Glossary of Plastering Terms
A material that shortens the setting time of gypsum plasters and other cementitious materials.
Acoustical Plaster
Sound-absorbing plaster formulated for application where reduction in sound reverberation or
intensity is required.
Any substance added to a plaster component or plaster mortar for the purpose of modifying its properties.
An inert granular material, usually silica sand, limestone, perlite or vermiculite, which may be added to gypsum
plaster on the job, or is present in mill-prepared plaster. Fiber may be considered to be an aggregate.
Aggregate Fallout
A condition associated with machine gypsum plaster application, where the sand (usually) aggregate
segregates, or “falls out of, the cementitious slurry during pumping; the plaster or stucco is therefore referred to as having
poor sand “carrying” capacity or quality.
The process by which air in the form of small isolated bubbles is introduced into a mortar while in a liquid
or plastic state.
A massive, dense, crystalline, softly textured form of nearly pure gypsum.
Relating to or containing an alkali having a pH greater than 7.
Alligator Cracks
See: Craze Cracks.
Alpha Gypsum
A classification of specially processed calcined gypsums of low consistency and high strength.
Angle Float
A plaster finishing tool having a surface bent to form a right angle; used to finish interior angles.
Anhydrous Calcium Sulfate
(“Anhydrite” or “dead-burned”); Anhydrite is a naturally occurring impurity (CaSO
), usually
found in gypsum (CaSO
• 2H
O) deposits. Dead-burned gypsum is a calcined anhydrous gypsum that, unlike anhydrite,
is very slowly converted with addition of water to CaSO
• 2H
See: Plaster Base.
Any plaster coat applied over lath or other substrate prior to application of the finish coat of plaster. See also
Scratch Coat and Brown Coat.
Base Screed
A preformed metal screed with perforated or expanded flanges to provide a ground for plaster, and to separate
areas of dissimilar materials.
A strip of sheet metal, usually formed with a projecting nosing and one or two perforated or expanded flanges.
Nosing provides the plaster base; e.g., corner bead, casing bead, base bead, etc.
See: Joint Deformation.
Bedding Coat
A coat of plaster (usually portland cement exterior stucco) to receive lump aggregate or other coarse
decorative material. This aggregate is embedded into the soft plaster prior to set.
See: Watering Out.
A condition characterized by bulging of the finish coat layer as it separates and draws away from the basecoat.
A subjective and often misused term relating to the working properties of a plastic cementitious mass such as gypsum
or portland cement plaster, generally referring to the relative stiffness or resistance to movement under the trowel.
Bonding Agent
A material applied to a surface to improve the quality of bond between it and succeeding plaster application.
Bond Failure
See: Delamination.
Bond Plaster
A specially formulated gypsum plaster applied over monolithic concrete as a bonding coat for subsequent
plaster application.
Brown Coat
The second layer in three-coat plaster application.
Brown Out
1. To apply the second layer or brown coat of a three-coat plaster application.
2. The visual darkening of a plaster surface which indicates the completed setting (hydration) of the plaster.
A condition associated with lime putty, veneer and other plastering materials characterized by poor workability or
stiffness well before normal setting. This condition may be related to exposure of the dry material (open bag) prior to wet
mixing; use of material beyond published shelf life; or rapid dispersion of particles within the plaster when mixed in water.
Product and Systems
Bulk Density
The weight of a material per unit volume expressed as pounds per cubic foot (lb./ft.
) or kilograms per cubic
meter (kg/m
Bull Nose
A special formed rounded external angle with a radius of 1/2" (12.5 mm) or more; usually associated with
Tudor or Spanish architecture.
Butterflies or Butterfly
1. Color imperfections in a lime putty finish coat that smear out under trowel pressure.
2. An interior corner angle trowel (see Corner Tool).
Cage-Type Mixing Paddle
A special configuration mixing tool designed to provide high-shear mixing action with minimum
air-entrainment in veneer plaster mixing. Provides quick and efficient dispersion of plaster additives to achieve optimum
mortar plasticity.
To drive off chemically combined water or carbon dioxide (CO
) by heating. With gypsum, combined water is
driven off in calcination to yield stucco (CaSO
• 1/2H
O) or dead-burned gypsum (CaSO
). In limestone calcination,
carbon dioxide is lost to form quicklime (CaO) or dolomitic quicklime (CaO • MgO).
Calcined Gypsum
Partially or fully dehydrated gypsum used as a cementitious base for gypsum plaster.
Casing Bead
A single-flange bead used as a plaster stop and as exposed trim around windows and door openings; also
used at junction or intersection of plaster and other wall or ceiling finishes.
Casting Plaster
See: Moulding Plaster.
Blemish or rough depression in the finish coat caused by variation in basecoat thickness, poor finish coat mixing,
and/or poor application technique.
A material or mixture of materials that, when in a plastic state, possesses adhesive and cohesive properties and
which will set in place.
Cementitious Material
A component of plaster (gypsum, portland cement, etc.) that, when mixed with water, provides
plasticity required for placement. On setting, it serves to bind aggregate and filler particles together, forming a rigid
heterogeneous mass.
Cement Plaster
Variously defined as plaster containing portland cement.
Check Cracks
See: Craze Cracking.
See: Craze Cracking.
Chip Cracks
Fine cracks in a finish plaster coat similar to craze cracks except that bond is partially destroyed, producing
concave fragments of the finish.
A thickness or layer of plaster applied in a single operation.
Cold Joining
The line at which, or the method by which, two separate plaster applications are jointed to provide a
continuous plane surface. The first application (set, but not dry) is terminated at a sharp line using the trowel edge.
The second application is brought up to the line of set material and finished to provide a smooth continuous surface.
This method is used where termination of a plaster application at an edge, angle, control joint or bead is impractical.
Colored Finish
A plaster finish coat containing integrally mixed color pigments or colored aggregates.
Combined Water
Water chemically retained as water of crystallization; e.g., in calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) or calcium
sulfate hemihydrate.
Compressive Strength
Maximum load sustained by a material when subjected to a crushing force expressed as pounds
per square inch (lb./in.
) or kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm
A term denoting the fluidity or viscosity of a plaster or cementitious paste; also refers to the amount of water
required to bring a given quantity of dry cementitious material and aggregate to a given fluidity.
Control Joint
See: Expansion Joint.
A term referring to relative workability of a plaster application resulting from water absorption of the substrate (usually
basecoat), or of a plaster’s tendency to relinquish water to the substrate. A cool basecoat contains substantial free water
(either freshly installed and not dried, or rewet prior to finish application); the finish applied to this basecoat will be cool
working, or have little tendency to lose its water to the basecoat, thereby maintaining sufficient water to provide easy
working and finishing characteristics.
Corner Reinforcement
Reinforcement Material used at re-entrant or interior angles to provide continuity between two
intersecting plaster surfaces.
Corner Tool
A tool consisting of a right angle (90°) metal form with a handle used for application of plaster and finishing of
interior angles.
A concave molding or curved surface used at the junction between a ceiling and a wall.
Craze Cracks
Fine, random fissures or cracks of the finish plaster surface caused by plaster shrinkage. These are
generally associated with lime finish coat improperly gauged or troweled, or with veneer plasters subjected to rapid-drying
job conditions.
In gypsum plastering, to provide environmental conditions conducive to complete gypsum hydration (low air movement
and moderate temperatures); in portland cement plastering, to maintain sufficient quantity of water to complete hydration.
A flat wooden or metal tool about 4" wide and 42" long with handles; used to smooth or float the brown coat; also
used on finish coat to give a preliminary true and even surface.
Dead-Burned Gypsum
See: Anhydrous Calcium Sulfate.
The physical separation of plaster coats, or of a plaster coat from the substrate, that results from chemical or
physical impairment of plaster bond to previous coats or other substrates.
Dew Point
The point at which air becomes saturated with water vapor and condenses to form dew.
Diamond Mesh
Types of metal lath having small diamond pattern produced by slitting and expanding of metal sheets.
See Expanded Metal Lath.
A type of limestone containing calcium carbonate, with up to 50% magnesium carbonate. Also refers to the quick
lime or hydrated lime derivatives of this type of limestone.
A term used by plasterers for additives of any type that adjust setting, workability or bond characteristics.
A small lump of plaster placed on a surface (usually scarified basecoat) between grounds to assist the plasterer in
obtaining the proper plaster thickness and aid in aligning the surface.
Double Hydrated Lime
Calcium magnesium hydroxide Ca (OH)
• Mg (OH)
, the product obtained from reaction of water
with dolomitic quicklime (CaO • MgO). When mixed with water, forms a plastic paste (lime putty) which may be mixed with
gauging plaster and applied as a finish plaster coat.
Successive plaster coat application with no setting or drying time allowed between coats, usually associated with
veneer plastering. The double-up coat is applied (from the same mix) to a scratch coat over gypsum base.
A workability problem encountered during knockdown or finish troweling, where excessive pressure is required to draw
the trowel across the surface to smooth it. This occurs when the material has not retained sufficient surface moisture to
lubricate the trowel; in the extreme, the trowel may skip or “chatter” across the surface, creating ripples.
A condition caused by excessive evaporation or substrate water absorption, when the plaster loses some or all of
the water required for hydration (setting). Appears as a light-colored soft area.
Early Stiffening
Low plasticity (hard or poor workability) of plaster occurring substantially prior to actual setting (hydration)
reaction; see also Bucking.
A white, powdery surface deposit sometimes found on plaster or masonry. Results from migration of soluble
salts to the surface; also called “whiskering” or “saltpetering.”
See: Chip Cracks.
Electric Radiant Heat
A heating system consisting of an electric resistance heating cable attached to radiant heat plaster
base, and covered in two coats with a specially formulated heat-resistant plaster.
) • XH
O, where X = 0-30; a dimensionally unstable material formed when gypsum plasters or
gypsum-containing materials intimately contact portland cements in the presence of excess moisture. As additional moisture
is made available, the ettringite crystal (and bulk material) expands, creating bulges, cracks, and delamination at the
portland cement/gypsum interface.
Expanded Metal Lath
A general term to denote slit and drawn sheet metal forming openings of various configurations;
used as a plaster base.
Expansion Joint
A product formed from sheet metal having a “W” shaped cross section; provides controlled discontinuity at
locations in a plaster membrane to relieve stress.
False Set
Rapid stiffening (not setting) of portland cement plaster, which can be counteracted through additional mixing.
Similar reactions with lime and gypsum plaster are described as bucking or early stiffening.
A mixture of fine lime and/or gypsum particles and water accumulated on the trowel during the finishing operation,
which is used to fill in small surface imperfections.
Feather Edge
A metal or wood tool having a beveled edge. Used in finish coat work to straighten reentrant angles.
Fibered Plaster
Usually a basecoat plaster containing animal (hair), vegetable or glass fibers, which promote cohesiveness
in the mix.
Finish Coat
The last layer of plaster applied in a multilayer application.
Finishing Brushes
Brushes used to apply water to a smooth lime finish coat during final troweling; may be fiber or felt type.
Fish Eyes
A term describing small blemishes (about 1⁄4" in diameter) found in lime/gauging finish coats, caused by
insufficient finish-coat mixing.
A “photographing” or “see-through” effect observed with plaster finishes applied over block or tile mortar joints,
plaster base joints, and beads and trims, where non-uniform water absorption can occur.
Flash Set
See: Quick Set.
A tool or procedure used to straighten and level the finish coat, to correct surface irregularities produced by other
tools, and to impart a distinctive surface texture.
Float Finish
Finish-coat texture which is rougher than a smooth trowel finish, and which is derived from aggregate in the mortar.
An artistic or decorative medium consisting of a water-soluble paint applied to freshly applied plaster.
A term applied to spacer elements (channels, rods or strips) used to maintain a space between a plaster application
and the structural elements behind it.
A cementitious material, such as gypsum plaster, Keene’s cement or portland cement, added to lime putty to
provide and control set; also the act of adding gauging material.
Glass Fiber Tape
Glass fiber mesh material of various widths used to reinforce joints in veneer plaster applications over
gypsum base. Attached with staples or pressure-sensitive adhesive.
A term to describe freshly applied plaster that has set, but has not dried.
Piece of wood or metal attached to the plaster base so that its exposed surface acts as a gauge to define the
thickness of plaster to be applied. Also a term used to denote plaster thickness.
Gypsum or portland cement plaster used to fill crevices or to fill hollow metal door and window frames.
A surface gypsum deposit containing loam, clay, sand and humus impurities; gypsum content ranges from 60%
to more than 90%.
Hydrated Calcium Sulfate (CaSO
• 2H
O); a naturally occurring mineral that, when calcined, serves as the base
to formulate plastering materials and other building products.
Gypsum Lath
A plaster base manufactured in sheets of various dimensions. Composed of special gypsum core surfaced
with multilayered absorptive face paper suitable to receive gypsum plasters.
Gypsum Partition Tile (Block)
A cast gypsum building unit of various dimensions for use in non-load-bearing interior
construction for protection of columns, elevator shafts, etc., against fire.
Gypsum Plaster
Ground calcined gypsum combined with various additives to achieve specific application, working and
set characteristics.
Hand Tool
A term referring to a method of application of plastering materials using a hawk and trowel.
Hard Wall
A generic term referring to conventional gypsum basecoat plaster.
A tool used by plasterers to hold and carry plaster; consists of a flat wood or metal piece from 10" to 14" square,
with a wooden handle centered and attached to the underside.
• 1/2 2H
O; a calcined gypsum used for plaster formulation.
High Calcium Lime
A type of lime containing mainly calcium oxide or hydroxide and not more than 5% magnesium oxide
or hydroxide.
A term describing the ease with which a plaster may be handled with a hod or hawk; depends on plaster flow
characteristics and angle of repose.
The water retention characteristic or property of a plaster.
Opposite of cool; refers to plaster working characteristics, where reduced spread and plasticity result from excessive
basecoat absorption of available water from the plaster, or plaster has an increased tendency to relinquish available water
to the basecoat.
To chemically combine water, as in the hydration of calcined gypsum: CaSo
• 1/2H
O + 3/2H
• 2H
O, or slaking of quicklime: CaO + H
Ca (OH)
. Also the product resulting from this combination.
Hydrated Lime
Ca (OH)
or Ca (OH)
• MgO; produced by slaking, or adding water to, calcium quicklime (CaO) or dolomitic
quicklime (CaO • MgO).
Hygrometric Movement
The dimensional response (expansion or contraction) of gypsum laths and set cementitious
materials due to a variation in relative humidity.
See: Retarder.
The junction of two masonry, gypsum lath or other plastering bases, in a plane surface.
Joint Deformation
Deviation of the formed joint from a plane surface; may be referred to as “ridging, “beading, “lipping”
or “stepping” of the joint. The condition may be caused by improper lath attachment; improper joint treatment to achieve
reinforcement; irregular water absorption over the joint; abnormal substrate movement in response to thermal, hygrometric
(humidity), structural and other construction influences.
A plasterer or lather who, through training and experience, has become thoroughly skilled in the trade.
An anhydrous gypsum plaster of low consistency that, when mixed with lime putty, provides a dense, hard
finished surface. This material is unique in that it may be retempered using water and reworked with a trowel to resume the
plastic, workable state.
An intermediate plaster finishing step where sizable surface imperfections of the partially stiffened plaster
application are removed prior to final finish troweling.
Land Plaster
Coarse-ground natural gypsum that is calcined for the manufacture of gypsum plasters.
Latex Modifiers
Dry powder or emulsified admixtures that improve plaster plasticity, surface hardness and compressive
strength of the set material, and that improve bond between the plaster and base.
A metal or gypsum material applied separately to a structure that serves as a base for plaster.
Lean Mixture
Any plaster which has a high ratio of aggregate to cementitious material. Usually exhibits poor or hard
working characteristics.
Lightweight Aggregate
Low-density, inert aggregates such as vermiculite and perlite (as opposed to silica sand and pumice).
The principal product derived from calcining various types of limestone consisting of oxides or hydroxides of calcium
or magnesium.
Lime Plaster
A basecoat plaster consisting of lime and aggregate.
Lime Putty
A finishing material resulting from slaking of quicklime or soaking and mixing hydrated lime with water to form
a plastic mass; usually mixed with a gauging plaster or gauging and aggregate as a finish over basecoat.
Machine Application
Plaster application by mechanical means; generally by pumping and spraying.
Mason’s Lime
See: Type “N” Hydrated Lime.
Mechanical Bond
The physical kerfing of one plaster coat to another, or to a plaster base; e.g., clinching of plaster keys to
expanded metal lath, and the bond obtained between adjacent plaster coats by brooming or crossraking the first coat prior
to set.
Metal Lath
A metallic plaster base manufactured from sheet metal by slitting and expanding, or by punching and forming
A plastic mixture composed of water and a cementitious material, which may be machine or hand applied, and
which hardens in place.
A basecoat gypsum plaster product produced and supplied without aggregate. It is intended to be job-mixed with
aggregate, such as sand, perlite or vermiculite.
Moulding Plaster
A fine-grind, high-consistency hemihydrate gypsum that, when mixed with water, yields a pourable slurry
for casting ornamental trim units or decorative plaster runwork.
One-Coat System
Veneer plastering; the veneer finish is applied to veneer gypsum base or other approved substrate in a
scratch and double-up method (both “coats” from the same batch), to a full thickness of 1/16" (1.6 mm) to 3/32" (2.4 mm).
Open Time
The amount of time, from the point of mixing, during which a plaster retains a plastic workable consistency, until
it becomes too stiff to be applied.
To coat with plaster; usually refers to application to foundation walls and rough masonry.
Pencil Rods
Mild steel rods of 3/16" (4.8 mm), 1/4" (6.4 mm), or 3/8" (9.5 mm) diameter, used to provide rigid internal
reinforcement of the base for plaster application.
A siliceous volcanic glass that, when expanded by heat, is used as a lightweight plaster aggregate.
A cementitious material or combination of cementitious materials and aggregate that, when mixed with water, forms
a plastic mass. When applied to a surface, plaster adheres to it and subsequently sets or hardens, preserving in a rigid state
the form or texture imposed during the period of plasticity.
Plaster of Paris
• 1/2H
O or hemihydrate gypsum without set control additives, used in casting and industrial
The property of plaster that permits continuous and permanent deformation in any direction. As opposed to fluidity,
a plastic material requires a measurable force (yield value) to initiate flow. A material of low plasticity is usually described as
being “poor” or hard working; high plasticity is described as “rich” or easy working.
An admixture to improve plasticity, workability, and spread under the trowel.
See: Chip Cracks. Usually refers to gauged lime putty finish where the unhydrated magnesium oxide (MgO) in the
hydrated lime hydrates over a long period of time when exposed to free moisture. Results in local areas of high expansion in
the finish surface that may crack and “pop” off, leaving small craters or blemishes in the surface.
Portland Cement
A cementitious material made by heating a mixture of limestone and clay containing oxides of calcium,
aluminum, iron and silicon in a kiln, and pulverizing the resultant clinker. This material is usually mixed with lime and
aggregate for exterior plastering (stucco work), or in interior construction in areas where high resistance to moisture
is required.
Potassium Aluminum Sulfate
Alum; a generally recognized accelerator of gypsum plaster. Usually spray applied as a solution
to dry basecoat plaster or faded veneer gypsum base to promote bond of subsequent layers of plaster.
Pressure-Sensitive Tape
An open-weave, glass-fiber joint reinforcement tape used in veneer finishing, coated with a
pressure-sensitive adhesive for easy application to base without need for staple attachment.
Putty Coat
A smooth-troweled finish plaster coat containing lime putty and a gauging plaster.
CaO or CaO • MgO; materials produced by burning or calcining limestone. For plastering, quicklime is slaked
with water to hydrate the material to form Ca(OH)
or Ca(OH)
• MgO. The resulting lime putty is gauged for use as a
finish coat.
Quick Set
Premature hardening (setting) of a plaster. This condition may be attributed to improper job use of accelerator,
damp plaster prior to mixing, contamination of the mix (rusty or dirty mixing water, equipment or tools), or other factors.
A plastering tool with tines (teeth) which is used to roughen or scarify basecoat plaster application prior to set.
Promotes mechanical bond with the finish-coat plaster layer.
Rapid Drying Conditions
Job environmental conditions that cause premature removal of water from the plaster (prior to set),
which results in incomplete hydration of the gypsum plaster; e.g., high temperature, low relative humidity and high air
movement. These conditions promote dry-out and a variety of shrinkage cracking problems as a result of rapid and
excessive evaporation.
Rapid Plaster
Gypsum neat plaster “Type R”; calcined hemihydrate gypsum mill-mixed with materials to control set and
working properties; sand aggregated on the job for application over gypsum lath to a maximum thickness of 1/4" (6.4 mm).
Relative Humidity
The ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the
same temperature, expressed as a percentage.
An admixture used to delay the setting action of plasters or other cementitious materials.
A procedure whereby plaster (usually Keenes cement or portland cement) is remixed to a workable consistency
using water and/or mechanical action.
See: Plasticity.
See: Joint Deformation.
A straight-edge tool of various lengths used to straighten the surface of wall and ceiling plaster applications.
A plaster installation where the material is applied in a continuous formed method using a metal or wood
template; usually done as a decorative application at wall/ceiling junctions.
A warping condition in ceiling construction where the lath and plaster bow down from the framing members; can result
from a variety of causes, such as improper framing, spacing, long-setting plaster, slow drying conditions, excessive weight
of insulation, and improper placement of vapor barrier.
A portable gas or oil-burning heater used at a jobsite to provide minimum comfortable working conditions and
prevent freezing of plaster.
Loose granular aggregate resulting from natural disintegration of siliceous rock or from crushing of friable sandstone;
serves as an inert filler and provides internal expansion and contraction stress relief in plaster mix, minimizing cracking
Sand Coat
See: Scratch Coat.
Sand Float
1. A method of texturing a sanded finish coat that raises sand particles to the plaster surface through use of a
dampened sponge or sponge rubber float.
2. Refers to the type of finish texture obtained through use of a sponge or sponge rubber float.
A temporary platform or network of support members erected at a jobsite to permit safe and convenient
construction, repair or cleaning of a structure.
See: Rake.
Noun, see: Grounds; verb, to level or straighten a plaster coat application with a rod, darby or other similar tool
(e.g., a “screed” bar).
Woven natural or artificial fiber material coated with a binder or binder and adhesive; used to provide joint
Setting Time
The elapsed time required for a cementitious material to attain a specified hardness after mixing with water.
The set time is a physical indicator for the chemical reaction of hydration in gypsum plasters.
Sheet Lath
Metal lath formed by punching perforations in steel sheets; made from heavier gauge steel than expanded
metal lath; has greater stiffness.
Shelf Life
See: Storage Life.
Silica Sand
See: Sand.
Single Hydrate Lime
See: Hydrated Lime.
Skim Coat
A thin finish plaster coat troweled smooth.
Slaked Lime
See: Hydrated Lime.
A beveled device four feet (1.2 m) long and 6" to 8" (15.2 to 20.3 mm) wide, sometimes used by a plasterer in
place of a darby to level and smooth a plaster coat.
A plaster workability characteristic relating to the relative ease with which the trowel is drawn over the plaster surface
both during application and after the coat has stiffened or “taken up.”
See: Chip Cracking.
A term referring to the extendibility or coverage obtained with a plaster; sometimes used incorrectly to refer to
plaster workability.
Fiber-reinforced ornamental plaster casts.
Devices employed by plasterers which are strapped to the feet, providing an elevated footrest to permit ceiling and
high wall application without use of cumbersome scaffolding. Stilts have extension capability of up to three feet (0.91 m).
Storage Life
The time during which packaged material can be stored under specified temperature and humidity conditions
and remain suitable for use.
1. A cementitious material used in exposed exterior building construction.
2. A plaster manufacturing term referring to freshly calcined gypsum not yet formulated or processed into a
finished plaster product.
The absorptive quality of a surface, such as concrete masonry, gypsum lath, previous plaster coat, etc., which is to
be plastered.
A defective gypsum plaster condition characterized by a soft, damp area remaining after the surrounding area has
set. This is usually caused by insufficient ventilation, which inhibits normal drying.
The loss of water of a plaster into the absorptive substrate during application, as evidenced by a moderate
stiffening of the plaster coat.
A gauge or pattern used as a guide to produce arches, curves and other shapes or forms of a repetitive nature
(see: Runwork).
A patterned plaster finish as contrasted to a smooth finish.
Thermal Shock
A stress created by an extreme or sudden change in temperature that may result in cracking of plaster
after application.
Thin-Coat Plaster
See: Rapid Plaster or Veneer Plaster.
The property of a plastic mass that enables the material to achieve higher fluidity on agitation, and to thicken on
subsequent rest.
Three-Coat Plastering
The application of plaster in three successive coats—scratch, brown, finish—leaving time between
coats for setting and/or drying of the plaster.
Tie Wire
Soft annealed steel wire used to joint lath supports, attach metal lath to supports, and reinforce metal lath joints.
Torpedo Sand
A natural, well graded plastering sand obtained from pits along the Fox River, west of Chicago, Illinois.
A tool used by a plasterer to apply, spread, shape and smooth plaster.
Turtle Back
See: Blistering.
Two-Coat Plastering
See: Double-Up.
Two-Coat System
A veneer plaster installation consisting of a veneer basecoat and finish coat. Each coat is applied using
the scratch and double-up method, with the basecoat allowed to set prior to finish coat application. Each coat is applied to
a nominal 1/16" (1.6 mm) thickness, for a total installation thickness of 1/16" (3.2 mm) to 3/16" (4.8 mm).
Type “N” Hydrated Lime
See: Type “S” Hydrated Lime.
Type “R” Hydrated Lime
See: Rapid Plaster.
Type “S” Hydrated Lime
A special hydrated finishing lime, distinguished from type “N” (normal or mason’s hydrated finishing
lime) by restrictions on the amount of unhydrated oxides.
Type “X” Base
A gypsum lath with specially formulated core to increase fire retardent properties and improve system fire-
resistance rating.
Ultraviolet Radiation
UV light; the component of sunlight that can degrade gypsum-lath face paper to produce organic acids.
These acids react with an alkaline veneer plaster, forming a potent retarder at the plaster/gypsum base interface, and
destroying the mechanical bond of the plaster to the gypsum base.
See: Basecoat.
A term referring to the condition of a plaster installation whereby the hardened mass has lost internal strength,
exhibiting cracking, spalling, delamination, etc. This general state may be contributed to by excessive aggregate addition,
water damage, poor drying conditions, overwatering and other factors.
Veneer Gypsum Base
A special lath four feet (1.22 m) wide and in various lengths, having blue-tinted face paper; used as
a plaster base for one- and two-coat veneer plaster application.
Veneer Plaster
A calcined gypsum plaster specially formulated to provide specific workability, strength, hardness and
abrasion-resistance characteristics when applied in thin coats (1/16" nominal) over veneer gypsum base or other approved
base. The term thin-coat plaster is sometimes used in reference to veneer plaster.
See: Aggregate. A micaceous mineral expanded by heat and used as a lightweight plastering aggregate.
Water of Crystallization
See: Combined Water.
A plaster condition indicative of a poor water-retention characteristic. When at rest on a mortar board, the plaster
loses or “weeps” free water in puddles or depressions in the mass.
Water Retention
The ability or characteristic of a plaster to retain sufficient water, when applied to an absorptive surface,
to maintain a plastic workable state under the trowel for ease of application.
See: Water-Out.
White Coat
A gauged lime putty finish plaster or, more generally, any white finish plaster coat.
Wood Fiber
See: Aggregate.
Wood Fiber Plaster
A mill-prepared gypsum plaster formulated with shredded or ground-wood fiber; usually used as a
scratch coat over expanded metal lath.
A general term encompassing the performance of a plaster mortar under the trowel in terms of spread,
plasticity and slip.
Working Life
See: Open Time.
X-Ray Plaster
A gypsum plaster specially formulated for use in construction wherever x-ray equipment is installed.
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Products described here may not be
available in all geographic markets. Consult
your U.S. Gypsum Company sales office or
representative for information.
We shall not be liable for incidental and
consequential damages, directly or
indirectly sustained, nor for any loss caused
by application of these goods not in
accordance with current printed instructions
or for other than the intended use. Our
liability is expressly limited to replacement
of defective goods. Any claim shall be
deemed waived unless made in writing to
us within thirty (30) days from date it was
or reasonably should have been discovered.
Safety First!
Follow good safety and industrial
hygiene practices during handling and
installing products and systems. Take
necessary precautions and wear the
appropriate personal protective
equipment as needed. Read material
safety data sheets and related literature
on products before specification and/or
Manufactured by
United States Gypsum Company
550 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661
800 USG.4YOU (874-4968)
PM1/rev. 10-10
© 2010, United States Gypsum Company.
Printed in U.S.A.