ED 463 752
IR 021 174
Koszalka, Tiffany A.; Grabowski, Barbara; Kim, Younghoon
Designing Web-Based Science Lesson Plans That Use
Problem-Based Learning To Inspire Middle School Kids: KaAMS
(Kids as Airborne Mission Scientists).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington,
DC. Educational Affairs Div.
18p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April
1-5, 2002).
Research (143)
Speeches/Meeting Papers (150)
MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Active Learning; Elementary Secondary Education;
Instructional Materials; Lesson Plans; Middle School
Students; Middle Schools; *Problem Based Learning; *Science
Education; *Science Instruction; Sciences; Scientists;
Student Motivation; *Web Based Instruction
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Problem-based learning (PBL) has great potential for
inspiring K-12 learning. KaAMS (Kids as Airborne Mission Scientists), an
example of PBL, was designed to help teachers inspire middle school students
to learning science, math, technology, and geography. The children
participate as scientists investigating environmental problems using NASA
(National Aeronautics Space Administration) aeronautics and airborne remote
sensing data. The general PBL process, characteristics, and impacts on
science education and K-12 students served as the theoretical foundation for
designing the Web-based KaAMS PBL lesson plans. The conceptual framework of
KaAMS, including KaAMS the PBL model and general characteristics of KaAMS
learning process emerged from this literature. Twelve lesson plans were
developed and tested in the classroom. Formative evaluation results are
presented. The paper concludes that through their high quality materials,
NASA can make an impact on science in the classroom, which in combination
with KaAMS strategies can change teaching practice and impress middle school
students with the importance of and strategies for conducting "good science."
(Contains 12 references.) (Author/MES)
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from the original document.
Designing Web-Based Science Lesson Plans that Use Problem-Based Learning to
Inspire Middle School Kids:
KaAMS (Kids as Airborne Mission Scientists)
Tiffany A. Koszalka, PhD.
Syracuse University
330 Huntington Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244
Barbara Grabowski, Ph.D.
Penn State University
315 Keller Building
University Park, PA 16802
Younghoon Kim
Penn State University
315 Keller Building
University Park, PA
Article submitted for presentation at the 2002 American Educational Research
Association, New Orleans, Louisiana
March, 2002
Running Head: KaAMS Problem Based Learning
T.A. Koszalka
Office of Educational Research and improvement
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received from the person or organization
originating it.
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official OERI position or policy.
KaAMS Problem Based Learning
Designing Web-Based Science Lesson Plans that Use Problem-Based
Learning to Inspire Middle School Kids: KaAMS (Kids as Airborne Mission
Tiffany A. Koszalka, PhD.
Barbara Grabowski, Ph.D.
Younghoon Kim
Syracuse University
Penn State University Penn State University
Problem-based learning (PBL) has great potential for inspiring K-12 learning. KaAMS
(Kids as Airborne Mission Scientists), an example of PBL, was designed to help teachers
inspire middle school students to learn science, math, technology and geography. The
kids participate as scientists investigating environmental problems using NASA
aeronautics and airborne remote sensing data. The general PBL process, characteristics,
and impacts on science education and K-12 students served as the theoretical foundation
for designing the web-based KaAMS PBL lesson plans. The conceptual framework of
KaAMS, including KaAMS the problem-based learning model and general
characteristics of KaAMS learning process emerged from this literature. Twelve lessons
plans were developed and tested in the classroom. Formative evaluation results are
Kids can be motivated and inspired by making direct contributions to solving real
scientific problems. Can teachers be inspired too? Through a PBL approach, KaAMS, a
NASA funded project guides teachers to take middle school children on live and past
NASA airborne missions to collect data to study two environmental problems. The
ultimate goal of the project was to inspire kids to learn and develop a career interest in
science, math, technology and geography by their participating as scientists in activities
punctuated by "bursts" of interactive events culminating in the analysis of data from
NASA airborne missions.
The goal is realized by providing a variety of learning
resources to teachers to use with middle school children.
The KaAMS conceptual model (see figure 1) was designed to represent a holistic
framework for the project. The relationships among the varied components (e.g., NASA
resources, Web-Enhanced Learning Strategies Interface, NASA Mission, web-based PBL
learning processes, characteristics of middle school kids, and National Science, Math,
Technology and Geography Standards) are shown in this figure. In the center portion, the
four phases of the KaAMS PBL process include the problem scenario, propose ideas,
conduct the mission, and propose solutions.
These phases were selected based on a
review of both the problem based learning literature and the scientific process.
Based on this conceptual model of KaAMS, four PBL modules addressing two
different environmental problems-active lava flows and the health of the coral reefs in
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 2
Hawaii were developed. The modules consisted of new lesson plans that could be used
flexibly by many teachers, and tap into existing NASA and other web resources. The
goal was to harness those resources that exist rather than create totally new ones.
.From concrete to
abstract thinking
Curious on a wide
range of topics, few
of which are
'Prefer active over
passive learning
*Respond positively
to participating in
real life learning
Are inquisitive and
challenge adults
Desire recognition
NASA Resources
NASA Missions
Problem Scenario.
propose Solutio
Figure 1. The KaAMS Model
Conceptual Framework of KaAMS Model
Foundation and Components of KaAMS Model
Conceptually, the KaAMS framework, as shown in Figure 1, is built upon the
premise and foundation that among all NASA web resources from all aspects of the
agency, a multitude of resources can be used in the classroom. These resources are
filtered through a second-level premise, which is the Web-Enhanced Learning Strategies
(WELES) interface (Koszalka, Grabowski, & McCarthy, 2000). This interface helps to
sift through the available resources for elements and composite sites that are appropriate
for use by middle school teachers and students. These resources are then used in four
parts of a lesson planframe/inform/explore/try. The third premise is that teachers can
use real web resources from real NASA missions in a problem based lesson format.
Finally, these three levels of resources are harvested as part of the KaAMS PBL lesson
Students are presented with an environmental problem for which NASA had
collected airborne data on a previous mission. They begin a series of problem-solving
lessons from which they develop content and applied knowledge by participating in
problem solving activities. Through a series of framing and ifforming activities, students
search for additional information on the problem, develop an understanding of the
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 3
science of the problem, and propose a solutions for conducting a mission that will
provide remote sensing data to solve the problem. Students become involved in "bursts"
of activities to conduct a mission, collect and analyze data. Finally, students summarize
their findings in several different ways and "go public" to share what they have learned
with classmate and/or other outside their classroom. One important note is that the
students participate in reflective activities throughout the entire process.
Links to Middle School Kids
Also evident in the design were the following key characteristics we found about
middle school students (This We Believe, 2000).
Moving from concrete to abstract thinking
Curious on a wide range of topics, few of which are sustained
Prefer active over passive learning
Respond positively to participating in real life learning situations
Are inquisitive and challenge adults
Desire recognition
Each of the problem-based learning modules involves students in active, concrete
activity bursts during which the students reflect on their learning.
Links to National Standards
To maintain the link to the National Standards, we have completed an analysis of
the NSTA/NRC standards and the AAAS Project 2061 Benchmarks to target in the
KaAMS Project. Each lesson plan links to the specific national education standards that
might be satisfied by completing the lesson activities
Flexibility of KaAMS Learning process
Since flexibility is very important to maximize the usability of this site, we have
designed the site for the teacher. The framework is constructed so that the teacher is in
control of how much and what types of the available activities that his or her students
actually see. He or she can start from Phase 1 and proceed to Phase 4, or he or she can
just go the activities of Phase 3, for example.
Understandings from Problem-Based Learning
The conceptual framework of the problem-based learning model for KaAMS is
based on the perspectives from the problem-based learning literature. Problem-based
learning as an instructional model is associated with the new learning-centered paradigm
(e.g., Reigeluth, 1999). PBL, in general, encourages the students to develop deep
understanding within a knowledge domain and problem solving skills by engaging them
in the learning process and activities to solve real world, authentic problems (Duffy &
Cunningham, 1996; Hmelo & Evensen, 2000). According to PBL researchers (Barrows,
1986, 1992; Hmelo & Evensen, 2000; Savery & Duffy, 1995; Schwartz, et al, 1999), PBL
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 4
include the following six key characteristics. Real world problem as the learning context:
real-world problems with a motivational context drive students' learning. A real world
problem is used as a focus or stimulus for the student to get involved in learning activity.
Student generated learning goals: given a problem space, students generate their own
learning goals by questioning what they know, what they don't know but need to know,
and how to know it.
Student access to multiple learning resources: multiple learning
resources include print,
electronic and humans. With access to rich and varied
information, students are able to develop a deep understanding about the content related
to the problem so that they may apply that knowledge to the problem at hand. Students
as active problem solversexperimenting, gathering data, reflecting, collaborating and
communicating: students as active problem solvers work with their peers, teachers, and
experts to share their different perspectives. By engaging students, they must exhibit
problem solving skills, reflective thinking skills, and collaboration and communication
skills. While being engaged in the process, students can assume the roles of various
participants involved. Finally, teacher as coach or facilitator:
teachers play a role as
coaches or facilitators that support students' learning and problem solving activity, rather
than directly teaching entirely what students should know and how students should solve
a problem.
The PBL learning process, cycles students through the following five learning
stages (Barrows, 1986, 1992; West, 1992): students are presented with a problem,
students develop a plan-- generate what they know and what they need to know and list
possible actions, students collect information, analyze data and present and share
Students are presented with a problemA real world problem is presented to
students, and students get clarification about the problem.
Students develop a plan: Generate what they know and what they need to know,
and list possible actionsStudents actively define problems and generate what
they know and what they need to know based on their prior knowledge and
experience. They are encouraged to identify learning issues or knowledge
necessary to construct an understanding about how to solve problems. Students
then discuss and generate strategies and activities for solving the problem.
Collect informationthe student engages in gathering information from available
learning resources ranging from print-based materials, electronic and human
resources (e.g., peer, teacher, and expert).
Analyze data-- after gathering the information, they analyze and evaluate
information in terms of what is most useful or what is not useful to solve the
problem. They discuss and negotiate their perspectives about alternative solutions
with peers, their teacher, and experts
Present and share solutions finally, students propose their solutions, share them
with their peers and experts who might provide different perspectives to the
solutions, and revise their solution based on feedback from their peers or experts.
PBL has been implemented in diverse content domains such as medical education,
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 5
business education, social education, and science education. Many researchers have
investigated the effectiveness of PBL, especially in medical education. According to
Hmelo and Evensen (2000), the results of PBL research in medical education have
showed that students who engaged in PBL were able to solve problems and transfer their
learning better than students who studied under a conventional learning approach.
However, there have been few PBL research studies focused on middle or high school
science education. In one study, West (1992) addressed the benefits of PBL used in
secondary school science classrooms. He concluded that PBL could be an effective
instructional strategy or technique to stimulate students' science interest, enhance
knowledge construction and problem solving skills, and integrate science with other
knowledge domain.
Through the PBL literature, as described above, some design considerations and
strategies were incorporated into the KaAMS learning process. The following section
illustrates these design considerations and strategies.
Incorporating PBL and the Scientific Process into KaAMS
The PBL learning process defined from the literature and the scientific process used
by NASA scientists for solving environmental problems are similar, making the creation
of PBL lesson plans for middle school kids using NASA missions a natural development.
This cross over also made explaining the learning process to content experts very easy.
First, the PBL process was streamlined into four learning phases in the conceptual
model that naturally match the evolution of a lesson planframe, inform, explore and try
from the Web-Enhanced Learning Environment strategies framework (Grabowski,
Koszalka, & McCarthy, 1999). See figure 1. KaAMS phase 1 is to present the scenario.
At this point in the process, learning is framed by the context of the problem. Students
obtain clarification about the problem and what their task is. During phase 2, students
propose ideas and search for information. This is the inform phase.
Students create a
plan of study and review background information that will help them clarify issues
surrounding the problem so that they can plan for conducting a NASA mission that will
generate data to help them solve the problem. The third and fourth PBL phases were
combined into one, conducting the mission. During this learning phase, students explore
by collecting and analyzing actual NASA data. In the last phase, the students try out their
knowledge by proposing solutions in a public forum (Go public) (Schwartz, Lin, Brophy
and Bransford, 1999).
The scientific process follows the same path, but with a purpose of solving a real
problem, versus having learning as its primary goal. In this process, scientists identify the
problem, research ideas and develop a plan for investigation, collect and analyze data and
report their findings. The phases of the PBL process from the literature, the learning
phases of KaAMS, and the scientific process are mapped together in Table 1.
The last column exemplifies how these phases were actualized in the KaAMS
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 6
Table 1. Mapping KaAMS onto PBL and the Scientific Process
Design Examples
Two problemsfinding lava flows
for the Pacific Disaster Center, and
determining if the coral reef need
protection for a real Congressional
Executive Order
they know
they need to
ideas and
Develop plan
Activity Sheets as Who, What,
When, Where, Why and How
questions to determine what the
students know
Students complete reflection
Find information using existing
NASA web resources
Participate in activity bursts to
explore new concepts
Mission and
Collect Data
Students think critically about
which aircraft can run their mission
and select from several possibilities
Students plan the actual mission and
compare it to the actual NASA
Students use actual data from the
live missions to draw conclusions
Students use guidelines from NASA
scientists for interpretation of their
Write a report to the Pacific
Disaster Center,
Make recommendations to the
President in response to his
executive order
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 7
Example of KaAMS "Active Lava Flows in Hawaii" Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans: Mission I
Active Lava Flows in Hawaii
This mission, Active Lava Flow in Hawaii, puts the students in the role of Airborne
Remote Sensing scientists concerned with identifying where the lava flows are active on
the Kilauea volcano. This mission consists of 12 lesson plans that are organized in four
learning stages associated with the processes of PBL and scientific inquiry, as described
Figure 2 shows the main screen of this mission that includes a visual representation
of its learning cycle to help teachers understand the relationships between lesson plans
and where each fits within the entire learning process of KaAMS.
Move your cursor over the diagram to the left to
got a short description. or scroll down the page
to get a sightly longer description of each lemon
plan. Click on the circle o in the diagram to the left
or on the tithe below to go to the lemon plan
oveiview. Thie overview contains a thorough
deocription of each lemon plan and provider/ en
option to print or view a detailed version of the
letwon plan.
You aan oleo print the accompanying etudent
guide for either the aeronautice or remota sensing
pathway by clicking on the student guide imager,
to the bottom left.
Summary: Thie hos on plan providee an overai
context for KeAMS. Fired, it provides the
etude:do with an authentic and motivating
problem to investigate. Second. it providee en
explanation of the final project expectations An
Ibis series of lesson plans. Third, it prompt°
students to begin the proem of exploring the
overall problem by having them develop an
understanding of key concepts in aisbome
remote seneing. Finally. it provides students with
a ftamemork fbr being scientists who do
science rather than just learning about acience.
Figure 2. Main Screen of Mission I Active Lava Flow in Hawaii
Learning Phase 1: Problem Scenario
To motivate students and promote their engage in an authentic problem, the
problem scenario requests that students function as airborne mission scientists to
investigate the location of active lava flows on the Kilauea volcano, one of the world's
most active volcanoes (see figure 3). The problem scenario prompts students to begin the
process of exploring the overall problem by having them develop an understanding of
key concepts such as aeronautics, remote sensing, and airborne remote sensing. It also
provides students with a sense of being airborne mission scientists who use aeronautics
principles and remote sensing data to study an environmental problem of the earth.
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 8
c>, D= call4aAls01.41)-4113-Bg
IN/fission request letter (ARS-1)
?ncific Dasastea. Mznagement Agency
NASA Airborne Mission Science Divieion
NASA Dryden Plight Research Center
Edwards. California 93336
Dear airborne mission scientist,
Ow agency studies many type,' of natural hazards in the Pacific region including taunamie landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic
eruptions Kilauea, an erupting basaltic abield volcano on the island of Hawaii., has been continuously active since January, 1983. Since the
beginning of the eruption. over 180 hornee in many communities have bean deer:eyed...In addition, the eruption hoe affected the irilend's road
network. The main Chain of Craters Road linking the area neer the top of Kilauea with the community ofKalepena has been covered by lava
causing problems for the residente. Out agency conatantly monitore Kilauea in a number of waye. We often utilize airborne image data to map
the locations of recant lava Row deposits and, more importantly the areas of the volcano where lava flows are clemently active.
We would like to request your help in locating active lava Rowe on Kilauea. The knowledge of their location will aid tha Agency in
providing information concerning the location and extent of lava flow activity and suppott the A gencys on-going effort to re-examine ow
emergency evacuation plans in the event of substantial eruptions.
Figure 3. An Example of the Problem Scenario
otD oftimrfoor4-
Airborne Remote Sensing
a/fission: What do we need
to know?
Toast:ex Awls/Mos
TRT using new knowledge about the typeo of questions needing to be
anewered to select the beat aircraft fora mission to solve the KaAMS
Break student° into several groups, aosign at haat one member Prom each of
the activitior completed above into each of theee group., and prompt
students to generate a complete list of questions that need to be addressed
in order to chowo the beet aircraft for this mio Won over Kilauea.
Engage otudento to think about important questions needing arplaration to
select the beat aircraft for locating the active lava &we on Kilauea. Moto
provide the students with a copy of the Eldhtittabsah..Estariatatatueuts
caRahlza to help them prepare their list.
Which questions are the most important to consider when selecting
an aircraft for the nriseion? Why?
What other questions do you think are important?
Ask cub group to present their queetion lista and the wagons why they
generated those questions. Student, ehould refer to the hAthuttamtt
Ask each group to rimless and provide !Ned:beck about other groups'
Student AeltettEes
Semple student tespozwee
Quaations on oelecting the appropriate aircraft given
the remote Gentling requirements.
Question* on outside &store such es weather.
Questions on flight planning information. (In line with
what they just etudierft.
Student activity:
Generate lime of queotions. Students should record
their Weakens on iftE.031ffAhlatalitmizahlIdats
o Factoro relating to the aircraft and remote
sensing instrument®.
o Outeida factors such aa weather.
o Pastore relating to flight planning.
Figure 4. An Example of "Propose Ideas" Learning Phase
Learning Phase 2: Propose Ideas and Search Information
After studying the problem scenario, the learning stage of "Propose Ideas and
Search Information" encourages teachers and students to propose their initial ideas of
what they need to know to solve the problem and ways they might solve the problem (see
1 0
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 9
figure 4). They are encouraged to explore existing NASA web resources to learn the basic
science necessary to solve the problem. A lesson plan within this learning stage, for
example, presents a variety of learning activities for students to develop an understanding
of who airborne mission scientists are, how they explore the world, and how these
scientists work together.
To support these activities, a guided reflective journal for students is provided.
Students are encouraged to write their own reflective journals while participating in
activity bursts to explore new concepts and principles such as aeronautics, remote
sensing, the roles of airborne mission scientists, and characteristics of volcanoes and lava
flows. The reflective journal helps students reflect on what they have learned throughout
the learning processes of KaAMS.
Learning Phase 3a: Conduct Mission
After searching information and developing an understanding of the problem,
students are given an opportunity to select which NASA aircraft they will use to run their
mission to collect actual data (see figure 5). In this learning stage, students are prompted
to think about how data can be collected using airborne remote sensing aircraft by taking
part in a kite aerial photography activity. To support students' learning in this learning
stage, for example, several hand-on activities such as flying a kite, developing film, and
analyzing data images are provided for students.
keno Protein
0 0 0 0 0 0
Collecting Data
weeny try
- Kito Aerial Photography
Teacher Aetbtiles
INFORM that they will need to opfit into gioups to build a kite aerial photography
craft end develop the ;delft sweetie's), to fly en animate remote sensing mission.
DWI: student° into groups and have them split their team into two rater "eir
builder° end kde 'plots". See Aettetty skeet Team Assignment (CD-l)
Activity - Budding the
Guide live rigging etudente through the process of building the 'dr
using a projection panel to detrionetrate the step-by-step proc nut as
deacribed on the website.
Activity - Plenning for flying a bite aerial taiseion
Prompt °pilot etudento to develop a flight plan Sir the niselon and a
list of elrille the 'pilot' needs ta fly a controlled mission.
Teacher nate: Students may revisit the 'Developing the niosion flight plan lesoon'
to get ideas about how to develop a plan ibr flying a mission.
Student Actbttles
Student activitier
Divide etudento into poops.
See Activity sheen Team Assignment (CD-1)
Students readf view the explanation Poi
budding tig in 'hate to web site.
Students brainstorm mission flight plan and
necessary piloting ekillo.
Student activity:
Students view images flora remote sensing
miseions end think about how scientists
collect such images.
Figure 5. An Example of "Collect Data" Learning Phase
After collecting the data, students participate in numerous activities to learn how to
analyze and interpret both visible and infrared remote sensing images (see figure 6). They
analyze and interpret two actual NASA images about Kilauea volcano to locate the active
1 1
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 10
lava flows. To support these learning activities, rich visual images existed in NASA
websites and guidelines from NASA scientists are provided for students to analyze and
interpret their data. These supports help students to understand how to interpret the data
and then find the location of active lava flows.
- - ID atiAm
Eryryro taped
Analyzing Data
Teacher Actkides
Inform Try
EXPL ORE concept° related to analyzing remote sensing data by participating in activities that make
use of vialge and non.visitile images.
Break students into 4 small Maim end have them explore one of the following activities and record
theix findings on orttiity ShIrtt
WAft. PTri ourolevirt VAIttrl
PVCA(it.D.2,), You can download
the entire liittitcbittt3Qviixchtx Montt fivitt icit or only the sections you choose.
tit Wbithui ritticIt
ta: Matching kitages with a desmiption of features
Fintt it OM: Finding end detenaining the location of features on an image
M seaming distance
glIElitt.aureAbs...aAV Me muting f een is so recognition. detezmining direction
rglfg.t.e..iglyily: There me nreny forest fires in every year. Satellite image can be used to
map the typo of vegetation, sources of water and areas that are difficult to travel over. In this
satellite image, vatious coloro show venous ereas. Student can identify the color of fbseet
fire by analyzing data image.
. Students can sofve multiple choice question using
image reading skills and intmpret images using contextual logic. (Flac activity should be
considered optional)
Teacher notes:
* . LanA,
Figure 6. An Example of "Analyze Data" Learning Phase
Learning Phase 4: Propose Solution
After analyzing and interpreting the data, students write results of their
investigation for the KaAMS mission, locating the active lava flows on Kilauea (see
figure 7). Each student group presents the best solution and shares it with the other
students and teachers. After all the solutions are presented, students have an opportunity
to revise their solutions based on feedback from their peers, teachers, and experts before
making their final statement. With this statement, they complete their investigation and
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning
Go Pub licl
09.5. Worm Try
Presenting Your Results
Sedated oubject wet science
Overall problem, Where ere the active lava flow located on the Kilauea volcano?
Relationship etproblem Itethin lesson to overall probbits Stirdents hew been wading through a moss.o to identify ie Mee, research
information, explore new ecientific concepts, gather and analyse dem, end 0010te1.Iii. findings During this Upsoca etudents complete the
research cycle by going public with their findinge. This session provides students with en opportunity to stemonatim the work they have done
in KaANIS and there i3 with othere. At this point they can describe how they researched the issue., what they heated end their answer to
the overall problem.
Estimated date required: 1 to 2 class periods (without clue thee for preparing final project)
Stedsed oatcomatdobjecaraot
A final product that exemplifieo the scientific process content covered in this unit, end conclusions to the probleme encountered.
Note: Up to thie point, etudents have been eroding in groups to document then inveetigatione during throughout die unia It is your option to
allow dace time for students to meats a poster.. webeite, multireedie project, or scientific report that presents their finding, end the wort they
did to reach those conclusione or assign final project preparation as homework
Prerequisite aki). or Iramsladge:
Analytia of the remote meting data
Sire& intemet stalls
Figure 7. An Example of "Propose Solution" Learning Phase
Across each learning Phase of KaAMS, the following characteristics of PBL can be
Authentic, ill-structured problem situation
Assumption of roles by the students
Reflections about what they know, what they need to know
Planning the investigation procedure
Access to rich NASA web resources
Active investigation
Learning activities situated within real NASA missions
Reflective thinking exercises
Peer and expert collaboration
Learner activities/tools in interpreting data gathered
NASA scientist support
Shared solutions with peers and experts
Formative Evaluation of KaAMS
Overall Assessment and Research Strategy of KaAMS
The assessment strategy for the entire KaAMS project was divided into three major
phases designed to capture data that would support initial product development (alpha
testing), on-going resources development and implementation planning (beta testing), and
the KaAMS impact on the stakeholders in the learning environment (research-impact
analysis). See Figure 8. The diagram below illustrates the flow of alpha, beta, and
i 3
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 12
research processes used for each of the two major products developed; (1) lava flow and
(2) coral reef missions. This report summarizes overall data collection methods and
procedures as well as the findings from the alpha development for the lava flow Mission.
BETA TEST (new classrooms)
12==-1" )1'.ARFES NG
- TAPA* from PA (Alpha)
- students from PA
- parents from PA
new teachers from PA/CA/HI
new students from PA/CA/HI
- new teachers PA/CA/HI
- other teachers
- administrators/school
classroom and
TAPB teacher
formative /
summative /
test research
student and
parent support
new students t'
- new parents from
*TMTeacher Advisory Panel (A=alpha, B=Beta)
Figure 8. Overall Assessment and Research Strategy
Method of Formative Evaluation
During the Alpha testing, formative and summative evaluation data were collected.
With project enhancement in mind, data collected from key stakeholders included five
levels of assessment: (1) reaction, (2) learning gains, (3) performance, (4) education
system changes, and (5) impact on the greater society. Research protocols were also
tested to assess their effectiveness in measuring the effects of KaAMS materials on
teachers, students, and stakeholders in the surrounding community, namely parents. See
Table 2.
Table 2: Research questions and assessment
Research Questions
How are teachers using KaAMS and NASA resources?
How are teachers changing their teaching practices (e.g. Performance/
teaching strategies, incorporation of NASA resources, etc.)
over time as a result of using KaAMS and NASA resources?
System Change
How are student levels of interest in pursuing science-related
career changing over time as a result of using KaAMS and
Learning Gains
NASA resources?
How does the use of KaAMS diffuse to the surrounding school Impact on
Greater Society
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 13
All formative evaluation instruments were administered throughout the alpha
testing phases to gather feedback from teachers while preparing for and using the
KaAMS materials. Interviews, observations, and focus groups were also conducted at
least once per week with teachers and students during the 6-month alpha classroom trials.
The summative instruments were administered to teachers at the end of the KaAMS
classroom trials and final interviews and focus groups were conducted with teachers and
students. The research instruments were administered to teachers and students for pre-
and post-test data collection and at and additional 1-month follow-up period for students.
Parents were surveyed at the beginning and end of the school year.
Three middle schools in a rural Pennsylvania school district participated in the
KaAMS alpha test classroom trials, East, West, and Distant. Six different classrooms
from these schools were actively involved. Four were 6th grade, one was 7th grade, and
one was an 8th grade honors class. The six teachers who participated provided data about
themselves, their classrooms, and success of using KaAMS materials during the alpha
testing cycle. Teaching experience ranged from 3 to 23 years; initial preferences for
primary teaching strategies included hands-on activities, collaborative activities, role
play, and problem-based learning; half of the teachers had moderate success using web
resources in their classrooms the other half had not used such resources in their
Data were collected from a total of 144 students, 82 were boys, 59 girls and 3 did
not respond to the gender question. On average, the students had a moderate level of
interest in pursuing science.
One hundred and fifty three parents of KaAMS students returned surveys indicating
their initial perceptions of science in their school and child's success and interest in
science as well as reporting their highest attained level of education. A majority of the
parents did not have college degrees, worked in non-science related jobs, and had a
neutral opinion of their child's school's science program.
Measures and Instruments
Formative and Summative evaluation: A series of instruments, observation
protocols, and interview protocols were developed to collect formative and summative
data from the teachers and students during the alpha testing development cycle.
Teachers were asked to review the KaAMS lesson plans, prepare to use the lesson
plans in their classrooms, and complete evaluation surveys after each lesson and at the
end of the trial indicating ease of use; value of resources, instructions, and assessment
guidelines provided; success of activities; amount of preparation time; descriptions of the
classroom activity during KaAMS lessons; and general feelings about using KaAMS for
teaching and learning. Teachers were also asked to share feedback during interviews and
focus groups including responses to questions such as: What did you like/not like about
the supporting website? What parts of the lesson plans did you use - why? What
additional support materials did you need to use these materials? What additional
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 14
materials did the students need? What would you change?
Periodically students were asked, during interviews and focus groups, to respond to
questions such as: What did you like/not like about the KaAMS activities? How useful
were the internet sites? What was happening in the classroom during KaAMS? What did
you learn? and what would have made these activities more useful to you? Observational
data were collected several times during the classroom trial that lasted between 3 and 6
months, depending on the classroom teacher. Observation data were collected on how the
teachers used the materials, how the students participated in the activities, and artifacts
developed by the teacher or students during the KaAMS lessons.
Research: The research questions were focused on the teachers, students, and
parents. Teachers completed an on-line instrument eliciting background information,
preferences for classroom activities, and attitudes toward the use of web resources in the
classroom. The instrument was a combination of an attitude survey previously developed
and validated for similar research (Koszalka, 2000), a series of questions related to
perceptions of their school's ability to support the use of internet technology in the
classroom (McCarthy, Grabowski, & Koszalka, 1998), and preferences for teaching styles
(Grabowski, Koszalka, & McCarthy, 2000; Koszalka, Grabowski, & McCarthy, 2000).
This instrument was administered at the beginning of the classroom trial period and the
end (pre-post test).
Data were collected on student level of career interest in science, pre-, post, and 1-
month after using KaAMS materials. Student career interest surveys were purchased from
the APA. The survey also included a series of questions developed to assess reflective
thinking (Koszalka, Song, 2001) and gather demographic data.
Parents were asked to complete surveys at the beginning and end of the school year
to assess their perceptions of their child's school's science program. The questions were
taken from previous research on measuring parents' perceptions of school programs.
The initial formative feedback provided guidance in designing support structures
for the KaAMS website that helped the alpha teachers connect NASA science to their
curriculum and prompt active student involvement, as scientists, during science class.
The results from the formative and summative evaluation resulted in: development of
enhanced lesson plan structures for the Ka.AMS website, new content support for teachers
that strengthened the relationship between the overall problem scenario and learning
activities, further instructions to 'coach' teachers in using PBL, web technology, and
activities that prompt student reflection, stronger ties between lesson plans and national
education standards and curriculum requirements, and enhanced activities that will better
meet kids' needs.
The initial research findings from the pilot classrooms were very encouraging.
Although caution is warranted in interpreting these results, analysis of the research data
collected during the alpha testing cycle showed significant, yet minor changes in
teachers, students, and parents after the use of KaAMS in the classroom. Table 3
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 15
summarizes research findings in accordance with the KaAMS project research questions:
Table 3. Research questions and Alpha Preliminary Findings
Research Questions
Alpha Preliminary Findings
How are teachers using KaAMS
and NASA resources?
Teachers noted the flexibility of KaAMS
resources and used them in a variety of ways to
enhance or change the way they teach.
How are teachers changing their
teaching practices over time as a
result of using KaAMS and NASA
Several of the teachers tried new ways of
integating the web and collaborative activities
into their teaching; changed their preferred
method of teaching and the types of resources
they used regularly in their classrooms, and
their attitudes toward using web resources in
the classroom.
How are student levels of interest
in pursuing science-related career
changing over time as a result of
using KaAMS?
How does the use of the KaAMS
products diffuse to the surrounding
school system?
Significant increases in student level of science
career interest
Parent perceptions of their child's school's
emphasis on science, school's ability to
provide good science experiences, and use of
appropriate science resources were higher at
the end of the school year than in the
We believe that we are providing teachers with a venue and structure for using
NASA web-based materials in their classroom in meaningful and contextualized ways
that will support student knowledge development in the content and processes of science.
Through their high quality materials, NASA can make an impact on science in the
classroom, which in combination with KaAMS strategies can change teaching practice,
impress middle school kids with the importance of and strategies for conducting good
sciencethe ultimate goal being to influence career aspirations of these kids toward
Acknowledgement: This project was made possible through funding from the National
Aeronautics Space Administration, Leading Educators to Applications, Research, and
NASA-Related Educational Resources in Science (LEARNERS), a Cooperative
KaAMS Problem-Based Learning 16
Agreement Notice from the NASA Education Division and Learning Technologies
Project. Project Number: NCC5-432: Learning Using ERAST Aircraft for Understanding
Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Sampling and Aircraft Technologies, (LUAU II). In
addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of a multitude of individuals
who have contributed to this project, especially, the co-principal investigator, Dr. Luke
Flynn of the University of Hawaii, Department of Geophysics.
Barrows, H.S. (1986). A taxonomy of problem based learning methods. Medical
Education, 20, 481-486.
Barrows, H.S. (1992). The tutorial process. Springfield, IL: Southern Illinois University
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Learning: Analysis and Needs Assessment. NASA Technical Publication 1998-
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