In accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Chapter 4, Subchapter D,
Dual Credit Partnerships between Secondary Schools and Texas Public Colleges, Hill College offers college-level academic
and workforce education course options to Independent School Districts (ISDs) for dual credit. After the appropriate
college-level courses are approved for dual credit, high school students meeting Hill College requirements may register
in the courses to receive college and high school credit simultaneously. To facilitate effective communication between
each respective ISD and Hill College, each party to this agreement will appoint a contact person to coordinate all
activities relative to dual credit. Communications to Hill College regarding dual credit should be directed to the college’s
dual credit representative.
Dual Credit Admission/Registration. Students, upon written permission of the high school principal or designee, may
apply for dual credit admission. Dual credit students must submit the following documents prior to registration: Hill
College Dual Credit/Concurrent Permission form, high school transcript, qualifying college readiness scores, official
college transcript(s) from any other colleges attended prior to registration.
1. Eligible Courses
A. All courses offered for dual credit by Hill College will be either college-level academic courses, identified from
the current edition of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Lower-Division Academic Course Guide
Manual or college-level workforce education courses, identified from the current edition of the Workforce
Education Course Manual.
B. A college course offered for dual credit must be: (A) in the core curriculum of the public institution of higher
education providing the credit; (B) a career and technical education course; (C) a foreign language course; or (D)
a college pathway course that satisfies specific degree plan requirements leading to the completion of a Board
approved certificate, AA, AS, AAS degree program, or FOSC.
C. Developmental or remedial courses may not be offered for dual credit. ISD is encouraged to partner with Hill
College (as required by House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature) to develop and provide courses in college
preparatory mathematics and English language arts to prepare student for success in entry-level college courses
(See HB 5 MOU below)
D. The ISD will work closely with the Hill College dual credit representative to ensure that the college offers an
adequate number of courses and/or sections. The feasibility of offering specific courses will be negotiated by Hill
College and high school personnel.
E. A complete list of dual credit courses taught within this school district, as well as a crosswalk, will be maintained
on file in the Dual Credit Office.
2. Student Eligibility
A. The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires mandatory assessment for all students to determine college readiness
in reading, writing and math. The bill authorizes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to prescribe
assessment instruments with a statewide passing standard. The initiative allows an institution to determine
when a student is ready to perform college-level coursework. High School students who seek to register in a
dual credit course, which will grant college credit must prove “college readiness” by achieving a college level
score as outlined in Appendix A.
B. TSI rules state that students registering in a Level-One certificates or less are exempt from the TSI Assessment
requirements. A high school student is eligible to register in career and technical/workforce education dual
credit courses without having to demonstrate college readiness on an approved TSI Assessment if the student
has permission of the high school.
C. Students registering in career and technical/workforce education dual credit courses contained in a Level-Two
certificate or higher must meet the same dual credit eligibility criteria as students registered in academic dual
credit courses.
D. Students coming from a non-traditional program of study (i.e., a home school, private or a non-accredited high
school) and seek dual credit/concurrent courses at Hill College must satisfy paragraphs A through C of this
E. To be eligible for registration in a dual credit course, students must meet all the college’s regular prerequisite
requirements designated for that course.
F. All students who participate in the dual credit/concurrent program must maintain at a cumulative GPA of at
least a 2.0 to remain in good standing. Students who do not achieve satisfactory progress will be placed on
Scholastic Probation for the next long semester and may be registered provisionally on a semester basis. Credit
will be awarded according to state, local, and institutional policies in effect at the time of registration.
3. Location of Classes
A. Dual credit courses may be taught on one of Hill College’s campus/centers, online, through distance learning, or
on the high school campus. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, 4.85(c)]
B. For dual credit courses taught exclusively to high school students on the high school campus and for dual
credit/concurrent credit courses taught electronically, Hill College shall comply with applicable rules and
procedures relating to Distance Education and Off-Campus Instruction. In addition, dual credit courses taught
electronically shall comply with the Texas Higher Education “Principles of Good Practice for Academic Degree
and Certificate Programs and Credit Courses Offered Electronically” and Hill College’s standards for distance
learning courses.
4. Composition of Class
A. Dual credit courses offered on any Hill College campus/center will be open to both eligible high school students
and college credit students.
B. Dual credit classes planned at any approved off-campus site in collaboration with the appropriate college faculty
and staff and local high school personnel will be taught for dual credit only if the number of dual credit students
is justifiable.
C. Dual Credit classes may be composed of dual credit/concurrent and/or regular admission college credit
students. Exceptions for a mixed class may be allowed under one of the following conditions:
i. If the course involved is required for completion under the State Board of Education High School Program
graduation requirements and the high school is otherwise unable to offer such a course;
ii. If the mixed class is limited to high school honors students, College Board Advanced Placement or
International Baccalaureate, dual credit/concurrent students, and/or regular college credit students, all of
whom will be taught the college-level course. Students not registered for college credit by the official census
date of the class will not be awarded college credit.
iii. If the course is a career and technical/workforce education course and the high-school credit-only students
are eligible to earn articulated college credit.
D. It is the responsibility of the ISD’s high school principal to certify to Hill College that the requirements for class
composition have been met, and it is the responsibility of Hill College to verify that classes taught are in
compliance with this section. Further, should it be determined that this section has been violated, at the sole
discretion of Hill College, Hill College may deny credit to any single student and/or all students who participated
in an unapproved mixed class.
5. Faculty Selection, Supervision, and Evaluation
A. Faculty for a dual credit course will be approved and employed by Hill College. The instructor must meet
credential requirements of Hill College and minimum requirements as specified by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Each faculty member assigned to teach an academic
course will have a master’s degree plus 18 hours in the specific discipline. Technical course instructors will have
at least an associate degree and three years of work experience in the related business or industry.
B. Instructors teaching dual credit courses must meet the same standards, review, and approval procedures as full-
time, regular Hill College faculty.
C. Faculty for a dual credit course who are not a full-time faculty member of Hill College report directly to the
appropriate Dean of Instruction for the pathway in which the course(s) is being taught. The college shall
supervise and evaluate part-time faculty teaching dual credit courses using the same or comparable procedures
used for full-time faculty employed by college.
D. The performance appraisal process for dual credit instructors will be conducted by the immediate supervisor
and reviewed by the second line supervisor prior to the appraisal interview with the employee. The dual credit
faculty evaluation process will mirror the evaluation process used at the college for all full-time faculty members
and will be done according to the college policy manual. All dual credit faculty will be periodically evaluated
using the following means: 1) random classroom observation by the immediate supervisor of that discipline, 2)
student evaluations and 3) self-evaluation.
E. All Dual Credit faculty instructors will be supervised by the following means:
i. When dual credit classes are visited during a classroom observation, supervisors will ask to see items such as
the textbook, observe instruction and interaction with students, and request a class syllabus and a sample of
class tests, quizzes, labs, and/or projects.
ii. Dual Credit instructors are given a self-evaluation form and are asked to fill it out and return the form to
their Hill College supervisor.
iii. All dual credit instructors are given a master syllabus for the course. The master syllabus provides grading
policy and student learning outcomes.
iv. All dual credit instructors are required to participate in the assessment process.
v. All dual credit instructors are required to certify rosters.
vi. All dual credit instructors are required to submit final grades.
F. Faculty teaching courses, which result in the award of college credit, will be regularly employed faculty members
of Hill College. All faculty selected by Hill College to teach dual credit classes will be considered employees of Hill
College and will be compensated by the college in accordance with Hill College policy, procedures, and
G. Applications for employment and official transcripts from each college or university attended MUST be
submitted and approved prior to the start of classes. All paperwork will be kept on file at Hill College.
6. Course Curriculum, Instruction, and Grading
A. Hill College courses offered as dual credit, regardless of where they are taught, follow the same syllabus, course
outline, textbook, grading method, and other academic policies as the courses outlined in the Hill College
B. Approved courses being taught for dual credit must follow the approved master syllabus of the discipline and of
Hill College.
C. Textbooks should be identical to those approved for use by Hill College. Should an instructor propose an
alternative textbook, the textbook must be approved in advance by the appropriate instructional department of
Hill College and the Vice President of Instruction. Other instructional materials for dual credit/concurrent
courses must be identical or at an equivalent level to materials used by Hill College.
D. Courses which result in college-level credit will follow the standard grading practices of Hill College, as identified
by college policy and as identified in the appropriately approved course syllabus. The grades used in college
records are A (excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (below average), F (failure), I (incomplete), W
(withdrawn), WC (withdrawn COVID). The lowest passing grade is D. Grade point averages are computed by
assigning values to each grade as follows: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, and F = 0 points.
Grading criteria may be devised by Hill College and the ISD to allow faculty the opportunity to award high school
credit only or high school and college credit depending upon student performance.
E. Faculty, who are responsible for teaching dual credit/concurrent classes, are responsible for keeping appropriate
records, certifying census date rosters, providing interim grade reports, certifying final grade reports at the end
of the semester, certifying attendance, and providing other reports and information as may be required by Hill
College and/or the School District.
7. Academic Policies and Student Support Services
A. Hill College courses offered as dual credit, regardless of where they are taught, follow the same syllabus, course
outline, textbook, grading method, and other academic policies and procedures as the courses outlined in the
Hill College policy manual, catalog, and student handbook. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, 4.85(g)(1)]
B. Numerical grades may be used for dual credit courses and are given in accordance with academic policies in the
college catalog. To receive numeric grades, each student or the designated high school official must request the
6-Week Grade directly from the instructor. The instructor is required to provide the numeric grade to the
student or directly to the high school official within 5 class days of the request.
C. All academic policies of the college are applicable to dual credit courses and students. These policies include the
appeal process, dropping/adding courses, grading policy, distribution of the syllabus, academic integrity, student
conduct, etc. Dual credit students may reference the Hill College, student handbook and website for
information. Dual Credit students violating policies will be subject to the penalties described in the course
syllabus and any relevant Hill College policies. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, 4.85(g)(1)]
D. Students taking college courses dual credit courses are eligible to utilize the same or comparable support
services that are afforded to all Hill College students. The college is responsible for ensuring timely and efficient
access to such services, academic advising, learning materials (e.g., library resources), and to other benefits for
which the student may be eligible. In addition, Hill College will offer these students access to the library’s
electronic information resources through the internet, subject to Hill College’s licensing contracts with its
vendors and available technology. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, 4.85(g)(2)]
E. The ISD agrees to allow those students currently registered in Hill College courses, within the District’s facilities,
access to the information resources available in the district. These students are under the same rules and
regulations as other students of the district and are subject to the same fines and penalties.
F. To be eligible for these privileges, a Hill College student must present proof of current enrollment. This may take
the form of, but is not limited to, student ID card, bill for registration, or a class schedule.
G. Hill College Dual Credit staff will offer information sessions and/or appointments for dual credit students and
their parents to assist them in becoming acquainted with the dual credit process to include application,
academics, registration, tuition/fees and support services of the college. Information for dual credit will be
maintained on the Hill College dual credit website.
H. The ISD and College agree to maintain the records of all students in accordance with all applicable federal, state,
and local laws. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended (FERPA)
(20 U.S.C. ß1232g), all records relating to students, which are generated or maintained by either party, shall be
considered education records in accordance with applicable laws and policies.
I. Dual Credit students will be required to adhere to college policies and procedures regarding facilities and
equipment usage, code of conduct, and are subject to appropriate action taken by the ISD and/or College.
J. Upon registering in dual credit courses, the student’s information will become part of the College’s student
directory information and subject to the Texas Public Information Act. Students will be able to designate release
of directory information.
K. Hill College Academic Advisors and Success Coordinators will provide information and resources to dual credit
students to assist with achieving both academic and personal success goals. Staff assist with policy and degree
requirements, education planning, and transfer and career opportunities.
L. It is the policy and procedure of Hill College to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with
documented disabilities. Hill College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and
guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity and
enable participation in and benefits from educational programs and activities. Students must provide
appropriate documentation, complete an accommodation request form and submit to the Academic Advising
and Success Center. Every effort will be made to identify needs and provide reasonable academic
accommodations that a student needs.
M. If for any reason, it becomes necessary for a student who has registered for a Hill College class to withdraw or
drop the class, Hill College and the ISD agree it is the responsibility of the student to officially withdraw or drop
the college course.
N. A student may add or drop a course prior to the official census date for the course. Students who drop prior to
the official college census date will not receive a grade of any kind; tuition and fees will be refunded in
accordance with the College approved refund schedule.
O. A student may withdraw from a course with a grade of “W” any time after the census date for the semester and
on or before the last day to withdrawal a class of a term as designated in the college academic calendar. Dual
credit students attending class on or off campus may initiate a Drop, Withdrawal Resignation form through the
Hill College Dual Credit office or Academic Advising and Success Center. If attending class off campus at a high
school, the student should notify his/her high school representative and complete the form. A student who
discontinues class attendance and does not officially withdrawal the course on or before the last day will receive
a performance grade for the course based on the grading criteria identified in that course’s syllabus. This grade
will go on the student’s permanent high school and college transcripts.
P. If at the end of a semester there are overdue books or materials belonging to a Hill College library, each library
will take steps consistent with their policies and procedures to ensure that the past due books and/or materials
are returned as expediently as possible. Upon return of the material the lending library, the student’s account
will be cleared of any obligation.
Q. As of Fall 2019 and in accordance with Senate Bill 25, a student enrolled in a dual credit course at an institution
of higher education shall file a degree plan with the institution when the student has earned a cumulative total
of 15 or more semester credit hours of course work.
8. Transcription of Credit
A. For both technical and academic dual credit/concurrent credit courses, college credit will be transcripted
immediately upon a student's completion of the performance required in the course. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4,
Subchapter D, 4.85(h)]
B. Prior to graduation from high school, a student or high school representative can request an unofficial transcript
of courses taken as dual credit to be released to either the student or the high school.
C. Upon graduation from high school, students must submit an official high school transcript, with date of
graduation, before a Hill College official transcript will be released to other colleges or universities.
D. For technical and academic dual credit/concurrent courses which result in high school-level credit, the ISD will
transcript all course work in accordance with the ISD’s normal policies and procedures immediately following
the end date of the course. Further, the ISD agrees to make available in the same manner it does to other
students an official high school transcript that may be sent to other schools, colleges, or locations as the student
so designates.
E. Students registered in Continuing Education courses may be eligible for Course Completion Certificates if all
specific requirements in the course syllabus are met and certified by the Department of Continuing Education.
F. Hill College is a fully accredited institution and core academic courses are transferable to any state university in
Texas. However, since each college has its own policy regarding the transferability of courses, each student is
strongly advised to check with the college which he or she plans to attend, if other than Hill College, to
determine the transferability of Hill College courses.
9. Sources of Funding
A. State funding for dual credit/concurrent courses will be available to both the ISD and Hill College based upon the
current agreement between the Commissioner of Education and Commissioner of Higher Education. In
accordance with this agreement, Hill College may claim state funding for all students registered for college-level
credit in a dual credit/concurrent course. The ISD may also claim full ADA funding for all students registered in a
dual credit/concurrent course.
B. As of fall 2013, as per SB 31, 83rd Regular Legislature, institutions of higher education may not include dual
credit courses for formula funding unless they meet requirements outlined in the Texas Education Code Section
61.059 (p) and (q). For eligible courses offered for dual credit (Part 1, Section B of this agreement) which fall
outside of the formula funding allowable by the State of Texas as identified in the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board Educational Data Center’s Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community,
Technical, and State Colleges (Fall 2018 version), additional tuition and fees may be assessed.
C. In accordance with the tuition and fee structure established by the Hill College Board of Regents, Hill College
agrees to charge standard district and non-district tuition and fees as indicated on the Hill College website. The
Hill College Board of Regents reserves the right to change the policies and procedures of Hill College, without
notice, including tuition and fees in accordance with the cost of instruction and state laws.
D. The ISD agrees to pay for the cost of tuition, fees, textbooks, and required student supplies or to inform Hill
College who is responsible for tuition, fees, textbooks, and required student supply items.
E. High school students taking Hill College courses for dual credit are responsible for ensuring that all applicable
dual credit tuition and fees are paid by the student in full at the time of registration according to college
requirements. Dual credit/concurrent students fall under the same refund and other financial policies as other
Hill College students.
F. If the ISD alone is to be responsible for payment of a student’s tuition and fees, Hill College agrees to bill the
School District immediately following registration. The ISD agrees to settle all account receivables with Hill
College within 30 days of the billing date. Students whose tuition and fees are not paid by the official college
census day of the class will be dropped from the college roll and must be removed from the class in accordance
with Section 4 of this agreement.
G. Students who officially withdraw from Hill College will have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according
to the official refund policy schedule for all students. Tuition, and fees paid directly to Hill College by the ISD,
sponsor, donor, or scholarship fund will be refunded to the source rather than directly to the students.
H. Hill College is not responsible for the transportation of dual credit students.
10. Student Conduct
A. Dual Credit students will be required to adhere to college policies and procedures including student conduct as
set forth in the Hill College policy manual and the Student Handbook while on a Hill College campus/center
and/or while in attendance in Hill College classes at off-campus instructional sites such as the high school.
B. Failure to comply with Hill College policies and procedures may result in dismissal of the student from Hill
College classes. Hill College and the partner ISD will cooperative in disciplinary issues to the extent possible, but
the college will have final authority over disciplinary matters relating to Hill College courses.
C. Disciplinary issues will be reported and addressed according to published college policies and procedures.
D. The ISD will notify Hill College of student behavioral issues that would impact a dual credit course, particularly in
regards to matters concerning student and employee safety.
11. Non-Discrimination
Hill College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. The college does not
discriminate against individuals on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic
information, or veteran status in the administration of its educational programs, activities, or employment policies.
Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of College District policy and is prohibited.
Reports of discrimination may be directed to the Title IX coordinator. The College District designates the following
person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended:
Ms. Jamie Jaska
Director of Human Resources
112 Lamar Drive
Hillsboro, TX 76645
254-659-7731 or jj[email protected]
12. Title IX
Hill College strives to maintain a work and educational environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment,
sexual assault, stalking, rape, dating and domestic violence, and related retaliation in accordance with applicable
federal and state laws. Students may contact the Office of Student Services, Dean of Students, Campus Safety,
Campus Security Authority (CSAs) or Title IX Coordinator for assistance with reporting a complaint or may file a
complaint online from the Hill College website. The Title IX Coordinator:
Ms. Jamie Jaska
Director of Human Resources
112 Lamar Drive
Hillsboro, TX 76645
254-659-7731 or jj[email protected]
13. Facilities and Technology
A. The high school or ISD partner agrees to provide and maintain adequate physical facilities, resources and
technology to serve dual credits faculty and students taking dual credit courses at the ISD location. Adequate
facilities are those of the quality, scope and condition to support the dual credit programs and college learning
environment at the ISD location.
B. The high school or ISD partner will ensure that Hill College faculty and dual credit students have access to
college email, MyHC, Schoology and the library resources from the ISD computers.
C. Dual Credit student may need access to devices capable of running Respondus or other security programs,
devices/Internet access unrestricted by the ISD filter, as well as a webcam. Such access is vital for academic
integrity measures, Internet-based course materials, research and course projects. Student resources are
available on the Hill College campus to fulfill such needs should the student choose to implement them.
D. The college recommends the ISD assign students enrolled in online dual credit courses to a computer lab with a
facilitator for at least one class period per day.
14. Term
The term of this MOU shall commence on the last date of the final signature on page 9 of this MOU and shall
continue for a period of 24 months or until terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this MOU,
without cause, upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party, with termination effective upon
the expiration of the thirty (30) days or as mutually agreed to by the parties.
by the Hill College District
Board of Regents;
executed by the Hill College Districf
and signed
by its
Pam Boehm, Ph.D.
Hill College
112 Lamar
by the Burleson ISD Board ofTrustees;
executed by
and signed
by its Superintendent.
Dr. Bret Jim
Burleson ISD
Wilshire Blvd.
Burleson, TX 76028
Appendix A
Reading/Writing Based Courses: ENGL
1301, 1302, 2311, 2322, 2323,
2327, 2328, 2331; HIST 1301 & 1302;
GOVT 2305 & 2306; BIOL 2401 & BIOL 2402; PSYC 2301
Math Based Courses:
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332, 1342,
1350, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415
TSIA Assessment
Version 2
(Effective January 11, 2021)
945 AND 5 or higher Essay
910-944 AND 5 or higher diagnostic AND 5 or higher essay
910-949 AND 6 or higher diagnostic
TSIA Assessment
(Phased out January 10,
2021. Scores are good for
5 years.)
Reading 351
Score of 310-339
AND levels 4-6 on ABE Diagnostic
Mathematics 350
Exemptions to TSIA Assessment- Students reaching these minimums are EXEMPTED from taking the TSIA Assessment.
*Composite =
Critical Reading
plus Math
Taken prior to March 5, 2016: Composite score of 1070* AND a minimum score on the Critical
Reading of 500
Taken on or after March 5, 2016: Minimum score of 480 on the Evidence-Based Reading and
Taken prior to March 5, 2016: Composite
score of 1070* AND a minimum score on
the Mathematics of 500
Taken on or after March 5, 2016: A
minimum score of 530 on the Mathematics
Composite score of 23 AND English 19 Composite score of 23 AND Math 19
Degree Attainment
Students who have graduated with an associate degree or baccalaureate degree from an institutional of higher education
Transfer Student
Successfully completed the equivalent subject course with a D or better from a public, private or independent institution of higher education or
accredited out-of-state institution of higher education
shows proof of meeting college readiness by that institution.
Enrollment in
Certificate of
Completion Program
Automotive, Business, Computer Science, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Fire Science, HVAC, Industrial Maintenance, Office Administration,
Welding. Students transitioning to a course listed in the Certificate of Technology or Associate of Applied Science must follow TSI Assessment
Active Member of
Armed Forces
A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a
reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.
Veteran of Armed
A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the
United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.
Non-Degree Seeking
Must follow Hill College procedures for non-degree seeking. See page 8 of the current TSI Plan for specifics.
Texas College Bridge
High School graduates who have completed the Texas College Bridge integrated reading/writing or math must submit certificate of completion.
Reading/Writing Based Courses:
ENGL 1301, 1302, 2311, 2322, 2323,
2327, 2328, 2331; HIST 1301
& 1302; GOVT 2305 & 2306; BIOL 2401 & BIOL 2402; PSYC 2301
Math Based Courses:
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332,1342,
1350, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415
Dual Credit Waiver
: TEMPORARY WAIVER from TSIA Assessment that if not used to complete a College-Level course during the duration of high school
must be removed prior to enrolling in college after high school grad
ACT PLAN: minimum composite score of 23 AND a minimum score of 19 or higher in English
: Minimum composite score of 23 AND
19 or higher in mathematics
ACT Aspire
ACT-Aspire: English score of 435
ACT Aspire: mathematics score of 431
(Mixing or combining scores
from the PSAT/NMSQT
administered prior to October
15, 2015 and the
administered after October 15
2015 is not allowed)
Prior to October 15, 2015 - Combined score of 107 AND minimum of 50 on the reading
After October 15, 2015 Score of 460 on the evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW)
Prior to October 15, 2015- Combined score
of 107 AND a minimum of 50 on the
mathematics test
After October 15, 2015
Score of 510 on the
mathematics test
State of Texas Assessment
Academic Readiness
*English III EOC combined assessment in
both reading and
writing Level 2 scores (4000)
Dual Credit Waiver Only- Minimum score of 4000 on the English II STAAR EOC
Algebra II EOC Level 2 TEA score 4000
Dual Credit Waiver Only- Minimum score of
4000 on the Algebra I STAAR EOC AND 70 or
higher on the high school Algebra II course
Dual Credit Allowable
Courses allowed to be taken
by students who are not yet
TSI compliant, but have at
least attempted the TSIA
Language, Philosophy, and
HUMA 1301
Intro to Humanities I
HUMA 1302 Intro to
Humanities II
Creative Arts
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
ARTS 1303 Art History I ARTS
1304 Art History II DRAM
1310 Intro to Theater
DRAM 2366 Development of the
Motion Picture
MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation
MUSI 1310 American Music
Social and Behavioral Sciences
ECON 2301
Principles of
ECON 2302 Principles of
SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology
Content Area Option
BCIS 1305
Business & Computer
SPCH 1315
Public Speaking
-Learning Frameworks
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into between the Burleson Independent School District (ISD), a
Texas independent school district located at, 1160 SW Wilshire Blvd., Burleson, TX 76028, and Hill College (HC), a
community college located at 112 Lamar Dr., Hillsboro, Texas 76645.
WHEREAS, The State of Texas mandated via House Bill 5, Section 10 that each school district shall partner with at least
one institution of higher education to develop and provide courses in college preparatory mathematics and English
language arts;
WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to enter into a collaborative agreement where students who are deemed not to be
college ready per House Bill 5, Section 10;
WHEREAS, Burleson Independent School District (ISD) and Hill College (HC) jointly recognized an opportunity to create
seamless pathways for students to enter into college level work in mathematics and English language arts;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained in this MOU and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, ISD and HC, intending to be
legally bound, agree as follows:
1. Scope of Services
ISD and HC agree to collaborate to develop and maintain developmental mathematics and English language arts
courses that meet the terms of this agreement as outlined in the Support and Services section of this MOU. ISD and
HC will meet regularly to maintain the integrity and evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
2. Term
The term of this MOU shall commence on the last date of the final signature on page 5 of this MOU and shall
continue for a period of 12 months or until terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this MOU,
without cause, upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party, with termination effective upon
the expiration of the thirty (30) days or as mutually agreed to by the parties.
3. Support and Services
ISD and HC agree to the following conditions:
A. HC agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses:
i. To share data and provide feedback regarding student success on entry-level college mathematics and
English language arts courses;
ii. To train advisors to recognize and honor course(s) on school district transcripts;
iii. To ensure that eligible students are counseled directly into college level mathematics, English language arts,
and all other courses that require mathematics and English language arts college readiness;
B. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics courses:
i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes;
ii. To provide the syllabi for the courses being offered.
iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course.
C. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course:
i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes for Integrated Reading/Writing (INRW 0303) course;
ii. To provide the syllabi, including types of essays required (i.e., expository, persuasive, and critical analysis).
iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course.
D. ISD agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses:
i. To provide highly qualified instructors for the courses being taught;
ii. To identify students who are not college ready as stated in HB 5;
iii. To provide professional development and resources required to teach the mathematics and English
language arts courses;
iv. To identify successful completion of the course(s) on the student transcripts as determined by the State of
Texas PEIMS number;
v. To provide curriculum for the course that is consistent with HC Student Learning Outcomes;
vi. To provide assistance with admission, enrollment, and financial aid applications;
E. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics course:
i. To teach a math course designed to focus on college mathematics (algebraic or non-algebraic) concepts;
ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment;
iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty.
F. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course:
i. To teach an integrated Reading and Writing course that focuses on critical reading and college-level writing;
ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment;
iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty.
4. Non-Compliance
Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, if HC does not comply with any part of the MOU, and the
failure to comply is not corrected within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice from ISD, this MOU may be
terminated immediately upon written notice from ISD, at ISD’s sole discretion.
5. Liability
Neither ISD nor its trustees, officers, employees or agents shall have any liability or responsibility for any claim or
cause or action of any person or group arising from (a) the use of district property and/or equipment by HC and HC’s
officers, volunteers, employees, contractors, agents, invitees, licensees, participants, and visitors, or (b) non-
compliance with this MOU, or (c) any act, omission, or negligence of HC, or any of its officers, agents, employees,
contractors, invitees, licensees, volunteers, participants or visitors.
6. Indemnity
under this clause shall survive termination or expiration of this MOU.
7. Notice
All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be personally
delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, courier delivery, electronic mail, facsimile
or receipted overnight mail, and shall be deemed received upon the earlier of (a) the date of delivery, if personally
delivered, or (b) three (3) business days after the date of posting by the U.S. postal service, if mailed. All such notices
or communications shall be addressed as follows:
If to ISD: Dr. Bret Jimerson
Superintendent, ISD
1160 SW Wilshire Blvd.
Burleson, TX 76028
If to HC: Dr. Pam Boehm
President, Hill College
112 Lamar Dr.
Hillsboro, TX 76645
Either party may change such address for notice for the party designated to receive such notice by giving written
notice to the other party as provided in this paragraph.
8. Relationship of the Parties
It is understood and agreed that HC is a separate legal entity from ISD and HC is not an employee, agent, joint
venture, or partner of ISD. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing
the relationship of employer and employee between ISD and either HC or any employee or agent of HC.
9. No Waiver of ISD’s Immunity
The execution of this MOU and the performance by ISD of any of its obligations hereunder are not, and are not
intended to waive or relinquish, and ISD shall not waive or relinquish, any governmental, sovereign immunity or
defense from or to liability or prosecution available to ISD, its trustees, officers, employees, or agents under federal
or Texas laws.
10. No Third Party Beneficiaries
Nothing in this MOU shall be deemed or construed to create any third party beneficiaries or otherwise give any third
party any claim or right of action against any party to this MOU.
11. Governing Law and Venue
This MOU shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to
its conflicts of law’s provisions. The mandatory and exclusive venue for the adjudication or resolution of any dispute
arising out of this Agreement shall be in Hill County, Texas.
12. Entire Agreement
This MOU and the attached and incorporated addendum or exhibits, if any, contain the entire agreement of the
parties relative to the purpose(s) of the MOU and supersede any other representations, agreements, arrangements,
negotiations, or understanding, oral or written, between the parties of this MOU.
13. Severability
In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this MOU shall for any reason be held to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other
provisions, and the MOU shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been
contained in it.
14. Interpretation
The parties agree that the normal rules of construction that require that any ambiguities in this MOU are to be
construed against the drafter shall not be employed in the interpretation of this MOU.
15. Changes and Amendments
This MOU may be amended, modified, and/or supplemented only by the mutual agreement of the parties, in
writing, to be attached to the incorporated in this MOU.
16. Assignment
Neither this MOU nor any rights, duties, or obligations under it shall be assignable by HC without the prior written
acknowledgment and authorization of ISD. Any attempted assignment by HC without ISD’s prior written consent
shall be void.
17. No Waiver
No failure on the part of either party at any time to require the performance by the other party of any term hereof
shall be taken or held to be a waiver of such term or in any way affect such party’s right to enforce such term, and
no waiver on the part of either party of any term hereof shall be taken or held to be a waiver of any other term
hereof or the breach thereof. No waiver, alteration, or modification or any of the provisions of this MOU shall be
binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto.
18. Captions
The captions herein are for convenience and identification purposes only, are not an integral part hereof, and are
not to be considered in the interpretation of any part hereof.
19. Counterparts
This MOU
may be executed ir
of which when
so executed
shall be
an original,
but all of
counterparts shall
constitute but
one and the same
20, Non-Dlscrimination
Neither Hill
ISD will
on the
basis of sex,
age, disability, race,
color, religion,
national origin
status in its educational and
vocational programs,
or employment
as required
by Title lX,
5O4 and Title Vl,
by the Hill College District
of Re8ents;
by the Hill
and signed
by its
Boehm, Ph.D.
Hill College
112 Lamar Drive
TX 76645
by the Burleson
Board of Trustees;
by Burleson tSD;
signed by its
Dr. Bret
Burleson ISD