Warm Up/Introduction: On the Learnigo SLP: Understanding Speech program,
navigate to activity 1/54 (“Understanding speech. Understanding notions-adjectives”).
You can say: Today we are going to talk about adjectives. Adjectives are words that
tell you how something is or how it looks. For example, the table is big. Big is the
adjective because it tells you how the table looks. Other fun adjectives are silly, slimy,
blue, skinny, fun… the list goes on! Can you think of any adjectives?
On an interactive white board, tablet, or a computer, complete the Learnigo SLP:
Understanding speech program-understanding notions-adjectives (understanding
adjectives describing an object) with the child(ren).Use as much or as little cuing as
needed, fading cuing if necessary to promote independence with identifying and
expressing target words.
Material needed: flashlight
Once the program is complete, the child(ren) will participate in a flashlight scavenger
hunt. Select a few adjectives from the program just completed and write them on the
board. The child(ren) will be given a flashlight and instructed to find something in the
room that include the target adjective (e.g. find something “small”).
You can say: now we’re going to get moving! You will each get a flashlight and we’re
going to look for adjectives around the room. I will tell you what to look for. When you
find it, shine your flashlight on it!
Receptive Language Lesson Plan
Age: No specific age group
Time: 30-45 minutes
Overview & Purpose: The Learnigo SLP: Understanding speech program is
intended to be individualized and versatile. This lesson plan is one example of how
Learnigo can be used with your students. The program can be used independently
or as a supplement to other therapeutic and educational activities.
1) Free 30-day trial of the Learnigo SLP Understanding Speech program
2) A flashlight
Goal: Students will demonstrate improved receptive language skills by
identify common adjectives such asbig”smalland “full”
Get a free 30-Day Trial to start using the Understanding Speech Program
and our other interactive program today!