Family History Questionnaire
Capture Family History Data via Web Questionnaire
Gathering and assessing family history data is critical in identifying risk for inherited diseases and determining personalized
treatment options. The Progeny Family History Questionnaire (FHQ) delivers the ability to easily and securely capture
this data online from the patient in an easy-to-use, self-guiding format. Create an unlimited number of custom-designed
questionnaires, and integrate the pedigree and data into your EMR. Make your patient visits more productive by spending
less time entering data and more time consulting and assessing risk.
Identify At-Risk Individuals•
Interface with validated risk assessment models to
identify inherited risk and improve patient outcomes
Allows Patient to Provide Family History Data •
Before the Clinic Visit
Patients can stop and resume questionnaires at any time
and gather family data at their own pace
Integrate the Pedigree with Your EMR•
Pedigrees can be sent to your EMR and each update kept
as an historical record
Reduce Costs and Data Entry Requirements•
No more time consuming and costly data entry - you can
focus your time on analysis and consultation
Design Unlimited Questionnaires with No •
Programming Required
Simply drag-and-drop to create questionnaires with a
variety of custom options
Automatically Draws Family Pedigree•
After submitting the questionnaire, the pedigree can be
accessed, analyzed and modied instantly
Easy-to-Use for Participants•
Very easy to follow interface with eld validation and
skip-logic included
Send Automated Follow-Up Questionnaires•
Send an automated email link to a patient so they can
update their family history annually
Since 1996, Progeny has been tracking patient history data for research institutions
and clinical genetic services in over 78 countries worldwide. Visit our website today
to request a trial.
Progeny Genetics, LLC | 800.PROGENY US/CAN | +44 1379 854250 Europe | 561.859.0773 Tel
Features Benets
Design Unlimited Questionnaires Use drag-and-drop functionality with no programming required to design
family history or individual questionnaires.
Risk Assessment Integrated risk algorithms identify family members who are at-risk for inherited
Integrates with EMR Reduce time-consuming data entry. Maintain pedigree and historical family
data linked to your EMR.
Customizable Options Personalize any aspect of the questionnaire including logos, email invitations,
instructions, login and exit pages.
Automatically Draws Family Pedigree An initial pedigree is generated from the submitted data, and can be accessed
and modied at any time.
Send Questionnaire Invitations via Email Link
or Published URL
Choose from our open-model (published URL) or closed-model (email invita-
tion) implementation congurations.
Send Automated Follow-up Questionnaires Capture general family history data, then send specic family members
automated individualized follow-up questionnaires for more detailed
information, with previously captured data pre-populated.
Patients Can Stop and Resume Questionnaire
at Any Time
Patient can log out, contact family members for more information, and log back
in to complete a more accurate pedigree.
Data Validation Set rules for data entry on a per-eld basis to minimize errors and to ensure
data integrity.
Skip Logic Proprietary skip-logic tool allows you to choose which questionnaire pages a
patient sees based on what is entered.
Secure and Compliant All data is securely captured and stored to meet HIPAA compliant regulations.
Send custom
questionnaire to patient
via email link
Gather Data
Patient lls out family
history data at their own
pace and can contact
other family members
Pedigree and historical
family data is stored in
Progeny and integrated
into your EMR
Assess / Consult
When complete, email is
automatically sent to the
clinician for further review
and assessment