Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Wayzata City Hall
600 Rice Street, Wayzata, MN 55391
Those attending the meeting, please complete the attendance sheet. Those desiring to participate in the
meeting should complete the Public Comment Form at the meeting if the online Public Comment Form
was not submitted. The Chair may choose to reorder the agenda for a specific agenda item if it would
benefit the needs of those in attendance. Please see Public Comments Section for more information.
6:00 p.m.
The purpose of the Work Session is to allow staff to seek input from the Board and for the Board to discuss
matters in greater detail than generally available at the formal Board Session. The Board may give staff
direction or express a preference but does not formally vote on matters during Work Sessions. While all
meetings of the Board are open to the public, Work Session discussions are generally limited to the Board,
staff, and designated representatives. Work Sessions are not videotaped. The work session may be continued
after the formal meeting, time permitting.
No Work Session
7:00 p.m.
The purpose of the Formal Session is to allow the Board to conduct public hearings and to consider and
take formal action on matters coming before the LMCD.
6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (03/13/2024 LMCD Regular Board Meeting)
LMCD Board Meeting
March 27, 2024
Page 2
A) Audit of Vouchers (03/15/2024 03/31/2024)
B) Resolution #261 Accepting Save the Lake Contributions (01/09/2024 03/21/2024)
8) PUBLIC COMMENTS Provides an opportunity for the public to address the board on items
that are not on the agenda. Public comments are limited to 5 minutes. Please direct all comments
to the Board Chair. The Board generally will not engage in public discussion, respond to or
correct statements from the public, or act on items not on the agenda. The Board may ask for
clarifications or direct staff to report back on items at future meetings.
A) Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Update James Wisker
B) Electrical Installation Hazards Ed Lethert
A) Rental of Watercraft Jabbour
A) March Balance Sheet
B) March General and STL I & E Reports
7:00 P.M., March 13, 2024
Wayzata City Hall
Chair Hoelscher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Ann Hoelscher, Victoria; Deborah Zorn, Shorewood; Nicole Stone, Minnetonka; Rich
Anderson, Orono; Mike Kirkwood, Minnetrista; Brian Malo, Greenwood; Matthew Thompson, Wayzata; Ben
Brandt, Mound; Dennis Klohs, Minnetonka Beach; Mark Kroll, Excelsior; Ryan Nellis, Tonka Bay; Denny
Newell, Woodland; and Jake Walesch, Deephaven. Also present: Joe Langel, LMCD Legal Counsel; Thomas
Tully, Manager of Code Enforcement; Maisyn Reardan, and Interim Executive Director Jim Brimeyer.
Members absent: Gabriel Jabbour, Spring Park.
Persons in Audience: Sheri Wallace, Curt Eich, Lynn Reiners, Robert Sandom, Pat Pelstring, Bart Halling,
Mike Kloosterboer, Mike Kronen, John Smyth, Lt. Richard Rehman, Owen Sweeney.
MOTION: Walesch moved; Kroll seconded to approve the agenda as submitted.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Hoelscher stated that ice out was called today at 5:53 p.m.
6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 02/28/2024 LMCD Regular Board Meeting
Zorn noted a change to the spelling of her name.
MOTION: Zorn moved; Stone seconded to approve the 02/28/2024 LMCD Regular Board Meeting minutes
with the noted correction.
VOTE: Ayes (11), Abstained (2), (Anderson and Walesch). Motion carried.
Hoelscher stated that the LMCD received information on the wetland today for Item 7B requesting
consideration of dredging and a different dock placement than was requested by applicant. She noted that
she verified with staff that the information is not new and was considered by staff and therefore action can be
Item 6
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
March 13, 2024 Page 2
taken tonight.
MOTION: Kroll moved; Walesch seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented. Items approved
included: 7A) Audit of Vouchers (03/1/2024 03/15/2024); and 7B) Findings of Fact for Variance
2721 Tyrone Lane.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
8. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Persons in attendance, subjects not on the agenda (limited to 5 minutes)
A resident asked and received confirmation that the variance was just approved on the Consent Agenda. He
noted that he and other residents were present with some information they felt could have provided access
without the need for a variance.
Hoelscher commented that staff did review the information submitted today, confirming that information was
included in the previous discussion and decision.
Mike Kroning, 5260 Meadville Street in Greenwood, stated that he supports the new placement of the white
buoys marking a no wake zone on Excelsior Bay last year. He stated that the bay still experiences wake and
noted the difference between water quality on a weekday and after the weekend. He asked if there was any
way to increase the no wake zone further, even by ten yards, as that would continue to provide benefit. He
commented on the changing depth of the lake, noting that the window for boating continues to shrink. He
asked if there could be any consideration to declare low water.
Hoelscher stated that the LMCD does have a policy which allows the organization to declare low water at a
certain depth. She stated that although they cannot declare low water right now, they do monitor the depth
daily. She stated that the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District posts water levels daily.
No items scheduled.
A) AIS Communication Jabbour
Hoelscher stated that the AIS communication was provided in the packet and members can contact Jabbour
with any questions.
B) Harrison Bay Association Carp Management Strategy
Bart Halling, 5513 Sherwood Drive in Mound, thanked the Board for the partnership in their initiative which
began almost two years ago in attempting to improve the lake and water quality. He highlighted some of the
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
March 13, 2024 Page 3
different initiatives they have implemented, noting that tonight he would focus on carp. He stated that they
have a great opportunity to partner with the U of M and Carp Solutions, reviewing the goals. He noted that by
reducing the number of carp they can increase the native plant life in the bay and improve water quality. He
reviewed the information they have learned thus far through the different studies they have completed and
the options they have looked into to manage the carp populations. He stated that one option would be to
partner with a local bowfishing group to host bowfishing tournaments. He referenced the LMCD limitation on
when carp can be harvested and presented draft language to be considered to amend the bowfishing
ordinance to allow the bowfishing community to come in and test whether that could be a successful way to
harvest carp. He noted that this option for carp management would also have no cost and provided additional
reasoning on why this option would provide benefit.
Hoelscher stated that she thought that this was going to be an update on what occurred last year under the
special permit. She stated that she would like to keep this item brief and the Board can discuss whether an
action item should come forward on a future agenda.
Halling stated that they completed a poll last year with over 195 responses on the bay related to bowfishing.
He reviewed the results noting extremely high support for bowfishing and the proposed ordinance changes.
Hoelscher thanked the resident for the presentation and noted that the Board will discuss whether this should
be on a future agenda. She stated that she would reach out to the resident to ensure that he could be
A) 2024 LMCIT Coverage and Liability Form
Brimeyer stated that formal Board approval is needed to solidify that the LMCD does not waive the monetary
limits on municipal tort liability.
MOTION: Zorn moved; Stone seconded to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability
established by Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.04.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
A) Dr. Fursman Board Survey
Brimeyer stated that the results were presented to the Board in the packet and discussed in the Officer’s
workgroup the previous week. He highlighted things the Board identified that were done well and items that
require additional attention. He believed that there was positive input received and did not believe an
additional planning session would be needed.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
March 13, 2024 Page 4
Hoelscher thanked everyone that participated in the survey.
B) Appoint Budget Workgroup
Hoelscher stated that a Budget Workgroup must be established as they near the budget preparation process. She
recognized that Stone and Anderson would be a part of that and welcomed other members that may be interested in
reaching out to staff. She noted that it appears the workgroup would start on April 3
C) Proposed Budget Calendar
Hoelscher noted the proposed budget calendar which was included in the Board packet.
A) February Balance Sheet
B) February General and STL Income Expense Reports
Stone had no additional comments.
A) Low Water Update
Brimeyer stated that water levels continue to be monitored and if the levels drop, they will bring that back to
the Board to determine if there should be a low water declaration. He wondered if there would be a quorum
present for the March 27
meeting as that week aligns with spring break.
Hoelscher confirmed that there would be a quorum present. She stated that if there is not a robust agenda,
that meeting could be canceled.
Brimeyer provided a brief update on items not included in his report. First, he mentioned a meeting he had
with the Westonka Historical Society about the Minnehaha Steamboat and potentially launching it at a new
location, Minnetonka Regional Park. He also mentioned that Three Rivers Park District has set up a meeting
with LMCD staff, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Minnesota DNR, and Westonka Historical Society to
discuss the new launch site and promised to keep the Board updated on the outcome. Second, with the news
of the ice out being declared Brimeyer mentioned he contacted Tony Brough at Hennepin County about the
schedule for putting in buoys and was told the County puts them in 24 days after ice out. In addition, he also
answered Mr. Koning’s inquiry about buoy placement by stating that he can direct his inquiry to the Hennepin
County Water Patrol who decides where the buoys go on the lake. Third, he provided additional information
on the work Anderson and Tully have been doing related to solar lights.
Anderson stated that he has been boisterous about the issue of solar lights and provided details on the
concept as well as where he believes funding could come from within the budget. He stated that he would like
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
March 13, 2024 Page 5
to get this approved tonight so they can begin to work on this. He provided a short demonstration of an
aluminum fitting of his design that would accelerate the process of attaching solar lights to the buoys.
Stone asked the cost of the brackets.
Anderson replied that one hundred brackets would roughly cost a couple thousand dollars.
Hoelscher stated that she likes the idea and asked who would install the solar lights.
Anderson replied that perhaps Newell could assist with placing the lights on the brackets once received and
stated that he and Tully would work to install the lights or coordinate installation.
MOTION: Hoelscher moved; Stone seconded to approve the purchase of the solar light apparatus in an
amount not to exceed $5,000.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
B) Submersible Pump/Stray Voltage/Electrocution Risks Presentation Lethart 03/27/2024
C) MCWD Update Wisker 03/27/2024
D) Recognition
Hoelscher recognized Walesch for his service to the LMCD Board from 2018 through today. She noted that
this will be his last meeting, although he will continue to work with the Board on certain items. The Board
echoed the appreciation to Walesch for his service.
MOTION: Kroll moved; Walesch seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Ann Hoelscher, Chair Michael Kirkwood, Secretary
Date Num Name Memo Account Paid Amount Class
03/28/2024 EFT-24-37 FRANCOTYP-POSTALIA, INC. Bridgewater Checking
Postage for Meter
4080 · Postage -100.00 Admin.
TOTAL -100.00
03/28/2024 EFT-24-38 Health Partners 16962 Bridgewater Checking
Dental Insurance April 2024 (Reardan) 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -63.83 Admin.
Dental Insurance April 2024 (Schleuning) 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -63.83 Admin.
Dental Insurance April 2024 (Tully) 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -63.83 Admin.
TOTAL -191.49
03/28/2024 EFT-24-39 WEX Health, Inc. Service Fee Bridgewater Checking
HSA Service Fee March 2024 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -8.25 Admin.
TOTAL -8.25
03/28/2024 EFT-24-40 P.E.R.A 9236-00 Bridgewater Checking
Payroll 3/16/24 - 3/31/24 2020 · Payroll Liabilities - -1,161.96 Admin.
TOTAL -1,161.96
03/28/2024 EFT-24-41 ADP Bridgewater Checking
Salaries - Admin 4020M10 · Salaries-002 - Admin -8,307.67 Admin.
PERA - Admin 2020 · Payroll Liabilities - 1,161.96 Admin.
ER PERA - Admin 4022M10 · ER PERA - Admin -622.48 Admin.
ER/FICA/Medica - Admin 4021M10 · ER Share of Admin FICA/Medicare -634.96 Admin.
Long Term Disability 2020-LT · Payroll Liabilities - UNUM 7.67 Admin.
Brimeyer 3/10/24 - 3/25/24
4024 · Contract Labor
-2,540.00 Admin.
TOTAL -10,935.48
03/28/2024 EFT-24-43 US Bank 47985312....9706 Bridgewater Checking
Credit Card Charges February 2024 1087M10 · US Bank (Credit Card) -653.61 Admin.
TOTAL -653.61
03/28/2024 23118 City of Mound Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 April 2024 Rent, April 2024 4320M10 · Office Rent - Admin. -1,820.16 Admin.
TOTAL -1,820.16
03/28/2024 23119 Goff Public Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 19355 Internal meetings, draft timeline development for safety brochure, newsletter email and postcard... 4183M10 · Prof/ Serv. - Communications -660.00 Admin.
TOTAL -660.00
03/28/2024 23120 Innovative Office Solutions LLC Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 4474600
Copy Paper
4220M10 · Office Supplies -Admin. -25.86 Admin.
TOTAL -25.86
03/28/2024 23121 LMCC Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 1587 3/13/24 Board Meeting VOD Services 4182M10 · Media (Cable/Internet) - Admin. -200.00 Admin.
TOTAL -200.00
4:42 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Check Detail
March 16 - 31, 2024
Page 1
Item 7A
Date Num Name Memo Account Paid Amount Class
03/28/2024 23122 Minnesota Trophies & Gifts Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 36301 Nameplates 4230M10 · Meeting Exp. - Admin. -96.37 Admin.
TOTAL -96.37
03/28/2024 23123 MN Lakes & Rivers Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 20741 Annual Membership Renewal 4360M10 · Subs/Memberships - Admin. -200.00 Admin.
TOTAL -200.00
03/28/2024 23124 NCPERS Group Life Insurance Bridgewater Checking
03/28/2024 923600042024 Life Insurance April 2024 (Reardan) 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -16.00 Admin.
Life Insurance April 2024 (Tully) 4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin. -16.00 Admin.
TOTAL -32.00
4:42 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Check Detail
March 16 - 31, 2024
Page 2
WHEREAS, the LMCD is a regional government agency established by Minnesota
Statutes Section 103B.605, Subd. 1; and
WHEREAS, contributions to the LMCD "Save the Lake" fund are generally tax
deductible to individuals under the IRS Code 26 USC Section 170 (b)(1)(a) because
contributions to any political subdivision of any state for exclusively public purposes are
deductible; and
WHEREAS, municipalities are generally authorized to accept donations of real and
personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its
stakeholders, and is specifically authorized to accept gifts; and
WHEREAS, LMCD wishes to follow similar requirements as established for
municipalities for accepting donations; and
WHEREAS, the attached listed person(s) and entity(ies) have offered to contribute the
cash amount(s) set forth with any terms or conditions as outlined in Attachment I to the LMCD;
WHEREAS, such contribution(s) have been contributed to the LMCD for the benefit of
the public, as allowed by law; and
WHEREAS, the LMCD Board of Directors finds that it is appropriate to accept
the contribution(s) offered.
1. The contribution(s) described with Attachment I is/are accepted and shall be used to
establish and/or operate services either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed
by law.
Item 7B
Page 2
2. The executive director is hereby directed to issue receipt(s) acknowledging the LMCD’s
receipt of the contributor’s contribution(s).
Adopted by the Board on this 27
day of March.
Ann Hoelscher, Chair
Michael Kirkwood, Secretary
4:30 PM
Accrual Basis
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Transaction Detail By Account
January 9 through March 21, 2024
Date Num Name Memo Class Clr Split Amount
3001M20 · Donations (General) - S/L
01/16/2024 PayPal Richard Parsons STL Donation General (50.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 48.06
01/16/2024 PayPal Gerald Walsh STL Donation General (25.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 23.79
01/16/2024 PayPal Gregg Thomas STL Donation General (500.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 485.06
01/17/2024 PayPal Judith Krohn STL Donation General (50.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 48.06
02/16/2024 PayPal Gerald Walsh STL Donation General (25.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 23.79
03/18/2024 PayPal Gerald Walsh STL Donation General (25.00) STL Bridgewater Checking 23.79
TOTAL 652.55
Page 1 of 1
Item 7B Attachment
Dear [xxxx]
As you may recall, the LMCD recently formed a workgroup to study current watercraft for hire
and rental watercraft code and to make recommendations to the LMCD Board. The LMCD
Board recently passed updated code regulating watercraft for hire operators (cruise boats). The
workgroup is now considering proposing significant changes to the LMCD rental watercraft
ordinance to address recent and ongoing incidents on Lake Minnetonka (the “Lake”) relating to
rental watercraft (pontoons, boats and jet skis). Please see the attached letter from Hennepin
County Sheriff Water Patrol. The LMCD requests your feedback and comments on the attached
proposed draft ordinance and other matters as outlined herein.
Draft Code
Attached please find proposed rental watercraft draft code that will be presented to the LMCD
Board in the future (possibly with revisions, additions or recissions). This draft code is more
restrictive and certainly more robust than the current LMCD rental watercraft code.
One consideration the LMCD would like feedback on is the current version of the draft code
contains a provision that requires any person or company renting watercraft on the Lake that
launches the rental watercraft from a public access get written permission from the city where
the public access is located, similar to a port of call permission cities grant the cruise boats.
Considerations and Feedback
The LMCD is interested in getting your feedback on the following:
Are you experiencing issues with parking, traffic, or negative conduct relating to rental
watercraft operators in your city?
Do you currently have any ordinances or rules regulating rental watercraft or other
commercial activities at public launches you control?
Rental watercraft operations may or may not be transpiring at public access in your city.
If the LMCD requires written permission from the city as a condition of the rental
watercraft license, are you inclined to give such permission?
Do you feel you have the legal authority grant or not grant permission?
Other comments or feedback?
The workgroup would like to present its recommendations to the LMCD Board as early as
possible in the 2024 boating season so any changes to the code could be applicable. The LMCD
requests your feedback prior to April 30, 2024. Please contact LMCD staff with questions. The
LMCD requests that feedback be given verbally or in writing to LMCD staff:
Jim Brimeyer , Executive Director
[Contact info]
Item 11A
Thomas Tully, Manager of Code Enforcement
[Contact info]
Thomas Tully
1. Existing LMCD watercraft rental code
2. Draft revised LMCD watercraft rental code
3. Letter from Hennepin County Sheriff Water Patrol
Proposed Rental Code
version 1
Subd. 1. Watercraft Requirements. No person shall offer to rent,
or rent, a watercraft to another without a license issued from the
Subd. 2. Obtaining a License. Applications for a license to rent
or operate a rental watercraft business on the Lake shall be
submitted and processed as provided in Section 6.XX and Section
6.XX. COMMENT: this is a new process so there is no existing
licensing or application language specific to rental watercraft. The
existing Section 6 sections that apply to a WFH can be changed to
also apply to rentals or we can add new sections.
Subd. 3. Renewals. A renewal license is required for each year of
operation and must be obtained by March 1
of each year.
Subd. 4. Applicant and Watercraft Requirements. No person shall
offer to rent, or rent, a watercraft to another unless the applicant
and the watercraft complies with all of the following:
Item 11A Attachment
a. The watercraft must be inspected by the Hennepin County
Sheriff. In order to pass inspection, the applicant and watercraft
must meet then-current inspection requirements. Upon passing the
Hennepin County Sheriff's inspection, the watercraft must
continue to operate in the same manner as at the time of
inspection, including having available all of the required
equipment present at the time of inspection. Both the operator of
the rental watercraft and license holder may be held responsible
for the equipment or operation of the boat.
b. A watercraft must contain a boarding ladder that enables a
passenger to board the watercraft from the water in the event a
passenger falls out of the watercraft.
c. A rental watercraft shall contain any personal flotation devices,
throwables, fire extinguishers, or other safety equipment required
by LMCD or State of Minnesota code. An applicant for a rental
license must hold all designations or licenses required to operate a
business or provide services on the Lake.
d. Launch Designation and Authority. At the time of application
for any rental license under this Chapter, the applicant shall
designate specific launch ramp or other facilities at which the
watercraft will be launched, and where passengers will be
embarked and disembarked. Licenses granted by the LMCD will
designate specific launch ramps and docks where the watercraft
will be launched and passengers will be embarked and
disembarked, and no rental watercraft shall be launched and no
passengers, except law enforcement personnel or employees, may
be embarked or disembarked except at authorized locations
designated by the LMCD rental watercraft license. An applicant
must get written permission from the entity that controls the
launch ramp or dock and submit such written permission with the
rental license application.
Subd. 5. Restrictions:
a. Rental to Person Under Influence. No watercraft shall be rented
or offered for rent to any person who is under the influence of
alcoholic beverages or any other intoxicating substance.
b. No person / pilot / rental operator shall directly or indirectly
deal in, sell, or keep for sale on any rental watercraft any alcoholic
beverages or intoxicating substances (including marijuana). No
person shall provide or serve any liquids for the purpose of
mixing with intoxicating liquor. A passenger on a rental
watercraft may bring and consume alcoholic beverages provided
such person is of legal age.
c. No Licensee / person / or rental operator shall provide, directly
or indirectly deal in, sell, or keep for sale on any rental watercraft
any food or beverages without first obtaining a license or permit
and requisite inspections from the Minnesota Department of
Health or any other entity requiring a license, permit or
inspection. A passenger on a rental watercraft that may bring and
consume their own food and beverages.
d. Overloading and Passenger Limit. No watercraft which has
been rented shall be permitted to depart from the premises at
which it was rented or operate on the Lake if it is loaded beyond
its safe carrying capacity, stated passenger or weight capacity, or
powered beyond its safe power capacity. In any event, no rental
watercraft shall contain more than 20 occupants, including the
pilot and passengers.
e. Overnight Occupancy. No person shall rent or lease any
watercraft for use as living quarters while it is in or upon the
Lake. No person shall lease or rent any watercraft for overnight
occupancy in or upon the Lake.
f. No watercraft in excess of 30 feet shall be rented on the Lake.
g. Any rentor or person operating a rental watercraft shall require
that passengers on a rental watercraft conduct operations and
activities on the watercraft in such a way as to not constitute a
public nuisance on the watercraft or to interfere with the peaceful
enjoyment of the Lake and of surrounding properties. A licensed
pilot shall not allow any passenger to violate the LMCD code. A
pilot shall not play or allow passengers to play any live or
amplified music or amplified voice at a level that interferes with
the peaceful enjoyment of the Lake and of surrounding properties.
Both operator and license holder may be held responsible for the
equipment or operation of the boat.
h. At no time shall any rental watercraft load or unload passengers
at any residential property located on the Lake, except in the
following circumstances:
1. The rental watercraft is being operated for the personal use and
enjoyment of the person who owns or is renting the residential
property where the rental watercraft is being loaded or unloaded.
Mar 31, 24
Current Assets
Bridgewater Checking
Bridgewater Savings
1010M10 · Petty Cash
Total Checking/Savings
Accounts Receivable
1150M10 · Accounts Rec. - Gen
Total Accounts Receivable
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
1640M90 · Fixed Assets
1645M90 · Accumulated Depreciation
Total Fixed Assets
Other Assets
1650M90 · Leased Asset
1655M90 · Accumulated Amortization-Lease
Total Other Assets
TOTAL ASSETS 920,672.08
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
2050M10 · Accrued Payroll - Gen
2150M90 · Accrued compensated absenses
2151M90 · Current portion of comp absens
2916M90 · Lease Liability - Short Term
Total Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Long Term Liabilities
2915M90 · Lease Liability - Long Term
Total Long Term Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Retained Earnings
2910M10 · Fund Balance - Admin.
2910M20 · Fund Balance - S/L
2910M30 · Fund Balance - EWM
2910M50 · Fund Balance - Equip Repl
2910M90 · Fixed Assets - Conversion Fund
Net Income
Total Equity
4:47 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Balance Sheet
Accrual Basis
As of March 31, 2024
Page 1
Item 14
Jan - Mar 24 Budget $ Over Budget
Ordinary Income/Expense
Grants & Other Income
3080M10 · Interest - Gen
4,277.73 3,000.00 1,277.73
3260M10 · Court Fines - Admin.
8,740.00 50,000.00 -41,260.00
3300M10 · Other Income - Admin.
8,701.30 3,000.00 5,701.30
Total Grants & Other Income
21,719.03 56,000.00 -34,280.97
3110M10 · Multiple/Perm. Dock Lic -Admin.
76,585.13 85,000.00 -8,414.87
3120M10 · DMA license - Admin.
3,300.00 3,000.00 300.00
3130M10 · Deicing License - Admin.
0.00 6,000.00 -6,000.00
3170M10 · Variances - Admin.
0.00 15,000.00 -15,000.00
3240M10 · Charter Boats - Admin.
3,150.00 3,000.00 150.00
3280M10 · Liquor/Beer/Wine License-Admin.
17,850.00 19,000.00 -1,150.00
Total Licenses/Permits
100,885.13 131,000.00 -30,114.87
3020M10 · Municipal Dues - Admin.
127,523.50 255,000.00 -127,476.50
3400M10 · Transfers In - Admin.
0.00 125,000.00 -125,000.00
Total Income
250,820.16 567,000.00 -316,179.84
Gross Profit
250,820.16 567,000.00 -316,179.84
AIS Administration
4111M30 · Legal
0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00
Total AIS Administration
0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00
General & Admin Expenses
4060 · Telephone/Internet
664.34 3,700.00 -3,035.66
4070M10 · Webpage & Digital
3,780.00 500.00 3,280.00
4090M30 · DMV
0.00 40.00 -40.00
4340M10 · Insurance - Admin.
0.00 6,000.00 -6,000.00
4340M30 · Insurance W/C
0.00 0.00 0.00
4350M30 · Ins./Equip.
0.00 0.00 0.00
4360M10 · Subs/Memberships - Admin.
200.00 2,600.00 -2,400.00
Total General & Admin Expenses
4,644.34 12,840.00 -8,195.66
4110M10 · Public Info Legal Fees- Admin.
442.05 2,000.00 -1,557.95
4620M10 · Civil Legal Fees - Admin.
2,982.15 27,000.00 -24,017.85
4640M10 · Prosecution Legal Fees - Admin.
8,041.36 30,000.00 -21,958.64
4641M10 · Other Legal Fees - Admin
0.00 4,000.00 -4,000.00
Total Legal
11,465.56 63,000.00 -51,534.44
Office, Supplies, Equip
4080 · Postage
293.60 3,000.00 -2,706.40
4100M10 · Printing - Admin.
0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00
4140M10 · Office Equipment R&M - Admin.
926.30 8,000.00 -7,073.70
4220M10 · Office Supplies -Admin.
423.63 2,500.00 -2,076.37
4230M10 · Meeting Exp. - Admin.
575.12 8,700.00 -8,124.88
4320M10 · Office Rent - Admin.
5,460.48 22,000.00 -16,539.52
4400M10 · Mileage/Exp's - Admin.
59.70 400.00 -340.30
4410M10 · Training/Prof. Devel.
0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00
4520M10 · Furniture & Equip - Admin.
0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00
4530M10 · Comp. Sftwr & Hdwr - Admin.
1,641.20 7,000.00 -5,358.80
4531M30 · Software & Hardware/Training
0.00 500.00 -500.00
Total Office, Supplies, Equip
9,380.03 56,100.00 -46,719.97
4:47 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
2024 General Income & Expense Budget Comparison
Accrual Basis
January through March 2024
Page 1
Item 14B
Jan - Mar 24 Budget $ Over Budget
Personnel Expenses
4020M10 · Salaries-002 - Admin
49,845.99 240,000.00 -190,154.01
4021M10 · ER Share of Admin FICA/Medicare
3,809.76 19,000.00 -15,190.24
4022M10 · ER PERA - Admin
3,734.88 18,000.00 -14,265.12
4380M10 · Employee Benefits - Admin.
8,242.06 40,000.00 -31,757.94
Total Personnel Expenses
76,212.69 317,000.00 -240,787.31
Professional Services- ADM
4040M10 · Auditing - Admin.
0.00 10,000.00 -10,000.00
4180M10 · Professional Services - Admin.
2,464.74 3,000.00 -535.26
4181M10 · Professional Comp. Serv.-Admin.
1,403.00 4,000.00 -2,597.00
4182M10 · Media (Cable/Internet) - Admin.
1,600.00 3,500.00 -1,900.00
4183M10 · Prof/ Serv. - Communications
4,400.24 40,000.00 -35,599.76
Total Professional Services- ADM
9,867.98 60,500.00 -50,632.02
Public Education & Safety
4160M10 · Watercraft/Vehicle Maint
0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00
4535M10 · Public Safety - SolarLights
0.00 3,560.00 -3,560.00
Total Public Education & Safety
0.00 4,560.00 -4,560.00
Total Expense
111,570.60 564,000.00 -452,429.40
Net Ordinary Income
139,249.56 3,000.00 136,249.56
Net Income 139,249.56 3,000.00 136,249.56
4:47 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
2024 General Income & Expense Budget Comparison
Accrual Basis
January through March 2024
Page 2
Item 14B
Jan - Mar 24 Budget $ Over Budget
Ordinary Income/Expense
3001M20 · Donations (General) - S/L
5,200.61 46,050.00 -40,849.39
Total Contributions
5,200.61 46,050.00 -40,849.39
Grants & Other Income
3300M20 · Other Income - S/L
0.00 750.00 -750.00
Total Grants & Other Income
0.00 750.00 -750.00
3400M20 · Transfers In - S/L
0.00 42,000.00 -42,000.00
Total Income
5,200.61 88,800.00 -83,599.39
Gross Profit
5,200.61 88,800.00 -83,599.39
Office, Supplies, Equip STL
4080M20 · Postage - S/L
0.00 800.00 -800.00
4100M20 · Printing - S/L
0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00
Total Office, Supplies, Equip STL
0.00 1,800.00 -1,800.00
Public Education & Safety
4535M10 · Public Safety - SolarLights
0.00 87,000.00 -87,000.00
Total Public Education & Safety
0.00 87,000.00 -87,000.00
Total Expense
0.00 88,800.00 -88,800.00
Net Ordinary Income
5,200.61 0.00 5,200.61
Net Income 5,200.61 0.00 5,200.61
4:47 PM
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
2024 STL Income & Expense Budget Comparison
Accrual Basis
January through March 2024
Page 1