Published by the Authority of the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara:
Complete Revision and Renumbering:
Current Version: November
Composition of Synod ................................................................................................................ 1.1
Meetings and Organization of Synod ........................................................................................ 1.2
Order of Proceedings ................................................................................................................. 1.3
Election of Delegates to General and Provincial Synod ............................................................1.4
Seal .............................................................................................................................................. 1.5
Rules of Order ............................................................................................................................. 1.6
Amendments to Canons and By-Laws ....................................................................................... 1.7
To Provide for the Election of Members of the Council of Trinity College ................................1.8
Synod Council ............................................................................................................................. 1.9
The Election and Appointment of Bishops / Regulations ........................................................ 2.1
Secretary and Treasurer ............................................................................................................ 2.2
Appointment of Church Dignitaries ........................................................................................... 2.3
The Registrar .............................................................................................................................. 2.4
Concerning a Solicitor for the Synod ........................................................................................ 2.5
Archives and Archivist ................................................................................................................ 2.6
Auditors' Duties .......................................................................................................................... 2.7
Diocesan Budget ......................................................................................................................... 2.8
The Louisa Parke Estate ............................................................................................................. 2.9
The Cathedral of the Diocese of Niagara ............................................................................... 2.10
Appointment of Incumbents ........................................................................................................3.1
Licensed Lay Workers ................................................................................................................ 3.2
Discipline/Rules of the Diocesan Court ................................................................................... 3.3
On the Appointment of Archdeacons and Regional Deans and their Duties ........................ 3.4
College of Deacons ......................................................................................................................3.5
Vestries and Churchwardens .................................................................................................... 4.1
Parish Councils............................................................................................................................ 4.2
Differences Between Clergy and Parishioners ......................................................................... 4.3
Duties of Incumbent and Churchwardens in Respect to Rectories ........................................ 4.4
Parishes: Their Establishment, Amalgamation, Disestablishment and Trusteeship ............ 4.5
On Erection or Alteration of Church Buildings .......................................................................... 4.6
Purchasing, Selling or Mortgaging Church Property ................................................................ 4.7
Cemeteries .................................................................................................................................. 4.8
Diocesan Missions ...................................................................................................................... 4.9
Composition of Synod
1. The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara shall consist of:
(1) The Bishop of the Diocese, who shall be the head of Synod;
(2) Any Suffragan or Coadjutor Bishop thereof;
(3) The Priests, Deacons and Lay Workers thereof, duly licensed;
(4) The Director of Deacons, the Deputy Director of Deacons (if any), and up to three
deacons (who have been granted a Bishop’s Permission) elected annually by the
College of Deacons from among its members; (amended 2015)
(5) The Chancellor;
(6) The Vice-Chancellor, if any;
(7) The Treasurer;
(8) The Secretary of Synod; (amended, 1991)
(9) The Lay Representatives duly elected in accordance with Canon 4.1(17);
(10) Anyone not otherwise designated above who is a member of the Synod Council;
(11) Not more than 10 Lay Representatives who shall be appointed by the Bishop of the
Diocese in each year in consultation with the Synod Council, such Lay Representative
serving for a one-year term.
2. Lay Workers who are members of Synod shall be considered members of the Order of Laity
for purposes of voting.
3. Clergy who receive a pension from the Anglican Church of Canada and who are currently in
good standing with the Bishop of Niagara shall be entitled to a seat on the floor of the Synod,
and shall have a right to take part in discussion, but shall not be entitled to vote.
Meetings and Organization of Synod
1. The Synod shall meet annually, or oftener at the discretion of the Bishop. The Bishop shall
appoint the time and place of meeting, and shall adjourn or dissolve the Synod, as appears
to be expedient.
Convening Circular
2. A convening circular summoning the Synod shall be issued by the Secretary to all members
of Synod at least fourteen days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. Together with the
convening circular shall be sent the list of Clergy and Lay Representatives and all notices of
motion, proposed amendments or new Canons and reports of Committees.
Prayer for Divine Blessing on Synod
3. On the receipt of the notice of a meeting of the Synod, all clergy shall use at Divine Service,
the form of Prayer for the Divine Blessing on the proceedings of the Synod as provided in the
Prayer Book.
President of Meeting
4. When the Bishop is not present, the Bishop Coadjutor (if any) or any Deputy appointed by the
Bishop, shall preside in their place, and if there be no Bishop Coadjutor, or Deputy present,
then the Senior Dignitary or member of the clergy of the Diocese present shall preside.
Credentials Committee
5. A Committee of two, to be appointed by the Bishop, shall meet at least five days before the
meeting of Synod, to examine the credentials of Lay Representatives, and shall prepare a
report thereon, to be placed in the hands of the Honorary Lay Secretary on the opening of
Objection to Qualification of Delegate
6. It shall be competent for any member of the Church, resident in the Diocese, to object to the
right of any person whose name appears on the list of Lay Representatives accompanying
the circular convening a meeting of Synod to take a seat in the Synod. The objection,
together with the grounds thereof in writing, shall be transmitted to the Secretary at least one
week before the meeting of Synod. The Secretary shall forthwith forward a copy of the
objection to the person whose name is objected to. The objection may, however, be taken at
any time during the Session of the Synod to any delegate whose name shall not have been
entered upon the published Synod list.
Court on Contested Seats
7. The Chancellor of the Diocese, or the Vice-Chancellor, or in the absence of both, any
Barrister-at-law being a member of Synod, who is appointed by the Bishop, together with two
Clerical and two Lay members (whose title to seats have not been disputed) also to be
appointed by the Bishop under the Bishop's hand and seal, shall be a Court to consider such
objections and to adjudicate thereon; and to them shall be referred for final adjudication all
cases of doubtful certificates that may be mentioned in the Report of the Committee on the
Certificates of Lay Representatives. The decision of a majority of the Court shall be accepted
as the decision of the Court and shall be immediately reported to the Synod for its
information, and shall be final.
Quorum of Synod
8. To constitute a quorum of the Synod for the transaction of business, one-fourth of the whole
number of the Clergy on the Synod list must be present, and one-fourth of the Parishes on
the said list must be represented. Each Parish may be represented by one Lay
Requisites to Concurrence
9. No act or resolution of the Synod shall be valid unless it receives the assent of the Bishop
and a majority of the votes of the members present; such majority to be a majority of the
Clerical and of the Lay Representatives voting collectively. A vote by Orders may be
demanded by not less than two members, and in that event such majority shall be a majority
of each Order voting separately. If a difference should be found to exist between the Orders
after the vote is taken, the subject under consideration shall stand over to the ensuing
Synod. This section, so far as it requires the concurrence of the Bishop shall not apply to the
election of a Bishop.
Appointment of Committees
10. All Committees of Synod shall be named by the Bishop, unless their nomination be otherwise
provided for.
11. The Synod shall appoint an Auditor, or Auditors, who shall be chartered accountants, for the
purpose of auditing the Synod accounts.
Honorary Secretaries
12. There shall be two Honorary Secretaries of the Synod, one clergy and the other lay both
members of the Synod, the former to be elected by the Clergy and the latter by the Lay
Representatives; and such elections shall be held and made on the first business day of the
annual meeting of the same.
Duties of Honorary Secretaries
13. It shall be the duty of the Honorary Secretaries to keep regular minutes of all proceedings of
the Synod to see that they are correctly recorded.
Vacancies in Office of Honorary Secretaries or Auditors
14. If any vacancy occurs in the office of Honorary Clerical Secretary, or Honorary Lay Secretary
or in the office of Auditor or Auditors, by death, resignation or otherwise, the Bishop and the
Synod Council shall have power to fill such vacancy, but such appointment shall only have
force until the next meeting of the Synod.
Before each session of the Synod, a report shall be provided to the Synod by, or
through, the Financial Advisory Committee, as to whether any money proposed to be
spent as a result of motions to be brought before the Synod is available, or, if not,
what steps should be taken to provide such money should such motions be adopted.
A committee of three members of Synod, to be appointed by the Bishop, shall review
any motion involving the spending of money put forward during the course of Synod
for a report as to whether the money proposed to be spent is presently available, or,
if not, what steps should be taken to provide such money should such motion be
Order of Proceedings
1. At least one month prior to a meeting of the Synod, the Bishop shall appoint an Agenda
Committee. The Committee shall determine that all essential matters are presented at
Synod, and recommend to Synod the order in which reports and resolutions should be
considered, which shall include the report of the Synod Council.
2. The Synod Council shall be elected in accordance with Canon 1.9 "Synod Council".
3. Delegates to General Synod and Provincial Synod shall be elected as provided in Canon 1.4,
"The Election of Delegates to General and Provincial Synods."
4. The auditors' report shall be presented and auditors elected for the following year.
Election of Delegates to General and Provincial Synods
1. The prescribed number of clerical and lay delegates to General Synod shall be elected at the
session of the Diocesan Synod held in the year preceding the year in which the General
Synod is to be convened. (amended,1989)
2. The prescribed number of clerical and lay delegates to Provincial Synod shall, so far as it
possible to do so, be elected at the session of the Diocesan Synod immediately preceding
each meeting of the Provincial Synod. (amended,1989)
3. The clerical delegates shall be elected by the order of clergy at the Diocesan Synod and the
lay delegates shall be elected by the order of laity, at the Diocesan Synod, provided that no
person shall be eligible for election by an order unless that person is a member of such order
and a member of the session of Diocesan Synod when the voting is held. (amended,1989)
4. Those of each order thus elected having the highest number of votes shall be the delegates
to such Synods; and a similar number of those of each order whose names shall be next on
the ballot, having the next highest number of votes, shall be substitute delegates to attend
the said Synods whenever from sickness or other cause, any of the first elected delegates
shall be unable to attend.
A Nominations Committee for Provincial and General Synod delegates will be
appointed by the Synod Council to prepare the ballot for the Diocesan Synod.
Regulations concerning the securing of names for the ballot will be determined by the
Nominations Committee and approved by the Synod Council.
Members of the Diocesan Synod shall indicate a preference for the prescribed
number of delegates to each of the General and Provincial Synods from those
nominated pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. (amended 2021)
6. In publishing or printing the lists of the delegates to the General and Provincial Synods, the
names of the clerical and lay shall be printed in the order of their election. (new, 1989)
7. No person shall be eligible for election to a General or Provincial Synod if that election would
result in that person serving a fourth consecutive term as delegate at such Synod, provided
that this section shall not apply to any person who holds office as Prolocutor or Deputy
Prolocutor of either General Synod or Provincial Synod or Vice-Chancellor of General Synod.
1. The seal shall be the common seal of the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Niagara; and
the Bishop shall, on behalf of the Synod, have the care and custody thereof.
2. The Bishop, or in the event of the Bishop's absence from the Diocese or the bishop's inability
to act, the Commissary duly appointed under the Bishop's Episcopal Seal, and in case of
vacancy in the See, the Dean, is hereby authorized to execute all deeds and documents
which require to be sealed, and which, from time to time, require to be executed on behalf of
the Synod, pursuant to any resolution of the Synod, or of the Synod Council or of any sub-
committee having jurisdiction in that behalf.
3. The production of the Commissary’s appointment executed in manner aforesaid shall be
sufficient evidence of the Bishop’s absence or disability, and of the power of the Commissary
to execute such deeds and documents.
Rules of Order
1. When the Bishop or other person presiding has taken the chair, no member shall continue
2. When any member is about to speak for the information of the Synod, the member shall rise
and introduce oneself to the chair.
3. No motion or amendment shall be considered as before the Synod (excepting such as is
proposed by the Bishop or by a Committee) unless seconded and reduced to writing. To
prevent surprise, no motions, except motions in course, shall be considered until all motions
already before the Synod shall be disposed of.
4. No member shall speak more than once on the same question without asking and receiving
permission from the chair, except the mover and seconder.
5. When a question is under consideration, no other motion shall be received, unless to
adjourn, to move the previous question, to lay it on the table, to postpone it to a certain time,
to postpone it indefinitely, to commit it, to amend it, or to divide on it; and motions for any of
these purposes shall have precedence in the order here named.
6. When any motion or amendment is under discussion, which contains more than one distinct
proposition, it shall be divided at the request of any member.
7. Motions to adjourn and to lay on the table, shall be decided without debate.
8. When a motion has been read to the Synod by the Secretary, it may not be withdrawn by the
mover without the consent of the chair.
9. Any member may require at any period of the debate that the motion under discussion be
read for their information.
10. When a member has been called to order by the Chair while speaking, the member shall sit
down and shall remain seated until the point of order has been decided, unless the speaker
is permitted by the Chair to explain. If the point of order is decided in the speaker's favour,
the speaker shall have the right to continue the address.
11. All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair, subject to an appeal to the House, to be
decided without debate; and when a decision upon a point of order is called for, the rule
applicable to the case shall be stated, without argument or comment.
12. An amendment to an original motion shall take precedence over such motion when the
question is being put. An amendment to an amendment shall be first put, then the
amendment to the motion, and lastly the motion itself.
13. No more than one amendment to a proposed amendment to a motion shall be in order; but a
substitute for the whole matter may be proposed, and received, provided it deals directly with
the subject in hand.
14. When a question is finally put - either an original motion, or an amendment, or a substitute -
no further debate shall be allowed, it being first declared from the Chair that the question is
finally put. Whilst the question is being put from the Chair, the members shall remain in their
seats and keep silence. Every member present when a question is put, shall be required to
vote on the same unless excused by the House; and no member shall retire until the vote
has been taken.
15. On a question being put by the chair, it shall be determined by the sound of voices for or
against it, or at the request of the Chair or three members, those who vote in the affirmative
shall rise first, and then those who vote in the negative - unless a division is required as
provided in Rule 16.
16. When a division takes place, the Votes of the Clergy and Laity shall be counted without
distinction and the motion shall be determined by the majority of votes. Afterwards,
however, the Bishop or two of the members of either order may require that the vote shall be
taken by orders whereupon it shall be so taken. A vote by orders shall supersede the open
vote previously taken.
17. A question being once determined shall not again be brought into discussion in the same
Session without the consent of the Bishop and of two-thirds of each order present.
18. No protest or dissent shall be entered on the minutes of the proceedings, but when required
by any three members, the number of those voting in the affirmative and negative shall be
19. An address from the Bishop shall be in order at any time.
20. When the Synod is about to rise, every member shall keep their seat until the Bishop or other
person presiding has left the Chair.
21. Every Speaker, except in moving or seconding any motion or amendment, shall be limited to
ten minutes, and all speakers shall be timed by an assessor or assessors, to be appointed by
the Bishop, to aid in the maintenance of order and obedience to the rules of the Synod.
22. Every report of a Committee shall be in writing, shall be signed by the Chair, and shall be
received, unless a motion be made for its re-committal.
23. The Chair of the Committee, or some member deputed by the Chair, shall explain to the
Synod the significance of any portion of the report, if requested by any member of the Synod.
24. A motion to suspend the rules of order shall take precedence of all other motions, and shall
be decided without debate. No order of proceedings or rule or order shall be suspended,
except upon the vote of two-thirds of the members present.
25. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to the Synod shall be presented by a
member in their place, who shall endorse their name thereon, and be answerable to the
Synod that they do not contain improper or impertinent matter.
26. In any case unprovided for, resort shall be had to the Rules of Order of the House of
Commons of Canada for guidance.
Amendments to Canons and By-Laws
1. No Canon or By-law shall hereafter be repealed or amended, and no new Canon or By-law of
Synod shall be enacted, unless the resolution containing the proposed repeal or amendment,
or the proposed new Canon or By-law, shall have been first considered at a meeting of the
Synod Council, and shall have been duly passed at the next ensuing meeting of the Synod by
the votes of not less than two-thirds of each Order present, and assented to by the Bishop.
The proposed repeal, amendment or new Canon, shall thereupon become effective without
further confirmation by the Synod.
2. When a proposed Canon or By-law or Repeal or Amendment of an existing Canon or By-law
has failed to secure this two-thirds majority, it shall not be re-introduced at any subsequent
session of the Synod, nor shall similar legislation be proposed for three years, unless the
Synod Council by a majority vote consents to or advises its re-introduction.
3. The Synod shall, by Standing Order, regulate the formalities to be observed in the making of
Canons and By-laws. (revised, 1993)
4. Provisions of this Canon shall not apply to changes that are solely of an editorial or
grammatical nature, and that a report of such changes be given to Synod Council.
To Provide for the Election of Members of the
Council of Trinity College
Whereas by the Statute of the University of Trinity College, the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara has
the right to elect three clerical and three lay members of the Council of such University;
The Synod, at each annual meeting, shall elect no more than three clerical members and no more
than three lay members to the Council of Trinity College, and the members so elected shall each hold
office for two years or until their successors are appointed. (amended, 1995)
Synod Council
1. There shall be a Synod Council of the Diocese of Niagara consisting of the following
(a) The Diocesan Bishop who shall chair, unless the Bishop appoints an alternate chair;
(b) The Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop, if any;
(c) The Chancellor;
(d) The Vice-Chancellor, if any;
(e) The Dean;
(f) The Treasurer;
(g) The Executive Officer, if any;
(h) The Secretary of Synod;
(i) Any person holding a director-level position with the Synod office;
(j) Any regional archdeacon duly licensed;
(k) One lay representative from each of the regions elected for a two-year term in such
manner as determined by the Synod Council;
(l) One representative, either clergy or lay, from each of the regions elected for a two-year
term in such manner as determined by the Synod Council;
(m) One representative elected by each of the Diocesan Vision groups as defined by
Synod Council, at its first meeting following the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod, for a
one- year term;
(n) One representative elected by the Canterbury Hills Board of Directors, for a one-year
term, at its first meeting following the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod, provided
that the Board of Directors may elect an alternate representative who may attend,
and vote at, meetings of the Synod Council should the Board's elected representative
be compelled to be absent;
(o) One representative elected by the Financial Advisory Committee, for a one-year term,
at its first meeting following the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod, provided that the
Financial Advisory Committee may elect an alternate representative who may attend,
and vote at, meetings of the Synod Council should the Committee's elected
representative be compelled to be absent; and
(p) Four individuals appointed by the Diocesan Bishop annually, at least two of whom are
members of Synod.
2. An alternate representative may be elected from each of the regions who shall serve as a
member of the Synod Council in the event of an elected member’s resignation or inability to
attend the meetings of the Council. Such alternate representative shall serve out the
balance of the members term and shall have voting privileges.
3. There shall be standing committees of the Synod Council, as follows:
(a) The Coordinating Team of Synod Council, consisting of the Diocesan Bishop and the
Secretary of Synod, one of whom shall chair the Coordinating Team, and not less
than five of its members to be elected annually by the Synod Council at its January
The Coordinating Team shall meet between sessions of the Synod Council at the call
of the Secretary of Synod.
(b) The Financial Advisory Committee, consisting of the Treasurer, and not less than
members, to be elected by the Synod Council for a two-year term, renewable once.
(c) The Audit Committee, consisting of the Treasurer, and not less than six and not more
than ten members, to be elected by the Synod Council for a two-year term, renewable
(d) The Human Resources for Ministry Committee, consisting of the Bishop, the
Treasurer, the Secretary of Synod, the Director of Human Resources, not less than
three and not more than five members appointed by the Bishop, and up to three
members elected by the Synod Council for a two-year term, renewable twice.
(e) Other standing committees as mandated by Synod Council.
4. The Synod Council shall, between sessions of the Diocesan Synod, exercise generally the
executive powers of the Diocesan Synod conferred by An Act to Incorporate the Synod of the
Diocese of Niagara, 1876, and amendments thereto, except those of a legislative character.
5. The Synod Council shall submit to each Annual Session of the Diocesan Synod a report of its
proceedings since the last Annual Session of the Diocesan Synod.
6. The Synod Council may delegate to the Financial Advisory Committee the right to appoint a
financial institution in Canada as the custodian of the funds of the Synod and all securities,
except mortgages, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by such financial institution and
the Financial Advisory Committee, provided that the accounts of the Synod shall be kept in
the name of the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara.
7. The Synod Council shall, at its first meeting following the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod,
appoint signing officers for the Diocese, such signing officers to include the Bishops of the
Diocese, the Secretary of Synod, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, and any other
individuals as shall be designated at that time by the Synod Council, provided that two
signatures shall be affixed to all cheques and bills of exchange, one of which must be that of
the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, or one other person appointed by Synod Council, and
provided further that such signing officers as appointed pursuant to this section shall be
authorized, in the name of the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, to
(a) draw, accept, sign and make all or any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques
and orders for the payment of money;
(b) pay and receive all moneys and to give acquittance for the same;
(c) assign and transfer to the financial institution acting as custodian all or any stocks,
bonds and other securities and from time to time to borrow money from such
financial institution either by overdrawing the account or otherwise; and
(d) generally for and on behalf of the said Synod to transact with the said bank any
8. The Synod Council, through the Financial Advisory Committee, shall be responsible for the
management of all the funds held by or under control of the Synod, and all lands vested in
the Synod, and shall take charge of and administer such funds and the proceeds arising from
the sales of all such lands in accordance with the trusts upon which they are held, and the
provisions of any Canons or By-Laws which the Synod may lawfully enact; and shall invest
and take up and re- invest in such securities as are authorized under the Insurance
Companies Act, all monies coming into their hands for investment or re-investment, and shall
keep or cause to be kept separate and distinct accounts of each and every trust, showing the
capital of same. The income received and accruing from the several investments so made of
the whole of the said general trust fund shall be divided amongst the several trusts as
foresaid pro rata in the proportion borne by each separate trust fund to the general trust
fund, after deducting from such receipts, not more than 10% thereof for the expenses of
management, investment and administration.
9. The Synod Council shall meet at least six (6) times between each annual session of the
Diocesan Synod on such dates and at such places or by such means as the bishop shall
determine, provided fourteen (14) days notice of any meeting being given. The Secretary of
Synod may, upon the written requisition of at least ten (10) members of the Synod Council
call a meeting of Synod Council, provided fourteen (14) days notice of any meeting being
given. In extraordinary circumstances, the Bishop may call a meeting of Synod Council
sooner than the aforementioned fourteen (14) day notice period.
(amended, 2020)
10. A quorum for each meeting of Synod Council exists if and only if there is:
(a) a majority of the members present; and
(b) fifty percent of those members elected pursuant to Subparagraphs k and l of Section
1 of this Canon. (replaced, 2014)
The Election of Bishops
The Appointment of an Assistant Bishop
1. Upon the death, retirement, or resignation of the Diocesan Bishop, the Bishop Coadjutor
shall become the Diocesan Bishop.
2. If, upon the death, retirement or resignation of the Diocesan Bishop, there be no Bishop
Coadjutor, the Suffragan Bishop, if there be one, the Dean, or if absent, the senior
Archdeacon of the Diocese, shall forthwith notify and request the Metropolitan or Acting
Metropolitan to summon a meeting of the Diocesan Synod within 75 days of the death,
retirement or resignation of the Bishop for the purpose of electing a Diocesan Bishop.
If there be no Bishop Coadjutor, the Diocesan Bishop shall, whenever possible, give six
months notice of his or her retirement or resignation.
Election of a Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop
3. If the Synod agrees to elect a Coadjutor or a Suffragan Bishop, the Diocesan Bishop shall
forthwith notify and request the Metropolitan or Acting Metropolitan to set the date for and to
preside at the Electoral Synod.
Appointment of an Assistant Bishop
4. The Diocesan Bishop may appoint an Assistant Bishop from time to time with the approval of
both the Synod Council and the Metropolitan or Acting Metropolitan, provided that such
appointee be already in episcopal orders.
Procedure for the Election of a Bishop
5. The Chair, failing whom the Vice-Chair of the Synod Council, shall summon a meeting of the
Council to be held at least 30 days before the election of a bishop for the purpose of
choosing the names of those eligible persons to be placed before the Electoral Synod as
candidates for the episcopate.
6. (a) Those entitled to vote at the election of a Bishop shall be those members of Synod
duly elected or appointed according to the provisions of Canon 1.1.
(b) Retired clergy and retired licensed lay workers of the diocese, and clergy from other
dioceses presently serving in the diocese and holding a Bishop’s permission, may
attend the Electoral Synod but are not permitted to vote in the episcopal election.
(amended 2021)
The holders of the offices of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Treasurer, Controller, and Secretary
of Synod (unless they be a priest or deacon of the diocese in active service and holding the
Bishop's license, in which case they shall be a member of the order of clergy for voting
purposes) and lay workers of the diocese in active service and holding the Bishop's license
pursuant to Canon 3.2 shall be deemed a member of the order of laity for voting purposes.
7. Voting at the election of a bishop shall be by Orders.
8. Providing two-thirds of both Orders entitled to vote are present and vote, a majority of votes
in each Order shall determine the choice of the new bishop, provided, however, if two-thirds
of each Order are not then present, two-thirds of the votes of each Order then present shall
be required to determine the choice of the new bishop.
9. The Regulations hereinafter set out shall be deemed to form part of this Canon.
10. In the event of a subdivision of the diocese, the Bishop shall elect the part to be presided over,
and another bishop shall be elected by the clergy and lay representatives of parishes and
missions with the boundaries of the district set apart to form a separate diocese. The
separated diocese shall be bound in all its public proceedings by the Constitution of the
Diocese of which it formed a part, until the said separated diocese be fully organized by the
election and Consecration of Bishop, the adoption of a constitution and the incorporation of a
Synod. (new, 1994)
1. At a meeting of the Synod Council acting as the Nominations Committee, the following
procedure shall be followed.
Each member of the Synod Council shall nominate by secret ballot three eligible persons
representing more than one gender identity, the first choice of each member to receive three
points, the second two points, and the third choice one point. The ten with the largest
number of points shall be the nominees of the Nominations Committee. In the event that two
or more persons receive the same number of points for the position of the nominee with the
tenth largest number of votes, the Synod Council shall determine the exact number of
nominees to be nominated.
The names of the nominees so chosen shall be disclosed to the Council in alphabetical order
and disclosed to the members of Synod after they have individually consented to allow their
nominations to stand. To ensure a wider distribution of points, ballots containing less than
three nominations shall be disqualified.
3. Further nominations in writing by ten members of Synod, and with the consent of the
nominee, may be placed before members of Synod as follows:
(a) By delivering the nomination to the Chair of the Electoral Synod Nominations and
Planning Committee at least twelve days prior to the date of the Electoral Synod, in
which case biographical material will be sent out with that provided for in 2 (a) and
(b) above, or
(b) By delivering the nomination to the Chair of The Electoral Synod Nominations and
Planning Committee prior to or during the Electoral Synod. The Chair of the
Committee will address the Synod, and may give biographical material of any further
priest or bishop so nominated.
4. The Synod to elect a bishop shall commence with the Holy Eucharist. A common collect and
the prayers of the people bidding God's presence and spirit, will be said in all diocesan
parishes, and thereafter the Metropolitan or Acting Metropolitan, or their designate, shall be
the Chair of the Synod and preside at the election. Prior to the calling of each ballot, the
Chair shall be satisfied as to further nominations.
When there are no further nominations, the Chair shall call for the first ballot and
subsequent ballots shall be taken as necessary until a bishop has been elected.
Secretary and Treasurer
1. The Synod Council shall appoint a Secretary of the Synod, a Treasurer of Synod, and a
Controller of Synod and, if deemed necessary by the Synod Council, assistants.
2. The Secretary, Treasurer, Controller, and any assistants therein shall serve until the first of
the following shall occur:
(i) Resignation or retirement;
(ii) Withdrawal of appointment by the Synod Council; or
(iii) The appointment of a successor. (revised, 1993)
3. The duties of the Secretary shall be:
(i) To record, in a book provided for that purpose, the regular minutes of all proceedings
of the Synod as furnished by the Honorary Secretaries; to preserve all papers,
memorials and other documents except such as are required to be kept by the
Registrar or Archivist, and attend to all of the business of the Synod, when not in
session, under the direction of the Bishop and the Synod Council. (revised, 1993)
(ii) To enter and record in separate books, the minutes of the proceedings of the Synod
Council; (revised,
(iii) To cause the proceedings of each session of Synod to be distributed to its members
within two months from the close of the session; (revised, 2014)
(iv) To issue, under the direction of the Bishop, a circular fourteen days at least before
the meeting of Synod to the clerical and lay members thereof; and (revised, 2005)
(v) Generally, to perform such functions as are assigned by Canon or by resolution of the
Synod, or by the Synod Council, or by any of the standing subcommittees.
4. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
(i) To have charge of the Synod office, and of all business to be transacted therein, and
to review and duly account for all monies payable to, or securities receivable by, the
Synod, and to make all expenditures authorized by the Synod, or the proper
committees thereof, and to keep all necessary and proper books of accounts and
records of securities and property as shall be approved by the auditor, and to
perform all such other duties as are now or shall be, from time to time, assigned by
the Constitution, Canons, By-Laws, Orders or Regulations of the Synod or by the
Synod Council or by the Financial Advisory Committee;
(ii) Generally, to perform such functions as are assigned from time to time by Canon or
by resolution of the Synod, or by the Synod Council; (revised, 1993)
(iii) To be the proper custodian of all grants, conveyances, probates or certified copies of
wills or parts thereof, in any way relating to land or property granted, conveyed or
devised for the benefit or use of the Anglican Church in the Diocese;
(iv) To send in January, to every parish, the requirements for filing annual parish reports,
properly filled out by the cleric and churchwardens, as required, which shall be
submitted, with a copy of the parish vestry report including the previous year’s
financial statements, to the Synod Office not later than the second Monday of March;
(v) To negotiate with, deposit with, or transfer to the financial institution acting as
custodian of the funds of the Synod and its securities, but for the credit of the said
diocesan account only, all or any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques or
orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and for the said
purpose to endorse the same or any of them on behalf of the said diocese, and also
from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts
between the said diocese and financial institution, and to receive all paid cheques
and vouchers, and to sign the said financial institution's form of settlement of
balances and release.
5. The duties of the Controller shall be:
(i) Generally to assist the Treasurer in the performance of the duties as set out in
section 4 herein; and
(ii) To fulfil all duties of the Treasurer during the Treasurer's absence, or during a
vacancy in the office of Treasurer.
6. The Treasurer, Controller, and such other members of staff as the Synod Council shall
designate from time to time, shall be bonded for such amounts as the Synod Council shall
determine. (revised, 1993)
7. Any vacancy in the office of Secretary, Treasurer or Controller shall not be deemed to impair
in any way the function of Synod or its jurisdiction or to void or to render voidable any of its
actions or the actions of the Diocese.
Appointment of Church Dignitaries
1. There may be in the Diocese the following dignitaries and other officers, namely: one Dean
together with Canons to constitute the Chapter; one or more Archdeacons, and such number
of Regional Deans as may be required; one Chancellor; one Vice-Chancellor; one Registrar,
and, when necessary, one Commissary.
2. The appointment of these dignitaries and officers shall be vested in the Bishop, and the
offices of Chancellor, Registrar and Commissary, shall be held during the Bishop's pleasure.
3. The Chancellors shall be communicants of the Church, and Barristers-at-law of at least ten
years' standing.
4. The Chancellor and one Vice-Chancellor shall be members of the Synod ex-officio and shall
be entitled to sit therein and to vote or otherwise take part in the proceedings of the Synod.
The Registrar
It shall be the duty of the Registrar to see that the following records be kept at the Synod Office.
1. Such official acts of the Bishop or of the Synod as require record or registration.
2. A list of the Clergy of the Diocese from time to time, with their academic standing and the
respective dates of their admission as deacons and priests, and of their licences on
admission to the Diocese, and a record of the different parishes, missions, or stations in
which they have served or of any Diocesan position which they have filled.
3. The election or appointment of clergy or laity to any office in the Diocese.
4. All letters of orders, licences, institution, induction and other official instruments issued by
the Bishop from time to time.
5. A record of consecration of churches and burial grounds and of the revocation of the
Sentence of Consecration.
6. A record of all churches, church buildings and memorials dedicated by the Bishop.
7. The Registrar shall record the election, confirmation, consecration and installation of the
Bishops of the Diocese and shall provide that such records be counter-signed by the
responsible witnesses, who have themselves been present at such ceremonies.
Concerning a Solicitor for the Synod
1. There shall be a Solicitor for The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, who shall be appointed by
the Synod Council and hold office during its pleasure, to provide legal advice and services in
support of the corporate activities and ministries of the Diocese.
2. The Bishop, the Synod Council, or the Secretary of Synod may, in their discretion, retain other
legal counsel licensed to practice law in Ontario for particular matters.
Archives and Archivist
1. The Diocese shall maintain an Archives to acquire and preserve records of historical
significance in the life of the church in the Diocese, and where appropriate, to make these
records available. The Archives shall be located at the Division of Archives and Research
Collections, McMaster University Library in accordance with a memorandum of agreement
between McMaster University Library and the Executive Committee of the Synod of the
Diocese of Niagara 1975.
2. There shall be an Archivist of the Diocese who shall be appointed by the Diocesan Bishop
and remain in office during the pleasure of the Bishop.
3. The expenses necessary for the purpose of this Canon shall be provided for in the Diocesan
Budget and discharged by the Treasurer.
4. The Archivist shall receive and have charge of all documents, minutes, records and papers of
the Diocese and its officers, committees, organizations and agencies connected and
associated therewith, having continuing value for historical use or as a matter of record,
hereinafter called the Archives.
5. The Archivist shall receive from each congregation completed Parish registers, minute books
and records of Parish committees, organizations and officers, having continuing value for
historical use or as a matter of record, for transfer to the Diocesan Archives unless the Parish
has satisfied the Archivist that its records are being persevered in a secure environment.
6. It shall be the duty of the Archivist:
(a) to establish and administer a continuing program for the management of current
records created by the officers, committees and other bodies of the Diocese and, in
consultation with the Diocesan officials, to select non-current records of historical
interest to transfer to the Archives.
(b) to appraise and acquire for purposes of preservation and research, manuscripts,
private papers, printed documents, audio-visual materials and other documentation
relating to the history of the Diocese.
(c) to appraise and acquire for purposes of preservation and research, Parish registers
and other Parish records.
(d) to access, arrange and describe the holdings of the Diocesan Collection according to
Archival principles and in conjunction with the Director of Archives and Research
Collections at McMaster University.
(e) to be a liaison person between the Diocesan and parochial officials and the Division
of Archives and Research Collections of McMaster University Library.
(f) to provide mutually acceptable regulations for access to Diocesan and parochial
Archival material at McMaster University.
(g) to respond to enquiries by mail, telephone, or in person, and conduct research when
(h) to provide an Archivist's report to each regular session of the Synod of the Diocese.
Auditors' Duties
The Auditors shall make an examination of the books, records and financial affairs of the Synod to
the extent that they deem necessary to permit them to report whether, in their opinion, the financial
statements presented annually to Synod, reflect fairly the financial position of the Synod and the
results of its operations for the year under review.
The Auditors shall in particular include in their report such statements as they consider necessary -
(a) if the accounting records, routines and procedures are inadequate in their opinion;
(b) if they have not received all the information and explanations that they require;
(c) if the guarantee bond of the Treasurer has not been kept in force; and
(d) regarding any other matter concerning the financial affairs of the Synod.
Diocesan Budget
1. The budget of the diocese for each calendar year shall be presented for approval by the
Synod of the Diocese at its session in the previous calendar year.
2. The budget of the diocese as approved by Synod shall be presented annually to each
congregation in the diocese.
3. There shall be a Diocesan Parish Budget Assessment established for each congregation in
the diocese.
4. Guidelines and prescribed forms shall be supplied to each parish in the diocese to be
followed by them in preparing their annual reports to be submitted to Synod.
5. There shall be established a Diocesan Assessment Committee which:
(a) shall consider concerns and appeals raised and filed by parishes regarding
(b) shall ensure consistent and accurate financial reporting from all parishes of the
diocese; and (amended,
(c) shall, from time to time, review the guidelines and prescribed forms as established
pursuant to Section 4 of this Canon. (amended,
6. The Synod may assess interest on outstanding parish payroll and assessment balances owed
to the Synod at a rate to be set by the Synod Council. (replaced, 2001)
The Louisa Parke Estate
There shall be a decreasing fund of the Diocese known as the Louisa M. Parke Estate Fund (referred
to in this Canon as The Fund”).
The capital and interest of The Fund shall be utilized to provide grants to supplement the retirement
income paid to retired clergy of the Diocese and their widowed spouses.
The Fund shall be administered, according to the directions of this Canon, by the Financial Advisory
The capital and income from the fund shall be applied as follows:
to clergy who retired from the Diocese of Niagara on or before December 31, 1989 an annual
amount equivalent to that which they received from the Louisa Parke Estate Fund in the year 2000;
to clergy who retired between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 2000 an annual amount
equivalent to that which they received from the Louisa Parke Estate Fund as of December 31, 2000
adjusted downwards by any increase to their pension through the General Synod Pension Plan
effective January 1, 2001. An appropriate cost of living increase will be applied prior to any
adjustment; and
the spouse of any deceased retired clergy shall receive 60% of the amount which would have been
paid to the spouse based on the above criteria, provided this does not conflict with the policy of the
General Synod Pension Plan.
Should the income from the remaining fund be depleted before the death of any clergyperson who
retired before 1990 or their spouse, the remaining payments shall be paid out of diocesan funds.
CANON 2.10
The Cathedral of the Diocese of Niagara
1. The Bishop of Niagaras cathedra shall be located at 252 James Street North in Hamilton,
hereafter referred to as Cathedral Place, in the worship space of Christs Church Cathedral.
2. The Cathedral congregation shall have all rights, responsibilities, and duties assigned to a duly
established parish by Canon 4.1, with the exception of those fiduciary responsibilities related to
the care and trusteeship of the buildings and property on which the Cathedral is situated,
including its fixtures, fittings, and fabric, which shall be the responsibility of the diocese, save
and except the maintenance, repair or improvement of the organ which shall remain the
responsibility of the Cathedral congregation.
3. a) The Cathedral congregation shall be expected to make annual contributions to the diocese
i. the upkeep of the Cathedral Place property, drawing on designated funds held for the
maintenance, repair or improvement of fixtures, fittings, or fabric located at
Cathedral Place and any additional funds as may be necessary, and
ii. the mission and ministry of the diocese.
b) The base amounts for these contributions shall be determined by a prescribed formula
established by regulations approved by the synod council, in consultation with the
corporation of the Cathedral.
There shall be a Cathedral Place Property Management Committee to oversee the care,
maintenance, and management of the Cathedral Place property and buildings and to advise
the officers of the synod and the synod council about related policy matters.
The specific terms of reference for the Committee shall be established by the synod council.
The membership of the Committee shall consist of:
i. the Executive Officer;
ii. the Rector of Christ’s Church Cathedral;
iii. two members elected by the Cathedral vestry for a two-year term;
iv. two members elected by the synod council of the diocese for a two-year term; and
v. a chair who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Bishop of Niagara.
An alternate member may be elected by both the vestry and synod council to attend and vote
at committee meetings should the respective elected representatives be compelled to be
Appointment of Incumbents
1. There shall be in every parish (not being an assisted parish) a Committee (hereinafter called
"The Parochial Committee"), which shall consist of the lay representatives to the Synod and
the Churchwardens of the parish. Such Committee shall have full power in conference with
the Bishop, to represent the Parish in the selection of an incumbent.
2. Whenever there are two or more congregations forming one parish, the Parochial Committee
shall consist of the Lay representatives and the Churchwardens from each congregation.
3. Whenever a vacancy occurs in any parish (not being an assisted parish), the Bishop shall, as
soon thereafter as convenient, call together the Parochial Committee of such Parish at such
time and place as the Bishop shall see fit, and as often as shall be deemed necessary, and
after conference with them, shall proceed to appoint a member of the clergy to such vacancy.
4. Diocesan Clergy holding the Bishop's License for full-time ministry shall be entitled to annual
vacation periods as set by the Bishop in consultation with the Diocesan Synod Council,
provided that in all cases, the expenses of providing for the conduct of services of the Parish
during the absence on vacation of the member of the clergy shall be borne by the Parish.
5. When appointments or exchanges of clergy are made under this Canon, the expenses
incurred by the clergy for their removal from one parish in this Diocese to another parish in
this Diocese shall be paid by that parish to which the clergy member is newly appointed.
Licensed Lay Workers
1. Lay persons professing a vocation to career ministry, and who upon qualification, licensing
and commissioning obtain an employment contract with a parish or an appropriate affiliate
to a particular ministry or undertaking of the diocese, shall be recognized as licensed lay
workers. Such ministry may be exercisable within the diocese, in fields including education,
social and community work, pastoral care, administration, mission, and liturgy.
2. A person who holds an appropriate post-secondary degree or diploma, or possesses an
adequate combination of education and experience for the field in which the vocation is to
be exercised, shall be qualified for recognition as a licensed lay worker.
3. A qualified lay worker, having received the approval of the Hiring Committee and the Bishop,
shall be licensed by the Bishop and commissioned at an appropriate liturgical event. The lay
worker shall take oaths of subscription, and shall express willingness to be accountable in
life and ministry to duly constituted diocesan and parish authority.
4. Licensed lay workers and the Hiring Committee shall enter into an employment contract,
which shall conform to the current guidelines for fair employment practices adopted by the
General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.
(a) Canons 13, 18, 19, 20 and 22 of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of
Canada shall apply, with necessary modifications, to all lay workers recognized,
licensed and employed within the diocese.
(b) The provisions of Canon 3.3 of the Diocese of Niagara plus all appendices and
schedules to this Canon shall apply, with necessary modifications, to all lay workers
recognized, licensed and employed under this Canon.
(Footnote new,
Part 1 - Episcopal Jurisdiction
Preservation of Episcopal Jurisdiction regarding Discipline
1. It is hereby acknowledged that the Bishop of the Diocese has by virtue of the office of Bishop,
ecclesiastical jurisdiction, authority and power of discipline over Bishops, priests, deacons
and lay members of the Anglican Church of Canada within the Diocese or otherwise under
the jurisdiction of the Bishop.
2. Nothing in this Canon shall affect the obligation of both the bishop and any other party in
matters of discipline to canvass every possibility to settle differences, in consultation and
counselling, before resorting to legal procedures.
3. Nothing in this Canon shall be interpreted as impairing, diminishing or affecting in any way
the pastoral or disciplinary aspects of the authority and jurisdiction of:
(a) a Bishop who has jurisdiction with respect to a Bishop, priest or deacon, or a lay
person who is a member of the Anglican Church of Canada;
except only in relation to:
(b) the determination of whether the Bishop, priest or deacon has committed an
ecclesiastical offense established by this Canon,
(c) the determination of whether a lay person who has been appointed, elected or
commissioned to an office, appointment or responsibility in a parish or the Diocesan
Synod, has committed an ecclesiastical offense established by this Canon, and
(d) the determination of the penalty appropriate for the commission of an ecclesiastical
offense established by this Canon.
Initial Disciplinary Jurisdiction
Where it has been alleged that a Bishop, priest or deacon, subject to the jurisdiction
of the Bishop, or a lay person as described in Section 5 of this Canon, has
committed an ecclesiastical offense established by this Canon, the Bishop shall
have initial jurisdiction with respect to the determination of whether an ecclesiastical
offense has been committed and the penalty for the commission of the offense.
The Bishop may refer the determination of whether an ecclesiastical offense has
been committed or the determination of a penalty to the Diocesan Court having
jurisdiction with respect to the discipline of the person charged with the commission
of an ecclesiastical offense without exercising the initial jurisdiction described in
Section 4 (a).
(c) The procedures to be used in the exercise by the Bishop of the initial jurisdiction
described in this Section shall be those established by the Synod of which the Bishop
is the president; however, such procedures shall be subject to the principles set out
in Part 5 of this Canon.
Review by the Court
A person convicted of an ecclesiastical offense by the Bishop may require the
determination of the Bishop that an ecclesiastical offense was committed by the
person, or the penalty imposed by the Bishop to be reviewed by the Diocesan Court
having jurisdiction with respect to the discipline of the accused person, which Court
may either confirm or overturn the determination of the Bishop.
The Synod Council of the Diocese, on its own motion or on the petition of the person
or persons who made the allegation of an ecclesiastical offense which was tried by
the Bishop, may require the determination of the Bishop that an ecclesiastical
offense was committed, or the penalty imposed by the Bishop, to be reviewed by the
Court having jurisdiction with respect to the discipline of the accused person, which
Court may either confirm or overturn the determination of the Bishop.
Where a review by the Court pursuant to this Section is of a determination by the
Bishop that an ecclesiastical offense has been committed, the review shall be
conducted as if it were an original trial held in the Court.
Where a review by the Court pursuant to this Section is of a determination by the
Bishop of the penalty appropriate for the commission of an ecclesiastical offense,
only evidence relevant to the question of the appropriate penalty shall be considered
by the Court.
Part 2 - Court Jurisdiction
Diocesan Courts
6. The Diocesan Court shall have ecclesiastical jurisdiction with respect to the discipline of:
(a) priests and deacons who carry out their ministry in the Diocese and who are
registered on the register of the Diocese, for any ecclesiastical offense, wherever
(b) subject to Section 25, priests and deacons of the Anglican Church of Canada not
registered on the register of the Diocese, in respect of any ecclesiastical offense
committed in the Diocese,
(c) lay persons who have been appointed, elected or commissioned to an office,
appointment or responsibility in a parish of the Diocese or the Diocesan Synod, for an
ecclesiastical offense which they may commit in the Diocese.
(d) lay persons who have been appointed, elected or commissioned to an office,
appointment or responsibility in a Provincial Synod, or the General Synod, for an
ecclesiastical offense which they may commit in the Diocese, and
(e) priests, deacons and lay persons of any other Diocese when a direction is made
pursuant to Section 26 of this Canon.
Part 3 Ecclesiastical Offenses
Disciplinary Action Regarding Offenses
7. All persons who are subject to ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the Church shall be liable to
discipline for any of the following offenses:
(a) conviction of an indictable offense;
(b) immorality;
(c) disobedience to the Bishop to whom such person has sworn Canonical obedience;
(d) violation of any lawful Constitution or Canon of the Church, whether of Diocese,
Province or the General Synod by which the person is bound;
(e) wilful or habitual neglect of the exercise of the ministry of the person without cause;
(f) wilful or habitual neglect of the duties of any office or position of trust to which the
person has been appointed or elected;
(g) teaching or advocating doctrines contrary to those accepted by the Anglican Church
of Canada;
(h) contemptuous or disrespectful conduct towards the Bishop of the Diocese in matters
pertaining to the administration of the affairs of the Diocese or a parish.
Part 4 - Penalties for Ecclesiastical Offenses
Penalties Generally
8. Where it has been determined that a person has committed an ecclesiastical offense, the
following penalties may be imposed against the person:
(a) admonition;
(b) suspension from the exercise of ministry or office;
(c) deprivation of office or ministry;
(d) deposition from the exercise of ministry if the person is ordained;
9. Admonition shall be delivered by the Bishop or the president of the Court which shall have
determined the penalty, as the case may be.
10. Admonition may be in public or private as the Bishop or president delivering it may
When a penalty of suspension is imposed, the Bishop or Court imposing it shall fix
the duration of the suspension and may impose such other conditions on the
suspension as are considered appropriate.
During the term of a suspension, the person suspended from the exercise of ministry
or office shall not exercise the function of his or her ministry anywhere in Canada.
If a person suspended from the exercise of ministry exercises his or her ministry
contrary to Section 8 (b) hereof, or otherwise violates the conditions of the
suspension, the Bishop or Court which imposed the penalty may, after a further
hearing, impose the penalty of deprivation of office.
During the term of a suspension, the Bishop may deprive the suspended person of
the whole or part of any stipend, income or emoluments associated with the ministry
or office from which the person stands suspended and may authorize the application
of the whole or part of such stipend, income or emoluments to the payment of a
Upon the penalty of deprivation of office or ministry being pronounced, the
connection between the person deprived and his or her parish, mission,
congregation, Diocese or office is severed and all revenues to which the person was
entitled by virtue of the office or ministry shall wholly cease and determine.
A person who has been deprived of office or ministry shall be incapable of holding
any office or performing any function in any Diocese in the Anglican Church of
Canada until restored pursuant to subsections (c) or (d) hereof.
Any person so deprived shall be and remain deprived until restored by the Bishop of
the Diocese in which the office from which the person was deprived is located.
Restoration pursuant to Subsections (c) may be to any office or ministry in the
Diocese whether or not it be the specific office from which the person was deprived.
13. The penalty of deposition shall include all of the consequences of deprivation and at the
same time will have the same effect as if the person had relinquished the exercise of the
ordained ministry pursuant to the Canons of the Anglican Church of Canada.
14. (a) Where the penalty of suspension is imposed, the Court shall cause notice thereof to
be given to all the clergy of the Diocese and all Bishops of the Anglican Church of
(b) Where a penalty of deprivation of office or ministry or of deposition is imposed, the
Court shall cause notice thereof to be given to all clergy of the Diocese, all Bishops of
the Anglican Church of Canada and all Metropolitans of the Anglican Communion.
Part 5 - Principles and General Procedures to be Observed
in Discipline Procedures
Fundamental Principles of Natural Justice
15. All trials of persons charged with the offenses under this Canon shall be conducted according
to the principles of natural justice.
16. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing Section, all persons tried for offenses under
this Canon are entitled to be:
(i) given full and complete written notice of the charge against them and the particulars
of the charge;
(ii) presumed innocent until the commission of the offense by them is proved on a
balance of probability;
(iii) heard in their own defence;
(iv) represented in their defence by counsel of their own choice;
(v) present, accompanied by their counsel, when any evidence or argument concerning
the allegations against them is received by the Bishop or Court inquiring into the
(vi) given opportunity to cross-examine, or have their counsel cross-examine under oath,
witnesses who have given evidence against them;
(vii) tried by persons who are not biased against them; and
(viii) tried within a reasonable time.
17. No person tried for an offense under this Canon is required to give evidence in the
18. Disciplinary proceedings arising out of the alleged commission of an offense under this
Canon shall be commenced within:
(a) 12 months from date of the alleged offense in the case of offenses under Section 7
(a), (c), (g) and (h), and
(b) 12 months from the time when the facts giving rise to the charge became publicly
known in the case of an offense under Section 7 (b).
19. No proceedings shall be taken in respect of an alleged offense under Section 7 (c) or (f)
unless 6 months notice of intent to take proceedings have been given to the Bishop, priest or
deacon against whom it is intended proceedings will be taken.
20. Disciplinary proceedings arising out of the alleged commission of an offense under Section 7
(e) or (f) shall be commenced within 12 months of the date of the notice of intent given,
pursuant to Section 19.
21. All persons found to have committed an offense under this Canon are entitled to have the
penalty imposed against them within 30 days of the determination that they committed an
offense, subject to a stay of the imposition of a penalty in the event of an appeal.
22. No person who has been acquitted of an offense under this Canon may be tried for the same
offense a second time.
23. No person who has been found guilty of and punished for an offense under this Canon may
be tried or punished for the same offense again.
If it appears to the Bishop that great scandal is likely to arise if a priest, deacon or lay
person continues to perform the duties of his or her office while a charge is under
investigation or trial and that the person's ministry will be seriously impaired while a
charge is pending, the Bishop may inhibit the person charged from performing any of
the duties of his or her office, either in the Diocese of that Bishop or elsewhere,
pending such investigation or until the Bishop withdraws the inhibition, or until the
end of the trial.
During such inhibition, the person inhibited shall not be deprived of the stipend,
income or emoluments associated with the person's office.
Where it is alleged that a Bishop has committed an ecclesiastical offense, inhibition
may be ordered or withdrawn by the Metropolitan in consultation with the Synod
Priest or Deacon from another Diocese
In the event of an offense being alleged against a Bishop, priest or deacon who is not
on the register of the Diocese, but who is on the register of another Diocese, for an
offense alleged to have been committed in the Diocese, proceedings with respect to
such an offense shall not be instituted until notice of the allegation has been given to
the Bishop of the Diocese in which the priest or deacon is registered and that Bishop
has given consent for proceedings to be instituted by the Bishop of the Diocese in
which the offense is alleged to have been committed.
A Bishop who receives a notice under subsection (a) shall forthwith respond either by
consenting or refusing consent to the institution of proceedings in the Diocese from
which notice was received.
Where a Bishop consents, proceedings shall be taken in the Diocese where the
allegation has been made.
A Bishop who refuses consent shall, within six months of receipt of notice pursuant to
subsection (a) hereof, institute proceedings with respect to the alleged offense in
accordance with the Canons of the Diocese in which the priest or deacon is
Transfer of Jurisdiction
On the application of a person charged with an offense under this Canon to the
president of the Court having ecclesiastical jurisdiction over that person, that
ecclesiastical jurisdiction may be transferred to another Court, where it appears to
the president of the Court to which the application is made, that such transfer is
necessary to ensure that the fundamental principles of natural justice are respected
and where the Court to which the transfer is to be made consents to the transfer.
Where an applicant under subsection (a) is made to the president of a Diocesan
Court, the transfer may be made to another Diocesan Court of the same
Ecclesiastical Province.
Part 6 - Rights of Appeal in Disciplinary Proceedings
27. An appeal to the Provincial Court of Appeal may be taken from any judgement or order of a
Diocesan Court or the president thereof.
28. All appeals shall be commenced according to the procedure of the Court to which the appeal
is to be made within 30 days of the date of pronouncement of the judgement or order
appealed from.
29. No limit or restriction on the rights of appeal granted by this Canon, imposed by a Bishop or
Diocesan Synod shall be of any effect.
Preferment of Charge
Part 7 - General
30. A charge may be preferred against any person set forth in Section 6 of this Canon for any of
the offenses mentioned by three members of the Church in the Diocese, or by any
Archdeacon of the Diocese, and such charge shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the
Bishop of the Diocese, or the Bishop of the Diocese may prefer such a charge.
31. Upon a charge being preferred, the Bishop shall communicate the contents of the charge to
the person accused and after consideration the Bishop of the Diocese may deny the
complaint and notify the complainant and the respondent of decision of the Bishop.
Admission of Charge and Summary Hearing
32. If any respondent admits the truth of the charges or the complaint and requests the Bishop
to deal with the same in a summary way, the Bishop shall thereupon adjudge the party to be
guilty, and shall award such punishment under this Canon as in the Bishop's judgement and
discretion may be considered adequate to the offense and shall attach the Bishop's
sentence and the answer of the respondent against whom the charge or complaint is made
to a memorial, and file the same of record with the Registrar of the Court, who shall forthwith
transmit to the complainant(s) and the party charged a copy of such decision or sentence.
Investigation of Charge
33. If the Bishop does not deny the complaint pursuant to Section 30, the Bishop may request by
commission the Court or some members thereof to investigate the charges in which case the
Diocesan Court shall inform the respondent of the nature of the charges and after
consideration and investigation shall advise the Bishop either that a prima facie case has
been established or that no case has been established. Service by any member of the
Diocesan Court in the investigation of any complaint or any other preliminary matter involving
a complaint shall not prevent such member sitting as a member of the Diocesan Court in any
other hearing with respect to the said complaint.
Submission to Court
34. If a prima facie case has been established the Bishop of the Diocese may submit the
complaint to the Diocesan Court with the Bishop's commission that the Court try the matter
and report to the Bishop on its findings, and its recommendations as to sanction.
Submission as to Sentence
35. Upon a plea of guilty, or submission to the Bishop, or after receipt of the decision of the
Diocesan Court, and any recommendations that it may make, the Bishop may hear
submissions as to sentence, along with such persons as the Bishop considers proper, and
after hearing such submissions may proceed to pass sentence.
36. In this part:
Part 8 - Diocesan Court
"accused" shall refer to any person charged with an offense under any Canon on
Church Discipline;
"applicant" shall refer to any party in the position of plaintiff with respect to any
matter referred to the Court by the Bishop other than under the Canon of Discipline;
"Bishop" shall refer to the Bishop of the Diocese and shall include an Administrator of
the Diocese or Bishop's Commissary;
"Canons" shall include the Canons of the Diocese as well as Canons of Provincial
Synod and General Synod;
"cause" includes any matter referred to the Court;
"charge" is an accusation of any breach of discipline under the Canons;
"commission" shall refer to the commission of the Bishop requiring the Court to deal
with a cause;
"complainant" shall include any person who instigates a charge or complaint;
"complaint" shall refer to the document upon which a charge is based;
"Court" shall mean the Diocesan Court;
"party" shall include any party to the proceedings;
"proceeding" shall include any cause or matter referred to the Court;
"Provincial Court of Appeal" shall mean the Provincial Court of Appeal of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario'
"Registrar" shall mean the Registrar of the Court;
"respondent" shall include any party responding to any other matter referred to the
Court by the Bishop
"rules" shall mean the rules passed from time to time by the Court;
"Supreme Court of Appeal" is the Supreme Court of Appeal for the Anglican Church of
"Supreme or Superior Court" is the Ontario Court (General Division) in the Province of
There shall be a Court for the trial of causes to be known as the "Diocesan Court" and
which shall be composed of the Chancellor of the Diocese and three clergy and three
lay members of Synod to be appointed by the Bishop annually at the annual session
of Synod and to hold office until their successors have been appointed.
No member of the Court shall be disqualified by reason of that member dealing in
any way with a charge or preliminary investigation, but no member of the Court may
sit on any charge or complaint preferred by such member, or on any charge or
complaint in which such member may have an interest.
(c) Any vacancy which may occur in the membership of the Court during the year, by
death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the Bishop, and the appointment of
any new member shall be announced by the Bishop at the next ensuing meeting of
the Synod Council, which shall report the appointment to the Synod at its next
(d) The Court shall be presided over by the Chancellor, or by some other member thereof
commissioned in writing by the Bishop.
(e) The Court shall from time to time appoint a Registrar or acting Registrar, and such
other officers as may be found necessary.
(f) The Court may sit in any place in the Diocese and at such time as the President of
the Court may order and direct.
(g) No objection shall be effective as to the constitution, or appointment of any members
of the Court or any other officers appointed to assist or advise the Bishop in the
exercise of the Bishop's power, authority and jurisdiction.
(h) No objection shall be effective in any proceedings under this Canon that the offense,
cause, breach or charge arose outside of the Diocese in which proceedings are taken
or arose outside Canada.
The said Court shall have cognizance and may try any member of the church within
the Diocese, clerical and lay, for offenses against the provisions of the constitution or
Canons of the Diocese or of the Provincial Synod of Ontario, or of the General Synod
of Canada.
The Court shall also determine any question which may be referred to it by the Bishop
as to the sufficiency of the Bishop's reasons for refusing a Bene Decessit or Letters
Testimonial to a cleric on removal from the Diocese.
The Court shall also have jurisdiction to determine any other question which may be
referred to it by the Bishop.
39. (a) Notwithstanding anything in this Canon and unless the Court otherwise directs, any
proceedings may be disposed by:
i) agreement;
ii) consent order; or
iii) decision of the Court given,
a) without a hearing, or
b) without compliance with any other requirement of this Canon, where
the parties have waived such hearing or compliance.
(b) It shall be the duty of the President of the Court to see that all of the proceedings of
the Court as well as any sentence, or any action of the Bishop thereon, are duly
recorded by the Registrar and retained with all proceedings in the matter, and the
decision of the Court and any sentence of the Bishop shall be in writing.
(c) All decrees, citations, orders and other instruments under seal, shall be issued by the
Registrar of the Court and shall bear date on the day on which they are respectively
(d) The seal of the Court shall bear the device of the seal of the Synod.
(e) No member of the Court shall divulge the sentence recommended by it until such
time as it has been approved and confirmed by the Bishop, and further, no member
of the Court will disclose the vote of any particular member of the Court.
Appeals Regarding Hearings
40. Every person whose case may have been disposed of and decided adversely to such person,
and who shall feel aggrieved by such decision, or who shall make it appear that new
evidence, having an important bearing on the case has been discovered since the hearing of
the existence of which was unknown by such person at the time of the hearing, may within
six months petition the Bishop for a rehearing of the case, either upon objections to be taken
to the decision upon the facts, or because the judgement is not sustained by the laws and
Canons of this Ecclesiastical Province, or of the Diocese, or for other cause or causes; or
such person may apply by petition to the Bishop for an arrest of sentence of judgement, upon
causes to be shown; and in either case the Bishop shall, upon receiving such petition, refer
the same with or without comment to the Court and the Court's decision on the above
questions, being approved by the Bishop, shall be final insofar as this Diocese is concerned.
41. The rules of the Court are the rules set out in the schedule of this Canon. The Court may from
time to time make such rules and regulations as to the Court may seem expedient for
regulating the practice and procedure of the Court, and every matter deemed expedient for
carrying out the objects of this Canon; and the Court may, from time to time, suspend, repeal,
vary or revive any such rules and regulations, but no order made by the Court shall have the
effect of altering any matter defined by this Canon. Matters not provided for by the rules of
the Court shall be regulated by analogy to the rules of the Ontario Court (General Division).
Costs and Expenses
42. (a) All expenses necessarily incurred by the Court or by anyone acting under its direction
in any investigation or hearing pursuant to this Canon shall be paid by the Synod.
(b) The costs including counsel fees of and incidental to any proceedings authorized to
be dealt with by the Court are in the discretion of the Court. The Court has full power
to determine by whom, or to what extent, costs shall be paid including the legitimate
costs of any party out of the Synod, and in any proceeding the Court may fix the
amount of costs awarded or may in its discretion deal with the question of costs
Rules of the Diocesan Court
1. Any proceedings in the Court shall be styled in the Diocesan Court with the names of the
complainant(s) and the name of the respondent, or a short description of the cause or
Preliminary Investigation
2. Where the Court has been requested by the Bishop to conduct a preliminary investigation,
the investigation may be conducted by two or more members of the Court, as determined by
the Court or by the Bishop.
Form of Charge and Hearing by Court
3. The Court may appoint two of its members to determine the sufficiency or insufficiency of the
form in which the charge is presented, and of the answer thereto, and of any matter
connected with the practice or procedure of the Court, subject to an appeal to the Court in all
matters in which either party may be dissatisfied; provided however, that the evidence to be
taken on which the Court is to act, and the hearing and adjudication of the subject matter of
the complaint, must be given, heard and made before and by the Court.
Notice of Hearing
4. A notice of hearing by the Court shall include a statement of the time, place and purpose of
the hearing and a reference to the authority under which the hearing will be held, and shall
also include a statement that if any party notified does not attend at the hearing, the Court
may proceed in the absence of such party who will not be entitled to any further notice in the
Service of Notice of Hearing
5. Notice of hearing shall be served upon the respondent and other parties, or such service may
be accepted by any party and a party shall be given reasonable notice of the hearing, the
question of reasonableness in any case to be solely determined by the Court.
Procedure on Failure to Attend After Notice
6. Where notice of hearing has been given to a party and the party does not attend, the Court
may proceed in the absence of the party and who will not be entitled to any further notice in
the proceedings.
Furnishing Information to Party Where Character or Conduct in Issue
7. Where the good character, propriety of conduct or competence of a party is an issue in any
proceedings, the party is entitled to be furnished prior to the hearing with reasonable
information of any allegations with respect thereto.
Representation by Counsel
8. A party to the proceedings may be represented by counsel or an agent; may call and examine
witnesses and present arguments and submissions, and may conduct cross-examination of
witnesses, at a hearing reasonably required for full and fair disclosure of the facts, and
where any person is not so represented the Court may appoint a representative when the
Court determines that such representation may be required in the interest of justice, and
where any party is charged with any offense the Court may appoint counsel to prosecute the
Witness's Rights
9. A witness at a hearing is entitled to be advised by counsel or agent as to such witness's
rights, but such counsel or agent may take no other part in the hearing without leave of the
Court, and where a hearing is in camera, a counsel or agent for witness is not entitled to be
present except when that witness is giving evidence.
Open Hearings
10. A hearing shall be open to the public except where the Court is of the opinion that matters
involving intimate, financial or personal matters may be disclosed at any hearing of such a
nature, having regard to the circumstances, that the desirability of avoiding disclosure in any
interests of any person affected or in the public interest outweighs the desirability of
adhering to the principle that hearings be open to the public, in which case the Court may
hold the hearing in camera.
11. Any member of the Court has power to administer oaths and affirmations with respect to any
of its proceedings, and the Court may require evidence before it to be given under oath or
Power to Summon Witnesses
12. The Court may summon and examine witnesses, including any party, viva voce and in open
Court to give evidence under oath or by affirmation and to produce in evidence documents
and things so specified by the Court, and may for sufficient reason order any particular fact
or facts to be proved by statutory declaration or allow the affidavit or statutory declaration of
any witness to be read in evidence at the hearing, or may direct any witness to be examined
before an examiner or commissioner or the Registrar of the Court or other person authorized
by the civil law of the Province to examine witnesses or take statutory declarations.
Service of Summons
13. The summons herein referred to shall be served personally in accordance with the rules of
the Ontario Court (General Division). If personal service cannot be reasonably effected, the
Court may make such order for substituted or other service as it deems fit.
14. The Court shall be entitled to draw inferences from evidence accepted by it whether of fact or
law which might have been drawn therefrom if proved at a trial.
Canada Evidence Act
15. A witness at a hearing shall be deemed to have objected to answer any question that may be
asked of such witness on the ground that it may tend to incriminate or be deemed to
establish liability to civil proceedings, and no answer given by a witness shall be used or be
receivable in evidence against that witness at any hearing or trail or other proceedings
against such witness thereafter taking place other than a prosecution for perjury, and a
witness shall be informed by the Court of the provisions of the Canada Evidence Act.
Affidavit Evidence
16. A witness at a hearing shall be examined viva voce but the Court may at any time by
sufficient reason order particular evidence or facts to be proved by affidavit, or that the
affidavit of a witness may be read at the hearing.
Dispositions and Commission Evidence
17. The Court may, whenever it appears necessary, make an order for the examination before a
member of the Court or any other person at any place and permit such deposition to be given
in evidence, or the Court may order the issue of a commission to take such testimony as
approved in the form of the Ontario Court (General Division) and such testimony may be
given in evidence.
Admission of Evidence
18. The Court may admit as evidence at a hearing, whether or not given or proven under oath or
affirmation or admissible as evidence in Court, any oral testimony or document or other thing
relevant to the subject matter of the proceedings, but nothing is admissible in evidence that
may be inadmissible in a Supreme or Superior Court by reason of any privilege under the law
of evidence, or which would be inadmissible by statute.
Copies of Document
19. A copy of a document may be admitted as evidence where the Court is satisfied as to its
being a certified true copy, and where the document may be filed as evidence the Court may
authorize a copy to be filed in evidence when certified to be a true copy by a member of the
Judicial Notice
20. The Court may take notice of facts that may be judicially noticed, and take notice of any
generally recognized scientific or technical facts, information, or opinions within its scientific
or specialized knowledge.
Decision in Writing
21. The Court shall give its final decision or order, if any, in writing, and shall give reasons in
writing thereof if requested by any party.
Service of Decision
22. The Court shall send by first class mail addressed to the parties to any proceedings at their
last known address a copy of the final decision or order, together with reasons where
reasons have been given, and each party shall be deemed to have received a copy of the
decision on the fifth day after the day of mailing unless a party acting in good faith did not
receive the decision or order through absence, accident, illness or other cause beyond the
control of such party.
Filing of Decision with Ontario Court (General Division)
23. A certified copy of a final decision or order may be filed by the Court of any party in the office
of the Registrar of the Ontario Court (General Division), and it may be enforced at the
instance of the Court, or of such part in the name of the Court, in the same manner as a
judgement of the Ontario Court (General Division).
24. Where any decision or order is made rescinding or varying a decision or order previously
made by the Court that has been filed with the Registrar of the Ontario Court (General
Division), the decision or order rescinding or varying a former decision or order shall also be
25. The Court shall compile a record of any proceeding before it which shall include the
complaint, notice of hearing, the answer, if any, any intermediate or interlocutory orders, all
documentary evidence, transcripts if any of oral evidence, the decision of the Court and
reasons where reasons have been given.
Maintenance of Order
26. The Court may make such orders or take such proceedings as it considers necessary for the
maintenance of order at the hearing.
Abuse of Process
27. The Court may make such orders or give such directions in proceedings before it as it
considers proper to prevent abuse of its processes.
Exclusion of Agents
28. The Court may exclude any person acting as agent from the hearing other than a barrister
and solicitor qualified to practise in the Ontario Court (General Division), if it finds that such
person is not competent to properly advise or represent a witness or a party.
Limitation of Cross-Examination
29. The Court may reasonably limit further cross-examination of a witness where it is satisfied
that the cross-examination of a witness has been sufficient to disclose the facts.
30. Any hearing may be adjourned from time to time by the Court.
Notice of Order by Publication
31. Where the Court is of the opinion that because the parties to any proceedings are so
numerous, or for any other reason, it is impracticable to send its decision and the material to
all or any of the parties individually, the Court may cause reasonable notice of the decision or
order to be given to such parties by public advertisement, or otherwise as the Court may
32. Amendments to any proceeding or document may be made by order of the Court at any time.
Addition or Deleting Parties
33. The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order that the name of any complainant or
respondent improperly added be struck out and may also order that any persons who ought
to have been joined, or whose presence is necessary be added.
Application to Ontario Court (General Division)
34. The Court may apply to the Ontario Court (General Division) for such directions as it deems
necessary or to enforce its orders with respect to evidence or for any other purpose, and the
Court may state a case to the Ontario Court (General Division) where permitted by law
Matters not Provided For
35. As to all matters not provided for in these rules, the practice shall be regulated by analogy
thereto and to the rules of practice of the Ontario Court (General Division).
On the Appointment of Archdeacons and Regional Deans
and Their Duties
1. The Archdeacon or Archdeacons, on their appointment by the Bishop, shall perform such
duties as pertain to their office or shall be assigned them by the Bishop and are responsible
to the Bishop alone. The Archdeacon shall examine from time to time all Parish and Vestry
registers and records of the Archdeaconry, in order to see that they are legibly, properly and
neatly kept, and to report thereon to the Bishop.
The Archdeacon shall from time to time, and especially during a vacancy, ascertain the
condition of the rectory of a parish and make recommendations, if necessary, to the
churchwardens regarding redecoration, repairs or improvements.
2. The nomination of a Regional Dean shall be vested in the clergy of the Region, and the
appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Bishop and for a term of three years.
3. It shall be the duty of each Regional Dean:
(a) To convene regular meetings of the Clergy in the Region for conference in
spiritual and ecclesiastical affairs; and the Chapter duly convened may adopt,
subject to the approval of the Bishop, such rules and regulations for their own
government, and for the increase and promotion of Church work within their
Region as they may deem best.
(b) To visit any Assisted Parish requiring a grant from the Diocesan Assessment
Committee and arrange with the several congregations thereof as to the
amount to be contributed by them towards the maintenance of a resident
College of Deacons
1. There shall be a College of Deacons whose purpose is to provide communal support and
encouragement to deacons exercising their ministries throughout the Diocese of Niagara.
2. The diocesan Bishop shall appoint a Director of Deacons and may appoint both a Deputy Director
of Deacons and a Chaplain to the College of Deacons. The Director and Deputy Director, if any,
shall serve at the Bishops pleasure and assist the Bishop in the placement and supervision of
deacons. The Bishops Chaplain to the College will function as a pastor to the deacons on behalf
of the Bishop.
3. The College of Deacons shall be composed of:
(a) all deacons in good standing and holding a Bishops Permission
(b) the Director of Deacons;
(c) the Deputy Director of Deacons, if any; and
(d) the Bishop’s Chaplain to the College of Deacons, if any.
4. There shall be an Executive Council of the College of Deacons whose purpose is to advise and
assist the Bishop, Director of Deacons and Deputy Director of Deacons, if any, in seeking and
promoting the vitality of diaconal ministries in the Diocese of Niagara.
5. The Executive Council of the College of Deacons shall be composed of:
(a) the Director of Deacons, who shall serve as Chair;
(b) the Deputy Director of Deacons, if any;
(c) three delegates duly elected from the membership of the College of Deacons;
(d) the Bishop’s Chaplain to the College of Deacons, if any; and
(e) the Bishop or his/her designate.
Vestries and Churchwardens
1. (a) In every congregation within the Diocese of Niagara there shall be a Vestry composed
of all the baptised members of such congregation of the full age of 16 years, who for
at least six months preceding the holding of a Vestry meeting have been identifiably
involved with that congregation, through worship, fellowship, and financial support to
that congregation, subject to the certification and appeal procedures outlined in 1.
(b), (i) and (ii). (amended,1986)
(b) At the discretion of the Rector and Churchwardens or at the request of the Bishop of
the Diocese, the procedure for a Vestry will be:-
(i) A Certification Committee composed of the Rector, the Churchwardens and
Lay Representatives to Synod, shall determine, on the basis of their best
pastoral judgement, in the light of subsection (a) above, eligibility of those
who are to be voting members of the Vestry. Each voting member attending
the meeting shall sign a statement to the effect that he or she has not voted
as a member of any other Vestry during six months preceding the meeting.
The Vestry Chairperson may invite non-voting members to speak at a Vestry
meeting at his or her discretion, with the approval of the said meeting.
(ii) A list of those eligible to vote at a Vestry meeting shall be displayed in a
prominent place for at least 30 days before the date of any Vestry meeting. If
a person's name does not appear on the roll, that person may appeal to the
Certification Committee no later than 72 hours before the time of the opening
of the Vestry meeting, to have his or her name added to the certified list of
Vestry members. Individuals who still feel unjustly excluded, may further
appeal to a committee of the Archdeacon, Regional Dean, and Chancellor or
Vice-Chancellor. However, if the Archdeacon or Regional Dean be the Rector,
the Bishop shall appoint a substitute for this purpose. Should there be more
than a dozen people making such an appeal, the tribunal may order the
Vestry meeting postponed until the appeal has been heard and a decision
rendered. (amended,1986)
(iii) A voter's card may be issued to each eligible voter.
2. If a congregation newly formed desires to organize a Vestry without delay, a meeting of the
said Congregation shall be held for such purpose after notice thereof has been given during
Divine Service on the previous Sunday; and the members of such Vestry shall consist of
those who make the declaration required in the next preceding section as to age and Church
membership, and also declare their intention to worship habitually in such Congregation.
The Vestry so constituted shall be a lawful Vestry for all the purposes mentioned in this
Canon for not longer than one year from the date of its formation.
3. At all Vestry meetings the Priest or Deacon in charge shall preside, and in the priest's or
deacon's absence the Assistant Clergy, or in the absence of both, such member of the Vestry
as the majority, duly qualified to vote and present at such Vestry meeting, namely; and the
Vestry Clerk, or in case there be no Vestry Clerk, then such person as the Chairperson
names, shall be Secretary of such Vestry meeting; and the proceedings of such Vestry
meeting shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose, and preserved in the custody of the
4. An Annual Vestry Meeting shall be held by the 1
of March each year, or on such day as may
be fixed by the Synod, notice of the said meeting shall be given during Divine Service on the
two Sundays immediately preceding the said meeting. The said meeting shall be for the
purpose of receiving the audited accounts of the Vestry, and subsequently of electing and
appointing Churchwardens and Lay Representatives and for the transaction of other
business connected with the temporalities of the Church.
5. The Cleric in charge may call a special Vestry meeting whenever is proper to do so, giving
notice thereof during Divine Service on the two Sundays next preceding on which Service is
held in the Church; and also specifying the business for which such Vestry meeting is called.
And the said cleric shall call such meeting upon application made to the cleric in writing by at
least six members of such Vestry; and in case, upon such written application being made
aforesaid, such person refuses or neglects to call such meeting or to give such notice, then
one week after such demand is made, the said six members may notify the Bishop and
request the Bishop's action thereon.
6. The members of Vestry, at such Vestry meetings as aforesaid, may pass resolutions or make
by-laws for the regulation of their proceedings and for the management of the temporalities
of the Church, Parish or Mission to which they belong, and may alter and repeal the same;
provided that at such special Vestry meetings no business shall be transacted other than
that specified in the notice calling the same.
7. (a) At the annual Vestry meeting or any adjournment thereof, after the accounts of the
past year have been audited and reported upon, one Churchwarden shall be
nominated by the Cleric in charge, and one other shall be elected by a majority of
those present and entitled to vote at such Vestry meeting as aforesaid. If the Cleric
being present at such Vestry meeting declines or neglects to nominate a
Churchwarden, or if the said Cleric being absent from such meeting neglects by
writing under their hand to appoint a Churchwarden, then both the Churchwardens
for the current year shall be elected by the members of the Vestry present; and if the
members of such Vestry neglect at such Vestry meeting to elect a Churchwarden,
both such Churchwardens for the current year shall be nominated by the Cleric.
(b) At such meeting, a deputy Churchwarden may be elected to assist the Churchwarden
elected at such meeting; and the Cleric may nominate a deputy Churchwarden to
assist the Churchwarden nominated at such meeting. (added, 1980)
8. No person shall be eligible for the office of Churchwarden except a member of such Vestry
and a duly qualified voter of the full age of 18 years and a communicant, and the
Churchwardens shall hold office for one year from the time of their election or appointment,
or until the nomination and election of their successors.
9. If any Churchwarden declines to accept office, or to act when called on by the Cleric or
Vestry, or is deprived of their office, or tenders their resignation in writing to the Cleric or
becomes incapable to act, or ceases to be a member of the Anglican Church of Canada or of
the Church or Congregation for which the Cleric has been elected, or ceases to attend public
worship in such Church or Congregation for the space of six months, or dies, that office shall
become vacant, and a Vestry meeting shall be called within one month in the manner
provided for in this Canon for the nomination by the Cleric or for the election by the said
Vestry, as the case may be, of a new Churchwarden in place of the one whose office was
vacated from any of the causes aforesaid provided always, that in any case of such new
appointment by the Cleric, such Cleric may, if appropriate, instead of a Vestry meeting being
called for the purpose, nominate and appoint another Churchwarden during Divine Service
on any Sunday within the time specified for making such appointments.
10. All Churchwardens shall yearly render in writing an accurate account at the annual Vestry
meeting, fairly entered in a book or books kept for that purpose, signed by the said
Churchwardens (which book or books shall be the property of the Vestry) of all sums of
money by them received and of all sums rated or assessed by the Vestry and remaining
unpaid, or otherwise due and not received, and also of all goods, chattels and other property
of said Church or Parish in their possession as such Churchwardens, and of all monies paid
by such Churchwardens, so accounting and of all other things concerning their said office,
which said account and book or books shall have been referred to two or more auditors
appointed by the annual Vestry meeting.
11. In the case of the appointment of a new Churchwarden or Churchwardens, the
Churchwardens then retiring from office shall pay and deliver over unto such succeeding
Churchwardens the book or books and all sums of money, goods, chattels, and other things
which are the property of the Church, and are in their possession; and the said book or books
shall be carefully preserved by such Churchwardens, and they shall permit any member of
such Vestry as aforesaid to inspect the same at all reasonable times. In case such
Churchwardens make default in yielding such accounts as aforesaid, or in delivering over
such monies, goods or other things as aforesaid, the succeeding Churchwardens shall take
measures to procure such account or to recover such monies or property.
12. No Churchwarden or Churchwardens shall permit the Church or Churches in any Parish or
Mission to be used for Divine Service or any other public purpose, or the Churchyard or burial
ground to be used for the purposes of internment, without the consent of the Incumbent of
the Parish, or, in the Incumbent's absence, the Bishop of the Diocese.
13. No sales of pews by the Churchwardens shall take place in any Church in this Diocese.
14. The Organist, the Vestry Clerk and the Sexton shall be appointed by the Churchwardens with
the concurrence of the Incumbent; and their salaries and wages shall be brought into the
general account to be rendered as aforesaid by such Churchwardens.
15. The provisions of the Church Temporalities Act, and of all other Acts passed subsequently
thereto, are hereby abrogated, so far as the same are inconsistent with provisions of this
16. It shall also be the duty of the Churchwardens to make financial provision for the costs of
insurance coverage, as provided through the diocesan insurance policy and approved by
the Synod Council. (amended 2021)
(a) No person shall be eligible for election as Lay Representative to Synod, except a
member of such Vestry and a duly qualified voter of the full age of 16 years and a
(b) (i) Each congregation, at every second annual Vestry Meeting commencing in
the year 1978, shall elect Lay Representatives to Synod for a two-year term;
the number of such Representatives to be elected shall be determined
according to the number in the congregation eligible to vote at a vestry
meeting as follows:
100 or less - 1 Lay Representative
101 to 400 - 2 Lay Representatives
401 to 1,000 - 3 Lay Representatives
Over 1,000 - 4 Lay Representatives;
(ii) Each congregation, at every Annual Vestry Meeting, may elect, as an
additional Lay Representative, one person who shall be between the ages of
16 and 25 as of the date of his or her election, and who shall serve for a one-
year term. (new,
(iii) Each congregation, at every Annual Vestry Meeting, may elect a substitute
Lay Representative, who shall be between the ages of 16 and 25 as of the
date of his or her election, and who shall serve for a one-year term.
(c) There shall be elected by each congregation one substitute Lay Representative and,
where the rector deems it necessary, a second substitute may also be elected.
(d) Each incumbent shall, without delay after each election, send to the Secretary of the
Diocese a certificate (or certificates if more than one congregation) according to the
following form, provided that nothing in this subparagraph shall prohibit the use of
electronic certification being used in a form as prescribed by the Secretary of Synod.
(amended, 2004)
I hereby certify that at the Annual Vestry Meeting of the Congregation of
the following were elected to represent this
Congregation in the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara for the ensuing two-year period.
ADDITIONAL LAY REPRESENTATIVE (between ages of 16 & 25) (for one-year term)
SUBSTITUTE LAY REPRESENTATIVE (between ages of 16 & 25) (for one-year term)
(e) On the receipt of such certificate, the Secretary shall enter the names of the Lay
Representatives on the Synod list prepared by the Secretary. At the foot of this list,
he/she shall indicate any member of the clergy or Lay Representative who have not
the right to vote in the Synod.
(f) If any lay representative (other than a lay representative pursuant to paragraph (b) (ii)
of this section) declines to serve, or at any time resigns his or her seat in the Synod,
or removes from the diocese, the said seat shall be filled by the duly elected
substitute automatically, provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a temporary
absence of a delegate from any Synod other than an Electoral Synod permitting
temporary substitution by an alternate for voting purposes only.
(g) If any substitute lay representative declines to serve when a vacancy occurs, dies,
resigns that seat, moves from the Diocese or has ceased to habitually attend public
worship and be a contributor towards the support of the parish by which they were
elected at the time a vacancy occurred which would entitle them to sit as a lay
representative, the Vestry at its next annual meeting, or special canonically called
Vestry Meeting, shall elect a lay representative to serve the balance of the unexpired
term of the Representative.
(h) If at any time a congregation is entitled to have representatives for whom there has
been no substitute lay representatives elected, the congregation at its next annual
meeting may elect a lay representative to serve until the next regular Vestry Meeting
at which an election would normally take place.
Note 1: The following form of declaration shall be signed at each vestry meeting in a book kept for
this purpose.
Parish of
Congregation of
"I do solemnly declare that I am a baptised Christian of the full age of 16 years, who for at least six
months preceding the holding of this Vestry meeting, has been identifiably involved with this
congregation, through worship, fellowship, and financial support. Further, I declare that I have not
voted as a member of any other Vestry within the said six months."
18. Notwithstanding the provisions of this canon, the Bishop and Synod Council may enact
regulations relating to the conduct of vestry meetings as may be necessary from time to time.
Parish Councils
1. At the Annual Meeting of the Vestry of each congregation of the Diocese, a Committee shall
be constituted to be known as the Parish Council, and composed of:
(1) The Rector or Incumbent
(2) The Churchwardens, and Deputy Churchwardens, if any
(3) The Lay Representatives to the Synod and the substitute Lay Representatives
(4) Such other members of the Congregation as may be elected at the Annual
Vestry Meeting, not less than two in number and
(5) Such members of the Vestry as may be appointed by the Rector or Incumbent
not to exceed the number elected under (4) above
2. The Parish Council should hold regular meetings, at least quarterly, and its functions should
be to consider whether and to what extent the Church in the Parish or Mission is fulfilling its
purpose among its own members, in the community at large and as part of the Church as a
whole, and to recommend such steps as will further these ends, the following being
particularly recommended:
(a) To consult with, advise and assist the Rector or Incumbent and
Churchwardens and to co-ordinate the activities of the various local Church
(b) To assist the Churchwardens in securing the funds required for the purposes
of the Church.
(c) To make recommendations in regard to insurance and maintenance of
Church property.
(d) To assist the Rector or Incumbent and Churchwardens in informing the
Congregation fully of the plans, activities and needs of the whole Church.
(e) To assist the Churchwardens in preparing for the Annual Vestry Meeting
estimates of receipts and expenditures for the coming year.
(f) To assist in organizing the Congregation for visiting the sick and poor, calling
on newcomers, making surveys and canvasses and promoting generally the
welfare and progress of the Congregation and the Church at large.
Differences Between Clergy and Parishioners
1. Whenever it has been represented to the Bishop, that any Parish is suffering through the
inability of the Incumbent through age, infirmity or any other cause, or from neglect by the
Incumbent to discharge his or her duties, or that a controversy has arisen between the
Incumbent and any members of the congregation, which cannot be settled by the parties
themselves or that in any respect the condition of the Parish is such as to injure its peace
and prosperity, the Bishop may at the Bishop's discretion notify the said Incumbent of such
representation and that such representation will be referred to a Board of Enquiry to be
appointed and to act in the manner hereinafter provided.
2. The said Board shall be appointed by the Bishop and shall consist of two clergy in Priest's
orders and two laity (one of whom shall be either the Chancellor of the Diocese or some
other member of the Synod, being a barrister of at least ten years' standing, and who shall be
the Chair of the Board).
3. The Board shall meet at such time and place within the Diocese as the Bishop may decide
and due notice of such meeting and the names of the members of the Board shall be given
by the Bishop to the Incumbent, the Churchwardens, Lay Delegates and other parties of the
Parish in question interested.
4. After the first meeting of the Board, all notices shall be given by the Chair, and the Board
shall have power to suspend its proceedings and to adjourn from time to time and from place
to place as it may deem necessary.
5. The Incumbent respecting whom the representation is made, may answer the same, either
orally or in writing, and may appear in person or be represented and heard by a
communicant of the Anglican Church of Canada, and shall have the right to produce such
pertinent evidence as may be desired; and other parties in the parish concerned shall have
like privilege and the Board may call for such evidence as it may deem necessary.
6. If after due notification to both parties, either party fails to appear or to answer the
representation, the Board shall proceed ex parte.
7. The Board shall take written notes of the evidence produced and at the close of
investigation, the Chair shall transmit the same to the Bishop, together with the Board's
recommendation and a minute of the proceedings.
8. The proceedings and the recommendation of the Board shall be subject to the Bishop's
approval; and in case of the Bishop confirming the same, the Bishop shall without delay
notify the Synod Council, the Incumbent interested, and Churchwardens and Lay Delegates
of the Parish, by furnishing them with copies of the said recommendation and confirmation.
9. Whenever such recommendation so confirmed by the Bishop requires the retirement of the
said Incumbent, the Incumbent shall, unless there is resignation within six weeks from the
date of receiving the last mentioned notice, be removed by the charge, which shall thereupon
be and be held to be vacant and the Cleric shall no longer be competent to perform the
duties nor be entitled to any of the rights, privileges or emoluments thereof.
10. Provided always that in case of inefficiency through age or infirmity, the right of the
Incumbent to any entitled annuity or retiring allowance, shall not be affected by anything
herein contained.
11. This Canon shall not apply to any case arising out of or involving a question of doctrine,
practice or ritual, and shall not be construed so as to conflict with any rights and privileges of
the Clergy under a Canon on Discipline.
Duties of Incumbent and Churchwardens in Respect to Rectories
1. Where there is more than one congregation in a Parish, it shall be the duty of each to bear its
proper share in the repairs and maintenance of the Rectory property.
2. The family of a deceased Incumbent shall be allowed to occupy the Rectory for three months
from the date of the Incumbent's decease.
Parishes: Their Establishment, Amalgamation, Disestablishment and Trusteeship
1. Application
In any proceedings under this Canon, the provisions of Canon 4.7 and the provisions of an
act to simplify the sales of property held in trust for the Church of England in Canada in the
Diocese of Niagara (13-14 George V, Ch. 102) shall not apply.
2. Commission of Investigation
Whenever the word "Commission" is used in this Canon, it shall denote a Commission
appointed by the Bishop, consisting of an Archdeacon and two clerical and two lay members
of Synod, who shall report to the Bishop in writing. Such report, after approval by the Synod
Council by resolution, and by the Bishop under the Bishop's hand and seal, shall be deemed
to be confirmed, and shall be final.
3 Establishment of a new Parish
(1) Whenever a group of persons, not less than seventy-five of whom shall be
communicants of the church, of the full age of sixteen years, residing in the Diocese,
desire the establishment of a new parish, whether they reside
(a) in an existing parish, or,
(b) in a district not belonging to any one parish, or,
(c) in adjoining parishes,
they shall present a memorial to the Bishop to that effect, stating their reasons and
the proposed boundaries of such new parish.
(2) On receipt of this memorial the Bishop shall
(a) Refer the matter to the Synod Council for study and report.
(b) On approval of this report by the Bishop, the Bishop shall notify, in writing, the
Incumbent or Incumbents and the Churchwardens of parishes affected, the
particulars of new boundaries. If no objection to the proposal is raised within
one month from the date of such notices, and the Bishop approves of the
proposal and is satisfied that all applicable provisions of statutory legislation
have been complied with, and that proper and sufficient means have been or
will be provided for the maintenance of work in such new parish, the Bishop
may proceed with the establishment of the parish.
(3) If any of the parties notified as aforesaid objects to the proposed new parish, the
party or parties shall, within the required time, state to the Bishop, in writing, the
grounds of objection. The Bishop may thereupon refuse the prayer of the memorial,
or the Bishop may appoint a Commission which shall confer with the Incumbent or
Incumbents of the parish or parishes affected, and consider the objections made.
The Commission shall then report its findings to the Bishop, and if such report is
favourable to the establishment of the parish and is confirmed, the Bishop may
proceed to the establishment thereof.
4. Amalgamation of Parishes
(1) Whenever the Bishop shall consider it advisable to amalgamate or merge two or
more existing parishes or congregations, and the Synod Council has expressed its
approval by resolution, the Bishop shall seek voluntary consent to such
amalgamation or merger by a conference of the Incumbent and Churchwardens of
such parishes or congregations.
(2) The Incumbents and Churchwardens of any adjoining parishes may confer regarding
the boundaries which they have in common, and may memorialize the Bishop
regarding any adjustment of such boundaries which they consider advisable. This
shall be referred to the Synod Council for study and report, and if the report is
approved by the Synod Council, the Bishop may proceed to effect such adjustment by
(3) In any one of the following cases, namely:
(a) where a diversity of opinion may prevent the action set forth in the two
previous sub-sections;
(b) where the Bishop shall consider that the interest of the Diocese require it;
(c) where representation shall have been made to the Bishop by sixty-six percent
of the members of the Vestry or Vestries of a Parish or of contiguous
Parishes; or
(d) where a memorial shall have been presented to the Bishop by the clergy of
the region in which the parishes or congregations are situated,
(i) the Bishop may give three months' notice to the Incumbents and
Churchwardens that the Bishop will at the end of that time proceed to
make arrangements as aforesaid. If within three months no objection be
offered by the Incumbents and Churchwardens, then the Bishop shall
proceed to separate the said portion or portions from the Parish or
Parishes, and to make a new Parish thereof. If within the said three
months a written objection to the proposed action of the Bishop be made
to the Executive Officer of the Diocese, then the Synod Council shall, at
its next Session, consider the said objection and give its opinion on it by
vote, and, if the appeal be rejected, the Bishop shall proceed to make the
said arrangement. The same course may be pursued in cases relating to
the defining and rearranging of the boundaries of Parishes.
(ii) Alternatively, at the sole option of the Bishop, if a voluntary agreement
cannot be reached, a Commission may be appointed to consider the
objections of those opposed to the amalgamation or merger, and any
other matters pertinent thereto, and to report to the Bishop. If such
report is in favour of the proposed amalgamation or merger and has
been confirmed, the Bishop may proceed to carry it into effect by
disestablishing any one or more of the parishes or congregations and by
erecting a new parish or parishes and/or congregations and/or by
allotting the territory to one or more parishes or congregations. If the
report of the Commission is unfavourable, further action shall be
deferred for a period of not less than one year, from the date of such
(4) If a Parish thus formed or re-defined, consists of more than one congregation, and the
distribution of the financial obligations to be borne by each cannot be agreed upon by the
congregations themselves, the Bishop shall appoint a Commission to consider the matter.
Their report, after confirmation, shall be carried into effect, but the matter may be
reconsidered at the end of each three year period, if requested by the Churchwardens of any
one of the congregations concerned.
(5) Where two or more existing parishes or congregations are merged under the provisions of
this Canon, all assets and liabilities, including real property and trusts of the merged
parishes and of the congregations involved, shall be amalgamated and merged into the new
amalgamated parish which shall be named by the Bishop. All appointments of clergy or laity
of the merged parishes or congregations, including the Incumbents, assistants in ministry,
Churchwardens and other lay parish officials, shall terminate as of the date of the approval
by the Bishop and the Synod Council of the merger, but the Bishop may in the Bishop’s
discretion continue any clerical or lay appointments on such terms as the Bishop deems fit,
or make other appointments.
5. Disestablishment of a Parish or Congregation
(1) The Vestry of any parish now or hereafter established may, by a resolution adopted by at
least a sixty-six percent majority of those present at a special meeting thereof called for
the purpose of considering the matter, (notice thereof being given by the cleric or
Churchwardens during Divine Service on the two Sundays next preceding such Vestry
meeting) resolve that it is expedient, for reason to be stated in the resolution, that the
parish should be disestablished. Upon the said resolution being approved by the Bishop
in writing under the Bishop’s hand and seal, the Bishop shall thereupon disestablish the
(2) (a) If the Bishop deems it advisable that any parish now or hereafter established
in the Diocese should be disestablished, the Bishop shall, with the approval of
the Synod Council, confer with the Incumbent and Churchwardens of such
parish with a view to bringing about a voluntary disestablishment under the
preceding subsection.
(b) If voluntary disestablishment cannot be so arranged, the Bishop shall appoint
a Commission to investigate and report on the advisability, or otherwise, of
the proposed disestablishment. If its report recommends disestablishment,
and is confirmed by the Synod Council, the Bishop may thereupon, declare in
writing under the Bishops hand and seal that the said parish is
disestablished. If, however, the report be unfavourable to disestablishment,
no further action shall be taken, and all interested authorities shall be
notified to such effect.
(3) Provided that before disestablishing a parish the Bishop shall require to be submitted to the
Bishop a financial statement of the assets and liabilities of such parish. If the liabilities are
found to be greater than the assets, the Bishop shall submit the statement to the Synod
Council which shall take such action as seems necessary under the circumstances.
(4) On disestablishment, the registers and other books, records and documents of the parish
shall be surrendered forthwith to the Registrar of the Diocese.
(5) On disestablishment, the capital assets of the parish, of every nature or kind, and the place
or places of worship therein shall be conveyed forthwith to and be in the control of the Synod
as trustee.
(6) The Churchwardens of such disestablished parish shall continue in office for the purpose of
winding-up only and shall, within a period of not more than three months after the
declaration of disestablishment has been issued, discharge all current financial liabilities so
far as the current assets at their disposal will allow, and shall then hand over to the Synod
any balance remaining in their possession, together with an audited statement of receipts
and disbursements of the said parish since the end of the last financial year.
In the event that the Churchwardens of such disestablished parish fail to transfer assets to
the Synod, the Synod Council may by resolution remove Churchwardens of such
disestablished parish and appoint others in their place for the purpose of the transfer of
assets pursuant to this section, and in such event the provisions of Canon 4.1 shall not
apply. (amended 1995)
(7) Any assets or property real or personal resulting from such disestablishment may be dealt
with by the Synod Council, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Synod
Council may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of the real or personal property, but apart
from any necessary expenses of the disestablished parish or congregation, the proceeds of
such property shall be held for a period of twelve months from the date on which the Bishop
issued the Bishop's declaration and dealt with as provided in this Canon. Where
disestablishment occurs as part of an amalgamation or merger of parishes or congregations,
the proceeds of any such property may be used for the purposes of the amalgamated or
merged parish or congregation with the approval of the Synod Council.
(8) If within the said period, a petition is presented to the Bishop by seventy-five members of the
last vestry of the disestablished parish, expressing their desire to form a new parish
to be known by the name of the disestablished parish, the Bishop may proceed to establish
such new parish in the manner hereinbefore provided. (amended 1994)
(9) If no such new parish be established within six months after the disestablishment has been
declared, the said assets shall be dealt with and disposed of by and under a Commission,
and the award of such Commission, when confirmed, shall be binding on all parties. Such
commission is to be appointed by the Bishop and the award of such commission shall be
confirmed by the Bishop with the approval of the Synod Council. (amended
(10) A Congregation within a parish may be disestablished and the other provisions of this Section
5 shall apply mutatis mutandis, except that the territory and any assets shall be allotted at
the discretion of the Bishop, after consultation with the Synod Council.
6. Adjustment of Boundaries (where applicable)
(1) The Bishop may direct the Synod Council to report on the boundaries of any and all parishes
or districts in the Diocese, whenever the Bishop and the Synod Council consider it necessary.
If the report of the Synod Council is confirmed by the Bishop, the Bishop may proceed to
effect such adjustment by declaration.
(2) Any recommendation regarding the allocation of the territory formerly occupied by a
disestablished parish shall be reported to the Bishop. If the report of the Synod Council is
confirmed by the Synod Council, the Bishop may proceed to effect such allocation by
7. Diocesan Administration of Parishes
(1) Where it appears that it would be in the best interests of any parish or organization existing
under the authority of the Diocese of Niagara, because of:
(a) a request by the parish or organization involved, either in the form of a vestry
resolution or request in writing from the incumbent and churchwardens, or
(b) a recommendation of a Bishops Commission, or
(c) a situation determined by the Synod Council to require it, that an administrator
should be appointed to carry on the function of receiver and manager of the affairs of
such parish or other organization, the Synod Council being satisfied that no other
reasonable action is available it may by resolution, with the approval of the Bishop,
appoint an administrator to act as trustee, receiver and manager of any parish or
other organization existing under the authority of the Incorporated Synod of the
Diocese of Niagara or the Synod Council, for a period, and a copy of such resolution
certified by the Executive Officer of the Diocese under the seal of the Diocese shall
be evidence for all purposes of such appointment.
(2) From the date of his/her appointment, the administrator shall conduct all the financial affairs
of the parish or other organization, and without limitation of the foregoing shall have power to
dismiss existing employees and to hire new employees and to receive and disburse funds of
the parish or other organization. For the purpose of this Canon the Incumbent is not an
(3) The administrator shall make a monthly report to the Synod Council and to the Bishop and
the Financial Advisory Committee and within thirty days of the end of the administration shall
make a final report to the Synod Council, outlining the actions that have been taken and
making recommendations as to the future of the parish or organization which may include,
but are not limited to, the winding up of the affairs of the parish, or other organization,
disestablishment of the parish, dismissal or employment of staff, financial and budgeting
advice, limitation of expenditures, and such other steps as he/she considers advisable and
the Synod Council on receipt of the report may take whatever steps it deems necessary
including the reappointment of the administrator for a further period with the same powers
as set out herein or as may be included in the resolution of reappointment.
(4) The administrator may be appointed for any period not exceeding one year and may be
reappointed for successive periods, none of which shall exceed one year; provided that the
Synod Council may terminate any such appointment or alter the period of such appointment
or reduce the term thereof.
(5) The administrator may engage auditors, accountants, assistants or managers with the
approval of the Synod Council, and any expenses so incurred will be charged to the parish or
other organization.
(6) The Synod Council may appoint persons to assist the administrator in the performance of his
or her duties.
(7) All banking arrangements and financial powers of the parish or other organization shall be
suspended during the period of the administration, and particularly the rights and powers of
the incumbent and churchwardens and any Committees or persons engaged by them shall
also be suspended insofar as those powers relate to the financial affairs of the parish or
other organization.
(8) Any question of interpretation shall be resolved by the Synod Council whose decision shall be
final, and any question involving religious services shall be referred to the Bishop whose
decision shall be final.
(9) The administrator shall keep separate books of account and records for the period of the
administration and shall submit a financial statement as part of the final report to the Synod
(10) The powers of the administrator shall be those powers set out in this Canon and/or as may
be specified by the resolution of the Synod Council by which the administrator is appointed,
and where there is any conflict with any other canon, the provisions of this Canon and/or of
the resolution shall prevail during the period of administration.
(11) If there is a meeting of Synod during the period of the administration the decision by the
Synod Council may be revoked by Synod, in which case the appointment of the administrator
shall thereupon be null and void and the administrator shall return all assets to the parish or
other organization within thirty days following the resolution of Synod.
(12) If at any time during the period of administration the Synod Council is satisfied that the
parish or other organization is no longer in need of an administrator or should other
procedures or proceedings be implemented, the administrator shall be recalled by the Synod
(13) Any administrator appointed under this Canon, his or her heirs, executors and administrators
and estate and effects, shall from time to time and at all times, be indemnified and saved
harmless out of the funds of the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Niagara from and
(a) all costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which such administrator
sustains or incurs in or about any action, suit or proceeding which is brought,
commenced or prosecuted against him or her for or in respect of any act,
deed, matter or thing whatsoever made, done or permitted by him/her in or
about the execution of the duties of the office of administrator; and
(b) all other costs, charges and expenses which he or she sustains or incurs in or
about or in relation to the affairs thereof, except such costs, charges or
expenses as are occasioned by his or her own willful neglect or default.
(14) The Synod Council shall report on any acts of administration the next following regular
meeting of Synod.
(15) Any person who is a member at the time the action is taken, of a parish or organization
existing under the authority of the Diocese of Niagara, or of the Diocese, and who is affected
by the appointment of an administrator pursuant to this Canon may appeal the decision to
the Synod Council by letter addressed to the Executive Officer and delivered to him/her
within fifteen days of the date of appointment. Upon receipt of such notice the Executive
Officer shall place the matter on the agenda of the next meeting of the Synod Council at
which time the question of the appointment will be reheard with all persons interested
having an opportunity to attend and
make representations. The decision of the Synod Council on a rehearing shall be final apart
from the provisions of paragraph 9 of this Canon. (new
replacement, 1987)
As directed by the 1987 Synod, a Policy Statement concerning Canon 4.5 is on file at the Diocesan
On Erection or Alteration of Church Buildings
No church building shall be erected or altered, and no new work commenced on any real estate
belonging to or held by the parish church or diocese without the written permission of the Diocesan
Bishop. Municipal building permits should not be applied for until this permission is received.
Specific regulations related to procedures for approval of parish building projects and financing shall
be set by the Bishop and Synod Council in consultation with those named in the regulations. It shall
be the duty of the Incumbent and Church Wardens to seek out, review and comply with current
regulations governing the erection or alteration of church buildings, as well as complying with
conditions contained within the Bishop's approval.
Any memorial gifts or donations of a permanent nature that affect the fixtures or fittings, fabric or
structure of the church are considered to be alterations and will be subject to this Canon.
As to Purchasing, Selling or Mortgaging Church Property
1. In this canon, “property” is understood to mean land and/or premises.
2. Property shall not be purchased, sold, mortgaged, leased or otherwise encumbered except in
accordance with the provisions of this Canon and Canon 4.1.
3. Where any conflict exists between the provisions of this canon and legislation of the Province
of Ontario, the provisions of such provincial legislation shall apply.
4. Where a parish intends to sell, purchase, mortgage or encumber property, it shall, prior to
taking any other steps under this Canon, consult with the Bishop and Secretary of Synod.
Sale of Property
5. No property or premises shall be sold within the Diocese unless the Vestry of the parish
affected by such sale authorizes, by a two-thirds majority at a special Vestry meeting called
for such purpose, the corporation to place the property on the market at a specified asking
price and accept an offer on conditions as set out in this Canon.
6. No sale agreements shall be effective that are not conditional on subsequent approval of the
Vestry affected, the Bishop of the Diocese, and the Synod of the Diocese.
7. No sale shall be effective unless subsequent approval of a specific offer to purchase
property, such offer to set out the property purchaser, purchase price, closing date, terms of
payment, plus any other details the rector and wardens set out, is given by the Vestry of the
parish affected by a simple majority at a second special Vestry meeting.
8. Provided that sections 5 through 7 of this Canon are completed, the Bishop and Synod shall
be requested to give consent to such sale.
9. The proceeds realised from the sale of property shall be paid to the Synod to be held and
invested by the Synod under the same trusts, uses, endowments or purposes as those for
which the said property were acquired.
Purchase of Property by Parish
10. No offers to purchase property by a parish shall be effective that are not conditional upon the
approval of the Vestry affected, the Bishop, and the Synod of the Diocese.
11. Provided that an offer to purchase property by a parish is accepted by a vendor in
accordance with the provisions of section 10 above, the Vestry of such parish shall evidence
its consent to
such offer by a two-thirds majority vote at a special vestry meeting called for such purpose.
All terms of the offer must be disclosed to Vestry. Should the Vestry not provide its approval,
the offer shall be deemed null and void.
12. Provided that sections 10 and 11 of this Canon are completed, the Bishop and Synod shall
be requested to give consent to such purchase.
Purchase of Property by the Synod
13. Where the Synod intends to acquire property, it shall, prior to making any offer to purchase,
consult with any parish with an interest in the ministry to be provided there.
14. No offers to purchase property by the Synod shall be effective that are not conditional upon
the approval of Synod and the Bishop.
15. Provided that an offer to purchase property by the Synod is accepted by a vendor in
accordance with the provisions of section 14 above, the Synod shall be requested to give its
approval to such offer. All terms of the offer must be disclosed to Synod. Should Synod not
provide its approval, the offer shall be deemed null and void.
16. Provided that sections 13 through 15 of this Canon are completed, the Bishop and Secretary
of Synod are authorized to sign all purchase documentation connected with such acquisition.
Mortgage of Property by a Parish
17. No agreements to mortgage property by a parish shall be effective that are not conditional
upon the approval of the Vestry affected, the Bishop and Treasurer, and the Synod of the
18. Provided that where a parish intends to mortgage property or where a line of credit is to be
registered against parish property, the Vestry of such parish shall evidence its consent to
such agreement by a two-thirds majority vote at a special vestry meeting called for such
purpose. All terms of the agreement must be disclosed to Vestry. Should the Vestry not
provide its approval, the agreement shall be deemed null and void.
19. Provided that sections 17 and 18 of this Canon are completed, the Bishop and Synod shall
be requested to give consent to such mortgage.
Leases and Other Encumbrances
20. No parish in the Diocese shall grant a right of way, an easement for utility or other purposes,
enter a heritage designation agreement, establish a cemetery, scattering garden or
columbarium enter into a development agreement, apply for a demolition permit, or grant a
restrictive covenant without consent of the Vestry by a two-thirds majority vote at a meeting
called for that purpose, and approval by the Bishop and Synod. (amended, 2015)
21. Provided that Vestry approval has been given in accordance with section 20 of this Canon,
the Bishop and Synod shall be requested to give consent to such other encumbrance.
22. Where a parish intends to offer a lease of property for a term in excess of three years,
inclusive of all renewals, consent is required by the Vestry affected, the Bishop, and the
Synod of the Diocese.
23. Leases and licensing agreements for terms of three years or less, inclusive of all renewals,
may be approved by parishes and Synod in accordance with regulations, policies, and
guidelines as established from time to time by Synod.
24. Nothing in this Canon shall be deemed to prohibit a parish to offer a lease or license for
property for a term less than three years, provided that before such offer, the Vestry of the
parish affected authorizes, by a majority vote at a meeting called for such purpose, the rector
and wardens to execute all documentation necessary therein.
1. Every parish of the Diocese with a cemetery, scattering garden or columbarium (hereafter
referred to in this Canon as a cemetery) adjacent to or affiliated with such parish shall have a
Cemetery Board, referred to in this Canon as the Board”.
2. Synod Council shall serve as the Board for any cemetery adjacent to or affiliated with a
parish that has been disestablished, where such cemetery has not been conveyed to a third
3. The Board (save and except for a Board serving pursuant to section 2 of this Canon) shall be
elected annually at the vestry meeting of any parish to which this Canon applies.
4. Should any parish to which this Canon applies fail to elect a Board, then the Corporation of
such parish shall serve as the Board.
5. Synod Council may approve policies and guidelines for the operation of cemeteries that are
subject to the provisions of this Canon.
6. The Board shall administer the cemetery in accordance with provincial legislation pertaining
to cemeteries, any regulations promulgated in accordance with said legislation, this Canon
and any guidelines and policies approved by Synod Council concerning the operations of
7. In any conflict in interpretation between the provisions of this Canon, any and guidelines
approved by Synod Council concerning the operations of cemeteries, and provincial
legislation, the provisions of the legislation shall prevail.
Diocesan Missions
1. Where it appears that a particular geographical area or an area of special mission work or
interest should be designated as a Diocesan Mission, as a result of:
(a) a request by a parish, an organization, or an unincorporated area of work or interest,
either in the form of a resolution or a request in writing, or
(b) a recommendation by a Bishops Commission, or
(c) a situation determined by the Synod or the Synod Council to require it,
the Bishop, with the approval of the Synod Council, may so designate.
2. Upon the designation of a Diocesan Mission, the Bishop shall appoint:
a) a cleric or lay person to serve as missioner, who shall be licensed by the Bishop to oversee
the Diocesan Mission; and
b) a chair of the Board appointed under s. 3 of this Canon, who shall serve at the Bishops
3. Every Diocesan Mission shall be supported by an Advisory Board established to advise the
missioner. The composition of the Board shall be determined by the Synod Council, which shall
appoint a maximum of eight members, clergy and laity. In addition, the Bishop shall appoint an
archdeacon to serve as a member of the Advisory Board. The Synod Council shall appoint signing
officers for the Diocesan Mission which shall include the missioner. The Advisory Board shall
provide a written report to the Synod Council on the activities of the Diocesan Mission at least
once every two years.
4. The Advisory Board of any newly designated Diocesan Mission shall work with the Bishop and the
missioner to develop an inaugural mission action plan, establishing a missional mandate,
ministry goals and benchmarks, and a budget. This plan shall be presented to the Synod Council
for review within six months of the designation as a Diocesan Mission. Upon approval of the
Bishop, the plan shall be implemented by the missioner.
5. Every missioner, duly licensed, shall be a member of Synod, by virtue of Canon 1.1(1)(3).
Diocesan Missions shall not be entitled to elect lay representatives to Synod.
6. Diocesan Missions are encouraged to make a voluntary financial contribution towards the
Diocese but shall not be subject to diocesan assessments.
7. Where a Parish is disestablished, the Bishop may, with the approval of the Synod Council,
designate the former parish’s particular geographical area or area of special mission work or
interest as a Diocesan Mission in accordance with the provisions of this Canon.
8. Where a Diocesan Mission desires to be established as a parish, the missioner, with the support
of the Advisory Board, shall make a request to the Bishop to that effect, in accordance with the
provisions of Canon 4.5(3), and propose a mission action plan and budget.
9. The designation of a Diocesan Mission may be revoked at any time by the Bishop. Upon
revocation, the capital assets of the mission, of every nature or kind, shall be conveyed forthwith
to and be in the control of the Synod as trustee.
10. In the event of any conflict between this and any other Canon, the provisions of this Canon shall
Acts of the Province of Ontario incorporating the Sy
of the Diocese of Niagara, and Amendments Th
(39 Vic. Chap. 107)
An Act to Incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
(Assented to 10th February, 1876)
Preamble. WHEREAS the Synod of the Church of England, of the Diocese of Niagara,
have petitioned for an Act for the Incorporation of the said Synod, and
whereas it will greatly facilitate the objects for which the said Synod was
established to grant the prayer of the said petitioners;
Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:--
The Synod of the Church of England, of the Diocese of Niagara,
tbe, and the same is, hereby incorporated by the name of "The Synod
of the Diocese of Niagara."
Synod, of
The said Incorporated Synod shall consist of the Bishop of the
whom composed
said Diocese, who shall be the head of the Synod, and any
suffragan or coadjutor bishop thereof, the priests and deacons of the
same, licensed by the bishop or suffragan, and the lay delegates or
representatives elected, or to be elected according to the constitution
of the said Synod, as the same exists, at the time of this Act, or as it
may from time to time be altered by the said Synod.
(N.B.--Section 2 was amended by 55 Vic., Cap. 106, Sec. 1, and as so
amended was repealed by 61 Vic., Cap. 72, Sec. 5, and new section
substituted. See Page 9.)
held for
All property of what nature or kind soever now held by the Synod
of the Diocese of Toronto, or by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, or
purposes may be
which may hereafter be acquired by the said Synod or by any
person, or corporation, and of right belonging, or which may
hereafter belong to the Diocese of Niagara, may by such person
to the Synod.
or corporation, be conveyed to the Synod of the said Diocese, and
thenceforth the said Synod shall perform the trusts relating thereto, if
any there be, and the person or corporation so conveying such
property, shall be discharged from such trusts.
(N.B.--See 61 Vict., C. 72, S. 7.)
To be held
on certain
All lands, moneys, mortgages and securities, which, under the
authority of this Act, shall be vested in the Incorporated Synod of
the Diocese of Niagara, shall by the said Incorporated Synod be held
upon, to and for the uses, trusts, interests and purposes for which the
same was heretofore held by the person or corporation holding the
same; and the said Incorporated Synod may sell and dispose
absolutely of any such lands, mortgages and securities, as in this Act
mentioned, or any other lands, mortgages and securities, which shall,
after the passing of this Act, be received, held or acquired by the said
Incorporated Synod, and shall have and hold the proceeds of such
lands, mortgages and securities upon the same trust, as the said
lands, mortgages and securities had been before held, and no
purchaser shall be liable for the application of any moneys paid by
him, on any sale under the provisions of this Act.
Powers of
The said Synod shall have all the powers, rights, privileges and
franchises conferred upon Synods under the Act passed in the
session held in the nineteenth and twentieth years of Her Majesty's
reign, intituled, "An Act to enable Members of the United Church of
England and Ireland to meet in Synod," as well as those conferred
upon the late Incorporated Church Society, by the several Acts of the
Legislature of the Provinces of Upper Canada and of Canada, relating
to the said Church Society, and to enforce all rights and claims which
either said Synod or Society could enforce against any person or
persons whatsoever, body or bodies, corporate, or otherwise
Powers to
The said Synod shall have full power and authority to make such
canons, rules, regulations and by-laws, and from time to time, as
by-laws, etc.
necessity may require, to alter and amend the same, as by the said
Synod may be considered necessary in the exercise of the powers
conferred upon said Synod under the said Acts, or any of them, and
also for the conduct of their proceedings, regulations of their
members, and all such other matters as may pertain to the proper
and orderly discharge of their business; and also, notwithstanding
anything contained in an Act of the Parliament of the Province of
Upper Canada, passed in the third year of the reign of her Majesty
Queen Victoria, chaptered seventy-four, and known as the "Church
Temporalities Act," or in an Act of the Parliament of the Province of
Canada, passed in the session held in the twenty-ninth and thirtieth
years of the reign of Her said Majesty, chaptered fifteen, and known
as "The Church Temporalities Amendment Act," the said Synod shall
have full power and authority to make rules, regulations and by-laws,
for the management of all the affairs of the said Diocese of Niagara.
Power to
And it is hereby enacted, that the Incumbent and
hold land.
churchwardens appointed under the rules and regulations of the said
Synod, may hold such real estate as may be given, granted or devised
to them for the use of their Church, as a site for a Church or
parsonage or schoolhouse, and may from time to time, with the
approval of their vestry signify by a resolution passed at a meeting of
such vestry, specially called for that purpose, mortgage such real
estate for the purpose of raising money to be expended in the
erection thereon of a church, a parsonage or a schoolhouse, as the
case may be: Provided, however, that such resolution be confirmed
at a vestry meeting called not less than a fortnight after such meeting
of vestry specially summoned to consider such resolution.
Boards, and
The said Synod may exercise all its powers by and through
such boards or committees as the said Synod may from time to
of Synod.
time appoint by by-law or by-laws, for the management of all or any of
the affairs or property of the said Synod.
The said Synod may appoint and remove all such officers as
and removal
of Officers.
may be found necessary for the management of the affairs and
business of the said Synod, and provide for their
remuneration, and may remove the same and appoint others in their
The said Synod shall invest all or any of the funds intrusted to
of Funds.
its care, including those derived from the sale of Rectory lands, only
in Government securities, or municipal debentures, with power to vary
any such investments from time to time, for others of like nature but
nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to give the said
Incorporated Synod power or authority to apply the income derived
from any such investments, otherwise than in strict accordance with
the special trusts relating to such funds respectively.
(N.B.--This section was repealed by 54 Vic., Cap. 100, Sec. 1, and a
new section substituted.)
(54 Vic. Chap. 100)
An Act to Amend the Act Incorporating the Synod of
the Diocese of Niagara
(Assented to 4th May, 1891)
Preamble. WHEREAS the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara has by its petition prayed that
an Act may be passed to amend in certain respects the Act passed in the
39th year of Her Majesty's reign and chaptered 107, incorporating the said
Synod; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition;
Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
39 V.,c.107, s.10,
Section 10 of the "Act to incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of
Niagara" is repealed and the following substituted therefor:
All the funds belonging to the Synod or entrusted to its care,
of funds of
including those derived from the sale of Rectory lands shall be
invested only in government securities or in municipal debentures or
mortgages forming the first charge upon real estate in Ontario, or
upon such other securities as trustees are or shall be authorized to
invest trust funds by any Act of the Province of Ontario or upon such
other securities as are now or shall hereafter be recognized by the
High Court of Justice of the Province of Ontario, or any division
thereof, as proper for the investment of trust funds by trustees, with
power to alter and vary such investments from time to time by
substituting others of a like nature; provided that nothing in this Act
contained shall be construed to give the said Synod power or
authority to apply the income derived from any such investments
otherwise than in strict accordance with the special trusts relating to
such funds respectively.
of trust
It shall be lawful for the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara to
declare and enact by by-law, that all personal property,
funds of
securities and moneys now, or which may hereafter become
vested in or held by the said Synod in trust shall be held, managed
and invested as one general trust fund, and to make such lawful
investments of the same in such sums, and at such rates of interest
as the said Synod may from time to time determine; but nothing
herein contained shall authorize the said Synod to alter the trusts
upon which the said personal property, securities or moneys are now
vested in or held by the said Synod, except as heretofore authorized
so to do.
Separate and distinct accounts of each and every such trust
account of
each trust
property, securities or moneys, showing the capital of the same,
shall be kept by the said Synod and the interest and profits
to be kept.
received or accruing from the several investments so made of the
whole of the said general trust fund shall be divided among the
several trust funds as aforesaid pro rata equally in the proportion
borne by each separate trust fund to the whole general trust fund
after deducting from such receipts the expenses of management,
investment and administration, and the payment of such pro rata
sum shall be a full discharge of the said Synod in respect of the said
Mode of
The said Synod may exercise the powers hereby conferred (other
than the making of by-laws) by and through such boards or
committees as the said Synod may from time to time appoint.
by Act.
Any real estate which may be granted or devised to the incumbent
divised or
granted to
and churchwardens appointed under the rules and regulations of
Synod, under section 7 of the said Act, may be conveyed to the
and church-
incumbent and churchwardens as a corporation with perpetual
succession in the name of "the incumbent and churchwardens of
the Church of ....................................... in the parish of
now held. the Diocese of Niagara":
said corporation shall and may sue and be sued and sue and be
answered unto in all manner of suits, actions or proceedings
whatsoever for and in respect of such real estate, and shall have all
the powers, and shall be subject to the provisions declared and set
forth in the said section.
(55 Vic. Chap. 106)
An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Synod of the
Diocese of Niagara and to authorize the
Sale of Certain Lands
(Assented to 14th April, 1892)
39 V., c. 107,
Subject to the provisions of section 3 of this Act section 2 of the
Act passed in the 39th year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered
107, intituled "An Act to incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of
Niagara," is amended, by adding thereto after the word "suffragan" in
the fourth line thereof the following words, viz., "and any disabled or
superannuated clergymen of the Diocese in good standing, and under
the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Diocese, or deriving any income
from the funds of the Diocese, or who has held a license in the said
Diocese and has not left the said Diocese".
(N.B.--See 61 Vic., C. 72, s. 5.)
Vestries in
Subject to the provisions of section 3 of this Act the said Synod
shall have full power and authority to make by-laws or canons
where seats
are free.
for creating vestries in Churches where the seats are free and
where no pews or seats are let, and for regulating and declaring who
shall be entitled to vote at all vestry meetings for the election of
churchwardens, the appointment of Lay Delegates or representatives
and of other matters upon which it is competent to vote at vestry
meetings, and also to provide for qualification and disqualification for
the office of churchwarden and for the resignation of any
churchwarden or churchwardens, for the appointment or election of a
successor or successors, whenever a vacancy shall occur by
resignation or other cause, and also for declaring and defining the
duties and powers of vestries and of churchwardens both in pewed
and free seated churches and for providing that a pewed church with
the consent of the pewholders may become a free-seated church, or
to enable a free-seated church to be converted into a pewed church
and the churchwarden elected or to be elected by a vestry formed or
to be formed in the manner authorized by this Act shall have all the
estate and power which churchwardens would have if elected under
The Church Temporalities Act, or under any amendment thereof.
V. c. 74,
3. Nothing contained in sections 1 and 2 of this Act shall have
Sections 1
any force or effect unless and until the said sections shall be
and 2 not to
respectively approved of by the Bishop and a majority consisting
apply until
of two-thirds of both Clergy and Laity at a meeting of the Synod
at any session of which notice has been previously given that the
by Synod. question of adoption of said sections 1 and 2 would be submitted for
its approval in the same way that notice of the alteration of any canon
is required to be given by the constitution of the said Synod.
(Note:--By resolutions passed at the session of 1892, sections 1 and
2 were approved. See Journal 1892, page 68.)
(61 Vic. Chap. 72)
An Act Respecting the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
(Assented to 17th January, 1898)
Power to
acquire and
The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara shall have power to acquire
and hold lands situate within the limits of the said Diocese for a
hold lands for
See House or residence of the Bishop of the said Diocese for the
See House.
time being, and the said Synod may also acquire and hold lands
within the said limits for the actual use of the Synod in the
management of its affairs, and the Synod, with the consent of the
Bishop of the said Diocese for the time being, may from time to time
sell and dispose of the lands referred to in this section or any part
thereof and acquire other lands instead thereof for the same
lands sold
The said Synod may purchase any lands or real property offered
for sale under execution or in insolvency or under the order or
for debts
due to
decree of any court, as belonging to any debtor to the Synod or
exposed to sale by the Synod under a power of sale given to it for
that purpose in any cases in which under similar circumstances an
individual could so purchase without any restriction as to the value of
lands which it may so purchase, and may acquire a title thereto as
any individual purchasing at a sheriff's sale or under a power of sale
in like circumstances could do, and may take, have, hold and dispose
of the same at pleasure.
absolute title
The said Synod may acquire and hold an absolute title in or to
lands mortgaged to it as security for a debt due or owing to it,
to lands
either by obtaining a release of the equity of redemption in the
mortgaged property or by procuring a foreclosure or by other
to Synod
means whereby as between individuals an equity of redemption can
by law be barred and may purchase and acquire any prior mortgage
or charge on the said lands, provided always that the said Synod shall
sell any real estate acquired under the provisions of sections 2 and 3
of this Act, within twelve years after it has been so acquired,
otherwise it shall be forfeited to Her Majesty for the uses of the
Province, but no such forfeiture shall take effect or be enforced until
the expiration of at least six calendar months after notice in writing to
the said corporation of the intention of Her Majesty to claim such
Power to
The said Synod shall from time to time have power to sell, alien
sell lands
and transfer any lands within the limits of the said Diocese, which
used for
may have been used for any church or mission or congregation or
church purpose, in full communion with the Church of England in
Canada, within the said Diocese and which may become vacant or
disused or unsuitable for such purpose, and the proceeds of such
sale after deducting the costs, charges and expenses of and
incidental to the said sale or the interest or income derived from such
proceeds as the Synod shall in their discretion decide, shall be
applied by the said Synod for such church purposes as nearly as may
be as the purpose for which the lands so sold were originally held,
and no purchaser shall be liable to see to the application of the
purchase money.
55V., c. 106,
c. 6, repealed
Subject to the provision of section 6 of this Act, section 1 of said
Act passed in the 55th year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter 106,
is hereby repealed and section 2 of the Act passed in the 39th year of
Her Majesty's reign, chapter 107, is hereby repealed, and the
following words are substituted for said section 2:
Synod, how
"The said incorporated Synod shall consist of the Bishop of the
said Diocese, who shall be the head of the Synod, and any Suffragan
or Coadjutor Bishop thereof, the Priests and Deacons of the same,
licensed by the Bishop or Suffragan and the Lay Delegates or
representatives elected or to be elected according to the constitution
of the said Synod, as the same exists at the time of this Act, or as it
may from time to time be altered by the said Synod. Provided always
that the said Synod shall have hereafter full power and authority to
declare and determine from time to time in their discretion whether
disabled or superannuated clergymen of the Diocese shall be
members of the said Synod and what, if any, rights or privileges shall
be granted to them either to sit or vote or otherwise to take part in
the proceedings of the said Synod".
Approval of
Nothing contained in the said section 5 of this Act, shall have any
provisions of
s. 5 by
force or effect unless and until the said section shall be approved
of by the Bishop and a majority consisting of two-thirds of both
Clergy and Laity at a meeting of the Synod, of which notice has been
previously given that the question of the adoption of said section 5
would be submitted for its approval in the same way that notice of the
alteration of any canon is required to be given by the constitution of
the said Synod.
(N.B.--Section 5 was duly approved by the Bishop and Synod.
See Journal 1898.)
39 V. c. 107,
All property of what nature or kind soever referred to in section 3
s. 3, re-
of said Act, 39 Victoria, chapter 107, which has not heretofore
been conveyed under the provisions of that section to the Synod of
the Diocese of Niagara is hereby vested in the said Synod of the
held by
Bishop and
Diocese of Niagara without the necessity of any conveyance
thereof by the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto (otherwise called
Synod of
Toronto for
the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto) or by the Lord
Bishop of Toronto and the said Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
Diocese of shall perform the trusts relating thereto if any there be, and the
Niagara said Synod of the Diocese of Toronto and the Lord Bishop of are
hereby discharged from such trusts.
(2 Edward V11., Chap. 110)
An Act Respecting the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
(Assented to 17 March, 1902)
Preamble. WHEREAS the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara (hereinafter called the Synod)
has by its petition prayed that an Act may be passed confirming and declaring
valid a Canon, called a "Canon on Differences," passed at the session of said
Synod held in the year 1901, said Canon relating to the settlement of
differences between Clergymen of the Diocese of Niagara and their
parishioners: and whereby it is desirable that such Canon should be
confirmed and declared valid and no one has appeared to oppose the said
petition: and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition;
Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
Canon on 1. The Canon of the Synod adopted at the session thereof held in the
differences year 1901, and set out in the Schedule to this Act, is hereby
confirmed. ratified, confirmed and declared to be valid and all the powers and
provisions in the said Canon contained shall be valid and binding as
fully and as effectually and shall in all respects have the same force
and effect as though the same and every one of them were expressly
embodied in this Act.
Powers of 2. The Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara for the time being may, at
Bishop as to any time, suspend or remove from his benefice the incumbent of
suspending any rectory, parish or mission within the Diocese of Niagara, as
or removing provided by the said Canon or by any amendment thereof adopted
incumbent, etc. by the Synod.
Enforcing 3. Every order of the Bishop of said Diocese as aforesaid made
orders of under the said Canon, or any amendment thereof, adopted by the
Bishop. Synod, shall be enforcible as provided by the said Canon after the
proceedings therein prescribed or which may be prescribed by any
Canon adopted by the Synod, have been taken.
Canon may be 4. The Synod may repeal, alter or amend the said Canon.
repealed or amended.
(N.B.--The Canon ratified by this Act was repealed and Canon XXV1.
was passed in 1926.)
(13-14 George V., Chap. 102)
An Act to Simplify the Sales of Property Held in Trust
for the Church of England in Canada in the Diocese
of Niagara
(Assented to May 8th, 1923)
Preamble. WHEREAS the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara have by their petition represented that
property held in trust for the benefit of churches, parishes, missions or congregations
of the Church of England or Church of England in Canada or United Church of England
and Ireland in the said Diocese has been conveyed to or otherwise vested in various
corporations, trustees or individuals, and that difficulties have been experienced in
disposing of the same, owing to a want of uniformity of procedure for the sale and
conveyance of such property; and have prayed that an Act may be passed for the
several purposes hereinafter set forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the
said petition;
THEREFORE His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
Synod and 1. Any lands or personalty which now are or shall be vested in (1)
persons may the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, (2) the Bishop of Niagara
sell land and either by his individual name or official title, and either separately
personalty or jointly with others, (3) the rector, or incumbent, or parson, or
vested in missionary of the rectory, church, parish or mission, either by his
them on certain individual name or official title, and either separately or jointly
trusts. with the churchwardens of such rectory, church, parish or mission, or with the
trustees or others, (4) the churchwardens of the parish, church, rectory or
mission, either by their individual names or corporate title, or (5) certain
persons named as trustees for the church, rectory, parish or mission,
congregation or living, or for the rector, parson, incumbent or missionary, or
(6) held by or vested in any other corporation, person or persons under any
other title, trust or designation, either jointly, severally or otherwise, in trust
for the general or special use or benefit of the members of the Church of
England, or Church of England in Canada, or United Church of England and
Ireland in the said Diocese of Niagara, or for or in connection with any church,
rectory, parish, mission, congregation, locality or living in the said Diocese, or
in trust for the use, benefit or endowment of any church, parish, mission,
living or rectory, or for the use, benefit, support or endowment of any parson,
incumbent, missionary or rector, or in trust for a parsonage, school or any
other object or purpose or use in connection with any such church, parish,
mission, congregation, locality, living or rectory; may,
notwithstanding anything in the deed or conveyance under which the
same is vested or held (other than is provided in section 6 of this act),
be sold, aliened and conveyed by the said Synod, bishop, corporation,
trustee or trustees, churchwardens, rector, incumbent, missionary or
official or other persons, or individuals or the successors or heirs of
any of the aforesaid in whom the title of such lands or personalty is
then held or vested in trust as aforesaid.
Consent of
But no sale of such lands or personalty shall be made unless the
vestries in
certain cases.
vestry or vestries having the right to appropriate or dispose of the
rents, issues, profits or income thereof do, by a resolution passed for
that purpose, authorize and consent to the sale of the same, nor
unless such sale is approved of by the said Synod of the Diocese of
Niagara; and, if there be no vestry in existence, or no vestry having
the right to appropriate or dispose of the rents, issues, profits or
income of the said lands or personalty, the said Synod may consent
to and approve of the said sale, and all proper and necessary parties
shall join in conveying the same to the purchaser thereof.
of proceeds
The proceeds of such sale shall be paid to the said Synod, which
shall hold the same under the same trusts, uses, endowments or
purposes as those for which the said lands or personalty were given
and held as aforesaid, and may invest or apply the same for the
benefit of the said trust, use, endowment or purpose; or, if desired by
the vestry (having the right as described in section 2) and approved of
by the said Synod, in the purchase of other lands or personalty for the
said trust, use, endowment or purpose, as may be approved of by the
said Synod, or in case of a change of circumstances, it becomes
impossible or inadvisable to carry out the original trust, use,
endowment or purpose, such proceeds may, if so desired by the said
vestry (having the right as prescribed in Section 2), be applied for
other church purposes for the benefit of the church, parish, mission,
or congregation on whose behalf the said trust, use, endowment or
purpose was created, with the consent of any person or persons
having a pecuniary or life interest in such trust property for the time
being; Provided that the consent and approval of the Synod to the
appropriation of such proceeds to such other church purposes shall
have first been obtained, and if there be no vestry in existence, or no
vestry having the right as in section 2 described, the said Synod may
determine the other church purposes to which such proceeds may be
Right to sell
to include
The term "sale" in this Act shall include an exchange, and the
persons, trustees, officials and corporations authorized to sell,
right to
alien and convey lands and personalty as aforesaid, may, subject
to the conditions in section 2 of this Act, exchange the said lands or
personalty for other lands or personalty, and shall acquire, hold and
possess such exchanged lands or personalty under the same trusts,
uses, endowments and for the same purposes as those for which the
original lands or personalty were given and held as aforesaid; or in
trust for other church purposes as provided in section 3 of this Act,
and subject to the conditions therein prescribed.
Mode of 5. The said Synod may exercise the powers conferred upon it by this
exercising Act by and through such boards or committees thereof as the said
powers; Synod may from time to time appoint by resolution, by-law or
execution of
by-laws, and the act, consent or approval by the said Synod or the
Board or Committee thereof under this Act shall be exercised by resolution
and the said resolution or resolutions, by-law or by-laws attested by the seal
of the said Synod, and the execution of the deed by the Bishop of Niagara as
President of the said Synod and by the Honorary Secretaries of the Synod, or
a memorandum of consent endorsed on said deed and signed by them and
attested by the seal of the said Synod shall in favor of the purchaser and his
heirs and assigns, be conclusive evidence of the said act, deed, consent or
approval of the said Synod under the powers conferred upon it by this Act.
trusts not
Nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any condition or provision
for a resulting trust in favour of any grantor of any such lands,
his heirs or assigns, which may be contained in any deed conveying such
lands in trust as aforesaid to any of the parties named in section 1 of this
Act, or which may otherwise arise in respect of said lands.
All Acts or part of Acts relating to the sales of lands, or
Acts or parts
of Acts
personalty held in trust for the Church of England in Canada in
the said Diocese of Niagara inconsistent with the Act are hereby
(Assented to May 1945)
Preamble. WHEREAS the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara has by its petition prayed that
an Act may be passed to amend its powers with respect to the investment of
its funds; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition;
1875-76 c107, Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
s10 (1891, Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
c100, sl)
Section 10 of the Act entitled An Act to Incorporate the Synod of the
Diocese of Niagara, being chapter 107 of the Statutes of Ontario,
1875-76, as re-enacted by section 1 of the Act entitled An Act to
amend the Act incorporating the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara,
being chapter 100 of the Statutes of Ontario, 1891, is amended by
inserting after the word "trustees" in the eleventh line the words "or
upon such other securities as are now or shall hereafter be
authorized investments for joint stock insurance companies and
cash-mutual insurance corporation under the provision of The
Companies Act", so that the said section shall now read as follows:
of funds
All the funds belonging to the synod or entrusted to its care,
including those derived from the sale of rectory lands shall be
of Synod.
invested only in government securities or in municipal debentures or
mortgages forming the first charge upon real estate in Ontario, or
upon such other securities as trustees are or shall be authorized to
invest trust funds by any Act of the Province of Ontario or upon such
other securities as are now or shall hereafter be recognized by the
High Court of Justice of the Province of Ontario, or any division
thereof, as proper for the investment of trust funds by trustees, or
upon such other
Rev. Stat.,
c. 251.
securities as are now or shall hereafter be authorized investments
for joint stock insurance companies and cash-mutual insurance
corporations under the provisions of The Companies Act, with power
to alter and vary such investments from time to time by substituting
others of a like nature provided that nothing in this Act contained
shall be construed to give the said Synod power or
authority to apply the income derived from any such investments
otherwise than in strict accordance with the special trusts relating to
such funds respectively.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara Act,