California State University, San Bernardino California State University, San Bernardino
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Q2S Enhancing Pedagogy
Spring 4-26-2019
Project Based Learning Course Integration for Elementary Science Project Based Learning Course Integration for Elementary Science
Methods Methods
William Dwyer
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Dwyer, William, "Project Based Learning Course Integration for Elementary Science Methods" (2019).
Enhancing Pedagogy
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Project Based Learning Course Integration for Elementary Science Methods
File Contents
1. PBL Assignment Summary Description (excerpted from Syllabus)
2. Course Syllabus
3. PBL Assignment Description Details (in Two Parts)
4. Supporting Documents for the Assignment (Handouts)
a. Introduction to Project-Based Learning (PBL)
b. PBL Resources
c. Examples from Project-Based Learning at Olander
d. PBL Sites for Examples and Teacher Preparation
e. Project-Based Learning Activities for Elementary School Kids
f. The Difference Between Projects and Project-Based Learning
g. An Example of PBL in Early Elementary: How I Started
1. PBL Assignment Summary Description (from Syllabus)
4. PBL Project (30%) Driving Question for this assignment: Why and how should elementary teachers
engage students in Project Based Learning (PBL) in their future classroom? This project is the major course
assignment. You will decide whether to work individually or with another classmate (preferred) in
completing the assignment. You will focus on a specific grade level, develop a rationale for the effective use
of Project Based Science at this grade level, and create a PBL project that can be integrated into your future
(1) Rationale (40 pts). Your rationale should justify the use of PBL in your future elementary classroom
based on a) learning goals, b) student engagement, c) management style, d) classroom arrangement, e)
assessment, f) community resources, g) material materials and artifacts, h) communicating with parents
and colleagues. Due on 4/22.
(2) Project (60 pts). Your project description should Include brief descriptions of examples of at least two (2)
effective PBL projects for your selected grade level. Projects can be year-long or semester-long to support
depth of involvement. Besides the above, students working in pairs, should provide a full description of a
PBL project for your selected grade level including necessary logistics for integrating the project your
curriculum. You will provide a summary presentation of your project at the last class. Due by week 10
1. Course Syllabus
College of Education
EELB 532 Spring 2019
Monday 5:00-8:50 (IW 206)
Science/Health Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School
Instructor: Dr. William Dwyer
Office: RG 213
Phone: (760) 218-9422
Email: (Please put EELB 532 in message subject line)
Office Hours: By appointment
TEF Dept: (909) 537-7405
Wise Educator Statement
The College of Education at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) is dedicated to the
development and support of wise, reflective professional educators who will work towards a just and
diverse society that embraces democratic principles. Thus, the wise teacher:
Possesses rich subject matter knowledge.
Applies sound judgment to professional practice and conduct.
Applies a practical knowledge of context.
Respects multiple viewpoints.
Wise educators reflect on professional practices and follow up with appropriate action.
(College of Education Conceptual Framework, 2006)
Catalog Description
Introductory course in curriculum and pedagogy in science and health. Emphasis on
implementing state adopted science and health curriculum standards in an elementary
classroom. Includes designing instruction to meet academic needs of all learners including
English language learners and learners with special needs. Formerly EELB 443. Student teachers
may take concurrently with EELB 533 or 534,
520D and 540B. Intern teachers may take concurrently with EELB 520 C and 560B. If not taken
concurrently with EELB 540B or 560B, then six hours of fieldwork will be required.
Prerequisites: admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program and completion of all
Phase I and II courses. (4 units)
Course Overview and/or Rationale
Instruction in science is fundamental to the development of all elementary school children. What
experience and knowledge do students bring to the science classroom? How do teachers assist elementary
children in doing science and understanding science concepts in a culturally relevant way? What classroom
conditions facilitate elementary children’s understanding in science? What methods can teachers employ
with elementary children to excite them about learning science? These are just a few of the questions we
will be addressing over the course of this semester. You will explore these ideas through experiencing
activities as a science learner, reading, writing and discussing ideas about elementary science teaching and
learning, practicing various teaching strategies and constantly reflecting on your teaching and learning
Observation and participation in a public school elementary classroom will facilitate application of class
readings, discussions, and activities in a practical setting.
The major objectives of this course include helping you to:
clarify and refine your beliefs about teaching and learning inquiry-based science in elementary
classrooms of diverse student populations;
become aware of elementary children’s ideas in science and cultural background and consider how
their ideas and cultural background influence their science learning;
learn, practice and reflect upon various teaching strategies for elementary science in diverse
develop lesson plans for teaching the Next Generation Science Standards for diverse student groups
that also support students’ literacy and mathematical skills;
explore, discuss and develop ways of assessing student learning of inquiry-based science in diverse
Required Textbook
Elementary Science Methods: A Constructivist Approach, 6
Author: Martin, David J.
Wadsworth Publishing Company
ISBN #: 978-1-111-30543-7
(There are several editions available from various sources. 4
or 5
editions are cleared for use in this
course, however, the reading assignments listed in the syllabus correspond to the 6
edition. If you use an
earlier edition, you are responsible for reading the appropriate chapter; therefore, pay attention to the
chapter titles, not the chapter numbers.)
Please bring your required textbook to each class for reflection and discussion purposes.
Relevant Professional Standards
The California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) are organized around the six interrelated
categories of teaching practice listed below. This course is designed to work towards professionalism in
each of the six categories. See Course Objectives for specific CSTP’s.
1. Engaging and supporting all Students in Learning
2. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
3. Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
4. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
5. Assessing Student Learning
6. Developing as a Professional Educator
All course work and products will be aligned with these science education standards:
California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) (2009)
California Teaching Performance Expectations (2016)
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
California Science Standards
California Science Framework
Program Standards Relating to Intern Pre-Service English Learner Content:
A. Candidates examine principles of educational equity, diversity, cultural and linguistic responsiveness
and their implementation in curriculum content and school practices for all students. Candidates are
prepared to effectively teach diverse students by increasing candidates' knowledge and understanding
of the background experiences, home languages, skills and abilities of student populations; and by
teaching them to apply appropriate pedagogical practices informed by sound theory and research that
provide access to the core curriculum and lead to high achievement for all students.
B. Candidates learn and understand the importance of students’ family and cultural backgrounds, and
experiences in planning instruction and supporting student learning. Candidates communicate
effectively with parents and families.
C. Candidates acquire and demonstrate the ability to use initial, diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessment information (including performance-based assessment) to identify students’ language
proficiencies and to develop effective instruction that promotes students’ access to and achievement in
the academic content standards. (e.g., development of content and language objectives, flexible
strategic grouping, structured oral interaction).
D. Candidates learn how to differentiate instruction based upon their students’ primary language and
proficiency levels in English, and considering the students’ culture, level of acculturation, and prior
E. Candidates understand and demonstrate the importance of structured oral interaction in building
academic English proficiency and fluency.
F. Candidates learn how to use a wide variety of strategies for including English learners in mainstream
curriculum, providing scaffolding, modeling, and support while maintaining access to academic content
and providing opportunities for language development.
G. Candidates acquire the knowledge of and ability to teach English learners, including but not limited to
Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) methodology, language acquisition and
English Language Development (ELD), as applicable to a multiple subjects, single subject content, or
special education classroom.
TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning - Elements
Beginning teachers:
1. Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning
needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to
engage them in learning. (I, P)
3. Connect subject matter to real-life contexts and provide active learning experiences to engage student
interest, support student motivation, and allow students to extend their learning. (I, P)
4. Use a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies, resources, and assistive
technology, including principles of Universal Design of Learning (UDL) and Multi-Tiered System of Supports
(MTSS) to support access to the curriculum for a wide range of learners within the general education
classroom and environment. (P)
5. Promote students' critical and creative thinking and analysis through activities that provide opportunities
for inquiry, problem solving, responding to and framing meaningful questions, and reflection. (P, A)
6. Provide a supportive learning environment for students' first and/or second language acquisition by
using research-based instructional approaches, including focused English Language Development, Specially
Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE), scaffolding across content areas, and structured English
immersion, and demonstrate an understanding of the difference among students whose only instructional
need is to acquire Standard English proficiency, students who may have an identified disability affecting
their ability to acquire Standard English proficiency, and students who may have both a need to acquire
Standard English proficiency and an identified disability. (P)
7. Provide students with opportunities to access the curriculum by incorporating the visual and performing
arts, as appropriate to the content and context of learning. (P)
8. Monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching so that students continue to be actively
engaged in learning. (P, A)
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning - Elements
Beginning teachers:
2. Create learning environments (i.e., traditional, blended, and online) that promote productive student
learning, encourage positive interactions among students, reflect diversity and multiple perspectives, and
are culturally responsive. (I, P)
5. Maintain high expectations for learning with appropriate support for the full range of students in the
classroom. (P)
TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning - Elements
Beginning teachers:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of subject matter, including the adopted California State Standards and
curriculum frameworks. (P, A)
2. Use knowledge about students and learning goals to organize the curriculum to facilitate student
understanding of subject matter, and make accommodations and/or modifications as needed to promote
student access to the curriculum. (P, A)
3. Plan, design, implement, and monitor instruction consistent with current subject-specific pedagogy in the
content area(s) of instruction, and design and implement disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning
sequences, including integrating the visual and performing arts as applicable to the discipline. (P, A)
4. Individually and through consultation and collaboration with other educators and members of the larger
school community, plan for effective subject matter instruction and use multiple means of representing,
expressing, and engaging students to demonstrate their knowledge. (I, P)
5. Adapt subject matter curriculum, organization, and planning to support the acquisition and use of
academic language within learning activities to promote the subject matter knowledge of all students,
including the full range of English learners, Standard English learners, students with disabilities, and
students with other learning needs in the least restrictive environment. (P, A)
6. Use and adapt resources, standards-aligned instructional materials, and a range of technology, including
assistive technology, to facilitate students' equitable access to the curriculum. (I)
7. Model and develop digital literacy by using technology to engage students and support their learning,
and promote digital citizenship, including respecting copyright law, understanding fair use guidelines and
the use of Creative Commons license, and maintaining Internet security. (I, P)
TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students - Elements
Beginning teachers:
1. Locate and apply information about students' current academic status, content- and standards-related
learning needs and goals, assessment data, language proficiency status, and cultural background for both
short-term and long-term instructional planning purposes. (P)
3. Design and implement instruction and assessment that reflects the interconnectedness of academic
content areas and related student skills development in literacy, mathematics, science, and other
disciplines across the curriculum, as applicable to the subject area of instruction. (I, P)
4. Plan, design, implement and monitor instruction, making effective use of instructional time to maximize
learning opportunities and provide access to the curriculum for all students by removing barriers and
providing access through instructional strategies that include: (P, A)
appropriate use of instructional technology, including assistive technology;
applying principles of UDL and MTSS;
use of developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate learning activities, instructional
materials, and resources for all students, including the full range of English learners;
appropriate modifications for students with disabilities in the general education classroom;
opportunities for students to support each other in learning; and
use of community resources and services as applicable.
6. Access resources for planning and instruction, including the expertise of community and school
colleagues through in-person or virtual collaboration, co-teaching, coaching, and/or networking. (I, P)
7. Plan instruction that promotes a range of communication strategies and activity modes between teacher
and student and among students that encourage student participation in learning. (P)
8. Use digital tools and learning technologies across learning environments as appropriate to create new
content and provide personalized and integrated technology-rich lessons to engage students in learning,
promote digital literacy, and offer students multiple means to demonstrate their learning. (I, P)
TPE 5: Assessing Student Learning - Elements
Beginning teachers:
1. Apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and appropriate uses of different types of assessments
(e.g., diagnostic, informal, formal, progress-monitoring, formative, summative, and performance) to design
and administer classroom assessments, including use of scoring rubrics. (P, A)
2. Collect and analyze assessment data from multiple measures and sources to plan and modify instruction
and document students' learning over time.
3. Involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and progress and provide
students with opportunities to revise or reframe their work based on assessment feedback. (I)
TPE 6: Developing as a Professional Educator - Elements
Beginning teachers:
1. Reflect on their own teaching practice and level of subject matter and pedagogical knowledge to plan
and implement instruction that can improve student learning. (P, A)
2. Recognize their own values and implicit and explicit biases, the ways in which these values and implicit
and explicit biases may positively and negatively affect teaching and learning, and work to mitigate any
negative impact on the teaching and learning of students. They exhibit positive dispositions of caring,
support, acceptance, and fairness toward all students and families, as well as toward their colleagues. (I, P)
3. Establish professional learning goals and make progress to improve their practice by routinely engaging
in communication and inquiry with colleagues. (P)
4. Demonstrate how and when to involve other adults and to communicate effectively with peers and
colleagues, families, and members of the larger school community to support teacher and student learning.
(I, P)
Course Objectives
Students who successfully complete EELB 532 will have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified by
the Multiple Subjects Program for this course. The following objectives identify the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions that should be attained by the end of this course. Numbers in parentheses directly link the
objectives to the CCTC 2042 Standards and to California Standards for the Teaching Profession. The CCTC
2042 Standards can be found at:
During interrelated activities in EELB 532 coursework and fieldwork, Multiple Subject candidates will:
1. Relate the state-adopted academic content standards for students in Science (K-8)/NGSS to major
concepts, principles, and investigations in the science disciplines. [CCTC 8A(b), 6; TPE 3.1]
2. Become aware of elementary children’s ideas in science through various assessment strategies and
understand the influence of these ideas on science instructional planning. [CSTP 5; TPE1.8, 3.2, 4.1,
4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3]
3. Learn to make pedagogical decisions based on multiple sources of information, including state-
adopted instructional materials and curriculum frameworks, other professional literature,
consultation with colleagues, and reflections on actual and potential practice. [CCTC 6; TPE 3.4, 3.6,
6., 6.4]
During interrelated activities in EELB 532 coursework and fieldwork, Multiple Subject candidates will:
4. Plan and implement instruction that is comprehensive in relation to the subject matter to be taught
and in which the three-dimensional learning (core ideas, practices and crosscutting concepts) is
achieved. [the Next Generation Science Standards; TPE 1.3, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4]
5. Plan and organize effective laboratory and/or field activities in which K-8 students learn to ask
important questions and acquire increasingly complex investigation skills. [CCTC 8A(b); TPE 3.3, 3.4]
6. Integrate “AVID” strategies in science instruction that promote students’ inquiry, reading, writing,
collaborating and organizing skills (“WICOR”). [TPE 1.5. 1.6, 2.2, 4.7]
7. Evaluate and integrate technology to engage students’ learning and make the instruction more
effective [CCTC11, TPE 3.6, 3.7]
8. Interrelate ideas and information within and across science and other subject areas. [CCTC 8A(b);
TPE 3.3, 4.3]
9. Reflect, analyze, and discuss their own pedagogical practices in order to make informed
pedagogical choices in relation to the intellectual, ethical, social, personal, and physical
development of students. [CCTC6; TPE 1.1, 1.4, 4.1]
10. Use appropriate instructional strategies, materials, and technologies to meet the needs of special
populations in the general education classroom, including those students identified with special
needs and those who are gifted and talented. [CCTC 9; TPE 3.6, 4.4, 4.8]
During interrelated activities in EELB 532 coursework and fieldwork, Multiple Subject candidates will:
11. Demonstrates a commitment to foster an inquiry model of teaching and learning in appropriate
contexts and promote students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. [CCTC 6; TPE 1.3, 1.5,
12. Understand and use students’ prior knowledge, experiences, abilities, and interests as they plan
academic instruction. [CCTC 6, 9; TPE 1.1, 3.2, 4.1]
13. Demonstrate a commitment to develop and maintain an equitable classroom community that
contributes to the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual safety of all students and fosters high
expectations for academic performance. [CCTC 5,10; TPE 2.2, 2.5, 4.4, 6.3]
14. Demonstrate a commitment to the students’ family and cultural experiences and effectively use
pedagogical strategies designed to make science content comprehensible to English Language
Learners. [CCTC 9; TPE 1.6, 3.5, 4.4]
15. Demonstrate a commitment to collaborative, collegial planning by teachers and other adults in K-12
schools and take advantage of opportunities provided by local, state, and national science and
science education organizations. [CCTC 5; TPE 6.4]
Course Policies
Professionalism: Due to the interactive nature of this course, regular attendance and high-quality
participation are expected. An effective learning environment is created by everybody. I would like you to:
a) being prepared for class discussion by completing all required readings/assignments, b) actively
participating in and reflecting on all class activities and group discussions, c) respecting your classmates,
yourself, and the instructor by helping to build a positive science learning community and d) willing to
accept and adjust positively from feedback on behavior and work performances.
Communication: You are expected to check your CSUSB email regularly.
Absence from class is strongly discouraged. If you do not attend class you will automatically receive
a zero for that day’s in-class assignment and daily participation points.
Should something come up and you are unable to attend you must inform your instructor via email
as soon as possible. In the rare case that you are confronted with a legitimate health issue or
emergency with a family member, you will be required to show proof in order to have the zeros
expunged from your grade report. If you have an illness that precludes you from attending class,
you must have a doctor’s note stating that you were unable to attend class on for that day – A note
from the Health Center stating that you were treated is not sufficient the (class) date must be
specified and the doctor must write that you were unable to attend class. If there is a death of an
immediate family member, you must submit a copy of the obituary or funeral notice.
An excused absence may result in still receiving the points for attendance that day, but you will still
lose the points for not being there to participate in the class activities. No points for attendance are
given without documentation for an absence.
Missed in-class activities cannot be made up.
REMINDER: You are responsible for the materials covered in class, regardless of whether or not
your absence is excused. You need to find out what you missed and have your work completed for
the next class. See a classmate and/or your instructor as soon as possible after an absence.
Late assignments
Assignments will not be accepted past the due date unless an agreement (e.g., an extension) is
worked out with the instructor prior to the original due date. (NOTE: Extensions are not automatic.
Reasonable justification is needed for an extension to be granted.)
ONLY EXCEPTION to this rule is when an assignment was due but you have an emergency/excused
absence as mentioned in the “attendance” section above. These cases will be addressed on an
individual basis and depending on the reason for your absence may result in no to some deduction
from the assignment’s total score.
Incomplete: In order to receive and incomplete for a course, you must have attended 80% of the class
sessions and completed the course assignments. Incompletes are only given if there is a compelling reason
and you have discussed this with your instructor prior to making a request for an incomplete.
CSUSB Policy on Academic Honesty
“Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the Student Discipline Code (see Appendix of the CSUSB
Catalogue of Programs) and may be dealt with by both the instructor and the Coordinator of Student
Conduct. Plagiarism is the presentation, as one’s own, the ideas and writing of another. Plagiarism is
academically dishonest and subjects the offending student to penalties up to and including expulsion.
Students must make appropriate acknowledgments of the original source where material written or
compiled by another is used.”
Instructional Accommodations
In keeping with the university’s Commitment to Diversity, the faculty of the College of Education fully
supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Faculty will provide reasonable accommodation to any
student with a disability who is registered with the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities and who
needs and requests accommodation. If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to
participate in this class, please let me know ASAP and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at
UH-183, (909) 537-5238.
Course Requirements and Evaluation
1. Class Attendance and Participation (5%). Students must be active participants in class activities,
including being to class ON TIME and being actively involved. We are all adults and as such have to take
responsibility for our priorities and personal lives. Some specific requirements: Do not work on outside
lesson planning, grading papers or other activities not pertaining to the task at hand. You may use devices
for class work but refrain from using them for non-class activities. Tardiness, though at times unavoidable,
is also distracting to other students in the class. Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and your
efforts to create and maintain a good learning environment during class meetings. Full attendance and
participation are worth 5 points for each class. If you are running late more than 10 minutes, you will lose
half points (2.5pts). If you must miss part or all of a class, you will be responsible for contacting classmates
to find out what was missed and providing the instructor with evidence of this contact a message. You may
not get above a C for this course if you miss more than TWO scheduled class meetings.
2. Reading responses (blog) (10%) Each week you will have a “free-write” written response based the
assigned reading. Soon after the first class, you should post all of your reading responses (including the first
one) in your blog. Blog entries should be up-to-date according to the schedule to receive full point credit
(each response is worth 10 points). Late entries may not receive credit.
3. Students’ stories about science. (5%) You will collect students’ stories about science learning from a
small selected group of students. You can work with them in a group or individually but with consideration
of the difference with group interactions. (You may work with the whole class if allowed to do so.) This
assignment is for you to get to know your students with regard to science learning. What are their ideas
about scientists and science? What resources do they have at home that can support their science
learning? What experiences do they have that you can build science instruction on? What challenges do
they have that you need to pay special attention to? This information will serve as a foundation for your
science teaching that should build on students’ prior knowledge and experience. The detailed instruction
will be provided and explained in the first class and this assignment is due on 4/15. [TPE 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.5,
4.1] [Intern A, E]
4. PBL Project (30%) Driving Question for this assignment: Why and how should elementary teachers
engage students in Project Based Learning (PBL) in their future classroom? This project is the major course
assignment. You will decide whether to work individually or with another classmate (preferred) in
completing the assignment. You will focus on a specific grade level, develop a rationale for the effective use
of Project Based Science at this grade level, and create a PBL project that can be integrated into your future
(1) Rationale (40 pts). Your rationale should justify the use of PBL in your future elementary classroom
based on a) learning goals, b) student engagement, c) management style, d) classroom arrangement, e)
assessment, f) community resources, g) material materials and artifacts, h) communicating with parents
and colleagues. Due on 4/22.
(2) Project (60 pts). Your project description should Include brief descriptions of examples of at least two (2)
effective PBL projects for your selected grade level. Projects can be year-long or semester-long to support
depth of involvement. Besides the above, students working in pairs, should provide a full description of a
PBL project for your selected grade level including necessary logistics for integrating the project your
curriculum. You will provide a summary presentation of your project at the last class. Due by week 10
5. Book share (5%). Each person will read aloud to our class a portion of a children’s (trade) book that
covers a science topic and explain how you can use this book in your science teaching (5 pts). Readings will
be done during each class. You will also submit a summary table to the designated Discussion forum on
BlackBoard (5pts). You will sign-up for a date and the summary is due by week 10 (6/10). You are
encouraged to post your summary by the week of your book share—so you won’t forget at the end.
Everyone will have access to this information and you can compile your own resource list of your favorite
books to begin building a science library in their classroom. [TPE 1.1, 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 4.1, 4.3] [Intern I, J]
6. Interview assignment (10%). This interview is for you to get a better understanding of students’ prior
knowledge and skills for the specific lesson you are going to teach. You will develop an interview protocol
and fill out an interview summary-reflection form. The protocol will be explained in class and it is due on BB
by week 6 (5/6). The summary is due on BB by week 8 (5/20). **You will have a chance to submit a revised
assignment for the interview protocol if you are not satisfied with your grade. [TPE 1.8, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.1,
5.2] [Intern F]
7. “5-E” lesson plan and teaching (20%).
(1) Lesson Plan (60 pts). The lesson plan includes PART I and PART II. PART I will be explained in class and is
due on BB by week 5 (4/29). PART II will be explained in class and will be due BB by week 9 (6/3). You will
have a chance to submit a revised assignment for PART I and PART II if you are not satisfied with your
grades. (Work in pairs) [TPE 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.4, 4.6] [Intern G, J]
(2) Peer-teaching (20pts), each of you will lead an “Explore” activity for your peers in week 7 (5/13). On
week 6 class time will be provided for you to work on this. You will be responsible for the appropriate
amount of supplies and handouts. No make-ups are possible. (Work in pairs) [TPE 1.5, 1.8, 3.3, 4.6]
(3) Reflection on teaching (20 pts). You will reflect on provided questions on a designated forum on
Discussion Board on Blackboard and respond to two peer’s responses. This is due by week 10 (6/7).
(Individual) [TPE 4.6, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4]
8. Culminating Activity ePortfolio (15%): Your e-Portfolio is an edited collection of evidence and
reflections representing your progress toward achieving the course learning objectives. It provides you the
opportunity to self-assess your understanding of meeting those objectives, as well as a summative
evaluation of your progress this semester. Your ePortfolio will consist of assignments you completed for
this course with a brief summary of your learning experience in doing each assignment (70 pts). You also
may use your ePortfolio to display any resources from the course materials or that you have found, such as
site links. You will also write a science teaching statement (30 pts). This is due by the Final date and
instructions will be provided during the course so you can plan ahead and ask any questions. [TPE 6.1, 6.2,
1. Please also refer to the course schedule for specific dates for the due date for assignments.
2. Assignments that you have chance to do revisions after grading (based on received feedback): Interview
protocol. Lesson plan Part I and Part II. All revisions are due by week 10 (6/7).
3. For people who are not student teaching, please submit your fieldwork record by Week 10. As well,
please be proactive in planning a lesson to teach with your host teacher.
* The due dates may be negotiated depending on the majority of students’ needs.
* You may not get above a C for this course if you miss more than two full classes. If you are on financial
aid, please be aware that receiving grades of below B, I, NC, and WU may have an impact on your financial
aid. It is a student’s responsibility to maintain financial aid eligibility.
A minimum of B- is essential for the successful completion of this course. There are NO EXTRA CREDIT
opportunities for this course. Plan your schedule carefully. Careful, timely, focused planning and
performance in and out of class demonstrates a disposition to be responsible and professional. Seeking
feedback is welcomed BEFORE the due date.
Grading Scale
All course assignments will be graded using criterion-referenced methods. That is, they will be scored
against a specific set of standards as will be outlined in each assignment’s scoring guide or rubric. The
scoring criteria will be attached to the assignment description and will be reviewed in class. Each
assignment will be calculated using a point system then converted to a percentage that corresponds to the
percent weight of the assignment (see assignment descriptions above for the percentage weight of each
assignment). Your percent scores for all assignments will then be totaled to give your overall course
percentage and the following scale will be used to determine your final letter grade. Take notice that I
calculate your assignment and total course percentage to one decimal point so every little point on an
assignment is significant in the big picture.
94.0% - 100.0% = A 90.0% - 93.9% = A-
87.0% - 89.9% = B+ 83.0% - 86.9% = B 80.0% - 83.9% = B-
77.0 % - 79.9% = C+ 73.0% - 76.9% = C 70.0% - 72.9% = C-
67.0% - 69.9% = D+ 63.0% - 66.9% = D 60.0% - 62.9% = D-
Scoring Rubric for Reflection Questions
(6 pts)
(8 pts)
(10 pts)
of Topic
Response does not
address the topic
Response addresses the topic,
but not thoroughly or
Response addresses the
topic thoroughly,
demonstrating personal
familiarity with pertinent
Response relies on
vague arguments,
uncertain information
Response shows development
of related ideas with
appropriate arguments and
Response shows careful
development of ideas
with clear arguments and
compelling information
& Control of
Response does not
show evidence of
editing and numerous
mechanical errors
Response shows evidence of
editing and may have a few
mechanical errors
Response shows clear
evidence of editing and
free of mechanical errors
(The syllabus may be revised at instructor’s discretion with students’ majority approval)
Tentative Course Schedule
Topic/Class Activities
Readings Due
Explore Project-Based Learning
No class meeting
1. The Difference Between
Projects and Project-
Based Learning
2. An Example of PBL in
Early Elementary: How I
3. Project-Based
Learning Activities for
Elementary School Kids
4. PBL projects K-
5 (example projects from
one PBL school)
Nature of Science; Explore
1. Nature of science discussion
2. Explore Next Generation
Science Standards
3. Discuss “Students’ stories about
science assignment
[TPE 3.1, 3.2, 3.6 4.6]
Assignment: “Students’ stories
about science” Due by 4/15
Chapter 1: The Science
Education Imperative
NGSS Executive Summary
(page 1-3) & Introduction
(Page 2 of 11) (see BB Week
Site for blog
& ePortfolio
(link to
Week 1 & 2
Inquiry skills; Asking Questions in
Science Classroom
1. Inquiry Process Skills
2. Asking questions activity
3. Explain “Interview protocol”
4. Introduce Lesson Plan Part I
(learning objectives, examples)
[TPE 1.5, 1.8, 3.1, 4.7, 5.1]
Assignment: PBL Rationale. Due
by 4/22
Chapter 2: Science Education
Today (selectively read the
“in the school” examples)
[Peruse Chapters 3: The
inquiry process]
Read any articles in BB Week
stories about
Week 3
Inquiry-based science teaching/
“5E” Model
1. “Levels of inquiry”
Chapter 5: Inquiry-based
science teaching
2. “5-E” Teaching Model
[TPE 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4]
Assignment: Lesson Plan Part I.
Due by 4/29
Read any articles in BB Week
Week 4
Engineering Practices
[TPE 1.3, 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 4.3]
Understanding children’s ideas
and teaching for conceptual
change [TPE 1.1, 3.2]
Assignment: Interview Protocol
due by 5/6
Chapter 4: Constructivism
Read any articles in BB Week
Lesson Plan
Part I
Week 5
Prepare Peer-teaching “Explore”
1. Explain Lesson Plan Part II.
2. Work in pairs for your peer-
teaching activity & Lesson plan
part II.
Assignment: Interview Summary
due by 5/20
Assignment: Reflection on
teaching. Due in Discussion
forum by 5/20
Read any articles in BB Week
Peer teaching Explore activity
[TPE 1.5, 3.3, 4.6]
Teaching in
Addressing diversity needs and
differentiated instruction
[TPE 1.1, 1.6, 1.7, 2.2, 2.5, 3.4, 3.5,
4.1, 4.4]
[Intern K]
Assessment in Elementary
Science Classroom
[TPE 5.1, 5.2, 5.3]
Assignment: Lesson Plan Part II
due by 6/3
*Reading: BB-Week 8
Textbook Chapters 6 & 7:
Diverse Perspectives &
Learning Differences, Chapter
8: Assessment
Read any articles in BB Week
on teaching
Week 8
Technology in science education
and evaluating science curriculum
1. Each person present one piece
of technology use in science
teaching. [TPE 1.7, 3.6, 3.7, 4.8]
2. Work on your ePortfolio in class
Chapter 9 & 11: The
Science Classroom &
Lesson Plan
Part II
Week 9
3. Evaluating science curriculum
(NGSS rubric)
Assignment: Bookshare
summary. Due in Discussion
forum by 6/10
Assignment: PBL Project. Due by
[TPE 3.3, 4.6]
Peruse Chapter 13: The
Elementary Science
Education Professional
Read any articles in BB Week
Integrating science with other
subjects and Communication in
science classroom
1.Science talk
2. Reading and writing in science.
3. Integrating science with other
[TPE 3.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7] [Intern H, K]
Chapter 10: Reading, Writing
& Interdisciplinary
Read any articles in BB Week
PBL Project
in class)
Week 10
ePortfolio due by midnight
*The class schedule is subject to changed based on how the course progresses and students’ needs, under
the consent of both the instructor and students.
Support for Students with Disabilities
If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please contact
Rosie Garza in Services to Students with Disabilities at the Palm Desert Campus in RG-203, 760-341-2883
extension 78117, or at the San Bernardino Campus in UH-183, 909-537-5238,
3. PBL Assignment Description Details (Two Parts)
Part 1: PBL Project Rationale (40 pts)
Driving Question for this assignment: Why and how should elementary teachers engage students in Project
Based Learning (PBL) in their future classroom? This project is the major course assignment. You will decide
whether to work individually or with another classmate (preferred) in completing the assignment. You will
focus on a specific grade level, develop a rationale for the effective use of Project Based Science at this
grade level, and create a PBL project that can be integrated into your future classroom. The project should
be focused on learning science in the elementary classroom. Your choice of projects should be science-
focused but should also integrate other subject areas as expected for a PBL-based learning experience.
Your rationale should justify the use of PBL in your future elementary classroom based on the following:
a) learning goals
Justify the use of PBL for learning science, as well as for integrating the elementary subjects
b) student engagement
Justify using PBL for engaging students learning, not only about science but learning in general
c) management style
Indicate how your PBL project supports effective instruction based on your approach to teaching
effectively and your (future) students’ engagement in learning
d) classroom arrangement
Describe how you will accommodate students while engaging in PBL-based learning experiences in
your future classroom
e) assessment
Describe your plan to assess student learning effectively through the use of authentic assessment
f) community resources
Describe resources that your students will need to engage in PBL. At this point you can estimate
what you hope to use for projects, such as resources on school property (areas and objects), as well
as locations and facilities in the community beyond the school property, such as plant facilities,
nature centers, museums, other natural areas, and so on.
g) material materials and artifacts
Identify any perceived materials or objects that you hope to include in your classroom, on school
property, or in/from the community. Include any materials that might be provided by the
community, which includes parents and people they know
h) communicating with parents and colleagues
Describe your plan for communicating with people who will play a role in the students’ projects and
also the parents/guardians of your students, whether they play a role or not. Include others, such as
administrators and other teacher and school personnel. Include potential community members or
government and industry representatives who may play a role or be interested in the projects
Part II: PBL Project (60 pts)
Your project description should Include brief descriptions of examples of at least two (2) effective PBL
projects for your selected grade level. Projects can be year-long or semester-long to support depth of
involvement. Describe the projects and update the terms below based on the specific project descriptions.
Select one of your chosen projects for development of the following items from your PBL Rationale. Revise
and update the items (see list in Part I), focusing specifically on the chosen project and providing detailed
You will provide a summary presentation of your project at the last class. You will have about 10 minutes to
describe your chosen projects and explain why you chose them for your selected grade level.
4. Supporting Documents for the Assignment
a. Introduction to Project-Based Learning (PBL)
In recent times, teaching has been moving more toward student-centered learning, as you
probably have learned in your other education courses. The effort has been to focus less on
direct instruction and more on how to engage students actively in the learning process. One
technique that has been gaining ground for some time is Project-Based Learning (PBL). Many
teachers have reoriented their classrooms to focus on this approach, especially for its effective
integration of the subjects, relevance to students lives and, thus, student motivation and
Please read the following short articles on this topic before our first class meeting. Bring a
"reading reflection" to class (hardcopy or on a device) for discussion. This should be a short
summary of the articles based on your reaction to the ideas and suggestions you're reading
about. I've made pdf files of the articles for ease in reading and attached those here. The
articles also are linked to their online sources and it is suggested you read them in the
following order:
1. The Difference Between Projects and Project-Based Learning
2. An Example of PBL in Early Elementary: How I Started
3. Project-Based Learning Activities for Elementary School Kids
4. PBL projects K-5 (example projects from one PBL school)
1 2 3 4
These articles have been included below and can be accessed at the above links.
b. PBL Resources
Besides the articles assigned for the first week’s reading, please use the following resources
for developing your PBL assignment:
Sites with many project examples, as mentioned in class:
Buck Institute for Education
Edutopia Project-Based Learning
Other sites to consider for planning PBL:
Citizen Science
List of citizen science projects
National Geographic Citizen Science Projects
Journey North
Additional Articles:
PBL Impact on Students
PBL Research & Evidence
Must-know Buck Institute Project-Based Learning Resources
Examples from Project-Based Learning at
Project-Based Learning (PBL) projects are the heart of the educational
experience at Olander. Every grade, K-5, builds their academic year around
three or more engaging, multi-disciplinary projects. The PBL projects are
generated to rigorously address Colorado Academic Standards, while
incorporating student interests and questions. The success tools of
Habits of Mind are woven into all projects.
The projects at Olander School for Project-Based Learning are developmentally appropriate,
engaging, creative, and ever evolving. Read below for an overview of Olander’s current projects.
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Driving Question: What
do kids need to be
Summary: Students
learn about the human
body and what people
need to be healthy.
They explore the five
senses, then learn
about making healthy
choices and work
together to plan a
Healthy Party to share
our knowledge.
Students also challenge
older grade levels to
make healthy snack
choices by organizing a
“Veggie Man” snack
Driving Question: What
does native wildlife need
to thrive?
Summary: Students
research native wildlife to
become experts on what
they do to survive in
winter. After a visit to the
local prairie dog colony,
kindergartners learn
important vocabulary like
adapt, migrate, and
hibernate. We create a
class book and present in
front of the group to share
our knowledge. As part of
this PBL, we visit the FC
Museum of Discovery to
see live and stuffed
examples of the animals
students study!
Driving Question: How can we
learn about past and present
from our Grandparents?
Summary: Students begin
learning about history by
comparing inventions, games,
and life from the past to those
today. As a class, students
develop a list of questions they
can ask a grandparent or older
adult to learn about the past.
Students make a “Then and
Now” book, as well as a
timeline of their own lives. As
a culminating event, students
plan and host a special
Grandparent Tea where they
share what they’ve learned.
Driving Question: How
can we teach others
about how the Pilgrims
and Wampanoag lived
in the 1620s?
Summary: Students
create teaching trunks
filled with handmade
Driving Question: Why is it
important to learn about
U.S. symbols and
important leaders?
Summary: Two-person
teams choose a US symbol
or important leader, then
Driving Question: Why and
how do people grow their own
Summary: First graders learn
about garden grown food
through community
connections, Food School, and
hands-on planting in the
artifacts to teach about
Pilgrim and
Wampanoag life.
Additionally, they work
in collaborative teams
to build table-top
Pilgrim and
Wampanoag villages to
teach their families
about life in the 1620s.
research and write
expository paragraphs on
their topics. Teams then
self-select creative
projects to go along with
their writing. Sculptures,
plays, and computer
slideshows are some of
the ways students use
their creativity to
demonstrate learning.
Olander Garden. A nutritionist,
chef and local farmer visit to
teach about the health
benefits of eating local
produce. Finally students taste
garden veggies and create
their own recipes using
produce planted in the spring
and harvested from the
garden in the fall. Recipes are
compiled into a class recipe
book to share with families.
Driving Question: How
can we help Olander
kids learn about helpful
Summary: 2
study, research and use
note-taking skills to
learn about beneficial
insects. Students then
create learning stations,
activity books and
hands on experiences
to teach others about
helpful insects. Reading,
research and science
standards are
addressed in this
Driving Question: How
can we create a business
that will raise money to
help the community?
Summary: 2
graders work
in groups to develop a
craft kit to sell to Olander
kids. They write business
plans, present ideas to
investors, secure start-up
money, film commercials,
write how-to directions,
assemble their products,
and sell them for profit at
the Olander PBL Bazaar.
Math and writing
standards are addressed
throughout the project.
Driving Question: What do our
families need to know about
severe weather to stay safe?
Summary: 2nd graders work in
groups to study and research
safety precautions around
severe weather that affects
our community. This
information is used to create
presentations and severe
weather safety kits that are
shared with our families
during a weather expo.
Research and science
standards are addressed in this
Driving Question: How
can we create a
museum to educate our
community about
varying life cycles in an
engaging way?
Summary: Students
choose a plant or
animal life cycle to
Driving Question: How
can we, as authors, create
a travel book to persuade
readers to visit a
destination within the
United States?
Summary: Becoming
authors, illustrators, and
editors in an author
Driving Question: How can we
invent or improve a product
that would appeal to today’s
Summary: Teams are formed
based on multiple
intelligences, and each child
takes on the role of inventor,
sales, accountant, or project
study. Then, they work
in teams of two or three
to research and each
write an informational
essay and create an
artifact relating to their
topic. Also, students
apply and interview for
a museum job that fits
their strengths. Olander
students, parents, and
staff tour the museum
and are guided by 3
grade museum staff.
collective, students work
in teams as they research
an individual topic of their
choice that relates to a
destination in the United
States. Each student must
research, take notes, and
persuade readers with a
persuasive essay to travel
to their destination.
Students are also
responsible for creating
illustrations, captions, an
accompanying website,
and an itinerary. Travel
guides will be available for
manager. Together, they
invent or improve a product,
choose a target audience,
market the product. Products
are displayed at a public venue
so students receive authentic
feedback from consumers.
After altering products based
on feedback, students present
their inventions to a patent
Driving Question:
How can we design, test
and refine a device that
converts energy from
one form to another
and demonstrate our
understanding of this
device to an audience?
Students will explore
the transfer of energy in
a device while learning
about energy and its
forms. They will teach
an audience about
energy, its forms, and
Driving Question: How
have the impacts of an
influential Coloradan
affected society?
The Living History
Experience project is
designed to help students
learn about significant
people, events, and era’s
in Colorado’s history.
Students research, then
write biographies of
famous Coloradans and
create presentation
materials to portray their
subjects. A timeline of
events showing cause and
effect relationships and
the interactions between
people and cultures of
Colorado helps students
develop a deeper
understanding of how
Colorado has changed
over time.
Driving Question: How can we
educate our community about
the importance of pollinators?
Through research, hands-on
activities, and presenters,
students learn about the many
aspects of pollinators
(habitats, environmental
challenges, etc.). Students
gain an understanding of
plants needed for creating a
habitat for various
pollinators. Appropriate
plants are put in the school
garden. Persuasive essays and
websites are written to
advertise importance of
supporting pollinators. Fourth
grade holds a plant sale in the
spring using seed packets and
plants they have raised.
Driving Question: How
can I go for my
dreams at Eco Week
and inspire others to
do the same? #Go4It!
Summary: This project
incorporates our Eco-
Experience with
writing. Students write
and produce a movie
that captures a
significant moment or
experience that they
had while at Eco
Week. The project
culminates in an Eco
Film Festival.
Driving Question: How
can I think like a
scientist/engineer to
explore a question or solve
a problem and
communicate my results
to the public audience?
Summary: Students will
first learn about the
scientific and engineering
process. Next, students
will engage with either the
scientific or engineering
process with a fifth grade
science topic and
document their
experience, research,
products, and reflections
on a website. Students will
present their project to a
public audience at
Driving Question: How can I
create an interactive exhibit to
persuade my audience to
#TakeAction on?
Summary: The iPBL
(Independent Project-Based
Learning) allows student to
select individual topics that
are meaningful to each of
them. Then students will
construct a driving question,
research their topic, and
publish an argumentative
essay. Finally, students will
share their discoveries
regarding their driving
questions through an
interactive exhibit and place a
call to action for community
d. PBL Sites for Examples and Teacher Preparation
PBL sites
Example projects:
Teacher Prep
Project-Based Learning Activities for Elementary School Kids
By Erica Loop
Passively listening to the teacher lecture isn't the most engaging way for elementary
school students to learn. Although some direct instruction is necessary, the National
Association for the Education of Young Children notes that a primary school
curriculum should include connections between different concepts in a fun -filled
way. Project-based learning strategies can help link up different content areas in a
creative way that draws young students in and puts them at the center of the
educational process.
School Garden
An elementary school garden project provides the students with a sense of
community while they learn science concepts. The school garden promotes learning
in math, nutrition, biology, ecology, the arts and motor development. For example,
the students in all elementary school grades can plant seeds and discuss the
growing cycle. As they water the seeds and watch them sprout, they will learn what
plants require to thrive, as well as bridging math concepts by measuring daily or
weekly growth. You can add art activities by asking younger students in
kindergarten and the early elementary years to identify what colors and shapes the
plants are or by having them document the project with drawings. When the
vegetables are ready, the students can pick them to make a nutritious class salad.
Add a literacy lesson by asking older elementary school students to write a
description or poem about the beauty of their garden.
Class Newspaper
Newspapers inform, educate and keep readers posted on what's going on locally and
around the globe. Create a newspaper project with language, literacy, art and social
studies content for older students who are developmentally ready to tackle
research-based tasks. By third grade, many students are able to conduct brief
research projects with minimal adult help. Ask each student to choose two article
topics -- one local theme about the school and another from real-life current events
-- and provide research guidance for their topics. Research may include using the
computer, going to the library or interviewing other people, such as classmates or
the principal. Make it easy to print the paper by having the students type their
articles into word processing documents. Add artwork to accompany the stories. Try
a photography activity in which the students take their own pictures that you
download or have them draw illustrations that you can scan.
Problem Solvers
While it's not likely that your grade school students will solve world hunger or find
a cure for the common cold, they can work together to solve a more age-appropriate
problem. Identify an issue or area of concern and brainstorm ideas, asking the
students what they think common problems are. You can also focus this on a specific
area, such as ecology and the environment. For example, students third grade and
up can work together to solve the problem of the overflowing trash cans at the
school. Students can investigate -- online, in books and by talking to experts -- ways
to recycle different types of trash. Younger students can solve a less complex
problem, such as what to do with the excess paper scraps for art class. Include an in -
class visit from a local nature or science expert, and encourage the students to ask
questions. Have each student write his own research paper on ways to recycle and
reuse, then create accompanying posters.
Build It
You can use an architecture project to bridge content in math, science, art, literacy
and social studies. Discuss world architecture, showing your students pictures of
buildings from different countries, cultures and times. Vote on a type of building
that the class will build. The students can work as a team to list what they need to
include to make the building functional and aesthetically pleasing. Make blueprints,
using the math skills of older grade school students to draw it to scale. Younger
students in kindergarten through grade two can identify basic geometric shapes in a
building. For example, a rectangle makes a door. Create a miniature model using
cardboard, paper, glue and other craft items and have the students decorate the
outside of the building with paints or markers to complete the model.
The Difference Between Projects and Project-Based Learning
by TeachThought Staff
Projects in the classroom are as old as the classroom itself.
“Projects” can represent a range of tasks that can be done at home or in the classroom, by
parents or groups of students, quickly or over time. While project-based learning (PBL) also
features projects, in PBL the focus is more on the process of learning and learner-peer-content
interaction that the end-product itself.
The learning process is also personalized in a progressive PBL environment by students
asking important questions, and making changes to products and ideas based on individual
and collective response to those questions. In PBL, the projects only serve as an infrastructure
to allow users to play, experiment, use simulations, address authentic issues, and work with
relevant peers and community members in pursuit of knowledge.
By design, PBL is learner-centered. Students don’t simply choose between two highly
academic projects to complete by a given date, but instead use the teacher’s experience to
design and iterate products and projectsproducts and projects that often address issues or
challenges that are important to them.
The chart below by Amy Mayer is helpful to clarify that important difference between projects
and project-based learning. Ultimately, the biggest difference is the process itself.
What’s the Difference Between “Doing Projects” and Project Based Learning ?Image
attribution flickr The Difference Between Projects And Project-Based Learning; © Amy
Mayer, @friEdTechnology, The Original WOW! Academy, Please copy
and use freely!
An Example of PBL in Early Elementary: How I Started
By mreddick
I am a first grade teacher who has taught for
twenty years. When I look at my students and see
how much the first grade classroom has changed
over time, it is hard for me to imagine what jobs
will be out there for them in 15 years. However,
what is clear is that there are specific skills -- both
academic and interpersonal -- that my students
will need to possess to find a successful career.
The Common Core standards clearly outline what my students need to be able to master when
they leave first grade, however there are also other crucial skills that many educators are
calling the 4 C’s: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity that are skills
highly desired by future employers.
As a teacher I have asked myself, "How do I integrate the Common Core Standards and start
teaching these other highly desirable skills in first grade?" My answer to this question has
been found in Project Based Learning (PBL).
My biggest challenge has been where to start. I purchased PBL in the Elementary
Grades, and I decided to start small. I started the year with the usual review of the alphabet.
But this year, all of the letters coincided with local animals. Letter F was the Yellow Legged
Frog. Students found out that this local frog has become a "species of concern". Students
wanted to help save this little creature and so our first project for the year was: How can we
help save the Yellow Legged Frog? The link below shows how beginning first graders were
able to help save our local Yellow Legged Frog.
During the second half of the year, my students became involved in the Trout in the Classroom
project. Our three first grade classes have been a part of this project for several years. We
have gathered activities, made PowerPoint presentations, and found books that we have used
for several years to teach this unit. However, I wanted to turn this unit into a PBL experience. I
felt relatively successful with my first attempt at PBL with the Yellow Legged Frog Project but
decided I really needed to review the Common Core science and writing standards so that I
could address as many standards as possible during this project. I also wanted to give my
students a meaningful purpose to what they were learning. Thus, the most important things I
considered when I started to convert our fantastic unit into a PBL experience, were:
1. The Driving Question
The driving question for this year’s Trout in the Classroom project became: “How do we teach
others to successfully raise trout eggs and help them understand the importance of keeping
our watersheds healthy?” This driving question gave true purpose to what students were
learning throughout this project.
2. The Common Core standards that can be incorporated throughout the unit
3. The local agencies or experts that could lend experience or insight into my students’
understanding of the subject matter
For this project, we partnered with Trout Unlimited, California Fish and Game
Department, Marin Municipal Water District, and the Watershed Stewards Program.
4. The audience outside of our immediate classroom community
Our audience became a classroom in San Francisco where a friend of mine teaches
I can see how PBL is the vehicle by which I can teach both the Common Core Standards and
the 21st century competencies to my first graders. I am also very excited that I don’t have to
throw out all the great units I have taught in the past, but instead can view them through a
PBL lens. This requires just those four things outlined above to get started. In the future, I am
looking forward to using just those four basic ideas to help my kindergarten teacher friend
turn her oviparous animals unit into a Project Based Learning experience!