ELEN430 16
ST UDENT WAR NING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and
serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until
the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus.
Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus
may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet
started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course
description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.
Course Summary
Course : ELEN430 Title : Embedded Systems Design
Length of Course : 16
Prerequisites : ENGR200, ELEN307 Credit Hours : 3
Course Description: The fundamentals of embedded system hardware and firmware design will be
covered in this course. The main topics to be discussed are: embedded processor selection,
hardware/firmware partitioning, glue logic, circuit design, circuit layout, circuit debugging, development tools,
firmware architecture, firmware design, and firmware debugging. The Atmel AVR series microcontroller will
be studied. The architecture and instruction set of the microcontroller will be discussed. A microcontroller
development board will be utilized as a development and debugging platform. The course will culminate in a
significant final project and will include interfacing real world peripherals to the microcontroller to perform
some specific task. Depending on the interests of the students and professor, other relevant topics may be
covered. NOTE: This course requires the student to purchase additional materials that are not covered by the
book grant. Please refer to the Course Materials section for additional details. (Prerequisites: ELEN307
Course Scope:
This course covers the fundamentals of embedded systems. LabVIEW and C are both used for
programming a softcore microprocessor. The content of the class also serves as a review of LabVIEW
programming. The labs in the class coincide with course content and
After completing the course, the student should be able to accomplish these Course Objectives (CO):
CO-1. Distinguish between the hardware and software elements that constitute an embedded
CO-2. Design hardware needed for an embedded system.
CO-3. Design computer code to perform a task on a microprocessor.
CO-4. Integrate microprocessor peripheral devices into embedded systems.
CO-5. Apply feedback principals to design a microcontroller based digital controller.
CO-6. Design testing procedures to verify the performance of embedded systems.
CO-7. Prepare effective communication material using technical data.
Week 1: Definitions and LabVIEW Basics
Course Objective(s)
CO-1, CO-3
Chapter 1
Week 1 Forum - Introduction
Tutorial 1: Software Installation Tutorial
Week 1 Assignment
Week 2: Parallel Data Transfer and Virtual Instruments (VI)
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3
Chapter 2
Week 2 Assignment
Tutorial 2: Ports
Week 3: Bidirectional data transfer and Debugging VIs
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-7
Chapter 3
Week 3 Forum – Debugging in LabVIEW
Lab 1: Keypad
Week 3 Assignment
Week 4: Logic in C and LabVIEW, and subVIs
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-7
Chapter 4
Week 4 Assignment
Lab 2: LED Matrix
Week 5: Advanced Input/Output (I/O) and subVIs
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 4
Week 5 Forum – C and LabVIEW
Lab 3: UART
Week 5 Assignment
Week 6: Advanced I/O and Loops
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 5
Week 6 Assignment
Lab 4: SPI Interfaces
Week 7: Advanced I/O and Array Clusters
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 6
Week 7 Forum – I/O Standards
Lab 5: I2C
Week 7 Assignments
Week 8: First Half Review
Course Objective(s)
CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, CO-4
Midterm Test
Week 9: Memory and Charts/Graphs in LabVIEW
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 7
Week 9 Forum – Memory Types
Lab 6: Serial EEPROM
Week 9 Assignment
Week 10: Counters, Timers, and Charts/Graphs
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 7
Week 10 Assignment
Lab 7: Timers and Event Counters
Week 11: Analog Interfaces and Data Acquisition
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-7
Chapter 8
Week 11 Forum Analog to Digital Datasheets
Lab 8: Digital Potentiometer
Week 12: Control, Feedback, and File I/O
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-5, CO-7
Chapter 9
Week 12 Assignment
Lab 9: Data Logging
Week 13: Testing Embedded Systems and MathScript
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-6, CO-7
Chapter 10
Week 13 Forum Testing
Lab 10: Microphone
Week 13 Assignment
Week 14: PCB Layout and LabVIEW Analysis
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-6
Chapter 11
Week 14 Assignment
Lab 6: Project Proposal
Week 15: LabVIEW Certifications
Course Objective(s)
CO-2, CO-3, CO-7
Chapter 12
Week 15 Assignment
Week 16: Course Review
Course Objective(s)
CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-5, CO-6, and CO-7
Week 16 Forum Evaluation
Final Test
Project Presentations
This is an upper level course. All students’ work is to be presented as such in terms of quality and content.
The grading system will be based on your participation in the forums, assignments, tutorials, labs, quizzes,
and test.
Reading Assignments: Please refer to the Course Outline section of this syllabus for the weekly reading
Week 1 Self-introductions: During Week 1 forum, each student must post a self-introduction (bio) to the
class. This self-introduction is a requirement by the University, and is due by mid-night of Sunday of Week 1,
along with two reply posts to other students. Your response must be at least 100 words (a requirement) and
include the following information:
a. Your name
b. Your major
c. Where you are in the program of study - what percentage of the program have you completed?
d. Your academic and career goals
e. Your thoughts on what embedded systems are and some examples of embedded systems
Forums: There will be eight forums (1% each), counting 8% of the final grade. The forums will consist of
specific questions to be answered, broad questions to be discussed, or polls for students to post their
questions on the topics covered in that week. In each forum, a student is required to contribute an initial post
in all weeks. Some weeks require two reply posts to other students in class. In weeks where reply posts are
required, the initial post will be 60% of the grade and each reply post will be 20% of the grade.
Assignments: There will be fourteen assignments (1% each) during the course worth a total of 14% of the
total grade. Each weekly assignment will cover one or more chapters in the book used in this course. For all
problems requiring mathematical calculations, all work must be shown.
Tests: There will be two tests (15% for the midterm and 8% for the final exam), counting 22% of the final
grade. Tests will be open book, and open note. Tests will be non-proctored and will be design based.
Students must complete each test within its time limit.
Tutorials: There will be two tutorials (1% each), counting 2% of the final grade. Tutorials will introduce new
software and hardware to the course and will require evidence of successful completion of the tutorial.
Labs: There will be ten labs (3.2% each), counting 32% of the final grade. Labs will require a written lab
report as well as evidence of successful completion of the lab.
Project: There will be a final project that counts for 21% of the final grade. The project has a proposal (4.2%
of the final grade) and a presentation (16.8% of the final grade). The project requires a live or recorded video
presentation which is in week 16 of the course.
Name Grade %
Book Title: Learning with LabVIEW - the VitalSource e-book is provided via the APUS Bookstore
Author: Bishop
Publication Info: Pearson
ISBN: 9780134022123
Book Title: Additional required items are available to order from the APUS Bookstore. If you buy these
items from other vendors, you may not receive all the parts you need for your course. These items (as noted)
are not covered by the APUS Book Grant.
Author: N/A
Publication Info: N/A
Book Title: NI Student Software Suite - access instructions provided inside the classroom
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 779252-3501
Book Title: NI myRIO Starter Accessory Kit - this item is not covered by the APUS Book Grant
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 783068-01
Book Title: myParts Kit from Texas Instruments - this item is not covered by the APUS Book Grant
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 783752-01
Book Title: NI myRIO Embedded Systems Accessory Kit - this item is not covered by the APUS Book Grant
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 783070-01
Book Title: NI Elvis Kit - this item is not covered by the APUS Book Grant
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 780381-02
Book Title: NI myRIO Embedded Student Design Device - this item is not covered by the APUS Book Grant
Author: National Instruments
Publication Info: National Instruments
ISBN: 782692-01
Book Title: You must validate your cart to get access to your VitalSource e-book(s). If needed, instructions
are available here - http://apus.libguides.com/bookstore/undergraduate
Author: N/A
Publication Info: N/A
Lab Materials:
Manufacturer- National Instruments
Equipment/Software Name- ELVIS
Manufacturer- National Instruments
Equipment/Software Name- MultiSim and Eclipse Software
Manufacturer- National Instruments
Equipment/Software Name- myRIO
Manufacturer- National Instruments
Equipment/Software Name- NI myRIO Embedded Kit
Course Guidelines
Citation and Reference Style
Attention Please: Students will follow the APA Format as the sole citation and reference style used in
written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative
essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the APA Format.
Tutor.com offers online homework help and learning resources by connecting students to certified
tutors for one-on-one help. AMU and APU students are eligible for 10 free hours* of tutoring provided
by APUS. Tutors are available 24/7 unless otherwise noted. Tutor.com also has a SkillCenter
Resource Library offering educational resources, worksheets, videos, websites and career help.
Accessing these resources does not count against tutoring hours and is also available 24/7. Please
visit the APUS Library and search for 'Tutor' to create an account.
Late Assignments
Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to complete the
course according to the published class schedule. The due date for each assignment is listed under
each Assignment.
Generally speaking, late work may result in a deduction up to 15% of the grade for each day late, not to
exceed 5 days.
As a working adult I know your time is limited and often out of your control. Faculty may be more flexible
if they know ahead of time of any potential late assignments.
Turn It In
Faculty may require assignments be submitted to Turnitin.com. Turnitin.com will analyze a paper and
report instances of potential plagiarism for the student to edit before submitting it for a grade. In some
cases professors may require students to use Turnitin.com. This is automatically processed through the
Assignments area of the course.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty incorporates more than plagiarism, which is using the work of others without
citation. Academic dishonesty includes any use of content purchased or retrieved from web services
such as CourseHero.com. Additionally, allowing your work to be placed on such web services is
academic dishonesty, as it is enabling the dishonesty of others. The copy and pasting of content from
any web page, without citation as a direct quote, is academic dishonesty. When in doubt, do not
copy/paste, and always cite.
Submission Guidelines
Some assignments may have very specific requirements for formatting (such as font, margins, etc) and
submission file type (such as .docx, .pdf, etc) See the assignment instructions for details. In general,
standard file types such as those associated with Microsoft Office are preferred, unless otherwise
Disclaimer Statement
Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
Communicating on the Forum
Forums are the heart of the interaction in this course. The more engaged and lively the exchanges, the
more interesting and fun the course will be. Only substantive comments will receive credit. Although
there is a final posting time after which the instructor will grade comments, it is not sufficient to wait until
the last day to contribute your comments/questions on the forum. The purpose of the forums is to
actively participate in an on-going discussion about the assigned content.
“Substantive” means comments that contribute something new and hopefully important to the
discussion. Thus a message that simply says “I agree” is not substantive. A substantive comment
contributes a new idea or perspective, a good follow-up question to a point made, offers a response to
a question, provides an example or illustration of a key point, points out an inconsistency in an
argument, etc.
As a class, if we run into conflicting view points, we must respect each individual's own opinion. Hateful
and hurtful comments towards other individuals, students, groups, peoples, and/or societies will not be
Identity Verification & Live Proctoring
Faculty may require students to provide proof of identity when submitting assignments or completing
assessments in this course. Verification may be in the form of a photograph and/or video of the
student’s face together with a valid photo ID, depending on the assignment format.
Faculty may require live proctoring when completing assessments in this course. Proctoring may
include identity verification and continuous monitoring of the student by webcam and microphone
during testing.
University Policies
Student Handbook
Drop/Withdrawal policy
Extension Requests
Academic Probation
Disability Accommodations
The mission of American Public University System is to provide high quality higher education with emphasis
on educating the nations military and public service communities by offering respected, relevant, accessible,
affordable, and student-focused online programs that prepare students for service and leadership in a
diverse, global society.
ST UDENT WAR NING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and
serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until
the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus.
Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus
may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet
started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course
description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.