School Name: The Delta Academy
How will you communicate important information to families about the re-opening process?
How will you communicate with students, families, staff and other stakeholders about the
actions your school will be taking to keep people safe and healthy?
How will you communicate with students, families, staff and other stakeholders about the
actions individuals should take to protect themselves and others?
What is your plan to ensure that Parents receive general updates regarding the
district/school’s implementation of distance education at least weekly? If English Learners
comprise at least 10 percent of the student population, the school will be required to make
these weekly updates available in any language that is the native language of at least 50
percent of English Learners enrolled in the charter school.
The Delta Academy communicates important information to students, parents and staff members via
mass emails. In addition to emails, we post all important information on the school’s website and
Facebook page. This allows all stakeholders to access safety and wellness information.
All students will be utilizing the Edgenuity curriculum for all courses. On-going progress reports are
available to students and parents via the Edgenuity LMS. Parents are given the option of choosing
from 13 different languages for these reports.
How will your school building(s) re-open (see options in section 6 of Directive 022 and within
the Path Forward Framework)?
Will the school request a calendar adjustment as part of your re-opening approach?
How will you approach re-opening for students whose families are not comfortable with them
returning to school or who are identified as “vulnerable populations”?
Under a hybrid learning model how would the school determine which students receive in-
person instruction at which times?
What circumstances/scenarios will warrant a change in the approach?
If a change in approach is warranted, how will that transition be made?
Plan A: The Delta Academy will be utilizing two instructional models. The first is the A/B hybrid model.
This allows students to take online and traditional (in-person) classes simultaneously. Students whose
parents want their child to physically attend school will be divided into two groups. Each group will
attend classes on the Delta campus for face-to-face instruction two days a week from 8:00am
3:08pm. Students must complete the remainder of the coursework online. During that time, teacher
support is available Monday through Friday from 8:00am 3:00pm via Zoom. A third day of in-person
education is provided to students in need of additional support or assistance (i.e. students with IEPs,
ELL, RTI, etc). Students whose parents who do not feel comfortable sending them to school will
participate in Delta’s online model of instruction. In this model, students will complete all of the
course requirements online. This model allows the flexibility for students to complete the work
anywhere at any time. Teacher support is available Monday through Friday from 8:00am 3:00pm via
Zoom and available face-to-face by appointment only.
Delta is requesting three additional PD days at the beginning of the school year (please see
Attachment One). These additional PD days will be used to align the scope and sequence of our online
curriculum provider (Edgenuity) with the scope and sequence generated by CCSD’s Curriculum
Engine. Students will start school on August 17, 2020 instead of August 12, 2020. The last day of
school will remain the same (May 26, 2021).
Regardless of the model, all students will be using Edgenuity. Hybrid students and online students will
be following the same scope and sequence within the curriculum. Therefore, if we must transition
back to the quarantine situation, the hybrid students can easily transition into the 100% distance
education model. This is applicable to the opposite scenario as well. If all COVID-19 social distancing
requirements are lifted, the hybrid students and the distance education students can easily transition
to a five-day per week traditional model of instruction.
Backup Option B: If the Governor mandates a full quarantine, all Delta Academy students will be
educated utilizing the distance education approach. The only difference from the aforementioned
description is the removal of the face-to-face by appointment only component.
Backup Option C: If the Governor lifts all COVID-19 social distancing mandates, then Delta will revert
to our original instructional models (traditional, hybrid and distance education).
How will you screen staff and students?
When students, staff, parents and/or guests arrive, they will be checked in utilizing the Meridian
Personnel Management Kiosk with temperature verification.
How will you address and reinforce hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette?
How will face coverings be used? Please refer to Emergency Directive 024 and the associated
guidance which outline the requirements for face coverings.
Delta’s contracted health professional will teach and reinforce hand washing with soap and water for
at least 20 seconds and increase appropriate monitoring to ensure adherence among students and
Delta administration will teach and reinforce the use of cloth face coverings. Face coverings will be
required to be worn by staff and students when physical distancing is difficult and encouraged to be
worn during all other times. Individuals will be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering
and to wash their hands frequently.
How will you maintain social distancing in line with the Path Forward Framework, Governor’s
Emergency Directives, and Nevada Department of Education guidance?
How will you transition as necessary when the prevailing guidance shifts in response to public
health conditions?
All student desks within the classrooms have been arranged so there is at least six feet of separation
between desks. All lunchroom tables have been removed and replaced with chair-desk combos that
have been arranged with six feet between each desk.
Since all students will be utilizing the same online curriculum, students can easily transition from the
hybrid model to the online model and visa versa.
How will staff return to work?
How will you address circumstances where staff are not comfortable returning to work or are
identified as “vulnerable populations”?
How will your staffing approach ensure strong implementation of your overall re-opening
How will you prepare for the possibility of increased staff absences due to illness and ensure
that staff who are sick are able to stay home?
Please see Attachment 2.
How will you share consistent and up-to-date information with your governing body and
school leadership?
How and to what extent will the governing body and school leadership weigh in on key
In addition to information posted on the school’s website, the school leadership and governing board
receive email notifications regarding the school’s status. The school leadership, governing board,
staff, families and community stakeholders are given the opportunity to weigh in on key decisions
through board meetings and surveys.
What adjustments will be made to the facility or use of the facility to support your re-opening
plan and to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19?
How and how frequently will you clean and sanitize various parts of the facility to minimize
the risk of spreading COVID-19?
Classroom desks have been positioned six feet away from each other. The large cafeteria tables have
been replaced by single student chair desk combos with six feet of space between them. Every
classroom has antibiotic wipes and sanitizer stations. The lunchroom will be sanitized between the
three lunch periods. Every classroom will be sanitized every evening.
How will the school adjust meal-time procedures to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19?
If the school provides meals, what precautions will be taken during meal preparation and
service to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19?
How will the school ensure that students have access to nutrition services to which they are
The large cafeteria tables have been replaced by single student chair desk combos with six feet of
space between them. Students will wait at their desk in the lunchroom and they will be served a meal
by school staff. All meal prep personnel will strictly adhere to guidelines set forth by the health
department for prevention of spreading COVID-19.
Students on their off day can receive a bag lunch via a drive-through service at the school.
How will the school adjust arrival and dismissal to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19?
If the school provides transportation, what changes will be made to ensure social distancing,
proper cleaning and sanitation, and overall mitigation of the risk of spreading COVID-19?
The only change in the arrival procedures is that when students, staff, parents and/or guests arrive,
they will be checked in utilizing the Meridian Personnel Management Kiosk with temperature
verification and then go directly to their first period class.
Delta does not provide transportation.
How will the school adjust athletics and/or extra-curricular activities to minimize the risk of
spreading COVID-19?
If the school offers NIAA sports, describe your plan for athletics, which should comply with
NIAA guidance.
Delta does not offer any after school activities.
What technology resources are necessary to implement your re-opening plan?
How will you ensure that the school has all necessary technology resources to support your re-
opening plan?
What actions will you take to expand access to technology and internet connectivity for
students, families and educators?
In order for this reopening plan to work, each student must have access to a device that can access
the internet. Delta Academy has purchased enough Chromebooks so each student can be assigned
one to use. Cox Communication is a long-time partner. They will provide low-cost internet to our
current students which will be paid for by Delta Academy.
How will the school provide tier 1 (universal) social emotional supports to students?
Each student attending Delta will be assigned to a House. Each House will have 25-35 students and a
Delta Academy teacher. The teacher is responsible for the daily/weekly monitoring of his/her house’s
students’ academic, social/emotional and physical health.
How will the school monitor students, staff and families who may be struggling and evaluate
their social emotional needs?
What tier 1 (universal) trauma-informed practices will be in place?
What tier 2 and tier 3 additional supports will be available to support students, families and
staff that may be in need of more intensive support?
If the teacher believes one of the students in the house needs some additional support, the student
will be referred to the schools social worker. From there, the social worker can access numerous
community services for the student and the students family.
ACADEMICS Path Forward Plan of Distance Education
(required for all schools not already approved by the Nevada Department of Education to
provide full-time distance education to 100% of students)
How will instruction be provided to students (describe synchronous and asynchronous
approaches, as applicable)?
What accommodations will be provided to students without access to technology, which may
include distance education through paper correspondence?
How will the school ensure that students who are quarantined on the advice of local public
health officials have access to distance education?
How will the school ensure that a teacher attempts to contact each student via electronic
means or by telephone at least once per day?
How will teachers be accessible to students through the internet or by phone during the
school’s regular instructional hours?
What adjustments will be made to specific courses to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-
19, such as band, physical education, chorus, or certain CTE courses?
Delta Academy has been utilizing a distance education instructional model for 13 years. We will
continue to follow our NDE approved distance education plan (see Attachment 3).
How will the school adapt to provide appropriate education for English Learners, students with
IEPs and students with 504 plans?
How will the school evaluate the efficacy of its implementation of distance learning in the
spring of 2020 and determine the academic needs of students due to the disruption in in-
person instruction?
How will the school meet students’ academic needs based on this determination?
How will the school continue to evaluate the efficacy of their plan to meet students’ needs and
adjust, as needed?
Students requiring additional academic support can attend a third day of face-to-face instruction with
their teachers. The special education teachers will work with the general education teachers to
modify the curriculum as necessary and will provide accommodations so all students have access to
an appropriate education.
How will the school track student attendance in Infinite Campus?
How will the school engage parents and families to communicate and reinforce the
importance of attendance?
Delta will continue to track student attendance as outlined in our approved distance education plan.
All parents/guardians will have access to their childs progress within the Edgenuity LMS. When a
student is not progress and/or attending class, the house leader will contact the parents to discuss
and develop a plan to remove barriers preventing the student from progressing/attending class.
What professional learning will be provided to educators and staff regarding high-quality
distance education and health and safety requirements related to preventing the spread of
Will the school request additional professional development days and if so, how will these
professional development days be used?
Deltas online curriculum provider (Edgenuity) is providing two days of PD to all of our teachers on
best practices in distance learning on how to utilize all of the various communication tools and
reporting functions embedded within the LMS.
Delta is requesting three additional PD days which will be used to align the scope and sequence of our
online curriculum provider (Edgenuity) with the scope and sequence generated by CCSD’s Curriculum
Engine. This alignment will ensure students can move smoothly between in-person instruction
utilizing social distancing protocols and distance learning utilizing the Edgenuity program.
What resources will be provided to parents/families so that they can support students?
Parents/families will have access to a 24/7 customer support hotline provided by Edgenuity.
Additionally, the parents can speak directly to a Delta teacher via Zoom from 8am 3pm Monday
through Friday.
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The Delta Academy
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General Guidance for COVID-19 and Employee Health
All individuals should monitor their health and symptoms (fever, shortness of breath, etc.).
Any individual who does not feel well or is symptomatic (fever, shortness of breath, etc.)
should remain at home and away from others. Under no circumstances should any employee
with any symptoms report to the workplace.
When in public or at work, all persons should maximize physical distance from others. Work
locations will provide the appropriate size teams to support social distance and the personal
space between individual employees should also be observed. Both supervisors and employees
should constantly monitor for socializing and ensure the avoidance of groups. All Delta Academy
team members should also monitor to avoid those circumstances that do not allow for
appropriate physical distancing. Again, every individual is responsible for the safety and health of
themselves and their employees.
Individuals returning to worksites who may have any of the serious underlying health
conditions as noted by the CDC, should take any and all precautions necessary to protect
themselves, especially while they are in the workplace. This may include (not all inclusive)
maintaining social distances, following CDC recommended guidance for good hygiene and/or
the wearing of proper equipment (masks) necessary to mitigate the contraction or spread of
the COVID-19 virus.
When an employee’s responsibilities cannot be completed at home, then the employee
should work with their supervisor and the appropriate department to identify appropriate
leave opportunities whether paid or unpaid. This may include available COVID-19 leave from
the federal government, Delta Academy leave or perhaps leave which may be approved as an
accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (“ADA”).
All employees should minimize any non-essential travel. If an employee does travel, they must
report it to their supervisor so as to protect others and follow CDC guidelines regarding isolation
and protection of your colleagues following travel.
Individuals Should Continue to Practice Good Hygiene. Employees should wash their hands
with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or
surfaces. Delta Academy team members should avoid touching their face or sneeze or cough
into a tissue or the inside of your elbow. In addition, employees should disinfect frequently used
items and surfaces as often as possible. Face coverings are permitted while in public or in the
workplace but are not currently required.
All Individuals Feeling Sick Should Stay Home. Employees should not go to work or stay at work
if they feel ill. Employees should contact and follow the advice of their medical provider. In
addition, employees and supervisors should stay in contact and communicate often and openly
discuss any return to work to support the health of other employees.
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In preparation for a future time when employees who have been determined to have been
diagnosed with, been exposed to, or cared for a family member or other individual who had
COVID-19 and are asymptomatic and feel well enough and desire to return to work. We want
our employees to return to work when they feel able, but all of us want to do so in a manner
that is responsible and supports a healthy and safe workplace. This guidance was prepared using
the latest CDC guidance and will be updated accordingly.
Employees are expected to notify their supervisor if they were isolated at home due to a positive
COVID- 19 diagnosis, had a potential exposure to COVID-19, or stayed home to care for a family
member or other individual.
The next two questions relate to an employee's current condition.
Question: Has it been at least 3 days (72 hours) since the employee has been symptom free?
Answer: Yes or No
In this case, “symptom free” means no longer having a fever without the use of fever- reducing
medication and no respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath). Select “YES” if the
employee reports themselves as symptom free for at least 72 hours or the employee never
experienced symptoms.
Has it been at least 14 full calendar days since the employee first experienced
exposure or onset of symptoms?
Answer: Yes or No
In this case a supervisor needs to determine if the minimum standard of at least 14 full calendar
days since the onset of symptoms or exposure has been met? Select “YES” if it has been seven
full calendar days since the exposure, onset of symptoms or the employee never showed any
The last question requires a determination if an employee can return to work. The questions
is as follows
Based on the employee's answers to the two previous questions and as supervisor for this
employee, can the employee return to work?
Answer: Yes or No
In order to answer "YES," to this question, the employee must be a "YES" to being symptom free
for at least 3 days (72 hours) and must be a "YES" to being beyond fourteen (14) full calendar
days since the exposure, onset of symptoms or did not suffer from symptoms at all.
Set a Return Date: The supervisor is required to finalize information and set a return date for
the employee. Note that the return date, where possible, should be reached by mutual
agreement. If an employee has a medical release (which will NOT be required) it can be
requested in this section but is NOT a requirement to return.
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Guidance as Employees Return to Work
These CDC recommendations will prevent most, but may not prevent all, instances of secondary
spread. The CDC reports that the risk of transmission after recovery is likely substantially less than
that during illness. All guidance is based upon current medical and scientific information and is
subject to change based on updated CDC guidance.
Supervisors should actively encourage and ensure the following standards are in place
in work environments where employees are present:
Employees and Supervisors who have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath)
should notify their supervisor and stay home.
Supervisors should prepare for when employees return to work.
Employees and Supervisors should ensure that all work spaces are cleaned and disinfected. This
includes all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment
Supervisors and Employees should NOT talk about individual employees or any health related
Employees and Supervisors should wash hands often with soap and water and if not available
use hand sanitizer.
Employees and Supervisors should enforce workplace social distancing, limit all group gatherings
to under 10 people and keep conversational distances of at least 6 feet.
Employees and Supervisors should cover the mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve when
sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue after each use.
Supervisors should actively engage with ALL employees and be diligent in spreading the
following information:
Pre-Screen: All employees must remain diligent about checking health status and symptoms
before leaving for work. If ANY employee does not feel well or is displaying symptoms, they
should remain at home.
Regular Monitoring: As long as the employee doesn’t have a temperature or displaying other
symptoms, they should be diligent about self-monitoring throughout the work day and at home.
If ANY employee does not feel well or is displaying symptoms, they should remain at home.
Masks: Employees may wear a face mask based on current CDC guidance, but they are not
Social Distance: All employees should maintain 6 feet and practice social distancing as work
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duties permit in the workplace.
Guidelines to Reduce Transmission among Employees
Supervisors should actively encourage sick employees to stay home:
Employees who have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should notify their
supervisor and stay home.
Sick employees should follow CDC-recommended steps:
Stay home: Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home
without medical care. Do not leave your home, except to get medical care. Do not visit public
Stay in touch with your doctor: Call before you get medical care. Be sure to get care if you have
trouble breathing, have any other emergency warning signs, or if you think it is an emergency.
Practice home isolation: Separate yourself from other people and pets in your home. You should
stay in a specific “sick room” if possible, and away from other people and pets in your home. Use
a separate bathroom, if available.
Supervisors should actively encourage and ensure the following standards are in place
in work environments where employees are present:
Employees and Supervisors who have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath)
should notify their supervisor and stay home.
Employees and Supervisors should wash hands often with soap and water and, if not available,
use hand sanitizer.
Employees and Supervisors should enforce workplace social distancing, limit all group gatherings
to under 10 people and keep conversational distances of at least 6 feet.
Employees and Supervisors should cover their mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve when
sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue after each use.
Return of an Employee from Home Isolation or COVID-19 Positive
Supervisors should speak directly with any employee who desires to return to work
from Home Isolation or a COVID-19 positive:
The return to work processes must begin by the employee notifying a supervisor of their desire
to return to work.
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Any date to return to work can only be established after an employee has been without
symptoms for at least 3 days or 72 hours AND is beyond fourteen (14) full calendar days since
the exposure, onset of symptoms or did not suffer from symptoms at all.
Employees and supervisors must discuss and determine if the employee meets the CDC
guidelines of being without symptoms. Returning to work without symptoms includes:
No longer having a fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for three full
No respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath);
At least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
OPTIONAL (Not Required)
A document or email from the SNHD approving the employee to return to work.
Return of an Employee after Caring for a Family Member or Other Individual
Speak directly with any employee who desires to return to work from caring for a family
member or other individual who has been isolated at home or received a COVID 19
Employees who show no symptoms, but who have a sick family member isolated at home or with
COVID- 19, should notify their supervisor and follow CDC recommended precautions.
Any return to work processes must begin by the employee notifying a supervisor of their desire
to return to work.
Any date to return to work can only be established after an employee has been without
symptoms for at least 3 days or 72 hours AND is beyond fourteen (14) full calendar days since
the exposure, onset of symptoms or did not suffer from symptoms at all .
Employees and supervisors must discuss and determine if the employee meets the
following CDC guidance and criteria to return to work.
Return of an Employee Following Personal Travel
Delta Academy has restricted all business travel.
As to personal travel, Delta Academy cannot prevent an employee from traveling for personal
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reasons. However, Delta Academy must look out for the welfare of all employees and our work
environments. Therefore employees must report any international or out of state travel during
Phase One Reopening.
Any employee returning from international or out of state travel is either required to self-
quarantine for 14 days upon return or provide a COVID-19 test demonstrating a negative
result dated after their return to Nevada.
In addition, any date to return to work can only be established after an employee has been
without symptoms for at least 3 days or 72 hours
Both employees and supervisors should note that employees may work from home during the
quarantine time if their job responsibilities can be met or they may take the appropriate leave
during this time period.
Additional Reminders
As employees return to work, Supervisors should actively encourage and ensure the following
standards are in place in work environments where employees are present:
Employees and Supervisors who have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath)
should notify their supervisor and stay home.
Supervisors should prepare for employees returning to work.
Supervisors should routinely monitor health conditions of all individuals multiple times during
the work day.
Employees and Supervisors should take extra responsibility to ensure that all work spaces are
cleaned and disinfected routinely. This includes all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common
areas, and shared electronic equipment.
Supervisors and Employees should NOT talk about individual employees or any health-
related information.
Employees and Supervisors should wash hands often with soap and water and, if not available,
use hand sanitizer.
Employees and Supervisors should enforce workplace social distancing, limit all group gatherings
to under 10 people and keep conversational distances of at least 6 feet.
Employees and Supervisors should cover the mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve when
sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue after each use.
Supervisors and Employees should wash hands often and frequently with soap and water
and, if not available, use hand sanitizer.
Supervisors should actively engage with ALL employees and be diligent in spreading the following
Pre-Screen: All employees must remain diligent about checking health status and symptoms
before leaving for work. If ANY employee does not feel well or are displaying symptoms, they
should remain at home.
Regular Monitoring: As long as the employee doesn’t have a temperature or isn’t displaying
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symptoms, they should be diligent about self-monitoring throughout the work day and at
home. If ANY employee does not feel well or is displaying symptoms, the employee should go
home or remain at home.
Masks: Employees may wear a face mask based on current CDC guidance. At this time, masks
have been reported to possibly limit the spread from one person to the other.
Social Distance: All employees should maintain 6 feet and practice social distancing as work
duties permit in the workplace.
As expected, the Governor lifted our current phase of reopening and we are entering Phase 2.
In preparation, this document and information contained herein is being provided to inform
and support doing so in the safest manner. It is expected that as the Federal Government's
phased approach to opening is implemented by the State of Nevada, that Delta Academy will
respond and increase its operations accordingly.
Note: During Phase 2 Delta Academy facility and offices will begin to increase its interactions
with our constituents. It is expected that the vast majority of our work will continue to be
done online and by telephone. While offices may be accessible to visitors by appointment,
those appointments in Phase 2 will be the exception, not the rule. In addition, while all schools
will remain closed for students, the main offices in our school buildings and other facilities will
be expected to staff at appropriate ratios to increase the level of responsiveness to our
stakeholders while maintaining strict adherence to social distancing and workplace safety
Defined criteria to be satisfied before state proceeds with Phase 2:
Downward trajectory of
influenza-like illnesses
reported within a 14 day
period, AND
Downward trajectory of
COVID-like syndromic cases
reported within a 14-day
Downward trajectory of
documented cases within a
14-day period, OR
Downward trajectory of
positive tests as a percent of
total tests within a 14-day
period (flat or increasing
volume of tests)
Ability to treat all patients
with our crisis care, OR
Robust testing program in
place for at-risk healthcare
workers, including emerging
antibody testing.
As Phase 2 begins, additional employees will be returning to physical work locations to begin
the work needed to resume operations and increase our responsiveness to the public. It is the
expectation of Delta Academy that most, if not all interactions with the public during Phase 2
be conducted, whenever possible, by phone or online. If access is required or granted to a
member of the public to our offices and buildings, then such access must be by appointment
only. Additional requirements for visitors are outlined in the following pages.
These changes will mean additional diligence to support the safety and health of our
employees and work environments. Every employee or visitor to our facilities, MUST be
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reminded that we are responsible not only for our own health and safety, but that we must
also be thorough in our personal examinations of health to ensure the wellbeing and safety of
our colleagues and community.
The health and safety of every individual, our workforce and our community as a whole, depends
upon compliance and adherence to this guidance and those of the health professionals. Phase 2 is
not time to let down our guard. The COVID-19 virus and our Delta Academy response has been an
evolving situation and it is incumbent upon all employees to stay abreast of all developments and
communications. Employees are encouraged to ask any and all questions related to the virus as it
may relate to working conditions and safety.
General Phase 2 Guidance
In Phase 2, where it is both feasible and aligned to business operations, employees can be
allowed to continue with telecommuting (working from home) and should be advised of the
ability to continue such practices. In Phase 2 however, there are some positions where
telecommuting is not feasible due to the nature of the work provided and expectations of
potential visitors to building and office locations. As such, those employees who cannot be
approved for telecommuting (work from home or other off site location) because of their job
functions, may have the opportunity to explore available paid or unpaid leave options,
depending upon their individual circumstances.
In Phase 2, the recommended group size increases to less than fifty people (<50). Work
locations must still provide the appropriate size teams to support working social distance,
personal space between individual employees, and continuing to support an employee’s wishes
to wear a mask. Both supervisors and employees should constantly monitor for socializing and
ensure the avoidance of large groups. All Delta Academy team members should also monitor to
avoid any circumstances that do not allow for appropriate physical distancing. Again, every
individual is responsible for the safety and health of themselves and fellow employees.
General Phase 2 Guidance for Employee Health
All individuals should continue to monitor their health and symptoms (fever, shortness of
breath, etc.). Any individual who does not feel well or is symptomatic (fever, shortness of
breath, etc.) should remain at home and away from others. Under no circumstances should
any employee with any symptoms report to the workplace (Appendix 1: CDC Poster Guidance).
Effective Friday June 26, 2020, All individuals in work locations are expected to utilize a
personal face covering in ALL public spaces. That means all employees must cover their face
from the time of arrival, until they reach their personal workspace/office. If employees can
properly social distance in their personal workspace/office, they may remove their face covering.
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Those employees working in the lobby or entrance area of all work locations MUST wear a face
covering at all times. Any travel between offices, including breakrooms, hallways, parking
location, etc. REQUIRES a face covering. We are all responsible for each other’s health and
safety. Compliance with these expectations is not optional. Supervisors are responsible to
ensure compliance with the State of Nevada expectations as outlined in Directive 024.
When in public or at work, all persons should maximize physical distance from others. Work
locations will provide the appropriate size teams to support social distance and the personal
space between individual employees should also be observed. Both supervisors and employees
should constantly monitor for socializing and ensure the avoidance of large groups. All Delta
Academy team members should also monitor to avoid those circumstances that do not allow for
appropriate physical distancing. Again, every individual is responsible for the safety and health
of themselves and fellow employees.
Individuals returning to worksites who may have any of the serious underlying health
conditions as noted by the CDC, should take any and all precautions necessary to protect
themselves, especially while they are in the workplace. This may include (not all inclusive)
maintaining social distances, following CDC recommended guidance for good hygiene and/or
the wearing of proper equipment (masks) necessary to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19
When an employee’s responsibilities cannot be completed at home, then the employee
should work with their supervisor and the appropriate department to identify work at home
or the appropriate leave opportunities whether paid or unpaid. This may include available
COVID-19 leave from the federal government, Delta Academy leave or perhaps an approved
accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (“ADA”).
Individuals should continue to practice good hygiene. Employees should wash their hands with
soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or
surfaces. Delta Academy team members should avoid touching their face and sneeze or cough
into a tissue or the inside of your elbow. In addition, employees should disinfect frequently used
items and surfaces as often as possible. Face coverings are permitted while in public or in the
workplace, but are not currently required (Appendix 2: CDC Hygiene Posters).
All individuals feeling sick should stay home. Under no circumstances should an employee go
to or stay at work if they feel ill. Employees should contact and follow the advice of their
medical provider. In addition, employees and supervisors should stay in contact and
communicate often and openly discuss any return to work to support the health of other
When in public or at work, all persons should maximize physical distance from others. Work
locations will provide the appropriate size teams to support their own social distancing and
ensure the required personal space between individual employees is observed. Both
supervisors and employees should constantly monitor for socializing and ensure the avoidance
of large groups.
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All Delta Academy team members should examine their public spaces where appointments could
gather to ensure appropriate physical distancing (6ft). These numbers should be strictly
monitored for compliance.
Guidance for Visitors
Prior to Accepting Visitors
While the guidance that follows may seem stringent and inflexible, it in no matter or means
precludes every Delta Academy employee from acting in support of providing superior customer
All business with the public, whenever possible, should be conducted over the phone or
online. In cases where this is not possible, the following requirements should be in place.
Appointments should only be arranged when the business to be conducted cannot take place
on the phone or online. Appointments should be the exception, not the rule in Phase 2.
All Visitors requesting an appointment must be explicitly informed of the following requirements.
Visitors must be explicitly informed that they will be asked questions about their health,
visitation requirements for social distancing and the requirement to use a mask or face covering.
Visitors must be explicitly asked if they have vulnerable conditions related to themselves or
family members they reside with. If they answer in the affirmative then the person should be
directed to wait until later reopening phases to resolve the matter.
Visitors must be explicitly informed they may have to submit to a temperature check. Persons
with a temperature above 100.4 will be rescheduled.
Visitors must be explicitly informed they will have to answer a Visitor Questionnaire and
Acknowledgement prior to or immediately upon entering the building or office location. The
form and its requirements should be explained.
Visitors must be explicitly informed that they are expected to be on time for the scheduled
Visitors must be explicitly informed to call the provided office number upon arrival to the
locations to ensure appointments are still on time and the reception area and staff are prepared
prior to approaching the building. If the visitor is more than 5 minutes late for the
appointment, then the appointment may be rescheduled for another date and time.
Visitors must be explicitly informed that access to the facility will be denied if they fail to
complete the Visitor Questionnaire and Acknowledgement, feel sick or do not have a mask or
face covering.
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Prior to Entering the Facility
All Visitors requesting an appointment must be explicitly informed of the following requirements.
Visitors must call upon arrival to the location to ensure the lobby or location are prepared for
their arrival. If the visitor is more than 5 minutes late for the appointment, then the
appointment may be rescheduled for another date and time.
While on the phone, persons with an appointment must explicitly state that they feel well and
are asymptomatic (no fever, shortness of breath, etc.). If they cannot meet this criteria, they
must be rescheduled.
While on the phone, persons with an appointment must be reminded of the requirement for
social distancing and confirm they have a mask. If they cannot meet this criteria, they must be
Visitors must be explicitly informed that they may have to submit to a temperature check and
will be required to answer a Visitor Questionnaire and Acknowledgement prior to or
immediately upon entering the building or office location. Failure to do so will prevent the
visitor from keeping their scheduled appointment.
Following the Appointment
All visitor and scheduled appointment information for each day must be collected and preserved
in case the information is needed by the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) at a later time.
If a visitor self-reports illness after their visit, based on the Visitor Questionnaire and
Acknowledgement form and will be sent to SNHD health contacts to confirm and determine next
steps as required by the health district.
Additional Guidance
These processes and expectations included within this document should be repeated as many
times as necessary based on the number of shifts or phases being utilized.
The return for employees should include safety gatherings and constant communications
related to the safety protocols of COVID-19. These safety meetings should review all necessary
guidance and workplace information for the employees. Information must include, washing of
hands, staying or going home if not feeling well, social distancing, health monitoring, and other
expectations for a safe and healthy work environment.
All employees should be reminded that based on the length of closure that the environments
they are working in are now considered safe by CDC and SNHD guidelines. Keeping them safe
will require everyone’s constant and consistent efforts. All individuals should be reminded that
employee safety is related to a common approach where everyone is responsible to protect
themselves and their fellow employees.
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All employees should be made aware that the guidance related to a phased reopening may
change and they should monitor email and other means of school communication. The COVID-
19 virus and our Delta Academy response has been an evolving situation and it is incumbent
upon all employees to stay abreast of all developments and communications.
Ongoing Expectations
As with all phases, plans for operations for all work locations must be constantly reviewed and
revised. The organizational situations and guidance related to COVID-19 will continue to evolve
and require work locations to change and adjust plans of operation. Work location supervisors
must be cognizant and aware of changing guidance and be ready to make necessary changes to
support employee safety and the safe operations of the workplace.
In all cases, communication strategies and processes must continue to be open and transparent.
In these times, supervisors will have to create opportunities for additional communication in
person or via email, phone and text to ensure information flows directly to impacted
employees. Supervisors should assist in providing information to support the new workplace
environment and aim to diminish employee fears and concerns.
In addition, communication from the employees to supervisors must also be established and
maintained as a workplace priority. All employees and supervisors should be encouraged to ask
any and all questions they have concerning procedure and conditions in the work environment.
The COVID-19 virus and our Delta Academy response will continue to evolve and change and it is
incumbent upon all employees to stay abreast of all developments, keep lines of communication
open and create an environment where dialog can occur.
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