Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends
Shaping the Future of Festivals
Personalized experiences
An appetite for multi-faceted experiences
Using technology to up-level the
customer experience
Ta p p i n g i n u e n c e rs t o b o o s t aw a re n e s s
Growing demand for VIP experiences
Giveaways and discounts that generate buzz,
build community, and surface valuable data
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Each year, millions of people ock to their favorite
festivals and consumer events. Are they coming to
In a saturated market, events that don’t evolve quickly
become irrelevant. You cant rest on a sold-out success
— to sell out your next event, you need to constantly up-
level your attendee experience, reach new audiences,
and best your competition. All of which is easier said
than done.
So how can you make your brand, your marketing, and
your event stand out? Use this guide to explore the six
event trends shaping the future and learn how to
make them your own.
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This guide is for event and festival owners who are...
Looking for ways to innovate their experience — and sell more
tickets as a result
Eager to repeat their previous success — without letting their
event go stale
Facing tough competition in a saturated market and ready to
lead the pack
Yo u ' l l l e a r n h ow t o :
Create personalized attendee experiences
Appeal to your attendees’ unique, wide-ranging passions
Use technology to customize the attendee experience
Ta p in uen c e r s t o bo o s t a w a r e ness
Meet growing demand for VIP experiences
Drive buzz with social giveaways Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 4
When it comes to choosing events to attend, consumers have no
shortage of options. But events that make them feel known — rather
than anonymous members of a crowd — are harder to find.
Audiences want hands-on, personalized experiences now more than
ever, says Kimberly Moening, VP of experiential marketing agency
Moening Presentation Group. Nearly three quarters of millennials say
they attend events to express who they are.
The question is: who are your attendees? Why do they attend events
like yours? What are they willing to spend on a ticket, or on a VIP
upgrade? What makes the dierence for them between a fine — but
forgettable — event, and a must-attend?
If you’re not exactly sure, find new ways to listen to them. Tracy
Nietupski, operations manager for the Washington Midsummer
Renaissance Faire, tracks her attendee responses on social media
in order to “see the event through the patron’s eyes.
You’re probably already using social media to promote your event, but
it’s also a powerful listening tool. At your event, try using a location-
based social analytics tool like GoBabl, which goes beyond monitoring
hashtag usage. It analyzes your attendee’s at-event activities,
monitoring their sentiments, topic patterns, and more. These insights
give you a complete, real-time picture of how to improve your event.
Personalized experiencesTre n d 0 1 Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 5
Don’t be afraid to ask your attendees what they want.
If you’re not sure what your festival attendees want, the best way
to find out is by asking them. And don’t just ask once — leverage a
combination of social media polls, surveys, and onsite interviews to get
a holistic picture.
Once you have a handle on who your attendees are, that information
should drive the activities you plan, the food and beverages you oer,
and the sponsorships you seek out. Here are three ways to personalize
the experience for your attendees:
Customize the attendee experience with event apps
An event app is becoming a necessity, says Tommy Goodwin, the
director of global field services at Eventbrite. Let attendees mark their
favorite acts and activities to create a personal schedule. Next, you can
serve them personalized notifications when their favorite activity is
about to start or when a food vendor they were interested in is almost
sold out. You can also monitor this data to see which elements of the
festival people were most excited about.
Personalize the event experience with video
Livestreaming, virtual reality (VR), and 360° video can all be used to
personalize your event experience — either by opening it up to new
fans who aren’t present, or to add a new dimension for attendees at the
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For example, Coachellas organizers sent out free Google Cardboard VR
headsets in every welcome package. A free app lets ticket-buyers view
exclusive musical content before, during, and after the festival itself.
Help attendees share their experience on social media
Nearly half of millennials say they attend live events specifically so
they have something to share on social channels. And 73% believe that
attending a live event is the best way to show other people what they’re
interested in.
Make it easy for attendees to share their experience. Rent a smart
photo booth so fans can take photos, looping videos, and GIFs to post
directly from the booth itself. Let them show o where they are in
photos by creating Snapchat geofilters that reflect dierent elements
of the festival experience. And use a social media display like Everwall
to broadcast fan posts on the big screen so they can share their
experience with as broad an audience as possible.
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Your attendees have countless options for how to spend their time
— and just as many passions. One attendee might be a beer lover, a
comedy fan, and an anime enthusiast, meaning there’s no one event
that represents all of their interests.
To attract these multi-faceted fans, give them more than one reason —
than say, your headliner or your location — to attend.
Take a cue from Wanderlust, a mindfulness retreat featuring a 5K run,
yoga, and meditation. Tens of thousands of devotees come back each
year to unplug, celebrate, and live mindfully at Wanderlust events
across the globe. But Wanderlust also oers a diverse array of activities
that span far beyond athletics. Music lovers can rock out at concerts or
relax during intimate performances. Explorers can embark on guided
trips, hiking excursions, or take water sports lessons. And intellectuals
can broaden their perspectives with lectures from mindfulness experts.
An appetite for multi-faceted experiences Tre n d 0 2 Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 8
Music festivals like Coachella and SXSW have started oering smaller
health and wellness events; food festivals like Chicago Gourmet added
morning yoga; and Gilroy Garlic Festival hosts a “crafts alley” where
local artisans sell their wares.
To d ay , a d d i ng u n i q u e e l e m e nt s t o y o u r e v e n t wil l h e lp yo u s ta n d o ut
but soon, it will become the status quo.
Need some inspiration?
Focus on unique combinations to make your festival stand out, like
pairing beer and ping pong orlm and cupcakes. Don’t be afraid to
think outside of the box — as long as you’re appealing to your core
audience. Get inspiration from these five examples of events that are
crushing the hybridization game. Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 9
Using technology to up-level the
customer experience
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Tre n d 0 3
Not all event tech is worth your time and money. It’s extremely painful
to invest in a tool that sets your operations backward, rather than
forward. That said, your attendees expect increasingly sophisticated
experiences, and events that don’t keep up with the times get left
Here are two technologies rising to the event forefront this year —
ignore them at your peril.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) will soon revolutionize the events industry.
Today, it could play a pivotal role in growing your festival or event.
From customer support to event management and marketing, AI may
change how we experience live events — and give yours a competitive
Some festivals have used AI to take their event apps to the next level.
Sound on Sound Fest, a three-day music and camping festival in Texas,
created a customer service plugin through Facebook Messenger to
answer fans queries.
“It was automated, and able to answer a lot of customer questions
with a great success rate, says Morgan Howard, a freelance customer
experience manager for festivals who worked on the bot. “Fans got the
instant gratification of receiving a response.
Julius Solaris, editor and founder of Event Manager Blog, estimates
that $40 billion will be invested in AI over the next ten years. That
technology can create personalized attendee experiences with more
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meaningful interactions that delight not only your attendees, vendors,
and sta.
RFID (radio-frequency identification) wristbands aren’t just for music
festivals. RFID can enhance your beer or wine event, your food festival,
or even your film festival.
With RFID, attendees simply wave their wristband or badge over a
sensor to get in, making the entry experience seamless. No more
digging in purses to find tickets, or struggling to make scanners
process wet or wrinkled barcodes. The tech can seamlessly handle
re-entry for multi-day events, or provide easy personalized access to
multiple zones within an event (like a VIP area).
This can provide a superior customer experience for your attendees.
When SnowGlobe music festival switched to RFID, they were able to
scan in more than 20 people per minute at each gate.
Beyond streamlining entry, RFID enables attendees to connect your
sponsors in new ways. Attendees can register their RFID wristband
or badge to link it with their email and credit card — opening up new
possibilities for fast, seamless interactions onsite.
Why is RFID Trending
Attendees speed
through entry
Sta can regulate
access control
Seamless cashless
Organizers score with
real-time data Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 11
Tre n d 0 4 Ta p p i n g i n u e n ce r s to b oo s t awa re n e s s
Social influencer marketing has been generating a lot of buzz this year
— nearly 85% of marketers have plans to use some type of influencer
marketing in 2017.
Chances are, it’s already on your list of event
marketing tactics to try.
There’s good reason to invest in influencers: Eventbrite research shows
that events typically see 20% of their event page trac coming from
social media, where word of mouth is king.
Influencer and peer-to-peer endorsements on social media can be just
as eective as hiring a famous spokesperson. This is especially true
for events, as potential attendees are often looking for validation from
someone they trust before committing to a purchase.
Secret Summer, the first farm-to-bar cocktail festival in NYC, is one
event that has seen success with influencer strategies to increase
retention resulting in a high volume of returning attendees each year.
“Influencers are not only helping from a marketing standpoint and
getting the word out, but we are bringing them into the family that is
Secret Summer, says Tyler Hollinger, owner of High Life Productions
and producer of Secret Summer. “Then in turn they are inviting their
communities to also like, share, buy a ticket and try some amazing NYC
born and bred cocktails culture.
How to find the right influencers
If your event is a food festival, your most important social media
influencers will probably be on Instagram, posting dramatic pictures Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 12
of sushi and cocktails. If you’re hosting a comedy showcase, the
biggest names might be on Twitter, sharing one-liners and video clips.
Secret Summer targets influencers on Instagram using hashtags like
#NYCcocktails and #NYCfoodie to find influencers in their sweet spot
— cocktail focused, fashion forward, foodie centric, and NYC based.
Best-in-class influencer tools
SocialRank can help you pinpoint potential influential accounts within
your existing audience of fans and followers on Twitter and Instagram.
You can filter by information like location, follower numbers, bio
keywords, and engagement. You can also cross-check them against the
followers of similar events to find relevant accounts to target.
Scrunch can help you find and interact with influencers in your sphere.
Drill down to the right influencers based on bio keywords, topics the
influencers have posted about on social media or their blogs, and more.
You can then connect with your target influencers and manage the full
campaign process right through the platform.
SocialLadder lets you build an event promotion team from within your
ranks of fans. Recruit and enlist brand ambassadors — and arm them
with things like custom vanity promo codes to share with their friends
and followers on social media. A tool like this helps you activate an
already engaged fan base and incentivize them to spread the word.
StreetTeam is specifically designed for events and allows you to build
your own custom ambassador program. The software makes it easy to
create, recruit, manage, and reward your network of social advocates,
and you only pay when your ambassadors produce actual ticket sales.
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Tre n d 0 5 Growing demand for VIP experiences
If your event doesn’t oer a VIP experience, you’re leaving money on
the table. VIP packages let you oer attendees the exact experience
they’re looking for — at the exact price they’re willing to pay.
In fact, Eventbrites research has found that VIP experiences account
for a sizeable chunk of money — 10% of ticket sales — and generate
approximately 25% of revenue. Meanwhile, if you don’t oer a VIP
option, some attendees may choose not to attend your event at all.
In a survey of 1,000 music festival attendees, a third of VIP ticket
buyers say the lack of a VIP package influences whether they’d attend
the festival at all.
Here’s how you can craft a VIP experience attendees are willing to
invest in.
Incorporate VIP touches
Consider taking an approach like Taste of DC, a multi-day culinary and
cultural event in the heart of the nation’s capital. The organizers at
Ta s te o f D C w a nt e d to m a k e su r e t h e i r d e v o t ed a t t en d ee s fe e l t h e l o v e .
To giv e a t t e nde e s a u n i q u e e xpe r i e n ce , t he y s ell a l imi t e d nu m b e r of V I P
tickets to culinary enthusiasts. These enthusiasts get to engage with
the region’s top chefs and master mixologists in an intimate setting. Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 14
Another way incentivize VIP buyers is by including admission to
exclusive, VIP-only events (or special access to main events). For
example, Arizona Beer Week sells VIP tickets to a Brewers Reception
the night before the main festival kicks o. Attendees are treated to live
music, 10 drink tickets, and a food voucher — in addition to their VIP
status at the main event.
Find the right price
Pricing is critical for VIP tickets. Price them too high and they might not
sell. Too low, and you won’t recoup your investment on the extra perks.
Keep in mind: 44% of festival fans are willing to spend 50% more on
VIP tickets, while 28% are willing to spend double. If you want fans to
splurge, invest in the perks they look for most: free booze and VIP only
When you’re building your VIP oerings, highlight the most universally
valued elements of your VIP package in your marketing. For example,
you might highlight the exclusive access areas and complimentary
drinks to motivate people to purchase tickets.
You may also want to consider tiering your VIP oers based on the
amount attendees are willing to pay for certain elements. For example,
a VIP package with VIP check-in, bathrooms, and lounges may cost less
than a deluxe VIP package that also includes complimentary drinks or
One of the best ways to help your event grow is by upping your VIP
oerings. By doing so, you attract big spenders who are eager to invest
in their experience — and come back year after year. Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 15
How VIPs value perks
VIP-Only Artist Lounge:
People willing to pay
more than double the
price for GA
Free booze: 42% of
festival goers would
pay 1.5x the GA ticket
price. 29% would pay
VIP-Only Viewing
Areas: 29% are willing
to pay double the price
of a GA ticket Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 16
Giveaways and discounts that generate buzz, build
community, and surface valuable data
0% 50% 100%
Tre n d 0 6
Ticket giveaways and upgrades are a tried-and-true staple — frequently
used to collect event-goers emails or motivate social sharing. But event
organizers are just beginning to explore the full power of giveaways,
both on social media and by partnering with sponsors at the event
On social media
Giveaways via social media are a smart way to grow your following,
increase awareness and ticket sales, and build excitement for your
event. Tyler Hollinger from Secret Summer adds a personalized
element to the event’s giveaways — sending individual direct messages
to more than 1,500 of their followers with exclusive discount codes
for the festival. Next, the festival surprises and delights followers who
interact on social media with ticket giveaways or other prizes.
Interested in promoting your event through a social giveaway? Try one
of these six strategies:
Basic enter-to-win sweepstakes – Sweepstakes are a quick, easy, and
familiar way to collect entries and email addresses. Just be sure to
indicate that people are opting into communication from you if you plan
to email them.
Retweet to win Ask followers to retweet (RT) a specific tweet to enter
to win. To help grow your Twitter account at the same time, state in your
tweet that users need to follow and RT you to enter to win.
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Hashtag contest – Incentivize some great user-generated content by
having your fans post photos to Twitter and/or Instagram with a certain
branded hashtag.
Snapchat drawing – Tap into your Snap followers’ artistic sides by
asking them to send a themed Snapchat drawing to your account.
Ta g a f r ie n d E xp an d y o u r a cc o u n t r e ac h b y a sk i ng p e o p l e t o t a g t h e
friend they’d bring with them to your event if they won tickets.
Survey – Gain some insight into your potential event attendees by
asking them to fill out a short survey, and randomly select a winner
from all those who participate.
Attendees arent the only ones who can benefit from giveaways.
Make the most of the data you collected through your contest by
adding entrants to your email list and sending them oers like a small
discount code for tickets. After your event, share photos of your
winners enjoying the event on your social accounts.
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With event sponsors
To give event-goers a truly memorable experience and add value for
your sponsors, consider partnering on a branded giveaway. Attendees
get a souvenir to remember your event, and sponsors can turn the
giveaway into a contest to collect attendee information.
The most successful sponsor swag giveaways are customized to your
event. For example, at the San Diego Comic Con in 2015, Nickelodeon
announced the reboot of the 90s game show Legend of the Hidden
Temple. To promote the show, they built an elaborate set design and
encouraged attendees to take pictures. Even better, attendees could
print the pictures on t-shirts as souvenirs.
Your giveaway doesn’t have to be extravagant to make an impact.
Simply work with sponsors to consider small touches that are unique to
your event and their brand. If you’re a beer festival, give out coasters or
bottle openers. If you’re organizing a food festival, hand out aprons or
dish towels with the event and sponsors’ logos.
Of course, you can also go big with these oers. If your sponsor
is a hotel or airline, you could rae o a free trip after the event as a
way to keep attendees engaged (or motivate them to take a post-event
survey). For both you and your sponsors, these giveaways are
a powerful strategy to collect attendee data and drive
engagement year-round. Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals Page 19
The Takeaway
To dierentiate yourself from other events, you need to
stay at the forefront of industry trends and innovation.
That means engaging attendees through giveaways
and influencers, oering personalized and VIP
experiences, and most important of all choosing
event technology that can bring their dreams to life.
To n d o u t m o re a b o u t h ow yo u c a n u s e t e c h n o l o g y t o
stay on top of the latest trends and grow your business,
contact us here or give us a call at (866) 902-2531.
Eventbrite research, 9 Simple Steps to Master Social Media for Events
Page Stay Relevant: 6 Event Trends Shaping the Future of Festivals
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