Sample Projects for Honors Contracts
All examples from CU Denver
FINE 2030 - Life Drawing
Using the principles of design and anatomy gone over during the course, the student will create
an plein-air life drawings of figures on/off campus and in their day to day life. The student will
then transform these preliminary drawings by incorporating them into and reworking their initial
context and meaning in an upscaled composite piece. The final product will be open-medium
but must be of a substantial size, professionally documented, and portfolio-ready.
MUSC 3220 - Artist Management
The student will undertake a research paper that examines an artist, of the student’s choice, in
relation to the genre, audience, and environment. This research paper will encompass
knowledge of the artist as well as the social, business, marketing, and technological influences
on creating their career.
PMUS 3832 - Music in Culture
The student will produce an ethnography research paper on the music in their culture. The
student will conduct an ethnographic research including, but not limited to: interviewing family
members, researching the influence of colonialism and emigration on cultural music, search of
family music library, and examination of family history with attention paid to location, marriage,
language, and world events.
GEOG 4080 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
The student will work with the professor and other CU Denver faculty members to produce
disability accessibility mapping resources of CU Buildings for CU Denver students and faculty.
The processes and work therein will accommodate the available support and data resources,
but tasks may include data capture (collecting and organizing geospatial data) and the creation
of usable maps. The professor will work with the student to produce high-quality, publishable
maps. This project aligns with the original final project of the class, in which students are
required to plan and execute a goal-based project using geospatial tools. All students are
required to produce a project report that contextualizes their work in terms of scholarly research
and policy discussions. All students will also design and produce a poster summarizing their
work and findings. The student will log the hours spent on honors portion of this project and
provide a written summary of the scope of the project, in addition to the final project
PSCI 4934 - CU at the Capitol
The student will work with the professor to design a more sophisticated final paper project of
greater length and complexity than (1) standard assignment, with a goal to propose this paper
for presentation at an academic conference, and/or to ultimately submit for journal publication,
perhaps in an undergraduate-focused journal such as Praxis (published by CU Denver political
science department). The paper will draw on primary source materials available to the student
as an intern in the Colorado state legislature. The student will submit at least two early drafts of
the paper progress for review and comments by the professor before the final draft is due.
PSYC 4485 - Psychology of Cultural Diversity
The student will write a research paper focusing on comprehensively exploring the integration of
psilocybin therapy research into the realm of cultural diversity within healthcare decision-
making. It will delve into how cultural factors shape patient experiences, treatment outcomes,
and access to care in the context of psychedelic therapy. Additionally, the paper will address
ethical considerations inherent in psychedelic therapy research and practice, focusing on
cultural sensitivity, informed consent, and equitable treatment access. Through an
interdisciplinary approach, this investigation seeks to advance understanding of the impact of
cultural diversity on psychedelic therapy and advocate for culturally competent healthcare
PSYC 3262 - Drugs, Brain and Behavior
The student will conduct research on Schizophrenia and Psychedelics, their contraindication,
and the future of alternative psychedelics free from hallucinogenic effects. Research a minimum
of 5 peer-reviewed papers (may include reviews but must contain at least 3 empirical papers.
Student will use an annotated bibliography to guide the research and findings. The student will
provide brief presentation to the professor of 3 minutes minimum to explain
paper/findings/results, the importance of the side effects that are associated with treating
Schizophrenia and make outcomes for this population a tremendously important topic. Finding
additional treatment options with this population requires alternative options which may include
psychedelics should the hallucinogenic aspect is removed. Could the current literature find hope
for this population that is normally contraindicated to receive psychedelic therapy?
ACCT 3230 - Intermediate Financial Accounting 2
The student will prepare a financial statement analysis of three companies within the same
industry using recent financial statements. Two of the companies should have an unqualified
audit opinion and one of the companies should have a going concern audit opinion. The student
will rank the financial health of each company and will explain what factors may have led to the
going concern audit opinion.
GEOG 3202 - Weather & Climate
The student will increase the scope of the courses blog option assignment from one location to
two locations, each in different latitudinal hemispheres. This will include preliminary research to
find suitable locations with 50 years’ worth of weather data which both have similar climactic
characteristics to compare over time. The three due dates for the standard assignment of one
location will apply. Each submission will follow the guidelines for the regular assignment but will
include an extra location and a comparison between the two in addition to requirements of the
original rubric.
ENGL 4776 - Topics in English: Film and Lit: After 1900
The student will work with an instructor to lead class on discussing abolitionism in modern-day
film. The facilitation will extend past the modules set expectations in discussing additional
historical and sociological aspects of film within today’s media including Civil Rights movements,
systematic racism, and the African American identity all in the context of the US. To complete
this project, the student will meet with the instructor and agree upon two more times to discuss
expectations of this facilitation of content and organization. The instructor will be present and
assisting with the class, but the class will ultimately be student facilitated.
ECON 2022 - Principles of Microeconomics
The student would pick a few economic concepts that are interesting and expand on the terms
and try to connect to the soccer world. The student would apply economic concepts to soccer
and write a paper about the different concepts he sees in the sport. The final paper would be
around 3 pages long and it would be due the same day as the final meeting for this class. When
the professor and the student have their final meeting.
COMM 4610 - Sexuality, Media and Communication
The student will write a paper on consent in literature based on in-class readings. This paper will
be 10-15 pages, analyzing poetry and literature for messages about consent.
COMM 4040 - Communications, Prison and Social Justice
Throughout the semester, the student will be writing to at least four current incarcerated
persons. Through developing a friendship with these inmates, the student will demonstrate how
writing is beneficial to rehabilitation. The student will share findings at the end of the semester
with a presentation or paper.
PSYC 4511 - History of Psychology
The student will be completing an 8-10 page research paper digging deeper into the topics of
the Behaviorism and Humanism (which was a direct response to behaviorism) movements in
psychology. I am particularly interested in the Zeitgest of the time period where Behaviorism
really began to gain popularity which was the deinstitutionalization of large masses of people
with disabilities that resulted in an increased demand for effective psychological treatment.
Behaviorism took off because of its ability to produce more easily measurable and comparable
data. This psychological movement helped establish the field as a more serious field of science
and positioned psychologists as an authority over the treatment of various disabilities/disorders.
I will contrast this movement with Humanism and its response to the cold, medicalized
perspective of the human condition and how both perspectives have shaped the field of
psychology today.
ANTH 2102 - Culture and the Human Experience
Student will complete a lecture with a corresponding presentation and group activity for the
class. The lecture will discuss poverty and chronic illness through a biocultural perspective and
relate to the concept of evolutionary mismatch, supported by evidence in the fossil record and in
modern-day endocrine disorders, such as PCOS. After the presentation, students in the class
will be given a set of questions to start conversations using key terms and concepts.
PBHL 3040 - Health, Culture and Society
The student will submit a 5-page research paper using at least 3 sources beyond the assigned
readings discussing the significance of Invisible Wounds in U.S. military service members and
veterans. Discuss efforts in removing barriers and challenging the stigmas associated with
seeking care.
BIOL 4335 - Plant Structure & Development
For the honors part of Plant Structure and Development, the student will assist the professor in
evaluating and developing protocols for observing pollen tube growth for a teaching laboratory
exercise this semester. The student will be evaluating several protocols for pollen tube growth
and viewing under a compound light microscope for the Plant Structure and Development
laboratory. Student will first read about the phenomenon of pollen tube growth and then
research various protocols to use in the teaching lab. Student will choose two or three protocols
to try in the lab and create different concentrations of solutions needed. Student will write up
findings to include in the lab assignment.
COMM 3231 - Famous US Trials
Student will work with instructor to lead class discussing the Scopes Monkey Trial. To
satisfactorily complete this project, student will meet with instructor at least once more than 48
hours before class, student will attend the class on the date agreed upon, and student will offer
some lecture but will also lead class discussion. Instructor will be present and will contribute and
assist with the class but the student will be lead. Student will submit a 5 page research paper
using at least 3 sources beyond the assigned readings discussing the significance of the case in
US history and whether or not this type of trial (topic or circus-like format) is likely to occur again
and why.
MUID 4825 - Concerts and Touring
The course expects students to plan an imaginary national tour of an artist of their choosing,
using strategies and tactics learned in class. Students are also expected to help put on two
shows throughout the semester: A Newbies residency show and Hear 901. In addition to
fulfilling the regular course requirements, students must put into practice what they learn in
class. The project requires that I orchestrate, produce, and carry out a festival/concert at a
Denver venue. The student’s responsibilities leading up to the show include the following:
finding a venue and booking a date/time; selecting a lineup of artists; determining set times and
order of performers; communicating with the artists to determine the equipment/backline
needed; developing a marketing plan; assembling a team to emcee, film, run sound, take
photos, etc.; determining ticket prices and selling tickets; promoting the show using social media
marketing; performing at the show; drawing a crowd, setting up and breaking down the show.
After executing the event, the student will write a reflection paper about their experience with the
project, discussing what they learned, what they did well and could do better for the next time.
SOCI 4851 - Medical Sociology
The student will interview a person of a different generation about a relevant medical sociology
topic of her own choosing. The student will write up a questionnaire that will guide the interview
and share that with the professor before the interview takes place for final approval. The student
will then write a 10- page paper highlighting the most important findings from the interview with
a critical analysis of the meaning of these findings. This may include generational differences in
attitudes toward health behaviors, time-period differences in health issues, how stigma of
behaviors have changed over time, etc. The overall intent of this project is to illustrate ways in
which society and health have changed over time.
ENVS 1342 – Environment, Society and Sustainability
The student will complete two tasks during the semester. First, the student will complete a
15-minute guest lecture during class using PowerPoint or similar software. The talk will review
the history, current practices, benefits and controversies associated with “Living Buildings.”
Second, the student will complete a 6-page paper that more thoroughly describes the main
points and arguments from his presentation. As part of their paper, the student will add some
personal reflections on the benefits, drawbacks and proposed future directions of “Living