103 ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(Two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a) Give two reasons why cooking gas is considered to be a better fuel than
kerosene oil or wood. [2]
(b) State two modifications in the design of an engine that have not only
improved the efficiency of the engine but has also reduced pollution. [2]
(c) State two advantages associated with the development of small scale
industries. [2]
(d) State two reasons for the melting of the Gangotri Glacier. [2]
(e) State any two provisions given in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 to
protect Indian Wildlife. [2]
Question 2
(a) State two objectives of the integrated rural development programme. [2]
(b) List any two recommendations of the National forest policy. [2]
(c) Suggest two strategies to dispose solid waste. [2]
(d) What is Gasohol? Give a reason for its present popularity in some
countries. [2]
(e) List two reasons leading to the decrease in the level of the water table in
Delhi. [2]
104 ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 3
(a) Nuclear fusion in the near future will solve the problem of energy. State
one advantage and one disadvantage associated with nuclear fusion. [2]
(b) Explain the role of satellites in environment protection and management. [2]
(c) Mention two economic policy measures to control pollution. [2]
(d) State two reasons for the rapid extinction of species in the ocean. [2]
(e) Why is it important to maintain a buffer zone around a forest? [2]
Question 4
(a) State two objectives of the Global Environmental Facility support. [2]
(b) State any two factors that affect the population of a particular place. [2]
(c) State two objectives of Project Tiger. [2]
(d) Mention two characteristics of fertile soil. [2]
(e) State two ways as to how the use of pesticides impacts the ecology. [2]
SECTION B (40 Marks)
Answer any four questions from this Section
Question 5
(a) Secondary cities can play an important role to counter the problem of
Migration. Justify the statement giving reasons. [5]
(b) Enumerate the effects of an increasing population on the environment. [5]
Question 6
(a) How can land use management help conserve soil? [5]
(b) What is energy plantation? State three characteristic of plants that can be
grown for this purpose. [5]
Question 7
(a) What are Gene Banks? State three objectives to maintain a Gene Bank. [5]
(b) What is conservation tillage? State two advantages and two disadvantages
of conservation tillage. [5]
105 ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 8
(a) China has legalized breeding of tigers for reaping economic benefits.
Justify with reasons for or against the statement. [5]
(b) What is meant by biodiversity? Explain the reasons for loss of
biodiversity. [5]
Question 9
(a) What are non conventional sources of energy? Explain giving examples
how these can help to sustain the environment. [5]
(b) Explain the meaning of integrated nutrient supply programme.
State its objectives. [5]
Question 10
(a) Explain the role of Biotechnology in achieving global food security. [5]
(b) With the help of an example, explain how alternate technology can create
a self sustaining society. [5]