OECD, 2018).
However, unemployment rates remain higher than the OECD average, with youth
unemployment close to 40%.
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In 2020, Spain was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. OECD projections forecast
Spain’s economy to contract by 14.4% in 2020, or by 11.1%. The rebound for 2021 is
predicted to be between 5% and 7% (OECD, 2020).
The services sector accounted for almost three-quarters of gross domestic product (GDP)
in 2018, industry for almost one-quarter and the agricultural sector for the remaining 3%.
All shares are close to the OECD average. Tourism is particularly important, and Spain’s
tourism industry was the second-largest in the world in terms of financial receipts and the
fourth-largest in terms of arrivals. The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector was very
strong, as Spain closed its borders for nearly four months due to the pandemic between
February and June 2020.
Since 1978, Spain has been a parliamentary monarchy, and the king has a limited role in
day-to-day politics. The government is led by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of the Spanish
Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), who took over on 1 June 2018 after seven years under
a government led by Mariano Rajoy of the People’s Party. Sánchez called an early general
election in April 2018, but did not form a government, leading to another election in
November 2019. The PSOE and Unidas Podemos formed the first Spanish coalition
government since 1978, and Sánchez was renominated as Prime Minister on 13 January
A fairly decentralised country, Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities, each with
its own parliament, plus 2 autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla). In the energy sector, the
autonomous regions are responsible for areas such as authorising certain power plants
and energy networks. Spain joined the European Union (EU) in 1986 and adopted the euro
as its currency in 2002.
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Figure 2.1 Map of Spain
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Supply and demand
Most of Spain’s energy supply and demand is met with fossil fuels, which accounted for
72% of total energy supply (TES)
and 68% of total final consumption (TFC)
in 2019
(Figure 2.2). Only one-quarter of TES was produced domestically in 2019; the remainder
was imported.
Domestic production consists mostly of nuclear energy (45% of total production) as well
as bioenergy and waste and other renewables, notably wind and solar. Production of
TES is made up of production + imports exports international marine and aviation bunkers ± stock changes. This
equals the total supply of energy that is consumed domestically, either in transformation (e.g. power generation and
refining) or in final use. Nuclear energy supply in TES includes losses. The primary energy equivalent of nuclear
electricity is calculated from the gross electricity generation by assuming a 33% conversion efficiency.
TFC is the final energy consumption (electricity, heat and fuel, such as natural gas and oil products) by end users,
not including the transformation sector (e.g. power generation and refining).
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renewable energy increased by 47% between 2009 and 2019 to cover more than half of
total domestic production in 2019 (55%).
TES is dominated by oil and gas, which accounted for 42% and 25% of TES, respectively,
in 2019. TES was 121 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 2019, with an additional
12 Mtoe of oil products used in international marine bunkers and aviation. However, the
share of renewables significantly increased between 2009 and 2019, reaching 15% of TES
in 2019 compared with 11% in 2009.
Transport and industry are the highest energy-consuming sectors, accounting for 38% and
29% of TFC, respectively, followed by the residential (17%) and services (16%) sectors. TFC
was 86 Mtoe in 2019, with high shares of oil (51%) and gas (17%). Electricity, on the other
hand, was largely used in the services (53%) and residential (43%) sectors. Bioenergy and
waste were also a significant source of energy for residential consumption in 2019,
accounting for 18% of TFC in the sector.
Figure 2.2 Overview of Spains energy system by fuel and sector, 2019
While producing renewables and nuclear energy, Spain relies on imports of fossil fuels, which
accounted for almost three-quarters of total supply and TFC in 2019.
* Total energy supply + international bunker fuels.
**Other renewables includes wind, hydro, solar and a small amount of geothermal.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. TFC = total final consumption.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Total energy supply
TES in Spain peaked in 2007, before dropping in the following years as a consequence of
the financial crisis, which led to a decrease in supply to match cuts in the
energy-consuming sectors (Figure 2.3). Between 2014 and 2017, however, TES started
to increase again, rebounding by 10% in three years, to compensate for half of the 20%
drop experienced between 2007 and 2014. In 2019, TES again fell to 121 Mtoe from
126 Mtoe in 2017. Natural gas, oil, and bioenergy and waste were the main sources
supporting this increase, while energy from solar and wind remained flat between 2014
and 2018, due to a decline in investor confidence after a major overhaul of the renewables
support mechanism. Compared with other International Energy Agency (IEA) member
countries, Spain ranks 20th for its share of fossil fuels in TES, which in 2018 accounted
for 74% of total supply.
Production Total supply* TFC (by fuel) TFC (sector demand)
Bunker oil
District heat
Other renewables**
Bioenergy and waste
Natural gas
Transformation and losses
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Figure 2.3 Spain’s total energy supply by source, 2000-19
TES in Spain peaked in 2007 and fell afterwards as an effect of the financial crisis. Between
2014 and 2018, total supply started to increase again, though fell again in 2019.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. The share of geothermal is not visible at this scale.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Energy production and import dependency
As opposed to TES, domestic energy production increased by 12% in Spain between 2009
and 2019 (Figure 2.4). Nuclear energy consistently provided around 15 Mtoe per year, while
energy from coal decreased by almost 80% between 2008 and 2018; production ceased
entirely in 2019. In contrast, energy production from bioenergy and waste, wind, and solar
experienced a steady upward trend in the same decade (46% growth), leading to an increase
in energy production from renewables and waste of 54% of total production in 2019.
Figure 2.4 Spain’s energy production by source, 2000-19
Total domestic energy production did not change significantly between 2010 and 2019, but
the share of coal has significantly decreased, balanced by increased renewables.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Spain’s domestic production covers about one-quarter of TES (Figure 2.5), though the
country completely relies on imports for oil and gas. Internal production
Electricity imports
Bioenergy and waste
Natural gas
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Bioenergy and waste
Natural gas
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of coal covered up to 40% of total energy supply in 2010, but since fell to less than 10%
self-sufficiency in 2018 and 0% in 2019.
Figure 2.5 Spain’s production/total energy supply by energy source, 2000-19
Three-quarters of total supply are imported, with high dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Note: Domestic energy production as a share of total energy supply + international bunker fuels (oil).
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics Balances (database),
Energy consumption
After peaking in 2007, TFC decreased in Spain as a consequence of the economic crisis,
until 2014, when it started to increase again to reach 86 Mtoe in 2019 (Figure 2.6). Most
of these changes were guided by the transport and industry sectors, which saw outsized
impacts on consumption from the crisis in 2008.
Figure 2.6 Spain’s total final consumption by sector, 2000-19
Total final consumption peaked in 2010, after which it fell until 2014, then increased again
until 2019. Most of the energy is used in the transport and industry sectors.
* Industry includes non-energy consumption.
** Services/other includes commercial and public services, and agriculture and forestry.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Total energy
Natural gas
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The transport sector was the largest energy-consuming sector in 2019, with final
consumption of 33 Mtoe. More than 90% of transport consumption constituted oil
(Figure 2.7), with a small share of biofuels. Industry was the second-largest sector in TFC,
consuming 25 Mtoe in 2019. Final consumption in the industry sector is almost equally
provided by gas, oil and electricity. The residential and services sectors used 15 Mtoe and
13 Mtoe in 2019, respectively. Electricity is the first energy carrier used in these sectors,
followed by oil and gas. Bioenergy has an important role in residential consumption,
covering 18% of the sector’s demand.
Figure 2.7 Spain’s total final consumption by source and sector, 2019
Oil covered half of total final consumption in 2019. The transport and industry sectors are
dominated by fossil fuels, but electricity is significant in the residential and services sectors.
* Industry includes non-energy consumption.
** Services/others includes commercial and public services, and agriculture and forestry.
*** Other renewables includes geothermal and solar thermal.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
COVID-19 impacts on energy demand
Spain declared a state of emergency between 14 March 2020 and 20 June 2020 due to
the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, total electricity demand fell by 12.7% relative to
the same period in 2019, hitting an 18% decline during the period of total confinement
between 30 March and 12 April, led by the industry and services sector. Natural gas
demand during the emergency period fell by 15.5% while petroleum products demand fell
more significantly, by 60% for gasoline, 43% for diesel and 88% for aviation fuels.
In the energy sector, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic
Challenge currently led by Teresa Ribera Rodríguez holds the basic competencies on
energy, which are focused at the national level, and leads on energy policy formulation.
The main responsibilities of the ministry include:
regulations concerning energy and mining matters, which are shared with other ministries
for evaluation
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Natural gas
Bioenergy and waste
Other renewables***
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legislation overseeing the tariff structure, prices of energy products, and levies and tolls
(though the regulator sets the rates)
legislation to save energy, promote renewable energy, and support new energy and mining
legislation of measures to ensure energy supply
legislation and actions related to the demographic challenge.
The Secretary of State for Energy falls under this ministry, while the Directorate General
for Energy Policy and Mining falls under the Secretary of State for Energy. Also under the
Secretary of State for Energy are several institutions that hold competencies in various
areas of energy policy, including:
The Just Transition Institute, which oversees the economic transition of regions where coal
mines and coal power plants are closing.
The Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE), which oversees research
programmes on electrification, mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy, among
others. Its activities include increasing public knowledge and awareness, technical advice,
and project financing of technology innovations.
The Corporation of Strategic Reserves of Oil Products (CORES), which is the stockholding
agency in charge of maintaining stocks of oil products and monitoring industry obligations
to hold stocks of oil products, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas. CORES also verifies
operators’ obligations to diversify their natural gas supplies.
The City of Energy Foundation, which is focused on the execution of research and
innovation programmes related to energy and the environment and contributing to
economic development.
The National Radioactive Waste Company (Enresa), which is focused on the management
of radioactive waste.
The Secretary of State for Environment also falls under the Ministry for the Ecological
Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Within the Secretary of State for Environment
are the Spanish Office for Climate Change, which provides advice to different bodies of
government on climate change, as well as the National Climate Council, which
co-ordinates the development and monitoring of climate change policies and measures of
the central government. The National Climate Council promotes information gathering,
analysis, preparation and implementation actions.
The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) is an independent
regulatory body that reports directly to the Spanish parliament. Its authorities on energy
include supervising and controlling the proper operation of energy markets and calculating
network access tariffs according to transmission and distribution costs. The CNMC also
supervises access to cross-border interconnections. At the EU level, the CNMC
co-operates with other regulators through the Council of European Energy Regulators and
the Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators on developing network codes and
implementing the internal electricity market.
The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) has authority over matters of nuclear safety and
radiation protection. It is directly accountable to the Spanish parliament and formally
independent from the administration.
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The National Statistics Institute publishes statistical information on various fields such as
the economy, society and the environment, among others, in order to facilitate
decision making.
Other relevant ministries and bodies in the energy sector that co-ordinate policies with the
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge are:
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food is responsible for several energy-related
policies, such as air pollution and climate change.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation is in charge of the proposal
and execution of the governments policies on economic issues and reforms to improve
competitiveness, industrial development, telecommunications and the information society,
development of the Digital Agenda, and other competencies and powers conferred by the
legal system.
The Ministry of Science and Innovation is responsible for the execution of the government's
policy regarding scientific and technical research, technological development and
innovation in all sectors, including the management of international relations in this area
and Spanish representation in programmes, forums and international organisations,
including the European Union.
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism develops and implements government policy
in the areas of industry, trade and tourism.
The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda oversees land, aviation and maritime
infrastructure; the control, management and administrative regulation of transport services;
as well as access to housing, building, urban planning, land and architecture.
The autonomous communities have legal competencies related to energy, primarily in
authorising power plants of less than 50 megawatts (MW), and distribution networks of
electricity and natural gas. They are also heavily involved in designing and implementing
climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy policies at the regional level.
General energy policy overview
Spain has built a stable, long-term strategy to transform the Spanish economy to a more
sustainable one, providing investment signals to guide its industrial composition toward
one where future competitive advantages are focused on greater innovation, better
efficiency and zero environmental footprint.
One of the major changes in Spain’s energy system since the last in-depth review has
been addressing the so-called tariff deficit, or a major imbalance between regulated costs
and revenues of the electricity and gas systems. In recent years, Spain has made
considerable headway in managing the tariff deficit in its electricity system, in part caused
by significant subsidies for renewables, which peaked at EUR 6.3 billion in 2008. Since
reforms enacted in 2013, system costs have been balanced with revenues, and a small
surplus was even recorded in 2014-18. A small deficit is expected for 2019, though
surpluses from previous years will cover it. The gas sector tariff deficit has similarly been
The current Spanish framework for energy and climate is based on the 2050 objectives of
national climate neutrality, 100% renewable energy in the electricity mix and 97%
renewable energy in the total energy mix. As such, it is centred on the massive
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development of renewable energy, particularly solar and wind; energy efficiency;
electrification; and renewable hydrogen. This is seen as an opportunity to stimulate the
economy; create jobs; modernise industry; enhance competitiveness; support vulnerable
groups; improve energy security; and support research, development and innovation.
As a member of the EU, Spain is bound by European targets for energy and climate
change as part of the Energy Union, which for 2020 include: a 20% reduction in
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 20% of energy from renewable sources, a 20%
improvement in energy efficiency and a 10% electricity interconnection target. For 2030,
the level of ambition will grow to: a minimum 40% reduction in GHG emissions, a minimum
32% share of renewable energy, a minimum 32.5% improvement in energy efficiency and
a 15% interconnection target. The EU is currently finalising plans to further strengthen the
2030 targets; notably the GHG emissions reduction target is planned to increase from 40%
to 55%.
To achieve these targets, the central strategy document guiding Spain’s energy and
climate policies over the coming decade is its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
for the period 2021-30, which Spain submitted to the European Commission in early 2020.
The document outlines a number of policy actions in various sectors that will support the
country’s climate targets, including in the areas of energy efficiency, renewables and
transport. Its 2030 objectives include: a 23% reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 levels;
a 42% share of renewables in energy end use; a 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency;
and a 74% share of renewables in electricity generation. Policies include increasing
renewable power installations and boosting the use of renewable gases in the power
sector, modal shifts and electrification in the transport sector, refurbishments and
increasing the use of renewable heating in the residential and commercial sectors,
promoting energy efficiency and fuel switching in the industry sector, and energy efficiency
improvements in the agricultural sector.
The government anticipates that investments of EUR 241 billion will be needed to enact
the measures outlined in the NECP, out of which 80% is estimated to come from the private
sector. It expects that as a result of the NECP’s measures, Spain will create up to 350 000
jobs annually, increase its GDP as much as EUR 25.7 billion, and avoid 2 400 premature
Domestically, the Spanish government issued the Climate Emergency Declaration in
January 2020, which outlined 30 action areas to reach the climate neutrality goal by 2050,
with its three pillars being: 1) the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law; 2) the Just
Transition Strategy; and 3) the Long-Term Strategy. A supplemental National Energy
Poverty Strategy was also issued.
The Climate Change and Energy Transition Bill, approved by the government in May 2020
to be discussed in parliament, places the fight against climate change and the need for an
energy transition at the centre of the economy and society. Enshrining the principle of
carbon neutrality by 2050, it is the framework that will facilitate the co-ordination of policies
among different fields with coherence (see the section on climate change for more details).
Its main targets are similar to those of the NECP and include achieving at least 70% of
renewables in electricity by 2030 and 100% by 2050, at least 35% renewables in final
energy consumption by 2030, and to reduce primary energy consumption by at least 35%.
In this regard, it places renewable energy and energy efficiency at the centre of the energy
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The Just Transition Strategy includes measures to promote employment opportunities in
the energy transition, supported by a framework of vocational training, active labour
policies, support measures to the most vulnerable and economic stimulus plans for those
regions the most affected by the energy transition.
In line with Paris Agreement commitments and the European Green Deal, Spain’s Long-
Term Strategy (LTS) anticipates and plans the transition towards climate neutrality in the
2050 horizon, with a reduction of at least 90% in total GHG emissions by 2050 compared
to 1990. The document includes interim milestones for 2030 and 2040, seizing the benefits
derived from the energy transition and bolstering the transformation and competitiveness
of the economy. The LTS defines the path that will enable an almost completely
renewables-based energy system (including in the transport, buildings and economic
sectors). Following an initial public consultation in April 2019 and a draft presentation in
July 2020, the LTS went through a second public consultation from July to September
2020, and was adopted by the Council of Ministers in November 2020. It will be reviewed
every five years.
The National Energy Poverty Strategy 2019-2024 was approved in 2019 as the instrument
to approach and analyse the energy poverty concept from a comprehensive perspective
for the medium and long term. This strategy includes a definition of energy poverty and
uses four indicators to measure the degree of energy poverty and its evolution:
1) percentage of households in which energy expenditure (as a share of household
income) is more than double the national average; 2) percentage of households in which
absolute energy expenditure is less than half the national average; 3) inability to maintain
dwellings at adequate temperatures; and 4) delays in energy bill payments.
Post-COVID-19 recovery
Given that Spain was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns, the
government has already approved energy-related measures to help stimulate the
economy. In particular, Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 from June 2020 includes measures to
advance energy storage, promote aggregation services in the electricity market,
encourage the formation of renewable energy communities, facilitate regulatory
sandboxes, stimulate demand management and sector coupling, as well as expand
electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
In the current post-COVID-19 context, the NECPs are expected to serve as the guiding
tool to direct the EU recovery plan’s actions, by frontloading the investments outlined in
the plan in the upcoming three years. In July 2020, EU leaders agreed to EUR 750 billion
in funding for recovery efforts. In order to receive support from the Recovery and
Resilience Facility, member states must prepare national recovery and resilience plans,
setting out their reform and investment agendas over the period 2021-26; funds must be
invested in the green and digital transformation.
Spain is currently working on its green recovery plan, as it will be one of the key
beneficiaries of EU recovery funds. Spain’s prime minister presented his government’s
plans for spending the EU recovery funds in early October. The Spanish government
expects to receive up to EUR 140 billion worth of grants and loans from the recovery funds,
out of which it plans to spend EUR 72 billion in the first three years (2021-23); of this
amount, over 37% is targeted for green investments. This will be supplemented by
EUR 27 billion from Spain’s national 2021 budget.
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The main areas defined in the initial draft of Spain’s Recovery and Resilience Plan for the
energy transition are efficiency, sustainable mobility, renewable energies, electricity
infrastructure, storage and flexibility, green hydrogen, and the just transition.
Energy efficiency
Spain’s overall energy strategy employs an efficiency firstprinciple. Its energy efficiency
objectives are aligned with EU Energy Efficiency Directives, which establish a common
framework of measures to promote energy efficiency within the European Union, with
EU-wide targets of a 20% improvement in 2020 and 32.5% in 2030 (relative to 2005
levels). Spain assumes these objectives and establishes, in the NECP, a national guideline
for energy efficiency of 24.2% (excluding non-energy uses) by 2020, and by 2030, a
national indicative energy efficiency target of 39.5%. The reduction in primary energy
consumption proposed in the NECP is equivalent to 1.9% every year since 2017, which
when linked to an expected increase in GDP in the same period of around 1.7% will result
in an improvement in the primary energy intensity of the economy of 3.5% per year until
2030, which would be well above the IEA average over the last decade.
The National Energy Efficiency Fund was created in 2014 and is the main instrument to
implement measures for financial and economic support, technical assistance, training and
information, and other measures to increase energy efficiency across all sectors. It is
mainly financed by contributions from wholesale petroleum operators as well as natural
gas and electricity trading companies.
The NECP proposes 17 measures to meet the targets, 10 of which were designed along
a sectoral approach. Allocation of targets and funding for energy efficiency is granted
proportionally to the energy consumption of each sector, with transport receiving the
largest share. As such, the transport sector stands out in the NECP, with four measures,
followed by the industrial and residential sectors. The tertiary and agriculture and fishing
sectors represent the lowest contributions.
Given that the transport sector is the largest energy-consuming sector in Spain, accounting
for 38% of final consumption in 2019, the government has placed a particular focus on
reducing fuel consumption in the sector through a range of policies, including: promoting
modal shifts from road to rail and to bicycles, walking, public transit and shared vehicles;
increasing the use of advanced biofuels; renewing the vehicle fleet; and putting 5 million
electric vehicles on the road by 2030 (supported by a buildout of electric charging
infrastructure). The NECP establishes a target to source 28% of transport fuels from
renewables, which will mainly consist of biofuels and renewable electricity, well above the
14% required by the EU for 2030.
Electricity transition
Spain’s renewable energy policy is aligned with EU 2020 targets, which set a binding
national target for renewable energy equal to 20% of gross final consumption of energy
(including 10% in transport). Spain’s targets on renewable energy for 2020 and the policies
and measures to meet them were initially laid out in the National Renewable Energy Action
Plan 2011-2020, which set a national 2020 target of 20.8% of renewable energy in gross
final energy consumption. Spain expects to reach a 20% share of renewables in gross final
energy consumption in 2020, up from 18.4% in 2019.
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Spain is now focused on its 2030 targets. Overall, Spain’s NECP expects to achieve a
42% share of renewables in total end use of energy by 2030. This level will be led by the
power sector, where the plan projects the installation of nearly 60 gigawatts (GW) of new
renewable generation through 2030, led by wind and solar, amounting to 74% of total
electricity generation that year. This will put Spain on a pathway toward achieving its 2050
objective to source 100% of its power from renewable sources, in line with its 2050
carbon-neutrality goal.
To achieve its ambitious targets for renewables in electricity, Spain envisions a
three-pronged strategy: 1) the promotion of large generation projects; 2) the deployment
of own consumption and distributed consumption; and 3) measures to integrate
renewables into the electricity system and market. The NECP 2021-2030 considers
auctions to be the main tool for the development of these technologies, in accordance with
EU Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
In addition, the NECP includes planned measures to adapt electrical networks for the
integration of renewables by revising transmission and distribution network planning
through the creation of new transmission nodes and the strengthening of existing ones, as
well as the development of new international interconnections and underwater lines.
Grid codes are also expected to be updated to keep up with changing technological
developments and digitalisation, as is the definition of network connection capacity. The
government is also in the process of developing a national strategy for storage and in 2020
already issued new regulations to support the integration of storage technologies into
electricity systems. Similarly, regulations are also pending to increase the role that
demand-side management will play, including through the promotion of aggregation
Coal phase-out
As part of its climate change and energy transition agenda, Spain has a plan to phase out
the use of coal in its energy sector. However, unlike in some countries that have imposed
specific mandates for the industry to shut down coal-fired generation capacity, Spain
expects that market conditions will drive coal closures.
The NECP expects that up to 9 of Spain’s existing 15 coal-fired power plants (as of 2019)
will no longer be operational by 2021. Already, based on market conditions, on 30 June
2020, eight plants with around 4.6 GW of capacity shut down and four more are expected
to follow by 2022. By 2030, Spain expects that coal-fired power plants will no longer be
competitive and coal will be fully phased out of the power sector. Accordingly, the
government plans to offer support measures to affected regions to help them adjust to the
Nuclear phase-out
Spain’s NECP also foresees an orderly and staggered closure of the country’s nuclear
power plants within the 2027-35 time frame. Nuclear plants are already facing financial
difficulties, in part due to high levels of taxation. The planned retirements of Spain’s
existing fleet of seven reactors (7.4 GW of installed capacity) will begin in 2027, and
by 2030, around 4 GW of installed nuclear capacity is planned for orderly shutdown.
Following the coal and nuclear closures, natural gas-fired generation will become the
predominant source of dispatchable power in Spain’s electricity system to balance out the
growth in variable renewables generation.
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Energy system transformation
Beyond the electricity sector, the government plans to expand self-consumption of
renewables and distributed generation, as well as promote the use of renewables in the
industry and heating sectors. It also has plans to support the production of advanced
biofuels and renewable gases, as well as hydrogen.
Overall, Spain plans to move toward a full energy system transformation, the foundations
of which will be laid in the coming decade. The LTS projects that the electrification of the
economy will be over 50% by 2050, with 250 GW of new renewable energy capacity.
The power sector is planned to evolve from one characterised by centralised generation
based on base load and peak demand needs with mostly passive demand to a new model
marked by variable, decentralised, intelligent and interconnected generation. The new
system is expected to be supported by large-scale storage and demand-side management
to ensure system flexibility, while new technology, such as electric vehicle charging
infrastructure, will be smartly integrated to enable improved demand and network
In order to integrate more renewables into other sectors of the economy, the government
has a four-pronged strategy: 1) energy efficiency first; 2) renewables-based electrification;
3) storage; and 4) indirect electrification through renewable gases, mainly hydrogen. The
promotion of renewable gases is a critical measure outlined in Spain’s NECP, with uses
planned in mobility, industry, seasonal storage and synthetic fuels. In order to plan its
strategy for renewable gas, the government is in the process of estimating the domestic
production potential and demand, and believes that its generous renewable resource
endowment will offer a competitive edge in this space.
To this end, the government has several initiatives underway to jumpstart plans and
investments in the 2030 time frame, including a Hydrogen Roadmap, a Biogas Roadmap,
an Offshore Wind Roadmap, a self-consumption strategy public consultation and a smart
meter evolution public consultation.
To align with its strategy to promote electrification, in December 2020 the government
issued the draft Law on establishing the National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electric
System. The policy would reallocate the levies associated with subsidies for renewables,
co-generation and waste currently borne entirely by electricity consumers to energy
companies across the energy system (oil, gas and electricity companies based on annual
sales volumes).
Energy security
Spain is almost entirely reliant on imports for oil and gas, though its sources and routes for
imports are diversified. For crude oil, Spain’s imports reflected a variety of countries and
regions in 2019, including Nigeria, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Libya, the Islmaic Republic of
Iran and Iraq, while oil products came from Morocco, Italy, Gibraltar, France and Algeria,
among others. Moreover, Spain enjoys a unique oil infrastructure system with wide
geographic and interconnecting coverage, including an extensive network of pipelines and
storage capacity connected to refineries.
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Similarly, Spain’s imports of natural gas in 2019 were sourced from a range of countries,
including Algeria, Qatar, Nigeria, the United States and the Russian Federation, both in
the form of pipeline gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). In fact, diversification of natural
gas supply sources is a requirement for gas suppliers under Spanish law to avoid
overdependence on a given country.
As the Spanish policy agenda shifts its focus toward a future energy system that is based
around renewable energy, new benefits and challenges will emerge with respect to energy
security. Mainly driven by energy efficiency measures and a reduction in oil consumption,
the government expects that its import dependency will fall from 73% in 2017 to 61%
in 2030. The change is projected to result in savings on fossil fuel imports of
EUR 13.3 billion in the year 2030.
At the same time, the overhaul of the power sector away from coal and nuclear
generation towards variable renewable sources will increase the role that dispatchable
gas-fired generation will play in the electricity system. As gas plant operators face possible
financial challenges due to low load factors, ensuring sufficient gas backup capacity in the
system is becoming a more pressing matter, and one the Spanish government is currently
studying, including through the possibility of introducing a capacity mechanism. Moreover,
the energy security role that coal plants previously provided notably through a
requirement to store fuel on site will need to be provided through other means, including
by introducing more flexible resources into the system.
In addition, interconnections with neighbouring countries are also being expanded to help
integrate the sizeable expected capacity of variable renewables generation. New
interconnection capacity is under construction or planned with both France and Portugal,
though Spain will still fall short of its EU interconnection target of 10% by 2020 and 15%
by 2030. In particular, existing interconnection with France is often congested and new
projects have been stalled or delayed.
Lastly, an economic shift toward electrification across sectors and an associated rollout of
digital infrastructure will require an increased focus on cyberthreats. Already, the Spanish
government completed a rollout of smart meters to end users by the end of 2018; Spain’s
main energy strategy documents point toward sizeable new investments in digitalisation
across the energy space, with particular prominence in the electricity sector.
Pricing and taxation
Spain’s energy taxation system is centred on a value-added tax, with a rate of 21% for the
consumption of energy products, as well as additional special taxes that include: a tax on
hydrocarbons, a special tax on coal and a special tax on electricity. The special tax on
electricity is transferred to the regions and can be applied to fund renewable energy
support programmes. The government also offers lower registration taxes for the purchase
of electric vehicles, tax benefits for the use of electricity in the shipping sector, property
and construction tax rebates for buildings with solar facilities, an exemption to the
hydrocarbon tax for fuel used in power plants or co-generation facilities, and an exemption
to the special tax on electricity for renewable energy producers with 50 MW or less of
installed capacity.
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Autonomous communities, within the scope of their regulatory powers, also apply taxes
that impact energy policy, such as a tax deduction in the Murcia region for the installation
of renewable energy resources in homes or a tax deduction in the La Rioja region for the
purchase of a new electric vehicle. Overall, electricity taxes in Spain remain relatively high,
notably compared to taxation levels for oil and natural gas.
Spain has no carbon-based taxation, only the Emissions Trading System (ETS)-related
costs for industry and power plants. There is no carbon tax applied in non-ETS sectors.
However, in February 2019, the Spanish government published the “Change Agenda” to
align its strategies with the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The document notes the need for a “new green taxation” that is aligned with environmental
impacts. Moreover, the NECP includes an action line to analyse and develop the best
taxation system for a low-carbon and resilient economy.
Spain recognises its relatively low levels of environmental taxation within the EU. Different
assessments and studies to introduce environmental taxation in different sectors have
been carried out in recent years, with an eye to citizen acceptance. Such taxation would
effectively support the implementation of the NECP’s measures by internalising
environmental costs and accelerating the transformation to a low-carbon economy.
Nonetheless, advancing environmental taxation is also challenging due to the need to
reach a consensus among the different autonomous communities with competencies for
certain taxes. Furthermore, it implies challenges in the implementation and management
of the mechanisms for tax collection.
Since the last in-depth review in 2015, Spain has solved the tariff deficits for electricity and
was able to close its coal mines, which allowed it to prioritise the issue of climate change
on its national agenda and align its goals with EU objectives and ambitions. In doing so,
Spain has placed the energy transition at the forefront of its energy and climate change
Spain brought its energy policy in line with the EU’s strategy for a carbon-neutral economy
by 2050. To achieve 2050 carbon neutrality, the Spanish framework for energy and climate
change is centred on the massive development of renewable energy (particularly solar and
wind), energy efficiency, electrification and renewable hydrogen. According to the
government, this provides an opportunity to stimulate the economy, create jobs, modernise
industry, enhance competitiveness, support vulnerable groups, improve energy security,
and support research and innovation.
The NECP is the backbone of Spain’s climate and energy policy. It outlines a number of
policy actions that will support the country’s 2030 climate targets, including in the areas of
energy efficiency, renewables and transport. Its targets include: a 23% reduction in GHG
emissions from 1990 levles; a 42% share of renewables in energy end use; a 39.5%
improvement in energy efficiency (compared to 2005 levels); and a 74% share of
renewables in electricity generation. Spain’s ambitious targets and detailed policy plans
are highly commendable and will place it well on track toward an energy transition in the
coming decades. Notably, the NECP outlines a number of measures at the sectoral level
for the power, transport, residential and commercial, industry, and agricultural sectors that
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will serve as the building blocks of the pathway to its 2030 targets. At the same time, the
government should be mindful of the high costs associated with the plan and ensure
thorough assessments of action items, to take advantage of the most cost-effective
On the domestic front, along with the NECP, the Spanish government issued the Climate
Emergency Declaration in January 2020, which outlined 30 action areas to reach the
climate neutrality goal by 2050. Its three pillars are: the Climate Change and Energy
Transition Law, the Just Transition Strategy, and the Long-Term Strategy. A supplemental
National Energy Poverty Strategy was also issued.
The draft Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition, approved by the government in
May 2020 and currently under debate in parliament, places the fight against climate
change and the need for an energy transition at the centre of the economy and society,
and provides a framework for policies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Its targets are
closely aligned with those in the NECP. The draft law calls for: at least a 20% reduction in
GHG emissions by 2030 (from 1990 levels); 70% of electricity sourced from renewables;
a 35% reduction in primary energy consumption (compared to 2005 levels); and a 35%
share of renewables in energy end use. Though the targets serve as a minimum baseline
and are not incompatible with the headline targets in the NECP, harmonisation of the
targets could further improve clarity around objectives and guide investment plans.
The Just Transition Strategy includes measures to promote employment opportunities in
the energy transition, supported by a framework of vocational training, active labour
policies, support measures to the most vulnerable, and economic stimulus plans for those
territories most affected by the energy transition. As Spain is already on track to phase out
coal from its electricity mix, the strategy will be particularly important for assisting coal
communities to cope with the energy transition.
Finally, the LTS anticipates and plans the transition towards climate neutrality in the 2050
horizon, with a reduction of at least 90% in total GHG emissions by 2050 compared to
1990 levels. The LTS defines the path that will enable an almost completely renewables-
based energy system (including in the transport, buildings and industry sectors). Following
a public consultation that was completed in September 2020, the Council of Ministers
adopted the LTS on 3 November 2020.
Once all of the plans and strategies mentioned above are implemented, a completely
different energy sector will emerge, where fossil fuels no longer dominate and end-user
sectors are mostly electrified. Such a new energy landscape will come with new challenges
and will provide new opportunities. The challenges concern energy security. The current
system is backed up by massive stocks of oil, gas and coal that can be dispatched in a
flexible way; the new system, with a large share of variable renewable generation, will
require other forms of longer term backup, on top of short-term flexibility stemming from
batteries, pumped hydro and demand response, among others. New vulnerabilities will
also arise, as electrification goes hand-in-hand with smartening of the system and
digitalisation. Special attention should be given to analysing the potential new hazards and
incidents that can affect security of supply.
The opportunities are with energy system integration. The new energy system can be
much more efficient than the current one, as end-use sectors can be coupled with higher
electrification, the use of residual heat, waste to energy, but also use electricity to produce
renewable gases like hydrogen, among others. Spain, like other countries, has only begun
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to explore these opportunities, which can be stimulated by targeted RD&D policies. It is
also important to adapt the regulatory framework, where needed, to gradually shape such
a new integrated energy system.
Spain is progressing towards its 2030 targets, notably in the electricity sector. After a slump
in investments between 2013 and 2018 due to a lack of financial means to promote
renewables, investments took off again in 2019. The share of renewables (including
non-renewable waste) in the national electricity mix increased from 24% in 2009 to 38%
in 2019. As such, Spain is on track to meet its 2020 target to source 42% of its electricity
from renewables.
Though Spain’s progress on ramping up renewables in its electricity mix is commendable,
the future trajectory of its power mix warrants careful consideration to ensure a smooth
transition. To start, Spain plans to phase out both coal and nuclear power generation. The
coal phase-out appears well on track, with coal only providing around 5% of electricity
generation in 2019 and even less in 2020. Nuclear power, which accounted for 22% of
power generation in 2019 (and is an important source of low-carbon generation), will begin
shutting down in 2027. Four of Spain’s seven nuclear reactors are scheduled to close by
the end of 2030, representing around 4 GW of capacity. Natural gas plants provided 31%
of power generation in 2019, and will be crucial to balancing out a power system that is
heavily dependent of variable renewables once coal and nuclear have left the market. As
such, the government will need to pay special attention to prevent natural gas generation
capacity from simultaneously exiting the system. In this regard, the government should
thoroughly assess the cost implications for consumers of the expedited phase-out of both
coal and nuclear generation.
Spain’s targets also preview a sizeable buildout of new renewables capacity to reach 74%
of electricity generation by 2030, notably wind and solar. As such, a stable, long-term
remuneration framework for supporting the growth of renewables, including for storage,
will be essential. Spain’s updated auction mechanisms are a step in the right direction, and
investor sentiment and availability of financing appears on track. Additional help could
come in the form of expedited permitting and timely issuance of auction schedules and
terms to improve investment clarity.
Moreover, the trajectory will require a concerted focus on system integration of variable
renewables in the coming years, a topic for which the Spanish government has already
developed a strategy. The government’s strategy is centred on interconnections, storage,
demand-side management and digitalisation. Public consultations and regulatory
proceedings are underway in all of these areas, though a timely issuance of a regulatory
framework will be crucial for mobilising investments, including in next-generation
technologies such as biogas and hydrogen. Co-operation with neighbouring governments
on interconnection capacity will also be a key element of utilising Spain’s full production
capacity on renewables, notably with France to expand connection of the Iberian peninsula
with the rest of continental Europe.
The issue of digital security is becoming an increasingly pressing problem for modern
energy systems, and cyberthreats are even more likely in a period of increased use of
remote connections. Energy automation systems and controlling software may become
the target of cyberattacks, especially in a period of accelerated energy transition when the
share of individual energy sectors and their role in the system evolves over a short period
of time. All possible risk-reducing measures like threat intelligence, vulnerability analyses,
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adequate planning and awareness training along the supply chain will likely be
cost-effective and fairly easy to implement.
Notwithstanding its considerable progress to date on decarbonising and increasing the
share of renewables in the electricity sector, Spain’s total energy mix is still heavily
dominated by fossil fuels. Oil and gas provide 42% and 25% of total energy supply,
respectively. Notably, the transport, industry and buildings sector all have considerably
more work ahead to meet the country’s targets for renewables penetration and
The transport sector, in particular, is the single biggest emitter of CO
accounting for nearly 41% of total CO
emissions in 2019. This makes it a priority sector
for the government, which aims to have 5 million electric vehicles on the roads by 2030 in
addition to increasing the use of advanced biofuels. Given the relatively low penetration of
electric vehicles on Spanish roads (less than 100 000 currently) and the task of building
sufficient charging infrastructure, the target is ambitious, as is the overall target to source
28% of transport fuels from renewables (including renewable electricity) by 2030, from
5.4% in 2019. Plans for decarbonising the transport sector also include modal shifts, which
will also require sizeable outlays on new infrastructure and a shift in public behavioural
In all sectors, Spain’s energy transition objectives hinge heavily on reducing consumption.
Already, Spain has begun to decouple economic growth from energy consumption; the
ratio of total consumption to GDP decreased by 15% between 2009 and 2019. Still, more
reductions will be needed across all sectors.
The draft Law on Climate Change and the Energy Transition as well as the NECP outline
a number of measures to improve efficiency and reduce consumption in all economic
sectors, including transport, buildings and industry. The policy plans are extensive and can
achieve good results, but will need to be accompanied by a predictable, long-term
regulatory framework; sufficient incentives to mobilise private investments; and adequate
public financing to underpin all of the programmes over the coming decade. Moreover,
Spain should pay due consideration to alternative measures in the event that some
assumptions, such as the EU Emissions Trading System price-driving sufficient
decarbonisation efforts by industry, do not pan out.
Under Spain’s plans, allocation of targets and funding for energy efficiency is granted
proportionally to the energy consumption of each sector, with the largest share going to
transport. A prioritisation of measures within sectors based on cost-effectiveness would
help Spain achieve its targets more effectively. In addition, implementation of a number of
efficiency measures for transport, buildings and industry will fall on municipal governments,
making co-ordination between the central government and municipal administrations as
well as skills capacity at both levels of government essential to success. Additional effort
and funding for capacity building at all levels of government toward this end would be
Spain was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It declared a state of emergency
between 14 March and 20 June 2020, during which energy demand dropped considerably.
Petroleum products demand fell most significantly, by 60% compared to the same period
in 2019, while total electricity demand fell by 12.7% and natural gas demand fell by 15.5%.
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Although demand has recovered since the easing of the lockdown measures, the country
is now facing the economic aftermath of the pandemic. Spain is currently working on a
recovery plan, as it will be one of the key beneficiaries of EU recovery funds through the
Recovery and Resilience Facility, which are meant to be invested in the green and digital
transformation. To this end, Spain’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan represents an
important opportunity to accelerate measures included in its NECP and draft Law on
Climate Change and Energy Transition. In particular, it will enable a greater outlay of public
investment to jumpstart the NECP and guide timely private investment in these areas. As
such, the government should promptly finalise specific guidelines on priority areas for
spending within its energy and climate plans.
Spain has a fairly decentralised governance system, which is divided into 17 autonomous
communities, each with its own parliament. This gives great importance to how the central
government interacts with these regions and their representatives, who have competence
to implement key national energy and climate policies. In the energy sector, the
autonomous communities are responsible for areas such as authorising power plants and
energy networks. The decentralised governance system has benefits, as regions and
municipalities can work more directly with end users to promote changes in energy
consumption and transport. However, problems can also arise from the difference in
approaches and standards between regions and can result in uneven implementation of
measures across regions. Improved training for municipal and regional authorities and
standardisation of tendering processes would help improve outcomes.
Prices and taxes are also critical elements to drive change in consumer behaviour.
Electricity bills, including taxes, in Spain remain relatively high, notably compared to
taxation levels for oil and natural gas. As Spain looks to a future of increased electrification
of end-use sectors and sector coupling an essential element to achieve an energy
transition the competitiveness of electricity against fossil fuels will be a critical element
to achieving the desired results. As such, Spain should consider changes to its taxation
system, notably to incorporate the cost of carbon into end-use prices, to reduce barriers to
increased uptake of clean electricity in more end uses. The recently announced National
Fund for the Sustainability of the Electric System is a significant step in the right direction
to redistribute electricity costs across the energy system to promote increased
In October 2020, Spain issued its Hydrogen Roadmap for the development of renewable
hydrogen, in line with the European Hydrogen Strategy. The government should also issue
its planned road map in the area of biogas to ensure long-term clarity for investments that
further support sector coupling.
From an energy security perspective, although Spain continues to be heavily dependent
(73% dependency) on foreign sources for its energy, its sources for oil and gas are
relatively well diversified and the government has robust emergency response frameworks
in place in the case of a disruption. Notably, these frameworks are well integrated with
those in the IEA and the EU. The LTS projects that new policies and increased
electrification will reduce Spain’s import dependency to 10%. However, the rapid shutdown
of coal and nuclear facilities over the coming decade bears watching, as it could increase
the country’s call on natural gas, especially if new renewables capacity cannot be built as
quickly as planned.
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Interconnectivity with other European countries is also a critical element for Spain to
improve security of supply. While electricity projects with Portugal are progressing, existing
interconnection with France is often congested and new projects have been delayed,
causing Spain to fall short of its EU interconnectivity targets of 10% by 2020 and putting
at risk its 15% target by 2030. Spain should consider expanding the scope of its
cross-border network planning today with an eye on the 2030 target. Importantly,
increased interconnections would also enable Spain to export surplus renewable electricity
and gas from its underutilised LNG import capacity.
The government of Spain should:
Review taxation to avoid excess charges and distortionary impacts on electricity
relative to oil and gas consumption to promote electrification. Consider additional
carbon-based taxation as well as other mechanisms to progressively redistribute
electricity charges among all actors in the energy system.
Use cost-effectiveness analysis for energy efficiency measures to better prioritise
financing for measures and achieve targets more effectively.
Improve co-ordination with regional authorities and municipalities to implement the
NECP’s measures more effectively.
Improve electricity interconnection capacity to boost security of supply and facilitate
further integration into the European energy market.
Regularly review and strengthen when needed the energy system’s cyber resilience
by testing and simulating scenarios that involve cyberattacks along the value chains
of electricity, nuclear, gas and oil in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Ensure that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan supports achieving the NECP’s
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021), “World energy balances”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
OECD (2020), OECD Economic Outlook, Vol. 2020/1,
OECD (2018), OECD Economic Surveys: Spain 2018,
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3. Energy and climate change
Key data
GHG emissions with LULUCF*
(2018): 296.2 Mt CO
-eq, -27.4% since 2007, -15.2%
2000, +16.9% since 1990
GHG emiss
ions without LULUCF* (2018): 334.3 Mt CO
-eq, -25.3% since 2007, -14.0%
2000, +15.5% since 1990
-related CO
emissions from fuel combustion: 230.9 Mt CO
, -31.7% since 2007, -17.1%
2000, +13.9%
since 1990
emissions by fuel: oil 60.8%, natural gas 30.7%, coal 7.3%, other 0.6%
emissions by sector: transport 40.6%, electricity and heat generation 23.3%,
13.5%, other energy 9.2%, service 7.3%, residential 6.2%
intensity per GDP:** 0.13 kg CO
/USD (IEA:*** 0.21 kg CO
* Land use, land
-use change and forestry (Source: UNFCCC).
** Gross domestic product in 2015 prices and purchas
ing power parity.
*** Weighted average of IEA member countries in 2018
Spain has set ambitious policies, in line with European Union (EU) requirements, to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In January 2020, Spain submitted a ten-year National
Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) to the European Commission. The NECP sets a target
of reducing GHG emissions by 23% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and achieving
climate neutrality by 2050.
In 2018, GHG emissions in Spain were 334.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
(Mt CO
-eq) (not including effects from land use) (Figure 3.1). This corresponds to a 25%
drop since 2007, mainly driven by the energy sector, compared to the highest level
reached in 2007 at 447.3 Mt CO
-eq. Since then, emissions in Spain began to fall
significantly as a result of the 2008-09 economic crisis. Emissions stopped declining
in 2013 and have remained relatively stable since at around 330 Mt CO
-eq. Over the
decades, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) has continuously contributed
as a carbon sink at around -37 Mt CO
-eq per year.
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Similar to most countries, the energy sector is the largest emitter of GHG emissions,
accounting for 76% of the total in 2018, followed by agriculture at 12%, industrial processes
at 8% and waste at 4%.
Figure 3.1 Greenhouse gas emissions in Spain by sector, 1990-2018
In 2018, total GHG emissions in Spain were 325 Mt CO
-eq, representing a 25% drop
compared to a peak in 2007. Spain set a GHG reduction target of 23% below 1990 levels
by 2030.
* Energy includes power and heat generation, services, households, industrial energy consumption, and transport,
and excludes indirect CO
Note: Mt CO
-eq = million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Source: UNFCCC (2020), Spain 2020 National Inventory Report,
Energy-related CO
In 2019, energy-related CO
emissions in Spain amounted to 230.9 Mt CO
, a 31.7%
reduction from the peak in 2007 (Figure 3.2). Energy-related emissions fell significantly
following the 2008-09 global financial crisis, notably in electricity generation. Since 2013,
emissions have stopped declining in other sectors (industry, transport, residential).
The transport sector was the largest CO
emitter in 2019, accounting for 41% of total
emissions from fuel combustion, followed by electricity and heat generation (23%), industry
(14%), other energy (e.g. refineries, oil and gas extraction) (9%), services (7%), and
residential (6%). CO
emissions in the transport sector have continued to grow since 2013,
as Spain is largely dependent on road transport, based on a well-developed road transport
infrastructure. The second-largest CO
emitter, electricity and heat generation, had
increasing energy-related CO
emissions until 2007. Since then, emissions from electricity
and heat generation have been on a downward trend with fluctuations (dependent on
weather conditions) correlating with the increasing use of wind and solar energy to
generate electricity.
- 100
1990 2000 2007 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2030
Industry processes
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Figure 3.2 Energy-related CO
emissions in Spain by sector, 2000-19
Since peaking in 2007, energy-related CO
emissions have declined noticeably across all
sectors, but started to increase again in 2013.
* Services/other includes commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, and fishing.
** Other energy industries include emissions from oil refineries, coke evens, coal mines, oil and gas extraction.
*** Industry includes CO emissions from non-metallic minerals, chemical and petrochemical, iron, and steel.
Note: Mt CO
= million tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
Oil accounted for 61% of total energy-related CO
emissions in 2019, followed by natural
gas (31%) and coal (8%) (Figure 3.3). Emissions from oil consumption decreased from 2007,
and rebounded again from 2014 to 2018 due to increasing oil consumption in the transport
sector. They fell slightly again in 2019. Emissions from natural gas combustion also showed
a similar trend as oil during the economic crisis. Due to the increased share of gas in
electricity generation, emissions from natural gas combustion in 2019 more than doubled
compared to 2000. Coal emissions have fluctuated, depending on demand in electricity
generation, but have overall experienced a clear downward trend in recent years.
Figure 3.3 Energy-related CO
emissions in Spain by energy source, 2000-19
Oil and natural gas emissions declined between 2007 and 2014, but picked up again, while
emissions from coal have fluctuated depending on demand in electricity generation.
* Other includes emissions from non-renewable waste, which is not visible at this scale.
Note: Mt CO
= million tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
2002 2004
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Electricity and heat
Other energy industries**
IEA. All rights reserved.
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Natural gas
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Carbon intensity
Energy-related CO
emissions in Spain significantly decreased from 2007 to 2013, driven
by reduced economic activity (GDP per capita dropped by 10% over the same period)
(Figure 3.4). While GDP per capita rebounded again from 2013 onwards, the carbon
intensity of the economy (CO
/GDP PPP) has consistently declined, showing signs of a
decoupling effect. However, the carbon intensity of the energy mix (CO
/TFC) has
remained stable since 2010.
Figure 3.4 Energy-related CO
emissions and key drivers in Spain, 2000-19
Despite population and economic growth, energy-related CO
emissions have been trending
downward over the last two decades, thanks to a drop in the carbon intensity of the economy.
* GDP refers to real gross domestic product in USD 2015 prices and purchasing power parity (PPP).
Notes: TFC = total final consumption. CO
emissions refers to energy-related CO
emissions from combustion
Source: IEA (2021), IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
From 2000 to 2007, Spain’s carbon intensity of the economy, measured as energy-related
emissions per unit of GDP, remained relatively high, at around 0.21 kg CO
(Figure 3.5). However, it showed a rapid decline of 25% between 2007 and 2010, driven
by a reduction in electricity and heat production (EEA, 2020). In 2019, Spain’s carbon
intensity per GDP was 0.13 kg CO
. Compared to other IEA member countries, Spain is
in the lower half, 30% below the IEA weighted average (0.21 kg CO
/USD PPP in 2018)
and just below the weighted average among European IEA countries (0.15 kg CO
PPP in 2018).
In 2019, Spain emitted 198 grammes of CO
per kilowatt hour (g CO
kWh) for electricity
and heat generation, which was just below the weighted average of European IEA
countries (267 g CO
kWh in 2018) (Figure 3.6). Since 2000, the CO
intensity of electricity
and heat generation has continuously declined due to the increasing share of renewables
in electricity and heat generation.
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Index 2000
CO2 emissions
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Figure 3.5 CO
intensity in Spain and selected IEA member countries, 2000-19
In 2019, Spain’s CO
intensity of the economy had fallen by 40% from the highest level
in 2005, which is just below the weighted average of European IEA countries.
* IEA Europe refers to a weighted average of European IEA member countries. 2019 data are not available yet for all
Notes: kg CO
= kilogrammes of carbon dioxide. GDP refers to real gross domestic product in USD 2015 prices and
purchasing power parity (PPP).
Source: IEA (2021), IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
Figure 3.6 CO
intensity of electricity and heat generation in Spain and selected IEA
member countries, 2000-19
Since 2000, Spain’s CO
intensity in electricity and heat generation has significantly fallen by
55%, with large fluctuations, mainly driven by variations in coal and natural gas.
* IEA Europe refers to a weighted average of European IEA member countries.
Note: g CO
/kWh= grammes of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
Institutional responsibilities
Spain has improved its institutional co-ordination on climate change in recent years.
Since 2018, the Departments of Energy, Climate Change and Environment have been
integrated into a single ministry, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the
Demographic Challenge. The new ministry is tasked with co-ordinating and implementing
IEA Europe*
IEA. All rights reserved.
IEA Europe*
IEA. All rights reserved.
g CO
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the country’s climate plan and long-term decarbonisation strategy, mainly through a
working group of experts from different ministries. Additional governance improvements
are also addressed in the Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition.
For administration of the implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), the
central government (led by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic
Challenge) oversees the free allocation of allowances, auctions and the registry of
companies, while the autonomous communities (regional governments) oversee
permitting, monitoring and reporting and, in most cases, the infringement regime.
A Climate Change Policy Coordination Commission and the Climate Change Council
co-ordinate actions between the federal and regional governments as well as other
Emission targets and strategy
Since the last in-depth review in 2015, Spain has prioritised the issue of climate change
on its national agenda, bringing it in line with EU objectives and ambitions. Since 2018,
the government has focused on the concept of a “just transition”, quickly moved to abolish
what was popularly known as the “sun tax” on rooftop solar installations, and reached an
agreement with the coal industry and unions to close all non-competitive coal mines in the
country. It also introduced a new climate package in early 2019 that included a number of
new measures and updated targets to meet its climate objectives.
The EU and its member states, including Spain, share a joint nationally determined
contribution under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process,
which includes a binding target of a net reduction of at least 55% in GHG emissions by
2030 compared to 1990 levels. Furthermore, the EU has also committed to achieving
climate neutrality by 2050.
As a member of the EU, Spain’s climate policy is guided by the framework of EU climate
policies: the 2020 climate package and the 2030 climate framework. Large combustion
facilities in the power and industry sectors are part of the EU ETS, whereas non-ETS
emissions are subject to the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) until 2020 and the Effort
Sharing Regulation (ESR) until 2030 (see below).
Several policy documents guide Spain’s climate change strategy, namely: the Long-Term
Strategy to 2050, the National Energy and Climate Plan to 2030, the Bill on Climate
Change and Energy Transition for 2030 and 2050, and the Second National Adaptation
Long-Term Strategy
The Long-Term Strategy (LTS) maps out a plan for Spain to achieve carbon neutrality
by 2050. The document includes interim milestones for 2030 and 2040, seizing the
benefits derived from the energy transition with an eye to the transformation and
competitiveness of the economy. The LTS defines the path that will enable an almost
completely renewables-based energy system. Specifically, it expects Spain’s
carbon-neutral economy to source 100% of electricity from renewable sources and 97%
of final energy consumption from renewables in 2050.
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Its components include mitigation actions related to energy efficiency and renewables, as
well as strategies for adaptation and the decarbonisation of different sectors, including
electricity, mobility, industry and buildings. Measures outlined in the LTS include:
mobilisation of investment in green innovative technologies, transition to sustainable
mobility by means of electrification and use of renewable fuels, increased sustainability in
the building sector, efficiency improvements in the agricultural sector, and increased use
of natural carbon sinks, among others.
Reducing absolute levels of energy consumption is one of the central tenets of the LTS. It
projects primary energy consumption to fall by around 30% from 2020 to 2050. By 2050,
60% less energy would be necessary to create one unit of GDP compared to 2015. This
means that today’s primary energy consumption of about 120 million tonnes of oil
equivalent (Mtoe) would fall to 100 Mtoe in 2030 and to approximately 90 Mtoe in 2040
and less than 80 Mtoe in 2050.
In order to meet emissions reduction targets, renewable energy is expected to account for
28% of final energy use in the transport sector in 2030 and 79% in 2050 (including the
aviation sector). In the heating/cooling sectors, renewable energy is expected to account
for 97% by 2050 due to the use of heat pumps, biomass, renewable hydrogen and solar
According to the LTS, the sectors of the economy that would reduce their emissions most
in absolute terms by 2050, achieving climate neutrality, are the following:
electricity generation, 57 Mt CO
-eq reduction (100% from 2020)
mobility and transport, 85 Mt CO
-eq reduction (98% from 2020)
residential, commercial and institutional sectors, 28 Mt CO
-eq reduction (100% from 2020)
industry, 65 Mt CO
-eq reduction (90% from 2020).
Moreover, around 10% of the remaining GHG emissions in 2050 (37 Mt CO
-eq) are
expected to be absorbed by natural carbon sinks.
The LTS was approved by the Council of Ministers in November 2020. It will be reviewed
every five years. Several regional governments, including Catalonia, Galicia and Basque
Country, have already committed to net-zero targets by 2050 as well.
National Energy and Climate Plan
The measures provided for in Spain’s NECP 2021-2030, submitted to the EU in February
2020, target a 23% reduction in GHG emissions in 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The
latest inventory shows that as of 2018, Spain’s GHG emissions were 15.5% above 1990
levels (not including LULUCF), indicating that sizeable cuts are needed in the coming
years to meet the country’s and the EU targets (Spain was permitted a 15% increase in
emissions under the EU’s Kyoto Protocol plan for 2020) (EEA, 2019). Spain expects that
non-ETS sectors will contribute to achieving this target with a 39% reduction by 2030
compared to 2005 levels, while ETS sectors will contribute with a decrease of 61%
compared to 2005 levels.
The NECP adopts a strategy for reducing GHG emissions that places “energy efficiency
first”, with a planned 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency (or 3.5% annual reduction in
primary energy intensity) by 2030. The strategy includes measures to improve energy
efficiency in buildings through renovations and to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the
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transport sector (see Chapter 4). It also calls for expanding Spain’s use of renewables to
reach 42% in energy end use, especially solar and wind (EC, 2020).
As a critical part of the penetration of renewables, Spain aims to achieve a 74% share of
renewables in electricity generation by 2030. The decarbonisation of the electricity sector
will be facilitated by an expected phasing out of coal-fired generation and a high
penetration of renewables, which will also allow for the decommissioning of 4 gigawatts
(GW) of nuclear capacity by 2030. The NECP expects that up to 9 of Spain’s existing
15 coal-fired power plants (as of 2019) will no longer be operational by 2021. Already,
based on market conditions, on 30 June 2020, seven plants with around 4.6 GW of
capacity shut down and four more are expected to follow by 2022. By 2030, Spain expects
that coal-fired power plants will no longer be competitive based on an EU ETS price of
EUR 35/t CO
, along with continued cost reductions for renewables technologies and
relatively low prices for natural gas.
In the transport sector, the NECP plans to achieve emissions reductions through a modal
shift away from conventional internal combustion vehicles toward public, shared and
low-emissions modes of transport. Moreover, the government will designate low-emissions
zones in cities with more than 50 000 inhabitants starting in 2023, where access for the
most highly emitting vehicles will be restricted. As a result of the implementation of modal
shift measures, it is estimated that 35% of passenger-kilometres that are currently travelled
by conventional vehicles will shift to non-emitting forms of transport by 2030. Moreover,
the government projects 5 million electric vehicles on the roads by 2030, including cars,
vans, motorcycles and buses, as well as higher use of advanced biofuels in conventional
combustion vehicles.
For the industry sector, planned emissions reductions are expected from changes in the
fuels used in combustion processes, as well as the continuation of energy efficiency
improvements. In the longer term, to 2050, the decarbonisation of industry will require new
technological advances that will come from research, innovation and competitiveness
policies (see Chapter 6).
From a financial perspective, the government anticipates that the implementation of the
NECP will require EUR 241.4 billion, of which 80% is expected to come from the private
sector. Renewables will lead with 38% of investment, followed by efficiency at 35%, and
grid and electrification at 24%.
The NECP also takes stock of the interactions between air quality and emissions policy,
from both a policy and methodological point of view. Emissions of several air pollutants
have fallen over the last few decades, but air quality remains a concern, particularly
concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO
). Personal transport and traffic congestion
exacerbate problems with air quality in major metropolitan areas (namely, Madrid and
Barcelona), leading to health and economic costs. To this end, Spain’s projections of GHG
and air pollutant emissions have been developed in a consistent way and the NECP makes
a link with plans included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme. Benefits to air
pollution and public health of the proposed climate and energy measures create value
added to the plan.
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Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition
The government declared a “climate emergency” in January and pledged to reintroduce a
draft Bill on Climate Change to parliament within its first 100 days in office, though that
was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition was accepted by the government in
May 2020 and submitted to parliament. It will transpose much of the NECP into national
law, though the NECP’s main targets are also binding at the national level, in line with EU
Regulation 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action.
The new bill is also meant to guide Spain’s post-COVID-19 recovery efforts, as Spain
expects to receive EUR 140.4 billion from EU recovery funds. It proposes a target of at
least a 20% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 (from 1990 levels) and to attain climate
neutrality in 2050, when almost 100% of energy will be sourced from renewable sources.
The Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition provides more ambitious goals than the
EU 2030 targets on renewables and energy efficiency. While the EU aims for a 32% share
of renewables in overall energy use by 2030, the Spanish bill provides for a 35% target,
and a 70% sub-target for the use of renewables in electricity generation. Compared to the
EU energy efficiency target of at least 32.5%, Spain’s bill increases the target to 35%.
These Spanish targets are, in principle, aligned with the new EU target of a 55% GHG
emissions reduction by 2030.
Among its many measures, the bill provides for a portion of the general state budget to be
allocated to the energy transition, and envisages a ban on research permits and
exploration concessions for all hydrocarbons, including a complete ban on fracking
To support the expanding role of renewables in electricity, the bill establishes a new
remuneration framework for new renewable energy generation facilities based on a
contract for difference, awarded through competitive tendering procedures. It also calls for
new hydroelectric concessions to be granted priority for supporting the integration of
renewable energy into the electricity system and for optimising already-awarded access
and connection rights to the grid, making it possible to increase the power capacity of
existing generation facilities.
In the transport sector, the bill requires all new vehicles sold to be zero emissions by 2040,
and promotes electric vehicle charging points (see Chapter 4). It also introduces low-
emissions zones in cities with more than 50 0000 inhabitants, as outlined in the NECP.
Moreover, it establishes annual targets for biofuels and other alternative fuels for air
transport, and requires state-owned ports to be carbon neutral by 2050.
From a financial disclosure perspective, the bill requires financial institutions to publish
specific decarbonisation objectives for their loan and investment portfolios from 2023 in
line with the Paris Agreement. It also establishes non-financial reporting obligations of
listed companies (based on their level of exposure to climate risks and their strategies and
objectives for mitigation).
On the adaptation and conservation side, the bill integrates climate risks into coastal
planning and management, transport infrastructure, and land-use development under the
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National Adaptation Plan (see below). Moreover, it sets out a biodiversity strategy to
protect and restore Spain’s wildlife and ecosystems.
To help communities adjust to the energy transition, the bill requires approval by the
regions of a transition strategy for communities dependent on fossil fuel industries for their
livelihood every five years. As part of this strategy, specific transition agreements to
promote alternative economic activities will be developed in affected areas.
Lastly, to increase awareness and build public support for the energy transition, the bill
introduces climate change to school curriculums and promotes professional training in new
low-carbon skills and technologies. It also establishes a framework to ensure governance,
including the establishment of an independent committee of experts, regional energy and
climate plans, public participation, and internal administrative procedures for monitoring
and reporting.
The Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition will be implemented in conjunction with
complementary strategies, such as the Just Transition Strategy (see Chapter 9), the
Spanish Strategy on Circular Economy, the Future Sustainable Mobility Law and the Long-
Term Building Rehabilitation Strategy.
Carbon pricing
Spain participates in the EU ETS, which is a cap-and-trade system covering around
1 000 stationary installations and 30 aircraft operators that represent around 40% of total
GHG emissions in Spain. The emissions reductions target under the system, set at the EU
level, is a 21% reduction from 2005 levels by 2020 and a 43% reduction by 2030, though
there are no targets at the national level. In Spain, between 2005 and 2019, emissions
covered by the EU ETS fell by 45%.
Allowances are provided for free to some installations based on carbon leakage (mainly
industrial companies and airline operators), though many free allocations will wind down
by 2030; the electricity sector already no longer receives free allowances. Auctioning is
the main allocation method for the electricity sector and will be increasingly used for
industrial companies transitioning away from free allocations. Spain uses 90% of its
auction revenues to support renewable energy, while the remaining 10% is used to support
other climate change priorities. Over the 2013-19 period, Spain raised EUR 4.6 billion in
auction revenues from over 1 000 auctions.
This ETS regime is complementary to the EU Effort Sharing Regulation, which covers all
emissions not affected by the EU ETS, as well as the EU LULUCF Regulation that covers
emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry activities.
All of these EU emissions regulations, together with other regulations on renewable
energy, energy efficiency, waste, etc., are applied nationally in a consistent way to ensure
that Spain achieves its national, EU and international GHG commitments.
In addition, Spain developed a national carbon pricing policy in 2012, the so-called
“Climate Projects” (Proyectos Clima), as a system aimed at encouraging the reduction of
GHG emissions from facilities and sectors not covered by the EU ETS (transport,
residential, waste, agricultural, industrial, fluorinated gases), excluding removals by carbon
sinks. The programme supports projects that deliver CO
equivalent emissions reductions
that are then verified and purchased by a national carbon fund (Carbon Fund for a
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Sustainable Economy, FES-CO
) at a fixed price during the first four years of a project.
Energy projects have included solar PV projects and solar irrigation projects in isolated
areas of the grid, electric and hybrid vehicles, modal shifts, as well as waste to energy
projects and slurry biodigestion projects with electric generation. This policy has proven to
drive innovation too, facilitating the transfer of clean technology and encouraging
mitigation efforts across sectors.
Spain does not currently apply any carbon pricing in non-ETS sectors, although it has
undertaken a number of assessments and studies to introduce environmental or carbon
taxation into various sectors, with an eye to citizen acceptance and co-ordination with the
autonomous communities that have competencies in certain areas of taxation.
However, there is a notable exception with Law 16/2013, which establishes some
environmental taxation measures, including a national tax on fluorinated gases, which has
been a very efficient measure for mitigating GHG emissions. According to the Spanish
National Inventory of Emissions, since the implementation of the tax in 2014, emissions of
fluorinated gases in Spain have fallen by approximately 65%.
Given the recent ratification of the Doha Amendment, the second commitment period of
the Kyoto Protocol entered into force in October 2020, which means that Spain’s goal
under the Kyoto Protocol is binding. Spain is one of the most active players in the Kyoto
Protocol mechanisms market, and currently holds around 17 million certified emissions
reductions (17 Mt CO
reduced) from the Clean Development Mechanism that could be
used to reach the Kyoto Protocol goal (which should be met easily, leaving a surplus of
certified emissions reductions). Spain has indicated that it will not use any Kyoto Protocol
units toward its goal under the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
Adaptation to climate change
The Spanish energy sector could be affected by a number of potential impacts of climate
change, including: increased frequency and severity of droughts and floods that could
affect hydroelectric generation; changes in sun and wind patterns that could affect local
solar and wind production; and an increase in extreme weather events that could disrupt
energy infrastructure. Changes in weather patterns, but especially the increased frequency
and intensity of extreme events, can cause damage to infrastructure that is critical to the
proper functioning of electricity, gas or oil systems. Recent storms reveal that damage can
affect overhead power lines, although liquefied natural gas (LNG) and conventional gas
terminals and refineries located in coastal areas will also face increased risks due to
storms, flooding and rising sea levels.
For Spain, climate scenarios point to an increase in the number of days per year with high
temperatures, which will lead to an increase in peak electricity demand associated with
cooling needs at certain times of the day and seasons. If no appropriate measures are
taken to target the most vulnerable segments of the population, there could also be an
increase in seasonal energy poverty ratios in certain regions associated with cooling
needs. Moreover, high temperatures can also hamper thermal power generators that need
water from rivers for cooling.
The Spanish government has already put in place measures to respond to climate change.
Since 2013, environmental impact assessments made for new energy infrastructure have
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been required to account for the impacts related to climate change. In 2014, the Spanish
Office for Climate Change completed the first report on adaptation to climate change in
the Spanish energy sector with action plans and timelines.
More recently, a new Spanish National Adaptation Plan 2021-2030, which was adopted
by the Council of Ministers in September 2020, includes a number of measures on
adaptation for the energy sector. Notably, the plan attempts to cover the entire energy
value chain, a leading example among countries with adaptation plans. Its components
include: primary energy supply; electricity generation; transport, storage and distribution;
and electricity demand.
Specifically, it calls for the integration of changes in primary energy supply resulting from
climate change into energy planning and management by: developing projections, for
various climate change scenarios, on the availability of water resources and their
generation potential by hydrographic basins; developing projections, for various climate
change scenarios, of the biomass potential by type of crops and regions; and using
projections on possible changes in available resources for energy planning and
Given that changes in annual or seasonal rainfall patterns, average air and water
temperatures, and average wind speeds can affect the performance and optimal operation
of power plants, the National Adaptation Plan also calls for remedial actions, including:
making estimates on the potential impacts associated with climate change by type of
technology and region; identifying and analysing technological improvements that promote
the implementation of more resilient, efficient and adapted electricity generation facilities;
integrating the results in the planning of the energy transition into successive NECPs; and
identifying the needs of water resources for the generation of electricity.
Lastly, the National Adaptation Plan also includes a measure to prevent the impacts of
climate change on energy transport, storage and distribution. Action items will include:
carrying out analyses on the impact of climate change on the functionality and resilience
of electricity transmission and distribution networks and defining consequent adaptation
measures; identifying energy infrastructures that are highly vulnerable to extreme events
and promoting specific adaptation programmes; and integrating the results into energy
transition planning in successive NECPs.
Spain has made substantial progress on policies mitigating climate change since the last
in-depth review by establishing an NECP, proposing a Bill of Climate Change and Energy
Transition, a Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy 2050 and a Second National
Adaptation Plan. These key documents, in addition to supporting initiatives such as
road maps and strategies, provide greater clarity on Spain’s climate change ambitions.
Spain has committed to become a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. Spanish climate and
energy legislation as well as the NECP are comprehensive on targets and sectoral
contributions and entail policies and measures for decarbonisation, including renewable
energy and energy efficiency. The closure of coal mines and decommissioning of
remaining coal power plants will further help to achieve decarbonisation goals. However,
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a carbon-neutral economy needs to be underpinned by equally ambitious policies on
security of supply, competitive markets, and research and innovation.
The domestic long-term framework for climate policy is set in the draft Bill for Climate
Change and Energy Transition. Currently in the Spanish parliament, the bill, in addition to
the 2050 climate neutrality goal, sets targets for 2030 (at least a 20% reduction of GHG
emissions from 1990 levels). The Long-Term Strategy 2050 will include an intermediate
target of GHG mitigation by 2040.
Under the NECP, Spain has set an ambitious target for GHG emissions reductions from
the effort-sharing sectors: 39% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, which is 13 percentage
points more than the binding target of 26% set in the EU Effort Sharing Regulation. This
reduction would be reached with the additional measures specified in the NECP. Potential
barriers for these additional measures, in particular regulatory and administrative ones,
need to be removed. The national GHG reduction target of -20% in the draft Bill on Climate
Change and Energy Transition is a minimum, which does not exactly align with the NECP.
Moreover, the EU has agreed to increase the bloc’s GHG emissions reduction target for
2030 to 55%. Thanks to its existing ambitious targets and policies, Spain may already be
aligned with the new EU 2030 target.
The transport sector was the largest energy-related CO
emitter in 2019, accounting for
41% of total emissions from fuel combustion, followed by electricity and heat generation
(23%), industry (14%), other energy industries (9%), services (7%), and residential (6%).
Transport is the sector where GHG emissions continue to grow most. While Spain has a
robust transport infrastructure, it relies almost exclusively on road transport for freight.
As such, in transport (with around a 40% share of non-ETS emissions), Spain aims to
reduce emissions by 27 Mt CO
-eq by 2030 (a 33% reduction compared to 2020). This is
planned to be achieved by a more efficient organisation of the mobility system
(e.g. promoting a modal shift towards less emitting modes of transport, promoting the use
of the most efficient transport modes, promoting the renewal of the car fleet), and by an
increased uptake of renewable sources of energy, in particular electricity and advanced
biofuels. It is worth highlighting that concrete measures to this end have been identified,
e.g. low-emissions zones in every large city (extended to those with more than 50 000
inhabitants as of 2023), and that the quantitative impact of certain measures on energy
savings has been calculated. Regarding electro-mobility, the NECP aims at having
5 million electric passenger cars and light-duty vehicles on the roads in 2030. New vehicles
sold in these categories should have zero emissions by 2040. This will be supported by
grants for the purchase of electric vehicles and infrastructure development. Therefore, it is
clear that Spain’s strategy and measures for lowering transport emissions are
well-considered; the next stage will be to ensure timely implementation and sufficient
funding for the measures to keep progress on track.
To further achieve its climate target, the government is focusing on increasing the supply
of renewable energy and reducing energy demand through efficiency measures. Notably,
the NECP sets a target of a 74% renewable share in electricity by 2030, combined with
strong goals for electrification and a 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency.
The Hydrogen Roadmap considers renewable hydrogen as a key technology to increase
the production of renewable electricity and renewable gases, targeting 4 GW of hydrogen
electrolysis capacity in 2030.
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Air quality also needs to be ensured. Emissions of several air pollutants have decreased
over the last decades, while air quality remains a concern, particularly concentrations of
nitrogen dioxide (NO
). Personal transport and traffic congestion exacerbate problems with
air quality in major metropolitan areas (namely Madrid and Barcelona), leading to health
and economic costs. A comprehensive approach is needed, which is related to
environmental but also climate, energy and mobility issues. Investments in mobility, in
particular, should be in line with the National Air Pollution Control Programme.
Total investments to achieve the NECP’s objectives, including decarbonisation, are
estimated at EUR 241 412 million between 2021 and 2030, including EUR 196 000 million
of additional investments. The main sectors are: energy efficiency: 35%
(EUR 83 540 million); renewables: 38% (EUR 91 765 million); and networks and
electrification: 24% (EUR 58 579 million). Eighty per cent of investments are expected to
be private and 20% are planned public investments, placing a heavy reliance for meeting
emissions targets on sizeable private sector outlays. In this regard, it is imperative that
policies and measures outlined in the NECP are successful at mobilising private
Spain is also among the most exposed EU countries to climate change. It is therefore
crucial to anticipate the adverse effects (e.g. floods, coastal erosion, droughts, heat waves,
forest fires) through adaptation measures. The 2020 National Adaptation Plan 2021-2030
sets 18 thematic fields including forestry desertification, water and coastal areas in order
to facilitate integration of adaptation action in the different sectors of public and private
Adapting the energy sector to climate change should be a core priority for the Spanish
government, given its close correlation with GHG emissions reduction and energy security
goals (e.g. variability of hydropower, cooling for fossil fuel plants, forests as biomass
sources and carbon sinks, increasing energy demand). Climate change has a strong
influence on the proper functioning of the energy system (like resilience of the electricity
grid and gas networks), and its detrimental effects would be amplified by growing cooling
demand and increased flooding risk.
The government of Spain should:
Implement policies and measures in line with the NECP in a timely manner to
achieve national GHG emissions reduction targets and remove barriers to their
In co-ordination with industry, citizens and regional authorities, closely track the
implementation of measures contained in the NECP, evaluate progress, enforce
deadlines and adjust strategies, where needed.
Monitor private sector investments between 2021 and 2030 toward decarbonisation
targets, and develop strategies to mobilise supplementary financing, as needed.
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Step up efforts to implement the National Adaptation Plan for the energy sector
given Spain’s outsized exposure to the impacts of climate change among EU
EC (European Commission) (2020), Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
EEA (European Environment Agency) (n.d.), GHG Trends and Projections in Spain, (accessed on
3 November 2020).
EEA (2019), Annual European Union Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2017 and Inventory
Report 2019,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021), “CO emissions by product and flow”, IEA CO
Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics (database),
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (2020), Spain 2020
National Inventory Report,
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4. Energy efficiency
Key data
Total final consumption (TFC):
85.5 Mtoe (oil 51.3%, electricity 23.6%, natural gas 17.2%,
energy and waste 7.0%, coal 0.6%, solar 0.4%, other renewables 0.4%) -5.9% since 2009
Consumption by sector:
industry 29%, transport 38%, residential 17%, services/other 16%
Energy consumption (TFC) per capita:
1.8 toe/capita (IEA average:* 2.8 toe/capita), -7%
since 200
Energy intensity (TFC/GDP
)**: 48 toe/USD million PPP (IEA average:* 62 toe/USD million
-15% since 2009
Weighted average of IEA member countries in 2018.
GDP data are in billion USD 2015 prices and PPP (purchasing power parity).
Energy intensity
Spain’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 7% between 2008 and 2014 as a
consequence of the global financial crisis (Figure 4.1). Total final consumption (TFC) was
strongly affected by the shrinking economy and decreased by 20% in the same time frame.
While the economy rebounded by 15% in the next five years, TFC increased by 10%
between 2014 and 2018, to then decrease by 1% in 2019. As a consequence, the
TFC/GDP ratio decreased by 18% between 2008 and 2019, indicating that Spain has
decoupled economic growth from energy consumption. With a population that has been
relatively stable between 2008 and 2019 (+2%), TFC/capita also decreased in the same
decade by 15%.
The coronavirus pandemic hit the country hard in 2020, and OECD projections forecast a
contraction of the economy by at least 11% in 2020. This will likely have strong
consequences for TFC.
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Figure 4.1 Energy consumption and drivers in Spain, 2000-19
Spain has experienced a decoupling of TFC and economic growth in recent years; TFC
in 2019 was at similar levels to 2000, while GDP was a third higher.
Notes: GDP = gross domestic product. TFC = total final consumption. GDP data are in billion USD 2015 prices and
PPP (purchasing power parity).
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
In 2019, the energy intensity of the Spanish economy, measured as the ratio of TFC per
unit of GDP, was 48 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) per USD million PPP, a decline of 26%
since 2000 (Figure 4.2). Spain has a relatively low energy intensity compared to other IEA
countries, both by GDP and per capita. In 2018, Spain was the seventh-lowest country
based on TFC/GDP and the fifth-lowest based on TFC/capita.
Figure 4.2 Energy intensity in select IEA member countries, 2000-19
Spain’s energy intensity per GDP has decreased in recent years, similar to other European
Notes: toe = tonne of oil equivalent. GDP data are in billion USD 2015 prices and PPP (purchasing power parity).
Data for Italy and IEA Europe are not available for 2019.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Index 2000=1
IEA. All rights reserved.
toe/USD 1 000 GDP PPP
IEA Europe
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Energy consumption by sector
Transport is the largest energy-consuming sector in Spain, accounting for 38% of TFC
in 2019, followed by industry at 29% (Figure 4.3). Both of these sectors were affected by
the global financial crisis in 2008, and rebounded several years later. However, the
industry sector experienced a longer and deeper drop that started in 2005 and hit new
lows in 2015, after which it started to increase again. The transport sector, in contrast,
decreased between 2007 and 2013 and had a stronger rebound between 2013 and 2019.
The residential and services sectors accounted for 17% and 16% of TFC, respectively,
in 2019, and were relatively stable between 2009 and 2019.
Figure 4.3 Energy consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19
Energy consumption in the transport and industry sectors have followed the same trend as
the economy in recent years, while TFC in other sectors has been relatively stable.
* Industry includes non-energy consumption.
** Services/other includes a small share of energy used in fishing.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Energy consumption in transport
The transport sector in Spain consumed 32 Mtoe in 2019, equal to 38% of TFC. Transport
consumption dropped by 28% between 2007 and 2013, then rebounded by 17% between
2013 and 2019 (Figure 4.4). As a result, between 2009 and 2019, consumption from the
transport sector decreased by 5%. Oil represents the vast majority of transport energy
demand at 93%: diesel accounted for 68% of transport demand in 2019, gasoline 16% and
other oil products (mainly kerosene, fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas [LPG]) 9%. In
recent years, the shares of natural gas, biofuels and electricity have increased, but are still
relatively minor. Road transport covered 88% of domestic transport energy use in 2019,
followed by domestic aviation at 7%.
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Figure 4.4 Energy consumption in transport in Spain by fuel, 2000-19
Almost all transport demand is met by oil, which covered 93% of fuels in 2018. The small
shares of biofuels, electricity and natural gas have been slowly increasing in recent years.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. The transport sector demand excludes international aviation and
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Energy consumption in industry
The industry sector consumed 25 Mtoe in 2019 (Figure 4.5). Consumption decreased by
10% between 2009 and 2019, the result of a sizeable decline between 2004 and 2015,
followed by a rebound from 2016 to 2018. Most of the total drop consisted of oil, which fell
by 33% between 2009 and 2019. Coal, although it only represented a small share of TFC,
also decreased by 37%. Natural gas, oil and electricity each accounted for about a third of
total consumption by industry in 2019, with a slightly increasing share of bioenergy (+32%
between 2009 and 2019).
Figure 4.5 Energy consumption in industry in Spain by fuel type, 2000-19
Total final consumption in the industry sector decreased between 2005 and 2015, after which
it rebounded slightly in the following three years.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. Includes non-energy consumption.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Natural gas
Other oil products
IEA. All rights reserved.
Natural gas
Bioenergy and waste
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Industrial fuel consumption in Spain is spread out over several energy-intensive sectors.
In 2019, the chemical and petrochemical sector accounted for almost one-third of industrial
final consumption. Of this, about half is non-energy use (such as fuels that are used as
raw materials or transformed into another fuel). The non-metallic minerals industry is the
second-largest consuming sector, despite a 10% decrease between 2009 and 2019. All
other sectors account for 10% or less of industrial TFC each. While almost all sectors
reduced their consumption between 2009 and 2019, the construction sector expanded,
registering a 107% increase.
Energy consumption in residential buildings
The residential sector consumed 14.5 Mtoe in 2019, accounting for 17% of TFC. After
peaking in 2010, energy consumption by the residential sector fell and remained relatively
constant between 2013 and 2019 (Figure 4.6). In recent decades, the contribution of
electricity to residential energy consumption has increased, while fossil fuels have
decreased. Between 2009 and 2019, electricity supply to residential buildings increased
by 2%, while oil and natural gas decreased by 29% and 18%, respectively. Renewables
also increased in the same time frame, with bioenergy increasing by 4% and geothermal
and solar rising by 132% and 38%, respectively. They still represent minor shares of total
consumption in residential buildings, however.
As a result, in 2019, electricity was the main energy source for the sector, accounting for
43% of total energy consumption, followed by natural gas (21%), bioenergy (18%) and oil
(16%). Other renewables (mainly solar) accounted only for 2%, but have been increasing
in recent years.
Figure 4.6 Energy consumption in the residential sector in Spain by fuel, 2000-19
The contribution of electricity to energy consumption in the residential sector has been
increasing, while oil has declined.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
In 2018, 42% of the energy consumed by residential buildings was used for space heating,
followed by residential appliances and water heating, which were responsible for around
26% and 17% of total residential energy consumption, respectively (Figure 4.7). Energy
consumption for residential space and water heating has been decreasing over the last
decade, while residential appliances increased their consumption by almost 60% between
Natural gas
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2008 and 2018. In terms of both per capita and per dwelling, Spain’s energy intensity of
the residential sector is lower than the IEA average.
Figure 4.7 Breakdown of energy consumption in the residential sector in Spain by
use, 2018
Residential space heating and residential appliances consumed more than half of total
demand in the residential sector.
Sources: IEA (2020), Energy Efficiency Indicators 2020 (database),
Energy consumption in services and other sectors
In 2019, energy consumption in the commercial and public services sector was 13.3 Mtoe
(16% of TFC). Electricity was the largest energy source, representing 53% of total energy
demand, while the rest was comprised mainly of fossil fuels: oil (26%), natural gas (19%)
and coal (1%), with a small share of bioenergy and waste (2%), and negligible
contributions (<1%) by other renewables (solar and geothermal) (Figure 4.8). Energy
consumption in commercial and public services grew by 5% from 2009 to 2019, mostly
met by increased supply of natural gas (+48%). Solar’s contribution doubled in the same
time frame, but still needs to grow to make a significant contribution to total energy
consumption in the sector.
Residential space heating
Residential appliances
Residential water heating
Residential cooking
Residential lighting
Residential space cooling
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Figure 4.8 Energy consumption in the services sector in Spain by fuel, 2000-19
Energy consumption in the Spanish services sector has increased since 2000, with growing
electricity supply, which accounted for half of the sector’s supply in 2019.
* Geothermal increased from 5 ktoe in 2000 to 8 ktoe in 2019.
** Solar increased from 6 kilotonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe) in 2000 to 62 ktoe in 2019.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. This graph also includes the agriculture and fishing sectors.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Institutional responsibilities
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD) is
responsible for preparing federal energy legislation, developing national energy policy and
measures to ensure energy supply, co-ordination with other ministries, and monitoring of
policies related to the fulfilment of energy policy objectives. Therefore, it is responsible for
energy savings and efficiency policies, through the Secretary of State for Energy.
The General Sub-Directorate for Energy Efficiency and the Institute for Energy
Diversification and Saving (IDAE), which is a public business entity, report to the Secretary
of State for Energy.
The General Sub-Directorate for Energy Efficiency is in charge of developing the
guidelines of the Secretary of State for Energy in the area of energy efficiency, while the
IDAE manages energy efficiency programmes and projects to help Spain meet its energy
efficiency objectives. The programmes are often financed by the National Energy
Efficiency Fund (see below).
Energy efficiency policies and measures are frequently implemented at the regional and
municipal level, so MITERD usually develops these policies and measures in co-ordination
with the autonomous communities.
Energy efficiency targets and strategies
Since the last in-depth review, the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency 2017-2020
was adopted as one of the main tools for energy efficiency policies and measures. Spain
set a target of a 24.7% improvement in energy efficiency by 2020 in the plan (relative to
2005 levels), which will require not exceeding 122.6 Mtoe of primary energy consumption
Natural gas
IEA. All rights reserved.
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in that year. In 2019, primary energy consumption in Spain was 120.7 Mtoe. Current
measures to promote energy efficiency include a range of actions in the form of legislative
changes and economic support.
Spain’s energy efficiency objectives are aligned with EU Energy Efficiency Directives,
which establish a common framework of measures to promote energy efficiency within the
European Union, with EU-wide targets of 20% improvement by 2020 and 32.5% by 2030
(relative to 2007 levels). Spain accepts these objectives and establishes, in the National
Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) 2021-2030, a national guideline for an energy efficiency
improvement of 39.5% by 2030, which will translate into primary energy consumption of
98.5 Mtoe. For reference, according to Eurostat data, Spain’s primary energy consumption
in 2018 was 124.63 Mtoe. The reduction in primary energy consumption proposed in the
NECP is equivalent to 1.9% every year since 2017, which when linked to an expected
annual increase in GDP during the same period of around 1.7%, will require an
improvement in the primary energy intensity of the economy of 3.5% per year until 2030.
This would be well above the IEA average over the last decade (and 0.5% above the 3%
annual improvement rate required to achieve the commitments of the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals or the Paris Agreement).
EU member states must also achieve a final cumulative energy savings target in the
periods 2014-20 and 2021-30, in accordance with Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency
Directive. For the first period, Spain’s target is 15 979 ktoe (or 571 ktoe per year) of new
and additional savings in final energy. The target for the second period is 36 809 ktoe (or
669 ktoe per year). These savings must be achieved through the implementation of a
system of energy efficiency obligations on certain companies (electricity and gas trading
companies and wholesale operators of petroleum products and LPG), or by applying
alternative regulatory, fiscal, economic, or information and communication measures to be
carried out by the government. Spain has opted for a combination of both systems. Spain’s
most recent Annual Monitoring Report sent to the European Commission indicated
accumulated final energy savings from 2014 to 2018 of 14 047 ktoe, which represents
87.9% of the target.
Figure 4.9. Spain’s cumulative final energy savings projected for 2021-30
Source: Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
The NECP proposes 17 measures to meet the 2030 target, 10 of which were designed
along a sectoral approach, applying proportional savings to each sector based on its
consumption. The transport sector stands out, with four measures, amounting to an
Agriculture and fishing
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expected 14 Mtoe of savings in 2021-30. This is followed by the industrial and residential
sectors, with 10.3 Mtoe and 6.7 Mtoe of savings, respectively. Lastly, the tertiary and
agriculture and fishing sectors represent the lowest contribution with 4.7 Mtoe and
1.2 Mtoe, respectively.
The main financial instrument for energy efficiency actions in Spain is the National Energy
Efficiency Fund (FNEE), which was created by Law 18/2014 approving measures for
growth, competitiveness and efficiency. It is mainly financed by contributions of gas and
electricity trading companies, operators of wholesale petroleum products, and wholesale
LPG operators. It amounts to around EUR 200 million in annual funding over the 2014-20
period. Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 extended the validity of the FNEE to 31 December
2030. The funds budget is dedicated to financing mechanisms for economic, financial,
technical assistance, training, information or other measures to increase energy efficiency
in various sectors in ways that help to achieve the national energy-saving objective.
Around EUR 2 billion are expected from the fund over the 2021-30 period.
Additionally, the government is studying the complementary implementation of a system
of energy-saving certificates, which will add to energy savings and associated investments.
In addition to the FNEE, EUR 50 million from the general state budget has been allocated
to sustainable and efficient mobility in recent years. The Spanish administration is also
studying various financing mechanisms, with the aim of mobilising private capital,
especially in building renovation, given its importance to meeting 2030 targets.
Spain also benefits from co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF) in the period 2014-20, both in the Multiregional Operational Programme of Spain
(POPE) and in regional programmes. The amounts allocated to these actions in the
2014-20 period are: EUR 1.98 billion for POPE Low Carbon Economy actions, of which
around 70% corresponds to energy efficiency actions; EUR 1.3 billion for POPE
Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development actions, of which 25% corresponds to
energy efficiency actions; and EUR 1 billion in regional programmes, of which around 70%
corresponds to energy efficiency actions.
Spain will also further benefit from the post-COVID-19 European recovery funds, whose
disbursement channels will be Structural and Investment Funds and the European Social
Fund. To this end, Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan includes a
number of measures, such as financial support, to promote energy efficiency in buildings,
the integration of renewables and the promotion of sustainable mobility. Specifically, the
draft Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan promotes the acquisition of electric
vehicles, deployment of recharging infrastructure, rehabilitation of buildings and urban
redevelopment, integration of renewable energy in industry, etc. The national plans are
expected to be approved by the European Commission in April 2021.
Energy efficiency policies in the transport sector
According to the Spanish government, the transport sector is the largest energy consumer
in Spain, reaching nearly 43% of Spain’s final energy consumption in 2019, with private
vehicles responsible for 15% of total final energy consumption.
As such, transport is a priority area within the NECP and in the draft Law on Climate
Change and Energy Transition. In particular, the government plans to cut consumption
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and lower emissions in the transport sector by promoting a sizeable modal shift in mobility,
accounting for 35% of the passenger-kilometres that are today carried out by internal
combustion engine vehicles.
In this regard, like the NECP, the draft Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition
includes the designation of low-emissions areas with limited access to the most polluting
vehicles in all cities with over 50 000 inhabitants from 2023 onwards. These jurisdictions
will develop sustainable urban mobility plans toward this end. In order to enforce such
requirements, regional and local administrations will play a critical implementing role.
Another component for boosting efficiency and decarbonising the transport sector is fuel
switching toward renewables, which is targeted to reach 28% in transport by 2030, mainly
through electrification and the use of advanced biofuels. To this end, the draft Law on
Climate Change and Energy Transition will require the installation of charging points in
petrol stations with sales over 5 million litres.
In the longer term, Spain will adopt measures to improve vehicle efficiency in accordance
with European regulations. Based on standards, new passenger cars and light commercial
vehicles are expected to gradually reduce their emissions to reach 0 g CO
/km no later
than 2040.
The NECP outlines several measures in the transport sector over the 2021-30 period to
lower energy consumption and reduce emissions. These include:
1. Low-emissions zones and modal shift measures: Focusing on urban transport,
the government plans to work with local governments to discourage the use of
private vehicles in favour of shared use systems and other modes of transport such
as walking and cycling. Measures will include the establishment of low-emissions
zones, restrictions on private transport (such as restricted access in concentrated
urban zones for polluting vehicles), and increased spending on public transport
and related infrastructure. The estimated energy savings for this measure is
5 622.9 ktoe of cumulative final energy savings in the 2021-30 period and its total
cost is projected to be EUR 3.14 billion in public investment.
2. More efficient use of the means of transport: Reducing final energy
consumption from public and private vehicle fleets in road and rail transport will be
achieved through actions such as fleet audits and centralised technology systems
to manage fleet energy consumption. The target for this measure is 2 221.4 ktoe
of cumulative final energy savings and its estimated cost is EUR 73 million (out of
which EUR 22 million is public).
3. Renewal of the vehicle fleet: The government plans to promote upgrades to more
energy efficient vehicles, especially for urban delivery fleets and taxi services
through car scrappage schemes, tax incentives, financing instruments and
restrictions for older vehicles. This measure is expected to result in 2 519.6 ktoe
of cumulative final energy savings and EUR 77 million of investment (public and
4. Promotion of electric vehicles: With a very low current penetration rate for
electric vehicles (EVs), the government plans to deploy public charging
infrastructure and targets to reach a fleet of 5 million EVs by 2030. The Ministry of
Finance will also assess prospects for further altering the vehicle registration tax.
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Accumulated final energy savings over the 2021-30 period are estimated at
3 524.2 ktoe/year, while the total investment associated with increased use of EVs
is EUR 132.4 billion. The government projects public financial support of
EUR 200 million per year over 2021-25, and estimates that after 2025, price parity
for EVs will not require any more public support.
The NECP also includes measures to promote the transfer of goods and passengers from
road to rail, electrification of railway networks and increasing electricity supply to ships in
ports. Moreover, it aims to increase the role of biofuels in aviation and achieve greater
energy efficiency in the sector.
The government also places due consideration on helping its automotive industry
implement measures that facilitate the development and penetration of EVs. As such, in
June 2020, it presented its aid package for the COVID-19 pandemic for the domestic auto
industry, which represents 10% of the country’s GDP and 19% of its exports, supporting
up to 2 million direct and indirect jobs (second only to Germany in Europe) (Morgan, 2020).
The stimulus package called the Plan to Boost the Value Chain of the Automotive
Industry, towards a Sustainable and Connected Mobility includes 20 measures that cover
the entire value chain of the industry.
The plan has a budget of EUR 3.75 billion and includes green measures to incentivise
increased production and the purchase of cleaner vehicles. The transport efficiency
component will consist of funds from the general state budget as well as the FNEE, which
may be co-financed with money from the ERDF. Measures include:
Plan RENOVE (EUR 250 million), aimed at upgrading the private vehicle fleet, which in
Spain has an average age of 12 years.
Plan MOVES II (EUR 100 million), to promote the acquisition of alternative fuel vehicles,
EV charging infrastructure, electric bicycle systems and sustainable mobility programmes
by companies and municipalities to adapt cities to the crisis caused by the COVID-19
Plan MOVES Singulares II (EUR 30 million), to promote innovation in electro-mobility and
green hydrogen for transport, storage and the use of information technology for the
management of fleets, especially for road freight transport and last-mile solutions.
DUS Program (ERDF), aimed at municipalities to promote modal change in cities through
the implementation of urban mobility plans.
To further support the uptake of EVs, Spain is actively promoting the deployment of electric
charging infrastructure from relatively low levels at present. The National Action
Framework for Alternatve Energy in Transport was approved in December 2016 in
response to EU Directive 94/2014 regarding the deployment of trans-European alternative
fuel infrastructure. Currently, public EV recharging in Spain is a liberalised sector, with
companies (and consumers) responsible for gradually deploying recharging services
based on demand in the sector. More recently, the government announced it will add a
new basic requirement HE6 to the Technical Building Code, which establishes the
conditions for developing the minimum infrastructure necessary for smart charging of
electric vehicles in parking lots. A public consultation on the plan is still underway, but the
working draft of the plan includes requirements for new residential buildings from 2023:
the pre-installation of charging infrastructure in 100% of new residential parking lots and
20% of the parking spaces in new commercial parking lots; one charging point per
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40 parking spaces in new residential buildings, with one point as a minimum; and one
charging point per 20 parking spaces in new public buildings.
In addition to the above-mentioned policies and measures, Spain also has additional
strategies and efforts underway in the transport sector. These include a Sustainable and
Connected Mobility Strategy that is currently under discussion; a draft Law on Sustainable
Mobility and Financing of Public Transport, which is in process; a comprehensive review
of environmental taxation by the Ministry of Finance that could lead to a new framework
for taxation that better facilitates a low-carbon transition in the transport sector; and a
public consultation on transport’s role in the Long-Term Strategy.
Spain is also taking steps to bolster consumer awareness and public support for the energy
transition in the transport sector. This includes European projects that collect data related
to charging/refuelling points for alternative fuels and fuel price comparisons that will allow
citizens to access information and take informed decisions on fuel consumption. The IDAE
has also developed a web platform that includes a guide on commuting options, best
practices, a directory of automobile companies and an automobile cost calculator. Royal
Decree 28/2020 will further support options to encourage teleworking and reduce fuel
consumption from commuting.
Energy efficiency policies in the industry sector
Spain’s efforts in the industrial sector have focused on promoting programmes to improve
technology and industrial process management systems. These programmes seek to not
only substitute equipment and industrial installations that have poor energy performance
with those that use more efficient technologies, but also to promote the realisation of a
greater number of energy management systems in industry. These programmes operate
in both small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies in the industrial sector,
especially in facilities not included in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).
The main programmes executed to date are:
1. Program for the Promotion of Industrial Competitiveness, whose objective is to
stimulate business investment that will contribute significantly to the generation of
added value in industry. The programme has supported investment plans to
improve operations at industrial facilities through changes and modifications that
would have a major impact on their competitiveness. Active since 2013, the
programme is organised annually.
2. Aid programmes for energy efficiency actions in small and medium-sized
enterprises and large companies in the industrial sector supported by the FNEE,
with the aim to incentivise actions in the industrial sector that reduce CO
emissions by improving energy efficiency and reducing final energy consumption.
The first call for projects, managed by the IDAE, was held from 5 May 2015 to 5 May 2016,
while the second call, also managed by the IDAE, was held from 1 January 2017 to
31 December 2018. The third call has been managed by the autonomous cities and
communities, and ran through 31 December 2020. The first call resulted in
EUR 215 million in investments (with public support of EUR 69 million), while the second
call resulted in EUR 681 million in investments (with public support of EUR 158 million).
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Based on the positive results seen so far, the government plans to continue such
programmes, along with voluntary agreements with the representative associations of
more energy-intensive subsectors.
The NECP outlines one measure for the industry sector, Improvements in the technology
and management systems of industrial process.” This measure aims to facilitate the use
of final energy-saving technologies, replace equipment and implement energy
management systems, especially in facilities not included in the EU ETS. This measure
has been designed in a similar way to the programmes to promote energy efficiency in the
industrial sector launched in Spain by the FNEE, from May 2015 to 2019, mentioned
above. The measure aims to achieve 10 256 ktoe of cumulative final energy savings during
the 2021-30 period, and will be funded by public support programmes and voluntary
agreements. Total investment is estimated to be EUR 7.37 billion, with public support of
EUR 1.647 billion.
Since February 2016, large companies have been obliged to carry out an energy audit
every four years. This requirement covers around 85% of the total final energy
consumption of all facilities located in Spain. Responsibility for the inspection of energy
audits falls on the autonomous communities. A public Administrative Registry of Energy
Audits was created by MITERD, which reflects the information from 34 423 audits to date,
as well as voluntary submissions from other companies that have carried out audits.
However, there is no comprehensive database of large companies in each region that fall
under this obligation, so compliance is unknown, nor are there consistent penalties for
As an alternative, companies may apply an energy or environmental management system
certified by an independent body in accordance with the corresponding European or
international standards, such as the ISO 50001 energy management system, provided that
the system includes an energy audit. However, the information collected in the official
report that is sent to the Administrative Registry of Energy Audits does not specify whether
a company has ISO 50001 certification. Moreover, there is no official registry of companies
that have this certification, though the Association of Energy Efficiency Companies
maintains a list.
Under the NECP, energy audits and management systems will also be promoted across
the private sector. Public aid and support will help finance such audits, using the obligatory
energy audits as the main assessment tool to define the eligible investment required to
achieve savings. They will also promote energy audits in small and medium-sized
enterprises that are not obligated to conduct audits.
The NECP also calls for increasing energy efficiency considerations for public
procurement. Spanish legislation has a regulatory framework that promotes the use of
energy savings and efficiency criteria in the procurement processes for goods, services
and buildings by public administrations, including regional and local governments.
Relatedly, the NECP also calls for increased professional and academic training in the
area of energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency policies in the buildings sector
The Technical Building Code, approved by Royal Decree 314/2006, is the regulatory
framework that establishes the basic quality requirements that buildings and facilities must
meet. It was modified in December 2019 to comply with the latest EU Energy Performance
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of Buildings Directive (EPB). In particular, the Basic Document of Energy Saving, which is
mandatory for new and refurbished buildings, was amended to more clearly define nearly-
zero energy consumption buildings. The new definition sets a more ambitious limit of a
40-60% reduction in energy consumption, improvements in thermal envelope
requirements, tighter conditions for controlling energy demand, conditions for thermal
installations, conditions for lighting installations, a minimum contribution of renewable
energy to cover the demand for hot water and a minimum generation of electricity from
renewable sources.
A new royal decree is expected to update the certification procedure for buildings. The
broadened scope will include new buildings, sold or rented buildings, public administration
buildings, deeply renovated buildings, and buildings greater than 500 square metres (m
for certain uses such as commercial activities. The amendments will transpose
requirements from the EU EPB with respect to improvements to the quality of certification
of buildings, including on-site technical evaluations, reduction of certification validity for
poorly performing buildings, and more specific information during the certification about
opportunities for improvements to building elements with the greatest efficiency impacts,
notably the envelope, thermal installations, and automation and control systems.
At the same time, the government is preparing a new Royal Decree for the Regulation of
Thermal Installations in Buildings, also in line with EU EPB requirements. The
amendments are expected to be approved in 2021. The scope will remain focused on
space heating, space cooling and water heating in new and renovated residential and
commercial installations. The amendments will adapt to the new EU ecodesign
requirements for equipment; tighten energy efficiency requirements, including imposing
improvements to avoid oversized equipment and adjust working temperatures for heat
pumps; district heating and cooling consideration in buildings and thermal installations
(see below); and digitalisation of buildings.
The government also provides financial support for energy efficiency renovations through
the Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PAREER-CRECE) programme. Qualified
projects must either include: energy efficiency improvements of the thermal envelope,
space heating, space cooling and water heating installations, and lighting; or substitution
of conventional energy for solar thermal, biomass or geothermal energy; or improvements
to lighting installations. The programme is financed through direct grants of up to 30% and
repayable loans of up to 70%. The first call under this programme was held for projects
undertaken between October 2013 and May 2016 with a budget of EUR 200 million (of
which EUR 181 million was executed), while the second call (PAREER II) took place from
January to December 2018 with a budget of just over EUR 200 million. The average
investment is EUR 291 000 per action, with an average aid of EUR 190 000 per action. To
date, the majority of programme funds have supported upgrades to the thermal envelopes
of buildings.
Moreover, Article 5 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive requires that 3% of the surface
area of public buildings be renovated annually in order to comply with the minimum energy
performance requirements established under Article 4 of the EU EPB. Between 2014
and 2019, 1 626 214 m² were renovated, which represents 94% of the objective for 2020.
The remaining area to be renovated (110 763 m²) can be compensated by exceeding the
renovation objective in subsequent years. The renovation target for 2020 is 279 944 m².
The NECP sets a renovation target for federal government buildings of 300 000 m
year starting in 2021, which exceeds the 3% objective of the EU Directive.
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For appliances, equipment and lighting, Spain follows the EU Energy Labelling and
Ecodesign frameworks.
The NECP outlines the following efficiency measures in the buildings sector, several of
which are already in place:
1. Energy efficiency in existing buildings in the residential sector: In line with an
updated Long-Term Building Renovation Strategy, the government will promote
energy upgrades of the existing building stock, prioritising the thermal envelope of
buildings as well as thermal installations for heating, cooling and hot water. The
activities will be pursued through grants and other financing instruments, building
off the PAREER programme. The government expects the measures to achieve
4 756 ktoe of cumulative final energy savings over 2021-30, as well as upgraded
thermal envelopes in 1.2 million dwellings at a total cost of EUR 5.5 billion, mainly
funded by European Structural and Investment Funds.
2. Renewal of residential equipment: Focused on household appliances, with a
priority to higher energy-consuming appliances such as fridges and washing
machines, the government plans to increase consumer awareness and enter into
voluntary agreements with manufacturers to improve communication to
consumers. The market for household appliances is currently 76 million
appliances. The government’s target of around 2.4 million new high-efficiency
appliances sold each year would create total cumulative final energy savings of
1 976 ktoe in the period 2021-30.
3. Energy efficiency in services sector buildings: The government will extend an
obligation to renovate public buildings and offer financing options for the upgrade
of other services buildings, including extending public support programmes such
as PAREER and training for agents involved in energy upgrades. Support will
include improvements to the thermal envelope, thermal installations and lighting
systems. The measure is targeted to achieve 1 379 ktoe of cumulative final energy
savings over 2021-30 from the energy renovation of 5 million m
per year of the
public and private building stock. The total estimated public support for the
measure is EUR 2.2 billion, a large portion of which is expected to come from
European Structural and Investment Funds.
4. Energy efficiency for cooling equipment and large air-conditioning systems
in the services sector and public infrastructure: The government plans to offer
aid through grants and financing to upgrade large air-conditioning systems, cooling
equipment, and refrigeration and freezing components, as well to improve the
energy efficiency of publicly owned infrastructure, mainly street lighting and water
treatment, purification and desalination facilities. The measure aims to achieve
3 350.4 ktoe of cumulative final energy savings during the 2021-30 period, and
mobilise EUR 6.3 billion in investment, of which the public budget will cover
EUR 3.9 billion.
The NECP also outlines cross-cutting measures that include the promotion of energy
services. The role of energy service providers was incorporated into Spanish law by Royal
Decree-Law 6/2010 from April 2010. Since then, Spain has approved plans and
programmes with the main objective of increasing the utilisation of energy providers by the
public sector. The recent publication of the Eurostat guide on accounting for energy
performance contracts has helped remove one of the main barriers to investments in the
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energy upgrade of public buildings. Under the NECP, energy agencies (the IDAE at the
national level or others at the regional or local levels) will provide new contract templates
adapted to Eurostat’s recommendations and compliant with the new Public Sector
Contracts Law, aimed to further support public sector energy performance contracts. For
the private sector, the NECP plans for the removal of regulatory and administrative barriers
to self-consumption, eventually leading to new business models based on renewables
generation and demand reduction.
Spain’s Long-Term Strategy also includes a plan for the energy rehabilitation of the
building sector over 2020-50. The strategy includes an assessment of existing buildings,
energy consumption in buildings, refurbishment of buildings, as well as past strategies and
policies. It will map out objectives and scenarios as well as implementation measures and
monitoring indicators.
In addition, the National Strategy against Energy Poverty 2019-2024, approved by the
Council of Ministers, includes financial assistance for the energy rehabilitation of buildings.
District heating and cooling
In 2019, there were 414 district heating or cooling networks with a total installed power of
1 576 megawatts (MW). Of these, 1 189 MW were heating networks and 386 MW were
cooling networks. Eighty per cent of the networks use renewable energy in their energy
mix. The final energy consumption of district heating and cooling in 2017 was 41.5 ktoe,
or 0.15% of the final energy consumption of the entire heating and cooling sector.
A full evaluation of the potential for the use of high-efficiency co-generation and efficient
urban heating and cooling systems was carried out in 2015, in accordance with European
directives. The aim was to analyse the technical and economic feasibility of high-efficiency
co-generation systems and urban heating and cooling networks in Spain.
Three general groups own district heating and cooling networks in Spain:
1. Municipal district heating and cooling systems in Spain are owned by public-private
associations. The ownership structure of these corporations, which are created
exclusively to develop and manage large infrastructure, generally consists of one
or more public organisations (municipal, regional or national) and a private
operator that manages the network. This group represents more than a third of the
country’s total installed capacity and is expected to continue growing in the coming
years. The networks are usually linked to urban renewal plans or new
developments and tend to be technologically advanced, efficient and
environmentally friendly.
2. Public district heating and cooling systems are generally owned by local public
bodies (municipal councils or local energy coalitions) and service municipal
facilities such as administration offices, sports facilities or social housing. This
group represents approximately 32% of the total installed capacity and has grown
steadily thanks to European financing programmes such as the European Social
Fund and the ERDF.
3. Private district heating and cooling systems include systems owned by private
companies to satisfy the energy demand required for their activities (hotels, farms,
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business offices, educational institutions, hospitals, etc.) and residents
associations. This group represents approximately 35% of total installed capacity.
Regarding technology and fuels, in 2019 around three out of four of the networks used
biomass exclusively or in combination with other fuels, typically due to their proximity to
small- and medium-sized municipalities, farms and factories. On the other hand, 22% of
networks use conventional fuels such as natural gas, LPG and diesel only. According to
Spanish government data, the exclusive use of renewables in district heating and cooling
networks has increased in recent years, from 16% in 2015 to 22% in 2019.
Although there is no specific regulation on the procedures for the authorisation, certification
and licensing of heating and cooling networks, there are certain legal provisions that affect
the development of heating and cooling networks in Spain. According to Royal
Decree 56/2016, transposing EU Directive 2012/27 on energy efficiency, necessary
measures must be taken to develop an urban heating and/or cooling infrastructure in those
areas where high efficiency co-generation potential is identified. Moreover, under Royal
Decree 1027/2007, which approves the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings
(RITE), heating systems for new buildings of more than 1 000 m
require a technical
analysis that justifies systems choices based on energy efficiency. This analysis must
include a comparison with alternative heating systems depending on the characteristics of
the building and its environment, including the possibility of connecting the new building to
a district heating network.
Specific programmes promoting district heating and cooling in Spain have included:
The GIT Program: Provided financial support for large thermal energy production facilities
in buildings using renewables. It was in operation between 2011 and 2020.
CLIMA Projects: Provided funding to projects that reduce GHG emissions, operational from
2012 until 2019.
Aid Programme for the Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PAREER-CRECE
programme): Provided aid and financing for the energy rehabilitation of buildings (see
DUS: An aid programme for direct subsidies to specific projects of local entities that
promoted a low-carbon economy in the framework of the operational programme of ERDF
for sustainable growth in 2014-20.
The NECP includes a measure on a “Framework for renewable thermal energy
development”, which is focused on promoting renewable energy for thermal uses in the
buildings sector, especially through the use of district heating and cooling. Actions included
in this measure to promote district heating and cooling networks are:
gather statistical annual information
inform consumers about the renewable energy share of the district heating or cooling
network they are connected to
evaluate the potential of district heating or cooling in new urban developments through
cost-benefit analysis
development of renewable energy communities linked to district heating or cooling.
In particular, in the NECP, district cooling networks are considered one of the tools that
will increase the share of renewable energy in the consumption of heating and cooling by
1.3% per year from 2020 levels.
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Spain’s energy efficiency targets are driven by the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which
establishes a common framework of measures to promote energy efficiency within the
European Union with the objective of improving energy efficiency by 20% and 32.5%
by 2020 and 2030, respectively (relative to 2005 levels). It also establishes objectives on
the renovation rate of public buildings and cumulative end-use energy savings.
Since 2015, the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2017-2020 has been one of the
main policy documents for energy efficiency policies and measures in Spain. Spain set a
target of a 24.7% improvement in energy efficiency by 2020 in the plan, which required not
exceeding 122.6 Mtoe in primary energy consumption. Spain reviewed and updated the
target in the NECP to 24.2% by 2020, which required not exceeding 123.4 Mtoe in 2020.
According to Eurostat, in 2019, primary energy consumption was 120.7 Mtoe.
Looking ahead to the next decade, the preparation of the NECP was guided by the energy
efficiency firstprinciple. The NECP established an ambitious national indicative energy
efficiency target of 39.5% by 2030, which is equivalent to improving primary energy
intensity by 3.5% each year up to 2030, and will lead to a maximum primary energy
consumption of 98.5 Mtoe in 2030.
The National Energy Efficiency Fund was created in 2014 and is the main instrument to
implement measures for financial and economic support, technical assistance, training and
information, and other measures to increase energy efficiency across all sectors. The fund
is mainly financed by contributions of gas and electricity trading companies, operators of
wholesale petroleum products, and wholesale LPG operators, amounting to around
EUR 200 million a year. It will function over 2021-30, with an estimated budget of
EUR 2 billion.
Under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, Spain must achieve a cumulative final
energy savings of 15 979 ktoe between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2020, and 36
809 ktoe between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2030. These savings will be achieved
through the implementation of a system of energy efficiency obligations on certain
companies (electricity and gas trading companies and wholesale operators of petroleum
products and LPG), or by applying alternative regulatory, fiscal, economic, or information
and communication measures to be carried out by the government. Spain has opted for a
combination of both systems and has been using the National Energy Efficiency Fund to
implement measures, supplemented by funds from the general state budget as needed.
In 2018, the accumulated final energy savings were 14 047 ktoe, which represents 87.91%
of the 2020 target.
To ensure clarity of financing, the government could more clearly define budgetary
estimates necessary to achieve the objectives of each of its measures, especially as it
relates to public financing. In this regard, early guidance on spending priorities for energy
efficiency measures from post-COVID-19 EU recovery funds will be an important first step.
To this end, Spain has demonstrated a high degree of ambition in its Recovery,
Transformation and Resilience Plan with respect to promoting energy efficiency through
fiscal measures across sectors, in buildings, industry and transport.
For 2021-30, 10 of the 17 energy efficiency measures presented in the NECP have been
designed taking a sectoral approach, with the aim of contributing new energy savings
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equivalent to 669 ktoe/year to the final energy savings target. The transport sector stands
out with four measures, and will contribute with 14 Mtoe of savings, followed by the
industrial and the residential sectors, with 10.3 Mtoe and 6.7 Mtoe, respectively. The
tertiary and agriculture and fishing sectors represent the lowest contribution, with 4.7 Mtoe
and 1.2 Mtoe, respectively.
The transport sector is the largest energy consumer in Spain, reaching nearly 43% of
Spain’s final energy consumption in 2019, with private vehicles responsible for 15% of total
final energy consumption.
Spain set an ambitious objective for the transport sector in its NECP, including to promote
modal shifts in urban areas to achieve a reduction in passenger traffic by 35% by 2030,
and in interurban traffic by 1.5% per year. Other measures include: increasing the
efficiency of the modes of transport used; renewal of the vehicle fleet toward the most
efficient; electrification of the vehicle fleet starting with the deployment of public recharging
infrastructure and a target of 5 million electric vehicles by 2030; and the shifting of goods
and passenger transport from road to rail, along with the electrification of the railway
network and electricity supply of ships in ports.
Furthermore, the draft Law on Climate Change and the Energy Transition foresees that
from 2023 onwards, low-emissions areas will be identified in all cities with more than
50 000 inhabitants. Charging points for electric vehicles will be compulsory in petrol
stations with sales of over 5 million litres.
To help the automotive sector manage a transition to produce more electric vehicles and
to give an economic incentive during the COVID-19 pandemic, in June 2020 the
government presented the “Plan to Boost the Automotive Industry Value Chain towards a
Sustainable and Connected Mobility”. This plan includes the MOVES II Program and the
MOVES Singulares II Program. Both are incentive programmes for sustainable mobility
and innovation, including electric vehicles and electric charging infrastructure. There is
also a RENOVE Plan aimed at renovating the vehicle fleet, which in Spain has an average
age of 12 years.
In addition, to improve energy efficiency in transport, the government also has plans to
promote modal shifts in cities away from passenger cars to rail, public transit, walking,
bicycles and shared rides. To support uptake, the government has launched public
information campaigns. However, the government should also give due consideration to
further supporting changes in consumer behaviour through fiscal measures, including the
introduction of taxation on carbon-intensive fuels.
The industry sector is the second-highest energy consumer in Spain. Public support in this
sector has focused on promoting programmes to improve technology and industrial
processes and the implementation of energy management systems, through the Program
for the Promotion of Industrial Competitiveness and the National Energy Efficiency Fund.
Given the good results obtained so far, continuation of these types of programmes,
together with the execution of voluntary agreements with representative associations of
energy-intensive subsectors, are the main mechanisms of action that the NECP foresees
to continue to improve energy efficiency in the industry sector.
Following Article 8 of the EED, Spain imposes an obligation on large companies to conduct
energy audits every four years, or as an equivalent to this obligation, to implement a
system of energy or environmental management. The company audit must cover at least
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85% of the total final energy consumption of all its facilities located in the national territory.
There is no obligation on industry to implement the results of audits. Spain has an online
Administrative Registry of Energy Audits with information on the audits carried out, which
currently includes 34 423 audits. The autonomous communities are responsible for
checking the quality of the energy audits. An updated central registry of companies that
are required to perform an audit, which would provide a clearer view of the universe of
companies under the obligation, appears to be lacking.
The NECP foresees that the financial support programmes with a sectoral focus will use
the mandatory energy audits as the main assessment tool to define eligible investments.
The government will also promote energy audits in small and medium-sized enterprises
that are not under the directive’s obligation. To date, however, the success of energy audits
in Spain is unclear. Rather than enforcing audits through a penalty system, the government
could consider boosting incentives to businesses to increase compliance.
In the buildings sector, Spain has implemented the EU Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive. The Technical Building Code was amended to introduce new energy efficiency
requirements, including improvements in the nearly-zero energy buildings definition. The
Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings and the Energy Performance Certification
will also be amended, in accordance with the directive.
The programmes for the Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PAREER-CRECE
and PAREER II), with a budget of EUR 404 million, supported the energy renovation of
existing buildings from 2013 to 2018, enabling the renovation of around 80 000 homes
through measures to improve the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope (facades, roofs
and walls); thermal installations for heating, air conditioning and hot water (including solar
thermal); lighting installations; and substitution of conventional energy for biomass and
geothermal energy. A similar programme was recently approved, with a budget of
EUR 300 million until 2021, and may be extended until 2030, using the energy certificate
as the basis for public support. Given that the existing building stock consumes around
30% of final energy, its renovation is a priority; the NECP set a target of 1.2 million home
renovations by 2030. This objective has also been included in the Long-Term Strategy for
Energy Retrofitting in the Building Sector in Spain.
Regarding public buildings, Article 5 of the EED requires that 3% of the total floor area of
buildings owned by the central government be renovated each year to comply with at least
the minimum energy performance requirements established in the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive. From 2014 to 2019, 1 626 214 m² were renovated, which represents
94% of the objective to 2020. The NECP foresees, from 2021, a renovation rate of
300 000 m
/year and extends this obligation to all autonomous regional and local
administrations. Given that the public sector represents a sizeable share of the market for
energy efficiency in Spain, robust implementation frameworks in this sector are critical.
Energy efficiency requires strong co-ordination of national, regional and local authorities.
At the national level, MITERD is responsible for energy policy and legislation, through the
Secretary of State for Energy. The General Sub-Directorate for Energy Efficiency and the
Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving are key players and report to the Secretary
of State. In Spain, energy efficiency policies and measures are often implemented at the
regional and municipal level, so MITERD develops these policies and measures in
co-ordination with the autonomous communities. These organisations should continue to
work hand-in-hand in a proactive development of appropriate policy options,
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implementation and follow-up. There is also a need for multi-level stakeholder dialogue,
including business, non-governmental organisations, and regional and local stakeholders,
which are ultimately responsible for implementing many of the energy efficiency measures.
Furthermore, bolstering the technical capacity of central, regional and local governments
to hold tenders, monitor audits and implement the identified measures will be a critical
element to helping meet efficiency targets, especially in the industry and buildings sectors.
The government of Spain should:
Step up implementation of measures that support the renovation of existing buildings
in order to improve energy performance and thermal comfort. Prioritise deep
renovation of public buildings and residences owned or rented by vulnerable
consumers in order to reduce energy poverty and increase thermal comfort.
Accelerate the deployment of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and
support an infrastructure expansion to enable a modal shift of goods and passengers
from road to rail.
Consider an obligation on companies to implement measures that emerge from energy
audits with short payback periods; also, use information from energy audits to prioritise
financial support for specific energy efficiency measures.
Enhance the technical capacity of central, regional and local governments to include
energy efficiency criteria in tenders, and monitor the effectiveness of energy efficiency
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021), “World energy balances”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
IEA (2020), Energy Efficiency Indicators 2020 (database),
Morgan, S. (2020), Spain Underpins Car Sector Bailout with Green Goals, EURACTIV,
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5. Renewable energy
Key data
Renewables in total final energy consumption (TFEC):
13.8 Mtoe/17.3
% of TFEC
6.4 Mtoe, wind 4.1 Mtoe, hydro 1.8 Mtoe, solar 1.5 Mtoe)
median (2018): 15.5% of TFEC
Renewables in electricity generation:
101.1 TWh/37.3%
of total electricity generation
55.7 TWh, hydro 24.7 TWh, solar 15.1 TWh, bioenergy* 5.6 TWh)
median: 38% of electricity generation
Bioenergy includes solid primary biofuels, liquid biofuels and biogases, and excludes non-renewable industrial and
municipal waste.
Renewable energy in total final energy consumption
Renewable energy in total final energy consumption (TFEC) in Spain consists mainly of
renewable electricity, which covers more than half of renewables use, but also includes
direct use of bioenergy for heat and transport (Figure 5.1). However, while more than
one-third of electricity was produced using renewable energy in 2019, only 16% of energy
used for heat came from renewable energy in 2018 and an even lower share (6%) was
recorded in the transport sector, where the introduction of renewable energy is more
Renewable electricity was generated mainly using wind and hydro in 2019, covering
together almost one-third of total electricity generation, with additional relevant shares of
solar and bioenergy. Renewable heat and transport were instead dominated by the use of
biofuels, with small shares of solar in heat and renewable electricity in transport.
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Figure 5.1 Renewable energy in total final energy consumption in Spain, 2019
Significant shares of wind, hydro and solar brought the share of renewables in electricity up
to 37% in 2019. Bioenergy was instead the main renewable source for heat and transport.
* Heat share of renewables refers to 2018.
** Bioenergy includes solid primary biofuels, liquid biofuels and biogases, and excludes non-renewable industrial and
municipal waste.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. Heat includes direct use of renewable energy and renewable district
heating in industry, and residential and service buildings (including agriculture). Electricity refers to final electricity
consumption in the same sectors, with the breakdown by fuel based on domestic electricity generation. Electricity
used for heating is included under electricity due to limitations in statistical data collection.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
The use of renewables in TFEC increased by 35% in the decade between 2009 and 2019
(Figure 5.2). A significant increase in electricity from wind drove this growth; in 2019, wind
power generated more than 55 terawatt hours (TWh). Solar energy has also experienced
a significant increase in recent years, with its contribution increasing twofold between 2009
and 2019. Bioenergy and hydro have contributed to Spain’s renewable supply for longer,
though energy supply from bioenergy also increased by 23% in the decade 2009-19, while
electricity from hydro has experienced fluctuations caused by variability in water supply
over time.
The increase in renewables share was particularly strong between 2005 and 2013,
increasing by 133% in eight years. However, since 2013, renewable energy in TFEC has
stabilised, with only a 1.6% increase in the five years between 2013 and 2018. This was
caused by a marked slowdown in the installation of wind and photovoltaic (PV) plants, after
a sizeable reduction in previous feed-in tariffs.
Renewable electricity
(in transport)
Renewable share
(right axis)
IEA. All rights reserved.
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Figure 5.2 Renewable energy in total final energy consumption in Spain, 2000-19
Renewable energy consumption grew by 35% in the decade 2009-19, mostly driven by
growth in renewable electricity from wind and solar.
* Geothermal contribution is minimal, but grew from 5.4 kilotonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe) in 2000 to 18.8 ktoe
in 2019.
** Direct use of bioenergy, including mainly solid primary biofuels used for heating in the residential sector and minor
shares of liquid biofuels used in transport and renewable district heat.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Compared to other IEA member countries, in 2018, Spain had a share of renewables in
TFEC (17%) that was slightly higher than the IEA median of 16%. Its renewable mix was
equally divided between direct use of renewables and renewable electricity, with no
reported contribution from renewable district heat (Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.3 Renewable energy as share of total final energy consumption in IEA
countries, 2018
Spain ranked slightly higher than the IEA median for the share of renewables in TFEC
in 2018.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Share of renwables
(right axis)
IEA. All rights reserved.
Renewable electricity
Renewable district heat
Direct use of renewables
IEA. Al l ri ghts reserved.
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The low renewables share in transport is common in most IEA member countries; Spain
ranks 11th with 6%, though in many countries the share of renewables in transport was
below 5% in 2018.
Renewable energy in electricity
Growth of wind power in recent years drove a sizeable increase in Spain’s renewable
electricity in the first decade or so of the 2000s (Figure 5.4). Wind and solar contributed to
21% and 6% of total electricity generation, respectively, in 2019. This strong increase,
combined with the installation of many PV plants since 2007, doubled the share of
renewables in the national electricity mix, from 20% in 2008 to 40% in 2013. However, in
the following years, the share of renewables in electricity plateaued, to reach 37% in 2019.
Electricity from bioenergy also increased by 60% between 2009 and 2019, but its share in
Spanish electricity generation was still only 2.1% in 2019. In the same decade, hydro made
a fluctuating contribution to total electricity generation, ranging between 7% and 14%, due
to the variability of water supply.
The EU methodology for calculating the renewable share in electricity generation uses
normalisation formulas for generation from hydropower and wind. This normalisation has
the effect of smoothing the contribution of hydro, as it averages the capacity factor of
hydroelectric power plants over 15 years. As a result, Spain’s share of renewables in
electricity for the purpose of estimating progress towards EU renewable energy targets
grew from around 28% in 2009 to 37% in 2019.
The increase in wind generation was particularly strong between 2000 and 2013, when
installed capacity rose from 2.2 gigawatts (GW) to 22.9 GW. While installed wind capacity
has stalled since then, and stood at 23.3 GW in 2018, it picked up again to 25.5 GW
in 2019. Installed PV capacity had also plateaued since 2013, after growing from only
476 MW in 2007, but staged an impressive recovery in 2019 to 8.97 GW.
The share of electricity generation from renewables in Spain in 2019 (37%) was close to
the IEA median (38%) (Figure 5.5). In terms of the share of wind, however, Spain ranked
sixth-highest, after Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and Germany. Meanwhile, it
ranked seventh-highest for the share of solar.
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Figure 5.4 Renewable energy in electricity generation in Spain, 2000-19
A significant increase in wind and solar has doubled the share of renewable electricity
generation over the last decade.
* Bioenergy includes solid primary biofuels, liquid biofuels and biogases.
Note: TWh = terawatt hour.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Figure 5.5 Renewable energy as a share of total electricity generation in IEA
countries, 2019
The share of renewables in electricity generation in Spain is close to the IEA median. Spain
ranks fifth in terms of its share of electricity generation from wind.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Institutional responsibilities
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD),
through the Secretary of State for Energy, is responsible for national renewable energy
policy. Article 3 of Law 24/2013 on the Electricity Sector includes authority granted to the
federal government in this matter, including the establishment and granting of
remuneration for renewable electricity generation facilities. It also gives the central
government authority over peninsular installations for electricity production with installed
capacity greater than 50 MW, electricity installations greater than 50 MW of capacity
located in non-peninsular territories whose electrical systems are effectively integrated
2000 2002 2004
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Renewables share
(right axis)
IEA. All rights reserved.
Biofuels and waste
Geothermal Wind Hydro
IEA. All rights reserved.
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with the peninsular system, as well as facilities that exceed the territorial scope of an
autonomous community and those located in the territorial sea.
The three main bodies under the Secretary of State for Energy for the development and
implementation of renewable energy policy are: 1) the Directorate General for Energy
Policy and Mines, which oversees regulatory issues: 2) the Institute for Diversification and
Energy Savings (IDAE), whose main objective is to finance energy efficiency measures,
including the integration of renewables; and 3) the Just Transition Institute, which finances
alternative projects in regions impacted by the energy transition, including promoting
renewables-based projects.
The autonomous communities can authorise new generation plants with capacity less than
50 MW, which in the past included most renewables projects, but in recent years, the
average project size has increased considerably. The autonomous communities, together
with local administrations, are involved in the development of policies and the
implementation of programmes to support the use of renewable energy in heating and in
isolated electricity networks.
The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) is the regulator,
responsible for carrying out the remuneration payments for renewable electricity
generation facilities. It is also responsible for managing the system of guarantees of origin
of electricity from renewable sources and high-efficiency co-generation. Moreover, the
CNMC was designated as the biofuel certification body, responsible for delivering
certificates and verifying compliance with biofuels targets by obligated parties, though on
1 January 2021, this responsibility was transferred to MITERD.
Renewable energy policy
Renewable energy targets
Spain’s renewable energy policy is aligned with EU 2020 targets, which set a binding
national target for renewable energy to equal 20% of gross final consumption of energy
(including 10% in transport). Spain’s targets on renewable energy for 2020 and the policies
and measures to meet them were initially laid out in the National Renewable Energy Action
Plan 2011-2020, which set a national 2020 target of 20.8% of renewable energy in gross
final energy consumption. Spain expects to reach a 20% share of renewables in gross final
energy consumption in 2020, up from 18.4% in 2018.
Spain is now looking to its 2030 targets. Overall, its National Energy and Climate Plan
(NECP) expects to achieve a 42% share of renewables in total end use of energy by 2030,
well above the EU-wide target of 32%. This level will be led by the power sector, where
the plan projects the share of renewables to grow from 42% in 2020 to 60% in 2025 and
74% in 2030. This will put Spain on a pathway toward achieving its 2050 objective to
source 100% of its power from renewable sources, in line with its 2050 carbon neutrality
goal. For heating and cooling, the NECP forecasts the share of renewables to grow from
18% in 2020 to 25% in 2025 and 31% in 2030. Lastly, the share of renewables in the
transport sector is expected to grow from 10% in 2020 to 15% in 2025 and 28% in 2030.
Spain’s domestic targets are embodied in the Bill on Climate Change and Energy
Transition, which establishes targets for renewables in overall energy consumption and in
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electricity generation that are similar to those outlined in the NECP. The Bill on Climate
Change and Energy Transition was accepted by the government in May 2020 and is
currently in parliament for debate and eventual approval.
Renewables in electricity
The overall penetration of renewables in energy will be led by the power sector, where the
NECP projects the installation of about 60 GW of new renewable generation through 2030
(almost 6 GW annually), led by wind and solar, amounting to 74% of total electricity
generation that year. For solar PV, the government anticipates capacity growth of around
30 GW, from 9 GW in 2020 to 21.7 GW in 2025 and 39.2 GW in 2030. For wind, the plan
envisages total growth of 22 GW, from 28 GW in 2020 to 40.6 GW in 2025 and 50.3 GW
in 2030.
Spain’s support mechanisms for renewable electricity have seen significant changes in the
past decade. After Spain introduced a Special Regime for the Promotion of Renewable
Energy in 1997, wind installations picked up considerably. Following Royal
Decree 661/2007, which granted priority access to the grid, more favourable conditions for
larger facilities and a revision of feed-in tariff rates only every four years, solar PV
installations also surged (Gürtler, Postpischill and Quitzow, 2019).
In 2012, the government began a comprehensive reform of the sector. The approval of
various legislative texts, such as Law 24/302013 and Royal Decree 413/2014, resulted in
a new income and expenditure regime for different actors in the electricity system and an
adjustment in the remuneration for electricity from renewable energy sources,
co-generation and waste, which discouraged new development. As a result, while the
increase in wind generation was particularly strong between 2000 and 2013 when installed
capacity rose from 2.2 GW to 23.0 GW, installed capacity stalled after 2013, and was still
23.4 GW in 2018. Solar PV followed a similar trend.
Based on Law 24/2013 on the electricity sector and Royal Decree 413/2014, the
remuneration regime is made up of:
an amount per unit of installed capacity that covers the investment costs for each
installation that cannot be recovered by the sale of energy in the market
an amount related to the operation of a facility to cover the difference between the
operating costs and the standard operating income of a reference facility.
The remuneration parameters are periodically reviewed and revised to reflect market
developments. Specifically, the operating remuneration of standard facilities, whose
variable costs depend mainly on fuel costs, are updated at least annually. The income
estimates of standard installations for the sale of energy valued at the market price, as
well as the remuneration parameters directly related to these, may be reviewed every three
years. The remaining (more stable) variables can be reviewed every six years, including
reasonable profitability (which is modified by law). The initial standard value of investment
and the useful life of an installation cannot be reviewed at any time once they are set for
each installation.
Several auctions have been organised since 2015 to support the installation of new
renewables facilities (Table 5.1).
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Table 5.1 Renewables auction results in Spain
Capacity in operation per technology (MW)
Wind and biomass
auction 2016
2017 (May)
First renewables
auction 2017
1 790.28
1 805.37
2017 (July)
Second renewables
auction 2017
3 718.22
3 861.62
2 392.07
3 718.23
6 320.79
Notes: MW = megawatt. PV = photovoltaics.
Renewable technologies in Spain participate in the market as conventional ones. The
support that they receive is granted on top of their market revenues. Additionally, they
have balancing obligations and can participate in ancillary services, receiving the market
remuneration of those services on top of the previously mentioned revenues.
Looking ahead, to achieve its ambitious targets for renewables in electricity (74% in the
NECP for 2030), Spain envisions a three-pronged strategy: 1) the promotion of large
generation projects; 2) the deployment of own consumption and distributed consumption;
and 3) measures to integrate renewables into the electricity system and market.
The market itself (merchant projects, power purchase agreements [PPAs], etc.) will not be
sufficient to reach the ambitious capacity targets embodied in the NECP for the period
2021-30. As such, the NECP considers auctions to be the main policy support tool for the
development of these technologies, in accordance with EU Directive 2018/2001 on the
promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
Costs have dropped considerably for mature renewables technologies and they can
compete with conventional technologies, but there is still sizeable uncertainty regarding
the evolution of electricity spot market prices. The expected reduction of wholesale prices
is having a negative impact on financing costs and conditions. Therefore, the government
aims to minimise the amount of public expenditure required, but at the same time provide
certainty to investors by approving a new support scheme based on competitive tendering
mechanisms. Technologies that have not yet reached maturity (e.g. deepwater offshore
wind, marine energy) can also opt for this public support mechanism that will be offered
as part of the tendering process. The government also places a strong emphasis on
community projects.
The Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition initially called for at least 3 000 MW to
be auctioned each year, with revised remuneration frameworks based on long-term
recognition of a fixed price for the energy generated. However, this target was removed in
the final version approved by the government in May 2020 to allow more flexibility on
auction sizes based on market and technological conditions (Baratti, 2020a).
Overall, the government plans to auction around 5 GW of renewables capacity annually,
though additional capacity will be needed to meet its targets, likely coming from corporate
PPAs, utility bilateral contracts or self-consumption (see below). In December 2020, the
government announced an indicative calendar of auctions for 2020-25, outlining minimum
volumes of capacity for each technology. The calendar will be updated annually.
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Table 5.2 Spain’s renewable energy auction calendar
Minimum total cumulative power (MW)
1 000
2 500
4 000
5 500
7 000
8 500
Solar PV
1 000
2 800
4 600
6 400
8 200
10 000
Solar thermal
Other (biogas, hydro, ocean, etc.)
Notes: MW = megawatt. PV = photovoltaics.
Source: Energías Renovables (2020), “Este es el calendario de subastas de renovables 2020-2025”,
New auctions will be conducted on electricity generation (MWh), capacity (MW) or a mix
of the two. The new mechanism is based on a recognition of a price per unit of energy
during a period of time and for a maximum amount of energy. In each tender, the product
to be auctioned will be energy or capacity. It may be that a specific amount of energy and,
additionally, certain capacity will be included in the same auction, but this would be done
independently. The participant will not choose whether to bid for capacity or for energy. It
will be predefined, although developers can participate in both options, for different
projects. In cases where the auctioned product is capacity, the energy that will participate
in the mechanism will be calculated by multiplying the capacity by an approved number of
equivalent hours by the number of years. In tenders were participants bid for energy, the
maximum number of equivalent hours will be used for calculating the minimum capacity
that needs to be installed in order to minimise the risk of not delivering the minimum
amount of energy. In principle, all renewable technologies could be supported, although
specific auctions might be conducted for technologies that have certain characteristics
(i.e. dispatchability, storage, etc.). Nevertheless, the majority of participation is expected
to come from solar PV and wind, as stated in the NECP, due to their costs and the available
resources in Spain.
In the latest renewable auction held in January 2021, the government awarded 2.036 GW
of solar PV and 998 MW of wind capacity at an average price of EUR 24.47/MWh.
The government has also taken steps to address a grid access backlog that emerged in
the past year with legislation passed in June 2020 (Royal Decree-Law 23/2020). A number
of developers had been securing grid access without the requisite means to develop
projects, creating a speculative secondary market for grid access permits. In response,
the government issued a three-month time limit as part of the permitting process to
advance a project; failure to do so will cause projects to lose permits and deposits
(Djunisic, 2020). The changes allowed the government to clear an enormous and fictional
backlog of around 430 GW of grid access applications (Baratti, 2020b).
Offshore wind, in particular, is seen as an important opportunity. Toward this end, the
government is currently working on an offshore Wind Roadmap after completing a public
consultation on 5 July 2020, spearheaded by the IDAE in collaboration with the Secretary of
State for Energy. The main focus will be to enable technological and commercial maturity of
floating technologies for application in deep waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the
Mediterranean Sea. Research and innovation platforms are being developed (BIMEP in the
Basque Country, PLOCAN in the Canary Islands), with a special focus on islands, which
have isolated electricity systems, high costs of energy and low penetration of renewable
energies. Already, plans in the Canary Islands have received international interest.
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Order TED/1380/2018 established the regulatory basis for granting investment aid to
installations that generate electricity using wind and PV located in non-peninsular
territories, co-financed with ERDF and other regional funds. The IDAE is in charge of
approving the calls under this programme and oversees EUR 170 million through four
auctions: 1) wind facilities in the Canary Islands; 2) PV facilities in the Balearic Islands;
3) PV facilities in the Canary Islands; and 4) a second call for wind facilities in the Canary
The subsequent Order TED/766/2020 established a regulatory framework for granting
support from the ERDF and other funds to renewable electricity facilities throughout the
national territory, worth EUR 110 million in competitive tenders. The funds under these
programmes are designated for facilities that do not participate in the general auctions.
Beyond auctions, Spain has also witnessed notable success with corporate and utility
PPAs in the past three years, led by solar power, with some of the highest levels in Europe
(Bektas, 2020). Though the government does not offer explicit support to promote PPAs,
the overall climate change agenda and renewables targets set by the government have
helped motivate corporate interest, as has the country’s abundant resource endowment
(especially solar).
Spain’s targets for renewables in electricity will require a sizeable buildout of new
generation facilities. However, like in many other countries, new renewables installations
can face local opposition in Spain, notably for wind. The government sees the development
of renewable energy communities as a way to increase public support for projects.
Moreover, permitting procedures in Spain can be lengthy and uneven across regions,
especially in cases where environmental opposition is strong. Though the Renewable
Energy Directive recommends a two-year permitting cycle and the majority of viable
projects take approximately that long, some projects facing challenges can take
significantly longer.
In addition, the NECP includes planned measures to upgrade electrical networks for the
integration of renewables by adapting transmission and distribution network planning
through the creation of new transmission nodes and the strengthening of existing ones, as
well as the development of new international interconnections and underwater lines (see
Chapter 7). Grid codes are also expected to be updated to keep up with changing
technological developments and digitalisation, as is the definition of network connection
The NECP also foresees 6 GW of electricity storage capacity to be in place by 2030. In
February 2021, the government released a National Storage Strategy to support the goals
of the NECP. The strategy expands the storage necessities of Spain’s energy system;
beyond the referred capacity envisaged in the NECP, the strategy includes capacity from
the electric vehicle fleet, behind-the-meter energy storage systems and large-scale energy
storage attached to concentrated solar plants, which could result in total storage capacity
of around 20 GW in 2030.
Self-consumption and distributed generation
The government also plans to expand self-consumption of renewables and distributed
generation, which it considers an important component in the growing share of renewables
in electricity generation (see Chapter 7).
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Notably, in 2018, the government abolished a so-called “sun tax”, which was a levy applied
on self-consumption installations of greater than 10 kilowatts (kW) of capacity connected
to the grid. The tax was considered a major deterrent to rooftop solar installations in homes
and small businesses. As a result, the business case for self-consumption has
considerably improved compared to previous years, and is expected to be the main driver
to boost uptake.
In addition, Spain recently updated its regulatory framework with respect to
self-consumption in an effort to support growth. Royal Decree 244/2019 (to implement EU
Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources) put
in place clearer definitions of self-consumption, simplified compensation schemes, and
streamlined technical and administrative requirements.
The royal decree defines both individual self-consumption and so-called collective
self-consumption, which is comprised of several participants. The government sees
collective self-consumption as an attractive opportunity to expand renewables capacity as
it offers more efficient use of limited space in urban areas as well as lower investment
costs per user and the ability to share technical, administrative and operational knowledge.
Moreover, the royal decree also enabled the participation of new agents in
self-consumption schemes, notably energy service providers that have technical
know-how in the field. The administration expects this measure to reduce previous barriers
to entry for self-consumption, as energy service providers can offer the best and latest
technical solutions.
Renewables in heating and cooling
Spain’s NECP includes ambitious plans to double the contribution of renewables in the
heating and cooling sector by 2030, from 16.8% in 2015. The Renewable Energy Directive
calls on member states to increase the share of renewables in heating and cooling by 1.3%
annually from the level achieved in 2020 (1.1% if residual heat is excluded). However,
Spain expects that the measures outlined in the NECP would make it possible to exceed
this level of penetration.
In particular, the government is looking to expand district heating and cooling installations
that use renewable sources from currently low levels (see Chapter 4). At present, just
0.15% of the heating and cooling sector uses district heating and cooling networks.
The government is currently undertaking a study on the potential of energy from renewable
sources in the sector and on the use of waste heating and cooling, which is expected to
be completed in 2021. Among other things, the assessment will include: an estimate of
heating and cooling demand by sector; an estimation of current heating and cooling supply
by technology; identification of any installations that generate waste heat or cooling and
their potential for providing heating or cooling; a forecast of demand trends for heating and
cooling over the next 30 years; an analysis of the economic potential of various
technologies, including heat pumps; and an overview of the legislative and non-legislative
measures that will enable this economic potential. The result of this evaluation will inform
future policy actions for renewables in the heating and cooling sector. The government
also plans to impose a minimum share of renewables for heating and cooling, along with
financial support for eligible entities.
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Led by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, the government also plans
to review and increase the energy efficiency and renewable energy requirements in the
Technical Building Code, as well as the minimum requirements to be met by thermal
installations, by means of the Regulations on Thermal Installations in Buildings, for all new
buildings and refurbishments.
According to the NECP, the government (through the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and
Urban Agenda) plans to enact financial support schemes for renewables installations in
buildings or heating networks, with a particular emphasis on: upgrading solar thermal
facilities; high-efficiency ambient energy equipment; upgrading biomass equipment with
other high-efficiency equipment; geothermal facilities with heat pumps and direct use;
hybrid systems of renewables technologies to achieve nearly-zero energy buildings; and
integrated, standardised and compact heating and cooling installations.
The Ministry of Finance will also analyse the impacts of possible changes to the fiscal
framework that would help to incentivise electrification and the use of renewables for
thermal requirements relative to fossil fuels.
In 2020, two ministerial orders were approved establishing the basis for granting aid under
a competitive system to installations for the production of electricity and heat from
renewable energy sources, capable of being co-financed with ERDF funds. The aid
EUR 300 million in total will take the form of grants, which may be accorded to the
beneficiary by means of an advance, in order to facilitate the financing of projects. The
projects selected in each call may be co-financed with ERDF funds. Renewable energy
communities and district heating and cooling projects can be considered as part of the
programme. Implementation and the budgetary allocation of the programme is carried out
in close collaboration with the autonomous communities. Biomass will receive the largest
portion of the budget at 34%, followed by solar thermal at 26%, renewables gases/biogas
at 20%, geothermal at 13%, aerothermal at 6%, and district heating and cooling at 1%.
Support for renewables in heating and cooling has also been provided in the form of
financial support to new projects of thermal production from renewable energy sources
managed by energy service companies.
Additionally, the government provides financial support for energy efficiency renovations
through the Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PAREER) programme (see
Chapter 4). The PAREER programme has a group of measures to promote the
development of solar, biomass and geothermal energy in the residential sector.
Renewables in transport
Since the adoption of EU Directive 2009/28 in April 2009 on the promotion of the use of
energy from renewable sources, renewable energy has taken on a particularly relevant
role in the transport sector. The directive set an objective for the transport sector, obliging
each member state to achieve a minimum share of 10% of renewables in final energy
consumption in the transport sector in 2020.
In Spain, the promotion of the use of biofuels was given fresh momentum most recently in
late 2015 with Royal Decree 1085/2015, which set new minimum and mandatory annual
sales and consumption targets (4.3%, 5%, 6%, 7% and 8.5%, for the years 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively). Obligated parties which include wholesale operators
of petroleum products, retail distributors of petroleum products and consumers not covered
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by the aforementioned parties can achieve the targets in a flexible manner through
biofuels certificates for either diesel or gasoline. There is also a cap of 7% for
first-generation biofuels within the targets. Moreover, the regulation also introduced an
indicative objective of 0.1% energy content for advanced biofuels in 2020.
Biofuels are, therefore, the primary means for meeting the targets of renewable energy in
transport. Among the various types, biofuels blended with or substituting for diesel
(biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil) are especially significant, since they account for
91% of biofuels sold or consumed in the transport sector, while bioethanol represents only
The remaining 1% of renewables in transport is made up of electrical energy produced
from renewable sources and consumed in transport. It is mainly provided (90%) by
electrified rail transport, where the consumption of electricity in absolute terms is higher
than electricity consumption in road transport vehicles.
To continue promoting the use of renewable fuels in transport, MITERD is working on the
implementation of the second EU Renewables Directive, which establishes a final
objective for the penetration of renewables in transport of 14% in 2030. Furthermore,
specific objectives for advanced biofuels were set for 2022 (0.2%), 2025 (1%) and 2030
(3.5%). In April 2020, the ministry launched a public consultation in order to transpose part
of this directive, which was completed in September 2020. The new regulation will
establish updated obligations for the share of biofuels in the transport sector, in line with
the requirements of the directive. For 2021 and 2022, the government has already
proposed mandatory blending levels of 9.5% (with a 0.1% indicative target by energy
content for advanced biofuels) and 10% (0.2% for advanced biofuels), respectively, in
order to send a clear signal to the industry. The 7% cap on first-generation biofuels will
remain in place, and a 1.7% cap on biofuels from unused cooking oil and animal fats was
The overall objective for renewable energy, in line with goals to decarbonise transport, will
be achieved by reducing consumption (such as by promoting modal shifts) and with the
contribution of different technologies (mainly biofuels and renewable electricity).
To increase the use of renewables-based electricity in the transport sector, the government
established a target to put 5 million electric vehicles (EVs) on the road by 2030. Policies
to this end include lower vehicle registration taxes for EVs and financial support to the
domestic automotive sector to increase the production of electric models. To further
support the uptake of EVs, Spain is actively promoting the deployment of electric charging
infrastructure from relatively low levels at present (see Chapter 4).
Spain’s NECP promotes the use of advanced biofuels in the transport sector as one of the
measures to decarbonise the energy system. In particular, biofuels will likely be the most
viable solution to decarbonise several subsectors in the medium term, such as heavy
vehicles and aviation.
At present, however, advanced biofuels production in Spain is very low, in some cases
constrained by the limited availability of feedstocks and technological difficulties in
achieving commercial-scale production. In order to increase the penetration of advanced
biofuels beyond the general obligation for the sale and consumption of biofuels, the NECP
foresees several measures, including: adapting the certificate system to cover advanced
biofuels and biomethane; providing financial aid for advanced biofuel production facilities;
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promoting facilities that produce renewable fuels with non-biological feedstocks;
establishing a discrete obligation for the sale and consumption of advanced biofuels
in 2021-30; promoting labelling of biofuels blends at retail stations; and establishing
specific obligations for biofuels in aviation.
As a result of the measures adopted in the NECP, a 28% share of renewable energy
sources is projected in transport through electrification and biofuels, well above the 14%
required by the EU in 2030.
Renewable gases
Spain sees renewable gases as an important future source and carrier of energy given
that it can be used across multiple sectors, including electricity, transport and industrial
processes. To this end, the government has plans to promote the use of biogas,
biomethane and hydrogen from renewable sources.
To date, the main renewable gas in Spain’s energy system has been biogas. However,
the government finds that Spain has fallen short of its biogas potential, accounting for just
1.4% of European biogas supply. Existing remuneration schemes for electricity generation
at biogas plants in Spain have not proven effective at boosting its uptake. More recently,
Spain has been looking into the option of upgrading biogas into biomethane to inject into
natural gas networks. Of over 500 biomethane plants in Europe, only 2 of them are in
Spain. In the short and medium term, the government’s focus will be on boosting the
production and consumption of biogas and biomethane, while it sees renewables-based
hydrogen as an important longer term opportunity.
According to “Measure 1.8: Promotion of renewable gases” of the NECP, several technical
and administrative barriers and mechanisms to boost the use of renewable gas exist today.
Among the main barriers, the NECP identifies:
the high cost of producing gas from renewable sources compared to gas produced from
fossil fuels
no system of guarantees of origin to trace the source of renewable gas
the need to clarify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of all agents participating in
the production, transport and marketing of renewable gas
the need to clarify connection and access conditions
lack of awareness among end consumers regarding equipment safety
limited renewable gas stations.
To tackle these barriers, the plan calls for the development of road maps for renewables
gases to assess their potential in Spain. The road maps will include projecting supply
potential and demand, assessing technological viability and economic feasibility, as well as
considering benefits to system flexibility and potential use in existing natural gas networks.
The road maps are also expected to propose aid mechanisms, a system of guarantees of
origin, removal of regulatory barriers and regulations related to injection into gas networks.
To this end, the government is in the process of developing a Biogas Roadmap. An initial
public consultation ended in June 2020 and several working groups are currently putting
together a draft road map, which will then be released for public comment before being
finalised. The issue of injecting biogas/biomethane into existing grids was a particular
focus area on which the government requested stakeholders’ inputs.
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For hydrogen, Spain currently has a consumption of around 500 000 tonnes/year of mostly
grey hydrogen (made from fossil fuels), which is mainly used as a raw material in refineries
(around 70%) and chemical product manufacturing (25%).
In October 2020 the government approved a Hydrogen Roadmap “A Commitment to
Renewable Hydrogen”. The Hydrogen Roadmap is the main tool to guide and promote the
development of renewable hydrogen in Spain, taking into account the major role that it can
play in the energy transition towards a decarbonised economy in 2050 as a flexible energy
vector. This road map is consistent with the European Hydrogen Strategy and in line with
the Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition and the Long-Term Strategy of Spain in
terms of the promotion of renewable gases, especially renewable hydrogen. The road map
clearly identifies the environmental, economic and social benefits of hydrogen and
indicates which sectors will offer attractive opportunities for hydrogen deployment. It
provides a vision for 2030 and 2050 with specific targets, mainly focused on the installation
of electrolysers as well as hydrogen use in industry and mobility. The targets will be revised
every three years in order to adapt the plan to technological developments and market
Moreover, two hydrogen projects are currently in the implementation phase in Spain, one
in the fertiliser sector and one to convert an old cement plant to produce hydrogen for use
in mobility and thermal applications oriented toward tourism.
In its NECP, Spain has set ambitious targets for renewables in its energy mix, aiming at
installing 122.7 GW of renewable electricity capacity by 2030, primarily wind and solar.
Overall, it aims for renewables to make up 42% of final energy consumption, 74% of
electricity generation and 28% in transport by 2030. In line with the EU’s climate-neutral
strategy, Spain also aims to achieve a 100% renewables share in the electricity sector
by 2050.
The share of renewables in electricity generation was 37% in 2019, on track to meet the
2020 target of 42%. Overall production of renewable energy increased by 47% between
2009 and 2019 to cover more than half of total domestic production in 2019. It should be
noted that renewables targets will be easier to achieve if Spain promotes the “energy
efficiency first” principle, and successfully implements its ambitious energy efficiency
target of reducing primary energy consumption by 39.5% by 2030.
However, so far the uptake of renewables has mostly been limited to the electricity sector.
Spain expects to reach a 20% share of renewables in gross final energy consumption
in 2020, up from 18.4% in 2019. Reaching the 2030 target of 42% will require additional
efforts in the transport and heating/cooling sectors, in particular.
Spain envisages installing 60 GW of renewables capacity from 2021 to 2030 (6 GW every
year via auctions), together with measures to facilitate the penetration of renewables in
the grid, such as increasing storage capacity by 6 GW and facilitating demand response
through demand aggregators. The NECP sees auctions as the main tool for the
development of renewable electricity. After a feed-in tariff scheme led to very strong growth
in wind and solar installations in the first decade or so of the 2000s, subsequent changes
in remuneration to existing facilities saw a marked slowdown in 2013, which continued until
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2018. However, in addition to corporate PPAs, recent auctions (based on a framework
introduced in 2014) have proven successful in boosting renewables capacity, including
achieving significant cost reductions thanks to competitive auctions. Most of these projects
have proceeded to enter into service after securing financing. As a result, installed wind
capacity reached 25.5 GW in 2019, an increase of 9% compared to 2018. PV staged even
more impressive growth after a period of stagnation over the last few years to increase
installed capacity by 88% in 2019 compared to 2018, to reach 8.9 GW.
However, going forward, sizeable additional capacity from wind and solar will be required
to reach the 2030 target. Overall, renewable capacity growth could be higher than the
targets if the full schedule of annual auctions proposed are implemented and the
differential between wholesale electricity prices and renewable generation costs increases
enough to trigger faster corporate PPA growth and even pure merchant plant deployment.
The new framework of a support scheme through auctions will help in this regard, as will
recent changes to address grid access backlogs. The government should strictly
implement its calendar of planned auctions to further improve investment clarity.
Given the scale of required deploymentmost notably of windthe Spanish government
should not underestimate other barriers. Onshore wind and other large-scale projects are
facing increasing social acceptance and land-use challenges. Addressing these issues will
require inclusive and transparent stakeholder consultation processes, along with allocating
some benefits of the energy transition to local communities and ensuring minimal
environmental disruptions. Planned new auction frameworks that include renewable
energy communities will help in this regard. Co-ordination between regional governments
and the central government will also be critical to ensuring local approval.
The development of renewable energy has been a priority of Spanish energy policy,
though the accelerated development of renewables generation that has taken place has
presented some challenges for the management of the operation of the electricity system,
especially given a very high number of small units of production scattered throughout the
country. That is why in February 2021 Spain released an Energy Storage Strategy, which
will help guide this important component that will improve flexibility in the electricity system
to support the increasing share of variable renewables. Other flexibility resources that
warrant increased attention are demand response programmes and increased
interconnection capacity to neighbouring countries, notably France.
The contribution of renewable energy in heating and cooling was around 16% in 2018. To
achieve the objectives set out in the NECP, it will be necessary to double this contribution
by 2030. Renewable heat faces several barriers, reflecting the complexity of the sector.
Achieving this ambitious target will require subsector strategies for different end uses in
buildings and industry. Several policy instruments are in place to support renewables in
buildings, but their ambition needs to be significantly strengthened. A number of options
could be considered to accelerate renewable heat expansion, including offering tax
deductions for deep renovations, putting a carbon price on non-ETS sectors, redistributing
revenues to incentivise energy efficiency and renewables deployment, and/or imposing
quota obligations. In a similar vein to the transport sector, the uneven distribution of taxes
on electricity versus oil and gas serves as a disincentive to electrification efforts in the
heating and cooling sector, and should be revisited. The government’s planned National
Fund for the Sustainability of the Electric System, which would reallocate the levies
associated with subsidies for renewables, co-generation and waste currently borne
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entirely by electricity consumers to energy companies across the energy system, will be
an important step in this regard.
In the transport sector, the largest energy-consuming sector in 2019, more than 90% of
consumption was mineral oil, with only a small share of biofuels (5%) and a smaller share
of electricity (1%). The government set a mandatory blending target for biofuels in road
transport fuels over 2016-20 to reach 8.5% in 2020. The government is in the process of
translating NECP targets for 2030 into additional blending requirements for the coming
years. However, given limits on the use of first-generation biofuels and challenges securing
advanced biofuels at scale, electrification of the transport sector is also a critical
component of Spain’s plans to reach its renewables target of 28% by 2030. To this end,
the government has laid out a target of putting 5 million EVs on the roads by 2030,
supported by a buildout of electric charging infrastructure. While these measures will go a
long way towards reaching the targets, the government should consider changes to its
taxation schemes to lower the price of electricity compared to fossil fuels as a further
incentive for successful electrification of the transport sector.
In October 2020, the Spanish government approved the “Hydrogen Roadmap: A
Commitment to Renewable Hydrogen”, a strategic document completely aligned with the
EU strategy. Spain plans to support the production of hydrogen with regulatory and
sectoral instruments. Two projects are already in the implementation phase.
The government of Spain should:
Closely follow the calendar of planned auctions for new renewable generation capacity
to further improve investment clarity and transparency for all participants; address local
opposition to siting of projects as part of the process.
Develop additional tools to support the production and use of advanced biofuels and
provide financial support for households to switch to non-fossil heating options, such
as solar heating; encourage these options to be part of all building renovation policies.
Prioritise “energy efficiency first” to help achieve a higher renewables share in the
heating/cooling and transport sectors; explore the full range of cost-effective
renewable heating/cooling options and further promote sector coupling to benefit from
renewable gas in the energy transition.
Elaborate road maps and implement supporting measures in a timely fashion to
support innovation of renewable energies and raise awareness for the necessity of the
energy transition.
Baratti, G. (2020a), Spain Removes 3GW Target for RES Auctions in New Climate Law,
S&P Global, Barcelona,
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Baratti, G. (2020b), Spain Passes Renewables Law to Tackle Grid Permit Backlog,
S&P Global, Barcelona,
Bektas, C. (2020), “PPAs in Spain to continue growing over this decade”, ICIS,
Djunisic, S. (2020), “Spains fat renewables backlog lighter by 39.6 GW since June law on
grid access report”, Renewables Now,
Energías Renovables (2020), “Este es el calendario de subastas de renovables 2020-
Gürtler, K., R. Postpischill and R. Quitzow (2019), The dismantling of renewable energy
policies: The cases of Spain and the Czech Republic”, Energy Policy, Vol. 133,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021), “World energy balances”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
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6. Energy research, development and
Key data
Public energy
RD&D budget: EUR 103 million
Energy RD&D
budget per GDP:* 0.085 per 1 000 GDP units (IEA median:** 0.316)
Energy RD&D budget per capita:
EUR 2.21 (IEA median:** EUR 12.9)
Gross domestic product in 2019 prices and exchange rates.
Median of 27 IEA member countries for which 2018 data are available.
Spain has a long-standing and well-developed national innovation system for energy
technology, and has been a very active participant in European Union (EU) energy
research programmes. Since 1990, fossil fuel research has represented less than 5% on
average of the annual public budget for energy research and development (R&D), and this
level has been at 1% since 2010, indicating an energy innovation system firmly focused
on clean energy technologies.
The central policy instruments are funding programmes for multi-year applied research
projects at public universities and in collaboration with the private sector. These
programmes are primarily managed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and have
been complemented over the past decade by various initiatives to support early-stage
companies, engage relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process and assist
large-scale demonstration projects.
Spain’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) identifies R&D, innovation and
competitiveness as one of its five pillars, set out in accordance with the European Energy
Union principle, aiming to capitalise on opportunities for economic development and job
creation arising from innovation activities (EC, 2020a). The NECP acknowledges that since
2007, Spain’s institutional framework for innovation policy is designed to match that of the
European Commission, and has recently been updated to reflect the structure of the
European Commission’s next research framework programme, Horizon Europe. This
mirroring of the EU framework indicates the priority given to participation of Spanish
entities in competitive EU projects and securing the associated funding.
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A new National RD&D Strategy was approved in September 2020, which recognises the
current national energy transition ambitions as a key opportunity for innovation, and
designates climate, energy and mobility as one of its six pillars. This pillar of the strategy
has been designed to align with the NECP, and with other strategic policy documents,
including the Long-Term Strategy (LTS).
This chapter introduces the primary priority-setting documents, followed by the main actors
in Spain’s energy innovation ecosystem. The implementing actions and funding are then
described in sections organised by the pillars of the IEA framework for assessing energy
innovation policies (Box 6.1). The chapter closes with a review of Spain’s approach to
monitoring and evaluation of innovation performance and an overall assessment, followed
by five recommendations.
Box 6.1 IEA framework for energy innovation policies
Technology innovation processes are complex and decision makers must pay attention to
a variety of elements that characterise successful energy innovation systems (IEA, 2020a).
The IEA groups these elements into four core functions: 1) resource push; 2) knowledge
management; 3) market pull; and 4) socio-political support (Figure 6.1).
Figure 6.1 The IEA’s four functions of a successful innovation ecosystem for
IEA. All rights reserved.
Source: IEA (2020a), Tracking Clean Energy Innovation,
While the appropriate policy measures to address each function can vary widely with the
size of a country’s economy, the technologies it prioritises and the strength of its existing
R&D base, successful energy innovation ecosystems have effective policies in each of the
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Energy innovation priorities and guiding documents
Spain’s energy R&D priorities are set out in a number of different documents, including the
NECP; the National RD&D Strategy; the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation
Strategy; the national and regional scientific and technical research and innovation plans;
and the LTS.
The NECP groups priorities by thematic areas:
energy efficiency, recognised as a transversal research area impacting multiple sectors
renewable energy technologies, particularly those where Spain has a relatively
advantageous position (wind, solar PV and solar thermal electricity), or those where Spain
has “significant natural resources or a significant local implementation potential to impact
learning curves” (wave and marine energy, biomass, waste to energy, and enhanced
flexibility and energy system optimisation, including electricity and thermal storage and
electric vehicle battery and infrastructure optimisation.
The current Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2021-2027, and the state
(national) and regional scientific and technical research and innovation plans establish the
RD&D and innovation activities to be developed. The national and regional plans are in
turn aligned with the EU agenda defined in collaboration with member states, especially
the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The objectives outlined in the
documents align with those set by the European Union under the framework programmes
for the financing of the R&D and innovation activities Horizon 2020 (2014-20) and
“Horizon Europe” (2021-27).
The National RD&D Strategy recognises a degree of thematic and regional fragmentation
of RD&D programmes and priority setting. To address this, Spain has stated a goal of
aligning RD&D across “strategic lines”, i.e. adopting a more mission-oriented approach to
four areas. In some cases, the policies might operate at different levels, such as local,
national or municipal levels.
Resource push: A sustained flow of R&D funding, a skilled workforce (e.g. researchers
and engineers) and research infrastructure (laboratories, research institutes and
universities) are required. These resources can come from private, public or even
charitable sources, and can be directed to specific problems or basic research.
Knowledge management: Knowledge should flow smoothly between researchers,
academia, companies, policy makers and international partners, among others.
Market pull: The expected market value of new products or services must be big
enough to make the R&D risks worthwhile, and this is often a function of market rules
and incentives established by legislation. If the market incentives are high, then much
of the risk of developing a new idea can be borne by the private sector.
Socio-political support: There needs to be broad socio-political support for new
products or services, despite potential opposition from those whose interests might be
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its innovation programmes, including through national science and innovation missions, in
“micro-missions” to address knowledge gaps, and through large-scale demonstrations in
selected thematic areas.
The LTS, published in November 2020, also outlines how energy innovation priority setting
needs to evolve to suit the broader energy sector transformation, towards processes able
to “identify priority research tracks and articulate them around missions.” The innovation
ecosystem needs to evolve at the European and Spanish national levels, “towards one
adapted to the uncertainties of an environmental and energy transition of the proposed
magnitude”, and better “oriented towards intelligent management” of associated risks.
Renewable energy has been a long-standing priority of Spanish RD&D activity, accounting
for around half of all energy RD&D spending since 2004 and for 63% in 2018. The NECP
affords priority to energy generation from renewable sources in which there is already a
competitive or leadership position, and where Spanish companies actively participate in
the market. However, the National RD&D Strategy identifies the need to evolve renewable
generation into new areas and applications, and places a strong focus on green hydrogen,
energy storage, and renewable energy innovation in mobility and industry.
The National RD&D Strategy and NECP place a strong focus on general purpose
technologies and technology areas that cut across the economy like the Internet of Things,
artificial intelligence, blockchain, ICT technologies, and biotechnology and
nanotechnology. Special emphasis is placed on the need to accelerate innovation in
technologies and solutions that increase flexibility and facilitate the management of a
system that aims “towards 100% renewables” by 2050.
In this sense, it highlights the inspiration that the Hydrogen Roadmap, published in October
2020, has taken in its own priority setting from the European Commission’s Hydrogen
Strategy, and notes the strategic importance for Spain of hydrogen value chains being
included as Important Projects of Common European Interest. Hydrogen presently
accounts for 4% of energy R&D expenditure (EUR 5 million in 2018), down from a peak of
7% in 2010 (EUR 12 million).
A number of priority areas have also been established in accordance with the country’s
relative advantages in “natural resources, industry and Spanish geography”:
improvements to facilitate deployments of heat and cold generation systems; increasing
the share of renewables in urban heating networks and refrigeration, in buildings and in
communities; active and passive solutions in the energy rehabilitation of buildings; and in
industry, a focus on process efficiency and waste heat recovery and on the development
of industrial renewables and CO
capture technologies.
Other power and storage technologies accounted for 17% of energy R&D expenditure
in 2018, and total spending in the area has nearly quadrupled in the last ten years.
Electrical storage systems and their optimisation are highlighted in the NECP, including
the interface of vehicle and stationary batteries, an area where the plan underlines the
importance of Spanish industry and academia. System approaches to R&D prioritisation
in electricity are also highlighted in the plan, including smart grids, increased flexibility from
electricity assets and renewable integration.
Nuclear R&D has been scaled down from a third of overall R&D spending in the 2000s to
under 1%. Given the orderly phase-out of nuclear envisaged, the NECP notes the
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importance of refocusing nuclear R&D towards securing long-term operation, and
managing irradiated fuel and waste.
Digitalisation is also at the forefront of a number of prioritisation documents. The LTS
includes a mention of both the impacts digitalisation is likely to have on the innovation
strategy and some recommendations for accelerating digital innovation in energy. It
highlights the IEA’s own recommendations of establishing a level regulatory playing field
for new digital technologies; guaranteeing broad access to data and data privacy; and the
promotion of joint public-private initiatives in the areas of smart grids, demand response
and the identification of new business models. Concrete actions on further digitalising
energy systems remain to be clarified, however. The National AI RD&D Strategy,
published in November 2020, does not delineate specific actions, milestones or objectives
for artificial intelligence innovation in energy beyond outlining opportunities.
Spain also envisages the development of a National Industrial Plan, where the energy
transition would take a central role. The plan intends to maximise the economic
development and job creation potential from the energy transition.
Key actors in Spain’s energy innovation ecosystem
Spain has a long-standing energy innovation system, that is currently undergoing a
process of transformation and enhancement to support energy sector and other related
policy objectives. The Ministry of Science and Innovation is the main delegated body for
implementing government RD&D strategy, in co-ordination with the Ministry for the
Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and other agents.
These agents include the State Research Agency, created in 2015, which oversees the
financing, tracking and evaluation in science and engineering. Among the State Research
Agency’s activities, the technology platforms are of particular relevance to energy. These
are public-private frameworks that cut across the full innovation ecosystem, concentrate
innovation efforts, and aid in priority identification and setting. Technology platforms with
a direct impact on energy innovation include solar photovoltaics (FOTOPLAT), wind
(REOLTEC), nuclear fission (CEIDEN), concentrated solar (Solar Concentra), mobility
(Move to Future), rail (PTFE), geothermal (GEOPLAT), biomass (BIOPLAT), smart cities
(SmartLiving), storage (BATTERYPLAT), hydrogen and fuel cells, and energy efficiency.
Programme implementation is facilitated by public research organisations like the Spanish
National Research Council or the Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology
Research (CIEMAT). Their activities are complemented by 26 technology centres and
support centres for technology innovation related to energy and climate. Spanish
implementation organisations, chiefly CIEMAT, are heavily involved in European R&D
policy making, including through participation in all of the 14 temporary working groups
constituted as part of the SET-Plans priority-setting exercises, and intended to elaborate
implementation plans for each thematic area. CIEMAT also led the Concentrated Solar
Temporary Working Group.
The Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) institute helps connect basic
RD&D efforts with market deployment, with the explicit aim of increasing the
competitiveness of private sector enterprises. The CDTI fulfils its remit through a range of
programmes that includes the new Cervera efforts for Spanish small and medium-sized
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enterprises and technology and innovation centres. Finally, ALINNE (Alliance for Energy
Research and Innovation), founded by the government in 2011, helps pool stakeholders
and co-ordinate efforts between all the agents of the energy RD&D value chain.
Resource push
Spain ranks 33rd in the world in RD&D expenditure as a share of GDP at 1.24%, under
the EU-28 average of 1.98% and the OECD average of 2.34%. In September 2020, the
National RD&D Strategy set the aim of bringing this share to 2.12% by 2027. The NECP
sets the long-term objective of reaching overall spending in innovation above 2.5% of GDP,
and maintaining these levels regardless of economic cycles. The specific contribution of
energy RD&D has been under evaluation since the publication of the NECP, intended to
reflect the weight of energy in overall EU innovation ambitions. This new framework
represents a key opportunity to expand RD&D research in energy, and to direct funds to
strategic priority innovation areas that are key to Spain’s energy policy objectives.
Spain’s central approach to financial support for energy R&D is based on a range of public
funding mechanisms, which include two flagship programmes, “Retos de Investigación”
and “Retos de Colaboración”. Together these accounted for EUR 154 million, almost 40%
of RD&D expenditure during the period. These are largely “bottom-up” programmes in
which project proposals from institutes and companies are evaluated against common
The recently approved economy-wide RD&D Strategy includes several considerations
related to the establishment of a mission-oriented approach to RD&D, including the
development of so-called tractor” flagship demonstration projects in thematic areas key
to the energy transition and the establishment of success indicators. Such an approach
could potentially support strategic clean energy technologies and provide resources for
co-ordination and long-term planning. However, the extent to which energy technologies
will feature in the state and regional plans remains undecided.
Public spending on energy R&D
In 2018, the Spanish government spent EUR 103.2 million on energy-related RD&D, a
32% increase from the previous year. Despite the increase, Spain spends the fourth-lowest
share of GDP of all IEA member countries on energy-related RD&D (0.0085%). Reported
RD&D budgets have also fluctuated considerably. Public expenditure reached a high
in 2011 at EUR 323 million, and has since declined and remained around EUR 100 million
since 2014.
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Figure 6.2 Energy-related public RD&D spending per GDP in IEA countries, 2018
Among IEA countries, Spain ranked the fourth-lowest on energy-related public RD&D
spending per thousand units of GDP.
Note: Missing data for the Czech Republic, Greece and Luxembourg.
Source: IEA (2020b), Energy Technology RD&D 2020,
Among the key thematic areas, renewables received the largest share of expenditure,
accounting for 63% of the total, half of which was allocated to wind energy. The remaining
funding for renewables went to solar (26%), ocean energy (8%) and biofuels (6%). Other
electricity and storage technologies received 17%. However, these were mostly directed
at electricity transmission and distribution (12% of the total), with energy storage receiving
just over 3%. Energy efficiency received 12%, mainly directed towards projects in the
industry sector.
Figure 6.3 Energy-related public RD&D spending in Spain by category, 2000-18
Energy-related RD&D was EUR 103 million in 2018, most of which went to renewables.
Source: IEA (2020b), Energy Technology RD&D 2020,
Spain’s innovation system experienced one of the largest reductions in government
funding for R&D among OECD countries over the period 2008-15, with a decline of nearly
Energy RDD spending per
thousand units of GDP
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2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
EUR million (2019 prices)
Cross-cutting technologies
Hydrogen and fuel cells
Fossil fuels
Energy efficiency
Other electricity and storage
IEA. All rights reserved.
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30% in real terms (OECD, 2017). The OECD notes low levels of execution of some parts
of the public R&D budgets due to limited demand from private firms and complex
management procedures.
Figure 6.4 Spain’s gross domestic expenditure on total R&D, 2000-18
Source: OECD (2020), Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D,
Private spending on energy R&D
In 2017, private spending on Energy UnionR&D in Spain stood at 0.01% of GDP, slightly
below the average value for the European countries with available data of 0.026%. The
share of spending has remained relatively constant since 2010, declining by 0.01% (EC,
In 2015, Spain issued 3.35 patents per million inhabitants toward Energy Union priorities,
ranking 15th out of 27 EU member states. The EU estimates that Spain’s private R&D
efforts added 19.5% of value added in terms of real energy costs to the country in 2015,
increasing by 31% since 2005 (EC, 2020b).
Education and skills
Public spending in higher education in Spain is about 20% below the OECD average, most
of this coming from regional governments, which are both the main initial source and the
main final spender of education funds in Spain. Spain has 30 officially recognised master’s
degree programmes related to energy. Master’s or equivalent degrees account for the
largest share of adults with a tertiary education, reflecting a stronger tradition of long first
degree programmes that lead directly to a master’s qualification. However, the country is
below the average of students benefiting from grants, loans or other financial assistance
at 43%.
Of particular relevance for the energy economy, Spain ranks 28th among OECD countries
in the share of upper secondary graduates in the fields of engineering and manufacturing,
with only 12% of those being women. While Spain ranks 2nd in the OECD in patenting
activity by women inventors across all fields, and has a share of women researchers above
the European average, their presence is concentrated in other economic sectors led by
Share of GDP
Total R&D
per unit
R&D per
unit GDP
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health and welfare. While Spain ranks 18th in the OECD in the share of doctorate holders
in the general population (OECD, 2019), it currently has the second-highest rate of entry
into doctoral programmes and ranks above the OECD average in higher education.
However, this may reflect other underlying socio-economic trends: the share of employed
young adults not in education is 21 percentage points lower than in 2008, while the share
of the same age group in education is about 18 percentage points higher. The National
R&D Strategy also highlights a lack of internationalisation of doctoral programmes.
Analysis by the Spanish government has shown that achieving strategic energy transition
objectives will require the creation of between 235 000 to 348 000 new jobs. The NECP
establishes a measure to identify academic and professional knowledge formation gaps to
reach these objectives, to be implemented through the Ministry of Education, the Ministry
of Universities, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Ministry for the Ecological
Transition and the Demographic Challenge, in collaboration with the IDAE, other
institutions and the autonomous communities.
Knowledge management
The NECP orients the knowledge dimension of the energy innovation system according to
three guiding principles: 1) co-ordination, i.e. sectoral and regional priorities for RD&D
have to be co-ordinated and aligned to maximise policy impact; 2) co-responsibility,
implying that knowledge has to be absorbed by national and local government entities, the
private sector, and civil society as a whole; and 3) interdisciplinarity, which underscores
the cross-cutting nature of the energy transition challenge and the need to generate
knowledge across different scientific and technical thematic areas.
In the area of international knowledge exchange, Spain currently participates in 19 (out of
a total of 38) IEA technology collaboration programmes. One of them relates to end use in
buildings while two are related to end use in electricity and four to end use in transport.
Spain also participates in two fossil fuel-related programmes, six renewable energy and
hydrogen technology collaboration programmes, and one cross-cutting programme. Spain
is also a long-standing member of the Clean Energy Ministerial since its establishment and
has led the work on renewable energy as well as participated in work on smart grids and
flexible power systems. Spain is not a member of Mission Innovation, although, according
to the NECP, it intends to join.
Spanish institutions are a particularly active partner under the SET-Plan and Horizon 2020
activities, particularly in the areas of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal electricity, and in
energy efficiency. CIEMAT is the national representative in a number of European
initiatives and takes an important role in co-ordinating international energy innovation
activities. It is the national representative in the European Energy Research Alliance, one
of the central SET-Plan instruments for increasing European clean energy innovation
capacities. The new RD&D Strategy contemplates expanding existing instruments like the
European Commission’s Intelligent Specialisation” framework, aimed at identifying priority
areas of specialisation that could receive EU Cohesion Funds. The S3-Energy “Intelligent
Specialisation” platform includes existing co-ordination functions on bioenergy, marine
energy, smart grids, solar energy and sustainable buildings.
Finally, the Spanish innovation system has important links with Latin American countries,
particularly in the areas of renewables, microgrids and energy storage. The Iberoamerican
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Programme for Science and Technology for Development and the EU-Latin American and
Caribbean States common interest group both develop jointly financed programmes.
CIEMAT also has knowledge exchange links with UNIDO focusing on knowledge transfer
for island energy solutions.
Market pull
Spain has a long-standing track record of incentivising clean energy deployment through
market pull instruments, including support for variable renewables, buildings efficiency
programmes, targeted support for low-carbon fuels or flagship low-carbon technology
demonstrations. Framework market conditions have helped position several Spanish
utilities and energy equipment manufacturers in key sectors as European and global
leaders, which in turn has increased the level of corporate R&D in these sectors and
enhanced the incentives for innovators. These companies include Iberdrola, Gamesa (now
Siemens Gamesa), Abengoa, Acciona and Power Electronics.
The CDTI institute helps connect basic RD&D efforts with the innovation stages closer to
commercialisation through a range of programmes that includes the new Cervera efforts
for Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises and technology and innovation centres.
In 2017, the CDTI approved 84 projects, amounting to investments of EUR 109 million and
a further EUR 76 million in public commitments. Renewable energies and emerging
technologies accounted for 68% of these investments. Demonstration efforts in key
technology areas are carried out through initiatives like the “Plan de desarrollo de
proyectos singulares”, where the national energy efficiency institute, IDAE, can participate
in flagship demonstrations. These efforts are currently being furthered to create “tractor”
flagship demonstration projects, as part of Spain’s recent drive towards a more mission-
oriented approach to innovation.
The National RD&D Strategy, however, calls attention to a number of weaknesses in
connecting the innovation push to the market; chief among these are: the relatively “low
innovation capacity of Spanish companies and institutions”, despite a critical mass of
innovators; relatively low levels of public-private collaboration both in terms of co-financing
and implementation; low levels of knowledge transfer between industry and society at
large, and protection of inventions; and a need to increase new technology capacities in
Spanish companies, including related to digitalisation.
The latest OECD Economic Survey (OECD, 2018a) outlines several barriers to co-
ordination that remain in the latter stages of the innovation process, a number of them
echoed in the NECP and the National R&D Strategy. Despite progress made in simplifying
and streamlining start-up requirements, the OECD Economic Survey notes that Spanish
entrepreneurs still have to undergo a large number of different procedures, notably when
they wish to activate a public limited company. Moreover, opening up and running a retail
business is still difficult, with relatively restrictive licensing requirements. OECD
entrepreneurship rates reveal potential entrepreneurs (those expecting to start a new
venture in the next three years) are relatively scarce in Spain compared to the EU average
(6.9% vs. 12.6%).
The OECD notes that further openness is required in access to the liberal professions,
many of which are central to energy sector operations. A large number of exclusive rights
All rights reserved.
continue to be granted to professionals in areas such as accounting, the built environment,
engineering and legal services. These barriers serve to increase the rigidity and
inefficiency of the market for professional services in energy, imposing extra costs on firms
and consumers particularly onerous at a time of increased pressure to reduce costs.
The NECP acknowledges the need to address these barriers, and proposes two main work
areas: 1) increasing the flexibility of hiring practices, including adapting them to the
duration of innovation initiatives; and 2) streamlining the financial management of projects
and initiatives through internal accounting.
“Market pull” needs to also drive new, key technology areas outlined in the strategy where
current efforts appear insufficient. A recent OECD report on private equity investment in
Spain (OECD, 2018b, highlights how only 3% of all capital invested in start-ups in Spain
between 2011 and 2018 focused on digital and artificial intelligence technologies, far
behind France (13%), Germany (14%) and the United Kingdom (55%).
The recently published National AI RD&D Strategy notes that current start-up activity in
this space is lacking, while also listing co-ordination barriers preventing a better match of
investment capital to small and medium-sized enterprises. A 2019 study by the McKinsey
Global Institute that ranked European countries according to their market readiness to
adopt new digital and artificial intelligence technologies ranked Spain in
11th position. The
Spanish National AI Strategy notes an expected mismatch between current market
readiness and the demand for these technologies, highlighting an expected 66% increase
in demand for digital technology capacities by 2030.
Finally, the NECP also recognises the need for new approaches towards innovation in
stages closer to the market. The central regulatory body, the National Commission of
Markets and Competition, has put forward an overarching electricity market design
regulation that includes a provision to support demonstrations. The NECP recognises in
this measure the possibility of creating regulatory sandboxes in electricity, which other
countries in Europe have been actively pursuing. These platforms are effective and
desirable, as they fulfil many of the objectives of national R&D and climate strategies: they
promote strong co-ordination across public and private stakeholders, and between local,
regional and national levels of government; they signal opportunities for focusing industrial
value creation efforts, particularly in areas the government has identified as central for the
transition, including variable renewables deployment, system integration or demand-side
electrification; and they attract innovation talent within the ecosystem created for testing
and demonstration.
Socio-political support
Institutional governance
Spain features a relatively high degree of decentralisation of innovation activity, and the
need to enhance national-regional co-ordination, as well as co-ordination across regions,
is well articulated in the NECP and other strategic documents. Regions have an outsized
institutional role in higher education relative to other OECD and EU countries, constituting
the majority of education spending. The National RD&D Strategy underlines the important
differences in RD&D spending intensity, and the high level of regional fragmentation of
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RD&D programmes with over 70 public funding entities present in the autonomous
communities, a number that has grown by 23% since 2017.
Efforts are underway to improve national-regional co-ordination. The process of
elaborating the National RD&D Strategy included a National Science, Innovation and
Technology Policy Council, whose Executive Commission was formed by regional
government stakeholders and contributed to collecting and co-ordinating regional RD&D
needs. The council will also have a designated role in co-ordinating regional inputs from
the autonomous communities into the European S3 “Smart Specialisation programmes”,
a pre-condition for receiving EU Cohesion Funds for innovation.
A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis carried out to inform
the National RD&D Strategy revealed that while public perception of science and
innovation in Spain is high, a widespread opinion that Spain lacks a strong culture of
innovation remains. It also identified rising interest in energy technologies and the
transition as a key opportunity to improve social awareness and support for innovation.
The NECP proposes a number of measures to address this gap, including public
awareness and training campaigns or improving access to energy sector information and
Given the wide-ranging transformational ambitions in its energy RD&D strategy, the
government of Spain is accelerating social innovation to secure further socio-political
support an area that the previous IEA review of Spanish energy policies had signalled
for improvement. Within its NECP and RD&D strategies, Spain plans to support the
development of social and urban innovation projects; increasing awareness and
dissemination; and encouraging attitudes and behaviour that promote sustainability,
efficiency and emissions reductions. Among these the government envisages more
participative R&D programmes, gamification and design thinking, crowdfunding and
creating an association that aggregates researchers, entrepreneurs and energy sector
stakeholders to promote social innovation.
Finally, the NECP and the National RD&D Strategy articulate a shift towards a more
programmatic and mission-oriented approach to innovation, including through the
establishment of concrete research “lines” that encompass various programmes across
institutions, flagship demonstration projects or “micro-missions” to tackle concrete techno-
economic constraints. While the approach is commendable, institutional governance
needs to be adapted to be able to execute such an approach efficiently. Identifying priority
areas for demonstrations and technical constraints requires a system perspective and a
top-down, inter-ministerial approach to priority setting a departure from the current,
bottom-up approach of rewarding excellence through pre-established programmes.
Monitoring, evaluation and tracking of results
The current bottom-up approach to rewarding excellence could significantly benefit from
being coupled with efforts to improve co-ordination and alignment with energy and other
national policy priorities. The 2015 IEA review of Spanish energy policies stressed the
need to strengthen monitoring, evaluation and tracking systems. While efforts have not
advanced significantly, a number of efforts are being strengthened or are in the planning
The NECP envisages a measure for strengthening a tracking mechanism for all public aid
granted under the state plans for scientific and technical research and innovation. The
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state plans are intended to include the monitoring indicators for these actions, including
key performance indicators for the degree of achievement of the objectives defined for
each action across different execution time frames.
Spain’s recently articulated National RD&D Strategy, the NECP and LTS together form a
robust framework to accelerate Spain’s energy innovation capabilities and fulfil its energy
transition ambitions, as well as those in other transversal policy areas, including its digital
and industrial strategies or its territorial balancing efforts. As plans and programmes further
unfold, a clear, coherent government-wide priority setting that is well communicated to
stakeholders will be critical, one that is consistent across different strategic and
programmatic documents from the different ministries involved in the energy transition.
Aligning research priorities with new clean energy transition challenges is essential to
ensure that the various measures and programmes are effective. Moreover, tracking and
evaluation mechanisms that are able to feed back into policy and programme directions
should be at the core of every programmatic effort to ensure consistency and effectiveness
of RD&D efforts.
Spain’s public expenditure on overall RD&D as a share of its economic output, and on
energy RD&D in particular, both rank well below the EU and OECD averages, placing
Spain 33rd in the world in overall RD&D intensity and 4th lowest in the IEA in energy RD&D
intensity. The new overall innovation strategy aims to bring RD&D as a share of GDP to
2.12% by 2027, which while ambitious and commendable, would still fall short of the OECD
average. Given the central role the Spanish government affords the clean energy transition
and its strong links with and potential spill-overs into other flagship policy areas aimed at
revitalising territories and boosting industrial capacities, it would seem consistent that
RD&D expenditures exceed the OECD average.
The previous IEA review of Spain’s energy policies in 2015 recommended the
establishment of an energy RD&D strategy and agenda to aid in the prioritisation and
co-ordination of programmes. Since then, ALINNE has further developed its analysis of
priority technologies and started a new prioritisation exercise; however, its role is mainly
an informative one. The NECP “recognises and acknowledges” the role of ALINNE,
however it falls short of laying out more explicit functions and responsibilities for
priority setting.
The Cervera programme has been developed in part to target specific priority
technologies. Most policies and programmes, however, are not directed towards
pre-identified priority areas for the Spanish economy. In the “Retos de Investigación y
Colaboración” programmes, for instance, wind and solar dominate, reflecting the Spanish
industry and market, but future innovation needs, for which there is no market today, have
less weight (e.g. storage or hydrogen, both of which account for around 3% of funds).
Spain should be commended for aiming to restructure its innovation activities around
high-level programmatic research directions, with a mission-oriented approach.
Mission-oriented research is proving to be a strong tool in several countries to align actors
across research, academia and the private sector, promoting the effective transfer,
co-operation and sharing of knowledge, and developing and strengthening supply chains
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creating opportunities for industrial development, and boosting entrepreneurship. The
national RD&D Innovation Strategy stresses the need of missions to address all stages of
the value chain, from bench to market scale.
The current bottom-up approach to rewarding excellence should be coupled with
wider-reaching efforts to improve co-ordination and alignment with energy and other
national policy priorities. The Hydrogen Roadmap is an excellent example of a broad
technology area at an early stage in which several technology areas could be selected for
future RD&D to match local strengths and future market potential, both internal and
export-oriented. The government of Spain could consider evolving ALINNE’s role into a
more formal or programmatic one. Flagship demonstrations should also be pursued and
targeted towards areas the government has identified as of strategic importance to energy
(storage, hydrogen, circular economy, digitalisation, etc.).
Spain’s objectives in RD&D, particularly those in cross-cutting areas like hydrogen, grid
integration or storage where other countries are very actively developing capabilities,
would benefit from a continued effort in enhancing international collaboration. Spain
already actively participates in European innovation initiatives; however, its participation
would benefit from increasing awareness within the energy industry and better
communicating Spain’s roles and achievements within EU framework programmes,
including through enhancing ministerial websites. Where EU and Spanish interests
overlap, participation in the EU Innovation Fund is a notable opportunity to secure
Spain is not a member of Mission Innovation, but has stated its goal of joining it in the
NECP. The thematic areas of the recently relaunched Mission Innovation programmes
(which include renewables, storage and smart grids, and alternative fuels) are well aligned
with national RD&D priorities and Spain’s participation would be beneficial to its RD&D
objectives. Finally, Spain’s industrial strategy and stated NECP objectives to expand the
reach of Spanish companies in novel clean technology areas could be catalysed by
strengthening its innovation co-operation activity with Latin American countries. There is
currently a strong presence in the region of Spanish electric utilities and energy
multinationals, and beyond enhancing it, facilitating the participation of start-ups and small
business in developing, demonstrating and deploying new and low-carbon technologies
could yield compound benefits to innovation.
The government of Spain should:
Adopt an objective-oriented approach to clean energy innovation policy, with
aspirational targets for the outputs and outcomes in line with other areas of energy
policy making, and monitoring and evaluation instruments using key performance
Further develop the strategic prioritisation of technology areas in which Spain could
pursue its comparative advantage and contribute to the NECP’s goals
(e.g. renewables integration or hydrogen).
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Engage with other governments in Europe and beyond to share and adopt best
practices for governance structures that can ensure smooth flows of information
between research funding bodies, technology platforms and different ministries.
Seek to increase the energy component of the new Spanish Science, Technology and
Innovation Strategy 2021-2027 spending at least in line with the overall objective to
double public and private innovation spending per unit of GDP.
Seek to adopt a survey method or other technique to track private sector energy R&D
spending that is currently unavailable to government.
EC (European Commission) (2020a), Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
EC (2020b), Energy Union Indicators,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2020a), Tracking Clean Energy Innovation,
IEA (2020b), Energy Technology RD&D 2020,
IEA (2019), Energy Technology Innovation Partnerships,
OECD (2020), Gross Domestic Spending on R&D(indicator) ,
OECD (2019), "Research", in Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance,
OECD (2018a), OECD Economic Surveys: Spain 2018,
OECD (2018b), Private Equity Investment in Artificial Intelligence”, OECD Going Digital
Policy Note,
OECD (2017), OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017: The digital
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7. Electricity
Key data
Electricity generation
: 271.0 TWh (natural gas 30.9%, nuclear 21.5%, wind 20.5%,
hydro 9.1%, solar 5.6%, coal 5.2%, oil 4.8%, bioenergy and waste 2.4%)
-7.1% since
Electricity net
import: 6.9 TWh (imports 18.7 TWh, exports 11.9 TWh)
Electricity consumption:
242.2 TWh (services/other 33.7%, industry 31.4%,
30.1%, energy sector 3.2%, transport 1.6%)
Electricity accounted for 24% of total final consumption (TFC) in Spain in 2019, the
second-largest energy source after oil. Demand for electricity is increasing across all
sectors, particularly in the buildings sector. In the last decade, electricity generation in
Spain has seen notable decarbonisation, as the share of electricity generation from fossil
fuels decreased from 56% in 2009 to 41% in 2019, while electricity generation from
renewable energy sources (including non-renewable waste) increased from 24% in 2009
to 38% in 2019. The phase-out of coal has already started, with the amount of electricity
from coal more than halving in one year between 2018 and 2019, mainly compensated by
natural gas.
Looking ahead, the government is planning a sizeable integration of renewables, mainly
wind and solar, in the electricity mix, with the target of a 74% share of renewables in 2030.
In addition to a complete coal phase-out, the country is planning to start phasing out
nuclear power in 2027. The forthcoming changes in the electricity mix will require an
increased focus on system flexibility. To this end, the government is planning to increase
interconnection capacity, mainly with France, in the coming years. Currently, the levels of
electricity interconnection are still below the 10% required by the EU for 2020. Increased
international interconnectivity will also need to be accompanied by upgraded national
In recent years, Spain’s policy for the electricity sector has emphasised the importance of
affordability and addressing energy poverty. Notably, since 2018, the Spanish government
has stepped up measures to ensure energy access to vulnerable customers, which
became instrumental to assist households to manage the economic fallout from the
COVID-19 pandemic.
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Electricity supply and demand
Electricity generation
Total electricity generation in Spain was 271.0 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2019, and has
gradually decreased since its peak in 2008 of 311.0 TWh (Figure 7.1). Spain has a nuclear
fleet providing a constant base load of about 60 TWh/year since 1990, corresponding to
22% of total electricity generation in 2019. Fuel oil and diesel electricity generators are
used mainly in the islands, and together accounted for 5% of total generation in Spain
in 2019. Electricity generation from coal has decreased, especially in recent years,
representing the start of a coal phase-out. In 2019, coal represented only 5% of total
electricity generation, a significant decrease from 14% in the previous year.
Natural gas plays a major role in the country’s electricity mix, accounting for almost
one-third of electricity generation in 2019. The flexibility of natural gas power plants is used
to balance the coal phase-out and variability of electricity generation from renewable
energy sources such as wind and solar, but also the fluctuating annual generation from
hydro power plants.
Renewables have become an increasingly important source of electricity generation in the
country, amounting to 38% in 2019, including wind, hydro, solar, and bioenergy and waste.
Within renewables, wind (20.5%) and hydro power (9.1%) had the largest shares in 2019,
while solar power (both photovoltaic and concentrated solar power) experienced a quick
rise between 2008 and 2014, to later stabilise at around 5.6%. Bioenergy sources
consisted mainly of solid biomass, with some shares of renewable waste and biogas, and
accounted for 2.4% of total generation in 2019.
In terms of installed capacity, in 2019, Spain relied on 25 gigawatts (GW) of gas-fired
power plants, 26 GW of wind capacity, 13 GW of hydro (excluding pumping), 7.9 GW of
coal-fired plants, 7.1 GW of nuclear and 8.9 GW of photovoltaic panels connected to the
grid, in addition to 2.3 GW of concentrated solar power. Spain also has a small installed
capacity of electricity generation using tidal energy, amounting to 4.8 megawatts (MW)
in 2019. Relative to peak demand, Spain currently has an overcapacity of generation in its
electricity system, even in a context of recent coal plant closures.
Thanks to growth in both wind and solar generation since 2000, in an IEA comparison,
Spain falls slightly below the average in terms of the share of fossil fuels in its electricity
mix, while it ranked 13th highest in terms of the share of renewables in 2019 (Figure 7.2).
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Figure 7.1 Spain’s electricity supply by source, 2000-19
Spain’s electricity supply comes mainly from natural gas and nuclear, as well as hydro and
Notes: TWh = terawatt hour. Bioenergy and waste includes non-renewable waste. Considering the marginal
difference between waste from renewables exclusively and waste including non-renewable sources, the present
review incorporates non-renewable waste.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Figure 7.2 Electricity generation by source in IEA member countries, 2019
Spain’s share of renewables in electricity generation is slightly below the IEA average.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Bioenergy and waste
Natural gas
IEA. All rights reserved.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
United States
Oil Natural gas Coal Peat Nuclear Bioenergy and waste Hydro Wind Solar Geothermal
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Electricity demand
Industry, residential and services are the main electricity-consuming sectors in Spain,
accounting for about one-third each (Figure 7.3). In 2019, most electricity (82 TWh) was
used in the services/other sector, which includes commercial and public services, as well
as agriculture, forestry and fishing. The share of electricity in energy demand in these
sectors increased significantly from 2000 to 2009, but fell again in the following years. For
example, the share of electricity in the energy demand of commercial and public services
decreased from 74% in 2009 to 53% in 2019.
The residential sector consumed 73 TWh of electricity in 2019. The share of electricity in
the sector’s energy demand has increased in recent years, from 39% in 2009 to 43%
in 2019, reflecting an increase in electricity demand from residential appliances. In
contrast, in the industry sector, the share of electricity in energy demand fell from 31%
in 2009 to 26% in 2019. Electricity demand from industry was 76 TWh in 2019.
The use of electricity in the transport sector is still low, at 4 TWh in 2019. Despite recent
efforts to increase the electrification of road transport, most of the electricity consumption
in the transport sector comes from rail.
Figure 7.3 Electricity consumption in Spain by consuming sector, 2000-19
Electricity consumption in Spain is largely concentrated in the residential, services and
industry sectors.
* Energy includes petroleum refineries and coal mines.
** Services/other includes commercial and public services, and agriculture and forestry.
Note: TWh = terawatt hour.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Electricity market structure
The Spanish wholesale market is part of the common European market through the Iberian
power market (Mercado Ibérico de Electricidad, MIBEL), created in 2007. OMIE, the
nominated electricity market operator (or exchange) in Spain, manages the spot market
(day-ahead and intraday markets) while OMIP in Portugal manages the futures market.
Both are part of the Operador del Mercado Ibérico (OMI, Iberian Market Operator)
business group which is 50/50 owned by the Spanish (OMEL) and Portuguese (OMIP
SGPS) wholesale market operators from pre-MIBEL times.
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The two system operators, Red Eléctrica de España (REE) in Spain and Redes
Energéticas Nacionais (REN) in Portugal, are responsible for technical management,
including system security and ancillary services. MIBEL has two bidding zones, and when
interconnections are congested, the markets on the Spanish and Portuguese sides see
different prices. The wholesale market is competitive.
Law 24/2013 established REE as the manager of the transmission grid and granted it the
function of sole transmission operator. REE was certified in 2012 by the National
Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) as an ownership unbundled
transmission system operator (TSO), and currently oversees more than 44 000 km of
transmission lines. As manager of the transmission network, REE is responsible for
developing and enlarging the grid, carrying out its maintenance, co-ordinating the physical
flow of electricity between external systems and the Iberian peninsula, and guaranteeing
third-party access to the transmission grid under equal conditions. The transmission grid
is planned over six-year periods and approved by the government with a spending limit
tied to gross domestic product (GDP). Spain will also be included in the European Ten-
Year Network Development Plan, which feeds into the Spanish planning process.
REE is a publicly listed company, and to guarantee its independence, ownership in it is
limited by law. The state must own at least 10% of shares, while other entities may hold
no more than 5% of shares or use no more than 3% of voting rights. For electricity
companies, the limit is 1% of voting rights. The state, via the Sociedad Estatal de
Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), owns 20% of shares, while the other 80% is well
diversified, with the largest owners being several investment funds with a stake of around
3% each. By law, REE cannot own any shares in companies involved in the generation or
supply of electricity or gas.
Spain’s electricity market is dominated by three main generators: Grupo Endesa, Iberdrola
and Naturgy. Combined, they account for an estimated 50% of the Spanish electricity
market by consumption volume. Their market concentration has fallen in recent years as
electricity is increasingly generated by renewable energy sources, whose ownership is
relatively fragmented.
Distribution companies are responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the
distribution network. They are also the owners of the distribution networks. In Spain, there
are 333 distribution companies; 5 of them are dominant. These 5 companies, with more
than 100 000 consumers connected to their grids, are part of the main electricity
companies in the country and carry out their activities in compliance with the unbundling
requirements that are established in the electricity sector regulatory framework and in
European law. The other companies are small ones linked to historical development of the
local networks. As of 30 September 2019, the five largest suppliers supplied 84.9% of total
supply points in the free market (three years earlier they had supplied 90.4%).
There is no centralised planning process for the distribution grid, although the government
imposes a spending cap on distribution network plans, which are defined over periods of
three years.
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Electricity market operation
Wholesale markets
The wholesale electricity market is structured in forward markets, day-ahead markets,
intraday markets and adjustment services (integrated by the solution of technical
restrictions and balancing services). In addition to the organised markets, physical bilateral
contracts are possible between qualified consumers and producers. This non-organised
part of the market has increased rapidly since 2007.
The day-ahead and intraday markets (within which a distinction is made between the
continuous intraday common European market, XBID, and the intraday market by
auctions) cover the daily and hourly horizons, and are managed by the nominated
electricity market operator for the Iberian market, OMIE.
In addition, in the day-ahead and intraday horizons, there is also bilateral contracting with
freely established physical delivery between market subjects in unorganised markets.
Among the markets managed by the system operator (REE) are those related to system
adjustment services, which comprise:
Solution of technical restrictions: Adjustment service whose purpose is to resolve the
technical restrictions of the system, by limiting and modifying, where appropriate, the
production programmes of the generation and consumption units that resolve the identified
technical restrictions with the lowest cost for the system, and the subsequent rebalancing
of generation and demand to compensate for the incorporated programme modifications
to resolve the identified technical restrictions (including curtailment and redispatch
Balancing services managed by market mechanisms:
Secondary regulation: Optional service that aims to maintain the generation-demand
balance, automatically correcting deviations from the planned exchange programme of
the SpainControl Block and deviations in frequency of the system. Its time horizon of
action reaches from 20 seconds to 15 minutes. This service is remunerated through
market mechanisms for two concepts: availability (regulation band) and utilisation
(energy). The secondary dimming power corresponds to the European standard product
of automatic reserve for frequency recovery.
Tertiary regulation: Service of a voluntary nature and compulsory offer managed and
remunerated through market mechanisms that aims to resolve the deviations between
generation and consumption and restore the secondary regulation reserve used. The
tertiary regulation reserve is defined as the maximum variation of power that a
production unit can make in a maximum time of 15 minutes, and that can be maintained
for at least 2 hours. Tertiary regulation power corresponds to the European standard
manual reserve product for frequency recovery.
Deviation management: The deviation management mechanism is a service of a
voluntary nature managed and remunerated through market mechanisms that aims to
resolve the deviations between generation and consumption that could be identified after
the close of each session of the intraday market and up to the beginning of the horizon
of effectiveness of the next session. Deviation management energy corresponds to the
European standard balance energy product from replacement reserves.
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In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2017/2195, establishing a directive on
the electricity balance, and in order to contribute to the development of the internal
electricity market, the management of balancing markets, currently limited to the national
level, will be managed through European balancing platforms for each of the services in
the coming years.
The above markets are complemented by the forward markets, which are a set of markets
in which, with years, months, weeks or days prior to the physical delivery of energy,
electricity purchase and sales contracts are exchanged with delivery terms of more than
24 hours. These include bilateral contracts or contracting through organised markets,
organised auctions or bilaterally between agents (the so-called “over-the-counter” market).
In Spain, the organised electricity futures market of MIBEL is managed by OMIP.
In 2018, there were a total of 92 generators and 355 traders participating in the Spanish
wholesale market. Additionally, according to the last annual report prepared by OMIE for
the year 2019, the total energy traded in the day-ahead and intraday markets was
267 TWh (229 TWh on the day-ahead market and 38 TWh on intraday markets), 4% lower
than in 2018.
Retail markets
According to data from the CNMC, as of 30 September 2019, the electricity market was
made up of 29.5 million supply points, of which 11 million were supplied through a
reference marketer (37.4%) while the remaining 18.5 million were supplied through a
marketer in the free market (62.6%) (see section on regulated prices for details on
reference marketers).
The same data show that five traditional suppliers supplied 84.9% of the total supply points
in the free market (down from 90.4% three years prior). The other suppliers, so-called
independent marketers, supplied 15.1% of supply points (up from 9.8% in three years).
Among them, CIDE HC Energía (2.1% share), Fenie Energía (2%), Grupo Audax (1%),
Clidom Energy/Holaluz (1%), Aldro Energía y Soluciones (0.7%) and Flip Energía (0.6%)
were the largest.
On a sectoral basis, market concentration in both the small and medium-sized enterprise
(SME) and industrial sectors is lower than that in the household sector. As of 31 March
2019, the share of the five main marketing groups in the household sector represented
85.9% of the total, while for the SME and industrial sectors, the shares were 64.8% and
70.3%, respectively.
The rate of switching suppliers for the quarter ending in September 2019 stood at 2.3%
(by segments: 2.1% for households, 4.6% for SMEs and 6.2% for industrial consumers),
representing a slight reduction during the most recent quarter ending in March 2019 of
0.2 percentage points.
The average change times of electricity suppliers were reduced to 7.4 days, compared to
7.7 days in the previous quarter (and compared to the third quarter of 2017 and 2018,
when the average change time was 10.2 days and 8.5 days, respectively).
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Electricity systems in non-peninsular territories
The non-peninsular territories in Spain are made up of the archipelagos of the Balearic
Islands and the Canary Islands, and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
Production of electricity in non-peninsular electrical systems is subject to a single
regulation, due to the particularities of these systems based on their size, reduced
economies of scale and limited fuel supply.
For this reason, current regulations hold that electricity generation in non-peninsular
territories is excluded from the peninsular supply system. It is remunerated by taking as a
reference the price structure of the peninsular system, to which additional remuneration
can be added to cover the specific costs of these systems that could not be covered by
the income obtained. Additionally, regulations foresee the promotion of renewable energy
in these systems, when technically acceptable, to reduce costs.
In this regard, the electricity generation in non-peninsular territories is excluded from
participation in the liberalised peninsular electricity market (and the European internal
market), and there is a mechanism for dispatching production units in order of economic
merit to cover expected demand. The system operator oversees the economic dispatch of
production units that must operate in each system, based on the variable costs of the
generating facilities. All generation facilities participate in this dispatch, with priority
dispatch granted, at equal dispatch variable cost, for facilities that use renewable energy
Although production and dispatch activities in non-peninsular territories are regulated,
electricity trading is an unregulated activity, with a large number of trading companies
operating in these territories.
In 2019, the combined generation of non-peninsular territories was 13 712 gigawatt hours
(GWh), about 5% of Spain’s total.
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Trade and interconnections
Currently, Spain is electrically interconnected with Andorra, France, Morocco and
Figure 7.4 Spain’s current interconnections with neighbouring countries
Source: REE (Red Eléctrica de España) (2021), "Map of current international electricity interconnections",
Strengthening interconnections, Grupo Red Eléctrica, Madrid,
Spain’s net trade includes imports and exports with neighbouring countries (France,
Morocco and Portugal) (Figure 7.5). Spain imported 12.8 TWh from France in 2019 and
exported 3.1 TWh, resulting in net trade with France of 9.7 TWh. Spain imported 4.7 TWh
of electricity from Portugal and exported 8.1 TWh in 2019, resulting in 3.4 TWh net export
in 2019. Lastly, it exported 0.4 TWh to Morocco in 2019 and imported 1.2 TWh. Spain’s
electricity trade in 2019 resulted in 6.9 TWh, with 18.7 TWh total imports in 2019 and
11.9 TWh in 2019 total exports.
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Figure 7.5 Spain’s electricity trade by country, 2000-19
In recent years, Spain has imported the most electricity from France, followed by Portugal;
net exports were the greatest to Morocco.
Note: TWh = terawatt hour.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Interconnection with France is carried out through four direct current (DC) lines. Current
interconnection capacity with France is 2 800 MW (representing a ratio to installed capacity
of 2.8%), having doubled after the commissioning in 2015 of the Santa Llogaia-Baixas line.
The DC interconnection project through the Gulf of Biscay, currently under construction,
will nearly double interconnection capacity to France to 5 000 MW (5% of total installed
capacity) once it is completed (expected in the third quarter of 2027). Given relatively low
levels of interconnection at present, capacity with France was congested for 80% of hours
in 2019.
Interconnection with Portugal is carried out through 11 alternating current (AC) lines.
Current interconnection capacity with Portugal is 2 300 MW (2.3% of installed capacity).
In contrast to France, interconnection capacity with Portugal in 2019 was congested only
5% of hours. The construction of a new interconnection between Vila Fria-Vila do
Conde-Recarei (Portugal) and Beariz-Fontefría (Spain) is in the planning phase; once
completed, it will increase the exchange capacity between Spain and Portugal to
3 000 MW (allowing Portugal to reach an interconnection level of 10%).
Interconnection capacity between Spain and Morocco is 900 MW in the Spain-Morocco
direction and 600 MW in the Morocco-Spain direction by means of two DC submarine
electrical cables.
Lastly, Spain’s interconnection with Andorra is carried out through the Benós-Lac D’Oo
Once system operators agree under the security criteria required by both systems on
how much interconnection capacity can be made available for commercial use, financial
bidding is opened to agents, buyers and sellers, either through organised markets or
through capacity auctions. The interconnection between Spain and Portugal is managed
through MIBEL, whose market operator is OMIE. The commercial interconnection capacity
between Spain and France is allocated through capacity auctions carried out by REE
Net trade
Net imports
Net exports
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in Spain and RTE in France for various time horizons: annual, monthly, daily and intraday.
For interconnections with both Portugal and France, system security takes precedence
over commercial exchanges of electricity.
The Spanish national master plans for transmission infrastructure are focused on
identifying system needs in the medium term and defining sufficient and cost-efficient
infrastructure projects and timelines. They are prepared in line with European planning
processes (Europes Ten-Year Network Development Plan) and incorporate ENTSO-E
best practices.
Spain’s interconnection capacity with the rest of continental Europe relative to its installed
power capacity is still below the EU objective of 10% by 2020 and 15% by 2030. As such,
Spain and the European Council continue to collaborate on the issue of electricity
interconnections, including as it relates to the Madrid Declaration of 2015 between Spain,
France, Portugal, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank. This is
necessary to transition the Iberian peninsula away from being an energy island to create
a true European energy market according to the EU Clean Energy Package published in
June 2019.
After 2020, the planning annex includes the following interconnections with France:
Basque Country (Gatica) France
two alternatives: Basque Country (Ichaso) France or Navarra (Muruarte) France
Aragón (Ejea de los Caballeros) France.
Electricity prices
Spain’s electricity prices for industry are above average among IEA countries, at
122.7 USD/MWh in 2019. However, its tax component is quite low, at 5%, in comparison
to other countries (Figure 7.6).
For household electricity prices, Spain is also among the highest in IEA countries (fifth
overall), at 287.7 USD/MWh in 2019, with taxes accounting for 21% (Figure 7.7).
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Figure 7.6 Electricity price for industry in IEA member countries, 2019
Spain’s industry electricity prices are above the median price for IEA countries.
Notes: MWh = megawatt hour. For industry prices, data are not available for Australia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand
or Norway. Tax information is not available for the United States.
Source: IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2019 (database),
Figure 7.7 Electricity prices for households in IEA member countries, 2019
Spain’s household electricity prices are among the highest within the IEA.
Notes: MWh = megawatt hour. For household prices, data are not available for Japan, Mexico or Norway. Tax
information is not available for the United States.
Source: IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2019 (database),
Spain’s industry and household electricity prices over the past two decades have followed
trends similar to those of its neighbouring European countries, although from 2000 to 2009,
Spain’s electricity prices for industry increased more sharply than those of its neighbours,
from 42.6 USD/MWh in 2000 to 91.3 USD/MWh in 2006 and 138.8 USD/MWh in 2009
(Figure 7.8). Spain’s household prices have been higher on average than its neighbours
since 2016, reaching 287.7 USD/MWh in 2019 (Italy was at 289.2 USD/MWh in 2019 and
Portugal at 242.4 USD/MWh). However, the price differential between Spain and its
neighbouring countries (France, Germany) has been closing thanks to the penetration of
low-cost renewables in recent years, a trend that is expected to continue over the coming
years to bring Spain’s electricity prices below those of its neighbours, according to the
European Energy Exchange’s futures for 2022-23.
Tax component
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Tax component
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Notably, though electricity prices in Spain are above average in an EU comparison, prices
for hydrocarbons are lower, with a disproportionate share of taxes and levies imposed on
electricity relative to other forms of energy.
Figure 7.8 Electricity prices in Spain and selected IEA member countries, 2000-19
Industry Households
Spain’s electricity prices are around average compared to prices in neighbouring European
Notes: MWh = megawatt hour. Data are not available for Greece in 2006 and 2007.
Source: IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2019 (database),
Electricity market regulation
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and within it,
the Secretary of State for Energy, is the main energy authority in Spain, including as it
relates to the electricity sector.
The national regulatory authority, the CNMC, is the regulator for several sectors, including
electricity. In particular, it oversees daily and intraday market rules as well as operating
procedures of system operation, including balancing markets and non-frequency markets,
all governed by EU law. The CNMC also sets out the methodology for calculating network
access tariffs according to transmission and distribution costs and supervises access to
cross-border interconnections. At the EU level, the CNMC co-operates with other
regulators through the Council of European Energy Regulators and the Agency for the Co-
operation of Energy Regulators on developing network codes and implementing the
internal electricity market.
The Spanish electricity sector has undergone a profound transformation since 1998, when
it was characterised by a vertically integrated monopoly structure for various Spanish
regions. Law 54/1997 on the Electricity Sector marked the beginning of the process of
progressive liberalisation of the sector by opening networks to third parties, establishing
an organised market for energy trading and reducing public intervention in the
management of the system.
Spain France Italy Greece Portugal
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The basic rule that currently regulates the structure and operation of the sector is
Law 24/2013 on the electricity sector, which maintains the distinction between regulated
and non-regulated activities, while promoting effective competition in the sector by
introducing, among other measures, increased competition of supplier companies,
improved consumer access to information and facilitation of the supplier switch processes.
Spain’s electricity sector is also guided by EU regulation, most recently updated as part of
the Clean Energy Package. Spain is currently in the process of transposing EU directives
and regulations (including the Directive on Common Rules for the Internal Market for
Electricity, the Regulation on the Internal Market for Electricity, and the Regulation on
Risk-preparedness in the Electricity Sector) into its national laws. Some important
concepts, such as storage, independent aggregators and renewable communities, were
recently introduced by Royal Decree-Law 23/2020, which approved measures in the field
of energy and other areas of economic recovery from COVID-19.
Tariff deficit
Spain has made considerable headway in managing a tariff deficit in its electricity system
caused by very generous subsidies for renewables, which reached a peak of
EUR 6.3 billion in 2008 (Figure 7.9). Since reforms enacted in 2013, system costs have
been balanced, and a small surplus was even recorded in the 2014-18 period. A small
deficit is expected for 2019, though surpluses from previous years will cover it.
Figure 7.9 Spain’s electricity system tariff balances, 2000-18
Source: Spanish government response to the IEA questionnaire.
Regulated prices
In accordance with Spain’s current regulatory framework for the electricity sector,
competition for electricity constitutes a liberalised activity in which consumers have the
option to freely choose their provider among a wide range of electricity marketers. The
conditions for the supply of electricity are determined through a supply contract agreed by
both parties, fulfilling the obligations established by law regarding the contracting of
electricity supply (the free market).
However, smaller consumers low voltage connected consumers with contracted power
less than or equal to 10 kilowatts (kW) – also have the option of being supplied by one of
eight reference suppliers, designated by the government in the regulated market. In
choosing one of these marketers, consumers can opt for the voluntary price for the small
-7 000
-6 000
-5 000
-4 000
-3 000
-2 000
-1 000
1 000
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
EUR million
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consumer (the PVPC) or for a fixed price for one year. The PVPC is a price determined
from the hourly prices indexed to the wholesale electricity market price, while the fixed
price is established by the reference marketer (both figures are regulated in Royal
Decree 216/2014, which establishes the methodology for calculating prices for the small
consumer of electricity and its legal contracting regime).
The PVPC has a general structure that includes tolls and charges associated with the point
of supply as well as the cost of the energy consumed, which refers to the cost of the
day-ahead market for production of electricity. Additionally, the PVPC takes into account
the marginal prices obtained in the intraday market auctions as well as all the costs
associated with the supply of energy (remuneration of the OMIE, remuneration of REE,
costs associated with payments for capacity mechanisms and interruptibility service, etc.).
Therefore, although it is a regulated price, it is indexed to wholesale electricity market
Alternatively, consumers can purchase energy directly from generators, as so-called direct
consumers in the market. Since 2017, there has been an increase in the number of direct
consumers, whose consumption in 2018 represented 2.5% of total energy, up from 1.6%
in 2017.
According to the CNMC, on 31 December 2019, the Spanish retail market consisted of
28 314 200 consumers with an annual electricity consumption of 233 656 GWh. Of these,
94% were domestic consumers with power less than 10 kW, and the remaining 6% were
domestic consumers of more than 10 kW, SMEs and industrial facilities. Of the 94% of
smaller consumers, 38.3% were in the regulated market while 61.7% had a contract in the
free market. Industry accounted for 54% of consumption, while consumers with power
equal to or less than 10 kW accounted for 27.5%, and SMEs and households with more
than 10 kW accounted for 18.5%.
Social bonus
Royal Decree 897/2017 set out measures to regulate vulnerable consumers, the social
bonus and other protection measures for domestic consumers of electricity, with the goal
of ensuring access to universal electricity supply as a general social good. In 2018, the
government adopted Royal Decree 15/2018, which reinforced and expanded the
assumptions to qualify for the electricity social bonus. The revisions also extended the
programme to include a “thermal” social bonus, financed by the national budget (around
EUR 100 million annually) to help vulnerable consumers pay for their heating needs.
Specifically, the designated reference suppliers (see above) are obligated to supply
consumers that have been classified as vulnerable. In accordance with regulations,
vulnerable individuals are those with a connection less than or equal to 10 kW and meet a
series of socio-economic criteria, including: income criteria, being a large family, or
pensioners of the Social Security System due to retirement or permanent disability,
receiving a minimum amount. Those who meet these requirements can receive a discount
of 25% on their electricity bill, called the social bonus.
Additionally, the decree created a category of severe vulnerable consumer, which requires
compliance with more demanding income requirements than those for standard vulnerable
consumers. Assuming compliance with these requirements, the social bonus discount on
the electricity bill is 40%.
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Finally, a category of consumer at risk of social exclusion was created, as a severely
vulnerable consumer who is attended by the social services of an autonomous or local
administration. In this case, at least 50% of the amount of his/her bill is covered.
Around 1.3 million consumers benefit from the social bonus in its various categories. As of
31 December 2018, 52% were classified as vulnerable, 47% as severely vulnerable and
less than 1% as at risk of social exclusion. An estimated EUR 150 million/year in discounts
are granted, with costs borne by the suppliers. These measures are part of Spain’s
National Energy Poverty Strategy 2019-2024, which will take a more comprehensive
approach to addressing energy poverty over the medium and long term.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new category of vulnerable customers was identified
as self-employed consumers whose income does not exceed certain thresholds and
whose income has been reduced by the crisis (around 5 000 consumers). Moreover, in
September 2020, the social bonus was extended by royal decree to people who have been
temporarily laid off due to COVID-19.
National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electric System
In an effort to reduce electricity bills for consumers, in December 2020 the government
issued the draft Law on establishing the National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electric
System. Specifically, the policy would reallocate the levies associated with subsidies for
renewables, co-generation and waste to energy companies across the energy system (oil,
gas and electricity companies based on annual sales volumes). Previously, electricity
end users assumed 100% of the costs associated with renewables payments, while
conventional fuel consumers did not pay anything for these subsidies.
The law would serve three main purposes: 1) avoid increases in electricity prices;
2) provide clear signals regarding electrification of the economy; and 3) send appropriate
price signals to investors to mobilise the necessary investments in the energy transition in
the coming years. The amount that would be reallocated, which will take place over five
years, represents approximately 16% of the current household electricity bills. To ensure
fairness and redistribution, there will be exemptions and compensation for those sectors
with less resilience and response to the new system.
Electricity market policies
The development of renewable energy has been a priority commitment of Spanish energy
policy, though the accelerated development of renewable generation that has taken place
over the past decade has presented some challenges for managing the operation of the
electricity system, especially given a very high number of small units of production
scattered throughout the country.
Spain’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), submitted to the European
Commission in January 2020, foresees for the year 2030 total installed power in the
electricity sector of 161 GW, of which 50 GW will be wind power, 39 GW solar PV, 27 GW
combined cycle gas (corresponding to existing combined cycle capacity), 15 GW hydraulic,
9.5 GW pumping, 7 GW solar thermoelectric and 3 GW nuclear, as well as minor capacities
of other technologies (EC, 2020). As a result, renewable generation in 2030 will be 74%
of total electricity generation, toward a trajectory of 100% renewable electricity in 2050.
Though the total annual installed capacity of renewables committed in the NECP is fixed,
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the precise breakdown between technologies will vary based on the costs and
assumptions considered in the modelling exercises.
The outlook envisaged in the NECP assumes 6 GW of storage capacity by 2030, provided
by pumping and batteries, which together with other sources of system flexibility and
demand management will allow for greater integration of variable renewable generation
into the system, ensuring continued security of supply. The recently approved Energy
Storage Strategy extends the target for storage capacity requirements to around 20 GW
in 2030.
Figure 7.10 Installed power capacity in Spain’s NECP’s target scenario
Notes: GW = gigawatt. PV = photovoltaic.
Source: Spanish government response to IEA questionnaire.
Since the start of its electricity market liberalisation in 1998, Spain has maintained capacity
payments for conventional generation, including a subsidy for hydropower, natural gas,
fuel-oil and coal-fired generators for their availability to the system. This incentive has been
suspended since June 2018 and formally derogated since January 2019. The government
is currently considering the possibility of a new capacity mechanism based on concerns
about ensuring sufficient flexible gas-fired generation in the system, compliant with EU
law. A public consultation on the issue was launched in September 2020, though a final
decision on whether a capacity mechanism is needed has not been taken.
Spain also offered an investment subsidy to hydropower, natural gas, fuel-oil and coal-fired
plants built after 1997 with more than 50 MW installed capacity that sold to wholesale
power markets. Currently, no investment incentives are available for new conventional
plants and total payments under the previous scheme are decreasing every year.
However, coal power plants receive payments in order to finance upgrades aimed at
reducing their environmental impact (e.g. sulphur-scrubbing units). These payments were
scheduled to end in 2020.
Coal phase-out
As part of its climate change and energy transition agenda, Spain has a plan to phase out
the use of all coal-fired electricity, driven by unfavourable market conditions rather than
policy mandates.
The NECP expects that up to 9 of Spain’s 15 coal-fired power plants (as of 2019) will no
longer be in service by 2021. Already, based on market conditions, on 30 June 2020, 8 of
2015 2020 2025 2030
Other renewables
Solar thermoelectric
Solar PV
Fuel oil
Combined cycle
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Spain’s operational 14 coal-fired plants with around 4.6 GW of capacity shut down. Three
more have asked for permission to close in 2021 and another one is expected to close
in 2022. Moreover, one plant in Majorca only operates on a limited basis (around
500 hours annually after 2021).
Spain expects that by 2030, coal-fired power plants will no longer be competitive and coal
will be fully phased out of the power sector. Accordingly, the government plans to offer
support measures to affected regions to help them adjust to the transition (see Chapter 9).
Nuclear phase-out
Spain’s NECP also foresees an orderly and staggered closure of the country’s nuclear
power plants within the 2027-35 time frame. The planned retirements of Spain’s existing
fleet of seven reactors (7.4 GW of installed capacity) will begin in 2027, and by 2030,
around 4 GW of installed nuclear capacity is planned for an orderly final shutdown (see
Chapter 8).
Following the coal and nuclear closures, natural gas-fired generation will become the
predominant source of dispatchable power in Spain’s electricity system to balance out the
growth in variable renewables generation.
Spain’s NECP expects to achieve a 42% share of renewables in total end use of energy
by 2030. This level will be led by the electricity sector, where the plan projects the
installation of about 59 GW of new renewables generation through 2030, led by wind and
solar, amounting to 74% of total electricity generation that year. This will put Spain on a
pathway toward achieving its 2050 objective to source 100% of its power from renewable
sources, in line with its 2050 carbon neutrality goal.
To achieve its ambitious targets for renewables in electricity, Spain envisions a
three-pronged strategy: 1) the promotion of large generation projects; 2) the deployment
of own consumption and distributed consumption; and 3) measures to integrate
renewables into the electricity system and market (see Chapter 5). The NECP considers
auctions to be the main tool for developing these technologies, in accordance with EU
Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
Self-consumption and distributed generation
Spain is also seeing a growing number of self-consumers (notably rooftop PV and
co-generation, and, to a lesser extent, small-scale wind), defined as consumers who
generate electricity for their own consumption. The government considers self-
consumption to be an important component in the growing share of renewables in
electricity generation.
Spain recently updated its regulatory framework with respect to self-consumption in an
effort to boost its uptake. The first regulation put in place in 2015 required self-consumers
to pay a small fee for self-generated energy, even if they did not feed any power into the
grid and required power generated to be less than or equal to power consumed. Since
then, Royal Decree 244/2019 (to implement EU Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of
the use of energy from renewable sources) put in place clearer definitions of
self-consumption, simplified compensation schemes, and streamlined technical and
administrative requirements.
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The royal decree defines both individual self-consumption and so-called collective
self-consumption, which is comprised of several participants (the 2015 regulation was
centred on individual self-consumption). The government sees collective self-consumption
as an attractive opportunity to expand renewables capacity as it offers more efficient use
of limited space in urban areas as well as lower investment costs per user and the ability
to share technical, administrative and operational knowledge.
Moreover, the royal decree also enabled the participation of new agents in
self-consumption schemes, notably energy service providers that have technical
know-how in the field. The required knowledge to operate a self-consumption initiative was
one of the main entry barriers that the new regulation sought to eliminate. In this regard,
energy service providers can offer the best and latest technical solutions to self-consumers
as well as run and manage the schemes from an operational perspective.
Other potential participants in self-consumption schemes are local administrations and
non-governmental organisations, which can help organise people with fewer resources.
Moreover, self-consumption schemes can be used as a testing ground for larger schemes,
such as renewable energy communities.
Self-consumption is also expected to be a driver for other technologies and actions,
including storage initiatives, grid modernisation and expansions, as well as electricity
meter upgrades.
At the same time, self-consumption can lead to technical challenges for integrating a large
number of generation points onto the distribution grid. In particular, the increasing number
of self-consumers means that more and more generation will be connected to distribution
grids and distributions service operators (DSOs) will have to adapt these grids to meet the
technical demands this change requires. The government expects to meet this challenge
by adopting the latest grid-edge technologies as well as by undertaking investments to
strengthen grid resilience and flexibility, especially on distribution networks.
System integration of renewables
In recent years, Spain has made headway in improving its system flexibility to integrate
more variable renewables, including: allowing renewable energy and co-generation
facilities to participate in balancing services; technical and regulatory work at the national
and European level for the development of pan-European imbalance netting services
(REE began participating in the IGCC imbalance netting platform in September 2020);
regulation to allow demand-side response to participate in balancing markets; and
updating network connection codes.
Looking ahead, Spain’s ambitious target to source 74% of electricity generation from
renewables by 2030 will require additional measures to ensure smooth system integration
of variable renewables, notably solar and wind. To this end, Spain’s NECP includes
several measures to facilitate the integration of renewables, including measures on
“demand management, storage and flexibility” and on “adaptation of electrical networks
for the integration of renewables” (EC, 2020).
With respect to demand response, the NECP foresees the introduction of economic
incentives, more efficient technologies and changing consumer habits to promote demand
management. In this regard, the government is planning to facilitate the development of
demand aggregators and demand management plans as avenues for various players to
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participate in demand response services. The concept of the aggregator was introduced
in Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 and more detailed regulation is expected to follow.
Moreover, the NECP foresees 6 GW of electricity storage capacity to be in place by 2030.
The specific type of storage will be informed by technological developments over the
coming decade. The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
has developed the Energy Storage Strategy to support the goals of the NECP. The
strategy was approved by the Council of Ministers in February 2021. The Energy Storage
Strategy expands the storage necessities of Spain’s energy system; beyond the referred
capacity envisaged in the NECP, the strategy includes capacity from the electric vehicle
fleet, behind-the-meter energy storage systems and large-scale energy storage attached
to concentrated solar power plants, which would result in total storage capacity of around
20 GW in 2030. Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 also introduced the concept of storage as a
regulated activity, which is now pending more detailed regulation. The royal decree also
granted permission for hybrid storage and renewables facilities.
Lastly, the government also sees expansion of grids and interconnectors as an important
component in managing the integration of larger levels of variable renewables. The
upcoming Network Plan, covering the period 2021-26, is aligned with the NECP’s targets
and is mainly focused on renewable energy integration, which will require additional
network development as well as improving the optimisation of the existing grid. A public
consultation process on the proposed Network Plan was launched in February 2021, with
a target to approve the plan by the end of 2021. Though renewables curtailment levels are
relatively low at present, at 0.23% in 2019, the government expects them to rise to 14.8%
in 2026 based on a business-as-usual scenario for the transmission network. However, it
projects that curtailment would drop to 4.5% in 2026 based on the network plans under
development. In a similar vein, interconnectors, especially with France, will also play an
important role in balancing the growth in variable renewables generation across a broader
geographic footprint (see above section on interconnections).
Smart meters
Spain first put in place a Smart Meter Plan back in 2007, which has been updated several
times since then. As a result, at the end of 2019, 99.64% of electric meters had been
replaced with smart meters for consumers with contracted power of less than 15 kW, and
99.38% of them have been effectively integrated into remote controlling systems.
A new operating procedure was approved on 11 December 2019 that obliges distribution
companies to provide their customers with the measurement data from their smart meters,
especially the hourly consumption curve. In addition, though not currently compulsory,
over 75% of metering systems for consumers with contracted power between 15 kW and
50 kW have been replaced by smart meters (and 95% integrated into remote control
The government expects that the current regulation for smart meters will be updated to
define new functionalities and protocols, deployment plans, as well as data management
and data-sharing rules. These can then serve as leverage for the development of various
energy services, business models and increased behavioural change in prosumers.
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COVID-19 measures
As Spain addresses the economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and related
lockdowns, the government approved several measures to assist the electricity sector and
consumers. In particular, Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 from 31 March, which adopted urgent
social and economic measures to deal with COVID-19, included the following measures
related to the electricity sector:
Supply guarantee measures: supply guarantees prohibited the interruption of supply of
electricity, natural gas and water to consumers.
New category of vulnerable consumer: a new category of vulnerable consumers was
created with the option of claiming the social bonus, constituted as a discount on the
electricity bill. This category corresponds to self-employed workers affected by the closure
measures of establishments that meet certain income requirements.
Contract flexibility measures: any company could temporarily suspend supply contracts, or
modify them to adapt to new consumption patterns, without any surcharge as a
consequence of these alterations in the contracts.
Bill suspension measure: applicable only to small and medium-sized enterprises, allowing
the option to temporarily suspend bills for electricity and natural gas consumption for a
period of six months following the end of the state of emergency due to COVID-19.
Moreover, Royal Decree-Law 23/2020, also aimed at stimulating the economy, includes
measures to maintain and revitalise investments in transmission and distribution network
assets, which were previously defined in regulation as a share of GDP. In doing so, the
government aimed to prevent a sizeable drop in grid investments and digital upgrades that
will be instrumental to the energy transition.
Electricity security
Risk preparedness
The legislative framework for electricity security at the national level consists of EU
Regulation 2019/941 on risk preparedness in the electricity sector and Spain’s Law 8/2011,
which establishes measures for the protection of critical infrastructure in Spain.
Currently, and in collaboration with the TSO REE, the national analysis of the regional crisis
scenarios identified by ENTSO-E is being carried out by the Directorate General for Energy
Policy and Mines. The analysis is in accordance with the methodology approved by the
Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators, in compliance with Article 6 of EU
Regulation 2019/941. Among these regional crisis scenarios, at least two are related to
cybersecurity. In a second stage, and once the analysis of the impact at the national level of
the regional crisis scenarios has been completed, the most relevant national electricity crisis
scenarios will be identified, in compliance with Article 7 of EU Regulation 2019/941.
The identified national crisis scenarios will be reviewed at least every four years. Based on
the identified regional and national crisis scenarios, the Directorate General for Energy Policy
and Mines, in collaboration with REE, will prepare a risk preparedness plan, which will
include all those measures necessary to prevent electricity crises, prepare for them or
mitigate them.
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Measuring outages
With respect to outages on the transmission network, three indexes measure the quality
of electric supply service due to incidents on the grid:
1. Energy not supplied (ENS): measures the energy cut from the electricity system
due to incidents in the electricity system transmission. It is measured in MWh.
2. Average interruption time (AIT): the relation between the energy not supplied and
the average power of the system. It is measured in minutes. The reference value
established in current legislation is set at 15 minutes.
3. Non-availability rate: indicates the percentage of total time of the year during which
transmission lines have not been available for service due to outages and
Reliability planning
Operating Procedure 13.1 (OP 13.1), approved by the Resolution of 22 March 2005 by the
General Secretariat of Energy, establishes the technical criteria for development of the
transmission network. Among the criteria developed by OP 13.1 is a set of reliability
criteria, including the technical criteria, reinforcement criteria and network meshing criteria.
The technical criteria established in OP 13.1 are of great importance due to their direct
relationship with the reliability and quality of supply, making it possible to face events of
different types that pose risks to security of supply. Among these criteria are the suitability
criteria of the system, which determine the contingency situations that the system must
endure in a permanent regime. In this regard, the transmission network is designed to
withstand two different contingency levels: Level 1 (N-1) and Level 2 (N-2), where demand
Compliance with the N-1 level takes into account all the individual incidents of lines and
transformers in the transmission network and the largest generation groups in an area. In
case of non-compliance, this level will require network development. In the N-1 situation,
the system must be designed to not cause market outages or to permanently overload
lines and transformers.
In an N-2 situation, contingencies that affect two elements of the network are taken into
account, making sure that in this circumstance, the behaviour of the system is adequate,
not allowing any market losses or permanent overloads above a certain level. The
analyses at the N-2 level include loss of multiple lines, as well as the loss of nodes of high
concentration of transformation (> 1 500 megavolt amperes [MVA]), high concentration of
generation (> 1 000 MW) and nodes considered critical from the safety perspective of the
system against fault clearance (the critical time is the maximum time that the system
withstands a permanent three-phase fault meeting the safety criteria). Level N-2 security
can be achieved with network development or other operational measures based on the
cost/risk assessment of the different alternatives.
In addition to the suitability criteria, the technical criteria that the Spanish grid network
must meet in accordance with the provisions of OP 13.1 include criteria associated with
dynamic behaviour, maximum short-circuit currents, and maximum generation and
supply capacity in a node, among others. Likewise, the network design criteria impose
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other obligations, such as limiting the number of unmeshed nodes between meshed
nodes, thereby increasing security.
Moreover, the Spanish TSO employs several measures, processes and tools in its
resilience strategy to face potential disruptions, including:
operating the system through two control centres that operate in parallel with the ability to
provide symmetric backup between them
special protection schemes, which include a set of co-ordinated and mostly automatic
measures to ensure fast reaction to large disturbances and to avoid their propagation
through the system
the interruptibility service, which is a demand management tool to provide a rapid and
efficient response to the electric system’s needs according to technical and economic
the load shedding strategy used in cases in which, due to a severe incident, the balance
between generation and demand cannot be maintained through the foreseen control
specific plans called “emergency/safeguard plans” for those cases in which an outage
requires special measures to fulfil security criteria and the continuity of electricity supply
the restoration process and its plans, corresponding to different geographical areas that
aim to return the system to normal after a severe incident that causes load disconnection
regular training of operators and common trainings and simulations with the other electricity
system stakeholders, including neighbouring TSOs
contingency plans in the maintenance of the transmission infrastructure to resolve urgently
any failure.
Electricity system resilience
Though the government considers the overall Spanish electricity network to be resilient in
situations of permanent or temporary loss of its elements, non-peninsular areas can face
more challenges. In response, in recent years, the government has made a significant
effort to reinforce interconnection levels between islands in the non-peninsular territories,
and for the Balearic Islands, a connection with the peninsular territory.
The current transmission network plan includes two new links between islands in the
Canary archipelago:
Lanzarote-Fuerteventura 132 kV link
Tenerife-La Gomera double circuit 66 kV link.
The Balearic system plan includes:
Mallorca-Ibiza 132 kV link that gives rise to the union of the two current subsystems
Mallorca-Menorca and Ibiza-Formentera
Ibiza-Formentera 132 kV link
a second link Mallorca-Menorca 132 kV.
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On the other hand, the resilience of the transmission network is limited by the low
interconnection capacity with France. Higher exchange capacity values, combined with
proper system design, would further improve the capacity of this network to withstand
contingencies that may occur.
Moreover, regarding the impact of climate change and extreme weather events on power
infrastructure, Spain is currently preparing its updated National Plan for Adaptation to
Climate Change. It contemplates several lines of action, including to prevent the impacts
of climate change on the transport, storage and distribution of energy. This will include
analysis on the impact of climate change on the functionality and resilience of electricity
transmission and distribution networks and define consequent adaptation measures. It will
also identify energy infrastructure that is highly vulnerable to extreme events and promote
specific adaptation programmes as well as integrate the results into successive planning
of the electricity transmission network.
Spain’s electricity sector will be subject to major reforms in the next decade as part of the
implementation of the government’s NECP. The plan includes an ambitious target of a
74% share of renewables in electricity generation out of a forecasted installed capacity of
161 GW by 2030, which will be needed to enable the expected sizeable electrification of
the economy. The massive development of renewable energy up to 2030, particularly solar
and wind, will form the basis for reaching the 2050 objective of a 100% renewable
electricity mix. This huge increase of renewables will go hand-in-hand with the ongoing
rapid phase-out of coal power plants and the foreseen closure of nuclear power plants
after 2027. The only conventional generation that is projected to maintain a considerable
share in the generation mix in the next decade is combined-cycle gas generation, with an
expected capacity of 27 GW in 2030.
The Spanish electricity market is part of the common European market through the Iberian
wholesale power market, with full price convergence in the peninsula, except during rare
periods of congestion. Spain has interconnections with all of its neighbours (Andorra,
France, Morocco and Portugal) and is a net importer with France and a net exporter to
Portugal. Currently, the Spanish electricity sector is still dominated by three main
generating companies, but market concentration has fallen in recent years and is expected
to decrease further due to the surge of renewable sources, whose ownership is much more
In recent years, the Spanish government has successfully implemented reforms to
restore the financial stability of the electricity system. The reduction of subsidies for
investments in renewable generation and increased taxes and levies have contributed
to bringing costs and revenues of the sector back in balance. Moreover, the December
2020 announcement to create the National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electricity
System, which will reallocate the costs of renewables subsidies across the energy
system rather than solely on electricity end users, represents a major step toward
rebalancing system costs to align with longer term goals of electrification and energy
transitions. The commissioning of a new interconnector between Spain and France in
2015 (Santa Llogaia-Baixas line) was also an important step and has almost doubled the
previous capacity for cross-border trade of electricity with France.
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Moreover, Spain has made considerable improvements in its wholesale electricity market
during the last few years, notably with the start of continuous intraday trading in the XBID
market and the recently installed opportunities for cross-border exchanges of balancing
reserves (TERRE-project). The liquidity of the wholesale electricity market will be further
enhanced by finalising the implementation of European network codes and guidelines,
including through the participation of demand-side response resources in balancing
markets, and the emergence of different regional platforms for electricity balancing in
which the Spanish TSO (REE) will participate. The IEA commends Spain for all of the
above-mentioned developments since its last in-depth review.
The retail market for electricity in Spain is highly concentrated in comparison to other IEA
countries. The traditional five big suppliers are responsible for supplying 85% of
consumers (and even 92% at the household level), although their market share has been
decreasing over the last few years. These same companies own and operate distribution
networks while carrying out all their activities in compliance with the unbundling
requirements as set in the regulatory framework. Also, quarterly switching rates of
electricity consumers are very low, at just 2.3%, and Spain has relatively high electricity
prices for end users compared to other EU countries, partly due to significant tax
components in consumer prices. These characteristics seem to indicate a fairly low level
of retail market competition. However, on a positive note, at the end of 2019, almost 100%
of Spanish households had installed a smart meter.
Moreover 38% of the Spanish market (about 11 million consumers) is covered by a
regulated price regime run by the eight reference suppliers designated by the
government. These consumers pay a so-called voluntary price for small consumers that
is based on the wholesale market electricity price, and marked up with grid costs, taxes
and a distribution margin. This system of regulated prices tends to impede the
development of stronger competition in the Spanish retail market. Price regulation
discourages consumers to shop around and switch supplier. A phase-out of the
regulated regime for a large group of consumers, combined with increased consumer
awareness and the introduction of price comparison tools, will surely open up the retail
market and reduce market concentration. Increased competition is also expected to
lower electricity prices for end consumers. To this same end, the government should
also look at the role of relatively high taxes and levies in the electricity price and evaluate
whether these are still appropriate, notably in comparison to the fiscal treatment of other
fuels and the policy to decarbonise and electrify the energy system.
In addition, Spain has an energy poverty policy in place, which puts an obligation on
reference suppliers to provide a discount to consumers with a vulnerable status, divided
into three categories with increasing discounts. Currently, about 1.3 million Spanish
households benefit from this social tariff. The social tariff (reportedly a total of around
EUR 150 million/year in discounts) is financed by the suppliers. While poverty reduction
for low-income households is an understandable priority, the IEA notes that providing
electricity below cost results in inefficient and non-transparent reallocation, as the
reference suppliers receive no compensation for their losses on these contracts and have
to cross-subsidise these losses with higher prices for other customers. The government
should therefore consider alternative ways to address energy poverty, such as through
social and fiscal policies, or through support for energy efficiency measures. Such reforms
could be embedded in the recently adopted National Energy Poverty Strategy.
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The level of interconnectivity is relatively low and Spain is still far from reaching the political
target of 15% by 2030. In 2019, in particular, the interconnections with France were
recorded to be congested almost every day of the year, with Spain being a net importer
80% of the time. Therefore, a priority of the government is to enhance cross-border
capacities with France to the benefit of the consumers and to increase the resilience of the
Spanish electricity system. The completion of the interconnection through the Gulf of
Biscay will be a valuable step toward this end. Concurrently, the government should
reinforce national grids to ensure that Spain can accommodate increased flows to and
from France.
Increasing opportunities for cross-border trade will also stimulate the further integration of
regional markets and will increase flexibility in the Spanish electricity system, which is
needed to facilitate the rising share of variable renewable energy sources in the market.
Furthermore, a high level of interconnectivity combined with liquid and well-functioning
wholesale markets (including the foreseen cross-border balancing platforms), as well as
the further deployment of demand-side response and electricity storage resources will
considerably contribute to adequacy.
Despite the current overcapacity in the market, different groups of conventional electricity
producers have expressed serious concerns about medium- and long-term adequacy in
Spain. The obvious reason for this is the augmenting share of variable renewables (notably
wind and solar) together with the phase-out of coal and nuclear power plants in the coming
years. The government is currently conducting a consultation on the possible need for a
capacity mechanism to ensure that sufficient backup generation capacity will remain
available to the market during and after the transition. As in many EU countries, this issue
will no doubt be thoroughly debated in Spain in the coming years.
For efficiency reasons, it would not make much sense to create capacity subsidies to
prolong the life cycle of coal and/or nuclear power capacities that are currently scheduled
for closure. It could be argued, though, that a capacity remuneration scheme would help
safeguard the availability of gas-fired power plants until the long-term objective of a fully
decarbonised power market is reached. Still, the IEA does not recommend a capacity
mechanism as a standard solution, due to its typically high costs and tendency to distort
markets and electricity price formation. The Spanish government should instead
concentrate on improving flexibility in the market and creating proper price signals for
investments. In fact, all the components referred to in the previous paragraphs may
contribute to that. At the same time, it remains important for Spain to work on a clear and
effective regulatory framework to accommodate the foreseen closure of coal and nuclear
plants at a pace that meets the needs of the system, while avoiding unnecessary red tape
and added decommissioning costs.
Spain has installed an appropriate framework for strategic network planning that needs to
prepare the grid for facilitating the objectives set by the government in the NECP. The
Spanish TSO, REE, is responsible for operating over 44 000 km of transmission lines. Grid
development is planned every six years and approved by the government. The network
plan that is currently under development will include grid enforcements needed to allow
the integration of a high share of variable renewable energy, while applying the EU
planning process (the Ten-Year Network Development Plan) and ensuring security of
electricity supply. As the time from initial design to commissioning of large infrastructure
projects can be longer than six years, and the next nuclear plants are supposed to close
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in 2027, just beyond the six-year horizon, the government should consider extending the
planning process to ten years.
At the distribution level (below 220 kV), by far the largest part of the network is operated
by the five major DSOs in Spain. Equally, the distribution grids have a major role to play
in the transition toward a decarbonised energy market and a more flexible system.
Distributed generation (including solar PV) is expected to increase rapidly in the coming
years and DSOs will have a pivotal role in enabling self-consumption, smart grid services
and demand-side management, and in facilitating the emergence of aggregators and the
expansion of the electric vehicle charging network.
Nonetheless, contrary to REE’s transmission plan, the DSOs’ network investment plans,
which have a scope of three years, are not approved by the government. Reportedly, the
CNMC is consulted, but the role of the regulator seems to be limited merely to monitoring
that the planned investments do not exceed a maximum level so that the network tariffs
can be kept within bounds. Thus, there does not appear to exist a mechanism for the
government or the regulator to properly evaluate possible underinvestment or
overinvestment in the distribution grids. Such a mechanism could be useful with a view to
the rapidly growing number of facilities to be connected to distribution grids and the
reported lack of connection points to connect new renewables installations, notably solar
The government of Spain should:
Raise the level of retail market competition by gradually removing regulated prices and
raising consumer awareness, including through consumer campaigns and facilitating
price comparisons.
Consider adapting its policy for vulnerable consumers by combating energy poverty in
a more efficient manner through social welfare measures and support for energy
efficiency programmes such as the insulation of homes.
Reinforce efforts to create more flexibility in the electricity market and to ensure proper
price signals for investments in generation, through increased interconnectivity,
continued integration of regional markets, and the development of demand-side
response and storage.
Given current overcapacity, reconsider the option of introducing a capacity mechanism
to address adequacy concerns, yet closely monitor dispatchable generation capacity
to safeguard its role in the future renewables-based electricity system.
Create a mechanism for appropriate assessments of distribution network plans to
ensure that distribution grids can accommodate distributed energy resources and
higher shares of variable renewable energy in line with the NECP’s targets.
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EC (European Commission) (2020), Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021a), “World energy balances”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2019 (database),
REE (Red Eléctrica de España) (2021), "Map of current international electricity
interconnections", Strengthening interconnections, Grupo Red Eléctrica, Madrid,
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8. Nuclear
Key data (2019)
Number of operating rea
ctors: 7 reactors
Installed capacity:
7.1 GW (net capacity)
Electricity generation:
58.4 TWh
Share of nuclear:
21.5% of the total electricity generation
Spain has seven operating light water reactors, representing an installed net capacity of
7.1 gigawatts (GW) in total, which in 2019 provided 58.4 terawatt hours (TWh), or 21.5%,
of total electricity generation. Nuclear power plants (NPPs) contribute to decarbonising the
electricity system, and in Spain they accounted for the largest share (approximately 35%)
of low-carbon electricity in 2019, closely followed by wind.
Spain’s National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (NECP) submitted to the European
Commission foresees a sequential reduction of the country’s nuclear power capacity from
2027 to 2035. According to this plan, nuclear generation capacity will be reduced to around
3.2 GW by 2030 and to 0 by 2035.
As of 2020, three NPPs in Spain have been permanently shut down: Vandellos 1 in 1990,
Jose Cabrera in 2006 and Santa Maria de Garona in 2012. Two of them are being
decommissioned by Enresa, a state-owned company, and Santa Maria de Garona is now
under pre-dismantling works by the operation licensee before moving to decommissioning
by Enresa.
In Spain, state-owned Enresa is responsible for the management of radioactive waste,
including spent nuclear fuel (SNF) as well as the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. All
low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW) is managed and disposed of in El Cabril disposal
facility. It is expected that additional capacity for LILW disposal will be required by 2028.
Radioactive waste that cannot be managed as LILW and SNF are categorised as
high-level waste (HLW), to be disposed of in a deep geological repository (DGR) in the
future. A centralised storage facility (CSF) as temporary storage for SNF was proposed
in 2014, but the licensing process has been suspended since 2018. SNF is currently stored
in the plant pools or dry cask storage at each plant site.
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Nuclear policy
The development of nuclear power in Spain began in the mid-1960s, with three small
reactors of different designs, none of which is currently in operation. The bulk of existing
nuclear capacity was started in the 1970s and came into commercial operation in the
1980s. Following a 1983 moratorium, confirmed in 1994, the plants under construction at
that time were abandoned, and no new nuclear reactors have been built in Spain since.
Figure 8.1 Final shutdown schedule of nuclear power plants in Spain according to
the NECP
Note: MW
= megawatt electrical.
Source: Government of Spain’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
In 2020, the Spanish government submitted its NECP to the European Commission, which
established the expectations for the evolution of nuclear energy’s contribution to the
energy mix in Spain. It foresees an orderly final shutdown of Spanish NPPs within the
2027-35 time frame. According to the NECP, the current nuclear generation capacity of
7.1 GW will fall to 3.0 GW by 2030, and to 0 by 2035 (Figure 8.1). Based on the draft
NECP, in March 2019, the owners of Spain’s NPPs and Enresa signed a protocol of
intentions specifying a final shutdown schedule for the NPPs.
1 000
2 000
3 000
4 000
5 000
6 000
7 000
8 000
2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
IEA. All rights reserved.
Nuclear installed capacity (MWe, net)
ALMARAZ-1 (1 011 MW)
ALMARAZ-2 (1 006 MW)
ASCO-1 (995 MW)
(939 MW)
(997 MW)
(1 011 MW)
TRILLO (1 003 MW)
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Regulatory framework
Figure 8.2 Institutional structure of nuclear energy in Spain
Sources: Government of Spain during IEA visit; IAEA (2018), Country Nuclear Power Profiles: Spain,
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD) is in
charge of nuclear energy and radioactive waste management policies. It is responsible for
issuing operating licences for nuclear facilities, subject to mandatory reports from the
Spanish nuclear safety authorities, submitting regulatory proposals for legislation
development, adopting provisions to implement current regulations and applying the
disciplinary regime with regard to nuclear energy. The government is also responsible for
defining the radioactive waste management policy, including SNF, and monitoring
compliance with international commitments in the field of nuclear energy.
The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) is legally and financially independent from the State
General Administration. It has a role of ensuring nuclear safety and radiation protection of
all nuclear facilities in Spain. It submits reports to MITERD on issuing and renewing
licences for the operation of plants and other facilities handling radioactive material. These
reports are binding with specific safety requirements. The CSN may suspend the operation
of facilities for safety reasons and initiate procedures to impose sanctions on operators.
ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., S.M.E. (ENUSA) and Empresa Nacional de Residuos
Radiactivos, S.A., S.M.E. (Enresa) are state-owned companies responsible for the front-
and back-end activities of the nuclear fuel cycle, respectively. ENUSA is in charge of
procurement of enriched uranium and nuclear fuel fabrication while Enresa is responsible
for nuclear decommissioning, management, and disposal of radioactive waste and SNF.
Regulatory body
Nuclear Safety Council
Ministry for the Ecological
Transition and the Demographic
Challenge (MITERD)
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Science
and Innovation
Secretary of State for
General Directorate for
Energy Policy and Mines
Subdirectorate General
for Nuclear Energy
Secretary of State for
State Society of
Industrial Participation
Centre for Energy-
Related Environmental
and Technological
Research (CIEMAT)
Nuclear and radioactive facilities
Enresa’s spent fuel and radioactive waste
storage and disposal facilities
Regulatory authority
Radioactive waste
management policy (GRWP)
Regulatory facilities
Licensing, regulation, supervision, enforcement
All rights reserved.
Nuclear power plant operation
As of 2020, there are seven reactors operating in Spain, all of them privately owned. Their
cumulative net generation capacity is 7.1 GW, providing around 21% of total electricity
generation in Spain in 2019. Their operational lifetimes are over 30 years, with an average
of 35.5 years (Table 8.1). They have maintained remarkable capacity factors, around 90%,
in the last decade (Figure 8.3).
Table 8.1 Operating nuclear power plants in Spain in 2020
Years of
Licensed to
1 011
Sept. 1983
Nov. 2027
Nov. 2027
Endesa (36%)
Naturgy (11.3%)
1 006
July 1984
Oct. 2028
Oct. 2028
Endesa (36%)
Naturgy (11.3%)
Dec. 1984
Sept. 2021
Oct. 2030
March 1986
Sept. 2021
Sept. 2032
Endesa (85%)
Iberdrola (15%)
1 064
March 1985
March 2021
Nov. 2030
1 003
Aug. 1988
Nov. 2024
May 2035
Iberdrola (49%)
Naturgy (34.5%)
Endesa (1%)
1 045
March 1988
July 2030
Feb. 2035
Endesa (72%)
Iberdrola (28%)
Notes: MW
= megawatt electrical. PWR = pressurised water reactor. BWR = boiling water reactor.
Sources: IAEA (2020), Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) (database),
WNA (2020), Country Profiles: Nuclear Power in Spain,
All rights reserved.
Figure 8.3 Capacity factors of nuclear power plants in Spain and the world
Source: IAEA (2020), Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) (database),
While the NECP and the subsequent protocol set the upper limit of operational years, the
actual operational lifetime of NPPs is still subject to nuclear safety regulations as well as
to their owners’ decisions for investment. Operating licences for Spanish NPPs are granted
for a ten-year period by MITERD, following a binding report on nuclear and radiological
safety from the CSN. Application for the renewal of an operating licence must include the
results of the periodic safety review, and, for applications beyond 40 years of operation,
an integrated ageing assessment and management plan with appropriate ageing analysis
has to also be included to ensure that the system and equipment can be operated safely
beyond 40 years. Therefore, the seven Spanish reactors have to renew their operation
licences beyond 40 years of operation in order to continue operation until their final
shutdown year outlined in the NECP. Two of these licences (corresponding to three
reactors) have already been granted.
On the other hand, nuclear operators claim that the market environment for NPPs is not
favourable due to high taxation on nuclear generation and low electricity market prices.
According to a calculation by Endesa, current nuclear generation costs are well over
EUR 50/MWh, around 40% of which are taxes and fees for radioactive waste management
(Table 8.2). The company claims to operate NPPs with economic losses under the
prevailing MIBEL (Iberian power market or Mercado Ibérico de Electricidad) market price,
which has dropped due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, average MIBEL
prices were around EUR 40/MWh or less during the third quarter of 2020 (AleaSoft, 2020),
much lower than the nuclear generation cost.
2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019
Capacity factor (weighted average)
All rights reserved.
Table 8.2 The cost structure of nuclear power generation in Endesa
Variable operating cost
Fuel expenses
Electricity purchases and generation tolls
Nuclear waste fees*
Fixed operating costs and recurring costs
Fixed operating costs
Tax Law 15/2012 and autonomous communities
Electricity generation tax (7%)*
Nuclear fuel tax*
Autonomous communities’ nuclear tax
Capital cost 11.1
Total generation cost
(Taxes and nuclear waste fees)
* Taxes or fees for nuclear waste management.
Note: MWh = megawatt hour.
Source: Endesa during IDR visit.
Nuclear fuel supply
The state-owned company ENUSA is in charge of nuclear fuel supply for NPPs in Spain,
which includes the procurement of enriched uranium and nuclear fuel fabrication. No
facilities are operating in Spain for mining, milling, conversion and enrichment of uranium.
ENUSA imports enriched uranium for nuclear fuel from several countries, including the
Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Niger, Canada, Namibia, Kazakhstan and Australia. The
company operates a nuclear fuel fabrication facility located in Juzbado. This facility, while
producing all nuclear fuel assemblies necessary for NPPs in Spain, except the Trillo NPP,
also manufactures fuel assemblies for exports to other countries such as Belgium, France
and Germany. Exports accounted for 50% of total production in 2019.
Decommissioning and radioactive waste management
The policy for managing radioactive waste, including SNF, and for decommissioning
nuclear facilities, including NPPs, is established in the General Radioactive Waste Plan
(GRWP). The GRWP is intended to address not only the strategies, necessary actions and
technical solutions to be developed in the short, medium and long terms for
decommissioning nuclear facilities and managing radioactive waste, but also the economic
and financial measures necessary to carry them out. Enresa is responsible for drafting and
reviewing the GRWP every four years or upon request of MITERD, and for submitting it to
MITERD, who reviews a revision of the GRWP and submits a proposal for its approval to
the Council of Ministers. As a part of the approval procedure, MITERD conducts a
consultation of the general public and relevant stakeholders, including the autonomous
All rights reserved.
communities. The CSN provides a report on the nuclear safety and radiation protection
aspects. The approved GRWP is reported to the Spanish parliament. The approval
process, until the plan is approved by the Council of Ministers, may take about two years.
The seventh revision of the GRWP was proposed in March 2020 and reflected the
sequential final shutdown schedule of NPPs stated in the aforementioned protocol, as well
as updates of necessary actions and technical solutions.
While Enresa is responsible for decommissioning and radioactive waste management
according to the GRWP, its activities and performance are monitored and controlled by
the Secretary of State for Energy of MITERD. To that end, Enresa periodically submits
reports to MITERD that include technical and economic aspects of the activities it has
carried out, issues related to budgets, updated economic and financial studies on the costs
of the activities set in the GRWP, and an evaluation of the adequacy of the existing
financial mechanism for the GRWP.
As of 2020, three NPPs have been shut down in Spain; two of them, Vandellos-1 and
Jose Cabrera, are being decommissioned by Enresa. The third plant, Santa Maria de
Garona, is now under pre-dismantling works by the operation licensee before moving to
decommissioning by Enresa.
Table 8.3 Status of the decommissioning process of nuclear power plants in
Spain, 2020
Reactor unit
Decommissioning strategy
Current phase
July 1990
Deferred dismantling, including
partial dismantling. The remaining
radiological areas have been
safely enclosed (SAFSTOR).
Dormancy period.
The final dismantling
phase will start
around 2028.
April 2006
Immediate dismantling and
removal of all radioactive
Final dismantling.
Santa Maria
de Garona
Aug. 2017
Notes: MW
= megawatt electrical. GCR = gas cooled reactor. PWR = pressurised water reactor. BWR = boiling
water reactor.
Sources: IAEA (2020), Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) (database),
Enresa website:
Once an NPP is shut down permanently, the operating licensee of the NPP is required to
condition the radioactive waste generated during its operation and to discharge the SNF
from the reactor and the storage pools or, alternatively, to have an SNF management plan
approved by MITERD, upon a report by the CSN. The decommissioning licence is issued
by MITERD upon a report by the CSN. The licence is then transferred to Enresa to proceed
with the decommissioning of the NPP. The decommissioning authorisation procedure
requires an environmental impact assessment and a public consultation to be carried out.
All rights reserved.
Radioactive waste management
In Spain, radioactive waste is classified into three groups: low- and intermediate-level
waste, special waste (SW) and high-level waste. LILW represents radioactive waste with
a half-life under 30 years and minimal content in long-lived radioisotopes. This group
includes very low-level waste (VLLW) as a subgroup. SW, waste that cannot be disposed
of as LILW at El Cabril due to its higher radioactivity, will be managed and disposed of at
the future DGR. HLW contains radioisotopes with over a 30-year half-life, including SNF.
Low- and intermediate-level waste
All LILW and VLLW generated from nuclear facilities in Spain are to be disposed of at the
El Cabril facility by Enresa. As of the end of 2018, 33 602 cubic metres (m
) of LILW were
disposed of in this facility, representing 77.2% of its capacity of around 45 000 m
2018; Zuloaga, 2006). VLLW is to be disposed of in four dedicated vaults, whose total
capacity will be about 130 000 m
. Currently, two of them are operating, storing 15 491 m
of VLLW at the end of 2018 (Ibid.).
According to Enresa’s latest forecasts, the total amount of radioactive waste to be
disposed of at this facility will be around 96 500 m
of LILW and 123 500 m
Additional capacity for the disposal of LILW will be needed by around 2028 to avoid
impacts on the operation and decommissioning of NPPs. In 2018, Enresa started
engineering works for the construction and licensing of the required capacity expansion,
so that it can be completed in due time.
High-level and special waste and spent nuclear fuel
In Spain, SNF is to be disposed of as HLW. In operating NPPs, SNF is temporarily stored in
on-site storage pools, or in dry casks in the individual storage facilities built at the plant site.
As of September 2020, among the five NPP sites, three had individual storage facilities in
operation and one more was under construction. SNF is to be transferred to the CSF in the
future, where it will be stored for about 60 years until the DGR becomes available.
Decommissioning waste with relatively high levels of radioactivity is classified as SW.
The CSF is expected to have sufficient capacity to accommodate all SNF and SW generated
from the operation and decommissioning of Spanish NPPs. The facility, as a strategic option
foreseen in the 7th GRWP, is targeted to be put into service in 2028. The site selection
process for the CSF was completed and the designation of the municipality of Villar de Canas
was approved by the Council of Ministers in 2011. Enresa submitted to the then Ministry of
Industry, Energy and Tourism the application for the preliminary and construction
authorisations in January 2014. Additionally, in August 2013, Enresa submitted to the then
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment the application to initiate the required
environmental impact assessment for the project. The CSN issued a favourable report for
preliminary authorisation in July 2015. However, in 2018, the Secretary of State for Energy
requested that the CSN put on hold issuance of the mandatory report of the regulatory body
regarding the construction authorisation. That request was based on the need for a more
detailed assessment of the situation, the pending processing and approval of a new revision
of the GRWP, and on new factors that could have changed in the time that had elapsed
since January 2014. Additionally, the granting of the environmental impact assessment,
whose issuance affects the preliminary authorisation, was also put on hold. The
environmental documentation that accompanies the draft 7th GRWP considers and
analyses multiple distributed storage facilities as technically and environmentally viable and
All rights reserved.
rational alternatives to the CSF. The government is expected to take a decision on the
strategy for SNF storage during the approval process of the proposed GRWP.
Regarding the DGR, the site selection process has not yet started. The draft of the 7th
GRWP establishes a tentative programme for the availability of the facility in order to attain
the objective of beginning its operation in 2073 (Table 8.4). This tentative programme
focuses on developing the technological capabilities and social acceptance necessary to
guide and implement the DGR, and proposes to start the site selection process around 2030.
This programme will be further analysed during the approval process of the 7th GRWP.
Table 8.4 Phases to implement the deep geological repository proposed in the
draft 7th GRWP
Phase 1 (until 2024):
Updating of knowledge
Enresa will prepare a report including:
the updated status of the information and capacities available
a proposal for the site designation process
the basic information for the planning process.
Phase 2 (3 years):
Assessment of the report
The government will analyse the report and guide the following
phases based on the assessment.
The generic project for the deep geological repository (DGR) will be
evaluated by the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN).
The R&D plans and programmes will be developed.
Phase 3 (4 years): Site
selection process
The procedure for the selection of the site will be prepared and
Some candidate sites will be identified.
A proposal for basic design criteria for the DGR and the preliminary
site characterisation plan will be submitted to the CSN for
Phase 4 (7 years): Analysis
of candidate sites and
selection of definitive
Preliminary works will be undertaken to characterise the different
candidate sites, applying near surface technologies.
The CSN will evaluate the detailed plan for the characterisation of
the site.
The underground laboratory and surface support facilities project,
and the environmental evaluation of the project will start.
Phase 5 (20 years):
Characterisation of site and
verification of suitability
An underground laboratory will be constructed and detailed
characterisation will be carried out.
The detailed design of the DGR and the corresponding safety and
environmental impact studies will be elaborated.
The documents for site and the construction authorisation will be
prepared and submitted, and authorisations will be granted.
Phase 6 (12 years): Licensing
and construction
The construction of the DGR will start.
The documents for the operating authorisation will be prepared and
submitted, and the authorisation will be granted.
Long-term testing data collection will start.
A demonstration pilot facility for verification of the facility's
engineering barrier system will be built.
Phase 7: Initial operation and
The spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste will begin to be stored in
the DGR for a first stage of nuclear tests.
Phase 8: Normal operation
The DGR will start normal operation.
Notes: DGR = deep geological repository. CSN = Nuclear Safety Council.
Source: Government of Spain’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
All rights reserved.
Funding for decommissioning and radioactive waste
The Spanish scheme for the financing of decommissioning and radioactive waste
management is based on the polluter-pays principle (EC, 2019). To finance the costs for
decommissioning and radioactive waste management by Enresa, licence holders of
nuclear facilities are required to pay fees into the dedicated Fund for the Financing of the
Activities included in the General Radioactive Waste Plan(GRWP Fund), which is held
and managed by Enresa (Figure 8.4).
Figure 8.4 The funding system for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and
radioactive waste management
Source: MITERD (2020), Country Case Study Spain.
These fees finance both present and future costs according to the cost estimations in the
GRWP. The decommissioning and radioactive waste management of nuclear facilities that
were operational on 1 January 2010 are financed by a fee from licensees, which is
collected exclusively during the operation of the plants. A small share of the revenues
comes from a part of the electricity tariff to cover the costs associated with the NPPs that
were permanently shut down before 1 January 2010 or those that were not foreseen during
the operation of the NPPs. Fees must be covered by the license holders throughout the
entire operational lifetime of their facilities. If they decide on early final shutdown of their
facilities, they are also liable to pay extra fees. Enresa determines the amounts that are
payable to the fund and annually reports them to the Spanish government which, in turn,
can adjust the unit rates by regulatory means so that the fund is sufficient. The supervision
and control of the transitory investments of the GRWP Fund are carried out by an
inter-ministerial Monitoring and Control Committee that is attached to MITERD.
All rights reserved.
Research and development
In Spain, the Centre for Energy Related, Environmental and Technological Research
(CIEMAT), Enresa, and the CSN are the main entities involved in nuclear research and
development (R&D) activities. CIEMAT focuses on nuclear safety, nuclear innovation and
radioactive waste management, as well as nuclear fusion technology (IAEA, 2018). Enresa
carries out R&D activities related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities and radioactive
waste management based on its multiannual R&D Plan (NEA, 2018). The current
8th revision of Enresa’s R&D Plan for 2019-23 sets up five research areas: 1) waste
technology and know-how; 2) technology for treatment, conditioning and dismantling
processes; 3) confinement materials and systems; 4) safety assessment, performance
assessment, radiological protection and associated modelling; and 5) cross-cutting
activities (knowledge management and co-ordination). The CSN carries out R&D activities
according to its R&D Plan for 2016-20 (CSN, 2016). The plan focuses on nuclear safety
and radiation protection and sets a number of projects to be undertaken in collaboration
with different national and international organisations, such as universities, public and
private companies, and government agencies.
In addition to the activities undertaken by these entities, there are two major platforms for
nuclear R&D. The Nuclear Fission Energy Technology Platform (CEIDEN) aims to
co-ordinate the different national programmes and plans for nuclear R&D and to foster the
participation of Spanish companies and institutions in international R&D activities
(CEIDEN, n.d.). The programmes involved in CEIDEN are: 1) the Accident Tolerant Fuel
Group; 2) the Socio-technical Research Working Group; 3) the Knowledge Management
and Training Group (KEEP+); 4) the Materials Group; and 5) the Jules Horowitz Reactor
Project. The other platform, the National Platform of R&D on Radiological Protection
(PEPRI), aims to foster R&D activities in the field of radiation protection and to co-ordinate
Spain’s participation in international R&D programmes in this domain, including Horizon
2020 (PEPRI, n.d.).
Over the past half-century, Spain has developed a well-integrated and efficient nuclear
infrastructure including seven operating NPPs, a fuel manufacturing facility, solutions for
decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the management of radioactive waste and spent
nuclear fuel, and efficient regulatory institutions. The performance of operating NPPs is
excellent, maintaining high-capacity factors of around 90% for the last decade. Currently,
nuclear energy produces about 20% of Spain’s total electricity, contributing to the security
of supply, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and diversification of energy sources.
The NECP foresees a sequential shutdown of the Spanish nuclear power capacity from
2027 to 2035. According to this plan, nuclear generation capacity will be reduced to around
3.2 GW by 2030 and to 0 by 2035. This orderly final shutdown was agreed in 2019 by the
owners of Spanish NPPs and Enresa. The operational period of each NPP is still subject
to compliance with the limits and conditions on nuclear safety imposed by the CSN,
including approval of their Integrated Ageing Assessment and Management Plan for
operation beyond 40 years, as well as the licensees decision to invest in such a plan for
continuing operation. According to some of the licensees, they currently operate their
NPPs at a loss due to high taxation on nuclear generation and low electricity market prices,
All rights reserved.
so they might opt to exit the market sooner; this would imply changes in the electricity mix.
There is also concern for the large impact on employment of the highly skilled workforce
by the final shutdown of nuclear power plants. However, no concrete measures have been
put in place for transitional support so far.
Spain has developed a well-integrated scheme for decommissioning of nuclear facilities
and radioactive waste management including SNF under the clear and predominant
responsibility of the government. The GRWP, established after a comprehensive process
including public consultation, safety review by the CSN and approval by the Council of
Ministers, provides the reference framework for national strategies and actions for
decommissioning and radioactive waste management. According to the GRWP, the
state-owned company Enresa carries out activities, and MITERD oversees both technical
and financial activities and the performance of Enresa. Enresa is expected to
decommission ten NPPs in Spain over the next few decades. This could give the company
a competitive advantage in the NPP decommissioning business in other countries, through
economies of scale and knowledge centralisation. Currently, there is no consideration for
Enresa to expand its decommissioning business to other countries, except for possible
technical co-operation under international organisations such as the International Atomic
Energy Agency, the Nuclear Energy Agency and the European Atomic Energy Community.
Spain has a well-structured centralised funding scheme in place to finance costs for
decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of radioactive waste. There is a
single external joint fund to cover the costs (the GRWP Fund). The GRWP Fund is
regulated by law, and held and managed by Enresa. The management of the fund is
supervised and controlled by an inter-ministerial Monitoring and Control Committee
attached to MITERD. Fees for the fund are to be satisfied by the license holders throughout
the entire operational lifetime of their facilities and can be revised by means of royal
decree. This scheme gives Spain an advantage, the ability to closely align legislative
projects with long-term decommissioning and radioactive waste management strategies,
while holding license holders financially responsible for the costs. On the other hand, the
effectiveness of this scheme requires a realistic and comprehensive estimation of future
costs. Otherwise, it could impose residual or unforeseen financial responsibilities on the
state, and thus ultimately on taxpayers. Currently, the regulatory process for developing
the centralised storage facility for SNF is suspended, and the site selection process for the
DGR has not yet been established. The government contends that the delay in CSF
implementation would not affect NPP operation and decommissioning, as individual
storage facilities at each site will have sufficient capacity to accommodate the SNF and
SW that will be generated in the future. However, the delay in implementing the CSF and
the DGR could impose additional costs on decommissioning and radioactive waste
management in the future. The existing funding scheme includes a mechanism to collect
fees from a percentage of the electricity tariff, which currently aims to finance the costs
associated with the NPPs that were permanently shut down prior to 1 January 2010 and
those costs that were not foreseen during the operation of the NPPs. While this mechanism
could be used to address uncertainties in the estimation of future costs, it could amount to
transferring these costs to the future generation of electricity consumers.
Spain has developed a wide range of nuclear technological competencies since the 1960s,
from nuclear power plant construction and operation or nuclear fuel fabrication to
radioactive waste and SNF management. Its current national nuclear R&D activities focus
on radioactive waste management and decommissioning, in line with its policy to phase
out nuclear by 2035. On the other hand, nuclear technology is considered to have great
All rights reserved.
potential to contribute to decarbonisation of not only the electricity system, but also
hard-to-abate sectors, such as manufacturing and transport, through high-temperature
heat supply and hydrogen production (NEA, 2020). Given the great challenge for achieving
carbon neutrality in 2050, the high level of nuclear technology infrastructure and skilled
professionals in Spain could be utilised more effectively for developing and implementing
long-term energy strategies.
The government of Spain should:
Closely monitor the financial situation of nuclear power plants to prevent unforeseen
or sudden final shutdown that could significantly deteriorate the security of electricity
Pursue timely implementation of the back-end strategy, including the centralised
storage facility and the deep geological reporsitory, to avoid unnecessary cost
escalation for decommissioning of NPPs and radioactive waste management,
including final waste disposal.
Develop projects that could enable the effective preservation and transfer of
knowledge and expertise using current technical infrastructure and highly skilled
workers as well as the institutional advantages of Enresa in the NPP decommissioning
Consider the usefulness of nuclear energy, including for non-electricity applications,
for diversifying technical options to achieve long-term carbon neutrality by 2050.
AleaSoft (2020), Report of the European Energy Market Prices for the Month of October
2020, AleaSoft, 3 November,
CEIDEN (Plataforma Tecnológica de Energía Nuclear de Fisión) (n.d.), CEIDEN website,
CSN (Nuclear Safety Council) (2016), Plan de Investigación y Desarrollo del Consejo de
Seguridad Nuclear (2016-2020),
All rights reserved.
EC (European Comission) (2019), Study on the Risk Profile of the Funds Allocated to
Finance the Back-End Activities of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the EU,
Enresa (n.d.), Enresa website,
Enresa (2018), Annual Report 2018,
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) (2020), Power Reactor Information System
(PRIS) (database),
IAEA (2018), Country Nuclear Power Profiles: Spain,
MITERD (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) (2020),
Country Case Study Spain, presentation at the NEA Workshop: Adequacy of Funding for
Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, 18 September.
NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency) (2020), 03 Reduce: Nuclear. Guide to the Circular Carbon
NEA (2018), Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning in Spain, OECD
Publishing, Paris,
PEPRI (Plataforma Nacional de I+D en Protección Radiológica) (n.d.), PEPRI website,
WNA (World Nuclear Association) (2020), Nulcear Power in Spain,
Zuloaga, P. (2006), New Developments in Low Level Radioactive Waste Management in
Spain, Enresa, Madrid,
All rights reserved.
9. Coal
Key data
Coal net imports
: 7.2 Mt/4.5 Mtoe (5.5 Mtoe imports, 1.0 Mtoe exports), -50% since 2009
Share of coal:
4% of total energy supply and 5% of electricity generation
Consumption by sector:
4.9 Mtoe (power and heat generation 70.2%, other industry 26.8%,
19.3%, services 1.6%, residential 1.4%)
Following the closure of all its coal mines, Spain in 2019 reported for the first time no
domestic coal production. Coal was the fifth-largest primary energy source in Spain,
representing 4% of total energy supply (TES) in 2019 after oil, natural gas, renewables
and nuclear (Figure 9.1). The share of coal in electricity generation significantly decreased
between 2000 and 2010 due to an increased share of renewable energy sources. Later,
between 2010 and 2018, coal for power production fluctuated between 9% and 19% of
total electricity generation, then dropped significantly to 5% in 2019. Coal’s share in total
final consumption (TFC) slightly decreased, from 1.6% in 2000 to 0.6% in 2019. Net
imports halved in the decade between 2009 and 2019.
Figure 9.1 Share of coal in different energy supplies in Spain, 2000-19
Between 2000 and 2019, the share of coal significantly decreased from 25% to 0% of
domestic energy production and from 37% to 5% of electricity generation.
Notes: TES = total energy supply. TFC = total final consumption.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Domestic energy
Electricity generation
Share of coal
IEA.All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
The government of Spain plans to close all coal-fired power plants by 2030 in order to
accelerate the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy. Coal’s declining share in
energy supply is expected to continue. As a result, imports will also decline rapidly.
Depending on market circumstances, such as the price for CO
emissions allowances
under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), coal-fired power generation in Spain might
end well before 2030.
Supply and demand
In 2019, Spain’s coal supply amounted to 4.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), 90%
of which was steam coal and 10% coking coal (Figure 9.2). Total coal supply dropped by
77% between 2000 and 2019, in line with decreasing domestic demand. Domestic coal
production has steadily decreased from 7.9 Mtoe in 2000 to 0 in 2019, as a result of the
closure of domestic coal mines. All coal supply was imported in 2019, but coal imports
have also decreased, from 13 Mtoe to 4.5 Mtoe between 2000 and 2019.
Spain imported 8.5 million tonnes (Mt) of steam (90%) and coking (10%) coal, and
exported 1.5 Mt of steam coal in 2019. Coal was mainly imported from Indonesia (27%),
the Russian Federation (32%), Colombia (13%), Australia (10%) and the United States
(8%) (Figure 9.3). Spain exported coal, mostly to neighbouring European countries,
including Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
Figure 9.2 Spain’s coal supply by source, 2000-19
Most coal in Spain is imported, as production stopped in 2019. In the last decade, and
especially in 2019, the total supply of coal significantly declined.
Notes: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent. TES = total energy supply.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Figure 9.3 Spain’s coal net imports by country, 2000-19
Indonesia, Russia and Colombia are the major coal importing countries to Spain, accounting
for 59% of the total in 2019.
Notes: Mt = million tonnes. Includes only hard coal.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Total coal demand in Spain was 4.9 Mtoe in 2019, which is 77% lower than in 2000. Coal
consumption has fluctuated year-on-year, mostly depending on its use in electricity
generation (Figure 9.4). Between 2007 and 2010, coal demand for electricity generation
significantly decreased to around 6 Mtoe, to increase again in the following years, but still
remained at about half of demand in the first years of the century. Meanwhile, coal
consumption in other sectors has remained relatively stable over the last decade. In 2019,
70% of total coal consumption in Spain was used for power generation, followed by
industry (27%), other energy (19%), and minor shares for residential and services.
Figure 9.4 Coal consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19
Coal used for power generation in 2019 accounted for 70% of the total, and has decreased
by 60% compared to 2000.
* Power generation includes a minor share of district heat production.
** Other energy includes energy use in transformation in coke ovens and blast furnaces.
*** Services/other includes commercial and public services.
Note: Mtoe = million tonnes of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA (2021), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Russian Federation
IEA. All rights reserved.
Power generation*
Other energy**
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Coal policy
Coal phase-out
As part of its climate change and energy transition agenda, Spain has a plan to phase out
the use of coal in its electricity sector. However, unlike in some countries that have
imposed specific mandates for the industry to shut down coal-fired generation capacity,
Spain expects that market conditions will drive coal closures.
The National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) expects that up to 9 of Spain’s 15 coal-fired
power plants (as of 2019) will no longer be operational by 2021. Already, based on market
conditions and requirements under the EU Industrial Emissions Directive for large
combustion facilities, on 30 June 2020, 8 of Spain’s fully operational 14 coal-fired plants
with around 4.6 gigawatts (GW) of capacity shut down. Three more have asked for
permission to close in 2021 and another one is expected to close in 2022. Moreover, one
plant in Majorca only operates on a limited basis (around 500 hours annually after 2021).
By 2030, the government expects that coal-fired power plants will no longer be competitive
based on an EU EEmissions Trading System price of EUR 35/tonne, along with continued
cost reductions for renewables technologies and relatively low prices for natural gas. As
such, it expects coal to be fully phased out of the power sector by 2030.
Large-scale generation facilities need authorisation from the government before they can
be decommissioned. The approval procedures can be lengthy and numerous. In the time
it takes for the government to grant approval, companies need to maintain their power
plants and be prepared to start generation within a given time frame, adding to the costs
of decommissioning.
Currently, Spain does not have policies in place or under development to advance carbon
capture, utilisation and storage.
Coal subsidies
Over the last few decades, coal mining in Spain was directly subsidised as it was not
competitive with imported coal. However, the government gradually decreased subsidies
from EUR 314 million (EUR 37 per tonne) in 2010. In line with EU requirements, it stopped
them completely by the end of 2018. Consequently, domestic coal supply declined from
around 23 Mt in 2000, to 8 Mt in 2010, to 0 at present.
As such, neither coal mining nor coal-fired generation currently receive any subsidies in
Transitional assistance
Based on the expected coal phase-out, the government plans to offer support measures
to affected regions to help them adjust to the transition.
The government has already announced the closure of coal mining operations and the
redirection of coal mining subsidies to restructuring coal mining regions. Royal Decree-
Law 25/2018 extended the closure plan for coal mining by two years, originally scheduled
for 31 December, 2018. However, most domestic mining has already been shut down.
All rights reserved.
As part of this effort, the government has released two action frameworks: the Framework
for Action for Coal Mining and Mining Areas in the 2013-2018 Period and the new
Framework Agreement for a Fair Transition of Coal Mining and the Sustainable
Development of Mining Areas 2019-2027. Different regulations have been published
under these action frameworks to regulate aid for coal mine closures, aid for exceptional
costs and aid to boost mining areas, as established in EU Directive 2010/787. The work is
spearheaded by the Just Transition Institute.
Addressing the detrimental impact of coal mine closures on labour markets is a focal point
of the frameworks. To this end, they include measures to promote the development of
projects that generate employment and support the construction of related infrastructures
while encouraging the hiring of unemployed workers as a result of the cessation of mining
Aid to promote new economic activities and/or the expansion of existing ones as
alternatives to coal mining may be carried out by granting incentives through:
business projects with investments greater than EUR 100 000 and job creation
commitments equal to or greater than three jobs
aid for small investment projects
aid for the alternative development of mining areas.
These grants are aimed at promoting the alternative development of mining districts
through the execution of infrastructure projects and restoration of areas degraded by
mining activity.
The development of infrastructure will be primarily directed to the following activities:
improvement, restoration, recovery and revaluation of dumps, degraded areas and spaces
affected by coal mining operations
improvement of equipment related to transformation and electrification centres, gas supply,
lighting, and hydraulic infrastructures
forest recovery and management of areas degraded by mining activities, as well as actions
related to atmospheric sanitation aimed at improving air quality, reducing noise levels and
the regeneration of wastewater treatment plants
provision and renovation of telecommunication lines, optimisation and energy
diversification with renewable energy supply in public buildings
creation and equipping of business incubators, technological development centres.
Aid corresponding to infrastructure and restoration projects amounts to around
EUR 125 million, and will be articulated in 103 collaboration agreements between the Just
Transition Institute and the autonomous communities.
Regionally, the relevant areas are those belonging to the autonomous communities of
Aragón, Principado de Asturias, Castilla y León and Castilla La Mancha.
Mine closures have not significantly impacted Spain’s supply of coal, as the coal that was
being used for thermal energy generation was already mostly sourced from imports.
All rights reserved.
In a dramatic change from history, and as part of its climate change and energy transition
agenda, Spain is closing down its coal mining sector and phasing out the use of coal in its
energy sector. However, unlike in some countries that have imposed specific mandates
for the industry to shut down coal-fired generation capacity, Spain expects regulations and
market conditions to drive the closure of the 14 coal-fired power plants (total capacity
around 10 GW) that were still in operation at the start of 2020.
Over the last decades, coal mining in Spain was directly subsidised as it was not
competitive with imported coal. However, the government gradually decreased subsidies,
and in line with EU requirements stopped them by the end of 2018 completely.
Consequently, domestic coal supply declined from around 46 Mt in 2000 to almost 0
in 2020. In 2019, Spain still imported 8.5 Mt of coal, but imports are also declining fast with
the closure of coal-fired power plants. Some 1.4 Mtoe of coal is used outside of the
electricity sector.
The government set up a programme to offer support measures to affected regions to help
them adjust to the transition. As part of this effort, it has released two action frameworks: the
Framework for Action for Coal Mining and Mining Areas in the 2013-2018 Period (extended
for two years to the end of 2020) and the Framework Agreement for a Fair Transition of
Coal Mining and the Sustainable Development of Mining Areas 2019-2027. Different
measures were taken under these frameworks to provide aid for coal mine closures; aid for
exceptional costs; and aid to boost employment in the mining areas of Aragón, Asturias,
Castilla y León and Castilla La Mancha. All domestic coal mines have already shut down.
Since 30 June 2020, coal-fired plants have to comply with EU environmental regulations
for emissions of large industrial installations and power plants. For many of the coal-fired
power plants in Spain, such compliance is not economically feasible, and as a
consequence, on 30 June 2020, eight plants with around 4.6 GW of capacity shut down
and four more, representing 3.1 GW, announced closure in 2021 or 2022. According to
the NECP, by 2030, the government expects that coal-fired power plants will no longer be
competitive based on an EU ETS price of EUR 35/tonne, along with continued cost
reductions for renewables technologies and relatively low prices for natural gas. As such,
the government expects all coal plants to be closed by 2030. In practice, with falling
electricity demand due to COVID-19, low natural gas prices and costs for renewable
generation falling rapidly, this is likely to happen much earlier. Coal-fired generation is
already declining fast: its share in total generation was 14% in 2018, 5% in 2019, and
in 2020 it is expected to be around 2%.
Large-scale generation facilities need approval from the government before they can be
decommissioned. Currently the approval procedures are lengthy and numerous, though
essential as part of the regulatory framework to ensure security of energy supply. As long
as no approval is granted by the government, companies need to maintain their facilities
in a state that allows them to start generation within a given time frame. This situation of
readiness adds to the decommissioning costs of the power plants that were already
loss-making to their companies.
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The government of Spain should:
Ensure a clear and efficient process for granting generators permission to
decommission their coal-fired generation plants.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021), “World energy statistics”, IEA Energy Statistics
and Balances (database),
All rights reserved.
10. Natural gas
Key data
Domestic p
roduction: 0.1 bcm, +867% since 2009
Net imports:
36.1 bcm (37.2 bcm imports, 1.2 bcm exports)
Share of gas:
0% of domestic energy production, 25% of total energy supply,
31% of
electricity generation
, 17% of total final consumption
consumption by sector: Electricity and heat 41%, industry 29%, other energy 11%,
services 8%, residential 10%, transport 0.8
Natural gas places third in Spain’s total final consumption (TFC), after oil and electricity.
Natural gas’ share has increased steadily in total energy supply over the years, reaching
25% in 2019. Heat and electricity generation has been the main gas-consuming sector
over the past two decades, with a sizeable increase in the first decade, followed by a
decrease in 2008, and remaining stable since 2014. The industry sector is the
second-largest gas-consuming sector in Spain.
Spain has made considerable changes in the past five years to its natural gas market
operations to increase the system’s efficiency, in particular with the development of the
MIBGAS hub to further integrate the Spanish and Portuguese gas markets. A Spanish gas
exchange market was also developed in 2015 to trade natural gas and liquefied natural
gas (LNG). Moreover, Spain has made notable headway in erasing its tariff deficit in the
gas sector. However, there remains underutilised gas infrastructure, including on the
interconnector between Spain and France. Spain is also currently working with France and
Portugal to create a Solidarity Agreement on Natural Gas to further integrate its gas market
with those of its neighbours.
Spain has placed carbon reduction at the forefront of its energy strategy. To this end, the
government will use biogas and hydrogen road maps to help clarify the main pathways to
increase the share of renewable gases in its energy system.
Total energy supply does not include oil used for international bunkering.
All rights reserved.
Supply and demand
The share of natural gas in total energy supply (TES) in Spain increased over the period
from 2000 to 2019, as it dd in total final consumption (TFC), albeit at a more moderate rate
(Figure 10.1). Natural gas was 13% of TES in 2000, 25% in 2009 and 25% in 2019, while
it accounted for 14% of TFC in 2000, 15% in 2009 and 17% in 2019. Electricity generation
from natural gas was relatively low in 2000 at 9%, increasing to 37% in 2009 and
decreasing again to 31% in 2019; fluctuations are, in part, due to variations in the share of
hydro generation.
Figure 10.1 Natural gas in energy production, total energy supply, electricity and
total final consumption in Spain, 2000-19
Natural gas accounts for a relatively small share of Spain’s overall energy consumption and
total energy production.
Notes: TES = total energy supply. TFC = total final consumption.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Spain’s natural gas consumption increased significantly until 2008, largely driven by an
uptick in natural gas consumption in electricity and heat generation (Figure 10.2).
After 2008, consumption of natural gas gradually declined, but rose sharply in 2019.
Natural gas in electricity and heat generation decreased from 2009 to 2018, but rose again
in 2019 due to the substitution of coal for natural gas. Gas consumption in the industry,
residential and services sectors remained relatively constant from 2008 onwards.
Domestic energy production TES Electricity generation TFC
Share of natural gas
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Figure 10.2 Natural gas consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19
Natural gas consumption trends were heavily influenced by demand shifts in the electricity
and heat generation sector.
* Services/other includes commercial and public services, agriculture, forestry, and fishing.
** Industry includes non-energy consumption, oil and gas extraction, and other energy sector use.
Note: bcm = billion cubic metres.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Seasonality of natural gas demand can vary considerably in Spain. In 2019, 47% of
consumption for power generation occurred between June and September. August
showed the lowest demand for non-electricity sectors, while July had the highest
consumption for power generation. Seasonality in the household and commercial sectors
is more pronounced. The six months from May to October represented only 22% of total
consumption in this segment, with the remaining consumption (78%) concentrated in the
other six months.
Spain’s natural gas supply is diversified, in part due to regulation on security of supply,
which requires that shippers diversify their portfolios if supplies of natural gas from the
same origin country are higher than 50% of national consumption (see below on
regulation). Spain’s total natural gas net imports in 2019 stood at 31.6 billion cubic
metres (bcm). Algeria is Spain’s dominant supplier (mainly pipeline), accounting for
around one-third of Spain’s total imports in 2019 (12.3 bcm). In 2019, Qatar was Spain’s
second-largest natural gas import source along with Nigeria (4.3 bcm or 12% each),
followed by the United States (4.1 bcm or 11%). Imports from Algeria grew from 10.8
bcm in 2000 to 12.3 bcm in 2019 (Figure 10.3).
Looking ahead, under its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), Spain anticipates
flat demand for natural gas from 2015 levels in a target scenario under which primary
energy consumption increases by around 3% from 2015 to 2030, growing from around
27 bcm in 2015 to 30 bcm in 2020 and 27 bcm in 2025 and 2030 (EC, 2020). Under a
target scenario in which final energy consumption grows by 15% to 2030, natural gas
consumption is expected to grow by around 5%. As such, there remains some
uncertainty surrounding future demand for gas, notably the role that gas will play in
providing power system flexibility as the electricity mix shifts to one dominated by
variable renewables (see Chapter 7).
Other energy
Electricity and heat
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Figure 10.3 Spain’s natural gas net imports, 2000-19
Spain’s natural gas net imports are predominantly from Algeria, Qatar, Nigeria and the
United States.
Note: bcm = billion cubic metres.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Spain also exports some of its imported gas. Re-exports, by cargoes and pipeline, are a
recent phenomenon in Spain and reflect the decline in domestic demand since 2008.
Portugal is the main export destination, followed by France.
Spanish companies typically buy both LNG and pipeline gas under long-term contracts.
In 2019, for the first time since 2013, LNG supplies exceeded those of piped natural gas,
accounting for 57% of total supplies, driven by lower prices in the global LNG market.
Gas prices
Spain’s industry gas prices are lower than the IEA average, and amounted to
30.7 USD/MWh, of which 2% comprised taxes, one of the lowest tax rates among IEA
countries (Figure 10.4).
However, for household gas prices, Spain is the fourth-highest among IEA countries at
100.7 USD/MWh, with a 20% tax component.
United States
Total net imports
IEA. All rights reserved.
Net imports
All rights reserved.
Figure 10.4 IEA comparison of industry and household gas prices, 2019
Spain’s industry prices are below the IEA average, while its household prices are the
fourth-highest among IEA countries.
Notes: MWh = megawatt hour. Missing industry data for Australia, Japan, Mexico and Norway. Missing tax rate
industry data for the United States.
Source: IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2020 (database),
Spain’s natural gas prices in industry and households were both below average compared
to its neighbouring IEA countries from 2000 to 2016, although they followed similar trends
(Figure 10.5). In 2017, Spain’s household natural gas prices surpassed all of its
neighbours, and remains the most expensive to date.
Tax component
IEA. All rights reserved.
Tax component
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Figure 10.5 Natural gas prices in industry and households in selected IEA countries,
Industry Households
Spain’s natural gas prices follow similar trends to its neighbours.
Notes: MWh = megawatt hour. Data missing for Portugal (2000-01) (industry and household), Italy (2000-03)
(industry and household), and Greece (2006) (industry and household).
Source: IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2020 (database),
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD) is
the main energy policy body within the Spanish government. For the gas sector, its
responsibilities include overseeing shipper registration as well as authorisation of
infrastructure, including high-pressure grids, LNG terminals and subterranean storage. It
also carries out safety regulations (including ensuring facilities meet requisites and
undertaking periodic inspections), ensures security of supply (including strategic reserves
obligations and supply diversification requirements), ensures gas quality, promotion of
renewable gases (biogas, biomethane and hydrogen), and oversees revenues and
third-party access tariffs for underground storage.
After the approval of Royal Decree-Law 1/2019, all competencies related to access
conditions, allocation capacity, third-party access and regulated revenues were transferred
to the regulator, the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC), with the
exception of revenues and tariffs for subterranean storage.
The CNMC was founded by Law 3/2013 and its functions related to natural gas were
expanded under Royal Decree-Law 1/2019. It is an independent entity, governed by an
Advisory Board composed of ten independent advisers appointed by the government
based on a prior review by a parliamentary commission, which has a refusal right. Its
mandate is for six years.
Spain Portugal Italy France Greece
IEA. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
The CNMC is also financially independent as it receives a percentage of third-party access
tariffs (currently 0.14%). Its tasks related with natural gas are:
regulated revenues and third-party access of the transmission grid, LNG terminals and
local distribution networks
access conditions
assessment of investment plans of transmission companies
access conflicts resolution
unbundling monitoring
sector survey.
Lastly, local distribution networks and medium pressure transport branches fall under the
authority of regional governments.
Natural gas industry structure
The Spanish natural gas sector is privately owned and operated; this includes the
regulated activities of transmission, distribution, LNG terminals and underground storage,
as well as unregulated activities like production, trading and retail sales.
Enagás owns and operates most of Spain’s high- and medium-pressure grid, as well as
three of the country’s six operating LNG terminals (and large stakes in two other terminals).
The Hydrocarbons Act establishes the model for unbundling of the gas transmission
system operator (TSO). The unbundling model adopted for the main TSO (Enagás, with
more than 95% of transport pipelines) is ownership unbundling, while small TSOs can
choose between an ownership unbundling and independent system operator model. The
CNMC is in charge of the certification procedures for system operators and has already
certified Enagás and Reganosa as TSOs.
Spanish regulation requires legal and functional unbundling of distribution companies from
supplier and producer companies. There are seven distribution companies in Spain, with
Nedgia Group (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa) controlling 69% of supply points. Since early
2018, only the main distribution supply operator (DSO; Nedgia Group) remains ownership
unbundled as a vertically integrated company with supply activities. The other DSO
groupsNortegas, Madrileña and Redexis were created as a result of the disinvestment
in DSO grids from EDP, Gas Natural Fenosa and Endesa, respectively.
All Spanish customers (including households) have been free to choose their gas suppliers
since 1 January 2003. Since July 2008, regulated tariffs for end users (last-resort tariffs)
only apply to residential consumers consuming less than 50 000 kilowatt hours per year
(kWh/year) and connected to a low-pressure network; they are supplied by four designated
last-resort suppliers (see below for more details).
In recent years, more municipalities have been connected to the gas grid, with 33
connected in 2018 and 13 in 2019, reaching a total number of 1 805 municipalities
connected. Nowadays, almost 80% of the population lives in a municipality with natural
gas access, but only 30% of homes have a natural gas connection.
All rights reserved.
At the end of 2019, Spain had 7.9 million natural gas supply points, which have been
steadily rising over the past decades.
The number of gas traders registered in Spain at the end of 2019 reached 198 companies,
out of which 47 have stated they will operate exclusively in wholesale gas and capacity
markets, without supplying final customers. The number of marketers who have signed an
access contract to the balance point and/or the framework contract for access to gas
facilities at the end of 2019 was 143. The number of traders registered in MIBGAS at the
end of 2019 was 105 and rose to 144 at the end of 2020. The number of marketers who
make sales to final consumers reached 85 in 2019.
Natural gas regulation
The basic regulations for the Spanish gas sector are set in Law 34/1998, the Hydrocarbons
Act, which defines the Spanish gas sector as a single, integrated gas system comprising
all regulated gas infrastructure, including local distribution grids, gas transmission
networks, LNG terminals and underground storages. All of these facilities are subject to
third-party access, regulated revenue, capacity allocation and balancing procedures. They
are all part of a common clearing system matching regulated revenues with incomes from
third-party access tariffs. In this arrangement, Enagás is the technical system manager of
all of the facilities, giving instructions to different facilities to fulfil daily supply requirements
in the most efficient way.
The administrative procedure for authorisation of high-pressure transmission pipelines by
MITERD depends on whether the pipelines are part of the “Red Troncal” (Trunk Grid),
which, according to Law 34/1998, includes all the high-pressure gas pipes that are deemed
essential for security of supply. Under Law 34/1998, if a gas pipeline is categorised as
“Red Troncal”, authorisation is granted directly to the main owner of the network: Enagás
Transporte. Otherwise, the gas pipeline is assigned through a bidding procedure
developed in Royal Decree 984/2015.
All gas infrastructure facilities under the government’s purview must be previously included
in the Energy Planning Document, which lists all facilities required to match expected
demand. Administrative authorisation of a project is granted by the Directorate of Energy
Policy and Mines. Prior to this, the project is submitted for a general public consultation so
anyone affected can appeal. An environmental assessment study is carried out if the
project meets the requirements set out under Law 21/2013 on Environmental Assessment.
Projects are declared to be of “public interest” if they meet the requisites. After completion,
infrastructure is tested to check whether it accomplishes the capacity and stipulations
included in the administrative authorisation. If the tests are positive, a commissioning
document allows the facility to start operations. The revenue settlement scheme under the
authorisation must elaborate on third-party access regimes and include details of terms of
access, tariffs and connection provisions.
Transmission grids, local distribution networks, subterranean storages and LNG terminals
are subject to third-party access requirements, which include regulated procedures for
access conditions, capacity allocation, third-party access tariffs, revenues and a
settlement procedure to match third-party access tariff income with regulated revenues.
Congestion management procedures at interconnectors are regulated by the CNMC.
All rights reserved.
Under Royal Decree-Law 1/2019, the CNMC is the entity responsible for establishing the
methodology to set tariffs for the use of the transmission grid, LNG terminals and local
distribution networks, while the government sets subterranean storage tariffs. As CNMC
Instruction (Circular) 6/2020 will not fully enter into force until October 2021, shippers are
currently charged tariffs published by MITERD, according to Royal Decree 949/2001,
which has basically remained unchanged since December 2013.
In order to participate in the Spanish gas market, a company must be registered with
MITERD through a “declaración responsable (responsible statement), in which it
acknowledges completion of requirements to become a registered shipper published in
Chapter III of Royal Decree 1434/2002. The requirements are mainly to demonstrate
technical skills and sufficient financial capacity to undertake the business and to submit
warranties to cover one-year payments. Afterwards, the ministry informs the CNMC, which
includes the name of the company on the List of Registered Shippers.
A new legal framework was introduced in 2014 to balance system costs and revenues.
After some deficits recorded in 2015-17, since 2018 the gas network has delivered a
financial surplus, and the trend is expected to continue in the coming years. In
October 2015, Royal Decree 984/2015 introduced a procedure to authorise regional
transmission pipelines through an auction procedure with a regulated revenue scheme
based on real gas flows, so no additional costs will be imposed on the gas system if
demand does not meet expectations. Nonetheless, based on the demand outlook, no
major new gas infrastructure is foreseen in Spain.
Since 2015, the main changes related to gas facilities management have been focused on
increasing the efficiency of the system through the development of the MIBGAS gas hub
(as integrated Spanish and Portuguese gas markets) and the implementation of regulation
principles for all regulated infrastructure. In order to reduce entry barriers to the domestic
gas market and enhance shipper flexibility, a Spanish gas exchange market was
developed in 2015 to trade natural gas and LNG.
In 2019, the CNMC introduced a unique approach to managing Spain’s regasification
capacity by consolidating trading among the various LNG tanks into a single trading hub.
The goal of the new approach was to increase utilisation of regasification capacity and
facilitate booking of capacity among various market participants. CNMC Instruction
(Circular) 8/2019 establishes access conditions and capacity allocation procedures for all
regulated facilities of the natural gas system. It sets duties and rights of shippers and facility
owners, lists the standard capacity products offered (yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily and
intraday), and introduces a virtual LNG tank, which adds up all the current LNG tanks
regardless of which terminal they belong to.
The Balancing Circular 2/2020 introduced two new balancing zones in addition to the
traditional one in the transmission grid (Punto Virtual de Balance, or PVB): the virtual LNG
tank that combines all LNG terminal capacity and a virtual underground storage that
combines all storage capacity. In these three zones, natural gas and LNG can be freely
traded wherever LNG terminals or underground storage are located, a circumstance made
possible thanks to Spain’s extensive gas transmission network that operates with low
congestion rates.
Based on these changes, in July 2020, the government started to offer capacity in Spain’s
LNG terminals via an auction system. For the year 2021, 90% of the capacity was offered
to the market, while 50% of the capacity in the following 15 years (2022-36) was offered.
All rights reserved.
In 2021, 40% of the remaining 2022 capacity will be offered to the market, and likewise in
the following years. The last 10% of available capacity will be offered on a monthly market,
one month before usage, throughout 2021 until 2036.
CNMC Circular 2/2019 established the methodology to set the interest rate applied in the
calculation of the regulated revenues of transmission and distribution of electricity,
regasification, and transportation and distribution of natural gas. The rate is unchanged for
the six years of the regulatory period (from 2021 to 2026, both included). CNMC
Circular 1/2020 establishes the methodology to set the revenue applied to the system
manager (Enagás ) while CNMC Circular 9/2019 establishes the methodology to set the
revenue applied to transmission facilities and LNG plants. It includes amortisation using a
pre-defined lifespan, a financial rate applied to assetsnet value and operational costs
based on standard average costs. Lastly, CNMC Circular 4/2020 establishes the
methodology to set the regulated revenue for local distribution networks. It is based on the
number of customers and volume of gas sold, with a five-year extra-revenue provision for
new local distribution networks.
Within MITERD, the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines each year
determines the capacity to offer as interruptible service at those points in the system where
congestion may occur. The capacity offered is allocated via auction annually among
marketers who request it.
Natural gas market operation
In December 2015, a new Iberian Gas Market platform “MIBGAS” was launched in Spain
following the principles of the European Gas Target Model.
Based on the principles informing that model, the organised gas market has a platform for
trading in gas products to be delivered at the virtual balancing point and other local points
in the gas system for different time horizons. All shippers, distributors, retailers and direct
consumers may buy or sell gas via these products according to their commitments and
needs. Likewise, and pursuant to the Code on the Balancing Network, the technical
manager of the gas system is to participate in the organised gas market in order to
purchase or sell the gas required to enable it to perform its balancing actions and ensure
the viability of programmes.
The following core concepts define the organised gas market’s operating model:
gas trading, both at the virtual balancing point and at one or more local points
contracting capacity independently for gas inputs and outputs on the network
daily balancing of operations
firmness of trades in the market, with a commitment to deliver
involvement of the technical manager of the gas system for balancing procedures and
ensuring supply.
Spain’s Law 8/2015 on the Hydrocarbons Industry designates the company MIBGAS as
the organised gas market operator. As such, MIBGAS is responsible for the management
of the organised gas market, required to undertake the necessary and appropriate duties
All rights reserved.
for its operations and the economic management of its services, upholding the principles
of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, objectivity, non-discrimination and
independence. To this end, it is charged with:
arranging and accepting the registration of prospective agents
defining and listing the products accepted for trading
receiving orders for the purchase and sale of gas, and of any products involved in the gas
supply chain that may at some time be traded, conducting their validation, management
and matching, as well as calculating the prices arising from the matching processes
disclosing on a daily basis the prices and volumes traded for each of the market products,
as well as the reference prices and, among them, those to be used in the settlements of
performing directly, or through a third party acting as counterparty, the settlements of
market processes, invoicing and collection and payment processes, as well as managing
market guarantees
providing each technical manager, or those parties as appropriate, with information on
trades made by agents in the market, per the provisions of current legislation
send the information required in the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and
Transparency (REMIT) that falls within its responsibility to the Agency for the Cooperation
of Energy Regulators platform.
Since 2015, the product portfolio traded in MIBGAS has grown substantially, currently
comprised not only of short time products delivered at the virtual balancing point, but also
natural gas with longer delivery terms, LNG products and balancing services. Since January
2018, MIBGAS has also been authorised to trade natural gas products delivered outside the
Spanish gas system.
To increase its liquidity, since 2017, voluntary market makers have been in operation in
MIBGAS, and since 2018 incumbent shippers in the Spanish market perform as mandatory
market makers, according to provisions included in Law 8/2015. Market makers serve to
increase liquidity in the organised gas market by submitting orders so other exchange
participants can find a counterparty at a market price.
Trading on the market is organised into trading sessions, with the possibility of trading one
or more products in each session. In turn, a session may involve two types of trading: auction
or continuous market. Each session’s details are specified by means of a market resolution.
There are currently two types of sessions: 1) a daily trading session with trading in daily,
month-ahead and balance of month product; and 2) an intraday trading session with trading
in intraday products.
Since 2018, there is another platform called MIBGAS Derivatives, which manages the
exchange trading of future natural gas products, spot LNG products and spot underground
storage products in the Iberian peninsula. Prior to this, Spain did not have a market to trade
natural gas futures products. MIBGAS Derivatives offers the following futures products with
physical delivery: monthly, quarterly, biannually and yearly.
The MIBGAS Derivatives products complete the current portfolio of natural gas products
offered by the organised gas market, with a distinction between current regulated products
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(spot and prompt market) and future products (futures market). In addition, new products of
LNG in regasification plants tanks and natural gas in underground storages are also offered.
Throughout its short history, MIBGAS has been growing both in traded volume and agents,
and has established itself as an emerging hub within the European gas market, while
consolidating itself as a valid price reference in the Iberian peninsula. In 2019, trading
volumes doubled from 2018 levels, while the number of traders grew to 105; by the end of
2020, the number of traders had increased to 144. Traded volumes reached 26.3 terawatt
hours (TWh) in 2018 and 56.1 TWh in 2019. Still, overall liquidity remains relatively low.
After accounting for 24.66 TWh of volume traded over-the-counter, the churn rate in the
market is still below 0.5; a market is usually considered liquid when the churn rate is at
least 10.
Natural gas policy
Spain relies on natural gas imports as domestic production is negligible, accounting for
less than 1% of total natural gas demand. There are very few fields, with low production,
as they are in a declining phase. In 2015, the El Ruedo field stopped producing, but in 2015
trial production began at the Viura field, commissioned in 2017. Production at this field
represented more than 90% of domestic gas production in 2019.
Exploitation of unconventional resources has been controversial among the public,
especially hydraulic fracturing, and has therefore never been conducted in Spain.
In recent years, exploration and production (E&P) activity has been on a downtrend,
without any new projects. In addition, the Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition,
currently in the process of been passed into law, forbids all E&P activity, including offshore
projects. The bill also bans the authorisation of unconventional projects in which the use
of high-volume hydraulic fracturing is foreseen. As such, E&P activity is expected to come
to an end in Spain.
Last-resort tariff
There is a free market for natural gas pricing in Spain regardless of the distribution network
to which a consumer is connected or the company with which the service is contracted.
Several tariffs are available in the market to the almost 8 million natural gas consumers.
Nevertheless, consumers connected at a pressure below 4 bar with an annual
consumption under 50 000 kWh qualify to subscribe to a last-resort tariff at below market
rates in two ranges: 0-5 000 kWh and 5 000-50 000 kWh.
Under the first tariff (< 5 000 kWh), the fixed component of a consumer’s bill (amount paid
monthly regardless of consumption) is reduced, while the variable component (the gas
consumed) is higher. Under the second tariff (5 000-50 000 kWh), the fixed component of
the bill is higher, but the variable component is lower (Endesa, 2020).
Of all the households that qualify for the last-resort tariff, at the end of 2019, 6.3 million
customers were supplied under the free market price, while 1.6 million consumers (19.92%
of the total) were supplied under last-resort tariffs.
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Consumers under the last-resort tariff are supplied by four retailers that have been
designated as suppliers of last resort: Comercializadora Regulada Gas & Power (Gas
Natural Group), Baser Comercializadora de Referencia (EDG Group), Energía XXI
Comercializadora de Referencia (Endesa Group) and Curenergia Comercializacion de
Ultimo Recurso (Iberdrola Group).
Last-resort tariffs are calculated by a formula established by a ministerial act that includes
the price of natural gas, fees and levies, commercial costs, and security of supply costs.
The natural gas cost is updated every quarter and published in the Official Journal by the
Directorate of Policy Energy and Mining as long as the cost varies more than 2% (either
higher or lower). This cost depends on a mix of international price indexes including the
Brent oil price for long-term supply and NBP natural gas futures and options for the short
term. As the price is set in calorific value (KWh), Enagás provides information on its
website about the gross calorific value in every town.
Social bonus
Royal Decree-Law 15/2018 on urgent measures for the energy transition and consumer
protection established the “Bono Social Térmico” (BST, or thermal social bond). It is an
economic aid programme to compensate for the costs borne by the most vulnerable
consumers for the use of energy for heating and hot water or cooking. It is applied as a
discount on gas bills.
The BST applies to all vulnerable consumers, regardless of the fuel they use to heat their
homes (natural gas, electricity, liquefied petroleum gas [LPG], etc.). All customers who
qualified for the electricity social bonus as of 31 December of the previous year are eligible
for the gas bonus (see Chapter 7). The budget allocated in 2019 (charged to the general
state budget) for this aid was EUR 75 million. For the year 2020, the budget allocated was
EUR 90 million as the number of people who can benefit from the BST increased by
approximately 200 000, to 1.27 million.
The aid for each vulnerable customer ranged between EUR 25 and EUR 124 per year.
The amount depends on the degree of vulnerability and climatic zone in which a residence
is located (the aid is greater in cold zones). In the case of a severely vulnerable customer
or one at risk of social exclusion, the aid will increase by 60% compared to that for each
corresponding climatic zone.
Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Spanish government, led by MITERD, enacted
the following measures:
Close monitoring of changes in gas demand and natural gas infrastructure; no risks were
identified beyond the consumption reduction compared to previous years’ levels.
Exceptionally, as long as the state of emergency was in effect, the supply of electricity,
petroleum products, natural gas and water must not be suspended in any home considered
a main residence (even if such a possibility is stated in supply contracts signed by
More flexibility granted to small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of energy
(electricity and gas) contracts to alleviate their burden during the state of emergency.
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A possibility to suspend electricity and gas bills for freelancers and small and medium-
sized enterprises.
Suspension of the methodology to determine the last-resort tariff for natural gas for six
months from March 2020 to protect vulnerable customers (an exception was included to
modify the maximum prices if the modification implies a reduction from the prevailing level).
Renewable gases
Spain has more recently embarked on a plan to increase the use of renewable gases in
its energy sector as a pathway to decarbonisation. To this end, the government has plans
to promote the use of biogas, biomethane and hydrogen from renewable sources (see
Chapter 5 for more details).
In 2019, 100 gigawatt hours (GWh) of biomethane was injected into the gas grid from one
plant in Valdemingómez, Madrid. Power generation from biogas stands at 234 megawatts
(MW), and 55 tonnes of oil equivalent [toe] of biogas is employed in thermal uses.
The government plans to significantly expand these levels based on a Biogas Roadmap
that is currently under development. An initial public consultation ended in June 2020 and
several working groups are currently putting together a draft road map, which will then be
released for public comment before being finalised. The issue of injecting biomethane into
existing grids was a particular focus area on which the government requested stakeholder
The government has also issued a Hydrogen Roadmap for the development of renewable
hydrogen in Spain in October 2020, in line with the European Hydrogen Strategy.
In the short and medium term, the government’s focus will be on boosting the production
and consumption of biogas and biomethane, while it sees renewables-based hydrogen as
an important longer term opportunity.
Natural gas infrastructure
Transmission and distribution network
The Spanish gas grid reached a total length of 11 369 km in 2019, with seven LNG
terminals (six operating) and four underground storage facilities, providing natural gas to
1 805 municipalities and 7.9 million supply points. Moreover, the gas pipeline network has
19 compression stations, 45 transmission centres, and 416 measurement and regulation
stations. Notably, the circular structure of the gas grid allows nearly every region of the
country to be supplied from two directions. All this allows smooth distribution of gas
throughout the national territory, ensuring security of natural gas supply even in peak
demand situations.
The natural gas transmission network has eight main lines: the Central Axis, Eastern Axis,
Western Axis, Spanish-Portuguese Western Axis, Axis of the Ebro, Cross Axis,
Connection to Medgaz, and the Gas Pipeline to the Balearic Islands.
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Figure 10.6 Map of Spain’s natural gas infrastructure
Source: Spanish administration’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
Spain’s international gas pipelines include: the Magreb pipeline (Tarifa-Morocco), the
Medgaz pipeline (Almería-Algeria), the International Connection with France (VIP Pirineos:
Irún and Biriatou) and the International Connection with Portugal (VIP Ibérico: Tuy and
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Table 10.1 Technical capacity (firm and interruptible) of international
interconnections (GWh/day)
Tarifa (Morocco)
Almería (Algeria)
VIP Pirineos (France)
VIP Ibérico (Portugal)
Note: GWh = gigawatt hour.
Source: Spanish administration’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
Two main interconnection projects have been planned for several years: STEP with France
and the Third Interconnection with Portugal. STEP was also designated as an EU Project
of Common Interest in 2013. Nevertheless, after the TSOs of France and Spain issued an
investment request in July 2018, the national regulatory authorities in both countries
rejected it in January 2019. No gas projects from Spain, Portugal and France were
included in the 4th List of Projects of Common Interest approved by the European
Liquefied natural gas
Spain maintains Europe’s largest fleet of LNG terminals, with seven facilities six in
operation. The Spanish gas system has a total of 25 fuel tanks storages, 8 berths and
capacity to receive methane vessels of up to 270 000 cubic metres (m
). In 2019, gas
receipts from LNG terminals to the transmission grid saw a significant rebound of almost
57% compared to 2018. However, the utilisation rate of Spain’s LNG regasification
capacity is relatively low, at only 21% on average between 2012 and 2018 (GIE, 2021).
Table 10.2 Spanish liquefied natural gas import terminals (operating facilities)
Send out
LNG trucks
760 000
1 950 000
266 000
619 500
1 350 000
175 000
587 000
1 350 000
266 000
Bilbao (BBG)
450 000
800 000
270 000
600 000
1 000 000
266 000
300 000
412 800
266 000
Note: GWh = gigawatt hour.
Source: Spanish administration’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
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In 2019, LNG storage capacity of regasification plants in Spain was unchanged, as was
average send out capacity, though production increased to 659 GWh/day from
430 GWh/day in 2018. On the other hand, the loading of LNG trucks increased by 7%,
doubling the increase in 2018 and reaching 12 597 GWh. As for stocks in tanks, the annual
average was 60%, reaching as high as 94% on certain days. As of 31 December 2019,
the accumulated storage in regasification plants reached 71% of total capacity.
In order to adjust supply to meet changing demand, including consumption peaks brought
on by seasonal variations, it is beneficial to store large quantities of gas in strategic
locations for use under such circumstances (see below).
Spain currently has four underground storages in operation: Gaviota (offshore), Serrablo,
Yela and Marismas. Enagás manages the first three while Naturgy Almacenamientos
Andalucia manages the Marismas gas storage. The capacity in the four storage facilities
for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 was 33 253 GWh (around 3 bcm)
Gas injected into storage in 2019 reached 12 869 GWh (1.16 bcm), with an 87% increase
compared to 2018. On the other hand, extraction was 5 489 GWh (0.49 bcm). The high
utilisation of storage was reflected in its high contracted capacity; the maximum annual
contracting of 31 011 GWh (2.79 bcm) took place in November 2019.
Natural gas security of supply
Institutional responsibilities
The Specialized Energy Security Committee is a support body of the National Security
Council, created in 2017 as Spain’s National Emergency Strategy Organisation. The
committee, presided over by the Secretary of State for Energy, is supposed to meet at
least every two months, or as many times as it deems appropriate. With respect to energy
security, the committee’s functions include:
Propose to the National Security Council the guidelines for planning and co-ordinating
national security policy related to energy security.
Contribute to reinforcing the proper functioning of the National Security System in the field
of energy security, whose supervision and co-ordination is the remit of the National Security
Support the National Security Council in its function of verifying the degree of compliance
with the National Security Strategy and propose, where appropriate, its revision, in relation
to energy security.
Contribute to the elaboration of regulatory proposals to strengthen the National Security
System in the field of energy security.
For the purpose of this document, we assume that to arrive at standard (GCV=40 MJ/m
) bcm units, values expressed
in TWh should be divided by 11.1 (or multiplied by 0.09). Consequently, 1 bcm of natural gas = 11.1 TWh.
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Support the National Security Council’s decision making in matters pertaining to the field
of energy security, through the analysis, study and proposal of initiatives both nationally
and internationally.
In support of the Specialised Situation Committee, carry out an assessment of risks and
threats, analyse possible crisis scenarios, especially those likely to lead to a situation of
interest to national security, in the field of energy security, and evaluate the results of its
execution, all in co-ordination with the directly competent bodies and authorities and with
the Specialised Situation Committee.
The Corporación de Reservas Estrategicas de Productos Petrolíferos (CORES) is
responsible for ensuring security of supply for oil products, liquefied petroleum gas and
natural gas in Spain. In 2013, CORES was designated Spain’s central stockholding entity
as defined in EU Directive 2009/119. In this capacity, it is responsible for controlling the
minimum stockholding obligations as well as for verifying operators’ obligations to diversify
their natural gas supplies.
Regulatory framework
The gas security framework in Spain is based on national and European legislation. At the
national level, the Hydrocarbon Law of 1998 and Royal Decree 1714/2004 established the
basis for natural gas security of supply. The main measures to safeguard the security of
gas supply are:
The obligation to diversify the supply of natural gas: When the supplies of natural gas for
national consumption from the same origin country are higher than 50% of national
consumption, then shippers or self-consumers that have a share of imports higher than
7% must diversify their portfolios in order to have gas supplies lower than 50% from that
origin country.
Stockholding obligations on natural gas operator: The shippers and self-supplied
consumers must maintain at all times natural gas stocks equalling 20 days of firm sales or
consumption during the preceding calendar year (firm sales are supplies that cannot be
interrupted, for either commercial or technical reasons). The stocks must be kept in
underground storage. The government assumes control of the strategic stocks in
emergency situations.
As an additional measure, the Spanish administration enforces a Winter Action Plan, which
lays out additional requirements for shippers from 1 November to 31 March in accordance
with the Gas System Technical Management Rules. The Winter Action Plan is approved
on a yearly basis by the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mining at MITERD and
includes additional minimum stocks levels (3.5 days of contracted LNG capacity between
1 November and 31 March), a method to predict the increase of demand in case of a cold
spell and a cold spell definition.
Furthermore, the Spanish natural gas system is based on the System Technical
Management Rules, with a procedure to cope with exceptional situations that may affect
the operation of the system. The system operator (Enagás) is responsible for putting this
procedure into practice, declaring the level of emergency and co-ordinating the actions of
system users.
LNG also plays an important role in bolstering Spain’s supply of gas security as it provides
a high degree of flexibility and source diversification. Moreover, the geographic location of
Spain, with access to both the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, increases the scope of
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available LNG sources, allowing gas suppliers to import gas from virtually any LNG
producing country. Moreover, LNG also serves as a competition driver, enabling
newcomers to access the wholesale market and introduce gas in the Spanish network via
spot sales.
At the European level, EU Regulation 2017/1938 establishes provisions to safeguard the
security of gas supply in the European Union by ensuring the proper and continuous
functioning of the internal market in natural gas. It allows for exceptional measures to be
implemented when the market can no longer deliver the gas supplies required, including
solidarity measures of last resort with neighbouring countries. It also provides a clear
definition and attribution of responsibilities among natural gas undertakings, member
states and the European Union regarding both preventive action and reaction to concrete
disruptions of gas supply. Spain is currently working with France and Portugal to create a
Solidarity Agreement on Natural Gas.
To ensure maximum preparedness, avoid a disruption of gas supply and mitigate its effects
should it nevertheless occur, EU Regulation 2017/1938 also establishes that member
states have to elaborate national risk assessments, preventive action plans and
emergency plans at least every four years.
In addition, the regulation created risk groups, based on the main gas supply sources and
routes. These risk groups serve as the basis for strengthening regional co-operation in
order to increase the security of gas supply and make it possible to conclude agreements
on appropriate and effective cross-border measures of all interested member states within
risk groups or outside of them along the emergency supply corridors.
Risk assessments
Spain has co-ordinated the elaboration of the Algeria Risk Assessment and has
participated in the Norway Risk Assessment. The conclusions from the Algerian risk group
indicate strong resilience, even in the event of a complete interruption of Algeria's gas
supply (including LNG), an unlikely event.
Spain submitted the National Risk Assessment and the Preventive Action Plan and the
Emergency Plan for the period 2019-2023 to the European Commission as required under
EU Regulation 2017/1938.
In the Spanish system, the infrastructure with the greatest send out capacity to the network
is the regasification plant in Barcelona, with a send out capacity, regasification and cistern
load of 559 GWh/day (48.1 mcm/day). Under the N-1 formula, applied to the Spanish gas
system, the risk assessment obtained results of over 123%, in accordance with the
demand and infrastructure scenarios forecast for four winters.
A number of other risks were analysed, including disruption to other LNG terminals and
main interconnectors, though none presented problems to gas supply to protected
customers. The greatest potential risk identified for the Spanish gas system is the total
failure of the main supplier (Algeria), whose gas deliveries into the Spanish gas system
accounted for 48% of the total in 2017, 9% less than in 2016 (even though such a failure
has never occurred, even during the period of instability in Algeria during the 1990s). Risks
are further minimised by the growing liquidity and flexibility of the global gas market, the
capacity for LNG supplies into the Spanish gas system, supply diversification available to
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marketers, and the renewal or renegotiation of contracts to make their clauses more
flexible and to contemplate spot contracts.
Preventive measures outlined in the Preventive Action Plan, in addition to the obligation to
diversify natural gas imports, stockholding obligations and the Winter Outlook Plan, include
investments in gas infrastructure, flexibility of entry points, interruptible contracts, fuel
switching at power plants and greater use of renewable sources, among others.
Emergency response
The emergency response measures of the Spanish gas system are described in detail in
the Emergency Plan. In accordance with EU Regulation 2017/1938, there are at least three
crisis levels: early warning, alert and emergency. Each one adopts different emergency
response measures. Early warning measures include modifications of shipping schedules
and optimising logistics at LNG terminals. Alert level measures include application of
interruptible contracts and fuel switching at power plants, notably greater use of renewable
energy sources. Emergency level measures include temporary interventions in the gas
market, use of emergency natural gas stocks, suspension of rights to access facilities and
government authorisation of natural gas sales abroad.
Additionally, other measures included in the Emergency Plan are interruption of natural
gas supply to certain consumers and the use of strategic stocks. The priority of gas supply
follows this order: 1) protected customers, including households; 2) consumers who are
not industrial or protected customers; and 3) industrial consumers with firm supply,
including power plants.
The Spanish gas system went through major changes from the beginning of the 2000s,
with rapidly increasing demand and the construction of new infrastructure, followed by a
substantial decline in demand due to the economic crisis starting in 2008. In 2012,
construction of new infrastructure was stopped. Gas demand reached a low point in 2014,
with consumption of 300 TWh (27.2 bcm), but since then demand has gradually grown to
400 TWh (35.4 bcm) in 2019. Gas demand has, however, not rebounded to the levels seen
before the economic crisis, or to the levels that were expected when the expansion of the
system was planned. Thus, the system has abundant capacity both in terms of supply
options and transmission capacity across the country.
Spain has very little indigenous production; 99% of gas supply is imported. The Spanish
gas system has numerous supply options through both pipelines and especially through
LNG terminals, which enhance its security of supply. Utilisation of the country’s LNG
terminals in 2019 ranged between 15% and 77%. The capacities of the interconnectors
with France and Algeria have been contracted close to their nameplate capacity (84% and
82%, respectively), while the capacity with Morocco has been contracted at 56% of
nominal capacity. In 2019, the average actual utilisation level of the firm entry capacity with
Algeria was around 66%, while that with France was just below 60% (peak utilisation levels
have been considerably higher than those levels, at close to 100%). As such, the Spanish
gas system currently has plenty of supply options.
In spite of the high utilisation rate on the interconnectors between France and Spain, there
is remaining capacity that is not contracted or utilised to its full potential. The current
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capacity between Spain and France is partly firm and partly interruptible. The uncontracted
capacity is interruptible, which makes it less attractive to shippers.
There are 7.9 million gas consumers in Spain, with stable growth of about 1% per year in
the number of consumers over the last few years. Since 2014, there has been a reduction
in the number of consumers who are under the “last-resort price”; their share has fallen,
from 25% in 2014 to 19.9% in 2019, which is still relatively high. The last-resort price is set
in line with the market price and does not entail subsidies to the consumer. In 2018, a
thermal social bond was established, which is an economic aid to vulnerable consumers.
In 2019, 1 million customers were eligible for the BST, and this number increased to
1.27 million in 2020.
According to the NECP, gas demand is targeted to decrease by about 8-9% in the coming
ten years (flat from 2015 levels). There is, therefore, no need for further expansion of gas
infrastructure. While annual gas consumption is not expected to change much, electricity
security in Spain will rely on gas emergency stocks and a flexible gas system. Electricity
security will especially rely on the flexibility of gas-fired combined cycle power plants, as
they can balance the variability of future renewable electricity production, supported by
demand response and interconnections to neighbouring countries. Therefore, the security
of supply of the gas system and the electricity system are closely interlinked, and will
become more so in the coming years.
During the last five years, the emphasis has been on ensuring sustainable financing of the
gas system, following reforms in 2014. The overall balance between income and costs in
the Spanish gas system has gone from a substantial deficit of over EUR 1 billion in 2014
to surpluses in both 2018 and 2019. The remuneration methodologies for gas transport
and access to the system have been modified to ensure that deficits are reduced.
There have been positive developments in the liberalisation of the Spanish gas market
over the last years. The number of registered traders has increased, from 150 in 2016 to
198 in 2019. A similar and even more positive development occurred in the MIBGAS
market, where the number of active traders has more than doubled since 2016 and
surpassed 100 in 2019. Trade on the MIBGAS platform has been enhanced by the use of
voluntary market makers in 2017, and from 2018 onwards the incumbent shippers have
been acting as mandatory market makers. From 2018 to 2019, traded volumes doubled,
and now comprise 12.5% of annual consumption. This development is very positive, but
there is still room for improvement. To this end, the decision to extend the organised gas
market to include Portugal is a good one, and should be implemented as soon as possible.
The recent establishment of a single virtual LNG point and a single virtual storage point in
the Spanish market system are also welcome improvements to the setup of the market.
However, market concentration is still high in the Spanish market, with the four largest
companies covering more than 60% of the market.
In July 2020, the government started to offer capacity in Spain’s LNG terminals via an
auction system. For the year 2021, 90% of the capacity was offered to the market, while
50% of the capacity in the following 15 years (2022-36) was offered. In 2021, 40% of the
remaining 2022 capacity will be offered to the market, and likewise in the following years.
The last 10% of available capacity will be offered on a monthly market, one month before
usage, throughout 2021 and until 2036. There are some restrictions on reselling the
auction capacity bought at a premium, but if the capacity cannot be resold, it can be
returned to the seller. In the coming years, it will be important to ensure that there is
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maximum flexibility when it comes to utilising capacity. Reviewing the system in order to
ensure this could therefore be beneficial.
There is very little renewable gas in the Spanish gas system. Currently only one large
landfill gas plant produces biomethane that is injected into the system, accounting for
92 GWh/year. Besides that, biogas is directly used for electricity production, with a total
installed capacity of 234 MW, and 55 ktoe/year is used for thermal uses. The government
is developing a Biogas Roadmap, which will include an assessment of the potential for
biogas in Spain, and for biogas to be upgraded to biomethane and injected into the gas
Likewise, a draft road map for hydrogen was released in October 2020. It includes
provisions to review what is necessary for the injection and use of hydrogen in the natural
gas networks looking at both storage and adaptation needs in gas transport and usage
Given Spain’s ambitious carbon reduction targets, timely issuance and execution of the
road maps will help clarify the role that these renewable gases will play in the Spanish
The government of Spain should:
Closely monitor developments in the gas sector to ensure that the sector continues to
deliver the flexibility needed to support security of electricity supply in the coming
Further develop the MIBGAS market, including the integration of Portugal into the
market as soon as possible.
Quickly finish and execute the envisaged road maps for biogas and hydrogen to
develop the potential for sustainable green gases (biomethane and hydrogen), and
their injection, transportation and storage in the gas system, where technically feasible.
Work on maintaining firm capacity in both directions on the border with France.
Develop new measures to deter speculative hoarding of LNG capacity and other gas
infrastructure without hindering resale of capacity to ensure maximum utilisation.
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Endesa (2020), “The last resort rate (TUR) for gas”, Endesa,
EC (European Commission) (2020), Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe) (2021), Aggregated LNG Storage Inventory,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021a), “World energy statistics”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
IEA (2021b), Energy Prices and Taxes 2020 (database),
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11. Oil
Key data
crude oil production: 49 thousand barrels per day (kb/d), +101% since 2009
et imports of crude oil:
1 336 kb/d, +18% since 2009
Domestic oil products
production: 1 353 kb/d, +14% since 2009
exports of oil products: 56 kb/d (net importer at 286 kb/d in 2009)
Share of oil:
48% total supply (total energy supply and international bunker fuels),
51% total
final consumption
, 5% in electricity generation
Oil consumption by sector:
1 295 kb/d (domestic transport 51
%, international
18%, industry including non-energy consumption 13%, services and
5%, residential 4%, energy sector including power generation 4%)
Imports of crude oil include crude oil, natural gas liquids and feedstock.
Total energy supply does not include oil used for international bunkering.
Spain is almost entirely dependent on crude oil imports as domestic oil production is
marginal; however, security of supply in the country is high thanks to robust infrastructure,
including multiple oil terminals, an impressive pipeline network and a refining industry with
capacity exceeding domestic demand.
Oil remains the largest energy source in Spain’s total final consumption (TFC), at 51%,
and the largest in total supply,
at 48% in 2019. These high shares have slowly diminished
over the past few years; oil constituted 54% of total supply in 2000 and 52% in 2009, while
TFC for oil was 61% in 2000 and 56% in 2009.
Domestic transport is the most important energy-consuming sector in Spain and has been
the main cause of fluctuations in oil consumption. Transport contributes heavily to
greenhouse gas emissions (27% of the total in 2016) (EC, 2020). The transport sector
decreased its oil consumption from 2007 to 2013, but it increased again thereafter.
However, the transport sector is expected to be the second-largest contributor (just after
Total supply includes total energy supply and international bunker fuels.
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11. OIL
electricity and heat generation) for Spain to reach its climate goals. According to the
National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), by 2030, total oil consumption in the country
will see a 23% drop, which will support expected emissions cuts from the transport sector
of 31% over the next decade. The transport sector is also the most important consumer of
diesel fuel. Spain expects to deploy up to 5 million electric vehicles by 2030, which would
have a significant impact on the oil sector as a whole.
Spain has eight refineries producing fuels, with a processing capacity of 1.59 mb/d
(79 million tonnes per year), with seven installations located close to seaports, thus
benefiting from easy access to seaborne crude. Spain has been a net exporter of oil
products since 2012, reflecting output from its refineries that exceeds its oil products
demand, particularly in jet and kerosene and gasoline. However, demand for diesel oil is
greater than refinery output.
Supply and demand
Oil accounted for almost half of Spain’s energy supply at 48% (including international
bunker fuels) in 2019 (Figure 11.1). Its share in electricity generation was quite low,
however, with a steady decline from 10% in 2000 to 5% in 2019. Oil accounted for 61% of
Spain’s TFC in 2000, but fell to 51% in 2019. Oil in domestic total energy production has
been negligible, at close to 1% in 2019.
Figure 11.1 Share of oil in energy production, total energy supply, electricity and
total final consumption in Spain, 2000-19
The share of oil in Spain’s total supply, electricity generation and TFC decreased over the
2000-19 period.
* Total supply: share of oil in total energy supply + international bunker fuels.
Note: TFC = total final consumption.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Since 2007, oil consumption has decreased gradually in absolute terms, although it has
grown slightly again since 2013 (Figure 11.2). Domestic transport remains the most
important consumer of oil, accounting for 654.5 thousand barrels per day (kb/d) in 2019,
or 51% of total oil consumption. International bunkers are the second-largest consumers
of oil (18% in 2019) at 233.8 kb/d, followed by industry (163.5 kb/d, 13% in 2019), other
energy (77.7 kb/d, 6%), services (70.2 kb/d, 5%), residential (54.3 kb/d, 4%), and power
Domestic energy production Total supply* Electricity generation TFC
Share of oil
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and heat generation (48.8 kb/d, 4%). In the past decade, oil consumption has decreased
the most significantly in power and heat generation (-35%), the residential sector (-31%),
and the industry sector (-30%).
Figure 11.2 Oil consumption in Spain by sector, 2000-19
Domestic transport followed by international bunkers account for the largest shares of oil
* Services/other includes commercial and public services, agriculture and forestry, fishing, and non-energy use.
Note: kb/d = thousand barrels per day.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Spain is almost entirely reliant on crude oil imports and has increased its total imports
progressively since 2011, reaching 1 394.5 kb/d in 2019, with a small but notable reduction
of 3% from 2018. However, the country has also increased its crude oil exports since 2012,
to 58.2 kb/d in 2019 (Figure 11.3) and, as a result, net imports of oil stood at 1 336.4 kb/d
in 2019.
Spain imports from a variety of countries and regions (Figure 11.3). Nigeria was the largest
net exporter of crude oil to Spain at 226 kb/d in 2019, a consistent increase from 154 kb/d
in 2000. In 2019, Spain also registered net imports of crude oil of 191 kb/d from Mexico
and 166 kb/d from Saudi Arabia. Additionally, Spain started importing crude oil from
Kazakhstan in 2010 at 12.9 kb/d, with fluctuating quantities over the past decade, rising to
79 kb/d in 2019.
Spain also registered small amounts of net exports of crude oil, natural gas liquids and
feedstock in 2019, totalling 58 kb/d, of which 11 kb/d went to Brazil, 9 kb/d to the
United States, 8 kb/d to Belgium, 6 kb/d to the Netherlands, and 1 kb/d to Japan and the
People’s Republic of China each.
1 000
1 200
1 400
1 600
1 800
Other energy
Electricity and heat generation
International bunkers
Domestic transport
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Figure 11.3 Spain’s crude oil net imports, 2000-19
Spain’s crude oil imports are well diversified, with Nigeria, Mexico and Saudi Arabia being the
main import sources in 2019.
Notes: kb/d = thousand barrels per day. Crude oil data include crude oil, natural gas liquids and feedstock.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
In terms of oil products, Spain has ramped up its exports over the past decade, turning to
a net exporter since 2012 (Figure 11.4). Total net trade in Spain was 26 kb/d in 2012 and
55 kb/d in 2019, an increase of over 200%. In 2019, its largest total export markets for oil
products were Morocco (55 kb/d), the United States (45 kb/d), France (44 kb/d), Portugal
(34 kb/d) and Italy (28 kb/d). Spain also imported oil products in 2019 from Italy (60 kb/d),
the United States (55 kb/d), Portugal (21 kb/d), France (17 kb/d) and Saudi Arabia
(12 kb/d).
Figure 11.4 Spain’s oil products imports and exports by country, 2000-19
After its shift from being a net importer of oil products to a net exporter in 2012, Spain’s largest
net exporting markets for oil products were Morocco and France in 2019.
Note: kb/d = thousand barrels per day.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
1 000
1 200
1 400
1 600
Saudi Arabia
Total net trade
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Saudi Arabia
United States
Total net trade
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Net exports
Net imports
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In 2019, refinery output in Spain equalled 1 357 kb/d, above its overall oil products demand
of 1 328 kb/d the same year (Figure 11.5). Spain’s oil products demand surpassed its
production in gas/diesel oil, where demand was at 645 kb/d and output at 552 kb/d.
However, refinery output exceeded demand for the following products: gasoline, jet and
kerosene, and other products.
Figure 11.5 Spain’s oil refinery output and demand, 2019
Spain is self-sufficient in gasoline, jet and kerosene, and other oil products but remains reliant
on imports for its diesel oil consumption.
Notes: LPG = liquid petroleum gas. kb/d = thousand barrels per day.
Source: IEA (2021b), Monthly Oil Data Service,
Spain’s refinery output is predominantly composed of gas/diesel oil, motor gasoline and
kerosene. In 2019, annual output was 552 kb/d, 210 kb/d and 223 kb/d, respectively, for a
total of 1 357 kb/d of oil products produced (Figure 11.6). Fuel oil production fell from
231 kb/d in 2000 to 89 kb/d in 2019. Kerosene production was as low as 85 kb/d in 2000
and increased continuously over the period.
Figure 11.6 Spain’s oil refinery output, 2000-19
Diesel oil and motor gasoline have consistently been the main products from Spain’s oil
Note: kb/d = thousand barrels per day.
Source: IEA (2021a), IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Other products
Residual fuels
Gas/diesel oil
Jet and kerosene
LPG and ethane
Refinery output
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1 000
1 200
1 400
1 600
Other products
Fuel oil
Liquefied petroleum gases
Motor gasoline excl bio
Gas/diesel oil excl bio
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As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for oil products shrunk during the
confinement period. In April 2020, oil products demand fell by 51% on average compared
to April 2019. The most significant decrease in sales was observed in kerosene (-93%),
followed by gasoline (-78%) and diesel oil (-42%). One refinery (Tarragona) also stopped
operations for 21 days in April and May 2020 to reduce market oversupply.
Oil market structure
The Spanish oil wholesale market is fully open to competition. Imports, exports, trade and
prices are set on the free market. The government intervenes only to protect competition
and to avoid abuse of a dominant position. The wholesale market is carried out by agents
who supply retailers, who in turn supply final consumers. It also includes the direct sale of
fuels to commercial or industrial customers. The companies that operate in wholesale
markets are either the oil companies that own the refineries (producer operators) or
wholesale fuel operators who import products or buy them from another operator
(non-producer operators), and sell them for retail distribution. However, due to the market
structure and the traditionally dominant role of the largest operators, the wholesale market
is highly concentrated. At the end of 2020, there were more than 90 wholesale operators,
out of which the 3 biggest companies controlled over 50% of the market (Repsol, Cepsa
and BP).
Similarly, the Spanish retail market is also fully open to competition, and trade and prices
are set freely. At the end of 2020, Spain had close to 11 700 filling stations, an increase of
10% from the end of 2013. The retail network has been rather concentrated in the hands
of integrated oil companies, such as Repsol, Cepsa, BP and GALP, but their market share
has decreased from 55% in 2013 to 47% in 2020. In March 2020, 31% of the stations were
dealer owned and dealer operated, a significant reduction from 39% in 2013. Competition
in the retail market was reinforced by Law 11/2013, which strengthened the role of Spain's
National Authority for Markets and Competition (CNMC) in the oil retail market. It also
regulated clauses in exclusive contracts between retailers and major operators, simplified
administrative procedures to set up new filling stations, and capped the market share of
operators at 30% of sales in any province or island.
Oil market policies
The NECP specifies measures to support achieving its objective of reducing oil
consumption by 2030 by 23% compared to 2015 levels and a 31% emissions reduction
target for the transportation sector. They include promoting advanced biofuels in transport,
moving road freight and passenger transport to railways, boosting the deployment of
electric vehicles, as well as promoting modal and alternative transport means.
From an upstream perspective, Spain’s domestic crude oil production has been in a steady
decline in recent years, making the country almost entirely dependent on imports.
Commensurate with the decline, exploration and production activity (E&P) has also slowed
considerably, with no new projects announced in many years. Moreover, the draft Bill on
Climate Change and Energy Transition forbids new E&P projects across Spain, including
offshore projects (Magnus Commodities, 2020).
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Given the complexity of the challenges that mobility and transport will face in fulfilling
Spain’s oil reduction target as set in the NECP, the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility
and the Urban Agenda considers it imperative to establish a robust dialogue with different
stakeholders to guarantee the success of its regulatory project. It considers the following
areas as priorities for structuring future regulations, mainly via the Bill of Climate Change
and Energy Transition (Pechin, 2020):
transport taxation
financing of urban transport
subsidies and aid to transport
planning and financing of transport infrastructures
regulation to promote sustainable mobility
regulation on raising awareness and training in sustainable mobility
research and innovation in transport and mobility
regulation of logistics and urban distribution of goods
digitisation and automation of transport, including open data
improving the competitiveness of transport and other sectoral measures
instruments for governance and public participation.
In 2019, the total vehicle fleet reached 35.16 million, dominated by diesel vehicles, which
account for 51.6% (18.14 million vehicles) of the total, followed by gasoline at 47.9%
(16.86 million). Electric vehicles (EVs) accounted for a miniscule share at 0.2%
(81 316 vehicles), having grown by 57.1% from 2018. Within the electric fleet, 57% was
made up of passenger cars and light-duty cargo vehicles, and 43% by motorcycles and
The Plan MOVES I, established by Royal Decree 132/2019, and the more recent Plan
MOVES II, established by Royal Decree 569/2020, have incentivise efficient and
sustainable mobility. The measures provide economic incentives for buying electric and
fuel cell vehicles and for the installation of EV charging stations, among other measures.
According to the government’s plans, the deployment of EVs in Spain is set to surge to
5 million EVs on the roads in 2030. To develop adequate public charging infrastructure,
the Bill on Climate Change and Energy Transition makes it obligatory to install high-voltage
chargers at each petrol station with yearly sales exceeding 5 million litres of fuels.
Furthermore, the bill envisages a binding target to create low-emissions zones in all cities
of 50 000 inhabitants or more. It also assumes a 35% reduction of passenger traffic in
urban areas by 2030 and foresees a considerable shift of passenger and cargo transport
to railways. Rail transport accounted for just 4% of total passenger and cargo transport
in 2020 in Spain, while in Germany it surpassed 17%.
Among the measures of the planned regulation, the following stand out: apply green
taxation in transport; establish a financing system for public transport based on stable,
predictable and proportionate criteria; develop a governance model that allows for the
coherent design of mobility policies; steer innovation and digitisation in transport and
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logistics; and move towards a sustainable transport and mobility model. All of these efforts
combined with effective taxation of fossil fuels use (vehicle circulation tax, excise duty,
value-added tax and regional taxes), aim at disincentivising the use of fossil fuels,
especially diesel oil, and the creation of more advanced modal shifts in transport. The
government’s ambition is that in 2040, all new cars will be emissions-free vehicles, which
will entail a complete overhaul of the fleet and supporting infrastructure (EV charging,
hydrogen). The average age of a passenger car in Spain in 2020 was 12 years.
Spain has made efforts to increase the share of renewables in the transport sector. Royal
Decree 1085/2015 established targets for the proportion of biofuels consumption for the
years 2016-20 at 4.3%, 5%, 6%, 7% and 8.5%, respectively, in order to reach the
objectives of EU Directive 20098/CE. The target for 2021 was set at 9.5% and increases
to 10% for 2022. The regulation also introduced an indicative objective of 0.1% energy
content for advanced biofuels in 2020.
Obligated entities (wholesalers and retailers or consumers) in Spain may choose to fulfil
blending requirements up to 30% with certificates transferred from the previous year, or
up to 50% of the obligation can be covered with compensatory payments amounting to
EUR 763 for one certificate (1 toe of biofuels equals 1 certificate). In 2019, consumption
of biofuels in Spain amounted to 2.8 million cubic metres (m
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD) is
working to transpose the second EU Renewables Directive into Spanish legislation, which
establishes a final objective for the penetration of renewables in transport of 14% in 2030.
The NECP envisages achieving a 28% share of renewables (including electricity) in the
transport sector by 2030 (double the EU’s ambition). It foresees a greater role for biofuels
resulting from much higher blending targets, but for that to happen, the government needs
to address the issue of security of supply of biofuels. Domestic production of biofuels
currently stands at 52% of demand for bio-esters and 96% for bioethanol. Nevertheless,
only 5% of raw material for bio-esters and 21% for bioethanol production comes from
indigenous sources, while the remaining shares are imported, mostly from Indonesia.
Spain may choose to reduce import dependency of biofuels by increasing domestic
production of hydrotreated vegetable oil and advanced biojet fuel from wastes and used
cooking oil at refineries, which will anyway have to gradually reduce throughputs of crude
in the years to come in line with falling demand.
Prices and taxation
Fuel prices in Spain are below the IEA average in general. Automotive diesel was priced
at 1.23 USD/L (tax share of 53%) during the third quarter of 2020, and is the 14th lowest
among IEA countries (Figure 11.7).
Unleaded gasoline was priced at 1.36 USD/L during the same period, and was the 11th
lowest among IEA countries, with the share of taxes at 58% (Figure 11.8).
Light fuel oil was at 0.63 USD/L with a relatively high tax share at 35%, and ranked eighth
lowest among IEA member countries (Figure 11.9).
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Article 38 of Law 34/1998 on the Hydrocarbons Sector (Government of Spain, 2020a)
establishes that oil products prices in Spain are freely established by retailers and
operators. However, there are some exceptions included in the law that apply to prices of
specific formats of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG). These are: LPG in bottles of 8-20 kg,
excluding LPG for motor vehicles; LPG in individual tanks for end users; and LPG in bulk
purchases for LPG distributors.
Due to low taxes on LPG, Spain has seen rather significant development of personal cars
and light-duty vehicle conversions to LPG in recent years, leading to the opening of
700 new LPG filling stations in 2019.
The Spanish administration has also launched a website on which customers can verify
fuel prices across the country in real time
. There are plans to include hydrogen and EV
charging prices to this system, adding to market transparency and the promotion of green
The subsidies and incentives for consumption of oil products in Spain are described in
Law 38/1992 on Special Taxes (Government of Spain, 2020b). Aside from the LPG pricing
exceptions described above, subsidies are divided into three categories:
tax exemptions for gasoil used in electricity production and other uses such as navigation
and rail transport, kerosene for air transport, and fuel oil for electricity production
tax reductions for gasoil for some engine types (including farm tractors)
partial tax refunds for road transport activities including freight transport, taxis and some
regular passenger transport as well as for agriculture and farmers.
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Figure 11.7 Price comparison for automotive diesel in the IEA, Q3 2020
Figure 11.8 Price comparison for unleaded gasoline in the IEA, Q3 2020
Figure 11.9 Price comparison for light fuel oil in the IEA, Q3 2020
Automotive diesel, unleaded gasoline and light fuel oil prices in Spain are below most IEA
Notes: Automotive diesel data are not available for Mexico. Unleaded gasoline data are unavailable for Japan and
Mexico. Light fuel oil data are unavailable for Australia, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, the
Slovak Republic and Sweden.
Source: IEA (2020c), Energy Prices and Taxes Third Quarter 2020 (database),
The subsidies for oil products in 2019 amounted to an estimated EUR 1 087 billion, close
to 50% of which went to the farming sector in the form of subsidies for fuel used for
Tax component
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Tax component
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Tax component
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agricultural production (agriculture fuel is available at separate filling stations, which are
not evenly accessible throughout the country); an additional one-fourth were tax
exemptions for kerosene used in air transport (Congress of Deputies, 2020).
Oil infrastructure
Pipelines and storage
Spain enjoys a unique oil infrastructure system with wide geographic and interconnecting
coverage, including 11 oil port terminals, an extensive network of pipelines and storage
capacity connected to refineries. The system is owned and operated by the CLH Group
(Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos). CLHs liquid hydrocarbons transport and storage
network has 4 006 km of product pipelines (the biggest civil pipeline network in western
Europe) and 39 storage facilities, with a total capacity of 7.9 million m
, in addition to
storage facilities at 37 Spanish airports. It links the 8 peninsular refineries and the main
import ports with 39 storage plants of the companies that serve the mainland. Even though
the system is owned by CLH, third-party access is guaranteed to both logistics and storage
facilities by means of a negotiated procedure; in addition, the prices charged must be made
public. Spain has the highest rate of inland oil transportation via pipelines, with 90% of
primary transport using the network (compared to 11% in Germany that has a similar
pipeline system length).
The Spanish storage system is a competitive market with growing capacity and many
players. There are 41 companies offering storage services in Spain in over 138 sites
(including airports), some of which are subsidiary companies of oil operators. Most of the
storage sites, including the largest ones, are connected to the CLH pipeline network. Total
storage capacity in 2019 was around 29.2 million m
(or 184 million barrels [mb]). Coastal
refineries are the main sites for crude imports and storage. These refineries also import a
substantial share of refined products through nearby ports. Total on-site storage capacity
at the country’s refineries amounts to 8.1 million m
(above 54 mb). The remaining volumes
of refined products are imported directly to inland storage facilities.
Spain has a large and relatively complex refining industry, with eight refineries to produce
oil products and another one (ASESA, owned by Repsol and Cepsa) for the treatment of
heavy crudes to produce asphaltic or paving bitumen. Additionally, the Cepsa refinery in
Tenerife stopped distillation activities in 2018, but has served as a storage site to secure
undisrupted supplies for the Balearic Islands. Repsol has five refineries (Bilbao-Petronor,
Cartagena, La Coruña, Puertollano and Tarragona), Cepsa has two (Algeciras and
Huelva) and BP has one (in Castellon). The total nameplate capacity is 1.59 mb/d
(79 million tonnes per year) and the average utilisation rate reached 84.2% in 2019, slightly
lower than in the previous year (88.0%). Eight of the nine refineries are located on the
coast and easily supplied by ship. Only Repsol’s Puertollano refinery is located inland and
supplied with crude oil by a 358 km pipeline linked to the port and refinery in Cartagena.
In view of the NECP’s plans, refineries will have to face a major transformation of their
business activities due to a foreseen sharp reduction of oil consumption in the country.
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Figure 11.10 Map of the Spanish oil infrastructure
Source: Spanish administration’s response to the IEA questionnaire.
Oil emergency policies and organisation
Spain has a robust and proven system of oil emergency preparedness based on a
stockholding obligation for public and private entities (see next section), high-quality data
and accuracy of market data reporting, regularly conducted emergency response
exercises, and strong institutions. Maintaining this system is key to ensuring the
emergency response capabilities of the country, especially in anticipation of profound
changes to oil consumption over the next decade.
Law 34/1998 on the Hydrocarbons Sector, along with Royal Decree 1716/2004 regulating
the obligation to maintain minimum security stocks, the diversification of natural gas
supplies and the Corporation of Strategic Reserves of Oil Products (CORES), as amended
by Royal Decree 984/2015, constitute the two most important pieces of legislation. They
provide the Spanish government with powers to guarantee that oil stocks in the country
are sufficient to meet the IEA’s and EU’s requirements and that it can draw stocks in case
of a domestic or international emergency.
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Within MITERD, the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines is ultimately
responsible for managing the oil security of the country.
The Spanish National Emergency Strategy Organisation is part of the country’s general
emergency structure: the National Security System. According to the National Energy
Security Strategy of 2015, the National Emergency Strategy Organisation reports to the
National Security Council of Spain, which is the highest decision-making body of the
National Security System and the principal advisory body used by the Prime Minister for
considerations of national security and foreign policy issues. Oil emergencies fall into the
category of national security matters according to these provisions.
In December 2013, CORES was appointed central stockholding entity as defined in EU
Directive 2009/119/EC. The agency’s foremost activity is to set, maintain and manage
strategic stocks of crude oil and oil products. CORES is a non-profit public corporation
under the aegis of MITERD. It is a separate legal entity, operating under private law.
CORES finances its activities by collecting a periodic fee from operators, distributors and
consumers obliged to keep security stocks (collected monthly).
CORES is also responsible for data collection of the hydrocarbons sector in Spain,
providing comprehensive data and analysis to the government, market stakeholders and
international institutions, including the IEA and Eurostat. The agency’s digital data
platform, InfoCores, is accessible by all market participants and allows gathering and
processing market data without delays.
In case of an oil supply disruption, the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines,
together with CORES, plays a major role by providing technical support between the
administration and industry to smoothly co-ordinate emergency stocks releases. In case
of a disruption, CORES’ Contingency Plan, a document of more than 200 pages, serves
as a manual to help guide the decision-making process. It comprises procedures, draft
decisions, contact details and specificities of the stockholding system. It was developed
in 2018 through co-operation with all companies and the ministry. The document is
In 2018, Spain also concluded a first draft of the updated Handbook for Stocks Release in
case of an emergency, with the objective of making it suitable for new market conditions
as well as to review procedures and protocols and include new useful content (the previous
update was in 2015 with minor changes and the preceding one was in 2011). The new
draft distinguishes primarily between national and international crises.
Spain has also approved a confidential document entitled “Demand Restriction Measures
Plan against Oil Market Crisis”, in co-ordination with other relevant ministries. The plan
defines several scenarios based on previous security of supply crises, such as Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita, the Iraq war and the Gulf Crisis in 1991, as well as local supply disruption
scenarios. It constitutes an additional set of measures to react to oil supply distortions.
CORES, in collaboration with MITERD, has to date carried out four national emergency
exercises: in October 2013, October 2015, January 2018 and November 2019. Following
previous recommendations from the IEA, the objective of these exercises was to assess
the Spanish oil market resilience in case of a supply disruption.
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Emergency oil stocks
The Law on Hydrocarbons sets a maximum level of emergency stocks of 120 days of
annual imports or consumption of crude oil and/or oil products. It also specifies that the
minimum level of oil stocks should correspond to at least 92 days of sales or consumption
in the previous year. In addition, companies active in the LPG sector are obliged to store
20 days of stocks of this fuel.
The minimum obligation of 92 days is split between CORES, which is responsible for
maintaining strategic stocks to the tune of 42 days, and industry, which has an obligation
of 50 days. Industry maintains the so-called minimum security stocks and CORES
oversees the strategic (public) stocks. The industry can request CORES to maintain
additional days up to 100% of a given company’s obligation in exchange for a fee and
according to storage availability. CORES does not maintain stocks of LPG; the full
obligation in this regard lies with the industry. CORES is also responsible for monitoring
compliance with the minimum stock levels of industry for oil, LPG and natural gas.
CORES owns 7.3 million m
of oil strategic stocks, which are held in the form of diesel oil
(54%), crude oil (31%), gasoline (8%), and the remainder in kerosene and fuel oil,
reflecting the country’s consumption. Strategic stocks are distributed in five areas based
on the consumption needs of each region: 50% of stocks are held in the eastern region,
17% in central region, 15% in the northern and 14% in southern regions of the country.
Almost 95% of CORES’ stocks are held mostly within the oil and logistic operators’
facilities, whether separated or commingled, according to storage agreements, as well as
in its own facilities at the Puertollano and Cartagena refineries.
The industry-obligated stocks are composed of middle distillates (42%), crude oil (25%),
gasoline (10%), fuel oil (9%) and other legally permitted oil products. Industry’s stocks may
be held outside of Spanish territory up to a level of 40% of a given company’s obligation,
but not exceeding 15% of the country’s total stocks. Holding stocks abroad is allowed only
in those countries with which the government has concluded intergovernmental
agreements. In 2019, 96% of industry stocks were held within the national territory.
As of end October 2020, Spain had a stock level equivalent to 115 days of the country’s
net imports, exceeding the IEA’s 90-day requirements (Figure 11.11). Industry stocks
accounted for 71 days, while public stocks totalled 44 days. Stocks held abroad amounted
to two days. Spain’s emergency stocks have consistently been above the IEA 90-day
requirement in past years.
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Figure 11.11 Spanish oil stocks, as of end November 2020
Spain’s emergency stocks have consistently been above the IEA requirements in recent
Source: IEA (2021b), Monthly Oil Data Service,
The Spanish oil sector is entering a period of profound transformation due to the
implementation of the country’s NECP. The transport sector, which accounts for over 50%
of the country’s total oil consumption and 80% of diesel oil use, is expected to be the
second-largest contributor for reaching the climate objectives as set in the NECP, just after
power generation. The NECP envisages achieving a 28% share of renewables (including
electricity) in the transport sector by 2030 (double the EU’s ambition in this regard),
increasing from today’s 7%; and a 23% reduction in total oil consumption, which will
support expected emissions cuts from the transport sector by 31% over the next decade.
Although the NECP’s objectives have not yet been transposed into binding domestic
legislation, all market stakeholders are advanced in preparing for the swift transformation.
In fact, refiners see new business opportunities in pursuing energy efficiency, producing
green hydrogen and eco fuels. As efforts that companies will have to make could
jeopardise market stability, the Spanish government can be commended for providing very
clear communication on its climate objectives thus far.
Consumption of oil in Spain has been on a slow but steady rise since 2013 and amounted
to 1 295.1 kb/d in 2019. In 2019, oil accounted for 48% of Spain’s total energy supply and
51% of total final energy consumption. With very insignificant domestic oil production, the
country is over 99% reliant on oil imports, which stood at 1 336.4 kb/d in 2019.
Spain’s refining sector is large and relatively complex. Out of nine functioning refineries
with nameplate processing capacity of 1.59 mb/d (an increase of 9% since 2014), five are
operated by the country’s largest oil company, Repsol, while two belong to Cepsa and one
to BP. With the exception of one refinery in Puertollano, all installations are located close
to seaports, thus benefiting from easy access to seaborne crude. In 2019, close to 42% of
the country’s 1 357 kb/d of oil of refinery output was diesel oil.
Abroad public
Abroad industry
Industry domestic
Public domestic
IEA 90-day
IEA. All rights reserved.
Days of net import
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11. OIL
The Spanish wholesale and retail oil markets are fully open to competition. Imports,
exports, trade and prices are set on the free market. However, due to the market’s structure
and the traditionally important role of the biggest operators, both the wholesale and retail
markets are highly concentrated. Out of the 90 wholesale operators, the 3 biggest
companies control 50% of the market. Similarly, the first four operators in the retail market
control around 60% of petrol stations. The IEA commends the government of Spain for
reducing market concentration since the last in-depth review thanks to actions led by the
CNMC. The CNMC has strictly observed provisions abolishing pricing agreements of
dealer owned and dealer operated service stations and prevented market dominance by
restricting retail concentration to a maximum of 30% of sales by one operator in a given
administrative region. Access to the market for new entrants is also simplified with
third-party access rights to the infrastructure and publicly known pricing for their services.
Fuel prices in Spain are below the IEA average due to relatively low taxation. There are
also regulated prices that apply only to specific formats of LPG, which is treated in the
country as an alternative to natural gas for heating and cooking, notably in areas where
the natural gas network is unavailable, such as islands and rural areas. Tax exemptions
are granted for some types of diesel oil consumption, including for agriculture, road freight
and taxi services, and the government will have to review these provisions to promote
alternative fuels.
Mandatory blending targets for biofuels were introduced into Spanish law in 2015 with an
initial goal of 4.3% for 2016. Since then, the government has made significant progress by
steadily expanding the target, which stands at 10% for the year 2022. As of January 2021,
MITERD has assumed the role of biofuel certification body (previously exercised by the
CNMC) to ensure both timely implementation of blending targets and the development of
a certificates scheme. Although the NECP envisages a greater role for biofuels to achieve
the NECP’s target of 28% of renewables in the transport sector by 2030, only 5% of raw
material for bio-esters and 21% for bioethanol production comes from indigenous sources;
the remaining shares are imported.
According to the government’s plans, the deployment of electric vehicles in Spain is set to
surge to 5 million EVs on the roads in 2030. In 2019, the total vehicle fleet in Spain passed
35 million and was dominated by diesel vehicles, accounting for 51.6% of the total. EVs
accounted for a small share at 0.2%. Tools to support purchases of EVs are being
implemented, but will require further enhancement, mainly as they relate to charging and
related infrastructure throughout the country to support attainment of the targets.
Spain has a robust and proven system of oil emergency preparedness, based on a
stockholding obligation, high-quality data and accuracy of market data reporting, regularly
conducted emergency response exercises, and strong institutions. Maintaining this system
is key to ensuring Spain’s emergency response capabilities.
The minimum obligation of 92 days of oil stocks as set by the national legislation is split
between the national stockholding agency, CORES, which is responsible for maintaining
strategic stocks to the tune of 42 days, and industry, which has an obligation of 50 days.
CORES does not maintain stocks of LPG and the full obligation in this regard lies with the
industry. CORES is also responsible for monitoring compliance with the minimum stock
levels of industry for oil, LPG and natural gas.
CORES is not financed by the state budget, but instead collects revenues from market
participants to finance its stockholding, monitoring and data collection activities.
All rights reserved.
11. OIL
The revenues are collected via a fee on the monthly sales of the market participants and
therefore vary month by month. As CORES hardly has any financial buffers, the fees for
oil and gas suppliers had to be substantially increased when monthly sales considerably
dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Spain has a unique logistical system of pipelines and storages for crude oil and petroleum
products, owned and operated by the company CLH. Thanks to Europe’s second-longest
pipeline system (over 4 000 km of pipelines), 90% of oil is transported via the network,
which is the highest share among IEA countries. Pipelines connect all 8 refineries with
39 storage depots and another 37 storage sites serving main airports. The central
dispatching unit at Torrejón supports, manages and supervises the automatic systems in
all installations. According to the latest IEA data, Spain has a rather low utilisation rate of
its storage system (60% for crude oil and 68% for products).
The Spanish National Emergency Strategy Organisation is part of the country’s general
emergency structure: the National Security System. According to the National Energy
Security Strategy, the National Emergency Strategy Organisation reports to the National
Security Council, which is the highest decision-making body of the National Security
System. In case of an oil supply disruption, the Directorate General for Energy Policy and
Mines within MITERD and CORES play a major role by providing technical support to
smoothly co-ordinate emergency stock releases.
Since the last in-depth review, Spain has also updated its emergency operational
handbook (in December 2018), which together with the ministry’s Demand Restraint
Measures Plan and CORES’s Contingency Plan (all classified documents) comprise the
guidelines for acting during any kind of oil market emergency.
All of these changes will have profound effects on the level of oil stockholding, utilisation
of related infrastructure, including refineries, and may trigger a fundamental market
rearrangement. It is critically important that changes to the oil emergency system are
discussed with all stakeholders before implementation. Security of supply during the
energy transition needs to be maintained and is key for achieving its goals in an orderly
The government of Spain should:
Conduct timely dialogue with oil industry stakeholders to support their endeavours in
adapting to the changing business environment in view of implementation of the
NECP’s objectives.
Ensure effective co-ordination of implementation of the NECP with all 17 autonomous
communities to develop the infrastructure for clean alternatives for the transport sector
throughout the country.
Strengthen sustainability criteria for biofuels used in Spain and ensure sufficient
measures to increase advanced biofuels penetration.
Enhance public campaigns that promote acceptance of electric vehicles and new
commuting models in public transport.
All rights reserved.
11. OIL
Ensure the continuous operational stability of CORES, thereby providing for the stable
functioning of CORES both in normal and emergency situations.
Provide the conditions for a stable development of sustainable biofuels, with a
particular emphasis on reducing dependency on imports and promoting domestic
Congress of Deputies (2020), Memoria de Beneficios Fiscales [Tax Benefits Report],
Presupuestos Generales del Estado, Congress of Deputies, Madrid,
(accessed on 15 November 2020).
EC (European Commission) (2020), Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
Government of Spain (2020a), Law 34/1998 of 7 October of the Hydrocarbons Sector (last
modification by Law 8/2015), Official Gazette, Madrid,
Government of Spain (2020b), Law 38/1992 of 28 December on Excise Duties, Offical
Gazette, Madrid,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2021a), “World energy statistics”, IEA World Energy
Statistics and Balances (database),
IEA (2021b), Monthly Oil Data Service,
IEA (2021c), Energy Prices and Taxes Third Quarter 2020 (database),
Magnus Commodities (2020), The New Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition,
Magnus Commodities,
transition (accessed on 7 December 2020).
Pechin, S. (2020), Spain opens a participation process to draft the new Sustainable
Mobility Law, Eltis,
new-sustainable-mobility-law (accessed on 10 October 2020).
All rights reserved.
ANNEX A: Organisations visited
Review criteria
The Shared Goals, which were adopted by the IEA Ministers at their 4 June 1993 meeting in Paris, provide
the evaluation criteria for the in-depth reviews (IDRs) conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The Shared Goals are presented in Annex C.
Review team and preparation of the report
The IEA’s in-depth review team conducted a virtual review of Spain from 28 September to 9 October
2020. The team met with government officials, energy companies, interest groups, research institutions,
and other organisations and stakeholders. This report was drafted on the basis of the review team’s
preliminary assessment of the country’s energy policy and information on subsequent policy
developments from the government and private sector sources. The members of the team were:
IEA member countries
Ms. Angelina Avgeropoulou, United Kingdom (team leader)
Mr. Ignacio Perez Caldentey, European Commission
Mr. Cristina Cardoso, Portugal
Ms. Malene Hein Nybroe, Denmark
Mr. Kathrin Renz, Austria
Mr. Wieger Wiersema, Netherlands
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Mr. Hiroyuki Goto
IEA Secretariat
Mr. Simon Bennett
Mr. Aad van Bohemen
Mr. Milosz Karpinski
Mr. Luis Munuera
Ms. Divya Reddy
The team is grateful for the co-operation and assistance of the many people it met throughout the visit.
Thanks to their kind hospitality, openness and willingness to share information, the virtual visit was highly
informative, productive and enjoyable. The team expresses particular gratitude to the Ministry for the
Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge for organising the visit and for all its support
throughout the review process, especially Carlos Jose Ortiz Bermuda and Jose Luis Cabo Sánchez.
All rights reserved.
The team is also sincerely grateful to Mr. Hugo Lucas Porta, Director of Cabinet, Secretary of State for
Energy, for meeting with the review team.
Divya Reddy managed the review visit process and drafted the report, with the exception of Chapter 6,
which was prepared by Simon Bennett and Luis Munuera of the IEA; Chapter 8, drafted by Hiroyuki Goto
of the Nuclear Energy Agency; and Chapter 11, which was prepared by Milosz Karpinski of the IEA.
The report was prepared under the guidance of Aad van Bohemen, Head of the IEA’s Energy Policy and
Security Division. Helpful comments and updates were provided by the review team members and IEA
staff, including Yasmina Abdeliliah, Carlos Fernández Alvarez, Heymi Bahar, Alyssa Fischer,
Randi Kristiansen, Luca Lo Re, Jinsun Lim, Sara Moarif and Gergely Molnar.
Bomi Kim, Clémence Li, Alessio Scanziani and Dahyeon (Lisa) Yu managed the data and prepared
the figures. Roberta Quadrelli, Erica Robin, Stève Gervais, Jungyu Park and Pouya Taghavi-Moharamli
provided support on statistics. Therese Walsh managed the editing process, Jennifer Allain copy edited
the report, Tanya Dyhin managed the design process,Astrid Dumond managed the production process,
Isabelle Nonain-Semelin and Clara Vallois finalised the production. Jad Mouawad and Jethro Mullen
supported the press launch.
Organisations visited
During its virtual meetings with Spain, the review team met with the following organisations:
A3e, Spanish Association of Energy Efficiency Companies
ACOGEN, Spanish Association of Co-generation
AEDIVE, Iberian Association for Electromobility
AEE, Spanish Wind Association
AEH2, Spanish Hydrogen Association
AELEC, Spanish Association of Electric Power Companies
ALINNE, Alliance for Energy Research and Innovation
ANESE, National Association of Energy Service Companies
ANFAC, Spanish Association of Auto and Truck Makers
AOP, Spanish Association of Petroleum Products Operator
APPA, Spanish Renewables Association
Atecyr, Spanish Technical Association for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
CDTI, Centre for Industrial Technological Development
CIEMAT, Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology
CNMC, National Commission on Markets and Competition
CORES, central stockholding entity
Ecologistas en Acción
All rights reserved.
Greenpeace Spain
Grupo Hunosa
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Science and Innovation
Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda
OMIE, electricity market operator
Red Eléctrica
Spanish State Research Agency
UNEF, Spanish Solar Association
All rights reserved.
ANNEX B: Energy balances and key statistical data
Unit: Mtoe
1973 1990 2000 2010 2017 2018 2019
TOTAL PRODUCTION 11.3 34.6 31.5 34.4 33.6 34.0 34.1
6.5 11.7 8.0 3.3 1.1 0.9 -
- - - - - - -
0.7 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Natural gas
0.0 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Biofuels and waste
0.0 4.1 4.1 6.3 8.1 8.1 8.4
1.7 14.1 16.2 16.2 15.1 14.5 15.2
2.5 2.2 2.4 3.6 1.6 3.0 2.1
- 0.0 0.4 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.8
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.4 2.9 3.4
41.7 55.6 91.0 95.0 90.2 89.5 88.7
Coal Exports
0.0 0.0 0.5 1.1 0.2 0.3 1.0
2.1 7.1 13.3 7.8 11.2 9.5 5.5
Net imports
2.1 7.1 12.8 6.7 10.9 9.2 4.5
Oil Exports
4.3 12.1 7.5 11.5 27.1 25.1 23.6
45.3 61.7 78.5 80.5 89.7 88.9 88.1
Int'l marine and aviation bunkers
-2.2 -4.7 -8.7 -11.4 -11.1 -11.6 -11.8
Net imports
38.8 44.9 62.3 57.6 51.5 52.3 52.6
Natural gas Exports
- - - 1.0 2.5 2.8 1.0
0.9 3.7 15.5 32.0 30.1 30.3 32.4
Net imports
0.9 3.7 15.5 31.0 27.6 27.5 31.4
Electricity Exports
0.2 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0
0.0 0.3 1.1 0.4 2.0 2.1 1.6
Net imports
-0.2 -0.0 0.4 -0.7 0.8 1.0 0.6
TOTAL STOCK CHANGES -1.5 -0.2 -1.1 -2.2 1.7 1.6 -1.4
51.6 90.1 121.4 127.3 125.6 125.0 121.4
9.0 19.3 20.9 7.8 12.8 11.3 4.9
- - - - - - -
37.6 45.5 61.6 57.7 52.9 52.9 51.5
Natural gas
0.9 5.0 15.2 31.1 27.3 27.1 30.9
Biofuels and waste
0.0 4.1 4.1 6.7 7.6 8.0 8.0
1.7 14.1 16.2 16.2 15.1 14.5 15.2
2.5 2.2 2.4 3.6 1.6 3.0 2.1
Wind - 0.0 0.4 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.8
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.4 2.9 3.4
Electricity trade
-0.2 -0.0 0.4 -0.7 0.8 1.0 0.6
Shares in TES (%)
17.4 21.4 17.3 6.1 10.2 9.0 4.0
- - - - - - -
Oil 72.9 50.5 50.8 45.3 42.1 42.3 42.4
Natural gas 1.8 5.5 12.5 24.5 21.7 21.7 25.4
Biofuels and waste
- 4.5 3.4 5.3 6.0 6.4 6.6
Nuclear 3.3 15.7 13.4 12.7 12.0 11.6 12.5
Hydro 4.8 2.4 2.0 2.9 1.3 2.4 1.7
Wind - - 0.3 3.0 3.4 3.5 3.9
Geothermal - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 0.8 2.7 2.3 2.8
Electricity trade
-0.3 - 0.3 -0.6 0.6 0.8 0.5
0 is negligible, - is nil, .. is not available, x is not applicable. Please note: rounding may cause totals to differ from the sum of the elements.
All rights reserved.
Unit: Mtoe
FINAL CONSUMPTION 1973 1990 2000 2010 2017 2018 2019
38.5 60.8 85.5 92.1 84.0 86.0 85.5
4.2 3.4 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.5
- - - - - - -
28.9 38.3 52.2 50.0 42.8 43.8 43.9
Natural gas
0.4 4.3 12.3 14.8 13.9 14.7 14.7
Biofuels and waste
- 3.9 3.4 5.2 5.5 5.9 6.0
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
5.1 10.8 16.2 21.0 20.6 20.5 20.2
- - - - - - -
Shares in TFC (%)
Coal 10.8 5.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.6
Peat - - - - - - -
Oil 74.9 63.0 61.0 54.3 51.0 50.9 51.3
Natural gas 1.2 7.1 14.4 16.1 16.6 17.1 17.2
Biofuels and waste
- 6.5 4.0 5.6 6.5 6.9 7.0
Geothermal - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4
Electricity 13.2 17.8 19.0 22.9 24.5 23.8 23.6
Heat - - - - - - -
20.6 25.2 34.0 27.8 24.3 25.1 25.0
3.6 2.8 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3
Peat - - - - - - -
13.3 11.4 14.6 11.5 7.2 7.6 7.7
Natural gas
0.4 3.8 9.6 8.2 8.0 8.8 8.9
Biofuels and waste
- 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.6
- - - - - - -
- - - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3.3 5.4 7.4 6.3 7.0 6.8 6.5
- - - - - - -
Shares in total industry (%)
Coal 17.5 11.1 3.3 2.2 2.8 2.1 1.4
Peat - - - - - - -
Oil 64.8 45.0 43.0 41.3 29.8 30.2 30.7
Natural gas 1.9 14.9 28.3 29.6 32.9 34.9 35.5
Biofuels and waste
- 7.3 3.8 4.1 5.9 5.8 6.3
Geothermal - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
Electricity 15.9 21.6 21.6 22.7 28.6 26.9 26.1
Heat - - - - - - -
10.9 21.3 30.2 33.9 31.4 32.2 32.6
7.1 14.2 21.2 30.4 28.2 28.6 27.9
0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1
- - - - - - -
4.8 6.0 7.8 6.4 5.9 6.2 5.8
Natural gas
0.1 0.5 2.6 6.5 5.8 5.8 5.6
Biofuels and waste
- 2.1 2.1 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.8
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
1.7 5.1 8.5 14.5 13.3 13.4 13.3
Heat - - - - - - -
Shares in other (%)
Coal 7.7 4.1 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.5
Peat - - - - - - -
Oil 67.8 41.8 36.6 21.2 21.0 21.6 20.7
Natural gas 0.8 3.8 12.3 21.3 20.4 20.1 19.9
Biofuels and waste
- 14.6 9.7 8.5 9.8 9.6 9.9
Geothermal - 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
- 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.2
Electricity 23.7 35.5 40.0 47.6 47.0 46.8 47.7
Heat - - - - - - -
0 is negligible, - is nil, .. is not available, x is not applicable. Please note: rounding may cause totals to differ from the sum of the elements.
All rights reserved.
Unit: Mtoe
ENERGY T RANSFORM ATION AND L OSSES 1973 1990 2000 2010 2017 2018 2019
Input (Mtoe) 12.6 33.1 45.6 49.0 46.7 44.6 42.6
Output (Mtoe) 6.5 13.0 19.0 25.7 23.5 23.4 23.3
Output (TWh) 75.7 151.2 220.9 298.3 273.0 272.0 271.0
Output shares (%)
Coal 18.9 40.1 36.6 8.8 17.0 14.2 5.2
Peat - - - - - - -
Oil 33.2 5.7 10.2 5.6 5.8 5.3 4.8
Natural gas
1.0 1.0 9.1 31.8 23.5 21.3 30.9
Biofuels and waste
0.1 0.4 1.0 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.4
Nuclear 8.7 35.9 28.2 20.8 21.3 20.5 21.5
Hydro 38.2 16.8 12.8 14.2 6.7 12.6 9.1
Wind - - 2.1 14.8 18.0 18.7 20.5
Geothermal - - - - - - -
- - - 2.5 5.3 4.7 5.6
TOTAL LOSSES 13.9 29.4 36.4 36.1 40.5 38.0 36.2
of w hich:
Electricity and heat generation
6.1 20.1 26.6 24.2 26.3 23.8 22.4
Other transformation 4.1 3.1 1.8 1.3 2.0 1.9 1.7
Ow n use and transmission/distribution losses 3.7 6.2 8.0 10.7 12.2 12.3 12.1
Statistical differences -0.9 -0.1 -0.5 -1.0 1.2 1.0 -0.3
INDICATORS 1973 1990 2000 2010 2017 2018 2019
GDP (billion 2015 USD) 471.76 737.32 971.13 1197.15 1267.46 1297.26 1322.94
Population (millions) 35.25 39.34 40.55 46.56 46.53 46.73 47.10
TES/GDP (toe/1000 USD)
0.11 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09
Energy production/TES
0.22 0.38 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28
Per capita TES (toe/capita) 1.46 2.29 2.99 2.73 2.70 2.68 2.58
Oil supply/GDP (toe/1000 USD)
0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04
TFC/GDP (toe/1000 USD)
0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06
Per capita TFC (toe/capita) 1.09 1.54 2.11 1.98 1.80 1.84 1.82
emissions from fuel combustion (MtCO
139.4 202.6 278.6 262.1 254.0 248.9 230.9
emissions from bunkers (MtCO
6.9 14.9 27.3 35.9 34.6 36.2 37.1
GROWTH RATES (% p e r ye ar ) 73-90 90-00 00-10 10-16 16-17 17-18 18-19
TES 3.3 3.0 0.5 -1.1 5.2 -0.5 -2.9
Coal 4.6 0.8 -9.4 5.2 21.5 -12.1 -56.7
Peat - - - - - - -
Oil 1.1 3.1 -0.7 -2.3 5.4 0.1 -2.7
Natural gas 10.3 11.8 7.4 -3.6 8.9 -0.7 14.1
Biofuels and w aste
40.2 0.2 5.0 1.1 5.5 5.7 0.3
Nuclear 13.3 1.4 -0.0 -0.9 -1.0 -3.9 4.6
Hy dro -0.7 1.0 4.1 -2.5 -49.7 87.4 -28.2
Wind - 82.3 25.1 1.7 0.5 3.6 9.3
Geothermal - 2.3 12.3 2.9 - - -
- 4.6 41.1 20.6 5.4 -13.1 16.2
TFC 2.7 3.5 0.7 -1.9 2.4 2.5 -0.6
Electricity consumption 4.6 4.1 2.6 -0.9 2.8 -0.3 -1.6
Energy production 6.8 -0.9 0.9 -0.1 -1.6 0.9 0.5
Net oil imports 0.9 3.3 -0.8 -2.4 3.7 1.5 0.7
GDP 2.7 2.8 2.1 0.5 2.9 2.4 2.0
TES/GDP 0.7 0.2 -1.6 -1.5 2.3 -2.7 -4.8
TFC/GDP 0.1 0.7 -1.3 -2.4 -0.5 0.2 -2.6
0 is negligible, - is nil, .. is not available, x is not applicable. Please note: rounding may cause totals to diff er f rom the sum of the elements.
All rights reserved.
Footnotes to energy balances and key statistical data
1. Biofuels and waste comprise solid biofuels, liquid biofuels, biogases, industrial waste and municipal
waste. Data are often based on partial surveys and may not be comparable between countries.
2. Other includes tide, wave and ambient heat used in heat pumps.
3. In addition to coal, oil, natural gas and electricity, total net imports also include peat, biofuels and
waste, and trade of heat.
4. Excludes international marine bunkers and international aviation bunkers.
5. Total supply of electricity represents net trade. A negative number in the share of total primary energy
supply indicates that exports are greater than imports.
6. Industry includes non-energy use.
7. Other includes residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, and other
8. Inputs to electricity generation include inputs to electricity, co-generation and heat plants. Output
refers only to electricity generation.
9. Losses arising in the production of electricity and heat at main activity producer utilities and
autoproducers. For non-fossil fuel electricity generation, theoretical losses are shown based on plant
efficiencies of approximately 33% for nuclear and solar thermal; 10% for geothermal; and 100% for
hydro, wind and solar photovoltaic.
10. Toe per thousand US dollars at 2010 prices and exchange rates.
11. “CO
emissions from fuel combustion” have been estimated using the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) Tier I Sectoral Approach methodology from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
Emissions from international marine and aviation bunkers are not included in national totals.
All rights reserved.
ANNEX C: International Energy Agency’s “Shared Goals”
The member countries* of the International Energy Agency (IEA) seek to create conditions in which the
energy sectors of their economies can make the fullest possible contribution to sustainable economic
development and to the well-being of their people and of the environment. In formulating energy policies,
the establishment of free and open markets is a fundamental point of departure, though energy security
and environmental protection need to be given particular emphasis by governments. IEA countries
recognise the significance of increasing global interdependence in energy. They therefore seek to
promote the effective operation of international energy markets and encourage dialogue with all
participants. In order to secure their objectives, member countries therefore aim to create a policy
framework consistent with the following goals:
1. Diversity, efficiency and flexibility within the energy sector are basic conditions for longer term
energy security: the fuels used within and across sectors and the sources of those fuels should be as
diverse as practicable. Non-fossil fuels, particularly nuclear and hydro power, make a substantial
contribution to the energy supply diversity of IEA countries as a group.
2. Energy systems should have the ability to respond promptly and flexibly to energy emergencies.
In some cases, this requires collective mechanisms and action: IEA countries co-operate through the
Agency in responding jointly to oil supply emergencies.
3. The environmentally sustainable provision and use of energy are central to the achievement of
these shared goals. Decision makers should seek to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of energy
activities, just as environmental decisions should take account of the energy consequences. Government
interventions should respect the polluter-pays principle where practicable.
4. More environmentally acceptable energy sources need to be encouraged and developed. Clean
and efficient use of fossil fuels is essential. The development of economic non-fossil sources is also a
priority. A number of IEA member countries wish to retain and improve the nuclear option for the future,
at the highest available safety standards, because nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide.
Renewable sources will also have an increasingly important contribution to make.
5. Improved energy efficiency can promote both environmental protection and energy security in a
cost-effective manner. There are significant opportunities for greater energy efficiency at all stages of the
energy cycle from production to consumption. Strong efforts by governments and all energy users are
needed to realise these opportunities.
6. Continued research, development and market deployment of new and improved energy
technologies make a critical contribution to achieving the objectives outlined above. Energy technology
policies should complement broader energy policies. International co-operation in the development and
dissemination of energy technologies, including industry participation and co-operation with non-member
countries, should be encouraged.
All rights reserved.
7. Undistorted energy prices enable markets to work efficiently. Energy prices should not be held
artificially below the costs of supply to promote social or industrial goals. To the extent necessary and
practicable, the environmental costs of energy production and use should be reflected in prices.
8. Free and open trade and a secure framework for investment contribute to efficient energy markets
and energy security. Distortions to energy trade and investment should be avoided.
9. Co-operation among all energy market participants helps to improve information and
understanding, and encourages the development of efficient, environmentally acceptable and flexible
energy systems and markets worldwide. These are needed to help promote the investment, trade and
confidence necessary to achieve global energy security and environmental objectives.
(The Shared Goals were adopted by IEA Ministers at the meeting of 4 June 1993 in Paris, France.)
* Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the
Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands ,Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
All rights reserved.
ANNEX D: Glossary and list of abbreviations
In this report, abbreviations and acronyms are substituted for a number of terms used within the
International Energy Agency. While these terms generally have been written out on first mention, this
glossary provides a quick and central reference for the abbreviations used.
Acronyms and abbreviations
AC alternating current
AI artifical intelligence
ALINNE Alliance for Energy Research and Innovation
BST thermal social bond
BWR boiling water reactor
CDTI Centre for Industrial Technological Development
CEIDEN Nuclear Fission Energy Technology Platform
CIEMAT Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology Research
CNMC Commission of Markets and Competition
carbon dioxide
CORES Corporation of Strategic Reserves of Oil Products
CSF centralised storage facility
CSN Nuclear Safety Council
DC direct current
DGR deep geological repository
DSO district system operator
E&P exploration and production
EPB Energy Performance of Buildings (Directive)
ERDF European Regional Development Fund
ESD Effort Sharing Decision
ESR Effort Sharing Regulation
ETS Emissions Trading System
EU European Union
EV electric vehicle
FNEE National Energy Efficiency Fund
GDP gross domestic product
GDP PPP gross domestic product with purchasing power parity
GHG greenhouse gas
GRWP General Radioactive Waste Plan
HLW high-level waste
IDEA Institute for Diversification and Energy
IDR in-depth review
All rights reserved.
IEA International Energy Agency
IGCC Integrated gasification combined cycle
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LILW low- and intermediate-level waste
LNG liquefied natural gas
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
LTS Long-Term Strategy
LULUCF land use, land-use change, and forestry
MIBEL Iberian power market (Mercado Ibérico de Electricidad)
MITERD Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
NECP National Energy and Climate Plan
NPP nuclear power plant
OMI Iberian Market Operator (Operador del Mercado Ibérico)
PAREER Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings Programme
PPA power purchase agreement
PPP purchasing power parity
PV photovoltaics
PVPC voluntary price for the small consumer
PWR pressurised water reactor
R&D research and development
RD&D research, development and deployment [or demonstration]
REMIT Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency
SME small and medium-sized enterprise
SNF spent nuclear fuel
SW special waste
TES total energy supply
TFC total final consumption
TFeC total final energy consumption
TPES total primary energy supply
TSO transmission system operator
USD United States dollar
VLLW very low-level waste
Units of measure
bcm billion cubic metres
-eq carbon dioxide equivalent
GW gigawatt
GWh gigawatt hour
kb/d thousand barrels per day
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km kilometre
square kilometre
kote kilotonne of oil equivalent
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt hour
m metre
cubic metre
mb million barrels
mcm million cubic metres
million tonnes of carbon dioxide
-eq million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalent
MW megawatt
megawatt electrical
MWh megawatt hour
t CO
tonne of carbon dioxide
toe tonne of oil equivalent
Twh terawatt hour
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International Energy Agency
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Typeset in France by IEA - May 2021
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Spain 2021
Energy Policy Review
The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy
policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and
encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.
Since the last IEA review in 2015, Spain has solved a long-standing issue of tari deicits in its
electricity and gas sectors and closed all of its coal mines, which has allowed it to place the
energy transition at the forefront of its energy and climate change policies.
The current Spanish framework for energy and climate is based on the 2050 objectives of
national climate neutrality, 100% renewable energy in the electricity mix, and 97% renewable
energy in the total energy mix. As such, it is centred on the massive development of renewable
energy, energy eiciency, electriication and renewable hydrogen.
Notwithstanding its considerable progress to date on decarbonising and increasing the share of
renewables in the electricity sector, Spain’s total energy mix is still heavily dominated by fossil
fuels. Notably, the transport, industry and buildings sectors all have considerable work ahead of
them to meet the country’s targets for decarbonisation and higher shares of renewables.
When all of Spain’s plans and strategies are implemented, a completely dierent energy sector
will emerge in which fossil fuels are no longer dominant and end-user sectors are mostly
electriied. Such a transformed energy landscape will come with new challenges and will provide
new opportunities.
In this report, the IEA provides energy policy recommendations to help Spain eectively manage
this transformation of its energy sector.