Doing our best to keep you
Tiger Monthly News
From the Desk of Principal David Dalton
Ipswich High School
Important Dates
11/10 -- Veteran’s Day -- No school
11/13 -- Senior Fashion Show at Ipswich Country
Club, 6pm
11/14 -- School Council 6:30pm
11/22 - 11:20 release for T-Giving
11/23 – Thanksgiving - Football Game vs H-W
11/24 -- No School
12/2 - Interact’s Jingle Bell Walk
12/4 -- School Council
12./5 -- Small Concert Ensemble
12/9 ACTs
12/13 -- Coffee w/Principal @ 8am
12/18 -- Large Concert Ensemble
12-23-1/1/18—Holiday Break
The Senior Class Fundraiser “A Night With Gats-
by” is this Monday, November 13
, 6pm at the Ips-
wich Country Club!
Get your tickets right away at EventBrite! All classes and parents
are welcome to watch the Seniors model prom fashions, ski and cas-
ual wear. Your ticket also gets you into the tremendous silent auc-
tion with a light buffet dinner. Limited student Fashion Show Only
tickets for $10 will be sold Monday during school (7:20pm admit.)
The Senior Fashion Show is the centerpiece of the fundraising ef-
forts for the Class of 2018 to pay for Prom and Senior Events. If you
have a silent or live auction item or would like to support the Senior
Class with a donation, please email
Please send info or photos for the December news-
letter to hso[email protected]. All issues are availa-
ble on the school website under
High School, Newsletters.
Newsletter Produced by Wendy White
Check out all the
Tiger fun and
pride during
Spirit Week on
2 and
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that November is al-
ready here. We have had a very busy start to the
school year. I am happy to report that although
we have not received our official report, the exit
comments from our New England Association of
Schools evaluation committee were warm and en-
couraging. I would like to send out a special
thank you to those parents and community mem-
bers who supported us during the association vis-
it. Not surprisingly, the evaluation team shared
many comments about the palpable school pride
shown by students, parents, and staff!
Our seniors have been pressing to get their
college applications in! We will soon be seeing the
familiar tiger paws populating the guidance suite
windows. I wish all of our seniors and their fami-
lies luck and a college search process with as little
stress as possible.
Happy Thanksgiving season to all!
After tallying scores from week-long
events, the Seniors have triumphed in
one of the closest Spirit Weeks ever,
barely edging out the Juniors. It was
an especially fun Spirit Week this year
and everybody did a great job show-
ing their school spirit in a positive way!
During the week, students raised $155
for the Talia Duff foundation, $1480(!) for
Puerto Rico Hurricane relief, and filled a
van with food donations for the Open
Door Food Pantry.
Great job everyone!! Special thanks to all of the class officers & teachers who helped out.
Page 2
Tiger Spirit ~ Let us Hear It!!
Tiger Spirit ~ Let us Hear It!!
Tiger Spirit ~ Let us Hear It!!
See more photos
of students
bringing their all
on Page 9!
Page 3
Seniors and their parents
were honored in special cere-
monies as those students’ ca-
reers in Fall high school
sports draw to a close.
Girls’ Soccer
Girls’ Field Hockey
Boys’ Soccer Made it to the Quarter Finals! Honored their
7 Seniors on Oct. 29th.
Boys’ Football Senior Night Thursday
6pm Home!
And don’t
miss the
Day Game
vs. rival
Girls’ Cheerleading-
clinched their 7th consecutive Cape Ann League title & will be going on to
compete at Regionals Sunday.
Girls’ Volleyball - Just
moved on to Semi Finals! Sen-
ior Night 10/29. Go Ladies!!
Senior Night 10/24
Guidance News!
North Shore Community College on the Spot Admission Event
Friday, November 17
, 9:00 am (during R Block) in the Guidance Conference
Room. Students need to complete an admission application prior to the event. If you are
under 18, a parent or guardian's signature is required (on 2 parts of the application). Appli-
cations and transcript release forms are available in the guidance office. Please see your
Guidance Counselor with any questions.
Students must register for the exams online at:
Paige Guardiola, our Dual Enrollment liaison from Salem State, will be visiting Ipswich High
School on Wednesday, November 15, at 10:15 in guidance. Students interested in learning
more about the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit are welcome to sign
up for this R-block in Enriching Students. Applications for spring semester dual enrollment
classes through Salem State can be submitted starting
November 27
Seniors & Juniors: Final College Representative Visits
College Visits in the Guidance Conf. Room
Wednesday: Nov. 8
10:15 Framingham State
10:50 Lesley
Thursday: Nov. 16
11:34 Dickinson
SAT December 2, 2017 November 2, 2017 Nov. 3rd. - Nov. 21st.
SAT March 10, 2018 February 9, 2018 Feb. 10th - 28th.
ACT December 9, 2017 November 3, 2017 Nov. 4
MCAS Retesting in November
AFL-CIO Scholarship available:
The 60th Annual Scholarship Awards
Program is available to all graduang
high school seniors throughout the
Commonwealth of Massachuses who
are seeking higher educaon. The ex-
am will be administered on Wednes-
day, February 7, 2018.
Students interested in the labor history
exam must submit an applicaon to
the guidance department by Friday,
December 15, 2017
Applicaons and study guides may be
downloaded from hp://
“During the first week of October the Ipswich
High School Global Languages Club ran a cam-
paign to raise funds for relief efforts in Puerto Ri-
co due to the devastation left on the island from
Hurricane Maria. A group of seven students
sponsored a hat day on Wednesday, October 4th
during which those participating paid one dollar
and were permitted to wear a hat for the
day. We encouraged too the sporting of red,
white, and blue head attire as they represent the
colors of both the American & Puerto Rican
flags! Additionally a few of our club members
baked cookies and sold them at lunch and even
prior to the start of classes in the morning while
we also simply collected donations from members
of our school community throughout the week.
In total $325 was collected and sent to the Con-
necticut based organization Americares to be utilized specifically for disaster relief efforts in Puerto
Rico as soon as possible. The Global Languages Club thanks all members of the IHS community
who donated to this important humanitarian effort. The IHS Global Languages Club works to pro-
mote universally important linguistic, cultural, and social messages in our world.
Spirit Week also netted a grand total of $1,480 from donations made to all four class
funds during Penny Wars. This will be presented to Americares for their humanitarian
efforts in Puerto Rico supporting disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Maria.
Pictured are Emma Kennedy, Madison O’Brien, Club
Advisor Susan Killian, Hannah LaFrance, and Brigette
Senior portraits are due
November 30th!
Portraits may be black and white or col-
or, jpeg format, 300 dpi or better, and
should be submitted to Tim Sidmore
through (see link below).
The approximate size photos will ap-
pear in the yearbook is 2"(wide) x 3
" (tall). Other questions concerning
portraits may be directed to Teacher
and Yearbook Advisor Tim Sidmore at or by phone (978
-356-3137 X2140).
Dropbox file submission link: https://
This holiday season, there is a
high demand for toy dona-
tions. The Interact Club is
asking for donations to benefit
Toys for Tots.
Please donate new, unwrapped
toys to the box in the main of-
And don’t forget to attend the
Jingle Bell Walk on Saturday,
December 2nd 11am-1:30pm!
Charles Abuza
Dominic Balzer
Claudia Bauman
Erin Brink
Sienna Caddle
Adam Calnan
Eric Coughlin
Sean Davis
Grace Evans
Christian Fabbri
Nina Gillette
Aidan Hammond
Brendan Harlan
Yuanting Hsu
Carolina Ivanov
Filip Kernan
Elise Klapprodt
Hannah LaFrance
Cowan McCormick
Spencer Meneghini
Sophia Miller
Abigail Muscat
Wendell Nunes
Meghan O’Connor
Deirdre O’Flynn
Christopher Phillips
Austin Pszenny
Noura Rayes
Brigette Thompson
Kellen Waters
Kendra Williams
Engineering Race Team Finishes First at National STEM League Competition!
Congratulations to Black Mamba Motors
on their First Place finish at the Nation-
al STEM League 2017 New England Invi-
tational held at UMass Lowell on October
. Drew Anderson, David DaSilva, Jus-
tin Foye, Genna Lara, Connor Monroe,
Sam Paek, Austin Pszenny, Dan Stedman
and Tyler Whynott combined to win the
race events and overall title earning a
trip to the program’s national finals in
May. IHS Teacher Bill Gallant has been
leading groups from this class to victo-
ries every year! Their class is currently
undertaking their annual Leaf Raking
Fundraiser to make money for their trip
to the Spring Finals!
2017 Abigail Adams
Featured STU-
Pen and ink/watercolor draw-
ing by Christopher Falcione.
The John and Abigail Ad-
ams Scholarship is a merit
-based program that pro-
vides a tuition waiver for
up to eight semesters of
undergraduate education
at a Massachusetts state
college or university. For
this scholarship, merit is
based on student scores
on the 10th grade Massa-
chusetts Comprehensive
Assessment System
(MCAS) test. This is not
announced until Fall of
the student’s senior year.
Page 7
Music Department News
Concert Closet Needs Your Help!
As concert season approaches, we could use some additions to our Concert Closet. The Concert Closet is a
rack of clothing for students to "shop" for concert attire. Students do not have to return the clothing.
If you have any of the following items to donate we would much appreciate it!
We are looking for:
White shirts (male and female)
Black shirts (male and female)
Black suit jackets and dark ties
Black shoes (male and female)
Donations can be made at the Music Office or at the Main Office with a note attached to denote the Music
Dept. Thank you!
IHS Musicians Perform at Peter Pan, Jr.
The IMS Theatre Company invites IHS families to join us for our production of
Peter Pan, Jr. Performance dates are Nov. 17 & 18 at 7PM and Nov. 19 at 1PM in
the DPAC. Select musicians from the Symphony orchestra perform at this in-
credible show. Come check it out!
Lately, you may have noticed more people using reusable bags when shopping
in town. That is because Ipswich is making a very important change starting
November 15
, single-use plastic bags and Styrofoam containers will be a
thing of the past for Ipswich, thanks to the initial proposal and continued ef-
forts from the Honors Sustainability class.
Just look at the facts:
Plastic and Styrofoam threaten the inhabitants of Ipswich’s beautiful eco-
We can keep our town free of ugly litter and reduce the cost of cleanup.
Similar bylaws have worked in Hamilton, Manchester, and 50+ other Mass
Plastic bags and Styrofoam cannot go in your curbside recycle bin and
most bags never get to Shaw’s or Market Basket to be properly recycled.
The Ipswich Pub-
lic Schools Pupil
Personnel Ser-
vices Department
will be offering a
presentation of
Parents' Prece-
dural Rights on
Monday, Novem-
ber 13 at 6:30 PM
in the Central Ad-
min Building Con-
ference Room, 1
Lord Square.
Appropriate for
current parents of
special education
students, those
who are consider-
ing a referral, and
those simply in-
Submitted by Susan Killian:
“During the first three weeks of July three Ips-
wich High School families hosted a sixteen year
old student from Dijon, France, a family friend of
local resident Richard Blumenthal. Blumenthal, a
retired French teacher and administrator at the
Lycée International in Boston and IHS World
Language Department Head Susan Killian col-
laborated to bring this venture to fruition for Bap-
tiste Yeme. Special thanks are extended to the
Rokes, Stone, and Andrade families for their
generous hospitality in hosting this teen with
their respective daughters Katie, Margaret, and
Iza. Baptiste spent his first week in the United
States on Frye Island in Maine swimming in the
ocean, fishing, and spending time with other
teens around the isle while he returned to the
Ipswich area for the rest of his sojourn. Here,
the Salem Witch Museum, the MIT Engineering
Museum, Harvard University and a Red Sox game were just some of the venues toured during
his stay. There were also plenty of beach trips and opportunities to sample traditional American
foods so different than those in France. Now IHS sophomore French students, Katie, Margaret,
and Iza hope to visit Baptiste at his home in Dijon, perhaps as early as next summer! We in the
World Language Department are extremely pleased to be able to offer this type of cultural ex-
change experience and are so grateful to the families who took on this global adventure!
Page 8
Pictured in photo are Katie Rokes, Baptiste Yema, and Richard
Blumenthal upon arrival at Logan Airport on June 29
World Language Program’s Cultural Exchange
Greetings from the Ipswich High School Front Foyer ~ All Dressed Up For Spirit Week!
Talent Show~Homecoming Dance~Indoor Games~Outdoor
Games~80s day~Halloween~Wall Decorationg~ PennyWars